Examdays TSAP - General English
Examdays TSAP - General English
Examdays TSAP - General English
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English grammar is the body of rules that describe the structure of expressions in the English
language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The English language
exam focuses on your comprehension and communication skills. Questions are based on grammar,
vocabulary, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, comprehension of a passage, etc. Read widely to
increase vocabulary and language comprehension. Study basic grammar from textbook to refresh on
basic concepts. Vocabulary, idioms and phrases, grammar its usage and application, sentence structure
and order, better usage, spotting errors, etc. are the common areas based on which questions are asked
for the examination. Careful and concentrated reading of English can help the candidates easily score the
qualifying mark. Regular practice tests will help you build your confidence and make sure of your
success in the exam. English language in bank exams include the following parts.
Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, Word Formation, Sentence Completion
Theme detection, Deriving Conclusion, Passage Completion
Error Detection and Rearrangement:
Passage Correction, Sentence Correction, Spelling
Active Passive Voice, Direct Indirect Speech
General Usage:
Idioms and Phrases
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Exclamatory Sentence
A sentence that expresses strong feelings
or emotions is called an exclamatory sentence.
These sentences express surprise, joy, sorrow,
In the above example, “she” is a subject appreciation, love excitement, frustration, anger
because it performs an action of washing clothes. etc. An exclamatory sentence ends with
We can also say that “she” is a subject because exclamation mark.
something (that she is washing her clothes) is
Examples What a beautiful flower it is!
told about it in sentence. While the rest part of
How nicely she is singing!
the sentence “is washing her clothes” is predicate
Hurrah! We won the match!
of sentence because it tells something (washing That is fantastic!
her clothes) about the subject.
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2. Objective personal pronouns: 7. Indefinite pronouns:
These pronouns act as the object of verbs As the name implies, indefinite pronouns
within sentences. They are: me, you, him, her, do not refer to a specific thing, place or person.
us, them and it. There are many of them, including anyone,
anywhere, everyone, none, someone and so on.
Example: The ball was going to hit me in the
face. Example: Everyone is going to the party.
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1. Definite Article Examples
‘The’ is called the definite article because it 1. He requested a puppy for his birthday.
points out a particular object or class. 2. He wanted the puppy he played with at the
Eample: pet shop.
This is the book I was talking about. 3. She ordered a hamburger without onions.
The dodo bird is extinct 4. Did you drink the coke I just ordered?
2. Indefinite Article
‘A’ is called the indefinite article because it Articles Rule 2: With plural count nouns use
points out an object, but not any particular either "the" or nothing, never 'a'.
specimen. Come and look at the children. (definite)
Example :a book, a dog, a lawn mower Children are always curious. (indefinite)
The indefinite article has two forms: She loves flowers. (indefinite)
‘A’ is used before words beginning with a 4.The flowers in her garden are beautiful.
consonant sound or an aspirated h: (definite)
(E.g. a car, a lamb, a hope, a habit, a hotel) 5.Do you like reading grammar rules?
‘An’ is used before words beginning with a 6.Do you like reading the grammar rules
vowel sound: on this page?
(E.g. an image, an untruth, an honorable man)
Articles Rule 3: With non-count nouns, use
Use of A, An, The and No article either "the" or nothing.
Articles Rule 1: With singular count nouns, The languages of Asia are unrelated to
use 'a' if indefinite or "the" if definite. English.
The wines of France are famous.
My daughter wants to buy a dog this The birds of North America are beautiful.
weekend. (Indefinite-It could be any dog) X Museum of Art is having X exhibit
The dog in the backyard is very cute. of the paintings of Picasso.
(Definite- The one in the backyard)
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9. When the object is the only one that exists,
use "the" VERBS
the earth the human race A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning
word, is a word (part of speech) that in syntax
the moon the sun
conveys an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn),
the world the universe an occurrence (happen, become), or a state of
being (be, exist, stand). English has three kinds
10. When you use expressions that identify of Verbs: transitive, intransitive, and incomplete.
part of a larger group, use "the" 1. Transitive Verbs
Example: A verb is transitive when the action is carried
-One of the students across to a receiver:
-None of the students
-Both of the students Example: The farmer grows potatoes. Elvis sang
-All of the students ballads.
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ii. auxiliary verbs – also called helping Verbs said to be in the infinitive mood can
verbs include participle forms ending in -ed and -ing.
be, have, shall, will, do, and may. Verbs in the infinitive mood are not being used
Example: He could have gone earlier. as verbs, but as other parts of speech:
iii. semi-auxiliary verbs
must, can, ought, dare, need. Example:
Example: You must not go. You dare not o To err is human; to forgive, divine.
go. Here, to err and to forgive are used as nouns.
o He is a man to be admired.
Here, to be admired is an adjective, the equivalent
of admirable. It describes the noun man.
English verbs have four moods: indicative,
o He came to see you.
imperative, subjunctive, and infinitive. Here, to see you is used as an adverb to tell why
Mood is the form of the verb that shows the he came.
mode or manner in which a thought is expressed.
1. Indicative Mood: expresses an assertion,
denial, or question:
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Prepositional Verbs are transitive and Note: The relative pronouns who, whom, which,
they have a direct object in sentence. Some of the and that are used in the same way that
frequently used preposition verb are, laugh at, subordinate conjunctions are. The difference is
knock at, listen to, look at, look for, look after, that the relative pronouns serve three purposes at
wait for, agree to, agree with, talk about, talked once:
to a. they stand for a noun in the main clause
Examples She is listening to music. b. they connect the clauses
She looked at the blackboard. c. they serve as a subject or object word in the
We believe in God. subordinate clause.
They were waiting for the teacher. Examples:
Do you agree with me? He is the man who invented the hula hoop.
Do you agree to my proposal? (who stands for man and is the subject of
Someone is knocking at the door. invented)
You should not rely on her. Charles is the boy whom the other children
CONJUNCTIONS (whom stands for boy and is the object of
Give me the piece of string that is waxed.
A conjunction joins words and groups of words. (that stands for string and is the subject of
There are two classes of conjunction: is waxed)
i. co-ordinate or coordinating There goes the horse which won the Derby.
ii. subordinate or subordinating. (which refers to horse and is the subject of
Co-ordinate conjunctions: won)
and, but, either…or, neither…nor. That’s the bird whose plumage I admire.
Subordinate conjunctions: (whose refers to bird and describes
that, as, after, before, since, when, where, plumage)
unless, if.
Mother and Father are driving me to New
Orleans. (and is a coordinate conjunction Interjection comes from a Latin word that
joining words of equal significance in the means “throw between.” It’s a word or phrase
sentence.) that is thrown into a sentence to express an
I painted the walls but Jack painted the emotion:
woodwork. (but is a coordinate conjunction Goodness, how you’ve grown!
joining clauses of equal significance in the Darn, I forgot my lunch!
sentence. Either clause could stand alone as Alas, will he never return?
a sentence.) All the impolite expressions that we call
Since you can’t get away, we’ll go without expletives are interjections. Strictly speaking, an
you.(Since is a subordinate conjunction interjection is not a part of speech. It serves no
joining a less important thought to a more grammatical function but is rather “a noisy
important thought. The main clause, we’ll utterance like the cry of an animal”. Interjections
go without you, can stand alone as a express feeling or emotion, not thought and have
complete thought. The subordinate clause, been called “the miserable refuge of the
Since you can’t get away, is an incomplete speechless.
thought. It is dependent upon the main
clause for meaning.)
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Prepositional phrase.
A prepositional phrase consists of a
“A phrase is defined as a group of related words preposition, object of preposition(noun or
that lacks both subject and verb.” A phrase is a pronoun) and may also consist of other
part of a sentence. It is a group of words (within modifiers.
a sentence) that does not contain both subject and e.g. on a table, near a wall, in the room, at the
verb, and does not express a complete idea. door, under a tree
Example. He is standing near a wall. A prepositional phrase starts with a
The part of above sentence “near a wall” preposition and mostly ends with a noun or
is a phrase because it does not contain subject pronoun. Whatever prepositional phrase ends
and verb, and does not express a complete idea. with is called object of preposition. A
A phrase does not include both subject and verb prepositional phrase functions as an adjective or
at a same time and does not make a complete adverb in a sentence.
sense, hence a phrase cannot stand as a sentence
Example Prepositional Phrase:
on its own.
A boy on the roof is singing a song.
On the basis of their functions and
(As adjective)
constructions, phrases are divided into various
The man in the room is our teacher.
types i.e. noun phrase, verb phrase, adverb
(As adjective)
phrase, adjective phrase, appositive phrase, She is shouting in a loud voice.
infinite phrase, participle phrase and gerund (As adverb)
phrase. He always behaves in a good manner.
(As adverb)
Noun Phrase
A noun phrase consists of a noun and
other related words (usually modifiers and Adjective Phrase.
determiners) which modify the noun. It functions An adjective phrase is a group of words
like a noun in a sentence. that functions like an adjective in a sentence. It
A noun phrase consists of a noun as the consists of adjectives, modifier and any word
head word and other words (usually modifiers that modifies a noun or pronoun.
and determiners) which come after or before the An adjective phrase functions like an
noun. The whole phrase works as a noun in a adjective to modify (or tell about) a noun or a
sentence. pronoun in a sentence.
Noun Phrase = noun + modifiers
(the modifiers can be after or before noun)
Example Adjective Phrase:
The girl with brown hair is singing a song.
Example Noun Phrase:
(modifies girl)
He is wearing a nice red shirt. .(As object)
A boy from America won the race.
She brought a glass full of water. (As object)
(modifies boy)
The boy with brown hair is laughing.
(As Subject)
A man on the roof was shouting.
Adverb Phrase
(As Subject)
A sentence can also contain more noun phrases.
An adverb phrase is a group of words that
The girl with blue eyes bought a beautiful chair. functions as an adverb in a sentence. It consists
of adverbs or other words (preposition, noun,
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verb, modifiers) that make a group with works Gerund Phrase
like an adverb in a sentence. An adverb phrase A gerund phrase consists of a
functions like an adverb to modify a verb, an gerund(verb + ing) and modifiers or other words
adjective or another adverb. associated with the gerund. A gerund phrase acts
as a noun in a sentence.
Example Adverb Phrase:
He always behaves in a good manner. Example Gerund Phrase:
(modifies verb behave) She started thinking about the problem.
He sat in a corner of the room. (As noun/object)
(modifies verb sit) Sleeping late in night is not a good habit.
(As noun/subject)
A prepositional phrase can also act as an
adverb phrase. For example in above sentence
Participle Phrase
“He always behaves in a good manner”, the
A participle phrase consists of a present
phrase “in a good manner” is a prepositional
participle (verb + ing), a past participle (verb
phrase but it acts as adverb phrase here.
ending in -ed or other form in case of irregular
verbs) and modifiers or other associate words. A
Verb Phrase
participle phrase is separated by commas. It
A verb phrase is a combination of main
always acts as an adjective in a sentence.
verb and its auxiliaries (helping verbs) in a
sentence. Example Participle Phrase:
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A group of words which has a subject and The Louvre museum was amazing!
predicate of its own, makes complete sense [The Louvre museum = noun phrase as
and forms part of a larger sentence is called a subject of sentence]
Clause. Sentences can be broken down into
mainly two types of clauses. What we saw at the Louvre Museum was
1. Independent clauses and amazing.
2. Subordinate clauses. [What we saw at the Louvre Museum = noun
Independent clauses act as complete sentences, clause as subject of sentence]
while subordinate clauses cannot stand alone
and need another clause to complete their We loved what we saw at the Louvre
meaning. museum.
[what we saw at the Louvre museum = noun
The boy is going to the school, and he is
clause as object of the verb like]
going to eat there.
Independent clause: The best thing we liked was what we saw at
The boy went to the school. the Louvre museum.
Subordinate clause: [what we saw at the Louvre museum = noun
After the boy went to the school… phrase as complement of the verb was]
Types of Subordinate Clause Whatever you learn will help you in future.
On the basis of their function in a (noun clause as a subject)
sentence, subordinate clauses can be divided into What you said made me laugh.
(noun clause as a subject)
three types.
He knows that he will pass the test
1. Noun Clause (noun clause as an object)
2. Adjective Clause. Now I realize what he would have thought.
3. Adverb Clause (noun clause as an object)
Noun Clause
“A dependent clause that functions as a noun in Adjective Clause
a sentence is called noun clause.” A noun clause “A dependent clause that functions as an
performs same function like a noun in a adjective in a sentence is called adjective
sentence. clause.” An adjective clause works like adjective
Example in a sentence. The function of an adjective is to
What he did made a problem for his modify (describe) a noun or a pronoun.
family. Example
In above sentence the clause “what he did” He wears a shirt which looks nice.
functions as a noun, hence it is a noun clause. A The clause “which looks nice” in above
noun clause works as a noun that acts as a sentence is an adjective clause because it
subject, object, or predicate in a sentence. A modifies noun “shirt” in the sentence. An
noun clause starts with words “that, what, adjective clause always precedes the noun it
whatever, who, whom, whoever, whomever”. modifies.
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Adverb Clause
I met the boy who had helped me.
“A dependent clause that functions as an
An apple that smells bad is rotten. adverb in a sentence is called adverb clause”
The book which I like is helpful in An adverb clause modifies a verb, adjective
preparation for test. clause or other adverb clause in a sentence. It
The house where I live consists of four modifies(describes) the situation in main clause
rooms. in terms of “time, frequency (how often), cause
and effect, contrast, condition, intensity (to what
Adjective clause begins with relative extent).” Similarly to adverbs, adverb clauses
pronoun (that, who, whom, whose, which, or usually answer questions such as: Why? How?
whose) and is also relative clause. Adjective When? Under what circumstances?
(relative) clauses can be restrictive clause or The subordinating conjunctions used for adverb
nonrestrictive clause. clauses are as follows.
A restrictive clause limits the meaning of
preceding noun or pronoun. A nonrestrictive Time: when, whenever, since,
clause tells us something about preceding noun until, before, after,
or pronoun but does not limit the meaning of while, as, by the time, as
preceding noun or pronoun. soon as
Cause and because, since, now
Example effect: that, as long as, so, so
The table that costs $ 100 is made of steel. that
(restrictive clause) Contrast: although, even, whereas,
while, though
The table, which costs $ 100, is made of steel. Condition: if, unless, only if,
(nonrestrictive clause) whether or not, even if,
providing or provided
This is a great museum. that, in case
[the adjective amazing modifies the noun
museum] We ate dinner at the hotel bistro.
[the adverbial phrase modifies the verb ate; it
This is a museum that we visited last year. answers the question where?]
[The adjective clause modifies the noun
museum; that is a relative pronoun referring We ate dinner where all the locals usually go
to the antecedent museum] to.
[The adverb clause modifies the verb ate; it
In Paris, we met good friends. answers the question where?]
[the adjective good modifies the noun
friends] We wanted to go to the Louvre early.
[The adverb modifies the verb phrase wanted
In Paris, we met friends whom we haven't to go; it explains when?]
seen for years.
[the adjective clause modifies the noun We wanted to go to the Louvre as early as we
friends; whom is a relative pronoun referring could.
to the antecedent friends] [The adverb clause modifies the verb phrase
wanted to go; it explains when?]
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We visited Paris last September due to a A woman whose daughter was crying
business meeting. tried to calm her.
[The adverbial phrase explains why?] The car which the bank robbers escaped
in was orange.
We visited Paris last September because we The robber whose mask was obviously
wanted to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre too big didn't drive.
museum. The man who drove the car was nervous.
[The adverb clause modifies the entire He didn't wait at the traffic lights which
independent clause; it explains why?] were red.
A police officer whose car was parked at
the next corner stopped and arrested
Don’t go before he comes.
This is the man who saved the kid.
He takes medicine because he is ill.
The house whose windows are open is
Although he tried a lot, he couldn’t climb
up the tree.
The writer who wrote that article won the
Unless you study for the test, you can’t
Nobel Prize.
pass it.
He bought a car which runs fast.
I will go to the school unless it rains.
He was wearing a cap which was black.
You are safe as long as you drive
A lion is an animal which is very strong .
A novelist is a person who writes novels.
You can achieve anything provided that
A bottle opener is a device which opens
you struggle for it.
The girl whose mother writes poems
speaks Chinese.
A detective is someone who discovers the
Use of who / which / whose
truth about crimes.
This is the bank which was robbed
Do not confuse between adjective and noun
clauses, as they begin with the same words. A
A boy whose sister is in my class was in
word starting an adjective clause has an
the bank at that time.
antecedent to which it refers, whereas a word
The man who robbed the bank had two
starting a noun clause does not.
He wore a mask which made him look
Our French friends know that we saw the
like Mickey Mouse.
new exhibition at the Louvre.
He came with a friend who waited
[that we saw the new exhibition at the Louvre =
outside in the car.
noun clause as object of the verb know]
The woman who gave him the money
was young.
The new exhibition that we saw at the
The bag which contained the money was
Louvre was amazing.
[that we saw at the Louvre = adjective clause
The people who were in the bank were
referring to the antecedent exhibition]
very frightened.
A man whose mobile was ringing did not
know what to do.
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however, passive voice can produce a ponderous,
inexact writing style.
English verbs are said to have two voices: How to change from Active voice to Passive.
active and passive. 1. Only a transitive verb can be changed
into the passive
Active Voice: the subject of the sentence 2. The object in the active voice becomes
performs the action: the subject in the passive voice, and the
Example: subject in the active voice comes after the
- His son catches fly balls. verb of the passive.
- Creative children often dream in class. 3. The verb of the Active Voice should be
Note: Verbs in the active voice may be changed to its past participle form,
either transitive or intransitive. preceded by auxiliaries according to the
tense of the Active Voice and according
Passive Voice: the subject receives the action: to the subject of the Passive.
Example: 4. Use been with perfect tenses and be with
- The duty is performed by the new the Future tense.
recruits. 5. Use being with continuous tense.
- The ball was caught by the first baseman. 6. Personal pronouns should be changed
- The dough was beaten by the mixer. into their objective case form.
- The mailman was bitten by the dog.
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When the object is not given, we can start 4. We are going to watch a movie tonight.
sentence with it. (active)
Eg : It has been decided .............. A movie is going to be watched by us
It, is agreed .................... tonight. (passive)
2. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah. 12. Tom painted the entire house. (active)
(active) The entire house was painted by Tom.
The savannah is roamed by beautiful (passive)
giraffes. (passive)
13. The teacher always answers the students’
3. Sue changed the flat tire. (active) questions. (active)
The flat tire was changed by Sue. (passive) The students’ questions are always
answered by the teacher. (passive)
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14. The choir really enjoys that piece. (active) 24. Who ate the last cookie? (active)
That piece is really enjoyed by the choir. The last cookie was eaten by whom?
(passive) (passive)
15. Who taught you to ski? (active) 25. Alex posted the video on Facebook.
By whom were you taught to ski? (passive) (active)
The video was posted on Facebook by
16. The forest fire destroyed the whole suburb. Alex. (passive)
The whole suburb was destroyed by the 26. The director will give you instructions.
forest fire. (passive) (active)
Instructions will be given to you by the
17. The two kings are signing the treaty. director. (passive)
The treaty is being signed by the two kings. 27. Thousands of tourists view the Grand
(passive) Canyon every year. (active)
The Grand Canyon is viewed by thousands
18. The cleaning crew vacuums and dusts the of tourists every year. (passive)
office every night. (active)
Every night the office is vacuumed and 28. The homeowners remodeled the house to
dusted by the cleaning crew. (passive) help it sell. (active)
The house was remodeled by the
19. Larry generously donated money to the homeowners to help it sell. (passive)
homeless shelter. (active)
Money was generously donated to the 29. The team will celebrate their victory
homeless shelter by Larry. (passive) tomorrow. (active)
The victory will be celebrated by the team
20. No one responded to my sales ad. (active) tomorrow. (passive)
My sales ad was not responded to by
anyone. (passive) 30. The saltwater eventually corroded the metal
beams. (active)
21. The wedding planner is making all the The metal beams were eventually corroded
reservations. (active) by the saltwater. (passive)
All the reservations will be made by the
wedding planner. (passive) 31. The kangaroo carried her baby in her
pouch. (active)
22. Susan will bake two dozen cupcakes for the The baby was carried by the kangaroo in
bake sale. (active) her pouch. (passive)
For the bake sale, two dozen cookies will
be baked by Susan. (passive) 32. Some people raise sugar cane in Hawaii.
23. The science class viewed the comet. Sugar cane is raised by some people in
(active) Hawaii. (passive)
The comet was viewed by the science class.
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We can report what a person says in two ways. 5. Changes in the verbs of the speech
Look at the following sentences. according to the tense of the Reporting
1. Raju said, “I want to buy a car”. 6. If the reporting verb is in the present or
2. Raju said that he wanted to buy a car. future tense, there will be no change in the
In sentence 1, we actually quote the
Eg :
words of Raju. The spoken words were enclosed
He says, “ I am sorry”.
by inverted comma (quotation marks). A comma
He says that he is sorry
is placed immediately before the remark. This is
He has said to me “ I have a camera”.
called Direct speech.
He has told me that he has a camera.
In the second sentence we report what
She will say, “I can solve the problem”.
Raju said without quoting his exact words. Here
She will say that she can solve the
the inverted commas are omitted. This way of
reporting a speech is known as Indirect speech
7. All present Tense of the Direct Speech are
or Reported Speech.
changed into their corresponding Past
Rules for changing Direct into Indirect forms in the Indirect.
Speech Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Simple Present Simple Past
1. Change the reporting verb. “ I want a new book’, Sita said that she
2. Use the conjunction ‘that’ between principal Sita said. wanted a new book.
clause and the subordinate clause. Present Continuous Past Continuous
3. Change the personal pronouns.
“I am writing a novel” Raju said that he was
I is changed to He / She.
said Raju. writing a novel.
We is changed to They.
You is changed to They. Present Perfect Past Perfect
4. Change adjectives, adverbs and adverbial “I have finished my Balu said that he had
phrases of time work” Balu said. finished his work.
Direct Indirect Present Perfect Past perfect continuous
This That continuous
Here There She said,” I have been She said that she had
Hereafter Thereafter waiting for two hours”. been waiting for two
Now Then
Today That day
8. The Simple Past sometimes remains
Tonight That night unchanged and sometimes is changed into
Yesterday The day before/the previous day the Past Perfect in the Indirect.
Tomorrow The next day Eg :
Thus So / in that way He said, “Man landed on the moon in
Ago Before 1969”.
He said that man landed on the moon in
These Those
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Mr. Verma said, “I bought a house in He asked how many brothers I had.
Mumbai”. “How is the patient’s condition today”? I
Mr. Verma said that he had bought a house asked the doctor
in Mumbai. I enquired the doctor how the condition
of the patient was that day.
9. Past continuous in the Direct becomes Past Cyril said “Who can help me” ?
Perfect Continuous in the Indirect. Cyril asked who could help him.
She said, “I was sleeping then”. If the question begins with an Auxilliary Verb,
She said that she had been sleeping then. the connective words ‘if’ or ‘whether’ is used
after Reporting Verb.
10. If the person addressed reports the speech The father said, “Have you done your
himself, then the second person is changed home work”?
into First in the Indirect. The father asked If I had done my home
He said to me, ‘you alone can do the work’ work.
He told me that I alone could do the work. “Are there enough buses on this route” ?
asked the traveller.
11. Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives of the The traveller enquired whether there
First and Second Persons in the Direct are were enough buses on that route.
changed into the Third Person in the
Indirect. Changing Imperative Sentences (Commands
Satish Said, “ I shall pay your wages.” & Requests) into Indirect Speech
Satish said that he would pay his wages.
The Manager said to the workers, “If you do While reporting Imperative sentences, the
your best you will surely get the benefit”. introductory word ‘said’ has to be replaced by
The manager told the workers that if they did asked, ordered,commanded, requested, implored,
their best they would surely get the benefit. advised, warned, etc.
Moreover, the verb in the Direct Speech has to
12. The nominative of address in the Direct be changed into the Infinitive (beginning with
becomes the person spoken to in the ‘to’) in the Indirect. When there is a proposal, or
Indirect. when the sentence begins with ‘Let us,’ the
Mahesh Said, “ Mother, I am hungry.’ introductory verb should be changed into
Mahesh told his mother that he was hungry. ‘proposed’ or’ suggested’ and auxilliary ‘should’
She said, “Raju, I am going to the market.” along with the verb, instead of the infinitive.
She told Raju that she was going to the ‘Call the witness,’ said the magistrate.
market. The magistrate ordered them to call the
Changing Questions into Indirect Speech ‘Don’t waste the time and miss the
train’, said the father.
We use reporting verbs such as asked, enquired, The father advised me not to waste the
demanded, questioned and wanted toknow, when time and miss the train.
questions are changed into Indirect Speech. She said, “ Please, let me go’.
In the indirect speech the verb follows the She requested them to let her go.
subject, as in a normal assertive sentence and the He said “Let us have a picnic on
question mark is dropped. Saturday’.
He said, “ How many brothers have He suggested that they should have a
you”? picnic on saturday.
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Exclamations and Wishes Direct : He said,"I am cooking."
The words exclaimed, declared, cried out, Indirect : He said he was cooking.
wished, prayed etc are used as reporting verbs in
Indirect Speech. All exclamatory words and Direct : He said,"I have visited London twice."
constructions are to be removed from the speech Indirect : He said he had visited London twice.
when reported. Exclamatory sentences usually
become statements in Indirect Speech. Direct : He said,"I had already eaten."
Interjections and exclamations like Oh, alas, Indirect : He said he had already eaten.
bravo, hurrah etc, and the exclamation mark, are
omitted in the indirect form. Phrases like with Direct : He said,"I will give Jack a call."
delight with regret, with sorrow, etc, are often Indirect : He said he would give Jack a call.
used to bring our the intensity of feeling.
“What a beautiful scene !”, said the Direct : He said,"I can come tonight."
tourist. Indirect : He said could come that night.
The tourist exclaimed that it was a very
beautiful scene. Direct : He said,"I may buy a new car."
“Alas ! I’ve lost my passport”, said the Indirect : He said he might buy a new car.
The traveller exclaimed bitterly that he Direct : He said,"I should see a doctor."
had lost his passport. Indirect : He said he should see a doctor.
He said, “God save the King”.
He prayed that God might save the King. Direct : He said,"I might go to Turkey."
‘How clever of you to have solved the Indirect : He said he might go to Turkey.
puzzle so quickly,’ said the mother.
The mother exclaimed admiringly that it Direct : She said;"I want to bring my children."
was very clever of him to have solved the Indirect : She said she wanted to bring her
puzzle so quickly. children.
Mixed types (Statements and Questions) Direct : She said,"I want to bring my children
Sometimes statements and questions may be tomorrow."
mixed. In such cases, each section must be Indirect : She said she wanted to bring her
introduced by an appropriate verb. children the next day.
said, told, remarked - explained etc. used for
statements and enquired, asked, wondered etc Direct : Jack said,"my wife went with me to the
used for questions. show yesterday."
She said,” I am going for a movie, would Indirect : Jack said his wife had gone with him to
you like to come?” the show the day before.
She said that she was going for a movie,
and asked if I would like to go. Direct : She asked,"do you want to come with
me ?"
Indirect : She asked if I wanted to come with her.
Direct : He asked,"why are you studying
Direct : He said,"I live in Paris." English?"
Indirect : He said he lived in Paris. Indirect : He asked me why I was studying
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Tense is a category that locates a situation in • I was running a marathon at this time last
time, to indicate when the situation takes place. year. (past progressive)
Tense is the grammaticalisation of time • I will be running a marathon next
reference, often using three basic categories of Sunday. (future progressive)
"before now", i.e. the past; "now", i.e. the
present; and "after now", i.e. the future. 3. Perfect Tense
The present perfect tense describes an action that
1. Simple Tense started in the past and continues to the present
Verb tense tells you when the action happens. time. Use has/have + the past participle form of
There are three main verb tenses: present, past, the verb.
and future. Each main tense is divided into The past perfect tense describes an action that
simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect started and ended in the past. Use had + the past
progressive tenses. participle form of the verb.
The future perfect tense describes future actions
Simple Progressive Perfect that will occur before some other action. Use will
have + the past participle form of the verb.
am/is/are have/has Example: run
Present finish been
finishing finished • I have run several marathons this year.
(present perfect)
was/were had had been
Past finished • I had run many marathons in the past.
finishing finished finishing
(past perfect)
will will have
will will be • I will have run a marathon by the time I
Future have been
finish finishing turn 30. (future perfect)
finished finishing
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The past perfect progressive tense ∗ She is having her breakfast now.
illustrates a continuous action in the past that was ∗ I’m planning to meet the Director tonight.
completed before another past action. Use had +
been + ing. Present Perfect Tense
Example: ∗ For almost five generations, my family
• It had been raining, and the street was members have been engineers.
still wet. ∗ In order to avoid delays in my work,
• I had been running, and I was still tired. I have been doing it regularly.
• She had been practicing the piano, and ∗ I have always wanted to ride on this
she had gotten much better. vehicle.
Past Continuous Tense
∗ He was washing the dishes, while
Simple Present Tense she was cooking dinner.
∗ The sun sets in the west.
∗ I was working at 11p.m yesterday.
∗ All the cars stop at this crossing.
∗ We were playing football when it started
∗ That notice reads, “No parking”. to rain.
∗ Rajdhani leaves at seven in the morning. ∗ She was reading a thriller novel when I
∗ There goes the taxi. called her.
∗ Do you play tennis? ∗ What were you doing when Sam arrived?
∗ He does not go to the temple.
∗ Does he write novels? Past Perfect Tense
∗ I had never seen such a beautiful before.
Present Progressive ∗ She understood the movie only because
∗ Please wait for a moment, Shyam she had read the book.
is talking to Mary. ∗ Clara had never been to a club before last
∗ We are late; he will be waiting for us at night.
the restaurant now. ∗ We didn’t get a room in the hotel because
∗ Mom, I am playing football. we had not booked in advance.
∗ Are they still living here?
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Past Perfect Continuous Tense ∗ Next Saturday, I will have been
∗ I had been playing the guitar all morning. working on this assignment for three
∗ I had been sleeping all the way from the years.
beginning of the class. ∗ I will have been studying English for two
∗ He had been trying to call her. hours by the time you arrive here.
∗ Until this year, Neha had been going to a
village school. Error spotting in tenses
∗ The baby had been crying out loud for
minutes when her mother fed her. 1. Sigmund Freud had published (a) / his
groundbreaking book, The Interpretation of
Simple Future Tense Dreams, (b) / in 1899, after years (c) / of
∗ You will be done before me. studying the brain as a neurologist (d). / No
∗ She will not come tomorrow. error (e)
∗ Will you come to play with me after Solution: (a). It should be: Sigmund Freud
school? published. (We do not use the past perfect
tense to simply state that something
∗ I will keep in touch with you.
happened some time ago. That idea is
∗ I will reach home by 7p.m.
expressed using the simple past tense.)
∗ He will stay with us for 3 days.
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Rule 8 A number of people have written in about
The pronouns each, everyone, every one, this subject.
everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, and
somebody are singular and require singular Rule 11
verbs. Do not be misled by what follows of. When either and neither are subjects, they
Examples: always take singular verbs.
Each of the girls sings well. Examples:
Every one of the cakes is gone. Neither of them is available to speak right
NOTE: Everyone is one word when it now.
means everybody. Every one is two words when Either of us is capable of doing the job.
the meaning is each one.
Rule 12
Rule 9 The words here and there have generally been
With words that indicate portions—percent, labeled as adverbs even though they indicate
fraction, part, majority, some, all, none, place. In sentences beginning with here or there,
remainder, and so forth —look at the noun in the subject follows the verb.
your of phrase (object of the preposition) to Examples:
determine whether to use a singular or plural There are four hurdles to jump.
verb. If the object of the preposition is singular, There is a high hurdle to jump.
use a singular verb. If the object of the
preposition is plural, use a plural verb. Rule 13
Examples: Use a singular verb with sums of money or
Fifty percent of the pie has disappeared. periods of time.
Pie is the object of the preposition of. Examples:
Fifty percent of the pies have disappeared. Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
Pies is the object of the preposition. Five years is the maximum sentence for
One-third of the city is unemployed. that offense.
One-third of the people are unemployed.
Rule 14
NOTE: Hyphenate all spelled-out fractions. Sometimes the pronoun who, that, or which is the
All of the pie is gone. subject of a verb in the middle of the sentence.
All of the pies are gone. The pronouns who, that, and which become
Some of the pie is missing. singular or plural according to the noun directly
Some of the pies are missing. in front of them. So, if that noun is singular, use
None of the garbage was picked up. a singular verb. If it is plural, use a plural verb.
None of the sentences were punctuated correctly. Examples:
Of all her books, none have sold as well as the Salma is the scientist who writes the
first one. reports.
The word in front of who is scientist, which
Rule 10 is singular. Therefore, use the singular
The expression the number is followed by a verb writes.
singular verb while the expression a number is He is one of the men who do the work.
followed by a plural verb. The word in front of who is men, which is plural.
Examples: Therefore, use the plural verb do.
The number of people we need to
hire is thirteen.
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Rule 15 Everyone on the project has to come to the
Collective nouns such as team and staff may be meeting. ( )
either singular or plural depending on their use in
the sentence. Neither his bodyguards nor he were there. (×)
Examples: Neither his bodyguards nor he was there. ( )
The staff is in a meeting.
Staf is acting as a unit here. Some of you will have to bear their own
The staff are in disagreement about the responsibility. (×)
findings. Some of you will have to bear your own
The staff are acting as separate individuals responsibility. ( )
in this example.
The sentence would read even better as: If anyone seems suspicious over, take their
The staff members are in disagreement details. (×)
about the findings. If anyone seems suspicious, take his details. ( )
Examples: The line at the bank was very slow, which made
me late. (×)
Frank, accompanied by his student, were at the I was late because of the line at the bank. (or)
studio. (×) The line at the bank made me late.( )
Frank, accompanied by his student, was at the
studio. ( ) One should have their teeth checked every six
months. (×)
There is many reasons why I can't help you. (×) One should have one's/his or her teeth checked
There are many reasons why I can't help you. ( ) six months. (OR) You should have your teeth
checked every six months. ( )
She is a real good swimmer. (×)
She is a really good swimmer. ( ) One should take your responsibilities
The new student speaks bad. (×) One should take one's/his or her responsibilities
The new student speaks badly. ( ) seriously. (OR) You should take your
responsibilities seriously.( )
After the three week vacation, she looked very
well. (×) The vision from this building is not nearly as
After the three week vacation, she looked very impressive as from that mountain lodge. (×)
good. ( ) The vision from this building is not nearly as
impressive as the one from that mountain
The strawberry shortcake tastes deliciously. (×) lodge.( )
The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious. ( )
She and her friends are at the fair. (Right)
How could she blame you and he for the She and her friends is at the fair. (Wrong)
accident? (×)
How could she blame you and him for the The book or the pen is in the drawer. (Right)
accident? ( ) The book or the pen are in the drawer. (Wrong)
Everyone on the project have to come to the The boy or his friends run every day. (Right)
meeting. (×) His friends or the boy runs every day. (Right)
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They don't like it. (Right) 1. The flute as well as the pipe organ
They doesn't like it. (Wrong) ____________ to be tuned for the big
One of the doors is open (Right) i. HAS ii. HAVE
One of the doors are open (Wrong)
2. The speaker together with his two
The public who listen to that music are few. wives____________ going to be invited for
(Right) the party.
The public who listen to that music is few. i. ARE ii. IS
3. Neither of my two bags____________
The team leader, as well as his members, is adequate for this trip.
anxious. (Right) i. ARE ii. IS
The team leader, as well as his members, are
anxious. (Wrong) 4. There ____________ a list of committee
members on the head-table.
The novel, including all the chapters in the first i. ARE ii. IS
section, is boring. (Right)
The novel, including all the chapters in the first 5. Everybody in the class ____________ done
section, are boring. (Wrong) the homework well in advance.
i. HAS ii. HAVE
The hawker with his food items walks down the
street. (Right) 6. The jury ____________ their seats in the
The hawker with his food items walk down the courtroom.
street. (Wrong) i. TAKE ii. TAKES
Each of these machines is noisy. (Right) 7. Neither the teacher nor the students
Each of these machines are juicy. (Wrong) ____________ to understand this
Everybody respects Bill Gates. (Right) i. SEEM ii. SEEMS
Everybody respect Bill Gates. (Wrong)
8. ____________ either my father or my
Either is acceptable. (Right) brothers made a down-payment on the
Either are acceptable. (Wrong) house?
i. HAS ii. HAVE
Measles is a disease. (Right)
Measles are a disease. (Wrong) 9. Hartford is one of those cities that
____________ working hard to reclaim a
Phonetics is a difficult subject. (Right) riverfront.
Phonetics are a difficult subject. (Wrong) i. ARE ii. IS
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10. Some of the grain ____________ gone bad.
i. HAS ii. HAVE 21. Mr. Bradley, along with his two sisters,
___________ lived in this town for thirty
11. John or his brother ____________ going to years.
be responsible for this. i. HAS ii. HAVE
i. ARE ii. IS
22. There ___________ no reasons for this
12. A few of the students ____________ doing horrible development that I can see.
so well they can skip the next course. i. ARE ii. IS
i. ARE ii. IS
23. Some of the water ___________ already
13. Either the Committee on Course Design or gone bad.
the Committee on College Operations i. HAS ii. HAVE
____________ these matters.
i. DECIDE ii. DECIDES 24. One of these students ___________
obviously cheated on the exam.
14. One of my instructors ____________ written i. HAS ii. HAVE
a letter of recommendation for me.
i. HAS ii. HAVE 25. Either the UConn Women's Team or the
UConn Men's Team ___________ going to
15. Dr. Ferndon is one of those professors who be national champion this year.
___________ distracted most of the time. i. ARE ii. IS
26. Carlos and his brother Raoul ___________
16. _________ either Luis or his parents written traveling across the country next summer.
to Angela? i. ARE ii. IS
i. HAS ii. HAVE
27. Several of the students ___________ decided
17. Neither Luis nor his parents ___________ to withdraw from the course.
the least bit interested in keeping in touch i. HAS ii. HAVE
with her.
i. ARE ii. IS Answer Key for subject Verb Agreement
1 i 2 ii 3 ii
18. Everybody on this team ___________ really
hard to please the new coach. 4 ii 5 i 6 i
i. TRY ii. TRIES 7 ii 8 ii 9 ii
10 ii 11 ii 12 i
19. Because there ___________ so many
13 i 14 i 15 i
students in that class, I can sometimes sleep
in the back row. 16 i 17 i 18 ii
i. ARE ii. IS 19 i 20 i 21 i
22 i 23 i 24 i
20. Neither traffic light--neither the one on
Asylum Avenue nor the one on Farmington 25 ii 26 i 27 ii
Avenue_______ working after the storm.
i. WAS ii. WERE
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therefore, thus, so, still ,but, yet, thats why, Can
not be First subject.
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The passage is about a transfer of
Example - 1 Pradeep. So (C) is the first sentence of the
(A) You will probably have to sign a form paragraph. (F) tells about his previous posting so
promising to take care of the books it is the second sentence on rearrangement. (B)
(B) Go to the library and see the clerk to tells more about the place where he worked. So
become a member (B) should be the third sentence (D) tells about
(C) When you have chosen the books you his difficulties about getting adjusted to the city
wish to take home, you take them to the life and it should be the fourth sentence. (A) is
clerk with the tickets. about his colleagues helping him to overcome his
(D) Then you are usually given two or three difficulties mentioned in the 4th sentence so (A)
tickets with your name and address on is the 5th sentence. His gratitude towards his
them colleagues is expressed in sentence (E) which
(E) He stamps the books with a date. should be the last sentence.
(F) The clerk keeps the tickets until you return
the books Example -3
Answer : BADCEF (A) But I think a better definition of happiness
Explanation: is the capacity for enjoyment.
Here the procedure about becoming a (B) Turning to adults, ask any adult what he
member of the library is given. So going to the means by happiness and you will find a
library and seeing the clerk concerned is the first puzzled face for a moment.
step and the first sentence is (B). Signing a form (C) In the teenage years the concept of
is the second one. (A) is the second sentence As happiness changes to enjoyment and
an identity one will be given two or three tickets pleasure.
with name and address on it. (D) is the third (D) Becuase the more we can enjoy what we
sentence. After these procedures one can lend have, the happier we are.
books. When one takes the books home the (E) The meaning of the word happiness
tickets will be kept in the library and the due date changes with growing years, for a child
will be stamped on the ticket and on the book. happiness has a magical quality.
(E) is the fifth sentence. In this way we can find (F) Leave the puzzled face and refer a
the sequence connecting the sentences in their dictionary it defines happy as ‘lucky’ or
proper order. It is the most important thing in this ‘fortunate’.
area. Answer : ECBFAD
Example - 2 The passage is about happiness. The
(A) But, we all helped in the first few days sentence (E) gives a general comment on
(B) Chandrapur is considered as a rural area happiness and also says about what happiness
(C) Pradeep was transfered to this office means to a child. So (E) is the first sentence on
recently. rearrangement. Sentence (C) tells about the
(D) Initially he was not getting adjusted to the happiness of a teenager. After child, it should be
city life. about teenagers. So (C) should be the second
(E) Now, Pradeep is very proud of his sentence of the paragraph. Naturally the next will
colleagues be about adults. It is mentioned in sentence (B)
(F) Before that he was working in Chadrapur so (B) should be the third sentence. It also
branch of our office mentions about the ‘puzzled face’ of the adults.
Answer : CFBDAE (F) tells to leave the ‘puzzled face’ ie., it is a
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continuation of the 3rd sentence so (F) is the 4th III. Which of the following would be the fourth
sentence. Then the author’s view is expressed in sentence?
sentence (A) which forms the fifth sentence. The (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
sentence (A) tells about happiness and
enjoyment. (D) gives the relation between these IV. Which of the following would be the first
two. So (D) is the sixth sentence that is the last sentence?
sentence after rearragement. (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
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(C) The debate has gain come up whether this is world both by national governments and
right or wrong international donor agencies in the hope of
(D) In many countries military service is improving understanding of the nature and
compulsory for all. causes of rising unemployment.
(E) Some of these detractors of compulsory (E) The massive problems of widespread and
draft are even very angry. chronic unemployment in less developed
nations will remain among the most serious
I. Which of the following should the FOURTH challenges to development policy during
in the paragraph? the next several decades.
(a) A (b) B (c) D (d) F (e) E
I. Which of the following should the THIRD in
II. Which of the following should the FIRST in the paragraph?
the paragraph? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
II. Which of the following should the FIRST in
III. Which of the following should the LAST in the paragraph?
the paragraph? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
III. Which of the following should the FIFTH in
IV. Which of the following should the THIRD in the paragraph?
the paragraph? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
IV. Which of the following should the SECOND
V. Which sentence should come SECOND in the in the paragraph?
Paragraph? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
Answer : I - E, II - D, III - B, IV - A, V - C. Which of the following would be the FOURTH
Exercise - 6 (a) B (b) C (c) E (d) D (e) A
(A) The following represents a condensed Answer : I - B, II - A, III - E, IV - C, V - D.
statement of what we think now know
about the relationship between education Exercise - 7
and employment. (A) The history of mankind is full of such
(B) Although the linkages between education fighting’s between communities, nations and
and employment are complex and, in the people.
past, often analyzed with simplistic notions (B) From the primitive weapons of warfare, man
of causality, recent research results have has advanced to the modern nuclear
yielded new insights about the nature of weapons.
these linkages. (C) Ever since the dawn of civilization, man has
(C) In the interests of brevity, the argument is been fighting with man.
put forward as a series of major (D) A modern war is scientific in character, but
propositions and derivative strategies the effect is the same, wiping human
relating to the education employment existence out of this earth.
nexus. (E) The only difference now seems to be in the
(D) Intensive research efforts are currently efficiency the instruments used for killing
being supported throughout the developing each other.
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I. Which of the following should the FIRST in
the paragraph? II. Which of the following should the FIRST in
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
II. Which of the following should the SECOND III. Which of the following should the SECOND
in the paragraph? in the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
III. Which of the following should the THIRD in IV. Which of the following should the LAST in
the paragraph? the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
IV. Which of the following should the FOURTH V. Which of the following should the THIRD in
in the paragraph? the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
Answer : I - D, II - B III - E, IV - A, V - C.
V. Which of the following should the FIFTH in
the paragraph? Exercise - 9
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E (A) Such was his down to earth nature.
Answer : I - C, II - A, III - D, IV - E, V - B. (B) He placed the album before the President
saying, “Sir, please do us the honour of
Exercise - 8 attending the prize distribution ceremony of
(A) In fact, it prevents us from helping children our Institute.
to analyze conflict, to learn to cope with it (C) Hearing this, the man asked the
and counter it. photographer to take a photo of him placing
(B) Children have always known that there is a shawl around the President’s shoulders as
conflict in the adult world. a momento.
(C) However, their make-believe world that (D) He entered the room with a photographer,
nineteenth century rationally imposed on holding an album and a shawl.
childhood in Europe and which we impose (E) The President glanced through it and said,
in an institutionalized manner through our “I shall not be able to make it but may God
modern education system can hardly be bless the children.”
described as related in this regard. (F) The man then left and I angrily pointed out
(D) We may therefore conclude that conflict in that he had taken the shawl with him, to
an institutionalized manner is not a matter of which the President replied, “I do not need
faith in children’s capacities, rather, it is a it. Perhaps he does.”
lack of faith in ourselves as adults.
(E) Further, psychologists tell us and story I. Which of the following should be the FIRST
tellers have always known that the child’s sentence after rearrangement ?
desire to search for order and coherence (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
gathers strength from the knowledge of
conflict. II. Which of the following should be the
SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
I. Which of the following should the FOURTH (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
in the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
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III. Which of the following should be the THIRD
sentence after rearrangement ? V. Which of the following should be the LAST
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
IV. Which of the following should be the FIFTH
sentence after rearrangement ? Answer : I - C, II - D, III - A, IV - E, V - D.
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F
Exercise - 11
V. Which of the following should be the LAST (A) In fact, it prevents us from helping children
(SIXTH) Sentence after rearrangement ? to analyze conflict, to learn to cope with it
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E and counter it.
Answer : I - D, II - B, III - D, IV - E, V - A. (B) Children have always known that there is
conflict in the adult world.
Exercise – 10 (C) However, their make-believe world that
(A) I, therefore, contacted him, found out his nineteenth century rationally imposed on
fees and that he wanted to study at a childhood in Europe and which we impose
Teacher’s Training College. in an institutionalized manner through our
(B) He sent me a letter of thanks but I was modern education system can hardly be
surprised to also find some currency notes described as related in this regard.
in the envelope. (D) We may therefore conclude that conflict in
(C) While reading the newspaper I saw an an institutionalized manner is not a matter of
interview with a boy who had ranked faith in children’s capacities; rather, it is a
eighth in the SSC exams. lack of faith in ourselves as adults.
(D) He knew I did not expect any account of (E) Further, psychologists tell us and story
the money yet he had returned the balance tellers have always known that the child’s
of the amount I had sent, as his expenditure desire to search for order and coherence
was less. gathers strength from the knowledge of
(E) He was unable to study further because his conflict
father earned only forty rupees a day.
(F) I accordingly sent Rs. 1,800 to cover his I. Which of the following should the FOURTH
expenses for six months. in the paragraph?
I. Which of the following should be the FIRST (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E II. Which of the following should the FIRST in
the paragraph?
II. Which of the following should be the (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F III. Which of the following should the SECOND
in the paragraph?
III. Which of the following should be the THIRD (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E IV. Which of the following should the LAST in
the paragraph?
IV. Which of the following should be the (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
FOURTH sentence after rearangement ?
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F
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V. Which of the following should the THIRD in (C) Finally he cured her after all the valuable
the paragraph? furniture had been removed from her
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E house.
Answer : I - D, II - B, III - E, IV - A, V - C. (D) He then saw her furniture, realized its value
and decided to delay curing her till he
Exercise - 12 could steal it.
(A) At seventy-eight her fingers became too (E) A blind old lady promised to pay the doctor
stiff to hold a needle so she began painting. a large sum of money if she was cured and
(B) I decided to tell this boy the story of Ann nothing if she wasn’t.
Moses. (F) She was asked why she refused to pay by
(C) “She began a career at eighty, so if you the judge. “I am not cured. I cannot see all
believe in yourself anything is possible.” I my furniture !” was the reply.
(D) At the age of twenty-seven, a boy was I. Which of the following should be the SIXTH
discouraged about his career. (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ?
(E) She struggled hard to raise five children by (a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F
doing embroidery and working on a farm.
(F) She went on to paint over 2,000 pictures II. Which of the following should be the THIRD
which became famous. sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F
I. Which of the following will be the FIFTH
sentence after rearrangement ? III. Which of the following should be the FIFTH
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
II. Which of the following will be the FIRST
sentence after rearrangement ? IV. Which of the following should be the
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
III. Which of the following will be the LAST
(SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ? V. Which of the following should be the FIRST
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F
IV. Which of the following will be the SECOND Answer : I - E, II - C, III - A, IV - B, V - D.
sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F Exercise - 14
(A) The history of that system is however, a
V. Which of the following will be the THIRD warning than a stimulus to recognize a
sentence after rearrangement ? similar scheme.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E (B) However, we can’t resign ourselves merely
Answer : I - E, II - D, III - C, IV - A, V - D. because there are not data.
(C) One of the commonest risks which
Exercise - 13 agricultural life is exposed to in this country
(A) The old lady however refused to pay him is famine or failure of crops.
and was taken to court. (D) There are, however, no reliable data on
(B) The doctor, confident of his abilities, which such a scheme of insurance can be
agreed. based.
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(E) A kind of Famine Insurance System was (F) These have greatly influenced the
attempted by the British Government of development of the agriculture and food
India in the last country. industries in our country
(A) Still, the need for such a scheme to cover the
losses due to famine, cattle plague, crop I. Which of the following should the THIRD in
pests, etc. can’t be undermined. the paragraph?
(B) It is obviously because of failure of rain and (a) F (b) E (c) D (d) C (e) B
the consequence is starvation.
II. Which of the following should the SECOND
I. Which of the following should the FOURTH in the paragraph?
in the paragraph? (a) F (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
III. Which of the following should the SIXTH in
II. Which of the following should the SIXTH in the paragraph?
the paragraph? (a) D (b) C (c) E (d) B (e) F
(a) E (b) D (c) B (d) C (e) A
IV. Which of the following should the FOURTH
III. Which of the following should the THIRD in the paragraph?
the paragraph? (a) E (b) D (c) B (d) C (e) F
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F
V. Which of the following should the FIFTH in
IV. Which of the following should the FIRST in the paragraph?
the paragraph? (a) F (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(a) A (b) B (c) D (d) C (e) E Answer : I - C, II - A, III - D, IV - D, V - E.
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Exercise - 19 Exercise - 20
(A) The group of Egyptians provided answers to (A) The tactics of these cheats have come down
all his questions as they were impressed by drastically.
the visitor’s keen observation and (B) Most people have by now realized that the
intellectual curiosity. so-called ‘miracles’ are effects of scientific
(B) From time to time he glanced at the map in principles.
his guide book to make sure that he was (C) Thus such awakening will certainly reduce
following them accurately. the agony of the common folk.
(C) All these efforts were directed towards his (D) Awareness of scientific discoveries and
goal to write a book on the various places he inventions had led the common folk to get rid
saw and the people he met. of superstitions.
(D) On one bright day, a famous traveler and (E) Therefore, they are trying to find out other
writer from the West was listening to a ways and means to accomplish their selfish
group of Egyptians’ who described to him motives.
the wonders of their country. (F) They have also realized how cunning people
(E) Back in his room he industriously set down had been cheating them.
his facts and his impression in an elaborate
file of notes. I. Which of the following should the SECOND
(F) Repeatedly he interrupted with pertinent in the paragraph?
questions about Egyptian antiquities or local (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
customs or the latest crisis in the Middle
East II. Which of the following should the FIRST in
the paragraph?
I. Which of the following should the FIRST in (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
the paragraph?
(a) A (b) F (c) C (d) D (e) E III. Which of the following should the FIFTH in
the paragraph?
II. Which of the following should the FOURTH (a) F (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
in the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E IV. Which of the following should the SIXTH in
the paragraph?
III. Which of the following should the LAST in (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E V. Which of the following should the FOURTH
in the paragraph?
IV. Which of the following should the SECOND (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) F
in the paragraph? Answer : I -B , II -D , III - E, IV - C, V -A .
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
Exercise - 21
V. Which of the following should the FIFTH in (A) Development of drought resistance could
the paragraph? benefit large numbers of farmers.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E (B) Hence the human race has no choice but to
adapt to these impacts.
Answer : I - D, II - A, III - E, IV - B, V - C. (C) India has to be concerned about climatic
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(D) This impact can run into decades and II. Which of the following should the SECOND
centuries. in the paragraph?
(E) Environment day is thus and important (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
occasion to assess the past and our future.
(F) Since there is a possibility of adverse impact III. Which of the following should the FOURTH
on agriculture which could deter growth in the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
I. Which of the following should the THIRD in
the paragraph? IV. Which of the following should the FIFTH in
(a) A (b) D (c) B (d) C (e) E the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
II. Which of the following should the SIXTH in
the paragraph? V. Which of the following should the SIXTH in
(a) C (b) B (c) F (d) D (e) E the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
III. Which of the following should the FIRST in Answer : I - B, II - D, III - A, IV - E, V - C.
the paragraph?
(a) A (b) D (c) C (d) B (e) E Exercise - 23
(A) To propose the idea of becoming perfected is
IV. Which of the following should the FIFTH in not the same as saying that we human beings
the paragraph? can be perfect.
(a) F (b) D (c) E (d) A (e) C (B) It only means that we are capable of learning,
changing and growing throughout the span of
V. Which of the following should the SECOND our earthly life.
in the paragraph? (C) Learning is a process that begins at birth and
(a) B (b) D (c) F (d) C (e) E lasts till death.
Answer : I - B, II - E, III - C, IV - D, V - C. (D) This development through understanding
new things, transforming and developing
Exercise - 22 throughout may be considered as the
(A) Basic human needs also include a sense of perfection of soul.
belongingness, a feeling of control over (E) Given that we are here to continually learn on
one’s life. the journey of life, it seems that the ultimate
(B) Motivation and inspiration energies people goal of learning is the perfection of our souls.
into action. (F) Nor that we should be perfect in everything.
(C) Ability to live up to one’s ideals besides all
these is also a fundamental I. Which of the following should the SECOND
(D) This is done not by punishing them in the in the paragraph?
right direction as control mechanisms. (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(E) Such feelings touch us deeply and elicit
powerful response. II. Which of the following should the FIRST in
(F) But it is done by satisfying basic human the paragraph?
needs for achievement (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
I. Which of the following should the FIRST in III. Which of the following should the THIRD in
the paragraph? the paragraph?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
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IV. Which of the following should the FIFTH in Exercise -25:
the paragraph? A. Miss Sullivan arrived at the Keller home
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E when Helen was seven.
B. The deaf and blind Helen learned to
V. Which of the following should the SIXTH in communicate verbally.
the paragraph? C. But, eventually, Miss Sullivan’s effort
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E was rewarded.
Answer : I - E, II - C, III - D, IV -E , V – C. D. Before Helen Keller was two years old,
she lost her sight and her hearing.
Exercise - 24 E. Miss Sullivan worked closely with Helen,
(A) He felt that his honest ways were her new student.
responsible for the poverty and starvation of F. At times the teacher became frustrated.
his family. I. Which sentence should come last?
(B) Sixteen miles away from Mysore, there is a (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
dense forest.
(C) He told them how his honesty was useless II. Which sentence should come first?
and asked if he should try an alternative. (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(D) They told him that they would prefer
starving to dishonesty. III. Which sentence should come second?
(E) Once there lived a poor but hon¬est (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
woodcutter in the forest.
(F) So he wanted to discuss his feeling with his IV. Which sentence should come third?
wife and children. (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
I. Which of the following should be the SIXTH VI. Which sentence should come fifth?
(LAST) sentence? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E Answer : I - B, II - D, III - A, IV - E, V - C.
Five to ten sentences will be given in this - rich / poor represent the people
part. You can score full marks from this section representations use ‘the’
by using very little time By reading the sentence
once, you can find the answer. But the reading ∗ Errors in using Prepositions
should be done carefully. Example 1:
The sentence will be divided into 4 parts. Divide this apple amoung Robert and David.
The error may be in any one part of the sentence Ans: between
and sometimes there will be no error in the - amoung (to be used for more than two)
sentence, ie. it will be correct as it is. The error
may be of tense, articles, subject-verb agreement, Example 2: Divide this apple between the girls.
prepositions, idioms, usage or sentence structure. Ans: amoung
Go through the following sentences and - between (to be used for only two)
explanations given below carefully. Learn all the
rules and try to find the error in the first reading Example 3: I go to school on bus / on bike
itself. Byheart all the rules so that if the error is Ans: by (for vehicles)
in the first part you should be able to mark the - use ‘on foot’ to mean ‘we walk’ to school.
answer by reading the first part itself. Thus you
can save your most precious times. Example 3: She aims to do well in the exams.
Ans: use aim ‘at’
∗ When use of Articles - She aims at doing well in the exams.
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Example 3: Ans: The woman is so poor that he
The chief minister as well as his followers cannot save anything.
are at the meeting. Ans: - is - use ‘so’ with ‘that…not’.
The boys with their teacher are out in the
field. Ans: - are Example 3: She has been waiting for you since 3
The moon along with the stars shine at hours.
night. Ans: - shines Ans: waiting for you since 3 p.m..
- when using ‘with / along with / together with / - use ‘since’ to denote the starting time of
as well as’ the verb should agree with the first action.
subject. - ‘for’ for calculating time.
waiting for you for 3 hours.
Example 4:
Either my neighbour or her children is ∗ Errors in use of Plurals
coming for dinner. Ans: are Example 1: Much water are wasted.
Neither they nor I were mistaken. Ans: Much water is wasted.
Ans: was - use ‘is’ - singular verb.
- when using either-or / neither-nor the verb - reason → ‘much’ is used for
agrees with the second subject. uncountable nouns.
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Conditional clauses: The clauses with If or 15. The students as well as their teacher has gone
Unless is called conditional clause and the other to zoo (×)
part is called main clause. Study their structure The students as well as their teacher have
well. gone to the zoo ( )
If he asks me, I will help him. (Here 16. One of the widely spread bad habits are the
present tense is used in the conditional use of tobacco (×)
clause) One of the widely spread bad habits is the
If he asked me, I would help him. (Past use of tobacco ( )
tense is used in the conditional clause) 17. More than one person have died in the
If he had asked me, I would have helped accident (×)
him (In the conditional clause past perfect More than one person has died in the
tense in used) accident ( )
Here type I means that it is likely that he will get 18. The furnitures were old so he sold everything
help. Type II means it is unlikely and type III is a (×)
past condition that can never be realised. The furniture was old so he sold everything
( )
7. If he will invite me, I will go (×) 19. The police has arrested two students (×)
If he invites me, I will go ( ) The police have arrested two students ( )
8. If he had worked hard, he will have passed 20. We enjoyed very much during the holidays
(×) (×)
If he had worked hard, he would have passed We enjoyed ourselves very much during the
( ) holidays ( )
9. He is learning music for the last five years 21. Sixty minutes are enough to finish this
(×) work(×)
He has been learning music for the last five Sixty minutes is enough to finish this
years ( ) work( )
10. My mother has and is still doing good work 22. Unless Aruna does not return all the books,
for charity (×) she will not be allowed to sit for the
My mother has done and is still doing good examination (×)
work for charity ( ) Unless Aruna returns all the books, she will
11. He behaves as if he was a millionnaire (×) not be allowed to sit for the examination ( )
He behaves as if he were a millionnaire ( ) 23. A number of books are missing ( )
24. The number of vehicles is increasing day by
‘Were’ is also used with imaginary day ( )
condition. 25. Hardly had I reached the station where I
Eg: If I were you, I would make English the learnt about the powerful bomb explosion(×)
first language in all the schools in India. Hardly had I reached the station when I learnt
12. Neither Kapil nor his wife were present (×) about the powerful bomb explosion( )
Neither Kapil nor his wife was present ( )
13. Either Amit or his parents has done this (×) No sooner is followed by ‘than’.
Either Amit or his parents have done this ( ) 26. No sooner did the Chairman begin speaking
14. The old man along with his daughters have than some participants started shouting
gone (×) slogans ( )
The old man along with his daughters has 27. Wait here until Anish will return (×)
gone ( ) Wait here until Anish returns ( )
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Lest is negative and is never followed by The climate of Ranchi is better than that of
not; it is followed by ‘should’. Gaya ( )
28. Take care lest you should fall ( )
29. Do it carefully lest you should make a Common Errors In The Use Of
mistake ( ) Prepositions
45. Write with ink (×)
Write in ink( )
‘Each other’ is used for ‘two’ where as
46. Sit under the shade of a tree (×)
‘one another’ is used for more than two
Sit in the shade of a tree( )
30. Anil and Ashok hate each other ( )
47. Pakistan is in the west of India (×)
31. Amal, Varun and Akash help one another ( )
Pakistan is to the west of India( )
32. You had better not to tell him (×)
48. Good/Weak in Mathematics (×)
You had better not tell him ( )
Good/Weak at Mathematics ( )
33. We shall try to help to raise funds for the
49. Time in your watch (×)
club (×)
Time by your watch( )
We shall try to help raise funds for the
50. Part with a man (×)
club( )
Part from a man( )
34. I bade him go away ( ) (not 'to go')
51. Part from money (×)
35. It makes my blood boil ( ) (not 'to boil')
Part with money( )
36. Do you know to play the violin (×)
52. Word by word translation (×)
Do you know how to play the violin ( )
Word for word translation( )
37. It is nothing else than your pride which
53. She is married with him (×)
makes you behave like that (×)
She is married to him( )
It is nothing else but your pride which makes
54. Since the last two weeks (×)
you behave like that ( )
For the last two weeks( )
38. He hates his brother drinking everyday (×)
55. Prefer than (×)
He hates his brother’s drinking everyday ( )
Prefer to( )
39. She objected to me coming (×)
56. Translate from English to Tamil (×)
She objected to my coming ( )
Translate from English into Tamil( )
57. Jump in the pond (×)
The prepositions except and but are
Jump into the pond( )
followed by an infinitive.
58. Die of hunger (×)
‘With a view to’ is always followed by a
Die from hunger( )
gerund and not by an adjective/infinitive
59. Die from cancer (×)
40. We go to school with a view to study (×)
Die of cancer( )
We go to school with a view to studying ( )
60. To meet in the way (×)
41. Whom does he think will win the race ? (×)
To meet on the way( )
Who does he think will win the race? ( )
61. Send on my address (×)
42. This is Rishi who I used to know as a boy (×)
Send to my address( )
This is Rishi whom I used to know as a
62. To go in train (×)
boy( )
To go by train( )
43. The matter is strictly between you and I (×)
63. Lying upon the desk (×)
The matter is strictly between you and me
Lying on the desk( )
( )
64. The birds build nests on the trees (×)
44. The climate of Ranchi is better than Gaya (×)
The birds build nests in the trees( )
65. Quarrel for a trifle (×)
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Quarrel over a trifle( ) Pray to God( )
66. To enter an agreement (×) 89. Compensate a loss (×)
To enter into an agreement( ) Compensate for a loss( )
67. To dive in the river (×) 90. Ask something (×)
To dive into the river( ) Ask for something( )
68. Love in music (×) 91. A house to live (×)
Love for music( ) A house to live in( )
69. Thirst of information (×) 92. What use is it? (×)
Thirst for information( ) Of what use is it? ( )
70. To be sick from life (×) 93. Believe God (×)
To be sick of life( ) Believe in God( )
71. Blind of defects (×) 94. Bed to lie (×)
Blind to defects( ) Bed to lie in( )
72. Break into pieces (×) 95. Enquire a matter (×)
Break to pieces( ) Enquire into a matter( )
73. Congratulate him for his success (×) 96. Succeeded to win (×)
Congratulate him on his success( ) Succeeded in winning( )
74. She resembles to her mother (×) 97. Necessity to do it (×)
She resembles her mother ( ) Necessity of doing it( )
75. Ordered for a cup of tea (×) 98. Passion to read books (×)
Ordered a cup of tea( ) Passion for reading books( )
76. Entered into the room (×) 99. She is fond to talk (×)
Entered the room( ) She is fond of talking( )
77. Pick up a quarrel (×) 100. Addicted to gamble (×)
Pick a quarrel( ) Addicted to gambling( )
78. Passed in the exam (×)
Passed the exam( )
79. Discuss about the problem (×)
Discuss the problem( )
80. Accompany with him (×) Eg 1 : People have a right to criticise (1) / but at
Accompany him( ) the same time (2)/ each of them (3)/ have to
81. Resigned from the post (×) remember his duty also (4) / No error (5)
Resigned the post( ) Explanation : In the above sentence the ‘verb’
82. Sign on the paper (×) does not agree with the subject. When ‘each’ or
Sign the paper( ) ‘every’ is there in a sentence then the verb after it
83. Returned to home (×) should be in singular form. Thus the error in this
Returned home( ) sentences lies in the 4th part. So the answer is (4).
84. Enough of money (×) ‘has’ should be used in the place of ‘have’.
Enough money( )
85. To answer to a question (×) Eg 2 : Arun was entrusted with (1) / the task of
To answer a question( ) coordinating yesterday’s programme (2) but due
86. Search of something lost (×) to certain difficulties (3) / he doesn’t do it (4) /
Search for something lost( ) No error (5).
87. A pen to write (×) Explanation : Here the error is in the tense of
A pen to write with( ) the sentence. Here past time is referred
88. Pray God (×) (yesterday). So the verb should be in simple past.
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The answer is (4). ‘did not’ should be used Explanation : Answer (3). With angry
instead of ‘does not.’ prepositions ‘with’ and ‘at’ can be used. Angry
with a person and angry at something. Here
Eg 3 : Watch how careful (1) / the sparrow knits angry ‘with’ instead of angry ‘at’.
the (2) / straws into one another (3)/ to form a
nest (4) / No error (5). Eg 9 : On a holiday (1) / Madhu prefers reading
Explanation : The error is in the usage of parts (2) / than going out (3) / visiting friends (4) / No
of speech. Adverb should be used in the first part error (5).
of the sentence. Answer is (1). ‘Carefully’ should Explanation : Answer (3). With prefers ‘than’ is
be used in the place of ‘careful’. never used. Replace ‘than’ by ‘to’.In the same
way ‘to’ instead ‘than’ is used with superior,
Eg 4 : Work hard (1) / lest you will (2) / fail in junior, prior, inferior, senior etc.
the exam (3) / No error (4).
Explanation : The answer is (2). With ‘lest’ the Eg 10 : He has been working on (1) / the
auxiliary verb used is ‘should’ and not ‘will’. problem from a long time (2) / but is still not (3)
Also remember that ‘lest’ has a negative / able to solve it (4) / No error (5).
meaning. So ‘not’ is never used with ‘lest’ Explanation : Answer (2). The error lies in the
use of preposition. It should be ‘for’ a long time.
Eg 5 : Amit hates (1) / his brother (2) / drinking So ‘for’ instead of ‘from’.
everyday (3) / No error (4)
Explanation : The answer is (2). The noun Eg 11 : The widely published manifesto (1) / of
before a gerund (here drinking) should always be the new party (2) / is not much different (3) /
in its possessive case. So ‘brother’s’ instead of than ours (4) / No error (5).
‘brother’. In this way read the given sentences Explanation : Answer (4) With ‘different’ the
carefully and find the error Then go through the preposition used is ‘from’ not ‘than’. Hence
explanations given.. A little practice will help ‘from’ instead of ‘than’.
you score full marks in this section.
Eg 12 : If he has asked me (1) / I would have (2)
Eg 6 : This town isn’t very well known (1) / and / definitely taught him (3) / how to ride (4) / No
there isn’t much (2) / to see (3) / so a few tourists error (5)
come here (4) / No error (5) Explanation : Answer (1). As ‘would have
Explanation : Here the error lies in the part (4). taught’ is given in the main clause, past perfect
As the town is not popular nobody comes here. tense should be used in the conditional clause. So
Negative meaning is expressed. So ‘few’ instead ‘had asked’ instead of ‘has asked’.
of ‘a few’.
Eg 13 : The teacher called Ravi (1) / and asked
Eg 7 : Wherever they go (1) / Indians easily him (2) / to describe (3) / about the incident (4)/
adapt to (2) / local circumstances (3) / No error No error (5)
(4) Explanation : Answer (4). With describe about
Explanation : Answer (2). With words like is not used. Delete ‘about’.
adapt prostrate, enjoy, absent, devote etc.
reflexive pronoun is added. ‘adapt themselves’ Eg 14 : Hardly had I (1) / reached the station
instead of ‘adapt’. where (2)/I learned about (3) / the powerful
bomb explosion (4) / No error (5).
Eg 8 : I don’t understand (1) / why he is (2) / so
angry at me (3) / No error (4).
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Explanation : Answer (2) Hardly and Scarcely Eg 21 : On reaching the railway station (1) / he
are followed by when and not where. In the same was disppointed to learn (2) / that the train left
way No sooner is followed by than. (3) / No error (4).
Explanation : Answer (3). When two past
Eg 15 : Unless you do not listen (1) / to his actions are mentioned in a sentence the first act
advice (2) / I am not going (3) / to help you (4) / should be in past perfect tense and simple past
No error (5) tense should be used to denote the second act. So
Explanation : Answer (1) With unless ‘not’ is ‘had left’ instead of ‘left’
never used. ‘you listen’ instead of ‘you do not
listen’. Eg 22 : It is high time (1) / that we send (2) / the
answer (3) / to the head office (4) / No error (5).
Eg 16 : Many a student (1) / are frustrated (2) / Explanation : Answer (2). With phrases like, ‘it
because of unemployment (3) / No error (4). is time’, ‘it is high time’, ‘suppose that’, ‘as if’
Explanation : Answer (2) . ‘Many a’ is always etc past tense is used. Hence ‘sent’ instead of
followed by a singular verb eventhough it ‘send’. eg. It is time we played football.
conveys a plural sense.
Eg 23 : People invent (1) / new machines (2) /
Eg 17 : The teacher was angry (1) / when he when they (3) / think independent (4) / No error
found that (2) / the boy is not there (3) / No error (5).
(4) Explanation : Answer (3). In some sentence
Explanation : Answer (3). Here the error is in adjective will be used instead of an adverb and
the usage of tense. Same tense should be used. vice-versa. Here adjective is used.
So instead of ‘is’, ‘was’ should be used. ‘independently’ is the correct word.
Eg 18 : None of my friends (1) / are applying (2) Eg 24 : You are practising violin (1) / for the last
/ for this job (3) / No error (4). one year (2) / but you show (3) / no improvement
Explanation : Answer (2) ‘None’ takes a whatsoever (4) / No error (5).
singular verb. So ‘is’ instead of ‘are’ Explanation : Answer (1). An act that started in
the past and that continues to the present -- to
Eg 19 : The Minister along with his (1) / party denote such an act present perfect continuous
colleagues have (2) / been invited to the party (3) tense should be used. So ‘have been practising’
/ No error (4) instead of ‘are practising’
Explanation : Answer (2). When two nouns are
joined using the phrase ‘along with as well as, Eg 25 : This is the more difficult (1) / piece of
together with, accompanied by' etc. the verb work (2)/ I have ever undertaken (3) / No error
should agree with the noun mentioned first, ie (4).
‘the minister’. As the Explanation : Answer (1). ‘more is used in
‘Minister’ is singular, the verb should also be comparative degree. The sentence conveys the
singular. Hence ‘has’ instead of ‘have’ idea that it is the toughest work. ie. in superlative
degree. So ‘most’ instead of ‘more’.
Eg 20 : Several visitors (1) / have been expected
(2) / to visit (3) / the place tomorrow (4) / No Eg 26 : I have citicize (1)/ the remarkable book
error (5) (2)/ because I benefited (3)/ from reading it. (4)/
Explanation : Answer (2). ‘Tomorrow’ refers to No error (5)
future. So ‘are’ instead of ‘have been’. Explanation : The error lies in part (1) of the
sentence. 'I have criticize' should be replaced
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with 'I did not criticize'. It will make the sentence Eg 33 : Distrust seems (1)/ to be a factor (2)/
meaningful. borne out of (3)/ prevail¬ing circumstances. (4)/
No error (5)
Eg 27 : When he had been (1)/ walked along the Explanation : (3) The phrase 'borne out of,'
road (2)/ a wild and ferocious dog (3)/ hit him should be replaced with 'born of' which means
hard and knocked him down (4)/ No error (5). coining from the speci¬fied type of parents,
Explanation : (2) The structure of Past Perfect background, ori¬gin etc. For example,
Continuous is : Subject + had been + verb +ing
Eg 34 : That boy possess (1)/ three beautiful
Eg 28 : I am grateful to you (1)/ and all your pens (2)/ but he would not (3)/ show them to
friends (2)/ for showing sym-pathy (3)/ and anyone (4)/ No error (5)
kindness with me (4)/ No error (5). Explanation : (1) 'That boy possesses' is the
Explanation : (4) The preposition 'with' should correct usage, as the verb must agree with its
be replaced by 'to'. subject in number and person.
Eg 29 : It was clear from the way (1)/ they were Eg 35 : Though I had been (1)/ his friend for
behaving (2)/ that they had been (3)/ lost their quite a long time, (2)/ I re¬fused to help him (3)/
senses (4)/ No error (5). because his ill nature (4)/ No error (5).
Explanation : (3) Past Perfect Tense will be Explanation : (4) 'Because of' is the correct
used. The structure is : Subject + had + past idiomatic form.
Eg 30 : As Arundhati Roy (1)/ in her foreword
write (2)/ John offers (3)/un-told stories of
people. (4) No error (5) Directions : Read each of the following
Explanation : (2) The word 'write' is in Present sentences to find if there is any error in it. The
Indefinite Tense. It should be replaced with 'has error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
written' as Present Perfect is used to express past The number of that part is your answer. If there
action whose time is not given and not defi¬nite. is no error, mark (5) as the answer. (Ignore errors
of punctuation, if any)
Eg 31 : Responsibilities includes (1)/ working
with the editors (2)/ on all. aspects (3)/ of the 1. If biennials were planted this year, they will
editorial process. (4)/ No error (5) be (a) / likely to bloom (b) / next year and (c)
Explanation : (1) The word Responsibilities is a / every two years thereafter (d)/ No error (e)
Plural Subject. It will take plural verb.
2. The value of the dollar (a) / declines (b) / as
Eg 32 : While grouping the words (1)/ care have the rate of inflation (c) / raises (d) / No error
been taken (2)/ to in-clude th'e role (3)/ grammar (e)
plays in a language. (4)/ No error (5)
Explanation : (2) The word Care is Singular 3. Even though a member has drank (a) / too
and it will take Singular ~erb. Hence, 'care have much (b) / the night before the counsellors at
been taken' should be re¬placed with 'care has Alcoholics Congress (c) / will try to convince
been taken'. him or her to sober up to stop drinking again
(d) / No error (e)
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4. The neutron bomb provides the capable of a 14. The child felt (a) / very embarrassed (b) /
(a) / limited nuclear war (b) / in which when his teacher criticized him (c)/ before
buildings would be preserved (c) / but people the entire class (d) / No error (e)
would be destroyed (d)/ No error (e)
15. I enjoy eating (a) / in good restaurants (b) /
5. Despite of the pills (a) / which are available and to go to the (c) / theatre afterwards (d) /
(b) / many people still (c) / have trouble in No error (e).
sleeping (d) / No error (e)
16. Each of the maps made to guide (a) / tourists
6. Before TV the common man seldom never through the parks are (b) / accompanied by a
(a) / had the opportunity (b) / to see and hear brief commentary discussing (c) / the history
leaders (c) / express their views (d) / No error of the area (d) / No error (e)
17. Unless they are not escorted by an adult (a) /
7. Before she died, the daughter of Andrew no child under six (b) / is admitted (c) / to the
Jakson (a) / who lives in the family mansion Natural Science Museum (d) / No error (e)
(b) / used to take (c) / tourists through her
home (d) / No error (e) 18. As part of their daily rounds (a) / the interns
study the chart (b) / of each patient (c) / who
8. Two of the players from the Yankees (a) / the doctor examines (d) / No errors (e)
has been (b) / chosen to participate (c) /in the
all star game (d) / No error (e). 19. Neither the teacher (a) / nor the Headmaster
(b) / were present (c) / when the D.E.O (c)/
9. John Philip Sousa, who many people came to the school for inspection (d) / No
consider the greatest composer of (a)/ error (e)
marches (b) / wrote his music (c) / during the
era known as the Gay 90s (d)/ No error (e) 20. The king as well as his daughters (a) / were
invited (b) / for the archery competition (c) /
10. The purpose of the United Nations (a) / broad to be held at the Oklands's ground (d) / No
speaking is (b) / to maintain peace and error (e)
security (c) / and to encourage respect for
human rights (d) / No error (e) 21. When the race was over (a) / it appeared that
(b) / Michel had ran (c) / the distance in
11. Many a box of oranges (a) / have been (b) / record time (d) / No error (e)
sent to New Delhi (c) / by enthusiastic
Maharashtrians (d) / No error (e) 22. Scarcely had the police stopped firing (a) /
than the rioteers (b) / once again began (c)/
12. He proved to his own (a) / satisfaction that he throwing stones at them (d) / No errors (e)
was (b) / as shrewed as (c) / if not shrewder
than, she (d) / No error (e) 23. I am travelling by local train (a) / for the last
several years (b) / but have never
13. Each of the nurses were (a) / scrupulously experienced (c) / such a horrible situation as
careful (b) / about personal (c) / cleanliness this (d) / No error (e)
(d) / No error (e)
24. If I would have known (a) / what a bad shape
the company is in (b) / I would have done
SHUNMUGAM IAS STUDY CIRCLE H.O: Coimbatore -99941 46662 B.O: Tirunelveli- 95972 11166, Tirupur-99944 27714
SHUNMUGAM IAS STUDY CIRCLE H.O: Coimbatore -99941 46662 B.O: Tirunelveli- 95972 11166, Tirupur-99944 27714
something (c) / to save the company (d) / No 35. There are (a) / so many apartments (b) / in
error (e) fifth floor (c) / of this building. (d) / No error
25. In a very harsh tone (a) / he shouted at his
servants (b) / and told them that (c) / he does 36. The name (a) / an user assigns (b) / to a
not need their services (d) / No error(e) document (c) / is called a file name. (d) / No
error (e)
26. By arresting the local criminals (a) / and
encouraging good people (b) / we can end (c) 37. One of the most (a) / widely spread (b) / bad
/ hostilities of that area (d) / No error (e) habit (c) / is the use of tobacco. (d) / No error
27. The trust has succeeded (a) / admirably in
raising (b) / money for (c) / its future 38. If the teacher is good (a) / the students (b) /
programmes (d) / No error (e) will respond (c) / positively to them. (d) / No
error (e)
28. According to one survey (a) / only those
forests which were (b) / not under village 39. One must (a) / not be (b) / dishonest to his (c)
management (c) / succumbed from fires / society. (d) / No error (e)
recently (d) / No error (e)
40. No method of making (a) / other people agree
29. We can't handle (a) / this complicated case to (b) / your view – point is (c) / as effective
today (b) / unless full details are not given (c) as this method (d) / no error (e)
/ to us right now (d) / No error (e)
41. The plan was to go for (a) / the cinema but
30. No country can long endure (a) / if its (b) / owing to certain hindrances (c) it failed
foundations (b) / were not laid deep (c) / in (d) / no error.(e)
material prosperity (d) / No error (e)
42. On his attitude (a) / it seems that what he
31. Sunita opened a almirah (a) / full of books wants (b) / is that the decision making power
(b) / and took one of them (c) / for reading. (c) / should rest with him. (d) / No error (e)
(d) / No error (e)
43. He fixed a metal ladder (a) / for the wall
32. On my request (a) / Lalit introduced me (b) / below his window (b) / so as to be able to (c)
to his friend (c) / who is singer and scientist. / escape if there was a fire. (d) / No error (e)
(d) / No error (e)
44. Several prominent figures (a) / involved in
33. The majority of the (a) / computer the scandal (b) / are required to appear (c) / to
professionals recommends (b) / that effective the investigation committee. (d) / No error (e)
measures (c) / should be taken against
software piracy. (d) / No error (e) 45. I offered him part-time work (a) / but he
turned it over (b) / saying that he would (c) /
34. A nationwide survey (a) / has brought up an rather wait for a full-time job. (d) / No error
(b) / interesting finding (c) / regarding infant (e)
mortality rate in India. (d) / No error (e)
46. In the meeting, (a) / Mr. Mehta’s suggestions
with regard for (b) / certain administrative
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reforms (c) / were hailed by all the members. 57. “Where else (a) / did you go besides (b) / the
(d) / No error (e) office?” She (c) / asked her husband (d) / no
error. (e)
47. Neither did he (a) / accept the punishment (b)
/ or apologized (c) / for his mistake. (d) / No 58. Firstly we went (a) / to movie and (b) /
error (e) secondly we went (c) / to picnic. (d) / No
error (e)
48. He not only comes (a) / here for shopping but
also for (b) / having a glimpse of (c) / the 59. Having deprived from (a) / their homes in the
extremely beautiful sales girl. (d) / no error recent earthquake, (b) / they had no other
(e) option but (c) / to take shelter in a temple. (d)
/ No error (e)
49. The teacher asked (a) / the students to go to
(b) / market and buy some fruit (c) / as 60. The technician reminded (a) / them to have a
apples, oranges. Guavas, etc. (d) / no error (e) (b) / thoroughly cleaning of the (c) / machine
after each use. (d) / No error (e)
50. The Reverse Bank of India are (a) /
responsible for ensuring (b) / that the banking 61. The dog let out (a)/ a blood chilling (b)/
sector (c) / functions (d) / no error. (e) howling when it was it was (c)/ given the
injection (d)/ No error. (e)
51. The foremost criterion of selection we
adopted (a) / were the number of years of 62. It being an important (a)/ letter, the draft had
training (b) / a dancer had received (c) / to be (b)/ seen by the Governor (c)/ itself for
under a particular guru. (d) / No error (e) approval. (d)/ No error. (e)
52. The Committee Chief warned the party 63. Asha could not defeat her (a)/ opponents
members (a) / that if they persist (b) / in their contrary to their (b)/ good preparation and
obstructionist attitude (c) / they would be (c)/ long practice. (d)/ No error. (e)
suspended. (d) / No error (e)
64. Pratiksha expected good marks (a)/ in the
53. Rohan was leading (a) / a happy and leisurely examination (b)/ but she was very
(b) / life after his retirement (c) / from disappointed (c)/ when the results came. (d)/
service. (d) / No error (e) No error. (e)
54. The parents scolded the child (a) / for having 65. Irrespective of either (a)/ Vijay or Sanjay
broke the window (b) / but their words fell goes (b)/ the overdue payment (c)/ cannot be
(c) / on deaf ears. (d) / No error (e) collected. (d)/ No error. (e)
55. You must realize (a) / how importance it is 66. Some people consider Kama (a)/ to be the
(b) / to give away to the needy (c) / whatever valorous (b)/ hero of all the (c)/ characters in
you possess in excess. (d) / no error.(e) the Mahabharat. (d)/ No error. (e)
56. Ram will be suspended (a) / because he 67. Victor, along with (a)/ a group of friends (b)/
opened an account (b) / without obtaining was going on picnic (c)/ when the accident
none (c) / of the necessary documents. (d) / happen. (d)/ No error. (e)
No error. (e)
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68. The document (a)/ he gave me was long and assets (C)/of the sixty poorest countries of
complicated (b)/ and I struggled (c)/ to (D)/the world. No error (E).
understand (d)/ it. All correct (e)
78. Shipwrecked (A)/on a desert island, coconuts
69. We shall have to await (a)/ and see if these and other (B)/fruits formed (C)/the basis of
measures (b)/ are sufficient (c)/ to address the sailor’s (D)/diet. No error (E).
(d)/ the problem. All correct (e)
79. Fifty percent of the people alive today have
70. They are negotiating (a)/ to try and reach (b)/ (A)/never made a phone call, but (B)/thirty
an agreement which will beneficial (c)/ percent still (C)/have no electricity
everyone concerned. (d)/ All correct (e) connections to their (D)/homes. No error (E).
71. Illiteracy is an enormous problem, (A)/it 80. The rhododendron, which (A)/ornaments so
affects (B)/millions of people worldwide, many (B)/English gardens, is (C)/not native
(C)/and is an impediment to (D)/social to (D)/Europe. No error (E).
progress. No error (E).
81. The farmer should not have been (A)/so
72. The company president has taken (A)/steps to careless as (B)/to leave the door of the house
ensure that she (B)/can handle the pressure unbolted when (C)/he had gone (D)/to bed.
and anxiety associated with (C)/the job, No error (E).
including (D)/joining a yoga class and
enlisting the support of a network of friends. 82. A census (A)/of the island revealed (B)/a
No error (E). population of only (C)/10,000 people (D). No
error (E).
73. If you are sure that (A)/you are in the right,
(B)/you would not (C)/mind an independent 83. The engineer, who is renowned for his
examination of (D)/the case. No error (E). ingenuity (A)/, has designed (B)/a very
unique (C)/cooling system for our new plant
74. The union insisted (A)/on an increase in their in (D)/Spain. No error (E).
(B)/members’ (C)/starting pay, and
threatened to call a strike if the company 84. Shoes of those (A)/kind are (B)/bad for the
refused to (D)/meet the demand. No error feet; (C)/low heels are (D)/better. No error
(E). (E).
75. Television viewers claim that (A)/the number 85. My father saw how much (A)/Uncle Tom
of scenes depicting (B)/alcohol consumption was enjoying (B)/his early retirement, and
have (C)/increased dramatically over (D)/the (C)/so he decided to do the same (D). No
last decade. No error (E). error (E).
76. Employees with less (A)/personal problems 86. We have no choice but (A)/to appoint Mary:
are (B)/likely (C)/to be more (D)/productive. (B)/she is the best (C)/of the two candidates,
No error (E). and there is (D)/no prospect of finding more
applicants. No error (E).
77. The three richest men in America have
(A)/assets worth more than (B)/the combined 87. The reason I will (A)/not be going (B)/to
Mexico this year is because (C)/I will use up
SHUNMUGAM IAS STUDY CIRCLE H.O: Coimbatore -99941 46662 B.O: Tirunelveli- 95972 11166, Tirupur-99944 27714
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all my travel money attending (D)/an 97. He was not merely (A)/expected to contribute
important meeting in Singapore. No error funds to the project, but (B)/to work as hard
(E). as (C)/the other (D)/patrons. No error (E).
88. If you were (A)/to work at least four hours a 98. None of us (A)/knows (B)/what the outcome
day on the project, we would (B)/complete it of the battle between (C)/the coordinator and
in a shorter (C)/time, and with less us (D)/will be. No error (E).
(D)/problems. No error (E).
89. The manager tried hard to effect (A)/a 99. Neither of my brothers do (A)/anything to
change in company policy, but (B)/the make life better for our (B)/parents who
owner, who steadfastly refused to (C)/are both suffering from (D)/arthritis. No
compromise (C), overruled (D)/him on every error (E).
point. No error (E).
100. The teacher sat (A)/down besides (B)/the
90. The new library is undoubtedly (A)/well frightened child and tried to reassure (C)/him
stocked and functional, but (B)/no one can that the monster was merely (D)/imaginary.
say that its (C)/atmosphere is anything like No error (E).
the old one (D). No error (E).
101. A number of trainees who (A)/take this
91. My uncle, who (A)/was (B)/on vacation, course every year find (B)/that their
along with my two cousins and I(C), went (C)/knowledge of mathematics is
(D)/fishing down by the river. No error (E). (D)/inadequate. No error (E).
92. Hopefully(A), we will be (B)/able to 102. Either of the solutions you have
complete the building before (C)/the rainy (A)/proposed are (B)/acceptable to the union,
season sets in(D). No error (E). whose (C)/members are willing (D)/to
compromise. No error (E).
93. You would (A)/have to choose her(B), if you
are looking for (C)/the best athlete to 103. The last man on earth will (A)/abandon
represent (D)/the school. No error (E). his ruined house for (B)/a cave, and (C)/his
woven clothes for an animal's (D)/skin. No
94. All the trapped miners began (A)/to lose error (E).
(B)/hope, it (C)/had been twenty four hours
since (D)/the tunnel collapsed. No error (E). 104. The station was a hive (A)/of bustling
activity, (B)/the arrival of the train was the
95. Because (A)/they played by (B)/the rules, the most important (C)/event of the day in
members of the team were given (C)/a (D)/that remote place. No error (E).
standing ovation even though it (D)/did not
win the match. No error (E). 105. My grandmother's legacy is
(A)/substantial, especially (B)/if the value of
the rare stamps are (C)/taken into
96. Her avaricious (A)/relatives assembled at the (D)/consideration. No error (E).
lawyer's (B)/office to hear the reading of
(C)/Jemima's will (D). No error (E). 106. Neither Bradley, nor more (A)/recent
critics who have written (B)/on Shakespeare's
SHUNMUGAM IAS STUDY CIRCLE H.O: Coimbatore -99941 46662 B.O: Tirunelveli- 95972 11166, Tirupur-99944 27714
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tragedies, has (C)/been able to give a 115. Cynthia argued vehemently with (A)/her
convincing explanation for the timing of mother over (B)/her (C)/refusal to attend
(D)/events in Othello. No error (E). (D)/the school concert. No error (E).
107. The bridal gown was most (A)/unique: 116. I agree that (A)/a knowledge of Latin is
the (B)/bridegroom designed it (C)/and his helpful to build (B)/a good English
(D)/mother provided the lace fabric. No error vocabulary, but (C)/I do not think I have the
(E). capacity to (D)/study the subject at the
moment. No error (E).
108. For a successful career as (A)/a
beautician, one (B)/must be prepared to 117. In such (A)/areas as sports, ranking of
dissemble: (C)/you must not tell your client individual performance is (B)/relatively well
the unvarnished truth about his or her accepted since (C)/the parameters on which
(D)/appearance. No error (E). the rating are (D)/based are generally
objective. No error (E).
109. When Russell Wallace and Darwin
independently (A)/proposed similar theories, 118. Determination of (A)/the long-term
Darwin had (B)/already accumulated effects of (B)/aerosols on the upper
extensive evidence with which (C)/to support atmosphere is (C)/currently one of the more
his (D)/ideas. No error (E). challenging (D)/problems in climate
research. No error (E).
110. Everyone who (A)/visits Singapore is
impressed (B)/by its cleanliness, which (C)/is 119. The most (A)/important skill I had
mainly a result of rigorous implementation of learned (B)/in my two years of (C)/senior
their (D)/strict laws. No error (E). high school was to (D)/direct the course of
my own studies. No error (E).
111. She wondered whether (A)/the city had
changed a lot (B)/since she had left to go to 120. Scientific advances over the last fifty
(C)/university. (D)/No error (E). years have led (A)/to revolutionary changes
in health, agriculture and communication,
112. The company bowed (A)/to pressure, and (B)/generally enhancing (C)/socio-
(B)/now it (C)/has removed the offensive economic development and the quality of our
advertisement from (D)/the hoarding. No lives (D). No error (E).
error (E).
121. This detailed yet (A)/readable biography
113. I will (A)/not object to his (B)/delivering is well researched and (B)/provides valuable
the lecture as (C)/long as he is told not to insight to (C)/the facts that (D)/motivated the
make personal attacks on (D)/his critics. No famous philosopher. No error (E).
error (E).
122. I have nearly (A)/written all the new tests
114. While (A)/he thinks the phenomenon for (B)/inclusion in the revised edition of my
(B)/is the result of enzyme action, I believe it book, and hope to finish (C)/the work within
is caused by (C)/a shortage of (D)/a (D)/a week. No error (E).
neurotransmitter. No error (E).
123. The series of letters that Margaret wrote
to her father contains (A)/a valuable
SHUNMUGAM IAS STUDY CIRCLE H.O: Coimbatore -99941 46662 B.O: Tirunelveli- 95972 11166, Tirupur-99944 27714
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commentary on (B)/the prevailing social 133. I prefer (A)/Marlene to any
conditions and attitudes that lead to her (B)/hairdresser I have visited (C)/in the past
(C)/leaving home at such (D)/a young age. because she has such a good understanding
No error (E). of her clients' (D)/needs. No error (E).
124. The unfortunate accident that caused 134. The archivist had (A)/not only (B)/a deep
(A)/the explosion was (B)/extensively interest (C)/but also a clear understanding of
(C)/reported in all the local newspapers and the historical documents in (D)/the museum.
national (D)/television. No error (E). No error(E).
125. Neither of the answers provided in the 135. With skill and surprising (A)/gentleness
memorandum (A)/address (B)/my concerns the fireman managed to (B)/lower the injured
about (C)/the validity of (D)/the procedure. cat down (C)/from the top of (D)/the tree. No
No error (E). error (E).
126. Katz claimed that reading classic novels 136. Was the woman who (A)/you think you
is (A)/more illuminating (B)/than to read saw (B)/leaving the building wearing (C)/a
(C)/autobiographies written by (D)/their nurse's (D)/uniform? No error (E).
authors. No error (E).
137. As he held open (A)/the door for her, she
127. The students have been (A)/practicing for could not ignore the look on his face, (B)/a
the concert since (B)/three weeks, and (C)/in look that aggravated (C)/her self-
that consciousness as they proceeded (D)/along
128. Suzanne recounted (A)/her improbable the street. No error (E).
(B)/tale with (C)/enthusiasm and in a
convincing manner (D). No error (E). 138. Many people genuinely want to be
(A)/fitter, but few (B)/have the tenacity for
129. If you were willing (A)/to ask for sticking (C)/to a suitable regime (D)/of diet
directions, instead of doggedly (B)/driving and exercise. No error (E).
on, we might get to our (C)/destination
sooner (D). No error (E). 139. Safety precautions and emergency exits,
matters of great concern for (A)/builders of
130. Waiting (A)/for the results of (B)/the commercial establishments, are (B)/often
final examination, the student's nerves were overlooked (C)/when designing (D)/a new
(C)/on edge; she could not sleep properly or home. No error (E).
(D)/eat normally. No error (E).
140. From the time he took up (A)/his new
131. He is not sure if (A)/he should (B)/buy position as (B)/head of the department, he
the new computer now or (C)/wait until he has been (C)/concerned about (D)/the
receives (D)/his next bonus. No error (E). legitimacy of his appointment. No error (E).
132. Mark scored poorly (A)/on the test, 141. My grandmother sees remarkable
which (B)/is not surprising since (C)/he did (A)/well considering that (B)/she has endured
not prepare adequately (D). No error (E). four operations on her eyes and suffered from
(C)/vitamin deficiency during (D)/her
childhood. No error (E).
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150. The tribesmen made offerings to placate
142. The academy members waged (A)/a (A)/the gods, whomB, they believed, were
relentless war against my supervisor and I (C)/angry with them(D). No error (E).
(B)/because our (C)/research seemed to
(D)/contradict the findings of the head of the 151. Many physicists initially regarded
institution. No error (E). (A)/quantum theory as (B)/unnatural, absurd,
and (C)/incompatible to (D)/common sense.
143. You seldom see anyone in Europe No error (E).
spitting (A)/in public nowadays, mainly
(B)/because they (C)/had a successful 152. From ancient times (A)/, sculpture had
campaign against (D)/this health hazard in been (B)/considered the prerogative (C)/of
the post war years. No error (E). men, and even now, in some parts of the
world, women sculptors face (D)/hostility
144. Neither of the artists we have and suspicion. No error (E).
commissioned (A)/to execute the mural are
(B)/able to start (C)/work before 153. It is an old criticism of the medical
(D)/September. No error (E). profession that they (A)/have considered
(B)/the symptoms and causes of (C)/disease
145. Professor Chandra's (A)/pioneering work without sufficient reference to (D)/the causes
on (B)/rainwater harvesting and recharging of health. No error (E).
of groundwater in drought prone areas have
been (C)/drawing media attention(D). No 154. According to (A)/Hume, it is not logic
error (E). and reasoning that (B)/determine (C)/our
actions, but (D)/emotion. No error (E).
146. The presence of strong feeling, the cause
of which (A)/is not fully understood, always 155. The ornate pillars and life-size
has the effect (B)/of making we (C)/human (A)/statues that the magnate has chosen
beings (D)/uneasy. No error (E). (B)/to adorn his (C)/swimming pool are like
a Greek temple(D). No error (E).
147. The new law is too (A)/stringent; it
(B)/will be (C)/neither respected or 156. Sonia Gandhi stepped aside (A)/just as
(D)/obeyed. No error (E). she had secured (B)/the Prime Minister's
position, and(C), in the process, asserting
148. I do not wish to make (A)/a formal (D)/her moral superiority. No error (E).
complaint, but I would have been better
pleased (B)/if you gave (C)/the award to the 157. It will be (A)/hard to soothe your mother
person who (D)/best deserved it. No error now that you have so aggravated (B)/her by
(E). refusing to take her eminently (C)/sensible
advice(D). No error (E).
149. After you have written (A)/a definition in
your vocabulary notebook, add a few 158. The general reported that (A)/, as a result
(B)/ways to use the word or (C)/a sentence to of (B)/financial constraints, less (C)/soldiers
illustrate it's (D)/meaning. No error (E). would be sent on (D)/peace-keeping missions
this year. No error (E).
SHUNMUGAM IAS STUDY CIRCLE H.O: Coimbatore -99941 46662 B.O: Tirunelveli- 95972 11166, Tirupur-99944 27714
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159. None of the presents I received (A)/on 169. Any of these branches do (A) / not require
my birthday this year was (B)/equally (C)/as more than (B) / two employees since they
memorable as the necklace you gave (D)/me (C) / have been recently established. (D)
last year. No error (E). No error (E)
160. The racing champion had (A)/made no 170. He encouraged us to (A) / think but none of
mention (B)/in his (C)/speech of the the (B) / suggestions we made was (C) /
mechanics on whom (D)/his success had discussed at the meeting. (D) No error (E)
depended. No error (E).
171. It is sad that in (A) / our country education
161. Some of our staff is worried (A) / that as is (B) / available only to those (C) / whom
soon as (B) / the project is over they (C) / can afford it. (D) No Error (E)
will lose their jobs. (D) No error (E)
172. I was determined (A) / to learn everything
162. If you decide to hold (A) / the function in (B) / I could from the people (C) / off the
Kolkata (B) / not much of us (C) / will be village. (D) No Error (E)
able to attend. (D) No error (E)
173. During the holidays (A) / I am often
163. In case you need five people (A) / to run a worked (B) / in my uncle’s shop to (C) /
branch you (B) / should be selected (C) / earn some pocket money. (D) No Error (E)
ten since some may leave. (D) No error (E)
174. Most banks did not taken (A) / her plan to
164. Although he approached (A) / many private set up (B) / a factory in (C) / the area
businessess to invest (B) / in his printing seriously. (D) No Error (E)
business (C) / nobody of them was
interested. (D) No error (E) 175. Every year we have (A) / a function where
(B) / the children of our staff (C) / is
165. How can you give up (A) / this job when awarded scholarships. (D) No Error (E)
you are (B) / just about to be (C) /
appointed for General Manager ? (D) No 176. Many of the funds (A) / I needed to buy (B)
error (E) / my own house were (C) / given by my
father. (D) No Error (E)
166. Base on the research (A) / we have
conducted in (B) / different parts of the 177. Since he was from (A) / the district and
country (C) / this scheme will be able to (B) / speak the language locally, (C)
successful. (D) No error (E) / they trusted him. (D) No Error (E)
167. I want to share (A) / my experience with 178. Every month he would (A) / meet the
you (B) / though you will (C) / benefit from employees to (B) / discuss their problems
it. (D) No error (E) (C) / and answer their questions. (D) No
Error (E)
168. He used to advise (A) / his students to do
(B) / their work serious if they (C) / wanted 179. I had to work full time (A) / so I could not
to achieve their goals. (D) No error (E) devote (B) / as much time as (C) / I wanted
to playing cricket. (D) No Error (E)
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180. He did not even (A) / have no property (B) 191. On account of the week (A)/long strike the
/ to sell to (C) / cover his losses. (D) No factory (B)/was forced to close and
Error (E) (C)/next month’s shipment will delay. (D)
No error. (E)
181. The price of (A) / all petroleum products
(B) / is controlled (C) / by the Government. 192. Since the US economy experiences (A)/a
(D) No error (E) recession many Asian countries (B)/are
likely to have (C)/reduced growth rates this
182. There is a (A) / tax benefit for (B) / the year. (D) No error. (E)
income of (C) / senior citizens. (D) No
error (E) 193. Oil is now so expensive that (A)/India will
have to cut subsidies (B)/instead face
183. In my opinion (A) / Vikas has (B) / failed running out (C)/of funds to import oil. (D)
to follow (C) / none of the instructions. (D) No error. (E)
No error (E)
194. It is unlikely that you will (A)/find a more
184. At least of (A) / three per cent of (B) / those qualified and experience (B)/candidate than
who applied (C) / will be selected. (D) No Mr. Prasad (C)/for the post of President.
error (E) (D) No error. (E)
185. He was a (A) / well known economist (B) / 195. On account of the rising (A)/costs many
who usual wrote (C)/ for international people are (B)/finding it difficult (C)/ to
journals. (D) No error (E) feed their families. (D) No error. (E)
186. The scheme failed because (A)/ some states 196. By marketing agriculture (A)/products
could not (B)/ manage not to raise (C)/ the well, we (B)/can ensure that (C)/farmers
necessaryfunds(D). No error. (E) make a good profit. (D) No error. (E)
187. Real estate prices in the (A)/ business 197. The promotion means (A)/that you may be
district of the city (B)/ are expected to rise (B)/post in Chennai (C)/from next month.
(C)/ at 15% this year(D). No error (E) (D) No error.(E)
188. By so early as next year (A)/ that leading 198. This project is (A)/too big to (B)/undertake
investment bank (B)/ has plans to open (C)/ successfully at (C)/such short of notice. (D)
an office in New Delhi(D). No error(E) No error. (E)
189. There is lots of (A)/ supports from the 199. When our company was (A)/faced financial
employees (B)/ for the proposal to (C)/ difficulties (B)/the training budget was
merge with the parent company(D). No (C)/the first to be cut.(D) No error. (E)
200. Conservationists believe that (A)/better
190. Experts have recommended that (A)/ the management of national parks (B)/is the
government reconsidered (B)/ restrictions only way to save(C)/India’s tiger
imposed on foreign (C)/ investment in real population from extinction. (D) No error.
estate(D). No error(E) (E)
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♣ First, slowly read all the text without filling ♣ A few gaps may demand a vocabulary item
any of the gaps. Read it until you have a clear consistent with the topic of the text; or a
understanding of what the text is about. word which is part of an idiomatic expression
♣ Then only complete the gaps you are (example: Good heavens!); or a word which
absolutely sure of. collocates with another one (example: do a
♣ Next try and find out what the missing words job); or a word which is part of a phrasal verb
(example: I was held up by traffic).
in the remaining gaps are. See which part of
speech may fit in each gap (article?,
pronoun?, noun?, adverb?, adjective?, TIPS:
preposition?, conjunction?, verb?) and pay
special attention to the grammar around the Usually students are given four choices. One
words in each gap. choice is the best answer. The second is
almost as good. The third is off the point.
Many of the gaps may include the following: The fourth is the opposite of the correct
- preposition following a noun, adjective or
verb. (Example: good at languages) In order to pick the best answer students need
- prepositional phrase. (Example: in spite of ) to look for hints in the writing. The following
- adverb. (Example: He moved to London two hints can help you when you take any kind of
years ago) reading test.
- connector. (Example: First, he arrives; then Always read the title carefully. It almost
he sits down; finally, he leaves.) always gives clues about the main idea.
- conjunction. (Example: Although he is five,
Use context clues. Look for definitions in the
he can speak five languages.
- auxiliary verb. (Example: He has won 2 writing. Look for meaning or definitions
matches) inside quotes or dashes. Sometimes
- an article or some other kind of determiner. definitions of unknown words are given to
(Example: I have no time) you.
- a relative . (Example: Bob, who I met two Read the sentences before and after the blank
years ago, is my best friend) word very carefully.
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Look for words that suggest similarities like 3. As it is an order by the Supreme Court they
same, same as, similarly, also. have to act according to that command. So
Look for words that suggest opposites like (d) is the answer. Comply means to obey.
however, on the other hand, but, although, 4. Pollution is not a sorrow or distress to the
conversely, can't be called. place. Here woes is more apt than threats So
Guess the meaning of sentences or words (a) is the answer.
based on your own knowledge.
Skim or scan the reading before you begin Example 2 : Without water (1) animal can
answering questions. survive. In desert regions the greatest (2) to life
Learn prefixes, suffixes and roots. is drying up. But many creatures are able to
Try to think of the correct answer before you make use of (3) little water that exists in arid
look at the possible choices. Then read again, areas. One of nature’s masterpieces (4) creatures
then look at the choices. Then pick the best equipped to (5) with desert life is the hardy
answer. camels. Stories range from the desert lands far
If you see a noun that is repeated throughout and wide about (6) endurance feats by camels. It
the reading that word is usually part of the is said that camels can (7) a distance of about
main idea. 800 miles in eight days through continuous travel
(8) an intake of a single drop of water. The
CLOZE TEST EXAMPLES popular (9) that camels store water in their hump
is (10) in a way; water is indeed stored there but
Example 1 : Like unemployment, pollution is in the form of fat.
(1) in Agra. The Supreme Court (2) the closure 1. (a) every (b) no (c) any
of polluting industrial units in Agra until they (3) (d) desert (d) exceptional
with the environmental standard. But this hasn’t 2. (a) need (b) worry (c) threat
ended Agra’s (4) (d)requirement (e) inadequacy
1. (a) epidemic (b) endemic 3. (a) what (b) the (c) very
(c) geographic (d) physical (d) that (e) extremely
(e) natural 4. (a) for (b) about (c) among
2. (a) summoned (b) demanded (d) with (e) of
(c) ordered (d) compelled 5. (a) live (b) resist (c) bear
(e) forced (d) cope (e) mix
3. (a) abided (b) agreed 6. (a) remarkable (b) little (c) tolerable
(c) co-operation (d) complied (d) popular (e) obvious
(e) obedience 7. (a) measure (b) reduce (c) lead
4. (a) woes (b) threats (d) reach (e) cover
(c) ravages (d)compulsion 8. (a) accepting (b) without (c) for
(e) destruction (d) receiving (e) except
Explanation: 9. (a) proverb (b) guess (c) belief
1. (b) The right option is endemic. Endemic is a (d) version (e) statement
condition or illness that is found in a 10. (a) baseless (b) wrong (c) misleading
particular place. As Agra a particular place is (d) correct (e) untruthful.
mentioned all other choices can be Explanation:
eliminated. 1. Without any doubt, we can say that the most
2. Supreme Court orders somebody to do some suitable word to fill the blank is ‘no’. So the
thing. So answer is (c). answer is (b)
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2. In desert regions drying up is not the need or (4) had (5) have
requirement. Worry and inadequacy are not 3. (a) ahead (2) there (3) home
worthy even to consider. So threat is the (4) back (5) out
correct word. The answer is (c). In this way 4. (a) like (2) hesitate (3) hurry
try to eliminate the words which are not at all (4) fail (5) have
appropriate. 5. (a) with (2) by (3) without
3. Here the sentence has a positive meaning. So (4) towards (5) to
definite article ‘the’ is used. (b) is the answer. 6. (a) respectable (2) intelligent
4. According to the passage, camel is a (3) quarrelsome (4) ambitious (5) poor
masterpiece amidst all creatures. Appropriate 7. (a) impolitely (2) admirably (3) furiously
word is ‘among’. The answer is (c) (4) quietly (5) hesitantly
5. The camel can cope with adverse 8. (a) exceptionals (2) observers (3) everyone
circumstances. Cope is the suitable word. (4) others (5) breaking
The answer is (d) 9. (a) formulated (2) made (3) broken
6. Stories about a creature becomes popular, (4) impose (5) accepted
only when it has something unusual or 10. (a) interest (2) discrimination
remarkable. Thus the answer is (a). (3) awakening (4) notice (5) problem
7. Distance is usually covered by one while Explanation:
travelling. So answer is (e) 1. When a paper is presented before somebody
8. Answer (b) Without is the apt word to see, the paper is placed. So (4) is the
9. Here belief is the word which is suitable (c) answer.
is the answer. 2. To get the answer you have to read the next
10. Baseless, wrong, untruthful - can’t be used as sentence also. Then we can understand that
camels do store water, but it is in a different the list is of people who haven't paid the tax.
form ie. fat. So misleading is the word. The So (3) is the answer.
answer is (c) 3. Shall we 'carry on' with the process of
disconnection . –– This is the idea conveyed.
Example 3 : Long before Pandit Jawaharlal So the answer is (a), that is ‘ahead’.. No other
Nehru became free India's first Prime Minister, word conveys the same meaning.
he was the Municipal Chairman of Alahabad. 4. As they are asking permission the word
One day the tax superintendent of water works suitable is have. (5) is the answer.
department called on him, (1) a sheet of paper 5. By is the correct choice. It means you may go
before him, the official said , "Sir, here is a list of by the rule (2) is the answer
people who (2) paid the water tax before the due 6. As the act of disconnecting is humiliating, it
date. According to the rules, their water supply affects the respectable people (a) is the
had to be disconnected. Shall we go (3)" "Why correct choice.
do you (4) to ask me?" remarked Pandit. "The 7. As Nehru's father's name is in the list the man
rule is clear. You may go (5) it". "But, sir, some was alittle bit worried. He hesitantly asks
of them are very (6) citizens. Sir, your father's Nehru about it. (5) is the answer.
name is also there in the list", said the 8. Rules are always made for all the people. So
superintendent (7). "So what?" Pandit almost ‘everyone’ is the word. (3) is the answer.
shouted, The rules are for (8) and they have to be 9. Rules should be imposed on all. Answer (4)
(9) without, any (10)" he , added firmly. 10. Without any consideration, rules should be
1. (a) tearing (2) concealing (3) folding imposed. so (2), ‘discrimination’ is the
(4) placing (5) writing answer.
2. (a) often (2) always (3) haven't
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5. (a) hold (b) had (c) presided 2. (a) component (b) premises (c) captive
(d) attend (e) call (d) merger (e) list
Answer: 1. (d) 2. (e) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b)
3. (a) encounter (b) decided (c) viewed
EX 2: (d) restrain (e) told
The professor …1… “In fact the world should be
…2… to Nobel because he invented dynamite. It 4. (a) flexible (b) emotional (c) mixed
was very useful to build tunnels …3… (d) changed (e) negative
mountains for trains to pass. If we choose to use
it for war it is not his fault. Furthermore he 5. (a) over (b) under (c) up
….4… all his wealth into instituting prizes for (d) on (e) below
literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, peace, Answer: 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a)
etc. His ….5…. was that anything which would
benefit the human race deserved recognition so EX 4:
that the person who have no financial difficulties I had …1… to become a multipurpose manager.
in achieving his goal!” I took three steps to accomplish this. First, I took
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very active part in professional associations. I the fly. The woodpecker said, “ A wild elephant
….3…. the National President of the Indian has crushed my friend’s eggs. We need your
Society for Training and Development – one of help in killing him.” The fly replied, “One of my
the respected organizations for HR professionals. friends is a frog. Let us go to him and take his
This helped me to grow professionally. My help too”. They went to the frog and …5… the
communication skills …3… it also taught me whole incident. The frog said, “What can an
how to conduct meetings in an effective manner. elephant do before a united crowd like us? Do
My job …4… me different parts of the country what I tell you. Dear Fly, you go to the elephant
and I firmly believe that …5… provided me with and hum a sweet tune into his ears.
an education. I also wrote a lot. Newspaper
editors often approached me with requests to 1. (a) born (b) built (c) grown
write articles for their publications. (d) broken (e) found
1. (a) achieved (b) aim (c) try 2. (a) fell (b) escaped (c) damaged
(d) dreamed (e) wanted (d) survived (e) broke
2. (a) elected (b) voted (c) became 3. (a) defective (b) attacking (c)
(d) applied (e) decided wicked (d) poor (e) harmless
3. (a) lacked (b) grown (c) learnt 4. (a) ignored (b) protected (c) scolded
(d) improved (e) earned (d) consoled (e) defended
4. (a) saw (b) showed (c) posted 5. (a) said (b) informed (c) revived
(d) discovered (e) took (d) mention (e) narrated
Answer: 1. (b) 2. (e) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (e)
5. (a) travelling (b) journey (c) requests
(d) appointments (e) crossing EX 6:
Answer: 1. (e) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (e) 5. (a) For as long as I can remember I have thought of
myself as a teacher and I still do even today. But
EX 5: in 1965 I decided to …1… my hand at business.
Once upon a time, there lived a sparrow on a So, I …2… my father to allow me to …3… up a
banyan tree. She laid her eggs in the nest, One printing and packaging plant. I …4… the project
afternoon, wild elephant came under the tree and proposal and applied for a …5…
in a fit of rage, broke a branch of the tree on
which the nest was …1… Unfortunately, all the 1. (a) attempt (b) try (c) give
eggs of the sparrow …2… after falling down (d) show (e) use
though the sparrow was saved. The sparrow was
full of grief and began weeping for her eggs. A 2. (a) permitted (b) appealed (c) offered
woodpecker, a close friend of the sparrow, herd (d) persuaded (e) prevailed
her crying and asked her, “ Why are you crying,
my friend/” The sparrow said, “The …3… 3. (a) built (b) raise (c) stand
elephant has killed my offspring. If you are a true (d) begin (e) set
friend of mine, suggest a way to kill him”. The
woodpecker …4… her and told her that he knew 4. (a) extended (b) prepared (c) thought
a fly and she would definitely help them kill the (d) formulae (e) draft
elephant. Both of them went to seek the help of
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5. (a) loan (b) post (c) leave heard about your trict, may not want to help,
(d) job (e) relief “said the merchant. The merchants’ neighbor
Answer: 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (e) 4. (b) 5. (a) was deeply ashamed, rode back and returned the
horse to the merchant.
EX 7:
One of the good things that happened to me 1. (a) sell (b) buy (c) steal
….1…. in patliputra, …2… the friendship of the (d) free (e) train
farmer’s daughter. This nine year old girl …3…
became very fond of me and her parents …4…. 2. (a) deceived (b) desires (c) decided
Her that she could keep me forever as her toy. (d) declined (e) deliberately
She was very good at needlecraft and ….5…
clothes for her doll. 3. (a) side (b) middle (c) gutter
(d) ending (e) distance
1. (a) waiting (b) truly (c) till
(d) still (e) while 4. (a) climbed (b) stopped (c) jump
(d) left (e) dismounted
2. (a) for (b) was (c) because
(d) is (e) it 5. (a) way (b) saddle (c) arms
(d) horse (e) danger
3. (a) soon (b) had (c) was Answer: 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (e) 5. (b)
(d) has (e) forever
EX 9:
4. (a) handled (b) worried (c) taught He was …1… that since the cement industry was
(d) promised (e) carried cyclic in nature, by the time the plant was, …2…
the market would have improved. It sis happen
5. (a) tore (b) tearinG (c) making and the decision brought rich ….3… when the
(d) wore (e) make plant was commissioned. Not only was he a great
Answer: 1. (e) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) entrepreneur but he also …4… all his senior
people to be ‘practicing entrepreneurs’ . I have
EX 8: seen a similar example at the Asian Institute of
A rich merchant owned a beautiful horse. Now, Management, which allow as its professors to
one of his neighbors was keen to …1… this …5… their own business. This made their
horse. He offered the merchant gold, but the lectures more practical and less theoretical. It is
merchant refused. This angered the neighbor. He the secret of the Institute’s success.
…2… to trick the merchant. He distinguished
himself as a beggar and lay down at the …3… of 1. (a) known (b) calculating
the road, that the merchant used every day, he (c) certain (d) dreamt (e) surely
distressed at the sad plight of the beggar, he
…..4… from his horse and gently lifted the 2. (a) operational (b) install (c) use
beggar onto his horse. No sooner did the beggar (d) produced (e) new
get into the ….5… than the he galloped away.
But hearing the merchant cried out to him, he 3. (a) supply (b) diversity (c) rewards
stopped when he was a saffe distance away. (d) pay (e) knowledge
“Please don’t tell anyone how you came to
possess this horse. Some day an ill man may be 4. (a) thought (b) tried (c) wished
lying by the road-side and people who have (d) encourage (e) wanted
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monkeys in a pitiable condition, one of the birds
5. (a) expand (b) function (c) chose said, “O monkeys! If we can build our nest with
(d) run (e) risk small beaks, then why can’t you. By God’s
Answer: 1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (e) 5. (d) grace, you have two hands and two legs. Why
don’t you make a nice shelter for yourselves?
EX 10:
As a mark of ….1… he presented the King with 1. (a) bank (b) bottom (c) inside
the bottle ….2… water. The king tasted the (d) waters (e) middle
water, and …3…. Rewarded the man. All the
courtiers ….4… to taste the water but the king 2. (a) habitat (b) filter (c) fruits
refused. When the man had left overjoyed, the (d) shelter (e) house
King explained why he had acted so strangely. ‘
After such a long journey, the water was foul 3. (a) rain (b) river (c) sky
tasting. I could not risk anyone showing, his (d) tree (e) birds
disgust ….5…. a gift which was so sincerely
given! For this reason alone I reserved the tasting 4. (a) drowned (b) flooded
the water for myself.’ (c) immersed (d) shocked (e) drenched
1. (a) rebuke (b) regards (c) regret 5. (a) angry (b) shivering (c) soaked
(d) respect (e) reverend (d) shaking (e) wet
Answer: 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (e) 5. (b)
2. (a) had (b) of (c) filled
(d) contained (e) full
EX 12:
3. (a) foolishly (b) hasty (c) similarly One day a father of a very wealthy family
(d) selfishly (e) generously ….1…. his son a trip to the country with the
purpose of …2… his son how the poor people
4. (a) began (b) hoping (c) begged live so he could be thankful for his wealth. They
(d) anxious (e) wish spent a ….3… of a days and nights on the farm
of what would be considered a …4… poor
5. (a) for (b) to (c) by family. On their …5… from their trip, the father
(d) into (e) in asked his son, “How was the trip? It was great,
Answer: 1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (e) 4. (c) 5. (a) Dad.”
4. (a) spiritual (b) cosmic (c) supernatural 2. (A) minor (B) low (C) less
(d) manly (e) humane (D) cheaper (E) little
5. (a) consume (b) devour (c) gobble 3. (A) continuously (B) fully (C) running
(d) grab (e) swallow (D) near (E) slowly
6. (a) beast (b) brute (c) creature 4. (A) which (B) they (C) what
(d) animal (e) human (D) there (E) that
7. (a) transferring (b) desecrating 5. (A) showed (B) taken (C) wanted
(c) decorating (d) transgressing (D) needed (E) received
(e) overcoming
6. (A) any (B) many (C) couple
8. (a) contingent (b) civilised (c) crude (D) regularly (E) this
(d) complementary (e) cruel
7. (A) achieve (B) seen (C) given
9. (a) eradicated (b) erased (c) wiped (D) contribute (E) produced
(d) removed (e) swept
8. (A) was (B) yet (C) even
10. (a) garnish (b) tarnish (c) decorate (D) instead (E) still
(d) grandeur (e) elegant
9. (A) compliment (B) thank (C) regret
Answer: (D) appreciation (E) reward
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a)
6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (c) 10. (A) though (B) not (C) enough
(D) beside (E) despite
EX 26:
Most of the employees had no …(1)… in the oil Answer:
industry. Employees were paid a …(2)… salary 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (E)
but they were loyal and hardworking. They often 6. (B) 7. (E) 8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (A)
worked without breaks-they once worked
…(3)… for 72 hours to discharge oil from a
Russian tanker. …(4)… made the difference was
the support they …(5)… from their bosses. On
…(6)… occasions the barrier between boss and
subordinate vanished. We all worked like a team
and …(7)… unexpected results. The air force
…(8)… presented a letter of …(9)… to the
company for the work done by us. Thus these
determined …(10)… poorly paid employees
have built the company into what it is today.
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All sentence correction questions consist Remember, events that occur during the same
of a sentence with part underlined, followed by 5 time period must be in the same tense!
answer choices. Your task is to choose the BEST
version from the choices given. Sentence 4. Look for agreement.
correction questions test your knowledge of See a collective noun, like committee, company
standard written English. or team? Check for subject-verb and pronoun-
antecedent agreement. Even better, check to see
This question tests correctness and that EVERY underlined pronoun agrees with its
effectiveness of expression. In choosing your antecedent (the word to which the pronoun is
answer, follow the requirements of standard referring).
written English; that is,
• pay attention to grammar, 5. Skip the filler.
• choice of words, When sentences are injected with modifiers, like
• sentence construction. prepositional phrases, ignore the filler words
Choose the answer that produces the most between the subject and the verb to make sure
effective sentence; this answer should be clear that you have subject-verb agreement. If you
and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, have a hard time spotting the subject-verb pair
redundancy, or grammatical error. amidst all the clutter in the sentence, find the
verb and think, “What subject logically
TIPS FOR SENTENCE CORRECTION corresponds to this action?” Remember: The
subject of a sentence will never be inside of a
1. Watch the prepositions prepositional phrase.
Do answer choices use different prepositions? If
so, check for idiomatic errors. Sometimes the 6. Know which noun goes with which.
difference between a correct idiom and an See the word which in an answer choice?
incorrect one comes down to which preposition When which introduces a clause (called
is used (i.e., a consequence ofvs. a consequence an adjective clause), make sure that the clause
from). introduced IMMEDIATELY follows the noun or
idea it modifies. Just as an adjective must
2. Check for parallelism. describe a noun, so an adjective clause must
The word “and” should send you looking describe a noun. If the clause introduced by
for parallelism errors. If the word “and” “which” describes an abstract idea and not a
connects items on a list, the items connected specific noun, you’ve found a modifier error.
must be parallel. If you see a comma plus “and”
(or another conjunction like for, and, nor,but, or, 7. Run the numbers.
etc.) connecting two clauses, make sure that each If a sentence is about some sort of numerical
of the clauses is independent; if not, you’ve quantity (ex. the percentage of homeowners in
found a sentence structure error. Minneapolis orthe number of women studying
French) check for idiomatic errors. Remember:
3. Know the time. “fewer” describes a countable quantity, like
Use time cues (ex. before, during, as, in 1960) to people; “less” describes an uncountable quantity,
eliminate options that contain verb tense errors. like sugar. Also check for redundancy (ex.
“went up by a 20% increase”).
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8. Comparison shop. The word practise with an S is a verb, whereas
The words “as,” “than,” and “like” should send the word practice with a C is a noun.
you looking for comparison errors. Make sure For example:
that the items compared make sense; if a I practise the piano (verb), but I did my
sentence says more X than Y, X and Y have to be piano practice (noun).
items of the same type. The doctor practised for twenty years
(verb), but his brother, the solicitor, had
9. Well, this is awkward. a practice that lasted over thirty years.
If an option is wordy or awkward, do not Another pair of words that functions exactly the
immediately eliminate it unless you find a same way is advise (the verb) and advice (the
concrete error. Hold on to the choice unless you noun).
find another choice that also contains no errors.
Compare the two constructions, and if you still 2. SINGULAR-PLURAL ERRORS
cannot find an error in either construction,
choose the less wordy, less awkward, and/or Illustrative Sentences
more active construction. • A picture of the All-Star Team, composed of
players from different leagues, were given to
10. Keep things logical. each member.(This is incorrect)
Don’t forget about the logic of the sentence. Explanation
When down to those last two options, plug each The trick to catch these errors is to isolate the
one back into the sentence and see which one true subject of a sentence. Remember to use the
makes more sense intuitively. You can always bracket technique to isolate the distracting
use your ear to check for clear and logical phrases so that you can focus on the important
modification. elements of each sentence.
In the above example, the subject—picture—is
MOST COMMON ERRORS IN SENTENCE singular, but the verb—were—is plural.
Therefore, this is not a correct sentence. The
Here are the most common errors in sentences. correct statement would be:
1. Using the wrong word. A picture of the All-Star Team, composed of
2. Singular-Plural pronouns. players from different leagues, was given to each
3. Modifier errors member.
4. Parallelism errors
5. Idiomatic errors. 3. MODIFIER ERRORS:
6. Diction errors
Modifiers should be close to what they
1. USING THE WRONG WORD modify. This is the golden rule used for
• Practice vs. Practise finding modifier errors.
• Affect vs. Effect Example:
• Lay vs. Lie The man saw the house on the hill with the
Practice vs. Practise telescope.
These words sound alike and are spelled So, why is this wrong?
similarly – they differ only by one alphabet in We have two modifiers here, which are phrases
spelling. They have a variety of meanings (to that give additional information: on the hill and
practise an instrument, a profession; a doctor’s with the telescope. It isn’t clear from the way in
practice etc.) but there is one golden rule: which the sentence has been corrected to what
these modifiers refer. We can reasonably assume
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that the seeing was done with the telescope, since hasn’t heard of them before. Go through the
that is what telescopes are for. Probably, the various idioms booklets for practice.
house was on a distant hill, so it seems the Sample this:
scenario on the left is the most likely one. • Many teenagers feel a great deal of pressure to
However, it would have been better to put the conform with the values, attitudes, and behavior
modifier with the telescope next to the seeing, of their peers.(Incorrect idiomatic usage).
and the on the hill next to the house: The correct expression is “conform to”; the
The man saw with the telescope the house on the preposition “with” is incorrect.
… or better still … 6. DICTION ERRORS
Using the telescope, the man saw the house on
the hill. A diction error refers to using the wrong word
This makes it abundantly clear that the seeing for the meaning intended. You have to be very
was done with the telescope, and it is a quite careful to spot this error because the word given
legitimate change to make. in the sentence is spelled almost exactly like the
word that should have been used.
• The space launch will take place next month,
Parallelism is comparing or listing of two or providing that the weather is good.
more phrases or clauses which should both/all The word providing in the example should have
take the same form. Here is an example of two been provided. A diction error is not a spelling
parallel items being compared: error, but rather the wrong word.
Seeing is believing.
In this case, seeing is being listed alongside
believing. They both take the same form, i.e. a SENTENCE CORRECTION EXAMPLES
verb ending in “-ing” which is being used as a
noun (termed a gerund in grammatical text Example 1:
books). The three-word proverb above does not (1)If he came, I will pay him
contain any parallelism errors. We could also (2) If he comes, I would pay him
rewrite the proverb as follows: (3) If he came, I would pay him
To see is to believe. (4) If he has came, I would pay him
This time, both verbs are listed as infinitives, “to (5) If he came, I would have paid him
…” Again, since they are both in the same form, Explanation : In the second sentence present
there is no parallelism errors. However, if we tense is given in conditional clause, then will/
wrote the following, it would be wrong: shall + verb should be used in the main clause. It
To see is believing. is wrong. In the fifth one to correct the sentence
Here a gerund is being compared to an infinitive. in the conditional clause past perfect tense
This is grammatically wrong. The same applies should be used.
to the following: When past tense is used in the conditional clause,
Seeing is to believe. 'should/would + verb' should be used in the main
clause. So, (3) is the answer.
Example 2:
Idiom errors arise due to incorrect usage of (1)He is too young to climb the hill
idioms. It is not easy to spot these errors if one (2) He is too young he cannot climb the hill
(3) He is so young to climb the hill
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(4) He is so young that to climb the hill (A) I was rather impressed by the manner of
(5) He is very young to climb the hill the speaker than by his matter
Explanation : With 'too' negative is not used. (B) I was impressed by the manner of the
So choice (2) is wrong. With 'so that' ---- 'not' speaker rather than by his matter
should be used so (3) and (4) are wrong. 'too --- (C) Rather was I impressed by the manner of
to' is the correct usage. (1) is the answer. the speaker than by his matter.
(D) I was impressed rather by the manner of
Example 3: the speaker than by his matter.
(1)Since the dividend being declared than the (E) None of these
notices were prepared for mailing
(2) Scarcely had the dividend been declared than 3. While larger banks can afford to maintain
the notices were sent out their own data-processing operations, many
(3) They had no sooner declared the dividend smaller regional and community banks are
when they send the notices to the stockholders. finding that the cost associated with
(4) No sooner had the dividend been declared upgrading data-processing equipment and
than the notices were prepared for mailing. with the development and maintenance of
(5) The company had hardly declared the new products and technical staff are
dividend till the notices were prepared for prohibitive.
mailing (A) cost associated with
Explanation : With 'No sooner' ........ the (B) costs associated with
conjunction used is 'than'. With 'Scarcely', (C) costs arising from
'Hardly' – 'when' is used. So clearly (D) cost of
the correct sentence is (4) (E) costs of
30. He said firmly that he would rather starve to 37. The principal lamented that though a detailed
stealing to get what he needed. report was submitted to the management a
(A) rather starve than steal month ago no action is being taken so far.
(B) starve to rather steal (A) No action was being taken
(C) rather starving to stealing (B) No action has been taken
(D) No improvement (C) No action had taken
(D) Any action had been taken
31. It is time to immediately put the work in (E) No improvement
(A) immediately to put the work in hand 38. He spent much time and energy over it, and
(B) to put the work in hand immediately lost a large sum in the bargain
(C) to put the work immediately in hand (A) off the bargain
(D) No improvement (B) with the bargain
(C) into the bargain
32. Twenty kilometers are not a great distance in (D) for the bargain
these days of fast moving vehicles. (E) No improvement
(A) aren’t a great distance
(B) is not a great distance 39. We were still standing in the queue when the
(C) is no distance film was beginning.
(D) No improvement (A) Beginning of the film was over
(B) Film began
33. There is no more room for you in this (C) Film begins
compartment. (D) No improvement
(A) There is no more seat
(B) There is no more space 40. His powerful desire brought about his
(C) There is no more accommodation downfall.
(D) No improvement (A) his desires for power
(B) his intense desires
34. He gave witness at the sensational trial. (C) his fatal desires
(A) advice (B) proof (D) No improvement
(C) evidence (D) No improvement
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41. The record for the biggest tiger hunt has not 47. After the communal frenzy, slogans now
been met since 1911 when lords Hardinge, occupy the air, exhorting the people to
then viceroy of India, short a tiger that promote peace, harmony and amity.
measure eleven feet six and three fourth (A) infest (B) fill
inches. (C) thicken (D) mark
(A) Broken
(B) improved 48. Even if I had stood on a chair, I would not
(C) bettered have been able to reach the light bulb.
(D) No improvement (A) would not be reaching
(B) could not reach
42. I knew he could not be trusted; he let off the (C) did not reach
cat from the bag. (D) No improvement
(A) let the cat jump out of the bag
(B) let the cat out of the bag 49. Many accidents can be avoided if we be
(C) let the cat from the bag careful.
(D) no improvement (A) were careful
(B) are careful
43. He has formed a low opinion about him, so (C) might be careful
he thinks little of him. (D) No improvement
(A) little think about him
(B) think the little of him 50. My mother asked me when I would have a
(C) think a little of him glass of milk.
(D) No improvement (A) i will
(B) I would
44. We might not be able to change the situation (C) I shall
quickly but we should continue our efforts in (D) No improvement
that direction.
(A) had not been 51. As he was much hated by his contemporaries,
(B) did not posterity praises his statesmanship.
(C) could not be (A) much as he was
(D) No correction required (B) so much he was
(C) he was as much
45. Tell your leader that I grant him the (D) no improvement
permission of stay in my kingdom.
(A) with staying 52. Because of the patient’s ill health, losing
(B) to stay weight was advised him by the doctor.
(C) about stay (A) He was advised by the doctor to lose weight
(D) for stay (B) To lose weight was advised to him by the
(E) No improvement doctor
(C) Lose weight was what the doctor advised
46. Sunitha told me that she would mind to stand (D) No improvement
and eating the lunch
(A) standing and eat 53. The train will leave at 8.30 p.m., we have
(B) standing and eating been ready by 7.30 p.m. so that we can reach
(C) to stand and eat the station in time.
(D) No improvement (A) were
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(B) must be (A) having left less room for
(C) should have (B) leaving little room for
(D) are (C) leaving less room for
(E) No improvement (D) No improvement
54. May I know who did accompany you to the 60. They succeeded without hardly making any
bus station? effort
(A) whom did you accompany (A) Without making hardly
(B) whom you accompany (B) With hardly making
(C) who did accompanied you (C) Hardly making
(D) who accompanied you (D) No improvement
(E) No improvement
61. The notorious dacoits, with all his gangsters,
55. Just in a hour’s time ,he could complete the have been robbing banks for the last few
work to my satisfaction. months
(A) In the time of an hour (A) Are robbing
(B) In a hour’s time (B) Has been robbing
(C) In a hour (C) Is robbing
(D) No improvement (D) No improvement
56. When the train finally came into the station 62. Having finished the book, it was put away by
the lonely traveler seemed relieved. him,.
(A) pulled to (A) It was putting away by him
(B) will pull into (B) It was being put away by him
(C) pulled into (C) He put it away
(D) have pulled into (D) No improvement
(E) no improvement
57. When a man has to give evidence he must
1 D 13 A 25 C 37 B 49 B
have a clean breast of the whole matter.
(A) possess a clean breast 2 B 14 C 26 D 38 E 50 B
(B) obtain a clean breast 3 B 15 C 27 C 39 B 51 A
(C) make a clean breast 4 16 28 40 52
(D) No improvement
5 C 17 C 29 B 41 A 53 B
58. It is high time he starts to look into his own 6 A 18 A 30 B 42 B 54 D
flaws before speaking ill of others. 7 E 19 C 31 B 43 D 55 B
(A) started looking
(B) started looking 8 C 20 C 32 B 44 A 56 C
(C) started to look 9 C 21 E 33 B 45 B 57 C
(D) No improvement 10 B 22 C 34 C 46 B 58 B
11 D 23 A 35 A 47 B 59 B
59. Leaving aside little room for
misinterpretation the senior politician offered 12 E 24 D 36 A 48 D 60 C
clarification about his role in the party 61 62
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Here, a paragraph will be given followed by (1) distribute goods directly to the consumers
certain statements which may or may not be (2) can eliminate the risk of overproducing by
inferred from the passage. You are required to advertising
choose the statement which contains the jist or (3) always take moderate and calculated risk
the theme of the passage. For this you have to (4) can predict with great accuracy the success of
understand the passage completely. A small any product they put on the market
paragraph will be given. Read it carefully and (5) None of these
find out the main idea that the passage conveys. Solution :
According to the passage, it is always very
Example Passage : I difficult for the manufacturers to predict the
There is a shift in our economy from a consumers response to his products. But by
manufacturing to a service orientation. The advertising he can stimulate the consumers to
increase in the service sector will require the buy his product. Here statement (2) conveys best
manager to work more with people rather than the main theme of the given passage. So (2) is
with objects and things from the assembly line. the answer.
This passage best supports the statement that
(1) managers should have a balanced mind THEME DETECTION EXERCISE
(2) assembly line will exist in service sector.
(3) interpersonal skills will become more Directions 1-13: Each of the following questions
important in the future work place. contains a small paragraph followed by a
(4) manufacturing organisations ignore question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and
importance of people answer the questions given below it.
(5) service organisation will not deal with objects
and things 1. Emerson said that the poet was landlord,
Solution : sealord, airlord. The flight of imagination
¨ The passage clearly tells that in the present age, made the poet master of land, sea and air. But
service sector has been given more importance a poet's dream of yesterday becomes today an
than the manufacturing sector. And so the actual achievement and a reality for all men.
manager who works in the service sector will Even those who invented, improved and
have to deal more with people than with lifeless perfected the aeroplane could hardly have
things and objects. This idea is clearly expressed dreamt of the possibility of flight into outer
in the third choice. So (3) is the answer. space.
(A) seemingly impossible imaginations make one
Example Passage II a good poet.
Through advertising, manufacturing exercises a (B) all imaginations become a reality some day
high degree of control over consumer's desires. (C) what man imagined has never been
However the manufacturer assumes enormous impossible; he was always turned it a reality
risks in attempting to predict what consumers through his conception of ideas and sheer
will want and in producing goods in quantity and hard labour
distributing them in advance of final selection by (D) man has reached the climax of technological
the consumers development with his exploration into outer
The paragraph best supports the statement that space
manufacturers (E) None of these
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2. To forgive an injury is often considered to be present – and, in fact, satisfaction with
a sign of weakness; it is really a sign of promotion opportunities goes with low
strength. It is easy to allow oneself to be performance.
carried away by resentment and hate into an This passage best supports the statement that
act of vengeance; but it takes a strong (A) satisfaction is an inevitable organisational
character to restrain those natural passions. variable.
The man who forgives an injury proves to be (B) job satisfaction and performance are directly
superior to the man who wronged himself and closely related
and puts the wrong-doer to shame. (C) relationship between job satisfaction and
(A) the sufferer alone knows the intensity of his performance is moderated by growth need.
sufferings. (D) every organisation has few employees having
(B) people tend to forgive the things happened in weak growth need
the past (E) high performance is essential for
(C) natural passions are difficult to suppress. organisational effectiveness
(D) mercy is the noblest form of revenge
(E) a person with calm and composed nature has 5. Exports and imports, a swelling favourable
depth of thought and vision. balance of trade, investments and bank-
balances, are not an index or a balance sheet
3. Industrial exhibitions play a major role in a of national prosperity. Till the beginning of
country's economy. Such exhibitions, now the Second World War, English exports were
regularly held in Delhi, enable us to measure noticeably greater than what they are today.
the extent of our own less advanced And yet England has greater national
industrial progress and the mighty industrial prosperity today than it ever had. Because the
power and progress of countries like the income of average Englishmen, working as
U.K., U.S.A. and Russia whose pavilions are field and factory labourers, clerks,
the centres of the greatest attention and policemen, petty shopkeepers and shop
attraction. assistants, domestic workers and other low-
The passage best supports the statement that the paid workers, has gone up.
industrial exhibitions The passage best supports the statement that
(A) greatly tax the poor economies (A) a country's economic standard can be best
(B) are more useful for the developed countries adjudged by the per capita income
like U.S.A whose products stand out superior (B) a country's balance of trade is the main
to those of the developing countries criteria of determining its economic
(C) are not of much use to the countries who are prosperity
industrially backward (C) a nation's economy strengthens with the
(D) boost up production qualitatively and increase in exports.
quantitatively by analytical comparison of a (D) English trade has continually increased since
country's products with those of the the Second World War.
developed countries. (E) None of these
(E) None of these
6. The attainment of individual and
4. Satisfaction with co-workers, promotion organisational goals is mutually
opportunities, the nature of work, and pay interdependent and linked by a common
goes with high performance among those denominator - employee work motivation.
with strong growth needs. Among those with Organisational members are motivated to
weak growth needs, no such relationship is satisfy their personal goals, and they
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contribute their efforts to the attainment of (C) relationship between job satisfaction and
organisational objectives as means of performance is moderated by growth need.
achieving these personal goals. (D) every organisation has few employees having
The passage best supports the statement that weak growth need.
motivation - (E) high performance is essential for
(A) encourages an individual to give priority to organisational effectiveness.
personal goals over organisational goals.
(B) is crucial for the survival of an individual 9. The only true education comes through the
and organisation. stimulation of the child's powers by the
(C) is the product of an individual's physical demands of the social situations in which he
and mental energy. finds himself. Through these demands he is
(D) is the external force which induces an stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to
individual to contribute his efforts. emerge from his original narrowness of
(E) makes organisation and society inseparable. action and feeling, and to conceive himself
from the standpoint of the welfare of the
7. Though the waste of time or the expenditure group to which he belongs.
on fashions is very large, yet fashions have The passage best supports the statement that real
come to stay. They will not go, come what education -
may. However, what is now required is that (A) will take place if the children imbibe action
strong efforts should be made to displace the and feeling.
excessive craze for fashion from the minds of (B) will take place if the children are physically
these youngsters. strong.
The passage best supports the statement that: (C) is not provided in our schools today.
(A) fashion is the need of the day. (D) comes through the interaction with social
(B) the excessive craze for fashion is detrimental situations.
to one's personality. (E) comes from the self-centred approach of the
(C) the hoard for fashion should be done away students.
with so as not to let down the constructive
development. 10. Industrial exhibitions play a major role in a
(D) work and other activities should be valued country's economy. Such exhibitions, now
more than the outward appearance. regularly held in Delhi, enable us to measure
the extent of our own less advanced
8. Satisfaction with co-workers, promotion industrial progress and the mighty industrial
opportunities, the nature of work, and pay power and progress of countries like the
goes with high performance among those U.K., U.S.A. and Russia whose pavilions are
with strong growth needs. Among those with the centres of the greatest attention and
weak growth needs, no such relationship is attractions.
present - and, in fact, satisfaction with The passage best supports the statement that
promotion opportunities goes with low industrial exhibitions -
performance. (A) greatly tax the poor economies.
This passage best supports the statement that: (B) are more useful for the developed countries
(A) satisfaction is an inevitable organisational like U.S.A. whose products stand out
variable. superior to those of the developing countries.
(B) job satisfaction and performance are directly (C) are not of much use to the countries who are
and closely related. industrially backward.
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(D) boost up production qualitatively and himself to be the superior of the man who
quantitatively by analytical comparison of a wronged himself and puts the wrong-doer to
country's products with those of the shame.
developed countries. The passage best supports' the statement that:
(A) the sufferer alone knows the intensity of his
11. The school has always been the most sufferings.
important means of transferring the wealth of (B) people tend to forgive the things happened in
tradition form one generation to the next. the past.
This applies today in an even higher degree (C) natural passions are difficult to suppress.
than in former times for, through the modern (D) mercy is the noblest form of revenge.
development of economy, the family as (E) a person with calm and composed nature has
bearer of tradition and education has become depth of thought and vision.
This passage best supports the statement that for 14. The context in the developing and third
transferring the wealth of tradition from one world countries is worse. Women here are
generation to the next - still subject to ‘honor killings’, they are still
(A) there are means other than the school. denied their basic rights to education and
(B) several different sources must be tried. freedom, and face violence and abuse. It was
(C) economic development plays a crucial role observed in a CARE project working with
(D) modern technology must be put to use. adolescent girls in India, that these girls were
(E) family, as ever, is the most potent means. considered as temporary people who would
cease to exist, at least for their fathers, once
they are married.
12. The prevention of accidents makes it The passage best supports the statement that:
necessary not only that safety devices be (A) A nation can progress only when women are
used to guard exposed machinery but also given equal rights and opportunities as men.
that mechanics be instructed in safety rules (B) The future of women in India is quite bright
which they must follow for their own and let us hope that they will justify their
protection, and that lighting in the plant be abilities by rising to the occasion.
adequate. (C) All women should be well treated equally.
The passage best supports the statement that (D) In many places in India, domestic violence
industrial accidents - is acceptable to women, and cultural and
(A) are always avoidable; ethical implications are imposed on their
(B) ignorance freedom.
(C) cannot be entirely overcome.
(D) can be eliminated with the help of safety 15. Many argue that art cannot be defined. Art is
rules. often considered the process or product of
(E) usually result from inadequate machinery. deliberately arranging elements in a way that
appeals to the senses or emotions. It
13. To forgive an injury is often considered to be encompasses a diverse range of human
a sign of weakness; it is really a sign of activities, creations and ways of expression,
strength. It is easy to allow oneself to be including music, literature, film, sculpture
carried away by resentment and hate into an and paintings.
act of vengeance; but it takes a strong The passage best supports the statement that:
character to restrain those natural passions. (A) Art is defined as a form of human
The man who forgives an injury proves expression of a creative nature.
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(B) Artist realises his dreams through his (C) The Indian farmer is harassed by the
artistic creation. village touts. He is harassed by the
(C) Art is governed by external rules and money-lenders and the tax collectors.
conditions. (D) Farmers are the backbone of the nation.
(D) Art requires that nothing shall attain the
work except through art itself. 18. Most social network services are web-based
and provide means for users to interact over
16. The model was extended to establish a the Internet, such as e-mail and instant
relationship between financial development messaging. Online community services are
and economic growth. Co-integration results sometimes considered as a social network
show that capital–output ratio and rate of service, though in a broader sense, social
growth of human capital have positive effects network service usually means an individual-
on real rate of growth of GDP, irrespective of centered service whereas online community
the indicator of stock market development. services are group-centered. Social
An increase in the market capitalization networking sites allow users to share ideas,
dampens economic growth, whereas turnover pictures, posts, activities, events, and
has no significant effect, and an increase in interests with people in their network.
the money market rate of interest has a The passage best supports the statement that:
positive effect on economic growth in India. (A) Facebook service consists of a
The passage best supports the statement that: representation of each user (often a
(A) Reform measures on the market rate of profile), his/her social links, and a variety
interest that were introduced in the Indian of additional services.
banking system appear to have promoted (B) A social networking service is a platform
economic growth significantly. to build social networks or social
(B) The impact of the developments in the relations among people who, for
financial sector on economic growth in example, share interests, activities,
India. backgrounds, or real-life connections.
(C) There is a shift in our economy from a (C) Several websites are beginning to tap into
manufacturing to a service orientation. the power of the social networking model
(D) Real wealth, real effective exchange rate for philanthropy.
and the rate of growth of labour have (D) Companies have begun to merge business
negative effects. technologies and solutions, such as cloud
computing, with social networking
17. The Indian farmer celebrates the social concepts.
function in the simplest manner possible. He
celebrates a lot of festivals round the year. 19. Most of the child labourers are engaged in
He celebrates the wedding of his sons and agriculture and allied subject like livestock,
daughters. He entertains his kith and kin and foresting and fisheries. In the urban areas,
friends and neighbours. children work in dhabas, eateries helpers or
The passage best supports the statement that: cleaners in trucks and as domestic servants
(A) Social life of Indian farmers in India. etc. They have long working hours, bad and
(B) The condition of the Indian farmers unhygienic working conditions and fewer
should be improved. He should be taught wages. The main reason behind child labour
the modern method of farming. is poverty.
The passage best supports the statement that:
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(A) Child Labour is a social evil in every (C) The proliferation of mobile devices and
nation. social networks is leading to entirely new
(B) Awareness of the people and Government ways of learning.
also compels poor parents to make their (D) It is very common for teachers in early
children employed as laborers. childhood classrooms to have children
(C) Almost every country in the world has with speech and language delays.
laws relating to and aimed at preventing
child labour. 22. The manifestos of the major political parties
(D) Parties recognise the right of the child to in the country are like semantic adaptations
be protected from economic exploitation of the same expressions, with only a few
and from performing any work. differences. They try to force national
consensus on certain issues, but only strategy
20. Terrorism is one of the bad debts to the and implementation will separate them.
world. And the people's are affected this type The passage best supports the statement that:
of violence. Terrorism means the policy of (A) Sometimes, Manifestos relating to
striking terror in the minds of the people by religious belief are generally referred to
violent methods to achieve some ends. as creeds.
The passage best supports the statement that: (B) A piece of Personal Information Manager
(A) It could also take a toll on his self- software.
respect, confidence and ability to stand (C) The words in which they are conveyed
up for himself in the future, because in seem to be their greatest strength for now.
his mind, he's always the guilty one. (D) Protect the weak and poor through
(B) In ballet class, children need to follow initiatives that are designed to integrate
directions closely and control their urges them in the economy.
to run around the wide-open spaces .
(C) It is a law of the jungle to use muscle 23. Deforestation results from removal of trees
power and force to get things done. without sufficient reforestation; however,
(D) It's not the disagreements between even with reforestation, significant
parents that's harmful, it's how those biodiversity loss may occur. There are many
conflicts are handled and resolved in causes, ranging from slow forest degradation
front of their child. to sudden and catastrophic wildfires.
The passage best supports the statement that:
21. The children, who know no English and (A) A modeling study shows that reforesting
haven’t received any formal school the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley
education, quickly begin playing with the can significantly reduce runoff from
machine and, within days, they’re learning agricultural lands.
English, browsing the internet and teaching (B) A new study warns that the world’s
each other what they discover. largest tropical desert, the Sahara, has
The passage best supports the statement that: suffered a catastrophic collapse of its
(A) No other form of communication in the wildlife.
natural world transfers so much (C) It's not just the total number of species
information in such a short period of preserved that matters; it's the number of
time. key species.
(B) There is no genetic code that leads a child (D) In developing countries, massive
to speak English or Spanish or Japanese. deforestation is ongoing and is shaping
climate and geography.
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24. As many as thirty sightings of king cobras with their coaches and elders. It builds
were recorded in residential areas across sportsmanship spirits in them, whether they
Kerala within a year and most of them were win or lose. The losing team shake hands
caught from bathrooms and courtyards of with the winning one and pat on their
houses, and roads. A study conducted by the shoulders as a gesture of appreciating them.
researchers of the Department of Zoology, Children playing together as a team, share
University of Kerala, and the Reptile Study and celebrate their victory together.
Group, Thiruvananthapuram, has revealed The passage best supports the statement that:
that the king cobra, the world's longest (A) Many parents assume that attitude isn't
venomous snake, is under increasing pressure something that develops until the
from habitat loss. preadolescent or teen years.
The passage best supports the statement that: (B) Fostering children's positive attitudes
(A) The occurrences were strange as king toward physical activity would be
cobras were never known to trespass into conducive to the promotion of current
human territory. and lifelong physical activity
(B) Large-scale deforestation and the participation of children.
disturbances caused by poachers and illicit (C) Sports play an important role in
liquor-brewers could be forcing king psychological development and social
cobras to migrate. well-being of a child.
(C) the grasslands of the Western Ghats in (D) The children who play sports get more
Kerala, home to a rich collection of chance of meeting and interacting with
butterflies, including endemic species, people.
were under increasing threat from tourism.
(D) Endangered species in India. 27. The argument ‘irrespective of the economic
progress we make, we continue to remain
25. A Huge majority — 84 percent — of the socially disadvantaged’ by those benefiting
population identifies as Hindu. There are from it is unacceptable. Reservation destroys
many variations of Hinduism, and four self-respect, so much so that competition is
predominant sects — Shaiva, Vaishnava, no longer on to determine the best but the
Shakteya and Smarta. About 13 percent of most backward.Is it fair to extend reservation
Indians are Muslim, making it one of the to the children of professors, scientists,
largest Islamic nations in the world. bureaucrats, MPs and MLAs belonging to the
Christians and Sikhs make up a small SC, the ST and the OBC?
percentage of the population, and there are The passage best supports the statement that:
even fewer Buddhists and Jains. (A) Reservation in promotion is a natural and
The passage best supports the statement that: logical corollary of reservation at the
(A) Indian’s Culture, Traditions and Customs entry level.
of India. (B) The reservation system has received a
(B) India is known as multilingual country. mixed response from Indians since its
(C) India is identified as the birthplace of inception.
Hinduism and Buddhism. (C) India never needs a reservation system.
(D) India is a country where diversity in (D) It was a mistake to differentiate people
religion still exists . using reservation policy.
26. By playing sports, children learn how to get 28. Many initiatives are taken in many schools to
along with their peers and interact positively develop the interest among students to enter
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Indian politics. The Field of politics is authoritarian parents can become aggressive
usually a perception that it is not suited to and rebellious, and they often have problems
Educated People and this perception is being with self-esteem. In uninvolved parenting,
changed by many school students who take the parents are permissive and do not have
up the idea of politics as their career and help any boundaries or rules because they do not
promoting the cause. have much interest in their children's lives.
The passage best supports the statement that: There is no real discipline because the
(A) Indian education is full of innumerable parents do not care .The parents may be
pages of obsolete, outdated theory with emotionally detached from their children.
no innovation or any practical work. The passage best supports the statement that:
(B) The more educated person, more coward (A) The effect of visual media on the social
he is. behavior of children.
(C) A more motivational experience for other (B) The Effect of Parent Behavior on
youth to join and become a part of the Children's Discipline.
community. (C) Emotional Attachment of Parents with
(D) Youth should be set limits before politics. their Job not with Children.
(D) Challenges of Effective Discipline in the
29. Space probes costs enormously as the Parents.
launching rockets cannot be recovered and
used again. In India, the space program was 31. Urge teen girls to own their feelings by
formerly launched in 1972, with the setting acknowledging their feelings to others when
up of the Space Commission and the they set boundaries. She can do this by using
Department of Space. Advancement in areas 'I' statements. For instance, "I feel frustrated
of communication, meteorology, resources when I'm consistently interrupted." Teens
survey & management, develop satellites, should also indicate how they will respond to
launch vehicles & associated ground systems future boundary violations, such as, "If I am
were the initial objectives. Since then, India interrupted again, I will no longer participate
has made impressive progress in this field. in the conversation." Warn that they must
The passage best supports the statement that: follow through on stated repercussions,
(A) Satellite technology has strengthened all because if a teen girl continues a discussion
Communication Media as well as gives despite ongoing interruptions after she has set
trigger to various fields. the boundary, this will send a message that
(B) Satellite technology has wasted most these limits are not to be taken seriously. In
spoiled generation. turn, others will continue to cross her lines
(C) India plans to a have a new launch pad to and she may feel insignificant.
undertake its proposed human space The passage best supports the statement that:
flight manned mission. (A) Vulnerability of Women’s in India.
(D) India is not a novice to the field of (B) Boundaries vary depending on person
communications satellites. and context, and can change over time.
(C) Teaching Girls how to set boundaries for
30. Authoritative behavior involves setting clear themselves.
boundaries appropriate for the child's age and (D) Women and girls are often pressured to
development, which the children are conform to societal gender roles.
expected to follow. It is when the parents are
in total control, and the children are expected 32. According to research published in the
to obey without question. Children from journal “Developmental Psychology,”
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children in smaller first-grade classrooms (D) Over-involvement with sports
demonstrated better literacy performance participation may lead to parents taking
than those in larger groups. The researchers over control and ownership of the
noted that class sizes are a predictor of activity.
literacy outcomes in kindergarten and first
grade. Small class sizes are not a magic 34. Throughout the ages the businessman has
bullet for learning potential -- this study helped build civilisation's great cities,
puzzlingly found lower levels of engagement provided people with luxuries and artists with
in smaller groups -- but they do help teachers patronage, and lift his fellow citizens to
provide quality instruction and student understand the standard of living. In the last
support. Smaller classes allow educators to few centuries the businessman has seeded the
focus more on students in their teaching, Industrial Revolution around the world.
coming to better understand and adjust their The passage best supports the statement that the
methods to diverse individual needs, businessman -
according to the experts. (A) lives luxurious and comfortable life.
The passage best supports the statement that: (B) is the beneficiary of the Industrial
(A) Developmental Psychology transforming Revolution.
the new ways of classroom life. (C) is capable of raising his standard of living.
(B) Smaller classes are just one tool for (D) has contributed to the growth of
literacy teachers, and they may prove most civilisation.
beneficial in targeting and intervening
among key student populations. 35. The press should not be afraid of upholding
(C) The Effect of Classroom Size on Literacy and supporting a just and righteous cause. It
Instruction. should not be afraid of criticising the
(D) Adopting New Methodology always government in a healthy manner. The press
proves Success when it comes to has to be eternally vigilant to protect the
Education. rights of the workers, backward and
suppressed sections of the society. It should
33. When a child receives strong parental also give a balanced view of the things so
encouragement and approval for sports that people can be helped in the formation of
performance, a shift may occur in the child's a healthy public opinion.
motivation. The child may attach so much The passage best supports the statement that
importance to performance and ability that (A) the freedom of press is essential for the
mistakes become severe blows to his self- proper functioning of democracy.
worth and identity. (B) the press is the only means to project to the
The passage best supports the statement that: masses the policies of the government.
(A) The youngster may attach the approval to (C) press has a great role to play in a
self-esteem and begin to believe that democracy. D) the press can be used by the
performance and achievement defines governments as an effective media for the
who he is and his overall worth. upliftment of the backward sections of
(B) When parents push a child too forcefully society.
to excel in sports, injuries are a frequent
result. Directions 36: The passages given below is
(C) Parents with unfulfilled sports dreams followed by some questions. Each question
and ambitions may seek to achieve these comprises of three statements (A), (B), (C). In
goals through a child.
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the context of the passage , decide which, one, (C) Mr. Pandit's suggestion was appreciated by
two, three or none of the statements is/are true. the bank authorities.
(1) Only A (2) Only B
36. In the Pandit's complaint he asks why entries (3) Only C (4) A and B
could not be made in the savings bank pass (5) None is true
book on the strength of the counterfoil of the
pay-in-slip. This would save the customer 36.4 Which of the statement is ture?
from waiting until the actual voucher passed (A) The delay experienced by Mr. Pandit was
through various desks/books. The use of the caused by some temporary problem.
voucher is , in fact the correct procedure. The (B) The entries relating to Mr. Pandit's case
delay experienced by Pandit on that day were not done according to proper
could have been avoided. On our instructions procedure
the branch manager concerned has met the (C) Mr. Pandit was already aware of the proper
complaint and explained the matter. He has procedure
also emphasised the great risk to the (1) Only A (2) Only B
customer and the bank if entries are made on (3) Only C (4) A and B
the basis of the counterfoils. (5) B and C
36.1 Which of the statement is ture? 36.5 Which of the statement is ture?
(A) The writer of this paragraph is another (A) Using counterfoils instead of vouchers is
dissatisfied customer risky not only to the customers but also to
(B) The paragraph emphasises that counterfoils the bank.
should not be used instead of vouchers. (B) The bank authorities were not insensitive to
(C) Use of counterfoils alone may not lead to Mr. Pandit's complaint
any risk. (C) The branch manager paid no heed to the
(1) Only A (2) Only B authorities instructions.
(3) Only C (4) Only A and B (1) Only A (2) Only B
(5) Only B and C (3) Only C (4) A and B
(5) A and C
36.2 Which of the statement is ture?
(A) Mr. Pandit complains about a delay in some
transaction at his bank.
(B) Mr. Pandit wants banks to make book 1 C 9 D 17 A 25 D 33 A
entries on the basis of counterfoils.
(C) Entries made on the basis of voucher's do 2 D 10 D 18 B 26 C 34 D
not involve risk.
3 D 11 C 19 A 27 B 35 A
(1) A and B (2) B and C
(3) A and C (4) A, B and C 4 C 12 D 20 C 28 C 36.1 B
(5) None is true
5 A 13 D 21 C 29 A 36.2 D
36.3 Which of the statement is ture?
(A) In following the correct procedure, 6 A 14 D 22 A 30 B 36.3 D
unreasonable delays are always inevitable. 7 C 15 A 23 D 31 C 36.4 C
(B) Mr. Pandit's complaint was based on full
knowledge of the banking procedure. 8 C 16 B 24 B 32 B 36.5 D
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3. ‘The folly our descendants are least likely to habitat is the immediate cause for the destruction
forgive us’- what is the business equivalent of of different plant species. Answer is (2)
the folly the author is referring to?
(1) Putting interest on capital back into the Directions (Qs. 6-8): Choose the word which is
business. nearly, same in meaning of the given word as
(2) Not pumping some money out of profits into used in the passage
the business. 6. WASTED
(3) Reducing the profit margin. (1) Consumed (2) Squandered
(4) Eroding the capital lease of the business. (3) Unutilised (4) Unprofitable
(5) None of these (5) Reduced
Explanation : In business we keep the capital Explanation : The author talks about cultivating
safe and only the interest is utilised. In the same only 150 species out of 75,000 as wasted
way we should not destroy the bounties of nature potential. So from the context we can understand
but find means to increase the potential of that here wasted means unutilised. So the answer
available diversity for the good of mankind. So is (3)
(4) is the answer
4. Which of following correctly reflects the (1) Causes (2) Starts
opinion of the author to take care of hunger in (3) Makes (4) Results (5) Ends
the world? Explanation : Triggers as used in the third
(1) Increase the potential of the uncultivated paragraph means 'cause' so (1) is the answer
edible plants.
(2) Increase the number of edible plants being 8. WORTH
cutlivated. (1) Purchase (2) Deserving (3) Cost
(3) Increase cultivation of the 150 species (4) Sell (5) None of these
presently under cultivation. Explanation : Here 'worth' means deserving (2)
(4) Increase the cultivation of medical plants. is the answer.
(5) None of these.
Explanation : According to the author out of the Directions (Qs. 9-10): Choose the word which is
75,000 edible plant species, only 150 are nearly opposite in meaning to the given word as
cultivated at present. So inorder to solve the used in the passage.
problem of hunger in the world, the potential of 9. CUTTING
the uncultivated edible plants should be (1) Uniting (2) Increasing
increased. Hence (1) is the answer (3) Joining (4) Combining
(5) Mending
5. Which of the following is mentioned as the Explanation : Cutting as used in the last
immediate cause for the destruction of plant sentence means reducing. So the opposite to
species? cutting is increasing. Hence (2) is the answer.
(1) Soil erosion
(2) Destruction of habitat 10. GUARD
(3) Cultivation (1) Release (2) Demolish
(4) Agricultural practices (3) Relieve (4) Consume (5) Protect
(5) None of these Explanation : Here guard means protect so
Explanation : From the last paragraph, we can demolish is the word opposite in meaning to
come to the conclusion that the destruction of guard. Hence (2) is the answer.
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SOLVED PASSAGE : 3 4. ‘Not quite’ in the context of the passage means
The manager of a well-known firm was (1) very well
interviewing applicants for the post of a night- (2) not completely
watchman he had advertised. He was very hard (3) somewhat
to please and always found something wrong (4) not so
with each man: one had long hair, another small (5) None of these
eyes, a third was too thin, a fourth very fit and
another too tall. Among the applicants 5. Sleeplessness could be linked to
interviewed by the manager for the post was one (1) the applicant’s illness
Ram Lal. He watched all this as he sat in the (2) the job as night-watchman
verandah patiently waiting for his turn to be (3) the foolishness of the applicant
interviewed. He resolved to be prepared for (4) the manager’s foolishness
anything. When his turn came, all went well. The (5) None of these
manager found nothing wrong with his
appearance, size or constitution. He was really Directions (Qs 6-7) : Which of the following is
pleased to see such a well-built young man. “Is same in meaning as the given word as used in the
your health sound?” asked the manager at last. passage?
“No Sir,” replied Ram Lal, “not quite. I suffer 6. CONSTITUTION
from one serious complaint.” “What’s that?” (1) Body condition
asked the manager sharply. “Sleeplessness,” (2) Government
came the prompt reply. The manager was so (3) Representation
pleased with the answer of the young man that, (4) Component
without questioning him further, he appointed (5) Fundamental principles
1. The passage is about 7. PLEASED
(1) the appointment of a manager (1) Satisfied (2) Chose
(2) the recruitment of a night-watchman (3) Obliged (4) Offended
(3) the quarrel between the manager and the (5) Gratified
(4) the character of the manager Directions (Qs 8-9) : Which of the following is
(5) None of these opposite to the given word as used in the
2. The manager was ‘hard to please’ means that 8. PATIENT
he was (1) Eagerly (2) Passionately
(1) difficult to satisfy (3) Hotly (4) Coldly
(2) used to complaint without reason (5) Indifferently
(3) very unkind
(4) hard-hearted 9. FIT
(5) None of these (1) Perfect (2) Incapable
(3) Unfit (4) Robust
3. The passage shows the (5) Able
(1) failure of the manager Answers & Explanations
(2) cleverness of Ram Lal 1. (2) Without any doubt we can come to the
(3) efficiency of the manager conclusion that the passage is about the
(4) bad health of Ram Lal recruitment of a night watcher.
(5) None of these
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2. (1) Here the phrase 'hard to please' means it decision. He has refrained from curbing the
is difficult to satisfy the manager who found militant groups, explaining his inaction as
faults with each and every applicant. necessary to maintain Palestinian unity.
3. (2) Ram Lal got the job as he was clever and The Palestinian leadership’s inability to improve
shrewd. So definitely the passage shows the economic conditions for its people has been a
cleverness of Ram Lal. decisive factor in the erosion of its ability to act.
4. (2) Not completely. Palestinians in Gaza have targeted the PA as
5. (2) A night watchman should not sleep while being responsible for their condition. The
in duty. So here sleeplessness can be linked Militant organizations have capitalized on the
to the job of a night watchman. PA’s failure to establish a functioning
6. (1) Here constitution means the body administrative infrastructure by setting up a
condition. parallel welfare system with the help of the
7. (1) Pleased means satisfied. millions of dollars. Though the Palestinian
8. (3) Antonym of patient is hotly, ie. without security forces claim to have arrested more than
patience 100 militants after the suicide bomb attacks in
9. (2) Here fit means capability. So opposite of Israel, the other similar militant groups remain
fit is incapable and not unfit. defiant, confident of their popular support and of
the certainty that in the ultimate analysis the PA
PRACTICE PASSAGE : 1 leadership will stop short of decisive action
against them.
Read the following passage to answer these That the militant groups enjoy popular support
questions given below it. Certain words / in Gaza is hardly surprising. The Gaza Strip
phrases have been printed in bold to help you today resembles a vast prison camp in which
locate them while answering some of the some 1.2 million Palestinians are crammed.
questions: Despite the Oslo Accord, 7000 Israeli settlers
The suicide attacks by militant Palestinian still remain in 20 percent of the Gaza’s area and
groups killing large numbers of Israeli civilians are protected by heavily armed Israeli forces.
and the harsh Israeli response have raised the With its recent blockade of and extensive
renewed hopes of peace in the region. It is incursion into PA controlled territories, the
Arafat’s leadership and authority that are being Israeli government has placed the whole civil
severely tested in the latest phase of the west society in Palestine under siege. Over 450
Asian crisis. NGOs, eight universities and numerous other
By accusing the Palestinian Authority (PA) of educational, civic, social, developmental and
supporting terrorism by groups, Israel hopes to health institutions have had their work impeded
put pressure on Arafat to act. Arafat, on the and their vital services to the population blocked.
other hand, has never looked a less powerful An international conference on Israel’s treatment
force than he does today. If he acts against the of human rights in West Bank and Gaza,
militants and elements in his own Fatah attended by signatories to the 1949 Geneva
movement sympathetic to them, he risks a Conventions, that has opened in Switzerland
Palestinian civil conflict. But if he chooses to do overriding Israeli and American protests, is
nothing, he faces erosion of his authority and all expected to censor Israel for its treatment of
claim to a central role in the peace process. civilians in the Palestinian territories.
Whatever he does, sections of the Palestinians Arafat’s standing among Palestinians
will hold that he has gone too far and Israel that rests on the authority conferred on the PA by the
he has not gone for enough. This is, of course, international community to represent and speak
why Arafat has invariably shrunk from hard for the Palestinians. Even the major militant
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group has so far never openly challenged (B) The suicidal attacks will only aggravate
Arafat’s leadership. Israel’s latest vicious the situation
attacks directed against the PA and Arafat (C) The PA leadership should be changed
present the international community with the (D) The action on the Palestinians was
danger that this precarious balance of power in justified
the Palestinian community may be destroyed. (E) None of these
Continuance of the Israeli attacks can only
further radicalize and harden the attitudes of
ordinary Palestinians. On the other hand, Israeli 4. Which of the following words is just
moves to freeze further expansion of Jewish opposite in meaning to the word impeded as
settlements in the West Bank and used in the passage?
Gaza and, as soon as security conditions permit (A) Hindered
it, ease the economic blockade of Palestinian (B) Facilitated
towns’ however remote such measures appear (C) Felicitated
just now-alone can restore the authority of the (D) Stopped
PA and give it a chance to get a grip on (E) Courage
Palestinian militancy.
5. What does the word overriding mean as
1. Which of the following factors have raised used in the passage?
the hope for peace in West Asia? (A) Notwithstanding
A. Killings of Israeli civilians (B) Concurring
B. Harsh response of Israelites (C) Welcoming
C. Revocation of Oslo Accord (D) Criticizing
(A) Only A and C (E) None of these
(B) Only B and C
(C) Both A and B 6. Which of the following best describes the
(D) Either A or B meaning of the word challenged in the
(E) None of these passage?
(A) Questioned
2. Which of the following explains the lack of (B) Accepted
action on the part of Palestinian leader? (C) Attacked
(D) Scared
(A) He fears the army action against (E) None of these
(B) This according to him will fasten 7. Which of the following is the most similar
peace process word as accusing as used in the passage?
(C) He feels that this step will keep (A) Abusing
Palestinians united (B) Blaming
(D) He is seriously worried about the (C) Charging
degeneration of his power base (D) Responding
(E) None of these (E) Praising
3. What is ultimate analysis of other similar 8. Which of the following is the expected
militant groups? outcome of International Conference which
(A) The PA leadership will only act if a is in progress in Switzerland?
definite forceful action is taken on the PA (A) To revoke 1949 Geneva Convention
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(B) Impose censorship on propaganda of PA (A) Coming forward
(C) To build cordial relations between (B) Abdicating
Conflicting parties (C) Control
(D) To put a curb on Israel’s policies while (D) Expand
treating civilians in an alien territory (E) None of these
(E) None of these
14. What may be the affect of continuous Israeli
9. Which of the following best explains the attacks?
word vicious as used in the passage? (A) It may harness a negative attitude
(A) Dangerous amongst the civil Palestinians
(B) Fatal (B) It may destroy militancy from its
(C) Reoccurring and cyclic basic roots
(D) Cyclic but not reoccurring (C) It may revitalize the weakening
(E) None of these leadership of the PA
(D) It may enhance militant activities
10. Which of the following best explains the (E) None of these
word remote as used in the passage?
(A) Far away from reality 15. What dangers are being perceived by the
(B) Distant International Community?
(C) Most likely to happen (A) Both the nations may get destroyed if
(D) Control in someone else’s hand war erupts
(E) None of these (B) The PA and Israel will never strike a
11. Who according to the passage conferred the (C) The attacks against the PA may
authority to PA? destroy the balance of power in
(A) Arafat Palestinians
(B) Israel (D) The militancy may spread in other
(C) Militant groups countries also
(D) International community (E) None of these
(E) None of these
12. Which of the following can restore the Comprehension Passage 1 -KEY
degenerating authority of the PA?
A. Arresting the expansion of Jewish 1 C 6 A 11 D
B. Easening the economic blockade of 2 D 7 B 12 D
Palestinian towns
(A) Only A 3 E 8 C 13 A
(B) Only B
(C) Either A or B 4 A 9 C 14 D
(D) Both A and B together
(E) Neither A or B 5 A 10 A 15 C
9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the Directions—(Q. 14–15) Choose the word which
context of the passage ? is most opposite in meaning to the word printed
1. OPEC was established in 1970 to protect in bold as used in the passage.
the interests of oil importing countries
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(A) Compatibly (B) Similarly (C) Prioritised this work
(C) Likely (D) Aligning (D) Priority this work
(E) Resembling (E) No correction required
15. WEAKEN 20. After the success of our project we have been
(A) Powerful (B) Nourish receiving more requests than we do not have the
(C) Intense (D) Boost resources to handle them.
(E) Energise (A) Many requests but
(B) Most of the requests
Directions—(Q. 16–20) Which of the phrases (C) More requests that
(A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence (D) Too many requests
should replace the phrase printed in bold in the (E) No correction required
sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the
sentence is correct as it is given and no Directions—(Q. 21–25) In each question below,
correction is required, mark (E) as the answer. a sentence with four words printed in bold type is
given. These are lettered as (A), (B), (C) and
16. We have hired an advertising agency to (D).One of these four words printed in bold may
prepare a campaign to encourage people votes. be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the
(A) People from voting context of the sentence. Find out the word which
(B) Voting for people is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The
(C) People to vote letter of that word is your answer. If all the
(D) Votes by people words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also
(E) No correction required appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark
(E) i.e., ‘All correct’ as your answer.
17. During the training programme the new
recruits will be briefed about how their role in 21. The document (A) he gave me was long and
the new organisation. complicated (B) and I struggled (C) to
(A) What their roles understand (D) it. All correct (E)
(B) About their role
(C) For its roles 22. We shall have to await (A) and see if these
(D) Which are their role measures (B) are sufficient (C) to address (D) the
(E) No correction required problem. All correct (E)
18. The equipment is in such poor condition that 23. They are negotiating (A) to try and reach (B)
we have no alternative to buy new ones. an agreement which will beneficial (C) everyone
(A) Many alternative like concerned. (D) All correct (E)
(B) Any alternative except
(C) No other alternative 24. The company has decided (A) to allott (B) a
(D) No alternative but substantial (C) portion (D) of its profits to
(E) No correction required research and development. All correct (E)
19. Since the deadline has been changed from 25. It remains (A) to be seen whether (B) these
next week to this Thursday you should give this reforms (C) will be acceptable (D) by the Board.
work priority. All correct (E)
(A) Be given this work priority
(B) Not give priority this work
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Directions—(Q. 26–30) Rearrange the following
five sentences (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) in the 31. He has taken care to (A) / compliance with
proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; the norms (B) / so he expects the proposal (C) /
then answer the questions given below them. to be approved without delay. (D) No error (E)
(1) For instance, if we measure the room
temperature continuously and plot its graph 32. Under the terms of the new deal (A) / the
with time on X-axis and temperature on the channel can broadcast (B) / the next cricket
Y-axis,we get a continuous waveform, tournament to be (C) / played among India and
which is an analog signal. Analog is always Australia. (D) No error (E)
(2) The absence or presence of something can 33. Our equipment gets damage (A) / very often
be used to plot a digital signal. in summer (B) / because there are (C) / frequent
(3) An analog signal is a continuously varying power cuts. (D) No error (E)
signal, similar to a sinusoidal waveform.
(4) Any signal can be classified into one of the 34. We have received many (A) / of the letters
two types : analog and digital. from customers (B) / asking us to extend (C) /
(5) In contrast, a digital signal takes the form the deadline to repay their loans. (D) No error
of pulses,where we have something or (E)
35. Since I had lived there (A) / for many years
26. Which of the following should be the FIRST the villagers (B) / were very comfortable talked
sentence after rearrangement ? (C) / to me about their problems. (D) No error
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 (E)
27. Which of the following should be the FIFTH 36. We have been under (A) / a lot of pressure to
sentence after rearrangement ? (B) / open fifty new stores (C) / by the ending of
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 the year. (D) No error (E)
28. Which of the following should be the 37. The government has (A) / launched many
FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ? creative schemes (B) / to make banking services
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 (C) / available to everyone. (D) No error (E)
29. Which of the following should be the THIRD 38. The company is in debt (A) / and has been
sentence after rearrangement ? unable (B) / to pay their employees’ salaries (C) /
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 for the past six months. (D) No error (E)
30. Which of the following should be the 39. This is turned out to be (A) / one of our most
SECOND sentence after rearrangement ? successful projects (B) / and we have made quite
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 (C) / a large profit from it. (D) No error (E)
Directions—(Q. 31–40) Read each sentence to 40. A non banking financial company is a (A) /
find out whether there is any grammatical error financial institution similarly to a bank (B) / but
or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be it cannot issue (C) / cheque books to customers.
in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part (D) No error (E)
is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is
(E) (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
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Directions—(Q. 41–50) In the following passage 45.
there are blanks, each of which has been (A) invited (B) assembled
numbered. These numbers are printed below the (C) done (D) shifted
passage and against each, five words are (E) held
suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in 46.
each case. (A) present (B) accompany
(C) attend (D) involve
On October 2, 1983 the Grameen Bank Project (E) entertain
…(41)… the Grameen Bank. We invited the
Finance Minister to be the Chief Guest at our 47.
…(42)… ceremony. But when the Ministry came (A) apologised (B) told
to …(43)… that the ceremony would take place (C) explained (D) denied
in a remote district, they said it would not be an (E) refused
…(44)… place to launch a Bank and that the
ceremony should be …(45)… in Dhaka so that 48.
all the top Government Officials could …(46)… (A) difference (B) sense
We stood firm and …(47)… to them that we did (C) difficulty (D) meaning
not work in urban areas so it made no …(48)… (E) point
to have the ceremony in a city …(49)… we had
no borrowers. We had the ceremony in a big 49.
open field with the Finance Minister present as (A) where (B) while
Chief Guest. For all of us who had worked so (C) that (D) however
hard to …(50)… this it was a dream come true. (E) which
41. 50.
(A) reorganised (B) merged (A) obey (B) achieve
(C) named (D) converted (C) discover (D) built
(E) became (E) perform
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spends on climate research in a year. Climate
engineering has the potential to do just that. One
Directions—(Q. 1–15) Read the following can explore the costs and benefits of so-called
passage carefully and answer the questions given marine cloud whitening, a well-established
below it. Certain words have been printed in bold techproposal in which seawater droplets would
to help you locate them while answering some of be sprayed into clouds above the sea to make
the questions. them reflect more sunlight back into space thus
augmenting the natural process where sea salt
Evidence is growing that relatively cheap helps to provide tiny particles for clouds to form
policies like climate engineering and non-carbon around. About $9 billion spent developing this
energy research could effectively prevent technology might be able to cancel out this
suffering from global warming, both in the short century’s global warming. The benefits from
and long term. Unfortunately, political leaders preventing the temperature increase would add
gathering at a special meeting of the United up to about $20 trillion. We should research this
Nations in New York will focus on a very technology today to identify its limitations, risks
different response. They will make many of the and potential so that it could buy us a century’s
most important decisions on how to respond to delay in warming.
climate change over the next decade. They are
expected to thrash out political disputes like how But this will not be sufficient because we need
much carbon rich and poor nations should agree better non-carbonbased technology options. Non-
to cut. fossil sources like nuclear, wind, solar and
geothermal energy will get us quite some way
We have failed to rein in emission rises despite towards the path of stable carbon emissions.
sincere and well-meaning promises made in
Kyoto in 1997 and earlier, because carbon cuts Policy makers should abandon carbon-reduction
are expensive to enact. Research by climate negotiations and make agreements to seriously
economists show that significant carbon cuts invest in research and development. As research
could cost a staggering 12•9% of global GDP in spending would be much cheaper than carbon-
2100. Available estimates show that for each emission cuts, there would be a much higher
dollar spent on global carbon cuts, we buy two chance of political agreement, and a much higher
cents worth of avoided climate damage. The probability of the promises being enacted. We
solution is far more costly than the problem. have within our grasp alternative policy options
Thus a global deal based around carbon cuts is that would truly leave the planet in a better state.
expected to include a lot of spending from rich
countries to help poor nations to prepare for 1. Why have past efforts to reduce carbon
global warming. Developed countries too emissions failed ?
apparently seem to have no problems in spending (A) Scientists were not interested in this field
much money to save few lives in the distant of research
future, instead of combating malnutrition, (B) Global warming was not considered as a
malaria, or communicable diseases today. It is problem by the U.N.
amoral to build a dam to avoid flooding in 100 (C) The cost of accomplishing this was too
years, when the people living beside that dam are high
starving today. (D) Poor nations did not have the necessary
knowledge to reduce carbon emissions
Imagine if we could fix climate for the next (E) None of these
hundred years for less than what a single country
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2. Which of the following is a characteristic of
climate engineering ? 5. Which of the following is true in the context
(A) It is beneficial in the short term and also of the passage ?
in the long term (A) Carbon emissions of poor countries are
(B) It can only be adopted by poor countries higher than those of rich ones
(C) It has worsened problems like poverty (B) Construction of dams is directly
and hunger in developing countries responsible for the starvation of millions
(D) It is seen as less cost effective than other (C) The earth is in danger of extinction in a
ways of reducing pollution century
(E) It uses technology which pollutes the (D) There is a lack of consensus between
environment rich and poor nations on the issue of
reducing carbon emissions
3. According to the author, which of the (E) Countries have to spend a substantial
following is/are the outcome/s of the meeting of amount of their GDP on climate change
world leaders in New York ?
(1) A resolution that carbon emissions will be 6. What is the author’s opinion about agreement
reduced through climate engineering. among countries in Kyoto ?
(2) Successful settlement of many conflicts (A) Countries which signed this agreement
regarding reduction of emissions. had no intention of reducing carbon
(3) Developed countries have volunteered to emissions
spend over 12 per cent of their GDP on (B) The percentage of carbon emissions to
preventing global warming. be reduced was highest for developing
(A) Only (1) countries
(B) Only (2) (C) Climate economists should not have
(C) Only (1) and (3) supported this agreement
(D) All (1), (2) and (3) (D) It was a failure because developed
(E) None of these countries backed out from the agreement
(E) None of these
4. What does the author want to convey through 7. What is the author’s solution to handling
the phrase ‘Nonfossil sources like nuclear, wind, climate change ?
solar and geothermal energy will get us quite (A) Countries should use more expensive
some way towards the path of stable carbon and long lasting ways of reducing
emissions’ as given in the passage ? carbon emissions
(A) All countries should use non fossil (B) Negotiations on climate change should
sources of energy to be able to achieve be between scientists rather than
high carbon emissions between political leaders
(B) The use of non fossil sources of energy (C) Countries should increase expenditure
will be able to check the carbon on research into ways of handling
emissions climate change
(C) Non fossil sources of fuel may actually (D) The U.N. should finance climate
increase carbon emissions research in developing countries
(D) If we use such non fossil fuels, it will (E) Introduce economic sanctions against
take a long time to reduce carbon countries which do not reduce carbon
emissions emissions
(E) None of these
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8. Which of the following will be a suitable title (D) Unsteady (E) Collapsing
for the given passage ?
(A) Risks of global warming 13. STATE
(B) The depletion of fossil fuel reserves (A) Express (B) Mess
(C) Technology can fight global warming (C) Official (D) Say
(D) Global warming and decreasing GDPs (E) Condition
(E) The inefficient non carbon sources of
energy Directions—(Q. 14–15) Choose the word/phrase
which is most opposite in meaning to the word
9. What is the author’s aim in promoting printed in bold as used in the passage.
research into ‘marine cloud whitening’ ?
(A) To better understand how such 14. AUGMENTING
technology can be utilized as an efficient (A) Reducing (B) Growing
solution to the problem of global (C) Channelising (D) Criticising
warming (E) Supplementing
(B) To ensure that the climate scientists
benefit financially 15. COMBATING
(C) To give developing nations an advantage (A) Holding (B) Forgiving
over developed nations in fighting global (C) Caring (D) Supporting
warming (E) Fighting
(D) To highlight the risks of such techniques
(E) To delay agreements on global warming Directions—(Q. 16–24) Read each sentence to
for as long as possible find out whether there is any grammatical error
in it. The error if any will be in one part of the
10. According to the author, what role will the sentence, the letter of that part will be the
rich nations play in reducing carbon emissions ? answer. If there is no error, mark (E) as the
(A) Pressurising poor nations to sign answer. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
agreements on carbon cuts
(B) Funding carbon emission cuts in 16. India demonstrates its supremacy (A) / in
developing countries space when it successfully (B) / launched its
(C) Diverting research funding from disease third satellite (C) / into orbit yesterday. (D) No
prevention to environment protection error (E)
(D) Spending trillions of dollars annually on
non carbon energy research 17. India needs a value education system (A)
(E) None of these /who will inculcate values (B) / among the
students and (C) / enrich their personalities. (D)
Directions—(Q. 11–13) Choose the word which No error (E)
is most similar in meaning to the word printed in
bold as used in the passage. 18. Driven by the desire to save trees, (A) /
residents of a locality (B) / has started using solar
11. BUY appliances (C) / for their everyday needs. (D) No
(A) Accept (B) Pay (C) Provide error (E)
(D) Bargain (E) Cost
19. A large number of unmanned aircrafts (A) /
12. STAGGERING being used by the military (B) / are suspected of
(A) Swaying (B) Huge (C) Shaking having (C) / unsafe radio links. (D) No error (E)
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20. Recent survey shows that (A) / 35 million (C) Had served to reduce them
children in the age group of (B) / 6 to 10 years (D) Have served to reduce it
have never (C) / attended no primary school. (D) (E) No correction required
No error (E)
27. All witnesses of yesterday’s accident has
21. Coal mines constitute (A) / a major been questioned by the police but none could
percentage of the (B) / sources which cause identify the culprits.
damage (C)/ on the environment.(D)/No error(E) (A) Every witness of yesterday’s
(B) All witnesses for yesterday’s
22. A man who has been (A) / accused of fraud (C) Most witnesses of yesterday
in (B) / an earlier job he will never be (C) / (D) Many witnesses of yesterday
welcome in any other organization.(D) No error (E) No correction required
28. In spite of the rapid development of
23. Worried about the continuing violence in the medical science, production of artificial blood
city, (A) / much students are set (B) (C) / to has remained a distant dream for many scientists.
migrate to other cities / for higher education. (D) (A) Despite of the rapid
No error (E) (B) As a result of the rapid
(C) In spite of some rapidly
24. Many organizations have been offering (A) / (D) Because of the rapid
attractive incentives to (B) / their employees in (E) No correction required
an attempt (C) / to boosting employee retention.
(D) No error (E) 29. India has millions of job opportunities but
there is a serious shortage of educated
Directions—(Q. 25–29) Which of the phrases professionals whom are actually employable.
(A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each statement (A) Those are actually employed
should replace the phrase printed in bold in the (B) That is actually employed
sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the (C) Who are actually employable
sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No (D) Which is actually employed
correction is required’, mark (E) as the answer. (E) No correction required
25. In an attempt to grow economically, India Directions—(Q. 30–34) Rearrange the following
plans to march towards an open economy by sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) to make a
opened its doors to global markets. meaningful paragraph and then answer the
(A) Open doors towards its questions which follow :
(B) Opening its doors to (1) The government too has not left any stone
(C) Open its doors in unturned in promoting the ‘go green’ concept
(D) Opening their doors for among the construction industrialists.
(E) No correction required (2) It has succeeded in luring the builders into
‘going green’ by these incentives, thus
26. Though poverty is still rampant in India, mutually benefiting the builders as well as
economic growth and commercial development the environment.
has served to reduce them substantially over (3) It means that the construction of their
the years. buildings ensures energy efficiency, water
(A) Has served to reduce it conservation and use of recycled and
(B) Is serving to reduce it renewable energy sources.
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(4) It has offered many attractive packages, have, does not …(36)… the vital nutrients that
subsidies and tax benefits to the builders who our ancestors enjoyed.
follow this concept. Plants …(37)… with the help of soluble
(5) As the construction industry revives from chemical fertilisers get lazy and do not develop
recession and begins to bloom once again, the deep, healthy roots systems that pull
the latest trend to catch the eye of the additional elements out of the …(38)… In
developers is to ‘go green’. addition, the micro-organisms that break down
(6) All these not only have a positive impact on organic matter and minerals to be taken up by
the environment but also prove to be more plant root are …(39)… by chemical
economical for the builders as well as the bombardment and violent mechanised
residents in the long run. manipulation of their environment. Essentially,
we’re getting robbed, and having to pay for it in
30. Which of the following sentence should be …(40)… health, energy, longevity, and
the FIRST after rearrangement ? advancing medical bills.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 Unfortunately, agriculture’s single-
minded focus on increasing …(41)… at any cost
31. Which of the following sentence should be over the last half-century created a blind spot
the SECOND after rearrangement ? where rapid …(42)… of the nutritional quality of
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E) 6 our food has occurred. This decline has been
observed to be quite …(43)… in some crops but
32. Which of the following sentence should be has sadly gone largely …(44)… by scientists,
the THIRD after rearrangement ? farmers, government and consumers.
(A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 6 (E) 3
35. (A) yield (B) number
33. Which of the following sentence should be (C) amount (D) deficiency
the FIFTH after rearrangement ? (E) strength
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E) 6
36. (A) grow (B) specify
34. Which of the following sentence should be (C) inhabit (D) cultivate
the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement ? (E) contain
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6
37. (A) growing (B) eaten
Directions—(Q. 35–44) In the following passage (C) suffering (D) arising
there are blanks, each of which has been (E) rising
numbered. These numbers are printed below the
passage and against each, five words/phrases are 38. (A) pesticides (B) plants
suggested, one of which best fits the blank (C) food (D) soil
appropriately. Find out the appropriate (E) crop
word/phrase in each case.
39. (A) increased (B) absorbed
When we sit down for a meal of market- (C) added (D) wounded
bought products, we like to think we’re getting a (E) killed
reasonable …(35)… of the body’s nutrient
requirements, but studies show that because of 40. (A) improving (B) declining
our chemical intensive farming, the food that we (C) better D) simplifying
(E) defective
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41. (A) yields (B) fertilisers (D) declined, inclined
(C) chemicals (D) quality (E) denied, forced
(E) soil
48. ………… use of pesticides, especially DDT
42. (A) immigration (B) improvement has been held responsible for the ………
(C) return (D) progression population of vultures in various states across
(E) deterioration India.
(A) careless, uncontrolled
43. (A) more (B) inadequate (B) multiple, increasing
(C) significant (D) inferior (C) alarming, distinct
(E) resistant (D) indiscriminate, declining
(E) much, growing
44. (A) improved (B) unnoticed
(C) eradicated (D) alarming 49. Many rebels were mercilessly slain to
(E) unaware ………… the rebellion but a few managed to
………… by hiding in woods and marshes.
Directions—(Q. 45–50) Each question below has (A) surpass, evade
two blanks, each blank indicating that something (B) end, fight
has been omitted. Choose the set of words for (C) suppress, escape
each blank that best fits the meaning of the (D) incite, run
sentence as a whole. (E) promote, revolt
45. The ……… of his crime was a heavy blow as 50. Agriculture in India ……… over all other
not only did his reputation …… but the business sectors because it plays a ………… role in the
also declined. sociocultural life of its people.
(A) punishment, finished (A) dominates, minor
(B) revelation, improve (B) prevails, vital
(C) disclosure, suffer (C) important, significant
(D) committing, lost (D) survives, minimal
(E) realisation, hurt (E) beats, critical
46. The Secretaryship has been …… for a long PRACTICE TEST 2 - KEY
time as nobody is ……… to undertake duties of
1 C 11 E 21 D 31 C 41 A
the post.
(A) open, reluctant 2 A 12 B 22 C 32 A 42 E
(B) taken, interested 3 E 13 E 23 B 33 B 43 C
(C) empty, capable 4 14 24 34 44
(D) occupied, volunteered
(E) vacant, willing 5 D 15 D 25 B 35 C 45 C
6 D 16 A 26 D 36 E 46 E
47. The innocent man could have easily 7 B 17 B 27 A 37 A 47 A
defendend himself but he ……… to speak as he
was ……… of offending his friend. 8 C 18 C 28 E 38 D 48 D
(A) refused, afraid 9 A 19 E 29 C 39 E 49 C
(B) decided, unwilling 10 A 20 D 30 E 40 B 50 B
(C) intended, concerned
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barriers of coral 10 to 200 miles wide that wind
PRACTICE TEST - 3 along the African shore from Egypt to Djibouti
and down the Asian shore from Aqaba to the
Directions—(Q. 1 to 10) Read the following Babal-Mandab at the gate of the Indian Ocean.
passage carefully and answer the questions given Although no more than the accumulation of
below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in billions of coral polyps—minute creatures that
bold to help you to locate them while answering produce a calcareous deposit—the reefs have
some of the questions. grown to fantastic sizes, the largest being the
1,200 mile-long Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
Off the coast near Jeddah about six years ago I
slipped a pair of flippers onto my feet, put on a 1. In what way is the Red Sea SIMILAR to the
face mask and gingerly poked my head beneath Caribbean Sea, the South Seas, etc.
the placid surface of the Red Sea. I am not sure, (1) Variety of Fish
now, exactly what I saw in that first glimpse; (2) Fantastic Reefs
shafts of sunlight, probably, slanting off through (3) Clear and transparent water
clear blue water; a coral reef of fantastic beauty (A) 1 only
and, no doubt, many fish. But I do recall that by (B) 2 only
the time I surfaced I had already developed a (C) 3 only
need to return to that incredibly lovely world (D) All the three
below. So I did. Indeed, it would not be much of (E) None of these
an exaggeration to say that except for such
periods as were necessary to earn a living, I have 2. Which of the following changes occurred in
rarely been anywhere else. Diving became a the author after the initial period of a year or so ?
passion and then a way of life—one, as you will (1) He got fed up with hunting
gather, I totally endorse. (2) He struck with the idea of shooting the fish
with a camera rather than by spear gun
For the first year after that initial experience I (3) Hunting became more interesting and
amused myself by hunting fish with a spear gun. sporting
It was not at all difficult. Fish are so abundant (A) 1 only
there that divers do not need to use tanks to get (B) 2 only
down to where the fish are; they find them near (C) 1 and 3 only
the surface. Furthermore, the water of the Red (D) 1 and 2 only
Sea, like the Caribbean, the South Seas and parts (E) All the three
of the Indian Ocean, is so transparent that you
can see upto 150 feet away. Thus, all you really 3. Fishing in the Red Sea off the coast near
need are a mask, a snorkel tube to breathe Jeddah was—
through, flippers and a spear gun. (A) Difficult because the water was
Hunting, however, began to pall on me. I began (B) Risky because tanks are needed to spot
to wonder if it wouldn’t be more interesting— the fish
and more sporting—to photograph some of these (C) Easy because the fish are clearly visible
magnificent creatures rather than kill them. It near the surface itself
was certainly an ideal place for underwater (D) Cumbersome because of the tools like
photography. In addition to hundreds of species mask, snorkel tube, flippers, etc.
of fish the Red Sea coast offers thousands of (E) More difficult than at the Caribbean Sea,
miles of what they call ‘fringing reefs’—great the South Sea and the Indian Ocean
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4. What are ‘fringing reefs’ ? Directions—(Q. 11 to 15) In each question a
(A) Calcareous deposit formation sentence is given with a part printed in bold. That
(B) Collection of fish part may contain a grammatical error. Replace
(C) Sea-food accumulation that part with the four choices given (A), (B), (C)
(D) Collection of minute creatures other than and (D). If the sentence is correct and no
fish correction is required, mark (E) as the answer.
(E) None of these
11. In quick time she got acquainted with the
Directions—(Q. 5 to 7) Which of the following new environment.
is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word (A) In enough time
given in bold as used in the passage ? (B) In small time
(C) On time only
5. GINGERLY (D) In no time
(A) Cautiously (B) Recklessly (E) No correction required
(C) Clearly (D) Purposely
(E) Unintentionally 12. The meeting was postponed due to lack of
(A) Delicate (B) Fragile (B) Because of
(C) Obvious (D) Powerful (C) For
(E) Splendid (D) Against the
(E) No correction required
(A) Opaque (B) Glowing 13. It was quite clear that the athlete can be able
(C) Dependable (D) Visible to improve upon his own record.
(E) Dark (A) Will be able to
(B) Should be able
Directions—(Q. 8 to 10) Which of the following (C) Would be able
is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given (D) Be able
in bold as used in the passage. (E) No correction required
8. RECALL 14. He has not written any book since his mother
(A) Call up (B) Recollect had died.
(C) Forget (D) Invite (A) Died
(E) Send back (B) Have died
(C) Has died
9. MINUTE (D) Was dead
(A) Enormous (B) Tiny (E) No correction required
(C) Small (D) Heavy
(E) Delay 15. It was too cold to go out last evening, so we
all stayed at home.
10. FANTASTIC (A) Too cold for going
(A) Incredible (B) Plausible (B) Very cold to go
(C) Unforgettable (D) Imaginary (C) Extremely cold for go
(E) Realistic (D) So cold that to go
(E) No correction required
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Directions—(Q. 16 to 20) Read each sentence to (C) rejections (D) protests
find out whether there is any grammatical error (E) obstacles
or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be
in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part Directions—(Q. 24 and 25) Choose the
is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is word/phrase which is most OPPOSITE in
(E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any). meaning of the word printed in bold as used in
the passage.
16. Since the online education system (A) / has
been poorly designed there (B) / are not many 24. Vital
institute(C)/that offer this facility(D)/No error(E) (A) practical (B) voluntary
(C) negative (D) worthless
17. Unless the new resolution is (A) / completely (E) minimum
reviewed it (B) / will cause a great deal of (C) /
trouble for new employees. (D) No error (E) 25. Flourishing
(A) drooping (B) declining
18. After careful scrutiny of the report (A) / (C) fluctuating (D) opposing
variety mistakes that had been (B) / made by the (E) lacking
research (C) / department were found. (D) No
error (E) Directions—(Q. 26 to 30) In each sentence
below, one word has been printed in bold. Below
19. His industrious nature (A) /and calm the sentence five words are suggested, one of
temperament (B) / have endeared him (C)/ to his which can replace the word printed in bold
colleagues and one’s superiors. (D) No error (E) without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Find out the appropriate word in each case.
20. The celebrities that organized (A)/the
marathon were aiming (B)/ to create an 26. The professor requested the Dean to visit his
awareness (C)/ about the treatment of diabetes. house.
(D) No error (E) (A) get in (B) welcome
(C) see (D) call on
Directions—(Q. 21 to 23) Choose the (E) call at
word/phrase which is most nearly the SAME in
meaning as the word printed in bold as used in 27. She knew that he will not be able to slip past
the passage. the watchful custom officials.
(A) fall (B) run
21. Incurred (C) hide (D) chit
(A) collected (B) included (E) escape
(C) spent (D) experienced
(E) adjusted 28. At night Romesh complained of severe pain
in his stomach.
22. Prevailing (A) serious (B) deep
(A) popular (B) implemented (C) bad (D) biting
(C) existing (D) persuading (E) intense
(E) winning
29. Shivaji always excelled in the use of the
23. Hurdles sword.
(A) bars (B) defects (A) surpassed (B) speeded
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(C) ahead (D) skilled (B) told me that only he has a little
(E) defeated (C) only told me that he has little
(D) told me that he had only a little
30. You must stay with your son when he is ill. (E) No correction required
(A) reside (B) remain
(C) stop (D) occupy 35. You must ensure that I get my cheque
(E) rest encash before Saturday.
(A) my cheque cashed
Directions—(Q. 31 to 35) In each question (B) cash my cheque
below, a sentence is given with a part of it (C) my cheque cash
printed in bold type. That part may contain a (D) encash my cheque
grammatical error. Each sentence is followed by (E) No correction required
phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D). Find out which
phrase should replace the phrase given in bold to Directions—(Q. 36 to 40) Pick out the most
correct the error, if there is any, and to make the effective word from the given words to fill in the
sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. blank to make the sentence meaningfully
If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction complete.
is required mark (E) as the answer.
36. He tends to ………… to any suggestion I
31. Fishing and swimming are two different make in meetings.
activities, independence of one another. (A) differ (B) agree (C) accept
(A) independent of the other (D) act (E) cooperate
(B) independence of the other
(C) independent of each other 37. We were shocked by the young
(D) interdependence on each other man’s…………for money.
(E) No correction required (A) greed (B) acumen (C) versatility
(D) projection (E) indifference
32. An early action on our suggestion, preferably
before the elections are announced, will be 38. Let us cultivate a strong will, a
appreciative. …………mental desire and determination to
(A) would be appreciate achieve our ideals.
(B) would have been appreciate (A) tall (B) sure (C) sardonic
(C) would have been appreciated (D) keen (E) cutting
(D) will be appreciated
(E) No correction required 39. He ………… children to open their eyes and
ears to the beauty of life.
33. He is the man whose advice is difficult in (A) admonished (B) promised
following. (C) exhorted (D) complemented
(A) advice is not easy in following (E) reprimanded
(B) advice is difficult to follow
(C) advice has difficult to follow 40. We must work hard towards ………… of the
(D) advice has difficulty to follow underprivileged people of our country.
(E) No correction required (A) proliferation (B) emancipation
(C) contribution (D) association
34. He told me that he only had a little money. (E) unification
(A) tells me that he only has a little
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PRACTICE TEST 3 - KEY Various opportunities are available for those
students who want to build their careers in
1 C 11 D 21 C 31 C
academics. The ICHR (Indian Council of
2 A 12 C 22 C 32 D Historical Research) the ICPR (Indian Council of
3 C 13 C 23 E 33 B Philosophical Research), and the ICSSR (Indian
Council of Social Science Research) award
4 A 14 A 24 D 34 D
scholarships and fellowships to those interested
5 A 15 E 25 B 35 D in higher studies in the fields of History,
6 E 16 C 26 C 36 B Philosophy and inter-disciplinary areas.
7 D 17 D 27 B 37 A
One thing of seminal importance is the choice of
8 C 18 B 28 E 38 D subject. It is not important whether you get
9 A 19 D 29 A 39 C umpteen (many) degrees and file them away or
you go to the choicest University to feel
10 E 20 C 30 A 40 B
alienated from what you are doing. To judge this
there are various tests like the aptitude test that
some Universities abroad conduct. At the end of
the test, you are sure about what you want to
study and whether you are suited for it. A good
Directions—(Q. 1–15) Read the following number of career consultants is available and
passage carefully and answer the questions given they can guide you in the right directions. Apart
below it. Certain words/phrases have been from personal directions some of these also hold
printed in bold to help you to locate them while workshops. The Institute of Career studies at
answering some of the questions. Delhi is amongst the pioneers in this field. After
you get enrolled with it, you are provided with
In the Indian scenario there are various ample information about all Universities all-over
prestigious scholarships that are available for the the world and it also keeps you updated with
meritorious. Apart from the scholarship you can minute details.
start off with, immediately after your school
education, i.e., the NTSE (National Talent Along with the subject, selecting the University
Search Examinations), there are further too is vital, since it determines future prospects.
scholarships for higher studies in various However for most, selection also involves other
categories. considerations, such as the socio-political,
cultural and intellectual climate prevalent in that
The Ministry of Human Resource Development country and of course, the monetary
has several schemes whereby it funds students considerations involved for the student who
for their education within the country and undertakes the course fully or partially on his
abroad. Besides, the ministry also offers own cost.
scholarships and fellowships to those trying to
pursue a career in the fine arts, such as music, Talking of cost, shared scholarships are available
dance, theatre, painting and sculpture. with British Universities, which are funded by
Information regarding these regularly appear in the foreign and commonwealth offices. The
the Employment News and National and regional scheme operates with four British Universities—
dailies. Cambridge, Oxford, Leicester and the London
School of Economics and Political Science.
Other Universities likely to participate are
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Durham, Wales, Warwick and the Imperial (B) Indian Council of Rural Higher
College of Science, Technology and Medicine. Education
The scholarships cover tuition fees and (C) Indian Council of Philosophical Research
maintenance costs. However, the scholars have (D) Indian Council of Social-Science
to pay for airfares. The normal method of Research
application for candidates is to state, at the time (E) None of these
of applying to the University of their choice, to
be considered for one of these shared 5. According to author, why do foreign
scholarships. Universities conduct various tests like the
aptitude test ?
1. What is available to most intelligent students 1. To see the choice of subject.
in Indian context ? 2. To judge the number of degrees one has.
(A) Offers of higher jobs 3. Whether the student is interested in the
(B) Various prestigious scholarships University or not.
(C) Admission opportunities in various good (A) Both 1 and 3
Universities (B) Both 2 and 3
(D) Fellowships (C) Only 1
(E) None of these (D) All three 1, 2 and 3
(E) None of these
2. What for does the abbreviation NTSE stand ?
(A) No Tuition Service Exists 6. Which of the following is one of the best
(B) National Tutorial Survey Estimates guides in the field of career studies selection ?
(C) National Talent Search Examination (A) Institute of Social Sciences Ambedkar
(D) National Total Service Examination University, Agra
(E) No Test in Social Employment (B) Career and courses agencies
(C) The Institute of Career Studies at Delhi
3. As per passage, for what does the Ministry of (D) A.M.U. Aligarh
Human Resource Development provide (E) None of these
scholarships to students ?
1. For their education within country and abroad. 7. According to the passage, which of the
2. For fine arts that is music, dance, theatre, following is not true ?
painting and sculpture. (A) There are further scholarships for higher
3. For C.A., M.B.A. and mechanical training. studies in various categories
(A) Both 1 and 3 (B) One thing of primary importance is the
(B) Both 2 and 3 selection of subject
(C) Only 1 (C) The scholarships cover tuition fees and
(D) Both 1 and 2 maintenance costs
(E) None of these (D) The Employment News does not publish
information regarding these scholarships
4. Which of the following does not award or (E) None of these
provide scholarships and fellowships to those
who are interested in higher studies in the fields 8. What does the Institute of Career-Studies at
of History and Philosophy and inter-disciplinary Delhi do after you get enrolled with it ?
areas ? (A) It assures a good job on good package
(A) Indian Council of Historical Research (B) It bears your all responsibilities
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(C) You are provided with sufficient (C) Native (D) Local (E) Inborn
information about all Universities all-
over the world; it also keeps you updated 15. Normal
with minute details (A) Special (B) Insane
(D) It administers strict discipline over the (C) Contrary (D) Abnormal
students to bring them on line (E) Unnatural
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 16–25) Which of the phrases
9. Which of the following founded shared (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence
scholarships are available with British should replace the phrases printed in bold in the
Universities ? following sentences to make the sentence
(A) Founded by British and India grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct
Government as it is and no correction is required, mark (E) as
(B) By U.S.A. and U.K. the answer.
(C) By the foreign and commonwealth
offices 16. Her face buries itself on his rough shirt and
(D) Founded by U.A.R. and U.K. he could feel the fragrance of her hair and the
(E) Founded by Britain and Pakistan warmth of her as she sobbed against his breast—
(A) sinking itself in his rough shirt
Directions—(Q. 10–12) Choose the word which (B) buried itself in his rough shirt
is most nearly the same in meaning as the word (C) dipped itself in his rough shirt
given in bold as used in the passage. (D) sank itself in his rough shirt
(E) No correction required
10. Meritorious
(A) Wire (B) Deserving 17. ‘Allah’, he said, rising his face towards the
(C) Diligent (D) Intelligent (E) Ranker star-spangled black sky, “punish me as much as
you like-Mahesh died with thirst on his lips.”
11. Resource (A) raised his face towards the star-spangled
(A) Source (B) Skill black sky
(C) Stock (D) Means (E) Way (B) had raised his face towards the star-
spangled black sky
12. Consultants (C) rose his face towards the star spangled
(A) Friendly (B) Guide black sky
(C) Informer (D) Adviser (D) raising his face towards the star-
(E) Counsellors spangled black sky
(E) No correction required
Directions—(Q. 13–15) Choose the word which
is most opposite in meaning of the word given in 18. All of us carried plenty of food and sweets
bold as used in the passage. with us and we served the little fortunate
human beings with our own hands—
13. Personal (A) The lesser fortunate human beings
(A) General (B) Impersonal (B) The less fortunate human beings
(C) Public (D) Common (E) Joint (C) The least fortunate human beings
(D) The unfortunate human beings
14. Foreign (E) No correction required
(A) Aboriginal (B) Connected
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19. Once again, the Indian tradition of ‘ahimsa’ transient impression formed on others by one’s
comes out as infinitely most relevant, than initial facial appearance.
much of what we learn in modern education. (A) Power into expression
(A) The most relevant, than much of what (B) Power about expression
we learn (C) Power for expression
(B) More relevance what we learn (D) Power of expression
(C) More relevant than much of what we (E) No correction required
(D) No relevance in what we learn 24. They (girls from middle class) become shy,
(E) No correction required withdrawn and lose confidence for themselves.
(A) lose confidence to themselves
20. When it was decided to send the rescue team (B) lose confidence in themselves
in the colliery, the experts showed their (C) lose confidence of themselves
reluctance. (D) lose confidence about themselves
(A) into the colliery (E) No correction required
(B) inside the colliery
(C) under the colliery 25. One must remember that meteorological
(D) underneath the colliery weather systems do not respect some
(E) No correction required geographic boundaries and can move from one
place to another and affect the local weather.
21. Everything comes in the State Law and (A) do not respect many geographic
Order Restoration Council (SLORC), which was boundaries
started with the intention of restoring law and (B) do not respect several geographic
order. boundaries
(A) about the State Law and order (C) do not disrespect geographic boundaries
Restoration Council (D) do not respect any geographic boundaries
(B) under the State Law and order (E) No correction required
Restoration Council
(C) within the State Law and order Directions—(Q. 26–30) In each question below a
Restoration Council sentence with four words printed in bold type is
(D) into the State Law and order Restoration given. These are lettered as (A), (B), (C) and (D).
Council One of these four words may be either wrongly
(E) No correction required spelt or inappropriate in the context of the
sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly
22. The whole atmosphere was sweetly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The letter of that
dominated with the fascinating perfume and word is your answer. If all the four words are
soft western music. correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context
(A) from a fascinating perfume and… of the sentence, mark (E) i.e., ‘All correct’ as
(B) of a fascinating perfume and… your answer.
(C) by a fascinating perfume and…
(D) nearly fascinating perfume and… 26. On the snow-covered land or frozan (A)
(E) No correction required water, the Eskimos (B) travel on-sledges dragged
(C) by five, seven or nine strong dogs called
23. Power to expression has the ability to huskies. (D) All correct. (E)
overcome, neutralise, change or strengthen the
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27. When a complete stranger (A) offers 33. However, activity based……that makes
unsolicited (B) advice, one either dismisses it learning a joy needs more time…… per topic.
outright (C) or takes up earnestly. (D) All (A) training……fixing
correct. (E) (B) education……allotment
(C) teaching……schedule
28. I remember (A) reading somewhere, a field- (D) educating……taking
biologist’s (B) estimate, that a colony of a (E) schooling……giving
thousand painted storcks (C) requires (D) fifteen
to twenty tons of food per day. All correct. (E) 34. At present, there are about four lac…… in
Japan who survived the…… of Hiroshima and
29. The public was so much familiar (A) with Nagasaki.
Robichon that the audience (B) used to laugh (C) (A) women……accident
before he uttered (D) the first word of his role. (B) men……incident
All correct. (E) (C) workers……trouble
(D) employees……terror
30. It is necessary (A) to have a scientific mind (E) persons……tragedy
to be truly religious (B) because only with a
scientific (C) mind can one be a truely (D) 35. We can …… a good world by keeping a truly
cultured man capable of creating a new good scientific mind which……precise, clear and
world. All correct (E) unprejudiced.
(A) create……is
Directions—(Q. 31–35) In each of the following (B) generate……was
sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each (C) originate……are
sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by (D) maintain……were
letters (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Find out which (E) keep……is
pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the
sentence in the same sequence to make the Directions—(Q. 36–40) Rearrange the following
sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully six sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) in the
complete. proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph;
then answer the questions given below them—
31. An engineering college requires a lot of……
and it is available in …… in this area. (1) Five different kinds of rice are cooked in as
(A) room…… abundance many different colours, and from each of
(B) things……ample these, in a symbolic gesture.
(C) land……plenty (2) They are then decorated and the rice
(D) plots…… sufficient preparations made the previous day are
(E) pieces……number offered to them.
(3) The third day of the festival is called the
32. A young lady, who was standing at a…… got Mathu Pongal or the Pongal of the Cattle.
trapped in a valley of bullets and was killed…… (4) A rice ball is made and fed to five types of
the spot. birds and animals.
(A) step…… in (5) In the morning, the animals are herded into
(B) scooter…… of the village pool and bathed.
(C) place…… upon (6) This is also a time when the sister prays for
(D) counter…… on the longevity and happiness of her brother.
(E) corner…… near
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36. Which of the following will be the third 41. (A) habit (B) tradition
sentence after rearrangement ? (C) practice (D) custom (E) nature
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
42. (A) antonym (B) against (C) enemy
37. Which of the following will be the fifth (D) opposite (E) opponent
sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 43. (A) gathering (B) compilation
(C) collection (D) assembly (E) bulk
38. Which of the following will be the second
sentence after rearrangement ? 44. (A) oft (B) often
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 (C) frequently (D) mostly (E) many
39. Which of the following will be the fourth 45. (A) flowers (B) petals
sentence after rearrangement ? (C) buds (D) blossoms (E) delight
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
46. (A) division (B) segment
40. Which of the following will be the first (C) particle (D) portion (E) part
sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 47. (A) piece (B) thatch
(C) plot (D) patch (E) spot
Directions—(Q. 41–50) In the following passage
there are blanks, each of which has been 48. (A) thinking (B) experiencing
numbered. These numbers are printed below the (C) feeling (D) knowing (E) viewing
passage and against each, five words are
suggested, one of which fits the blank 49. (A) sapling (B) plant
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in (C) creeper (D) nursery (E) tree
each case.
50. (A) collects (B) meets (C) piles
What this approach lacks is the essential (D) gathers (E) assembles
interaction with …(41)… and with other
humans. Indeed in many environmental activities PRACTICE TEST 4 - KEY
the …(42)… takes place. A classic example of
1 B 11 D 21 B 31 C 41 E
this is making of a herbarium or even worse, an
insect …(43)…, so common in both formal and 2 C 12 E 22 C 32 D 42 D
nonformal education in India. A child is 3 D 13 B 23 D 33 B 43 C
…(44)… encouraged to pluck leaves and 4 14 24 34 44
…(45)… and run after butterflies with a net and
is …(46)… of a large group of children similarly 5 C 15 D 25 D 35 A 45 A
working a …(47)… of nature within it. Such a 6 C 16 B 26 A 36 C 46 E
child is not likely to develop any strong …(48)… 7 D 17 D 27 E 37 E 47 D
of respect for nature, or for the individual
‘specimens’ pressed in the …(49)… file or 8 C 18 B 28 C 38 B 48 C
trapped in a jar. It is worse when the activity is 9 C 19 C 29 A 39 D 49 B
also competitive, i.e., who …(50)… the 10 B 20 A 30 D 40 A 50 A
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smarter to buy every American an iPod, a set of
PRACTICE TEST - 5 Ginsu knives and 600 Subway foot-longs.
Directions—(Q. 1–15) Read the following It would be smarter still to throw all that money
passage carefully and answer the questions given at things we need to do anyway, which is the
below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in goal of Obama’s upcoming American Recovery
bold to help you to locate them while answering and Reinvestment Plan. It will include a mix of
some of the questions. tax cuts, aid to beleaguered state and local
governments; and spending to address needs
John Maynard Keynes, the trendiest dead ranging from food stamps to computerized health
economist of this apocalyptic moment, was the records to bridge repairs to broadband network to
godfather of government stimulus. Keynes had energy-efficiency retrofits, all designed to save
the radical idea that throwing money at or create 3 million to 4 million jobs by the end of
recessions through aggressive deficit spending 2010. Obama has said speed is his top priority
would resuscitate flatlined economies- and he because the faster Washington injects cash into
wasn’t too particular about where the money was the financial bloodstream, the better it stands to
thrown. In the depths of the Depression, he help avert a multiyear slump with double-digit
suggested that the Treasury could “fill old bottles unemployment and deflation. But he also wants
with banknotes, bury them at suitable depths in to use the stimulus to advance his long-term
disused coal mines” then sit back and watch a priorities : reducing energy use and carbon
money-mining boom create jobs and prosperity. emissions, cutting middle-class taxes, upgrading
“It would, indeed, be more sensible to build neglected infrastructure, reining in health-care
houses and the like, “he wrote, but “the above costs and eventually reducing the budget deficits
would be better than nothing.” that exploded under George W. Bush. Obama’s
goal is to exploit this crisis in the best sense of
As President-elect Barack Obama prepares to the word to start pursuing his vision of a greener,
throw money at the current downturn-a stimulus father, more competitive, more sustainable
package starting at about $800 billion, plus the economy.
second $350 billion chunk of the financial
bailout-we all really do seem to be Keynesians Unfortunately, while 21st century Washington
now. Just about every expert agrees that pumping has demonstrated an impressive ability to spend
$1 trillion into a moribund economy will rev up money quickly, it has yet to prove that it can
the ethereal goods-and-services engine that spend money wisely. And the chum of a 1 with
Keynes called “aggregate demand” and stimulate 12 zeros is already creating a feeding frenzy for
at least some shortterm activity, even if it is all the ages. Lobbyists for shoe companies, zoos,
wasted on money pits. But Keynes was also right catfish farmers, mall owners, airlines, public
that there would be more sensible ways to spend broadcasters, car dealers and everyone else who
it. There would also be less sensible ways to can afford their retainers are lining up for a piece
spend it. A trillion dollars’ worth of bad ideas- of the stimulus. States that embarked on raucous
sprawl-inducing highways and bridges to spending and tax cuttng sprees when they were
nowhere, ethanol plants and pipelines that flush are begging for bailouts now that they’re
accelerate global warming, tax breaks for broke. And politicians are dusting off their
overleveraged McMansion builders and unfunded mobster museums, waterslides and
burdensome new long-term federal entitlements- other pet projects for rebranding as shovel-ready
would be worse than mere waste. It would be infrastructure investments. As Obama’s aides
scramble to assemble something effective and
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transformative as well as politically achievable, (A) Actual spending money during
they acknowledge the tension between his meltdown is more important than where
desires for speed and reform. and on what it is spent
(B) Government should be selective in
1. Obama’s upcoming American Recovery and approach for spending money during
Reinvestment Plan focuses on which of the recession
following ? (C) Filling old bottles with banknotes and
(1) Recovery of all debts from the debtors in a burying them is an atrocious proposal
phased manner. (D) Creating jobs and prosparity during
(2) Pumping money very liberally in projects that recessions is almost an impracticable
are mandatory. proposal
(3) Investing money recklessly in any project (E) None of these
regardless of its utility.
(A) (1) only 5. What, according to Keynes, is the “aggregate
(B) (2) only demand” ?
(C) (3) only (A) Goods and Services Sector
(D) (2) and (3) only (B) Stimulation of a short-term activity
(E) All (1), (2) & (3) (C) Attempting to rev up the sluggish
2. John M. Keynes was advocate of which of the (D) Pumping one trillion dollars into
following suggestions ? economy
(A) Spending money recklessly during (E) None of these
recessions is suicidal
(B) Exorbitant spending during recessions 6. According to the author of the passage, food
is likely to boost economy stamps, bridge repairs, etc. are the projects that—
(C) Aggressive deficit spending is likely to (A) Do not warrant urgent spending as they
be fatal for economic meltdown have a lower utility value
(D) Government stimulus to economy may (B) Need the least investment and priority as
not help because of red-tapism compared to building houses for the
(E) None of these needy
(C) May not have any favourable impact on
3. Obama desires to accelerate the process of attempts to counter recession
pumping money with utmost rapidity as he (D) Have lower value in terms of returns but
believes that it would— require major investments
(1) Help create reasonably high employment (E) None of these
(2) Avoid deflation 7. The author of the passage calls Barack Obama
(3) Inject cash into the already troubled economy and his team as “Keynesians” because—
(A) (1) and (2) only (A) Barack Obama has been reluctant to
(B) (2) and (3) only follow Keynes’ philosophy
(C) (1) and (3) only (B) His team is advising Barack to refrain
(D) All (1) (2) and (3) from Keynes’ philosophy
(E) None of these (C) Barack Obama and his team have
decided to fil old bottles with banknotes
4. Which of the following is TRUE about
Keynes’ philosophy ?
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(D) Building houses has been under the (C) Thriving (D) Pessimistic
active consideration of Barack Obama (E) Glorifying
and his team
(E) None of these Directions—(Q. 13–15) Choose the word which
is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word
8. Highways, bridges, ethanol plants, etc. are given in bold as used in the passage.
considered by the author as—
(A) Reasonably appropriate propositions to 13. Frenzy
spend money on (A) Passion (B) Expression
(B) Measures that affect the environment (C) Succession (D) Habit
adversely (E) Manifestation
(C) Imprudent proposals to waste money on
(D) Tax saving schemes bestowed on 14. Apocalyptic
builders (A) Unwelcome (B) Disastrous
(E) None of these (C) Risk-free (D) Joyous
(E) Ceremonious
9. Which of the following is/are corrective
measure(s) as part of the long term priorities of 15. Resuscitate
Obama that was an outcome of his predecessor’s (A) Melt down (B) Devastate
regime ? (C) Mislead (D) Save
(1) Countering recession through immediate (E) Deactivate
rescue operations.
(2) Reining the budget deficit. Directions—(Q. 16–20) In each of these
(3) Creating a more sustainable economy. questions four words are given denoted by (1),
(A) (1) & (2) only (2), (3) and (4). Two of these words may be
(B) (2) & (3) only either synonyms or antonyms. Find out the
(C) (1) & (3) only correct pair in each question.
(D) (2) only
(E) None of these 16. (1) Tranquility
(2) Loyalty
Directions—(Q. 10–12) Choose the word which (3) Calamity
is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word (4) Uproar
printed in bold as used in the passage. (A) 1–3 (B) 2–4 (C) 2–3
(D) 3–4 (E) 1–4
10. Raucous
(A) Strident (B) Harsh 17. (1) Exorbitant
(C) Rough (D) Unprecedented (2) Expeditious
(E) Soft (3) Quick
(4) Quest
11. Beleaguered (A) 3–4 (B) 1–2 (C) 1–4
(A) Carefree (B) Harassed (D) 3–2 (E) None of these
(C) Stressful (D) Uneventful
(E) Evaporating 18. (1) Opaque
(2) Translucent
12. Moribund (3) Transverse
(A) Declining (B) Waning (4) Transvestite
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(A) 1–4 (B) 2–4 (C) 3–1 (C) until it is confirmed
(D) 2–1 (E) None of these (D) until it is confirming
(E) No correction required
19. (1) Ecstasy
(2) Depression 24. The officer appreciated his subordinate’s
(3) Intoxication many attempt to bravely confront the miscreants.
(4) Compression (A) many attempting brave confronts
(A) 1–2 (B) 2–4 (C) 2–3 (B) many brave attempts to confront
(D) 3–4 (E) None of these (C) repeated attempts to brave confront
(D) many attempts of brave confront
20. (1) Vilification (E) No correction required
(2) Nullification
(3) Denigration 25. We admire him attempting to climb the
(4) Falsification summit in such a bad weather.
(A) 1–2 (B) 2–3 (C) 1–3 (A) his attempting to climb
(D) 2–4 (E) None of these (B) his attempt of climb
(C) him for attempt of climb
Directions—(Q. 21–30) Which of the phrases (D) his for attempt to climbing
(A), (B), (C) and (D) given below should replace (E) No correction required
the phrase given in bold in the following
sentence to make the sentence grammatically 26. Being a successful businessman demands
correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No hard work, honesty, persuasive skills and sound
correction is required’, mark (E) as the answer. market knoweldge.
(A) To be a successful business who demands
21. Radha’s three children, Shantana, Manu and (B) Being a successfully demanding
Meera are talented, but the latter excels the other businessman
two. (C) To be a successful businessman
(A) the last excels demanding
(B) latter excel (D) For being a successful demanding
(C) the latter excelling businessman
(D) the last excelling (E) No correction required
(E) No correction required
27. Was it they who were accused of stealing the
22. Students are not abandoning helmets, but neighbour’s car ?
some avoiding use of helmets while riding (A) Were it they who were
motorbikes. (B) Was it they who had
(A) some avoid the used (C) Were they who
(B) some avoid of the use (D) Were it they who
(C) some are avoiding of use (E) No correction required
(D) some are avoiding use
(E) No correction required 28. The doctor has advised him to lay in bed at
least for two weeks.
23. We must treat any statement as a rumour (A) that he lay in bed
until they are confirmed with proof. (B) that he lays in bed
(A) till they are confirmed (C) to lie in bed
(B) until they are confirming (D) to be laid in bed
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(E) No correction reequired (A) irreversible (B) impertinent
(C) indecisive (D) impulse
29. He is the only one of the members who have (E) disgraceful
paid all the dues.
(A) Member who has paid 35. The minister’s clandestine meeting with the
(B) Members who have been paying opposition party leader was severely criticized.
(C) Member who has been paid (A) unofficial (B) authentic
(D) members who has paid (C) periodical (D) secret
(E) No correction required (E) purposeful
30. Neither any of the members of the society Directions—(Q. 36–40) Rearrange the following
nor the Chairman were present for the annual six sentences (1), (2), (3) (4), (5) and (6) in the
meeting. proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph,
(A) were present at then answer the questions given below them.
(B) was present for (1) In all varieties of humour, especially the
(C) have been present subtle ones it is therefore what the reader
(D) has been present for thinks which gives extra meaning to these
(E) No correction required verses.
(2) But such a verse may also be enjoyed at the
Directions—(Q. 31–35) In each sentence below surface level.
one word has been printed in bold. Below the (3) Nonsense verse is one of the most
sentence, five words are suggested, one of which sophisticated forms of literature.
can replace the word printed in bold, without (4) This fulfils the author’s main intention in
changing the meaning of the sentence. Find out such a verse which is to give pleasure.
the appropriate word in each case. (5) However the reader who understands the
broad implications of the content and
31. She came in utter disrepute due to her allusion finds greater pleasure
vindictive act. (6) The reason being it requires the reader to
(A) revengeful (B) ungrateful supply a meaning beyond the surface
(C) unpardonable (D) uneventful meaning.
(E) derogatory
36. Which of the following is the THIRD
32. His attempts to equivocate the subject under sentence ?
discussion were thwarted. (A) (1) (B) (2) (C) (6) (D) (3) (E) (4)
(A) balance (B) defend
(C) mislead (D) adjust 37. Which of the following is the SECOND
(E) reconcile sentence ?
(A) (1) (B) (5) (C) (6) (D) (2) (E) (3)
33. He was conceptually clear about the problem
and therefore could provide a pragmatic solution. 38. Which of the following is the FIFTH
(A) diplomatic (B) practical sentence ?
(C) analytical (D) tolerable (A) (4) (B) (5) (C) (2) (D) (3) (E) (1)
(E) acceptable
39. Which of the following is the FIRST
34. They returned after their ignominious defeat sentence ?
in the foreign country. (A) (5) (B) (1) (C) (6) (D) (4) (E) (3)
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40. Which of the following is the SIXTH
(LAST) sentence ? 45.
(A) (6) (B) (5) (C) (4) (D) (1) (E) (3) (A) admonished (B) visualized
(C) decreed (D) refrained
Directions—(Q. 41–50) In the following (E) commented
passage, there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the 46.
passage and against each five words are (A) producers (B) users
suggested, one of which fits the blank (C) consumers (D) advocates
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in (E) exponents
each case.
The U.S. is in the …41… of a cleanup of toxic (A) abandoned (B) enacted
financial waste that will …42… taxpayers (C) revoked (D) forced
hundreds of billions of dollars, at the very least. (E) squshed
The primary manufacturers of these hazardous
products …43… multimillion- dollar paychecks 48.
for their efforts. So why shouldn’t they …44… (A) demand (B) consider
to pay for their mopup ? This is, after all, what (C) regain (D) claim
the U.S. Congress …45… in 1980 for …46… of (E) pay
actual toxic waste. Under the Superfund law
…47… that year, polluters …48… for the 49.
messes they make. Environmental lawyer E. (A) issue (B) wonder
Michael Thomas sees no …49… lawmakers (C) practice (D) reason
couldn’t demand the same of financial polluters (E) compensation
and …50… them to ante up some of the bank
bailout money. 50.
(A) dupe (B) follow
41. (C) force (D) plead
(A) essence (B) debate (E) appeal
(C) range (D) depth
1 D 11 A 21 A 31 A 41 E
(A) facilitate (B) save 2 B 12 C 22 D 32 C 42 D
(C) benefit (D) cost 3 A 13 A 23 C 33 B 43 A
(E) earn 4 14 24 34 44
43. 5 A 15 E 25 E 35 D 45 B
(A) spent (B) pocketed 6 E 16 E 26 E 36 A 46 A
(C) donated (D) demanded 7 C 17 C 27 A 37 C 47 B
(E) dwindled
8 B 18 D 28 C 38 A 48 E
44. 9 E 19 A 29 D 39 E 49 D
(A) have (B) admit 10 E 20 B 30 B 40 B 50 C
(C) hesitate (D) come (E) defy
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gap between potential and actual yields in the
PARACTICE TEST - 6 crops of rainfed areas such as pulses and oilseeds
is over 200 per cent even with the necessary
Directions—(Q. 1–15) Read the following technologies on the shelf. We are now importing
passage carefully and answer the questions given without duty large quantities of pulses and
below it. Certain words have been printed in bold oilseeds. If helped, farmers can produce these at
to help you locate them while answering some of a lower cost.
the questions.
Opportunities for assured and remunerative
We should recognise the indebtedness of the marketing are essential if loan waiver is not to
country to its farm families who toil to safeguard become a recurring event leading to the
national food security. Loan waiver is the price destruction of the credit system. This is why the
we have to pay for the neglect of rural India over Minimum Support Price is necessary for all, not
the past several decades. There has been a just for a few crops which is the case at present.
gradual decline in investment in key sectors This is the single most effective step to make
related to agriculture such as infrastructure, loan waivers history. There is another urgent step
marketing, post harvest technology etc. The four which needs to be taken. The loan waiver does
crore farmers whose debt is to be relieved will be not cover those who borrow from moneylenders.
eligible for institutional credit for their It will not be possible for the government to
cultivation expenses during Kharif 2008. The scrutinise the veracity of such private deals but
challenge is to prevent them from getting into the steps can be taken such as giving them Smart
debt trap again. For this purpose the Central and Cards which will entitle them to essential inputs
various State governments should set up an like seeds and fertilizers. The gram sabha can be
Indebted Farmers’ Support Consortium, entrusted with the task of identifying these
comprising scientists, panchayat raj officials and farmers so that there is transparency in the
others relevant to assisting farmers to improve process and elimination of the chances for
the profitability and productivity of their farms in falsification and corruption. Fear of occasional
an environmentally sustainable manner. The misuse should not come in the way of enabling
smaller the farm, the greater is the need for millions of poor farmers who have borrowed
marketable surplus to reduce indebtedness. from informal sources if we are to achieve the
goal of four per cent growth in agriculture.
The Indebted Farmers’ Support Consortium
should aim to get all the four crore farmers all 1. What is the likely impact of ensuring farmers’
the benefits of the government schemes such as benefit from government schemes ?
the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Irrigation 1. They can use the credit from these schemes to
Benefit Programme and others. If this is done, repay moneylenders.
every farm family released from the debt trap 2. The government can control the price rise.
should be able to produce at least an additional 3. Increased agricultural production.
half tonne per hectare of foodgrains. This should (A) Both 1 and 2
help increase food production by about 20 (B) All 1, 2 and 3
million tonnes by 2008-10. At a time when (C) Only 3
global and national food stocks are dwindling (D) Both 2 and 3
and prices are rising, this will be a timely gain (E) None of these
for our national food security. We need to ensure
that the outcome of the debt waiver is enhanced 2. Why does the author feel that rural India has
farmers’ income and production. The prevailing been overlooked in the past ?
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1. Institutional credit was only made available (D) The number of farmers’ descendants
for Kharif crops. taking up agriculture has fallen.
2. Drop in investment in central areas related to (E) None of these
3. Records of those eligible for loan waivers 6. What is the author’s opinion of recurring loan
have not been maintained over time. waivers ?
(A) Only 2 (A) They are beneficial to farmers
(B) Both 1 and 2 (B) They are detrimental to the system of
(C) Only 3 lending.
(D) All 1, 2 and 3 (C) They will reduce the need for a Minimum
(E) None of these Support Price for agricultural products
(D) Farmers will no longer be in debt to
3. How can small farmers avoid debt ? moneylenders
(A) They need to acquire additional land (E) None of these
(B) They need to take advantage of both 7. Which of the following is TRUE in the context
government schemes as well as credit of the passage ?
from moneylenders (A) The Minimum Support Price for
(C) They have to ensure a sufficient amount agricultural products is yet to be
of their farm produce is sold implemented
(D) The Government should provide (B) Loan waiver is a permanent solution to
periodic loan waivers indebtedness of farmers
(E) None of these (C) Current agricultural growth is below four
per cent
4. What is the objective of the Indebted Farmers’ (D) India’s food production has increased in
Support Consortium ? 2008
(A) It is a support group for the families of (E) Moneylenders benefit from loan waivers
indebted farmers
(B) It has to devise new government 8. Why does the loan waiver not cover credit
schemes for farmers taken from moneylenders ?
(C) It has to track farmers eligible for 1. It is difficult to verify these contracts between
government schemes farmers and moneylenders.
(D) It has to evaluate government schemes 2. It will increase the deficit in the budget.
and weed out the inefficient ones 3. There is a risk that the funds may be
(E) None of these misappropriated.
(A) Both 1 and 3
5. What does the author mean by the phrase (B) All 1, 2 and 3
‘indebtedness of the country to its farm families’ (C) Only 2
(A) If farmers are in debt it impacts the (D) Both 1 and 2
entire country (E) None of these
(B) Citizens should be grateful to farmers
and their families for the hardships borne 9. Why is there a vast gap in actual and potential
by them to cultivate crops yields of crops in rainfed areas ?
(C) India’s food production has fallen (B) The government prefers to import these
causing it to be in debt since it has to crops at a lower rate
import food
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(C) No technological advances have been
made to improve the growth of crops in 15. elimination
these areas (A) authority (B) forgiveness
(D) There is no Minimum Support Price (C) attack (D) provision
available for these crops (E) protection
(E) Farmers are forced to sell these crops at a
low rate Directions—(Q. 16–20) Which of the phrases
(F) None of these (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below should replace
the phrase given in bold in the following
10. How does the government intend to ensure sentence to make the sentence grammatically
transparency in the Smart card issuance process ? meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct
(A) Screening private players involved in as it is and no correcton is required, mark (E) as
the scheme the answer.
(B) Granting access to those farmers who
register with their local moneylenders 16. In order to control rising prices the
(C) Providing cards which cannot be forged government has restricted the export of certain
(D) Regularly rotating members of the gram commodities.
sabha so there is no corruption (A) For control of raised
(E) None of these (B) In control of raised
(C) To control the rise
Directions—(Q. 11–13) Choose the word which (D) By controlling rising
is most similar in meaning to the word printed in (E) No correction required
bold as used in the passage.
11. assured 17. Over two crores will be required to renovate
(A) insured (B) definite the building being damaged during the cyclone.
(C) doubted (D) confident (A) that was damage
(E) reliance (B) which was damaged
(C) has been damaged
12. relieved (D) been damaged
(A) exempted (B) backed (E) No correction required
(C) supported (D) calmed
(E) substituted 18. Small investors often suffer because of
delays in getting its grievance redressed.
13. gap (A) their grievances redressed
(A) hole (B) break (B) the grievances redress
(C) pause (D) difference (C) to redress grievance
(E) interruption (D) this grievances redressed
(E) No correction required
Directions—(Q. 14–15) Choose the word which
is most opposite in meaning to the word printed 19. With the failure of the investment bank, the
in bold as used in the passage. public’s confidence in the banking sector has
been how badly shaken.
14. timely (A) so badly shaken
(A) young (B) lately (B) that much shaky
(C) overdue (D) aged (C) badly shaken
(E) slowly (D) too badly shaky
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(E) No correction required 25. Which of the following should be the
SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
20. A consultant is been appointed to advise us (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
on the viability of the project.
(A) appointed Directions—(Q. 26–35) In the following passage
(B) has been appointing there are blanks, each of which has been
(C) will be appointed numbered. These numbers are printed below the
(D) to be appointed passage and against each, five words are
(E) No correction required suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in
Directions—(Q. 21–25) Rearrange the following each case.
six sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) in the
proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; Decades ago, China …(26)… the concept of
then answer the questions given below them. ‘barefoot doctors’. They were community
(1) Expansion of retail banking especially has healthcare workers who successfully …(27)…
a lot of scope, since retail assets are just 22 the health of China’s villages. Following this
per cent of the total banking assets. example, many African, Asian and Latin
(2) Where they do not find it viable to open American countries have started …(28)…
branches they may open satellite offices in programmes. The largest of such community
these areas. health efforts is India’s National Rural Health
(3) There is tremendous scope for the Mission. In …(29)… over three years, the
expansion of banking in India. programme has mobilized over fifty thousand
(4) Banks can also diversify beyond cities to new community health workers, each …(30)…
semi-urban and rural areas. as ‘Asha’. This is short for ‘Accredited Social
(5) In these ways a transition from class Health Activist’ and translated into Hindi is the
banking to mass banking can take place. word …(31)… hope.
(6) They can also collaborate with local
stakeholders in order to extend microcredit Today technology companies and foundations
services to those living there. are also joining the …(32)… to support
community health workers. Mobile phone
21. Which of the following should be the THIRD companies are …(33)… these workers with
sentence after rearrangement ? phones and support systems to obtain up to date
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6 medical information, call ambulances etc. In the
…(34)… years, community health workers can
22. Which of the following should be the FIRST thus help …(35)… the spread of many
sentence after rearrangement ? devastating but curable diseases.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
26. (A) gives (B) researches
23. Which of the following should be the FIFTH (C) introduced (D) originates
sentence after rearrangement ? (E) enlightened
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6
27. (A) improved (B) entrusted
24. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (C) fought (D) cured
(LAST) sentence after rearrangement ? (E) dealt
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
28. (A) thousands (B) alike
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(C) imitated (D) similar
(E) naming PRACTICE TEST - 7
29. (A) course (B) less Directions—(Q. 1–15) Read the following
(C) approximate (D) period passage carefully and answer the questions given
(E) just below it. Certain words have been printed in bold
to help you locate them while answering some of
30. (A) referred (B) known the questions.
(C) perceived (D) regarded
(E) called Over the past few decades, many Asian nations
transformed from poverty into global
31. (A) denotes (B) describes competitors. From 2003 to 2007, Asian
(C) for (D) explains economies expanded at an average annual rate of
(E) means 8.1%, triple that of advanced economies. Over
the same period, inflation in Asia averaged only
32. (A) business (B) membership about 3.5%. But Asia could be facing turbulent
(C) scope (D) effort economic times. In May, the average inflation
(E) purpose rate throughout the region reached nearly 7%, led
by spikes in oil and food prices. In India,
33. (A) provided (B) buying inflation jumped to an 11.6% annual rate in June,
(C) equipped (D) supplied according to the latest government figures, the
(E) empowering highest in 13 years.
34. (A) coming (B) next Policymakers and central bankers are forced to
(C) past (D) few raise interest rates and limit credit to get inflation
(E) previous under control. But these same measures suppress
the investment and consumption that generates
35. (A) overlook (B) curb growth. The combination of slowing growth and
(C) protect (D) enrich soaring inflation makes economic policy-making
(E) neglect tricky. Inflation stirs up the middle classes
because it can quickly erase years of hardwon
PRACTICE TEST 6 - KEY personal gains. Inflation is cruel to the poor,
because families have to spend a larger share of
1 B 8 A 15 E 22 C 29 E their meagre incomes on necessities. In the
Philippines, farmers, unable to afford fuel for
2 A 9 C 16 E 23 E 30 C
tractors, use water buffaloes to plough their
3 E 10 E 17 B 24 E 31 C fields.
25. They have been…………..on incentives Directions—(Q. 31–40) Read each sentence to
to…………..these practices are implemented at find out whether there is any grammatical error
grass root level. or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be
(A) relying, ensure in one part of the sentence. The letters of that
(B) improving, secure part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer
(C) advocating, confirm is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
(D) debating, necessitate
(E) focusing, display 31. On account of the week (A) / long strike the
factory (B) / was forced to close and (C) /
Directions—(Q. 26–30) Rearrange the following next month’s shipment will delay. (D) No
six sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) in the error. (E)
proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph;
then answer the questions given below them— 32. Since the US economy experiences (A) / a
1. It was a cycling race launched in 1903, by recession many Asian countries (B) / are
Henri Desgrange, a magazine editor in Paris. likely to have (C) / reduced growth rates this
2. The Tour de France is a test of human year. (D) No error. (E)
3. His idea worked and the magazine boomed. 33. Oil is now so expensive that (A) / India will
4. His aim was to boost the circulation of his have to cut subsidies (B) / instead face
magazine. running out (C) / of funds to import oil. (D)
5. He wanted to achieve this by covering every No error. (E)
stage of the three week long, 3,500 kilometre
long cycling race. 34. It is unlikely that you will (A) / find a more
6. Till today the race remains more popular than qualified and experience (B) / candidate than
he could ever have dreamed. Mr. Prasad (C) / for the post of President. (D)
No error. (E)
26. Which of the following should be the first
sentence after rearrangement ? 35. On account of the rising (A) / costs many
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 people are (B) / finding it difficult (C) / to
feed their families. (D) No error. (E)
27. Which of the following should be the second
sentence after rearrangement ? 36. By marketing agriculture (A) / products well,
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 we (B) / can ensure that (C) / farmers make a
good profit. (D) No error. (E)
28. Which of the following should be the third
sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5
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37. The promotion means (A) /that you may be we got into the car taking us to the hotel he
(B) / post in Chennai (C) / from next month. …(49)… to me, “I was terrified on the plane !”
(D) No error. (E) As a leader he realized he was a model for others
and this gave him the strength to …(50)… over
38. This project is (A) / too big to (B) / undertake his own fear.
successfully at (C) / such short of notice. (D)
No error. (E) 41. (A) tribute (B) remember
(C) honour (D) celebrate
39. When our company was (A) / faced financial (E) rejoice
difficulties (B) / the training budget was (C) /
the first to be cut. (D) No error. (E) 42. (A) resigned (B) active
(C) influenced (D) participant
40. Conservationists believe that (A)/better (E) reserved
management of national parks (B)/is the only
way to save (C)/India’s tiger population from 43. (A) by (B) with
extinction. (D) No error. (E) (C) after (D) as
(E) thereafter
Directions—(Q. 41–50) In the following passage
there are blanks, each of which has been 44. (A) wish (B) pursuit
numbered. These numbers are printed below the (C) result (D) plot
passage and against each, five words are (E) aim
suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in 45. (A) when (B) that
each case. (C) period (D) later
(E) alongside
In July 2008, one of the most inspiring leaders of
our times, will …(41)… his ninetieth birthday. 46. (A) felt (B) acquainted
Nelson Mandela retired from politics in 1999, (C) experienced (D) underwent
but he has remained …(42)…, continuing his (E) learned
work through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
The foundation has launched an Aids awareness 47. (A) before (B) sooner
campaign, 46664, named …(43)… Mandela’s (C) close (D) prior
prison number. He has also set up a scholarship (E) advance
programme whose …(44)… was to promote
leadership among young Africans. 48. (A) calmed (B) soothing
(C) composed (D) restraint
During the 1990s, …(45)… I worked with Mr. (E) discipline
Mandela on his autobiography “Long Walk to
Freedom”, I …(46)… his leadership first hand. 49. (A) speaks (B) confided
During his election campaign we were on board (C) confidentially (D) entrusted
a plane discussing his book. Twenty minutes (E) assured
…(47)… to landing the engine failed. Many
began to panic. The only thing that …(48)… 50. (A) success (B) overcame
them was looking at Mandela, who was reading (C) dominate (D) victory
his paper as if he was a passenger on a morning (E) triumph
train to work. The plane landed safely and when
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PRACTICE TEST 7 - KEY time, he had become famous and when he
returned to England for convalescing, entire
1 E 11 E 21 B 31 D 41 D
London, along with Queen Victoria turned to
2 C 12 D 22 E 32 A 42 B welcome him. After a few days, he returned to
3 C 13 B 23 B 33 C 43 C Africa.
4 14 24 34 44 He discovered the origin of the River Nile in
1866. He again suffered many discomforts. He
5 C 15 E 25 A 35 E 45 A became too sick and could not even walk. He lost
6 B 16 B 26 B 36 A 46 C contact with rest of the world that grew anxious
7 B 17 D 27 A 37 C 47 D to know his whereabouts. Ultimately, it was
Stanley, the American journalist, who found him
8 B 18 E 28 D 38 C 48 A after many efforts, but Livingstone had died in a
9 D 19 C 29 C 39 B 49 B tribal village in 1873. His body was brought to
10 C 20 A 30 E 40 E 50 E London and buried in West-minister with full
1. Livingstone deserves credit for which of the
Directions (1-15): Read the following passage
(A) For expanding his empire
carefully and answer the questions given below
(B) For enjoying the wild life of the continent
it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you
(C) For exploring part of Africa and living
locate them while answering some of the
among the tribals
(D) For quenching his thirst for living in the
company of nature
For many years, the continent Africa remained
(E) None of these
unexplored and unknown. The main reason was
the inaccessibility to its interior region due to
2. What was the impact of four -year travelling
dense forests, wild -life savage tribals, deserts
on Livingstone?
andbarren solid hills. Many people tried to
(A) He could enjoy a social life among tribals'
explore the land could not survive the dangers.
David Living- stone is among those brave few
(B) He derived satisfaction with the exploration
who not only explored part of Africa but also
of an unknown river
lived among the tribals bringing them near to
(C) He derived satisfaction as he became very
social milieu. While others explored with the
idea of expanding their respective empires.
(D) It badly affected his health
Livingstone did so to explore its vast and
(E) None of these
mysterious hinterland, rivers and lakes. He was
primarily a religious man and a medical
3. Which of the following shows that
practitioner who tried to help mankind with it.
Livingstone had become very famous?
(A) Queen Victoria along with the people of
Livingstone was born in Scotland and was
London had come to meet him
educated to become a doctor and priest.
(B) Queen Victoria arranged for the medical
Hisexploration started at the beginning of the
year 1852. He explored an unknown river in
(C) The tribals were grateful to him for his
Western Luanda. However, he was reduced to a
medical expenses
skeleton during four years of traveling. By this
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(D) He was assigned the task of a priest 8. Livingstone became too sick to walk and, as a
although he was a medical professional result
(E) None of these (a) People in the world lost contact with him
(b) His whereabouts were not known.
4. Why were people not aware to the existence of (c) American journalist, Stanley could not locate
Africa? him despite many efforts.
(A) It was inaccessible due to oceanic reefs (A) (a) only
(B) Its territory was covered with dense forests (B) (b) only
(C) People outside the continent were chased (C) (c) only
away by native tribals (D) (a) and (b) only
(D) Explorers were afraid of the risks involved (E) None of these
(E) None of these
9. In what way Livingstone's exploration efforts
5. Livingstone can best be described by which of were different from those of others?
the following? (A) Livingstone's exploration was restricted
(A) A person with an urge for exploration of only to unknown rivers, whereas others
unknown parts of the world explored dense forests
(B) A person with religious mindset (B) Others explored with selfish motives;
(C) A social reformer Livingstone explored to know the
(D) A warmhearted medical practitioner mysterious parts of the world
(E) A famous priest popular among the British (C) Others explored new parts of the world for
wealth, but Livingstone did so for religious
6. Which of the following was/ were explored by purposes
Livingstone? (D) Being a medical practitioner he tied to
(a) A river in Western Luanda explore medicines; others did for tribal
(b) Scotland population
(c) The origin of river Nile (E) None of these
(A) (a) and (b) only
(B) (b) and (c) only Directions (10-12): Choose the word which is
(C) (a) and (c) only most nearly the SAME in meaning to the word
(D) (a) only printed in bold as used in the passage.
(E) (b) only
10. REST
7. The American journalist Stanley can be (A)remainder (B)relax
credited for which of the following? (C) respite (D) discovery
(a) Performing the last rites of Livingstone's (E) most
dead body.
(b) Relentless efforts for finding out the 11. EXPLORATION
whereabouts of Living stone. (A)execution (B)cultivation
(c) The anxiety to explore undiscovered parts of (C) foundation (D) discovery
the world. (E) assimilation
(A) (a) and (b) only
(B) (b) and (c) only 12. TURNED
(C) (a) and (c) only (A)rotated (B)twisted
(D) (b) only (C) spinned (D) revolved
(E) (c) only (E) arrived
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Directions (13-15): Choose the word which is 21. When we heard the name (A)/ of our leader
most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed uttered (B)/ respectfully by the foreigners
in bold as used in the passage. (C)/ we felt pride of him. (D)/ No error (E)
Directions (31-35): In each question below four 36. Which of the following should be the
words which are numbered (A), (B), (C) and FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
(D) have been printed of which, one may be (A)F (B)E (C) D (D) C (E) B
wrongly spelt. The number of that word is the
answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt, 37. Which of the following should be the SIXTH
mark (E) i.e. "All Correct" as the answer. (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?
(A)F (B)E (C) D (D) C (E) B
31. (A)Discloser (B)Indifference
(C) Cooperative (D) Irreversible 38. Which of the following should be the FIFTH
(E) All Correct sentence after rearrangement?
(A)F (B)E (C) D (D) C (E) B
32. (A)Repetition (B)Conservative
(C) Acceptability (D) Innovative 39. Which of the following should be the FIRST
(E) All Correct sentence after rearrangement?
(A)F (B)E (C) D (D) C (E) B
33. (A)Vigilant (B)Judilee
(C) Receptive (D) Possessive 40. Which of the following should be the
(E) All Correct SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
(A)F (B)E (C) D (D) C (E) B
34. (A)Decisive (B)Destructive
(C) Accommodation (D) Pioneer Directions (41-50): In the following passage
(E) All Correct there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the
35. (A)Compromising (B)Enthusiasm passage and against, each five words are
(C) Dislocation (D) Immigration suggested, one of which fits the blank
(E) All Correct appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Directions (36-40): Rearrange the following Dr. Swaminathan is not only a (41) scientist but
sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper also an able administrator and an (42) organiser
sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then of projects. He has served the country by (43)
answer the questions given below them. many significant positions. His researches in the
(A) They are not bothered to break rules of the field of agriculture and his efforts for (44) the
society, laws and even relations. quality of wheat in particular, have (45) him
(B) But one thing is certain. They will one day laurels. Dr. Borlogue has highly (46) his works.
realize that this importance needs to be Dr. Swaminathan, is a honorary member of 14
shifted. important International Scientific Societies/
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Councils including the Royal Society of London. PRACTICE TEST 8 - KEY
Many Universities have (47) doctorate on him. In
1 C 11 D 21 D 31 A 41 A
1972, he was awarded "Padma Bhushan", Dr.
Swaminathan (448) in work, not in popularity 2 D 12 E 22 D 32 A 42 E
and that is the (49) he never came into so much 3 A 13 C 23 A 33 C 43 D
(50). 4 14 24 34 44
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20. Which of the following should be the LAST (C) not have much good
(SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement? (D) not having better
(A) B (B) C (C) D (D) E (E) F (E) No correction required
Directions (Q.21-25): Which of the phrase (A) , Directions (Q.26-35): Read each sentence to find
(B) ,(C) & (D) given below should replace the out whether there is any grammatical error or
phrase given in bold in the following sentence to idioma tie error in it. The number of that part is
make it meaningful and grammatically correct? the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E) .
If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction (Ignore errors of punctuations, if any.)
is required, mark (E) as the answer
26. Some genuine issues exist (A) / with the
21. Bank charge differently rate of interest newly adopted (B) / system and needs to (C)
depending on the size of the loan. / be examined seriously. (D) / No error (E).
(A) difference in rate of interests
(B) differently what rate of interest 27. Whether or not to confront (A)/ them about
(C) different rates of interest their role (B)/ in the matter is a decision
(D) the different rate of interest (C)/which is yet to take. (D)/ No error (E)
(E) No correction required
28. The government is still in the (A)/ process
22. It is necessary that we take any steps to of finalized new policy (B)/ guidelines for
reduce pollution soon. the allocation of land (C)/ to private sector
(A) we should take every organisations. (D)/ No error (E)
(B) we have taken no
(C) us to take any 29. According to government estimates (A)/at
(D) we take some least four millions tonnes of sugar (B)/will
(E) No correction required have to be imported (C)/ this year because
of a poor monsoon.(D)/ No error (E)
23. It is too early to say how the impact the new
tax will have on investors. 30. In our experience people usually (A)/ value
(A) what impact things that they have to (B)/payoff more
(B) that the impact than those that (C)/they receive free of cost.
(C) how much impacts (D)/ No error (E)
(D) what are the impacts of
31. At present China is the (A)/ world's leader
24. Kindly ask his advice regarding the various manufacture (B)/ of environment-friendly
health insurance policies presently available. products (C)/ such as electric cars and
(A) him to advise that bicycles. (D)/ No error (E)
(B) regarding his advise
(C) that he should advice 32. Over eighty per cent from us (A)/ feel that if
(D) about his advice we had taken (B)/Some corrective measures
(E) No correction required earlier (C)/ the crisis could have been
averted. (D)/ No error (E)
25. Unfortunately many of our towns and cities
do have more good transportation systems: 33. The manager of that city branch (A)/ cannot
(A) have a good handle it with the help of (B)/ only two
(B) not have good
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personnel as (C)/ business has increased
substantially. (D)/ No error (E) Directions (Q.41-50): In the following passage
there are blanks, each of which has been
34. With the literacy rates in this (A)/ region as numbered. These numbers are printed below the
low as ten per cent (B)/ we need to passage and against each, five words are
encourage (C)/ local people to build schools suggested, one of which fits the blank
(D) / No error(E) appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in
each case. The world's climate has always
35. While-providing such facilities (A)/ online changed and species have evolved accordingly to
makes it covenient (B) / and easily survive it. The surprising fact about the (41)
accessible for customers, (C)/ we face between evolution and global warming (42) that
several challenges. (D)/ No error (E) it is not linear. (43) temperatures alone are not
(44) of evolution. Evolution is also the (45) of
Directions (Q.36-40): In each question below a seasonal changes. As the environment (46) those
sentence with four words printed in bold type is species which don't adapt (47) to exist . But the
given. These are numbered as A), B), C) and sheer (48) of manmade climate change today is
D).One of these four words printed in italics may (49). 'Bad things are happening' and by one (50)
be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the global warming could threaten up to one-third of
context of the sentence. Find out the word which the world's species if left unchecked. In fact; a
is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The lot of the species which will be able to survive
number of that word is your answer. If all the are the ones we consider pests like insects and
words printed in italics are correctly spelt and weeds.
also appropriate in the context of the sentence,
mark E), ie' All correct', as your answer. 41. (A) difference (B) similarity
(C) argument (D) relationship
36. The bank's fluctuating (A) performance over (E) alliance
the prior (B) year has been a major (C)
cause (D) for concern. All correct (E) 42. (A) being (B) seems
(C) mainly (D) besides
37. An economy relies (A) on its access to (E) is
dependable (B) and affordable (C) sources
of energy (D). All correct (E) 43. (A) However (B) Mounted
(C) Rising (D) Elevating
38. Researches have used data prevalent (A) to (E) Inclining
manufacturing companies to illustrate (B)
the harmful (C) impacts (D) of technology 44. (A) means (B) triggers
All correct (E) (C) responses (D) threats
(E) stimulus
39. Such a situation(A) is neither feasible (B)
nor desirable (C) in a democratic country 45. (A) result (B) precursor
like ours (D). All correct (E) (C) resistance (D) cause
(E) provocation
40. The gradual (A) withdrawal (B) of such
safety(C) mechanisims (D) will affect small 46. (A) conserves (B) stifles
and medium industries the most. All correct (C) predicts (D) changes
(E) (E) emerges
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