Action Plan

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Brighton High School

CE 2010 Final Project
Name: Francesca Sorensen Title of Plan: More Motivation, Less Stress

Action Plan

Goal: Create a school environment that is less stressful and overwhelming for students starting at
the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. This can be accomplished by establishing better
communication between teachers and students and by allowing students to have more
opportunities to relax and enjoy High School.

1. Have all teachers give out a survey to their students about their class in order to get an
understanding of how the class is affecting them, how well the teacher is teaching, and if they
have any suggestions for the teachers.

2. Take 5-10 minutes of class to recoup and catch up. During this time students could try to
meditate, or they could organize their time through a planner, or catch up on homework.

3. Come up with more fun activities and rewards in order to have kids be more motivated for
their school work.

Objective 1: Have all teachers give out a survey to their students about their class in order to get
an understanding of how the class is affecting them, how well the teacher is teaching, and if they
have any suggestions for the teachers.
Implementation Evaluation

What evidence How and when

What needs to be By whom and
What resources? indicates will evidence be
done? when?
success? gathered?
A survey needs to Teachers and Success is when all
be created that The teachers will students can work the teachers get Teachers will hand
targets specific give out this together to create feedback about out the survey a
aspects of a anonymous survey well thought out their class and little bit before the
teachers’ class. It nearing the middle questions through how students are middle of the
should also of the first Google surveys. doing. Success is trimester and will
include questions trimester of the Counselors can apparent when pick it up and read
about the 2021-2022 school also review these students are able the feedback in a
workload of the year. survey questions to feel like they timely manner.
class and the and give feedback can communicate

mental well being better with their

of students. teachers

Objective 2: Take 5-10 minutes of class to recoup and catch up. During this time students could
try to meditate, or they could organize their time through a planner, or catch up on homework.

Implementation Evaluation

What evidence How and when

What needs to be By whom and
What resources? indicates will evidence be
done? when?
success? gathered?
Remind teachers The
Teacher’s might
to set aside time administration
need to research
for students to do could come around
some calming or
some things that once or twice Success is when
fun activities. Or
students might or every trimester students use this
they could come
might not do and check to see if time well and give
up with ice
during flex. This teachers have good feedback Teachers can
breaker questions.
could even be just been taking this about this time to either give out
There are already
5 minutes where small amount of relax and catch up. surveys or ask
a lot of teachers
students can have time every once in Success will also students during
who already do
a breather so that a while and could be indicated when class if they find
things like this.
some students can give out a survey students feel less this helpful
Teachers could
meditate, work on to see if the stressed out and
even just give the
homework or students overwhelmed by
time to students to
teachers could appreciate this school work.
work on
even make fun get time to relax or
homework or relax
to know you work on
on their own.
questions. homework.

Objective 3: Come up with more fun activities and rewards in order to have kids be more
motivated for their school work.
Implementation Evaluation

What evidence How and when

What needs to be By whom and
What resources? indicates will evidence be
done? when?
success? gathered?
Have more The Teachers, If students start to Teachers or
activities both administration administration, show more administration can
through the school and teachers can and Student motivation and are ask if these
and during come up with fun Government can more involved, activities or

individual classes.
Some examples
activities to get
would be giving
kids to be more
out candy or treats
motivated. Student
at the end of the
Government can rewards are
trimester for kids create a budget for
also help to come motivating
who got good these activities
up with ideas of students to come
grades if our and rewards for
fun things to do or then this would to school and get
current situation students. Student
bring in show success. better grades.
with Covid 19 government can
suggestions that They can also ask
improves. also help plan
they hear from for suggestions
Teachers can also events.
other students. and feedback
reward people for
This can start at
doing well on an
the beginning of
assignment by
next year.
giving out candy or
playing games.

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