HWG - Great Emu War
HWG - Great Emu War
HWG - Great Emu War
Written by T. Jensen
This game is for 2 players, using any miniatures you can find for the period.
Both players agree to a points limit, or randomize on the table below:
Both players write their army lists in secret, and set up a 6' X 4' table with appropriate terrain.
Once the army lists are written, the two players roll off. The winner gets to deploy their forces first
and take first turn.
To deploy, choose a long table edge. You may deploy your forces up to 12” from that edge. The
second player then gets to deploy their forces 12” from the opposite table edge.
Unit Cost
Major George Meredith (Officer) 100 points (may only take 1)
Lewis Gunner 300 points
Royal Australian Artilleryman 100 points
Farmer 50 points
Major Meredith can issue a single order per turn, allowing one unit within 24” to make a single
extra action. He has a Pistol with a 9” range. Giving an order takes 1 action.
A Lewis Gunner may not move during the battle, and has a 24” range.
Royal Australian Artillerymen have Lee Enfield Rifles with 24” range.
Farmers have Shotguns with 12” range.
Using Firearms
Firearms need line of sight to target an emu. Use true line of sight.
If an emu is obscured more than 50% by terrain, no line of sight may be drawn.
For a single action an Australian soldier can fire their weapon. They must choose a single emu
within range to target. Pistols, Lee Enfields and shotguns roll 1 dice, needing a 6 to inflict a wound.
Lewis Machine Guns work the same way, except they can keep firing until they miss or jam. On the
Roll of a 1 they jam, and cannot be used until the jam is cleared.
Clearing a jam: For 1 action a soldier can try to clear a jam. Roll a D6. On a 5+ they succeed.
Each Emu targeted must move towards the closest table edge during their next turn, up to their
full 12” of movement. This represents them fleeing from fire. If they leave the table edge during
this move, they are removed from play
Unit Cost
Emu: 50 points
Lookout Emu: 100 points
Tough Buggers
Every Emu is considered tough. It takes 2 wounds to kill one.