ORS Electronic SBA Submission User Guide 2021 V1
ORS Electronic SBA Submission User Guide 2021 V1
ORS Electronic SBA Submission User Guide 2021 V1
Table of Contents
After candidates are assigned to teachers using the Teacher Assignment option on the SBA Menu
of the Online Registration System (ORS), before the SBA samples can be uploaded, teachers must
Redirecting to eSBA
From the home screen in the ORS, Select SBA Data Capture from the SBA drop-down box, as
shown below:
The switch from the ORS to eSBA is time sensitive. Therefore if the page for the eSBA takes too
long to load, the following error message will be displayed:
Click <OK> to return to the ORS home screen and attempt the switch again.
The instructions to Add, Edit and Delete a Group are provided below:
Add a Group
Select the Edit button (Green button located to the right of the group)
A drop-down list will become available so that additional candidates may be selected.
Select the “x” beside the candidate name to remove a candidate from the group.
To delete a group, click the Delete button (red button located to the right of the group).
Information on the Number of groups and the number of unassigned candidates is displayed
throughout the process (See diagram)
(The eSBA application permits the submission of individual and group SBA from a class)
Click the Individually Group Remaining Candidates button – When this button is selected,
each candidate who is not already assigned to a group, will be assigned to a group where
he/she is the only member.
To view candidates that are not yet assigned to a group, click the Show Unassigned
The unassigned candidates will be displayed.
Click the titled Hide List button to hide the list of unassigned candidates.
To access the Data Capture Screen, click the Show Table button.
NB. Scores may only be keyed after all candidates are assigned. If the assignment process is
incomplete, the following error message will be displayed:
Rank Candidates
Click on the drop-down list in the Estimated Rank column, and select a rank from the
drop-down list.
To select a candidate’s estimated grade, click on the drop-down box in the Estimated Grade
column select an estimated grade from the drop-down box.
For candidates in a group, when the SBA score is keyed for the first candidate in the
group, the same score is automatically assigned to the other members of the group.
Additionally, each column heading in the grade table may be used to sort in the relevant
To indicate a candidate did not submit an SBA, select “Yes” in the NO SBA column.
Click the Save button to save the changes.
To edit offline, once the Data Capture Screen has been loaded, the Export to Excel button
can be used to export the file to Excel.
An Excel document which contains the same fields as the Data Capture Screen will be
After the relevant data has been entered in the Excel sheet, click on the Upload button
and select the Excel document or drag and drop the Excel document on the upload
Click the Upload button to begin the importation of the file.
If the data was keyed correctly, the Data Capture Screen will be updated.
If there are any errors in the data, and error or message will be displayed.
In the ORS (Online Registration System) the following report can be used to aid in SBA uploads.
This report provides the sequence number and name of the candidates to be uploaded
Group SBA - The report also provides the candidate number to be used when naming the
files uploaded for candidates who completed a Group SBA
Please view APPENDIX 2 in this document (Pages 25-26) for file naming conventions
If files are loaded individually, the eSBA system will accept files of the same type (e.g. two pdf
files) for the same candidate/group provided that the filenames are different). If Files of the
same type with identical names are uploaded, the file loaded second, will overwrite the first.
Supported File Types
CXC will only accept the following file types. File types which do not meet these requirements
will NOT be accepted and the affected candidates will be reported “UNGRADED: NO SBA
Category Supported types Limitations
The total size of the files uploaded for a given candidate/group must not exceed the stated size limitations.
These files must be one of the supported types and will be accepted for the following subjects ONLY:
When submitting files please ensure that:
1. The file type selected is accepted by CXC
2. The file type selected matches the file content
3. The work is assigned to the correct candidate or group of candidates
4. The file naming specifications are met; and
5. The submission is virus free
If there are any inconsistencies in the date, for example, conflicting SBA profile scores entered
for candidates in the same group, the following error message will be displayed.
If there are no errors, the Data Batch Upload Screen will be displayed, as shown below:
A maximum of 2000 files can be uploaded using the Batch upload option
The files will be automatically uploaded and appear next to the relevant candidate(s)
An error message will appear for any files which have not uploaded successfully,
indicating the reason(s) the SBA upload was not successful
Click the Send Email Confirmation button to receive an email confirmation that the SBAs
have been successfully uploaded.
Teachers/administrators must:
ensure that the SBAs are correctly labelled;
ensure that the files are named as required (Appendix 2);
scan the files, before uploading, to confirm that they are virus-free;
follow the guidelines for the upload of electronic SBA samples provided in this document
ensure that a cover page is submitted with each SBA. The cover sheet must be submitted as
a separate document;
ensure that the correct SBA is uploaded for each candidate/group;
ensure that all of the required documents are submitted. CXC will not issue notification
concerning missing documents. Administrators should use the quality assurance reports
provided to confirm that all of the required data is submitted;
ensure that the email address provided on the ORS is current so that confirmation emails are
received.; and retain, for the school’s records, the receipt received after the SBAs have been
This report provides a list of the candidates who have files uploaded
This report provides the total number of candidates who have files uploaded for each subject
Select the report type and the subject, then click the Generate button to view the report. Two
reports are available in the eSBA data capture platform:
SBA samples
SBA sample Uploads
After the report has been selected, click the Generate button to obtain the report.
After entering the scores in the data capture platform, select the Home option and return to the
Online Registration System (ORS) to generate the required sample reports
Centres should reference the CCSLC circular and generate the ORS (Online Registration
System) report: SBA – CCSLC Module # Samples for the breakdown by module
This report provides the sequence number and name of the candidates to be uploaded for
each module
If a candidate occurs on both required module sample reports, please be guided by the
filename guidelines found in Appendix 2 i.e. The document number for the first SBA file would
be “-1” and the document number for the second file uploaded would be “-2”
05164090 Portuguese
05145090 Spanish
01254090 Additional Mathematics
01216090 Economics
01218090 English A
01219090 English B
01225090 Geography
01229090 Information Technology (ZIP files permitted)
01234090 Mathematics
*Document Number indicates whether a single SBA file or multiple SBA files are uploaded for a candidate.
If a single SBA Sample file is being uploaded for a candidate, the document number would be “-1”. If
multiple SBA files are uploaded for a candidate, the document number for the second file uploaded would
be “-2” and the document number for the third, “-3” and so on.
For example, if only one file is being uploaded for the Geography SBA sample submitted by Candidate
1000750100, the file name would consist of:
Presentation of Samples
Cover Sheets
The cover sheet should be saved as a separate pdf file using the following naming convention
The project/assignment submitted by each candidate/group must include an official Cover Sheet. Cover Sheets are
available on the CXC website (www.cxc.org). The file name of the cover sheets must be
The file name for the Cover Sheet for the candidate would be: 100075010001225090CS
Title Page
Each project/assignment must include a Title Page with the following information:
Mark Schemes
If a Mark Scheme is required, Mark Schemes must be uploaded for each candidate.
Using our example, if a mark scheme is being uploaded for the SBA sample file 100075010001225090-2, the file name
for the Mark Scheme would be 100075010001225090-2MS.