Smart Enterprise / Sun Business Service Application Form: Default Delivery Address
Smart Enterprise / Sun Business Service Application Form: Default Delivery Address
Smart Enterprise / Sun Business Service Application Form: Default Delivery Address
Unli to Smart & Sun Unli to Smart & Sun Unli to Smart & Sun On-net SMS (per SMS) - P1.00
Unli to All Net Unli to All Net Unli to All Net Off-net SMS (per SMS) - P1.00
Unli Landline Unli Landline Unli Landline ISMS (per ISMS) - P10.00
___________ # of capped Mins ___________ # of capped Mins ___________ # of capped Mins On-net Voice (per minute) - P6.00
to All networks to All networks to All networks
Data (MB) Unli Lite Surf Unli Lite Surf Unli Lite Surf Tri-net Voice (per minute) - P6.50
Off-net Voice (per minute) - P6.50 (PP) /P7.50
Note: 1GB = 1000 MB Non-Stop Surf Non-Stop Surf Non-Stop Surf (FLP)
___________ # of capped Data (MB) ___________ # of capped Data (MB) ___________ # of capped Data (MB) IDD (per minute) - $0.10
Consumable Amount (Php) Data (per 15 mins) - P5.00
___________ # of capped Data (MB) ___________ # of capped Data (MB) ___________ # of capped Data (MB)
Additional Services (Add On Amount)
Additional Services (Licenses/Apps/Power Ups)
Pre-Termination Fee (in Php)
P1,700 if Sim only, device cost if w/ device
DELIVERY DETAILS (to be filled out by subscriber)
Complete Company Delivery Address
Contact Number
By signing this form, I certify that I have read, understood and accepted the SMART ENTERPRISE or SUN BUSINESS TERMS AND CONDITIONS and that all information that I have given here are true, correct and updated. I authorize Smart Communications, Inc.
to verify such information from whatever sources it may consider appropriate. SMART shall not be liable for any damage and/or inconvenience brought about by my failure to comply with the above mentioned Terms and Conditions. It is understood that the voluntary
disconnection, termination or cancellation of the service or upgrade/downgrade of subscription plan or transfer of ownership may be effected but only upon the payment of the pre-termination fee. Also, in the case of involuntary disconnection/termination of service,
the corresponding pre-termination fee shall be automatically charged to the Corporation's/Company's account. I also understand that Smart has the right to recover any amounts provided, such as, but not limited to, (i) any subsidy provided by Smart to the Subscriber;
(ii) the value of the service unit; (iii) the value of any additional concessions given by Smart (i.e. free use of Smart products and services).
By signing this form, I certify that I have read, understood and accepted the SMART ENTERPRISE or SUN BUSINESS TERMS AND CONDITIONS and that all information that I have given here are true, correct and updated. I authorize Smart Communications, Inc.
to verify such information from whatever sources it may consider appropriate. SMART shall not be liable for any damage and/or inconvenience brought about by my failure to comply with the above mentioned Terms and Conditions. It is understood that the voluntary
disconnection, termination or cancellation of the service or upgrade/downgrade of subscription plan or transfer of ownership may be effected but only upon the payment of the pre-termination fee. Also, in the case of involuntary disconnection/termination of service,
the corresponding pre-termination fee shall be automatically charged to the Corporation's/Company's account. I also understand that Smart has the right to recover any amounts provided, such as, but not limited to, (i) any subsidy provided by Smart to the Subscriber;
(ii) the value of the service unit; (iii) the value of any additional concessions given by Smart (i.e. free use of Smart products and services).
Printed Name & Signature of Company Signatory Printed Name & Signature of Sales Representative
DATE 05/8/2020 DATE
The Corporate Subscriber (“Subscriber”) agrees to the provision of telecommunications services (“Service”) under the terms an
ensure that all its designated user/s or assignee/s with lines registered under the Subscriber’s account (“User”) shall comply wit
be responsible for the acts and omissions by any User. SMART Communications, Inc. (“SMART”) agrees to provide the Service
a) This refers to all terminal equipment/unit issued by SMART connected to or used in conjunction with the Service ("Har
warranty for any telecommunications and related equipment that are not issued by SMART.
b) Hardware issued by SMART (except iPhone units) shall be subject to a seven (7) day replacement warranty commenc
inherent defects only. After the 7-day period, the vendor’s warranty terms and conditions shall apply and all warranty claims sha
c) Special terms and conditions apply to iPhone units.
a) The Subscriber shall pay all amounts due to SMART in respect of:
1) A monthly fixed fee for the Services;
2) All charges incurred in using the Service; and
3) Hardware cost, if applicable.
The fees paid or payable by the Subscriber to SMART pursuant to this Agreement shall be inclusive of all Philippine taxes.
The Value Added Tax (VAT), if any, shall be for the account of the Subscriber, provided that SMART submits its VAT registratio
VAT official receipt upon receipt of payment. In the event that the Subscriber will be required to withhold tax and remit the same
payments in relation to this Agreement. The Subscriber shall furnish SMART with the corresponding certificate of withholding ta
b) The Subscriber agrees and assumes full responsibility for the charges incurred on the use of the Hardware and the S
c) The Subscriber agrees that it shall be fully responsible for the settlement of Hardware cost, if any, subject of this Agr
of the Hardware cost regardless of assignments and movements of its User/s or transfer of use/ loss/ damage of the Hardware.
Subscriber's sole responsibility.
d) SMART may allow the Subscriber credit for using the Service up to a certain level and SMART may set, revoke, or im
request for an increase or decrease in the credit limit subject to SMART’s approval.
e) The Subscriber shall be liable for all outgoing calls, texts and other transactions, including those incurring roaming ch
other transactions, including those incurring roaming charges. Nonpayment of these charges or refusal on the part of the Subsc
transactions, including those incurring roaming charges shall be sufficient ground for SMART to discontinue the Service.
f) The Subscriber agrees to pay on or before the date specified in the Service bill (“Due Date”) all charges stated on th
Service shall be rendered at regular intervals at the end of applicable billing cycles. Contested bills, if any, should be brought to
of the bill, otherwise the Subscriber shall be deemed to have accepted the correctness or accuracy of the bill. Any disputed am
Subscriber’s account. Any disputed amount determined to be payable to SMART shall be due within fifteen (15) days from notic
g) Notwithstanding the non-receipt of any bill, it shall be the Subscriber's responsibility to inform itself of the outstandin
SMART and effect payment, without need of further demand on or before the Due Date.
h) The Subscriber shall be charged SMART's applicable roaming rate and the roaming service activation fee, if any, in
Service. The International Roaming Service is active, by default, unless the Subscriber requests otherwise. In case of the latter
eight (48) hours before leaving the Philippines. SMART shall not be liable for the failure of roaming partner to provide services i
i) The Subscriber agrees that all payments shall be applied first to bills in arrears, including interest and penalties. The
j) The Subscriber agrees not to transfer this Agreement or any right or interest originating therefrom, to any person or e
such transfer, the Subscriber shall remain liable for any all accrued fees and charges.
k) The Subscriber agrees that all cheques and other payments shall be made payable directly to SMART/authorized co
cash made directly, to any representative or salesman shall be invalid.
In case of (a) non-payment of the overdue account; or (b) exceeding the credit limit; or (c) such other cases as may be determin
services (“Service”) under the terms and conditions hereinafter contained (“Agreement”). The Subscriber shall
riber’s account (“User”) shall comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Subscriber shall
“SMART”) agrees to provide the Service under the conditions stipulated herein.
e and effect from and after the actual date of approval by SMART of the application for the Service and shall
Application Form, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. The Subscriber may continue by renewing the
Retention Form.
ed in conjunction with the Service ("Hardware"). SMART does not by this Agreement cover any representation or
(7) day replacement warranty commencing on the date of delivery of the Hardware. This warranty covers
s shall apply and all warranty claims shall be made directly to the vendor’s accredited service centers.
level and SMART may set, revoke, or impose conditions on such credit limit at any time. The Subscriber may
ons, including those incurring roaming charges from the line regardless of who may make such calls, texts and
arges or refusal on the part of the Subscriber to pay charges arising from these calls, texts and other
MART to discontinue the Service.
bill (“Due Date”) all charges stated on the bill. SMART may determine the billing period. Billing statement for the
tested bills, if any, should be brought to the attention of SMART in writing within thirty (30) days from the receipt
or accuracy of the bill. Any disputed amount resolved in favor of the Subscriber shall be credited to the
be due within fifteen (15) days from notice of resolution of the dispute.
nsibility to inform itself of the outstanding fees or charges through the designated enterprise touchpoints of
roaming service activation fee, if any, in the event that the Subscriber avails of SMART's International Roaming
requests otherwise. In case of the latter, the Subscriber shall be responsible for notifying SMART within forty-
of roaming partner to provide services in the roaming area.
rs, including interest and penalties. The balance, if any, will be applied to the current obligation.
originating therefrom, to any person or entity without prior written approval from SMART. Pending approval of
ayable directly to SMART/authorized collection partners and any cheque payment made out, or any payment in
e Service. The advance payment shall bear no interest and shall be applied to the Subscriber’s final bill upon
, SMART shall charge the Subscriber any deficiency. The balance of the advance payment, if any, shall be
ding balances from other lines, the Subscriber may file a written request for refund within ninety (90) days from
o the Subscriber, without interest, within ninety (90) days from approval of the refund.
ice modification requests including, but not limited to, plan downgrade, change in mobile identification number
on Number (PIN) as well as the proper care and maintenance of the SIM Card shall be the Subscriber's sole
fect barring of outgoing calls / SMS/ data usage. All charges and fees accruing prior to the barring shall remain
acement SIM Card subject to fee, if any.
c) such other cases as may be determined by SMART, SMART reserves the right, without incurring any liability
Corporate Subscription Terms & Conditions
The following terms and conditions shall govern the supply of the Sun Cellular services to the Subscriber by Digitel Mobile Phil
1. Scope of Services
Sun Cellular services consist of voice calls, data, Value Added Services (VAS) as well as Sun Business Solutions services, hereina
conditions herein provided, and any amendments thereto.
Subscription to Sun Cellular Services shall commence upon DMPI’s approval of Subscriber’s application for subscription and th
deposit, and other charges as DMPI may deem applicable and/or as approved by the National Telecommunications Commissio
Upon activation of Subscriber’s account up to its termination, as provided for below, Subscriber shall be liable for the followin
All Services shall be subject to the approved rates prevailing at the time that they were made or availed of. Rates may be chan
that the Subscriber may have been billed and/or has paid in advance under the previous rate.
Any Subscriber-initiated modification of the account e.g. subscription plan downgrade, transfer of ownership, etc. shall be sub
a. The Subscriber agrees to pay all charges specified in the monthly billing statement on or before the due date specified the
penalties, as well as to exercise its right, even without prior notice, to effect a redirection or disconnection of Services without
b. The billing statement shall be delivered to Subscriber’s billing address. In case the Subscriber fails to receive the billing sta
Care Hotline or at any of The Sun Shops, and to pay the outstanding charges without further demand on or before the due dat
c. Payments shall be applied first to any charges in arrears, including interest and penalties and the balance, if any, will be ap
d. Payments may be made at any of the The Sun Shops, accredited business centers or payment facilities. However, any ove
through The Sun Shops shall be credited to the Subscriber’s account only upon confirmation of payment by DMPI.
e. Should the Subscriber contest any charges appearing on a billing statement, he/she must file a complaint with DMPI with
period shall be deemed an acceptance of the accuracy and correctness of the charges and fees mentioned in the billing statem
while the contested charges are being investigated. Any excess or erroneous charging shall be credited to Subscriber’s accoun
f. Subscriber understands and agrees that for Services availed of which involve other networks or providers, such as but not
Subscriber agrees to pay for the same when they become due.
5. Credit Limit
DMPI shall assign the Subscriber with a credit limit for each subscribed Service. The credit limit is an indicative amount of all o
shall be available). DMPI shall have no obligation nor can it be compelled to effect a redirection of Services once the credit lim
outstanding accounts in order to avail of the Services and prevent the temporary disconnection (meaning, no incoming and ou
effected without need of prior notice and liability to DMPI.
6. Equipment
All equipment used by the Subscriber to connect to and avail of Sun Cellular Services should be compatible with Sun Cellular’s
Cellular Services is strictly prohibited, and shall be sufficient cause for the immediate disconnection of the Service without nee
Any handset/equipment provided by DMPI to the Subscriber arising from the Sun Cellular subscription is locked to the Sun Cel
subject to the applicable warranty terms and conditions of the handset manufacturer.
7. Subscriber’s Obligations
a. It is the Subscriber’s responsibility to secure and safely keep the SIM card, cellular telephone handset and/or modem whe
able to access and use the Service. All services made through and/or terminating to the subscribed Service are deemed to hav
b. In cases where the Subscriber’s mobile telephone handset, SBW Kit and/or SIM card are lost or stolen, the Subscriber mus
However, it is understood that the Subscriber shall be liable for all charges made on the Sun Cellular line until the time that th
c. The Subscriber shall not assign, mortgage or encumber this agreement and any of the rights emanating therefrom, nor sh
consent shall be null and void and DMPI shall have the right, without incurring any liability, to disconnect the service or termin
d. Should the Subscriber require International Roaming Service, a request must be made at least two (2) working days prior
whenever applicable. DMPI reserves the right to restrict the use of the International Roaming Service.
e. In case of Subscriber’s voluntary termination of subscription , a written request for termination must be submitted to DM
termination fees, if applicable. In the absence of such written request for termination, it is understood that subscription to Su
applicable fees, including but not limited to the Monthly Service Fee regardless of whether Services were availed.
8. Redirection/Disconnection of Services
a. Other than the aforementioned instances where redirection or disconnection of Services may apply, Sun Cellular reserves
unauthorized connection of telecommunications equipment/device, (ii) use of the service for any unlawful or fraudulent, illicit
Services for any activity/service, whether or not prohibited under Philippine law, which defrauds or tends to defraud DMPI or
Call Back or any alternative calling procedure that prevents DMPI from imposing and/or collecting the applicable charges and
procedures, including but not limited to DMPI’s Fair Use Policy.
In the event that the Service was used for any illegal or unauthorized activity as determined solely by DMPI, the Subscriber sha
partners affected by the illegal or unauthorized activity.
b. Should the Services be redirected or temporarily disconnected by Sun Cellular for any reason, the Subscriber shall still be
c. A service that has been redirected shall escalate to a temporary disconnection should the Subscriber fail to settle all outst
from the date when the temporary disconnection was implemented.
d. Neither DMPI nor its directors, officers and employees shall be liable for any liability, loss or damage arising from the redi
prejudice to DMPI’s rights to recover all amounts due from the Subscriber and to avail itself of any remedies under the law.
e. In case of delinquency in any or all of the existing or subsequent Sun Cellular subscriptions under the name of Subscriber,
in status.
f. For Corporate Subscribers, Subscriber agrees that any and all amounts owed by the Subscriber to DMPI pursuant to any te
Group of Companies to the Subscriber, its affiliates or subsidiaries pursuant to or arising from any agreement between said JG
9. Pre-termination
c. A service that has been redirected shall escalate to a temporary disconnection should the Subscriber fail to settle all outst
from the date when the temporary disconnection was implemented.
d. Neither DMPI nor its directors, officers and employees shall be liable for any liability, loss or damage arising from the redi
prejudice to DMPI’s rights to recover all amounts due from the Subscriber and to avail itself of any remedies under the law.
e. In case of delinquency in any or all of the existing or subsequent Sun Cellular subscriptions under the name of Subscriber,
in status.
f. For Corporate Subscribers, Subscriber agrees that any and all amounts owed by the Subscriber to DMPI pursuant to any te
Group of Companies to the Subscriber, its affiliates or subsidiaries pursuant to or arising from any agreement between said JG
9. Pre-termination
Subscriber agrees to keep and maintain the Sun Cellular subscription active for a period of at least 12/24/30 months (referred
terminate the subscription or should the subscription be permanently disconnected by DMPI for any cause as provided for her
For Sun Cellular mobile telephone Services, the pre-termination fee shall be as follows:
For Line Only subscription (where no handset is availed), an administrative fee of P1,000.00 shall be charged if the subscription
of activation or renewal of subscription.
Payment of the pre-termination fee shall however be without prejudice to the collection of all accrued charges up to the time
shall be considered closed only upon full payment of all charges.
10. Downgrading
Subscriber agrees not to downgrade the subscription plan at any time before the expiration of the Holding Period. Should Sub
For downgrading on the Sun Cellular mobile telephone service, Subscriber shall pay the difference of the handset price, on the
Subscriber understands and agrees that DMPI may, upon lawful order of a competent authority, reproduce or disclose its avai
the Subscriber. The Subscriber shall hold DMPI or its directors, officers and employees free and harmless from any cause of ac
12. Miscellaneous
a. The specific terms and conditions of the particular Sun Cellular Service/product (such as but not limited to Group Plan, Fix
part of the terms and conditions stipulated herein.
b. DMPI does not warrant that the Services shall at all times be available, uninterrupted, error free or conform to any reliabi
network coverage. The Subscriber shall hold DMPI free and harmless from any liability arising from the non-availability of the
c. DMPI shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or other damages or losses resulting from the use or failure
Subscriber understands and agrees that DMPI may, upon lawful order of a competent authority, reproduce or disclose its avai
the Subscriber. The Subscriber shall hold DMPI or its directors, officers and employees free and harmless from any cause of ac
12. Miscellaneous
a. The specific terms and conditions of the particular Sun Cellular Service/product (such as but not limited to Group Plan, Fix
part of the terms and conditions stipulated herein.
b. DMPI does not warrant that the Services shall at all times be available, uninterrupted, error free or conform to any reliabi
network coverage. The Subscriber shall hold DMPI free and harmless from any liability arising from the non-availability of the
c. DMPI shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or other damages or losses resulting from the use or failure
d. Except as otherwise provided herein, DMPI does not expressly or impliedly warrant the reliability, condition or merchanta
e. DMPI reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time with or without prior notice.
f. These terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. All suits invo
A. Group Plan
Group Plan allows a registered group of Sun Cellular Subscribers to share among themselves the aggregate monthly consumab
For Subscribers availing of the Group Plan, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. Group Plan 999 and Group Plan 699 shall be composed of a Primary Subscriber and a maximum of two (2) members. Grou
2. Only the Primary Subscriber can request for the modification, addition/deletion of services or the dissolution of the Group
3. The Primary Subscriber and the member/s (the “Group”) shall be treated as a single account and shall receive only one (1
shall be solely liable to DMPI for the payment of all applicable fees and charges of the Group.
4. For Group Plans 999 and 899, the Primary Subscriber and the members shall share the aggregate Monthly Service Fee (M
members shall share the aggregate Monthly Service Fee (MSF) consumable/allowances for voice services.
5. The Group shall be subject to the same state of subscription (i.e., if one is redirected, the rest shall be redirected, etc.)
6. The Group shall have only one (1) profile (i-Text or i-Speak) and Unlimited service option (Call & Text Unlimited, Daylite Ca
the longest Holding Period of the handsets availed.
7. Enrollment to any additional service (GPRS, IDD, IDD 10, International Roaming, Voicemail, Fax & Data, etc.) shall be on a
8. Upgrading or downgrading of a Group Plan shall not be allowed.
9. Credit limit for Group Plan 999 shall be at P4,000.00, for Group Plan 899 it shall be at P3,500.00 and for Group Plan 699 it
10. Existing individual plans within the holding period shall not be allowed to convert to Group Plans.
11. In case of Group dissolution:
Within the Holding Period. The Primary Subscriber shall pay pre-termination charges for all the members in the Group. Memb
Beyond the Holding Period. Members can migrate to any individual plan subject to submission of required documents, payme
12. There must always be a Primary Subscriber and at least one (1) member in a Group. A Primary Subscriber may be replaced
Cellular. Provided the Group is not dissolved, a member may migrate to any individual plan subject to submission of required d
13. The Primary Subscriber warrants that all members in the Group are aware of and shall abide by all the foregoing terms an
B. Fixed Load Plan
Fixed Load Plan (FLP) allows a postpaid Sun Cellular Subscriber (referred to as the Primary Subscriber) to provide a monthly fix
For Subscribers availing of the Fixed Load Plan, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. On the date of approval of enrollment to the FLP and every month thereafter (FLP Load Cycle) until termination, Sun Cellu
shall automatically expire at the end of the FLP Load Cycle. The monthly fixed load shall be credited to the FLP Subscriber’s acc
2. Should the FLP Subscriber consume all the monthly fixed load before the end of the FLP Load Cycle, he/she may still avail
expiration date of the applicable prepaid variant, but the FLP Load Cycle shall continue to run.
3. The Primary Subscriber agrees to maintain the same profile and load type for a period of at least six (6) months from the d
payment of the applicable administrative fee.
4. The Primary Subscriber agrees to keep and maintain the FLP Primary Account active for a period of at least twenty-four (2
shall be separate and distinct from each of the FLP Subscribers’ Holding Period, which shall be twenty-four (24) months from d
of the FLP Subscribers’.
5. Should the Primary Subscriber request for pre-termination of the Primary Account or should the Primary Account be perm
automatically terminated and the Primary Subscriber will be charged with the applicable pre-termination fees for the Primary
Holding Period, all of the FLP subscriptions will also be automatically terminated and the Primary Subscriber will only be charg
the holding period), the FLP Subscriber shall have the option to migrate to a regular prepaid account. Should the Primary and/
expiration of the Primary and/or FLP subscription Holding Period, the pre-termination charges for each pre-terminating Primar
6. Primary Subscriber agrees not to downgrade any of the FLP subscriptions at anytime before the expiration of the Holding
charges for each FLP subscription to be downgraded as follows:
7. In case of a redirection or temporary disconnection of the Primary Subscriber’s line, the FLP subscription/s shall not be cre
Fee during the period of redirection or temporary disconnection. Any Monthly Fixed Load that should have been credited to th
may still avail of the Sun Cellular services by reloading the FLP subscription/s with any of the Sun Cellular Prepaid variants. Cre
original Loading Cycle.
8. In case of a temporary disconnection of the Primary Subscriber’s line due to lost phone, the Primary Subscriber shall still b
9. Only the Primary Subscriber can transact with Sun Cellular for any request for modification. In the case of a lost FLP Subsc
Period shall still apply. The lost SIM shall be deactivated and shall no longer be credited with the Monthly Fixed Load.
10. Should the Primary Subscriber fail to pay the Monthly Fixed Load Fee and/or MSF, Sun Cellular will suspend sending the M
number. Should the Primary Subscriber thereafter desire to reinstate the FLP account, the mobile number will be different and
FLP Subscriber’s account is active or inactive.
11. The Primary Subscriber warrants that all FLP Subscribers are aware of and shall abide by all the foregoing terms and cond
C. 24/7 Call & Text Unlimited Service, 24/7 Text Unlimited Service and Daylite Call and Text Unlimited Service
For Subscribers availing of the 24/7 Unlimited Service, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. 24/7 Call & Text Unlimited (CTU) allows the Subscriber unlimited local Sun-to-Sun voice calls and texts and 24/7 Text Unlim
to other networks, International Roaming (IR) and Value Added Service (VAS) transactions shall be charged the standard applic
2. Daylite Call & Text Unlimited allows the Subscriber unlimited local Sun-to-Sun calls from 12:00 midnight to 6:00 pm while
against the MSF. All texts and voice calls made to other networks, IR and VAS transactions shall be charged the standard applic
3. If the enrollment to any of the foregoing Unlimited services is made at the beginning of the Subscriber’s billing cycle, the a
4. Should the Subscriber decide to discontinue availing of 24/7 CTU/TU, DCTU, he/she must visit any of The Sun Shop or call
the right to continue charging the 24/7 CTU/TU/DCTU against the Subscribers unused MSF or on top of the MSF, if already con
5. Sun Cellular has sole discretion without need of prior notice to disallow, modify or discontinue 24/7 CTU/TU, DCTU at any
D. IDD 10 Service
For Subscribers availing of the IDD 10 Service, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. IDD 10 offers US$0.10 International Direct Dial (IDD) rate per minute for every call made only to the US (Mainland)*, Cana
*Applies only to IDD calls made to the US Mainland. IDD calls to Hawaii, Alaska, US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are not inclu
2. Calls outside the IDD 10 destinations mentioned above will be charged the regular applicable IDD rate.
3. The peso equivalent of the US$0.10 rate per minute shall be based on the NTC prescribed peso-dollar exchange rate issue
4. All IDD calls shall be charged against your consumable monthly service fee (MSF), if any, or on top of your MSF (if consum
For Subscribers availing of the Sun Broadband Wireless (SBW) service, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. Use of Service
a. The Subscriber shall be responsible for all the charges arising from the subscription to and use of the Service. No claims fo
b. All rights, privileges and obligations arising from the SBW subscription including the SBW Kit are extended specifically to t
this Agreement or any SBW Kit provided for by DMPI made without the prior written consent of DMPI shall be null and void re
of the Services without prejudice to other legal remedy available to DMPI.
c. The SBW Kit is non-refundable, non-exchangeable for cash or any product, nor shall the value thereof be used to off-set o
d. The Service shall not be used for any improper, fraudulent, illicit or mischievous purpose or for any type of activity/service
e. Unauthorized activity/service include but is not limited to, International Simple Resale (ISR), Call Back and any other analo
applicable legal charges. The Service shall likewise not be used to violate any system, network or account security, including b
logging into a server or account which the Subscriber is not authorized to access or log into, or probing the security of other sy
network, overload a service or “crash” a host.
f. Should DMPI find that the Service is being used in any of the foregoing activity/service, DMPI may, without need of prior n
from any cause of action, liability, damages or claim arising from Subscriber’s actions and/or omissions and/or from DMPI’s dis
g. All services and/or transactions made from or terminating to as well as any equipment installed and/or connected to the
and penalties arising from or as a consequence of the foregoing.
h. The Subscriber agrees to keep and maintain his/her SBW subscription account active for the entire duration of the Holdin
permanently disconnected by DMPI for any cause before the expiration of the Holding Period, the Subscriber shall pay for the
without prejudice to the collection of all accrued charges up to the time of pre-termination. The Subscriber shall be furnished
a. DMPI will implement a Fair Use Policy to help ensure the quality of service to all subscribers. DMPI believes that each sub
Subscriber is bound to this Fair Use Policy.
b. The Sun Broadband Wireless service shall not be used under any of the following circumstances included but not limited t
i. peer-to-peer file sharing;
ii. machine-to-machine applications
iii. in any manner which adversely affects DMPI’s ability to provide, complete or maintain the level or
quality of its network or other services; and any manner which is designed to unfairly exploit the usage or to cause loss or damage to DMPI such as using the Service f
c. DMPI has the sole discretion to limit the Subscriber’s data throughout or amount of data transferred, or suspend/termina
d. If in the reasonable opinion of DMPI, the Subscriber’s use of the Service is excessive, DMPI may ask the Subscriber to mod
suspend or terminate the Service.
e. DMPI reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Fair Use Policy.
b. The Sun Broadband Wireless service shall not be used under any of the following circumstances included but not limited t
i. peer-to-peer file sharing;
ii. machine-to-machine applications
iii. in any manner which adversely affects DMPI’s ability to provide, complete or maintain the level or
quality of its network or other services; and any manner which is designed to unfairly exploit the usage or to cause loss or damage to DMPI such as using the Service f
c. DMPI has the sole discretion to limit the Subscriber’s data throughout or amount of data transferred, or suspend/termina
d. If in the reasonable opinion of DMPI, the Subscriber’s use of the Service is excessive, DMPI may ask the Subscriber to mod
suspend or terminate the Service.
e. DMPI reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Fair Use Policy.
For Subscribers availing of the Bundled Plan service, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. This bundled plan is a combination of two (2) Sun Cellular service offerings: Any Sun Postpaid Plan (Regular & Group) and
2. This bundled subscription shall have its own distinct and single account.
i. The subscriber shall receive one (1) billing statement for the two (2) services. For existing Sun Postpaid
Plan subscribers who wish to avail of this Bundled Plan by adding SBW Plan 799, or existing SBW Plan 799 subscribers who wis
and billing cycle. (Pro-rating of charges to be applied as needed.)
ii. The Monthly Service Fee of the Bundled Plan is computed by adding the MSF of the two (2) services (Sun Postpaid Plan and
iii.There shall only be one (1) credit limit. Credit Limit may be changed upon approval by Sun Cellular.
iv.There shall only be one (1) state of subscription (i.e. redirection, permanent disconnection, etc.) applied against both servic
3. The two (2) subscriptions shall be covered by distinct Holding Periods.
i. The Sun Postpaid Plan subscription may have a holding period of 24 or 30 months depending on the selected handset mo
ii. For the Sun Postpaid Plan component, the subscriber will be entitled to a loyalty handset upon reaching the end of the ho
iii. Should the subscriber decide to downgrade/upgrade the Sun Postpaid Plan within the holding period, the MSF will be adj
iv. At the end of the holding period of one component, the subscriber may opt to either renew or terminate the said compon
4. In case of termination of this Bundled subscription:
i. Within the Holding Period.
i. Should the subscriber pre-terminate the SBW Plan 799 component of the Bundled Plan, but wishes to retain the Sun Post
Regular SBW Plan 799 MSF X remaining balance of the SBW Holding Period
SBW SIM only (with no modem) P1000
ii. Should the subscriber pre-terminate the Sun Postpaid Plan component of the Bundled Plan, but wishes to retain the SBW
iii. Should the subscriber pre-terminate the Bundled subscription, he/she must pay the applicable pre- termination fee for b
ii. Beyond the Holding Period.
i. The subscriber may terminate the Sun Postpaid Plan subscription with no charge whatsoever. He/she may continue the S
ii. The subscriber may terminate the SBW Plan 799 subscription with no charge whatsoever and continue the Sun Postpaid P
For Subscribers availing of the BlackBerry Add-On Plans, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. Subscriber understands and agrees that the BlackBerry Service is a service provided by Research In Motion (RIM) in partn
2. Subscriber agrees to read and be bound by the BlackBerry Internet Service End User Agreement of RIM (copy of which ma
i. The subscriber may terminate the Sun Postpaid Plan subscription with no charge whatsoever. He/she may continue the S
ii. The subscriber may terminate the SBW Plan 799 subscription with no charge whatsoever and continue the Sun Postpaid P
For Subscribers availing of the BlackBerry Add-On Plans, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. Subscriber understands and agrees that the BlackBerry Service is a service provided by Research In Motion (RIM) in partn
2. Subscriber agrees to read and be bound by the BlackBerry Internet Service End User Agreement of RIM (copy of which ma
supplementary to this agreement.
3. Subscriber agrees to pay the Monthly Service Fee (MSF) for the BlackBerry Service, which shall be charged on top of subsc
4. Subscriber agrees to keep and maintain the subscription to the BlackBerry Service active for a period of at least six (6) mo
subscription or should the BlackBerry subscription be permanently disconnected by RIM or Sun Cellular for any cause as provid
BlackBerry Add-on Holding Period, the subscriber shall pay a pre-termination fee of Php1,000.
5. Subscriber understands and agrees that DMPI reserves the right not to support BlackBerry handsets that are not purchase
elsewhere, subscriber takes the risk of not accessing or fully enjoying the BlackBerry service and DMPI shall not be obligated to
6. In case of voluntary termination of subscriber’s BlackBerry Service subscription, a written request for termination must be
pre-termination fee, if applicable. In the absence of such written request for termination, it is understood that subscription to
applicable charges.
For Subscribers availing of the Sun Double Unlimited 249 Service, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
1. Only Sun Cellular Regular Postpaid and Group Plan subscribers may avail of a Sun Double Unlimited 249 subscription.
2. Upon subscription to the Sun Double Unlimited 249 service, the subscriber shall be assigned a SunTel Wireless Landline n
3. The SunTel Wireless Landline service will not be accessible outside the subscriber’s specific area. All landline calls made fr
4. The Monthly Service Fee (referred to as “MSF”) for the Sun Double Unlimited 249 service will be included in the billing sta
a. The account number and billing cycle of the existing mobile subscription will be followed. (Pro-rating of charges to be app
b. The Advance Monthly Service (AMSF) will be charge-to-bill and must be settled on the first billing.
5. The subscriber agrees to maintain the Sun Double Unlimited 249 service active for a period of at least 6 months upon enr
to the end of the Holding Period, he/she will have to pay the pre-termination fee amounting to P1,000.
6. There shall only be one (1) credit limit applied for the subscribed services. Additional P500 credit limit shall be added to th
7. There shall only be one (1) state of subscription (i.e. redirection, etc.) applied against both services.
8. Upon enrollment to the Sun Double Unlimited 249 service, the subscriber agrees to be bound by the Terms and Condition
For Subscribers availing of the Sun Postpaid Elite Services, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
Any or a combination of the following Sun Cellular Products/services may form part of the Sun Cellular Elite subscription depe
For Subscribers availing of the Sun Postpaid Elite Services, the following terms and conditions shall likewise apply:
Any or a combination of the following Sun Cellular Products/services may form part of the Sun Cellular Elite subscription depe
1.2. Equipment and Peripherals. SMART shall provide the Subscriber with the equipment and peripherals necessary for Service
delivery receipt issued to the Subscriber.
1.3. Site Survey. SMART reserves the right, upon due notice, to conduct site surveys, tests and/or inspections inside the Subscr
Peripherals installation and Service maintenance. The Subscriber understands that should there be no signal from the SMART
provided, the Subscriber will not be able to avail of the Service. Subscriber agrees to hold SMART free and harmless from any l
1.4. Non-transferability of Rights and Location. The rights and privileges extended to the Subscriber in relation to the subscripti
not be transferred to any individual or entity or to any other location, without obtaining the prior written consent, approval an
prior written consent of SMART shall be void regardless of receipt by SMART of the Monthly Service Fee and other charges fro
1.5. Limitation of Liability. SMART shall not be responsible for delays or for failure or omission of its Service due to any cause b
negligence and which cannot be overcome by the exercise of due diligence, including but not limited to, labor disturbance, hu
cause be of the same class or kind as those herein. The Subscriber agrees that in such case, the operation of this Agreement an
terminated as the case may be, even without notice, without liability for loss and damage, it being understood that the cause
earliest practicable time. In the cases mentioned above, SMART shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Subs
omission of SMART’s employees or agent which liability shall not exceed the amount of FIVE-THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000.00) as
1.6. Non-assumption of Responsibility. Subscriber holds SMART free from any responsibility for any loss or damage resulting fr
and/or Peripherals for any reason whatsoever. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, SMART will not for any
punitive, special or other similar damages, including but not limited to damages resulting from loss of actual or anticipated rev
1.7. Use of the Service. The Subscriber shall not re-sell or make any commercial use of the Service, without the prior express w
activity/ies that tend to bypass the SMART network or be used in prohibited services like callback, dialback, unauthorized audi
(the “Unauthorized Activities”). The Subscriber shall be liable to SMART for any and all compensation fee on account of any of
The compensation fee is payable, without any limitation from the time the Unauthorized Activity occurred until the actual ces
relevant books and all other records of the Subscriber in order to ascertain the volume of traffic and total amount of compens
discretion in the determination of the bypass compensation. In addition to the Unauthorized Activities referred to above, the
morals and public policy or which violates any ordinance, law, decree, order, regulation or treaty (the “Illegal Activities”).
The Subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold SMART free and harmless from any liability, suit, or damage arising from or conn
further authorizes SMART to supply any and all information requested by any law enforcement or government agency/ies, or
Subscriber’s subscription to the Service. In which case, the Subscriber hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives any and a
1.8. Management of the Subscriber’s Data. The Subscriber shall be responsible in protecting its telecommunications system ag
suffered by the Subscriber by reason of such attacks/hacks shall be for the Subscriber’s sole account. Thus, in the event of such
assistance of SMART, its affiliates and/or subsidiaries, if so requested.
The Subscriber agrees that the Internet is not owned, or managed by, or in any way affiliated with SMART and SMART has no c
the Service.
SMART does not warrant that the Service provided will be uninterrupted, error free, secure, or free from viruses, worms or th
warranty, express or implied, regarding the reliability and completion of any and all transactions executed using the Service or
consequential or incidental damages, including without limitation, lost profits or loss of revenue or damage to data arising out
or the nature of the cause of action, including without limitation, those arising under contract, negligence, tort or strict liability
any claims against you by any other party.
2.2. Service Commencement Date. The Service Commencement Date for each Service provided shall be set forth on the d
Service is activated.
2.3. Observance of Rules and Regulations. The Subscriber binds himself to strictly observe and comply with all government rul
2.0 Acceptance of Terms and Service Commencement Date
2.1. Term. This Agreement shall take effect from signing hereof by the Subscriber, and approval by the authorized representati
stipulated in the Service Application Form from the Service Commencement Date and shall be automatically renewed for simi
Section 7 hereof. In case of renewal, SMART may amend, change or modify the applicable rates.
2.2. Service Commencement Date. The Service Commencement Date for each Service provided shall be set forth on the d
Service is activated.
2.3. Observance of Rules and Regulations. The Subscriber binds himself to strictly observe and comply with all government rul
other related matters now existing or hereinafter promulgated, as well as reasonable rules and regulations as SMART may imp
or telephone signal of other Subscribers within or outside SMART’s network, otherwise, SMART shall have the right to disconn
done by or under the authority of the Subscriber and shall be a ground for disconnection of the Service by SMART provided th
the Subscriber shall still be liable for the payment of the Monthly Service Fee and other charges for the term of this Agreemen
3.2 Additional Installation Charges. In certain instances, the Subscriber shall pay for additional charges to cover materials and
(i.e. for 20-ft. antennae and higher).
3.3 Relocation. If the Subscriber will transfer office location, the Subscriber will be charged the relocation fee prevailing at the
location and re-installing to the new location.
3.4 Changes in Service. The Subscriber agrees to pay all charges for changes in Service feature including, but not limited to, rec
the right to make changes in the Service for technical and other reason, with due notice to the Subscriber.
3.5 Downgrading of service within the contract term. Subscriber is required to submit a written notice at least one (1) month p
termination charge equivalent to 100% of the difference of the current monthly charge and downgraded monthly charge of th
unexpired term of the contract will be imposed if pre-termination is done without cause.
3.6 In addition, Subscriber will be charged the actual expenses for recovery of equipment relative to the original grade of
Total Pre-termination Charge = No. of months remaining in the contract x (Current Monthly Charge - Downgraded Monthly Ch
service (if any).
4.1 Due Date. SMART shall bill the Subscriber the Monthly Service Fee and other charges, which must be paid in full by the Sub
shall send to the Subscriber his Statement of Account at his given billing address by regular mail, facsimile or electronic mail, o
any bill, it shall be the Subscriber's responsibility to inform himself of his outstanding fees or charges through the SMART Web
for further notice or demand on or before the Due Date. Subscriber acknowledges that SMART has advised him that SMART m
specified Due Date. SMART shall bill the Subscriber at monthly intervals but reserves the right to alter the date of billing or int
4.2 Billing Disputes. If the Subscriber in good faith disputes any portion of the SMART Statement of Account, the Subscriber sh
payment of the undisputed portion of the Statement of Account and written documentation identifying and substantiating the
(15) day period, the Subscriber shall irrevocably waive his dispute rights for that Statement of Account and the billing shall be
Subscriber shall be credited to the Subscriber’s account in the next Statement of Account. Any disputed amount determined t
dispute. If the Subscriber withholds the disputed amount thereafter or within the time required fails to provide supporting inf
disputing any charges, the Subscriber’s account shall be deemed to be past due and unpaid. In such event, SMART shall be enti
suspension or disconnection of Service.
4.3 Penalties. SMART shall charge interest equivalent to one and a half percent (1.5%) per month for all accounts not paid by t
per month, until the date of payment.
4.4 Repair and Maintenance. Subscriber shall be entitled to free spare parts and service for non-performance of the CPE and/o
cost of repair and maintenance of CPE and/or Peripherals as a result of damage due to the act or negligence of Subscriber sha
4.5 Loss or Damage. The Subscriber shall be liable should any CPE and/or Peripherals be damaged or lost due to the Subscribe
of the same.
Rebate for the Month = (Monthly Rental) x (Total downtime for the month (in hrs.)
730 Hrs.
a. All applicable rebates will be computed based on SMART’s Corporate Helpdesk (6727288 or *2888) records.
b. Subscriber shall be responsible to report to SMART Helpdesk any outages experienced by the network.
c. The following outages are not subject to rebates:
Outages due to Subscriber’s fault, equipment failure and applications;
Power failure in Subscriber’s sites;
Scheduled maintenance; and
Force Majeure - SMART shall not have any liability whatsoever or be deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in th
including without limitation acts of God, acts or regulations of any governmental or supranational authority, war or national e
(whether or not involving SMART’s employees) or epidemics.
SMART shall, at all times, comply with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10173 or “the Data Privacy Act of 2012,” its impleme
now or will be promulgated relating to data privacy and the protection of personal information. SMART, its officers, employee
Agreement, shall, among others:
5.1 Process personal data only upon the documented instructions of the Subscriber, including transfers of personal data to an
5.0 Data Privacy
SMART shall, at all times, comply with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10173 or “the Data Privacy Act of 2012,” its impleme
now or will be promulgated relating to data privacy and the protection of personal information. SMART, its officers, employee
Agreement, shall, among others:
5.1 Process personal data only upon the documented instructions of the Subscriber, including transfers of personal data to an
5.2 Implement measures and systems such as clear written guidelines and training modules for its employees, agents, and rep
under the Data Privacy Act of 2012;
5.3 Implement such measures and systems that will allow data subjects to exercise their right to object or withhold consent to
5.4 Implement such measures and systems that will allow data subjects to exercise their right to access under the Data Privacy
5.5 Maintain proper records, and provide the Subscriber access to such records, as will allow said Subscriber to comply with th
5.6 Ensure that data subjects will be able to exercise their right to rectification, modification, or blocking of data under the Dat
5.7 Determine the appropriate level of security measures, subject to, and in conjunction with, that of the Subscriber, taking in
represented by the processing, the size of the organization and complexity of its operations, current data privacy best practice
5.8 Implement security measures for data protection (i.e., generally, the physical, organization, and technical security measure
including policies for evaluation, monitoring, and review of operations and security risks. These measures may include clear w
and audit measures in relation to the (1) collection, processing, maintenance, and deletion/disposal of personal data and reco
whom the information may be given access. Such measures shall aim to maintain the availability, integrity, and confidentiality
and other interference, use, disclosure, alteration, loss, and destruction of personal data;
5.9 Implement reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical, and technical measures intended for the protection of per
disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful processing, or for such other purposes as may be required under the Data Pri
5.10 Implement reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal information against natural dangers such as accide
misuse, unlawful destruction, alteration, and contamination;
5.11 Ensure that its employees, agents, and representatives who are involved in the processing of personal information opera
continue even after their transfer to another position or upon termination of their employment or contractual relations;
5.12 Not to engage another processor without prior instruction from the Subscriber: Provided, that any such arrangement sha
implemented, taking into account the nature of the processing;
5.13 In case of data breach, promptly notify the Subscriber within twenty-four (24) hours or earlier from the time of discovery
affected data subject or subscriber within the period prescribed under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, when sensitive personal in
reasonably believed to have been acquired by an unauthorized person, and the Subscriber, SMART, or the National Privacy Co
risk of serious harm to any affected data subject or subscriber;
5.14 Promptly inform the Subscriber if, in its opinion, any instructions of the Subscriber violates, or may be construed to violat
National Privacy Commission;
5.15 Assist the Subscriber in ensuring compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its implementing rules and regulations, ot
into account the nature of processing and the information available to SMART;
5.16 At the choice of the Subscriber, delete, destroy, or return all personal data to the former after the end of the provision of
destroying existing copies unless storage is authorized by the Data Privacy Act of 2012 or another law;
5.17 Make available to the Subscriber all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations laid down in t
inspections, conducted by the Subscriber or another auditor mandated by the latter; and
5.18 Include all the foregoing in the privacy and security policy of SMART.
6.2 Disconnection. Subscriber agrees that SMART may without prior notice, disconnect the Service of any Subscriber whose bi
SMART may temporarily suspend the Service in any of the following instances:
• Violation by the Subscriber of the terms and condition of this Agreement;
• Misrepresentation or false statements by the Subscriber in the application for Service;
• Illegal connection or use of unauthorized equipment or accessories;
5.18 Include all the foregoing in the privacy and security policy of SMART.
6.2 Disconnection. Subscriber agrees that SMART may without prior notice, disconnect the Service of any Subscriber whose bi
SMART may temporarily suspend the Service in any of the following instances:
• Violation by the Subscriber of the terms and condition of this Agreement;
• Misrepresentation or false statements by the Subscriber in the application for Service;
• Illegal connection or use of unauthorized equipment or accessories;
• Suspicious fraudulent misuse or abuse of Service, CPE and/or Peripherals;
• Unauthorized transfer of Service;
• Failure to notify SMART of change in billing address; or
• Any other analogous cause.
Whenever the disconnection leads to eventual termination, the effects of such termination shall retroact to the date of discon
become permanent upon failure of Subscriber to correct or rectify the ground for discontinuance of Service within thirty (30) d
waiver of the outstanding tariff, charges, penalties, and surcharges accruing on overdue bills. The Subscriber agrees to hold SM
which may arise as a result of such suspension or disconnection of Service.
Reconnection. In the event of suspension or disconnection, SMART may at its option restore Service and/or rectify the cause o
including any and all applicable fees.
7.2 Termination by SMART. SMART may terminate the Service or this Agreement for non-payment or delay in payment of the
Agreement or for such other causes set forth in this Agreement. A penalty amounting to the total pre-termination charge* (Fo
Reconnection. In the event of suspension or disconnection, SMART may at its option restore Service and/or rectify the cause o
including any and all applicable fees.
7.2 Termination by SMART. SMART may terminate the Service or this Agreement for non-payment or delay in payment of the
Agreement or for such other causes set forth in this Agreement. A penalty amounting to the total pre-termination charge* (Fo
terminate the provision of the Service due to the Subscriber’s violation of this Agreement.
7.3 Subscriber Liability. The Subscriber possesses the CPE and/or Peripherals in trust for and on behalf of SMART. In the event
the Service or terminates use of CPE and/or Peripherals equipment for non-payment or delay in the payment of the Subscribe
Subscriber hereby authorizes SMART, its agents or representatives to enter the Subscriber’s premises where the CPE and/or P
7.4 Pullout of CPE and/or Peripherals. Upon termination of the Service, for any reason whatsoever, SMART shall have the right
8.2 “As Is” Services. The Subscriber acknowledges that the Service is provided “as is”. SMART, ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SUPPL
8.3 Venue of Suits and Litigation Expenses. In case of litigation arising out of this Agreement, all suits shall be exclusively filed w
claims to any other venues. The Subscriber shall, in addition to the amount due and collectible, pay twenty-five (25%) of such
9.0 Miscellaneous
9.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement together with all attachments incorporated herein specifically by reference, represents
and all other agreements, whether written or oral, between the Parties relating to the Service shall be superseded by this Agre
representation of warranties that are not set forth in this Agreement.
9.2 Assignment by SMART. SMART reserves the right to transfer or assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement whe
9.3 Modification. SMART reserves the right at its absolute discretion to modify, delete or add to any of the terms and conditio
9.4 Separability Clause. The Parties also agree that should any provision in this Agreement be declared void, invalid or ineffecti
affected and shall continue to be binding.
9.5 Waiver. No waiver by SMART of any breach shall operate as a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. SMART shall not
to the Subscriber.
General Consent
Throughout your use of our services, you agree and allow Smart Communications Inc. to use your personal information for the following purposes:
There are some instances where we may need to share your information to our subsidiaries and affiliates, agents, business partners and other
third-party agencies and service providers. We only share your information to enable us to continue providing you with the products and services
that you have availed from us, and as part of our regular business operations that allow us to serve you better.
When you accept this Privacy Policy, you also acknowledge that we may share your information with:
1. Our service providers, contractors, professional advisers, and their sub-contractors, who help us provide our products and services to you. For
example: our couriers for bill delivery and our customer contact centers for our hotline operations;
2. Other companies to whom you have also given consent for us to share your information with; and
3. Law enforcement and government agencies, but only when required by laws and regulations and other lawful orders and processes.
For a list of these partners, please visit
We would like you to know that your personal data will be kept in our records for as long as you continue to use our products and services, and for
a maximum of 5 years after.
The Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173) gives you rights in relation to the personal data that we have collected about you, including
the right to object to certain ways in which we may use your data, the right to access your data at your request, the right to correct any inaccurate
or outdated data about you, and the right to erase or remove your data from our records.
Smart Communications Inc. respects your right to privacy, and we commit to take great care in safeguarding your personal data. For more
information on your rights and how you may exercise them, please contact our Deputy Data Privacy Officer for PLDT Enterprise through the contact
details provided below: