Sysmex 2100 - CS-2x00i - Host - Online - Specification - 1.60
Sysmex 2100 - CS-2x00i - Host - Online - Specification - 1.60
Sysmex 2100 - CS-2x00i - Host - Online - Specification - 1.60
CS-2000i/ CS-2100i
Host Online Specification
2009/12/9 Ver.1.60
Sysmex Corporation
Revision History
Version Date Description
1.00 11.09.2006 Initial Version
1.10 31.05.2007 The reserved parameter in the analyzed data format and the order information
text format is changed to the patient name.
1.20 29.08.2007 1) The difference between CA-1500 format and CA-1000 format is described in 5.
Text Format. The number of characters of CA-1000 format is added in the
description of each format.
2) When the Barcode Reading Error occurs, the assigned sample No. is changed
to 13-digit or 15-digit beginning with "□□ERR0000000001" or
"ERR000000000001" respectively. It is added that Sample No. in Barcode
Reading Error is selectable from 13-digit or 15-digit in the System Settings
1.30 06.11.2007 It is added that the response text in class B can be sent between STX and ETX.
1.40 02.09.2008 The CS-2000i format is added.
The description of the sample information text supported only in the CS-2000i
format is added.
1.50 14.01.2009 It is added that the CS-2000i format consists of the CA-1500 format and sample
information text.
1.60 09.12.2009 It is added thet Sample Volume flag in the sample information text.
It is added thet “7.Examples of Communication”
Parameter Codes are added.
Table of Contents
1. Scope of Application............................................................................................................................. 5
2. Overview............................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Serial Data Communication ................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Hardware ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.1. Connector................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.2. Connector Signals................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.3. Communication Format........................................................................................................... 6
3.1.4. Signal Level............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2. Software......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1. Communication Format........................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2. Communication Protocol......................................................................................................... 7 Outputting Analysis Result.................................................................................................... 8 Receiving Analysis Order.................................................................................................... 13 Receiving Analysis Order.................................................................................................... 14
3.2.3. Transmission Error................................................................................................................ 16
3.2.4. Transmission Interval ............................................................................................................ 17
3.2.5. Process Time ........................................................................................................................ 17
4. TCP/IP Communication...................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Hardware ...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Software........................................................................................................................................ 18
4.2.1 Data Link/Network/Transport Layer ....................................................................................... 18
4.2.2 Session Layer ........................................................................................................................ 18
4.2.3 Presentation Layer................................................................................................................. 18
4.2.4 Actions in the case of transmission error............................................................................... 19
5. Text Format......................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Analysis Data Format.................................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Sample Information Text Format .................................................................................................. 25
5.3 Order Inquiry Text Format............................................................................................................. 28
5.4 Order Information Text Format ..................................................................................................... 31
6. Parameter Code List .......................................................................................................................... 34
7. Examples of Communication ............................................................................................................. 36
7.1 Inquiry of Analysis Order (IPU => Host Computer) ...................................................................... 36
7.2 Analysis Oder (Host Computer => IPU) ....................................................................................... 36
7.3 Analysis Result (IPU => Host Computer) ..................................................................................... 36
7.3.1 When the analysis is performed 1 time .............................................................................. 36
7.3.2 When the analysis is performed 2 time .............................................................................. 36
1. Scope of Application
This specification applies in the serial data communication (based on RS-232C) and the TCP/IP
communication (Ethernet) between CS-2000i/CS-2100i and the host computer.
2. Overview
The following functions can be performed by means of the communication between the
CS-2000i/CS-2100i and the host computer:
1. Receives analysis orders from the host computer.
2. Sends analysis results to the host computer.
3. Sends reference information about samples to the host computer.
3.1 Hardware
3.1.1. Connector
• The connector to the host computer is located on the right panel of the main unit.
• A 9-pin D-SUB, female connector is used. (A male connector is used in the main unit.)
1 NC
2 Receive Data RxD IN
3 Transmit Data TxD OUT
4 Data Terminal Ready DTR OUT
5 Signal Ground SG -
6 Data Set Ready DSR IN
7 Request to Send (Note*1) RTS OUT
8 Clear to Send (Note*1) CTS IN
9 NC
Whether to perform flow control for CTS/RTS can be selected according to the
When “None” is selected for in the flow control, the signals of CTS/RTS are
3.2. Software
3.2.1. Communication Format
1) Code
ASCII codes are used for output.
2) Structure of Text
“STX” is sent prior to data and “ETX” is sent at the end of data.
One block should contain 255 characters or less. The analysis data is divided for
transmission so that one block contains 255 or less characters.
Order of transmission
The analysis result is output to the host computer taking the interval specified
as T or longer interval. The interval can be selected from 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 or 15
sec according to the software settings.
Host Computer
Transmission Interval
Host Computer A A
T1 C C
Response Time
CS-2000i Data1 Data1
Host Computer N A
Pattern 1
Analysis Condition PT APTT
Replication 1 1
Repeat analysis(dilution) - -
Reflect Analysis - -
Content of Analysis Data Format
Text Distinction CodeⅡ
Setting for transmission
PT APTT Text Distinction CodeⅡ All Data Final Data
Transmission Data1 ●(First time) ●(First time) "1" ★ ★ F(Final)
Transmission Interval
CS-2000i A
Order Inquiry T3 C T2 Order Inquiry
Host Computer T3 A T4 Order
Response Time K Process Time
Transmission Interval:
The order information is output to the IPU taking the interval specified as T2 or
longer interval. The interval can be selected from 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 or 15 sec
according to the software settings.
Time-Out Period:
When the response time T1/T3 or the process time T4 times out, the
transmission is completed. The time-out period should be 15 sec.
Process Time:
The process time, T4 must take an interval of 1 or more sec.
If no control signal line is used with a delay time of 0.2 sec or more.
If no analysis parameter for the sample inquired by the IPU is available in the
host computer, set “000”.
When there is no analysis parameter for the inquired sample and the later
samples, set “999”. The IPU does not perform order inquiry for the samples in
the subsequent tube positions after receiving “999”.
Transmission error Frame error, parity error or overrun Check the host computer as
in the host error is detected when a text is well as the connector cable
computer received. Interrupt the transmission
HC Off-line The control signal, DSR in the host Check the host computer as
computer is not activated. Interrupt well as the connector cable
the transmission
HC ACK Time-Out After the data is t transmitted, no Check the host computer as
response is sent from the host well as the connector cable
computer within 15 seconds.
Interrupt the transmission (Class B
HC ACK Code After the data is transmitted, a Check the host computer as
Error response code other than ACK/NAK well as the connector cable
is sent from the host computer.
Interrupt the transmission (Class B
HC Transmission When the data is transmitted, NAK Check the host computer as
Count Error is received 4 times. Interrupt the well as the connector cable
transmission (Class B only)
HC CTS After the data is output, the control Check the host computer as
Time-Out signal CTS is not turned on within 5 well as the connector cable
seconds. Interrupt the transmission
(only for RTS/CTS control)
4. TCP/IP Communication
4.1 Hardware
The following describes the network interface layer.
• Conforms to IEEE802.3.
• Use a communication cable of UTP category 5
4.2 Software
4.2.1 Data Link/Network/Transport Layer
• Conforms to TCP/IP protocol
• The IP address for the communication must be set by using the value defined in
TCP/IP-HC IP Address-System Settings-Settings. Select a value that differs from the
address used in the IPU-main unit.
• The TCP port no. the communication must be set by using the value defined in
TCP/IP-HC Port No.-System Settings-Settings
Order of transmission
Could not confirm the Connect Error: Create error of the Check the host computer
TCP/IP connection with socket. Interrupt the transmission. as well as the connector
the host computer cable
TCP/IP receive error Receive Error: The size actually received Check the host computer
occurred in the host (returned value from Receive) does not as well as the connector
computer. correspond to the required size. cable.
Interrupt the transmission
TCP/IP send error Send Error: The size actually sent Check the host computer
occurred in the host (returned value from Send) does not as well as the connector
computer. correspond to the required size. cable.
Interrupt the transmission
5. Text Format
The HC communications with the host computer are performed using the following text formats.
They are common in the serial data and TCP/IP communications. The text formats of CA-1000,
CA-1500 format and CS-2000i format are described in this specification. Select the format
corresponding to the host computer in the System Settings screen.
The CS-2000i format consists of the CA-1500 format and sample information text.
When CA-1000 format is selected, up to 13-digit of Sample No. and up to 4-digit of
Rack No. are displayed from the right and up to 11-digit of Patient name is displayed
from the left in the sent data.
STX 1 (02H)
Header Block
Total Number of Blocks 2 "01" - "99"
Sample Distinction Code 1 "U", "E", "S", "C"
Date 6 (○○○○○○)
Time 4 (○○○○)
Rack Number 6 (4) (○○○○○○)
Tube Position Number 2 (○○)
Sample ID Number 15 (13) (○○…○○)
ID Information 1 "M", "A", "B"
PatientName 15 (11) (○○…○○)
Data Block
Analysis Parameter, Data 2 9
ETX 1 (03H)
• Order of Transmission
The order of transmission is from the top parameter to the bottom; the most significant digit first
and the least significant digit last. Zero suppression is not performed.
• Rack Number
Rack number is assigned to each sample rack.
Ordinary Sample : Consists of 6-digit alphanumeric characters. (When it consists of less
than 6 digits, zero padding is performed to the right.)
STAT Sample : STAT is assigned.
Reagent Table : REAG00 is assigned. (When CA-1000 format is used, REAG is assigned.)
• Sample ID Number
The sample ID number consists of 15 (13) digit numeric characters. A hyphen “-“(2DH) may be
inserted between numerals. The hyphen is included in the 15 (13) digits. Zero suppression is
not performed. When it consists of less than 15 (13) digits, flush right is performed and blank
digits are replaced with space characters (20H). When the Barcode Reading Error occurs, the
Note: In the System Settings screen, Sample No. in Barcode Reading Error is selectable
from 13-digit ("□□ERR0000000001") or 15-digit ("ERR000000000001") to output.
When CA-1000 format is used, select 13-digit.
• ID Information
The ID information indicates how the sample number is registered.
M: Manual entry
B: Read by barcode reader
A: Automatically assigned by the instrument
• Patient Name
The patient name consists of 15 characters with character codes including spaces but
excluding control codes.
1) Parameter Code
The parameter code consists of two-digit host ID number defined in Basic Settings of
Assay Group Definition and one-digit host ID number defined in Assay Parameter
Settings of Assay Group Definition.
Refer to the parameter code list shown in the last part of this document.
2) Data
The analysis result consists of the digits (up to 5 digits) as defined in the assay parameter
settings. The decimal point is not transmitted. The data as displayed in the Joblist is
transmitted without the decimal point.
When the total number of the defined digits (integral part and decimal part) is less than 5
digits, space characters are inserted prior to the numeric value. When the analysis
result consists of less than 5 digits, space characters are inserted prior to the numeric
value. When the analysis result was not obtained due to analysis errors, "*" is entered
for the defined number of digits. When the averaged result could not be calculated, “/” is
entered for the defined number of digits. When exceeding the number of display digits,
“+” is entered for the defined number of digits. When the calculation parameter could
not be calculated, “-” is indicated for the defined number of digits. When no validated
calibration curve is available for the calculation parameter, “X” is entered for the defined
number of digits.
NOTE) When the result exceeds the report limit, the limit value is output together with the
flag as the result data.
Defined Normal analysis Analysis Could not Exceed Could not No
No. of result Result calculate ing the calculate validated
digits Error averaged number calculation calibration
result of parameter curve is
display available
digits for
4 digits for □□□□1 99999 ***** ///// +++++ ----- XXXXX
integral, 1
for decimal
2 digits for □□□□1 □9999 □**** □//// □++++ □---- □XXXX
integral, 2
for decimal
1 digit for □□□□1 □□999 □□*** □□/// □□+++ □□--- □□XXX
integral, 2
for decimal
The symbol “□” indicates a space character.
3) Flags
Space : No error
+ : Over the upper control limit
- : Under the lower control limit
* : Analysis error or difference in averaged data occurred
! : Coagulation time was obtained by re-dilution analysis
< : Under the lower report limit
> : Over the upper report limit
* The flags marked on the data conform to the display in the Joblist.
STX 1 (02H)
Header Block
Time 4 (○○○○)
Rack Number 6 (○○○○○○)
Tube Position Number 2 (○○)
Sample ID Number 15 (○○…○○)
ID Information 1 "M", "A", "B"
Patient Name 15 (○○…○○)
Data Block
I Flag 1 "I", "□", "*"
L Flag 1 "L", "□", "*"
Sample Volume Flag 1 “V”, "□", "-"
Reserved 87 Fixed space (20H)
ETX 1 (03H)
• Order of Transmission
The order of transmission is from the top parameter to the bottom; the most significant digit first
and the least significant digit last. Zero suppression is not performed.
The Block Number is the sequential number of the divided text. 01 through 99 is serially assigned.
The number of blocks is the sequential number of the divided text. 01 through 99 is serially
When the text is not divided, “01” is assigned to both.
• Rack Number
The rack number is assigned to each sample rack.
Ordinary Sample: Consists of 6-digit alphanumeric characters. (When it consists of less than 6
digits, zero padding is performed to the right.)
STAT Sample: STAT□□ (The symbol “□” indicates a space character.) is assigned.
Reagent Table: REAG00 is assigned.
• Sample ID Number
The sample ID number consists of 15-digit numeric or alphabetical characters. A hyphen
“-“ (2DH) may be inserted between characters. The hyphen is included in the 15 digits. Zero
suppression is not performed. When it consists of less than 15 digits, flush right is performed
and blank digits are replaced with space characters (20H). When the Barcode Reading Error
occurs, the sample number beginning with "□□ERR0000000001" or "ERR000000000001" is
sequentially assigned to the sample number. (The symbol "□□” indicates a space character.
Note: In the System Settings screen, Sample No. in Barcode Reading Error is selectable
from 13-digit ("□□ERR0000000001") or 15-digit ("ERR000000000001") to output.
• ID
The ID information indicates how the sample number is registered.
M: Manual entry
B: Read by barcode reader
A: Automatically assigned by the instrument
• Patient Name
The patient name consists of 15 characters with character codes including spaces but excluding
control codes.
• H Flag
The result that the Hemolytic check gives is output. When the result is positive, "H" is output.
When it is negative, space character (20H) is output. When it is out of analysis range of the
detector unit, "*" is output.
• I Flag
The result that the Icteric check gives is output. When the result is positive, "I" is output.
When it is negative, space character (20H) is output. When it is out of analysis range of the
detector unit, "*" is output.
• L Flag
The result that the Lipemic check gives is output. When the result is positive, "L" is output.
When it is negative, space character (20H) is output. When it is out of analysis range of the
detector unit, "*" is output.
STX 1 (02H)
Header Block
Sample Distinction Code 1 Fixed space (20H)
Date 6 (○○○○○○)
Time 4 (○○○○)
Rack Number 6 (4) (○○○○○○)
Tube Position Number 2 (○○)
Sample ID Number 15 (13) (○○…○○)
ID Information 1 "M", "A", "B", "□"
Reserved 15 (11) All Space (20H)
Data Block
Analysis Parameter, Data 2 9
: :
Analysis Parameter N, Data N 9
ETX 1 (03H)
• Order of Transmission
The order of transmission is from the top parameter to the bottom; the most significant digit first
and the least significant digit last. Zero suppression is not performed.
• Rack Number
Rack number is assigned to each sample rack.
Ordinary Sample : Consists of 6-digit alphanumeric characters. (When it consists of less
than 6 digits, zero padding is performed to the right.)
STAT Sample : STAT is assigned.
Reagent Table : REAG00 is assigned. (When CA-1000 format is used, REAG is assigned.)
• Sample ID Number
The sample ID number consists of 15 (13) digit numeric characters. A hyphen “-“(2DH) may be
inserted between numerals. The hyphen is included in the 15 (13) digits. Zero suppression is
not performed. When it consists of less than 15 (13) digits, flush right is performed and blank
digits are replaced with space characters (20H).
When the Barcode Reading Error occurs, the sample No. beginning with "□□ERR0000000001" or
"ERR000000000001" is sequentially assigned to the sample No. (The symbol “□□” indicates a
space character. (20H))
Note: In the System Settings screen, Sample No. in Barcode Reading Error is
selectable from 13-digit ("□□ERR0000000001") or 15-digit ("ERR000000000001") to
output. When CA-1000 format is used, select 13-digit.
• ID Information
This flag indicates the method in which the sample ID number is registered.
M : Manual entry
A : Read by barcode reading error or sequential number automatically
assigned by the instrument.
B : B: Read by barcode reader
• Reserved
All spaces (20H)
* New analysis parameters may be added in the future. Please prepare a receive program
that ignores the data when receiving the codes other than the above-mentioned codes.
2) Reserved
All spaces (20H)
STX 1 (02H)
Header Block
Sample Distinction Code 1 "U", "E", "C"
Date 6 (○○○○○○)
Time 4 (○○○○)
Rack Number (4) 6 (4) (○○○○○○)
Tube Position Number 2 (○○)
Sample ID Number (13) 15 (13) (○○…○○)
ID Information 1 "M", "A", "B", "C"
Patient Name 15 (11) (○○…○○)
Data Block
Analysis Parameter, Data 2 9
: :
Analysis Parameter N, Data N 9
ETX 1 (03H)
• Order of Transmission
The order of transmission is from the top parameter to the bottom; the most significant digit first
and the least significant digit last. Zero suppression is not performed.
• Rack Number
Rack Number is assigned to each sample rack.
Ordinary Sample : Consists of 6-digit alphanumeric characters. (When it consists of less
than 6 digits, zero padding is performed to the right.)
STAT Sample : STAT is assigned.
Reagent Table : REAG00 is assigned. (When CA-1000 format is used, REAG is assigned.)
• Sample ID Number
The sample ID number consists of 15 digit numeric characters. A hyphen “-“(2DH) may be
inserted between numerals. The hyphen is included in the 15 digits. Zero suppression is not
performed. When it consists of less than 15 digits, flush right is performed and blank digits are
replaced with space characters (20H).
• ID Information
This flag indicates the method in which the sample ID number is registered.
M : Manual entry
A : Read by barcode reading error or sequential number assigned
B : Read by barcode reader
C : ID number assigned by the host computer
• Patient Name
The patient name consists of 15 characters with character codes including spaces but
excluding control codes.
2) Reserved
All spaces (20H)
analysis results.
In the case of order inquiry, order information texts and the analysis data format of formula, “X” is
replaced with 0.
New analysis parameters may be added in the future. Please prepare a receive program that
ignores the data when receiving the codes other than the above-mentioned codes.
New analysis parameters may be added in the future. Please prepare a receive program that
ignores the data when receiving the codes other than the codes shown in the parameter code
list .
The following shows the default Host ID for assay parameter defined in the Assay Group Settings.
1: Time, dOD
2: Activity %/Concentration
3: Ratio
4: INR
New analysis parameters may be added in the future. Please prepare a receive program that
ignores the data when receiving the codes other than the codes shown above.
7. Examples of Communication
Host <ACK>
IPU <STX>D1210101U090805093000000101 1234567890B 041 174 042 505 044 111 <ETX>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>
444 <ETX>
Host <ACK>
Host <ACK>