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1861 ConfiscationAct 12stat589

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Szss. IL C 189, 190, 195. 1862.

potency of witnesses in the courts of the United States, in trials at common
law, in equity, and admiralty.
Sw. 2. Ad be itfierermnacted, That so much ofcourts section twenty-nine
of the United
J~urmr incapt
of an act entitled "An act to establish [the] judicial
States" approved September twenty-four, seventeen hundred and eighty- IT8, . 50, § 29.
nine, as requires, in eases punishable with death, twelve petit jurors to be VoL i p. 88.
summoned from the county where the offence was committed, be, and the
same is hereby, repealed.
AppsOvZD, July 16, 1862.

OC p.CXC. -An Adt pr.Wt th.. do

e neent of Pawn inthe Miay Ber- July 16, i.
vice of tde MWite &tn in the 7=4tnsr of d, Nibic f9 Colmba, ecep a. a
Pr'etfor eataf Oma
Cow -martJ and/for and to dihre aere
oter Purpose. erta n Convit* by Bae e of

Be it enacted by the Sna and Rouse of Representatives of the Unit

States of Amer'a i Cngree a d, That hereafter no person in the Whenperons
military service of the United States, convicted and sentenced by a court- i viemay
martial, shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary of the Dis- finedpentea-
trict of Columbia, unless the offenc of which such person may be convicted tlary.
would by some statute of the United States or at cmmo law, as the same
exists in the said District, subject such covicr to said punishment.
Sao. 2. And be itfuther emacted, That all such persons in the military When mnehr.
service, as aforesaid, who have heretofore been, or may hereafter be, con- m now thei
victed and sentenced by a court-martial for any offence which, if tried " be dli-
subject such person
before the criminal court of said District, would not
to imprisonment in said penitentiary, and who are now or may hereafter
be confined therein, shall be discharged from said imprisonment, upon
such terms and conditions of further punishment as the President of the
United States may, in his discretion, impose as a commutation of said
Szo. 8. And be it further enacte4 That upon the application of any' Modse oftd.
citizen of the United States, supported by his oath, alleging that a person tleav.
or persons in the military service, as aforesaid, are confined in said peni-
tentiary under the sentence of a court-martial for any offence not punish-
able by imprisonment in the penitentiary by the authority of the criminal
court aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the judge of said court, or, in case
of his absence or inability, of one of the judges of the circuit court of said
District, if, upon an inspection of the record of proceedings of said court-
martial, he shall find the ficts to be as alleged in said application, imme-
diately to issue the writ of habeas corpus to bring before him the said
convict; and if, upon an investigation of the case, it shall be the opinion
of such judge that the ease of such convict is within the provisions of the
previous sections of this act, he shall order such convict to be confined
in the common jail of said District, until the decision of the President of
the United States as to the commutation aforesaid shall be filed in said
court, and then such convict shall be disposed of and suffer such punish-
ment as by said commutation of his said sentence may be imposed.
4Sno. 4. And be it farther enacted That no person convicted upon the Convids by
decision of a court-martial shall be confined in any penitentiary of the co,'t-martinl
to be confinednot
United States, except under the conditions of this act peitentiay.
APR~oVyn, July 16, 1862.

Cxit. OXCV.-An A ed ru INuw"de fto !Il

Ta and Rebe'on, t 7

Be * exae dby as enate and Homse of Representatie of the Urtited

Sat of America in Cogres assembed, That every person who shall Tm,, bow
hereafter commit the crime of treason against the United States, and shall pnishe.

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 589 1855-1863

590 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sss. IL Ca. 195. 1862.
be adjudged guilty thereof, shall suffer death, and all his slaves, if any,
shall be declared and made free; or, at the discretion of the court, he
shall be imprisoned for not less than five years and fined not less than ten
thousand dollars, and all his slaves, if any, shall be declared and made
free; said fine shall be levied and collected on any or all of the property,
Pos. p. way. real and personal, excluding slaves, of which the said person so convicted
was the owner, at the time of committing the said crime, any sale or con-
veyance to the contrary notwithstanding.
Sac. 2. And be it furd enacted, That if any person shall hereafter
En28n1 or incite, set on foot, assist, or engage in any rebellion or insurrection against
rebeiog c., In the authority of the United States, or the laws thereof, or shall give aid
the United or comfort thereto, or shall engage in, or give aid and comfort to, any such
,rates, how pun- existing rebellion or insurrection, and be convicted thereof, such person
lbhed. shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years,
or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, and by the liberation of
all his slaves, if any he have; or by both of said punishments, at the
discretion of the court.
Dh ad'fied to Szc. 8. And be it finther enacted, That every person guilty of either
hold o of the offences described in this act shall be forever incapable and dis-
qualified to hold any office under the United States.
This act not to Szo. 4. And be it fther enacted, That this act shall not be con-
affect the strued in any way to affect or alter the prosecution, conviction, or punish-
guilty before, un- ment of any person or persons guilty of treason against the United States
before the passage of this act, unless such person is convicted under this
President to Szo. 5. And be it .furtler enacted, That, to insure the speedy termi-
cause the seizure nation of the present rebellion, it shall be the.duty of the President of the
of the estate, " United States to cause the seizure of all the estate and property, money,
stocks, credits, and effects of the persons hereinafter named in this see-
tion, and to apply and use the same and the proceeds thereof for the
support of the army of the United States, that is to say:
of rebel oses, First. Of any person hereafter acting as an officer of the army or
navy of the rebels in arms against the government of the United States.
of President or Secondly. Of any person hereafter acting as President, Vice-Presi.
other oficerof so- dent, member of Congress, judge of any court, cabinet officer, foreign
called confeder- minister, commissioner or consul of the so-called confederate states of.
ate states, Ameriea.
of governor, Thirdly. Of any person acting as governor of a state, member of a
&a, of any of the convention or legislature, or judge of any court of any of the so-called
said states,
Pot, p. 627. confederate states of America.
of certain per- Fourthly. Of any person who, having held an office of honor, trust, or
sonsholdngo - profit in the United tates, shall hereafter hold an office in the so-called
ces of honor, &o. confederate states of America.

Same subject. Fifthly. Of any person hereafter holding any office or agency under the
government of the so-called confederate states of America, or under any
of the several states of the said confederacy, or the laws thereof, whether
such office or agency be national, state, or municipal in its name or char-
Proviso. acter: Provided, That the persons, thirdly, fourthly, and fifthly above
described shall have accepted their appointment or election since the date
of the pretended ordinance of cecession of the state, or shall have taken
an oath of allegiance to, or to support the constitution of the so-called
confederate states.
af certain per- Sixthly. Of any person who, owning property in any loyal State or
.ding, ., Territory of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, shall here-
es of such after assist and give aid and comfort to such rebellion; and all sales,
proerty to be transfers, or conveyances of any such property shall be null and void;
vo. and it shall be a sufficient bar to any suit brought by such person for the
What shall be possession or the use of such property, or any of it, to allege and prove
bar to saits. that he is one of the persons described in this setion.

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 590 1855-1863

THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS, SWss. Ir. Cx. 195. 1862. 591
SzC. 6. And be itfurther enacted, That if any person within any Property, &.,
State or Territory of the United States, other than those named as afore- of pei
said, t er the passage of this act, being engaged in armed rebellion against lion,.engaged
the government of the United States, or aiding or abetting such rebellion, in the el-
shall not, within sixty days after public warning and proclamation duly lion not ceasing
to give suchai
given and made by the President of the United States, cease to aid, coun- within sixty days
tenanee, and abet such rebellion, and return to his allegiance to the United t Proclama-to vtePres-
States, all the estate and property, moneys, stocks, and credits of such per- tliable to
son shall be liable to seizure as aforesaid, and it shall be the duty of the seizure, &0.
President to seize and use them as aforesaid or the proceeds thereof.
And all sales, transfers, or conveyances, of any such property after the Sales, &c.void.
expiration of the said sixty days from the date of such warning and
proclamation shall be null and void; and it shall be a sufficient bar to
any suit brought by such person for. the possession or the use of such
property, or any of it, to allege and prove that he is one of the persons
described in this section.
Sie. 7. And be it fnrther enacted That to secure the condemnation Proceedfngs to
and sale of any of such property, after the same shall have been seized, ondemo
secure &c.,
ee2Ination, of
so that it may be made available for the purpose aforesaid, proceedings in ach property.
rem shall be instituted in the name of the United States in any district court
thereof, or in any territorial court, or in the United States district court for
the District of Columbia, within which the property abbve described, or any
part thereof, may be found, or into which the same, if movable, may first
be brought, which proceedings shall conform as nearly as may be to pro-
ceedings in admiralty or revenue cases, and if said property, whether
real or personal, shall be found to have belonged to a person engaged in
rebellion, or who has given aid or comfort thereto, the same shall be con.
damned as enemies' property and become the property of the United States,
and may be disposed of as the court shall decree and the proceeds thereof
paid into the treasury of the United States for the purposes aforesaid.
Se. & And bo it further enated, That the several courts aforesaid Power ofeourts
shall have power to make such orders, establish such forms of decree i suchaes.
and sale, and direct such deeds and conveyances to be executed and
delivered by the marshals thereof where real estate shall be the subject
of sale, as shall fitly and efficiently eifect the purposes of this act, and
vest in the purchasers of such property good and valid tides thereto.
And the said courts shall have power to allow such fees and charges of
their officers as shall be reasonable and proper in the premises.
Szo. 9. And be it ffiaher enacted, That all slaves of persons who Certain slaves
shall hereafter be engaged in rebellion against the government of the tobedeemedca.
of war ldl
United States, or who shall in any way give aid or comfort thereto, escap- tives to b set fee.
ing from such persons and taking refuge within the lines of the army;
and all slaves captured from such persons or deserted by them and coming
under the control of the government of the United States; and all slaves
of such persons found on [or] being within any place occupied by rebel
forces and afterwards occupied by the forces of the United States, shall
be deemed captives of war, and shall be forever free of their qervitude,
and not * held as slaves.
Sc.-l~.1A b& e it fierther enated4 That no slave escaping into an Roaped slaves
State, Territory, or the Distliet of Columbia, from any other State, mltate shall not to be
ered, srn-
be delivered up, or in any way impeded or hindered of his liberty except claimant shall
for crime, or some offence against the laws, unless the person claiming said mrks oath that
fugitive shall first make oath that the person to whom the labor or service th llegednez
of such fugitive is alleged to be due is his lawful owner, and has not borne S4
arms against the United States in the present rebellion, nor in any way given
aid and comfort thereto ; and no person engaged in the military or naval
service of the United States shall, under any pretence whatever, assume
to deede.on the validity of the claim of any person to the service or labor
Df any other perion, or surrender up any such person to the claimant, on
pain of being dismissed from the service.

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 591 1855-1863

592 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sass. IL C. 195, 196, 197. 1862.
President may Szc. 11. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United
n & States isauthorized to employ as many persons of African descent as
to suppress rebel- he may deem necessary and proper for the suppression of this rebel-
lion, lion, and for this purpose he may organize and use them in such manner
as he may judge best for the public welfare.
Colonization of Siz. 12. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United
freed slaves. States is hereby authorized to make provision for the transportation, colo-
nization, and settlement, in some tropical country beyond the limits of the
United States, of such persons of the African race, made free by the pro-
visions of this act, as may be willing to emigrate, having first obtained
the consent of the government of said country to their protection and set-
tlement within the same, with all the rights and privileges of freemen.
President may Sc. 18. And be itfurther enacted, That the President is hereby au
-'oclalm amnesty thorized, at any time hereafter, by proclamation, to extend to persons
and pardon. who may have participated in the existing rebellion in any State or part
thereof, pardon and amnesty, with such exceptions and at such time and
on such conditions as he may deem expedient for the public welfare.
Courts may b- Szc. 14. And be it furher enacted, That the courts of the United
sue process to States shall have full power to institute proceedings, make orders and
e this act decrees, issue process, and do all other things necessary to carry this act
into effect. into effect.
APPRovED, July 17, 1862.

jol ly CAP CXVL-

I& An Ad t lo
tri Payjnet i Stamps, and to pn~if* Cieutdo
July 17 1859.of Notes, of kes Denionation than One Dolla.
Be it enacted by th Senate and Home of Repreeentatives of the United
Pstgeand &ates of America in Congress assembed, That the Secretary of the
other stamps to Treasury be, and he is. hereby directed to furnish to the Assistant
be t nshed in Treasurers, and such designated depositaries of the United States as may
be by him selected, in such sums as he may deem expedient, the postage
notes; and other stamps of the United States, to be exchanged by them, on
application, for United States notes; and from and after the first day
and may be r, of August next such stamps shall be receivable in payment of all dues
ceived for dues to to the United States less than five dollars, and shall be received in
the United States exchange for Uni ed States' notes when presented to any Assistant
Treasurer or any designated depositary selected as aforesaid in sums
not less than five dollars.
Sac. 2. And be it further enacted, That*from and after the first day
Circulation, of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, no private corporation,
&c., of notes les banking association, firm, or individual shall make, issue, circulate, or
than$, smort- pay any note, check, memorandum, token, or other obligation, for a
y, proh . less sum than one dollar, intended to circulate as money or to be re-
ceived or used in lieu of lawful money of the United States; and
every person so offending shall, on conviction thereof in any district
Penalty. or circuit court of the United States, be punished by fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or
by both, at the option of the court.
APPRovaD, July 1, 1862.

July17,18M. Cmup. COXCVII.-An Act to amend an At entitled "An At to amend an At a.

1819 ,h.101. tidd' An At in Additio to the Ads prehMti tdo Sam Trae'"
Vol. I. . Be it enaed b the enate and Hue of Reesnta of the United
1860, ch. in.
Awep. 40. &ates of America in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be
The President lawful for the President of the Uaited States to enter into arrangement,
ay arrange lbrby contract or otherwise, with one or more foreign governments having
the employment,
&c. in the West possessions in the West Indies or other tropical regions, or with ther
Indies, &c., for duly constituted agent or agents, to receive from the United States, for a

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 592 1855-1863

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