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childhood friend
D. Ratna’s sister

The dialogue is for number 6 to 10 and fill in

The dialogue below is for number 1 and 2 the blank with the correct words
Anis : “Hi Hendi, have you taken … (6)
Nasya : Congratulation for your graduation, medicine, yet?
Naia! Hendi : “Yes, I have. But it only … (7) a
Naia : thank you Nasya
Nasya : by the way, what the kind of gift that
Anis : “Maybe you just have to take some
you want?
rest … (8) get well soon.”
Naia : will you buy me something?
Hendi : “You are right, In fact, I have been to
Nasya : certainly
Naia : okay, please give me a bucket of the toilet many times today.”
flower Anist : “Poor you. You need to drink a lot of
Nasya : wait a minute I will buy it for you water … (9) you will not get dehydrated”
Sri : “You should go to the doctor, Hen.”
Hendi : “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Just
1. The dialogue is mainly about celebrating … take a good rest and drink a lot of water, Sri.”
A. Naia’s wedding Anis : “I agree … (10) Sri. You should see
B. Nasya’s birthday the doctor, Hendi. You look very pale.”
C. Naia’s graduation
D. Nasya’s engagement
6. A. my
2. What did Naia do? B. his
A. Promoted a new job. C. her
B. Celebrated her birthday. D. your
C. Got a scholarship abroad.
D. Graduated from her school.
7. A. help
Read the text below and answer number 3 to 5 B. helps
C. helped
Dear Ratna,
D. helping
Although I never really enjoyed sharing my
8. A. in order to
things with you I have always enjoyed sharing our
B. so that
childhood and love for each other. You’re most
C. before
precious to me. It was such a great experience to
D. after
grow up with a crazy and fun girl like you. I cherish
all our sweet and exciting childhood memories. For
me, you will always be that adorable little sister, 9. A. in order to
happy birthday! B. so that
C. before
Love D. after

Erna 10. A. with

B. on
C. of
3. The writer send the message to … .
D. in
A. express her happiness to have a sister like
B. motivate Ratna to do her best for her
education Read the label and answer number 11 to 13
C. give Erna compliment for doing great in test
D. congratulate Ratna for her birthday
4. The writer describe Ratna as a … girl
A. grateful
B. delightful
C. unpleasant

D. independent
5. “For me, you will always be that adorable little
sister, …”
The underlined word refers to … .
A. crazy and fun girl
B. Erna’s little sister
15. After reading the text, the readers may … .
A. persuade someone to buy the product
B. explain to the other about the product
C. get detailed information about Zobo
D. promote the product to someone
Read the text to answer number 17 to 20

The text is written in order to … .

A. persuade readers to buy Doritos

B. tell the ways how to make Doritos
C. give detailed information about Doritos
D. explain how to serve Doritos and
describe it generally 16. The statement “if pregnant or breast-feeding,
ask health professional before use” we can
11. How many chips are there in two packs of infer that … .
Doritos? A. breast feeding women can consume the
A. twelve drug without asking health professional
B. twenty four B. doctor permit the pregnant and breast-
C. twenty five feeding women to swallow the medicine
D. twenty eight C. pregnant women need prescription from
the doctor to consume this medicine
12. “your daily values may be higher or lower D. health professional gives the detailed
depending on your calories needs …” information about the product
The underlined phrase can be replaced by.. 17. Where can we find such a text?
A. carry on A. on a bottle of syrup
B. take on B. on a wall magazine
C. rely on C. on a box of a medicine
D. put on D. on a column of advertisement
This text is for number 14 to 16 18. “You may get drowsy”. The underlined word
means … .
A. Alert
B. Sleepy
C. thrilled
D. energized
19. The text is intended for the ones who get a/an
A. fever
B. glaucoma
C. bronchitis
D. emphysema
13. “this delicious and refreshing drink is
sure…” The text is for number 21-25
The underlined word refers to … . Afghan Biscuits
A. peppermint Info
B. hibiscus tea
C. spearmint Preparation time 10 minutes
D. ginger Cooking time 20-30 minutes
Difficulty easy
14. Based on the text we know that Zobo is … . Servings 9-14 biscuits
A. contained artificial flavors Ingredients
B. stored in refrigerator
C. unhealthy beverage Biscuit ingredients
D. made in Europe 200g butter plus a little extra to grease the tray
1/2 cup soft brown sugar
A. thirty five minutes
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract B. thirty minutes
1/4 cup cocoa powder C. twenty minutes
D. ten minutes
22. “These biscuits are quick and …”
1 1/2 cups plain flour
2 cups cornflakes The underlined word has similar meaning with
Topping ingredients ….
1 1/2 cups icing sugar A. slow
2 tablespoons cocoa powder B. fast
3 tablespoons hot water C. idle
9-14 walnuts D. gentle
These biscuits are quick and easy to make from
store cupboard ingredients. Many schools are now 23. “Beat them until they are combined into the
“nut free” so if you are doing them for school lunch butter mix.”
boxes, you can leave the walnut off the top. The underlined word refers to … .
A. the icing sugar and cocoa powder
1. Preheat the oven to 170°c pan or 180°c B. the softened butter and sugar
and grease a baking tray with a little butter. C. cocoa powder and hot water
2. Sieve the cocoa and flour into a bowl. D. the flour and cocoa mix
3. Cream the softened butter and sugar
24. What will happen if you cook the biscuits
together with handheld beaters or a more than 30 minutes?
standing mixer. Then beat in the vanilla.
4. Add the flour and cocoa mix, beat them A. become smaller
until they are combined into the butter mix. B. come to be big
This may take a minute or two (initially it will C. turn into larger
look like it will be too dry). D. will be burn
5. Mix the cornflakes in with a spoon. This following text is for question number 26-
6. Take spoonfuls of the mix and using your 30
hands form them round balls. Slightly In order to make your computer detect the printer, you must first
flatten the tops and place them onto the install the software from the CD provided inside the box. You need
greased tray. (the biscuits only flatten a to open the box and get the CD, after that follow these following
little in the oven as they cook so you can instructions to successfully install the software.
flatten them roughly to the size and shape
you want for the cooked biscuit. The 1. Insert the CD into the CD Room on your computer.
mixture will make 14 x 2.5 inch round 2. Wait until the CD Room finish reading the CD
biscuits). 3. A dialogue box will pop out on your computer screen,
giving you an option to install the software, choose “Yes”
7. Cook for 20-30 minutes (20 minutes if you
to continue with the installation process.
are making 12-14 smaller biscuits and 4. Next, the dialogue box will let you to choose your
longer if you are making 9 large ones) then “Country Region”, choose “Asia” if you live within Asia
cool. They will initially be quite soft when continent. Then click “Next” button
they come out of the oven but will firm up 5. After that, choose your country, then click “Next” button
as they cool. 6. Next, the dialogue box will let you to choose type of
8. While the biscuits are cooling make the installation, the best is to choose “Easy Install” option,
icing. Put the icing sugar, cocoa powder but if you are an expert, you can also choose “Custom
and hot water into a small bowl and mix Install” option.
thoroughly until you have a smooth, glossy 7. After that click “Install” button, wait for about 10 minutes.
8. During the installation process is running, plug the power
icing. You can place a layer of cling film
cable into the electricity socket,
directly on top of the icing to stop the top and then turn on the printer by pressing the power button
hardening if it is ready before the biscuits (if your printer is Canon Pixma iP2770 there are two
are cold enough to ice. button on your printer and the power button is the one on
9. When the biscuits are cold, spoon a little top.)
icing on top and place a walnut on top of 9. At the end of the installation process, (make sure the
each biscuit. printer is on) we need to plug the printer USB cable into
the USB socket on your computer so the software will be
able to synchronize with the device.
10. Installation process is complete and your printer is ready
20. What should you do after Sieve the cocoa to use.
and flour into a bowl?
A. Cream the softened butter and sugar
B. Add the flour and cocoa mix
C. Cook for 20-30 minutes 25. What does the text tell us about?
D. Put the icing sugar A. Installing the printer software.
B. Attaching the CD software.
C. Applying the USB.
21. How long does it take to prepare the
D. Using the printer.
26. What is the text intended for? 2) He was just a hungry kid.
A. Someone who want to install the printer 3) We were very afraid that we thought we
software. were followed by a pickpocket or a freak.
B. Somebody who has a computer CD 4) That was a such a heart beating
room. experience.
C. The person who need the printer.
5) Last Friday afternoon, Ranti and I were
D. The one who has a laptop.
going to the town library together.
27. What should we do after insert the CD? 6) But then a dirty, poor boy asked for
A. Choose “Yes” to continue with the money to buy some food.
installation process. 7) We gave him some money.
B. Turn on the printer by pressing the 8) He said thanks and went away.
power button. A. 4 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 1 – 3 – 2
C. Plug the power cable into the electricity B. 4 – 6 – 2 – 8 – 7 – 3 – 1 – 5
C. 5 – 1 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 4
D. Wait until the CD Room finish reading
the CD. D. 5 – 3 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 1 – 4

28. The text is written in order to … . The following text is for questions 35 to 37.
A. explain the methods to print using
Dear My Students,
B. describe the steps how to install the
C. tell the way how to print the documents I won’t be able to attend the meeting to
D. give information how to use the printer discuss about our class meeting on Saturday
because of my daughter’s birthday party.
29. “You need to open the box and get the CD,
after…” Originally, nothing was planned to do but her
The underlined word refers to … . boyfriend’s parents are having a party for
A. the writers her.
B. the authors
C. the readers I will, however, send Mr. Anwar, to help you
D. the journalists all to run the process of meeting
The following text is for questions 31 to 33 successfully.

Mrs. Arlina.

The Eden Swimming Pool accepts no

34. What is the purpose of the text above?
responsibility for any loss of or damage to
your property. Please do not leave any A. To announce the importance of the
valuables unattended. meeting
B. To inform about the absence of Mr.
30. What is the purpose of writing the notice? Arlina
A. To remind visitors about lost property. C. To ask the students to attend the
B. To ask visitors to keep their belongings meeting
safe. D. To remind the students to attend the
C. To ask visitors to leave Eden swimming meeting
D. To inform visitors about damage to the 35. Mrs. Arlina cannot attend the meeting
property. because ….
A. she has no plan
31. “ … any valuable unattended.”
B. the meeting is cancelled
The underlined word is closest in meaning to
…. C. her daughter is having a birthday
A. without supervision party
B. without replacement D. Mr. Anwar comes to help her is
C. without improvement cancelled
D. without announcement
36. “… because of my daughter’s birthday
32. Who has probably written the notice?
A. Visitors who have lost their property in
The underlined word refers to ….
A. The students
B. The Eden Swimming Pool Management.
B. Mrs. Arlina
C. The Eden Swimming Pool fans club.
C. Mr. Anwar
D. Visitors to the swimming pool.
D. Her boyfriend
33. Rearrange these sentences into a good The following text is for questions 38 to 40.
recount text.
1) Near the park, on my way to the library, To : Margarita
someone was following us.
I’m sorry for not being able to join our study A. A little.
club this afternoon. I must see the dentist. I B. A lot.
have a problem with one of my teeth. Send C. None.
my regards to Laila and Dinar. D. A bit.

Rahmat The following text is for questions 44 to 46.

37. “… see the dentist …” NOTICE

The underlined word means ….
A. a person whose job is to take care of The Eden Swimming Pool accepts no
people’s teeth responsibility for any loss of or damage to
B. a person whose teeth are in good your property. Please do not leave any
condition valuables unattended.
C. a person who wants to visit patients
D. a person who likes to help people 43. What is the purpose of writing the notice?
A. To remind visitors about lost property.
B. To ask visitors to keep their belongings
38. From the text, we can conclude that Laila
and Dinar might be ….
C. To ask visitors to leave Eden swimming
A. Rahmat’s sisters
B. Margarita’s sisters
D. To inform visitors about damage to the
C. Margarita’s teachers
D. the members of the study club
39. Why does the writer send the message? 44. “ … any valuable unattended.”
A. To send regards to Laila and Dinar. The underlined word is closest in meaning
B. To ask the reader to join the study club to ….
this afternoon. A. without supervision
C. To say not to come to the study club B. without replacement
this afternoon. C. without improvement
D. To tell the dentist that the writer has a D. without announcement
problem with his teeth. 45. Who has probably written the notice?
A. Visitors who have lost their property in
The following text is for questions 41 to Eden.
43. B. The Eden Swimming Pool
STUDENTS MUSIC FESTIVAL C. The Eden Swimming Pool fans club.
D. Visitors to the swimming pool.
Annual Students Music Festival is coming,
guys! This year will be conducted in The following song lyric is for questions
Makassar. Join the crowd and show your number 47 to 50.
- Solo guitar
- Band performance Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake
- Vocal group performance
Free admission fee. You with the sad eyes
Contact your school staff for more info. Don't be discouraged, oh I realize
Indonesia Ministry of Education It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
40. Where will the activity be held?
You can lose sight of it all
A. At a ministry office.
The darkness inside you
B. In Makassar.
Can make you feel so small
C. At school.
D. In Jakarta. Show me a smile then
41. “Vocal group performance” Don't be unhappy
Which word is the closest in meaning to the Can't remember when
underlined words? I last saw you laughing
A. Choir. This world makes you crazy
B. Duet. And you've taken all you can bear
C. Solo. Just call me up
D. Alto. 'Cause I will always be there

42. To join the event, how much should we And I see your true colors
pay? Shining through
I see your true colors C. sadness
And that's why I love you D. happiness
50. Show me a smile then
So don't be afraid to let them show The antonym of underlined word is…
Your true colors A. Crying
True colors are beautiful B. Laughing
I see your true colors C. Yawning
Shining through (true colors) D. Happiness
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful (they're beautiful)
Like a rainbow
Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow

Ooh can't remember when

I last saw you laughing
Ooh oh oh oh
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there

And I see your true colors

Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid (don't be afraid)
To let them show your true colors
True colors are beautiful (you're beautiful, oh)
Like a rainbow
Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow
Mmm mmm

Source: LyricFind

46. You with the sad eyes

Don’t be discouraged, oh I realise
It’s hard to take courage
The writer encourages the person not to ….
A. be shy
B. give up
C. feel lonely
D. be cheerful

47. It’s hard to take courage.

The underlined word is closest in meaning
to ….
A. creativity
B. insanity
C. bravery
D. beauty
48. Just call me up
Cause I will always be there
What does the singer want to say?
A. He is a loyal friend.
B. He likes making a call.
C. He is going somewhere.
D. He will always call the person.
49. The darkness inside you.
The antonym of the underlined word is ….
A. light
B. sight
14. B 39. D
15. B 40. A
16. C 41. B
17. C 42. A
18. C 43. C
19. B 44. B
20. A 45. A
21. A 46. B
22. D 47. B
23. B 48. C
24. D 49. A
25. D 50. A

Kunci Jawaban :
1. A 26. A
2. D 27. A
3. D 28. D
4. B 29. B
5. D 30. C
6. D 31. B
7. B 32. A
8. A 33. B
9. B 34. C
10. A 35. B
11. C 36. C
12. B 37. B
13. C 38. A

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