Endocannibalism Ritual Cannibalism of The Recently Deceased Can Be Part of The Grieving

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Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is

unknown or unknowable. Another definition provided is the view that human reason is
incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or
the belief that God does not exist. Humans cannot know of the existence of anything beyond
the phenomena of their experience.
Dehydration after death: After death, dehydration causes the skin and other soft tissues to
shrink. A person’s fingernails and hair may appear longer because the skin around them has
Firearm: a small weapon, as a rifle or pistol, from which a projectile is fired by gunpowder.
Field artillery guns
Types of burial:
Space burial
Lunar burial: Elysium Space, based in San Francisco, announced this month that it will soon
be offering lunar burials for a starting price of $9,950. Instead of sending your dearly
departed six feet under, now you can send them over 200,000 miles above; The Lunar
Prospector probe impacted the moon's surface, carrying Eugene Shoemaker's ashes, making
this beneficiary of the program, the only man buried on the moon.
Woodland burial, also known as green burial or natural burial, is an eco-friendly funeral
option that is growing in popularity: the body is buried in a way that causes little damage to
the environment, for example by not having the body embalmed and by using a coffin made
of natural materials, so that the coffin and body can decay naturally.
Woodland burials may not be marked with a headstone; instead they will be identified by a
tree or flowers and often become indistinguishable from the woodland. Many natural burial
grounds also have a map, so that the bereaved may visit the site of their loved one. Some
natural burial grounds do not have maps to individual graves, but the bereaved may consider
the whole woodland as a memorial to their loved one.
Tree pod burial: There are two different varieties of Capsula Mundi's burial pods: a small
pod that houses cremated ashes and a larger pod that holds a body in fetal position. Once the
remains are inside the pod, it is planted into the Earth like a seed. Then, a tree, which is
chosen by the deceased before they die, is planted above the pod. The family of the deceased
cares for the tree as a memorial to their loved one, while the pod safely decomposes with the
body in the soil.
Ritual cannibalism: Consumption of a person from within the same community is called
endocannibalism; ritual cannibalism of the recently deceased can be part of the grieving
process or be seen as a way of guiding the souls of the dead into the bodies of living
descendants. Exocannibalism is the consumption of a person from outside the community,
usually as a celebration of victory against a rival tribe. Both types of cannibalism can also be
fueled by the belief that eating a person's flesh or internal organs will endow the cannibal
with some of the characteristics of the deceased.
Donate body to science

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