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A Semi-Cylindrical Capacitive Sensor Used For Soil Moisture Measurement

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

A Semi-Cylindrical Capacitive Sensor Used for

Soil Moisture Measurement
Subir Das, Tuhin Subhra Sarkar, Badal Chakraborty

But this technique has some disadvantages which includes

Abstract—Differing from the structure of traditional parallel drying time, sampling time etc. Neutron scattering method
plate capacitive sensor a semi cylindrical capacitive sensor has been involves measuring estimating volumetric water content from
introduced in this present work to measure the soil moisture the sample soil. Advantage of this method is measuring a large
conveniently. Here, the numerical analysis method to evaluate the amount of soil and amount of water involved into the soil. But
capacitance from the semi-cylindrical capacitive sensor is analyzed
International Science Index, Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014 waset.org/Publication/9997586

and discussed. The changes of capacitance with the variation of soil disadvantage is that instruments using by the procedure are
moisture obtained linear in the nano farad range (nF) and which cost effective. This method has some radiation hazards and
converted into voltage variation by using proper signal conditioning also insensitivity arise near the soil surface. Hence, to
circuit. Experimental results depict the satisfactory performance of overcome the limitations of material properties and simplify
the sensor for measurement of soil moisture in the range of 0 to 70%. the complexity of measuring systems to decrease cost for the
We investigated the linearity of 4% of FSO and sensitivity of 70 industry, Khan et al. [4] designed a high accuracy
mV/unit percentage changes in soil moisture level (DB).
measurement circuit based on resistive methods, employing a
Keywords—Semi cylindrical Capacitive Sensor, Capacitance to bridge amplifier, an integrator, and a comparator, for detecting
Voltage converter Circuit, Soil Moisture. the moisture content of soil. This circuit has the advantage of
detecting soil resistance with better accuracy and with wide-
I. INTRODUCTION range of linearity. An innovative soil moisture measuring unit
using thermal conductivity properties of soil has been
S TUDY of soil for agricultural purpose is one of the main
focuses to the researcher since the beginning of
civilization, because food requirement is throughout linked
introduced by Das et al. [6] which depict good linearity and
accuracy in a low cost range. Another low economic sensing
techniques employed by the researchers is capacitive type
with the soil. The development of new techniques in the
moisture sensors. Majid et al. [7] design soil moisture
measurement of moisture, agriculture is benefitting in a great
capacitive sensor interface circuit based on phase differential
way. From scientific perspective, the use of instrumentation
technique, according to them the circuit has been designed and
for soil water determination can satisfy an academic interest in
fabricated using MIMOS’ 0.35"m CMOS technology.
the dynamics of the flow of water and solutes [1]. From a
Simulation and test results show linear characteristic from 36
practical engineering perspective, instrumentation of soil
– 52 degree phase difference, representing 0 – 100% in soil
moisture measurement can provide guidance for agricultural
moisture level. Test result shows the circuit has sensitivity of
perspective, helping to assure short term economic yield and
0.79mV/0.10 phase difference, translating into resolution of
long term environmental protection [1].The study of soil has
10% soil moisture level. A Wireless soil moisture sensor
generated an interest among the researchers for very similar
based on Fringing Capacitance has been designed by
other reason like understanding of soil water dynamics,
Wobschall et al. [8] which based on the mixtures of dielectric
transmission, reflection and refraction of signals with the help
particles which are conducting. Dielectric constant is
of sensors network for monitoring the soil characteristics.
dependent on moisture content by volume. Beyond on this
There are several techniques employed to monitor soil’s
application capacitive sensors have been used in various
moistures which include gravimetric techniques, neutron
sensing applications, such as force, pressure, acceleration,
scattering [2]-[3], resistive methods [4], acoustic sensors [5].
dielectric properties and displacement sensors [9], [10]. In
For measuring soil moisture the oven drying technique is most
addition, capacitive sensors are not only employed to monitor
widely used among the all gravimetric techniques. Actually,
soil’s moisture but also used to estimate amount of rainfall
this technique derives removing a soil sample from the field
[11], proximity sensor [12] and even as a biomedical sensor
and determining the mass of water content in relation to mass
[13]. These entire capacitive sensor structures either parallel
of dry soil.
plate or cylindrical shaped. Until now, no study has been
discussed on semi cylindrical shaped capacitive sensors to
sense these physical parameters. But this type of sensor was
Subir Das and Tuhin Subhra Sarkar are with the Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering Department, Murshidabad College Of successfully installed and exhibits good characteristics for the
Engineering and Technology, Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India measurement of liquid flow rate [14], liquid level
(phone: +91-9475258979; e-mail:[email protected], measurement system [15] etc. Hence, differing from the
[email protected]).
Badal Chakraborty is with the Faculty of Agriculture Engineering, Bidhan structures of cylindrical capacitive sensors, we have
Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India (e-
mail: [email protected]).

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International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

investigated a semi cylindrical capacitive sensor for soil

moisture measurement.
In this paper, a semi cylindrical capacitive sensor with a
signal conditioning circuit has been designed and tested for
soil moisture measurement also a numerical analysis method
to evaluate the capacitance from the semi-cylindrical
capacitive sensor is analyzed and discussed. We proved that
the sensing method of the semi cylindrical capacitive sensor Fig. 2 The structure of the semi-cylindrical capacitive sensor without
for soil moisture measurement has been worked successfully dielectric material
and the experimental results shows good linearity and
sensitivity in the nano farad (nF) range of capacitance In Fig. 2 the dielectric material is air, thus the dielectric
variation due to moisture content in the soil. The introduction constant ε1 is equal to 1. Fig. 3 (a) displays the top view of the
is followed by a representation of the working principle, semi-cylindrical capacitive sensor without dielectric material.
constructional details, the experimental investigation, and a The two metal semi-cylindrical plates have the radius R and
International Science Index, Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014 waset.org/Publication/9997586

series of discussion topics based on the experiment. minimum gap distance between is d.


The semi-cylindrical capacitive sensors has been designed
and constructed from two aluminum plates of thickness
0.2mm, length 50mm, and width 30mm. Each plate has been
bent to form a semi cylindrical plates are mounted vertically in
the outer wall of the PVC container using adhesive as shown
in Fig. 1. Two semi cylindrical plates are separated by a gap
distance of 5mm. The inner diameter of PVC container is 15
mm and thickness is 3mm.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3 (a) The top view of the semi-cylindrical capacitive sensor
without dielectric material; (b) The electric field distribution inside
the semi-cylindrical capacitive sensor without dielectric material and
symbolic representation for numerical analysis method

The numerical analysis method is applied to approximate

the capacitance of the semi-cylindrical capacitive sensor. Fig.
3 (b) shows the electric field distribution inside the semi-
cylindrical capacitive sensor for numerical analysis method.
Fig. 1 Isometric view of semi cylindrical capacitive moisture sensor The basic difference between the parallel plate capacitor and
semi cylindrical capacitor is that the gap distance at any point
III. MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITANCE FOR SEMI CYLINDRICAL of these two plates are varies along the curved surfaces. To
CAPACITIVE SENSOR estimate this capacitance Assume that ‘A’ plate is +Q charged
The semi-cylindrical capacitive sensor consists of two metal and ‘B’ plate is –Q charged. Potential difference between two
semi-cylindrical plates, which are separated by a gap distance plates is V. So, the electric field between the plates is E =
d. Fig. 2 shows the structure of the semi cylindrical capacitive Q/Aε0. Due to semi cylindrical structure of the plates the area
sensor without dielectric materials. of it is πRH. Therefore,
=  (1)

Now potential difference (V) can be expressed as

V = 
 +  . (2)

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

The edges of two plates which have fixed separation with From (12) it is obvious that if the dielectric constant (ε3)
the gap distance of‘d’ and it varies along with the curved due to soil sample has been changed, the effective capacitance
surfaces. Now the gap distance in between of any points of the will also change when all other parameters are remain
curved surface from the edges is L= 2Rsinθ where θ is the constant. Thus soil moisture measurement in terms of
angel between the radius (R) and the horizontal plane of the capacitance of the semi cylindrical plates can be possible.
curved surface. So, the rate of change of gap distance in
between of two curved surface with respect to the angel θ is IV. WORKING PRINCIPLE AND SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUIT
To measure the soil moisture according to the variation in
dL= 2Rcosθ dθ (3) capacitance of the semi cylindrical capacitive sensor, the
designed capacitive probe has been filled up by the sample
Hence the actual gap distance between of two plates is
(soil) that makes a change in dielectric medium (ε3) inside the
capacitors plate. The dielectric constant ε3 is depends on the
dl = 2Rcosθ dθ + d (4)
soil characteristic and moisture content presents in it. In our
experimental process for a specific soil sample, characteristic
International Science Index, Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014 waset.org/Publication/9997586

Due to semi circular shape of plate’s θ are lies in between

of 0 to π. combining (1) and (3) and we can get (2) as property is constant and moisture content varies with different
level by changing its water level in a fixed volume of sample
   so, the dielectric constant ε3 is purely depends on the moisture

(5) level. As the dielectric constant varies with different values of
moisture level the measured capacitance in this proposed
  sensor varied accordingly. To calibrate this variation of
=[ + ] (6)
  capacitance with the moisture level a signal conditioning
circuit has been used. The basic block diagram of this

= [2Rsinθ + d] where, 0 % & % ' (7) measurement system is shown in Fig. 4.

Now the capacitance

C = Q/V

= (8)
/ )*+

= where, 0 % & % ' (9)

In our designed semi-cylindrical structure, two metal plates

are fixed over the outside wall of PVC pipe by a self adhesive,
so the dielectric medium between the plates is air, PVC pipe
coating and soil sample. So, the actual capacitance, neglecting
the PVC pipe thickness, will be

 , - . Fig. 4 Block Diagram of soil moisture measurement system using

C= (10)
* semi cylindrical capacitive sensor

where, ε3 is the dielectric constant for soil sample. If we In this proposed measuring system, capacitance has been
assume that the thickness of PVC pipe is t then radius (R) of converted into voltage by a signal amplitude variation method.
semi circular plates from the centre of PVC pipe, is simplified In this method, our designed semi cylindrical capacitor (C1)
as plays a vital role to change the input signal in a different shape
with varying amplitude; this phenomenon has been established
R=r+t (11) by a simple Differentiator circuit. An input signal (Type:
triangular wave, Frequency: 1KHz, Amplitude: 5V) has been
where, r is the inner radius of the PVC pipe. Eventually we fed to a differentiating circuit through a measured capacitor as
got an expression utilizing (11) for semi cylindrical capacitive shown in Fig. 5 and turn out an output signal in a Square wave
sensor is form with same input frequency but dissimilar amplitude.
When the semi cylindrical capacitive sensor probe (C1) has
/0*12 , - .
C= (12) been filled up by the sample (soil) from which moisture level
has to be measured, the triangular wave shape signal
differentiated by the circuit element R1 and C1 and produces a
square wave output. The amplitude of the output signal is

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dependent on the differentiating gain factor R1 and C1. Where period (T) of input signal should be equal to or larger then
the value of R1 is constant and the value of C1 varies according 0.25ms, i.e. approximately frequency of 4 KHz. So in this
to the moisture content of the soil. Eventually, to sense the connection we have chosen an input signal frequency of 1
amplitude of the output signal a half wave precision rectifier KHz, i.e. time period of 1ms which has greater value of
with filter circuit has been used and following this expected 0.25ms. In Fig. 5, The peak output voltage of differentiator is
output voltage a zero-span adjustment circuit has been applied VR and can be expressed as
for proper calibration and acquisition of the sample moisture
level in a recordable voltage form. The experiment has been VR = (13)
performed repeatedly and obtained satisfactory results in each
time. From (13) it is obvious that due to changes in capacitance
(C1) the peak output voltage (VR) has been varied linearly and
the evidence of experimental result are shown in Figs. 7-9
International Science Index, Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014 waset.org/Publication/9997586

Fig. 5 Simulated circuit diagram without Filter & Zero-Span adjust


V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP & RESULT Fig. 7 Signal amplitude variation due to 5% of soil moisture level
During the experimental process we have used a Function
generator to provide an input signal with specified parameters
and select the value of feedback resistance (R1) depending
upon the range of measured capacitance (C1) due to which the
value of gain factor (R1C1) is equal to or larger than the time
period of input signal; it is required to differentiate the input
signal properly. Utilizing the standard LCR meter it is found
that the maximum value of C1 is 0.5nF when the soil moisture
level reaches to 70% and minimum value (0.01nF) due to
completely dry soil; this soil sample was measured by
standard soil moisture meter. Finally MATLAB software is
performed to calculate theoretically the capacitance between Fig. 8 Signal amplitude variation due to 20% of soil moisture level
two semi cylindrical plates using (12) and calculated value of
capacitance match the experimental value successfully. These
entire ranges of capacitance has been plotted graphically
against the soil moisture level and found a linear variation
with them, as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 9 Signal amplitude variation due to 50% of soil moisture level

Due to linear changes in voltage (VR), the output of

precession half wave rectifier will be varies linearly with the
soil moisture level and eventually it has been calibrated with
Fig. 6 Variation of capacitance due to the changes of soil moisture the voltage range of 0 to +5V for the moisture level range of
0-70% as shown in Fig. 10.
The value of feedback resistance (R1) is 500KΩ and the
maximum value of capacitance (C1) is 0.5nF hence according
to the proper definition of signal differentiation the time

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[11] I. Bord. P. Tardy, and F. Menil, ”Influence of the Electrodes

signal conditioning circuit has approximately linear with the Configuration on a Differential Capacitive Rain Sensor Performances”
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calculated the non linearity of that curve utilizing best-fit [12] Z. Chen and R. C. Luo “Design and Implementation of Capacitive
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straight line method and find the value of 4% FSO (Full Scale IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. vol.45, no.6, pp.886-894, 1998.
Output) at the soil moisture level of 65%. The obtained [13] F. Dewarrat, L. Falco, A. Caduff, M. S. Talary, Y. Feldman and A.
measurement sensitivities in linear regions is 70 mV/ unit Puzenko, “Measurement and Simulation of Conductive Dielectric Two
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changes in soil moisture level (DB) for 0 to 70% range. The Dielectric Elect. Insul. vol.15, no.5, pp.1406-1414, 2008.
accuracy of this measurement is 0.69 DB, which is defined as [14] Cheng-Ta Chiang, Yu-Chung Huang, “A Semi-Cylindrical Capacitive
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calculated values from the experimental data.
[15] Sagarika Pal, Rasmiprava Barik “Design, Development and Testing of a
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IV. CONCLUSION Sensors and Transducers Journal, Vol.116, No.5, pp.13-20, 2010.

The designed sensor is efficient, in expensive and

multipurpose. It could be integrated with the other primary
non electrical sensors and order to get an electrical read out. Subir Das was born in West Bengal, India in 1984. He received Bachelor’s
degree in electronics & instrumentation engineering from West Bengal
The advantage of the presented realization compared to the University of Technology, West Bengal, India in 2006 and M.Tech degree in
other scientific paper [7]-[8] is it has exhibits extended instrumentation & control engineering from University of Calcutta, West
linearity in the range of 0 to 70% in soil moisture level with an Bengal, India in 2010.
He is currently an Assistant Professor in Applied Electronics &
accuracy of 0.69 DB and sensitivity of 70mV/unit change in Instrumentation Engineering at Murshidabad College of Engineering &
soil moisture level which has realized better sensor Technology, Berhampore, West Bengal, India. He worked with Danieli
characteristics in compared to 0.79mV/10% of soil moisture Automation, West Bengal, India, Core-Technologies, West Bengal, India and
Stesalit India Ltd. West Bengal, India between 2006 and 2008. His research
level [7] at very simple constructional schemes. interests include the design of sensors and transducers, robotics automation,
This sensor module can be used beyond of this measured industrial automation and image processing. He has authored or coauthored
range and also it could be used as a remote monitoring system more than 8 research papers in the areas of the sensors and transducers, and
design of electronics measuring systems.
and computer aided simulation system by interface with a
DAS card; it is the future scope of work. Tuhin Subhra Sarkar was born in West Bengal India in 1981. He received
Bachelor’s degree in electronics & instrumentation engineering from
University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India in 2004 and M.Tech degree in
computer science and engineering from University of Kalyani, West Bengal,
[1] Dr. Clinton, C. Shock, “Instrumentation for Soil Moisture India in 2006.
Determination”, Professor and Superintendent Malheur Experiment He is currently an Assistant Professor in Applied Electronics &
Station Oregon State University, June18, 1998. Instrumentation Engineering at Murshidabad College of Engineering &
[2] Helen Geirinhas Ramos, Mario Trindade and A. Cruz Serra, “A Technology, Berhampore, West Bengal, India. He has been a visiting Lecturer
Measurement System to Automate Laboratory Testing In Soils” Centro in Sheikhpara A. R. M. Polytechnic, West Bengal, India between 2006 and
de Electrotecnia Teorica e Medidas Electricas DEEC –I.S.I., Technical 2007. His research interests include the design of sensors and transducers,
University of Lisbon 1096 Lisboa Cordex Portugal, IEEE VLSI, network security and image processing. He has authored or coauthored
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Ottawa, nearly 6 research papers in the areas of the sensors and transducers, network
May 19-21, 1997. security and VLSI.
[3] Yang Du, Fawwaz T. Ulaby and M. Craig Dobson,” Sensitivity to Soil
Moisture by Active and Passive Microwave Sensors”, IEEE transactions Badal Chakraborty received his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering
on geosciences and remote sensing, vol. 38, no. 1, 2000. from National Institute of Technology; Agartala, India in 1998.He obtained
[4] Khan, Sheroz, Alam, A. H. M. Zahirul, Khalifa, Othman O., Islam, his Master degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering and Ph.D.
Mohd Rafiqul, Zainudin, Zuraidah, Khan, Muzna S., and Pauzi, Nurul (Tech) in Instrumentation and Measurement from University of Calcutta in
Iman Muhamad, “A High Accuracy Measurement Circuit for Soil 2000 and 2009 respectively. He completed his Post Doctoral work on
Moistur Detection”, International Journal of Mathematical, Physical Biomedical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science; Bangalore, India in
and Engineering Sciences, vol.02, no. 02, pp. 59-62, 2008. 2010.He was working as a faculty member in Murshidabad College of
[5] Francesco Adamo, Gregorio Andria, Filippo Attivissimo, and Nicola Engineering and Technology from 2000 to 2005. He is currently faculty
Giaquinto, ‟An Acoustic Method for Soil Moisture Measurement”,

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member of Department of Post Harvest Engineering, Bidhan Chandra Krishi

Viswavidayalaya, India. His research interest includes Sensors, Measurement,
Biomedical Instrumentation and Application of electronics in agricultural
fields. Dr.Chakraborty published more than 30 research papers in international
and national journals. He is reviewer of so many international journals.
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