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ISSN (Online) 2321 – 2004

IJIREEICE ISSN (Print) 2321 – 5526

Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2016

Sensor Based Accident Prevention System

Aravinda B1, Chaithralakshmi C1, Deeksha1, Ashutha K2
Students, CSE Dept, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore, India 1
Assistant Professor, ECE Dept, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore, India 2

Abstract: In the developing countries accident is the major cause of death. If we gaze at the top 10 dangerous roads in
the world we can see that all of them are mountain roads and curve roads. In the mountain roads there will be tight
curves and the roads will be narrow. In these kinds of situations the driver of a vehicle cannot see vehicles coming from
opposite side. Thousands of people lose their lives each year because of this problem. Since we are talking about
mountain roads here other side might be lead to a cliff. The solution for this problem is alerting the driver about the
vehicle coming from opposite side. This is done by keeping an ultrasonic sensor in one side of the road before the curve
and keeping a LED light after the curve, so that if vehicle comes from one end of the curve sensor senses and LED light
glows at the opposite side. By looking at the LED light on/off criteria driver can become alert and can slow down the
speed of the vehicle.

Keywords: Curve roads, accident prevention, sensor, mountain road, hill roads, ultrasonic sensor, alerting the driver.


There are many dangerous roads in the world like At that time light will glow at the other side of the curve.
mountain roads, narrow curve roads, T roads. In these In the absence of the vehicle the signal will not be
some mountain roads will be very narrow and they contain received by the sensor and the light will not glow. As soon
so many curves. For example Kinnaur road in Himachal as the light glows driver can slow down his vehicle and he
Pradesh, Zoji La Pass in the Himalayas, the Road of Death could even stop it if it’s necessary [6]. This sensor based
Bolivia, Fairy Meadows Road (Pakistan) [1]. If the road is light system can be applicable when the driver cannot see
in remote areas sometimes there will be the chances of the vehicle coming from other end of the road. Using this
animals on the road and that is also dangerous if the driver idea we can make all the mountain roads and curve roads
couldn’t see them. For example Pitt Enterprises Ltd. v. safer from accidents and can save thousands of lives.
Farkes, 2005 BCCA 511 the defendant collided with a
moose standing in his lane and that caused his vehicle to
move into the oncoming lane and strike the plaintiff’s
vehicle [2].
In some of the curve roads, the other end of the curve road
cannot be seen by the driver because of the obstacles like
trees or rocks etc present in the middle. In these type of
roads thousands of people die because careless or presence
of unexpected obstacles. According to Million Death
Study (MDS) about 2.3 million people die in India per
year. In that 137 thousand is because of road accidents. Fig1. Accident due to animals on the road
That is about 377 people per day. In that 3.7% because of
failed to look the road [3]. The problem in these curve II. SYSTEM DESIGN
roads is drivers can’t able to see the vehicle or obstacles
coming from other end of the curve. If the vehicle is in The design of this system mainly consists of two parts;
very speed then it is difficult to control and there are they are hardware design and software design. Hardware
chances of falling to cliff. The solution for this problem is design consists of sensors like ultrasonic sensor, a
alerting the driver about the obstacle or vehicle. Usually microcontroller and LED. Ultrasonic sensor uses +5V DC
horn is used for this purpose. But in the rainy seasons horn supply. Its range is from 2 cm to 100 cm. Microcontroller
will not be heard. Some people will not use horn itself. So Software design is done for sensing the vehicle or obstacle
horn is not a good solution to solve this problem. These and to operate the LED by using Arduino 1.0.5 IDE tool
are the major reasons for accidents [4]. To avoid these which is open source software. Programming can be done
problems in curve roads or T roads we are introducing by using embedded C or C++. Operating system that we
sensor based accident prevention system. That is we are used is windows 8. The LED light here we used is of green
keeping ultrasonic sensor in one side of the road before the colour and uses maximum +5V DC supply.
curve and keeping a LED light after the curve [5].
Ultrasonic sensor which is also called as obstacle sensor A. Hardware Design
sends signal as pulse from trigger. If vehicle is present We have used Microcontroller (Arduino UNO), LED light
signal will hit the vehicle and it is received by the sensor. and ultrasonic sensor as shown in fig. 2. The sending and

Copyright to IJIREEICE DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2016.4603 14

ISSN (Online) 2321 – 2004
IJIREEICE ISSN (Print) 2321 – 5526

Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2016

receiving function of ultrasonic sensor is almost same as

that of bat [7].

Fig 4 Circuit Design of components sensor based accident

prevention system.
Fig. 2. Block Diagram of connection of components

Ultrasonic sensor has 4 pins. They are +5V VCC, GND,

Trig pin and Echo pin. Here Trigger pin is output pin and
Echo pin is input pin. Ultrasonic sensor sends the signal in
the form of pulses from trigger pin. When this signal hit
the object it will get reflected back and is received by the
echo pin. From echo the signal is sent to microcontroller
arduino UNO. Microcontroller arduino UNO processes
this data and operates the LED which is connected to
output pin of the microcontroller arduino UNO. Fig5 Schematic diagram sensor based accident prevention
LED is operated according to the command i.e. LED will system.
glow if the signal is reflected back. In the absence of the
object the signal will not reflect back. Hence the LED will B. Software Design
not glow. The simple block diagram is shown in the figure Fig. 6 shows the flowchart of software design of
2. The trig pin of ultrasonic sensor is connected to the microcontroller which is programmed by using Arduino
digital pin 9 of microcontroller arduino UNO and echo pin 1.0.5 IDE tool which is open source software.
is connected to digital pin 6. VCC is connected to +5V and Programming can be done by using embedded C.
GND is connected to GND of microcontroller arduino Operating system that we used is windows 8. As shown in
UNO. LED is connected to pin number 12 of the flowchart first initialize the trigger (9) and echo (6) pin
microcontroller arduino UNO. to input and LED (12) pin to the output. Then send pulse
In the presence of vehicle the sensor senses the vehicle; through trigger and then receive it through echo. Convert
the light will glow at the other end of the curve. In the the received value into distance. If the distance is in range,
absence of the vehicle the sensor will not sense and the time delay is set to 300 else no actions are taken and the
light will not glow. This process repeats continuously. process is continued. Next check if time delay is zero if it
satisfies the condition then turnoff LED if it does not
satisfy the condition then turn on LED and decrease the
value of time delay by one.

Fig. 3. Flowchart for working principle of sensor based

accident prevention system.

We have used fritzing app for simulation and designing

purpose of the circuit. Figure 4 shows the circuit design,
and figure 5 shows the schematic diagram. Fritzing is open
source software developed by University Of Applied
Sciences Of Potsdam. Using this software we can obtain
Circuit sketch, schematic diagram and PCB design. This
software can also use for writing code for various arduino Fig. 6. Flow chart for software design of sensor based
boards. accident prevention system.

Copyright to IJIREEICE DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2016.4603 15

ISSN (Online) 2321 – 2004
IJIREEICE ISSN (Print) 2321 – 5526

Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2016


STEP 1: Coding for micro controller arduino UNO which

consists of set of commands to process the data from
sensor and to operate the LED as shown in fig. 7.

Fig. 10. Circuit fixed to the model of sensor based

accident prevention system.

STEP 5: Detection of vehicle by the sensor when vehicle

passes through the road. It is the experimental
demonstration for this paper. The signal sent by the sensor
hits the vehicle and reflected back to the sensor as shown
in fig. 11.
Fig. 7. Program for micro controller arduino UNO of
sensor based accident prevention.

STEP 2: Circuit connection having sensor and

microcontroller arduino UNO where the sensor senses the
obstacle and the microcontroller arduino UNO processes
and operates LED as per the commands as shown in fig.8.

Figure 11: Vehicle passing through the road.

Fig. 8. Circuit connections for sensor based accident
prevention system. STEP 6: Output is obtained i.e. glowing of LED at the
instant when the signal is received by the sensor after
STEP 3: Analysing, debugging and running the program. hitting the vehicle.As shown in fig. 12.
The program is uploaded to microcontroller arduino UNO.
Sensor sends the signal and senses the object and gives the
signal information to microcontroller arduino UNO.
Microcontroller arduino UNO is powered by using laptop.
It possesses and the output is shown in the serial monitor.
Here the output is distance as shown in fig. 9.

Fig. 12. Final output of sensor based accident prevention

system by glowing of LED light.


1. Avoid accidents in curve roads mountains roads and

Fig. 9: Analyzing the output of sensor based accidenthill roads.
prevention system. 2. Saves thousands of lives.
3. Easily implementable to the existing roads.
STEP 4: Fixing the circuit to the model i.e. fixing 4 .Fully automated (No person is required to operate).
microcontroller arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensor and LED 5. Installation cost is very less.
light to the model of curve road as shown in fig.10. 6. Vehicle monitoring systems can be implemented easily.

Copyright to IJIREEICE DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2016.4603 16

ISSN (Online) 2321 – 2004
IJIREEICE ISSN (Print) 2321 – 5526

Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2016


1. Arrangements to protect the sensor from being damaged

in critical places.
2. Decrease the size of unit so that it occupies small place
and easily kept in narrow roads.
3. Implementing the system to detect number of vehicles
and velocity of vehicle.


The purpose of this paper is to decrease the number of

accidents in curve roads. This is done by alerting the
driver by means of LED light which glows when vehicle
comes from the other side of the curve. The vehicle is
detected by the help of Ultrasonic sensor which is
interfaced to the microcontroller arduino UNO. By this we
can save thousands of lives in the curve roads.


Authors acknowledge Sahyadri College of Engineering

and Management for funding the project under “Sahyadri
Project Support Scheme “and also for their support.


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Copyright to IJIREEICE DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2016.4603 17

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