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GRADE 9 Q1 Activity Sheet PE PE9PF Ia B 23

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Activity Sheet in MAPEH 9 (PE)

Name: ______________________________ Grade Level and Section: ________

School: ______________________________ Date: _______________________

Teacher: ____________________________ Score: _______________________

I. Title: Lifestyle and Weight Management

II. Learning Competency: Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness
assessment. (PE9PF-Ia-h-23)

III. Instructions: This activity sheet focuses on how to maintain an active

lifestyle to influence physical activity. Read the directions carefully
and answer what is asked.
The advancement brought about by science and technology has made life
easier. Unfortunately, the luxury of just pushing a button or clicking
a mouse is leading us to a sedentary lifestyle.
In order to meet the demands of daily routines and activities, it requires a
fitter and healthier mind and body which can be achieved through active
participation in physical activities like sports officiating.
It is also important to establish or maintain a healthy body weight which
will give an understanding of how the body uses food to provide energy.
When weight loss is desired, a plan of action is needed for long-term
You will be given opportunities to reflect and understand the relevance of
officiating to your fitness and well-being.

Activity: Are You Ready?

Directions: Answer the readiness questionnaires to assess you if you are ready to
participate in physical activities. Copy the template below and accomplish it
in your activity notebook.
Questions Yes No
Has the doctor ever said that
you have a heart condition and
that you should only do
physical activity recommended
by a doctor?
Do you feel pain in your chest
when you do physical activity?
Let’s see In the past month, have you what the
questionnaire had chest pain when you were revealed about
your fitness: not doing physical activity?
Do you lose your balance
If you answered YES to
because of dizziness or have
any of these questions,
you ever lost consciousness?
talk with your doctor
Do you have a bone or joint
before you start engaging in
problem (for example, back,
knee, hip) that could made
worse by a change in your
physical activity?
Is your doctor currently
prescribing drugs for your
heart condition?
Do you know of any other
reason why you should not do
physical activity?
physical activity. Tell your doctor about the PAR-Q and which questions you
answered yes.
If you answered NO to all PAR-Q questions, you can take start participating in
physical activity.

Here’s how to compute your THR (Target Heart Rate) at moderate and at
vigorous intensity of physical activity:
Moderate (40-55%): 220- age= __________ Personal Maximal Heart
Rate (PMHR)
MHR x 0.4= _________bpm
MHR x 0.55= ________bpm

Vigorous (60-85%): MHR x 0.6= __________bpm

MHRx 0.85=__________bpm

You should always have a record of your heart rate before and after a
physical activity to keep track of your fitness level. Remember, one of the
most efficient ways to assess your fitness is through your heart rate.
IV. Activities:

Activity 1: Warm It Up (Day 1 and 2)

Directions: Perform these Warm-Up Exercises:

Static Stretching Dynamic Stretching

Exercises Exercises
Neck Stretches Jogging
Shoulder Curls High Knees
Arm Stretches Butt Kicks
Trunk Stretches Side Shuffles
Toe Touch Back Pedals
Lunges Cariocas
Squats Jumping Jacks

Fitness Test:
The following template is provided for you to accomplish by filling in
the blanks. Identify the missing component of physical fitness, name of the
fitness test in the first column and the respective scores generated by
actually performing the indicated tests in the second column.

(Copy the template and accomplish it in your activity notebook)


Age: Sex:
THR: (Moderate THR: (Vigorous
Activity) Activity)

Weight: Height:

Physical Fitness Score Remarks
Components and Tests (AB- Above
Target/ BT-

1. ___________(Lower
back and hamstring) _______inches

2.____________(Shoul _______inches
der and upper back)

3.___________(Upper ________
body strength)

4._________(Abdomin ________
al strength)

5. Shuttle
run_______________ ______seconds

6. 50 m.
sprint______________ ______seconds
7. Body composition
Refer to the (weight/height2) _______kg/m2 following
tables of 8.__________3-minute _______bpm targets
according to step test your age
and gender for the
interpretation of your scores:


AGE Standing Partial Chair 50 m. Shuttle Sit and 3 min.
Long Jump Curl- Push- Sprint Run Reach x Step
Ups ups (sec.) (sec.) (cm.) Test
Rate in
10 sec.
x 6)
15 205 38 21 7.5 10.9 55 107
16 215 42 22 7.3 10.8 56 105
17 222 45 23 7.0 10.7 64 102
18 230 47 24 6.8 10.4 69 99
19 235 49 25 6.6 10.2 70 98
20 240 51 26 6.5 10.0 72 96
21 250 55 27 6.4 9.8 72 95

PERFORMANCE TARGET FOR GIRLS DepEd Physical Fitness Test Manual

AGE Standing Partial Chair 50 m. Shuttle Sit and 3 min.

Long Curl- Push- Sprint Run Reach x Step
Jump Ups ups (sec.) (sec.) (cm.) Test
Rate in
10 sec.
x 6)
15 170 23 12 8.5 12.0 58 103
16 172 24 13 8.5 11.8 63 101
17 175 25 14 8.2 11.5 68 100
18 180 26 14 8.2 11.3 72 98
19 184 27 15 8.2 11.0 74 96
20 187 30 15 8.0 10.8 75 95
21 190 30 16 8.0 10.5 75 93
Activity 2: Reading Time (Day 3)

Nutrition and Weight

When you consume basically the same number of calories as you expand,
your body weight remains relatively stable. If you want to gain weight, you must
manipulate this balance between calories consumed and calories expended.
Gaining weight
Some people have difficulty in gaining weight. This can be a result of a
higher-then-normal basal metabolic rate or higher physical activity level. When
weight gain is a goal, the focus is on gaining muscle and not fat weight. To do
this in a healthy way, you should consume more frequent meals with healthy
Losing weight

Weight loss is a more common goal that weight gain. Losing weight
involves a negative energy balance. This can be achieved by increasing exercise
and decreasing caloric intake.
What is Calorie?
A calorie is defined as the heat required to raise the temperature of 1
gram of water 1 degree Celsius. Because this is relatively small amount,
scientists use larger unit Calories (uppercase C), also called a kilocalorie
(abbreviated kcal.) The Calorie or kilocalorie, is 1,000 calories.
Table 4. Daily Estimated Calories and Recommended Servings for Adolescents
Foods 9-13 Years 14-18 Years
Calories 1800 kcal for males; 1600 2200 kcal for males; 1800
kcal for females kcal for females

Fat 25%-35% kcal 25%-35% kcal

Milk/Diary 3 cups 3 cups

Lean Meat/Beans 5 oz 6 oz for males

5 oz for females

Fruits 1.5 cups 2 cups for males

2.5 cups for females
Vegetables 2.5 cups for males 3 cups for males
2 cups for females 2.5 cups for females

Grains 6 oz for males 7 oz for males

5 oz for females 6 oz for females

Estimating Calorie Needs

Probably the first question that comes to mind when contemplating your
own body weight is How many calories do I need? There are sophisticated
laboratory techniques to estimate this, but these tests are not practical for most
people. Table 4 includes one simple method of estimating needed calories based
on body weight and activity level. An alternative method devised by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates energy needs based on sex, age
and activity level. Refer to the table below:

Table 8. Estimated Calorie Needs Based on Sex, Age and Activity Level of Adolescents
Age Activity Level** Age Activity Level **
Sedentar Moderately Active Sedentar Moderately Active
y Active y Active
12 1800 2200 2400 12 1600 2000 2200
13 2000 2200 2600 13 1600 2000 2200
14 2000 2400 2800 14 1800 2000 2400
15 2200 2600 3000 15 1800 2000 2400
16 2400 2800 3200 16 1800 2000 2400
17 2400 2800 3200 17 1800 2000 2400
18 2400 2800 3200 18 1800 2000 2400
19-20 2600 2800 3000 19-20 2000 2000 2400
21-25 2400 2800 3000 21-25 2000 2000 2400
Calorie levels are based on the Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) and activity levels from the Institute of
Medicine and Dietary Reference Intakes Macronutrients Report, 2002

Activity 3: Processing Activity ( Day 4)

Directions: Answer the following given questions below.
1. Consider your age. Officiating is a tough job. It is an activity for
physically active people. How much calorie do you need to keep
yourself active while planning to lose weight, gain or maintain
weight? What are the foods you should take in and at what amount
should you take them in?
2. Reflect carefully on the readings you have just had and write your
answers in your activity notebook.
Activity 4: True or False (Day 5)
Directions: A. Read each statement carefully. Write True if the statement is true;
and False if the statement is false.
1. In order to meet the demands of daily routines and activities, it requires
a fitter and healthy mind and body.
2. After you have done your warm-up activities, you will obtain your PMHR
and THR.
3. One of the most efficient ways to assess your fitness is through your
heart rate.
4. Some people have difficulty in gaining weight.
5. Weight gain is a more common goal than weight loss.
6. Consuming an appropriate number of calories and foods from various
categories results in optimal nutrition.
7. Sedentary lifestyle needs more than 30 minutes moderately physical
activity in addition to daily activities.
8. Establishing or maintaining a healthy body weight requires an
understanding of how the body uses food to provide energy.
9. When weight loss is desired, a plan of action is needed for a shorter-
term success.
10. Pre-assessment is important to assess your readiness in participating
physical activities to avoid injuries in the future.
V. Closure/ What I have Learned

I. Directions: Complete the given statements below. Write your answers on your
activity notebook.

1. I learned that pre-assessment activity is very important before

participating in physical activities because ____________________.

2. In order for a person to gain weight, he must _________________ .

3. When one manages his/her weight, the result could be__________ .

4. For a teenager like me, I must _____________________________ .

5. The importance of proper nutrition and physical activity is ________ .

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Lapinigan National High School
San Francisco, District II

Activity Sheet in Grade 9 MAPEH (PE)

Learning Competency: Describes the musical elements of selected vocal

and instrumental music of medieval, renaissance and baroque
music. (PE9PF-Ia-h-23)

. Activity 1: Are You Ready?
2. he must increase food intake with healthy snacks. Note: Answers will vary because it depends on the
test taker.
3. a big advantage on self because the desired fitness
level can be easily achieved.
Processing Questions
4. have a healthy lifestyle to avoid a sedentary one. I also Note Answers will vary because it depends on the
need to manage my weight to avoid complications in the one who answers it.
Activity 2: Reading Tim
5. is making a person healthy and fit to avoid injuries and
diseases in the future. Activity 3: Processing Activity
Note: Answers will depend on the test taker
Activity 4:
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. True
Note: Answers will vary, it depends on the age of
the person
V. Closure/What I Have Learned
1. it will help you determine if you are ready to
participate in physical activities given.
Activity 3: A. Chart Buster
Song #1: =
Title: Fire, Fire My Heart
Composer: Thomas Morley
Era: Renaissance Period
Answer Key:

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