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Chapter 3 Summary

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A. The Hero First Teacher

Rizal's first teacher was her mother. He described her as patient, conscientious and understanding
tutor. Rizal learned from his mother on how to read and pray.

B. Jose Goes to Biñan

On June 1869, Rizal was sent to Biñan by his brother Paciano.

C. First Day in Biñan School

Rizal met his maestro named Justiniano Aquino Cruz which he described as tall, thin, long
necked with a sharp nose and a body slightly bent forward and used to wear "sinamay" shirt
woven by the skilled hands of the women’s in Batangas.

D. First School Brawl

Rizal was not a quarrelsome kind of boy, but if he was challenged to a fight, he never ran away
from it.

E. Painting Lessons in Biñan

Juancho who was the father-in-law of the school teacher, gave Jose free lesson in drawing and

F. Daily Life in Biñan

Jose made records on his methodological life in Biñan.

G. Best Student in School

Rizal surpassed all Biñan boys in academic studies which makes others envied him for his
intellectual superiority.

H. End of Biñan Schooling

Jose left Biñan on Dec. 17, 1870; he was sad because he knew that he would not return from
it,but he was also excited because it was his first passage on the steamer called Talim.
I. Martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za

Upon the martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za in 1872, Rizal make a promise to himself that he will fight
the evils of Spanish tyranny and redeem him oppressed people.

Why is that Rizal play a major role to each and every college student, what is the reason why we
student have to know the life and works of Rizal, when we all know that Rizal has been already
the national hero of the Philippines? Well I guess that there are two main reason why we study
Rizal in college or even in our High School days.

First, it is mandated by the law Republic Act 1425, This little thing can be actually a way of how
can we gain inspiration on loving our own country through the means of Rizal's life story and
inspiring work of Rizal. This also serves as tribute to our all other national hero, who risk their
lives on shaping the virtue and characteristic of a true Filipino. This is also serves as an eye
opener to the youth of today of keeping in their mind how true Filipino they are, how to love our
country, culture, and beliefs.

Second is because of the lesson that Rizal can contribute to the people today, this can also
develop awareness of how Rizal sacrifice his life for the Philippines, an appreciation of how he
became a real men and fought for what he think is right. The value we got from his work of how
we respect each other’s belief and God that all people have the right to cherish and establish own
religion on their own way. To be able to educate the youth that setting as an example to the next
generation how we should value our own culture, how we deal with people and respect them, and
be able to be a responsible student and a member of the society.

To fully understand Dr. Jose Rizal, it’s important to describe his formal schooling, which
contributed much to shaping values and character.


Of the stories told by Doña Teodora to her favorite son, Jose, that on of the young moth made the
profoundest impression on him. Speaking of this incident.


As Jose grew older his parents employed private tutors to give him lessons at home. The first
was Maestro Celestino and the second, Maestro Lucas Padua. Later on an old man named Leon
Monroy a former classmate of Rizal's father, became the boy's tutor. This old teacher lived at the
Rizal home and instructed Jose in Spanish and Latin. Unfortunately, he did not live long. He died
five months later.


After Monroy’s death, Francisco sent Jose to Biñan to continue studying Latin because his
teacher had died. His teacher in Biñan, Justiano Aquino Cruz, was severe disciplinarian. Rizal
described him in the following way. "He was a tall man".

Based on Ocampo's research, he discovered that Rizal usually had "hot chocolate, a cup of rice
and sardinas secas for breakfast". Sardinas secas is just another word for tuyo (salted dry fish).
For lunch Rizal usually ate rice and ayungin ( Silver Perch).

In real talk, I thought that this will be the least subject I will like in my last semester in college,
But I feel so happy to that my expectation gone wrong, This was the subject that made me more
competitive and patience. Learning things about Rizal didn't give me a hard time, though it was
kind a full loaded when it comes to feeding information but good thing that we have a good
TEACHER. Anyway, things that strike me the most are the words unconditional love, sacrifice,
and facing the consequences. At the end of the day I always keep these things in my mind that no
matter how hard we've been facing right now there will come a time that we need to hold on, on
this simple words that I taught about in Rizal Class, Unconditional love from the family, friends
and other people that no matter how bad things is you'll willing to sacrifice for your love ones
and ready to face the consequences you will received. I might somehow say that in my journey in
Rizal, Somewhat there is in me that became matured enough to be the next model to the youth
and set example of how a real Filipino it is through mind, soul, and heart.

Rizal in Europe

After completing his 4th year of medical course in the University of Sto. Tomas, Rizal decided to
complete his studies in Spain, The Reason why Rizal want to study in Spain is just because
Europe was advance in the Field of Education, Sciences and Medicine, His family had the ability
and means to send him abroad and lastly because London was a safe place, Rizal boarded the
“Salvadora” on May 3,1882 for Spain as Jose Mercado to avoid the detection of the Spanish
Authorities, He compared the people and environment around him and compared them with that
of the Philippines, He made friends with the ship Captain Donato Lecha, May 3,1882 to
Singapore and this was the first stop on Rizal’s trip to Europe, He sketched it as it Vanished in
view the only Indio on the Salvadora is Jose Rizal, there were 16 passengers including himself.
On may 19, Rizal decided to stayed at Hotel De La Paz and he received a royal treatment,
May11,1882 Rizal transferred to Djemnah, A french steamer french was spoken on board and
Rizal attempted to converse with his fellow passengers in French, On may 17 the Djemnah
reached point Galle, A seacoast town in Southern Ceylon, Rizal was unimpressed by this town.

Suez Canal, The next stopover was in Aden, He found the city hotter than Manila, From Aden
the ship proceeded to the city of Suez, The Red Sea terminal of Suez Canal, Rizal landed in order
to see the interesting sights.

Naples, (June11) Rizal reached Naples, This city pleased Rizal because of its business activity,
The night of June12, The steamer docked at the French harbor of Marseilles.

Barcelona, June 15,1882, Train going to Barcelona, This first impression of Barcelona was
unfavorable, He thought of it as an ugly, dirty and are inhospitable, Later he change his
impression and like the City, While living in Barcelona Rizal received bad news about the
cholera outbreak ravaging Manila and the Provinces.

Madrid, November 3,1882, Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid, He took up
courses, Medicine and Philosophy letters, And also Sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of
San Fernando.
On June 1883, Rizal left Madrid to visit Paris, he decided to stayed at Hotel de Paris, Rizal
closely observed the French way of life and spending many hours at the Museums, March 1883,
Rizal joined the Masonic lodge called Acacia in Madrid, His reason for joining was to secure
Free Masonry’s aid in his fight against the Fri Ars in the Philippines.

Heidelberg, Rizal left Paris on Feb 07,1886 on Feb 3, he arrived in Heidelberg, After a few days
he transferred to a boarding house which was near University of Heidelberg

Dresden, Rizal left Leipzig to set course on Dresden on October 29,1886, Morning of Nov1,
Rizal left Dresden by train reaching Berlin in the Evening.

Berlin, Rizal led a methodological life in berlin, He worked as an assistant by day, And attended
lectures at night, Noli Me Tangere published in Berlin, The friends of Rizal hailed the novel
appriciated its contents and deeply touch and awakened by its fine truth.

First thing that will come out to my mind is, he is the National Hero.I have one subject which is a
compulsory to all students, it’s the Rizal subject. From its title itself, it’s all about the National
hero. My Rizal subject has an important role to my life because I’ve learned more significant
insights and information about Rizal’s life and the importance of his works and writings to me
and also to my fellowmen. I became more aware of his sacrifices and noble deeds and ideas. I
realized that it is better to be enlightened earlier. It’s my first time to encounter Rizal’s essays,
his travels, his exile and execution, his social, political and economic ideas, the similarities of
Rizal to the other Filipino patriots.

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