Physics in Context

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Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian

(Sains Pendidikan Rendah)

Course Title Physics in Context

(Fizik Dalam Kehidupan Harian)

Course Code SCE3105

Credit 3 (2 + 1)

Contact Hours 4 hours per week

Medium of English
Pre-requisite to None
Learning Outcomes 1. Make accurate and precise measurements using
appropriate instruments and units.
2. Determine sum of vectors both graphically and
3. Demonstrate a knowledge of basic concept of work,
thermometry, Newton’s laws of motion and the law of
universal gravitation.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of resonance, optical
instruments, parallel and series circuits, electric motor and a
TV monitor.
5. Apply Archimedes’ and Bernoulli’s Principle in everyday
6. Explain how electricity is generated and how it is
transmitted from one place to another.
7. Explain the functions of diodes and transistors in electronic
8. Articulate the links between theory, knowledge and
practical investigations in physics in context through the
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the primary school
science curriculum.

Synopsis This course provides knowledge about physics in context. It

discusses physics and measurement in everyday life, motion,
applying Newton’s laws in everyday life, work and machines,
forces in fluids, planetary and satellite motion, the physics of
music, thermometry and thermometers, using light, electrical
circuits in the house, electricity and magnetism at work,
generation and transmission of electricity, use of electronics

and semi-conductors.

Kursus ini memberi pengetahuan tentang fizik dalam

kehidupan harian. Ia akan membincangkan tentang fizik dan
ukuran dalam kehidupan harian, gerakan, aplikasi Hukum
Newton dalam kehidupan harian, kerja dan mesin, daya dalam
cecair, gerakan planet dan satelit, fizik muzik, termometeri dan
termometer, menggunakan cahaya, litar elektrik dalam rumah,
keelektrikan dan kemagnetan di tempat kerja, penjanaan dan
transmisi elektrik, kegunaan elektronik dan semi konduktor.

Topic Content Hours

1 Physics and measurement in everyday life

 Conversion of units
 Scientific notation
 Accuracy and precision 2
 Significant digits
 Techniques of good measurement

2 Motion – in which direction?

 Representing vector quantities
 Graphical addition of vectors
 Subtracting vectors
 Relative velocities: Some applications
 Components of vector
 Algebraic addition of vectors

3 Motion in one dimension

 Types of force: friction, normal, tension,
thrust, weight
 Constructing free-body diagrams 2
involving the forces above in different

4 Motion in two dimensions

 Equilibrium and equilibrant
 Motion along an inclined plane 2
 Projectile motion

5 Applying Newton’s laws in everyday life 2

 Using Newton’s first, second and third
law to solve problems

Topic Content Hours

6 Work and machines

 Work
 Simple and compound machines 2
 Mechanical advantage and efficiency
 The human walking machines

Note: PCK through practical investigations

in the primary school curriculum

7 Forces in fluids
 Floating and sinking
 Solving problems involving density and
Archimedes’ Principle
 Applying Bernoulli’s principle 2

Note: PCK through practical investigations

in the primary school curriculum

8 Planetary and satellite motion

 Kepler’s laws
 Universal gravitation
 Using Newton’s law of universal
gravitation 2
 Motion of planets and satellites
 Weight and weightlessness
 The gravitational field

9 The physics of music

 Sound and longitudinal waves
 Intensity and loudness
 Frequency and pitch
 Resonance 2
 Detection of pressure waves
 Sound quality
 Making music

10 Thermometry and thermometers 2

 Equilibrium and thermometry
 Temperature scales: Celsius and Kelvin
 Different types of thermometers

Note: PCK through practical investigations

in the primary school curriculum

Topic Content Hours

11 Using light
 Reflection and mirrors
 Refraction and lenses 2
 Microscopes and telescopes

12 Electrical circuits in the house

 Combined series and parallel circuits
 Ohm’s Law
 Applications of circuits
 Safety in circuits

13 Electricity and magnetism at work

 Forces on currents in magnetic fields
 Electric motor
 Force on a single charged particle
 TV monitor

14 Generation and transmission of electricity

 Faraday’s law
 Electromotive force
 Generating electricity
 Lenz’s law
 Self-inductance
 Transformers

15 Use of electronics and semi-conductors

 Electronic signals
 Electronic communications
 Computers 2
 Integrating technology: the information
super highway


PCK Topic Hours

1 PCK through practical investigations in the

primary school curriculum 2

Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

following topics:
 Work and machines

PCK Topic Hours

2 PCK through practical investigations in the

primary school curriculum 2

Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

following topics:
 Buoyancy, floating and sinking

3 PCK through practical investigations in the

primary school curriculum 2

Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

following topics:
 Equilibrium and thermometry

Practical Topic Hours

1 Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

topic: 4
 Physics and measurement in everyday

2 Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

topic: 4
 Motion in one dimension

3 Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

following topics: 4
 The physics of music

4 Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

following topics: 4
 Microscopes and telescopes

5 Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the
following topics: 4
 Electrical circuits in the house

6 Conduct experiments/activities to investigate the

following topics:
 Generating electricity 4
 Transformers

Total 30

Grand Total 60

Assessment: Coursework 60%

Examination 40%

Main References Zitzewitz, P.W. (2002). Physics, Principles and Problems.

Ohio: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

Additional Science Explorer (2002). Motion, Forces and Energy. Illinois:

References Prentice Hall

Science Explorer (2002). Electricity and Magnetism. Illinois:

Prentice Hall

Science Explorer (2002). Sound and Light. Illinois: Prentice Hall

Name of lectures: Dr. Khor Kwan Hooi

En. Saidi Samsudin

Group: Sem 3 PISMP (SN/PC/PJ)

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