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India Habitat Centre: Written Answers To Questions

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49 Written Answers SHRAVANA 22, 1919 (Saka) to Questions 50

India Habitat Centre for which the Centre is set up. However, the membership
is now closed.
Minister of URBAN AFFAIRS AND EMPLOYMENT be (d) A total of 5625 persons have been enrolled as
pleased to state : Associate Members. 4882 members have paid entrance
fees @ 5,000/- eaah amounting to Rs. 24410000 and 495
(a) the Rules and Regulations of assoication of the members paid entrance fee after revision @ 10 ,000 /-
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, together each (w.e.f. 7/5/94) amounting to Rs. 4950000/-.
with composition of its Board of Directors/Governors 248 members are yet to pay the entrance fee. The total
and Managing Committee; amount collected so far is Rs. 29360000/-.
(b) whether any assistance has been provided by (e) Total number of 14309 individuals applied for
the Government to the IHC; membership, out of which 8162 applications were not
(c) the criteria for entrance and enrolling in the said accepted for membership by the Governing Council.
centre as a Associate Member; (f) and (g) Institutional members are already
(d) the details of persons enrolled as its Associate functioning from the IHC. Some facilites of IHC are
members alongwith enrolm ent fees paid by each ready but have not become functional due to pending
member and the total amount collected from them so litigation.
(e) the number of persons applied for Membership Statement
and the number out of them rejected alongwith the
India Habitat Centre Rules and Regulations
reasons therefor;
(f) whether India Habitat Centre is functioning 1. DEFINITION :
satisfactorily; and In these Rules and Regulations unless the context
(g) if not, the reasons therefor? otherwise requires :
URBAN AFFAIRS AND EMPLOYMENT (DR. U. (b) ‘President’ means the President of the General
VENKATESWARLU) : (a) A copy of the Rules and Body and Governing Council of the Centre.
Regulation of India Habitat Centre (IHC) is enclosed
as statement. The present constitution of Governing (c) ‘Councils’ means the Governing Council of the
Council is as under : Centre.

1. President (In selection) (d) ‘Director’ means the Director of the Centre.

2. Shri V. Suresh, CMD, HUDCO. (e) ‘General Body’ means the General Body of the
3. Shri B.S. Minhas, Joint Secretary, M/o UA&E
4. Dr. R.K. Pachauri, Director TERI 2. MEMBERSHIP :
6 . Dr. D.P. Chadha, President All India Bricks & All allottees of built areas or spaces in the Centre
Tiles Manufacturers Association will be admitted as Institutional Members of the Centre.
7. Shri Rajat Nandi, Executive Director AIMA Provided that if the Council is of the view that the
admitance of any allottee may not help the Centre in
8 . Shri N. Srinivasan, Executive Director Cll
the furtherance of the objectives of the Centre, it may
9. Shri T.N. Gupta, Executive Director BMTPC not admit it as a member with the approval of the
10. Prof. R.N. Iyengar, Director CBRI Roolee Ministry.

(b) Since IHC is a registered society no funds or (b) CORPORATE MEMBERS :

grants-in-aid are given to the India Habitat Centre by Any other organisation or institution which has
the Government of India. However, the Government land interest in the proper development of human settlements
was leased to the Centre at institutional rates. can be admitted as Corporate Member on such terms
(c) The G overning C ouncil of the IHC had and conditions as the Council may determine.
constituted a Screening Committee to screen the
applications received for membership. Application of
persons seeking membership of the IHC were received Any person interested in the proper habitat related
from public in general and the membership offered to environmental issues may be admitted by the Council
persons who, in the opinion of the Governing Council as an in d ivid u a l mem ber in any one of the
for IHC, cna be expected to contribute to the objectives underm entioned sp e cifie d class of in d ivid u a l
51 Written Answers AUGUST 13, 1997 to Questions 52

membership on such terms and conditions as the council (b) The allottees shall also pay to the Centre, the
may determine. maintenance and other charges as may be determined
(i) Founder Members and demanded by the Council from time to time.

(ii) Life Members t (c) The Ordinary, Associate and Individual members
shall pay such Entrance and Annual Membership fees
(iii) Ordinary Members as may be decided by the Council.
(iv) Associate Members
(v) Temporary Members
The Union Minister and Minister of State for Urban
(vi) Long Term Tem porary M em bers (Foreign Development shall be patrons of the Centre. The Centre
National) may invite any eminent person to be patron of the
(vii) Long Term T em po ra ry M em bers (Indian Centre.
(viii) NRI’s and Individual Overseas Members
The Council may invite persons of eminence not
(x) Research Associate exceeding five at any time as Visitors for a period not
exceeding three years at a time. A visitor shall not be
Provided, however that the number of persons who
required to pay any membership fee.
may be admitted as Ordinary Individual Members shall
not exceed 500 for the time being. 6. PRESIDENT :
(d) No institutional members shall transfer his The Institutional members shall select a person of
membership to any other persons except with the eminence to be the President of the Centre for a term
previous permission of the Centre. Membership in all of two years and he shall be eligible for re-appointment.
other categories is non-transferable. Till such time as such selection is made, the Secretary,
(e) In the case of in d iv id u a ls nom inated by Ministry of Urban Development shall remain President
institutional and Corporate members to use the facilities of the Centre.
of the Centre, no charges can be made without the
prior permission of the Centre.
(a) The Director, Treasurer (Honorary or full time as
(f) The Centres shall keep a roll of all members
required) and Secretary shall be appointed by the
giving their addresses and occupations.
(g) The Centre will send a copy of its Annual Report
(b) The Director will be the Chief Executive of IHC
to all its members. and responsible to the Governing Council for all
(h) The financial year of the Centre shall be from financial, administrative functions and duties delegated
the 1st day of April until the last day of March in the to him from time to time.
following year.
3. SHARING OF COSTS BY MEMBERS : (a) The General Body shall consist of the following :
(a) The cost of land, development, construction and (i) The President
maintenance shall be distributed among the allottees
(ii) All Members of the Council
determined by the Council in proportion of the space
allotted to them in accordance with the formula laid (iii) Two nominees of each of the institutiona l
down by the Council. In the event of default in payment members
resulting in d islocation and/or delay of work, the (iv) All Founder members
Promoter Member may be requested by the Council to
provide the funds required for the continuance of the (v) Ail Corporate members who will be represented
project undertaken by the Centre and the membership by their Chief Executives.
of the defaulting member shall stand suspended until (vi) All Life Members
the member clears all the dues together with the (vii) All Ordinary Individual Members.
additional levy as may be imposed by the council.
Further if the dues are not paid within the specified (b) There shall be held an Annual Genera! meeting
time, the allotment of space of the defaulting member of the Centre once in every financial year at such date,
and its membership of the Centre shall be cancelled time and place as may be decided by the President.
after giving one month notice by Regd. Post on the (c) The President may, whenever he thinks fit and
address as in sub-para 6 of paragraph 2 above and also shall upon the requisition of not less than one third
allotment of space made to another institution as may of the members of the General Body supported by not
be approved by the Governing Council. less than the one third of the Institutional members and
53 Written Answers SHRAVANA 22, 1919 (Saka) to Questions 54

one third of the Life members, call a Special General dis-allow the same, if in his opinion, it contravenes
Meeting. these Regulations or is, othersise, indadmissible and
his decision thereon shall be final.
(d) The director shall send information of the date,
time and place of the meeting to all the members at (n) When a question is put to vote, the person
least fifteen days before, the date of the meeting. presiding shall call for a show of hands and shall count
Provided that the President may call a meeting at such the vote thus cast for or against the proposition and
shorter notice as he may direct for the transaction of declare the result.
any urgent business.
(0) The quorum for a meeting shall be one-third of
(e) A copy of the agenda with notes, if any, shall be the members in the General Body. If within half an hour
circulated by the Director to all the members at least from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not
seven clear days before the date of meeting. Provided present, the meeting if called on the requisition of
that in the case of a meeting called for the transaction members shall be dissolved. In any other case, it shall
of urgent business, the agenda and the notes thereon stand adjourned to such time and date as may be
shall be sent alongwith the notice of the meeting.
determined by the person presiding. The adjourned
(f) N otw ithstanding that any member has not meeting shall proceed to transact business even if there
received the notice or the agenda, the meeting may be no quorum.
proceed to transact the business on the agenda.
(p) The minutes of the proceedings of each meeting
(g) Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause shall be drawn up by the Director and on approval by
(5), any matter of an urgent nature which has not been the persons presiding shall be circulated to the members
included in the agenda of the meeting may with the of the Centre. After such circulation, the minutes shall
approval of the person presiding, be placed before the be taken up for confirmation at the next meeting and
meeting for its consideration. shall be deemed confirmed unless any member present
(h) Every meeting shall be presided over by the objects to the minutes as having been incorrectly or
President and in his absence, the members present incompletely recorded; in which case, the person
and entitled to vote at the General Body meeting shall presiding after taking consensus of the members present
elect a Chairm an of the m eeting from amongst at the meeting may make such amendments in the
themselves and who shall preside over the meeting. minutes as may be necessary and the amended minutes
(i) All questions coming up before the meeting shall shall then be confirmed and signed by the person
be decided by a majority of votes of the members present presiding.
and in the case of equality of votes, the person presiding
over the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 9. GOVERNING COUNCIL :
The nominee of an Institutional Member shall carry a (a) The Centre shall be controlled by and the
letter of authority from the Institution he is representing. management of the affairs shall be entrusted to a Council
(j) An Institutional Member who desires to move a consisting of the following :
proposition shall send notice of such proposition (1) The President of the Centre.
together with a brief note setting out the reasons in
support of the proposition to the Director. Such (ii) The Director of the Centre.
proposition shall be included in the agenda of the next (iii) One nom inee of the M in istry of Urban
meeting to be held on a date not earlier that 15 days Development.
after the receipt of the notice. Provided that the President
may in his discretion allow such proposition to be (iv) Chairman and Managing Director, HUDCO.
included in the agenda of an earlier meeting. (v) Nominees of the Institutional Members to be
(k) A member desiring to ask any question in order elected as follows :
to obtain any information concerning the affairs of the (a) two members from amongst the institutions
Central shall give seven days notice of such question. holding super built area upto and including
(I) A Corporate/Individual Member who desires to 250 sqm.
move a proposition shall send notice of such proposition
(b) two members from amongst the institutions
to the Director. Such proposition shall be included in
holding super built area above 250 sqm.
the agenda of the next meeting. Providied that at least
but upto and including 1000 sqm.
15 days notice have been given for the inclusion of the
proposition. Provided however, that such proposition (c) one member from amongst the institutions
has been seconded by at least two Institutional holding super built area above 1000 sqm.
Members. but upto and including 2500 sqm.
(m) The person presiding shall decide on the (d) one member from each of the institutions
admissibility of the proposition or question and shall holding super built area above 2500 sqm
55 Written Answers AUGUST 13, 1997 to Questions 56

except HUDCO which finds, place in clause (b) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers
4 above. conferred by the foregoing clause, the Council shall
have the power to :
The nomination from each groups (a) and
(d) w ill be held by the in stitu tions in (i) take decision on applications for membership
ro ta tio n in a lp h a b e tic a l o rd e r of the subject to Rule 2(2).
institution’s name. (ii) prepare and execute d e ta ile d plans and
Provided that one Institutional Member may programmes for the furtherance of the objects
be represented on the Council by one of the Centre,
individual only. (iii) receive, have custody of and expend the funds
of the Centre and manage the properties of the
(vi) Two members to be nom inated by the
President from amongst the Corporate
Members according to the procedures laid (iv) appoint and control such staff as may be
down in this regard by the Council. required for the efficient management of the
a ffa irs of the C entre and re g u la te th e ir
(vii) Two members to be co-opted for their recruitment and conditions of service,
attainments in the habitat related fields or
(v) provide for the welfare of the employees or ex­
in the fields of education, science, culture,
employees of the Centre and the wives, widows
art or other areas by the Council who are
and families or the dependents or connections
persons active in public life.
of such persons in the form and manner as
(viii) Two members to be nominated by the may be decided by the Council,
P re sid e n t from am ongst in d ivid u a l (vi) enter into agreement for and on behalf of the
Members in accordance with procedure, Centre,
laid down in this regard by the Council.
(vii) sue and defend all legal proceedings on behalf
The nomination of Governing Council should ensure of the Centre,
that there should be atleast one lady member in the (viii) appoint committees for disposal of any business
Council. of the Centre or for advice in any matter
The tenure of Govern.ng Council will be for a period pertaining to the Centre and make, adopt and
of two years. vary from tim e to tim e b ye-law s for the
functioning of and for the purpose connected
(b) The Secretary of the Centre will be the Secretary with the management and administration of the
to the Council. affairs of the Centres and for furtherance of its
(c) The Council shall ordinarily meet once in every
six months. The President shall preside over the meeting (ix) pay all expenses incurred in the formation and
of the Council and in his absence, the members present carrying out the objects of the Centre.
shall elect from amongst themselves, a person who (x) hear and deal with complaints,
shall preside over the meeting.
(xi) purchase or otherwise acquire for the Centre
(d) Six members shall form the quorum for the any p ro p e rty in c lu d in g o ffic e equipm en t
meeting. furniture, furnishing, etc. rights or privileges at
such price and generally on such terms and
(e) The President of the Centre may, in such cases
conditions as it consider proper,
as he may consider necessary, direct that any business
may be circu la te d among the members and any (xii) secure the fu lfilm e n t ot any co n tra cts or
resolution so circulated and approved by a majority of engagements entered into by the Centre,
members signing shall be as effectual and binding as (xiii) authorise any person to enter into negotiations
if such resolution had been passed at a meeting of the and execute contracts and to rescind and vary
Council. all such contracts.
(xiv) purchase or otherwise acquire lands, building,
10. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL : etc. to construct buildings, godowns, sheds, parks,
(a) The C ouncil shat! be responsible for the parking spaces, quarters for the staff etc.,
management and administration of the affairs of the (xv) purchae machinery and stores etc.,
Centre in accordance with these rules and regulations
(xvi) sell such portion of the lands or buildings of the
and bye-laws made thereunder for the furtherance of its
Centre which are in excess of its requirements,
objects, and shall have all powers which may be
* -- * mimneA (xvii) rent or lease the premises or assets of the Centre,
57 Written Answers SHRAVANA 22, 1919 (Saka) to Questions 58

(xviii) mortgage the property or assets of the Centre, (b) The powers and functions of the Executive
(xix) open accounts with banks and authorise Committee will be as are delegated to it by the Governing
officer (s) of the Centre to operate on them as Council from time to time.
well as draw, accept, endorse and execute (c) Three members will constitute the quorum, one
cheques, bills of exchange, promisory notes of them necessarily being either the President or the
etc., on behalf of the Centre, Director.
(xx) lay down rules for the affixation and custody of (d) The Executive Committee shall meet as often as
common Seal of the Centre, considered necessary by the President, but not less
(xxij consider and approve Annual Report, Statement than four times in a year.
of Accounts for placing before the General Body (e) The Executive Committee will function till such
for approval, time as a fresh Committee is constituted.
(xxii) appoint Auditors and decide their renumeration, (f) The Executive Committee may co-opt any persons
(xxiii) borrow with or without security and accept as deemed fit for transaction and disposal of any matter
donations, deposit for the use and propose of considered by it. Such co-opted member will not be
the Centre, entitled to vote.
(xxiv) invest any money of the Centre not immediately 12. COMMITTEES :
required for any of its objects with any
Nationalised Bank or HUDCO and deal with it, The Council may constitute committees and sub­
committees for performing such functions as it may deem
(xxv) appoint and pay to consultants, advisors and necessary. Every Committee shall have convenor and
construction management design consultants such other members as the Council may deem fit. The
etc., Council shall have power to issue such directions to
(xxvi) delegate from time to time all or any of its any committee as it deems fit and the committee shall
powers to the Executive Committee or any other abide by such directions.
Committee which it may form for the purpose,
to the Director or any other officer of the Centre 13. FUNDS, BUDGET, ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT :
as may be found necessary for the efficient (a) The Centre will have it won funds and all receipts
administration of the affairs of the Centre, of the Centre will be credited to the said fund.
(xxvii) do all such other acts and things as are (b) All moneys belonging to the said funds shall be
incidental to or which the Council may think deposited in any Nationalised Bank or Banks or HUDCO
conducive to the attainment of the objects of as may be approved by the Executive Committee.
the Centre or any of them.
(c) All transactions of the above funds shall be
11. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : carried out in the name of Executive Committee by the
Director or any other officer authorised by the Council
(a) An Executive Committee shall be constituted in this behalf.
with d e le g a tio n of pow ers re latin g to finance,
administration, construction, payments, maintenance, (d) All sums received shall be credited to the above
facilities management, allotment and renting of space, in the first instance. No receit shall be d irectly
legal affairs, matters relating to membership and other appropriated towards expenditure.
day to day matters for running of the Centre, constituted (e) All payments out of the fund shall preferably be
as follows : made through cheques by such officer or officers as
(i) President, IHC - Chairman may be authorised by the Council. Provided that petty
payment of amounts below Rs. 5000 may be made in
(ii) CMD, HUDCO - Member
(iii) Director, IHC - Member
(f) Any moneys lying at the credit of the Centre in
(iv) Three persons to be elected by Governing the fund and not immediately required by it for the
Council from amongst themselves, of which two purpose of the business of the Centre may be invested
persons should be representing institutional by the Director in accordance with guidelines given by
members. the Council.
(v) The nom inee of the M inistry of Urban (g) The Director shall prepare and submit to the
Development on the Governing Council will Council for approval, as far as may be possible, in the
also be member. month of December every year, a budget for the
The Director IHC shall be the Convenor of the following financial year showing the estimated receipts
Executive Committee. and expenditure during the financial year.
59 Written Answers AUGUST 13, 1997 to Questions 60

(h) The budget so framed shall be scrutinised and 18. AMENDMENT OF MEMORANDUM OF
approved by the C ouncil w hich may make such ASSOCIATION :
modification as it deems necessary.
Any kind of amendment in the Memorandum of
(i) The Director shall be responsible for proper Association shall be made as per provision of Section
maintenance of accounts of the Centre. 12 and 12(A) of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as
applicable to the Union territory of Delhi.
(j) The principal books of accounts shall consist of
ledger, jo u rn a l and cash book. T hese shall be 19. DISSOLUTION AND ADJUSTMENT OF AFFAIRS :
maintained in accordance with such instructions as may
be issued from time to time by the Council. Besides, If the Centre needs to be dissolved, it shall be
these principal books, such other subsidiary books as dissolved as per provisions laid down under Section 13
are necessary to show details of all assets such as and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as
land, buildings etc., and also for clearance of suspense applicable to the Union territory of Delhi.
transactions shall be maintained as deemed necessary.
(k) The income and expenditure of the Centre shall
All the provisions under all the Sections of the
be classified under various heads of accounts as the
Society Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to the
D ire ctor may deem n e ce ssa ry fo r purposes of
Territory of Delhi shall apply to this Centre.
information and control.
Certified that this is the correct copy of the Rules
(I) All payments shall be made by the Director or
and Regulations of the Centre.
any officer authorised by him.
Sd/- Sd/-
(m) At the end of each financial year, the Director
President Director
shall perpare an Annual statement of Accounts.
(n) The Annual Accounts so prepared shall be
S ubletting of Garages
subject to audit by the Auditors appointed by the council.
The Director shall produce all accounts registers,
3353. SHRI S. AJAY KUMAR : Will the Minister of
documents and subsidiary papers which may be called
for by the Auditors.
state :
(o) The audit report shall be submitted to the (a) w hether the M in istry has rece ive d any
Council. The council shall them place the audit report representation through Office of the Prime Minister
before the General Body with its remarks. regarding unauthorised construction and subletting of
garages in Sector D, Type II, Mandir Marg, DIZ Area and
14. BYE-LAWS :
other areas where Government accommodation has
The council may from time to time make bye-laws been allotted in New Delhi;
for carrying out the purpose of these Rules and
(b) if so, the total number of such cases detected
so far; and
15. ALTERATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RULES (c) the action taken or proposed to be taken by the
AND REGULATIONS : Ministry in this regard?
(a) Rules and R egulatio ns shall be altered, THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF
extended abridged only with the approval of the URBAN AFFAIRS AND EM PLOYM ENT (DR. U.
Governing council and the General Body. VENKATESWARLU) : (a) Yes, Sir.
(b) Amendments to the Constitution and the Rules (b) and (c) In Sector-D Mandir Marg 15 garages
and Regulations of the Centre may be made by the were inspected. 6 garages were found locked. In 8
Governing Council by 2/3rd majority of members present garages there was no subletting. In one case misuse of
and voting at the meeting convened for the purpose the garage as a tailoring shop was detected. 3 cases
provided further that not less than four nominees of of unauthorised constructions were also detected in
institutional Members voting in favour of the amendment. this Sector (Type II). Show Cause Notices have been
issued to all these allottees.
Once in every year, a list of the members of the Oceanarium
Council shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies,
Delhi as required under Section 4 of the Societies 3354. SHRI CHURCHILL ALEMAO .
Registration Act, 1860
17. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS : Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state :
The Centre may sue or be sued in the name of the (a) whether attention of the Government has been
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