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Savage Worlds - Interface Zero - 2.0 - Adv - Drip by Bloody Drip

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Interface Zero 2.0 is created by Peter J. Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal Maclean, Matt Conklin Jr., and Patrick Smith
Development: David Jarvis
Writing: Charles Green
Art Coordinator: David Jarvis
Graphic Design: Alida Saxon
Layout: Thomas Shook
Project Manager: David Jarvis
Cover Art: Sam Manley
Interior Art: Sam Manley
Editing and Proofreading: David Jarvis, Sarah Lyon, Thomas Shook

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com.
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission.
Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purposes of this product.
Savage Worlds, Deadlands and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. ©2009. Some
material used with Permission.
©2014 Gun Metal Games. Interface Zero and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Gun Metal Games. Unless
otherwise stated, all interior artwork, graphics, character names, and fiction are Product Identity of Gun Metal Games.

DRIP BY BLOODY DRIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Lining Up Your Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Adventure Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

SCENE 1: MEETING MR. SANDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

SCENE 2: NAVAL BASE KITSAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Operation Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Welcome to Naval Base Kitsap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Across the Flooded Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Belly of the Beast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Ambush! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Motor Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

SCENE 3: THE CHASE IS ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Disarming the Nuke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Aftermath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

APPENDIX A: NPCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Drip by Bloody Drip is an adventure designed for Seasoned
Rank characters, and is easily adaptable for groups of a higher
Rank. The team take a seemingly simple and lucrative job from
a worried parent. Only to discover a plot against the Republic AQUATIC ACROBATICS
of Cascadia. Unless the characters can stop it, countless lives Key scenes in the adventure take place underwater, so it is
will be destroyed and the stage set for an invasion by the important that the team can gain access to diving equipment.
North American Cotillion (NAC). Aquatic Hybrids and heroes with Augments that help them in
aquatic environments are going to have an advantage in this
Drip by Bloody Drip includes an abandoned naval shipyard scenario, since they won’t have to spend time getting into and
and its autonomous security system, evidence of genetic out of gear.
experimentation gone hideously awry, gun-play, chases,
escapes, and (possibly) the detonation of a nuclear device
near a major population center. The characters have several
chances at heroism, in addition to collecting a paycheck. They
may even gain a small measure of fame, whether they want completion. Once the team takes the job and after an initial
it or not. recon and legwork, the team travels to Kitsap Naval Base,
located near Seattle Washington. At the base the team dis-
cover the security systems, though antiquated, have been
Lining Up Your Ducks activated and are running on high alert. This makes the job
harder, as the characters have to fend off drones, turrets,
While it possible to dive right into Drip by Bloody Drip with security robots, and other security measures.
a team of new Seasoned characters; it may prove more sat- If the base’s security wasn’t bad enough, an Agenda68
isfying to start with a team of Novice characters and have terrorist strike team is also present at the base. The terror-
them complete a few jobs together before embarking on this ists are after a nuclear warhead that was left behind when
one. This allows the group to develop a sense of unity, and the base was abandoned. If not stopped, the terrorists plan
provides insight on how each member of the team operates to detonate the weapon — causing mass collateral damage
within the group and each other. and death. In addition, such an attack, would welcome a full
Using this approach allows the GM to introduce elements of invasion from the North American Coalition.
this adventure early on. Later, when the heroes become part of Failure on this mission means death of the characters, not
the action, it feels like a natural progression in the story rather to mention the millions who will be affected. Success means
than a job being sprung from the blue. It also provide back- a full payment for a job well done, and possible fame for
ground information and perspective on the events unfolding. thwarting a terrorist attack.
The following are a couple suggestions you can use help
prepare the group prior to running Drip by Bloody Drip.
• Agenda68 Terrorists: The characters should have a real
understanding of how Agenda68 terrorist cells have infil-
trated the Republic, and when activated, carry out plots to
undermine the Republic’s security. Uncovering a terrorist
plot and stopping it, would be a great Novice adventure;
and would help lay the groundwork for this one.
• The characters need money: Have the heroes face a mon-
ey-related problem, as it provides them incentive to follow
up on Mr. Sanders’ offer. Perhaps they owe the wrong
people credits or need a stack in investment capital to
start a new business. Maybe there’s a new model VTOL
craft one of the characters has been eying. Never under-
estimate an appeal to greed.

Adventure Synopsis
The team is contacted by a fixer who owes them one. He
informs the group he has a lead on a job that promises to pay
remarkably well; if the they can handle penetrating a secure
facility. For interested parties a meeting is arranged with Mr.
Sanders, the potential employer.
At the meeting, Mr. Sanders interviews the group, assess-
ing their abilities. Once concluded he explains the job and
possibly provides additional resources to ensure a successful

The adventure begins with the characters meeting with Mr. Sanders explains he has vested interest in seeing the
Mr. Sanders. If the heroes are based somewhere other than results from the research.
Portland, the meeting take place at an upscale location that The research files and data are still stored on a computer at
caters to business execs. Otherwise, for teams based in Naval Base Kitsap, a now-abandoned shipyard near Seattle.
Portland, the meeting happens at The Longbottom Café; a This computer is disconnected from The Global DataNet, so
posh coffee house situated in west side of the city. The café outside hacking is impossible. The job is to penetrate the base,
is the sort of place corporate types frequent, as it’s close to dive into a flooded basement, access the computer, retrieve
both the Hillsboro Airport and many of the manufacturing hubs the research data, and return it to Mr. Sanders.
and business offices that serve the corporations in the area.
The front wall of the café is clear glass, providing a good
view on the interior. Those who stake out the place before the
meeting may make Notice rolls at −2 penalty. A success indi-
cates; that before Mr. Sanders arrives, a handful of customers SHADOW PROFILES:
go inside, order drinks, and set themselves up to watch the SUBJECT: AGENDA68
entrances and exits — obviously bodyguards. Agenda68 is a terrorist organization that can trace its roots
When Mr. Sanders arrives, he is alone, and pays no attention back to the Northern Army Militia, a militant group that existed
prior to the 2nd Civil War. Retaining much of the dogma from their
to the other patrons. Mr. Sanders appears to be in his late 40s,
origins, Agenda68 has radical plans on how to reach their goals;
and bears the clear marks of Human 2.0 augmentation. He through violence and mass destruction. Many credit Agenda68
orders a drink and sits facing the window. He doesn’t seem for carrying out the nuclear bombing of Chicago and several
too concerned for his safety. other North American cities. To date, no hard proof has been
When the heroes enter, he waves them over and suggests uncovered to back these claims.
they order something. Once drinks are in hand, he has them The NAC is rumored to fund Agenda68. In return the terrorist
follow him to a back room. The room has no windows and group carries out covert operations which further the Coalition’s
the only furnishings are a large conference table and enough goals. Part of the connection between Agengd68 and NAC stems
from several of the latest attacks over the past couple of years
chairs to seat an entire corporate executive council. A suc-
that have been favorable to NAC interests. Like most speculations
cessful Notice roll by anyone with a TAP will spot the Hyper related to Agenda68, these rumors have never been confirmed.
Objects of a pair of ceiling mounted turrets. The turrets are
Lack of information about Agenda68’s motives and plans stems
hidden from view
from the fact that it has nearly been impossible to obtain reli-
Once everyone is in the room, the door will close behind able intel from its members. It is rare that an Agenda68 member
them. Mr. Sanders takes the head of the table and asks the will allow himself to be captured alive. Those that are taken into
them to sit. custody are often found dead a short time later from various
Read or paraphrase the following text:
Due to the lack of decent intel, no one is fully sure of the size
Mr. Sanders spends a few minutes exchanging polite chat of Agenda68 or organization’s primary mission. The group oper-
with the team before getting to the point of this meeting. ates in a cell structure. Most cells have ten to twenty members.
He lays out his case; his daughter’s got terminal pancreatic Each cell is intentionally kept ignorant about the other cells and
cancer, of an inoperable type, and he wants you to get to a their current tasks; to avoid disclosure, should a member be cap-
secure room located at the Naval Base Kitsap and retrieve tured. It is not uncommon for two or more cells to be operating
data that might help in her treatment. If the team is suc- different aspects of the same mission and not be aware of the
cessful the payout could be substantial. other team’s involvement.
After a few minutes, it becomes clear that Mr. Sanders is Mass destruction with shock and awe is the trademark of
interviewing you for the job rather than just giving it to Agenda68. The larger the body count and the greater the dev-
you. He starts asking some uncomfortable questions about astation; the more likely message will be heard. Agenda68 has
each member of your team; past accomplishments, mili- no qualms about who joins its ranks, as long at the new member
is willing to sacrifice his life when asked for the cause. Since
tary experience, and a variety of other things that might
members are expected to sacrifice their life, extremely danger-
suggest he has only the barest understanding of who you
ous and violent missions are not uncommon — nor will a member
are. Or he could be bluffing, just pretending that he doesn’t
hesitate to do what is necessary to complete his mission.
know. It’s hard to tell….

Mr. Sanders will layout out the details of the job to the team.
The job is a simple data snatch from an abandoned location.
He will reveal that his associates discovered information that
prior to the 2nd American Civil War, the navy was developing
an experimental treatment for cancer; using genes taken from
sharks. The research was abandoned before being completed.

THE BEST TEAM FOR THE JOB?” After three rounds sum up the character’s success and use
Run the interview scene with Mr. Sanders as a modified Social the table below to determine the results of the Job Interview.
Conflict (see the Savage Worlds rulebook for more details). The SUCCESSES RESULT
team gets the job, no matter how well they do in the inter-
Tie Mr. Sanders is unimpressed, and doesn’t think the team
view; however, how much support they can expect from Mr. will be able to handle the job. He will provide the pre-
Sanders depends on their ability to impress him. pared material, but is unwilling to provide any other aid
or support. He’s not willing risk resources, on a group
During the interview, the characters must make three
that may not succeed. Payment is 10,000 credits, paid
Persuasion skill rolls. Since Mr. Sanders is letting the team in full upon delivery.
speak for themselves, this isn’t an opposed roll. The players 1–2 He’s not particularly impressed, but he thinks the team
must choose a lead character to do the talking; one with a has a chance of pulling it off. He offers one Support Asset
good Charisma and Persuasion skill is recommended. It is pos- of the team’s choice (see below). Payment is 25,000
sible for the lead character to change each round. The other credits, paid upon delivery.
characters may assist via a cooperative rolls, even if they do 3–4 He’s more confident in team’s chance of success. This
not have the Persuasion skill. Those without the skill may crazy plan just might work! He provides two Support
assets. Payment is 50,000 credits, paid upon delivery.
make an untrained skill roll, however if skill check fails, the
lead character suffers a −1 penalty (−2 with a critical failure); 5+ Mr. Sanders is very impressed with the team. He puts
all 3 Support Assets at the characters’ disposal, and the
as a result of the failing character’s blunder. group temporarily gains the Connections (Mr. Sanders)
Edge for the rest of the adventure. Payment is 75,000
MODIFIERS credits, paid upon delivery.
Characters who use any of the following facts about them-
selves during the Social Conflict can gain a one-time +2
• Past successes: Since Mr. Sanders is looking for compe- Characters who perform well in the contract negotiation
tence, mentioning past successful jobs can gain a bonus, with Mr. Sanders may gain access to one or more of three
especially if the job was well-known or particularly well Support Assets earmarked for this operation.
handled. • Mercenary Unit: They gain access to a one-time raid from
• Military Experience: Anyone with a military background a team of mercenaries. They can assist in major assaults,
gains the bonus, since Mr. Sanders has a soft spot for provide covering fire or a distraction, or even pull off an
veterans. extraction if things get too hairy. Unless used very care-
fully, they’re not at all quiet.
 Mercenaries (5)
Characters may “embellish” their accomplishments in order
to make themselves seem more impressive. This can poten- • Operation Files: Mr. Sanders has access to maps, blue-
tially net them more support, but is not without risk. prints, pass-codes for the security system, and other
related files for the job. If taken, the operation files grant
Characters may lie. Doing so grants a +2 bonus to the roll, a +2 bonus to Hacking and Survival skill rolls made within
which the GM may alter based on how outlandish the lie is. If the base.
the player rolls a 1 on the skill die (regardless of the Wild Die);
Mr Sanders is aware the character is lying. • Supply Requisitions: Mr. Sanders can provide gear, includ-
ing some black-market items, up to 10,000 credits. He
Should Mr. Sanders picks up on a lie; his impression of the assumes that the team has most normal gear for their
team is harmed. Reduce the level of support he offers in the line of work, and is willing to loan them specialized items
end by 1, and subsequent rolls made by the character are at they might need, including top-of-the-line versions of
a −2. He appreciates liars, but not clumsy ones. stuff they already have. (TAP upgrades, scuba gear, and
I CAN READ YOU LIKE A BOOK so on). Note that these are loans, and are expected to be
returned, in good working order, after the completion of
Characters, who wish to gain an understanding of who Mr.
the operation.
Sanders is, and what he might be looking for, can spend the
first round of the interview talking and observing — this is
their whole action and may not make any trait rolls to assist. PLEASE INITIAL HERE, HERE, HERE,
On the second and third rounds of the interview the char- AND SIGN AT THE BOTTOM…
acter may use Notice or Knowledge (Psychology) instead Once Mr. Sanders is satisfied that the team will be able to
of Persuasion for the cooperative roll. Failed skill checks are handle the operation, he has them sign contracts as Freelance
treated the same as using Persuasion unskilled. Field Operations Specialists, as well as non-disclosure-agree-
ments with pretty strict non-compete and non-proliferation
Congratulations! You’re got the job!

Now that the team has the job, the team should take some  Gun Turret (2)
time planning how they want to complete the task, and do Past the perimeter, the interior of the base is creepy. It looks
a bit of legwork. like a small town that was abandoned quickly for an unknown
reason. As the characters transverse the base, they spot toys
Operation Planning left out in front yards, and rusting cars in driveways. At all
times, in the distance, the rusting hulks of old battleships can
The team has some time to plan out the job. Rather than be seen over the top of buildings.
going through and making an actual plan, you can use this to
convey any plans the characters would devise. EYES IN THE SKY
Treat this as a modified Interlude, using the Op Planning This event can occur at any point while the team is on the
(see below) instead of the standard Interlude table from the base, and can happen multiple times. Be careful not to overuse
Savage Worlds rulebook. Have each player add some detail this, as it can expend the characters’ resources making future
of a plan. Bennies and Adventure Cards (if you use them) can engagements harder.
be earned as per usual. If this is ran at the end of a session, At any point, the team has made their position known to
consider granting the Benny or card at the start of the next base security, they attract the following response.
session. Initially, the only thing that suggests the team’s position
has been compromised is a single security drone. Have the
OP PLANNING heroes make a Notice roll at −2; those who are successful
SUIT RESULT hear the craft as it approaches. The team may make Stealth
Clubs Preparation Against Tragedy: The character mentions rolls to avoid being spotted. If anyone fails his Stealth roll, the
some way to compensate for a Hindrance, another drone suddenly lurches into view; and spins around pointing
weakness, or concern about the team’s safety.
cameras and weapons at the characters, deal Initiative.
Spades Plan for Victory: The character establishes a fact that
brings the team one step closer to victory. Even some- Unless someone is able to hack the drone’s encrypted signal,
thing like, “We’ve got a plan” or “The hard part’s over,” or destroy it before it can act, the craft relays the team’s
Hearts Looking Forward To… Express anticipation of an event
in the op, such as the opportunity to hack mil-spec secu-
rity, or getting a peek at secret data.
Diamonds The Paycheck: This character should answer the fol-
lowing question, “If this score works out, you’re going MALMART UPDATE
to get a boat-load of credits. What are you going to do SECURITY PATROL DRONE
with your share?”
The security patrol drone’s primary purpose is to flight a prepro-
grammed flight path and raise an alarm if intruders are detected.
The drone may be programed with specifications regarding which
Welcome to Naval Base Kitsap “individuals” are valid or invalid targets. When an intruder is
detected, the drone will engage and send the location and details.
Naval Base Kitsap, while abandoned, is still secure. The Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d6
perimeter is surrounded by high-density concrete walls, fitted Skills: Notice d6, Piloting d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
every few yards with cameras and turrets. To gain access to
Pace: —; Parry: 2; Toughness: 9(4)
the underwater research lab with the research computer, the
Gear: Integrated linked weapon system (Range 12/24/48; Damage
heroes need to enter the base and safely transverse various 2d6+2; RoF 3; Shots 90; AP2 Semi-Auto, 3RB, +1 Shooting)
obstacles, with the first being getting past the perimeter
Special Abilities:
• Armor +4: Reinforced armor plating.
Under normal circumstances, this would be a matter of • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; does not breathe;
driving up to a gate, opening it, and driving through. The team immune to poison and disease.
is in for a bit of a shock, when they arrive at the base — they • Environmental Weakness (Electricity): The security patrol
discover the automated security system has already been drone suffers +4 damage from electrical attacks.
activated and is on full alert. Though they won’t know this • Flight: Pace 12, Climb 0.
right away, there is already another team present in the base, • Immobile: Security patrol drones cannot move except when
pursuing their own ends. using their Flight ability.
When the team starts to breech the perimeter they inad- • Integrated Weapons: The patrol drone is equipped with linked
vertently activate a pair of turrets, which pop out of the wall. SMGs rather than arms.
The characters need to make Notice rolls, those who fail • Sensor Suite: +4 Notice vs sound, motion, chemicals, radiation,
and electrical fields up to 500 yards distant.
are surprised. The turrets orient on the nearest characters,
and open fire, after stating, “You are in violation of military Cost: 38,000; Control Slots: 2
No-Trespassing Ordinance.”

position and opens fire. Once the position is relayed, rein- Burst Template. The explosion collapses a section of the wall,
forcements arrive at the start of the 4th and 7th round, if the allowing copious amounts of water to rush into the base. Get
characters are still in the same area. The initial wave of rein- ready for some swimming rolls.
forcements consists of security robots, and the second wave
is a security detail, which includes both security robots and a SOUNDS OF CONFLICT
combat assault robot. Both groups arrive in an armored SUV. During the journey across the base, read or paraphrase the
 Security Drone (1) following:
 Security Robot (1 per hero) Off in the distance you hear an explosion, followed by the
sounds of small-arms fire intermixed with the sounds of a
 Combat Assault Robot (1)
heavy weapon; like the one the security team had mounted
MILITARY-SPEC SUV on their vehicle.
Acc/TS: 20/40; Toughness: 25(8); Crew: 8; Firewall: 8 It takes a few minutes to close in on the origin of the sounds,
Notes: AI (Driving d10), Four Wheel Drive, Heavy Armor and require a successful Stealth roll to make it there unob-
Weapons: served. Once in position, read the following.
• Pintle-Mounted Heavy Machine Gun (Range 50/100/200; From your vantage point you see a group of heavily armed
Damage 2d10; RoF 4; Shots 200; AP 4, Heavy Weapon). men in high-tech armored suits engaged in combat with
a security team. The security detail is on the losing end of
IS THAT IT? the engagement.
Once the security response has been dealt with, the system Characters may make Notice rolls to glean additional infor-
takes time to reset. No more reinforcements arrive for a mation from the following table. Each success and raise
several minutes, giving the team enough time to vacate the provides the details of an entry. You may either choose one
site of the firefight and get to cover. or roll for a random result.
1 The armed men are at the doorway to a Quonset hut, and
Finding a quiet spot to rest provides the heroes a chance appear to have been in the process of pushing a wheeled
to patch each other up and plan for the next move. This is a palette mounted on a dolly when the security team rolled
good opportunity to make use of Interludes from the Savage up and opened fire.
Worlds rulebook. 2 Whatever is on the dolly is apparently very valuable, as the
armed men have formed a perimeter around it with their
bodies and are trying to get it out of the line of fire, even if
Across the Flooded Base 3
it means taking fire themselves.
The palette is marked in such a way, that anyone with a mil-
As team crosses the naval base to gain access to the under- itary background may make a Common Knowledge roll. With
water lab where their prized data is being stored. They can a success they note the item is marked as munitions, with a
raise it confirms the markings are those used for nuclear war-
see the devastation wrought by the flooding in this part of heads that are designed to be fired from submarines. Whoever
Cascadia. There is standing water everywhere and when the these people are, they appear to be in possession of a nuke!
characters get a clear view of the dikes, set up to stem the 4 One of the armed men is coordinating the response to the
tide of the floodwater, it is clear the waters from the sounds security team. He is effective at leading the men under his
are getting in. Several active streams of salt water stem from command, and shows signs of high-end cybertech upgrades.
the walls and it is obvious that in a relatively short amount 5 All of the gear on display is of Chinese construction. All other
of time, the walls will give, and the base will be under water. identifying marks have been removed, so it is impossible to
tell who these men are from a distance.

GETTING THERE… 6 All told, there are about a dozen of them, plus a cyborg who
is ordering the other soldiers around (see entry 4).
This place is a maze. No matter how they infiltrated the base,
they’ll need to cover some distance to get where they’re going,
 Agenda68 Squad Leader (1)
and a lot of things can happen during this trek.
 Agenda68 Soldiers (12)
Determining their position relative to the lab requires a
Survival roll. A failed roll indicates the team heads in the  Security Robots (6)
wrong direction, wasting fifteen minutes. With each roll draw Unless the heroes intervene, the armed men defeat the
a card from the Action Deck. If the card is a Club, a security security detail, and with only a token rest period, begin to haul
detail churns past them in an armored SUV (use the security the nuke away from the hut. They move with care, and are
detail from the Eyes in the Sky). A Stealth roll is required to considered Active for anyone trying to approach using Stealth.
avoid detection.
Both sides assume the characters are reinforcements for
the other side, if the characters intervene, and engage appro-
FUN WITH EXPLOSIVES priately. To make it easier on the characters the two groups
Anyone who examines the sea walls around the base may mainly concentrate attacking each other before turning their
make a Notice roll at −2 to spot the clumps of C4 explosive full attention to the newcomers.
attached to the seawalls. Getting closer reveals there are
Waiting until the end of the firefight between the Agenda68
several of them, and they’re all rigged to detonate by remote.
members and the security detail provides the characters two
Disarming the bombs takes an hour’s time, and a successful
options. They may approach the soldiers which leads to a gun
Knowledge (Demolitions) roll at −2. Failure sets off one of
the explosives, which does 5d6 damage to everyone Large

battle, as these men are not interested in talking and engage If a character nets five successes in five rounds, he manages
anyone approaching without hesitation. to force the sniper out of his nest and on the move. The hero
The other choice is to stay put and watch. After the nuclear can now engage the sniper in standard combat. The charac-
warhead is loaded on the truck it is driven away and the heroes ter starts 10+d6” away from the sniper. The sniper fights to
lose sight of it quickly unless they take steps to follow. Tracking the death. If none of the character succeed, the sniper makes
or trailing the truck, leads the character(s) to a building on the his escape; rendezvousing with his team at the motor pool.
other side of the base (see The Motor Pool for more details).  Agenda68 Sniper (1): Use the stats for the Agenda68
solider except he is a Wild Card and exchange the
DECISION POINT TAW for a Tarantula Hunting Rifle (Range 30/60/120;
Awareness of Agenda68’s presence on the base and their Damage 2d8+2; RoF 1; Shots 8; AP2, Scope, Snapfire).
possession of a nuke, is a cause for concern. Cascadia is not
without enemies, many of whom would jump at the chance
of setting off a nuke within the borders of the country. Plus, Belly of the Beast
the location of the naval base is such there are several targets In-spite of the hazards of the mission, they arrive, at the
nearby; such as Seattle, the Republican Army airbase, and building housing their goal; the secure computer terminal
even Portland. located in the basement several stories below. Water from the
The team has a dilemma. On one hand there is Mr. Sanders, Sound is about three feet deep on the first floor, and getting
who is paying them to recover the research data in exchange to the basement laboratory means swimming down into the
for a massive payday. On the other hand, there is a heavily cold, icy water. Hope you brought your trunks, ami.
armed group in possession of a weapon of mass destruction.
It is possible for the characters to pursue both objectives. GOING DOWN?
Getting to the underwater lab and obtaining the research data Getting to the underwater lab requires swimming in pitch
should come first, since accessing the base at a later time will black, icy water. An elevator shaft that can be pried open (a
be highly improbable. Doing so provides Agenda68 a head successful Strength roll) descends to the basement providing
start, however this does not make it impossible to stop them. access to the submerged level. The swim down takes awhile
Characters who follow through with the original job from to do safely, as the pressure from a quick descent can easily
Mr. Sanders, gives the GM a chance to make dealing with incapacitate an unskilled diver.
Agenda68 more personal, as the team is attacked by an Descending the elevator shaft requires two successful
Agenda68 sniper. Swimming skill tests or a raise on the initial roll to reach the
bottom. Each failed Swimming check causes the character to
IN THE CROSS-HAIRS suffer Bumps and Bruises (see Savage Worlds) due to crush-
If the characters have given away their position or have ing pressure. In addition to the depth the character needs to
engaged in firefights with any forces on the base; the char- contend with the icy cold water (see Cold under Hazards in
acters have drawn the attention of an Agenda68’s sniper. He the Savage Worlds rulebook).
is lying perched atop one of the taller buildings. As the team The elevator car is at the bottom and can be accessed
approaches the entrance to the underwater lab, the sniper through a hatch in the top. The doors to the elevator and the
opens fire, hoping to kill or one or more of the group, before lab must be pried open requiring a successful Strength roll. A
falling back to join his team members. critical failure results in a level of Fatigue, which is recovered
The attack begins with a single shot, fired at Long Range. after 15 minutes of rest. The basement is a maze like warren
Determine the target in any fashion, though you might specifi- of rooms and laboratories. Navigating the floor requires the
cally target an Extra (should any be accompanying the heroes). group to make a cooperative Smarts roll at −2. Failure indi-
The characters may make a Notice roll at −4. A success indi- cates the team has gotten turned around, and must try again.
cates the hero notices a flash of light from the sniper’s scope, A 1 on the skill die, regardless of the Wild Die, means a team
right before the shot goes off. If the target of the attack fails member has also become separated from the group, with
his Notice roll; the sniper has the Drop on him. potential consequences (see Blood in the Water).
The sniper is 100” away and has heavy cover. THE CURIOUS STATE OF THINGS
FLUSHING THE SNIPER The flooded lab is pitch-black, only illuminated by light
Treat this as a Dramatic Task. The traits appropriate to the sources the team has with them. Initially, there is nothing out
Task are Agility (moving from cover to cover), Climbing (to of the ordinary; the place looks like any other office building,
get a better firing position), Common Knowledge (for military only filled with water and the remains of old office furniture
characters), Notice (for listening for the sound of reloading), and equipment.
Shooting (providing covering fire), Stealth (for moving around As the team progresses through the flooded lab, they start
unnoticed), and Taunt (mocking the sniper for missed shots). seeing things which should not be present; coral-like growths
Rolls are made at −2 as the character tries to avoid getting on flat surfaces, and small crab-like creatures scuttling around
caught in the cross-hairs. Deal Initiative cards with Clubs on them. A successful Common Knowledge roll at −2 or a
indicating a complication as per the Dramatic Task rules. A Knowledge (Biology) roll indicates neither the coral nor the
character who fails his skill roll, ends up in the open with crabs conform to any known species, nor do they look like what
no cover. A failure with a complication means the character would normally grow in the waters of Puget Sound. There is
froze up or pinned down and is no longer able to act until the a mini ecosystem in the lab, one that as, near as anyone can
Dramatic Task is completed. tell is entirely unnatural.

The navy was performing early hybridization experiments
in this lab, and some of their most successful experiments CHARACTERS CAN’T HELP BUT SNOOP
managed to avoid disposal. The team is not alone in the lab. There is a good chance that, while they’ve got access to an
They are being stalked by a pair of shark hybrids. The hybrids essentially “lost” data store that the characters might go digging
are genetic throwbacks, and cannot pass for human in any for whatever else might be of interest to them. Heck, they may
way. The hybrids are little more than sharks with arms and even simply copy the entire contents of the lab’s servers for
legs, and possess only an animal intelligence. They are very later use.
much in their elements, and try to take one or two of the This should be fine, since the amount of data that would fill
characters for a meal. up the hard drives here won’t even be a blip in the TAP of a con-
temporary hacker.
The hybrids attempt to sneak up close enough to attack-
What this does do, however, is give the GM an excellent way
with surprise, preferring a hero who is isolated from the rest. of introducing plot hooks for later use. Whenever you need to
The shark hybrids use hit-and-run tactics, attacking from an point the team somewhere, have the plot connect to data taken
ambush. from this data store.
The sharks are violent, but not willing to sacrifice themselves
for a meal. Should either of them take 2 or more Wounds, the
pair flee, and do not return.
 Shark Hybrids (2): Treat as Wild Cards.
The ambush occurs if the heroes have not dealt with the
Once the shark hybrids are dealt with, the team can move Agenda68 soldiers in the motor pool.
onto their objective. The lab the team is seeking is protected
by an airlock system, which, against all odds, still has power. As with most things in life, the characters cannot seem to
Cycling the airlock takes a few minutes, and soon the team catch a break. While getting out of their suits and preparing
members can take off their scuba gear and breathe stale, to make the next move, movement outside catches their eye.
but safe, air. Armed men are converging on their position; moving in a way,
suggesting a tactical assault. The characters may make Notice
The inner airlock door cycles open, and banks of old flores- rolls. If anyone succeeds, the group has 2 rounds to prepare;
cent lights come on. The interior of the lab looks similar to otherwise they only have 1 round before the Agenda68 sol-
how the flooded section did, minus the water. diers opens fire.
The data the team’s looking for can be found at any of the The firefight is stacked against the heroes. The Agenda68
networked terminals in the lab. They boot up easily, though soldiers have orders to take a majority of the team alive.
it may be hard for character hacker to work with such archaic However, the soldiers are willing to impose a few casualties
systems. It takes 20 minutes of searching, and a successful to convince the heroes to surrender.
Hacking roll to find the data he is looking for. Once located,
transferring the data to a portable storage device is an easy The enemy soldiers start 20–24” from the front of the flooded
job. lab and have cover ranging from light (−1) to heavy (−4) in the
form of fortified buildings, stone walls, and corners. From
WHAT WAS THAT? a tactical standpoint, the Agenda68 troops fire from cover
There are a couple of options for how to wrap up this part for a few rounds, hoping to pick off defenders. After which,
of the adventure: If the heroes need a break and a chance to surviving troops make a push towards the group across rel-
nurse injuries, allow them the down time. This is a good time atively open ground.
to make use of an Interlude. If the group has had an easy time, The first floor of the lab building, though flooded, does offer
you want to throw something else at the group. cover ranging from medium (−2) to heavy (−4). However, the
While the hacker is performing the data search, the airlock hip-deep water hampers their ability to move within the build-
begins to cycle open. The heroes have one round to prepare ing, effectively giving everyone inside the One Leg Hindrance
for whatever is coming. Shark hybrids swarm into the lab, as long as they remain in the water.
when the airlock opens, intent on killing the interlopers. After 2 rounds of combat, the sound of fighting attracts a
 Shark Hybrids (1, plus one per hero) security detail, as described in Eyes in the Sky. If the Agenda68
team is in the open, they’re the first target engaged by the
These shark hybrids fight to the death. When out of the
security robots; perhaps evening the odds a bit or helping
water, the hybrid’s Berserk Edge functions like the standard
the characters retreat.
Edge. The hybrids attempt to stay in cover until they can rush
the group en mass and focus on one target at a time, unless If the characters lose the engagement, the Agenda68 sol-
attacked by someone else. diers provide first aid to any survivors and then move them
to their temporary base of operations at the motor pool.
AN EASY SWIM OUT Victorious heroes can interrogate the prisoners or hack their
After getting the data, the characters need to swim out, this TAPs. With a raise on either an Intimidation or Persuasion skill
time they won’t have to deal with any encounters. Exiting roll, the prisoners relay they were to rendezvous outside the
the basement level is handled the same as the entry. This motor pool on the far side of the shipyard. Successfully hacking
time, though ascending the elevator shaft to the surface only the TAP of a prisoner reveals a schematic of the Naval Base
requires a single successful Swimming roll. Kitsap, with motor pool marked as the rendezvous point.

 Agenda68 Squad Leader (1) If the characters are sneaking into the building, all of the
 Agenda68 Soldiers (2 per hero) guards are considered active for the purposes of Stealth
rolls. From the point of arriving at the motor pool, it takes
 Security Robots (6) the Agenda68 members five minutes to finish loading the
weapon. If the characters engage the enemy, or they are
The Motor Pool discovered before the weapon is loaded onto the truck, four
of the soldiers finish loading the nuke, while the rest attack
Once the Agenda68 assault team as been dealt with (or cap- the characters.
tured), the next step is to investigate the motor pool. What Attacking the soldiers loading the truck is dangerous and
occurs here depends on how the characters arrive. If they’re missed shots use the Innocent Bystander rule, with the nuke
held captive, they are brought in handcuffs and placed under being a valid target. If the weapon takes more than 8 points
guard. Should they be free, they arrive in time for the events of damage, it triggers the countdown timer. See Disarming
of this scene to unfold. the Nuke below for details and options.
Once the truck is loaded, the leader, the android the driver,
IN CASE OF CAPTIVITY and most of the soldiers leave with the weapon.
If the heroes have been captured by the assault team, If the heroes stop the truck, either by disabling it or shooting
they’re brought to a large hangar-like building occupied by a the driver, proceed to Disarming the Nuke. If not, proceed to
handful of soldiers. Two soldiers are standing off to the side, Scene 3: The Chase is On.
while one is barking orders to the rest, whom are loading a
nuclear warhead on to a panel truck.  Agenda68 Squad Leader (1)
Read or paraphrase the following text:  Agenda68 Android (1)
As you are brought into the hanger, you see a man ordering  Agenda68 Mercenary (12)
several soldiers and an android around. When he catches
sight of your team, he strolls over and speaks to your captors
in a low voice. They talk for a moment, and the man glances Acc/TS: 20/40; Toughness: 25(8); Crew: 1+6; Firewall: 8
at you, says, “Well, it certainly looks like you’ve had a run of Notes: AI (Driving d10), Four Wheel Drive, Heavy Armor
poor luck today, but I can’t let you interfere.” He looks mean- Weapons:
ingfully at your captors, who order you onto your knees.
• Pintle-Mounted Heavy Machine Gun (Range 50/100/200;
The two men leave to oversee the loading of the weapon, Damage 2d10; RoF 4; Shots 200; AP 4, Heavy Weapon).
leaving you with your captors at gun point. Once the truck
is loaded everyone, save your guards load up and drive
the vehicle out. As the truck rolls out of site, your captors
prepare to execute you.
There are only three soldiers left behind to deal with the
heroes. Unless they’re willing to let themselves be shot
without a fight, run combat as usual. Fighting with cuffed
hands imposes a −2 penalty to skills linked to Agility and
Strength. The handcuffs have a Toughness 12 for purposes
of breaking free. Once the soldiers are dispatched keys to the
handcuffs are found on one of the dead soldiers.
Once free, should the heroes wish to pursue the Agenda68
team and the nuke, they can use one of the several security
detail SUVs located in the garage.
 Agenda68 Soldier (3)
Proceed to Scene 3: The Chase is On, below.


If the characters are approaching the motor pool on their
own, the characters are required to make Stealth rolls to get
past the lone guard and to the outside of the building to see
what is going on. Once in position, read the following:
Peering into the large garage, once used as the motor pool
note several vehicles, the one that catches your attention is
the large panel truck near the center. You take note of two
men standing to the side; one is barking orders to about
a dozen soldiers who are loading a nuclear warhead on
to the back of the truck. You know doing nothing will lead
to, countless lives will be lost due to this radical group’s
reckless abandon.
The weapon is loaded on the truck and all but three soldiers
mount up. The truck then leaves, presumably heading off base.

Before the heroes are able to do anything about the nuke, If the truck isn’t stopped by the end of the 10th round, the
they’ll need to catch up to the fleeing truck. The truck has a Agenda68 team escapes with the nuke. It goes off a short time
decent head start, but it is still possible for the group to catch later, vaporizing everything in the immediate area (including
up. Catching the truck is an Extended Chase of 10 rounds using the heroes).
Driving as the maneuvering trait. Each round is roughly five
minutes. PANEL TRUCK
Acc/TS: 5/15; Toughness: 22(5): Crew: 1+8: Firewall: 8
Shooting at the truck can be a risky proposition due to the
weapon in the back. Ranged attacks directed at the truck or its Notes: Four Wheel Drive
passengers uses the Innocent Bystander rule. If the weapon
takes more than 8 points of damage, it triggers the count-
down timer (the weapon detonates in 5 rounds).
Disarming the Nuke
The first round of the Chase takes place on the base. On Once the panel truck is brought to a halt, the Agenda68
the second round the both groups will be exiting the base. Squad Leader will exit the vehicle with his hands on his head.
However, the Agenda68 team has planned a little surprise for He starts cackling like a madman, and, if pressed for answers,
anyone following them. Explosives have been set along the only makes an exaggerated explosion sound with his mouth.
sea wall near the entrance. If the characters did not disable The implication is pretty clear, and anyone who inspects the
the explosives early, they are detonated now. bomb can see that it’s been rigged to go off; a series of extra
components with hyper objects have been attached to it.
Read or paraphrase the following prior to the start of the
turn: While characters may wish to simply flee, there’s no way
they can get far enough way not be caught in blast. The only
You watch as the truck being driven by the Agenda68 sol-
chance at survival is to disarm the nuke before it goes off.
diers blasts through the main gates of the base. You are hot
on their tail getting ready to take these bastards down. As To make matters worse, while the Squad Leader isn’t inter-
you ready to shoot, you hear a muffled pop…pop…pop… ested in fighting with the heroes and drops his weapons,
coming from somewhere ahead followed by flashes of light. however the surviving Agenda68 soldiers don’t share his
You watch as the sea-wall starts to crumble. Water starts pacifism and attack with full abandon.
flooding in to the base faster than you can react. You feel
 Agenda68 Squad Leader (1)
the surge of water slam against your vehicle as you try to
stay in control.  Agenda68 Android (1)
During this turn of the Chase the Agenda68 team makes  Agenda68 Soldiers (12)
maneuvering checks as normal to determine if they have the
Advantage. The driver must make a Driving check at −2. If he YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?
does not draw any cards for the turn, treat the result as though Disarming the Nuke is a Dramatic Task based on Knowledge
he had drawn a 2 of Clubs. The heroes’ anger at the outcome (Demolitions) at −2 or Repair at −4. If the character fails his
will be short-lived when the nuke is detonated a short time skill roll during a complication or fails to net enough success in
later. If the heroes have the Mercenary Unit Support Asset, five rounds the weapon detonates. The last thing the heroes
they may them to use the unit to stay in the fight (GM’s call). see before being vaporized is a burst of heat and light that
The time spent getting the mercenary unit in place reduces blots out their senses.
the Chase to 5 rounds remaining.
From the third round on, the remainder of the chase takes
place along a stretch of highway leading away from the naval Aftermath
base. Use the following table for describing the Complications
If the characters manage to diffuse the bomb, the adven-
that may arise during the Chase.
ture is pretty much over. The cops arrive soon having been
CARD COMPLICATION TABLE notified of the chase along the I-5 corridor. It would be wise
Two Disaster: After a bit of tricky maneuvering, the vehicle for the characters to get out of the area before this happens,
clips another car or a guardrail. If the Trait roll fails, the as to avoid questions they may not be able to answer. The
vehicle wrecks, and is out of the chase. This means Agenda68 team members who are still alive are arrested.
failure for the heroes. Proceed to Disarming the Nuke
if it happens to the Agenda68 driver. Upon delivering the data to Mr. Sanders, each surviving char-
3–10 Major Obstacle: Another vehicle suddenly changes lanes, acter gains 3 points of Street Cred and are immediately paid
and winds up right in the way of the vehicle, or a deer the promised fee. If the data isn’t delivered, the team may
darts into the road. have earned Mr. Sanders ire, especially if they are caught on
Jack–Queen Minor Obstacle: Road construction cones cover up half camera chasing a terrorist cell down the freeway.
the available lanes.
Lastly, keeping a nuclear warhead from going off is a major
King–Joker Distraction: Likely candidates include other motorists, heroic achievement, which warrants the award of an addi-
parts of the vehicle (sun visors, sunlight flashing into
the eyes from a mirror), flocks of birds near the roadway. tional Experience Point.

ANDROID (WC) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d10, Healing d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Race: Android Shooting d8, Throwing d6
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Charisma: 0; Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13(5); Firewall: 10;
Vigor d6 Strain: 11
Skills: Boating d8+2, Driving d8+2, Fighting d8, Notice d8+2, Hindrances: Various
Piloting d8+2 , Repair d6, Shooting d8
Edges: Command, Command Presence, Combat Reflexes, Hold
Charisma: −2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9(4); Firewall: 4; the Line, Killer Instinct, Marksman, No Mercy, Rock and Roll!
Strain: 2
Cyberware (Milware): Bone Reinforcement, Lifesaver, Cyberlegs
Hindrances: Cautious, Code of Honor, Habit (Minor: talks about [Ligament Enhancement], Advanced Muscle Augmentation,
things in terms of percentage chances) Trauma Suppressor, Skill Computer
Edges: Ace, Alertness, Quick Gear: Ravenlocke Raptor SpecOps Armor (+5; Smartdoc +4
Cyberware: Smart Gun System to Incapacitation rolls), wrist mounted grenade launcher
Gear: Ravenlocke First Responder Armor (+4), AGA Black Knight (Range 12/24/48; Damage by grenade; Shots 1), Foley Arms
Limited (Range 12/24/48; Damage 2d8; RoF 1–2; Shots 6; TAW 2022 (Rifle: Range 25/50/100; Damage 2d8+1; RoF 3;
AP2, revolver), knife (Str+d4) Shots 45; AP2, 3RB, Auto; Shotgun: Range 12/24/48; Damage
Special Abilities: 1–3d6; RoF 2; Shots 12; Grenade Launcher: Range 12/24/48;
• Construct: Androids add +2 to recover from being Shaken, Damage 3d6; Shots 12; HW, SBT), 2 × 25mm Grenades (3d6,
don’t suffer wound modifiers, and are immune to poison MBT), AGA Thunderbolt (Range 12/24/48; Damage 2d8+1;
and disease. Androids cannot heal naturally. To heal an RoF 1; Shots 11; AP4, Semi-Auto), combat knife (Str+d4)
android requires the Repair skill — which is used like the
Healing skill, only with no “Golden Hour.” COMBAT ASSAULT ROBOT (WC)
• EMP Vulnerability: Androids suffer full damage from EMP Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts, d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+4,
Weapons. Vigor d10
• Metallic Alloy: The fully metallic hide of an android provides Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Intimidate d8, Knowledge
resistance to small arms fire. They have +2 Armor. (Battle) d10, Notice d8, Shooting d10, Survival d8, Tracking d8
• Outsider: Organic races often mistrust or misunderstand Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12(3); Firewall: 10
androids. They subtract 2 from their Charisma when dealing Gear: AG-12 MAW (Range 30/60/120; Damage 2d10+1; RoF 4,
with races other than their own. Shots 120; AP 3, Auto 3RB, HW)
• Recharge: Androids need electricity to function. If the Special Abilities:
android can’t access an electrical outlet of some sort at • Armor (+3): Heavy Armor, superior alloy.
least once per day, he suffers a level of Fatigue each day • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; does not
until he’s incapacitated. The day after that, he goes “off- breathe; immune to poison and disease; ignores one level
line” must be reactivated with a Repair roll and a four-hour of wound penalties.
charge. This replaces the android’s need for food or water. • Environmental Weakness (Electricity): Robots suffer +4
• Unnatural: Psionics, both beneficial and detrimental, damage from electrical attacks.
suffer a −2 penalty to affect androids. This has no effect • Fast Movement: Roll d10 for running instead of d6.
on damaging powers, which affect them normally.
• Fist: Str+d6
SOLDIER • Quick: It redraws Initiative cards of five or less.
Race: Simulacrum (Soldier) • Sensor Suite: The combat assault robot is configured with
telescopic, low light, and thermal vision (adds +2 to sight-
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor 10
based Notice rolls and ignores lighting penalties).
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d8, Throwing d6
• Size +2: This robot stands between 10–12 feet tall.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 14(6); Firewall: 6;
Strain: 8 GUN TURRET
Hindrances: Various Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts, d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes, Counterattack, No Mercy, Skills: Notice d8, Shooting d8
Rock and Roll!
Pace: — ; Parry: 2; Toughness: 8(3); Firewall: 8
Cyberware: Bone Reinforcement, Enhanced Articulation,
Special Abilities:
Lifesaver, Muscle Augmentation
• Armor (+3): Armor Plating.
Gear: Ravenlocke Justified Response Assault Armor (+6), BK-616
(Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8; RoF 4; Shots 60; AP 4, Auto, • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; does not
3RB), 2 × 25mm Grenades (3d6, MBT), combat knife (Str+d4) breathe; immune to poison and disease; ignores one level
of wound penalties.

• Environmental Weakness (Electricity): Gun turrets suffer
+4 damage from electrical attacks. SECURITY ROBOT
• Immobile: Gun turrets are stationary, but have a firing Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
radius of 360 degrees. Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8
• Integrated Weapons: Gun turrets are equipped with a right Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10(4); Firewall: 6
gel gun. Gun turrets are loaded with riot gel rounds that Gear: BK-616 (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8; RoF 4; Shots
fire in a Cone Template. Those in the area of effect must 60; AP 4, Auto, 3RB)
make an opposed Agility roll versus the weapon’s Shooting Special Abilities:
to dive for safety. Targets that fail to avoid the weapon
• Armor +4: Protective armor plating.
suffer 2d10 nonlethal damage and become encased a blue
gel substance, which instantly hardens, leaving the target • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; does not
immobilized. An encased target cannot move or use any breathe; immune to poison and disease.
skills linked to Agility or Strength. Breaking a person free • Environmental Weakness (Electricity): Robots suffer +4
of the hardened gel requires a Strength roll at −2. damage from electrical attacks.
• Sensor Suite: +4 Notice vs sound, • Fist: Str+d4.
motion, chemicals, radiation, and • Optics: Telescopic, low light, and thermal vision adds +2
electrical fields up to 500 yards to sight-based Notice rolls and ignores lighting penalties.
distant. • Sensor Suite: +4 Notice vs. sound, motion, chemicals,
• Size −1: Gun turrets stand only a radiation, and electrical fields up to 500 yards distant.
meter tall. Ignores lighting penalties for Dim or Darkness.


Race: Human Race: Aquatic Hybrid
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Piloting Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice
d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d d8,Stealth d8, Swimming d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Charisma: 0; Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness:
Toughness: 7(2), Firewall: 4; Strain: 1 6(1); Firewall: —; Strain: 0
Hindrances: Loyal Hindrances: Unplugged
Edges: Combat Reflexes Edges: Alertness, Berserk, Extraction
Cyberware: Smartgun System (d4 Wild Die when Special Abilities:
Shooting) • Aquatic: Pace 8.
Gear: Urban Punk Combat Jacket(+2) , Urban Punk • Armor +1: Thick Hide
GutterPunk SMG (Range 12/24/48; Damage • Bite: Str+d6
2d6+1; RoF 3; Shots 30; AP1, Auto, 3RB), Duke • Dehydration: A shark hybrid must
McCoy Combat Knife (Str+ d6+1) immerse himself in water one hour out
of every 24 or become automatically Fatigued
SECURITY PATROL DRONE each day until he is Incapacitated; the day after
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit that, he perishes.
d4, Strength d4, Vigor d6 • Feeding Frenzy: The hybrid has the Berserk
Skills: Notice d6, Piloting d8, Shooting d8, Edge, which is activated if anyone in the water
Stealth d6 takes a Wound. A result of Shaken alone
Pace: —; Parry: 2; Toughness: 9(4) does not activate it. At the GM’s option,
Gear: Integrated linked weapon system characters with bleeding injuries might
(Range 12/24/48; Damage 2d6+2; RoF activate it before the hybrid even attacks.
3; Shots 90; AP2 Semi-Auto, 3RB, +1 Shooting) • Infravison: Halves penalties for poor light
Special Abilities: vs. warm targets.
• Armor +4: Reinforced armor plating. • Resist Cold: +4 to Vigor tests to resist cold temperatures.
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; does not
breathe; immune to poison and disease.
• Environmental Weakness (Electricity): The security patrol
drone suffers +4 damage from electrical attacks.
• Flight: Pace 12, Climb 0.
• Immobile: Security patrol drones cannot move except
when using their Flight ability.
• Integrated Weapons: The patrol drone is equipped with
linked SMGs rather than arms.
• Sensor Suite: +4 Notice vs sound, motion, chemicals,
radiation, and electrical fields up to 500 yards distant.


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