6.3.2 Material Receiving Inspection: Ras Markaz Crude Oil Park Project (Phase1)
6.3.2 Material Receiving Inspection: Ras Markaz Crude Oil Park Project (Phase1)
6.3.2 Material Receiving Inspection: Ras Markaz Crude Oil Park Project (Phase1)
EPC Contractors QA/QC shall complete his/her inspection prior to Company inspection and provide the
completed signed inspection checklist to Company.
• The stage for which the RFI raised was not ready.
• The inspection was not done by EPC Contractor prior to organizing the inspection and RFI.
Appropriate corrective action shall be taken by EPC Contractor for the rejected RFI.
EPC Contractor QA/QC shall perform the receiving inspection with material controller, Sub-contractor
and Company. EPC Contractor QA/QC shall notify Company 48 hours before material is ready for
03 inspection through a proper RFI.
Where discrepancies are revealed during receiving inspection of equipment and materials,
Nonconformity shall be identified by item number, tag number or material code etc. and will be
separately stored and handled in a segregated area in order to avoid unintended use.
For details refer to Material Handling and Storage Procedure, Doc No. 9686-6120-PR-000-0005 for the
receipt of Goods; handling, storing and maintenance of Goods; issuing and return of Goods.
If the inspection or test point is designated as Spot Witness, Witness or Hold Point of Company, the
discipline construction department will raise the RFI and EPC QC Engineer shall notify inspection or test
timing to Company prior to 48 hours of the scheduled inspection.
The QC inspector shall prepare the “Inspection and Test Report” after inspection or test and report the
inspection or test results to Site Quality Manager (SQM). SQM shall verify all activities including
inspection or test specified in the ITP, completeness of construction have been satisfactorily completed,
by review of relevant documents and site visits (If required).
Any deviation to the approved Method Statement/ITP shall be requested through a technical deviation
request for Company approval.
Any non-conformity found during construction, installation and erection work will be documented using
the NCR report form and correction/corrective actions with a proper disposition shall be agreed prior to
implementation. Any repair work shall be undertaken only after notifying the Company about the repair,
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