5 Lubrication Systems: 5.1 Function of Lubrication System
5 Lubrication Systems: 5.1 Function of Lubrication System
5 Lubrication Systems: 5.1 Function of Lubrication System
Supply the oil to engine part continuouslyis basal task of lubrication system. The
purpose o lubrication
f s i t ystem
r a s o t educing
p s brasion,cool
, c
a bs or bi ng vi br at io n , an ti - ru st in g an d sehe
al in
p ar
g.tT of e ng in e wi ll sbhi
e el de d to
reduce the damage and life of the part will be prolonged.
1-Synchronous belt shell; 2-cylinder;
3- Oil catcher; 4-oil basin
1) Clean assembly surface of oil basin and cylinder body.
As shown in fig.5-5.
2)As shown in fig.5-6,wash filtrate net of oil catcher.
According to fig.5-7,gelatinize seal glue to seal surface of oil basin equality.
“A”seal glue :LETAI 5699
1-Oil catcher
2-Seal rubber ring
2)Install oil catcher and oil basin.
According to fig.5-8 ,install seal ring to catcher.
Install catcher to synchronous belt shell, tighten it to specified torque..
Tightening torque(a):11N·m
Assemble oil basin to cylinder body ,then tighten it from middle to two side (arrow as
shown in position), every time tightens one nut.
Tighten them to specified torque.
Tightening torque(b):11N·m
3)As shown in fig.5-9,assemble washer and drain oil plug to oil basin.
Tighten drain oil plug to specified torque.
Tightening torque(a):25N·m
4)As shown in fig.5-10,install under clapboard.
●Oil pump
1)Disconnect battery cathode. Fig.5-10
2) According to program of reading in front,disconnect synchronous belt shell
As shown in fig.5-11.
Fig.5-13 Fig.5-14
1. .机油泵后盖 6. 罩壳油封总成
2. 机油泵针轮 1)As
7. 调压活门shown in fig.5-12,remove oil pump rear cover.
3 机油泵摆线齿轮 8. 弹簧
4. 同步链罩壳 9. 弹簧座
5. 定位套 10. 卡圈
2)As shown in fig.5-13,remove needle wheel and cycloid gear of oil pump.
1) As shown in fig.5-14,adjust lib of pump cover seal assy. Replace it if necessary.
Fig.5- 15
As fig.5-15,when installing seal of cover shell ,align seal outside end
with belt cover outside end.
Special tool:
(a):Bearing installer
2) A s s h o w n fi in g5.- 1 ,
3 check needle wheel, cycloid gear, oil pump rear c
synchronous belt cover for abrasion.
·radial clearance
As shown in fig.5-16,check the radial clearance between needle wheel and synchronous
belt pulley cover.
If t hec learance
i o o l rs utn fp imit,
o o p oeplace
rs ynchronousb eedle e
Limit clearance of needle wheel and synchronous belt cover is 0.310mm.
Fig.5-16 Fig.5-17
1-Inside rotor
2-Outside rotor
·Side clearance
As fig.5-17,measure side clearance of oil pump with ruler and gauge.
Side clearance limit:0.15mm
1)Clean and air parts of disassemble.
2) Apply oil to the n eedle
p o o ulley
p c f p il c ump, s s ycloid
lib,inside ulley,
surface of synchronous belt cover and rear cover of oil pump.
3) As fig.5-13,install needle pulley of oil pump and cycloid pulleysynchronous
to belt
4) Install oil pump rear cover,tighten 7 screws.Then check if gear work smoothly.
5.6 Maintenance on Vehicle
●Oil checking
1)Check capacity of oil by oil gauge.
2 ) C h e c k t h e o i l f o r c l e a n l i n e s s a n d g l u t i,
n oisfi tiyt i si n t e r f u s ewdi t h c o o l a n t o r
●Change oil
Check engine oil leakage before drain out oil.If leakage exit,insure damaged parts
have been repaired before beginning next step.
1- Oil basin 2- Drain oil plug 1-sign of under limit 2-Sign of upper limit
Fig.5-18 Fig.5-19
1)As fig.5-18,loosen draining screw of oil basin to drain oil.
2)Then clean draining screw.re-install draining screw,tighten it to specified torque.
Tightening torque:(a):25 n·m
3)Add oil to the upper limit of dipstick(about 3.2L).Oil filler hole is in
the valve chamber cover, dipstick shown in fig.5-19.
Table 5-1
Engine oil capacity
Oil basin About 3.2L
Oil filter About 0.2L
Other About 0.1L
Totalize About 3.5L
1-oil filter
4)Start engine and run it for 3 minutes.Check oil capacity after
minutes.If necessary, add oil to upper limit.
Engine oil capacity according to table 5-1.
Fig.5-21 Fig.5-22
Tighten oil filterproperly,till “○”type ring contactmounting surface
for the first time.
4)As fig.5-22,tighten oil filter to 3/4 circle frommounting surface contact point with
oil filter spanner.
Special tool(A):Oil filter spanner
Tightening torque:(a):14 n·m
●Oil pressure checking
Check as follows each item before check oil pressure:
Oil c apacity
i t o b n .if he
o ill ili evel
l asin
,add so til
u ol pper imit
of dipstick.
Oil quality:if oil has lost original colour,replace oil.
Oil leakage :if finding oil leakage,repair it.
1)As fig.5-23,remove front bumper and oil pressure sensor on the synchronous belt cover.
1-Water pump pulley 2-Oil pressure sensor
2) I nstalls t pecial
( p gool o toilo p ressures o riginalp
auge) osition,n he
as fig.5-24.
Special tool:
(A):Oil pressure gauge
(B):Oil pressure gauge accessory
3)Start engine, warm up to normal working temperature.
A f t e r e n g i n e w a r m u p , p u t t r a n s m i s s i oeu
n torna l pno s i t i o n, t h e
vehicle is braked.
4)After engine warm up,measure oil pressure when engine rotation speed is 4000rpm.
4000rpm oil pressure range:330~430kPa
5)Stop engine and detach oil pressure gauge.
6)As shown in fig.5-25,apply glue to thread before installing oil pressure sensor.
Tightening torque(a):12N·m
7)Start engine,check oil pressure sensor for leakage. If leakage exit, repair it.
8)Install front bumper.
Fig.5-24 Fig.5-25
1-Seal adhesive tape
1-Water pump 2-Water pulley
2-A/C compressor
3-Oil pressure sensor
6.1 General Description
The m ain
c omponents
o t f s a f f het 、fuel
uel p 、fuel
ump f ilter
a reline. uelnd a
It includes fuel feed line、fuel return line and fuel vapor line.
1.Fuel Pump (Fig.1)
Fig.6-1 Fig.6-2
The fuel pump feed fuel from the fuel tank to the engine; supply enough fuel pressure
and fuel.
The fuel pump is driven by direct current dynamo; It is fixed in the
immerged by the fuel, cooled and lubricated by the fuel. The battery supply power to the
p um p- by -p um p re la y, t he r el ay c an s wi tc h on t he p um p ci rc ui t on ly w he n st ar ti ng a nd t
engine running. So when the engine stops, the pump stops automatically.
There is fuel levelsensor on the pump; it can measure the level of the fuel in the
fuel tank. The pump is installed in the fuel tank, this mode makes the fuel feed system
simple, it is difficult to occur the gas resistance and the fuel leakage .The
installed adoptingflexible installation mode, it can reduce the vibration to transfer to
the pump.
The fuel pump can work only when there is enough fuel in the fuel tank. If
there isn’t fuel in the fuel tank, pump will burn due to bad cooling. So,
when the engine running or the car is driven, there must be enough fuel in
the fuel tank. The filled fuel is not less than 8L when the car is filled
first or the fuel in the fuel tank is fully consumed in order to keep the
level of the fuel in the fuel tank over the level of the inlet of the
reserve cup. Then the inlet of the pump in the reserve cup is immerged by
the fuel, the car can start successfully.
2. Fuel Filter
The fuel filter is fixed on the inner side of left member.
The fuel inpours the fuel filter from inlet, pass through the filter element, and
then enter the main pipe through the outlet. shape
The offilter is cylinder
. It isn’ t
disassembled. The diameter of the filter inlet is same as the outlet; the
material of the
filter shell is metal, welded to whole body at the middle flange
6.2 Removal and installation
The step is as follows before checking the fuel system:
(1) Disconnect “-” terminal from battery.
(2) Prohibit smoking, place “Prohibit smoking” sign in working room;
(3) CO2 fire extinguisher must be prepared.
(4) Wear safety glasses;
(5) Remove the fuel tank cap to de-pressurize the fuel tank, and then install the cap.
If don’t release the pressure, the fuel will effuse from the hose du
pressure when removing the hose.
1) Fuel pump
1) Disconnect “-” terminal from battery;
2) Remove the fuel tank cap to de-pressurize the fuel tank, and then install
the cap.
3) Hang up the car.
4) D isconnect t c or bheetweentonnect b whe h ody a iring
t f w arness
5) Remove the bleeder to drain the fuel.
6) Remove the whole hoses on the fuel tank, incept the rudimental fuel to use
R e c h e c ka n d b e s u r ea l l h o s e s a n d w i r i n g h a r an re es sr e m o v e d b e f o r e r e m o v i n g t h e f u e l
Connect the right hoses to the filter inlet or outlet, the vent
Painted “IN” is inlet, the vent painted “OUT” is outlet.
3)Fuel tank
● Removal
Process is same as fuel pump removal.
● Clean
It is impossible to clean up all fuel vapors during the fuel tank clean,
Prohibit repairing near the hot place and fire source, avoid the
contingency to occur.
(1) Remove the fuel tank, then remove all hoses and fuel pump;
(2) Drain the rudimental fuel in the fuel tank;
(3) Move the fuel tank to the clean place;
(4) Fill warm water or tap water into the fuel tank, agitate 、spill, until it is clean ,
replace if it is corrosive.
(5) Drain the wastewater after washing.
● Installation
It is the reverse of removal procedures. Note the following:
(1) Be sure to connect the hoses and the pipes correctly;
(2) Be sure the hoses are tighten;
(3)After installing, start the engine, check each part for leakage.
3.Fuel line
● Maintenance service
As the feed pressure is high to 0.3MPa,the main hose and return hose must use blast
s h e l t e r r u b b e r h o s e , t h e h o s e m u s t b e t i g h t e n b y c l a m op r, f co hr e ca kn y t h e c o n
l e a k a g e . W h e n c h e c k t h e f u e l l i n e , s t r i c t l y p r o h iibnigt trheem orva i l i n l e t a nodu t l e t
hoses to start the engine before checking the fuel pump, otherwise the fuel breakout can
arose fire.
Observe the fuel line and connect or for leakage、burst、damage, assure all clamps and
hoses be tighten ,tightening torque for fuel hose clamp: 3.5~4N﹒m.
Repair the leaking place; make it right in time that the hoses and the clamps wrong
connected. Replace the cracked hoses.
The engine and fuel pump must stop working before repairing the leakage.
7.2 Coolant
Table 7-2
Item Band Capacity (L)
Coolant Shell Freeze Guard (Including Reservoir tank) 4
7.3 troubleshooting
Table 7-3
Condition Probable Cause Correction
1.Laxity or R u p t uAdjust
r e oorf replace
2.Lack of Coolant Check coolant level and add
3.Malfunction of thermostat Replace
4.Malfunction of water pump Replace
5.Clogged radiator fin Clean or Repair
6.Leackage of coolant Repair
7 . M a l f u n c t Check
i o and
n replace
o f if necessary
b l o w e r
Engine overheat
8 . M a l f u n c t i o n Check
o f and
b lreplace
o w e rif necessary
9. Clogged radiator Check and replace if necessary
10.Malfunction of rReplace
11.Dragging brake Adjust
12.Slipping clutch Adjust or Replace
Troubleshooting of blower
Table 7-4
Condition Probable Cause Correction
1. Power wire open-circuit Connection
2.Fuse broken Replace
3.No continuity of blower relay Replace
Out of action 4 . M a l f u n c t i o n o f c o o l a n t t e m p e r aCt hu ree c k o r r e p a i r o r r e p l
sensor necessary
5.Malfunction of blower motor C h e c k o r r e p a i r o r r e p l
1. C ontinuity
o b r fa lltlowerhe elay
Always working
2. M alfunction
o c t f oolant emperature
Check and replace if necessary
1-Pressure meter 2-Radiator 3-Radiator cap
To avoiding scald:
1) Do not remove reservoir tank cap while coolant is boiling.
2) Do not remove radiator cap while engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid an
steam can be blow out under pressure if cap is taken off too quickly.
3) Do not disassembly the cooling system before engine and radiator are cool.
4) D o n o t d i s a s s e m b l y t h e c o o l i n g s y s t e m b e f o r e d i s c o n n e c t i n
2.Inspection of coolant
(1) W hile
e i cnginec c s lool, i r heck t toolant
c c evel
l n e
should be between“FULL”and “LOW”marks on reservoir tank.
(2) Check coolant for mixing with oil.
3.Replace of coolant
(1) Open radiator cap while engine and radiator are cool:
Turn r adiator
c t “ app o s STOP”
a (ositionp d ward
lowlyw hile nticloc
turning) u t ntil
p l hei c ressure( s oss l “s onfirmed
a p t without
cap down, turn it again anticlockwise.
For avoiding scald:
Do n otr remove c w adiator
e a r ap a hile
s h ngine
S f nda s adiator
can be blow out under pressure if cap is taken off too quickly.
(2) R eun i ngine
i u t n u dler ntil
h b he h apper t adiator
o r ose
cap. (This indicate that thermostat is open and coolant has return radiator)
( 3) Whi le e ng in e is c oo l, d is co nn ec t ra di at or p lu g an d th e lo we r ra di at or h os e to d ra
coolant out of radiator and heater and engine.
(4) Remove the reservoir tank and drain coolant.
(5) Loosen the water bump plug and drain coolant out of engine (Fig.7-2).
Drain plug
(6) Retightenthe bump dra in plug and the radiator plug and connect the lower radiator
hose and fill in the cooling system with water. Then run engine in idle until the upper
radiator hose is hot again.
( 7 ) R e p e a t ( 3 ) t o ( 6 ) p r o c e do ur r e4 s t 3i m e s u n t i l t hien dc ro ao l a n t a l m o s t b e c o m e s
( 8 ) D r a i n w a t e r o u t o f t h e c o o l i n g s y s t e m t h e n r e i n s t ia nl lp l tu hg e a bn ud m pt h de r a
radiator plug and connect the lower radiator hose.
(9) S crub
a c inner
nd o fr
lean eservoirw s w ithF i oapw w ater.c w alush t
drain. Restall tank and hose.
(10) Add coolant to radiator and reservoir tank (filling radiator to the base of radiator
filler neck and reservoir tank to “FULL” level mark)
Coolant: Shell Freeze Guard Capacity: 3.5L
(11) Install the radiator cap.
(12) Run engine idling until the radiator upper hose is hot.
(13) Run engine at high speed (without load) for several times then stop engine.
(14) When engine is cool, add coolant to radiator and reservoir tank (filling radiator to
the base of radiator filler neck and reservoir tank to “FULL” level mark)
For avoiding scald:
Do not remove radiator cap while engine and radiator are still hot.
4.Check the relay of blower (Fig.7-3)
Voltage of
Pin number 1 2 3 4 5
○ ○
Electrifying ○ ○ ○ ○
1-Cap of thermostat 2-Thermostat 3-Seat of thermostat
1) Confirm that the air bleed valve is clean, otherwise engine would trend to overheat.
2) C heck a c ndt tonfirm n a ohat t here’s
i t s o to ny o ther hings
it will do harm to the sealing performance.
3) Check the “O” sealing for damage and other scathes.
4) Check the thermostat valve operation according to the following procedur
① Immerse thermostat in water, and heat water gradually.
② Check the valve starts to open at specified temperature.
Specified open temperature: 82±1.5℃
Full open temperature: 95±1.5℃
Valve lift: min: 8mm
③ If valve starts to open at a temperature substantially below or abo
t e m p e r a t u r e , r te hp el ra mc oe s t a t b e c a u s e s u c h a u n i t w i l l b r i n g a b o u t o
overheating tendency.
Installation (Fig.7-7)
1-thermostat 2-bleed valve 3-thermostat seat
1) Install thermostat “O” sealing on the thermostat. Pay attention not to distort and damage.
Avoid any grease on the “o” sealing, if it damaged replace thermostat.
2 ) Co nf ir m th e bl ee d va lv
ise i ns ta ll ed a cc or di ng t o th e po si ti on s ho ws a s Fi g. 7- 7 (T he
highest position).
3) Install thermostat cap.
4) Connect radiator upper hose.
5) Refill the coolant.
6) Connect negative terminal of battery.
7) Check leakage of coolant after installation.
A is the water temperature sensor
1) Disconnect negative terminal from battery.
2) Disconnect the lower hose of radiator and drain the coolant.
3) Disassemble the front bumper.
4) Disassemble the heat cover of main exhaust pipe.
5) Disassemble the compressor from bracket (if AC is equipped) and the compressor belt.
Don not disassemble AC pipes when disassembling the compressor, because this w
about the leakage of refrigeration fluid.
6) Loosen the screw of adjusting belt and the bolt of generator, then Disassemble the V
7) Disassemble the connecting line of oil pressure switch.
8) Disassemble water pump assembly.
2. Inspection the water pump (Fig.7-9)
Don not disassemble the water pump, if it has malfunctions, replace it.
1 ) Tu rn w at er p um p by h an d to c he ck o pe ra ti ng s ta bi li ty . If w at er p um p ca n’ t o pe ra
placidly and makes abnormal noise, replace it.
2) Check impeller for damaged, replace it if necessary.
Don not disassembles the water pump for checking impeller.
Fig.7-9 Fig.7-10
3. Installation of pump
1) Install a new “O” sealing between water pump and intake pipe.
2) Install water pump on the cylinder, tighten the boltto specified torque (Fig.7-10).
Torque (a): 22N.m
3) Connect oil pressure switch, nip the wire.
4) Install compressor (if AC is equipped) (Fig.7-11).
Fig.7-11 Fig.7-12
1. AC compressor 1-V type belt 2-adjusting bolt 3-fixed bolt