Public Relations Plan For Center City Mission Center Problem To Be Addressed
Public Relations Plan For Center City Mission Center Problem To Be Addressed
Public Relations Plan For Center City Mission Center Problem To Be Addressed
Problem to Be Addressed
Funds are needed for necessary supplies, repairs to the building, payment of the mortgage on the building,
and a salary for a director. More volunteers are also needed to expand program reach.
Current Situation
The Center City Mission is a faith-based, non-profit, non-government-funded center that reaches out to
the residents on the east side of Boston. The Center provides help in areas of life skills training, such as
job skills, job search and interviewing, personal budgeting, and tutoring for children. Center City has
helped approximately 130 families since its inception in 2000, but without an increased volunteer base
and additional funding the Center is limited in its outreach capacity.
1. To increase funding by
a. $40,000/year – director
b. $10,000/year – mortgage pay off of $75,000
c. $15,000 – building repairs
d. $10,000 – computers and other supplies
2. Food bank donations
3. 25 Additional volunteers
4. Recruit health care providers for basic free medical care
Communication Strategies
1. Foundations
a. Submit 25 grant applications
2. Churches and Organizations
a. Call pastors/directors to explain Center City and offer speakers
3. Individual Donors
a. Address church and associations
b. Hold annual fund-raising events
c. Sent newsletters describing results of Center City efforts
4. Health care providers
a. Talk to local AMA for guidance on how to approach health care providers
Media Strategies
1. Contact local reporters for feature stories in the local papers
2. Press releases about fundraisers
3. Look into being a guest on local radio talk shows.
Everything in this Public Relations Plan will be accomplished through donations and volunteer efforts.
Plan Evaluation
1. Funds collected by April 2010
2. Annual funds committed by October 2009
3. Number of committed volunteers by April 2010
4. Number of health care providers committed to volunteering
5. Increase in food bank. This is difficult to quantify.
Plan Implementation
1. Complete grant applications
2. Compile list of churches in metropolitan Boston
3. Compile list of associations in metropolitan Boston
4. Prepare mailings to churches and associations
5. Follow up mailings with phone calls
6. Prepare group presentation
7. Design brochures and have them printed
8. Contact Boston branch of American Medical Association