Raid On The Goblin Stronghold: A 2-Hour Adventure For 1st-4th Level Characters
Raid On The Goblin Stronghold: A 2-Hour Adventure For 1st-4th Level Characters
Raid On The Goblin Stronghold: A 2-Hour Adventure For 1st-4th Level Characters
Introduction: A one-shot campaign involving goblins, some optional side quests, and a meteor.
By Cameron Camp
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Concerning Meteors
Clutching a notice taken from the town’s job board, you begin a journey to the nearby town of Nesme.
The notice reads:
After talking to the boy, you find out that his name is Sadeem and that he had gotten lost while playing with friends.
He informs you that he’s from Nesme and his mother owns the Evermoor Inn and Tavern. His father was a soldier
who died in battle. He is all his mother has left.
Heading to town
Evermoor Inn
You make it to Nesme with the child in tow. You bring Sadeem to his mother, Eleena, who gratefully offers you a
free night’s stay at the inn and a free meal. After a hardy meal Eleena points you in the direction of the marketplace,
where you stock up on supplies.
At the marketplace, you hear a man has had his shipment of alchemical supplies stolen by bandits, pleading for help.
He's offering four free potions of cure light wounds to anyone that will help.
You also hear that there is a 600 gold reward for killing a brown bear that has been wreaking havoc near town. It has
killed and maimed many people.
Tracking down the bandits
You eventually track down the bandits to their hideout. You see a wooden cabin with smoke coming from the
chimney. Ruckus laughter can be heard from the outside.
Brown bear hunting
After some tracking, you find the cave where the brown bear resides. You see numerous blood-stained
bones scattered about.
Raid on the goblin stronghold
After another day’s journey, you start to smell the stench of rotten eggs and decay; you've reached the goblin
stronghold. You see numerous goblins dancing around a fire, with one hooded goblin in the center.
• A is Goblin Priest
• B is Goblin
Goblins and Priest have 25% damage resistance against fire based attacks.
With the goblins defeated, you rent a horse and cart from Nesme to carry the meteor and head to the
city of Waterdeep to claim your reward.
The City of Splendors
As you enter Waterdeep's castle ward, you hear venders selling their wares. A lofty, ebony tower looms
in the distance, overshadowing all the other buildings in the area. You bring the meteor to Blackstaff
Tower, where numerous mages greet you. You see many alcoves around the stairs, filled with magical
items. A hooded figure approaches.
Mau hands you a black ring, dark as the night and gleams with
an otherworldly glow. It feels warm to the touch.
• Limited Adventures, who gave me the idea that started this campaign.
• My friends and family, who proofread this one-shot.
• Dave's Mapper and Ye Olde Map Maker softwares for the maps I used