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Nama : Indah Ashari Syamsiliyah Siregar

Nim : P01031120018


1. Answer the questions below dalam b.inggris :

 Apa itu Demam Berdarah?
DengueDengue hemorrhagic fever is a disease caused by one of the four dengue
viruses. Dengue fever is a contagious disease. The means of transmitting dengue
fever comes from the bites of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albocpictus mosquitoes.
 Apa jenis makanan yang dapat meningkatkan trombosit darah, sebutkan 5 macam!
a) Whole Wheat. Wheat is believed to be able to increase the platelet count.
Wheat is rich in nutrients, fiber, minerals, and vitamins which are good for
increasing the platelet count in the body.
b) Green vegetable. Several types of green vegetables such as cabbage,
lettuce, spinach, kale, and broccoli are high sources of vitamin K. Vitamin K
has an important role in the blood clotting process, thereby increasing the
number and strength of blood platelets. In addition, green vegetables play a
role in separating platelet cells that stick together.
c) Dates. These foods are usually recommended for breaking the fast, but for
those who experience decreased platelet levels, dates are also the right
choice. Dates contain many minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients that are
beneficial for health. In addition, the presence of vitamin K in dates makes
this fruit believed to be able to increase the number of platelets in the body.
d) Guava. Guava has an active substance in it called a trombino. This
substance is able to stimulate thrombopoietin to be more active, so that it
can produce more blood platelets.
e) Pomegranate. Pomegranate contains high iron which can increase platelet
levels in the blood and red blood cells. Not only that, pomegranate is also
rich in minerals and vitamins.
 Bagaimana syarat diet bagi penderita Demam Berdarah?
General requirements for the DHF diet:
a) Easy to digest, small portions and shared frequently.
b) Energy and protein are sufficient for the patient’s ability to receive them.
c) Low fat, which is 10-15% of the total energy needs which is increased
gradually until it is in accordance with the needs
 Apa penyebab Demam Berdarah?
The cause of dengue fever is the dengue virus which is transmitted to humans
through the Aedes aegypti mosquito. When the dengue virus infects mosquitoes
and mosquitoes bite humans, it can deliver the virus to the body.

2. Perbedaan dari :
 Nutrition or nutrition is the organic substance needed by organisms for the normal
function of the body system, growth, health care. Research in the nutrition field
studies the relationship between food and drinks on health and disease, especially in
determining the optimal diet.
 Nutrients or nutrients are substances needed by organisms to live, grow, and
develop. Nutrients are elements or chemical compounds used in the metabolism of
an organism. Nutrients are usually categorized as nutrients that provide energy and
are used as components for the body or cell structure. A nutrient is called essential
for organisms if these substances cannot be synthesized by organisms and must be
met from food sources. In everyday use, the term nutrients are often equated with
 Nutritionist is a person who has studied nutrition scholar but does not study dietetic
internship. Nutritionists cannot work in clinics such as hospitals and handle sick
people. They can only handle healthy people and more focused on handling
community nutrition problems.
 Dietician is someone who has studied Nutrition undergraduate, studying dietetic
internship or nutritional clinical practice, and then take the competency exam. After
that they have the right to hold the title as Registered Dietitian (RD)

3. Pengertian Diabetes Melitus serta gejala dan syarat dietnya.

Diabetes mellitus occurs when the body has high blood sugar levels. The hormone insulin,
which is produced by the pancreas, carries sugar from the blood to be stored or used as
energy when you are doing activities. When you have diabetes, your pancreas doesn’t make
enough insulin or can’t properly use the insulin it produces. According to the CDC, usually
the signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus can be:
 Increased frequency of urination (urinating) and usually occurs frequently at night
 Often feel thirsty
 There was weight loss for no apparent reason
 Often feel hungry
 The vision became blurry
 Numbness or tingling of the hands or feet
 Feeling very tired
 The skin becomes very dry
 If there is a wound, it will take a long time to heal the wound
 Have had multiple infections
Diabetes Mellitus diet requirements:
 Enough energy, energy requirements are determined by taking into account the
need for basal metabolism of 25-30 kcal / kg normal body weight, plus the need for
physical activity and special circumstances (pregnancy, lactation, complications).
The distribution of food into 3 large portions, namely breakfast (20%), lunch (30%),
and afternoon (25%) and 2-3 small portions (10-15% each).
 Protein, normal is 10-15% of total energy needs.
 Fat, medium that is 20-25%.
 Carbohydrates, the remainder of the total energy requirement is 60-70%.
 The use of refined sugar in food drinks is not allowed unless it is a small amount as a
seasoning. When glucose levels are under control, it is permissible to consume
refined sugar up to 5% of total energy needs.
 Use of alternative sugars in limited quantities.
 The recommended fiber intake is 25 g / day by prioritizing soluble fiber found in
vegetables and fruits.
 DM patients with normal blood pressure are allowed to consume sodium in the form
of table salt, which is 3000 mg / day. If you have hypertension, you should reduce
salt intake.
 Enough vitamins and minerals.

4. Tuliskan translate dari :

 Kebutuhan yg di anjurkan : Needs suggested
 Peningkatan tekanan darah : Increased blood pressure
 Asupan zat gizi yang di anjurkan : Recommended intake of nutrients
 Sesak nafas : Out of breath
 Nyeri sendi : Joint pain
 Oral administration : Pemberian oral
 Pevent tooth decay : Mencegah kerusakan gigi
 Patient education : Pendidikan pasien
 Prevent foods : Mencegah makanan
 Emotional satisfaction : Kepuasan emosional

5. Write some reason why women this continues lactation!

1. The baby’s immune system is stronger. Mother’s milk contains an antibody
substance for immune forming that can help her fight bacteria and viruses. So,
babies who are breastfed are at smaller risks to get sick, such as diarrhea, asthma,
allergies, ear infections, respiratory tract infections, constipation, sudden infant
death syndrome, and meningitis. Babies who are breastfed are also at a lower risk of
experiencing obesity and type 2 diabetes later, rather than babies who are not given
exclusive breastfeeding.
2. Make your little little one want to have a smart child or have a high IQ? Try giving
right seeds since he was a child, namely exclusive breastfeeding. According to
experts, fatty acids found in breast milk have an important role for the intelligence
of the baby’s brain. In addition, the emotional relationship between you and your
child who is intertwined during the breastfeeding process will also give a positive
contribution. Various studies also show results that support the statement that
infants who get breast milk, have a higher level of intelligence.
3. Ideal body weight. Your little one might grow with normal body weight if given
exclusive breastfeeding. Why is that? Experts argue that breastfeeding is less
stimulating insulin production rather than formula milk. Insulin hormones
themselves can trigger fat formation. So, breast milk does not trigger a lot of fat
formation in infants. In addition, babies who are breastfed also have higher leptin
levels. Leptin is a hormone that has a role in causing fullness and in fat metabolism.
4. Baby bones are stronger. Babies who are given milk for three months or more, have
neck bones and spine stronger than those given breast milk less than three months
or not at all. Therefore exclusive breastfeeding plays an important role in supporting
strong baby bone growth.
5. Get abundant cholesterol. In adults, cholesterol is a bad intake. However, it does not
apply to babies. Cholesterol is very much needed by babies to support the growth
and development and this substance is found in breast milk.
6. Reducing the risk of sudden infant mortality syndrome (SIDS). Exclusive
breastfeeding is able to reduce the risk of a sudden baby’s death syndrome when
the little one sleeps. Research shows that the effect of breast milk in reducing the
risk of new SIDS will be seen if breast milk is given exclusively at least 2 months.
7. Strengthen mother and child relationships. When breastfeeding, you will come into
contact with your little skin and look at each other. This can strengthen your
relationship with him.
8. The body is slim faster. Did you know that breastfeeding can burn calories? Yes,
calories used when breastfeeding can help reduce weight after giving birth. But this
still needs to be examined further.
9. Natural birth control. Ovulation can be hampered when you give exclusive
breastfeeding. This method is also called the method of lactation amenorrhea. To
get the benefit, you are advised to be ready to breastfeed anytime when he needs.
To minimize pregnancy opportunities, Mother is also advised to use a safe
contraceptive method during breastfeeding.
10. Reducing stress. Breastfeeding will stimulate the production of oxytocin hormones
that can load you feel relaxed.
11. Reducing bleeding. The oxytoxic hormone that comes out when breastfeeding can
also help the uterus contract. This can reduce the risk of uterine bleeding after labor,
while accelerating the return of the uterus as before pregnancy.
12. The risk of developing cancer decreases. Actually it is not yet known with certainty
why breastfeeding can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer and ovaries. But
according to a number of studies, the longer you breastfeed, the more you
protected from this disease. This is likely to occur because breastfeeding can
suppress the production of estrogen hormones.
13. Save money. While giving exclusive breastfeeding, you don’t need to spend money
to buy formula milk. This can save your monthly expenses. During breastfeeding, you
are advised to keep the intake that enters the body (including vitamins and
minerals), because it is feared that the intake can affect breastfeeding and have a
bad impact on the child, for example, allergies. Applying a healthy diet is highly
recommended when you are breastfeeding, for example by consuming vegetables,
fruit, lean meat, fibrous food, milk, and drinking water. You also need to know the
right way of breastfeeding so that the breastfeeding process runs smoothly. The
exclusive breastfeeding program unfortunately cannot be carried out in women who
are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, suffering from tuberculosis, consuming
certain drugs, drug users, or HIV sufferers. If you experience problems related to
breast milk production, for example a little breast milk production or less ASI
number, you can consult a doctor for further examination and handling or
considering breast milk donors. For babies who cannot be breastfed, other types of
milk, such as formula milk or soy milk, can be an option as a substitute for

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