EMU, Department of Arch.-ARCH312 - Architecture & Design Theories Instructors: T.ulusu Uraz, H. Pulhan ... 2018-19 Fall
EMU, Department of Arch.-ARCH312 - Architecture & Design Theories Instructors: T.ulusu Uraz, H. Pulhan ... 2018-19 Fall
EMU, Department of Arch.-ARCH312 - Architecture & Design Theories Instructors: T.ulusu Uraz, H. Pulhan ... 2018-19 Fall
In the modern era starting with 50’s, due to the desperate shortage
of new buildings, new building typologies and houses, the
increasing demand for the professionally trained architects
emerged. Number of school started to deal with a new architectural
the formation of the
modern movement/
The Weissenhof
German Werkbund
exibition 1927
develop their
own formal
even they
show it in
their way of
their own
design ideas
building typologies, formal images,
physical- visual qualities, fashions,
movements, aesthetic values, taste of
designer, taste of client/user…izm’s…
any standarts…norms…rules…
any unspoken myths, professionally or cultural
shared images…..
These all are very important have their own
advantage and disadvantages…
design as a sistematic
process step by step
way of thinking
In the afterwar period In order to construct a new object
we need a method, that is an objective system.’
This was the main reason for the researchers started to think
about the characteristics of mental activity of designer.
This means every designer has its own staring point
Individualistic / personal attempt for analysis leads individualistic /
personal way of defining design problem
Design as a mental activity /
the problem re-defining or finding process / what is the
most important aspect of problem / GENERATOR
In simple terms ;
Firstly, decide what might be the most important aspects of the
is the generator can also be named as main idea, starting point, and
related to contextual properties, program characteristics are mainly
originated from different steakholders and components of design.
These all can be taken as constrains, programmatic inputs
or concept of design, in general all the inputs of the design
should need to be considered, however one or some of
them selected by designer to be taken more seriously in
order to re-define the design problem. They are simply play
roles of design generator.
Design as a mental activity /
a problem re-defining attempt / through proposed rough
solution as an initial answer which canbe taken as
CONJECTURE which is the first attempt for SYNTHESIS
Evaluation of the form after all, to see if the proposal is suitable with
your definition of the the problem or generator which you have
chosen to start with….
By doing so you can discover other parts of the problem that you had
not seen before.
Therefore most of the design route remains hidden. Not only the the
designers visualization capacities but the capacities of presentation
technics defines the characteristics of the final form.
along the history of design, designers used more sophisticated ways
of modeling to represent their ideas.
Thinking with the sketch
Historic clay models from China
(200BC) and Ancient Greece.
The wooden model for the facade of St. Lorenzo in
Florence , made by Michelangelo following a succession of
preliminary models, one of which was made of clay.
A painting by Domenico Passignano in the
Casa Buonarrotti, showing Michelangelo presenting a
model of St. Peter's to the pope.
Design as an Mental Activity and thinking
process mainly consists of two BASİC
THINKING TYPE –intiutive and rational /analitical thinking
How does the designer works, how does his thinking
ability continue? Although it is quite difficult to know how
the designer’s way of thinking develops, however we may
still sometimes be able to observe this process by
looking at the thinking sketches.
It is obvious that there are two types of design thinking together
shows the characteristics of the designer's thinking activity.
the first dealing with more abstract forms and images is defined as
fast, crude, holistic, and parallel (lateral),
while the second one dealing with rather concrete forms and images
deliberate, attentive, detailed, and sequential (linear)
Sketches shows two basic thinking activities: intiutive and
Abstract forms are tools and concrete forms are the tools and
product of intuitive thinking process products of rational thinking process