Why Muslim League Was Brought in To Existence Explain Objectives of The Muslim League
Why Muslim League Was Brought in To Existence Explain Objectives of The Muslim League
Why Muslim League Was Brought in To Existence Explain Objectives of The Muslim League
Muslim League?
Ans. After the war of independence 1857, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan advice the
Muslims not to join the congress and also tried to keep them away from the politics. Till
his death in 1898 he worked for the Muslim Political Interest itself but after the death of
the Sir Syed Ahmad Khan the Muslim felt that their will be a separate political party of
the Muslims which worked for the Muslim interest only.
Establishment of Muslim League:
To meet the political needs of the Muslims of India It was decided in the annual
meeting of the Muhammdan Education Conference in Dhaka in 1906, that a political
party of the Muslims should be established.
1. Founders of the Muslims League:
Nawab Saleern Ullah Khan, Maulana Zafar All Khan, Hakeem Ajmal Khan,
Nawab Waqar ul Mulk, Sir Agha Khan and Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar were the
founders of the All India Muslim League.
2. First President of Muslim League:
On 30th December, 1906 Muslim League was established. Sir Agha Khan was
the first President of the Party. Syed Ameer Au was made the President of London
3. Head Office:
The Head Office was decided in Aligarh
4. First Annual Session of Muslim League:
First Annual Session of Muslim League was established in Karachi in 1907 in
which it was decided that the membership will be given to the Muslims of the
Causes of the Establishment of Muslim League:
All India Muslim League was found keeping in mind the following factors:
1. Establishment of Indian National Congress:
Indian National Congress was hi jacked by the Hindus and the Muslims were
compelled to form their own party to guard their rights and to face the challenges of
Indian National congress.
2. Communalism:
After the war of independence (1857) the Hindus got an opportunity and the
communal riots started. The Hindu proved prejudiced against the Muslims.
The extremist organizations like Sanghtan, Shudhi, Aryc Sdrnaj and Hindu
Mahasaba endangered the life of Muslims. The Muslims were scared of all their
activities and they decided to form All India Muslim League.
3. Partition of Bengal:
The partition of Bengal (1905) on administrative grounds was in the favour of the
Muslims, created new situation in politics. The partition proved a blessing for the
Muslims. Therefore, Hindus strongly opposed the partition and asked for its annulment.
This opposition also became the cause of the establishment of political party of
4. Urdu Hindi Controversy:
Urdu Hindi Controversy (1867) made it clear that the Hindus were prejudiced and
the culture of the Muslims is in danger. Defense of Urdu and Muslim culture was the
need of time. So All India Muslim League was founded to meet the challenges.
5. Political Reforms:
In the start of the 20 century, The Liberal Party won the elections in England and
announced the implementation of certain political reforms. The chances of the
reformation of political institutions provided an opportunity for the Muslims to form a
political party to protect their representation.
6. Simla Deputation:
A deputation of Muslim leaders called on Lord Minto, the Vicroy. on 1s1 October, 1906
at Simla. Sir Agha Khan, the Head of the Deputation, presented a memorandum and
requested for basic political, economic, cultural and other rights for the Muslims. One of
the important demands was to introduce a system of separate electorate for the
Muslims. The response of Viceroy was encouraging. On the way back the members of
Deputation seriously felt the need of a Muslim political party. So all India Muslim League
emerged on the scene. 7 The British attitude:
Another important thing in this regard was the fact that the British snatched power from
the Muslims and joined hands with the Hindus to persecute them. The Muslims were
economically deprived and some of them turned against the British and the Hindus
because of their mode of thinking. According to the Act of 1892, the British gained more
powers and they gave the Hindus a share in the government. This further became the
cause of frustration for the Muslims.
8 Deprivation of the Muslims:
After the war of independence of 1857, the British and the Hindus jointly victimized the Muslims
politically, socially and economically. After the war of independence the status of the Muslims as
a nation was changed and they became minority in the same country. Doors of new jobs for the
Muslims were closed. The Hindus started music before mosques and started a movement
against slaughter of cow. And a lot of political and economical pressure was raised after the war
of independence on the Muslims.
9. Ignoring the Political Life:
According to the Act of 1892, the British gained more powers and gave the Hindus a
share in the government and neglected the Muslims. The Muslims were the second big
nation of the sub-continent but no political rights were given to the Muslims. The Hindus
and the British did not accept the separate identity of the Muslims as a nation and no
share was given to the Muslims in the government. In spite of that a large political
pressure was raised on the Muslims by the Hindus and the British. Due to this pressure
the Muslims of the sub-continent started thinking about their own league.
10. Negative Role of Hindu Sectarian Parties and Movements:
The Slogan of the Hindu Sectarian parties formed in the eighteenth century was:
India is only for Hindus all other are foreigners. There are only two
choices for them that they should either accept Hinduism or leave
To give effective answer to the Hindu organizations a political platform was necessary
for Muslims.
11. Problem of Slaughtering Cow:
The Hindu sectarian organization Arya Samaj formed Gao Raksha Sabah for the
protection of cows in 1883 whose goal was to stop Muslims from sacrificing cows.
Under these circumstances unity of Muslims was unavoidable to stop the intrusion of
Hindus in religious affairs and for that formation of an organized party was necessary.
Objectives of All India Muslim League: