Moran v. CA
Moran v. CA
Moran v. CA
230, MARCH 7, 799 amount from his bank, he must first show that he had on deposit
1994 sufficient funds to meet his demand.
Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Presumption of regularity; In
Moran vs. Court of Appeals the absence of a contrary showing, it n presumed that the acts in
G.R. No. 105836. March 7, 1994. *
question were in conformity with the usual conduct of business.—
petitioners, vs. THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and ________________
Banks; Negotiable Instruments; Checks; Words and 800
Phrases; A check is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on
demand.—A check is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank payable on 80 SUPREME
demand. Thus, a check is a written order addressed to a bank or 0 COURT REPORTS
persons carrying on the business of banking, by a party having
money in their hands, requesting them to pay on presentment, to a
person named therein or to bearer or order, a named sum of money. Moran vs. Court of
Same; Same; Same; The relationship between the bank and the Appeals
depositor is that of a debtor and creditor.—Fixed savings and argue that public respondent, by relying heavily on Rionisto’s
current deposits of money in bonks and similar institutions shall be testimony, failed to consider the fact that the witness himself
governed by the provisions concerning simple loan. In other words, admitted that he had no personal knowledge surrounding the
the relationship between the bank and the depositor is that of a debtor dishonor of the two checks in question. Thus, although he knew the
and creditor. By virtue of the contract of deposit between the banker standard clearing procedure, it does not necessarily mean that the
and its depositor, the banker agrees to pay checks drawn by the same procedure was adopted with regard to the two checks. We do
depositor provided that said depositor has money in the hands of the not agree. Section 3(q), Rule 131 of the Rules of Court provides a
bank. disputable presumption in law that the ordinary course of business
Same; Same; Same; Failure of a bank to pay the check of a has been followed. In the absence of a contrary showing, it is
merchant or a trader, when the deposit is sufficient, entitles the presumed that the acts in question were in conformity with the usual
drawer to substantial damages without any proof of actual damages. conduct of business. In the case at bar, petitioners failed to present
—Hence, where the bank possesses funds of a depositor, it is bound countervailing evidence to rebut the presumption that the checks
to honor his checks to the extent of the amount of his deposits. The involved underwent the same regular process for clearing of checks
failure of a bank to pay the check of a merchant or a trader, when the followed by the bank since 1983.
deposit is sufficient, entitles the drawer to substantial damages Same; Same; Same; A check, as distinguished from an
without any proof of actual damages. Conversely, a bank is not liable ordinary bill of exchange, is supposed to be drawn against a
for its refusal to pay a check on account of insufficient funds, previous deposit of funds for it is ordinarily intended for immediate
notwithstanding the fact that a deposit may be made later in the day. payment.—Petitioners had no reason to complain, for they alone
Before a bank depositor may maintain a suit to recover a specific were at fault. A drawer must remember his responsibilities every
time he issues a check. He must personally keep track of his
available balance in the bank and not rely on the bank to notify him actions taken by the bank after the incident clearly show that there
of the necessity to fund certain checks he previously issued. A check, was neither malice nor bad faith, but rather a clear intent to mollify
as distinguished from an ordinary bill of exchange, is supposed to be an obviously agitated client. Raul Diaz, the branch manager, even
drawn against a previous deposit of funds for it is ordinarily intended went for this purpose to the Moran residence to facilitate their
for immediate payment. application for a manager’s check. Later, he went to the Petrophil
Same; Same; Same; A bank is under no obligation to make Corporation to personally redeem the checks. Still later, the letter
part payment on a check, up to only the amount of the drawer s was sent by respondent bank to Petrophil explaining that the
funds.—A bank is under no obligation to make part payment on a dishonor of the checks was due to “operational error.” However, we
check, up to only the amount of the drawer’s funds, where the check reiterate, it would be a mistake to construe that letter as an admission
is drawn for an amount larger than what the drawer has on deposit. of guilt on the part of the bank. It knew that it was confronted with a
Such a practice of paying checks in part has never existed. Upon client who obviously was not willing to admit any fault on his part,
partial payment, the check holder could not be called upon to although the facts show otherwise. Thus, respondent bank ran the
surrender the check, and the bank would be without a voucher risk of losing the business of an important and influential member of
affording a certain means of showing the payment. The rule is based the financial community if it did not do anything to assuage the
on commercial convenience, and any rule that would work such feelings of petitioners.
manifest inconvenience should not be recognized A check is
intended not only to transfer a light to the amount named in it, but to PETITION for review of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
serve the further purpose of affording evidence for the bank of the
payment of such amount when the check is taken up. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Same; Same; Same; Bank’s letter written merely to maintain Gonzales, Batiller, Bilog & Associates for petitioners.
the goodwill and continued patronage of a client could not be Agcaoili & Associates for private respondent.
construed as an admission of liability.—We agree with respondent
Court of Appeals in its assessment and interpretation of the nature of REGALADO, J.:
the letter of
Petitioner spouses George and Librada Moran are the owners
VOL. 230, 801 of the Wack-Wack Petron gasoline station located at Shaw
MARCH 7, 1994 Boulevard, corner Old Wack-Wack Road, Mandaluyong,
Metro Manila. They regularly purchased bulk fuel and other
Moran vs. Court of
related products from Petrophil Corporation on cash on
delivery (COD) basis. Orders for bulk fuel and other related
Citytrust to Petrophil, dated December 16, 1983. As aptly and
products were made by telephone and payments were effected
correctly stated by said court, “x x x the letter is not an admission of
liability as it was written merely to maintain the goodwill and by personal checks upon delivery. 1
continued patronage of plaintiff-appellants. (This) cannot be Petitioners maintained three joint accounts, namely one
characterized as baseless, considering the totality of the current account (No. 37-00066-7) and two savings accounts,
circumstances surrounding its writing.” In the present case, the (Nos.
__________________ whatsoever, to refuse to effect transfer of funds at
our sole and absolute option and
TSN, May 3, 1985, 6-8.
discretion, reserving our right to terminate this
802 arrangement at any time without written notice to
4. 4.You hold CITYTRUST free and harmless for any
2 REPORTS and all omissions or oversight in executing this
ANNOTATED automatic transfer of funds; x x x3
their current account could be made only with their prior petitioners, again through Librada Moran, issued another check
authorization, but they gave written authority to Citytrust to (Citytrust No. 041962) in the amount of P56,090.00 in favor of
automatically transfer funds from their Savings Account No. the
1037001372 to their Current Account No. 37-00066-7 at any
time whenever the funds in their current account were 2
Ibid., id., 18-24.
insufficient to meet withdrawals from said current account. 3
Exhibit P, Original Record, 260.
Such arrangement for automatic transfer of funds was called a
Exhibit D, ibid., 223.
pre-authorized transfer (PAT) agreement. 2
The PAT letter-agreement entered into by the parties on VOL. 230, MARCH 7, 803
March 19, 1982 contained the following provisions: 1994
x x x
Moran vs. Court of Appeals
same corporation. The total sum of the two checks was
while Savings Account No. 1037001372 (covered by the PAT) 80 SUPREME COURT
had an available balance of P26,104.30 and Savings Account
No. 1037002387 had an available balance of P43,268.39. 7
At about ten o’clock in the morning of the following day, Moran vs. Court of Appeals
December 15, 1983, petitioner George Moran went to the bank,
ers to temporarily stop business operations, allegedly causing
as was his regular practice, to personally oversee their daily
them to suffer loss of earnings. In addition, Petrophil cancelled
transactions with the bank. He deposited in their Savings
their credit accommodation, forcing them to pay for their
Account No. 1037002387 the amounts of P10,874.58 and
purchases in cash. George Moran, furious and upset,
Exhibit C-1, ibid., 222.
9 they were contemplating the filing of the necessary legal
Supra., Fn. 5; TSN, June 7, 1985, 13-16.
actions unless the bank issued a certification clearing their
TSN, June 7, 1986, 22-23.
name and paid them P1,000,000.00 as moral damages. 16
The bank did not act favorably on their demands, hence banker and its depositor, the banker agrees to pay checks drawn
petitioners filed a complaint for damages on September 8, by the depositor provided that said depositor has money in the
1984, with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 159 at Pasig, hands of the bank. 23
Metro Manila, which was docketed therein as Civil Case No. Hence, where the bank possesses funds of a depositor, it is
51549. In turn, Citytrust filed a counterclaim for damages, bound to honor his checks to the extent of the amount of his
alleging that the case filed against it was unfounded and unjust. deposits. The failure of a bank to pay the check of a merchant
_______________ or a trader, when the deposit is sufficient, entitles the drawer to
substantial damages without any proof of actual damages. 24
Ibid., id., 38-40.
Ibid., id., 32-35.
13 Conversely, a bank is not liable for its refusal to pay a check
Ibid., id., 36-37.
14 on account of insufficient funds, notwithstanding the fact that a
Ibid., id., 49-51.
Rollo, 70.
After trial, a decision dated October 9, 1989 was rendered by Republic vs. Court of Appeals, et al., L-25012, July 22, 1975, 65 SCRA
judgment in CA-G.R. CV No. 25009 on October 9, 1989 the Philippines, Vol. I, 1987 Ed., 464.
affirming the decision of the trial court.
18 Browning vs. Bank of Vernal, 60 Utah 197, 207 Pac. 462.
We start with some basic and accepted rules, statutory and 806
doctrinal. A check is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank 80 SUPREME COURT
payable on demand. Thus, a check is a written order addressed
to a bank or persons carrying on the business of banking, by a ANNOTATED
party having money in their hands, requesting them to pay on
presentment, to a person named therein or to bearer or order, a Moran vs. Court of Appeals
named sum of money. 20
deposit may be made later in the day. Before a bank depositor
Fixed savings and current deposits of money in banks and may maintain a suit to recover a specific amount from his bank,
similar institutions shall be governed by the provisions he must first show that he had on deposit sufficient funds to
concerning simple loan. In other words, the relationship
meet his demand. 26
between the bank and the depositor is that of a debtor and The present action for damages accordingly hinges on the
creditor. By virtue of the contract of deposit between the
resolution of the inquiry as to whether or not petitioners had
sufficient funds in their accounts when the bank dishonored the 1983 and December 13,
checks in question. In view of the factual findings of the two 1983
lower courts the correctness of which are challenged by what ________________
appear to be plausible arguments, we feel that the same should
properly be resolved by us. This would necessarily require us Goldstein vs. Jefferson Title and Trust Co., 95 Pa. Super Ct., 167.
to inquire into both the savings and current accounts of Reports, 183.
petitioners in relation to the PAT arrangement.
On December 14, 1983, when PNB, Pandacan branch, 807
presented the checks for collection, the available balance for VOL. 807
Savings Account No. 1037001372 was P26,104.30 while 230,
Current Account No. 37-00066-7 expectedly had a zero MARCH
balance. On December 15, 1983, at approximately ten o’clock 7, 1994
in the morning, petitioners, through George Moran, learned that Moran vs. Court of Appeals
P26,666.00 from Savings Account No. 1037001372 was (and) these two (2)
transferred to their current account. Another P40,000.00 was checks were made
transferred from Savings Account No. 1037002387 to the payable to
current account. Considering that the transfers were by then
sufficient to cover the two checks, it is asserted by petitioners
that such fact should have prevented the dishonor of the
Corporation. On
checks. It appears, however, that it was not so. record, Petrophil
As explained by respondent court in its decision, Gerard E. Corporation
Rionisto, head of the centralized clearing unit of Citytrust, presented these
detailed on the witness stand the standard clearing procedure two (2) checks for
adopted by respondent bank and the Philippine Clearing House clearing with PNB
Corporation, to wit: Pandacan Branch
Q Let me again re-phrase the on December 14,
question. Most of (sic) 1983. Now in
these two checks issued by accordance with
Mrs. Librada Moran under the bank, what
the accounts of the would happen with
plaintiffs with Citytrust these checks
Banking Corporation were drawn with (sic)
drawn dated December 12, PNB on December
14, 1983? but it will be
A So these checks processed for
will now be balance of
presented by PNB Citytrust as of
with the Philippine December 14
Clearing House on because for one,
December 14, and we have not
then the Philippine opened on
Clearing House December 15 at
will process it 3:00 o’clock.
until midnight of Under the clearing
December 14. house rules, we
Citytrust will send are supposed to
a clearing process it on the
representative to date it was
the Philippine presented for
Clearing House at clearing. (tsn,
around 2:00 September 9,
o’clock in the 1988, pp. 9-10). 27
Savings Account No. 1037001372, to repeat, was only available balance in the bank and not rely on the bank to notify
P26,104.30 while Current Account No. 37-0006-7 had no him of the necessity to fund certain checks he previously
available balance. It was only on December 15, 1983 at around issued. A check, as distinguished from an ordinary bill of
ten o’clock in the morning that the necessary funds were exchange, is supposed to be drawn against a previous deposit
deposited, which unfortunately was too late to prevent the of funds for it is ordinarily intended for immediate payment. 28
dishonor of the checks. Moreover, between the time of the issuance of said checks
Petitioners argue that public respondent, by relying heavily on December 12 and 13 and the time of their presentment on
_________________ December 14, petitioners had, at the very least, twenty-four
hours to replenish their balances in the bank.
Annex A, Petition; Rollo, 55.
were made to preserve its relations with petitioners whom it Clearing House and the
knew were valued clients, hence it wanted to prevent the Philippine Clearing House
dishonor of their checks, if the same was at all possible. will deliver it to your
Although not admitting fault, it tried its best to make sure that office around 12:00
the checks would not bounce. o’clock in the evening of
Under similar circumstances, it was held in Whitman vs.
December . . .?
First National Bank that a bank performs its full duty where,
upon the receipt of a check drawn against an account in which A Around 2:00 o’clock of
there are insufficient funds to pay it in full, it endeavors to December 15. We sent a
induce the drawer to make good his account so that the check clearing representative.
can be paid, and failing in this, it protests the check on the Q And the checks will be
following morning and notifies its correspondent bank by processed in accordance
telegraph of the protest. It cannot, therefore, be held liable to with the balance available
the payee and holder of the check for not protesting it upon the as of December 14?
day when it was received. In fact, the court added that the bank _________________
did more than it was required to do by making an effort to 29
35 Pa. Super Ct., 125 (1907).
induce the drawer to deposit sufficient money to make the
check good, and by notifying its correspondent of the dishonor 810
of the check by telegram. 81 SUPREME COURT
Petitioners maintain that at the time the checks were 0 REPORTS
dishonored, they had already deposited sufficient funds to ANNOTATED
cover said checks. To prove their point, petitioners quoted in Moran vs. Court of Appeals
their petition the following testimony of said witness Rionisto,
A Yes, sir.
to wit:
Q And naturally you will
Q Now according to you,
place there “drawn
you would receive the
against insufficient
checks from (being
funds, December 14,
deposited to) the
collecting bank which in
A Yes, sir.
this particular example
Q Are you sure about that?
was the Pandacan Branch
A Yes, sir. x x x (tsn,
of PNB which in turn will
September 9, 1988, p.
deliver it to the Philippine
14). 30
Rollo, 17.
Supra., Fn. 23.
Obviously, witness Rionisto was merely confused as to the
dates (December 14 and 15) because it did not jibe with his 811
previous testimony, wherein he categorically stated that “the VOL. 230, MARCH 7, 811
checks will now be processed at the Citytrust Computer at 1994
around 3:00 in the morning of December 14 (sic) but it will be Moran vs. Court of Appeals
processed for balance of Citytrust as of December 14 because funds stated in the pink slips. As a matter of fact, so petitioner
for one, we have not opened on December 15 at 3:00 o’clock. asseverated, not a single check written on the notices was ever
Under the clearing house rules, we are supposed to process it dishonored after he had funded said checks with the bank.
on the date it was presented for clearing.” Analyzing the
Thus, petitioner argues, the checks were not yet dishonored
procedure he had previously explained, and analyzing his after the bank received the report in the early morning of
testimony in its entirety and not in truncated portions, it would December 15, 1983.
logically and ineluctably appear that he actually meant Said argument does not persuade. If ever petitioners on
December 15, and not December 14. previous occasions were given notices every time a check was
In the early morning of every business day, prior to banking presented for clearing and payment and there were no adequate
hours, the various branches of Citytrust would receive a funds in their accounts, these were, at most, mere
computer printout called the “rejected transactions” report from accommodations on the part of respondent bank. It was not a
the head office. The report contains, among others, a listing of requirement or a general banking practice, hence non-
“checks to be funded.” When Citytrust, Shaw Boulevard compliance therewith could not lay the bank open to blame or
branch, received said report in the early morning of December rebuke. Legally, the bank had all the right to dishonor the
15, 1983, the two checks involved were included in the “checks checks because there were no sufficient funds to speak of in the
to be funded.” That report was used by the bank as its basis in first place. If the demand is by check, a drawer musts have to
dishonoring the two checks in question. Petitioner contends his credit enough to cover the demand. If his credit with the
that the bank erred when it did so because on previous bank is less than the amount on the face of the check, the bank
occasions, the report was merely used by the bank as a basis for may lawfully refuse payment. 32
determining whether or not it was necessary to notify them of Pursuing this matter further, the bank could also not be
the need to deposit certain amounts in their accounts. faulted for not accepting either of the two checks. The first
Amy Belen Rogado, a bank employee, testified that she check issued was in the amount of P50,576.00, while the
would normally copy the details stated in the report and second one was for P56,090.00. Savings Account No.
transfer it on a “pink slip.” These pink slips were then given to 1037001372 then had a balance of only P26,104.30. This being
George Moran. In turn, George Moran testified that he would the case, Citytrust could not be expected to accept for payment
deposit the necessary either one of the two checks nor partially honor one check.
10 | P a g e
A bank is under no obligation to make part payment on a We agree with respondent Court of Appeals in its
check, up to only the amount of the drawer’s funds, where the assessment and interpretation of the nature of the letter of
check is drawn for an amount larger than what the drawer has Citytrust to Petrophil, dated December 16, 1983. As aptly and
on deposit. Such a practice of paying checks in part has never correctly stated by said court, “x x x the letter is not an
existed. Upon partial payment, the check holder could not be admission of liability as it was written merely to maintain the
called upon to surrender the check, and the bank would be goodwill and continued patronage of plaintiff-appellants. (This)
without a voucher affording a certain means of showing the cannot be characterized as baseless, considering the totality of
payment. The rule is based on commercial convenience, and the circumstances surrounding its writing.” 35
any rule that would work such manifest inconvenience should In the present case, the actions taken by the bank after the
not be recognized. A check is intended not only to transfer a incident clearly show that there was neither malice nor bad
right to the amount named in it, but to serve the further purpose faith, but rather a clear intent to mollify an obviously agitated
of affording client. Raul Diaz, the branch manager, even went for this
_________________ purpose to the Moran residence to facilitate their application
for a manager’s check. Later, he went to the Petrophil
O.E. Eads vs. Commercial National Bank of Phoenix, 62 A.L.R. 183.
arranged automatic transfer agreement, had enough amount Nauful vs. National Loan and Exchange Bank of Columbia, 97 S.E.
deposited to cover both checks (which is not so in this case), Reporter, 843.
Annex A, Petition; Rollo, 59.
11 | P a g e
losing the business of an important and influential member of be held responsible for such damages in the absence of fraud,
the financial community if it did not do anything to assuage the bad faith, malice, or
feelings of petitioners. __________________
It will be recalled that the credit standing of the Morans
Ibid.; id., 60.
with Petrophil Corporation was involved, which fact, more Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, et
than anything, displeased them, to say the least. On demand of al., G.R. No. 69162, February 21, 1992, 206 SCRA 408.
petitioners that their names be cleared, the bank considered it
more prudent to send the letter. It never realized that it would
thereafter be used by petitioners as one of the bases of their
legal action. It will be noted that there was no reason for the 4 REPORTS
bank to send the letter to Petrophil Corporation since the latter ANNOTATED
was not a client nor was it demanding any explanation. Clearly, Moran vs. Court of Appeals
therefore, the letter was merely intended to accommodate the wanton attitude. 38
request of the Morans and was part of the series of damage- WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the judgment
control measures taken by the bank to placate petitioners. appealed from, the same is hereby AFFIRMED, with costs
Respondent Court of Appeals perceptively observed that against petitioners.
“all these somehow pacified plaintiffs-appellants (herein SO ORDERED.
petitioners) for they did not thereafter take immediate punitive Narvasa (C.J., Chairman), Padilla and Nocon,
action against the defendant-appellee (herein private JJ., concur.
respondent). As pointed out by the court a quo, it took Puno, J., No part.
plaintiffs-appellants about six (6) months after the dishonor of
Appealed judgment affirmed.
the checks to demand that defendant-appellee pay them
Note.—An insolvent banking institution which has been
P1,000,000.00 as damages. At that time, plaintiffs-appellants
ordered closed by the Central Bank cannot be held liable to pay
had discovered the letter of Mr. Diaz attributing the dishonor of
interest on bank deposits (Fidelity Savings and Mortgage Bank
their checks to ‘operational error.’ The attempt to unduly ride
vs. Cenzon, 184 SCRA 141 [1990]).
on the letter of Mr. Diaz speaks for itself.”
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