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Problem Solving Information

What is a Problem?  What is Problem Solving?  Problem Solving Strategies  Why Teach Problem Solving?  Organising the Teaching of Problem
Solving  References

There are also several Seminars around problem solving available in the Information Centre.

This page provides a summary of the six sections above. More detailed information can be accessed from each of the 'More Information' headings.

What is a Problem?

A problem is a question that motivates you to search for a solution. This implies 䌷ậrst that you want or need to solve the problem and second that
you have to search for a way to 䌷ậnd a solution. Whether a question is a problem or an exercise depends on the prior knowledge of the problem

In this web-site you will 䌷ậnd problems for all Strands and for Levels 1 to 6. An example of a problem at each of these Levels is given in What is a
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What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving was part of the Mathematical Processes Strand of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum (1992). While problem solving is not a
category within the New Zealand Curriculum (2007), the key competency of Thinking includes problem solving.

We believe that by solving problems students get a much better feel for what mathematics is all about, what it can do and how it does it.

In this web-site every time we use the term ‘problem solving’ we mean mathematical problem solving. And mathematical problem solving is about
䌷ậnding solutions and not just answers to mathematical problems. We say that

method + answer = solution.

We believe that there are four steps that you need to go through in solving most mathematical problems. These are:

1. understand and explore the problem

2. 䌷ậnd a strategy
3. use the strategy to solve the problem
4. look back and re䌾鞂ect on the solution.

Of course, as we point out, problem solving can be more complicated than this.
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Problem Solving Strategies

The selection and use of strategies is a part of the process of problem solving. An understanding of speci䌷ậc problem solving strategies helps make
problems clearer, simpler and more manageable. It also helps students develop better problem solving skills.

In this web-site you will 䌷ậnd problems for the following problem solving strategies:

Guess (this includes guess and check, guess and improve)

Act it Out (this includes using equipment)
Draw (this includes drawing pictures and diagrams)
Make a List (this includes making a table)
Think (this includes using skills you already know)

Of course, you also need to use other problem solving skills as you solve problems. We consider being systematic, keeping track, looking for
patterns and working backwards.
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Why Teach Problem Solving?

There are many bene䌷ậts to teaching problem solving. These include:­solving­information 1/2
12/9/2016 Problem Solving Information | nzmaths
it bases students’ mathematical development on their current knowledge
it is an interesting and enjoyable way to learn mathematics
it is a way to learn new mathematics with greater understanding
it produces positive attitudes towards mathematics
it makes the student a junior mathematician
it teaches thinking, 䌾鞂exibility and creativity
it encourages co-operative skills
it is a useful way to practice mathematical skills learned by other means
it is similar to the approach used in other curriculum activities.

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Organising Your Teaching

When implementing problem solving in your mathematics programme, you need to consider:
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Problem Solving Units

This area of the problem solving web site is taking a new direction. This is the result of the evolution of the lessons that have been written for
problem solving, a recognition that problem solving plays a similar role to the non-process Strands, and a re䌾鞂ection of the basic nature of
mathematics and the way it is created.

For the immediate future, new Problem Solving material will be added to the site in unit form. Like the material in Number, Algebra, Statistics, and
Geometry, problem solving ideas will be presented in units that are approximately equal to 5 lessons.
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This page contains an annotated bibliography of books that contain problems and ideas that can immediately be used in your classroom. We are
happy to add it the list any books that you have found useful. Please e-mail us the details.

1. Lesson Structure
We suggest a 3-stage format that consists of introducing the problem, group work and a reporting back or sharing phase.
2. The Role of the Teacher: Good Questions to Ask
As the teacher's role is that of a facilitator we suggest a framework of questions that you can use during the different stages of the lesson.
3. The Year Plan
All teachers need to consider how they are going to show coverage of the curriculum within their mathematics programme. We illustrate how
you can include problem solving within your term plans.

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