Practical Research 2 Quarter 2/module 1-7: I. Multiple Choice

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Name:_____________________________________ Year & Section:________________Date: ______________ Score:__

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET you should not indicate in your

Quarter 2/Module 1-7 a. Containing a discussion of how the findings
from the research can be generalized and explained
I. Multiple Choice
b. Creating a new control variable that will alter
1. Why survey research is useful in your study?
the findings to conform to your hypothesis
a. It is a way of gathering data that makes the
researcher verbally asks the subjects
or respondents to give answer to what the c. Providing the reader an idea of how the research
researcher is trying to look for. could have been improved.
b. The simplest way of quickly gaining some 13.Why is it important to write a strong
general details regarding one’s conclusion?
population of interest. a. Mainly this is the only section that readers study
c. Data collected are fresh and first-hand and first
original in character. b. This is the shortest section
d. All of these. c. This is the only section that contains the
2. Set of characteristics representing the research research question and overall
variable. findings of the research project.
a. data c. analysis 14.Conclusion and recommendation are the last
b. hypothesis d. statistics steps in the research process
3. The process of gathering and measuring a. True
information on variable interest. b. False
a. data analysis c. statistics 15.The easiest part of the research process is
b. data collection d. statistical tool drawing the conclusion and
4. Counting, measuring, comparing, and formulating recommendations.
differentiating are involved in: a. True
a. data c. data b. False
analysis 16. Good researchers should aim for perfect
b. data collection d. interpretation of research, with no limitations
data a. True
5. Science that deals with the collection, tabulation b. False
or presentation, analysis 17. This research design aims to test the
and interpretation of data. relationship between two variables
a. statistics c. data collection A. Comparative C. Descriptive
b. data analysis d. B. Correlational D. Survey
interpretation of data 18. Which of the following non – experimental
6. Levels of measurement of variables that are research uses to examine the
mostly used in Likert scaling. of similarities and differences across a moderate
a. ratio c. interval number of cases?
b. ordinal d. nominal A. Ex – Post – Facto C. Correlational
7. In this this type of non – experimental research, B. Descriptive D. Comparative
the researcher uses interviews, 19. The conclusion can be presented if:
questionnaires and sampling polls to get a sense of a. The implication of the conclusion should be
behavior with intense precision. explored
a. Comparative c. Descriptive b. The research project is complete
b. Correlational d. Survey c. The researcher completed the list or
8. Recommendation should be recommendation and data
a. Achievable d. The researcher has his/her appendices attached
b. Ambitious 20. Conclusion aims to:
c. Complicated a. Allow the readers to have substantial
d. Hard to implement information
9. The researcher can make separate b. Left the readers to infer by themselves
recommendations: c. Never clear
a. For different constituent to the research d. The meaning the conclusions have for different
b. If the readers wish it parties to understand
c. If it is required by their advisers 21. The recommendation of the study are:
d. If they have another space to fill a. Actions the researcher recommends based on
10. Where should a research paper’s overall their hunch
conclusion be seen by the readers? b. Actions the researcher wants to take
a. Chapter II c. Courses of actions that the researcher
b. Chapter III recommends based on the findings
c. Chapter IV and the conclusion drawn from the following data
d. Chapter V d. Never based on the conclusion
11. Which research section should provide a Directions: Identify the word or group of words that
recommendation of how to improve corresponds to the following
researchers’ studies? statements.
a. Methodology
b. Recommendation II. Identification.
c. References
d. Result and discussion ______________22. It is the extent to which a
12.Which among the following is the main point research instrument accurately measures what it
intends to measure.
Name:_____________________________________ Year & Section:________________Date: ______________ Score:__

______________23. It is the consistency of results

using an instrument with repeated testing.
______________24. It is the extent to which a
research instrument accurately measures all
aspects of a study.
______________25. It is the consistency among
responses of multiple users of an instrument, or
among alternate forms of an instrument.

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