The Language of Uranian Astrology - Roger A. Jacobson 131

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The book discusses the language and concepts of Uranian astrology including houses, aspects, planetary pictures and their interpretation.

The book is about the language and concepts of Uranian astrology, including topics like houses, aspects, planetary pictures, calculation of horoscopes, and their interpretation.

The lunar return horoscope can be directed within its period of effectiveness using a special solar arc technique where the arc between the transiting Sun and the Sun in the lunar return horoscope is multiplied by four to get the special solar arc value.


Chapter Page

THE The Ecliptic

The Zodiac and Cardinal Points
Whole Circle and Zodiacal Measurements

LANGUAGE Precession of the Equinoxes

Horoscopes and Cycles
Retrograde Motion

Ili OF The Meridian

The Ascendant
I. [C The Sun 14


The Moon's Node
Synthesis of Aries, Node and Ascendant
The Personal Points

ASTROLoGY Fortunetelling, Astrology and ESP

Astrology and Science
Astrology and Religion
Day, Hour and Minute 26
111 Astrology as Language 29
Schools of Astrological Thought 31
Astrology: An Algebra of Consciousness 31
Fireside Pleasures 32
The Keywords 34


Table of Houses 49
C Sidereal Time: ST 49
Noon and Midnight Ephemerides 50
Time Zones and GMT 51
Sidereal Time and the Date Shift 52
The GMT Interval: INT 52
Correction on GMT Interval: COR 53
Longitude - Time Conversion: LTE 53
Computation of LTE 55
Chapter Page Chapter Page
RAMC- and Associated Formulas 55 V ASPECTS 113
Example Calculations 56 Chart Synthesis 113
Calculation of M and A 60 The Geometry of Aspects 114
Cusps 63 Synthesis of Hard and Soft Aspects 116
Southern Latitudes 65 Aspects and the 360°-Dial 117
Planetary Interpolation: Theory 65 The 360°-Dial as Aspectarian 118
Planetary Interpolation: Practice 66 Other Aspects: Harmonics of 5 and 7 118
Retrogradation 68 Aspects Used in Uranian Astrology 119
The Transneptunian Planets 69 Aspect Generation Formula (Optional) 119
Application of Aspects 120


IV ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES AND THE 360°-DIAL 71 Astrological Vectors 123
The 360°-Dial 72 Planetary Pictures 126
Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 73 Examples of Planetary Pictures 129
Basic Meanings of the Houses in All Systems 75 Conversion to Whole Circle Notation 130
Earth Houses 76 Direct and Indirect Planetary Pictures 130
Sign Rulerships 79 Aspects and Planetary Pictures 133
The Libra Rising Chart 81 Good and Bad Aspects 134
Uranian Houses, Space and Time 85 T-Cross, Grand Trine, Sextile Fan,
Zodiacal Physiology 87 Yode and Grand Cross 136
Synthesis of Uranian Houses 87 Halves, Sums and Differences 136
Earth Houses and the Public Sphere 93 Antiscions 137
The Houses of the Meridian 94 Vector Analysis of the Square and the Trine 138
Computation of the MC-House Cusps 96 Equal Sums and Equal Differences 143
The Houses of the Ascendant 97 Sensitive Points 145
The Houses of the Moon 99
The Houses of the Node 101 VII PLANETARY PICTURES: PRACTICE 147
The Houses of the Sun 102 Planetary Pictures and the 360°-Dial 147
House Cusp Orbs 104 Orbs 151
The Houses of the Planets 104 Orbs "Off-Center" and "Off the Side" 153
Reflex Action of Houses 104
Reflex Action: M- and Moon-Houses 106 VIII THE 90°-DIAL 157
Reflex Action: A- and Node-Houses 107 How it Works 157
Reflex Action: Sun-Houses 108 Planetary Pictures and the 90°-Dial 161
Reflex Action: Interpretation and Significance 109 Orbs and the 90°-Dial 161
Aids to Interpretation 110 Cardinal Points and the 90°-Dial 161
Tabulation of House Positions 111 22W-Pictures 162
Page Chapter Page
Putting it Together 163 Relocation Charts 225
M-Houses and M-Pictures 163 Relocation Analysis 226
The Daily Meridian and Ascendant 228
A-Houses and A-Pictures 167
Application of Daily Meridian and Ascendant 233
Sun-Houses and Sun-Pictures 168 Half and Double Solar Arc 236
Moon-Houses and Moon-Pictures 170 The Vertex 237
The Many Faces of Eve 171 Mean Node and True Node 238
Node-Houses and Node-Pictures 174 Transit Axes 241
Planets and Houses in All Systems 175 Uranian Houses: Love and Marriage 241
Glossary of Selected Combinations 178 Astrological Alchemy and
Use of "Rules for Planetary Pictures" 181 the Directed Horoscope 246
Delineation Procedure 182 Conclusion 251
Note on Apollo 184


Mathematical Foundations 185
Progressed Sun and Solar Arc 186
The Progressed Planets 188
Accessory Blank Disks 188
Simple Algebraic .Notation 190
Solar Arc Procedures 191
Solar Arc Configurations and Radix Pictures 192
Dual-Disk Analysis 195
Calculating the Directed Horoscope 196
Calculations 197
Timing of Solar Arc Configurations 199
The Oblique Progressed Ascendant 200

Theory of Transits and the Lifetime Horoscope 203
Methods and Procedures 204
Calculations 207
Lunar Returns in Theory 208
Precession and Transits 213
Lunar Position and Second Differences 214
Lunar Returns in Practice 218
Chapter Ow


All astrological measurements are taken with respect to a
common framework. This reference frame is defined by the path
in space of the Earth about the Sun and is known as the ecliptic.
Either the Earth or the Sun may be taken as the fixed point in
this reference frame. When the Earth is understood as the fixed
point, the form that astrology takes is geocentric. The Sun as fixed
point defines what is known as heliocentric astrology. This book
will deal with the geocentric system.
Astrologers know very well that the Sun is the center of our
solar system. Yet it is because we are living on Earth that we can
take our own planet as the mathematical center of our own per-
sonal universe.
The motion of our tiny planet about the Sun may be compared
to the motion of a space ship travelling along a prescribed path.
Upon this space ship are converging at every moment a multitude
of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, cosmic rays and par-
ticle showers emanating from various points in the environment.
And as spaceship Earth moves through this outer space environ-
ment, it intersects or "cuts" these various invisible fields.
Astrology is the study of the interactions among these fields,
and how they influence life. Astrological science rests upon the
hypothesis that these fields emanate from the sun, the moon, the
planets and the stars and that geometrical relationships, measured
on the ecliptic, among these heavenly bodies have significance for
organic and inorganic life forms on our planet.
2 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 3
Measuring the convergence of astrological forces upon earth of 90°0'0". The Libra and Capricorn Points have values of 180°
with reference to the ecliptic is a convenience which allows for and 270° respectively.
drawing horoscopes easily in two dimensions, i.e. on paper. Meas-
surements are expressed in terms of ecliptic longitude. The posi- WHOLE CIRCLE AND ZODIACAL MEASUREMENTS
tion of a planet in ecliptic longitude establishes the direction in
space from which the rays of the planet come down to earth. The ecliptic position of a planet may be given in either whole
circle measurements or in zodiacal measurements. Thus the place-
THE ZODIAC AND CARDINAL POINTS ment of Mercury, for example, in one degree of the sign Cancer
(abbreviated: "one Cancer"), which is its position in zodiacal
The ecliptic is tilted with respect to the celestial equator at a measurements, may also be expressed in the form "91°," which is
fixed angle known as the obliquity of the ecliptic. Its value is its position in whole circle measurements. The placement of (say)
23°27'. Venus in 5 Gemini would therefore be equivalent to "65°" in
When the Sun's rays strike the Earth so that they are perpendic- whole circle notation. Whole circle measurements will be dis-
ular to the imaginary geographical line known as the tropic of c_ussed further in chapter six, where they will be put to use in the
Cancer, 23°27' north latitude, the summer solstice occurs. Here, calculation of "planetary pictures."
the Sun reaches its maximum northerly declination. The geocen- Positions of planets are usually given in degrees and minutes, in
tric ecliptic position of the Sun at that time is taken as 0°0'0" in both whole circle and zodiacal measurement systems; for advanced
the sign of Cancer. The position of the Sun at the winter solstice, work, in degrees, minutes and seconds. There are sixty minutes in
when the Sun's rays are perpendicular to the tropic of Capricorn, one degree, and sixty seconds in one minute. This sexagesimal
is taken as zero Capricorn. The vernal equinox defines zero Aries, notation is more or less outdated, and as more astrologers begin
while the autumnal equinox defines zero Libra. to use electronic pocket calculators, the much simpler degree-and-
The signs of the zodiac each contain exactly thirty degrees of decimal notation will undoubtedly steal the show. Two decimal
ecliptic longitude. Trisection along the ecliptic of the four right places would be used for most work; 3 or 4 places for precision
angles defined by the equinoxes and solstices generates the twelve accuracy.
signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Minutes may be converted to decimal notation by dividing by
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The zodiac may be 60. Minutes and seconds may be converted to decimal notation
thought of as an invisible zone or band girdling the earth. by multiplying the minutes value by 60, adding the seconds, and
Zero degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are called the dividing the result by 3600. Decimal notation may be converted
cardinal points. In Uranian astrology these four points are often to sexagesimal by multiplication of the digits to the right of the
loosely taken as being equivalent (chapter eight). Zero degrees decimal point by 60. Any decimal remaining on the minutes value
Aries is referred to as the Aries Point or, frequently, as just Aries. thus found may be converted to seconds by multiplying again by
When the shortened form Aries is used, the student will be able to 60 in the same fashion.
determine easily from context whether the Aries Point on the one Positions of planets in sexagesimal zodiacal measurements are
hand or the sign Aries on the other is being referred to. almost universally expressed by first giving the degree value of the
In terms of whole circle measurements along the ecliptic, the planet in a sign, followed by the name of the sign, and conclud-
Aries Point is the arbitrary starting point and is assigned a value of ing with the minutes value. Seconds value, if mentioned, follows
zero degrees. Zero Cancer, or the Cancer Point, always has a value the minutes value.
4 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 5
Thus if Venus in our last example had a minutes value of Any reference made in this book, however, to a "sign", to a
eighteen, placing her therefore at 65°18' (whole circle notation), zodiacal position, or to the "zodiac" will assume that the tropical
her position in sexagesimal zodiacal notation would be expressed zodiac is intended. The tropical zodiac, so named after the tropics
as "5 Gemini 18." If in addition a seconds value were given of Cancer and Capricorn, is most widely used by astrologers in the
(say 25"), her position would be expressed as 5 Gemini 18.25. Western hemisphere.
The notation 5 Gemini 18/25 may also be used. The signs of the zodiac will be dealt with in greater detail in
chapter four.
The alignment of the signs of the zodiac with respect to the HOROSCOPES AND CYCLES
fixed stars changes at a rate called the precession of the equinoxes. A horoscope is a two-dimensional mapping of planetary posi-
This precessional motion brings about the various astrological tions for a specific moment in time drawn up for a specific place.
"ages." We are now, for example, living in the "Piscean Age" and
will enter the "Aquarian Age" a few hundred years hence, in At every moment, planetary positions in space are different
approximately the last decade of the 24th century. from what they were at previous moments. Different planets
move at different rates. Their motion during a 24-hour period
The phenomenon of precession makes two zodiacs possible on is known as their diurnal velocity, or simply velocity.
the same ecliptic belt. The only difference between them from a
mathematical point of view consists of their starting points. All planets, including the Sun and the Moon, eventually move
through all the signs of the zodiac and make therefore a full 360°
One is a zodiac of signs called the tropical zodiac. Its starting circuit along the ecliptic. The time it takes for one circuit to oc-
point has already been mentioned as coinciding with the apparent cur for a particular planet is known as the cycle of that planet.
position of the Sun at the- vernal equinox. The other zodiac is a The time it takes for two planets to achieve two successive mutual
constellational zodiac, also called the sidereal zodiac. Its starting conjunctions is known as the cycle of the two planets.
point is exactly 45° in ecliptic longitude behind the marking star
Aldebaran. The position of Aldebaran in the tropical zodiac is, RETROGRADE MOTION
for the 20th century, in approximately 9 Gemini. The signs and
the constellations bear the same names. Because horoscopes are commonly erected geocentrically (as in
this book), the resultant displacement of the planets from the
The tropical zodiac is continually "slipping" inside the sidereal astronomically true reference center, the Sun, gives the illusion to
zodiac at the rate of precessional motion. The precessional rate an observer on Earth that their motions (excluding those of the
is approximately one degree in 72 years, an average of 50.26" arc Sun and Moon) periodically reverse direction, producing a phe-
per year. nomenon known as retrograde motion. Retrogradation is indica-
Presently, the Aries Point falls in, the early portion of the ted in the ephemeris (table of planetary positions for each day of
Babylonian constellation or starfield Pisces. When the planet Earth the year) by R or Rx.
enters the Aquarian age, the Aries Point will fall in the constel- When a planet is in the process of shifting its motion from
lation Aquarius. forward or direct to retrograde, it appears for the moment to
stand still, and in this condition, the planet is said to be stationary
There is little doubt that in the future both tropical and sidereal retrograde, abbreviated SR or SRx. When motion again reverses
zodiacs will be put to use in specialized Uranian practice. itself from retrograde to direct, the planet once again appears to
6 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 7
stand still. In this condition, the planet is said to be stationary For a given moment in time, the planetary positions in all
direct, abbreviated SD. The position in the zodiac of a planet horoscopes erected for any number of localities whatsoever on
when either stationary retrograde or stationary direct is called a Earth will be the same. The reason for this sameness is that
station point or station. ephemerides supply planetary values with reference to the Earth's
When a planet partakes of forward (or direct) motion, its vel- center. Hence, those positional values are the same for all points
ocity is said to be positive; when retrograde, its velocity is said to on Earth at a given moment. Any parallax introduced by a shift
be negative. Keeping this distinction in mind between positive from this center (as must necessarily occur when any place on the
and negative velocities avoids a great deal of confusion, especially surface of the Earth is considered) is ignored. It is not necessary
for the beginner, in the calculation of planetary positions from an to make any adjustments for parallax.
ephemeris. These calculations will be discussed in chapter three. The Meridian and Ascendant, however, show how the geograph-
ical locality — and hence the person residing or born there — links
up with those planetary positions at the moment of birth or at
THE MERIDIAN other astrologically significant moments during the course of a
The locality for which a horoscope is drawn is as important as lifetime. This "linking up" of planetary positions with geo-
the time for which its planetary values are calculated. Time and graphical locality will become clear in the student's mind as it
place taken together define two points on the ecliptic known as is understood, in what follows, just what M and A are in terms of
the Meridian and Ascendant. See figure 1.1. These two points the simple geometry of the earth sphere as applied to astrology.
make a horoscope personal to or specific for a particular indiv- In Uranian astrology, M refers to the individual personally.
idual, situation or event for which astrological information is It corresponds to the inner "I" or self. And as such it represents
desired. The Meridian is also known as the Midheaven and is the most important point in the horoscope chart. It is at the
abbreviated MC or M. The shorthand notation for the Ascendant point M that the fields of the Earth, passing through the north
is Asc or A. The forms M and A will be used in this volume.
and south poles and intersecting the body of the entity at the
Like the cardinal points, M and A are "imaginary", but only in place of birth or residence, cut the ecliptic. In other words, the
the sense that they do not have mass. The cardinal points, Merid- field set up by the motion of the Earth about the Sun along its
ian and Ascendant are of greatest significance astrologically. Aries, ecliptic pathway through space blends with terrestrial and geo-
M and A represent three of the six "personal points" in Uranian magnetic fields personal to the individual at the Meridian M.
astrology. The four cardinal points are for all immediate and These terrestrial and geomagnetic fields are taken as being personal
practical purposes interchangeable in Uranian astrology, and their to the individual because they pass through his (her) vehicle by
influence or activity is conveniently subsumed under one heading which life is sustained on the planet.
as the Aries Point or Aries.
All persons born at a given date and time at any point along a
A personal point is a focus on the ecliptic of astrological given meridian line will have identical values of M. This is to say
energies by means of which horoscope interpretation becomes that M is a function of geographic longitude east or west of
possible in a manner that is truly personal to the individual, Greenwich, and time. The calculation of M is discussed in
situation or event under study. The six personal points (three chapter three, along with the calculation of the ascendant A. A,
of which remain to be mentioned in this chapter) speak to six like M, is also a function of geographic longitude and time. But
different personal states of being or levels of manifestation. A is in addition also a function of geographic latitude, north or
south of the equator.
8 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 9
M may be thought of as the hour hand on a 24-hour clock. This
Chicago, Illinois, for example, has approximately the same
geographical longitude as Thunder Bay, Ontario, within one degree hour hand sweeps across the zodiacal "clock face" and "points"
or so. These two cities therefore lie along approximately the same to all planets in turn during the course of a day. Calculating M
north-south meridian line. Persons born at the same date and time for a particular time of day consists of finding out where it is
pointing to in space.
in these two cities will have more or less equal values of M in their
horoscopes. But since the geographic latitudes of these two local- The Midheaven as one point and the center of the earth as
ities are considerably different, the ascendants will also differ another define a line, and this line may be extended into deep
considerably. It is the difference between the ascendant values, space, where astrological vibrations or "influences" originate. Here
therefore, for our hypothetical "astro-twins" that would enable then is the origin of the hour hand on our symbolic clock face.
an astrologer to distinguish sharply between them. Although there By knowing the positions of the planets as well as the position of
will be certain similarities on an inner or soul level, the environ- M, we have before us on paper both face and hands of the "cosmic
mental conditioning signified by the ascendants will be different. clock."
Each "twin" will face different experiences in life, according to
the astrological hypothesis, for this reason. The line generated by M and the Earth's center may also be
extended downwards through the earth. Where it intersects the
Longitude and latitude taken together define one and only one ecliptic below the Earth (or, if you like, on the other side of the
locality. Thus, individuals born at different localities will be Earth from where the person was born) is a point called the Lower
"linked up" with the life-energies represented by the positions of Meridian or IC. The position of IC is always 180° removed in
the planets in their horoscopes in different ways, even though it ecliptic longitude from M. The existence of M, in other words,
may be that the positions of the planets are the same in their immediately implies the existence of another point, the IC. One
charts. may perhaps conclude therefore that the inner self represented by
M is a bipolar quantity or state of being.
One rotation of the earth on its axis causes the point M to go
through a complete circuit of the signs of the zodiac. M shifts The M-IC line is called the Midheaven axis. An axis is a
therefore approximately one degree for every four minutes of diameter line across the ecliptic circle which is considered to be
clock time. The ascendant A also goes through all the signs in astrologically significant.
the course of 24 hours, but its motion is much less regular than
that of the Midheaven or Meridian M. Because the values of M and One pole of the consciousness indicated by the M-axis is
A change so very rapidly with time, it can be seen that it is neces- represented by its contact at the point IC with the planet Earth.
sary for best results with any system of astrology to have accurate The other pole of the M-axis extends into the infinity or outer
birth times to work with. The process of determining an accurate space, into other galaxies and perhaps too into other worlds. As
birth time when none is given is called rectification. Rectification consciousness manifests on earth, it proceeds, according to mystic-
consists of working backwards from a trial horoscope with a series al cosmology, from an extraterrestrial source, following a pathway
of events in life that are more or less accurately dated by testing defined by the M-axis, and gathering about itself along the way
possible correlations of planetary positions with various values for various characteristics attributed to the planets, which, taken to-
M and A. Once M is known, birth time can be established by gether, form its destiny in space and time. Characteristics of the
backtracking mathematically in a fashion too complex to be taken various planets will be discussed in chapter two.
up in this book.
10 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 11

The second personal point that is defined by time and place is
the Ascendant A. See figure 1.1. Its position in the zodiac is a
function of geographic longitude, latitude and time. Another way
of expressing this fact is to say that the ascendant is a function
of geographic latitude and of M. For each value of M — ecliptic
position — there is, for any given geographic latitude, one and only
one corresponding value of A.
For example: the Canadian cities of Regina and Kamloops have
very nearly the same geographic latitudes. Their geographical
longitudes, however, are considerably different. Let us imagine a
case where a woman whom we shall call Miss X born in Regina
on a certain date at (say) noon local mean time ("sundial time")
has, in her horoscope, a Midheaven of 5 Gemini 18. Because of
the differences in longitude between Regina and Kamloops, a man
whom we shall call Mr. Y born on the same date at that very
instant but in Kamloops instead of Regina will have a Midheaven
of 20 Taurus 08.
Noon local mean time in Regina means that the local mean
time, at that moment, in Kamloops is 10h57m16s a.m.. The sun-
dial reading (as it were) at Kamloops is, in other words, 1 hour,
2 minutes and 44 seconds behind that at Regina. Now when this
period of 1h02m44s has elapsed, it will be noon local mean time
at Kamloops, and 1:02:44 p.m. local mean time at Regina.
Another person whom we shall call Mr. Z born in Kamloops at
noon local mean time (Kamloops) will have, in his horoscope, a
Midheaven of 5 Gemini 18, the same value that is to be found for
M in the horoscope of Miss X. Both Miss X and Mr. Z have not
only the same value Midheaven but also the same value Ascendant,
since Regina and Kamloops lie on approximately the same line
(parallel) of geographical latitude. The value for A in the horo-
scope charts of Miss X and Mr. Z figures out to be 11 Virgo 01.
Mr. Y's ascendant is 29 Leo 54.
M and A represented
Let us take note here of the fact mentioned earlier in this chap-
by the intersection of great circles ter that the planetary positions in the zodiac for a particular
Fig. 1.1 moment in time are the same for all places on the Earth at that
12 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 13
time. The clocks in Regina will be two hours ahead of the clocks
in Kamloops because these two cities lie in different time zones. equatorial plane to which it is perpendicularly aligned, divide our
Yet at any moment, if we equate the clock times for these two globe into northern and southern hemispheres. A great circle is a
cities to a common time frame (a world time, if you like), then the circle which lies in a plane that passes through the center of the
planetary positions calculated on the basis of that moment will Earth. A person born at the north or south poles will have a math-
be the same. ematical horizon that coincides with the equator. A person born
elsewhere will have a mathematical horizon that lies at some angle
The common time frame used by astrologers and astronomers to the equator; just as the great circle formed by the plane of the
is known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. Planetary positions ecliptic cutting the Earth lies at an angle (namely a constant
are given in the ephemeris for either noon or midnight GMT. 23°27') to the great circle that is the equator.
GMT is equivalent to the local mean time at Greenwich, England,
the geographic longitude of which is taken arbitrarily as zero. The Ascendant is one point on the ecliptic where the great circle
Thus all geographic longitudes are either east (positive) or west represented by the local horizon intersects the great circle that is
(negative) of Greenwich. the ecliptic.
Although Miss X and Mr. Y were born when the clocks in their Since two circles intersect at two points (unless they are "tan-
respective cities of birth read different times, they were in fact gent" — which is not the case here), the horizon and ecliptic
(as we have assumed for the sake of argument) born at the same intersect at two points. The second point of intersection is the
instant in world time, and therefore "at the same time" on the Descendant or D. Just as the IC is always 180° from M along the
GMT clock. ecliptic, so also is the descendant invariably 180° away in ecliptic
longitude from the ascendant.
The planetary positions in the horoscopes of Miss X and Mr. Y
A and D are said to be in opposition, opposite, or in opposition
are therefore the same. M and A are, however, different for these
two people. It is this difference in M and A that makes the differ- aspect. M and IC are also in opposition. M bears no simple angu-
ence, astrologically speaking, between Miss X and Mr. Y. lar relationship to A.
Because Mr. Z was born at a different GMT than Miss X and The horizon defines the environment. As an observer looks out
Mr. Y, Mr. Z's planetary positions will be different from those of in all directions from a given locality, what he sees at the meeting
his two fellow Canadians. M and A in the horoscope of Mr. Z place of earth and sky is the visual horizon. Astrology does not
happen to be identical with M and A in the horoscope of Miss X. take the visual horizon as such into account, however, but rather
But Mr. Z's planets are different from those of Miss X. Thus, an the mathematical horizon, in figuring A. Although the mathemat-
astrologer is able to distinguish sharply among these three people, ical horizon may be visually obscured by hills or mountains, this
in spite of the fact that certain similarities obtain among the fact has no bearing on the computation of the ascendant.
positions in their horoscopes. The mathematical horizon line in astrological theory establishes
The mathematical horizon for a place is a great circle on the for a certain place the limits of immediate physical experience in
Earth which divides the globe into hemispheres and through whose life for individuals born or residing there. The horizon is the
center an imaginary line passes defined by the place itself and the boundary circle of the surroundings.
center of the Earth. This imaginary line is perpendicular to the To the ascendant, therefore, is attributed the meaning of local-
horizon plane. In exactly the same way, the geographical axis of ity, environment, and physical surroundings. The point A also
the Earth through the north and south poles, together with the indicates other people, relationships and face-to-face situations.
14 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 15

The meaning of A is to be sharply contrasted to the meaning of For a similar reason, the Sun cannot be included as a "planet" in
M. M is self, while A is not-self. M is the inner, while A is the a heliocentric horoscope.
outer. This fact should be memorized, even if not immediately For all practical purposes however, in the interpretation of
understood upon first reading. The student will convince himself horoscopes by the Uranian method, the Sun is in fact taken as the
(or herself) of the reality of these assertions in actual practice Earth, since the "motion" of the former is always in step with the
when the time comes for the interpretation of horoscopes. If the motion of the latter. The truth of equating the Sun with the
basics of Uranian astrology are understood thoroughly, then inter- Earth for astrological purposes reveals itself in actual practice.
pretation will present few problems that experience will not cure.
Since the Sun corresponds to all things physical, it also denotes
By understanding the basic meanings of the planets and personal objective experience in life, and waking consciousness. By way of
points (of which M and A are two), the student will find freedom contrast, the Moon denotes subjective experience, and subcon-
from dependence upon reference works which attempt to spell out sciousness.
in so many words the meanings of the various astrological com-
The Sun in Uranian astrology also signifies male persons and the
binations. These reference works should only be used as guides,
masculine world.
and nothing more. Translations taken from works in other lan-
guages should be verified.
THE SUN The Sun and the Moon are the most visibly obvious of astro-
The Sun is the ultimate source of all energy within our solar nomical realities. Regarding their importance, it need hardly be
system. In astrology, the Sun is the basic life force and relates to mentioned that the solar and lunar cycles of the year and the
the vitality of the body. month are part and parcel of our way of life. One quarter of a
Although geocentric astrology takes the Earth as center of the monthly lunar cycle, being approximately seven days, character-
ecliptical or zodiacal circle, and although we therefore speak of izes the week. As we shall see later on, the Sun also signifies the
the "motion" of the Sun through the zodiac, it is of course the day, and the Moon the hour, in the Uranian system.
Earth and not the Sun that moves. The Moon is a uniquely important factor in all forms of astrolo-
The apparent motion of the Sun, however, from the viewpoint gy. Her orbit is, of course, about the Earth and not the Sun. She
of Earth, is at all times directly in keeping with the motion of the accordingly has particular dominion over and significance for the
Earth through space. As a horoscopical factor, therefore, the planet Earth as a whole, for she embraces the Earth by virtue of
apparent motion of the Sun and its position in the zodiac are her path about our globe. Her connection with the subconscious
taken as relating directly to all things earthly and physical. points to her importance in the functioning of the brain and in
the working of the memory.
Since the Earth is understood in geocentric astrology as the
center upon which astrological forces or influences converge, the The Moon signifies women in general and the mother in particu-
planet Earth as such cannot, strictly speaking, be included among lar. She also "rules" the public, for all human beings were born of
the other planets in a geocentric horoscope. For if the Earth is woman. Her influence (as it were) manifests the feminine world.
taken as the center of the zodiacal circle, then it cannot, quite While it is the Sun that sends forth the basic life energy or seed
obviously, be said to lie at any point on the circle. Consequently, which is light, it is the Moon that nurtures that light. She gives
the Earth has no ecliptic position in the geocentric horoscope. birth to organic form and sustains the life she has brought forth.
16 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 17
It might be said that the Moon "retransmits" light by reflecting to rotate about a common center which lies a few thousand miles
it to Earth. By being reflectec1„ the light waves are modified or below the surface of our globe.
"modulated" by the Moon. Artificial satellites or "moons", in
retransmitting messages by means of on board electronic commun- If it is established through research that the female body is
ications repeaters, mimic in some ways the activity of the Moon. indeed shown by the Moon, it remains possible nevertheless that
the physical vitality of both male and female persons is shown by
The Moon is woman, and mother; and the Sun is man, and
the Sun, although the overall organic configuration of male and
father. The ancients worshipped the Sun as God, and Christians
female bodies may be indicated by the Sun and Moon, respec-
refer to deity as God the Father. Mythologically, the Moon is a
tively. The term "vitality" refers to the "spark" of life, and that
maternal goddess in one of her forms. These attributions are in
quantity may therefore be more logically assigned to the Sun. If
correspondence with the equally ancient concept of Moon phases
so, the flow and distribution of the vital force is logically governed
as archetypal images of impregnation, gestation and birth.
by the Moon. Just as the Moon rules emotion, but emotions are
Because of the role that the Moon plays as archetypal mother shared by both sexes, so also it should pose no problem to con-
in sustaining and sheltering life forms on Earth, it is not difficult ceive of bodily vitality (if not bodily configuration) as being solar
to see why she rules emotion and feeling. This is not to say that in both sexes.
only women have feelings, and we need not of course be astrolo-
gers to come to such a conclusion. It is because each of us contains THE MOON'S NODE
traits of the opposite sex that the Sun and the Moon together are The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is tilted with respect to
important for both men and women. And both men and women the ecliptic at an angle of approximately five degrees. This tilt
do in fact have both solar and lunar cycles of behavior and exper- causes the orbit of the Moon to cut the ecliptic at two points,
ience. known as the north and south nodes of the Moon. The point
Each sex has latent not only the organs but also the conscious- where the Moon crosses the ecliptic in going from south to north
ness of the opposite sex. In terms of the subconscious of a male latitude is the north node. The point where the Moon crosses the
person, the Moon is associated with the anima. In woman, the ecliptic in going from north to south latitude is the south node.
Sun is associated with the animus. The terms anima and animus Because the north node is always exactly 180° in ecliptic longi-
mentioned here are those used in the writings of Dr. C. G. Jung. tude from the south node and therefore in opposition to it, astrol-
Each of us is a blend of both Sun and Moon, for we have two ogers usually just speak of the Moon's Node or simply the Node.
parents, and both X and Y chromosomes. The Moon presides It is the north node that is referred to when the word node is
over instinctive life rhythms in both male and female. mentioned. The mean or average position of the north node is
given in the ephemeris. Due to a variety of complex motions be-
Although the Sun relates to the objective world and all things
tween Earth and Moon, the mean position of the node travels
physical, there is some reason to believe that the Moon presides
over the physical body of the female, and not the Sun. Further backwards through the signs at a rate of approximately three min-
utes in ecliptic longitude per day.
research is needed to establish or refute this assertion.
In terms of astrological mythology, the north node is called
Earth and Moon do form a double-planet system, however, and
the Dragon's Head, and the south node, the Dragon's Tail. A third
in this fact may be found the clue to solving this particular prob-
zodiac was conceived of by ancient astrologers which has its start-
lem. From a technical point of view, Earth and Moon are known
ing point at the dragon's head. This zodiac is called the Draconic
18 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 19
Zodiac. Uranian astrology makes use of this draconic zodiac but points between the native and the universe outside. M, Moon and
does not refer to it as "draconic." Further information on this Sun, on the other hand, are contact points between the native and
topic will be given in chapter four. the universe within.
Traditional astrological teaching attributes a positive, "Jupiter- Now where, you may ask, is the native himself? In the ultimate
ean" quality to the north node and a negative, "Saturnine" quality sense the answer to this question must be (if we are to be con-
to the south node. The reasons for these attributions seem to be sistent in our thinking) that the native does not exist. Now you
obscured in the mists of time. Uranian astrologers concern them- know why the Japanese pictures you may have seen of Zen monks
selves with the axis of the Moon's node primarily. frequently show them laughing uproariously, with tears rolling
In astrological practice, the Moon's node has been found to down their cheeks. Nothing, after all, could be funnier than the
relate to close connections with people or other living things, and idea that we do not exist. The conclusion must be: each person
with objects. These close connections may take the form of bonds is the totality of his (her) horoscope. The horoscope is, therefore,
or ties among individuals; of channels, arrangements, pathways a photographic image, however imperfect, of one's total being at
and avenues of relationship. a particular state of development. Events or situations correspond-
ing to planets in configuration with the ascendant take place right
Repeated association with a person or thing forms a connection on one's own doorstep, so to speak. A configuration among
or link in memory, and the node is said to connect or link the in- planets or points in a horoscope implies the existence of a signif-
dividual with various manifestations and phenomena in the outside icant geometrical relationship among them in ecliptic longitude
world. The Moon is the memory itself, while the node shows con- (chapter six). Events or situations corresponding to planets in
nections in memory, therefore the "associations" that people configuration with the node have frequently been found to take
make "in connection with" this or that situation, event, and so on. place "in connection with" some other, more personally significant
event or related situation in the native's life. Planets in configura-
SYNTHESIS OF ARIES, NODE AND ASCENDANT tion with Aries in the native's horoscope may not touch the
The immediate environment is shown by the ascendant axis in a native at all personally in any direct way. Yet events or situations
horoscope. The impersonal outside world, where many people thus shown by Aries do form experiences in the native's life as a
come and go but remain unknown, is shown by the cardinal points whole of which he (or she) is at least aware, on some level. Aries
zero Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, all four of which are influences are general influences.
conveniently subsumed under the single heading Aries, as men-
tioned before. The node is the link between the immediate envir- The ascendant shows matters up close, while the cardinal points
onment A of the native and the world in general, Aries. The term show matters far away. the significance of the Moon's nodes lies
native signifies the person for whom the horoscope is drawn. in between these two extremes. "Up close" and "far away" are
Ascendant, Node and Aries Point signify therefore three levels not necessarily to be taken in a geographic sense.
of relationship: (1) immediate and face-to-face encounters, there- If there is an event of a general nature taking place, such as
fore directly personal relationships, under A; (2) less immediate your favorite baseball team winning the pennant, and you are
and not necessarily face-to-face associations, therefore less directly jubilant over what has transpired, the event itself would be shown
personal relationships, under Node; and (3) impersonal contact by some success configuration, such as with Jupiter, to Aries in
with the outside world in general, such as out in the street, in the your own chart. The fact of sudden personal happiness (upon
open, or at a public place, under Aries. All three are contact hearing the good news) over the outcome of the game would be
20 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 21
shown by some configuration, such as with Venus and Uranus, to fined, and it follows that they are tied in with the Earth and what
your Midheaven. goes on there.
If you were physically present at the game yourself, your The Sun is a personal point because it is, for all practical
ascendant for that day would enter into the picture. If on the purposes, equivalent to the Earth itself. The Sun too, therefore,
other hand you merely read of or heard about your team's tri- is a mundanely defined point. Astrologically speaking, we are
umph, the Moon's node would be significant in your chart for standing on the Sun.
that day and connect you up, as it were, with what was going on,
through the agency of a phone call from a fellow baseball fan, The Moon is a personal point because, quite simply, she is the
through the sports page or from the Nice Man on TV. moon of the Earth.
Moon/Node, Sun/Aries and M/A form astrolOgical pairs. A,
Node and Aries describe different levels or planes of external ex- And finally, the Node is a personal point because its position at
perience. M, Moon and Sun describe different levels or planes of any time is determined entirely by the positional interrelation-
internal experience. ships among two other personal points, Sun and Moon, taken with
respect to the Earth.

The specific concept of "personal points" seems to be unique

to Uranian astrology, although all other systems of astrology
The six factors, M, Aries, Sun, A, Moon and Node are the certainly do use M, A, Sun and Moon, without necessarily gather-
Personal Points of Uranian astrology. Their order of importance ing them together under a common heading. Not all astrologers
according to the teachings of the Hamburg School is the order in who employ methods other than the Uranian use the Moon's
which they are given here, M being the most important. The Node; and few astrologers of other schools put to use the Aries
Uranian system is known as the Hamburg School in Europe. To Point in the same sense as do Uranian astrologers. This is not to
these six factors are attributed levels of experience which are truly say that the Uranian system has a monopoly on these concepts.
personal to the individual native on some level.
It may not yet be clear, however, just why only these six points The relationship of life systems on this planet to the larger
are lumped together into the same category; why, in other words, cosmos is conveniently understood in Uranian astrological theory
they can be and are called "personal points." in terms of the personal points. These six points, as the student
The Personal points of Uranian astrology are represented by will by now understand, are of the greatest importance in the
those six factors (contained in all horoscopes) which tie in directly interpretation of any and all horoscope charts.
with the planet Earth. And it is the Earth that is our home, "The
stage of consciousness upon which we play out our lives." These personal points may be thought of as intake valves or
The Meridian, Ascendant and Cardinal Points are, as we have channels of communication whereby extraterrestrial energies and
already seen, determined by the intersections of various "great "influences" reach our planet. These six points are like "gates"
circles" drawn (in the mathematical imagination) upon the surface or "doorways" in the electromagnetic shell surrounding the earth.
of the Earth. The intersection points of these various great circles Since modern science and ancient myth confirm that the cosmos
with the ecliptic relate therefore very specifically to conditions on is all of a piece, we can suppose that the transfer of "influences"
our planet. M, A and Aries are, in other words, mundanely de- is two-way.
22 The Language of Uranian Astrology
The Personal Points 23
In the popular mind, astrology is the study of how planets a.s.f.
"influence" life on Earth. As a result, one sees any number of It was mentioned in the previous section of this chapter that
people in various states of distress running to astrologers in order there are certain dangers in using the term "influence" in too strict
to find out what these "influences" are, and thus to discover what a sense when dealing with astrology. For using the word "influ-
will "happen" to them. In this book, the term "influence" is ence" connotes a coercive "pushing" process whereby (in the
occasionally used for convenience's sake, but its meaning is not words of a famous Victorian astrologer) "The stars impel but do
to be taken literally. not compel." Astrological "influences," in other words, supposed-
The attitude a person brings to the study of astrology or to an ly prompt activities in a certain direction but do not guarantee
astrological interview is fundamentally wrong if it is assumed that that those activities will in fact take place. This philosophical twist
the "stars" somehow determine destiny. To believe in "influences" has always left me feeling like one is supposed to feel after dining
in this way is to fall into superstition and fortunetelling. Fortune- at a Chinese restaurant.
telling presupposes a fixed and unalterable destiny and assumes To the Victorian mind, the concept of "free will" filled out the
that human beings are helpless pawns caught up in a web of picture. It was asserted that one could "overcome" one's planets
mysterious and occult forces beyond their perception (except by conscious effort and the application of virtue. That this "over-
through the fortuneteller) and out of their control. It is obvious, coming" notion reveals a general preoccupation continuing down
then, why fortunetellers thrive upon the insecurities, fears and to the present time with "overcoming" or "conquering" nature is,
quilts of those who come to them for "guidance." I think, self-evident.
For the record, let me say that astrology is not fortunetelling, Astrology at that time was very often seen as a means by which
though some fortunetellers may pose as astrologers. What many "fate" could be transformed, avoided, or at the very least, more
state and municipal governments do not understand is that for- comfortably endured; especially with the supposed foreknowledge
tunetelling is one thing, and the practice of astrology is another. that matters would be more satisfactory at some future time, as
The same can be said of reputable palmists and card readers a.s.f. indicated by propitious aspects of the planets.
who have true extrasensory perception (ESP). I mention palmistry Time has speeded up since the days of Queen Victoria. Yet
and card-reading at this point because these and related matters much that passes for modem astrological thinking is unfortunately
are commonly lumped together with astrdlogy as one, however a re-hash of now antiquated, pre-scientific notions. For all that,
incorrectly. Fortunetelling does not consist in using a horoscope striking implications are to be found from even old-hat Newtonian
chart, cards or crystal ball but rather in a lack of intellectual physics upon astrological philosophy.
awareness and ethical conduct on the part of the fortuneteller. The popular but incomplete version of Newton's law is that
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." To
An astrologer may bring to an interview a great deal of ESP or make this statement true scientifically, one must however add (as
none at all. An astrological reading proceeds more smoothly when did Newton) that the forces exerted are exerted upon opposite
the astrologer has ESP, but so does the work of a research scientist, bodies.
gourmet chef, or a young person with a new toy. True ESP has
nothing to do with fortunetelling. And strictly speaking, astrology Suppose I push off in a boat by taking an oar in hand and apply
has nothing to do with ESP. sufficient force with that oar against the shore so that the boat,
preferably with me in it, is set in motion upon the water.
24 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 25
Newton's law simply says that while I am pushing against the for these currents or pulsations through reduction (by means of
shore, the shore is pushing against me (via the oar). The forces advanced manufacturing techniques) of random noise produced by
are equal and in opposite directions and on opposite bodies (me current flow within the crystalline substance of transistors.
and the shore).
For the present time, one can only suppose that astrological
If the planets are indeed "pushing" us, then according to
Newton, we are simultaneously pushing on the planets; and the "influences" are nothing of the sort, but rather astrological "inter-
forces involved are in opposite directions and equal in magnitude. actions" between man and cosmos on (usually) subconscious levels.
Thus light is thrown on the ancient concept of microcosm (man)
On the face of it, this seems to be completely ridiculous.
mirroring macrocosm (cosmos).
It is true, of course, that the motions of the planets are indepen-
dent of changes in consciousness insofar as an effort of will (for From all this it can be seen that in astrology as well as in
example) will not (we hope) cause Mercury or Mars to speed up, biology, organism and environment constitute a unified field.
slow down, or jump into a new orbit. Such happenings would Astrology asserts that "environment" embraces the planets, stars,
constitute a telekinetic nightmare. More importantly, whole new and outer space, as well as the immediate physical biosphere in
sets of ephemerides would have to be printed up. Compounded by which the organism lives.
a paper shortage, this single event would probably bring about the What is needed now is a "unified field theory" of astrology.
collapse of western civilization as we know it.
But even before that time comes, we can see that the usual talk of
That people in general are not aware of the fact that they are "fate versus free will" is as outdated scientifically as it is unsuitable
"pushing" against the cosmos must therefore be the same as saying to live with. Man did not "come into" the world on probation to
that these pushing forces are taking place within the individual do battle with the starry universe. Man came out of the world,
below the level of waking consciousness; namely in the subcon- as Alan Watts puts it in his books on Zen Buddhism, like leaves
scious. from a tree. What happens "down here" is just as "cosmic" as
For the ancients, astrology was in fact an "occult" science — i.e. what goes on "up there."
a science of the occult or hidden side of life. By definition, that
hidden side is the subconscious (or unconscious). ASTROLOGY AND RELIGION
If these forces are taking place in subconsciousness, we might Astrology understood in light of Newton tells us that there is a
assume (at least for the sake of argument) that their physical direct connection between all individual life forms and their ulti-
strength (measured perhaps in micro-microvolts across portions of mate cosmic source. Modern science tells us the same thing in
the brain or nervous system) is quite small, although their final different ways. Religion calls that source God.
impact upon the life of the organism is very great, as astrological In years past, the Christian church has for the most part stood
experience bears out. In a similar fashion, "mere" thoughts held in opposition to the study or practice of astrology. Opposition by
by rulers of nations can shape world destiny. the church against astrology is evidently based philosophically on
Future science will (of course) include astrology and will proba- the typically occidental equation of the individual with his (her)
bly establish the reality of these tiny currents within the body, ego, that part of the self that is the waking, conscious mind.
Freud and those who followed him, notably his onetime pupil
which correspond to planetary configurations. Greater knowledge
Carl Jung, have revealed by their work and writings that matters
in semiconductor electronics will make a successful search possible are not so simple. Nevertheless, even today the fmdings of these
26 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 27
great thinkers and scientists have not yet fully "percolated down"
into the culture as a whole. After all, if a man (or woman) is When studying -an event whose time is known quite accurately,
"nothing but" an ego imprisoned in a casing of flesh, how can any- a Uranian astrologer will "zoom in" on the minute when the event
one who claims to be sane begin to speak of a unity or continuity transpired by figuring M for that time. The "event" could be birth
between tiny man and his source? This "nothing but" attitude itself, or any occurrence during the lifetime of the native.
was, incidentally, typical of nineteenth-century "reductionism", If the event under study is birth, we are dealing with a birth-
from which philosophy proceeded the concept of an essentially chart and we say that the position therein of M, A or of any other
stupid, and rather drab billiard-ball universe. It is understandable factor is the natal, radical, radix or birth position. These last four
that the church could see astrology as a threat if it were in fact terms are interchangeable. "Radix" and "radical" are abbreviated
true that astrology either supports or rests upon reductionism. with a lower case "r", which is used as a subscript associated with
The fact of the matter is that astrology rests upon sound philo- the abbreviation, symbol or name for the astrological factor it
sophical principles. It is a science that is both descriptive and refers to. Thus "radical M" is written Mr. Radix A is written Ar;
mathematical. And, like anything else touched by human hands, and so on.
it is imperfect. Religions, too, are subject to the same evolution- The term factor is used in astrology as referring to any planet or
ary processes to be found in the history of science. Mythologies personal point in a horoscope. There are twenty-two factors or
are subject to continual transformation also. Ancient mythology, elements in Uranian astrology. This relatively large number of
the basis of ancient religion, is strongly astrological, and the signs factors should not scare off the beginner (or anyone else for that
of the zodiac are obviously mythological. Planets were understood matter), for the application of the Uranian method proceeds in
as being identified with gods of the same name. logical and straightforward ways, as will become clear. We hope.
Non-Uranian Western systems of astrology usually employ no
DAY, HOUR AND MINUTE more than 13 factors. Hindu astrology, by ignoring (for the most
The Ascendant, Node and Cardinal Points are spatial concepts. part) Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, typically employs ten factors.
These three factors speak to external levels of manifestation, and The Moon is associated with the hour. In one hour she moves,
therefore to the relationship in the largest sense of the native to on the average, a little over a half degree. The transiting Moon is
the universe which surrounds him (her). like an hour hand, while the transiting meridian is like a minute
The Meridian, Moon and Sun are temporal concepts. These hand.
three factors speak to levels of consciousness within the individual. The Sun is associated with the day. He moves, on the average,
Thus, the six personal points taken together embrace both space one degree in one day (in point of fact, a little less; there are 365
and time on three distinct levels. days in a year, but only 360 degrees in a circle.) The transiting Sun
indicates the date.
It is particularly convenient in the practice of predictive astrol-
ogy when using the current or up-to-the-moment positions of the Astute readers will take note of the fact that the one degree
motions of M, Moon and Sun do not exactly correspond to one
planets, namely the so-called transiting planets (chapter eleven),
to regard M, Moon and Sun in terms of particular intervals of time. minute, one hour and one day (respectively). This inexactitude is
tolerable because these time concepts are to be taken in a relative,
The Midheaven is associated with the minute. Due to the rota- and not precise, way.
tion of the earth upon its axis, the position of M changes approxi-
mately one degree in four minutes' time.
Chapter Two


A horoscope is like an inscription in hieroglyphics. The task of
the astrologer is to decipher this inscription.
During delineation, the astrologer combines knowledge of the
basic factors of astrology with certain (as it were) grammatical
rules that make comprehensible the interworkings among factors
and permit therefore meaningful statements to be made in human
language regarding the person, situation or event for which the
horoscope is drawn.
Learning astrology is like learning a foreign language. A basic
vocabulary is built up through memorization and association.
Then the student is taught how to read and speak by combining
together the words that have been learned into utterances that are
in keeping with grammatical usage.
The basic vocabulary of Uranian astrology consists of the six
personal points and sixteen planets (Sun and MOon are not really
planets). Eight of these planets exist hypothetically beyond the
orbit of Neptune and are therefore called transneptunian planets.
These planets (so called) were discovered astrologically by Alfred
Witte and Friedrich Sieggruen in this century. They have subse-
quently been verified in thousands of horoscopes by students of
the Uranian system all over the world. Ephemerides for these
eight planets are available.
Words from the Uranian vocabulary are combined together
"grammatically" in ways that correspond to the arrangement
found among planets in the inscription that is the horoscope chart.
The tablet upon which the inscription is written is the ecliptic.
The Planets 31
30 The Language of Uranian Astrology
are all true simultaneously), but rather of choosing which ones will
The factors of Uranian astrology are arranged with respect to make up sentences that are coherent and understandable, which
each other in different ways in different horoscopes, because dif- flow and have rhythm. Proficiency with astrological keywords
ferent planets move at different rates. A particular arrangement of comes by doing. Herein lies the art of astrology, for astrology is
-planets corresponds to a particular set of meaningful statements. both art and science. Translation from one language to another
Each horoscope is unique. still remains something of an art at the present time, more in the
The arrangement of words that any language uses to convey province of the poet than in the sphere of the scientist.
meaning is described by the grammar of that language. The gram-
mar of the language of astrology is geometrical. That is to say, SCHOOLS OF ASTROLOGICAL THOUGHT
statements derived from a horoscope depend upon zodiacal con- By and large, the vocabulary meanings of the planets, known as
figurations among astrological factors. These configurations are
planetary keywords, comprise a solid, established body of know-
geometrical in nature. Particular configurations among planets
ledge common to all schools. There are, however, many different
found in the cosmic inscription that is the horoscope are under-
systems of geometrical grammar, of which the Uranian system is
stood and evaluated by means of this geometrical grammar.
but one.
Application of the rules of geometrical grammar to horoscopes
Differences among astrological schools of thought center pri-
makes delineation possible. The words which are the planets and
marily on matters of grammar and not, to any considerable extent,
personal points are therefore strung together or read off, as it were,
on matters of vocabulary. This is to say that the various schools
by the astrologer according to certain rules. With familiarity and
differ from each other, for the most part, on what amounts to
practice, the student will be able to translate the cosmic language
technical grounds: that is, they differ in terms of mathematical
into human language with increasing facility. technique.
Memorization and drill are necessary to the student of any new Although only a relatively few non-Uranian astrologers use the
language. The first time around, word learning especially has to be positions of the transneptunian planets (sometimes known as
completely by rote. Being new to the Uranian language, the TNPs), any school of astrology can as a matter of fact include
beginning astrology student at the outset simply memorizes the them in horoscopes, if desired. The coherency of the results will,
keyword vocabulary meanings of the planets. To each planet is of course, be in proportion to the coherency of the system itself.
attributed a particular set of keywords. The keywords which Any astrological system that already works as a viable grammar
comprise the vocabulary set associated with a particular planet are can, in other words, put the TNPs to use profitably.
like definitions under a particular heading in a dictionary. The workability of the Uranian system itself does not hinge
The skill of the astrologer comes in especially during the process upon the inclusion of what critics may, for whatever reasons,
of selecting, from within a keyword set, suitable keywords that choose to call nonexistent quantities. The eight additional planets
apply to a particular series of planets which form a particular con- give additional information because they enlarge the Uranian vo-
figuration, or "sentence:" Astrological configurations are defined cabulary.
by astrological "axes" in the horoscope chart. (Axes and con-
figurations will be dealt with as such in detail in chapter six.) ASTROLOGY: AN ALGEBRA OF CONSCIOUSNESS
Selecting keywords which adequately describe a configuration in Astrology has already been described as the study of interac-
human language is not so much a process of determining which tions among stellar and planetary fields applied to the manifesta-
keywords are "true" or "false" in a particular instance (for they
The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 33

tion of life forms within a particular sphere of reference. As a The initially strange and unfamiliar marks and numbers on paper
science, its fundamental hypothesis is that what goes on "up there" that confront the beginning student during those first days of
is in correspondence with what goes on "down here." The whole unbridled enthusiasm eventually, and even joyfully, give way, af-
is not merely the sum of individual elements, for each element ter much hard work and midnight oil, to living symbols and organic
reflects within itself the totality of the whole. As above, so below. quantities whose significance and meaning virtually leap from the
page on which the chart is drawn, and with sometimes astonishing
One conclusion that may be drawn from this hypothesis is that clarity. Sometimes, too, it all makes sense.
all manifestation may be approximately described by algebraic
operations on a finite set of universal quantities, called planets, Such a level of personal and emotional satisfaction is, however,
The truth of this conclusion can be verified in practice by means available only to those who at the very beginning take the trouble
of comparing anticipated results (as derived from astrological to familiarize themselves thoroughly with astrological keywords.
theory) with actual facts. In such a manner does astrology follow The student can hereby consider himself reprimanded in advance,
the scientific method. just in case he (or she) should ever chance to fall into the unfor-
tunate error of assuming that horoscopes can be delineated in
The beginner should not feel inadequate if he (or she) is not parrot-like fashion by reference to any book, including this one.
familiar with algebra, though it would help matters if he were.
The only form of algebra needed for Uranian astrology amounts It is perhaps these very moments of insight and clarity, which
to simple arithmetic using letter symbols (M, A, etc.) for numbers eventually come with time and abundant doses of cold water in
in addition to numbers themselves. This form of arithmetic
the face, that are, in the final analysis, of truly lasting importance
(for that is all it really is) is called "first degree algebra." Those
to the student. If justification of any science, including astrology,
who want to brush up on first degree algebra should read a fresh-
man high school text on the subject or obtain a condensed version is ever necessary, it surely lies in triggering within us these "peak
thereof such as one frequently finds in college bookstores. Simple experiences" of heightened awareness and emotional freedom.
algebra is especially useful in the more advanced phases of Uranian
astrology that will be discussed in the last few chapters of this Those readers temperamentally inclined to meditative pursuits
book. cannot fail in addition to find pleasure, through astrology, in the
realization that the material and abstract worlds are but two sides
of the same coin, and that the boundary between them continu-
ally eludes definition. "God is everywhere to be seen, but nowhere
to be found."
Astrology is one of the best ways to squander your free time. In the following section of this chapter, keyword meanings are
Apart from personal satisfaction gained on a scientific or technical given for all twenty-two factors in Uranian astrology: first, by way
level, the student astrologer cannot fail to be impressed emotion- of review and condensation, the keywords of the six personal
ally as well by the conclusions that follow from diligent study and points; followed by the keywords of the sixteen planets.
dedicated practice.
34 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 35


THE MIDHEAVEN Principle: Life force, vitality.
Inner self. Personal characteristics. The ego, Function: Individuation, drive for
the "I", the individuality. The soul. Personal personal significance, self-
experiences. The minute (transiting M). The
Expression: The physical, the objective.
Dynamic action.
Manifestation: The male body, the masculine
ASCENDANT world. Male persons. Father.

The day.
The immediate environment. Locality. Sur-
roundings. Relationship. The "Thou." Other Physiological
people. Acquaintanceship. Face-to-face correspondence: The heart.
situations. Positive Confidence, ambition,
qualities: self-assurance.
Negative Egotism, self-centeredness,
qualities: domination.
ARIES POINT (0° Aries)
The world in general. The street. Out in the MOON
open. Terrestrial influences. The many un-
Principle: Responsiveness, receptivity,
familiar people who pass through one's life,
who come and go but remain unknown. More
or less impersonal relationships with people. Function: Nurturing of the life force
through instinctive rhythms
and psychological processes.
Expression: Emotion, feeling, subjective
MOON'S NODE experience. Disposition,
Associations. Close connections. Bonds, ties. temperament. Fluctuation.
Channels, avenues and pathways of relationship. Manifestation: The female body, the
Wire, cable, thread. The link between the feminine world.
immediate environment (A) and the outside, The public. The hour.
impersonal world (Aries). Mental processes.
36 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 37

Physiological Stomach. Functioning of the Negative Craftiness, double-dealing,

correspondence: brain. Memory. Glandular qualities: thievery, sophistry,
secretions. Bodily fluids. restlessness, unreliability.
Internal female reproductive
Positive Sustaining, sheltering and
qualities: protective influences.
Sympathy. Domestication. VENUS
Adaptation. Principle: Pleasure, harmony,
Negative Moodiness, fickleness, reconciliation, peace.
qualities: indecisiveness, sentimentality,
faintheartedness. Function: Emotional evaluation,
enjoyment, attraction.

MERCURY: Expression: Love, affection, desire,

intimacy, appreciation.
Principle: Consciousness, communica-
tion, intelligence.
Manifestation: Romance, art, beautiful things,
Function: Comprehension, adaptation, jewelry, cosmetics.
Expression: Language, speech, movement, Physiological Sense of touch, taste buds,
sound. correspondence: kidneys, veins, external female
Manifestation: Writings, books, newspapers, genitals, fatty tissue, lips,
transportation systems, cheeks, hair.
Positive Warmth, kindness,
Physiological Inner ear, fingers, tongue, qualities: graciousness, charm, sympathy,
correspondence: limbs generally, bronchi, lungs,
cheerfulness, gentleness,
cerebrospinal nervous system,
fertility, beauty.
vocal cords.
Positive Youthfulness, agility, quick- Negative Self-indulgence, cravings and
qualities: ness of mind, coordination, qualities: addictions, laziness, excess
skillfulness, versatility, timidity or shyness, vanity,
analysis. dishevelment.
38 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 39

MARS Physiological The liver,

correspondence: the arteries.
Principle: Energy release.
Positive Optimism, generosity,
Function: Self-assertion, motivation,
qualities: affirmation, approbation,
benevolence, joviality,
Expression: Action, initiative, encounter, acceptance, philanthropy,
adventure, combat, challenge, forgiveness.
Negative Excess, extravagance,
Manifestation: Work, tools, sharp instruments, qualities: opportunism, materialism,
weapons, heat, iron, sports. wastefulness, pretension,
Physiological Muscles, nose, external male gluttony, paternalism.
correspondence: genitals, blood, bladder,
adrenals, gall bladder.
Positive Forthrightness, daring,
qualities: courage, passion, drive, SATURN
ambition, decisiveness, Principle: Regulation, structure, stability,
virility. and reality.
Negative Cruelty, aggression, strife, Function: Conservation of substance
qualities: lust, ruthlessness, inflamma- through discipline and self-
tion, willfulness, anger, control. Formation of
bloodshed, violence. personal identity and material
values. Development of a
sense of lasting worth.
Preservation of life.
aliw Principle: Expansion, augmentation,
benefit, growth.
Expression: Responsibility, duty, self-
reliance, solitude, hard work.
Manifestation: Land, fences, walls,
Function: Personal compensation and refrigeration systems, clocks,
fulfillment; social accommoda- timetables, schedules,
tion and participation. appointments, routines.
Expression: Success, good fortune, The elderly. On the surface
abundance, happiness. of the earth.
Manifestation: Riches, wealth, money, Physiological Skin, bones, teeth, nails,
worldly goods. correspondence: the aging process.
40 The Language of (Iranian Astrology
The Planets 41
Positive Determination, deliberation,
qualities: tenacity, seriousness, steadi- crazes. Gimmicks, gadgets,
ness, perseverance, resourceful- inventions.
ness, strength to endure, Physiological Autonomic nervous system.
reasonable fear of and respect correspondence: Brain and nerve impulses.
for genuine danger, Positive Ingenuity, insight, awareness.
repentance, good sense of qualities: Uninhibited departure from
timing, self-denial, reliability, the conventional. Eccentric-
precision, profundity, ity, novelty.
Negative Irresponsibility, unpredicta-
Negative Inhibition, obstruction, cold- qualities: bility, recklessness,
qualities: ness, severity, asceticism, rebellion, thrill-seeking,
untoward difficulty, alienation, capriciousness.
guilt, anxiety, failure,
loneliness, poverty and
denial, sadness, pessimism,
stubbornness, contrariness,
fixity in old ways. NEPTUNE
Principle: Imagination.
Function: Inspiration, vision, image-
URANUS formation.
Principle: Mutation. Expression: Fantasy, mythology,
Function: Innovation, modification, mysticism. The exotic, the
variation. mysterious, the invisible,
the unknown. Dreaming,
Expression: Improvisation, experimentation, sleep, trance.
spontaneity, suddenness.
Genius. Backwards, inside Manifestation: Romanticism, psychism, poetry.
out, upside down. Spasmodic. Electromagnetism, radiation.
Excitement, unrest, revolution, Void. Fluids, gas, water,
agitation, shock, surprise, vapor, fog, mirage. Alcohol, nicotene,
astonishment. Sudden change. drugs, poison. The future.
Mesmerism, hypnotism.
Manifestation: Technology, electricity, Medium of wave motion.
conductivity, ionization, Mirror. Aviation.
refraction, oscillation, wave
Physiological The solar plexus.
motion, vibration. Fads,
correspondence: Enzyme activity.
42 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 43

Positive Curiosity, sensitivity, idealism, Negative Disorientation, uprootedness,

qualities: rapture, intoxication, ecstasy, qualities: neurosis, psychosis, obsession,
enchantment, escape. Talent tyranny, institutionalized
for poetry and fiction. violence, fanaticism,
Mediumship. mass hysteria.
Negative Illusion, confusion, uncer-
qualities: tainty, deception, vagueness,
susceptibility, weakness, CUPID
dissolution, drunkenness,
fraudulence, superstition, Principle: Integration.
hallucination, impracticality, Function: Union, coordination, synthesis.
dishonesty, intrigue, untruth, Expression: Society, marriage, creativity
negligence. in the arts.
Manifestation: The family, the community,
corporations, clubs and other
social groupings. Works of art.
PLUTO Artists.
Principle: Transformation, process, Physiological Hereditary factors, internal
unfoldment, metamorphosis, correspondence: organs taken as a whole.
growth. Positive Participation in the whole.
Function: Renewal, reorganization, qualities: Belonging. Harmonious
purgation, readjustment (espec- composition of parts.
ially of the psyche). Negative Clannishness, cliqueishness,
Expression: Deep subconscious forces, qualities: exclusivity.
collective unconscious.
Manifestation: Crisis, upheaval, change,
cataclysm, beginnings and
endings. Mass movements. HADES
Dictatorship. Principle: Disintegration.
Physiological Internal reproductive system, Function: Preservation of life through
correspondence: urethra, perineum. manifesting feelings of disgust
Positive Regeneration, rejuvenation, and revulsion concerning evil,
qualities: transmutation, revelation, sinister or disagreeable influ-
resolution, transcendence. ences, thereby prompting the
44 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 45
individual to remove himself Comment: Earlier materials of the Hamburg School also give the
from those influences or to attribution of "widows" and "lonely women" to Hades. This
(to present day students) somewhat bizarre attribution must be
remedy the cause thereof. understood in light of the times when these earlier astrological
Shows therefore the need for materials were written. Hades was discovered by Witte shortly
after the onset of World War I, when the sorrow that Hades often
purification. indicates (as, for example, in the German national horoscope or
in world charts for those years) took the form of large scale kill-
Expression: The distant past. Antiquity. ing off of significant portions of the European male population
Secrecy. The seamy side of on the battlefield. It was also true then (and evidently more so
than now) that the lot of widows, and older unmarried women
life. generally who were without families of their own was not a for-
tunate one.
Manifestation: Ruins. Slums. Garbage, junk,
filth, refuse, excrement, sewers,
drains, city dump. Stagnant
pools, swamps, bogs, quicksand.
Manifestations underground,
under the earth (contrast ZEUS
Saturn and Admetos). Organic Principle: Realization and fulfillment.
fertilizer, compost heap. Function: Leadership, creation,
Worms, grubs, moles, procreation.
scavengers, insect pests and the
Expression: Purposeful activity, directed
like. Helpful bacteria found in
energy, controlled power.
the intestines.
Manifestation: Fire, machinery, guns, fuel,
Physiological Lower intestines. explosives, mechanical energy,
correspondence. Regurgitation mechanism. industrialization. Production
Positive Decomposition of effete matter. targets, five-year plans, and
qualities: Repulsion. Necessary comple- so on.
tion of the life cycle. Physiological The physiological correspon-
Connection with the mental correspondence: dences to Zeus and to the
process of analysis whereby remaining transneptunian
phenomena are "broken down" planets are not yet firmly.
into component parts for established.
study. Service.
Positive Achievement, application,
Negative Impoverishment, degradation, qualities: invention, productivity,
qualities: distress, neglect, defect, performance, positive goal
disfigurement, danger, evil, orientation.
sorrow, breakdown, loss, Negative Overweening ambition,
predatory behavior. qualities: overconfidence, egotism.
46 The Language of Uranian Astrology
The Planets 47
Negative Overlooking the obvious and
Principle: Mastery.
qualities: immediate: seeing the forest
Function: Management. but not the trees which
Expression: Rulership, authority, comprise it.
position, advantage.
Manifestation: Governments, bureaucracies,
heads of state. Princely
hierarchies. Paterfamilias.
Positive Greatness, ability, superiority,
qualities: head and shoulders above,
excellence. Principle: Form, mass, inertia.
Negative Elitism. Function: Foundation, basis, focus.
qualities: Red tape. To mark time.
Expression: Cyclical process, rotation,
circulation. Primeval origins.
Condensation, compression,
density, depth (both literally
APOLLO and figuratively: a deep mine

13E Principle:

Comprehensiveness, extension,
Expansiveness, enlargement of
outlook. Cross-cultural
shaft; a deep thinker).
End, finish, standstill.
Nucleus, core. Gravitation.
Bounded or repetitive motion
exchange. (as of a piston). Raw materials,
Expression: Breadth of experience. Oppor- ores, minerals, crystals, rock
tunity. Large quantity of Deep within the earth,
anything (just what, being subterranean.
revealed by configurations to Positive Durability, solidity, stability,
Apollo). Great distance. qualities: permanence. On solid ground.
Manifestation: Higher education, learning, Concentration, specialization.
science, commerce, trade, Restriction, limitation,
and all peaceful enterprises. definition. Termination.
Positive A greater perspective, a wider Negative Stoppage, hindrance, obstruc-
qualities: horizon. Success, fame. qualities: tion, difficulty, death. Not
Far-reaching perception. seeing the forest for the
Chapter Three
48 The Language of Uranian Astrology

Principle: Dynamic equilibrium.
Function: Power. Energy reserve.
Sustained force or activity. CALCULATION OF THE HOROSCOPE
Manifestation: Great strength (physically,
mentally, mechanically, and
so on). Potential energy. Calculation of an astrological chart, or horoscope, may be
Power plant. broken down into two parts: the calculation of M and A; and the
Positive Intensity of purpose or calculation of the planets and node. The Aries Point does not
qualities: activity. have to be calculated, since its value is always zero degrees in all
charts that employ the tropical zodiac reference frame.
qualities: Coercion.
POSEIDON M and A are found from the table of houses. For purposes of
Principle: Light. Uranian astrology, it matters little which tables are used. Any of
Understanding and enlightenment. the following will prove satisfactory: H5usertabellen des Geburts-
Function: ortes (Birthplace Table of Houses), Dalton's, Raphael's, Aries Press,
Expression: Truth, idea. Rosicrucian, or SMA-Tables.
Manifestation: Spirit. Philosophy and wisdom. M is usually given at the top of each page; it may be named X or
Information. 10, referring to the practice, by some astrological schools, of tak-
Positive Highest wisdom. ing M equal to the 10th house cusp. A may be found under the
qualities: Illumination. latitude of birth on the same page. A may be identified as I or 1,
referring to the practice, by some schools, of taking A equal to the
Propaganda. 1st house cusp. Cusps will be discussed later in this chapter.
With each M in the table of houses will be found a corresponding
value of hours, minutes, and seconds. This value, corresponding to
litiyii,mit11111 \1111111111111111111111,111111'111'11111 1
each M, is called the Right Ascension of the Meridian, or RAMC.
,I11 1 1 11111, Some authors refer to RAMC as the "calculated sidereal time."
RAMC always falls in the range of 0-24 hours.
I I '1 ,1,
Sidereal Time is star time. Sidereal Time (abbreviated ST) is a
way of expressing the average or mean position of the Earth in
The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 51
space with respect to the Sun and fixed stars, on a certain day of be the same no matter which type of ephemeris is employed.
These statements hold true, however, only if correct procedures
any year.
are used with each type of ephemeris. (These procedures will be
Sidereal time is taken as zero hours at around noon GMT on discussed in later sections of this chapter.) Consequently, it does
the day of the vernal equinox, 22. - 23. March of each year, when
not matter whether a noon or midnight ephemeris is used, as long
the Sun is at or very close to zero Aries. as the student keeps in mind which he (or she) is using at the mo-
Noon GMT on the day of the autumnal equinox, when the Sun ment. The student cannot consider himself proficient in astrologi-
is at or very close to zero Libra, defines 12 hours sidereal time. cal calculations unless both types of ephemerides can be put to use
These assignments of ST to the equinoxes are mathematical con- with equal skill.
veniences which allow us to compute RAMC for a specific date,
time and place.
Sidereal time is given in the ephemeris for each day. Sidereal TIME ZONES AND GMT
time is measured in hours, minutes and seconds. By definition, Each standard world time zone is theoretically defined by suc-
one year equals twenty-four hours of sidereal time. One day is cessive 15° segments of geographical longitude. For any number of
very nearly equal to an interval of four minutes sidereal time. cultural or economic reasons, however, various cities, counties,
Consequently, successive daily entries in the ephemeris under the states or countries which lie near the boundaries of these 15° seg-
ST column vary by this (approximately) four minute figure. Sider- ments may choose to operate under one or another of the two
eal time always increases in value, and more or less uniformly, day time zones which lie in their proximity. It is essential therefore to
to day. German ephemerides indicate ST by "Sternzeit." know what time zone a birth time is recorded in.
Converting from standard time to GMT is a simple matter of
NOON AN MIDNIGHT EPHEMERIDES adding or subtracting an integral number of hours to the birthtime.
An ephemeris whose positions are given for noon GMT (1211) is How many hours are to be added or subtracted depends upon the
called a Noon Ephemeris. An ephemeris whose positions are given time zone in which the birthplace is located; and upon whether
for midnight (Oh) is called a Midnight Ephemeris. A midnight standard or daylight saving time was in effect at birth. War time is
ephemeris will give the same results as a noon ephemeris of com- equivalent to daylight saving time. When daylight saving time is in
parable accuracy. Slightly different procedures are used with each effect, clocks are moved ahead by one hour. Some wartime coun-
type of ephemeris. tries used double summer (daylight) time.
A noon ephemeris will give a ST of (approximately) 0 hours on In the United States, Eastern Standard Time (EST) is five hours
the day of the vernal equinox; and a ST of (approximately) 12 behind GMT; Central Standard Time (CST) is six hours behind
hours on the day of autumnal equinox. A midnight ephemeris will GMT; Mountain Standard Time (MST), 7 hours; and Pacific Stan-
give a ST of (approximately) 12 hours on the day of the vernal dard Time (PST), 8 hours. For daylight saving time, subtract one
equinox; and a ST of (approximately) 0 hours on the day of the hour from these figures. Thus, noon EST equals 5:00 p.m. GMT;
autumnal equinox. and 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) equals 3:00 a.m. GMT
on the following day. Remember: western longitudes are behind
An RAMC figured on the basis of a specific date, time and
place with a noon ephemeris will be identical to that figured with Greenwich; eastern longitudes are ahead of Greenwich. It is
a midnight ephemeris. The planetary positions that result will also for this reason that western longitudes are considered negative
52 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 53
(subtractive), and eastern longitudes are considered positive (addi- In the case of a midnight ephemeris, the GMT interval is equal
tive). to the number of hours, minutes and seconds elapsed since the
immediately preceding midnight GMT. In the preceding example,
The Maritime time zone, used in the extreme eastern provinces
the INT for a midnight ephemeris is equal to 5h.
of Canada, is one-half hour ahead of Eastern time.
The conversion of local standard time to GMT may involve going To find the GMT interval in connection with either a noon or
ahead to the following date GMT. For example, 11:00 p.m. CST midnight ephemeris, one must always start with the birth time
10. June is equivalent to 11 + 6 - 12 = 5:00 a.m. GMT 11. June. converted to GMT. INT never exceeds 24 hours.
Since one always works with GMT in calculating both RAMC and
planetary values, this phenomenon of date shift is very important CORRECTION ON GMT INTERVAL: COR
to keep in mind. Sidereal Time advances approximately four minutes per day.
This advancing motion amounts to ten seconds per hour, as the
student may prove for himself by dividing four minutes by 24
Confusion concerning the date shift may lead to errors in chart The ST obtained from the ephemeris is valid only for noon or
calculation. In the case discussed in the preceding paragraph, midnight GMT. For times in between ephemeris entries, the 10
where the birth date must be advanced one day, for purposes of sec/hr correction must be applied. The correction is always addi-
calculation, confusion can be entirely avoided by remembering tive. It may be found by dividing the GMT interval by six. The
that both date and time of birth must always be converted to their result gives the correction in minutes and seconds. The correction
Greenwich equivalents before proceeding further. can never exceed four minutes' time. It is abbreviated COR.
In this preceding example, if a midnight ephemeris were em-
ployed, the ST for the 11th, and not the 10th would have to be LONGITUDE - TIME CONVERSION: LTE
used. The reason for this procedure, in this case, lies in the fact Earlier in this chapter it was emphasized that date and time of
that the immediately preceding midnight GMT occurred on the birth must first be converted to their GMT equivalents before pro-
1 1 th, and not the 10th. ceeding further. Knowing the GMT equivalents of date and time
If, however, a noon ephemeris were employed, then the ST for enables the student first of all to determine exactly which ST entry
the 10th, and not the 11th, would have to be used. And the in the ephemeris is to be used in the calculation of RAMC; and
reason for this procedure, in this case, lies in the fact that the secondly, to determine which two dates are to be used in the
immediately preceding noon GMT occurred on the 10th, and not interpolation of planetary values with the GMT interval which
the 11th. applies to the ephemeris on hand, whether noon or midnight.
(Interpolation of planetary values will be discussed later in this
THE GMT INTERVAL: INT One additional preliminary calculation is necessary before the
The GMT interval (or INT) is equal to the number of hours, RAMC can be determined. This calculation establishes the time
minutes, and seconds elapsed since the immediately preceding equivalent of the longitude of birth. For convenience, this value
noon GMT, in the case of a noon ephemeris. In the preceding will be referred to in this book by LTE (Longitude-Time-Equiva-
example, the INT for a noon ephemeris is equal to 12 + 5 = 17h. lent).
The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 55

Conversion to GMT is necessary so that universally accepted and COMPUTATION OF LTE

astronomically standardized ephemerides, which are based on Since LTE expresses the longitude of birth east or west of
GMT, can be used. Reasons for this standardization are entirely Greenwich in terms of time, it follows that 360° of geographical
practical: such standardized ephemerides are in use worldwide by longitude (right ascension), or one full circle about the globe at the
astronomers, astrologers and navigators. equator, is equivalent to 24 hours. Dividing 360° by 24 hours
yields 15°/hour. This 15°/hour ratio is the same ratio that defines
The computation of LTE permits the astrologer to convert back the boundaries of each successive standard time zone.
once again to local coordinates. The RAMC for the birthplace is, Computation of LTE proceeds therefore by dividing geographi-
after all, what is ultimately desired: and the M and A that proceed cal longitude (LONG) of the birthplace by 15. The result that
from the table of houses via the computation of this RAMC. follows is expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds. This is the
LTE value.
Without the use of LTE, the RAMC that would be found (by
adding together the ST, INT, and COR) would apply only to LTE has a positive (additive) value for eastern longitudes, and a
localities which lie along the Greenwich meridian, zero degrees negative (subtractive) value for western longitudes.
longitude. LTE expresses the longitude east or west of Greenwich
in terms of the time difference between a hypothetical Greenwich
"sundial" and a birthplace "sundial."
The time difference represented by LTE signifies the number of The following formulas will enable the student to compute
hours, minutes and seconds it would take for the earth to rotate to RAMC for any horoscope drawn for the northern hemisphere.
such a position that would cause the birthplace meridian to align The special case of southern geographic latitudes will be taken up
itself in space, against the fixed stars, in the same way that the further on in this chapter.
Greenwich meridian was originally aligned before additional rota-
RAMC = ST + INT + COR + LTE result: h-m-s
tion took place. This rotation is easily visualized with the aid of a
globe. COR = INT result: m-s
Due to the rotation of the earth, calculated sidereal time is dif- LTE — LONG
result: h-m-s
ferent at different meridians. The rotation of the earth is measured 15
along the equator in degrees of right ascension. While ephemerides Where
show ST increasing approximately four minutes for every twenty-
RAMC = Right ascension (RA) of the meridian (MC)
four hours, in reality sidereal time moves 24 hours plus four min- ST = Sidereal time from ephemeris
utes, due to the earth's rotation. Right ascension is also measurable INT = GMT interval
in hours, minutes and seconds. The LTE term in the RAMC for- COR = 10 second/hour correction on INT
mula (which follows) compensates for this rotation of the earth. LTE = Longitude-time-equivalent
The LTE term of the formula compensates, in other words, for the LONG = Geographical longitude of birthplace
longitudinal elongation between the birthplace meridian and the
ST, INT, COR and RAMC are always positive numbers.
Greenwich meridian.
56 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 57
If the resultant RAMC exceeds 24h, then subtract 24h. Example 2.
LTE is positive for eastern longitudes and negative for western Compute LTE for Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
longitudes. When LTE is positive, add; when LTE is negative, Obtain longitude from an atlas. A good one to use is the Rand
subtract. Remember: adding a positive number is adding; adding McNally International Atlas. LONG = 79°47' West (written in
a negative number is subtracting. astrological notation 79 W 47.)

5 19 08 LTE = 5h19m08s (minus)

Example 1.
4 =240+
Compute GMT, INT and COR for a person born at 2:00 a.m. 287
EST. -15
Eastern time zone: minus 5 hour difference to GMT. 137
2:00 a.m. + 5h = 7:00 a.m. GMT 135
2 = 120
Midnight ephemeris: an interval of 7h0Om has elapsed since the
immediately preceding Greenwich midnight. INT = 7h00m.
00 no remainder

1 10 COR = lml Os
6 7 00 Example 3.
-6 (midnight ephemeris)
Use an electronic calculator to perform the calculations in
1 = 60+ example 2. (This example is optional.)
- 79°47' = 79° + 47/60° = 79° + 0.783° = 79.783°
00 no remainder
79.783 ÷ 15 = 5.319h -- 5.000h + 0.319h

0.319h x 60 min = 19.14m = 19m + 0.14m

Noon ephemeris: an interval of 7 + 12 = 19h0Om has elapsed hr
since the immediately preceding Greenwich noon. INT = 19h00m.
0.14m x 60 sec = 8.4s = 08s
3 10 COR = 3m1Os min
6 ) 19 00
-18 (noon ephemeris) Therefore, LTE = 5h19m08s.
1 = 60+
60 The above numbers show the mathematical reasoning behind
-60 the use of an electronic calculator in connection with astrological
00 no remainder sexagesimal notation. (See also chapter one.)
58 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 59
In actual practice, the process is swift and simple. The following
gives the step-by-step calculator routine: The immediately preceding noon occurs on the previous day,
24. April 1908. The "Deutsche Ephemeride" is used here.
Enter 47. Hit "divide" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read
off on display: 0.783333. Enter 79. Hit "add" key. Read RAMC = ST + INT + COR + LTE
79.783333. Hit "divide" key. Enter 15. Hit "equals" key. Read ST = 2 08 27
off 5.318888. Make a notation on the side of the 5 to the left of INT = 19 00 00
the decimal point. This is 5 hours. Enter 5. Hit "subtract" key. COR = 0 03 10
Hit "multiply" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read 19.133328. 21 11 37
Make a notation on the side of the 19 to the left of the decimal LTE = 5 19 08 negative :subtract
point. This is 19 minutes. Enter 19. Hit "subtract" key. Hit
"multiply" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read 7.99968. RAMC = 15 52 29
Round up to 8. This is 8 seconds. Make a notation of this 8 sec-
onds on the side. The final result therefore is 5 hours, 19 minutes, Example 5.
08 seconds. Compute the RAMC of Judy Garland's horoscope using a noon
Once this routine is memorized, the rather tedious long division ephemeris.
by 15 (tedious without a calculator) is done very quickly and effic- Birth data: 10. June 1922, 5:58 a.m. CST,
iently. Grand Rapids, Minn.
Most electronic calculators operate in a fashion that will yield GMT = 5:58 + 6h = 11:58 a.m.
the same results as above. Familiarize yourself beforehand with INT = 11:58 + 12h = 23:58:00
your own calculator. If you are contemplating the purchase of a COR = 23:58 -÷ 6 = 0:04:00
calculator and wish to follow the routine exactly as given here, ST = 5:08:17 (9. June 1922)
take these figures with you to the salesroom and test various units LONG = 93 W 31
out against the above routine. Buy a unit with large display read- LTE = 93°31'/15 = 6:14:04 (negative)
out numbers (save your eyes!) RAMC = 5:08:17 + 23:58:00 + 0:04:00 - 6:14:04
22h 56m 13s
Example 4. Example 6.
Compute the RAMC of Edward R. Murrow's horoscope using Compute RAMC for the inauguration of Gerald R. Ford as the
a noon ephemeris. 38th President of the United States of America. Use a midnight
Birth data: 25. April 1908, 2:00 a.m. EST, ephemeris.
Greensboro, N. C. Event data: 9. August 1974, 12:03:15 p.m. EDT,
GMT = 7:00 a.m. Washington, D.C.
INT = 19:00:00 GMT = 12:03:15 + 4h = 16:03:15
COR = Oh 03m lOs INT = 16:03:15
LTE = 5h 19m 08s (negative)
= 2h 08m 27s Note: GMT may be expressed in terms of a 24-hour clock when
a midnight ephemeris is used. If this is done, INT always equals
60 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Calculation of the Horoscope 61
the GMT. GMT in this case is also equal to 4:03:15 p.m.. (4) Calculate the amount that M moves from the lesser tabular
COR = 16:03:15 = 0:02:41 entry up to the RAMC of the native, in the following fashion:
ST = 21:08:26 (9. August 1974)
LONG = 77 W 01 small differe nce x large MC difference = -13 x 60 = 18 min.
large difference 250
LTE = LONG/15 = 5:08:04 (negative)
RAMC = ST + INT + COR + LTE = 81106n118s (5) This 18 minutes of arc is the motion of M, which is to be
added to the position of M corresponding to the lesser entry in the
CALCULATION OF M AND A table of houses. Here, we have 0 Sagittarius 00 plus 18 minutes
Once RAMC has been determined, M and A are obtained from equals 0 Sagittarius 18. This is Mr. Murrow's radix Meridian.
the table of houses. It is necessary to interpolate in order to find
the exact values of M and A.
Example 1: Ascendant
In the following examples, the Hgusertabellen des Geburtsortes
are used (Birthplace table of houses). Determine Asc in the horoscope of Edward R. Murrow.
Example 1: Meridian Edward R. Murrow was born in Greensboro, North Carolina,
Determine M in the horoscope of Edward R. Murrow. USA. Greensboro has a geographical latitude of 36 N 04.

RAMC = 15:52:29 To find A, we must look it up under the latitude of birth, in

the column of the house tables corresponding to the RAMC of the
On page 125 of the GOH tables will be found an RAMC entry of native.
15:51:16 and an RAMC entry of 15:55:26. The MC corresponding
to the first entry is exactly zero Sagittarius, and the MC corres-
ponding to the second entry is exactly one degree Sagittarius. Thus (1) In this case, there is no entry for A at 36 N 04. We take the
we know already that the radix M falls in the range of 0-1 Sagit- lesser entry to start with: 36 N 00.
tarius. The technique of interpolation enables us to find the exact For RAMC = 15:51:16, A equals 12 Aquarius 27, under 36N 00.
position of Mr. Murrow's MC. For RAMC = 15:55:26, A equals 13 Aquarius 48, under 36 N 00.
Procedure: (2) Subtract the lesser A value from the larger A value to get
(1) Subtract 15:51:16 from 15:55:26. Result: 4 minutes, what we shall call the "large Asc difference." Convert the results
10 seconds. Convert this figure to seconds: 4 x 60 + 10 = 250 sec. to minutes. Here, 13 Aquarius 48 minus 12 Aquarius 27 equals
of right ascension. Call this the "large difference." 1°21', or 60 + 21 = 81'.
(2) Subtract the lesser entry in the tables from the native's (3) Apply the formula:
RAMC: 15:52:29 - 15:51:16 = 1 minute, 13 seconds. Convert this
small difference x large Asc difference = 73 x 81 = 24'.
figure to seconds as well: 1 x 60 + 13 = 73. Call this the "small large difference 250
difference." A pocket calculator or slide rule is convenient for these calcula-
(3) Notice that between the two entries in this table of houses, tions.
MC advances by exactly one degree. Convert this to minutes: (4) The "small Asc difference" is therefore 24 minutes arc.
60 minutes. Call this figure the "large MC difference."
This value is to be added to the smaller of the Asc values that were
62 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 63
obtained from the table of houses in step (1): 12 Aquarius 27 plus Example 3.
0°24' equals 12 Aquarius 51. Determine M and A in the 1974 inauguration chart of U.S. Pres-
(5) If Mr. Murrow were born at exactly 36 N 00 latitude, this ident Gerald Ford. The student can verify these calculations as an
would complete the calculation of A. This is, however, not the exercise. The latitude of Washington, D.C. is 38 N 54. The results
case in this instance: an additional adjustment must be made for are:
the fact that the latitude of Greensboro, N.C., is four minutes M= 29 Cancer 25 and A= 25 Libra 24.
north of the 36th parallel. ZODIACAL SYMBOLS
Consider the values for A from the table of houses at RA = The following symbols should be memorized:
15:51:16. For 36° north, one finds an A of 12 Aquarius 27. For
37° north, one finds an A of 11 Aquarius 49. Subtract the smaller
from the larger: 12°27' - 11°49' = 0°38'. Call this difference 4.0
"LATDIFF." Notice that A decreases (in this case) as latitude in- Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn
The latitude of birth differs from the tabular entry at 36 N 00 Ape,
by four minutes. And the latitude difference between the two 111A --sad
entries under 36 N 00 and 37 N 00 is (obviously) one degree, or Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius
sixty minutes.
The interpolation for latitude therefore proceeds as follows:
latitude of birth - lesser latitude entry x LATDIFF = latitude Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces
60 correction
In this case —
36 N 04 - 36 N 00 x 38, = 4 x 38 = 3'
60 60 CUSPS
As the student will learn in chapter four, Uranian astrology
Since A decreases as latitude increases (in this case), this three generates house divisions on the basis of all six personal points.
minutes of arc is subtractive. Uranian houses use the equal house system (more on this in the
The Ascendant A of Edward R. Murrow's horoscope is therefore following chapter). At the present time, most (if not all) of the
equal to: other schools of astrology use one house system primarily. This
12 Aquarius 51 - 0°03' = 12 Aquarius 48. system is known as the quadrant house system.
All quadrant house systems assume that M equals the 10th house
Example 2. cusp at the same time that A equals the first house cusp. In both
Determine M and A in the horoscope of Judy Garland. These equal and quadrant systems, there are twelve houses.
calculations will be left up to the student as an exercise. The There are various ways of determining the intermediate house
latitude of Grand Rapids, Minnesota is 47 N 14. The results are: cusps (11, 12, 2 and 3) in the various quadrant systems. Most
M = 12 Pisces 42 and A = 10 Cancer 30. tables of houses commonly used employ the techniques of Placidus
64 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 65
for the determination of the intermediate house cusps. It is not SOUTHERN LATITUDES
widely understood that Placidian cusps came into vogue simply
The determination of M and A for southern latitudes proceeds
because the original "Raphael" (human variety) included Placidus
exactly in the same way as for northern latitudes with the follow-
tables along with his heavenly ephemerides of the same name. And ing exception:
availability dictated usage. As a result, many astrologers even to-
day may not be aware that there are other systems for determining Exactly twelve hours are to be added to the RAMC which is
the intermediate house cusps. The mathematics involved in these found using the methods previously described. If the resultant
various systems is too involved to be discussed in this book. figure is greater than 24, then 24 hours (exactly) is subtracted.
These other systems of determining intermediate house cusps The result obtained by adding 12 hours to the calculated sidereal
(to name a few) are called Regiomontanus, Porphyry, Campanus, time is equivalent to the right ascension of the lower meridian
GOH and Topocentric. Each has its staunch defenders. (RAIC). This means that the MC you will find from the table of
houses is, in reality, the IC. And the A you will then find from the
Those who wish to experiment with quadrant house systems table of houses under the latitude of birth is, in reality, the descen-
may do well to look into the Birthplace system, invented in com- dant, being exactly in opposition to A (180° removed from it.)
paratively recent years by scholar-astrologer Dr. Walter Koch, of
Germany. Advanced Uranian students may wish to study these With southern latitudes, therefore, one additional calculation
cusps as axes in the horoscope, without necessarily subscribing step is required. In every other respect, the procedures are identi-
to the basic quadrant system hypothesis that M defines the 10th cal to those employed with northern latitudes.
house cusp at the same time that A defines the 1st cusp, within the
same house framework.
The formula reads:
The Uranian system maintains that the MC does define the 10th
small motion _ INT x large motion
cusp, but only with respect to what are called "MC-Houses." And 24
the Uranian system maintains that A does define the 1st house
cusp, but only with respect to what are called "Asc-Houses." where small motion = distance travelled by planet
Uranian astrologers and others who use the equal house system over GMT - Interval
prefer it over the quadrant system primarily because at extreme and large motion = distance travelled by planet
northern or southern latitudes, especially within the arctic and in 24 hours
antarctic circles, the widths of the houses assume unrealistic pro-
portions. Considerable distortion is brought about at these higher An electronic calculator may be used to grind out values from
latitudes with all quadrant systems. With equal house, there is no the above formula, or one may choose to use diurnal proportional
logarithms (astrological logarithms). Astrological logarithms have
such problem.
a base of 24. Scientific logs are usually base 10.
The advanced Uranian astrologer may use GOH (or any other) Logarithms enable one to transform multiplication and division
house cusps as points, signifying the meanings of the houses associ- problems into addition and subtraction problems. To multiply two
ated with them, while still retaining usage of the equal house numbers, one adds their logs. To divide two numbers, one sub-
system. Beginning and intermediate Uranian students would, how- tracts their logs. Further information on logarithmic theory may
ever, do well to restrict themselves to the equal house system. be obtained from any high school mathematics text.
66 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 67
Diurnal logarithms are especially convenient for astrologers be-
cause the "log" of 24 is zero. Converting the preceding planetary In computing the planets in the horoscope of Edward R.
interpolation formula into its logarithmic equivalent yields the
following: log (small motion) = log INT + log (large motion).
C Log 0.10146 (on 24. April 1908
noon GMT: Su = 3°53' Taurus
The procedure using logs is best explained by example. Add 1.48896: of which find antilog 0°47' add
Example: Radix Sun equals 4°40' Taurus
Calculate the planetary positions in the horoscope of Edward R.
Murrow, using a noon ephemeris. C Log 0.10146 (on 24. April 1908
Procedure: establish the 24-hour motion of each planet on the noon GMT: Mo =13°10' Aquarius
GMT-date which applies to the horoscope at hand. Log Mo 0.22741
GMT - date = 24. April 1908 (preceding noon GMT). We must Add 0.32887: of which find antilog 11°15' add
accordingly interpolate for planetary values between the two suc- Radix Moon equals 24°25' Aquarius
cessive entries of 24. April 1908 and 25. April 1908.
It is convenient to generate a calculation table: C Log 0.10146 (on 24. April 1908
noon GMT: Me =19°44' Aries
Log Me 1.10528
Add 1.20674: of which find antilog 1°29' add
25. April 4 Tau 52 27 Aqu 23 21 Ari 37 20 Gem 23 12 Gem13
19 Gem 24 11 Gem 34
Radix Mercury equals . . . 21°13' Aries
24. April 3 'Pau 53 13 Aqu 10 19 Ari 44
24h motion° 59 14 13 1 53 0 59 0 39

Log 1.3875 0.22741 1.10528 1.3875 1.5673 C Log 0.10146 (on 24. April 1908
noon GMT: Ve =19°24' Gemini
Log Ve 1.38750
The logarithm of INT is known as the constant logarithm or C
Add 1.48896: of which fmd antilog 0°47' add
Radix Venus equals 20°11' Gemini
INT for this chart is 19:00:00. From the diurnal logarithm
tables, C Log equals 0.10146.
To find the small motion of the planets (motion during the C Log 0.10146 (on 24. April 1908
GMT-interval), add the log of the 24-hour motion to the constant noon GMT: Ma =11°34'
logarithm, and find the antilog of the result. The antilog of a num- Gemini
Log Ma 1.56730
ber is a second number whose logarithm is equal to the original Add
number. To fmd a logarithm, one goes into the log table; to find 1.66876: of which find antilog 0°31' add
an antilogarithm, one goes out of the logarithm table. Radix Mars equals 12°05' Gemini
68 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 69

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune move so slowly in the Exercise:

course of 24 hours, that their positions may be readily interpolated Interpolate the planets in the horoscope of Judy Garland. The
on the basis of estimating their small motions by mental approxi- results are: Sun, 18 Gemini 48; Moon, 29 Sagittarius 09; Mercury,
mation. In some ephemerides, the position of the lunar node is 0 Cancer 08 (retrograde); Venus, 19 Cancer 03; Mars 18 Sagit-
given every day, and in others, it is given every three days. Inter- tarius 55 (retrograde); Jupiter, 9 Libra 00; Saturn, 0 Libra 51;
polation is straightforward in either case. Uranus, 13 Pisces 34; Neptune, 13 Leo 46; Pluto, 8 Cancer 57;
In the horoscope of Edward R. Murrow, Jupiter works out to be and Node, 5 Libra 10.
at 4 Leo 35; Saturn, 4 Aries 27; Uranus, 16 Capricorn 54 (retro-
grade); and Neptune, 12 Cancer 23. The node is at 8 Cancer 23. THE TRANSNEPTUNIAN PLANETS
Up until around the 1960's, publishers of ephemerides did not The publication in 1972 of a new transneptunian planet ephem-
include the position of Pluto along with the other planets. For eris by Witte-Verlag of Hamburg greatly simplifies the calculation
those earlier years, a separate Pluto ephemeris must be used. In of these eight factors. Positions are given for every ten days.
Mr. Murrow's horoscope, Pluto is found at 23 Gemini 12. The Use the birthdate as starting point. Notice between which two
student should be aware of the fact that occasionally slight dis- entries in the ephemeris the birthdate falls. Subtract the smaller
crepancies may be found among various Pluto ephemerides. These date in the ephemeris from the birthdate, and divide by ten. This
discrepancies, however, typically amount to no more than a few quotient yields the interpolation constant for use with this ephem-
minutes' arc and should not be cause for anxiety. Since it seems eris. Positions are given for every ten days.
that the astronomical formulas for the exact position of Pluto are The student should keep in mind that the European date nota-
the subject of some controversy anyway, these slight discrepancies tion places the day first, then month, followed by the year. In
or inaccuracies are more or less tolerable in actual practice. North America, the usual practice by the general public is to list
month first, followed by day and year. In computing the trans-
RETROGRADATION neptunian planets for Mr. Murrow's chart, we must therefore look
When a planet is retrograde, its motion through the zodiac is in the ephemeris under 25/ 4/1 908, and not 4/2 5/1908.
backwards. To interpolate the position of a retrograde planet, the
Under 1908 will be found entries for April at the 19th and 30th
student subtracts the larger zodiacal position from the smaller, as
of the month. Subtracting the smaller date in the ephemeris from
with direct motion. But since the velocity of a retrograde planet is
the birthdate yields 25 — 19 = 6. The TNP interpolation constant
negative, one subtracts the small distance found by interpolation is therefore 6/10 or 0.6. This constant is to be applied to the 10-
from the position given in the ephemeris for the immediately pre-
day motion of each transneptunian planet across the interval
ceding noon or midnight GMT. 19. - 30. April.
Although some schools of astrology attribute additional or vary-
ing qualities to a planet when it is retrograde, such a differentiation Cupido moves forward by 4' during this interval. 4 x 0.6 = 2.4,
is not, as far as this author is aware, applied to the Uranian system. which is rounded off to 2'. This 2' is applied to the entry for
Some Hindu (Indian) astrologers maintain that a planet is more Cupido on the 19th: 25 Cancer 11. Thus Cupido radix = 25°11' +
0°02' = 25 Cancer 13.
powerful when retrograde. The student is encouraged to determine
for himself (herself) by experiment and observation if retrograda- Verification of the remaining transneptunian positions is left up
tion qualifies the "influence" of a planet in any significant way. to the student as an exercise. The results are: Hades, 16 Pisces 37;
Chapter Four
70 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Zeus, 19 Cancer 56; Kronos, 23 Aries 58; Apollo, 22 Leo 26;
Admetus, 26 Pisces 42; Vulcanus, 0 Taurus 06; Poseidon, 10 Virgo
Determine the longitudes of the transneptunian planets in the A ND THE
horoscope of Judy Garland. 360° —DIAL
The results are: Cupid, 14 Leo 48; Hades, 1 Aries 12; Zeus, 1
Leo 33; Kronos, 4 Taurus 17; Apollo, 1 Virgo 17; Admetus, 5
Aries 12; Vulcanus, 8 Gemini 15; Poseidon, 25 Virgo 42.

2Aill # 0
Obtain several charts of known accuracy and calculate RAMC, Se \ \ ,\\\‘\11nliti
M, A, Node, planets and transneptunian planets. Verify your 1 ////,/
• yi
results. -•\.;\e,:\\ •

l op 11\1\11111

Figure 4.1. Horoscope of Judy Garland

72 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 73
THE 360°-DIAL In the interest of simplicity, usage throughout this book will place
The 360°-dial brings a new freedom to the study of astrology. Cancer at the top.
And no special chart forms are used. Ordinary blank paper serves
the purpose. See figure 4.1.
The 360°-dial is mounted by means of its companion screw ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES AND THE 360°-DIAL
assembly into a quarter-inch hole drilled in the center of a 9 x 12 The twelve houses represent the life cycle. And each house is
clipboard. Cement may be used to fasten the male portion of the descriptive of certain categories or departments of life.
screw assembly to the underside of the board, with the threaded Each sign of the zodiac bears a certain analogy to the house
shaft protruding through to the opposite side. Rubber feet may be with which it is associated in the "archetypal" wheel. In the Uran-
attached to the underside of the board at the four corners; for ian system, Libra is associated with the first house, Scorpio with
scratch protection and mechanical stability. Rubber grommets can the second, and so on. These sign and house associations are indi-
also be used as feet and glued into position. cated on the 360°-dial by Roman numerals shown in connection
A hole may be drilled in the center of the page with a paper drill with each sign. See figure 4.1.
such as Smead's "Quik-Twist" drill (Smead Mfg. Co., Hastings, The 360°-dial serves therefore two purposes: the zodiacal mark-
Minnesota). Or one may simply force the page over the threaded ings reveal how planets are to be entered; and the house markings
shaft, producing a small tear in the paper. The paper is held down reveal what planets fall in which houses, as the dial is twisted to
to the board by the clip at the top. various critical positions in relation to the six personal points.
As shown in the illustration, zero degrees Cancer is uppermost It is convenient in the design of a 360°-dial to arrange the
on the page. The planets and personal points are entered on the Roman numeral house markings on the metal disk in such a way as
paper with the dial screwed down on top of the page. When enter- to describe the basic (so-called "archetypal" or "natural") associa-
ing positions with Cancer uppermost, the pointer of the dial is kept tion of signs and houses. Apart, however, from the general and
at the top, and the thumb nut is screwed tightly to prevent motion basic association between signs and houses thus indicated, the
of the metal dial during the entry procedure. Draw in the Aries student is advised to keep in mind at all times that the 360°-dial is
point first, just in case the dial is jostled inadvertently during the really two dials in one: a dial of signs, and a dial of houses. The
course of entering the planets: one has thereby a point of ready dial of signs is used at the outset to enter positions, and also, if
reference. necessary, to determine by eye or otherwise verify the zodiacal
Some astrologers may prefer to retain the practice of putting the position of a particular entry. Once the dial has been rotated to
sign of MC at the top, in keeping with traditional practices. The new positions from its original alignment used for entering planets,
pointer then falls at a different place on the paper, depending upon the dial then becomes a dial of houses, and the zodiacal markings
which sign is placed at the top. If, for example, MC were in on the metal disk are, in effect, ignored.
Scorpio, zero Scorpio on the wheel would be uppermost on the
page; and the pointer (at zero Cancer) would point to 4 O'Clock. When the dial is being used to enter planets and personal points,
If the midheaven were in Aquarius, the pointer would point to it is kept fixed, with zero Aries of the disk remaining on the symbol
for zero Aries which was drawn on the page. When, however, the
7 O'Clock. And so on. dial is being used to establish the various house positions of the
It is left up to the student to decide which is preferred: zero planets (in a manner to be described later), then the thumb nut of
Cancer at the top, or zero degrees of the sign of the MC at the top. the screw assembly is loosened up a bit, and the dial is rotated to
74 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 75
various key positions in order to obtain additional information the six most important factors in any horoscope, this limitation is
from a variety of perspectives. a realistic and workable one in day-to-day practice.
Alfred Witte has been given credit for the invention of the mov- Witte reasoned that just as the signs of the zodiac consist of
able dial (or disk). But whether or not the Uranian school can in equal thirty degree segments of longitude, so also the houses are
any ultimate sense claim the invention of this device, it remains of equal (or very nearly equal) proportion in relation to each
nevertheless true that it was Witte (vit-uh) who revealed the prac- other, being also thirty degrees in width.
tical application of this astrological tool and who demonstrated
how it is to be put to use in actual practice. BASIC MEANINGS OF THE HOUSES IN ALL SYSTEMS
The introduction of the movable disk into the astrological work- Each of the twelve houses contains a well defined set of corres-
shop marked a revolutionary step in the history of astrological pondences and meanings, no matter if the house system under
technique. Witte emphasized again and again that measurements study is generated from M, A, Aries, Sun, Moon or Node. These
can begin at any point on the zodiacal circle, not merely at zero correspondences are also more or less in agreement with the mean-
Aries. Thus, the dial is made to move in relation to the zodiacal ings attributed to the houses in the quadrant system.
framework. This framework is used, among other things, to estab-
Each of the six equal house systems is different, however, inas-
lish the basic arrangement among the planets of a horoscope. The
much as each of the six personal points speaks to different levels
dial is then moved from this basic position in order to perform of being and consciousness. These differences among the personal
measurements along the ecliptic. points qualify the universal or basic meanings of the houses.
Witte knew that just as the planets themselves move through the
zodiac, forming ever new combinations (configurations) as time To understand, for example, the difference between (say) the
passes, so also must the basic tool of measurement and analysis, first house of the ascendant and the first house of the Moon, the
the disk, be made movable, in order that the ever changing diversity basic meanings of the first house are combined with the meanings
of planetary force patterns may be more accurately and more com- of ascendant on the one hand and Moon on the other. The specific
prehensibly studied, from a variety of viewpoints. meanings of each of the twelve houses in each of the systems (i.e.,
Conventional astrological techniques of other schools do not in relation to each of the personal points) will be given later in this
typically work with a movable disk (though there is no reason why
it cannot be done) but retain what might be called a static frame- The following keywords for the houses should be memorized.
work of reference by being limited, for the most part, to a single Their meanings are traditional.
twelvefold quadrant house division system, which is used in con-
First house: The personality or self-image. Outer self
junction with the also essentially fixed twelvefold division of signs.
In contrast to a static mode of analysis, Witte introduced with the Second house: Movable possessions, disposable income, con-
disk a dynamic mode of analysis, resting on the concept that the sumption patterns, gifts received, value structure, talents, life sub-
twelvefold division of houses could be applied to any and all points stance, intake, money.
in the horoscope. In actual practice, however, (except for special- Third house: Brothers and sisters, relatives generally, neigh-
ized advanced work with the system) the Uranian method confines bors and neighborhood, the immediate environment, practical or
itself to the investigation of the twelvefold division in relation to everyday thought patterns, elementary education, short journeys,
the six personal points only. Since these personal points represent conversation, vehicles.
The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 77
the houses of the Earth are of a general nature. Zero Libra marks
Fourth house: Home and immediate family, father (some- the first house cusp.
times mother), the foundations of life, the past, old age, landed A planet in a sign is qualified by the nature of that sign. The
property. signs may be thought of as the backdrop or scenery of a theatrical
Love, romance, courtship, flirtation, lovemak- stage, and the planets are the "actors" thereon.
Fifth house:
ing, play, entertainment, amusements, games, hobbies, parties, The sign Aries conveys to whatever planets may be residing there
speculation, gambling, children, creativity, the arts, one's own at birth the qualities of initiative, striving, enthusiasm, confidence
actions. and resolution. It is a very active and vital sign, though inclined
Sixth house: Work, health and hygiene, outward adjust- somewhat to the impulsive and sensational. Failures are easily
ment to life, co-workers, subordinates, servants.
Taurus possesses the virtues of patience, determination and tran-
Seventh house: Encounter, the other, marriage or business
quility. It consolidates and stabilizes, putting into concrete form
that which may otherwise be ephemeral or illusive. Taurus is pru-
Eighth house: Outflow, taxes, inheritance, loans, tribulation.
dent, constructive and basic but capable of self-indulgence in the
Life and death situations. Sex. Personal difficulty or distress.
pleasures of this world. Planets in Taurus can, however, be too
Rejuvenation, regeneration. Death. fixed or inflexible. The qualities of this sign are amorous, sensuous
Ninth house: Things in the distance, long journeys, travel and earthy. Taurus imparts an even temper, a high boiling point,
away from the immediate environment, foreign places, abstract and an easy-going nature.
tho t, higher education, religion, philosophy, commerce, sci- Gemini's activity is diverse. Its nature is intellectual. Planets
ence, g distance communication, wireless. Search for truth.
passing through this sign take on a quality of versatility and many-
Tenth ouse: Mother (sometimes father). Peak of life. Pro- sidedness which may degenerate into nervous superficiality, carried
fession. Career. Employer, boss, superiors. Honors. Position. to extremes. Gemini digresses continually and is easily distracted.
Social status. Persistence may be lacking. Its influence is both erratic and bril-
liant. Inventiveness and manual dexterity are well developed.
Eleventh house: Money earned from profession. Friends.
Goals. Hopes and wishes. The fruits of one's own actions. Cancer signifies emotional attachment and colors the natures of
Twelfth house: Solitude, seclusion, privacy. Inner self. Inner any heavenly bodies which may be found here with feeling, sub-
adjustment to life. Intimate or close situations with the opposite jectivity and personality. Cancer sensitizes but often to the point
sex, moments alone with one's spouse. Secrets. Places of retire- of defensiveness. It is inclined to hold grudges. This sign can be
ment or contemplation. Hospitals, prisons, confessionals. Incar- sentimental, sympathetic and loving, but also parental, demanding
ceration, self-undoing. Past life, karma, persecution, sorrow. and full of contradictions.
Leo is an extraordinarily creative and magnanimous vibration,
EARTH HOUSES radiating self-confidence, but very often too a great deal of ego-
The signs of the zodiac are understood in the Uranian system as tism. If imparts "magnetic" power and creates a positive impres-
one type of house division called Earth Houses. Planets in earth sion of cheerful self-reliance and abundant vitality. Leo's excesses
houses speak to conditions which pertain to the Earth as a whole, produce pompousness and egocentricity. And display impresses
and earthly manifestation in a broad sense. The "influences" of the Leonine ego.
78 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360*-Dial 79
Virgo analyzes, criticizes and corrects. Its keynote is service. but is inclined to take life too seriously. Its sobriety is in accord
Planetary vibrations of a kind that are fundamentally opposed to with its essentially rational and conservative character. The prin-
this earth house (such as Venus) can, when found here, get lost in ciples of reality and practicality are paramount, especially when
over-tidiness, fastidiousness, detail and triviality. Virgo possesses personal points reside in this sign. Capricorn is also a sign of
discrimination, coordination and clear-headedness. It is thrifty and wisdom, full of "old saws", proverbs and sayings.
capable. Its vice is faultfinding. And all too often, only the nega- Aquarius is amiable, humane and open-minded and considers the
tive side is apparent to those whose charts contain planets in this social implications of actions. Persons who have planets here even-
sign. Virgo is inclined to be irritable and worrisome. tually become aware of how they can relate more effectively to
Libra's keynote is relatedness. This segment of the zodiac universal welfare. But its motives are not entirely practical. One
imparts harmony and gentleness but can often be too easygoing to of its less desirable traits is procrastination, and this sign may also
come to grips with important issues. Inner direction may be lack- convey a certain detachment, an anxious aloofness and a certain
ing. This sign possesses nonetheless an innate strength and a quiet measure of intellectual snobbery.
sanity, once personal identity is firmly established. Libra is cour- Pisces, for the ancients, was the most blessed of all signs, being
teous, tactful and appreciative of others, but also susceptible, connected with the joyful and benevolent vibrations of Venus and
indecisive and sometimes shallow. Jupiter. In modern times, it owns a less joyful reputation. Its
quality of deep feeling together with its somewhat mystical inclin-
Scorpio conveys intensity and daring. Shrewdness and insightful
ations explain the disorganization or disconnectedness that can
perception or ruthlessness and cunning are the extremes of its
manifest in the lives of people whose horoscopes contain planets
range. It imparts depth, and sometimes wisdom, but easily goes to
found here. Its perception into the worlds of mystery and fantasy
extremes and is prone to jealousy and secretiveness, often suspect-
cannot always be completely articulated even when fully under-
ing deception and intrigue where none exist in reality. Scorpio
stood. Planets in Pisces are refined by the sensitivity and re-
aggressively seeks power, is progressive-minded, and thrives on
ceptivity of this sign, although their positive "influences" can be
challenge and tests of strength. Sentimentality finds no roots in
diminished by the overdoses of impracticality or other-worldliness
this sign, and weakness in others is barely tolerated.
of which this rather romantic and poetic sign is capable. Pisces is
Sagittarius is a vibration of freedom. To whatever planets are inspired, sensitive and idealistic. Intuition is usually well-devel-
found here at birth (if any), Sagittarius imparts liveliness and oped. When self-control is lacking, however, Pisces can drift
quickness, and a spontaneity which often amounts to eccentricity aimlessly through life and lead a submissive and somewhat apolo-
and unpredictability. It is an intellectual, nervous and unconven- getic existence.
tional sign. Its function is to animate and to bring awareness.
Sagittarian curiosity is insatiable. But the sometimes excessive or SIGN RULERSHIP$
misdirected vitality of this sign can lead to high strung overreac- One approach to the understanding of the signs or Earth houses
tion. Mediocrity is intolerable, although personal discipline may is to consider each sign as a field of a particular planet.
be lacking. The ancients maintained that each sign was presided over by a
Capricorn bestows a serious and earnest nature to its planetary particular planet, and that each planet owned its own natural
visitors. It is conscious of self and of the need for self-control. "house" where it felt "most comfortable." This is to say that each
Aware of objectives and goals, Capricorn is nonetheless occasionally planet is most harmoniously in tune with a certain sign which it is
lacking in imagination. Capricorn imparts a good sense of timing, said to rule.
The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 81
Alfred Witte expanded upon ancient planetary rulerships, but Venus, giving friendliness, a desire for cooperation and interperson-
unfortunately present-day Uranian astrologers do not, by and large, al communication, family-mindedness, tactfulness, and so on.
make much of any rulership scheme. This is probably a mistake. It is left to the imagination and creativity of the reader to come
An otherwise unoccupied house may often be understood in terms up with the meanings of the planets in the signs. If the student
of the house position of the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the sticks to basic keywords, he (or she) will not be far off in gauging
house. The danger lies in pushing this idea too far, so that one can the significance of each planet in each Earth house.
"prove" anything whatsoever with any chart under study.
The planetary rulerships of the signs according to Witte are as Students who are familiar with other schools of astrological
follows: thought will have already noticed that the "archetypal" sign-house
Mars and Vulcanus attribution is turned upside down in the Uranian system. Skeptics
will, no doubt, conclude that Uranus does indeed do things back-
Taurus: Venus and Admetus wards!
Gemini: Mercury and Apollo There are good reasons, however, for attributing Libra to the
Cancer: Moon and Kronos first house (in a very general sense), instead of Aries. At the same
Leo: Sun and Zeus time, it cannot honestly be said that Aries rising in the archetypal
"wheel" is altogether incorrect. Rather, it should be noted that
Virgo: Hades (ancient school: Mercury) there is always present some interaction between one house and
Libra: Cupid (ancient school: Venus) the house that lies in opposition (across the dial) from it.
Scorpio: Neptune and Pluto together (ancient school: Mars) Let us examine some of the reasons behind choosing to place
Sagittarius: Uranus (ancient school: Jupiter) Cancer at the top of the chart, instead of (as is the usual practice)
at the bottom.
Capricorn: Saturn
Consider the life cycle of the individual. The background into
Aquarius: Jupiter (ancient school: Saturn)
which he (or she) is born, namely the environment which forms
Pisces: Poseidon and the asteroid belt; affinity with Nep- the context or situation which precedes birth, is the first house.
tune (ancient school: Jupiter) In the. archetypal (or natural) wheel according to the Uranian
These rulerships can give often striking insights into the nature system, Libra governs this house, the "ruler" of Libra being
of the signs. If each sign is understood as the field of its planetary Cupid, the family. A marriage or union, and a whole set of family
ruler(s), then planets in a sign can be understood, in a general circumstances, precede the native's coming into being. Those same
sense, as being in conjunction with (see chapter five) the ruler or family circumstances also imply a host of subtle and not-so-subtle
rulers of that sign. This is probably the best way for the beginner pressures upon the native to become this or that sort of person.
in astrology to come to grips with the meanings of planets in signs. Thus, the first house is both family background in general (parent-
Thus Venus in Virgo is inclined to fastidiousness but in her age, family tree, and family traditions) and the expectations of the
higher aspect in that position can express, among other things, family that the child conform to certain standards of behavior.
selfless service to others. Mercury in Libra, to cite another Thus, environment shapes personality, and personality is the first
example, can be thought of as Mercury conjunct Cupid and house. The first house is the mask the person wears, knowingly or
82 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 83
unknowingly, to cope with those very family pressures and expec- ship of the archetypal fifth house sign, Aquarius, are learned, and
tations. the youngster is taught to play the game of life. Some kids become
In the most obvious sense, this "mask" or persona is the ascen- expert at it. At this stage, the youngster learns what buttons to
dant, and the thirty degrees which follow the ascendant. But in push in order to get its way.
the other house systems too, the first house relates to personality, In the sixth house, the youngster acquires concepts about life
but in less direct ways. which are a product of its socialization and play activities in the
The first house of the MC, for example, informs the astrologer fifth house. These concepts (Poseidon), which assist in personal
what the native's own self-image is, within himself. Naturally, that adjustment, are bound to influence the role the child plays at the
self-image will, to a considerable extent, be shaped by the environ- much later stage when a life's work is taken up and demands are
ment (A), but the first M-house indicates the very personal reac- placed upon the native to get a job (sixth house). The youngster
tions and responses that the individual makes (within himself) to also learns at this point to feed itself, brush the teeth, care for a
cope with the outer world: to the family in general and their atti- pet, and so on.
tudes towards him. The first house of the Moon tells how the
native feels about these adjustments, and it also describes in partic- In the seventh house, the young person encounters the objec-
ular the influence of the mother and in general the influence of tive world, for the seventh house is the first house which appears
women, in shaping that emotional self-image which is so necessary above the horizon, going counterclockwise from the first. He
for healthy psychological functioning. meets people from outside of the family and immediate neighbor-
The second house relates to the gestation period. During this hood. The aggressive impulses (Mars) are also in full sway, and the
period, the "substance of life" is in a state of formation and devel- youngster gets his (her) share of bumps, bruises and lumps from
opment (Pluto). The embryo lives a normally blissful life in utero, others less tolerant of his sometimes demanding and occasionally
outrageous behavior. The meaning of "relationship" and "other"
indicated by Neptune.
is driven home through a variety of experiences. The world takes
The shock of being born is indicated by the third house, by on a new intensity (Vulcanus). The stage is set for all manner of
Sagittarius and by its ruler, Uranus. Awareness of the immediate partnerships which are to come in later years.
environment takes place via the senses and their associated electric-
al nerve impulses (Uranus). This stage marks the awakening from
In the eighth house, the child learns that all is not always sweet-
the sleep of Neptune.
ness and light. And unless difficulties are overcome with patience
In the fourth house, the child learns the painful experience that and perseverance, and wounds healed as they occur, puberty espec-
it possesses its own identity (Capricorn and Saturn) and that by ially will consist of a series of heartbreaks, traumas and exaggerated
being born it necessarily experiences many limitations. The child emotional reactions. At this time, the sexual nature unfolds to
sees the Moon in the sky, or a light bulb in the ceiling, and in
its fullest extent and the very secrets of life are discovered in the
failing to grasp it on trying to reach the desired object, experiences most fascinating, pleasurable and strongly taboo portions of the
frustration. This, too, is a self-centered period of life in which the
anatomy. Sexual repressions, if not released, can cause psychic
psychological foundations of later years are firmly established, and
energies, represented too by the eighth house, to "turn sour" with-
experience hinges upon the home. in, resulting in emotional blocks and possible neurosis. These
In the fifth house, the child learns to play, to love and to relate "blocks" are aptly described by Admetus, but the very remedy for
to other children. Social rituals, indicated by the Jupiterean ruler- these blocks being shown by the co-ruler of Taurus, Venus.
84 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 85

Most people, at one point or another, get tripped up in the eleventh house is a house of drive and ambition, spurring the native
eighth house. But the eighth house is a bugaboo only in cultures on to attainment, unless planets are found there which make it
which demonstrate an essentially imbalanced Yin-Yang product. difficult for him to get up enough steam to forge ahead or which
The evil which is traditionally associated with the eighth house indicate that he cannot give himself due credit for what he has
arises from this very imbalance of positive and negative elements. done.
The very instinctive foundations of the psyche rebel and fester This ambitious striving is very much in keeping with the fiery
when "programming" is forced upon it contrary to what it already nature of the Sun and Zeus, co-rulers of the fire sign Leo. To
knows, through the collective unconscious, to be true: namely, prove that he (she) is "really somebody," the native may, at this
that there is no day without night, no white without black, and no point, choose to put himself on display to the world by surround-
hills without valleys. ing himself with expensive goods and luxuries, all of which, in
The product of the suffering shown by the eighth house is the traditional astrology, come under the "influence" of Leo.
higher knowledge and perspective of the ninth house. And some The twelfth house brings the cycle to a close, with the promise
anthropologists maintain that all religion has an erotogenesis; if of yet another trip around the wheel in the future. Every year as
that is indeed the case, it is amply shown by the classical attribu- the Sun transits each of the houses in turn, the completion of yet
tions given to the eighth and ninth houses. (The eighth house is another cycle is experienced. And each day also marks one revolu-
"behind" the ninth). Religion, for all that, certainly deals with life tion through the twelve houses.
and death situations and is a response thereto.
In the twelfth house, whatever measure of success or failure
The larger awareness and intellectual development that take has been experienced is examined and meditated upon. A good
place in the ninth house ("travel is broadening") are well described
inner adjustment and inner peace may result, or a good deal of
by Gemini and its two co-rulers, Mercury and Apollo. In the sorrow and regret, or a typically human mixture of both extremes.
third house, the electrical (Uranus) messages along the "wires"
of the nervous system govern behavior (conditioned stimulus and The life cycle may for a time seemingly be interrupted here,
response), but the experiences of the ninth house bring new in- due to illness of a physical, mental or emotional nature (Hades).
sights and understanding which enable the native to make choices During these times of seclusion and sometimes enforced with-
and to exert greater control over his (her) life. By "control" is drawal from the world, as when one is flat upon one's back in the
meant the assimilation of larger portions of the psyche into waking hospital, there are certainly moments of sadness, self-examination
consciousness. and analysis, and self-recrimination. All of these experiences fit
well with the nature of Virgo and with its rulers, Hades and
The experiences that the native has gone through in the first Mercury.
nine houses prepare him for a career and for a relationship with
superiors in the tenth house, which is associated with Cancer,
ruled by the Moon and Kronos, signifying public life and the URANIAN HOUSES, SPACE AND TIME
potential for honors and greatness.
As mentioned in chapter one, the six personal points may be
In the eleventh house, the goals of the native are established and divided into two groups: space referential, and time referential.
carried out. His education (9th house) has prepared him for a
career (10th house), and in the eleventh house he reaps the fruits M, Moon and Sun are time referential.
of his labor; on the material plane, in the form of wages. The A, Node and Aries are space referential.
86 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360° Dial 87
The equal houses which are generated from the personal points ZODIACAL PHYSIOLOGY
fall, therefore, into the same categories as do the personal points
The attributions which follow are solidly rooted in astrological
themselves. tradition and are adhered to by most schools. The listing below
Figure 4.2 illustrates the hierarchical ordering of personal points makes no attempt at being complete, and readers who wish to
in relation to the native. Not illustrated above the Sun is the obtain further information on medical astrology are advised to
central sun of the universe, about which our own Sun and solar refer to specialized books on the subject.
system revolve. Corresponding to this central Sun is a fourth ring
Aries: The head.
(outwards horizontally from the stick figure), which represents the
sidereal zodiac. Taurus: Neck, throat, thyroid.
M-, Moon- Sun-houses refer to inner states of being and con- Gemini: Arms, hands, lungs, bronchi.
sciousness on personal, emotional and physical levels (respectively). Cancer: The breasts, stomach, alimentary canal in general.
A-, Node- and Aries (Earth)-houses refer to external states of Leo: Heart, back.
being on immediate, indirect and impersonal levels (respectively).
Virgo: Abdomen, upper intestines, spleen, liver.
Libra: Kidneys.
Scorpio: Reproductive system, bladder, urethra, lower intes-
tines, rectum.
Sagittarius: Thighs, hips.
Capricorn: Knees, skin.
Aquarius: Ankles, calves.
Pisces: Feet.


Every planet represents a state of consciousness. The function-
ing of a planet is revealed in its environment. The environment of
a planet is its own orbit: its cycle, or circle, of "experience." The
functioning of a planet is shown by its relationship with other
planets. These relationships are discovered by investigating the
geometrical orientations among planets, taking the ecliptic as com-
mon reference frame. The twelvefold division of the ecliptic into
equal 30° segments provides the key to understanding the function-
Fig. 4.2 ing of a planet or personal point in relation to the totality of its
Horizontal and Vertical Polarization environment.
88 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 89
The environment of any planet is describable by the houses of the past. Moon houses point to these emotional patterns for both
the planet. According to Witte, the houses of a planet (with the males and females alike. For a female person, however, the Moon
single exception of the Moon) are established by the planet itself houses reveal in addition her functioning and self-expression as a
defining the fourth house cusp. (Planetary houses will be discussed woman. For a male person, the Moon houses are descriptive of his
further towards the end of this chapter.) With Sun houses, the Sun experience with (and attitudes towards) the opposite sex; what he
defines the fourth house cusp, and succeeding houses are defined attracts to himself in a woman; and also the various women who
by equal 30° measures. With Moon houses, the Moon defines the enter his life (various houses, various women.) In addition, the
tenth house cusp, succeeding houses being likewise defined on an Moon refers to the hour and therefore to hourly fluctuating exper-
equal basis. iences and rhythms. Experiences attributable to the Moon houses
are generally traceable to the influence of the emotions and sub-
Since the Sun is the objective side of life, the Sun houses conscious; while experiences attributable to the Sun houses are
describe the objective environment. By this is meant: physical generally traceable to the influence of the conscious mind and
territory, physical proximity and objective manifestation. The objective self, or ego. These statements hold true for both males
functioning of the various zones of the body is also described by and females.
the various Sun houses. The zones of the body and the organs The individual is not, however, merely a series of ego drives or
contained therein are revealed by the signs of the zodiac, and the emotional functionings. The author is of the opinion that anybody
signs therefore show organic conditions as opposed to functional who has achieved any degree at all of self-awareness realizes (per-
conditions revealed by the Sun houses. The Sun houses also show haps intuitively) that there is a level of consciousness which goes
the tangible world of things; the physical realities associated with beyond or stands above (as it were) the body and the emotions.
the situations and departments of life attributed to the various
Frequently we can observe silently the playing out of various
houses; bodily sensations; functioning of the bodily vitality in
bodily sensations if we detach ourselves in meditation from our
relation to the activities coming under the twelve houses; ego ego roles through deep relaxation. And in a similar fashion, one
patterns and ego expression; and objective goals manifesting in the observes that although one experiences ("has") emotions, those
physical world. emotions cannot truly be equated with the true or inner self,
Since the Sun represents males (while the Moon represents fe- although the inner self can express itself emotionally through the
males), the Sun houses also refer to the masculine world and to the Moon. That inner self is the center or focal point of experience;
influence of the father, as well as that of other men generally. In a it is where experiences "wind up."
female horoscope, the solar houses represent men in her life. The The Meridian- or M-Houses represent the environment of the
Sun in transit also represents the day, and the transiting Sun soul or self. This environment can be no other than the so-called
houses show therefore the daily cycle (see chapter eleven). "inner planes." It is especially in the M-houses that the inhabitant
The Moon houses, on the other hand, reveal emotional function- of the body which is the soul can initiate change; more accurately
ing in the various departments of life coming under the twelve stated, where an expansion of awareness can occur, upon which
houses. Planets in a Moon house express feelings concerning the the native's outer world must hinge. Mastery of so-called "fate"
affairs of that house. The Moon houses represent the feminine means mastery of self. Mastery of self implies larger awareness.
world and the influence of women upon the various situations "Fate" consists of subconscious events which catch one unaware,
described by the various houses. The Moon houses also reveal with waking consciousness off guard. The dividing line between
moods, habits, attitudes and emotional patterns stemming from the conscious and the unconscious is not absolute and is subject to
90 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360° Dial 91

constant change. The proper conditions can be established on the that each and every house of the Meridian has an influence upon
inner planes by means of meditation, so that the self can manifest the career, in spite of the fact that the tenth house is typically
organically in harmonious ways. regarded as the primary significator thereof. Career functioning is
therefore probably associated on a one-to-one basis with what one
An emotional condition, for example, which may bring about brings to it due to inherent qualities of self and selfhood. Practical
distress, may often be represented astrologically by a planet under
common sense would tend to substantiate this conclusion.
affliction in the eighth house of the Moon. This same planet will
be found in some house of M, and the distress may be resolved by The remaining trio of Uranian houses consists of Ascendant-,
examining the ultimate cause within oneself. It usually suffices to Node- and Earth-houses. The A-houses reveal external appearances
become fully aware, while relaxed and receptive, of the affliction and conditions; awareness of surroundings; outside influences;
on the inner or soul level. The higher consciousness within is then other people; environmental factors; space; and face-to-face rela-
able to exercise its primeval wisdom to correct the condition once tionships. The Ascendant houses are descriptive of situations in
the mental channels of self-awareness are opened up (air element) which the native finds himself, especially due to the influence of
through which it can reach and heal the psychic (watery) and or interaction with others. The deeper influence of those situations
material (earthy) vehicles. The faith that is required to initiate this upon the native personally is shown by planets falling in M-houses.
healing process need be only a suspension of disbelief regarding Conversely, those personal qualities shown by the M-houses will
preconceived notions of one's being alive in the first place. externalize themselves in relationship through the A-houses.
The M-, Sun- and Moon-houses represent a trio of time concepts: M and A are the most "personal" of all the personal points:
M, the minute; Sun, the day; Moon, the hour. Time is an internal they change most quickly with variations in birth time, four min-
state of being: organisms move through time. These three house utes correlating to one degree on MC. A book (1973), entitled
systems reveal the inner on three basic levels: spiritual, objective, Contact: The First Four Minutes, establishes a case for human
and emotional. M-, Sun- and Moon-houses show, therefore, internal relationships being strongly related to or conditioned by those
experiences on various planes of being. first four minutes of time when one human being initially en-
Because each planet also shows a person in the life, the Sun- and counters another. This thesis would lead us to the conclusion that
Moon-houses also reveal "influences" of male and female persons we should all, as whiz kid astrologers, carry stopwatches about
respectively. The Sun- and Moon-houses may therefore be viewed with us at every moment, to time exactly when we meet new
in two ways: subjectively (own body and feelings) or objectively people. If the reader is a committed devotee of astrology (or if he
(males and females). The interesting thing is that the Sun- and is about to be committed), he will certainly not hesitate to take
Moon-houses show less the relationship to males and females (res- the necessary pains to become properly equipped with the ap-
paratus that will be required in order to fully implement this
pectively) than they show the internal states of men and women,
fascinating hypothesis.
boys and girls, in one's own life. That is to say, the people them-
selves as independent beings are more clearly shown than is any Distinguishing between the environment shown by A and that
form of relationship with them; for relationships come under A, shown by the Node (space and time both imply the existence of
Node and Aries. an environment of some sort) requires some thought. First of all,
M-houses may also be viewed in two ways: in relation to oneself the environment shown by A is immediate and specific. The native
personally (subjective analysis), and in relation to career (objective is immersed in it and functions within its borders (even if he or she
analysis). In this connection the author would like to point out moves a great distance away from the birth place: see chapter
92 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 93
twelve). The "influence" of A is direct. The environment shown EARTH HOUSES AND THE PUBLIC SPHERE
by the Node is less tangible in a direct sense. Through the Moon's The signs of the zodiac, as mentioned earlier, operate as gen-
Node, one experiences connections and associations with people eral influences which qualify the manifestation of planets found
and affairs shown by the various houses. One may, for example, in each house of the Earth. Each Earth house is, however, also
have a connection with a university without functioning directly indicative of broad general categories of mundane activity and
at a university. Node houses show channels of relationship (and public life.
the quality of those channels), whereas Ascendant houses show
the relationships themselves. The following listing of various public spheres of activity makes
no attempt to be complete or even accurate in any absolute scien-
The third element of the spatial trio (A-Node-Aries) is the Earth tific sense. Rather, what follows is meant to serve as a key to
system of houses: the signs of the zodiac. The Earth houses speak suggest how the Earth houses may be understood, in a general
to the world environment in a general sense. Thus Gemini repre- sense, as applying to various forms of human endeavor. These
sents (among other things) publishing houses, roads, vehicles, activities often correlate in interesting ways to the general patterns
libraries and the like; while Leo represents places of amusement, of life for individuals who were born with planets residing in cor-
palaces, showplaces and the lion house at the zoo. Here in Chicago, responding signs; i.e., in corresponding Earth houses. Each listing
where the author resides at the time of writing this book, a sign may be preceded by the phrase "The world of . .", for purposes
at the Lincoln Park Zoo informs its patrons that "Lost Children of delineation. (See Aids to Interpretation towards the end of this
May Be Picked Up at the East End of the Lion House"; presum- chapter.)
ably, because there is no longer life enough remaining in their
I Libra
bodies to enable them to proceed further upon their own initiative.
The fine arts, music, painting, design, interior decorating, the
Astrology is truer than we know.
beauty industry, modeling, law, diplomacy.
Midheaven houses are defined by the MC at the 10th house II Scorpio
cusp; Sun houses, by the Sun at the 4th house cusp; Moon houses, Chemistry, biology, medicine, pharmacy, homoeopathy, phy-
by the Moon at the 10th cusp; A-houses, by the Ascendant at the sical therapy, research and development, the laboratory,
first house cusp; Node houses, by the Node at the first house cusp; psychology, metallurgy, quality control.
and Earth houses, by 0° Aries at the 7th house cusp. All houses in
III Sagittarius
each system are defined by equal segments of thirty degrees.
Engineering, electronics, technology, computers, mathemat-
Through using these six Uranian house systems, drawing on ics, invention, navigation, instrumentation, meteorology,
skills that come only with practice and abundant cursing, one can astrology.
delineate a chart with accuracy and break down a horoscope into
IV Capricorn
"influences" or conditions operative on various fairly well defined
levels of experience both internal and external. Practice with Real estate, mining, architecture, building trades, surveying,
physics, conservation.
actual charts will prove this out to the satisfaction of anybody
willing to experiment with the Uranian system. Beginners may V Aquarius
wish to start for the sake of simplicity with M and A houses alone Humanitarianism, public relations, children, toys and games,
and eventually work up to the use of all six house division systems gimmicks and gadgets, appliances, aeronautics, fashion, mer-
based on all six personal points. chandising, education (of children).
94 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 95

VI Pisces on Aries" position: the position used for initial zodiacal entry of
Photography, film, advertising, religion, mysticism, poetry, the 22 factors.)
seamanship, oceanography, the garment industry, wine mak- The M-houses are the most personal houses of the six systems
ing, nursing, the health food trade. of equal houses. Emphasis is upon inner experience.
VII Aries First house: Self-image, development of character.
Athletics, the military, exploration, tools, machinery, hard- Second house: Money, possessions and one's personal attitude
ware, metalworking. towards them. Self-preservation.
VIII Taurus Third house: Personal thoughts, on practical or concrete
Craftsmanship, applied arts, sculpture, textiles, forestry, agri-
levels. One's inner attitude towards brothers, sisters and relatives.
culture, horticulture, geology, home furnishings, banking, fi-
Fourth house: Personal relationship to the home. Conditions
in the home which exert an influence on the self psychologically.
IX Gemini Personal heritage and traditions. Psychological basis of life. Self-
Books, publishing, academia, science, travel, business, sales, understanding. Self-control.
radio and television, light industry, transportation, foreign
trade, calligraphy, cartography, highways. Fifth house: Love, and the ability of the self to give and
accept love. How the self views its own behavior. One's own
X Cancer undertakings. Pursuit of pleasure and diversion. Hobbies. Rela-
Politics, government, civil service, management, law, hotels tionship with children, as seen by oneself.
and restaurants, food preparation and distribution, home
economics and domestic arts. Sixth house: Work, obligation, duties. Accomplishment,
output. One's own attitude towards these matters. The effect
XI Leo one has on the inner being of others generally. The native himself
Theatre, showmanship, entertainment, resorts, high society, at work.
royalty, executive offices, jewelry, luxury goods, musical
instruments, recreational industry. Seventh house: Personal attitudes towards others. The sense
of personal satisfaction and completion experienced in relation to
XII Virgo another. Those qualities that one is looking for or expects to find
Archaeology, antiques, museums, archives, public service, in another for the completion of the inner self.
health care, social welfare, accounting, clerical vocations,
repair work, animal husbandry, heavy industry, labor, ser- Eighth house: Attitudes towards one's own mortality and
vants, sanitation. eventual death. Conscience. Morals. Personal response to life's
trials and difficulties. Self-sacrifice. Psychological blind spots.
Neurosis. Self-acceptance. Inner torment or distress. Superstitious
THE HOUSES OF THE MERIDIAN attitudes that one may hold to.
To find the MC-houses, place the pointer (0° Cancer) of the Ninth house: The development from within the individual
360°-dial on M. The houses of M are then indicated by the Roman of the powers of higher reasoning, especially in connection with
numerals I-XII on the disk. (Remember to ignore the sign mark- the patterns established in the parental home and the modifications
ings on the wheel once the disk has been turned from the "Aries the individual makes to those patterns. Personal attitudes towards
96 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360° Dial 97
religion and higher education; towards travel and distant places. Example.
Higher understanding on the part of the self. Cultural influences
in the development of the self. Potential for personal growth and Compute the MC-house cusps in the horoscope of Judy Garland.
self-unfoldment. RAMC = 22:56:13. M = 10 = 12 Pisces 42.
Tenth house: Profession. Personal attitudes towards career. RA (11) = 00:56:13 11 = 15 Aries 16
Attitudes towards superiors. The social standing in the community RA (12) = 2:56:13 12 = 16 Taurus 31
that one expects to attain. RA (1) = 4:56:13 1 = 15 Gemini 19
RA (2) = 6:56:13 2 = 12 Cancer 56
Eleventh house: Friends, especially as one sees them. Inner RA (3) = 8:56:13 3 = 11 Leo 36
attitudes towards friendship. Personal goals and attainments.
Equal houses in right ascension are taken only in reference to M-
Twelfth house: The personal subconscious: hence, so-called
houses, according to the classical techniques of Uranian astrology.
fate or destiny. Karma. Personal privacy. Solitude. Withdrawal
from the outer world. One's own inner attitude towards intimacy OPPOSITE SIGNS AND CUSPS
with another. Meditation. Reflection.
Aries is opposite Libra.
COMPUTATION OF THE MC-HOUSE CUSPS Taurus is opposite Scorpio.
There are two schools of thought within the Uranian system Gemini is opposite Sagittarius.
regarding the calculation of the MC-house cusps. On the one hand, Cancer is opposite Capricorn.
some believe that the MC cusps are to be taken in 30° steps of Leo is opposite Aquarius.
longitude; on the other hand, some maintain that the MC cusps Virgo is opposite Pisces.
must be taken in 30° steps of right ascension.
It is a simple matter to determine the MC cusps in longitude. Cusp I is opposite Cusp VII.
The dial does it for you. One simply uses the number of degrees Cusp II is opposite Cusp VIII.
and minutes on the midheaven for each cusp while using successive Cusp III is opposite Cusp IX.
signs on each cusp going counterclockwise from the 10th cusp (the Cusp IV is opposite Cusp X.
MC itself). Cusp V is opposite Cusp XI.
Determining the MC cusps in right ascension requires calculation Cusp VI is opposite Cusp XII.
and use of the table of houses.
These tables should be committed to memory.
To obtain the RA of cusp 11, add two hours (exactly) to RAMC
and interpolate the M for this new RA, in the same fashion pre-
viously described under chart calculation (chapter three).
Succeeding cusps are obtained by adding successive two-hour THE HOUSES OF THE ASCENDANT
increments of right ascension.
A-houses relate to the environment, to relationships, to other
Cusp 1 obtained in this manner is known as the east point, but
people, face-to-face situations, objective experiences in the external
this term is a misnomer since its direction is only very roughly
world, and all things outside the native which have a direct rela-
east. tionship with or bearing upon his (or her) life.
98 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 99

A-houses are found with the 360°-dial by placing 0° Libra (i.e., in relation to them. Marriage. Other people outside the family
the beginning of the first house, as marked on the wheel) on the circle.
ascendant. Eighth house: Distressing outside influences. Loss of posi-
First house: Those personal qualities comprising the per- tion or status in relation to sickness, death or affliction of others.
sonality that are elicited in the native by the demands and expecta- Regression, setback. Difficulties brought about through others.
tions of the family and immediate environment. The position or Sources of fear in the environment. Other people's money. Inher-
rank of the native in his environment as determined by birth. The itances. Taxes.
mask one wears. How others see the native = the outer personality. Ninth house: Encouragement from others. The native's
Adaptation to the environment in terms of personality and behav-
reputation. The esteem one has in the eyes of others. Environ-
ior. mental influences upon one's education. Religious influences.
Second house: The view held by other people of the native Colleges, universities. Churches, temples. Foreign places. Distant
(their evaluation of his talents). Material success or abundance. localities. Relationship with professors, clergymen and students.
Class background and status. The material station into which one Tenth house: Social and professional status. Relationship
was born. Material basis of life. Life substance. Money.
with superiors. Duties tied in with the exercise of one's profession.
Third house: The environment, and its objective influence The behavior of the employer towards the native. Relationships
upon the native, regarding in particular his (her) thinking in all having a bearing on the career.
matters of a concrete nature. Relatives generally, how they influ-
Eleventh house: Friendships. Goals. Hopes and wishes.
ence the native and the relationship with them. Acquaintances.
Climate. The locality. The town or city in which one resides. Twelfth house: One's private circle of relationship. The pri-
Conditioning patterns. Mannerisms. Speech, signals, cues 'of others. vate sphere in one's own home. Seclusion from the outside world.
Solitude. The four walls. Setting for intimacy with the opposite
Fourth house: House and home. Influences in the parental sex.
home. The native's position, rank or status in his own home.

Fifth house: The love of others towards the native. Love

relationships. Opportunities to form bonds of love with the oppo-
site sex. Relationship with children, as the children see it. One's THE HOUSES OF THE MOON
position, standing or image in the eyes of one's children. Children's The Moon houses speak to emotional attitudes, needs, influence
behavior. Speculation, gambling, pleasure. Places of entertainment. of the mother, personal characteristics of the wife, women general-
Cabaret. Creative and procreative relationships. Sexual attraction. ly and the feminine world, psychological functioning and memory.
The way in which others behave or act towards the native. Moon-houses are found with the 360°-dial by placing 0° Cancer
Sixth house: Status or position in relation to others on the oil the Moon. Thus, the tenth house of the Moon starts with the
job, at work. One's work space or office. Place of employment. Moon herself.
One's desk, workshop, laboratory, etc. First house: One's emotional attitude towards oneself.
Seventh house: Relationships generally. The spouse. One's One's emotional position or posture. The self-image as shaped by
fellow human beings in general; the position or status sought after the mother. Emotional projection of the self.
100 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360° Dial 101

Second house: Emotional attitudes towards money, wealth Eleventh house: Emotional content of friendships. Emotional
and possessions. Gifts from the mother or from women. Benefits qualities of friends. The feeling of purpose one brings to life and
received through the public. its goals. Female friends.
Twelfth house: Need for privacy, solitude, peace and quiet.
Third house: Emotional attitudes towards relatives and to- Hours of intimacy. Loneliness of women. Nurses, nuns. Boudoir.
wards the surroundings. The emotional climate. The power of
memory recall. The prevailing mood in the environment. Emo-
tional conditioning patterns. Female relatives. Sisters. How
emotions affect the patterns of concrete thought. Emotionally
charged thinking. Verbal expression of feeling. Thoughts of THE HOUSES OF THE NODE
women. Public opinion. The houses of the node relate to close connections with people
and with objects in the environment, and to associations with
Fourth house: Emotional attitudes towards family life, to- others generally, in connection with the affairs of each house.
wards the home, and to the father. Emotional basis of life.
Emotional foundations. Node-houses are found with the 360°-dial by placing 0° Libra of
the disk on the north node of the Moon.
Fifth house: Creative expression of emotion and feeling. First house: The face the native presents to others with
Emotional content of one's own artistic productions. Psychology whom he is associated. Their expectations of him (her). The
of love and sex. Psychological functioning of children. Female
sense of touch. Individual initiative in the formation of associa-
offspring. Feminine affection. Artistic abilities of women.
Sixth house: Emotions concerning one's job or work. Emo-
Second house: Ties with others that influence one's financial
tional illness. Stomach ailments. Psychological adjustment to life. standing. Resources held in common. Links with money. The
Hourly functioning on the job. Industrial psychology.
economic class to which the native belongs. Gifts received from
Seventh house: Emotions regarding one's mate. The wife. associates.
The public. Third house: Association with relatives, neighbors and ac-
Eighth house: Emotional depression, emotional blocks. Guilt, quaintances. Ties with brothers and sisters. Connections with the
fear, insecurity. Emotional hurts. Psychological distress. Sexual city or town in which the native resides. Telephone lines. Post
psychology. office. Correspondence.
Fourth house: Ties of hearth and home. Affinity with the
land. Persons living under the native's roof. Connections with real
Ninth house: Emotional understanding. The influence of estate matters.
the mother upon one's higher education and religious thinking.
Fifth house: Ties of love and affection, especially with the
Hours of study. Coeds. Female teachers.
opposite sex. Association with children. Creative unions. Assoc-
Tenth house: Need for recognition and emotional satisfac- iation with artists, with places of entertainment, and so on.
tion from the outside world, from the public. Emotional attitudes
towards the mother. Career women. The mother. Female super- Sixth house: Ties relating to work, employment and profes-
iors. sional duties and activities. Connections with superiors on the job.
102 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360° Dial 103
Seventh house: Habitual ways of relating to others. Empathy. Second house: Male reproductive system. Nutrition, diges-
Reaching out to others generally. Connections with or through the tion, assimilation. Food intake. Physical sustenance. Attention
marriage or business partner. to the eating habits of children. Physical possessions. Gifts and
Eighth house: Distressing associations. Ties with people bet- financial assistance from the father. The nutritional basis of the
ter avoided. Associations which bring guilt or fear in their wake. creative and procreative functions.
Sexual connections. Third house: The presence of neighbors. The physical,
Ninth house: Travel companions. Ties with people active in objective surroundings. The physical appearance of the neighbor-
the worlds of higher education or religion. Association with people hood. Male relatives. Brothers. Relatives on the father's side of
in distant places. the family. Climate. Nervous system. Body language.
Tenth house: Connections with superiors, with one's boss or Fourth house: The home, its physical appearance and char-
employer. Professional contacts. The prestige that one enjoys in acteristics. The native himself physically present in his own home.
the eyes of one's professional colleagues due to the quality of one's
work. Fifth house: Physical love. Reproduction. Physical plea-
Eleventh house: Association with friends, connections with or sure. Physical sex drive, based on the general condition of the
through them. Bonds of friendship. body and the quality of food eaten. The physical condition and
general appearance of one's children. Ego drives of children. Male
Twelfth house: Ties with a select and favored few. Highly children. Masculine affection.
personal associations. Cohabitation. Situations of intimacy with
others generally with whom one has established a rapport. Medi- Sixth house: Physical activity. Getting things done. Work.
tation or prayer circle. Things that are useful or serviceable to the native. Tools. Sick-
ness. Health problems. Weak spots in the body. Hygiene.
Seventh house: The physical qualities and ego drives of the
The Sun-houses speak to the physical or objective side of life,
to the functioning of the body (particularly the male body), and opposite sex. The husband. Male business partners.
to the nature of people and things in the surroundings with regard Eighth house: Eliminative organs and excretory system. Phy-
to their objective qualities and physical appearances. The Sun- sical danger. Toxic accumulations in the body which could bring
houses also relate to men generally, the father in particular, and about its deterioration. Depletion of reserves of fat, vitamins and
the masculine world as a whole. minerals. Weight loss. Rejuvenating effects of fasting. The relia-
The Sun-houses are determined by placing 0° Capricorn of the bility or trustworthiness of friends in day-to-day affairs. Fight-or-
disk on the Sun. This procedure stands in contrast to the usual flight mechanism (outflow of adrenalin).
practice in non-Uranian methods of placing the Sun on the first
house cusp, to obtain the so-called "Solar Chart." Ninth house: Material matters and concerns which have to
do with distant places. Physical absence from the home. To be
First house: Heredity from the father's side. The native as far removed physically. The influence of the father upon one's
a physical representative or extension of his/her own family as a higher education and religious thinking. Objective experiences in
whole. The father's side of the family. The image of the self that connection with learning. The physical plant of a college, univer-
is projected physically. Behavior patterns. sity or church.
104 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 105

Tenth house: The profession and its particularly physical or

Because each of the personal point houses is determined by
objective aspects. Male superiors. Professional qualities manifested different relationships between the personal points and the disk,
to public view. The career of the husband or father. the reflex actions which take place in connection with the various
Eleventh house: Friends with whom one associates on a more Uranian equal house systems will also be different.
or less daily basis. Ego status of friends. How friends behave Because M and Moon define the tenth house cusp in their
objectively. Bodily reserves. Male friends. Material goals. Ac- respective systems, reflex action is identical in M-houses and Moon-
cumulation of fatty tissue. houses.
Twelfth house: Physical privacy. The body sequestered in a
Ascendant and the (north) Node define the first house cusp in
room or enclosed space. Physical suffering. Hospital facilities.
their respective systems, and for this reason, reflex action is identi-
Monks. cal in A-houses and Node-houses.
Because Sun-houses are defined by the Sun at the fourth house
HOUSE CUSP ORBS cusp, Sun-houses demonstrate their own unique reflex action.
If a planet is five degrees or less behind a house cusp, the influ-
ence of the planet is commonly felt in the following house; namely The purely geometrical relationship between the points M and A
in that house which is defined by the cusp to which the planet on the one hand and the physical surface of the Earth sphere on
stands in proximity. the other leads logically and conveniently to the conclusion that
M is most likely associated with the tenth house cusp while A is
associated with the first house cusp, in relation to their respective
THE HOUSES OF THE PLANETS equal house systems. The north node of the Moon, which bears
In addition to the houses of the six personal points, each planet an analogy to A (at least in the northern hemisphere), is then most
may be thought of as generating its own houses. Planetary houses likely associated with the first house cusp.
per se are used only in advanced work and are mentioned at this
point only to explain the rationale of reflex action among houses The temporal natures of the Sun and Moon require their being
(following section). associated with the vertical axis 4-10, or (on the dial) 0° Capricorn
Planetary houses are equal houses defined by 0° Capricorn of the - 0° Cancer. The objective or material quality of the Sun leads to
dial on the planet itself. Thus, the position of a planet establishes the attribution of the Sun to the fourth house cusp. That Earth
the fourth house cusp of the planet houses which it defines. and Moon form a double-planet system, and that Moon is also a
temporal concept, lead to the corollary notion that Moon houses
are defined by Moon opposite the point occupied by Sun in solar
REFLEX ACTION OF HOUSES houses. Here is revealed the essential duality of objective and
The reflex action among houses which occurs in all systems subjective, day and night, male and female, Sun and Moon, ex-
based on the six personal points of Uranian astrology rests on the pressed in the creative opposition of the greater and lesser lights
interaction between the personal point house in which a planet is of Earth. Planet houses are defined by the planet at the fourth
found and the planet house in which that same personal point is house cusp, for it is directly upon Earth that their "influences"
106 The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 107


A planet in the tenth house of the Meridian or of the Moon A planet in the tenth house of the ascendant or node will cause
will cause M or Moon to fall in the third house of the planet. A or node to fall in the sixth house of the planet. And so on.
And so on. Reflex action for A- and Node-houses is as follows: 6/1 0, 7/9,
Reflex action for M- and Moon-houses is as follows: 3/10, 4/9, 8/8, 5/11, 4/12, 1/3 and 2/2.
5/8, 6/7, 2/11, and 1/12. See figure 4.3. The second and eighth houses have a double reflex action. They
reflex into themselves. See figure 4.4.


Fig. 4.3 Fig. 4.4

The Language of Uranian Astrology Astrological Houses and the 360° Dial 109


The reflex action that takes place in each of the three categories
A planet in the tenth house of the Sun will cause the Sun to fall
in the ninth house of the planet. And so on. of houses (I: M and Moon; II: A and Node; III: Sun) reveals other-
wise hidden connections between houses. A planet in a house has
Reflex action for the Sun-houses is as follows: 9/10, 11/8, 7/12, a secondary or indirect influence in its reflex house.
1/6, 2/5 and 3/4. See figure 4.5.
Strictly speaking, no single house can be examined without at
the same time looking at planets (if any) that are contained in its
reflex house. In actual practice, the reflex action among houses
demonstrates connections among the various departments of life
(as revealed by the various houses) which are known to exist by
astrologers and non-astrologers alike. The rationale, therefore, of
reflex activity (apart from the mathematical foundations thereof,
as revealed by the use of the disk) boils down to elements of com-
mon sense.

M- and Moon-houses: 1/12: personality and karma. 2/11: reali-

zation of goals and life substance. 3/10: environment and profes-
sional status. 4/9: self-control and higher understanding. 5/8: love
and sex. 6/7: adjustment to life and other people.
A- and Node-houses: 1/3: family background and environment.
2/2: money and possessions. 4/12: parental home and past life.
5/11: lovers and friends. 6/10: work and employer. 7/9: marriage
partner and educational level. 8/8: sex and death.
Sun-houses: 1 / 6: physical behavior patterns and health condi-
tions. 2/5: nutrition and fertility. 3/4: neighborhood and home.
7/12: partnerships and intimacy. 8/11: sexual energy and vital
reserves. 9/10: education and profession.
Exercise 1.
Draw up a fictitious chart, distributing the planets so that one
planet is found in each sign. The planets may be inserted randomly
within each sign around the wheel. Only twelve planets are re-
quired: it matters not which are used in what position. Place M
and Moon at zero Cancer; A and Node at zero Libra; and Sun at
zero Capricorn. With each planet in turn, verify the reflex houses
Fig. 4.5 as given in the preceding sections. A fictitious chart is used for
110 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial 111
this exercise so that every house will be occupied in every system,
in order to verify reflex action for all houses based on all personal
points. It is convenient in the interpretation of horoscopes to construct
a table of planetary positions which includes the houses in all six
Exercise 2. systems.
Repeat exercise 1. with a real chart. Note that some houses in Example.
the various systems will be unoccupied.
Construct a table of house positions using the birth horoscope
of Judy Garland.

M Moon Sun A Node Aries

Mercury 1 4 4 12 9 10
Certain key phrases may be used to realize a synthesis of a
Venus 2 4 5 1 10 10
planet in each of the six house systems.
I, me, mine, pertaining to my . . ., me person- Mars 7 9 10 6 3 3
Midheaven :
ally. Jupiter 4 7 7 3 1 1
Ascendant: Their, of others, in relation to . . . Saturn 4 7 7 3 12 1
Moon: Of women, of the public, feelings about . Uranus 10 12 12 9 6 6
Node: In connection with . . . Neptune 3 5 5 2 11 11
Sun: Of men, of the physical, objectively. Pluto 1 4 4 12 10 10
Aries: . . . in general, the world of . . . Cupid 3 5 5 2 11 11
Hades 10 1 1 9 6 7
Zeus 2 5 5 1 10 11
Example. Kronos 11 2 2 10 7 8
In the.horoscope of Judy Garland, Zeus is found in M2, Moon 5, Apollo 3 6 6 2 11 12
Sun 5, A 1, Node 10, and Aries 11.
Admetus 10 1 1 9 7 7
Zeus in her chart may be interpreted as follows:
Vulcanus 12 3 3 11 9 9
"My talents find expression in creative activity which directly
Poseidon 4 6 7 3 12 12
relates to my image in the eyes of the public as an artist or
performer. Material circumstances surrounding places of enter-
tainment have a direct connection with my professional activities,
which manifest in the worlds of theatre and showmanship." TTM
Chapter Fire


The house positions of a planet reveal the environments in
which the "influence" of a planet is expressed. Houses set the
stage and show in what context the planets operate. As useful as
they are, however, astrological houses do not reveal all there is
to know about the dynamic interworkings among the twenty-two
Planets which are grouped together in a single house exert a
combined influence on matters which pertain to that house. And
it is the totality of the planets which a house contains that deter-
mines the final synthesis of interpretation regarding the affairs of
that house.
Planets grouped together in such a fashion operate in unison:
in conjunction with each other. To round out the picture, and to
bring forth those vital additional details that can make horoscope
interpretation so very real and very much to the point, planets in
the reflex house of the house under study may also be examined,
for further information.
Up to this point, however, the student has been given the tools
to combine or synthesize in one "gulp" the influences of only two
houses (in any one system of houses) by virtue of planets in the
house itself, on the one hand, and planets (if any) in the reflex
house of that house.
In some cases, when a house contains many planetary occupants,
and especially when, in addition, the reflex house also contains
many planets, horoscope analysis by houses can, in effect, bring
together a diverse number of horoscopical factors, helping the
astrologer reach that most desired of all goals, synthesis.
114 The Language of Uranian Astrology Aspects 115
But most frequently, however, no such extraordinary groupings Different astrologers use different orbs, and the question of orb
of many planets in a house, together with similar groupings in the size always has been, and will probably always remain, an open-
reflex house, are found to exist in the average horoscope. Clearly, ended issue, in relation to aspects. The author suggests that the
then, chart synthesis must proceed by means of tools other than student use an orb of no more than five degrees with the conjunc-
astrological houses alone. tion aspect. Thus, a planet in (say) 10° Gemini falls "within orb"
In actual practice, house positions of planets are used in con- of conjunction to another planet which is located somewhere in
junction with aspects and planetary pictures, in order that the the range 5° - 15° Gemini.
particular departments of life may be discovered in which these In the horoscope of Judy Garland, Ascendant is conjunct Pluto,
aspects and planetary pictures find personal expression. Neptune is conjunct Cupid, Saturn is conjunct Poseidon and
The complete mastery of chart synthesis is perhaps more of an Node, Node is conjunct Jupiter, M is conjunct Uranus, and Hades
ideal to be strived for than an actual goal to be tangibly realized is conjunct Aries and Admetus.
by mere mortals of planet earth. Yet it is clear that through Uran- The opposition aspect is obtained by dividing 360° by two.
ian astrology, many tools are available which at least allow the The orb used with the opposition is also five degrees maximum
astrologer to modestly approach, if not (in any ultimate sense) (plus and minus).
fully gain, the attainment of that total understanding of a horo- The square aspect is obtained by dividing again by two: 90°.
scope in all its phases that is known as synthesis. Aspects are one
such tool, and this tool is used by all schools of astrology, though The semisquare aspect is half a square, or 45°.
not in exactly the same way. The sesquare or sesquiquadrate is a square plus a semisquare.
Its angular value is 135°.
The semi-semisquare is one-half again of a semisquare, or 22.5°.
Odd multiples (3, 5, 7) of the semi-semisquare are equivalent, in
THE GEOMETRY OF ASPECTS actual practice, to the 22.5° aspect itself: 67.5°, 112.5° and 157.5°.
Even multiples of 22.5° duplicate aspects previously cited. Aspects
Just as reflex houses reveal hidden connections among planets greater than 180° are not used, since they duplicate aspects which
in otherwise unrelated houses, so also do aspects show connections
lie in the range 0 - 180°. The value of the conjunction is zero
among planets by virtue of those planets being located at certain degrees.
critical distances in zodiacal longitude from each other. These
critical distances are termed aspects. The division of the circle by two can be continued almost indef-
Aspects consist of certain critical values of angular relationship. initely. The author has personally verified the 11 1 /4°, 5 5/8° and
These critical values are obtained by dividing the whole circle of 2 13/16° aspects. Orbs on these sub-harmonic aspects are very
360 degrees by integral numbers. small indeed: no more than one-quarter degree, or fifteen minutes.
The most basic aspect is the conjunction. When two or more These smaller aspects will not be mentioned further in this book
planets stand in conjunction relationship, they are located in close except in passing. They are effective, but they also add needless
proximity to each other. The tolerance allowed in the definition confusion to the mind of the beginning Uranian.
of "proximity" (in relation to all aspects, including the conjunc- A very significant "threshold effect" has been found at 22.5°,
tion) is called orb and it is measured in degrees. and aspects which are formed by further division of the circle by
116 The Language of Uranian Astrology Aspects 117

two may, therefore, be disregarded by the beginner. It is enough

that the student knows that these smaller aspects exist. Hard Soft
The orb of the square aspect is four degrees; of the semi-square 3 1
and sesquiquadrate, two degrees; and of the semi-semisquare, one 6 2
degree. Beyond these orbs, the potency of the aspects diminishes
more or less sharply. There is, however, no absolute drop-off 9 4
point, and experienced astrologers should continue to use their 12 5
own judgment as to just where to draw the line on orb size. 15 7
Division of the circle may also take place by three, yielding the 18 8
trine aspect, or 120°. A trine, in turn, may be divided by two,
giving the sextile, or 60°. Half a sextile is a semisextile, or 30° as- 21
pect. A semisextile plus a trine equals the quincunx, 150°. 24 23
Orbs for the sextile and trine may be taken as three degrees; for
the semisextile and quincunx, one degree.
Conjunction, opposition, square, semisquare, sesquiquadrate
and semi-semisquare relationships are known as hard aspects. This
series of aspects is always indicative of events.
Trine, sextile, semisextile and quincunx relationships are known The conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile are known
as major aspects. All others are known as minor aspects. In actual
as soft aspects. These aspects, when existing in isolation, are some-
practice, the semisquare, sesquiquadrate and semi-semisquare are
what "lazy." They do not always indicate events but rather show
anything but "minor" in their effects. The terms "major" and
states of rest, or even inactivity. In order for two planets in soft
"minor" are primarily used in schools of astrology other than the
aspect to indicate an event, at least one of the two planets involved Uranian.
must, in addition, receive a hard aspect from a third planet. The
single exception to this rule occurs when two planets in soft aspect The major aspects as well as the minor aspects semisquare, ses-
are in soft aspect to a third planet which is located midway be- quiquadrate, semisextile and quincunx are indicated with symbols
tween the first two planets, or in opposition to that midway point; on the 360°-disk. The following symbols should be committed to
more on this special case in the chapter on planetary pictures. memory:

SYNTHESIS OF HARD AND SOFT ASPECTS Conjunction d Opposition Ci Square

The terms "hard" and "soft" apply only to those aspects which
are integral multiples of 7 1/2°. Aspects which are multiples of
Sesquare Semisquare L Trine A
7 1 /2° comprise the 7 1/2°-series of aspects.
Hard aspects in the 7 1/2°-series are those multiples which are
Sextile Semisextile Quincunx 7
divisible by the number three. All other multiples of 7 1/2° are Aspects in the 22 1/2°-series (odd multiples thereof) are indi-
soft. The following table classifies hard and soft aspects. cated on the disk by dots.
118 The Language of Uranian Astrology Aspects . 119


An aspectarian is any mechanical device used in conjunction The classical techniques of Uranian astrology are confined to
with a horoscope for the determination of aspects. the use of hard aspects, generally those which occur in the 22 1/2°-
The Uranian 360°-disk is used as an aspectarian by placing the series. Beginners should restrict themselves to this series of aspects.
pointer of the dial on the factor for which aspects are to be found. Exercise.
Those planets or points which stand in aspect to the factor under Determine all hard aspects in the 22 1/2°-series to all factors
investigation will lie at those marks on the disk which indicate the in the horoscope of Judy Garland. Use the metal 360°-disk as
value of the aspect formed. aspectarian. Apply the proper orbs. Tabulate your results.
Plus and minus degree tolerances in each case are determined by
the orb which applies to the aspect formed. Only those aspects
which are "within orb" are taken to be valid.
For mathematically inclined readers, the following formula may
be of interest. It establishes the values for all aspects obtained by
integral divisions of the whole circle.
Each aspect A obtained thusly may also be further divided by
The Uranian 360°-dial also contains markings which show as-
two, or integral powers of two,. producing a valid secondary set of
pects generated by dividing the circle by five. 360° ÷ 5 = 72° or
aspects A' (read: "A prime"). Odd multiples of A (but not of A')
the quintile. Twice a quintile is a biquintile, or 144°. The quin- are, in practice, equivalent to (act like) A itself.
tile is commonly abbreviated with a capital Q in astrological
literature, while the biquintile is abbreviated BQ. Some ephemer-
ides indicate the quintile aspect by a small star.
The quintile and biquintile have not gained universal acceptance A 360°
among astrologers generally, though there can be little doubt that pn
these aspects do indicate valid angular relationships. The quintile
and biquintile aspects are indicated on the 360°-dial by small Where A = degree and decimal value of the
arrows at 72° and 144°. Beginners can afford to ignore these two generated aspect
A small number of astrologers use aspects generated by dividing any and all prime numbers
the circle by the integer seven, resulting in a value of 51°25'43". (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13....)
This, too, represents a valid series of aspects, but once again the
beginner can afford to overlook them. No name has been generally any positive integer
agreed upon for this series, as far as the author is aware. They are
not indicated on the dial. Valid multiples of this aspect include And Ph = "the nth power of P" =
the basic 51° + value times 2 and 3. PxPxP... (n times)
120 The Language of ilmniWn Astrology Aspects 121

Examples. personal significance (Sun) affected by periods of suffering with or

(1) LetP=2andn=2: A— 360° _ 360° _ 90° ( ❑ ) through others.
22 4
Mars in A 6: Disputes with co-workers. Reflex ten: concerning
(2) LetP=2andn=3: A— 360° _ 360° _ 45°( L
or in relation to professional activities.
23 8 Jupiter in A 3 (near A 4): Expensive surroundings, good news,
positive thoughts of others, abundance in the home.
(3) LetP=3andn=1:- A= 360° _ 360° — 120°( z )
31 Pluto in A 12: Major life changes taking place behind the scenes
3 in her private sphere.
(4) Let P = 1 and n = 1: A= 360° _ 360° — 360° cf
(5) Refer to (3) above, A 120°
and divide A by two: A' — 3 - - 60° ( )
2 2

In example (5) above, A3 means: "take the value of A for

example (3)." The numeral "3" associated with A is called a

Consider the horoscope of Judy Garland. Investigate aspects to
the ascendant.
Asc. is: conjunct Pluto, square Jupiter, and in semi-semisquare
relationship to Sun and Mars.
Exercise. Verify these aspects with the 360°-dial.
By virtue of these aspect relationships, A-houses 3, 6 and 12 are
strongly associated by virtue of the planets they contain which are
in mutual aspect.
Sun in A 12: Male person(s) in the background of life, possible
suffering through him (them). Ego drives of Ms. Garland sub-
merged in withdrawal periods from the outside world. Striving for
Chapter Six


Astrological forces can most clearly be understood by applying
the concept of vectors. A vector is a representation of a force by
means of an arrow. The direction of the arrow indicates the direc-
tion of the force (up, down, north, south, etc.). The length of the
arrow indicates the relative strength of the force. Vectors are used
in science and mathematics to produce a graphic representation of
forces at play. Applied to astrology, vector analysis helps the
student develop a vivid picture of why planetary configurations
Before considering the application of vectors to astrology, how-
ever, let us examine how vectors explain phenomena that we are
already familiar with.
Let us transport ourselves in imagination to a waterfront scene
full of the bustling activity of a busy harbor. There we see a tug-
boat at work, attached to a freighter by strong cable. By means of
this cable, the tug applies a powerful force, and the force it exerts
is remarkably out of keeping with its small size, in relation to the
giant which it pulls through the water. Figure 6.1 consists of a
vector diagram of the forces at work.

Everything else being equal, the tugboat will pull the freighter
in the direction the tug is moving; in this case, north.
Now suppose that the freighter is loaded to capacity, and two
tugboats are needed, where only one would be required with
lighter cargo. It is obvious that for the ship to move northwards,
the forces which the tugs apply must combine in such a way that
124 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 125

R is the vector sum of the forces applied by the two tugboats.

Since the two component vectors are of equal length, the result-
ant vector R indicates a combined force which operates along the
midpoint of the tugboat forces.

Let us imagine at this point that the engines of the freighter are
turned on, so that the freighter itself contributes to the forward
motion. Assume that the ship's rudder is aligned in a north-south
direction. The force of the ship's engines can also be represented
by a vector. And since this vector points in the same northerly
direction as the vector R, we may place the tail of the freighter's
vector upon the head of the vector R. The vector representing the
ship's engines we shall call S. The tugboats pull with a combined
force of "R" pounds, and the ship itself pushes with a force of "S"
Fig. 6.1 pounds. Since R and S are in the same direction (north), the total
force of tugboats and freighter is equal to R + S pounds of force.

their total force together moves the ship in the desired direction. If a third tugboat were required, even with the ship's engines
The situation would look like figure 6.2. Assume that the tugboats turned on, it would be attached to the freighter by means of a
apply equal forces to the ship. cable aligned north-south. This third tugboat's motion would take
place in a northerly direction. The total force in a northerly di-
rection equals R + S + tugboat 3.

-R6P If four tugboats were required to move the freighter, they would
have to be attached to the ship in a fashion similar to that when
65#1 49,02, only two tugs were employed. Two tugs would work on one side
of the ship and would pull in a direction somewhat west of north;
while the remaining two tugs would work on the opposite side of
the ship and would pull in a direction somewhat east of north.
Assume now that the ship's engines are turned off. The combined
force of the four tugs would produce a resultant vector sum that is
obviously greater than for two tugs. Once again assuming that the
forces of all tugboats are equal, the direction of their summation
force or resultant will also be found along the north-south line
Fig. 6.2 which is at their midpoint. See figure 6.3.
126 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 127

One factor whose longitude equals the average longitudes of two

additional factors is said to lie at their midpoint. See figure 6.4.
A planet Po stands at the midpoint of another two planets P1 and
P2 when the distance between Po and P1 equals the distance be-
tween p0 and P2 ' P0 lies at the half sum of P1 and P2


I -rnidioint- axis
I tf
Fig. 6.3
Fig. 6.4
Type I Planetary Picture

The situation in figure 6.4 is like two tugboats pulling a ship

PLANETARY PICTURES whose engines are fired up. The ship is Po , and the two tugboats
are P1 and P2 . To complete the waterfront metaphor, it is as-
The reader who understands the foregoing will also understand
sumed that the ship itself is exerting the same force as any one
what planetary pictures are all about. tugboat. The vector sum of energies Po , P1 and P2 takes place
Let us transfer our attention from the waterfront to the starry along the P1 /P2 midpoint axis. This midpoint axis coincides with
universe. Imagine that instead of tugboats, there are planetary the axis of Po . Po , P1 and P2 are said to be in symmetrical rela-
forces. Let us assume further that all planetary forces are of equal tionship, and the axis of symmetry is the midpoint or half sum
strength. In reality, this assumption is sound: all planets do seem axis. Figure 6.4 illustrates a type I planetary picture.
to operate with equal strength, no matter what their distance may
The situation in figure 6.5 is like four tugboats pulling a ship
be from Earth or Sun.
whose engines are turned off. Because the engines are turned off,
A single tugboat pulling a ship whose engines are in operation the ship (Po ) is not shown here; it contributes nothing to the
is like one planet in conjunction with another. Two planets so resultant force. Notice once again that the four planets are dis-
aligned are said to lie on the same axis, just as the forces of ship tributed symmetrically about the midpoint axis. Figure 6.5 illus-
and solitary tugboat take place along the same north-south line. trates a type II planetary picture.
128 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 129


In the horoscope of Judy Garland, Saturn lies at the midpoint of

Node and Poseidon. These three factors form a type I planetary
I picture. This configuration may be written: Saturn = Node/Posei-

VakftS1 don. A slash between two factors indicates that the midpoint is to
be found for those two factors. A midpoint is calculated by con-
verting the two positions into whole circle measurements (see
isyNkietTe chapter one), adding the two together, and dividing the sum by

Fig. 6.5 Node = 5 Libra 10 = 185°10'

Type II Planetary Picture Poseidon = 25 Virgo 42 = 175°42'
Node + Poseidon = 360°52'
Divided by 2 = 180°26' = Node/Poseidon
Saturn = 0 Libra 51 = 180°51'
A Planetary Picture is a symmetrical arrangement of factors
about a common axis. Saturn — (Node/Poseidon) = 0°2 5 ' = orb off exactitude
Exercise. Let the axis of symmetry equal Q. Starting with the
This planetary picture may be written in the form of equal
(1) P1-Q= Q - P2 sums, Saturn + Saturn = Node + Poseidon. This notation is an
(2) Q — P4 = P3 — Q alternative to the notation Saturn = Node/Poseidon. The follow-
ing algebraic juggling shows why this can be done:
Prove that P1 + P2= P3+ P4 • Saturn = Node/Poseidon —Node + Poseidon
Multiply both sides of this equation by two:
Why are (1) and (2) true statements? 2 x Saturn = Saturn + Saturn = Node + Poseidon.
Hint: Add (1) and (2) together, left side to left side, and right Once again in the horoscope of Judy Garland, the Venus/Zeus
side to right side, to produce one combined equation. Rearrange midpoint lies on the axis of the Sun/Apollo midpoint. Thus may
the resulting equation so that only (+) signs occur. be written: Venus/Zeus = Sun/Apollo. In the equal sum notation,
130 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 131

this same planetary picture may be written: Venus + Zeus = hard aspect to another midpoint (type II). Planetary pictures so
Sun + Apollo. These four factors form a type II planetary picture. formed are called indirect. See figure 6.6. The circles represent
Venus 19 Cancer 02 109°02' the 360° reference frame.
Zeus 1 Leo 33 121°33'
Venus + Zeus • 230°35'
Sun = 18 Gemini 48 78°48'
Apollo = 1 Virgo 17 • 151°17'
Sun + Apollo 230°05'
(Venus + Zeus) — (Sun + Apollo) 0°30'= orb off
Exercise. Prove that type II planetary pictures can be written
in the form P1 + P2 = P3 + P4 Substitute names of planets for
letters if you wish. Begin with slash notation.


The following table should be committed to memory. By adding Indirect Planetary Pictures
the degree and minutes value of a factor to the number of degrees
which corresponds to the start of the sign in which that factor is Under "type I" in figure 6.6, Po is sesquiquadrate.the midpoint
found, the whole circle equivalent of the sign position may be P1 /P2 . An equally valid planetary picture would be formed if P 0
readily calculated. were located at any of the seven other points shown by the inter-
Aries 0° Leo 120° Sagittarius 240° sections of dotted lines with the perimeter of the circle. The
picture would, however, be a direct one only if Po is located at
Taurus 30° Virgo 150° Capricorn 270°
either the conjunction or opposition points of the primary mid-
Gemini 60° Libra 180° Aquarius 300° point axis P1 /P2 . Otherwise, the picture is indirect. In this case,
Cancer 90° Scorpio 210° Pisces 330° the conjunction and opposition points lie at the very top and very
bottom (respectively) of the circle.

DIRECT AND INDIRECT PLANETARY PICTURES Under "type II" in figure 6.6, the P1 /P2 midpoint axis is square
to the P3 /P4 midpoint axis. An equally valid planetary picture
A planetary picture which is formed by midpoints lying directly
would be formed if the P3 /P4 midpoint axis fell at any 45° contact
in the conjunction-opposition axis is called a direct planetary point to the midpoint axis P1 /P2 . The 45° lines are omitted for
picture. The preceding examples fall into this category.
the sake of clarity. If, however, the axis P1 /P2 coincided with the
A planetary picture may also be formed by either a single axis P3 /P4 , the planetary picture P1 + P2 = P3 + P4 would be a
factor in hard aspect to a midpoint (type I); or by a midpoint in direct picture.
132 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 133

The "equals" sign in planetary picture notation is meant to em- Moon = 29 Sagittarius 09 = 269°09'
brace both direct and indirect pictures. This "equals" sign, there-
Jupiter = 9 Libra 00 189°00'
fore, actually means either "equal" in a literal sense, or "in hard
aspect to", i.e., "equal" in a more general sense. Moon + Jupiter = 458°09'
Subtract whole circle = 360°00'
Example 1. 98°09'
In the horoscope of Judy Garland, Poseidon is square the mid- Sun = 18 Gemini 48 = 78°48'
point Moon/Mars. These three factors form a type I indirect Venus = 19 Cancer 02 = 109°02'
planetary picture in her chart. This configuration may be written:
Poseidon = Moon/Mars; or Poseidon + Poseidon = Moon + Mars. Sun + Venus = 187°50'
(Sun + Venus) — (Moon +
Jupiter) = 89°41'
Poseidon = 25 Virgo 42 = 175°42'
Exact aspect (square) = 90°00'
Moon = 29 Sagittarius 09 = 269°09' Orb off exactitude = 0°19'
Mars = 18 Sagittarius 55 = 258°55'
Moon + Mars 528°04' Exercise. Rework example 2 using slash notation. Establish
264°02' = Moon/Mars what aspect, in reality, forms the picture. Verify your conclusions
divided by two
with the 360°-dial. Calculate the orb off exactitude. Notice that
Moon/Mars — Poseidon 88°20' the true orb is given only by calculation with slash notation. What
Exact aspect (square) 90°00' is the relationship between the orb figured by sum notation and
1°40' the orb figured by slash notation?
Orb off exactitude

Exercise. Verify example 1 using sum notation instead of slash

notation. Hint: the square will appear as an opposition. ASPECTS AND PLANETARY PICTURES
It is important for the student to understand that with Uranian
astrology, it is not necessary for any of the factors in a planetary
picture to stand in any sort of conventional aspect relationship to
each other, as long as the conditions of symmetry are fulfilled.
Example 2.
In example 2 in the preceding section of this book, it just so
In the horoscope of Judy Garland, the Moon/Jupiter midpoint happens that Sun and Venus are in semisextile. But Moon and
stands in hard aspect to the Sun/Venus midpoint. These four fac- Jupiter are not in aspect to each other, unless orbs are widened
tors form a type II indirect planetary picture in her chart. This and a square is taken with an orb of ten degrees. it is true that
configuration may be written Moon/Jupiter = Sun/Venus or Moon some astrologers use a ten degree orb for the square. But the point
+ Jupiter = Sun + Venus. is that it does not matter if they are in square or not.
134 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 135
What is important to note in example 2 is the fact that the chooses, employ soft aspects in addition to hard aspects, in con-
midpoint of Sun and Venus stands in hard aspect to the midpoint nection with planetary pictures. It must be remembered that if
of Moon and Jupiter. Thus, the conditions of symmetry are ful- soft aspects are used in this way, an otherwise "bad" planetary
filled. And as long as the conditions of symmetry are fulfilled, picture is not, in any sense, turned into a fortunate one. There
there exists a valid planetary picture that contains its own specific are few cases where a situation or event cannot be explained by
meaning based on the keywords of the factors which form the means of hard angles applied to planetary pictures.
picture. The meaning of a picture is derived from the planets that
comprise it, not from aspects which may or may not exist between
any two or more planets in the picture.


Some astrological schools maintain that soft aspects between
planets are good, while hard aspects between planets are bad. The
Uranian system does not classify aspects into "good" or "bad"
categories. In Uranian astrology, the so-called "goodness" or
"badness" of a planetary configuration depends upon the natures
of the planets involved. And the natures of the planets are under-
stood by means of the keywords (chapter two). The presence of a
hard aspect such as the square does not cause a planetary leopard
to change its spots in relation to other environments such as the
Thus when the heavy hand of Saturn throws cold water on the
loving warmth of Venus, a typically unfortunate combination
results, whether by hard or soft aspect. I say "typically", because
even this combination has its positive side, giving a deep and lasting
love, a love that is infused with a firm sense of responsibility, and
so on. This aspect may delay marriage, but that may well prove to
be a benefit when the overall life patterns of the native are exam-
ined. And so forth.
Perhaps at least in a philosophical sense there are no good or
bad combinations on any ultimate level, for even the "worst" of
configurations can point to the necessity for the native to balance
and harmonize the various aspects of his (or her) nature.
Under certain conditions (see chapter five), soft aspects are, in
effect, transformed into hard aspects. Because of this transforma- 6-7LCINCI C7AOSS
tion effect, the advanced Uranian astrologer may, if he (she) Fig. 6.7
136 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 137

T-CROSS, GRAND TRINE, SEXTILE FAN, From this we may conclude the following: (1) The sum of two
YODE AND GRAND CROSS factors, B and C, when equal to zero, forms a planetary picture
containing Aries. (2) A factor C, when equal to one-half of a
These configurations are special cases of type I and type II
second factor B, establishes the existence of a planetary picture
planetary pictures. They are used by some, even most, non-
containing Aries. (3) A factor C, when equal to twice a second
Uranian schools of thought. The illustrations in figure 6.7 define
factor B, establishes the existence of an Aries picture.
them graphically.
Within the Uranian system, there is no distinction made among Consider, secondly, type II planetary pictures containing Aries.
these configurations, except that the different planets P1 - P4 will All Aries pictures of type II may be written:
fall in different houses. All these configurations are special forms (1) B + C = Aries + D
of the planetary picture. Uranian astrology does not therefore
(2) B + D = Aries + C
neglect these configurations. Quite the contrary, they are taken,
but all are subsumed under one heading. All the configurations are (3) C + D = Aries + B
type I pictures, except for the Grand Cross, which is type II.
Since these three types are equivalent in form (appearance), our
attention will be confined to just one of the equations above.
Examine the following derivation:
C + D = Aries + B
D = Aries + B — C
Planetary pictures involving the Aries Point are no different
structurally than any others, except that when the numerical posi- D= B — C
tions of the factors comprising the picture are put on paper, Aries From this manipulation of terms, we may conclude the follow-
is zero. ing: If the difference between two factors is equal to the longitude
The fact that Aries is always zero degrees leads to some interest- of a third factor, a planetary picture is formed containing Aries.
ing conclusions in connection with pictures containing Aries. Aries Exercise. Start with equations (4) and (5) and proceed as above
is a kind of "invisible" term, being zero, and this fact leads to the to prove that with (4), B = D — C; and that with (5), D = C — B.
concept of halves, sums and differences.
If the sum of two factors B and C (excluding Aries) equals zero,
Consider, first of all, type I planetary pictures containing Aries. 90, 180, 270 or 360 degrees, then B lies on the antiscion of C, and
Let B, C and D stand for any of the remaining 21 factors. All Aries C lies on the antiscion of B. The antiscion of B equals Aries +
pictures of type I may be written: Aries — B, or 360° B, and the antiscion of C equals Aries + Aries
(1) B + C = Aries + Aries : which means that B+C=0 — C, or 360° — C. When B and C are at each other's antiscion
points, the midpoint B/C lies on the Cancer/Capricorn axis or on
(2) B + Aries = C + C which means that C = 1 /2 B
the Aries/Libra axis. The resulting configuration is written: B + C
(3) C + Aries = B + B which means that C = 2B = Aries + Aries.
138 The Language of (Iranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 139


The following sidelight may be of interest to mathematically
inclined readers who may thereby gain insight into the square and
trine aspects.
Any vector may be broken down into perpendicular compon-
ents. See figure 6.8. Consider a vector V which lies at some ••••• ••=.10 mmem .111•11•11.

randomly chosen angle A to the horizontal. In keeping with

Cartesian notation, the horizontal component of V is called x, and
the vertical component of V is called y. Component vectors x and 900
y add to produce V.
Tice twcv-
ar-e, saran
Fig. 6.9
Two Tugboats "in Square" "Plf".

Obviously, the angle between the two cables connecting each tug
Fig. 6.8 to the freighter is thereby equal to ninety degrees. The original
Analysis of a Vector vectors of each tugboat are broken down into x and y components.
into Perpendicular Components
Granted, no tugboat pilot in his right mind would pull a ship in
the above described manner: too much energy is wasted off to the
sides, and more fuel is therefore expended than necessary. The
Let us now backtrack to the waterfront and once again consider reason is that only the y components of the two tugs contribute
the case where two tugboats are pulling a ship which has its engines to the forward motion of the ship.
turned off. Let us furthermore assume that the one tugboat is The x components are literally wasted: they act off to the side.
moving in exactly a northwesterly direction, while the other tug- The x component of tugboat number 1 pulls the ship west; the x
boat is moving in exactly a northeasterly direction. See figure 6.9. component of tugboat number 2 pulls the ship east. These two x
140 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 141

components cancel out, leaving the y components to accomplish

the task at hand.
But notice carefully what happens when the angle between the
two cables becomes greater than ninety degrees. Let us assume,
for the sake of argument, that the angle between the cables is
something greater than 90°, but less than 120°. See figure 6.10.

Fig. 6.11
Single Circle Produced
by Vector Rotation
Viewing the above situation unemotionally, with cold, scientif-
ic eyes, leads immediately to the obvious conclusion that the tug-
boat pilots have gone crackers. For in this case, not only are the x
components larger than the y components, but the resolution of
Fig. 6.10 the two vectors yields a combined force R which is equal to the
force of any one tugboat alone.
If the angle between the tugboats increases beyond 120°, the
situation deteriorates even further. R is then less than the force
In this case, the x components of the forces applied by the tug- of any one tugboat.
boats are greater than the y components. Most of the energy Important conclusions may be drawn from this little fantasy.
expended by the tugs, therefore, consists in a surrealistic effort to Let us at this point once again transfer our attention to the starry
rip the freighter in two. Still, the resultant vector, pointing in a universe and imagine that two planets replace the two tugboats.
northerly direction, remains greater than the individual tugboat When the angle between the two planets equals ninety degrees,
vectors. So even under the Alice-in-Wonderland conditions pic- an important shift takes place in the cycle of the two planets (see
tured above, the freighter will move out of the harbor into open chapter one). The vector sum of the two forces remains greater
water at a greater speed than if one tug were having a go at it than the individual forces, but the x and y components are equal,
alone. describing a situation that could go one way (in the x direction)
Let us carry this madness further and allow the angle between or the other (in the y direction). What results is a change of
the two tugboats to equal 120°. See figure 6.11. consciousness, a tangible event. See figure 6.9.
142 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 143

When the angle between the two planets equals one hundred EQUAL SUMS AND EQUAL DIFFERENCES
twenty degrees, another important shift takes place. See figure We have already seen that equal sums describe a planetary pic-
6.11. At this point, the resolution of the two vectors (the result- ture. Equal sums can be converted to equal differences as follows:
ant R) is equal to the strength of any one of the planets which
B+ C=D+E : type II picture.
form the trine. This, too, is a transition point. Rotating the three
vectors about their common tails produces identical circles for B= D + E — C : subtract C. from both sides.
each. As the angle between the two planets exceeds 120°, R B—D= E —C : variation number 1.
becomes smaller. Only at the trine aspect are identical and coinci- B—E= D—C : variation number 2.
dental circles generated.
Variations 1 and 2 are equivalent to each other and to the type
It is interesting to note that the trine aspect would, according to
II equation from which they are derived.
this analysis, be a turning point in the attenuation of forces. The
single exceptions to this attenuation phenomenon occur either Since B — E and D — C are equal to the longitudinal arcs from
when (1) a planetary picture occurs; or (2) when a hard aspect E to B and from C to D, then if the value B — E is equal to some
from a third factor vitalizes the trine and gives it "life." As men- aspect, D — C is also equal to some aspect.
tioned in chapter five, the trine has been associated with quiet Suppose that B — E and D — C each equal 120°. Then B is trine
periods and comparative calm; as, for example, in connection with E and D is trine C. In this hypothetical horoscope, there will
short wave radio propagation or economic cycles. But it is not, in therefore exist two trines. See figure 6.12.
addition, widely known among astrologers generally that the trine
aspect has a natural connection with the eighth and twelfth houses: The existence of two trines in figure 6.12 points to the existence
the houses of internal psychic states. of a planetary picture. The axis of symmetry lies along the mid-
points B/C and DIE. Therefore, B + C = D + E.
The analysis by Witte of the planetary houses (see chapter four)
places the planet, whose houses are desired, at the cusp of the Remember from earlier portions of this chapter that there need
fourth house. At one hundred twenty degrees counterclockwise be no special aspects among any of the four factors which form a
from the fourth house cusp is found the eighth house cusp. And planetary picture, as long as the conditions of symmetry are ful-
at one hundred twenty degrees clockwise from the fourth house filled. The equation above indicates that this symmetry exists, and
cusp is found the twelfth house cusp. Thus, the trine expresses therefore that a planetary picture is formed. It so happens, in this
eighth and twelfth house influences. case, there exist two trines. There would still exist a planetary
picture as long as B — E = D — C.
It is obvious from the foregoing that the grand trine expresses
fourth, eighth and twelfth house influences. These are the so- Equal differences are not widely used as general notation in
called "occult" houses. Uranian astrology, since equal sums express the same reality with
less confusion and chance for error.
It is important to keep in mind that each planet and each house
have both positive and negative qualities. Based on the Yin-Yang It is not unusual to find a chart which does not contain any
principle, the positive side always equals the negative side. "Evil" special configuration such as a fan or a yode. It is less unusual to
does not consist in the existence of the negative (for the positive find a chart which contains two trines, or two squares, or two of
can be evil also: witness the population explosion), but in the im- any of the other aspects. Non-Uranian systems consider the two
balance between positive and negative. trines (or the two other identical aspects) separately, unless one of
144 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Theory 145

the aforementioned special configurations occurs. But the Uranian In the preceding illustration we have seen that the existence of
system considers such aspect pairings as a unit. For if the differ- two trines implies the existence of a planetary picture. The exist-
ence between two planets is equal to the difference between two ence of two sextiles, or two semisextiles, and so on, would also
other planets, then a planetary picture is formed. Since all four imply the existence of a planetary picture, due to equal differ-
planets are studied together on a common axis, more likely than ences. And since it has been shown in practical research that soft
not there will be other midpoints on the axis which non-Uranian aspects are converted to hard aspects when a planetary picture
schools typically miss altogether. These additional midpoints give occurs, then it becomes clear that soft aspects are not necessarily
vital additional information. soft. A semisextile, sextile or trine is soft only when the semi-
sextile, sextile or trine exists in isolation.
It is important for the student to grasp these somewhat academ-
ic details, because if he understands them well, then he has a good
basis for judging the merits of various other astrological systems,
from a theoretical point of view.
If so-called soft aspects can ever be understood as "benefic" or
"peaceful" in the sense that many non-Uranian schools use these
terms, then the soft aspect which occurs between any two planets
must stand alone. And since this state of affairs occurs sporadic-
TNE= ally in horoscopes generally, we can assume that the doctrine of
720e hard and soft aspects is more a mathematical abstraction than a
working tool to be used with real charts. Because of the complexi-
ties involved which so greatly modify the traditional concepts of
good and bad aspects, those traditional concepts cannot, by and
large, find application in modern scientific astrology. The doctrine
of "good" and "bad" aspects is true only under such very special
conditions, and then only in a qualified sense, that it is not worth
hanging on to as a general rule. According to Witte, various as-
ax.11s— pects do have their individual natures or qualities, but these natures
t.54* and qualities are defined by the houses which are contacted in the
planetary system of equal houses.
ynon eej
37* t
k..4,fia-e-rficie-nticaZ as cfs aZuAzy A sensitive point is an incomplete planetary picture requiring
_pp-cm-kir es- a_fia 77C tczr-sj6i-cezer-e one additional factor to make it complete.
The equation
Fig. 6.12 B+C=D+E
The Language of Uranian Astrology
Chapter Seven

may be written
But suppose there is no factor B on the one side of this last
equation. Then the expression D + E — C is merely a sensitive PLANETARY PICTURES: PRACTICE.
point. In predictive astrology, the space represented by the missing
B may, for a time, be filled up with a transiting planet or a directed
planet. For that time only, a planetary picture exists.
Let us now put into practice what we have learned in previous
chapters, applying the 360°-dial to the investigation of planetary
pictures. The English language dial, as pictured in chapter four,
will be used throughout what follows. At this point, the student
should already have acquired a dial and mounted it on a clipboard,
in accordance with the instructions given in chapter four.
Examine the dial closely. In addition to the house, sign and
aspect markings previously discussed, the student will notice a
series of numbers going both clockwise and counterclockwise from
the arrowhead at zero Cancer. These numbers divide the circle
into two semi-circles about the zero Cancer and zero Capricorn
diameter. The numbers extend from zero at the arrowhead to
180° at the opposition point and these numbers are distributed
symmetrically about the zero Cancer/zero Capricorn axis. These
numbers are used to establish the existence of planetary pictures
on any axis to which the arrowhead is pointed. By turning the
disk to various positions in the chart, various planetary pictures are
If the student has not already done so, the horoscopical posi-
tions in the chart of Judy Garland should be entered on a piece of
blank (unlined) paper placed under the disk. Zero Cancer goes at
the top. Each sign contains thirty degrees, and each long line
indicates five degrees. To enter M, for example, one starts count-
ing at zero Pisces, which is identified by both a trine symbol and
the number "330."
Ms. Garland's MC is located at 12 Pisces 42. Starting from zero
Pisces, move counterclockwise to the second long marking line,
148 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Practice 149

thinking (if you wish) zero-five-ten. Then continue counterclock- A fine line pen should be used for the radial lines so that
wise by two short lines, to "12 Pisces." Since 42 minutes is almost positions can be read off the dial directly to the nearest degree.
one degree, we go forward (counterclockwise) from 12 Pisces not Some students may, like the author, prefer to use a broad-tipped
quite one degree more. A radial line is drawn at this position, pen or felt-tipped marker to draw in the symbols, so that they
perhaps 1/4" in length or so (not critical). The letter M is then stand out effectively.
drawn in. See the plate in chapter four for clarification. In such a
Now twist the dial so that the arrowhead stands at M. At
fashion are all the positions of a horoscope entered. Double-check
approximately 86° counterclockwise from M will be found Vulcan-
your entries.
us. At approximately 84° clockwise from M will be found Mars.
Enter horoscope positions lightly with pencil the first time a- M is therefore at the midpoint of Mars and Vulcanus. This is a
round. Not only can errors be thereby easily erased, but also any planetary picture. Since Uranus is so close to M, Uranus is also on
tightly grouped bunchings of planets or points can be fanned out the midpoint Mars/Vulcanus, and on all other midpoints in the M
to give a more pleasing overall appearance that will result in less axis.
confusion as work proceeds. See figure 7.1. Once the final
At approximately 168° counterclockwise from M will be found
arrangement has been established, positions can be inked in per-
Apollo. And approximately 168° clockwise from M will be found
manently. Some Uranian astrologers like to enter all factors ex-
Poseidon. M therefore lies on the midpoint Apollo/Poseidon.
cept personal points in black, with the personal points inscribed in
red, or some other high contrast color. M = Mars/Vulcanus and M = Apollo/Poseidon are type I plane-
tary pictures. We also have here a type II planetary picture:
Mars/Vulcanus = Apollo/Poseidon. But it would be disregarded,
were not M, or some other personal point, present on or located
in the axis.

Exercise. Discover the midpoints Jupiter/Neptune and Jupiter/

Cupid on this same M axis.
Planetary pictures which line up directly on the conjunction/op-
position axis of the 360°-dial are direct pictures. The planetary
pictures discovered so far are, therefore, direct.
Now twist the dial counterclockwise so that the "square" sym-
bol on the dial is located at M. In this position, we will discover
planetary pictures on the M axis which are formed by the square.
These are indirect pictures.
Counterclockwise from the arrowhead will be found the Sun at
approximately six degrees. Clockwise from the arrowhead will be
found Vulcanus at approximately four degrees. Sun/Vulcanus
stands, therefore, in the M axis by square. No other midpoints are
Fig. 7.1 to be found with the dial in this position.
150 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Practice 151
Now twist the dial clockwise so that a "semisquare" symbol on suspect, though admittedly some people are born at such "con-
the dial is located at M. Approximately forty-four degrees clock- venient" times.)
wise from the arrowhead will be found Uranus; and approximately In contrast to the midpoint structures (planetary pictures)
forty-one degrees counterclockwise from the arrowhead will be found here, a non-Uranian astrologer would typically see the
found Vulcanus. Therefore, the midpoint Uranus/Vulcanus lies on following: M conjunct Uranus, M square Sun, M trine Pluto, A
the M axis by virtue of the 45° aspect. and Venus, M quincunx Neptune and Cupid, M square Mars, and
About 119° counterclockwise from the pointer will be found M quintile Moon. These aspects are certainly valid, and the Uran-
the Moon. And about 123° clockwise from the pointer will be ian astrologer can and should look into them further, perhaps
found Apollo. The midpoint Moon/Apollo lies on the M axis. No tightening up a bit on orbs. The non-Uranian astrologer, however,
other midpoints are found with the dial in this position. will miss seeing the planetary pictures previously cited. Thus,
Uranian astrology gives a more nearly complete view of the total
Finally, twist the dial clockwise again so that the other "semi-
square" symbol on the dial is located at M. The pointer is now at
approximately 5 O'Clock. This position will give the remaining It frequently happens that virtually no aspects occur to M (or to
midpoints (if any) on the M axis. any other single point.) It cannot be assumed, however, that for
this reason the native is a colorless nonentity. By the law of
At approximately 147° clockwise from the arrowhead will be
found Apollo. And at approximately 152° counterclockwise from averages, there will always be found several planetary pictures on
the arrowhead will be found Mercury. The midpoint Mercury/ the M (or any other) axis, even though M (or the other point)
Apollo, therefore, stands in the M-axis, via the semisquare aspect. receives no aspects in the conventional sense.
Remember, however, that the existence of several pictures on
any randomly selected axis does not imply that those pictures are
Exercise. With the dial in this position, verify the existence on significant for the native: only those pictures which include the
the M-axis of the midpoints Pluto/Cupid, Neptune/Pluto, A/Cupid personal points are taken as valid.
and A/Neptune.
The entire set of planetary pictures centered on the M-axis may ORBS
be written as follows: Orbs (tolerances) used with the 360°-dial should not exceed five
M + M = Mars + Vulcanus = Apollo + Poseidon = Jupiter + Nep- degrees. Beyond this point, widening orbs further causes the
tune = Jupiter + Cupid = Sun + Vulcanus = Uranus + Vulcanus = situation to get out of hand from a realistic point of view. For
Moon + Apollo = Mercury + Apollo = Pluto + Cupid = Neptune + the wider the orb is, the more pictures will result.
Pluto = A + Cupid = A + Neptune. Some non-Uranian schools use orbs of such great size (fifteen
This is not an unusual number of midpoints to find on a single degrees or more) that they appear, in comparison to the relatively
axis, with these orbs. Because all of these midpoints are on the M precise standards of the Uranian system, to be asking the student
axis, they all relate directly to Judy Garland personally. (This to swallow one camel too many. Orb size, however, is a question
horoscope has been carefully rectified using Uranian methods, so which cannot be understood apart from the totality of the astrol-
these midpoints do equal M. The time of birth usually given for ogical system with which particular orbs are associated. Hindu
Judy Garland is 6:00 a.m.. She was actually born at 5:58 a.m.. astrologers, for example, will assume that two planets are in con-
Any birth times given to the nearest quarter-hour are usually junction as long as they reside in the same sign.
152 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Practice 153

Matters are otherwise when a chart is studied using Uranian ORBS "OFF-CENTER" AND "OFF THE SIDE"
houses. In this case, one can, if desired, take conjunctions, oppo- The five degree orb recommended with the 360°-dial is to be
sitions and squares among planets which lie within the same house understood as shown in figure 7.2.
(conjunction), within opposite houses (opposition), and within
square houses (1 and 4, 2 and 5, 3 and 6, etc.). On this level of
understanding, orbs can indeed equal thirty degrees.

Between the conjunction and a point fifteen degrees removed

from the conjunction, there are several so-called minor aspects
which obey the rules of small orb. These other, minor aspects
occur at the following points: 5-5/8°, 7-1 /2°, 11-1/4° and 15°.
i Aso
It is easy to see therefore why some astrologers of other schools
maintain that the conjunction has an orb of fifteen degrees. For in

t ansee.0
careful work with many charts, effective connections have un-
doubtedly been noticed between planets which lie outside the efectivel
relatively "tight" five-degree boundaries of a conjunction. My contact- I
guess is that when such effective connections are noticed, they are erzeis---,e""
due to the presence of the aforementioned minor aspects, or to un-
seen planetary pictures; or to conjunction by house.
Planets within a house operate together in relation to matters
concerning that house. And to some extent, houses interact with Fig. 7.2
the houses to which they stand in opposition. And to a lesser ex-
tent, houses in square to each other also show interactions. It is al-
so possible therefore to take planetary pictures by house, although
this technique has not yet found universal application within the
Uranian system.
A factor located "n" degrees clockwise from M will participate
in a planetary picture (type I) centering on the axis of M if, and
Aspects, in the broadest sense, operate, therefore, on two dis- only if, there is a third factor at a point P which is located "n"
tinct levels: (1) within the framework of houses, and (2) within degrees counterclockwise from M, or within five degrees (on either
the framework of exact aspects associated with relatively tight side) of P.
orbs (five degrees maximum), in connection with planets taken in
twos (traditional notion of aspects), or in threes or fours (plan- Assume there is another factor (call it Q) which lies just at the
etary pictures). On level (2), an aspect's strength is greatest at outer limits of the five-degree orb. See figure 7.3. Q lies therefore
exactitude, and orb represents a significant drop-off point in rela- at a point which is five degrees removed from the point of exacti-
tude P.
tion to an aspect's strength.
154 The Language of Uranian Astrology Planetary Pictures: Practice 155

Rule: Orb "off the side" is always twice the orb "off center."
Orb "off center" is always one half the orb "off the side."
Example: Locate the Mars/Apollo midpoint in the horoscope
of Judy Garland, in the following fashion: Place the pointer of
the 360°-disk on Apollo. Read off the number of degrees between
Apollo and Mars = 108°. Divide this figure by two = 54°.
Now twist the dial counterclockwise so that one 54° mark is on
Apollo, and the other 54° mark is on Mars. The pointer then indi-
cates the Mars/Apollo midpoint. Screw down the disk.
Going counterclockwise from the pointer, make a little mark on
Fig. 7.3 the paper at the line corresponding to the sesquiquadrate (135°)
symbol. Now loosen up the screw assembly and twist the dial
counterclockwise so that the pointer lies on the mark you just
Let us now discover how the midpoint Mars/Q lines up in rela- made. Notice that M is three degrees away from this mark, and
tion to M. The reason for doing this will be clear shortly. that the dial itself tells you so (read it off.) This three degrees is
1/2 (Mars + P) orb "off center."
p + 5. Three degrees is greater than one half of five degrees, and con-
sequently Mars/Apollo = M is not a valid planetary picture in this
Q — 5° chart. We did not pick up this picture before because it is out of
1/2 (Mars + Q — 5°) orb.
Mars/Q — 2 1/2°. The student may wonder why it is necessary to know that the
orb taken "off the side" is equal to twice the orb permitted "off
By virtue of Q's being removed exactly five degrees from P, the center." The reason is that we might have had cause to investigate
midpoint Mars/Q is exactly 2 1/2° from the axis M. the Mars/Apollo axis as such and would have liked to know if M
An orb of five degrees "off the side" means that an effective orb were on the Mars/Apollo axis. We have now discovered that it is
of one-half of five degrees, or 2 1/2°, is in operation with respect out of orb. This midpoint is, however, on the Node/Cupid axis
to the primary axis, the axis of symmetry. (see for yourself). Mars/Apollo is, therefore, active in this chart
for Ms. Garland personally, because a personal point (the Node)
Orbs are defined in this book in relation to positions "off the does participate in the picture. This planetary picture may be de-
side." It is assumed in practice that the pointer of the disk is kept lineated: "Successful activity in connection with art."
right on the axis of symmetry. In this example, this axis is the M
axis. One looks first to one side of the dial, then the other, making Sometimes when a Uranian astrologer proceeds with the investi-
a mental note of degree values on the 0-180-0 symmetrical scale. gation of a chart, he (or she) will study a single-factor axis, namely,
If these two values are within a range of five degrees, the planetary an axis defined by one factor, such as the M-axis. At other times,
picture is valid and within orb. If the values differ by more than the Uranian astrologer may wish to proceed by looking at a par-
five degrees, the picture is out of orb, and it is disregarded. ticular midpoint axis, such as the Mars/Apollo axis. When a single
Chapter Eight
156 The Language of Uranian Astrology
factor is found in the vicinity of a midpoint axis, or in hard aspect
to it, it is important to know just how to apply orbs.
When starting off an investigation with a midpoint, therefore,
be sure to use one-half the allowable orb in those cases where a
single factor is found in the vicinity of the midpoint axis itself. THE 90° DIAL
If such a single factor is within orb by one-half the orb allowed
"off the side", then that single factor is taken as equalling the
midpoint with which you started. It is within orb "off center."
We will see in chapter nine just how important these facts are HOW IT WORKS
regarding orbs "off center" and "off the side." For in that chapter
The 90°-dial is a very useful tool in Uranian astrology. By means
we will learn that the midpoints M/Sun, M/A and A/Sun form the of this special disk, the student is able very easily to discover
basis for very important explorations into the horoscope. planetary pictures, both direct and indirect, on any axis. While the
Exercise. See figure 7.2. Redraw the figure on a separate sheet 360°-dial gives direct pictures only, unless the dial is turned to the
of paper, and let Q = P — 5°. Show that M = Mars/Q + 2 1/2°. square, semisquare, and sesquiquadrate points, the 90°-disk makes
Exercise. Refer to figure 7.3. Starting with the proposition that it possible to obtain all these pictures with the pointer set at a
M + M = Mars + P, prove that P = M + M — Mars and that single axis, without looking further.
Mars = M + M — P. Notice that M and Mars form three possible The ideal manner in which to use the 90°-dial is to mount it
combinations: M/Mars, M + M — Mars, and Mars + Mars — M. separately on its own clipboard and to refer to it in conjunction
Unless M stands exactly in some hard aspect to Mars, these three with the 360°-dial. The chief function of the 90°-dial then becomes
combinations represent three different points in the horoscope. the determination of planetary pictures, with the 360°-dial being
Compute these three points, starting with whole circle notation, used primarily for the determination of house positions and for
in the horoscope of Judy Garland. If a single factor lies in hard obtaining an overall perspective of the chart in its totality.
aspect to one of these three points, a picture is formed. Show how Examine the 90°-dial. It is divided into three equal sections.
Poseidon enters the Mars axis via Mars + Mars — M. Look for other With the pointer at the top of the page, go counterclockwise from
pictures along these lines. Verify your results by calculation. zero over to the "30" line. This segment of the 90°-disk is used for
entering all planets and points which lie in the signs Aries, Cancer,
Libra and Capricorn. These four signs are called Cardinal signs.
The next segment of the dial begins at this "30" mark and pro-
ceeds counterclockwise to the other "30" mark. This portion of
the 90°-dial is used for entering all planets and points which lie in
the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These four signs are
called Fixed signs. The third segment of the dial begins at the
second "30" mark and continues counterclockwise to the zero
mark. This portion of the 90°-dial is used for entering all planets
and points which lie in the signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and
158 The Language of Uranian Astrology The 90° Dial 159
Pisces. These four signs are called Mutable signs. Once around the one doesn't care too much which of these three aspects is actually
90°-dial marks a span in longitude of 90°. Four times around the in operation. It suffices to know that one of the three takes place.
dial covers a longitude span of 360°.
Start with the arrowhead pointing to the top and draw a 1/4" If two planets are at opposite ends of a diameter on the 90°-dial,
vertical line at zero. At the end of this line, insert an Aries symbol. then those two planets will either stand in 45°- or 135°-aspect. It
This is zero degrees Aries. does not matter too much which of these two aspects is in opera-
tion. It suffices once again to know that one of the two takes
Cardinal factors are the easiest to enter, because the longitudes place.
of cardinal factors are given directly on the disk by virtue of the
numbers 0-30. Factors in fixed signs are entered starting at Observe the dotted line on the disk which is perpendicular to
thirty degrees. Each long bold line marks five degrees. To enter a the zero/45 line. This dotted line indicates aspects in the 22 1/2°-
fixed planet at (say) 12° Leo, start at 30° (on the left half of the series. Thus when one planet stands either at the zero or 45° points
disk), and count off two bold marking lines, zero-five-ten. Then while another planet stands at either end of the dotted line, then
go forward by two smaller lines ("forward" is always counter- those two planets are in aspect by some odd multiple of 22 1/2°.
clockwise, as with the 360°-dial). This point is 12° "fixed." To The "zeroth" multiple of 22 1 /2° (0 x 22 1/2°) is the conjunc-
test, twist the dial counterclockwise so that "30" is at the top, at tion. The first multiple of 22 1/2° is found on the left half of the
the Aries mark on the paper. The entry should read "12." Now dial and is indicated by the dotted line. For the sake of clarity, the
twist the dial back to its original position, with the arrowhead at dotted line does not span the full diameter of the 90°-disk. The
the top and on the Aries symbol that was drawn in on the paper. dotted line serves to remind the student that an important Uranian
aspect is found at 22 1/2°. Notice, if you have not already done
Factors in mutable signs are entered starting at the 30° mark on so, that each half-degree is shown by a very short line in between
the right half of the dial. To enter a mutable planet at (say) two longer lines.
19° Sagittarius, start at this "30" point, and go forward zero-five-
ten-fifteen, plus four shorter marks. This point is 19° "mutable." The second multiple of 22 1/2° is the semisquare, indicated
Test as before, but put the other "30" mark at the top. (with the pointer at the top) at the "6 O'Clock" position by the
number "45." The third multiple of 22 1/2° is to be found at the
The 90°-dial is like a 360°-dial that has been "folded" over upon 67 1/2° mark on the second or inner ring. On the outer ring on
itself twice. Once around a 360°-dial gives 360°, but once around the right half of the dial, this same point is shown by a short line
a 90P-dial gives only 90°. The reasons for "folding" the 360°-disk in between the longer "22" and "23" lines.
are two in number. (1) Degree divisions are spread out four times The fourth multiple of 22 1/2° is the square, and once again we
as wide as with the 360°-dial. This spreading out makes for easier are back to the arrowhead and the zero point. We see that only
reading of a position and guarantees greater accuracy. (2) A "con- the odd multiples of 22 1 /2° (1, 3, 5, 7 . . .) are indicated at the
junction" on the 90°-dial (when two factors are found at the same two points which are at the two ends of the dotted line going
position) signifies either a zodiacal conjunction per se, or a square through the center of the disk.
or opposition. When two planets are at the same point in the 90° Figure 8.1 represents the horoscope of Judy Garland in the 90°-
reference, one doesn't know, without referring to the 360°-dial or format. Verify these positions by preparing a duplicate on a sep-
to the horoscope calculation sheet, if in fact those two planets are arate sheet of paper. Refer to the listing of Ms. Garland's astro-
in conjunction, opposition or square. But with planetary pictures, logical positions in chapter three.
160 The Language of Uranian Astrology The 90° Dial 161


Planetary pictures are found using the 90°-dial in the same way
as with the 360°-dial. Instead of 0-180-0 symmetrical degree mark-
UTT AN i AiNf ings, the 90°-dial, as would be expected, contains symmetrical

90`=0-rkoscol-e. degree markings 0-45-0.

slar'10>gdy ORBS AND THE 90°-DIAL

Three degree orbs off the side, or one and one-half degrees off-
center, are recommended with the 90°-dial. This is a good orb for
the beginner to use. The more advanced the student's work be-
comes, the narrower the orbs that will probably be used. A one-
to two-degree orb can be considered "stiff." Pictures having orbs
between two and three degrees can be included if necessary, or
M deleted if necessary. Include pictures with these wider orbs if
enough information does not seem to be forthcoming from a par-
ticular axis. Exclude them if matters are already beginning to get
complicated. Ultimately, the student decides upon his (her) own
orbs. There is a lot of room for individual creativity in astrology.
Five degree orbs are recommended with the 360°-dial because
the 360°-dial is somewhat "rough-hewn" in comparison to the 90°-
dial, which has four times greater visual accuracy. Five degree orbs
with the 90°-dial may be considered excessive.


The four cardinal points (see chapter one) appear at zero on the
disk when the pointer of the 90°-dial is at the top of the page. In
this position, the arrowhead lies on the radial line labeled "Aries"
which is drawn on the paper fastened beneath the disk. Here is
the reason why all four cardinal points are loosely taken as being
equivalent and are therefore subsumed under the single heading
Fig. 8.1 "Aries" (the Aries Point).
Chapter Nine
162 The Language of Uranian Astrology

22 1/2°-PICTURES
Planetary pictures formed by odd multiples of 22 1/2° are
easily found using the 90°-dial by turning the dial so that either of
the 22 1/2° points lies on the axis under study. Midpoints are then DELINEATION
discovered as before, using the 0-45-0 symmetrical numbering

The student has now acquired a knowledge of what a horoscope
is; of the meaning and significance of the factors which it contains;
of chart calculation in both northern and southern hemispheres
with both noon and midnight ephemerides; of aspects and plane-
tary pictures; and of the theory and practice of the 360°- and 90°-
disks, in relation to houses and planetary pictures.
The task of delineation is to put together what has been learned
in order to interpret the meaning of a horoscope.


The interpretations which follow apply to both M-houses and
M-pictures. Each factor is understood here in relation to the
"influence" of M. The sum notation is employed in two ways:
(1) Simply as a convenient way to understand that two influences
are taken together by virtue of an aspect between the two or by
virtue of the one factor standing in a certain M-house. Or (2) With
the understanding that the combination equals either the sum of a
third factor added to itself (type I pictures) or the sum of two
additional factors (type II pictures).

M + Aries The personal self on this earth. The world of

the native. Professional activities and the out-
side world.
M + Sun The personal ego. Body and soul. Physical
manifestation of the "I". The person.
164 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 165
M+A Personal interaction with the environment. M + Zeus Personal and career goals. One's own creative
Self and other. I and thou. abilities. Desire for accomplishment.
M + Moon One's mood or frame of mind. Feelings about M + Kronos Personal abilities. To be personally indepen-
oneself. dent. To be an authority or expert.
M + Node Personal ties and associations. Professional M + Apollo The spectrum of one's own experience in life.
connections. Individual circle of acquaint- Personal success. To be occupied with com-
anceship. merce, science or trade. Career opportunities.
M + Mercury Personal thoughts. One's own thinking. Ob- M + Admetus Inner stability. Ground of being. To be apa-
servation, reflection. Conversations with one- thetic or indifferent. Personal stubbornness.
self. The individual intellect. M + Vulcanus Inner strength. Personal power.
M + Venus Personal preferences, likes and fancies. That M + Poseidon The divine spark. One's own spirit self.
which one draws or attracts to oneself person-
ally. Inner wishes. Sympathetic personal
qualities. Capacity to love. Personal pleasure.
Example. Refer to the table of house positions in the horoscope
M + Mars One's personal work. Personal adventure. of Judy Garland as given at the end of chapter four.
One's own manner of acting. Inner directed
activity. Professional disputes. Kronos stands in the llth house of M. The personal abilities of
Ms. Garland find expression through excellence in the fulfillment
M + Jupiter Personal good fortune. Inner happiness. of high career ambitions and are reflected in her well above-average
M + Saturn Personal burdens and responsibilities. Inner professional earnings. Personal friends are found in high places.
determination. Dejection. Professional duties. M stands in the 2d house of Kronos; which is to say that the
Individual identity. 2d and 11th M-houses are reflex houses. This reflex position indi-
M + Uranus Inner tension or excitement. To be surprised cates great personal talent (2d house).
or astonished. Personal deviation from the Jupiter lies at the midpoint M/Kronos. Therefore, M + Kronos =
conventional. Jupiter + Jupiter. This picture strongly emphasizes success and
M + Neptune Personal fantasies and weaknesses. Personal points to financial independence. Jupiter is found in the fourth
insecurity. Attitudes of the self regarding the house of M: a lavish home, positive feelings towards the home in
future. relation to the attainment of success and personal prestige (M/Kro-
M + Pluto Personal development. Inner transformation. nos). M stands in the 9th house of Jupiter: success abroad, or on
Unfoldment of career. tour.
M + Cupid Family mindedness. One's own parents. Sense On the M/Kronos midpoint axis is also found Moon/Venus:
of balance and proportion. Appreciation of feelings of personal happiness pertaining to her abilities and talents.
art. Integration of the self. This does not, however, show the whole story. As additional
M + Hades Personal affliction or distress. Personal secrets. midpoints are gathered into the synthesis of an axis, additional
Inner suffering. information is forthcoming.
166 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 167
The personal disappointment or dissatisfaction that Ms. Garland A-HOUSES AND A-PICTURES
experienced regarding her acting and singing career is shown A + Aries Relationship to the outside world. The out-
through Neptune in this axis. If five degree orbs are used with the door environment.
360°-dial, the midpoint Neptune/Vulcanus appears on the M/Kro- A + Sun One's physical existence at this place. To be
nos axis. Five degree orbs are excessive in connection with the in the physical presence of others.
semisquare and sesquiquadrate on the 90°-dial, but the picture
M + Kronos = Neptune + Vulcanus comes into play via the square. A + Moon Relationship with women. Emotional rela-
Neptune/Vulcanus indicates serious disappointment or disillusion- tionships. Relationship with the public.
ment. The second way Neptune enters the M/Kronos axis is via A + Node Environmental connections. Circle of ac-
a 22 1/2° aspect. Venus/Neptune occurs on this axis by an odd quaintanceship at this place. To maintain
multiple of 22 1/2°. This midpoint refers to an illusory happiness. close contact with others. Border.
A + Mercury Conversation. Exchange of letters. The
Neptune stands in the third house of the midheaven and reflexes thoughts of others.
into the tenth: confusion in personal day-to-day thought processes
in relation to matters pertaining to career. Vulcanus stands in the A + Venus Love relationships. Pleasant company. Beauty
twelfth house of M: intense inner experiences placing great de- in the environment.
mands upon personal strength; suffering and inner anxiety; a rich A + Mars Activity of or with others. Altercation.
and vivid inner life. A + Jupiter Sources of wealth in the environment. Happi-
Venus lies in the second house of M and reflexes into the ness with or through others. To receive help
eleventh. This position of Venus, in connection with Neptune and or encouragement from others.
the M/Kronos midpoint (which, taken together, form a planetary A + Saturn Responsibilities in relation to others. Es-
picture), is indicative of great inner insecurities in relation to per- trangement. Separation. Solitude.
sonal artistic talents (Venus in 2d). Shown also, via the reflex A + Uranus Sudden meeting. Other people around and
house which is the eleventh, is the hope that friends (11th) might about who are in a state of unrest or agitation.
be of positive assistance in resolving or alleviating these powerful Outside stimulation. Excitement.
anxieties and insecurities. Mel Torme , well known jazz singer and
composer, describes in his book, The Other Side of the Rainbow: A + Neptune To be cheated, duped or swindled. The in-
With Judy Garland on the Dawn Patrol, how the unhappy Ms. decision or irresponsibility of others. Others
Garland, in such moments of personal anxiety and insecurity, hesitate or waver.
would call a close friend in the wee hours before dawn to see her A + Pluto Change of residence. Transformation of the
through. environment. Others alter their attitude to-
wards the native. Turning point in relation-
This example should be sufficient to demonstrate to the reader ships.
how the delineation of a planetary picture proceeds in relation to A + Cupid Family relationships. To be together with
the factors which comprise a picture on the one hand, and in rela- artists. Parental home. Relatives. The home.
tion to the houses which are affected by those factors, on the Dwellings. Others stand together in a state of
other. union.
168 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 169

A + Hades The seamy side of life at this locality. Rela- Sun + Mars Masculinity. The active male. The soldier.
tionship with those of a lower social or econ- Husband.
omic class. Others experience adversity. Sun + Jupiter Money. Physical happiness. Objects of value.
A + Zeus Happenings in the immediate vicinity of the
native. To create together with others. Others Sun + Saturn Physical limitations. Frugality. Bodily sep-
direct operations or supply leadership. aration. Old man. Daily discipline. Conserva-
A + Kronos Workers. Employees. Officials. Relationship tion of vitality.
with the authorities. Government at this
place. Face-to-face with the boss. Sun + Uranus Physical unrest. Bodily stress and tension.
Daily excitement. Heart attack.
A + Apollo Relationship with many people. Opportunity.
Things in the distance. Foreign localities. Sun + Neptune Low vitality. Bodily weakness. A sensitive
A + Admetus Stability. Roots: The ground beneath one's body, prone to allergies and indefinable states
feet. Others are subordinate. Others draw of fatigue. Aviation. The foolish ego. Male
away from the native or pull back. The coun- alcoholic.
tryside. Sun + Pluto Bodily development. Assimilation of food.
A + Vulcanus Others are dominant. To experience strongly Regeneration potential of the body. Reawak-
the impact of other people in one's life. ening of the vitality. Growth years (child-
A + Poseidon Relationship with like-minded individuals.
Others bring insight to or throw light upon a Sun + Cupid A male member of the family. The artist.
situation. The spiritual environment. The married man.
Sun + Hades Sick body. Physical deformity. Pursued by
"bad luck." The bearer of a secret. Toxemia.
Sun + Zeus To stand up for oneself. The will to create.
SUN-HOUSES AND SUN-PICTURES Man with a purpose. Day of accomplishment.
Sun + Aries One's physical existence on this earth gen- Sun + Kronos The father. Physical abilities. President.
erally. King. Leader. Independence. Male superior.
Sun + Moon Man and woman. Marriage. Parents. Friend- Sun + Apollo To be known far and wide. Success. Fame.
ship. Honor. Peaceful day.
Sun + Node Physical connections. Arm in arm. Associa- Sun + Admetus Perseverance. Real estate. Stability.
tion with men.
Sun + Vulcanus Physical strength. Power of the ego. Intense
Sun + Mercury Waking consciousness. The body in motion. experiences of the day.
Sun + Venus Physical beauty. Pleasant day. Personal
magnetism. Handsome man. Sun + Poseidon Astral body. Spiritual man. Physical light.
170 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 171

MOON-HOUSES AND MOON-PICTURES Moon + Admetus Repose, peace. Contemplation. An enclosed

space. Behind closed doors.
Moon + Node Bonds of emotion. Ties of feeling. Human
Moon + Vulcanus Emotional intensity. In full consciousness of
rapport. Tear ducts.
one's faculties. The influence of women.
Moon + Aries People in general. Public life.
Moon + Poseidon Empathy. Responsiveness to things of the
Moon + Mercury Subconscious self. Thought and feeling. spirit. Medium.

Moon + Venus Femininity. Beautiful woman. Feelings of

love. Pregnancy. Motherhood. THE MANY FACES OF EVE
Moon + Mars Activity of the brain. Emotionally motivated The Moon is certainly one of the most complex, fascinating and
action. Working hours. Wife. difficult-to-understand phenomena in the solar system. This state-
Moon + Jupiter Belief. Happy woman. Good mood. ment applies with particular significance to the male population,
who, whether they be astrologers or not, are almost universally
Moon + Saturn Inhibition. Self-control. Older woman. Hours aware of being confronted from a tender age with what can be no
of solitude. Despondency. Separation from a more aptly described as a totally enigmatic quantity; namely, the
human female.
female person.
Moon + Uranus To wake up. To startle. Agitated woman. She is, in her diverse manifestations, the very substance of his
innermost dreams while simultaneously contributing, and some-
times on an hourly basis, to a multitude of otherwise inexplicable
Moon + Neptune To fall asleep. To dream. Deceived or de- emotional disorientations. But males are, thank heavens, stuck
ceiving woman. Nighttime. Emotional con- with her inimitable feminine presence and would not, in any case
fusion. Barmaid. (except in the most destructively irrational of moments), dispense
Moon + Pluto Proneness to emotional extremes. Changes with her ladylike charms or forego the pleasures which her com-
which come and go quickly. Hourly fluctua- pany provides. Now that the author has provided ample ammuni-
tion. tion whereby the advocates at both extremes of the women's
Moon + Cupid The wife. Hours of leisure. Social life. liberation movement may both dentally curse and lavishly praise
this modest volume of Uranian lore, we shall, dear reader, (what-
Moon + Hades Renunciation, abdication. Feelings of unhap- ever your gender may be) proceed with a few desultory remarks
piness. Emotional distress. Stomach ailment. upon the lunar sphere and her multifarious influences. Without
Moon + Zeus Creative mind. Discipline. Motivation for the Sun, the Moon would throw no light; without the Moon, the
accomplishment. Sun would not know he was shining.
Moon + Kronos Noble emotional qualities. Female leader or The Moon is a complex quantity because, among other reasons,
superior. Mother. Civil servants. she "presides" over the emotions. In the absence of emotion, the
Moon + Apollo Emotional experience. Masses of people. masculine world would proceed smoothly, and everything would
Freedom. unfold to rugged masculine perfection in short order; whereupon
172 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 173
the feminine principle would then have to be invented, in order to attribution, the author would have to take issue with their unre-
offset the crushing boredom that would invariably result, if not pentant male chauvinism and affirm without reservation the cor-
merely to repopulate the world with additional males. Fortun- rectness of this correspondence. All you students out there in
ately, males do not have to invent her, for she graces our presence booldand will be gratified to learn that the author, despite his aca-
in the sky each evening as she circles silently about our disturbed demic training and the wisdom he has gained (beyond his years),
little planet, illuminating the earth with reflected light. And for which enable him successfully to evade difficult questions when
astrologers, she provides at least the keys of understanding to pushed to the wall, hasn't the foggiest notion as to the why or
otherwise puzzling phenomena, if not the total understanding wherefore of this attribution except to say that mental processes
itself, which can come only by experience and a lifetime of learn- are obviously of psychological origin. The fact remains that the
ing and masculine bewilderment. It is not for nothing that Hindu Moon does indeed indicate mental processes, with special emphasis
astrologers base their entire system of forecasting upon the posi- on the Moon houses according to the system of Alfred Witte. And
tion of the Moon at birth. The thought comes to mind that anybody who wants to find out just why this is so is advised to
Gandhi remarked, upon being asked what he thought of Western speak to the Old Lady herself, who is usually receptive to ques-
civilization, that it would, indeed, not be such a bad idea. tions sincerely asked.
The student should be aware that the Moon does indeed have (5) The hour. This point has already been explained, so the
many faces, and that any listing of the wonders she performs must author will not repeat himself in the interest of saving paper and
necessarily be incomplete. For the present moment, however, it conserving ink.
is hoped that the following will be sufficient. She manifests as: (6) The month. The progressed Moon (see chapter ten) moves
(1) Women and girls: bless their hearts. A careful analysis of at the magical rate of one degree per month, on the average. Her
the late Maurice Chevalier's tribute in song to their presence among transit cycle from one conjunction with a fixed star (choose one of
us is not to be found in any scholarly publication of which the the above), to the next such conjunction, is 27.3 days. This gives
author is aware. Readers with the Moon in the ninth house of 13 lunar months to one year, give or take a few days, and as any-
anything are out of luck. Academicians take note. body knows, 13 is an unlucky number: a fact which has, however,
(2) People. Since just about everybody except Frankenstein's absolutely no bearing on the subject at hand, unless you are super-
creation and his cinematic bride were born of woman, even if some stitious; in which case you are instructed to bathe three times in
were "untimely ripped from their mother's womb", according to cinnamon water and carefully dry yourself with a never-before-used
Will's account of the circumstances, which in any case amounts to towel (available from the publisher of this book), before you shall
what can only be called nit-picking, then it is abundantly clear, if be given permission to continue reading further.
the reader has not by now lost the thread of this sentence's When studying Moon-houses, therefore, one may do well to go
structure, that the Moon is justifiably said to rule the populace. once around the wheel in relation to each of the first four levels
These facts are self-evident and can be verified by anybody who cited above. Levels (5) and (6) come into play in the directions
wishes to partake himself (herself) to the maternity ward, dis- and transits, and also to some extent in how the native experiences
guised, perhaps, as a diaper salesman or life insurance agent. reality, such as it is, hour-to-hour and month-to-month.
(3) Emotions: people have them. Let us, for example, consider Moon/Mars. On level (1), this
(4) Mental processes. While confirmed bachelors on the one combination would signify an energetic woman, an athletic female,
hand, or very well married men on the other, may dispute this the wife (if you are married: otherwise, not), or a bratty tomboy.
174 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 175
On level (2) Moon/Mars would indicate working people, an indus- Node + Neptune Dissolution of associations. Connections with
trious populace (mundane astrology: yearly charts and the like, untrustworthy people.
for the world as a whole), or military troops (consisting of males, Newly formed ties. Change brought about
Node + Pluto
or females, or both, depending on where you live and if you need
through associations.
a shave). On level (3), namely the emotional, Moon/Mars signifies
aggressiveness or eagerness for activity. In relation to level (4), the Node + Cupid Family ties. Artistic guild. Association with
mental processes, Moon/Mars indicates mental activity and a sharp groups or organizations. Connection with art.
mind. In terms of the hour (5), the combination of Moon and Node + Hades Secret connections. Distasteful associations.
Mars shows hours of labor; when afflicted, hours of disputation; Link with the distant past. Plumbing.
when very afflicted, the onset of ulcers. Finally, on level (6), the
Node + Zeus To select, to make a choice. To associate with
Month, Moon/Mars shows, quite simply, an active month, full of others for the realization of common goals.
things to do and frequently not enough time to get them done, so
that the tone of the month is hurried, rushed and somewhat Node + Kronos Connections with the government. Civil ser-
strained. vice. Diplomatic ties. Association with super-
iors. Connection with greatness. To throw
Since all of these levels operate more or less simultaneously, it one's hat in the ring.
can be seen that delineation of the Moon can be a somewhat
lengthy, but interesting, task. Refinements on the calculation of Node + Apollo Connections with the worlds of science or
the Moon, that will allow for precision results in more advanced trade. Association with many. Freedom of
work, will be presented in chapter eleven. association. Links with success.
Node + Admetus Association with a select few. Chains and
fetters. Connection with the land. Associa-
NODE-HOUSES AND NODE-PICTURES tions which endure. Mine shaft. Tunnel.
Node + Aries Connections or contacts with the outside Node + Vulcanus Connection with the powerful. Association
world. Subculture. Impersonal associations. with zealots. Impact of associations upon
one's life.
Node + Mercury Correspondence. Train of thought. Contracts.
Bulletin. Bronchial tubes. Node +Poseidon Religious associations. A circle of like-minded
individuals. Link with spirit. Spiritual bond.
Node + Venus Bonds of love. Intimate association.
Node + Mars Working alliance. Sex.
Node + Jupiter Connections with money. Financial arrange-
Node + Saturn Connections with older people. Breaking off The house containing the Sun reveals matters which proceed
of ties. Responsible associates. with much vitality, enthusiasm, confidence and self-assurance.
Node + Uranus Sudden connections. Surprising turn of The house containing the Moon reveals matters which are sub-
events within one's circle of acquaintanceship. ject to emotional influences, to the human element, to fluctuation
Electrical wiring. and rhythmic change.
176 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 177

The house containing Mercury reveals matters which are objects and sustained spiritual imagination (prayer) will in many ways
of thought and conversation, which require elucidation or clarifica- promote inspiration, creativity and ideal happiness, especially in
tion and which demand quickness of mind. Books and magazines relation to the affairs of the house in which Neptune resides.
are of a type in keeping with the nature of the house in which Neptune appears in malefic form primarily within those highly
Mercury resides and the natures of the planets to which Mercury industrialized cultures which hold the imagination in low esteem.
stands in aspect. The yearning for the fantastic and sublime can, however, be no
The house containing Venus reveals matters which are most more beaten down than can water be flattened out with a hammer.
likely to bring pleasure and enjoyment or express beauty. Love The house containing Pluto reveals matters which are in a state
matters may hinge upon affairs pertaining to the house in which of becoming and which are the foci of whatever major changes,
Venus dwells. upheavals and crises may occur throughout the lifetime.
The house containing Mars reveals matters which call forth The house containing Cupid reveals matters which have a bear-
activity. Vexation or argumentation may result from the en- ing upon family life, upon artistic endeavor, upon questions of
counters and challenges that naturally accompany the affairs of marriage and upon the community or society in general.
the house which are activated by the presence of "the red planet."
The house containing Hades reveals matters which can go wrong
The house containing Jupiter reveals matters which are most unless remedial measures are taken. Distress may be experienced
likely to prosper. Sources of income may stem from those depart- concerning the affairs of the house in which Hades is found, unless
ments of life described by the house in which Jupiter resides. efforts are made to "clean house." Influences of the distant past
Happiness comes to the native through those people or things or calls to service may come to the native through the house in
shown by the house containing this planet. which Hades is located. Neglect brings ruin concerning matters
The house containing Saturn reveals matters which demand which pertain to this house.
structure, discipline, scheduling, responsible attitudes and patient The house containing Zeus reveals matters to which the native
self-control. Saturn does not deny that which is needed but brings an abundance of enthusiasm and drive for the realization of
detains fulfillment until fulfillment is deserved. goals and ambitions. Purposeful activity fmds expression concern-
The house containing Uranus reveals matters which are subject ing the affairs of the house in which Zeus dwells. Creativity is
to being turned inside out and upside down. Sudden change mani- brought to bear. In these areas the native may choose to develop
fests concerning the affairs of the house in which Uranus dwells. leadership.
Surprise and astonishment are the typical reactions to such change.
Circumstances surrounding the affairs of the house containing The house containing Kronos reveals matters in which the
Uranus require insight and demand ingenuity. Technology may quality of excellence is of paramount importance. Through affairs
influence or have a bearing upon the life in relation to affairs described by this house, the native may be subject to or influenced
pertaining to the house in which Uranus is located. by the workings of government or the dictates of superiors.
The house containing Neptune reveals matters which deteriorate The house containing Apollo reveals matters which bode well
or fall apart quickly if left to themselves. The native lives with for success. Through this house, the native attains a greater per-
many illusions concerning these matters for a significant portion, spective and a wider horizon. Opportunity knocks. The influence
if not all, of his or her lifetime. On the positive side, a disciplined of distant places or other cultures impinges upon the experience of
178 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 179
the native with respect to affairs of the house in which Apollo astrology will be especially enriched if he (or she) makes an
dwells. attempt to understand the reasoning behind the delineations which
The house containing Admetus reveals matters which change but follow. It is important to remember always that any combination
slowly, if ever at all. The permanence of which these matters whatsoever is subject to analysis by keywords.
partake forms a significant foundation and stable reference in the
life. At the same time, the native may experience coming up Mercury + Saturn Travel.
against a brick wall in relation to the affairs of the house in which Mercury + Cupid Music. Song.
this transneptunian planet is anchored. Matters of this house must Mercury + Apollo Perspective facilitates communica-
be brought to a state of completion for the sake of inner peace or tion.
for stubbornly practical reasons.
Mercury + Admetus Mental concentration. Specializa-
The house containing Vulcanus reveals matters which proceed tion.
with intensity. Concerning these matters, the native must either
Venus + Mars Sexual love. Blood relationships.
express his (her) own strength or be subject to the strongly felt
impact of the power of others. Venus + Uranus Conception. Birth.
The house containing Poseidon reveals matters through which Venus + Neptune Romantic love. False hopes. Ideal
inner understanding may be realized. The search for truth and happiness.
light hinges especially upon the affairs of the house in which this Venus + Admetus Meditation.
particularly spiritual planet resides.
Mars + Jupiter Children. Constructive activity.
GLOSSARY OF SELECTED COMBINATIONS Mars + Saturn Death. Sporadic activity.
Mars + Uranus Accident. — Mercury: operation.
It is beyond the scope of this book to give a listing of each
astrological combination. The standard reference work of Uranian Mars + Neptune Acute infection.
astrology is Witte's masterpiece, Regelwerk fuer Planetenbilder. Mars + Pluto To make plans. To organize.
English translations bear the title Rules for Planetary Pictures. Mars + Cupid Marriage. Group activity.
Early translations by the late Richard Svehla did not include Mars + Zeus Gunshot.
Pluto. It was believed at the time that because Pluto's orbit was
so eccentric, the nature of Pluto was subject to constant change. Jupiter + Saturn Home. Buildings. Change of ad-
Later research, as expressed in subsequent volumes emanating from dress.
Hamburg and other sources, and as explained in this book, points Jupiter + Uranus Windfall. Release from tension.
to Pluto's rulership over change itself. Jupiter + Neptune Speculation.
While it is impractical to give here anything resembling a com- Jupiter + Admetus Peace. Contentment.
plete listing of all sensitive points, it is nonetheless possible to
start the student off on the right foot with a selected glossary of Jupiter + Poseidon Discernment.
Uranian combinations which have proved their value and usefulness Saturn + Uranus Stress and tension. Sudden separa-
again and again in daily practice. The student's knowledge of tion.
180 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Delineation 181
Saturn + Cupid Divorce. Also — Pluto.
Cupid + Zeus Foundation of a family. Marriage.
Saturn + Hades Unemployment. Melancholia.
Cupid + Apollo Classes of instruction.
Saturn + Apollo Instruction. Teaching. Student.
— Uranus: of astrology. Hades + Apollo Ancient science.
To be in a jam. To be trapped. Hades + Admetus Past life. An earlier existence.
Saturn + Admetus
Education. Upbringing. Teaching. Zeus + Kronos Engineering. Commander-in-Chief.
Saturn + Poseidon
Death. Loss of consciousness. Zeus + Apollo Scientific research. To experiment.
Uranus + Neptune
Kronos + Poseidon Higher spiritual self. Wisdom.
Uranus + Pluto Explosion.
Uranus 1- Cupid Elopement.
Admetus + Poseidon Education. Teaching. Profound
Uranus + Zeus Outbreak of fire. Discharge of fire- philosophy.
Uranus + Apollo Astrology.
Uranus + Vulcanus Electrical energy. — Node: high
Uranus + Poseidon Cinema. Clarity of insight. Rules delineates combinations of planets taken two and three at
Neptune + Pluto Future developments. Changes a time. This reference work can therefore be used with aspects and
which elude detection. with type I planetary pictures directly. Combinations of two are
given at the top of each page. The sum notation is used through-
Neptune + Hades Water. Drowning. Suffocation. out.
Neptune + Zeus Creative fantasy. Futile effort.
At the top of each page is given the sum of two factors. Below,
Neptune + Kronos Diplomacy. Deception in high the student will see the series of remaining factors, each preceded
places. Air. by a "minus" sign.
Neptune + Apollo Chemistry. Science of the future. The sum notation of two factors at the top of each page refers
Neptune + Admetus Transition from one condition to to the midpoint between those two factors. If the student is
another. referring only to the page heading, namely the twofold sum, he (or
she) is advised to keep in mind that the + symbol is technically
Neptune + Vulcanus Great disappointment.
incorrect; it should be replaced, in the imagination, by a slash "/",
Neptune + Poseidon Psychology. separating the two factors.
Pluto + Cupid Major changes in the family (births, When, however, combinations of three are referred to in Rules,
deaths, etc.) the sum notation is appropriate. Take, for example, the combina-
Pluto + Zeus To begin a new undertaking. tion Mercury + Saturn. This combination of two planets is
Fundamental changes from the delineated at the top of the page and speaks to either (1) an aspect
Pluto + Admetus between Mercury and Saturn; or (2) to the Mercury/Saturn mid-
ground up.
point. Let us now suppose that Neptune is at the midpoint
182 The Language of Uranian Astrology Delineation 183
Mercury/Saturn, yielding a type I planetary picture. In the sum to direct pictures and square pictures only, using the 360°-dial
notation we write: Mercury + Saturn = Neptune + Neptune. It exclusively. Alternatively, orbs may be reduced from three degrees
is easily seen that this equation is equivalent to: Neptune = Mer- to two degrees (off the side), or even less.
cury + Saturn — Neptune. It is always assumed throughout (4) Study axes defined by other combinations of personal
Rules that the sum of the two factors at the top, minus a third points.
factor given below, equals (stands in hard aspect to) that same
third factor. (5) Tabulate aspects among the twenty-two factors. Beginners
If there were a type II planetary picture, say Mercury + Saturn = are advised to stick with hard aspects. Investigate the midpoint
Neptune + Cupid, then it would be necessary to look up two axis between any two factors which are in aspect. If one of the
items, namely: Mercury + Saturn — Neptune and Mercury + Sat- factors is not a personal point, and if no personal points enter the
axis, forget it.
urn — Cupid. The first means travel by air; the second, travel of
the family or with a group. Therefore this type II picture means As the student proceeds with the interpretation of planetary
that the family or group travels by air. pictures, he (she) will soon realize that the house positions of the
planets which form the picture give those vital additional details of
Rules or any similar volume must always be thought of only as a
guide. Other factors on the axis may significantly qualify what is understanding which make a delineation accurate and to the point.
given in print. The foundation of Uranian astrology lies in the If the picture contains M, look into the M-houses that are
Uranian keywords. involved in the picture. If the picture contains the Node, look into
the houses of the Node that are affected by planets in the picture.
And so on for all the personal points.
DELINEATION PROCEDURE The beginner need feel no obligation to perform all these steps
of delineation at the outset. Initially, the student will find it most
Each astrologer eventually develops his (or her) own personal helpful to confine the attention to the basic axes M, M/Sun, M/A,
methods and practices by means of which the interpretation of A and A/Sun. A studied interpretation of these five axes alone
any horoscope proceeds in logical and straightforward ways. The reveals an extraordinary amount of information, especially if the
following procedure is well known among experienced Uranian house positions are not neglected.
astrologers, and the student would do well to follow this method-
ology, or some variation thereof, until a more nearly complete Later, as the Uranian astrologer gains more experience with the
understanding of the subject permits the invention of an individual dials and with the keywords, additional axes can be examined.
methodology. If an issue is important, that issue will certainly be described in the
basic five axes. More often than not, searching further at addi-
(1) Tabulate house positions in all systems. See chapter four. tional points in the horoscope reveals information which simply
(2) Make a listing of planetary pictures which group them- confirms what has already been discovered.
selves about the following axes: M, M/Sun, M/A, A and A/Sun. The complexity of Uranian astrology, in relation to some other
These axes reveal the basic contents of any horoscope. systems, is an illusion. Other systems have their complexities also,
(3) Continue as in step (2) with M/Aries, M/Moon, M/Node, but frequently these complexities do not always lend themselves
A/Aries, A/Moon and A/Node. If the number of pictures that re- to systematization. Uranian astrology, on the other hand, is, in
sult overwhelm the beginner, then the beginner is advised to stick the opinion of the author, one of the most beautifully coherent
Chapter Ten
184 The Language of Uranian Astrology
bodies of astrological knowledge available to modern students.
Uranian astrology, however, by no means represents "the last
word." But the growth of Uranian astrology in future years will
be a logical process of unfoldment based upon the essential "first
principles" that the student has learned in this volume. These SOLAR ARC DIRECTIONS
principles are universal principles.

There is some reason to believe that Apollo's position is exactly
opposite its position as given in the transneptunian ephemerides. Solar arc directions are based upon the equation of one day
If this is the case, the "influence" of Apollo will be felt more after birth to one year of life, and N days after birth to N years of
strongly in terms of those houses which are in opposition to the life. The position of the Sun on the Nth day is found by calcula-
houses previously understood as being affected. The reader may tion with the ephemeris. From this position is subtracted the
wish to experiment with this hypothesis. position of the radix Sun, yielding the solar arc for age N. This
solar arc is then added to all factors in the horoscope, giving their
directed positions. Contacts between solar arc directed and radix
positions are taken as being significant for such time as they are in
force with an orb of five or ten minutes. These contacts are inter-
preted by means of the Uranian keywords.
The position of the Sun N days after birth is called the pro-
gressed Sun for age N. The Sun moves about one degree per day.
The progressed (or directed) Sun therefore moves the equivalent of
approximately one degree during one year of life. This one degree
per year amounts to 60 12 = 5 minutes of arc per month.
According to Alfred Witte, the progressed Sun takes the whole
chart with it. The radix position of a planet plus the solar arc
gives the directed position of the planet. Each factor in the horo-
scope moves forward by direction at the same rate; namely, at the
rate of solar arc motion. The set of directed positions which
represents the directed horoscope is like a photographic image of
the radix horoscope. When the directed positions are examined by
themselves, they bear the same relationship to each other as the
positions in the birth chart. Since the Sun is the indicator for the
day (see chapter one), the progressed or directed Sun is the indica-
tor for the year.
186 The Language of Uranian Astrology Solar Arc Directions 187

PROGRESSED SUN AND SOLAR ARC What follows combines the basic concepts of 1 day = 24 hours =
1 year.
On June 24, 1963 in Hollywood, California, video taping began
of the first Judy Garland television show. The time was about 6:07:25 ST 24. June (noon ephemeris)
8:30 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time. Required: procedure whereby 5:12:14 ST 10. June (noon ephemeris)
the progressed Sun may be calculated for this date. 0:55:11 ST interval representing the 14 days,
converted into time, on the basis of
24 hours = 1 year or 2 hours = 1 month.
+ 23:58:00 INT at birth.

24. June = event 24:53:11

1922 10. June = birthday —24:00:00

41 years, 14 days = age at event 00:53:11 INT on progressed birthday,

+ 10. June 1922 = birth date 21. July 1922, to produce progressed
Sun to 24. June 1963.
51. June 1922 00:53 = Same, to nearest minute of time.
- 30 = no. of days in the month of
= 21. July 1922 = progressed birthday The position of the Sun at 0h53mp.m. GMT on 21. July 1922
will therefore yield the progressed Sun measuring to 24. June 1963.
28 Cancer 52 = Sun at noon GMT, 22. July 1922
—27 Cancer 55 = Sun at noon GMT, 21. July 1922
0° 57' = 24-hour motion of Sun
Judy Garland's GMT birth time is 11:58 a.m.. With a noon
ephemeris, this GMT birth time generates a GMT-Interval (INT) of log 0° 57' 1.4025
11:58 + 12:00 = 23h58m. + log 0h53m 1.4341
2.8366 the antilog of which
= 0°02'
The Sun on 21. July 1922 at 11:58 a.m. GMT gives the pro-
To which is added the position of the
gressed Sun measuring to her birthday, 10. June, in the year 1963. Sun at noon GMT, 21. July 1922 + 27°55' Cancer
Since the event under study occurred 14 days after her birthday,
progressed Sun to the date of the event must be slightly in advance Progressed Sun to 24. June 1963 = 27°57' Cancer
of (further ahead in the zodiac than) the progressed Sun for her Same, in whole circle notation =117°57'
birthday in 1963. The following calculations show how this addi- Radix Sun = 18 Gemini 48 = 78°48'
tive correction, measuring the advance of the progressed Sun during
Solar arc to 24. June 1963 39°09'
the 14 days since her 1963 birthday, is determined.
188 The Language of Uranian Astrology Solar Arc Directions 189
THE PROGRESSED PLANETS drill such as "Smead's Quik-Twist" (Smead Mfg. Co., Hastings,
Many schools of astrology compute not only the progressed Sun
but also all other progressed planets. The directed Sun is the same The object of preparing two identical disks is to use one as the
as the progressed Sun, but the directed planets (other than Sun) radix chart and one as the directed chart. Standard practice is to
are different from the progressed planets. The directed M is the use the inner disk as the directed disk, but the student may
same as the progressed M. There are other methods taught for exercise his own preference on this matter. The blank paper, under
progressing M than what is given here, but the author does not the two disks and the dial, is reserved for entering transits when it
believe these other methods to be astronomically sound. The is desired to do so (see chapter eleven). When not in use, the two
Uranian system directs MC by solar arc. disks may be held together with a single-hole paper clip or fastener,
in order to prevent the two disks from getting separated while in
The same INT that applies to the progressed Sun is used to storage in the student's astrological files.
calculate progressed planets. Progressed planets move at varying
rates, in contrast to directed planets, which move at a uniform In the practice of solar arc astrology (typically done for the
rate. most part with the 90°-dial, except when "rough-and-ready" meth-
Uranian astrology does not dispute the validity of progressed ods suffice), the two concentric disks are first aligned with Aries
planets. Frequently, the progressed Moon in particular giveguseful on Aries. The Aries mark on the outer disk is kept uppermost on
indications. The progressed Moon moves about one degree per the clipboard (in line with the Aries mark on the paper), and the
month. outer disk is held thusly with a free thumb or finger. The pointer
of the metal dial is aligned with Aries. The inner disk together
In most work, however, solar arc directions give more than
with the metal dial are now simultaneously turned counterclock-
ample indications for an event, when Uranian methods are applied.
Most students find solar arc easier to work with than progressions. wise until a point is reached where the correct value of solar arc is
read off on the dial against the Aries mark on the outer, or radix,
cardboard disk.
Exercise. It is highly recommended that the student follow
It is convenient when working with solar arc to prepare two right along with the procedures that will subsequently be described
identical copies of the radix horoscope on two concentrically in this chapter. To this end, prepare two blank disks, each of the
mounted paper disks. The first disk should have a radius of prescribed radius, and construct thereon two identical copies of
3 7/16 inches.* The radius of the second disk should be 3 7/8 Ms. Garland's horoscope in the 90°-format. Be sure to enter all
inches.* These disks may be cut out of white cardboard. Suitable positions with care. Double-check your entries. Errors of even
material is sold in art supply houses as thin poster board. Circles one-quarter degree in entering positions are not tolerable. Prepare
of the required radius may be accurately drawn on the cardboard the disks initially with pencil. Planetary positions on both disks
with a draftsman's compass fitted with a pencil. Such compasses are entered so that when the disks are rotated with an entry at the
are available at low cost anywhere school supplies are sold. It is top, the symbol for the entry appears in an upright position. This
not necessary to buy a precision instrument. The student may procedure means that factors entered in the "fixed" segment of
wish to prepare a dozen or so sets of disks in advance. A 1/4-inch the 90°-dial will appear more or less upside down, when Aries (on
hole* is easily punched in the center with an inexpensive paper the cardboard disks) is at the top. The student is reminded that
*3-7/16"=87 mm; 3-7 /8 " = 98 mm; 1/4" = 6.4 mm.
190 The Language of Uranian Astrology Solar Arc Directions 191

he (or she) may find it helpful to enter personal points in red, or in SOLAR ARC PROCEDURES
some other high-contrast color, but this is optional.
The horoscope of Judy Garland will be used to demonstrate the
methods employed with solar arc directions. As previously calcu-
SIMPLE ALGEBRAIC NOTATION lated, the solar arc measuring to the date when her first TV show
was taped is 39°09'.
The student may find it very helpful at this point to brush up
on first-year high school algebra, if necessary. Simple algebra Notation. A lower-case "v" in front of a factor indicates that
makes the working out of calculations involving Uranian equations that factor is moved forward by solar arc. Thus "directed Mer-
very easy. Once again, the apparent complexities are illusory. By cury" is written "v.Mercury" or "v.Me." Unless a "v" stands in
way of review, some elementary principles of algebra will be front of a planet or point, it is assumed that the radix position is
mentioned here. being referred to. The letter "v" stands for the German word
"vorgeschoben", which means "pushed or shoved forward." In
In algebraic notation, letters are, used to indicate numbers whose those rare cases where there might be some chance of ambiguity, a
values are as yet unknown. While the study of algebra can be and radical position is indicated by a subscript "r." Thus "radix
often is highly complex in its most advanced phases, all that is Mercury" is written "Mercuryr" or "Mer."
required by the Uranian student is an understanding on the "kin-
dergarten" level. The directed position of a factor is always equal to the natal
position plus the solar arc. Thus, "v.Me." can be rewritten "Me +
The student should know that parentheses 0 are used in algebra B." It is desirable to get rid of the "v" notation during the process
not by way of parenthetical explanation, as in English composi- of solving for the solar arc value B. The point in doing so is to
tion, but rather to indicate groupings of numbers. For example "isolate" B to one side of the equation by juggling plus and minus
1/2 (M + Sun) simply means that M and Sun are first added to- signs. Thus one isolates or solves for B in order to determine just
gether (whole circle notation) and only then is the sum divided by what exact solar arc value applies to the "firing" or "triggering" of
two (multiplied by one-half). When a number and a letter are run a solar arc configuration. How this "isolation" process works will
together without any arithmetical symbol between them, "multi- become clear if the student diligently studies the examples which
ply" is understood. Thus "2 Mars" means "2 x Mars" which is the follow.
same as Mars + Mars. Remember: Equals may be added to or subtracted from both
sides of an equation while still preserving balance in the equation.
The symbol for solar arc that will be used in this chapter is "B." Let us now turn to some of the configurations in solar arc that
The student will see in a later section of this chapter how we solve were in operation during the taping of Ms. Garland's first TV show.
for B in order to come up with the date when a particular solar
arc configuration falls due. Each value of solar arc corresponds to Arrange the two identical 90° charts in such a way that the
a date in a certain year of life. inner disk is rotated with respect to the outer disk by the solar arc
of 39°09'. Remember to rotate this inner disk counterclockwise
with respect to the outer.
For the sake of compactness and clarity, the first two letters in
the names of the twenty-two factors will be used as abbreviations. The student will immediately see
Thus "Moon" becomes "Mo" and "Venus" becomes "Ve." (1) v.Kronos = Uranus
192 The Language of Uranian Astrology Solar Arc Directions 193

This means that Kronos, by solar arc, has moved to either a The left sides of steps 7 and 8 are equated in step 9 because
conjunction, opposition or square to (natal or radix) Uranus. they both equal "B." In such a fashion do we make B "disappear",
Notice also leaving what remains to apply to the radix horoscope. For if B can
be made to vanish, as was done here, then whatever remains can
(2) v.Apollo = A.
only apply to the natal chart. See figure 10.1.
Exercise. Determine which aspect applies in both these cases. Solar arc serves therefore as a timing mechanism whereby radix
structures are activated. Solar arc adds nothing new to a chart.
This fact could be anticipated intuitively from the fact that two
natal charts are used with solar arc directions.
Exercise. Locate the Uranus/Apollo and A/Kronos midpoints
axis. Use one disk only, in connection with the 90°-dial.
These two solar arc aspects are very nearly "on the nose." They
operate, therefore, in unison. The following mathematical manipu-
lations will prove that since v. Kronos = Uranus while v. Apollo =
A, then there exists in the natal chart the following planetary
picture: A + Kronos = Uranus + Apollo.

Statement Reason
1. v.Kronos = Kronos + B Definition of "v."
2. v.Apollo = Apollo + B Same.
3. v.Kronos = Uranus From dual disks.
4. Kronos + B = Uranus Combining steps 1 and 3.
5. v.Apollo = A From dual disks.
6. Apollo + B = A Combining steps 2 and 5.
7. Uranus — Kronos = B Subtracting Kronos from both
sides of step 4.
8. A — Apollo = B Subtracting Apollo from both
sides of stet) 6.
9. Uranus — Kronos From steps 7 and 8.
A — Apollo
10. Uranus + Apollo Adding Kronos and Apollo to
A + Kronos both sides of step 9. Fig. 10.1
194 The Language of Uranian Astrology Solar Arc Directions 195
The planetary picture cited above, Ur + Ap = A + Kr, is triggered the natal chart) is found the planet Cupid, emphasizing the artistic
at this time of life by virtue of v.Apollo on radical A, with nature of this comeback. The more the student works with 22 1/2°
v.Kronos on radical Uranus at the same time, i.e., with the same aspects, the less he or she will question their value simply because
solar arc (or very nearly so). This picture was certainly in opera- they are not widely used in many other systems of astrology.
tion throughout her lifetime. But during this phase of her life, it
was particularly significant. The whole axis, and not merely these
four elements therein, is activated. And on this natal axis are also DUAL-DISK ANALYSIS
to be found the midpoint M/Apollo as well as the midpoint The proof cited above also leads to another conclusion, namely
Moon/Cupid. We may therefore conclude the following: not only that the two identical disks may be used apart from solar arc
did Ms. Garland experience relationships with leading (Kronos) and directions to dig more deeply into a radix horoscope. If one
famous (Apollo) people, but she also played an important role desired to investigate the A/Apollo axis, one would first look to
personally in those relationships as a female artist (Moon/Cupid), the A/Apollo midpoint, referring only to one chart disk. But it is
famous in her own right (M/Apollo). also seen from the above proof that planetary pictures simultan-
The planetary picture M + Apollo = Moon + Cupid may be eously containing Ascendant and Apollo can be discovered in the
rewritten in the following way: Apollo = Moon + Cupid — M. radix chart by using dual-disk analysis, wherein A of one disk is
If the 90°-dial is twisted very slightly off the A/Kronos axis, it placed on Apollo of the other disk. What results are planetary
can be seen that the midpoints M/Apollo and Moon/Cupid form a pictures which contain both A and Apollo, without the A/Apollo
very nearly exact planetary picture. Now since we have already midpoint as such being involved. One picture thus found is con-
seen that v.Apollo = A, and Apollo = Moon + Cupid — M, then it tained in the Uranus/Apollo and A/Kronos axis. For when A of
is clear that the outer disk is placed at Apollo of the inner disk, then Uranus of
the outer disk is found at Kronos of the inner disk. For all prac-
(3) v.(Moon + Cupid — M) = A tical purposes of interpretation (delineation), the picture Uranus +
Thus, because of what is found in the natal chart, solar arc Apollo = A + Kronos is very similar, if not precisely identical, to
configurations (1), (2) and (3) are linked together in important the picture A + Apollo = Uranus + Kronos. In both these pictures,
ways. Equation (3) is an illustration of a sensitive point moving the same four factors are present. It is the former picture that is
forward by solar arc. Beginners need not trouble themselves actually to be found in Ms. Garland's horoscope. See figure 10.1.
initially with directed sensitive points, but example (3) is included
by way of illustrating what can be done in more advanced work.
Exercise. Using the two-disk method for the investigation of
These three solar arc configurations may be summarized: "At this natal (radix) structures, verify the existence of the planetary pic-
time of my life I am suddenly well known again more than ever as ture A + Poseidon = Kronos + Apollo, in the horoscope of Judy
a female artist. My career proceeds by leaps and bounds and my
Garland. Notice that a small, but permissible orb occurs with
artistic efforts are rewarded with huge success." this picture. Begin this two disk procedure by placing the Ascen-
Some people interpret the appearance of Judy Garland's TV dant of one disk on Apollo of the other. Observe now that Kronos
show as a "comeback" similar to her earlier comeback at the on one disk lies on Poseidon of the other. Formulate an equation
Palace Theater in New York in 1951. The natal and solar arc of equal differences. Locate the correct axis on a single disk,
pictures triggered in 1963 certainly affirm this interpretation. In after first having translated the equal differences into equal sums.
22 1/2° aspect to the A/Kronos and Uranus/Apollo midpoints (in How may this picture be interpreted?
196 The Language of Uranian Astrology Solar Arc Directions 197
Let us now investigate further into Judy Garland's directed (8) A + Sun — Admetus = v.Cupid
horoscope. Place the pointer of the 90°-dial on v.M. Rotate the (9) A + Sun — Apollo = v.Mars
inner disk to the correct solar arc position (arc = 39°09'). Be sure
to hold down the two disks with a free finger so that they do not
slip from the correct solar arc alignment while the metal disk is
turned. (1) v.Kronos = Uranus
Thirty-nine degrees clockwise from directed M will be found B + ICr = Ur
natal M. And thirty-nine degrees counterclockwise from directed B = Ur — Kr = 343°34' — 34°17' = 309°17'
M will be found natal Apollo. We write: 309°17' — 180°00' = 129°17' (Begin to reduce values by
(4) v.M = M/Apollo subtracting succeedingly smaller
This configuration is interpreted M/Apollo. This combination aspects.)
refers to success in the career at this time of life. The number (4) 129°17' — 90°00' = 39°17'
is used, as with the preceding three examples, as reference for the actual solar arc = 39°09'
next section of this chapter, in which these and other examples to
follow will be worked out mathematically. off exactitude by + 0°08'
Let us now continue with the pointer on v.M. Notice that radix
(2) v.Apollo = A
A is about 11 1/2° clockwise from v.M. Dividing this 11 1/2° by
two gives approximately 5 1/2°, plus a little more. Now turn the B + Ap = A
metal 90°-disk clockwise so that (approximately) 5 1/2° on the B = A — Ap = 100°30' — 151°17' = 100°30' + 360°00' —
0-45-0 symmetrically numbered ring is on v.M while the other 151°17' = 309°13'
5 1/2° mark is on radical A. Readjust the dial by a small amount, 309°13' — 180°00' 129°13'
if necessary, to make these two numbers equal. The pointer is now
set on the midpoint v.M/A: the midpoint between directed M and 129°13' — 90°00' 39°13'
radical A. Do not confuse this with v.M/v.A, which is yet another actual solar arc 39°09'
off exactitude by + 0°04'
Radix Apollo will now be seen directly at the 45° mark of the
metal 90°-disk. Therefore, (3) v.(Moon + Cupid — M) = A
(5) v.M/A = Apollo B + Mo + Cu — M = A
Indicating a good opportunity in the environment for career suc- B = M + A — (Mo + Cu)
cess. B = 342°42' + 100°30' — (269°09' + 134°48') = 442°72' —
Proceed in the same fashion and verify the existence of the 403°57' = 39°15'
following configurations: actual solar arc = 39°09'
(6) v.A/v.Sun = Apollo (by 22 1/2°) off exactitude by + 0°06'
198 The Language of Uranian Astrology Solar Arc Directions 199

(4) v.M = M/Apollo (8) A + Sun — Admetus = v.Cupid = B + Cupid

B + M = 1/2 (M + Apollo) B = A + Su — (Cu + Ad)
B = 1/2(M + Ap) — M = 1/2(342°42' + 151°17') — 342°42' B = 179°18' — 140°00' = 39°18'
B = 264°18' 264°18' — 180°00' = 84°18' 39°18' — 39°09' = + 0°09' off exactitude
84°18' — 45°00' = 39°18'
(9) A + Su — Ap = v.Ma = Ma + B
391 8' — 39°09' = 0°09' (plus) off exactitude
B = A + Su — (Ma + Ap) = 129°06'
129°06' — 90°00' = 39°06'
(5) v.M/A = Apollo
39°09' — 39°06' = — 0°03' off exactitude
1/2(M + B + A) = Apollo
B = 2 Ap — (M + A) Comment. Since only a minute or two of orb is technically
B = 2 x 1511 7' — (342°42' + 100°30') permitted with solar arc directions, the student may wonder why
B = 302°34' + 360100' — 443°12' = 219°22' the aforementioned configurations fall an average of four minutes
of solar arc later than the 39°09' figure. The reason is simple.
219°22' — 180°00' = 39°22' Although the first taping began at the end of June 1963, the first
39'22' — 39°09' = + 0°13' off exactitude program was not put on the air until early fall 1963. This whole
period, then, marks a time of intense professional activity, the
results of which would not be publicly known on a large scale
(6) v.A/v.Sun = Apollo (by 22.5°) until a slightly later time. Those configurations which show a
B + 1/2(A + Sun) = Apollo calculated B value less than 39°09' represent activity in the plan-
B = Ap — 1/2 (A + Su) = 151°17' — 1 /2 (100°30' + 78°48') ning stages. Work began in earnest during May of 1963.
= 61°38'
61°38' — 22°30' = 39°08'
actual solar arc = 39°09' TIMING OF SOLAR ARC CONFIGURATIONS

off — 0°01' In the preceding nine examples, work was begun with a specific
solar arc calculated for a specific date. The progressed Sun was
computed for that date. And if desired, the progressed planets
(7) v.(A/Sun) = v.A/v.Sun = Jupiter/Vulcanus could be calculated on the same basis. If the progressed planets
B + 1/2 (A + Su) = 1/2 (Ju + Vu) are not needed, the solar arc may be figured by a simplified
method given herewith in example 1. Example 2. which follows
B = 1/2 (Ju + Vu) — 1/2 (A + Su)
shows the procedure for establishing the date which corresponds
B = 128°38' — 89°39' = 38°59' to a particular solar arc.
actual solar arc = 39°09'
Example 1. Compute the solar arc in Judy Garland's horoscope
off exactitude by — 0°10' for her birthday in 1963.
Solar Arc Directions 201
200 The Language of Uranian Astrology
directed M (progressed M) in the table of houses, and under the
Sun positions are used directly out of the ephemeris with this
latitude of birth, interpolate for the corresponding A.
simplified method. Results are quite accurate and nearly as good
as with the longer method described previously. The following Example. Compute the oblique ascendant (abbreviated pr.A)
short cut may be used when progressed planets are not needed. in the horoscope of Judy Garland for 10. September 1963. Solar
arc is figured by 39°07' + (4.75 x 3) = 39°07' + 0°14' = 39°21'.
Birthday = 10. June. From any ephemeris you have on hand,
Add this solar arc to the radical midheaven: 342°42' + 39°21' =
take the position of the Sun on this date directly from the tables.
22 Aries 03. Latitude of birth is 47 N 14. Pr.A = 8 Leo 39.
Either a noon or a midnight ephemeris may be used.
1963 — 1922 = 41 years. 10. June + 41 days = 21. July (as Exercise. Verify this calculation. Enter the position of this
before). progressed oblique ascendant on the page under the 90°-dial.
Observe that pr.A = Venus/v.Venus = Jupiter/Vulcanus. Take
Sun, midnight GMT, 21. July = 27 Cancer 36' = 117°36' note of the fact that pr.A/A = v.Aries/Jupiter. Look for other
— Sun, midnight GMT, 10. June = 18 Gemini 29' = 78°29' configurations. Compare the positions of pr.A and v.A. How
= Solar arc for age 41 (exactly) 39°07' many degrees apart are these two ascendants for this time in her
Observe that on any July 21, the Sun moves 57' in 24 hours.
Divide this 57 minutes by 12 to get monthly motion = 4.75 min-
Example 2. Determine when the aspect v.Kronos = Uranus will
fall due in the horoscope of Judy Garland. Calculation (1) gives
a solar arc value of 39°17'. At this solar arc, v.Kr = Ur is exact.
From this value subtract the solar arc on the birthdate, 1963:
39°17' — 39°07' = 0°10'. At the rate of 4.75 minutes per month,
the solar arc will advance to 39°17' at a number of months after
the birthdate equal to 10 minutes divided by 4.75 minutes per
month. 10 ÷ 4.75 = 2.1 months. Assuming that the average month
contains thirty days, one tenth of one month equals three days.
Therefore, the configuration v.Kr = Ur falls due two months and
three days after her birthday in 1963: namely, on August 13, 1963,
give or take a day or two.


The oblique ascendant is a second ascendant in the progressed
or directed horoscope which may closely follow the position of
the solar arc ascendant (v.A) or which may depart therefrom by
many degrees. It is very simple to calculate: under the solar arc
Chapter Eleven



Solar arc is a very useful tool, but directions do not give the
whole picture. Directions repeat (at approximately ages 22 1/2,
45, 67 1/2, and 90), but transits never do, in exactly the same
way, taken as a whole.
Directions point to those times in the life when specific radix
structures and configurations become particularly important. Each
structure in the natal chart may be understood on at least two
levels: (1) As general background forming the overall context of
the native's experience throughout significant portions, if not all,
of the lifetime; (2) As more or less specific events which are
manifested at specific times that can be rather accurately estab-
lished by the application of solar arc directions.
The reader may be surprised to learn that radix structures do
not necessarily apply in any absolute or specific sense to the
entire lifetime of the native. If the birth chart is a chart for the
entire lifetime, how can this be so? The answer is that the transit-
ing planets continually intermingle with radix and directed planets,
and transiting planets form continually changing patterns. People
do change.
It is true, more or less, that the birth horoscope continues in
effect throughout the lifetime. Each planet represents a single
unified principle. These principles remain with the native for his
(her) entire lifetime. Keywords are but clumsy attempts to define
the individual principles. Astrology must not be taken too liter-
ally. If, for example, that bugaboo of Uranian astrology, the
planet Hades (for such it is in the minds of some), seems to be
204 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 205
upsetting the apple cart in very specific ways, perhaps one needs theory very satisfying. For if it is granted that at every moment
to consider that the same waste matter that is so offensive to our the total cosmos is our total spiritual being, and that there is none
rather sensitive noses is ultimately the same substance that enriches but an illusory separation between the ego and the outside world
the earth and makes it fertile. If Saturn supposedly fills one with as defined by the limits of the skin, then the transiting planets
inexplicable fear and dread, perhaps one needs to examine one's partake of a reality which is comparable to that which is associated
own identity. with the birth horoscope, and the birth horoscope merely repre-
The enlightened application of the science of astrology can be sents a jumping-off point into earthly existence. Yet, paradox-
of assistance in practical ways for the evaluation of our own ically, each of us has a separate identity, and each of us leads an
potential for growth. The wise man (or woman) searches for that individual life. In everyday existence, we do not usually perceive
on a conscious level the fine threads of being and consciousness
which mirrors his (her) highest spirit. The horoscope is a "magic
which link all forms together into an essential unity of growth and
mirror" in which we see images of our true selves.
The more we know, the more we become aware of our own
ignorance. Knowledge and ignorance need each other like hand Astrological practice resolves this paradox by taking transiting
and glove, game and player. If, then, we see things in our horo- planets in relation to the natal chart. Transiting aspects are under-
scopes that seem to be cause for either exaggerated worry or stood to hold sway for such time as they are within orb of the
exaggerated hopefulness, we would do well to pause and realize radix factors with which they come in contact. Thus the transiting
that astrology is just another game played by human beings; yet planets are made personal for a specific individual whose chart is
another manifestation of life, like science, music, language and the under study. The structures which are found between transiting
flowers of the field. factors and natal factors are taken as temporary structures. The
effectiveness of transits hinges on the presence of personal points.
No experience in life, including the delineation of horoscopes, When personal points, in the natal or directed horoscopes, do not
should disturb the spiritual equilibrium or Yin-Yang balance. enter a particular transit axis, very often the transits on that axis
Astrological science, like the other sciences, must proceed on the simply do not work. Here then is the reason why some transits
basis of self-control. By self-control is meant complete awareness may leave the student wondering about the effectiveness or valid-
of what is going on inside (M) and outside (A), without interfering ity of astrology.
with that awareness in any way. To be swayed from the perception
of truth by any form of bias towards or preoccupation with pre- To study transits with the Uranian system, it is only necessary
conceived notions of either good or evil is to be swayed from the to enter the positions of the transiting planets on the blank sheet
equilibrium towards which all life forms strive. Nothing in our under the two chart disks. One then looks to the same basic axes
horoscopes should upset us. "The fault . . . is not in our stars, but that were studied in the natal and directed horoscopes: M, M/Sun,
in ourselves, that we are underlings." M/A, A and A/Sun. Three combinations exist between any two
factors when radix and directed horoscopes are taken together:
radix/radix, radix/directed, and directed/directed. Since there are
METHODS AND PROCEDURES three such combinations and five basic axes, there are accordingly
fifteen axes to look at when studying directions and/or transits.
Some astrological theoreticians maintain that the transiting If an answer cannot be found in fifteen axes, it is doubtful that it
planets represent outside influences coming into the life of the could be found elsewhere. The beginner may wish to limit him-
owner of the horoscope. The author does not personally find this self (herself) by checking transits to natal axes alone, limiting
206 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 207

therefore the number of points under study to five. Later, the Example. Using the 90°-dial, study the transits in Judy Garland's
directed/directed axes may be included, increasing the total num- horoscope for the date of the first taping of her television show.
ber of points under study to ten. And after the student has Look primarily to the "basic five" axes and to the variations there-
become comfortable with this level of practice, the radix/directed of which come into being via the directed chart.
axes may be incorporated into the methodology. The beginner, The calculations which follow will be limited to the transiting,
therefore, need not feel overwhelmed by complexities for which natal and directed positions of Sun, Pluto and Zeus, along with
he (she) is not initially prepared. Very often, the incorporation the radix and directed M and A. Pluto/Zeus signifies the beginning
of additional axes, over and above the basic five in the radix, serves of a new project or undertaking. We discover the following:
only to confirm what has already been established by way of
(1) A + Sun = tr.Pluto + tr.Zeus = v.M + v.M
bringing in additional detail.
(2) v.M + v.Sun = v.Zeus + tr.Pluto = tr.Sun + tr.Sun
The most important transits are those which move most slowly: (3) Sun = v.Pluto/tr.Zeus
Jupiter through Poseidon. Transits of Mercury, Venus and Mars It is interesting to note that most of the above occur via 22 1/2°.
can be important also, but often their "influence" comes and goes
in rapid fashion.
Especially noteworthy are the station points of the transiting CALCULATIONS
planets. These station points may be taken as axes; and if personal
points in the natal or directed charts are to be found on such axes, Degree and decimal notation will be used in what follows.
then those station points frequently mark some form of turning B = solar arc = 39°09' = 39.15° M = 342.70 A = 100.50
point or transition in the life. Some astrologers also take solar and Sunr = 78.80 tr.Sun = 92.87 Plr = 98.95 Zer = 121.55
lunar eclipses.
tr.Pluto = 9 Virgo 50 = 159.83 tr.Zeus = 4 Virgo 15 = 154.25
If two slow-moving transiting planets form a major aspect with
respect to each other, such as transiting Jupiter square transiting (1) 100.50 + 78.80 = A + Sun = 179.30
Saturn, the point in longitude of the aspect may be investigated 159.83 + 154.35 = tr. Pluto + tr. Zeus = 314.08
with respect to the natal and directed charts. If no personal point 314.08 — 179.30 = 134.78 135.00 = sesquiquadrate
is to be found on the transiting aspect axis, then the transiting 135.00 — 134.78 = 0.22° = 13'.
aspect is probably not very important for the native personally
but rather applies to conditions in the world as a whole. Transiting Off exactitude by 13 ÷ 2 = 6.5'.
aspects and transiting planetary pictures are interpreted by means v.M + v.M = 2 x (342.70 + 39.15) = 43.70
of the keywords. 314.08 — 43.70 = 270.38 270.38 — 270.00 = 0.38°
The orb of effectiveness concerning a transit may be taken at
one degree maximum, but an event occurs, according to the Uran- 0.38 x 60 = 11' off exactitude.
ian system, only when the transit contacts the natal chart with
exactitude. The one degree orb of effectiveness reveals a period In connection with the above, note that the use of sum notation
of time in which matters described by the transit are in a state of causes the actual aspect by which the picture is formed to appear
formation (applying aspect) or dissolution (separating aspect). as twice its true value. The orb off exactitude also appears as twice
208 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 209
its true value. For this reason, the orb derived from sum calcula- The Lunar Return is a horoscope set up for the time when the
tion is divided by two. transiting Moon is conjunct the natal Moon. This horoscope
(2) 342.70 + 39.15 + 78.80 + 39.15 = 139.80 = v.M + v.Sun. operates for approximately 27 days, until once again the transiting
Moon makes another conjunction to natal Moon. The lunar
121.55 + 39.15 + 159.83 = 320.53 = v.Ze + tr.P1. return is like a miniature birth chart whose effectiveness spans one
320.53 - 139.80 = 180.73 180.73 - 180.00 = 0.73° month. It is interpreted in the same way as a birth chart.
0.73 x 60 = 22' = orb off exactitude. Transits are admittedly a tough nut to crack. There is perhaps
2 more confusion in the astrological world generally concerning
tr.Su + tr.Su = 2 x 92.87 = 185.74 185.74 - 139.80 = 45.94 transits than any other single issue. There is a lot of lip service
45.94 - 45.00 = 0.94 0.94 x 60 = 28' off exactitude. paid in astrological circles to the idea that a "promise" for an
2 event must exist in the natal chart before an event can happen.
135.00 - 134.79 = 0.21 Yet astrologers generally, while holding to this theory, seem to
320.53 - 185.74 = 134.79
ignore it entirely in actual practice, taking transits to natal, pro-
0.21 x 60 = 06' off exactitude. gressed or directed planets and making prognostications from
2 them, without (to all appearances) caring if in fact there is, in the
(3) 98.95 + 39.15 + 154.25 = v.Pluto/tr.Zeus= 146.18 birth chart, any contact which resembles the transit/radix structure
2 - Radix Sun = -78.80 for the period in question. Admittedly, the "promise" theory is
difficult to put into practice when using conventional astrological
67.38 techniques.
- semisquare -45.00
Exercise. Using the 2-disk method with Judy Garland's horo-
22.38 scope, place Sun of one disk on A of the other. Note Pluto on
- semi-semisquare -22.50 one disk in contact with Zeus on the other. Starting with equal
Off exactitude by - 0.12 = -07' differences, write an equation for the planetary picture that results.
Explain how this picture indicates a "promise" for the events of
If the orbs off exactitude for these six combinations are aver- 24. June 1963, in the natal chart. Now examine this picture using
aged out, observing whether the orb is short or long of exactitude, only one disk. Does Jupiter enter the axis to show success? Do
we get an average accuracy of +07', which isn't bad. Venus and/or Cupid enter the axis to show artistic endeavors?
Hint: look also to the 22 1/2°-axis. What orbs are involved here?

Studying transits according to the methods set forth in the Lunar return charts provide excellent tools for understanding
preceding section of the chapter can be cumbersome if a span transits. Lunar returns work well, but for reasons which may not
of many days is under study. The previously cited method of be quite fully understood even by those who already put this
working with transits is very good for studying a particular day, technique into practice. What we are dealing with in return charts
but it is not so workable for obtaining an overall view of a is a repeating series of resonance structures.
particular month. To obtain a forecast for one month, nothing In the natal chart, the Moon is removed a certain number of
can beat the lunar return. degrees and minutes from the Aries point. This distance is like a
210 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 211
violin string of a certain length set at a certain tension and tuned
therefore to a certain pitch. When the transiting Moon returns to
her natal position, the frequency of vibration of this musical string
is duplicated in the sky, and resonance occurs in the same way that
one activated tuning fork will cause another, identical tuning fork
to be set in motion.
At the time of the lunar return, the natal chart vibrates to the
transiting chart. Powerful electromagnetic currents are set into
motion, therefore, and the astrological "antenna" connecting man
and the cosmos is activated. This antenna picks up vibrations
which occur at that moment, namely those vibrations correspond-
ing to the aspects and planetary pictures obtaining among the
transiting planets at the time of the lunar return. A psychological
imprint, if you like, occurs in the life of the horoscope's owner,
and a cycle is begun which lasts 27.3 days, on the average. All of
these astrological goings-on take place beneath the surface of
The Meridian and Ascendant, for the locality in which the
native finds himself at the moment of the return, are figured on
the basis of the GMT corresponding to the critical position of the
transiting Moon in relation to zero Aries. At the moment when
the lunar return takes place, the native is strongly and personally
immersed in the electromagnetic field of the moment. And the
nature of this field may be understood by studying the aspects and
planetary pictures going on among the transiting planets at that
time. The emphasis, as with any chart whatsoever, is placed upon
how these aspects and pictures interact with the native's M and A
in the return chart.

In the return chart, there is a precise duplication of vibrations

going on which "mimics", if you like, the natal chart, insofar as
the Moon and Aries are concerned. A "promise" for an event
must exist in the natal chart before the event can happen. Alfred
Witte himself held to this theory. One "promise" in the radix
horoscope is an abstraction expressed mathematically in degrees
Fig. 11.1 and minutes of longitude, representing the elongation from Moon
212 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 213

to the Aries point. The fulfillment of this promise occurs every anical operations involved with the disks are understood. This is
time a cycle chart of the Moon is set in motion. simply a matter of practice.
The natal chart, in other words, gives the key to the promise, It is the habit of some technically minded astrologers to discard
but not, except for the life as a whole in a general sense, the to- simple methods such as the lunar return and to look at a veritable
tality of the promise itself. Birth is the start of a life process, a multitude of axes and sensitive points. There is often enough wool
jumping-off point into earthly existence. We are, however, at gathered in the process to knit an equal multitude of brows. New
every moment immersed in the electromagnetic life stream and we and enthusiastic students of the Uranian system who are somewhat
can — and do — change, improving ourselves, learning from our mathematically inclined by nature are especially liable to get lost
mistakes, and making increasingly enlightened choices. in a maze while weaving wondrous wooly webs of their own
design. Occam's razor is not used for shaving. The simplest is the
The duplication of vibratory activity which the return chart best.
expresses is like an impulse to activity, a fresh start. How often do
Some people may wonder if return charts are truly individual
we speak of a month being good or bad. We naturally — and
horoscopes and if the simplification they make possible is justified.
culturally — think in terms of natural cycles. Astrology is a study
It is true that many people have exactly the same Moon position
of natural cycles, and return charts are keys to some of these
and that these people will therefore have the same planetary values
in their return charts each month. How many of these people
One can, therefore, take the lunar return as a kind of birth would one find, however, at any one geographic locality? M and
chart unto itself. It holds sway until the beginning of the follow- A, which depend on locality, make return charts personally signifi-
ing lunar cycle. Taking the return chart as a unique entity unto cant. And does not the astrologer, in any case, always combine his
itself simplifies forecasting a great deal. For we no longer have to findings with what he knows about his own life or that of his
be overly concerned here about the multiplication of detail that client? If one uses tight orbs in the return, and confines the
comes about when using several layers: natal, directed and transit- attention to combinations of M, A and Sun, the problem of the
ing. One can, of course, study the return planets in relation to individuality of the return is, for all practical purposes, solved, at
natal and directed planets, but it is, more frequently than not, least in the opinion of the author.
unnecessary to do so. The student should feel free to experiment
along these lines.
I prefer to keep things simple, and lunar returns are both simple PRECESSION AND TRANSITS
and direct. Uranian techniques do permit simplification of pro-
cedures to take place. It would be a mistake to multiply confusion It is the experience of the author that transits are sometimes
by making matters any more complicated than they need to be. more effective when precession is included. Precession may be
It is for this reason that your author continually emphasizes the found by multiplying the age in years by 5/6. The result gives
"basic five" axes: M, M/Sun, M/A, A and A/Sun. It is my sincere precession in minutes of arc. In 72 years, precession amounts to
hope in writing this book that the student will see that by using one degree (approximately). Precession causes transits to fall due
the Uranian disks, in connection with natal, directed, transiting slightly later than would otherwise be expected. Precession is
and return charts, astrology is actually simplified. The disks make added to all radix factors to determine the longitudes where
it possible to figure planetary pictures very easily, once the mech- transits will make contact with those radix factors.
214 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 215

Example. Let us turn once again to the horoscope of Judy
Garland. Calculate the precession accumulated since birth to age 8. Aug. 8 Aries 32'31" = 8.5419
forty-one. 12.4095
(D) 9. Aug. 20 Aries 57'05" = 20.9514 +0.2399
41 x 5/6 = 34 minutes of arc
12.6494 +0.2693 = msd
10. Aug. 3 Taurus 36'03"= 3.6008 +0.2987
11. Aug. 16 Taurus 32'56"= 16.5489


Computing the radix Moon with INT in connection with the The letter (D) indicates the GMT date. As seen from the above,
lunar diurnal velocity will give only an approximate position on it is necessary to enter the Moon's position for the preceding day
the Moon, plus or minus a maximum error of four minutes' arc. and for the two following days, in addition to the position on the
The reason for this error is the uneven motion of the Moon, even GMT date itself.
within a 24-hour period. Fortunately, her motion is uniformly Students who wish to do so may perform the subtractions in
uneven, partaking therefore of linear acceleration or deceleration.* the sexagesimal notation. It is not necessary in most cases to in-
This maximum of four minutes' arc is not a serious error in natal clude the seconds on the Moon, but it is done so here to obtain
astrology. But in directional astrology, directions to or of the maximum accuracy. In these and other matters, the student may
Moon may be off three weeks due to this error. In lunar return decide personally what level of accuracy is desired, and make
astrology, the GMT of the return chart could be off as much as adjustments accordingly.
eight minutes of time. This eight minutes would spell an error on The first step is to obtain the 24-hour motion of the Moon for
M of two degrees, which is too much, using Uranian methods. A the three 24-hour intervals. Then these diurnal velocities are
could be off in the return chart more or less than this two degrees, subtracted again as shown above to find the rate of change of the
depending on the RAMC and the latitude. velocity day-to-day. Finally, the two rates of change are averaged
out. Notice that it must be shown whether the rates of change are
Since Judy Garland's planets require hardly any interpolation positive or negative. If the rate of change is positive, the Moon is
from the noon ephemeris values, her chart will not be used for accelerating; if negative, decelerating. The average of the rates of
this example. Instead, by way of illustration, the chart for the change is the mean second difference or msd.
inauguration of US President Ford (1974) will be examined. The If the decimal notation has been used, convert msd to minutes
technique of "second differences" is best explained by example. by multiplying by 60:
0.2693 x 60 = +16 minutes arc
Those who wish to obtain maximum accuracy can use the
Inauguration of US President Ford, 9. August 1974, 12:03 p.m., formula given immediately below. Those who wish to use a
Eastern Daylight Time. Using a midnight ephemeris (Golgge): short cut and sacrifice a little accuracy can use the correction
*While this is not strictly true, assuming that it is so makes life easier.
tables to be given later.
216 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 217

CORRECTION OF RADIX MOON log INT = log 16h03m = 0.17474

+ log 24-hr motion (12°39') = 0.27812
c = at(t-24) Take antilog of result 0.45286 = 8°27'25"
To which is added Moon for midnight
Where c = correction in minutes and decimals of a GMT, 9. August 1974 20°57'05" Aries
minute of arc (plus: add; minus: sub- Uncorrected radix Moon 29°24'30" Aries
+ Mean second difference correction 0°01'46" minus
a = mean second difference in minutes arc
+ : increasing (accelerating) = Corrected radix Moon 29°22'44" Aries
— : decreasing (decelerating)
t = INT in hours and decimals
INT 5' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' INT
Notice that unless "a" is negative in this formula, the correction 0-1 0'03" 0'06" 0'09" 0'12" 0'15" 0'19" 0'22" 23-24
will be negative. "t" is always less than 24, so (t — 24) will always 1-2 0'09" 0'17" 0'26" 0'35" 044" 0'53" 1'02" 22-23
be negative. To subtract a larger value from a smaller value, pro-
ceed as though the smaller were being subtracted from the larger, 2-3 0'14" 0'28" 0'42" 0'56" 1'10" 1'24" 1'38" 21-22
but tack on a minus (—) sign to the result. A negative number 3-4 0'19" 0'37" 0'56" 1'15" 1'34" 1'52" 2'11" 20-21
multiplied by a positive number is always negative. A negative 4.5 0'23" 0'46" 1'08" 1'31" 1'54" 2'17" 2'40" 19-20
number multiplied by a negative number is always positive. A
positive number multiplied by a positive number is always positive. 5.6 0'26" 0'53" 1'19" 1'46" 2'13" 2'39" 3'05" 18-19
6.7 0'29" 0'59" 1'29" 1'58" 2'28" 2'58" 3'28" 17-18
7-8 0'32" 1'04" 1'37" 2'09" 2'41" 3'13" 3'46" 16-17
Example. Inauguration chart. 8.9 0'34" 1'08" 1'43" 2'17" 2'52" 3'26" 4'00" 15.16
c = 16 x 16.05 (16.05 — 24) = —0°01'46" 910 0'36" 1'12" 1'47" 2'23" 2'59" 3'35" 4'11" 14-15
1041 0'37" 1'14" 1'51" 2'28" 3'05" 3'41" 4'19" 13-14
11-12 0'37" 1'15" 1'52" 2'30" 3'07" 3'44" 4'22" 12-13
This correction "c" is to be added to the position of the Moon
Table I
as found according to the procedures given in chapter three. Re-
member: Adding a negative is equivalent to subtracting. CORRECTION OF RADIX MOON

Table I was initially calculated in slightly different form by

Now to find the radix Moon in the inauguration chart: James Hynes. It appears in Sidereal Calculation Tables by Mary
The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 219
The author is inclined to favor the sidereal lunar return, but
Austin (Moray Publications, 28 Clarence Gate Gardens, London,
the reader should feel free to make up his (her) own mind on this
England). If the mean second difference is positive, subtract the
matter. The intelligent way to proceed would be to figure both
correction. If msd is negative, add the correction.
forms of return until the reader comes to his own conclusions as
to which of the two is preferred.
LUNAR RETURNS IN PRACTICE Example. Compute the tropical and sidereal lunar returns for
In order to set up a lunar return chart, it is necessary to com- Judy Garland which cover the period when her first television
pute the exact time when the transiting Moon returns to her radix show was taped. That date was 24. June 1963. At that time, the
position. The time that is computed turns out conveniently to be transiting Moon was to be found in the sign of Leo. The immed-
the GMT-interval, or INT. This rule applies to both noon and iately preceding conjunction of transiting Moon to radix Moon
midnight ephemerides. Once INT is found for a lunar return, the occurred on June 8, 1963. This is the date for which the lunar
remainder of the chart is calculated in exactly the same way as a returns are to be figured. We can assume that Ms. Garland was
residing in Los Angeles on June 8.
birth chart.
Return charts may also be generated on the basis of the transit- The tropical and sidereal lunar returns will first be calculated
ing Moon forming an opposition or a square to the radix Moon. without correcting for second differences on the transiting Moon.
The conjunction return, which this text will focus upon, operates The msd correction will then be introduced to obtain the exact
for 27 days. The opposition return usually lasts 13 or 14 days, time of the two returns. M and A will then be calculated on the
until the Moon forms another conjunction. Each square chart basis of these adjusted times. Finally, the planets will be calculated
operates for one week, namely until the next conjunction or on the basis of the average of these two times; the error introduced
opposition. There are, of course, two square charts each month. by so doing is insignificant for the purposes at hand, since the two
charts occur only a little over one hour apart. This averaging pro-
cedure may be followed by those students who wish to compare
The opposition lunar return is also referred to as the Demi- the effectiveness of the tropical and sidereal returns. Once the
Lunar Return. The square charts are also known as Quarti-Lunar student has decided in favor of one or the other type of return,
Returns. These terms originated with the Western Siderealist the planets may be figured for exactly the right time. In what
school, associated with such names as Firebrace, Fagan and Allen. follows, the 1961-1965 Golgge ephemeris will be used. This
happens to be a midnight ephemeris.
There are two basic types of Lunar Return horoscopes. The
first is based on the tropical position of the radix Moon and is First, the tropical lunar return. On June 8, 1963, the transiting
called the Tropical Lunar Return. The second is also based on the Moon moves 12°21' in 24 hours. Work will proceed with an accur-
radix Moon, but precession since birth is added thereto in order to acy limited to minutes of arc.
establish the adjusted position of the transiting Moon for the
return chart. This chart is known as the Sidereal Lunar Return. Procedure: Establish the diurnal velocity of the transiting Moon
Both types of lunar return will be discussed in this volume. = 12°21'. Subtract the position of the radix Moon from the posi-
It is not necessary to convert planetary positions into sidereal tion of the transiting Moon on 8. June 1963: 29°09' Sagittarius
coordinates when using the sidereal return. It suffices to make minus 23°47' Sagittarius = 5°22'. Perform the following calcula-
the precessional adjustment and proceed with tropical coordinates.
220 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 221

log 5°22' = 0.65051 The above calculation of msd first converts the lunar positions
— log 12°21' = 0.28854 into degrees and decimals. Alternatively (not using a calculator),
Antilog 0.36197 = 10h 26m = INT one could retain the sexagesimal notation. Take your choice.
(uncorrected) The following formula is the basis of the simplified correction
Next, the sidereal lunar return. table below, Table II.

radix Moon = 29°09' Sagittarius

+ precession, age 41 = 0°34' CORRECTION OF LUNAR RETURN
Required transiting
Moon = 29°43' Sagittarius _ at (24 — t)
Now proceed as before: 29°43' — 23°47' = 5°56'. Diurnal 48 v
velocity of the Moon is the same. Where c = correction in minutes and decimals of a
minute time on "roughed in" (uncor-
log 5°56' = 0.60691 rected) value of "t".
— log 12°21' = 0.28854 a = mean second difference, in minutes arc
Find antilog of . . 0.31837 = 11h32m = INT (observe whether + or —).
(uncorrected) v = diurnal velocity of transiting Moon on
date of lunar return (D).
If desired, one may use instead an electronic calculator:
t = uncorrected INT of lunar return.
5°56' = 5.933° 12°21' = 12.350°

Example. Compute the corrections for INT in the tropical and

5'933 x 24h = 11.530h = 11h32m = INT sidereal lunar returns of 8. June 1963 for Judy Garland.
Tropical lunar return:
c= 10 x 10.43 x (24 —10.43) = 2.39m =
Now to obtain the mean second difference on the Moon: 48 x 12.35 +02m23s
June. 1963 Moon
Sidereal lunar return:
7 11 Sag 34 = 11.57
12.21 c = 10 x 11.53 x (24 —11.53) =243m =
= 23.78 +0.14 48 x 12.35 +02m26s
D=8 23 Sag 47
12.35 +0.16° =10'= msd
9 6 Cap 08 = 6.13 +0.19 If msd is positive, add the correction; if msd is negative, sub-
12.54 tract the correction. The values of Table II are computed for the
10 18 Cap 40 = 18.67 half-hour and for a mean lunar velocity of 13°11'.
222 The Language of Uranian Astrology Transits 223


Tropical Lunar Return Sidereal Lunar Return

30' 35' INT

M = 23 Cap 06 M= 9 Aqu 04
INT 5' 10' 15' 20' 25'
0m288 0m 335 0m39s 23-24
A = 6 Tau 51 A = 27 Tau 45
0.1 0m065 Om // s Om/7s 0m22s
1.2 0m165 0m 32s 0m48s 1m04s 1m20s 1m36s 1m52s 22-23 All that remains is the calculation of the planetary positions
2.3 0m25s 0m51s / m /6s 1m42s 2m075 2m33s 2m58s 21-22 for the two return charts. As mentioned before, these positions
will be figured on the basis of the average INT between the trop-
34 0m345 / m088 1m42s 2m 16s 2m50s 3m24Y 3m58s 20-21
ical and sidereal lunar returns. This is done here merely as a con-
4.,5 0m42s 1m23s 2m 05s 2 46s 3m28s 4m10s 4m51s 19-20 venience, by way of comparing the two types of return charts, and
5-6 0m48s 1m36s 2m25s 3m /38 4m07s 4m49s 5m38s 18-19 for no other reason. This average INT equals 11h01m25s. It will
be left up to the student to verify the following positions as an
6-7 0m54s / m488 2m 42s 3m 36s 4m30s 5m24s 17-18
7.8 0m59s 1m57s 2 56s 3m55s 4m53s 5m52s 6m51s 16-17
8.9 1m02s 2m05s 3m07s 4m /0s 5m /28 6m /5s 7m /7s 1546

940 1m05s 2m// s 3m/6s 417121s 5m27s 6m 32s 7m 37s i 14.15 Node 22 Can 18 Saturn 23 Aqu 06 Zeus 4 Vir 07
1041 / m075 2m /4s 3m22s 4m29s 5m365 6m43s 7m50s 13-14 Sun 16 Gem 56 Uranus 1 Vir 33 Kronos 2 Gem 34
Mercury 24 Tau 31 Neptune 13 Sco 27 Apollo 26 Vir 52
1142 / m08s 2m16s 3m24s 4m 33s 5m41s 6m 49s 7m575 12-13
Venus 24 Tau 42 Pluto 9 Vir 37 Admetus 28 Ari 57
Table II Mars 2 Vir 38 Cupid 11 Lib 06 Vulcanus 0 Can 14
Jupiter 13 Ari 48 Hades 12 Tau 18 Poseidon 15 Lib 38

Enter these positions on a piece of blank paper under the 90°-

Now that the mean second difference (msd) corrections have
dial. Tropical M and A should be entered in one color (or other-
been figured for both the tropical and sidereal lunar returns, the
wise labeled), sidereal M and A in another color. There will be
exact times (INT) may be found by applying these corrections to
two Moons, slightly separated from eath other; their average posi-
the uncorrected INT's:
tion may be used.
Tropical Lunar Return: 1 Oh26m + 2m23s = 10h28m23s = INT
To maintain consistency with previous remarks made in this
Sidereal Lunar Return: 11 h32m + 2m26s = 11h34m 26s = INT chapter concerning transits to this event, only the tr.Pluto/tr.Zeus
M and A are found using the same methods which apply to the axis will be explored here. The midpoint Pluto/Zeus in this chart
birth chart. The geographical coordinates of Los Angeles are works out to be at 6 Virgo 52. (Verify this calculation as an
exercise). The midpoint between the sidereal Ascendant and the
34 N 03 and 118 W 15. LTE = 118°15' 15 = — 7h53m00s. Sun is located at 7 Gemini 20. Thus is formed a planetary picture,
It is left to the student as an exercise to verify these calculations. A + Sun = Pluto + Zeus. This is precisely the same structure that
Results are: was found by taking transits to the radix A/Sun axis. The orb off
Chapter Twelve
224 The Language of Uranian Astrology
exactitude with this planetary picture is 0°28'.* The picture is
formed by square aspect. Also on the Pluto/Zeus midpoint in the
tropical lunar return is found the tropical M. Thus, M + M =
Pluto + Zeus. In this case, the orb off exactitude is larger; it
amounts to 1°14%* This picture involving tropical M is certainly ADVANCED TOPICS
within allowable orb, but because the orb is much larger, the
picture is less convincing.
Exercise. Interpret these two charts, looking to the five primary
axes: M, M/Sun, M/A, A and A/Sun. Include M- and A-houses. Moving away a significant distance from the birth place may
Which chart, the tropical or the sidereal return, do you think is often coincide with a total change in life style. The environment
more convincing? Why? Do you feel they are equally convincing? presents a new face, and one may also experience previously un-
known facets of one's own self. A relocation chart is a chart drawn
Exercise. By what aspect in the tropical lunar return is the
up for a specific place, as though one were born at that place.
Pluto/Zeus midpoint on the M axis?
Depending on the distance from the birthplace, M and A will shift
Exercise. Verify the orbs given above for the two planetary a greater or lesser amount. The birthplace M and A continue in
pictures cited. Use the slash notation. force throughout the lifetime, but the relocation M and A often
give very specific information about the particular conditions and
*Off center; 56' and 2°28' off the side (respectively).
situations which the native encounters at the new locality. Plane-
tary positions do not change, for they remain the same at any one
moment for all places on the globe.
The relocation RAMC is figured by finding the difference be-
tween the LTE at the birthplace and the LTE at the new location.
The resulting LTE difference is added to or subtracted from the
1111101104101111 radix RAMC according as the move takes the native east or west
of the birthplace, respectively.
Example. Compute M and A in the relocation chart of Judy
Garland for Los Angeles, California.
LTE Los Angeles, California 7:53:00
— LTE Grand Rapids, Minnesota = 6:14:04
LTE-difference (west : minus) = 1:38:56
RAMC, Grand Rapids, Minn. = 22:56:13
— LTE-difference to Los Angeles = 1:38:56
RAMC, Los Angeles = 21:17:17
226 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 227

MLA = 16 Aquarius 52 the same procedure is used throughout. We have seen in chapter
LA:34NO3 nine that Uranus/Poseidon signifies cinema and film. It so happens
ALA 6 Gemini 34 with this chart that this midpoint lies on the midpoint MLA/ALA
by 22 1 /2°. And it also happens that on this same axis is found
radix Sun. Now we see in addition, by means of dual-disk analysis,
that the four factors Uranus, Poseidon, ALA and Sun operate
RELOCATION ANALYSIS together in a planetary picture defined by ALA/Poseidon and
The "basic five" axes that have been emphasized throughout Sun/Uranus. Thus we see from several viewpoints that for Ms.
this volume apply with equal significance to relocation charts. Garland personally, the locality of Los Angeles (Hollywood) was
Locality M and A may be inserted in the two chart disks used for important with respect to films and filming. The axis ALA/Sun
radix and solar arc analysis. These two relocation points should does not of itself contain Uranus/Poseidon, but Uranus and Posei-
be identified as such. Judy Garland's relocation M and A will be don will "mix in" with A and Sun by crosswise connection.
labeled MLA and ALA. The remainder of the axis jointly defined by ALA/Poseidon and
Procedure. Locate the "basic five" axes using a single disk. Sun/Uranus may now be investigated. This axis is found to con-
Make note of the planetary pictures which are formed. Then tain the following midpoints: Hades/Apollo, M/Mars, Venus/Nep-
proceed with dual-disk analysis, making note of equal differences. tune, Zeus, and Jupiter/Pluto. There are also other midpoints on
For each set of equal differences, convert to equal sums, and this axis which the student may discover for himself (herself).
proceed once again with single-disk analysis, focusing upon the This axis may be interpreted: "Hollywood brings me much suffer-
particular axes that have been discovered. List all planetary pic- ing especially through men in the film industry in relation to my
tures on each of these axes. career activity, which proceeds with unreal hopes and expectations
but which is also rewarded with great success." It was through the
Example. Using a single disk, find the midpoint between ALA
influence of certain men in Hollywood that she developed the
and Sun. On this axis will be found the following: ALA + Sun =
habit of relying on drugs: uppers and downers. These facts are
MLA + Ju = MLA + P1 = M + M = A + Cu.
well known. Drug use became standard practice in her teenage
Now place ALA of one disk on Sun of the other disk. Observe years. The amount of suffering she experienced on this account
pairs of factors which line up around the circumference of the is difficult to imagine.
two disks. When two such factors line up with an orb of two
degrees, a planetary picture is formed which includes the two A little dial-twisting reveals that the sensitive point for drugs,
factors as well as ALA and Sun. Assuming for the sake of argu- Sun + Neptune — Hades, equals Zeus in the natal chart (thus
ment that ALA on the outer disk is aligned with Sun on the inner forming a planetary picture). Zeus lies directly on the Sun/Uranus
disk, notice (for example) that Uranus on the outer disk lines up axis mentioned above. It was at least partly through drugs that
with Poseidon on the inner disk. We write: ALA — Sun = Uranus she was physically stimulated (Sun/Uranus) to achieve (Zeus).
— Poseidon. Or we could have written: Sun — ALA = Poseidon — The effects upon her bodily vitality (Sun) were to keep her in a
Uranus. In either case, when these terms are rearranged to form hyperactive condition (Uranus). Venus/Neptune is on the axis,
equal sums, we get: ALA + Poseidon = Sun + Uranus. It does not and Moon/Venus enters the axis by 22 1/2°. Is it any wonder then
matter, in finding equal differences with the two disks, whether that she became more or less addicted (Venus) to alcohol (Nep-
one takes "outer minus inner" or "inner minus outer" as long as tune)? 11 1/4° counterclockwise from Sun/Uranus is found Moon/
228 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Advanced Topics 229
Poseidon, and one of her favorite wines was "Blue Nun." As one
proceeds with the study of Ms. Garland's horoscope and sees such average. The daily Meridian is based on the fact that not only does
pictures as these, one cannot help but be impressed by her per- the Sun (actually, the Earth) shift roughly one degree per day for-
formances all the more. ward, but that while it is doing so, the Earth is rotating on its axis
full circle. The rotation of the Earth on its axis plus the motion of
Two other "crosswise connections" between ALA and Sun are the Earth through space cause M to shift not merely one degree
particularly noteworthy: ALA + Sa = ALA + Ha = Ma + Ma = per day but rather 1° + 360° = 361° per day. The zodiacal motion
Su + Su = Kr + Kr; and ALA + M = Su + Ap = Ve + Ze. The first of the progressed Sun is hereby combined with the right ascen-
indicates "Suffering and trouble at this place through co-workers sional motion of the Earth turning on its own axis. To obtain the
and superiors" while the second shows that "She achieves fame at daily Meridian (d.M), the zodiacal and right ascensional motions
or through this locality and realizes the fulfillment of her wishes." of the Earth must be combined. Fortunately, it is an easy matter
These examples will suffice to demonstrate the methodology of to convert longitude to right ascension, and right ascension to
relocation analysis in connection with the single- and dual-disk longitude, by means of the table of houses, in order to obtain
modes. commensurate quantities for adding and subtracting, to fulfill the
purposes at hand.
Consider what is meant by "one day equals one year." One
The progressed or directed M is found by adding the solar arc
(tropical) year is defined by two successive conjunctions of the
to the radix Midheaven. It is easy to see why this works. Solar arc
transiting Sun over the same point of zodiacal longitude. If we
correlates to a certain number of days after birth, taken as that
are to accurately compute the daily Meridian, we must first estab-
same number of years of life. The Earth revolves about the Sun at
lish the right ascension of the Sun on the birthday which immedi-
a rate which is equal to the rate of motion of the Sun as seen from
ately precedes the date of the event under study. The right
Earth. Solar arc is therefore actually "Earth arc," in a technical ascension of the (mean) Sun on a certain day is equal to the
sense. The entire radix horoscope shifts by an amount equal to
sidereal time (ST) given in the ephemeris for that day. Because
the shift of the Earth. Thus, as Witte has said, "The Sun takes the the daily M moves very swiftly (slightly over one degree per day,
whole chart with it."
on the average), it is necessary to define just when "the year"
The geographical meridian line through the birthplace is, by begins for the person whose chart is under study, in order to
definition, always perpendicular to the Earth's equator. The point avoid errors amounting to a considerable fraction of one degree.
of intersection between this meridian line and the ecliptic is the
Midheaven or MC, also known as the (astrological) Meridian. M Obviously, the personal year begins on the personal birthday.
therefore shows a direct connection with the Earth's axial rotation. But in a technical sense, "the year" begins at exactly that moment
The axial rotation of the Earth, as mentioned in chapter three, is a on the birthday when the transiting Sun conjoins the radix Sun
motion in right ascension. Right ascension is measured along the (without precession added to radix Sun). By means of simple
Earth's equator. interpolation, it is easy to establish the GMT when this Solar
360 degrees rotation of the Earth on its axis correlates to 24 Return takes place. The example which follows below will explain
hours by the clock, or one day. But between one day and the next, this procedure in detail. Once INT has been established for the
the Earth shifts in space by an amount which is equal to the 24- solar return, it is necessary to compute the 10 second/hour correc-
hour zodiacal motion of the apparent Sun, or one degree on the tion on INT. This correction is added to the ST as given in the
ephemeris for the preceding noon or midnight GMT (depending on
230 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 231
which type of ephemeris is used), and thus the ST or sidereal time Now turn to the table of houses. By interpolation, figure the
for the moment of the solar return is established. This ST will be right ascension of this directed Meridian. In chapter three the
abbreviated ST(SR), meaning "sidereal time of the solar return." student learned how to compute M from a given RAMC. Here, it
ST(SR) is not to be confused with the RAMC generated from the is necessary to find RAMC for a given M. So this procedure is the
GMT of the solar return. That RAMC is dependent upon the local- reverse of that previously learned. The right ascension that is
ity where the native resides at the time of the return and is used found shall be abbreviated RA(pr.MC).
to establish M and A in the solar return chart itself. This M and A The daily Meridian is found from the following formula:
we are not concerned with here. We are only concerned with find-
RA(d.M) = RA(pr.MC) + ST(Event) — ST(SR)
ing ST for the moment of the solar return, thus defining, in
terms of the right ascension of the (mean) transiting Sun, the Example. According to Mel Torm6 (op. cit.), Ms. Garland's
beginning of the year for the native. "heart had stopped sometime during the early morning hours of
June 22 (1969), probably owing to an accidental overdose of
The next step is to figure the right ascension of the Sun to the
barbituates." Compute the daily Meridian and Ascendant.
date of the event. If an exact, or even an approximate, time of
day for the event is known, this time is converted into GMT. INT
is found from this GMT in the usual fashion. The 10 second/hour (1) First find the GMT of the solar return which precedes
correction is applied to this INT, and the correction is then added the event.
to the ST given in the ephemeris for the immediately preceding
noon or midnight GMT (depending, once again, on which type of radix Sun = 18 Gemini 48
ephemeris is used). This right ascension, or sidereal time, shall be = 18 Gemini 56
tr. Sun 10. June 1969
abbreviated "ST(Event)", meaning "the sidereal time to the
event." tr. Sun 9. June 1969 = 17 Gemini 59
By subtracting ST(SR) from ST(Event), the number of months 24-hr. motion of tr. Sun = 0° 57' = large motion
and days which have elapsed from the immediately preceding solar
radix Sun = 18 Gemini 48
return (marking the beginning of the year for the native) up to the
date of the event is obtained, and this interval of months and days — tr. Sun 9. June 1969 = 17 Gemini 59
is hereby expressed in hours, minutes and seconds, on the basis 49' = small motion

that 24 hours equals one year. It is necessary to work with sidereal
times here because sidereal time is a measure along the equator
With a calculator, INT -9— x 24h = 20.63h = 20h38m
in right ascension. The greatest "chunk" of the motion of the 57
Meridian takes place in right ascension, namely 360° of the total
With logs, log INT = log 49' — log 57'
361° per year. The one degree on the "361°" is equivalent to the
solar arc motion in one year. log 0°49' = 1.4682
Next, compute the progressed (or directed) M. First figure the — log 0°57' = 1.4025
solar arc to the date of the event. Accuracy to the nearest minute antilog of 0.0657 = 20h38m = INT
or two of arc is quite satisfactory, so the short method of calcula-
tion given in chapter ten can be put to good use. Add this solar
arc to the radix M. The result is the directed M. (2) Next find the 10 second/hour correction on this INT:
232 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 233

3m 26s
6 ) 20 38 RA(pr.MC) = 01h 42m 26s
2 = 120
(7) Compute RA(d.MC):
RA(pr.MC) = Ol h 42m 26s
2 = less than half of six
+ ST(Event) = 18 01 40
(3) Add this correction to the ST taken from the ephemeris 19 43 66
for 9. June 1969 (midnight ephemeris used here). — ST(SR) = 17 12 11
ST 9. June 1969 = 17:08:45 = RA(d.MC) = 2 : 31 : 55
+ 10 sec/hr corr. = 00:03:26
17:12:11 = ST(SR)
(8) From a table of houses under RA(d.MC) find d.MC and,
(4) Now to find ST(Event): under the latitude of birth, d.A. Grand Rapids, Minnesota =
47 N 14.
3:00 a.m. P.D.T. = 10h00m a.m. GMT = INT
(midnight ephemeris)
d.M = 10° 24' Taurus
10 sec/hr correction = 10 ÷ 6 = 00h Ol m 40s d.A = 21° 37' Leo
+ ST 22. June 1969, Oh (m'nite) = 18 00 00

= ST(Event) = 18h Ol m 40s

(5) Next, directed M:

radix M = 12° 42' Pisces
+ solar arc 6/22/69 = 44° 53'
directed M = 27° 35' Aries
The daily M and A are used with the transiting planets for the
day under study. The natal and/or directed personal points may
(6) From the table of houses, find the right ascension measur- also be included in the daily horoscope, but it is frequently un-
ing to this directed M: necessary to do so. See figure 12.1.
Advanced Topics 235
234 The Language of Uranian Astrology

The following are the transiting planets for 10h GMT, 22. June,

DAILY-MGR' DIAN Sun 4 48 Cupid 19

0 ,40 23
udyja7"-lan ct Mercury 8 35 Hades 18
X' riS 32

Venus 15 d 10 Zeus 9 trit 00

T r4-22:301 Mars 3 //1( 26 Kronos 6 55

Jupiter 27 25 Apollo 0 0___,


Saturn 6 d 01 Admetus 2 : 34

Uranus 29 58 Vulcanus 3 ,42;

9 39

Neptune 26 ITV 28 Poseidon 18 powwow.", 31

Pluto 22 30 Node 25 d).

4.0 29

Exercise. Draw up a chart in the 90°-format using the above

positions. Insert daily M and A. Locate d.M = Mars = Sun/Saturn.
tr.Sun/tr.Saturn = 3°25' Gemini
tr. Mars = 3°26' Sagittarius
d.M + 22°30' = 2°54' Gemini
Orb off exactitude = 0°32'
Precession to
age 47 = 0°39'
Orb off exactitude = 0°07'
Fig. 12.1
236 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 237

Daily M in this example is closer to the critical axis Mars = THE VERTEX
Sun/Saturn when precession is included. Precession causes tran-
sits to slip backwards in the zodiac. In this case, the precessional The Vertex is a "third angle" in the horoscope, representing the
adjustment can be made by moving daily M ahead by the accumu- intersection of the prime vertical with the ecliptic. The plane of
lated precession of 0°39'. This adjustment causes d.M to fall the prime vertical is perpendicular to both the horizon and meri-
within seven minutes of an exact 22°30' aspect to transiting Mars dian planes. See figure 1.1. The Vertex is found with a table of
and Sun/Saturn. Notice that Admetus/Vulcanus is also on the houses by adding or subtracting exactly twelve hours to RAMC
Mars axis. Alfred Witte interprets Admetus + Vulcanus — Mars and finding A under the co-latitude of birth. Add or subtract
as "To concede a fight. End of a battle." according as the result falls within the range 0-24 hours of right
Solar arc directions confirm death at this time of life: ascension. The co-latitude of birth is found by subtracting the
birthplace latitude from ninety degrees. The tentative meaning
Uranus + Neptune — M = v.Aries which your author places upon the Vertex is "destiny." It may
Sun + Sun — M = v.Mars/v.Saturn be included in horoscopes by those who wish to experiment with
Exercise. Verify the above solar arc directions and compute astrological techniques.
the orb off exactitude which applies in each case. Determine by
what aspect the solar arc pictures are activated. B = 44°.53'.
Example. Calculate the Vertex in the horoscope of Judy Gar-
RAMC = 22 : 56 : 13
— 12 : 00 : 00
If the student has already been using radix/directed axes with 10 : 56 : 13
solar arc directions, he (she) has been using half solar arc without
necessarily knowing it: Co-latitude 90°00' — 47°14' = 42°46'
Since directed/radix = radix + radix + B Vx = 27 Scorpio 10.
= radix + B
Where B = Solar arc. Example. Calculate the progressed Vertex in the horoscope of
Judy Garland for the date of her passing.
Double solar arc is just that. All factors are moved forward by pr.MC = 26 Aries 35
this amount. Half and double solar arc are used primarily to Therefore under MC = 26 Libra 35, find A for
establish hard angle contacts between single directed and single the co-latitude.
radix factors. These two directional arcs are not typically used Result : pr.Vx 1 Capricorn 08
with directed midpoints and planetary pictures, in the interest of radix Hades = 1 Aries 12
simplicity. off exactitude by: 0°04'.
238 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 239

Notice that with some small orb, tr. Sun = Hadesr = pr.Vx = CALCULATING THE TRUE NODE
tr.Saturn/tr.Neptune. We may conclude that her body was highly Table I
toxic on the day of her death. Sun, Neptune and Hades being pre-
Argument — First Correction — Argument
sent in the axis confirms the overdose hypothesis, for these three
Sun — Mean Node: 0 Sun — Mean Node:
planets in Uranian relationship are indicative of drugs.
0 90 180 270 + 0 00 — 90 180 270 360
1 89 181 269 + 0 03 — 91 179 271 359
2 88 182 268 + 0 06 — 92 178 272 358
3 87 183 267 +0 10 — 93 177 273 357
4 86 184 266 + 0 13 — 94 176 274 356
MEAN NODE AND TRUE NODE 5 85 185 265 + 0 16 — 95 175 275 355
6 84 186 264 + 0 19 — 96 174 276 354
The Moon's Node as given in the ephemeris is its mean position. 7 83 187 263 + 0 22 — 97 173 277 353
But because the Moon partakes of a highly nonuniform motion, 8 82 188 262 + 0 25 — 98 172 276 352
9 81 189 261 + 0 28 — 99 171 279 351
the Moon's node must likewise share in this nonuniformity. The 10 80 190 260 + 0 31 — 100 170 280 350
adjustment on the mean node to give the true node can amount to 11 79 191 259 + 0 34 — 101 169 281 349
12 78 192 258 + 0 37 — 102 168 282 348
as much as 1°45' in either direction. The author is of the opinion 13 77 193 257 + 0 40 — 103 167 283 347
that the position of the true node gives better results. 14 76 194 256 + 0 43 -:104 166 284 346
15 75 195 255 + 0 46 — 105 165 285 345
Calculating the true node is straightforward. Three corrections 16 74 196 254 + 0 48 — 106 164 286 344
17 73 197 253 + 0 51 — 107 163 287 343
on the ephemeris position are necessary. The "argument" of the 18 72 198 252 + 0 54 — 108 162 288 342
first correction (what you have to plug in to grind out the answer) 19 71 199 251 +0 56 — 109 161 289 341
20 70 200 250 + 0 59 —110
is the difference in longitude between the Sun and the mean node. 21 69 201
160 290 340
249 + 1 01 — 111 159 291 339
The argument of the second correction is the difference between 22 68 202 248 + 1 03 — 112 158 292 338
the Moon and the mean node. And the argument of the third 23 67 203 247 + 1 06 — 113 157 293 337
24 66 204 246 + 1 08 —114 156 294 336
correction is the difference between the Sun and the Moon. 25 65 205 245 + 1 10 — 115 155 295 335
26 64 206 244 + 1 12 — 116 154 296 334
27 63 207 243 + 1 14 — 117 153 297 333
Example. Correct the Node in the horoscope of Judy Garland. 28 62 208 242 + 1 16 — 118 152 298 332
29 61 209 241 + 1 17 — 119 151 299 331
1. Sun — Node = 78°48' + 360°00' — 185°10' = 254° 30 60 210 240 + 1 19 —120 150 300 330
31 59 211 239 + 1 21 — 121 149 301 329
From table I, the first correction is +0°48'. 32 58 212 238 + 1 22 — 122 148 302 328
Moon — Node = 269°09' — 185°10' = 84° 33 57 213 237 + 1 23 — 123
2. 147 303 327
34 56 214 236 + 1 25 — 124 146 304 326
From table II, the second correction is + 0°01'. 35 55 215 235 + 1 26 — 125 145 305 325
36 54 216 234 + 1 27 — 126 144 306 324
3. Sun — Moon = 78°48' + 360°00' — 269°09' = 170° 37 53 217 233 + 1 28 — 127 143 307 323
From table II, the third correction is — 0°02'. 38 52 218 232 + 1 28 — 128 142 308 322
39 51 219 231 + 1 29 — 129 141 309 321
40 50 220 230 + 1 30 — 130 140 310 320
41 49 221 229 + 1 30 — 131 139 311 319
Add all corrections together, observing sign: + 48' + 01'— 02' = 42 48 222 228 + 1 31 — 132 138 312 318
43 47 223 227 + 1 31 — 133 137
47'. Which is then added to the mean node: 5 Libra 10 + 0°47' = 44 46 224 226
313 317
+ 1 31 — 134 136 314 316
5 Libra 57 = true node. 45 45 225 225 + 1 31 — 135 135 315 315
240 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 241


Table H The following axes also reveal useful information.

Second and Third
Corrections tr. Sun This day.

0 90 180 270 +0 00 - 90 180 270 360

1 89 181 269 +0 00 - 91 179 271 359 tr. Sun/Aries This day in general.
2 88 182 268 +0 01 - 92 178 272 358
267 +0 01 - 93 177 273 357 tr. Sun/Sun The physical on this day.
3 87 183
184 266 +0 01 - 94 176 274 356
4 86
175 275 355
v. Sun/tr. Sun The physical at this time of life
5 85 185 265 +0 01 - 95
6 84 186 264 +0 01 - 96 174 276 354 on this day.
7 83 187 263 +0 02 - 97 173 277 353
8 82 188 262 +0 02 - 98 172 278 352 tr. Sun/tr. Moon This hour on this day.
9 81 189 261 +0 02 - 99 171 279 351
10 80 190 260 +0 02 - 100 170 280 350
11 79 191 259 +0 03 - 101 169 281 349
12 78 192 258 +0 03 - 102 168 282 348
13 77 193 257 +0 03 - 103 167 283 347
14 76 194 256 +0 03 - 104 166 284 346
15 75 195 255 +0 04 - 105 165 285 345
16 74 196 254 +0 04 - 106 164 286 344
17 73 197 253 +0 04 - 107 163 287 343 URANIAN HOUSES: LOVE AND MARRIAGE
18 72 198 252 +0 04 - 108 162 288 342
19 71 199 251 +0 04 - 109 161 289 341
20 70 200 250 +0 05 - 110 160 290 340 The intellectual benefits accruing to the individual student of
201 249 +0 05 - 111 159 291 339
21 69
158 292 338
astrology frequently go beyond the subject of astrology itself. For
22 68 202 248 +0 05 - 112
23 67 203 247 +0 05 - 113 157 293 337 astrology offers — to philosophically minded students especially —
24 66 204 246 +0 05 - 114 156 294 336 a convenient mental framework whereby the interrelationships
25 65 205 245 +0 06 - 115 155 295 335
26 64 206 244 +0 06 - 116 154 296 334 among various aspects or phases of life may be comprehended
27 63 207 243 +0 06 - 117 153 297 333 with clarity. In this regard the ancient division of the ecliptic
28 62 208 242 +0 06 - 118 152 298 332
241 +0 06 - 119 151 299 331 into a twelvefold scheme of houses offers particularly rewarding
29 61 209
30 60 210 240 +0 06 - 120 150 300 330 insights into the nature of existence on personal, emotional and
211 239 +0 06 - 121 149 301 329
31 59
148 302 328
physical levels of being; especially in light of the reflex action as
32 58 212 238 +0 06 - 122
33 57 213 237 +0 07 - 123 147 303 327 set forth by Witte and as clarified by Hermann Lefeldt in his
34 56 214 236 +0 07 - 124 146 304 326 ambitious volume, Methodik Eins: Haeuser.* Reflex action clari-
35 55 215 235 +0 07 - 125 145 305 325
36 54 216 234 +0 07 - 126 144 306 324 fies naturally occurring interrelationships among houses.
37 53 217 233 +0 07 - 127 143 307 323
38 52 218 232 +0 07 - 128 142 308 322 Let us apply some fundamental concepts of Uranian houses to
39 51 219 231 +0 07 - 129 141 309 321 the perenially interesting topics of love, marriage and sex. These
40 50 220 230 +0 07 - 130 140 310 320
229 +0 07 - 131 139 311 319 topics are perhaps especially interesting today as individuals of
41 49 221
42 48 222 228 +0 07 - 132 138 312 318 good will seek greater spiritual and psychological understanding
47 223 227 +0 07 - 133 137 313 317
136 314 316
not only of themselves as human beings with very human needs,
44 46 224 226 +0 07 - 134
45 45 225 225 +0 07 - 135 135 315 315 but also of others with whom those needs and human qualities are
*"Methodology (volume) One: Houses." Hamburg: Witte-Verlag, 1 9 6 2 .
242 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 243

shared. To this end, we will glance briefly at symmetrical group- The "planetary picture" that is formed due to reflex activity
ings of houses in all systems (i.e., with respect to all personal among M- and Moon-houses may (in part) be written thusly:
points), with particular attention to reflex activity according to 5 + 8 = 6 + 7. (It is interesting to note in passing that this state-
the theories of Alfred Witte. ment is also true on the purely arithmetical level). Interesting
sidelights are revealed by looking to other reflex houses within a
Other schools of astrology categorize love, marriage and sex into symmetrical system in terms of a focal point of observation: here,
three different houses: namely, houses five, seven and eight, re- love and sex as focus revealed by the fifth and eighth houses in the
spectively. To be sure, Uranian astrology stands in agreement with M- and Moon-systems. The above equation, for example, may be
these categories but at the same time also goes one step further in expanded to include houses four and nine in the following way:
maintaining that there exist certain otherwise hidden connections 5 + 8 = 6 + 7 = 4 + 9.
among these houses by virtue of reflex action. Scrutiny of this
reflex action among houses not only throws light upon individual This expression possibly explains the emergence of such phen-
horoscope analysis but also helps the "astro-philosopher" come omena as coeducational dormitories (higher learning of the 9th
to grips with issues and concepts in a more general sense. Every- house in relation to home life of the 4th house); communal life
body knows from personal experience or reflection that the affairs with a religious or philosophical basis; and open marriage (com-
of houses 5, 7 and 8 are intimately associated. But only in the bining the domestic arrangements of the fourth house with the
Uranian system of astrology is this association set forth with such freedom and expansiveness of the ninth house). These (and other)
crispness, clarity and mathematical simplicity. phenomena may therefore truly reflect natural law in positive
ways that may have hitherto been unnoticed; at least in astrologi-
cal terms.
Consider first the M- and Moon-houses. We observe (in part)
the following reflex activity in all charts: 5/8 and 6/7. Due to the However unorthodox these phenomena may appear to some
symmetrical nature of reflex activity, we may, in general terms, people, it probably remains true that the totality of the individual
think of these four houses as forming a planetary picture about the and collective organism is self-regulating when allowed to "swim"
axis defined by the first and seventh house cusps. It is clear then freely in its own natural environment. And technology has created
that these four houses (among others) are intimately involved with new environments which call for new life-styles. New ways of
each other. For if a planet stands in the fifth house of M or Moon, thinking about love and marriage must necessarily accompany
then M or Moon will stand in the eighth house of the planet. And these new life-styles. And in this regard, astrology can be of
so on. We may conclude therefore that love and sex, on the positive assistance; which perhaps explains the interest it holds in
personal and emotional levels, are two sides of the same coin; the minds of the young. For the younger generation seems to be
different, but related. The fifth house also signifies children, who moving towards a new organic equilibrium that promises to mater-
of. course are brought into the world neatly prepackaged by the ially dispel the worst (and often imaginary) fears of an older order
stork, who calls the eighth house its home. Marriage — seventh that many observers of all ages feel was, in fact, never fully in
house — enters the picture via the reflex action established in mesh with either biological or psychological realities. It is obvious
connection with the sixth house. Marriage, therefore, is a form of to many young people that these often imaginary fears frequently
partnership (7) whereby the individual (M) attempts to attain a have to do with love, marriage and sex. Astrological concepts are
personal (M) and emotional (Moon) adjustment (sixth house) to useful tools for reflection and meditation on these and other
love (5) and sex (8). issues. And these same concepts are equally useful in terms of
244 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 245
practical application to horoscopes of individuals who desire to Clearly, therefore, examination of any issue such as love and
bring greater insight and awareness to life. marriage demands looking at the whole chart. Within the Uranian
system of houses, "looking at the whole chart" means looking at
M- and Moon-houses express consciousness on inwardly personal
the whole "axis" which forms the interrelationships described by
and emotional levels (respectively). Now let us see how chubby
reflex action. This approach effectively replaces the practice in
Cupid fares in terms of A- and Node-houses. Whereas with M- and
other schools of taking rulers of house cusps. Interrelationships
Moon-houses, the axis of reflex symmetry is defined by the sev-
among houses in the Uranian system are universally true. The
enth and first house cusps; with the A- and Node-houses, on the
method of "house rulership" is particularly true; but the latter,
other hand, symmetry is found along an axis defined by the cen-
while probably valid in many ways, is somewhat confusing because
ters of the second and eighth houses. What is "on the axis" may
it is possible to carry it too far to "prove" anything that one may
therefore be written as follows: 8 + 8 = 7 + 9 = 6 + 10 = 5 + 11 =
desire. Planets in a house are much more important than planets
4 + 12. Once again the alert reader (this means you) will notice
which rule a house.
immediately that this statement is also true from a purely arith-
metical point of view. Since the eleventh house is the house of On the purely physical level, matters of love and sex become
friends (those whom we like), it is fair to say that liking and loving somewhat biological. (So you think you have a better idea?) The
(11 /5 ) go together like proverbial bratwurst and sauerkraut.* solar reflex activity that is afoot in relation to matters at hand is
It is not necessarily true, however, that lovers (fifth house) are as follows: 11/8 : Vital reserves and sexual energy; 7/12 : The
friends (eleventh house) unless there is present a true relationship couple together (7) bodily (Sun) sharing physical intimacy (12)
(Ascendant) and common bond (Node). This to many people in being with each other on a regular basis (Sun = the day) while
rather obvious state of affairs is supported by reflex action among removed during that time from the distractions of the outside
A- and Node-houses: 8/8 and 5/11. "Lovers" who are not friends world (12); and 2/5 : Nutritional level (quality of food eaten = 2)
and who do not therefore share common goals or aspirations and resultant biological capacity for normal physical pleasures of
(eleventh house) are simply erotic partners (5/8 of M and Moon) all kinds (5).
and perhaps amount to little more than this in each other's eyes. Like anything worthwhile, sex (8) draws on one's energy reserves
George Bernard Shaw relegates such purely erotic lovers to the (11). The effects, however, are regenerative (8) when love is pre-
underworld in his play, "Man and Superman: Don Juan in Hell." sent. For expression of physical love (5th house of Sun) most
Lovers (5) who are friends (11) will marry (7) — legally or harmoniously implies acceptance of physical love (2d house: in-
otherwise — due to their sharing (A and Node) higher values or a take). Drippy sentimentality precludes both giving and taking.
common philosophy (ninth house): reflex 7 and 9. They will The axis of symmetry in solar reflex is the Sun itself: the physical
seek to establish a home (4th house) which will provide an intim- body. In the Uranian system, Sun (at 4) is opposite Moon (at 10):
ate setting (12th house) for their relationship: reflex 4 and 12. a blending therefore of electric and magnetic fields, an exchange of
They will have achieved a good adjustment (6th house: Poseidon vital biological energies.* Vive la difference!
= understanding) between themselves (A and Node) in relation to With respect to the Sun-houses, the equation of symmetrical
their respective careers (10th house): reflex 6 and 10. The reflex that may be written reads (in part) as follows: 8 + 11 =
"cement" in their relationship is sexual: axis of symmetry center- 7 + 12 = 2 + 5. And so on. This statement is also true arithmet-
ing in the eighth house. They pool their resources for economic ically if one reduces all sums to the range 0-12 inclusive. All sums,
survival: axis also centering in the second house of A and Node. in other words, equal seven or nineteen (with Sun-houses).
*If the reader does not favor sauerkraut, or vice versa, he or she may with impunity
.This statement is true no matter what aspect may be found in particular horoscopes
substitute a finer grade of cold beer. between Sun and Moon. Recall that measurements can begin at any point on the
246 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 247
tant but hitherto unperceived connections among various phases
ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY or aspects of his (or her) present life: as shown, for example, by
a currently active planetary picture which pulls together via the
AND THE DIRECTED HOROSCOPE directed horoscope the affairs of several houses simultaneously.
No ethical astrologer would ever predict (or claim ability to If these previously unnoticed connections are scrutinized, it be-
predict) exact or specific events, for in doing so the astrologer comes possible for the native to form conclusions about what
would, to an unfortunate degree, be guilty of presuming to take action may be taken to improve upon or remedy particular circum-
away from the individual not only the right to, but also the exper- stances or attitudes which were once thought to be out of the
ience of, making choices and, in general, of taking full responsibil- reach of individual control. The astrologer will, however, wisely
ity for one's own existence in all its phases. avoid forming these conclusions for his client: the astrologer can-
not, if only for his own sake, afford to identify with or otherwise
It is perhaps quite beside the point whether a "prediction" or personally take on the problems of those who visit him. The most
"forecast" does materialize in just exactly the way that was antici- that can be expected or hoped for is that the astrologer has
pated astrologically. But if the basic keywords are kept in mind at become a channel for higher wisdom and understanding. Astro-
all times, and if certain precautions are taken to study whole axes logical counseling is a joint process. Anything else is somewhat
as opposed to bits and pieces thereof (in a manner that will be makeshift by comparison.
explained shortly), then certainly the broad outlines (if not the
What was suspected from the directions alone is often remark-
specific details) of the likely psychological patterns that may
ably out of whack with the facts and with the rest of the chart
manifest in the future can, with considerable accuracy, be more
when proper methods are applied. This technical Point alone is
or less firmly established.
very often enough by itself to banish any number of imaginary
Knowledge of the broad psychological outline contained in the fears that may appear on the mental horizon of the novice astrolo-
symbolism of the months ahead is, in the opinion of the author, of ger: who, from lack of experience, is perhaps more likely to jump
greater significance and use to a client than any necessarily hope- to conclusions and therefore not infrequently to imagine the
less attempts at writing the latter's biography in advance. What worst; in contrast to the seasoned astrologer, whose views reflect
probably matters most to the individual are the month-to-month a higher degree of conservativeness born of the knowledge that all
states of mind, emotion, body and spirit which ultimately form things will pass, however threatening they may appear for a time
the set of conscious and especially unconscious assumptions which to the undisciplined fantasy.
as a whole express the nature and quality of the individual's expec-
Consider, for example, a hypothetical case where matters do
tations of life. For each person at every moment lives out and
indeed appear bleak from a superficial point of view. Let us
gives expression to the (as it were) "vector sum" — end result —
assume the following: solar arc directed Mars to radix Saturn;
of those very expectations.
and simultaneously (or nearly so), solar arc directed Cupid to
The services of a qualified astrologer are of great value in pro- radix Node. A superficial analysis (taking these factors alone)
viding constructive avenues or channels of understanding through might yield such horrors, or semi-horrors, as the following: "Death
which many previously unconscious states of the client's mind in the family circle;" "Interruption of work in connection with
may be rendered conscious and therefore brought to light for marriage troubles;" or "Family burdens or organizational responsi-
critical examination or revision by the latter. It may, for ex- bilities causing interpersonal strife of a serious nature." Any or
ample, never have occurred to the individual that there are impor- all or none of these statements may actually prove true.
248 The Language of Urania,: Astrology Advanced Topics 249
By means of solar arc, a whole radix axis is activated, and not defined by the four factors cited above. In contrast to running
merely a fragment thereof. The student may wish to review the around in a closed loop and chasing one's tail, study of the entire
basics of dual-disk analysis at this point (chapter ten). The direc- axis (referring back to the radix always) reveals the total energy
tions which apply to this particular time of life are only a small flow throughout the axis: the individual is seen therefore in more
part of what is going on in the total directed chart. The entire nearly perfect ways as a whole person.
radix axis that is triggered by directions is itself part of the Understanding and applying the concept of total energy flow
directed horoscope. To obtain a total picture, the radix axes that throughout an axis enable the astrologer to remind the client of
are activated by directional pairings must be studied as a whole. what basic qualities, drives, psychological patterns, mental atti-
In this case, the radix axis that is activated is the axis jointly tudes, talents, human resources and Yankee Ingenuity the client
defined by the Node/Mars and Saturn/Cupid midpoints. Let us can most likely bring to the present and to the future which
suppose, on turning to the natal chart and looking to this axis, springs forth from the present.
that we also find there the following: A/Apollo and Moon/Venus The additional insights which the Uranian astrologer obtains
midpoints. Let us further assume for now that these four mid- from study of the whole axis will, one hopes, provide "ammuni-
points comprise the totality of the axis. tion" whereby the real or imagined fears experienced in the present
Assuming that the houses reinforce such an interpretation, it (or hanging on from the past) may be shot down. And these
is quite possible to state that at this time of life (directed chart), additional insights can moreover be tactfully put into question
the client or native will spend many pleasant hours in the company form, so that the client experiences the astrological interview as a
of others working together in earnest fashion on a project or un- process. This is far superior to taping one's client's mouth shut,
dertaking of mutual interest. He and his lodge brothers, for especially in the interest of avoiding scandal.
example, may finally proceed to begin carving that totem pole It may, for the benefit of Science, be especially worthwhile to
over which they have for so long been at loggerheads. The specific carry this scrupulosity one step further with some independent
interpretations that could be formed are diverse, especially in light research. This research project proposes to critically examine a
of the fact that we are, for the sake of argument, not bringing in random sampling (pollwise) of a representative number of individ-
houses here except to mention them in passing.* But the symbol- uals from among the neighborhood squirrel population. (The
ogy of the event as indicated by the directions will always be squirrel is widely found throughout North America; is altogether
accurate in broad outline. Certainly in this case the gloom, doom absent in Australia; range: tropical to arctic climes; eats what is
and disaster that a novice astrologer may be tempted to predict put before it.) Like many other of our little animal friends, these
would be way off the mark. furry wonders will, upon coaching with salted peanuts or com-
If the astrologer merely focuses upon the four factors Mars, parably satisfying fare, joyfully affirm anything your heart desires,
Saturn, Cupid and Node in the directed chart (we are now assum- including the verity of the hypothesis contained in these pages
ing for the sake of argument that these are the only directions at pertaining to the aforementioned cages bearing the same name;
this time of life), then the astrologer is, in effect, taking himself with which devices these creatures justifiably claim ample and
(herself) and the client on a guided tour of a mental and emotional widespread experience. Astrologically speaking, squirrels, when
squirrel cage. The squirrel cage metaphor describes the closed loop known to do so, fall under the influence of Virgo.* Members of
eln this connection, it should be emphasized that ownership of three or more houses this genus exhibit remarkable intelligence as a result and should
will yield a greater percentage of return on one's investment, even though one may find it
necessary to mortgage properties of other colour groups in order to accumulate the need- *Virgo is said to rule small animals. See how it all fits together?
ed capital.
250 The Language of Uranian Astrology Advanced Topics 251
prove therefore to be remarkably cooperative, if you know what I point. In actual practice, the individual intervals of time defined
mean. A field report just received from a charming lady who by the spacing of directions could span anywhere from just weeks,
demonstrates a noticeable fondness for an occasional cigar con- (or, in some cases, days) to even months of life.
firms what is set forth here. The ingredients in the alchemical retort of consciousness are,
The process whereby a transformation of consciousness takes of course, the ordered set of factors in the horoscope which
place in light of the new insights and information made possible by forms the total chart; plus, no doubt, many additional variables
and conceivably mystical quantities which remain unknown. The
examination of whole axes is the same process whereby the indi-
vidual moves from a squirrel cage existence into a more nearly "alchemical flux" that will or should facilitate a more nearly
perfect expression of his (or her) own spiritual potentiality. This harmonious flow of life energies is necessarily contained within
process may be called alchemical. Astrological alchemy proceeds the psyche of the individual whom the astrologer is attempting
to counsel.
on the basis of understanding the chart as a whole by means of
synthesis (see chapter five). Application of synthesis to the di- Stated another way: the astrologer's analysis represents only
rected horoscope necessitates study of all radix axes which are the alchemical "catalyst" whereby a psychological or spiritual
activated by pairs of solar arc configurations. transformation takes place. And like a catalyst, he (the astrolo-
Solar arc directions are most fruitfully examined by first com- ger) neither adds to nor subtracts from the intimately personal
puting the dates when individual directions take place (see chapter processes and attitudinal transformations that are forever happen-
ten). A listing is then made up which orders these configurations ing within the minds and hearts of those who share his confidence.
in terms of time. Referring to the previously cited hypothetical
example in this chapter, let us assume that directed Mars to radix
Saturn appears first, followed (say) one month later (i.e., roughly
five minutes of solar arc later) by directed Cupid to radix Node. CONCLUSION
Let us in addition assume that one month later still, directed Sun
contacts radix Jupiter. This introductory textbook of Uranian astrology is herewith
The first pair to be studied would logically be that which first brought to a close. In both the astrological and non-astrological
appears: namely, Node/Mars and Saturn/Cupid. The radix axis worlds, the game of good guys versus bad guys continues, with
jointly defined by these two midpoints will, in terms of the bets being placed on both sides, and musical accompaniment being
directions, symbolically describe the first month. The next direc- provided for your listening pleasure by the starry spheres which
tional pair to be studied would logically be that which is derived whirl everlastingly through space, as eternal as the game itself for
from what appears next in line on the list: namely, Jupiter/Cupid which the heavens offer such diverse settings.
and Sun/Node. The total radix axis jointly defined by these two Meanwhile, Humphrey Bogart still sails off to Paris on the Late
midpoints will, in terms of the directions, symbolically describe Show reruns with Audrey Hepburn in his arms, an act that is, in
the second month. A complete analysis for these two intervals any case, hard to follow. In the midst of global chaos, to which
of time would also include daily transits (especially of the slower this book offers no solutions whatever, each of us can at the very
moving planets) to the radix axes that are involved. In such a least affirm, knowing full well all the while that the Emperor does,
fashion does the emphasis month-to-month on particularly critical after all, have No Clothes On, that we are not elsewhere, nor would
axes in the natal chart skip around the horoscope from point to we, for all that, wish it to be otherwise.
252 The Language of Uranian Astrology

There are no secret formulas here whereby the casual student ADDENDUM
can zap his or her way to instant success in Uranian science. But
for those who seek to experiment and learn, it is the sincere hope Correction for Geographic Latitude
of the author and publisher that this volume will have provided
some measure of satisfaction and pleasure on the road to know-
The correction is to be applied to latitudes obtained from an atlas.
ledge and self-discovery.
From the latitudes given therein the following values are to be
subtracted. The results yield geocentric latitude. Tables of Houses
produce accurate data only when entries are made with reference to
geocentric latitude.
Latitudes derived from topographical maps also require correction.

01 00'24" 19 07'05" 37 11'05" 55 10'52" 73 06'28"

02 00'48" 20 07'24" 38 11'11" 56 10'43" 74 06'08"
03 01'12" 21 07'42" 39 11'17" 57 10'34" 75 05'47"
04 01'36" 22 08'00" 40 11'22" 58 10'23" 76 05'26"
05 02'00" 23 08'17" 41 11'26" 59 10'13" 77 05'05"
06 02'24" 24 08'34" 42 11'29" 60 10'01" 78 04'43"
07 02'47" 25 08'49" 43 11'31" 61 09'49" 79 04'20"
08 03'10" 26 09'05" 44 11'32" 62 09'35" 80 03'58"
09 03'33" 27 09'19" 45 11'33" 63 0921" 81 03'35"
10 03'56" 28 09'33" 46 11'32" 64 09'07" 82 03'12"
11 04'19" 29 09'46" 47 11'31" 65 08'52" 83 02'48"
12 04'41" 30 09'59" 48 11'29" 66 08'36" 84 02'24"
13 05'03" 31 10'11" 49 11'26" 67 08'19" 85 02'01"
14 05'24" 32 10'22" 50 11'22" 68 08'02" 86 01'37"
15 05'45" 33 10'32" 51 11'18" 69 07'45" 87 01'13"
16 06'06" 34 10'41" 52 11'13" 70 07'26" 88 00'48"
17 06'26" 35 10'50" 53 11'06" 71 07'08" 89 00'24"
18 06'46" 36 10'58" 54 10'59" 72 06'48" 90 00'00"
The lunar return horoscope may be directed within the period of
its effectiveness by special solar arc in the following fashion:
Compute the transiting Sun which corresponds to the day and hour
for which directions are desired. Calculate the arc between this
transiting Sun and the Sun in the lunar return horoscope. Multiply
this arc by four. The resulting degree value is the special solar arc by
means of which all factors in the return horoscope are to be directed.
Particular times prove to be important within the period of
effectiveness of the lunar return horoscope. These times are easily
figured by the inclusion in the lunar horoscope of the native's radix
Sun and of the conventionally directed Sun (progressed Sun). When
the specially directed Sun of the lunar horoscope forms a hard
aspect to the following points, particularly important structures in
the lunar horoscope "fire" (are triggered into activity): radix Sun;
directed Sun (v.Sun); radix Sun/ v.Sun; r.Sun + r.Sun - v.Sun;
v.Sun + v.Sun - r.Sun; as well as — for advanced students — all
sensitive points jointly formed by radix Sun, v.Sun and zero degrees
Aries (example: Aries + v.Sun - r.Sun).
The procedure by means of dual-disk analysis (see chapter ten) is
very simple. As example, suppose that the arc between the lunar
return's Sun and the radix Sun is eight degrees. Eight degrees of
special arc measures to an interval of two days, since the transiting
Sun moves approximately one degree per day. Move one disk in the
dual-disk arrangement by this eight degrees so that the return Sun
lines up with the radix Sun. Suppose now that Jupiter on the outer
disk lines up with M on the inner disk; and suppose that Mars on the
outer disk now lines up with Node on the inner disk. One discovers
by this procedure a planetary picture (in the lunar return horoscope
itself) which is particularly important for the native and highly
personal as well. In addition, this planetary picture will "fire" at this
particular time within the period of effectiveness of the lunar return.
This picture is written: Jupiter - M = Mars - Node; or rewritten:
Node + Jupiter = M + Mars.

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