6 47-Member State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Holds 13 Plenary Meeting
6 47-Member State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Holds 13 Plenary Meeting
6 47-Member State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Holds 13 Plenary Meeting
Volume XVIII, Number 326 9th Waxing of Tabaung 1372 ME Sunday, 13 March, 2011
The Fifth Meeting of the Sixth State Central Working Committee of the Sangha
of All Orders and the great grand Religious Title-Presentation Ceremony of 2011
Ba Sein (Religious Affairs)
The State Central Working Committee of In fact, the main objectives of holding the representing all members of Sangha throughout
the Sangha of All Orders of the Union of Myanmar First Great Buddhist Council (Synod) through the the country.
comprising 300 members of the Sangha represents Sixth Great Buddhist Council (Synod) were to The main objectives of the Fifth Meeting of
over five hundred thousand members of the Sangha purify, perpetuate, propagate, promote and preserve the Sixth State Central Working Committee of the
residing in the Union of Myanmar. According to the Buddha Sasana. Although altogether Six Sangha of All Orders are to strengthen more
the fundamental principles which were passed Buddhist Councils (Synods) were held, it was efforts for purification, perpetuation, propagation
and adopted by the very First Successful found that different schools and sects still appeared. and promotion of Theravada Buddha Sasana
Congregation of the Sangha of All Orders of the They were not united and they parted from each throughout the world. It is further learnt that all
Union of Myanmar in 1980, the State Central other. Because of different schools and sects, many necessary arrangements and requirements for
Working Committee of the Sangha of All Orders unlawful views (Adhammavadas) which were holding the Fifth Meeting of the Sixth State
shall hold its annual meeting at least once a year. contrary to and incompatible with the Pitakas of the Central Working Committee of the Sangha of All
We all Buddhists throughout the Union of Threvada Buddha Sasana appeared. In reality, Orders have already been made by the Ministry of
Myanmar know that altogether Six Congregation these unlawful views endangered true Buddhism. Religious Affairs and authorities concerned.
of the Sangha of All Orders leading and Therefore, all the Buddhists felt worried about We all Buddhists throughout the Union of
contributing to the purification, perpetuation, the situation of true Buddhism. They really want to Myanmar are heartily pleased and honoured to be
propagation and promotion of the Buddha Sasana purify, perpetuate, propagate and promote the able to pay profound respect to the members of
were successfully held by arrangements and Threvada Buddha Sasana. According to the history the Sangha present at the Fifth Meeting of the
supports of Buddhist people and Government of of Buddhism, it is learnt the schisms and split of Sixth Central Working Committee of the Sangha
the Union of Myanmar in 1980, 1985, 1990, schools and sects usually occurred among the of All Orders.
1995, 2000 and 2005 respectively. In accordance Monastic Orders whenever some members of the
with the objectives and guidelines laid down by Sangha of Orders were in trouble through dispute The great grand Religious Title-Presentation
these successful congregations of the Sangha of and mutual misunderstanding. Ceremony of 2011
All Orders, the very first unity of the members of To rebuild the unity and mutual understanding In order to promote and flourish the three
Sangha could be formed in the Union of Myanmar between different schools and sects of the Sangha kinds of the Buddha Sasana, viz, (1) Pariyatti
within one hundred years. Orders is deeply needed for the welfare and interest Sasana (learning Buddha’s teachings), (2) Patipatti
We all Buddhists all over the world know that of the nation as well as for the Buddha Sasana. Sasana (Practical application of Buddha's
altogether six great Buddhist Councils (Synods) Altogether Six Buddhist Councils (Synods) were teachings) and (3) Pativedha Sasana (realization
leading and contributing to the purification, held to establish the unity of the Sangha of All of Buddha’s teachings), the State Peace and
perpetuation, propagation and promotion of the Orders so long as the Buddha Sasana exists. All the Development Council of the Union of Myanmar
Buddha Sasana were convened after the noble Buddhists firmly believe that without the unity of issued Notification No 1/2011 on the 63rd
demise of the Omniscient Gotama Buddha over the Sangha, it is impossible to promote the Buddha Independence Day of the Union of Myanmar
2550 years ago. The Fifth Great Buddhist council Sasana. As old saying goes, “Whenever religion is which falls on the 4th January 2011, conferring
was held in Myanmar in the year 2415 of the pure, the society prospers”. The situation of the Religious Titles on the 103 eminent Buddhist
Buddhist Era (1871CE) and attended by the 2400 nation was well-developed and prosperous in those monks including 11 from abroad, five elder nuns
Mahatheras, and the Sixth Great Buddhist Council golden times when the members of the Sangha of and 26 laypersons who distinctively carried out
was also held in Myanmar in the year 2498 of the Orders unanimously practiced the Vinaya Laws purification, perpetuation, propagation and
Buddhist Era (1954 CE) and attended by 2500 and fulfilled their religious duties. promotion of the three kinds of the Buddha Sasana
Mahatheras from the Five Theravada Buddhist The First, the Second, the Third, the Fourth, across the world.
nations, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka and the Fifth and the Sixth Congregations of the Sangha The great grand ceremony for presenting
Myanmar. The Buddhist peoples from those of All Orders of the Union of Myanmar successfully religious titles will be held at the Sasana Maha
Theravada Buddhist nations were greatly pleased have rebuilt the unity of the Sangha of All Orders Beikman (Great Sasana Centre) in the precinct of
and honoured for successfully holding the Sixth with the support of Buddhists and the Government the Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw, the
Great Buddhist Council in the Buddhist world. since 1980. A single Sangha Organization could capital of the Union of Myanmar, at 4 pm on the
It was felt that without the unity of the be formed in the Union of Myanmar for the first 19 March 2011 (Fullmoon day of Taboung 1372
Sangha, it was impossible to execute purification, time in one hundred years. ME). All religious title recipients have already
perpetuation, propagation and promotion of the been invited to attend the great grand ceremony.
Buddha Sasana. As different schools and sects of The Fifth Meeting of the Sixth State Central It is further learnt that altogether 514 members of
the Sangha of All Orders appeared separately, Working Committee of the Sangha of All Orders the Sangha, five elder nuns, 26 laypersons and
they were not able to unitedly implement the noble In accordance with the prescribed terms of others will be present on this auspicious occasion.
task of purification, perpetuation, propagation the Sangha Organizations of the Union of Besides, the auspicious ceremony for
and promotion of the Buddha Sasana. In reality all Myanmar, the Fifth Meeting of the Sixth State offering of provisions and various articles to 514
members of the Sangha and devotees want the Central Working Committee of the Sangha of All members of the Sangha and five elder nuns will
everlasting unity of the Sangha of All Orders. Orders are fixed to be held at the Mahapasana Cave be held on a large scale on the same day.
They firmly believe that it only can be possible to (Great Cave) on Kaba Aye Hillock, Yangon, from All Buddhists, donors and wellwishers are
purify, perpetuate, propagate and promote the 13 to 15 March 2011. The meeting will be attended cordially invited to attend this auspicious
Sasana by the unity of the Sangha. The Buddha, by 300 members of the State Central Working ceremony for paying profound respect to the
Himself urged the members of the Sangha to unite Committee of the Sangha of All Orders and 111 members of the Sangha and sharing merits of
in order to carry out His Teachings. members of the State Sangha Ovadacariya (Patrons) good deeds.
6th 47-member State Sangha cussed Viniççhaya affairs, religious affairs and
education matter.
Agga Maha Pandita Bhadadnta Panditabhivamsa
and Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Ariyalankara
Maha Nayaka Committee… They also held discussion on seeking
approval for the agenda of the 5th Plenary
reviewed discussions on Viniççhaya affairs, re-
ligious affairs and education matters.
(from page 1) Meeting the 6th State Central Working Commit- Joint Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha
In the second-day session, Agga Maha tee of the Sangha of All Orders. Pandita Bhaddanta Manitasiribhivamsa sought
Pandita Bhaddanta Suradhaja, Ganthavaçaka Minister for Religious Affairs Thura U approval for the report. Later, the 13th
Pandita Bhaddanta Nandasara and Agga Maha Myint Maung supplicated on religious affairs. Plenary Meeting came to an end.
Ganthavaçaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vepulla dis- Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sumana, MNA
PBANRDA Ministry holds regions and states, totaling 23,225 villages have
access to potable water.
townships in Magway Region and 23 townships in
Mandalay Region, altogether 82 townships in the
19th cash donation Development Affairs Committees have so far
spent K 10485.20 million out of their fund from 2000-
arid zone have access to potable water. Every
village in 19 districts was facilitated with a tube
ceremony… 2001 fiscal year to 2009-2010 fiscal year on water well and further efforts will be made for increasing
(from page 1) supply tasks in rural regions and have budgeted to the quantity of tube wells for sufficiency of potable
At present, a total of 8,042 villages of re- spend K 2532.08 million for 2010-2011 fiscal year. water.
gions in dry zone and 15,183 villages of other 34 townships in Sagaing Region, 25 MNA
Minister for Industry-2 U Soe Thein accepting Minister for Hotels and Tourism U Soe Naing Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Maung
cash donation from a wellwisher. accepting cash donation from a wellwisher. Maung Thein accepting cash donation from a
MNA MNA wellwisher.—MNA
Kanyin Dam Project to completed cent per cent; and the plastering of the of concrete structures had been completed cent
concrete structures, by 84 per cent. Up to November per cent since November 2010.
expedite development of… 2010, groundwork had been completed by 77 per Regarding the irrigation work, the main canal
(from page 16) cent; the building of the stone-filled dam, by 44 per is being dug and structures along the main canal
Pre-engineering tasks for Kanyin Dam Project cent; and groundwork for building the spillway, by and secondary canals are being dug to produce
were launched in 2002-2003. So far, the 68 per cent. Tasks for building the spillway such as hydropower.
construction of the diaphragm wall has been clearing wild plants, groundwork and the building Kanyin Dam Project is being implemented by
damming the Kanyin Creek near Tatkon Village in
Ingapu Township, Ayeaywady Region with the
aim of benefiting around 2500 acres of plantations
of paddy and other crops. On average, it receives
273,000 acre feet of water from a catchment area of
129 square miles annually. With two 2.5-megawatt
generators, its installation power is 5 megawatts a
Upon completion, the irrigation facility will
benefit nearby farmlands especially those in Ingapu
Township. By then, the irrigated area of Kanyin
Dam will meet the benefited area of Nankathu
Dam. The electric power generated by Kanyin
Dam will go to surrounding areas.
When the Kanyin Dam Project is over, local
farmers will be able to boost cultivation of paddy,
beans and pulses, edible oil crops such as sesame
and groundnut, monsoon and cold season crops.
And nearby areas will have access to electricity
and enjoy development in the transport, social,
economic and education sectors. Therefore, it is a
prudent project for the nation and local farmers.
Translation: MS
A dyke under construction in Kanyin Dam Project. Kyemon: 3-3-2011
Scientists claim peanut allergy ‘gene flaw’ link London gets EU reprieve over air pollution
LONDON, 12 March — A gene defect nificant breakthrough” in understanding LONDON, 12 March —
that can triple the risk of a child devel-
the disease. The gene responsible — The UK has been given
oping an allergy to peanuts has been Filaggrin — has already been shown to three more months to
identified, scientists have said. An in-
be a factor in causing eczema and meet EU air quality stand-
ternational research team led by Dun- asthma. Peanut allergy affects 1-2% of ards in Greater London.
dee University said it had made a “sig-
children in the UK and can be life-threat- The European Commis-
ening. sion says the UK govern-
The number of people affected by ment must show that it is
the condition has increased dramatically acting to curb emissions
over the past 20 to 30 years, the Dundee of tiny airborne particles
team said — but the causes of the al- called PM10. Last June Tiny sooty particles in London’s air are believed
lergy are unknown. Dr Sara Brown, a the Commission gave the to cause early deaths.— INTERNET
fellow at Dundee University, said inves- UK a “final warning”
tigating whether Filaggrin was a cause over air pollution in its. Big fines can be lev- up to the UK to decide
The number of people with peanut of peanut allergy was the “logical next Greater London and Gi- ied if countries are found what action to take to cut
allergy has risen dramatically in the step” after a link with eczema and asthma braltar, but now it says to have breached EU law. PM10 levels in London.
past 20 to 30 years.— INTERNET had been established.—Internet Gibraltar is within the lim- The Commission says It could reduce traffic in
PM10, emitted mainly by congested areas where
Mobile communication industry, traffic and do- PM10 is above EU limits,
restored in China’s mestic heating, can cause or target construction
asthma, cardiovascular work, ships at berth,
quake-hit Yingjiang problems, lung cancer industrial plants or do-
B EIJING , 12 March — Mobile and premature death. It is mestic heating.— Internet
telephone services have been resumed in
Yingjiang County in southwest China’s
Event ‘sets rubber chicken record’
Yunnan Province after a 5.8-magnitude MICHIGAN, 12 March — Haywire Group set on 25
earthquake hit the region, Chinese telecom A 10-day comedy festi- April last year at Artesani
operators said Saturday. val in Michigan has Park in Brighton,
China Telecom, one of China’s major opened with what looks Massachusetts.
telecommunications companies, said its like a record rubber Internet
CDMA base stations in Yingjiang and Tourists in Honolulu fled to higher ground as the alarm was chicken toss. The start of
the neighboring Lianghe County were raised overnight.— INTERNET the 10th annual Gilda’s
all back to service. China Mobile, the LaughFest saw organisers
country’s largest mobile operator, said Tsunami reaches US West Coast try to break the Guiness
all of its base stations and HONOLULU, 12 March — Tsunami waves caused by the huge World Record for the
telecommunication cables were repaired, quake off Japan have reached the US Pacific coast, hours after number of people tossing
and mobile services are available in the bowling past Hawaii, but it was largely spared major damage. rubber chickens at once.
county seat of Yingjiang and the villages. Thousands of people had been ordered to leave coastal areas in Spokesman Tyler
Both companies had sent emergency the US state of Hawaii ahead of the waves’ arrival. Evacuation Lecceadone said volun-
communications vehicles and rescue orders were also issued in some coastal areas of the western US teers threw 925 chickens A rubber chicken toss
teams to the quake-stricken area. China and Canada’s British Columbia province. onto the Rosa Parks Cir- at a comedy festival in
Telecom has also launched the “Global At least five people in California and Oregon were swept out cle ice rink. If certified, Michigan is thought to
Eye” service, a 3G-based video to sea, and some boats were torn from moorings. Waves of over that would eclipse the have broken a world
surveillance service that provides latest 6ft (2m) struck Crescent City in California, damaging vessels record of 265 that the record .— INTERNET
situation in Yingjiang to the outside, it and harbour docks, while Santa Cruz sustained about $2m
said. (£1.25m) in damage, emergency officials said. Indonesia volcano erupts
A 5.8-magnitude earthquake jolted The tsunami warning has now been downgraded to an advisory JAKARTA, 12 March — cial Agus Budianto said
Yingjiang County near the border with in Hawaii but officials urged people still to stay away from One of Indonesia’s most today that authorities
Myanmar Thursday noon, leaving 25 beaches. The West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Centre active volcanos has were still trying to evacu-
people dead and more than 250 others has also downgraded its warning to an advisory, California erupted, sending lava and ate residents living along
injured including 134 seriously. About Emergency Management Agency spokesman Jordan Scott said. searing gas clouds tum- the slopes of Mount
127,100 residents have been evacuated “Things seem to be settling down at the moment,” he said. bling down its Karangetang. There were
to safety.—Xinhua Internet slopes.Volcanology offi- no immediate reports of
injuries or serious dam-
Pirates threaten to kill Danish Woman at court with monkey in bra age.
NEW YORK, 12 March — A woman the woman said the marmoset is seven
family in Somalia turned a few heads when she walked weeks old and requires constant atten-
The 1,784-metre
ABUJA , 12 March — “We have moved the mountain is located on
into a courthouse in the US with a tion. She said she bought the animal on Siau, part of the Sulawesi
Pirates moved a captive hostages on to a ship our
tiny monkey — clad in a pink-and- an online auction site and had its clothes island chain. It last
Danish family on to a ship friends are holding for se-
white dress — tucked in her bra. The specially made.—Internet erupted in August, killing
off the Somali coast yes- curity reasons,” said a pi-
woman brought the palm-sized four people. Indonesia,
terday and threatened to rate called Hassan
marmoset to Amherst County Court- the world’s largest archi-
kill them if further at- Abdullahi. “But our
house in rural Virginia for a hearing pelago, is located on the
tempts were made to free armed troops are on the
in the Juvenile and Domestic Rela- so-called Pacific “Ring of
them. The threats follow shore to fight those trying
tions Court. Fire,” an arc of volcanos
a botched rescue attempt to attack us. The hostages
Officials apparently did not notice and fault lines encircling
on Thursday by forces are healthy and safe now
the monkey until the woman went to the Pacific Basin. The
from Somalia’s semi-au- but suffering from home-
an office to complete some paperwork.
tonomous northern re- sickness.” Another pirate, eruption happened hours
In an interview with a local newspaper,
gion of Puntland. Five going by the name of Bile after a massive earth-
soldiers died in the attempt Hussein, warned the hos- A woman walked into a US quake in Japan that trig-
to rescue the Danish cou- tages will be killed if there courthouse with a marmoset gered a Pacific-wide tsu-
ple, their three children are more rescue attempts. nami.
and two Danish crewmen. Internet monkey in her bra.— INTERNET Internet
Russia’s Anzhi sign Boussoufa Beleaguered Marseille Julio Cesar rescues point for
M OSCOW , 12 March Anderlecht 12 million
— Russian Premier euros for the 26-year-old
relaunch title bid 10-man Inter
League side Anzhi Boussoufa, who scored P A R I S ,12 March — sheet after he was
R OME ,12 March — Goalkeeper Julio Cesar
Makhachkala have 60 goals in 200 appear- Beleaguered Marseille accused of rape.
saved a last minute penalty to rescue a point for
signed Moroccan inter- ances for the Belgian relaunched their title
10-man Inter Milan away to Brescia on Friday
national midfielder side. bid with a comprehen-
Moubarak Boussoufa Internet sive 2-0 away win at Samuel Eto’o scored his 31st goal of the season
from Belgian outfit Rennes which lifted the to give the champions a first half lead before
Anderlecht on a three- reigning champions up Andrea Caracciolo equalised six minutes from
year contract, local me- to third in the French time.
dia reported on Friday. top flight ahead of the But then substitute Ivan Cordoba was sent-off
weekend’s remaining Coupled with reports
Reports said that the for bringing down Eder in the box only for Cesar
fixtures. that coach Didier
club from the capital of to save Caracciolo’s spot-kick. In a bizarre finish,
Marseille’s battle for Deschamps could quit
the Russian republic Anderlecht’s Moroccan Caracciolo then also received his marching orders
glory on three fronts this Marseille and return to for a second yellow card.
of Dagestan payed Moubarak Boussoufa
season — in the league, former club Juventus, The point means AC Milan could extend their
CROSSWORDS PUZZLE league cup and the their need for a win
arguably went beyond a
Serie A lead to seven points if they beat rock-
Champions League — bottom Bari on Sunday.
was overshadowed simple three points. Inter coach Leonardo claimed his side had
earlier this week with And on the pitch they deserved more than a draw.
unwelcome off-field had lost to league Internet
news. leaders Lille last
Brazilian Brandao
was taken off the team
Mahan loses his cushion but Rising star Raonic advances
keeps lead at Doral at Indian Wells
DORAL, 12 March — bling with a pair of bogeys 2, 7-6 (7/4) in his open-
Martin Kaymer is the new in the final hour of his March — Milos Raonicing match at the Indian
No 1 in golf and getting second round on Friday is soaring up the world
Wells WTA and ATP
the same kind of respect for a 1-under 71. tennis rankings faster
Masters hardcourt event
another No 1 once did. It was the guy right be- than his 150-mph serve.
on Friday.
Never mind that hind him who made some The 20-year-old Cana-
“I feel good. I feel like
Hunter Mahan had a one- players take notice. dian hammered 10 aces
I played a lot better to-
ACROSS DOWN shot lead going into the Kaymer opened his season and used his thundering
day,” Raonic said. “My
1 Append 1 Strict hermit weekend of the Cadillac with an eight-shot win in forehand to overpower
goal is to keep getting
4 Circus-swing 2 Din Championship after stum- Abu Dhabi.—Internet Turkey’s Marsel Ilhan 6-
better and better and im-
proving.” Raonic un-
8 Smoke-escape
3 Yellowish
4 Causing strain
Busch bungles qualifying runs leashed a 148-mph (238-
9 Fertile desert spot 5 Amidst in NHRA pro debut kmh) ace in the second
10 Cogs 6 Subjugate GAINESVILLE, 12 March — Kurt Busch expected a game of the second set
11 Mean person 7 Relaxed “full dose of humble pie” during his professional against Ilhan in front of a
13 Character in Othello 12 Jot drag-racing debut. crowd of 5,000 on an
15 Settle, confirm 14 Sound of polite He got something way worse. outer court.—Internet
17 Special ability cough Busch botched both qualifying passes Friday at
20 Dutch cheese 16 Spell at wicket the NHRA Gatornationals, leaving him little room
22 Devour 18 Entertraining for error heading into his final two runs Saturday.
24 Give voice to 19 Rushing stream Hunter Mahan tees off on “An interesting day to say the least,” Busch said.
26 Pick me-up 21 Guard against attack the fifth tee during the sec- “A lot of rookie things that I’m ready to put behind
27 Gourmet 22 Quoted ond round of the Cadillac me. We’ve done this before. I’ve done testing, I Milos Raonic of
28 Swell 23 Male relative Championship golf know what to do, I know what to expect.” Canada
29 Large 25 Suspension of war tournament.—INTERNET It sure didn’t look that way on Friday. —Internet