Worksheets and Handouts ACTDailyJournal
Worksheets and Handouts ACTDailyJournal
Worksheets and Handouts ACTDailyJournal
Step 1: What change do you want to make in an important domain (such as family, romantic partner, work, community,
leisure, physical self-care, creative expression, spirituality, or the environment)?
Step 4: What inner and outer obstacles do you anticipate? What problem-solving skills and ACT processes will help you
overcome them?
Step 5: What contexts and cues can you create to support your actions?
Step 6: How will you reinforce your actions? What could you do to keep the flame alive?
Step 8: How can you flexibly respond when you find yourself off course?
Today’s date:
A message from my compassionate coach (e.g., “You are How can I practice real self-care today (e.g., take a break
enough”): for lunch)?
Acceptance: What TEAMS (thoughts, emotions, action tendencies, memories, sensations) have I been avoiding and am
willing to have?
Perspective taking: What self-story do I seem stuck in today, and what’s an alternative perspective?
Committed action: What small steps can I take toward building a meaningful life?
Planning My Day
Tasks for today that support my values: Something I’m looking forward to today (i.e., a moment
to savor):