Blockchain Disruption On Management Accountant - CE
Blockchain Disruption On Management Accountant - CE
Blockchain Disruption On Management Accountant - CE
Hamzah Ritchi
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Padjadjaran
Sofik Handoyo
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Padjadjaran
Abstract: Blockchain considered as an emerging technology that potentially disrupts how management
accountant work and his role. This research intends to understand what Blockchain’s capabilities will
disrupt the profession by conducting a systematic literature review (SLR). A protocol of SLR is inspired
by Kitchenham, Van Akthley, and Okoli in their works. The protocol consists of identifying purpose
and outcome research, definition research question, preparing search and review protocol, title and
abstract screening, paper quality assessment, data extraction, and data analysis. MAXQDA was used
to conduct the SLR protocol. Seven academic journal databases were used in the searching stage.
Kitchenham’s guidelines inspire data extraction and narrative synthesis. This study finds that
Blockchain enables the user to do real-time accounting, gather data for supervising and monitoring
function, and streamline the accounting practice process. With these findings, the management
accountant can prepare to blockchain disruption by upgrading his analytics and computation skills.
Keywords: Blockchain; Management accountant; Systematic literature review; MAXQDA
(Kitchenham et al., 2009; Taylor, Dargahi, defined for this screening. The essential
Dehghantanha, Parizi, & Choo, 2019). This inclusion and exclusion criteria are shown in
stage consists of title screening and abstract Table 1.
screening. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were
Quality Assessment
Data extraction and analysis
A quality assessment of primary studies must
be conduct to select the more relevant papers to Next stage is extracting data from papers that
the research question (Kitchenham et al., 2009; passed the quality assessment and first
Taylor et al., 2019). In this study, quality screening. Data extraction was coded as D0-
assessment was inspired by Dyba and Dingsory D11. D0-D07 gathers necessary information of
research that contain 11 item criteria (Dybå & papers. D08-D11 was extracted by reading the
Dingsøyr, 2008). The 11 criteria covered four papers. Researchers collected the extracted data
main issues: reporting, rigour, credibility, and by MAXQDA and presented by Excel. Data
relevance. Each item would be scored as zero extraction item and its code are shown in Table
(no) and one (yes). 2.
Table 1. Item of the data extraction process
After the extraction data stage, the next process (Cochrane, 2004). In this study, the synthesis
was analysing with narrative synthesis. The process based on works of Keathley & Van
reason for choosing this synthesis is its Aken and Popay. The first step was collecting
capability to collect and analyse data research and making tabulation based on each paper's
from qualitative or quantitative methodology findings (Keathley & Aken, 2013). The second
step, we categorised all factors and disruption systematic literature review protocol. The
potential. The last step was calculating search and selection result is presented in
frequency each factor that mention by studies Figure 2. 272 papers collected after conducting
and papers the search stage and duplication removal. All
papers were screening by its abstract and title
separately, which led to 123 papers combined.
Search and selection result The excluded paper's reason was that the title
and abstract were not mentioned blockchain
This section results from a search, first disruption to management accountant.
screening, and quality assessment from the
Duplicates removal
(n = 272)
After selecting 123 papers, we removed assessment, which would be used for extraction
duplication and done second abstract screening and analysing stage. The reason excluded
that divined by inclusion and exclusion criteria. papers (57) was that their full-text was not
The result of the second abstract screening is 64 available, do not mention blockchain disruption
papers. After that, the researcher has done full- and management accountant and do not pass
text screening with a qualities assessment item. QA 1-3. The seven papers coded, as shown
Only seven papers that pass qualities below.
Code Title
R1 Automatic Information Disclosure with Value Chains Based on Blockchain Technology
R2 Blockchain’s roles in strengthening cybersecurity and protecting the privacy
R3 The role of internet-related technologies in shaping the work of accountants: New
directions for accounting research
R4 Blockchain and the built environment: Potentials and limitations
R5 A Blockchain Research Framework
R6 LoC — A new financial loan management system based on smart contracts
R7 Application of Internet of Things and Blockchain Technologies to Improve Accounting
Information Quality
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
In Figure. 4, all primary studies were divided journal article and conference proceedings can
into journal and conference. Six papers (867%) be used as primary studies. Grey literature did
are a journal article, and one paper (14%) are not include in these studies because peer or
conference proceedings. These come from a reviewers have not reviewed it.
systematic literature review’s criteria that only
Figure 5 show us that blockchain researcher that study advances in a distributed system,
originated from China (29%), United Kingdom collaborative environment, high-performance
(14%), and USA (57%). In table 4, primary computing, and technology. Journal of Building
studies were distributed to seven publication Engineering provides a journal covering all
channels. IEEE ITAIC 2019, IEEE Access, and aspects of science and technology concerned
Business & Information System Engineering with the built environment's whole life cycle.
are a publication channel that publishes Telecommunication Policy is concerned with
research on information technology, artificial the impact of digitalisation in economy and
intelligence, and information system. Future society. The British Accounting Review
Generation Computer Systems provide articles publish a paper on accounting and finance as a
research focus.
Table 4. Publication channel and codes of primary studies
Publication Channel Code
2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence R1
Conference (ITAIC)
Business & Information Systems Engineering R5
Future Generation Computer Systems R6
IEEE Access R7
Journal of Building Engineering R4
Telecommunications Policy R2
The British Accounting Review R3
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data by Stewart Mattson. 14th ed. New York, NY,
Mining, 15–16. USA: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
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