Useful Japanese Phrases - JapaneseUp

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2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

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Useful Japanese Phrases

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Useful Japanese Phrases


Say Hello in Japanese the Right W

Japanese Phrases
Learn Japanese Time

25 Best Japan Blogs To Follow in


Here’s a cool game that will help you memorize Japanese phrases in a
Japanese Counting Numbers
fun way!

You'll be shown Japanese phrases in sets of 3 and then tested. Japanese Alphabet Pronounciati

Learn Japanese Dates

Let's Do This!

Japanese Adjectives Vocabulary

9 Funny Japanese Phrases You’v

Never Heard Of

Japanese Greetings
On this page you will find some useful Japanese phrases for you to learn. First, we will start with a
few tips on how to start learning the Japanese language.
Japanese Vocabulary – Personal
and Feelings
Then, you will find a player where you can hear the audio pronunciation for the words.

Click on the ‘Play’ button and then click on the back and forward buttons to find the words you
would like to hear. WANT MORE GREAT POSTS? 1/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Test Your Japanese Alphabet

Beginner course

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Kana course


Kanji course


Speaking Japanese: Before You Begin News

First, think about why you want to learn Japanese. Learning a new language can be a big time Speak
commitment, so consider how much time you can spend learning Japanese.
If you’re going to Japan for a vacation or brief visit, concentrate on learning some key phrases
phonetically. Vocabulary

Knowing how to say even a few words will let you communicate, and you’ll start to understand
what others are saying to you.

Phonetic learning will limit you; you will not be able to comprehend any written Japanese,
such as signs and newspapers.

To reach a higher level of comprehension, lessons with audio and written elements are

To get the best return on these lessons, studying regularly is very important!

No matter what type of course you follow, always keep in mind that you should take
advantage of any chance you get to practice the language, however the occasion arises.

When you’re in Japan, don’t worry about what your level of Japanese is, just try to
communicate! The people you meet will appreciate every effort you put into speaking the

Speaking (and understanding what is said to you) may be hard at first, but it will get easier with
every word.

Here are some simple Japanese phrases, Japanese love phrases and funny Japanese phrases.
If you’re a gamer, you may like to check out common Japanese phrases for gaming.

If you want to read and recognize Japanese signage, you can learn some basic Japanese
kanji. Tip: A good online dictionary and translator I use is Weblio. 2/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Test Your Japanese


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Listen to Some Basic Japanese Phrases (Audio)

Click Play below to listen to some basic Japanese phrases.

Basic Japanese Phrases

English Japanese

Hello Konnichi wa こんにちは

How are You? Ogenki desu ka? お元気です


I’m fine Genki desu 元気です

Thank-you Arigatou Gozaimasu ありが

very much とうございます 3/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

You are Do itashimashite どういたし

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welcome まして

Good Bye Sayonara さようなら

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Japanese Phrases for Greetings

English Japanese

Good Ohayo Gozaimasu お早うご

Morning ざいます

Good Konnichi wa こんにちは


Good Konban wa こんばんは


Good Night Oyasumi Nasai お休みなさい

Japanese Phrases for Eating

English Japanese

Let’s Eat Itadakimasu いただきます

That Looks Oishi sou おいしそう


Delicious Oishii おいしい

What is this? Kore wa nan desu ka? これ


Cheers Kanpai 乾杯

I’m full Onaka ippai お腹いっぱい

Thanks for the Gochisousama deshita ご

meal 馳走様でした 4/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Japanese Phrases for Shopping

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English Japanese I'm In!

What’s Kore wa nan desu ka? これは何

this? ですか

How Ikura desu ka? いくらですか


Just Miteru dake desu! 見てるだけで

looking! す

Anything Nanika hokani arimasu ka? 何か

else? 他にありますか

That’s all! Sore de zenbu desu! それで全


Smaller Motto chiisai もっと小さい

Bigger Motto ookii もっと大きい

Too Taka sugi masu 高過ぎます


Japanese Phrases for Introductions

English Japanese

How do Hajimemashite 初めまして

you do?

My name Watashi no namae wa 私の名

is 前は

I am a Watashi wa gakusei desu 私は

student 学生です

I came Amerika kara kimashita アメリ

from カから来ました
America 5/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

It was nice Dozo yoroshiku

Test Your Japanese
to meet onegaishimasu どうぞ宜しく
you. お願いします

Enter email...

Japanese Phrases for Weather

I'm In!

English Japanese

It’s sunny Kyo wa hare desu 今日は晴

today れです

It’s rainy today Kyo wa ame desu 今日は雨


It’s hot, isn’t it? Atsui desu ne 暑いですね

It’s cold, isn’t Samui desu ne 寒いですね


It’s nice Ii tenki desu ne いい天気で

weather, isn’t すね

What’s the Ashita no tenki wa dou

weather desuka 明日の天気はどうで
tomorrow? すか

Japanese Phrases for Directions

English Japanese

Straight Masugu ますぐ

Left Hidari 左

Right Migi 右

Here Koko ここ

North Kita 北

Japanese Phrases for Love 6/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Test Your Japanese


EnglishEnter email...

I Really Like Dai Suki Dayo 大好きだよ I'm In!


May I kiss Kisu shite mo ii? キスしても

You? いい

I Love You Ai shiteru 愛してる

Will You Kekkon shite kureru 結婚し

Marry Me? てくれる

More Japanese Phrases

Text in italic font style are Japanese phrases translations.

All of these are my personal belongings.
Subete watashi no mochimono desu.

All right!

Anybody home!
Gomen kudasai!

Any problem?
Nani ka mondai ga arimasu ka?

Anything will do.

Nan demo ii desu

Are there any letters for me?

Watashi ni Tegami ga kite imasen ka?

Are these yours?

Kore wa anata no mono deshou ka?

Are you a Japanese?

Anata wa Nihonjin desu ka?

Are you an American?

Anata wa Americajin desu ka? 7/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Are you busy now?

Test Your Japanese
Ima isogashii desu ka?

Are you free email...
Ima ohima desu ka?

I'm In!
Are you free this evening?
Konya wa ohima desu ka?

Are you going to inspect my baggages?

Watashi no nimotsu o oshirabe ni narimasu ka?

Are you happy?

Ureshii desu ka?

Are you hungry?

Onaka ga sukimashitaka?

Are you married?

Kekkon shite irasshaimasu ka?

Are you Miss Tanaka?

Tanakasan desu ka?

Are you okay?

Daijoubu desu ka?

Are you ready?

Youi wa ii desu ka?

Are you serious?

Honki desu ka?

Are you sleepy?

Nemui desu ka?

Are you still single?

Mada dokushin desu ka?

Are you tired?

Tsukaremashita ka?

A thousand thanks.
Hontou ni arigatou.

Ki o tsukete! 8/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Attention, please.
Test Your Japanese
Ki o tsukete kudasai.

Enter email...
I'm In!
Be careful.
Ki o tsuke nasai.

Best wishes!
Go koufuku o inorimasu! / Go takou o inorimasu!

Beware of pickpockets!
Oseifu youjin!

Beware of dogs!
Inu chuui!

Try your best.


Bottoms up!

Umaizo! / Dekashita! / Burabou! / Appare!

Breakfast is ready.
Choushoku ga dekite orimasu. / Shokuji ga dekite orimasu.

By all means.

By and by.
Sono uchi ni

Can I have my bill?
Okanjou o onegaishimasu?

Can we go there by bus?

Basu de ikemasu ka?

Can you drive?

Kuruma no unten ga dekimasu ka? 9/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Can you drive for me?

Test Your Japanese
Watashi wo kuruma ni nosete kuremasen ka?

Can you eat
Nihon no tabemono ga taberaremasu ka?

I'm In!
Can you eat Korean food?
Kankoku ryouri o taberaremasu ka?

Can you fix it?

Kore wa naosemasu ka?

Can you speak English?

Eigo ga dekimasu ka?

Can you speak Japanese?

Nihongo ga dekimasu ka?

Can you speak Spanish?

Supeingo ga dekimasu ka?

Care of (c/o)

Certainly. ( Answering questions)

Kashikomari mashita.

Certainly not.
Ton demo nai. / Dame desu.

Check your things.

Mochimono wo kakunin shite kudasai.


Cheer up!
Genki o dase! / Genki o dashite kudasai!/ Shikkari shiro!

Closed to traffic.
Tsuukou dome.

Close your eyes.

Me o toji nasai.

Come and join us.

Anata mo isshoni douzo. 10/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Come here, please.

Test Your Japanese
Kochira e kite kudasai.

Come in. Enter email...

Ohairi nasai. / Douzo haitte kudasai. / Douzo agatte kudasai.

I'm In!
Come on!
Saa koi!

Come this way, please.

Kochira e, douzo.

Come what may.

Nani ga attemo.


Omedetou gozaimasu!

Congratulations on your marriage!

Gokekkon omedetou gozaimasu!

Congratulations on your success!

Seikou omedetou!

Cordially yours,

Could you translate this for me?

Kore o honyaku shite kudasai.

Did you bring your camera?
Kamera o motte kimashita ka?

Did you feel the earthquake?

Jishin o kanjimashita ka?

Did you watch the show last night?

Yuube wa shibai o mimashita ka?

Do as you please.
Go jiyuu ni. 11/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Don’t be ashamed.
Test Your Japanese
Hazukashii garanaide kudasai.

Don’t be in email...
a hurry.
Asera nai. / Awate nai de.

I'm In!
Don’t bother me!

Don’t bother yourself.

Okamai naku.

Don’t come here.

Konaide kudasai.

Don’t disturb.
Jama shinaide kudasai.

Don’t forget.
Wasure nai de kudasai.

Don’t get mad.

Okoranaide kudasai.

Don’t give up.

Ganbatte kudasai.

Don’t hesitate to call me.

Enryo naku watashi o yobi nasai. / Enryo naku watashi ni denwa nasai.

Don’t mention it.

Dou itashimashite. (also used when saying “you are welcome”, a reply when a person says “thank

Don’t mind it.

Kinishi nai de kudasai.

Don’t worry.
Kuyokuyo suru na. / Shinpai nai yo.

Don’t you agree with me?

Watashi ni sansei dewa nai no desu ka?

Do you drink liquor?

Sake o nomimasu ka?

Do you eat vegetables?

Yasai wa tabete imasu ka? 12/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Do you enjoy your vacation?

Test Your Japanese
Yasumi wo tanoshinde imasu ka?

Do you feel email...
Houmushikku desu ka?

I'm In!
Do you feel okay?
Daijoubu desu ka?

Do you go to the office every day?

Mainichi kaisha e ikimasu ka?

Do you have an ID?

Mibun shoumeisho wo omochi desu ka?

Do you have a pencil?

Empitsu o motte imasu ka?

Do you have another color?

Hoka no iro wa arimasen ka?

Do you know?
Shitte imasu ka?

Do you know her?

Kanojo o shitte imasu ka?

Do you know him?

Kare o shitte imasu ka?

Do you know Tanaka’s telephone number?

Tanakasan no denwa bango o shitte imasu ka?

Do you know how to swim?

Oyogemasu ka?

Do you know when is his birthday?

Kare no tanjoubi wa itsu ka shitte imasu ka?

Do you like it?

Suki desu ka?

Do you miss your family?

Kazoku ni aitai desu ka?

Do you play golf?

Gorufu o shimasu ka? 13/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Do you remember me?

Test Your Japanese
Watashi no koto o oboete imasu ka?

Enter email...
Do you smoke?
Tabako o suimasu ka?

I'm In!
Do you understand?
Wakarimasu ka?

Do you want to eat now?

Ima oshokuji nasai masu ka?

Drive carefully.
Chuui shite hashitte kudasai.

Either will do.
Dochira demo yoroshii. / Dochira demo ii desu.

Enjoy your meal.

Douzo, go yukkuri.

Enjoy yourself.
Tanoshinde kudasai.

Even though.


Excuse me.

Excuse me, this my seat.

Shitsurei desu ga, koko wa watashi no seki desu.

Excuse me, what place is this?

Sumimasen ga, koko wa doko desu ka?

Excuse me, you’re stepping on my foot.

Ashi o fumanaide kudasai.

[F] 14/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Faithfully yours,
Test Your Japanese

Finished. Enter email...


I'm In!

For a while, please.

Shibaraku jikan o kudasai.

Forget it.
Sonna koto wa wasure nasai.

Fragile, handle with care.

Koware mono, chuui.

Omoshiroi ne.

Get out of my way!
Doite kudasai!

Get up!
Oki nasai!

Give me something cold to drink.

Nani ka tsumetai nomimono o kudasai.

Give me two hamburgers, please.

Hanbaagaa o futatsu kudasai.

Give me your address, please.

Juusho o oshiete kudasai.

Go ahead!
Zen shin!

Go easy.
Aseru na.

Sore wa ii! 15/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Good afternoon!
Test Your Japanese

Goodbye!Enter email...

I'm In!
Good day!

Good evening!

Good for you!

Dekashita! / Umaizo!

Good luck!
Kooun o inorimasu!

Good morning!
Ohayou gozaimasu!

Oyasumi nasai! ( for bed time only)

Go straight.
Massugu ni iki nasai.

Handle with care.
Tori atsukai chuui.

Hands off.
Te o hanashi nasai.

Happy Anniversary!
Omedetou gozaimasu!

Happy Birthday!
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu!

Happy New Year!

Shinnen omedetou gozaimasu! / Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!

Happy trip!
Yoi otabi! 16/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Have a good time.

Test Your Japanese
Tanoshinde rasshai.

Have a nice
Gokigen you.

I'm In!
Have you even been to Japan?
Nihon ni itta koto ga arimasu ka?

He doesn’t eat meat.

Kare wa niku o tabemasen.

He is my friend.
Kare wa watashi no tomodachi desu.

He is my older brother.
Kare wa watashi no oniisan desu.

He is my younger brother.
Kare wa watashi no otouto desu.


Hello! (on the telephone)

Moshi! Moshi!

Help! Help!
Tasukete Tasukete!

Help me!

Here it is!
A, arimashita!

Here it is.
Koko ni arimasu.

He rested for a while.

Kare wa shibaraku yasunda.

Here’s your change.

Otsuri desu.

Hi! I’m home.

Tadaima! 17/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Hold it!
Test Your Japanese
Ugoku na! / Sono mama!

Hold on! Enter email...


I'm In!
Hold the line, please (on the telephone)
Denwa o kirazu ni omachi kudasai.

Hold this, please.

Motte kudasai.

Hope to see you again.

Mata aimashou.

Hope to visit your country soon.

Okuni o hayaku tazunetai.

Hope you don’t mind.

Kamaimasen ka?

Hope you like it.

Oki ni iru to iin desu ga.


How about you?

Tokoronde anata wa?

How are you?

Ogenki desu ka? / Gokigen ikaga desu ka?

How are you these days?

Kono goro dou desu ka?

How cold is the weather?

Samusa wa dono gurai desu ka?

How do you do?


How do you find Japan?

Nihon wa dou desu ka?

How do you like it?

Sore wa ikaga desu ka? 18/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

How do you say it in English?

Test Your Japanese
Sore wa Eigo de nanto iimasu ka?

How do you sayemail...
it in Japanese?
Sore wa Nihongo de nanto iimasu ka?

I'm In!
How do you say it in Filipino?
Sore wa Firipingo de nanto iimasu ka?

How do you use the chopsticks?

Hashi wa donoyou ni tsukaimasu ka?

How far is the station?

Eki wa dono gurai tooi desu ka?

How is it?
Dou desu ka?

How is he?
Kare wa ikaga desu ka?

How is she?
Kanojo wa ikaga desu ka? / Kanojo wa genki desu ka?

How is that?
Sore wa dou desu ka?

How is the weather?

Otenki wa dou desu ka?

How is this?
Kore wa dou desu ka?

How is your baby?

Akachan wa genki desu ka? / Akachan wa dou desu ka?

How is your family?

Kazoku no minasan wa ikaga desu ka?

How is your father?

Otousan wa genki desu ka? / Otousan wa dou desu ka?

How is your mother?

Okaasan wa genki desu ka? / Okaasan wa dou dese ka?

How long have you been in Japan?

Nihon ni kite dono kurai ni narimasu ka? 19/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

How long have you been in the Philippines?

Test Your Japanese
Firipin ni kite dono kurai ni narimasu ka?

How longEnter
must email...
I wait?
Dorehodo mattara ii deshou ka?

I'm In!
How long will you stay here?
Itsu made kochira ni irasshaimasu ka?

How many?

How many children do you have?

Okosan wa nan nin desu ka? / Kodomo wa nan nin desu ka?

How many do you want?

Ikutsu onozomi desu ka?

How many kilos is that?

Nan kiro desu ka?

How much?
Ikura desu ka?

How much does it weigh?

Sore wa dono kurai no omosa desu ka?

How much do I have to pay?

O ikura desu ka?

How much do i owe you?

O ikura desu ka?

How much is it?

Sore wa ikura desu ka?

How much is it to go there?

Asoko made iku noni ikura gurai kakarimasu ka?

How much is my salary?

Watashi no kyuuryou wa ikura desu ka?

How much is that?

Are wa ikura desu ka?

How much is the admission fee?

Nyuujouken wa ikura desu ka? 20/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

How much is the fare?

Test Your Japanese
Ryoukin wa ikura desu ka?

How much email...
is the ticket?
Kippu wa ikura desu ka?

I'm In!
How much is this?
Kore wa ikura desu ka?

How much is this in dollars?

Doru dewa ikura desu ka?

How old are you?

Nan sai desu ka?

How’s your work going?

Oshigoto wa ikaga desu ka?

How was your trip?

Goryokou wa ikaga deshita ka?

How young you are!

Nanto kimi wa wakai no daro!

Hurry up!
Isoide kudasai! / Isoge!

I agree.
Doukan desu.

I am a factory worker.
Watashi wa roudousha desu.

I am a Japanese.
Watashi wa Nihonjin desu.

I am a Filipino.
Watashi wa Firipinjin desu.

I am busy.
Isogashii desu.

I am deeply grateful for your kindness to me.

Goshinsetsu o fukaku kansha shimasu. 21/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

I am full.
Test Your Japanese
Onaka ga ippai.

I am going email...
to the airport.
Watashi wa hikoujou e ikimasu.

I'm In!
I am going to the post office.
Watashi wa youbinkyoku e ikimasu.

I am happy to meet you.

Ome ni kakarete ureshii.

I am hungry.
Onaka ga sukimashita.

I am in a hurry.
Watashi wa isoide imasu.

I am lost.
Michi ni mayotte imasu.

I am Koichi.
Watashi wa Koichi desu.

I am Iwata.
Watashi wa Iwata desu.

I am married.
Watashi wa kekkon shite imasu.

I am Mr. Takishima
Watashi wa Takishima desu.

I am not a Japanese.
Watashi wa Nihonjin dewa arimasen.

I am not a Filipino.
Watashi wa Firipinjin dewa arimasen.

I am not busy.
Isogashiku arimasen. / Hima desu.

I am not hungry.
Onaka wa suite imasen.

I am sick.
Watashi wa byouki desu. 22/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

I am single.
Test Your Japanese
Watashi wa dokushin desu.

Enter email...
I am so happy.
Totemo ureshii da.

I'm In!
I am sorry.
Gomen nasai. / Shitsurei shimashita.

I am sorry for you.

Okino doku desu.

I am sorry that I can’t come.

Zannen desu ga mairemasen.

I am sorry to disturb you.

Goshinpai okake shimashita.

I am so tired.
Taihen tsukarete imasu. / Sukkari tsukare mashita.

I am still single.
Mada dokushin desu.

I am surprised to see it.

Sore o mite bikkurishita.

I am thirsty.
Nodo ga kawaita.

I am tired.

I am twenty-seven years old.

Ni juu nana sai desu.

I am thirty years old.

San juu sai desu.

I am very happy to see you.

Oaishite taihen ureshii desu. / Oaidekite taihen ureshii desu.

I am worried.
Watashi wa shimpai desu.

I am your friend.
Watashi wa anata no tomodachi desu. 23/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

I beg your pardon.

Test Your Japanese
Mou ichido itte kudasai.

I bet you. Enter email...


I'm In!
I can drive.
Watashi wa kuruma no unten ga dekimasu.

I cannot wait.

I can speak Japanese.

Watashi wa Nihongo ga hanasemasu.

I can speak English.

Watashi wa Eigo ga hanasemasu.

I can speak Filipino.

Watashiwa Firipingo ga hanasemasu.

I can speak Japanese a little.

Sukoshi dake Nihongo ga hanasemasu.

I can’t believe it.

Shinjirare nai.

I can’t forget it.

Watashi wa wasurenai.

I can wait.

I caught a cold.
Watashi wa kaze wo hikimashita.

I didn’t order this.

Kore wa chuumon shite imasen.

I do not dye my hair.

Kami wa somemasen.

I do not understand what you say.

Anata no ossharu koto ga wakarimasen.

I don’t care.
Dou demo yoi desu. 24/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

I don’t eat dessert.

Test Your Japanese
Dezaato wa kekkou desu.

I don’t expect email... in return.
Okaeshi wa kitai shite imasen.

I'm In!
I don’t feel well.
Kibun ga warui.

I don’t have an ID.

Mibun shoumeisho wa motte imasen.

I don’t know.
Wakarimasen. / Shirimasen.

I don’t know Japanese.

Watashi wa Nihongo ga dekimasen.

I don’t know her.

Kanojo o zonjimasen.

I don’t know him.

Kare o zonjimasen.

I don’t know English.

Watashi wa Eigo ga dekimasen.

I don’t know Filipino.

Watashi wa Firipingo ga dekimasen.

I don’t know when I’ll be back.

Itsu kaette kuru ka wakarimasen.

I don’t know why.

Doushite nanoka wakarimasen.

I don’t know yet.

Mada Wakarimasen.

I don’t like.
Kirai desu.

I don’t like it.

Sore wa kirai desu.

I don’t think so.

Watashi wa sou omoimasen. 25/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

I don’t understand.
Test Your Japanese

I don’t wear email...
Zubon wa hakimasen.

I'm In!
I exercise every day.
Mainichi undo shite imasu.

I feel blue.
Yuutsu desu.

I feel cold.
Karada ga hiete imasu.

I feel dizzy.
Watashi wa memai ga shimasu.

I feel ill.
Kibun ga warui.

I feel lazy today.

Kyou wa nanimo shitaku arimasen.

I feel sleepy.
Nemui desu. / Nemutai desu.

I feel warm.
Atatakai desu.

I forgot.

I gained one kilo.

Taijuu ga ichi kiro fuemashita.

I got used to hard work.

Watashiwa tsurai shigoto ni nareta.

I guess so.
Sou omoimasu.

I have a driver’s license.

Unten menkyosshou wa motte imasu.

I have a fever.
Watashi wa netsu ga arimasu. 26/39
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I have a headache.
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Atama ga itai desu.

Enter email...
I have a stomachache.
Onaka ga itai desu.

I'm In!
I have a toothache.
Ha ga itai desu.

I have enjoyed it.


I have a good neigbors here.

Kinjo no hito wa mina ii hito bakari desu.

I have just arrived.

Ima kita bakari desu.

I have never been to Japan.

Watashi wa Nihon e itta koto ga arimasen.

I have no money.
Okane ga arimasen.

I have to prepare my things.

Jumbi wo shinakereba narimasen.

I hope for your good health always.

Itsumo ogenki wo inotte imasu.

I hope for your prompt recovery.

Hakaku naotte kudasai.

I know.
Shitte imasu.

I know Mr. Tanaka.

Tanakasan wo zonjite orimasu.

I like all of them.

Zembu ga suki desu.

I like basketball very much.

Basuketto bouru ga dai suki desu.

I like it.
Suki desu. 27/39
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I like it, too.

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Watashi wa sore mo suki desu.

Enter email...
I like this place.
Koko ga ki ni irimashita.

I'm In!
I like to eat salad.
Sarada wo itadakitai.

I live in Tokyo.
Watashi wa Tokyo ni sunde imasu.

I live near the school.

Watashi wa gakkou no chikaku ni sunde imasu.

I’ll be leaving next month.

Raigetsu shuppatsu shimasu.

I’ll be leaving next week.

Raishuu shuppatsu shimasu.

I’ll be leaving tomorrow.

Ashita shuppatsu shimasu.

I lost my key.
Kagi wo nakushi mashita.

I lost my passport.
Pasupooto wo nakushi mashita.

I love sports.
Watashi wa supootsu ga suki desu.

I’m coming.

I’m coming home.

Watashi wa uchi ni kaerimasu.

I’m coming right now.

Ima sugu mairimasu.

I’m doing nothing.

Watashi wa nani mo yara nai. / Nani mo shite imasen.

I’m fine.
Genki desu. 28/39
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I’m here.
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Koko desu. / Koko ni imasu.

I missed the email...
Densha ni noriokure mashita. / Kisha ni noriokure mashita.

I'm In!
I miss my family.
Kazoku ni aitai desu.

I miss you.
Anata ga inai to sabishii.

I miss you very much.

Watashi wa anata ga inai node taihen sabishii.

I’m not in the mood.

Sonna ki ni naremasen.

I’m ready. (willingness)

Watashi wa yorokonde.

I must go now.
Watashi wa ikaneba narimasen.

I’m very glad to hear it.

Sore o kiite taihen ureshii.

I’m very sorry, I can’t.

Zannen desu ga, dekimasen.

I’m very sorry to hear that.

Okinodoku desu.

I need a blanket.
Moufu ga irimasu.

I need an interpreter.
Tsuuyaku ga hoshii desu.

I see.

Is everything ready?
Jumbi shuuryou desu ka?

I shall be pleased to go with you.

Yoronkonde go issho shimashou. 29/39
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Is he a Japanese?
Test Your Japanese
Kare wa NihonJin desu ka?

Enter email...
Is he a Filipino?
Kare wa Firipinjin desu ka?

I'm In!
Is he present?
Kare wa irasshaimasu ka?

Is he your relative?
Kare wa anata no shinseki desu ka?

Is it correct?
Kore wa tadashii desu ka?

Is it finished?
Sumimashita ka?

Is it important?
Taisetsu na koto desu ka?

Is it near?
Sore wa chikaku desu ka?

Is it true?
Hontou desu ka?

I slept well last night.

Watashi wa sakuya juubun ni nemutta.

Isn’t it?
Desu ne?

Is she absent?
Kanojo wa rusu desu ka?

Is ten thousand yen enough?

Juuman en de juubun desu ka?

Is that all?
Sore de zembu deshou ka?

Is that so?
Sou desu ka?

Is that yours?
Are wa anata no desu ka? 30/39
2/10/2020 Useful Japanese Phrases – JapaneseUp

Is there a bank near here?

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Kono fukin ni ginkou ga arimasu ka?

Is there any email...
Waribiki ga arimasu ka?

I'm In!
Is this okay?
Kore de ii desu ka?

Is this seat vacant?

Kono seki aite imasu ka?

Is this yours?
Kore wa anata no desu ka?

It depends.
Sore wa baai ni yorimasu.

It doesn’t fit you.
Ni awa nai. / Ni ai masen.

It fits you.
Ni au. / Ni aimasu.

I think so.
Sou Omoimasu.

It is beautiful.
Kirei desu ne.

It is cheap.
Yasui desu.

It is cold, isn’t it?

Samui, desu ne?

It is difficult.
Muzukashii desu.

It is easy.
Kantan desu.

It is expensive.
Takai desu.

It is five thousand yen.

Gosen en desu. 31/39
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It is important.
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Kore wa daiji na koto desu.

Enter email...
It is interesting.
Omoshiroi desu.

I'm In!
It is 9:30.
Kuji han desu.

It is not beautiful.
Kirei ja arimasen.

It is not important.
Sore wa daiji na koto de wa arimasen.

It is one hundred pesos.

Sore wa hyaku peso desu.

It is right.
Tadashii desu.

It is quarter past seven.

Shichiji juugo fun desu.

It is ten o’clock.
Juuji desu.

It is three o’clock.
Sanji desu.

It is wrong.
Sore wa chigaimasu.

It’s a good idea.

Sore ga ii.

It’s bad.
Warui desu.

It’s big.
OOkii desu.

It’s clean.
Kirei desu.

It’s cold. (thing)

Tsumetai desu. 32/39
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It’s cold. (weather)

Test Your Japanese
Samui desu.

Enter email...
It’s correct.
Tadashii desu.

I'm In!
It’s delicious.
Oishii desu.

It’s dirty.
Kitanai desu.

It seems delicious.
Oishisou desu.

It’s enough.
Juubun desu.

It’s far.
Toui desu.

It’s forbidden.
Kore wa dame desu.

It’s good.
Ii desu.

It’s heavy.
Omoi desu.

It’s here.
Koko desu.

It’s hot.
Atsui desu.

It’s impossible.
Fukanou desu. / Sore wa dekimasen.

It’s late.
Osoi desu.

It’s mine.
Sore wa watashi no mono desu.

It’s more than enough.

Kore wa oui desu. / Mou takusan desu. 33/39
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It’s my first time here in Japan.

Test Your Japanese
Nippon ni kitano wa hajimete desu.

It’s near. Enter email...

Chikai desu.

I'm In!
It’s nice.
Yoi desu.

It’s none of your business!

yokei na osewa da!

It’s not me.

Watashi ja arimasen.

It’s not nice.

Yoku nai.

It’s not painful.

Itaku nai.

It’s not raining anymore.

Ame ga fura nai. / Mou ame wa futte inai.

It’s not you.

Anata ja nai!

It’s okay. / It’s all right.

Daijoubu desu.

It’s painful.
Itai desu.

It’s possible.

It’s raining.
Ame ga futte imasu.

It’s snowing.
Yuki desu.

It’s still early.

Mada hayai desu.

It’s still raining.

Mada ame ga futte imasu. 34/39
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It’s there.
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Soko desu.

Enter email...
It’s too high.
Amari takai.

I'm In!
It’s too low.
Amari hikui.

It’s ugly.
Minikui desu.

It’s unbelievable.
Shinji rare masen.

It’s unfair.
Fukouhei desu.

It’s up to you.
Omakase shimasu.

It’s very cold today.

Kyou wa kanari samui desu.

It’s very nice of you.

Goshinsetsu arigatou gozaimasu.

It’s warm.
Atatakai desu.

It’s wet.

It’s yours.
Sore wa anata no desu.

It tastes good!
Aa, oishii!

It was very hot yesterday.

Kinou wa kanari atsukatta desu.

I understand.

I want a book.
Hon ga hoshii desu. 35/39
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I want this letter registered.

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Watashi wa kono tegami o kakitome ni shite morai tai.

I want to buy email...
a TV set.
Terebi wo kaitai to omotte imasu.

I'm In!
I want to close my account.
Kouza wo torikeshitai no desu ga.

I want to deposit money.

Yokin onegai shimasu.

I want to develop these pictures.

Genzou onegai shimasu.

I want to eat an apple.

Ringo wo tabetai.

I want to go to Disneyland.
Dizuniirando ni ikitai desu.

I want to open an account.

Kouza wo hirakitai no desu ga.

I want to make a withdrawal.

Okane o hikidashitai no desu ga.

I want to work abroad.

Gaikou de hataraki tai.

I was born in 1990

Watashi ga umareta no wa senkyuuhyaku kyuujuunen desu.

I was born on Septermber 7, 1998.

Watashi wa sen kyuu hyaku kyuuju hachi nen kugatsu nanoka ni umare mashita.

I was impressed.
Kandou shimashita.

I will accompany you there.

Achira made otomo shimasu.

I will always remember you.

Kesshite anata no koto wo wasuremasen.

I will be back.
Kitto kaette kimasu. 36/39
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I will be back soon.

Test Your Japanese
Sugu ni modori masu.

I will be there email...
three months.
Kochira ni sankagetsu taizai shimasu.

I'm In!
I will call you up.
Denwa shimasu.

I will come later.

Watashi wa ato kara mairimasu.

I will come tomorrow.

Asu mairimasu.

I will do whatever I can do.

Dekiru koto wa nandemo shimasu.

I will go to the bank tomorrow.

Ashita ginkou e ikimasu.

I will go to the market.

Ichiba ni itte kimasu.

I will go with you.

Goissho shimasu.

I will introduce you to Mr. Hirai.

Hiraisan o goshoukai shimasu.

I will leave.
Watashi wa shuppatsu shimasu.

I will leave early tomorrow morning.

Asu no asa hayaku shuppatsu shimasu.

I will leave today.

Watashi wa kyou shuppatsu shimasu.

I will meet you on Sunday.

Nichiyoubi ni oai shimashou.

I will pay cash.

Kyasshu de oharai shimasu.

I will pay for the excess.

Choukabun wa haraimasu. 37/39
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I will pay weekly.

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Watashi wa isshuukan barai ni shimasu.

I will rest Enter email...

for a while.
Sukoshi yasumimasu.

I'm In!
I will send you some pictures.
Shashin o oukuri shimasu.

I will see what I can do about it.

Nani ga dekiru ka kangaemasu.

I will start working tomorrow.

Ashita kara shigoto desu.

I will take this room.

Kono heya ni shimasu.

I will think about it.

Kangaete mimasu.

I will try.
Yatte mimashou.

I will wait.
Omachi shimashou.

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