2 Review OF Literature

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This chapter reviewed the available literature written on this topic and in
other related areas in this chapter. This was made possible by the
identification, collection and review of these literatures from various sources
such as text books, journals, reports and the internet.


Automated Teller machine is typically made up of the CPU for

controlling the user interface and transaction devices, magnetic or chip card
reader for identifying the customer, display which is used by the customer for
performing the transaction, function buttons usually close to the display or a
touch screen used to select the various aspects of the transaction and record
printer which provides the customer with a record of a transaction (Cronin and
Mary 1997).

Most Automated Teller Machine are connected to interbank networks,

enabling people withdraw and deposit money from machines not belonging to
the bank where they have their account or in the country where their accounts
are held thus enabling cash withdrawals in local currency (Maxwell, 1990).
They are often identified by signs above them indicating the name of the bank
owning them.


Automated Teller Machine is said to have evolved from early cash

dispenser and is said to have first been introduced in the early 1970's. The
dispenser were operated by token inform a punch Card. This enables a
customer to withdraw as sachets of suitable values of bank notes. These
sachets processes and then return the card to the customer. Another source has

it that Automated Teller Machine concept was started around 1967, and it was
first installed in End field town, on the London Borough of End field by
Barclay Bank (Thomas 1996). This is said to have been accredited to Thon
Shepherded Baron, although George Simon registered paint in New York and
Don Wetzel and two other engineers from Docatel Company also registered
paint in June/April 1973 (Brendan 1996). This is the second generation was
improved to the extent that made it possible to the count proved money.

 Mohammed, Shariq (2012) identified the factors affecting the

customers demand for ATM services, by analyzing sample of 450
consumers" responses who have been interviewed personally through
structured survey in 3 districts of Uttar Pradesh India. The results
indicated that graduate and employed male customers who belong from
higher income groups and having a bank account preferably in public
sector bank are greatly emphasized to use of the banking services.
Significant positive influence of the characterized socio-economic
attributes on the use of ATM service was found

 Dr. K.shobha (2012) investigated the satisfaction levels of ATM

cardholders with respect to various aspects of the service quality of
ATM. This study provides information regarding the satisfaction level
and problems faced while using ATM cards.

 Prof.KaruneshSaxena (2011) in his study, "Analytical study of

customer satisfaction at ICICI Bank with special reference to ATMs"
aims at analyzing the satisfaction levels of the customers of ICICI Bank
holding ATM cards in Udaipur city with respect to service quality of
ATM, personnel, location, sufficient number of ATMs in city and found
that customers are highly satisfied with ATM services provided by the
ICIC bank in Udaipur city.

 Mohammed-Aminusanda (July 2011) explained the issue of whether
the use of the Automated Teller Machines (ATM) as a service delivery
tool in the banking industry of many developing countries has achieved
its intended objective of increasing the effectiveness of customer service
provision and reducing the workload of bank tellers. The findings
revealed that though most bank customers who use the ATM services
perceive the ATM as a convenient, reliable, accurate and suitable service
delivery tool for their banking transactions.

 Wu &Wang( 2007) , Tong (2009), Khan( 2010 ) identified that the

ATM is an innovative customer service delivery tool that offers
diversified financial services, such as cash withdrawal, funds transfer,
cash deposits, and payment of utility bills, among other financial
enquiries. Thus for technology-based delivery channels, such as the
ATM, the satisfaction of users is an essential determinant of
technological success.

 Wole Michael Olatokun (2009) he tested the attributes of the theory

of diffusion of innovation empirically, using Automatic Teller
Machines (ATMs) as the target innovation. The population
comprised bank customers who used ATMs. From the factor analysis,
it was revealed that the respondents believed in their safety
in using ATM; that ATMs were quite easy to use and fit in with
their way of life; that what they observed about ATMs convinced
them to use it and that ATM was tried out before they use it.

 Uppal and Rosy Chawla (2009) in their article entitled, "E-delivery

channel based banking services: stated with globalization trends world
over, E-channels facilitates bank customers by providing 24 hours a day
7 days week services, it is more a improved customer satisfaction.
 Manager FSDNCR Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. (2008) in his article,
"ATMs: Changing Fundamentals" stressed that he Indian ATM industry
has seen explosive growth in recent times and Banks have committed to
substantial capital outlays on ATM deployment, recognizing the
significance of the 3 Ms - Maintenance, Monitoring and Management -
of the ATMs to make the self service channel a reliable and profitable
one Cacioppo (2000) defines Customer Satisfaction as the state of mind
that customers have about a company when their expectations have been
met or exceeded over the lifetime of the product or service. Increased
customer expectations have created a competitive climate whereby the
quality of the some cases than the product itself (Musiime and Biyaki,
2010). Point out that, the banking industry strives to succeed by putting
the topic of rapid and changing customers need to their agenda. This can
be achieved through good customer care and offering attractive services
or products that other competitors may not offer. There for customer
satisfaction is seen as key performance indicator within business. The
concept of customer satisfaction occupies a central position in marketing
and practice (Cardozo, 1965).

 Puri and Kamath (2004) in their article, "Indian Banks: Bigger, Better
& Remote Controlled" explained that banks in India have traditionally
claimed the strength of their networks based on the number of branches.
The logic was that the increase in branch network corresponds to more
transactions, more business and therefore more profits. Not unlike the
rest of Asia, where branch rationalization first started in Japan and then
spread across the continent, this logic is steadily getting reversed in
Agnihotri Peeyush (2001) in his paper" IT way of getting cash"
explained the working of ATM, ATM penetration per million persons in
Asian countries and the system of security —how it works and also the
frauds of ATM. Simhan Raja (2003) in his article, "Shared ATM
networks gain favor" explained the importance of shared network of
ATM in Indian banks.

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