Super Market Automation Software
Super Market Automation Software
Super Market Automation Software
1.3.1General objective
A. Tangible benefits
B. Intangible benefits
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1 Interviewing:
2 Practical observations:
1.9Risk, assumption and constraint
2.1 Players and major functions of existing system with input Process and
output Players
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2.4 Forms Used in Existing System
Functional Requirements:
Conclusion and Recommendation
4.2 Conclusion
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Fruit Super market where found in Arbaminch, Seikala city near to abe hotel. The super market
was organized before 6 and half year ago. This supermarket was established because of to fulfill
the need of the community with different items.
The strength of the supermarket is supply the goods in a proper time with a great discount
and accepting the comment (suggestion) from the customer and correcting the defaults as fast as
they could and maintaining the strengths
Our interest to be develops software to Fruit Super market. Because, there are
some problems regarding of this supermarket. Later we will mention in problem
statement portion.
To get experience and use as stepping stone for future software project
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Mubarak Ahmed RNS/1771/10 Manager
Hamid Mohammed RNS/1686/10 Designer
Mohammed Hassen RNS/1766/10 Data collection
Selehadin Ahmed RNS/1822/10 Analyst
Wagaye RNS/1853 Assistant designer
Since the system is manual information storage and recording, retrieval and
searching of items is tiresome, time consuming and error prone.
Due to poor information system, the performance of supermarket is very low and
liable to consumers’ complaints.
It is bulky to oddity the daily sold items’ and their price so they calculate their profit
Improper way of searching items auctioned by customers’ since they are ordered by
no any well known means.
Some goods are expired since they don’t sell in their chronological expiry date order
of the same items.
Consumers’ dissatisfaction related with price raising and sloping down on the same
items to different consumers’.
Low service efficiency does to little even a single service provider for many
customers at a time with manual system.
Forgetting the price of goods by service providers and letting customers to come after
awhile until who is aware of servant comes.
To generate report.
To register (login).
To make ordering, searching or track down, and trap expiry of items solved through user
interface and easily applicable system.
To develop a database to keep the overall records associated with items processing.
Our system project has nice feasibility since we identified problems those will be
undertaken through computerized system easily. It is definitely feasible on issues providing
effective service, time saving, reducing labor wasting, greatly for satisfying consumer and for
handling them, and absolutely to be more profitable through considering the above situations.
We are measuring our projects feasibility regarding on some certain criteria like:-operational
feasibility, technical feasibility, economical feasibility and schedule feasibility.
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1.4.1 Operational Feasibility
With regard to operational feasibility it is clearly visible our system operationally feasible.
Because the problems those we identified are easily solved by using easily available software are
C++, Java, Dev++, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express: and using browsers.
The mathematical and logical problems are easily solved using C++ or Java. Item displaying
system will be possible using Dev++ and linking items with their position, price, and amount is
also possible using browsers. The goal of this study is to understand the degree to which our
propose system is working. This process examines whether our project will attain its d esired
objectives. Hence, our project is clearly operational feasible how that it is specific solution will
work in the organization and overcome with a good environment towards the needs of the
people. Additionally, our project helps us to understand the degree to which the proposed system
will likely find solution to the business problem.
We analyzing the possible target hardware, software and operating environment. Therefore, our
project is technical feasible in order to understand the organization’s ability to construct
proposed system and measure specific technical solution.
At the time of project initiation and planning, that is not possible to clarify correctively all the
benefits and cost that related to our project specifically, even if it is important aspect.
Is the action taken to determine how well, how poorly. It is commonly done on financial
Tangible cost
Inventory cost
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Purpose Amount Unit price Total price
Sells person 2 1000 birr/month 12000 birr/year
Paper 2 180 birr/month 1800 birr/year
Pen 4 14 168birr/year
Total 14328 birr/year
Intangible cost
Consumers’ dissatisfaction
Energy consumption
This project gives more benefits to Fruit Super market. So, our project is economically feasible
in terms of capital, energy and so on.
Our project provides many benefits to the organization that can be categorizes as tangible and
intangible benefits.
A. Tangible benefits
Tangible benefits are items which can be quantified in monetary terms and with certainty. From
the tangible benefits some of them are summarized below.
Increase flexibility
Cost reduction.
Decreases/ removes the paper work for the movie renting shop
B. Intangible benefits
Intangibles are terms for which a value can’t precisely determined, and where the value may be
the result of subjective judgment. Some of them are:-
Increase benefits
Effective service for consumers’.
Consumers’ satisfaction with the service.
Providing effective service to the customers all in recording items, sales and recording
customers’ information.
Accurate selling process of items
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1.4.4 Schedule Feasibility
The benefits we get from the system are divided into two:-
1. Intangible Benefits:
Increase benefits by shortening the processing time for the whole tasks.
Providing effective service to the customers all in recording items, sales and recording
customers’ information.
2. Tangible Benefits:
Reduction of cost for items used for manual operation and data storage.
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Optimizes man power for the given tasks.
It is cost effective; it reduces unnecessary wastage of material like paper, pen, and
number of person….
It reduces the time that customer stay to get services.
Decreases/ removes the man power work for the supermarket.
The beneficiaries of the systems are:-
Owner/ clients these using the software to controls.
Employees/ users
Customers those buying goods.
Software developer
For developing our project we had followed two well known types of data collection methods.
2 Practical observations: To get additional information rather than the interview for
the process of the existing system, we went to Fruit Super market and saw some activities
which already mentioned above as problem. We did this because on some urgent issues
they ignore providing appropriate information.
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Organize the objects and identify the relationship between them
Model object interactions and behaviors that support the use case scenarios
Java:to solve problems which are mathematical, logical and track down of items.
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express: to design the database.
Macro Media Dream weaver 8.0: for designing the report view form for the generated
Microsoft Visio and E draw: for drawing of some diagram like sequence diagram.
The Scope of this project is to analyze the requirements, design and deploy the supermarket
inventory system generally our system scope includes the whole customer and all the item which
are concerned in the inventory system.
Maintain items , buying items ,controlling the expire date of the items
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Manage customer information
Generate reports
The following are limitations faced while conducting this project:
Due to the shortage of time we may not include chapter four and implementation Part.
Since we lack enough knowledge for the time of being we are obligated to desktop
base rather than web based
The time given to the project is not enough to solve all the problems. Problems which
we face on doing this project are:
Absence of light
The situation when we interview some of the clerks which is not answer properly.
Power break.
Lack of management.
Virus attack
If the power is off before saving the project the hard disk is infected with virus and worms the
computer does not open unless being formatted
If one of our group mates leave the university and one of our group mates gets sick
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All of these are the risk. To avoid these risks we should take some action .For instance before
the power is off we must save the project we have done, store
In other devices like flash disk and CD. So our assumption s all these risks should be taken in
to consideration during the starting date of the project.
Through giving moral intention for properly working group member and by discussing about
each step developments.Wemange conflicts within group members.
We came up with the problem of lack of management through properly planning appropriate
schedule for each of group members.
WE solve problem of responding in appropriate time through scheduling efficien6tly each task in
consideration with request time.
The existing system is manually working system it contains its own players those are participated
in over all selling buying Administering process in the shop of Fruit Super market.
Sells person
Store keeper
Sell item
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Major Functions of the Existing System
In the existing system of Fruit Super market there are many major functions which are
basically performed .These includes purchasing of items ,selling of items for their customers,
storing item’s.
Customer order
Items those are purchased by owners for sale from national distributors.
The process performed in existing system of Fruit supermarket are first, the customer order
items then ,the seller shows appropriate location of the items after collecting all the requested
items the clerk check and calculate the total price , and receives the appropriate price
according to the calculation from customer’s .
Out puts from Fruit supermarket are sold items to customers in accordance with customer’s
request .
The seller must treat customers in Faithfull manner and should address customer’s
The Clerk should receive the price of goods honestly from customers and he should
generate report for manager.
Store keeper should ensure the security of supermarket property’s from physical danger
in the supermarket.
Manager should control the entire activity in the supermarket and should receive clear
and appropriate report from clerks.
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New items would be registered appropriately and placed with their related items place
Administrator should control the overall information from any biases properly.
Form could contain items information appropriately
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2.5 Alternative Option to Address the Problem of Existing System
Since there are many problems preserved in statement of the problem in chapter one we are
forced to develop an alternative computerized system in place of more problematic manually
working system for improving the performance of the supermarket
But to provide these services for Fruit supermarket the supermarket needs to have many
expensive features for example these services are meaningless without network connection and
computers. In addition, every one may not have access to computer and difficult to create net
work infrastructure. Therefore, in order to install our new system the Fruit supermarket should
have enough capital to build this system.
Functional Requirements:
List the detail of the item.
Keep alert signal for expired items
Recording customer information
Verify the role of the user
Making product available for customers
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The use case diagramed describes the typical interaction between the users of a system and the
system itself.
For the project, the project team has identified the users and use cases that are associated with the
system and the system itself. So the system has the specified actors and use case that is identified
within the new proposed Fruit super market inventory system.
When we describing them use case represents system functionality of the requirement of the
A dmini
s trat or
Edit profile
Mainten item
Cl erk
Control and
recive reports
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from the user’s perspective, actors represent the system that provide or receive information from
the system.
The following list specify the actors and use cases that are identified within the proposed new
Fruit supermarket inventory system .the use case lists have the use case descriptions associated
with the corresponding the project team documents all these uses case in the following.
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Table 1.1 login
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Step 3.The manager and items which are already finished .
click search button.
Alternative course Step 5.If the user not found the item which are expired or already finished.
of action Step 6.The system display not found message and use case continues at step3.
Post condition Delete and add items.
Table1.3Maintain item
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course of action
Step 4.The system displays no report available message.
Post condition Control the overall system.
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user : Security Edit profil
<<controler>> <<ul>> Account
Sequence for edit
is illigible()
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user login
list of items form List of Items Mantain items
sequence <<actor>> <<controller>>
diagram for
maintain item
S tep 1.the user click list item invoke
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Customer Report
User Login Information <<ul>>
<<actor>> <<controller>> Manager
Sequence Diagram login password
for maintain item
S tep 1.user enters customer clike onlist item
Step 3.the user click report
do filter
Step 2: The system process
the data. process
Step 4: The system generate
Generate report to
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User Login report button Report Main screen
<<actor>> <<controller>> <<ul>> <<ui>> <<ui>>
Sequence Diagram
for controlle and check
login password
recive reportUC-5
is There()
Desplayes reported
items list
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User Login search button pay button Main screen
Sequence Diagram <<actor>> <<controller>> <<ul>> <<ui>> <<ui>>
for order and sales
UC-6 check
login password
Step1.customer should
order item and sales
person click on
login then click search
Step 2: The system record payment
displays position of item.
Step3. Customer pays
then clerk received and
record in pay button Desplayes record
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3.4 Analyses level class diagram
The adding lend information process takes item name, item number, customer
order ,item category and material information as input and the system checks
the validity of the data and add it to the database
item number
sales item
-purchased amount computer display the
-data purchase reportes
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UML Class Diagram
Custname:(string) 1
1_* Sname(string)
cridetrating() Report()
Corporate customer Personal Customer
Criditrating(string) CreditNumber(double)
Cleark Dispatch()
1 1_*
Sales() 1 1 Managername(string)
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3.5 User interface prototyping
User Interface prototype is an iterative analysis in which users are actively
involved to the system. We use Web Based Graphical User Interface
login form
Home Home
system search
info box
controll form foim
info box
profile form
form cash
list and search pamyemnt
form form
record form
record form
In conclusion this project is initiated to identify and analyze some of problems associated with
the Fruit supermarket inventory management system and also mainly to come up with possible
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These system flexible to access, update, delete, insert & producing report for any data that is
found in the database with easy GUI approach. The system notified when the item is expired and
its quantity reaches minimum.
Our recommendation towards the project is modification of some modules and adding of some
Features to make it more dynamic and prefect this system can be made more efficient and
To all super markets with a little modification within a short period of time
Super market inventory system needs to allocate enough budgets for further
investigation on the system so as to come up with fully developed system that
incorporates the ideas and ways we raised in this system analysis and development.
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