Data Structures 2
Data Structures 2
Data Structures 2
Data Structure can be defined as the group of data elements which provides an efficient way of
storing and organising data in the computer so that it can be used efficiently. Some examples of
Data Structures are arrays, Linked List, Stack, Queue, etc. Data Structures are widely used in
almost every aspect of Computer Science i.e. Operating System, Compiler Design, Artifical
intelligence, Graphics and many more.
Data Structures are the main part of many computer science algorithms as they enable the
programmers to handle the data in an efficient way. It plays a vitle role in enhancing the
performance of a software or a program as the main function of the software is to store and
retrieve the user's data as fast as possible
Data Structure is a way to store and organize data so that it can be used efficiently.
Our Data Structure tutorial includes all topics of Data Structure such as Array, Pointer, Structure,
Linked List, Stack, Queue, Graph, Searching, Sorting, Programs, etc.
The data structure name indicates itself that organizing the data in memory. There are many
ways of organizing the data in the memory as we have already seen one of the data structures,
i.e., array in C language. Array is a collection of memory elements in which data is stored
sequentially, i.e., one after another. In other words, we can say that array stores the elements in a
continuous manner. This organization of data is done with the help of an array of data structures.
There are also other ways to organize the data in memory. Let's see the different types of data
The data structure is not any programming language like C, C++, java, etc. It is a set of
algorithms that we can use in any programming language to structure the data in the memory.
The arrangement of data in a sequential manner is known as a linear data structure. The data
structures used for this purpose are Arrays, Linked list, Stacks, and Queues. In these data
structures, one element is connected to only one another element in a linear form.
When one element is connected to the 'n' number of elements known as a non-linear data
structure. The best example is trees and graphs. In this case, the elements are arranged in a
random manner.
We will discuss the above data structures in brief in the coming topics. Now, we will see the
common operations that we can perform on these data structures.
o Static data structure: It is a type of data structure where the size is allocated at the
compile time. Therefore, the maximum size is fixed.
o Dynamic data structure: It is a type of data structure where the size is allocated at the
run time. Therefore, the maximum size is flexible.
Major Operations
The major or the common operations that can be performed on the data structures are:
As applications are getting complexed and amount of data is increasing day by day, there may
arrise the following problems:
Processor speed: To handle very large amout of data, high speed processing is required, but as
the data is growing day by day to the billions of files per entity, processor may fail to deal with
that much amount of data.
Data Search: Consider an inventory size of 106 items in a store, If our application needs to
search for a particular item, it needs to traverse 106 items every time, results in slowing down the
search process.
Multiple requests: If thousands of users are searching the data simultaneously on a web server,
then there are the chances that a very large server can be failed during that process
in order to solve the above problems, data structures are used. Data is organized to form a data
structure in such a way that all items are not required to be searched and required data can be
searched instantly.
o Efficiency: If the choice of a data structure for implementing a particular ADT is proper,
it makes the program very efficient in terms of time and space.
o Reusability: he data structures provide reusability means that multiple client programs
can use the data structure.
o Abstraction: The data structure specified by an ADT also provides the level of
abstraction. The client cannot see the internal working of the data structure, so it does not
have to worry about the implementation part. The client can only see the interface.
Arrays: An array is a collection of similar type of data items and each data item is called an
element of the array. The data type of the element may be any valid data type like char, int, float
or double.
The elements of array share the same variable name but each one carries a different index
number known as subscript. The array can be one dimensional, two dimensional or
Linked List: Linked list is a linear data structure which is used to maintain a list in the memory.
It can be seen as the collection of nodes stored at non-contiguous memory locations. Each node
of the list contains a pointer to its adjacent node.
Stack: Stack is a linear list in which insertion and deletions are allowed only at one end,
called top.
A stack is an abstract data type (ADT), can be implemented in most of the programming
languages. It is named as stack because it behaves like a real-world stack, for example: - piles of
plates or deck of cards etc.
Queue: Queue is a linear list in which elements can be inserted only at one end called rear and
deleted only at the other end called front.
It is an abstract data structure, similar to stack. Queue is opened at both end therefore it follows
First-In-First-Out (FIFO) methodology for storing the data items.
Non Linear Data Structures: This data structure does not form a sequence i.e. each item or
element is connected with two or more other items in a non-linear arrangement. The data
elements are not arranged in sequential structure.
Trees: Trees are multilevel data structures with a hierarchical relationship among its elements
known as nodes. The bottommost nodes in the herierchy are called leaf node while the topmost
node is called root node. Each node contains pointers to point adjacent nodes.
Tree data structure is based on the parent-child relationship among the nodes. Each node in the
tree can have more than one children except the leaf nodes whereas each node can have atmost
one parent except the root node. Trees can be classfied into many categories which will be
discussed later in this tutorial.
Graphs: Graphs can be defined as the pictorial representation of the set of elements (represented
by vertices) connected by the links known as edges. A graph is different from tree in the sense
that a graph can have cycle while the tree can not have the one.
1) Traversing: Every data structure contains the set of data elements. Traversing the data
structure means visiting each element of the data structure in order to perform some specific
operation like searching or sorting.
Example: If we need to calculate the average of the marks obtained by a student in 6 different
subject, we need to traverse the complete array of marks and calculate the total sum, then we will
devide that sum by the number of subjects i.e. 6, in order to find the average.
2) Insertion: Insertion can be defined as the process of adding the elements to the data structure
at any location.
If the size of data structure is n then we can only insert n-1 data elements into it.
3) Deletion:The process of removing an element from the data structure is called Deletion. We
can delete an element from the data structure at any random location.
If we try to delete an element from an empty data structure then underflow occurs.
4) Searching: The process of finding the location of an element within the data structure is
called Searching. There are two algorithms to perform searching, Linear Search and Binary
Search. We will discuss each one of them later in this tutorial.
5) Sorting: The process of arranging the data structure in a specific order is known as Sorting.
There are many algorithms that can be used to perform sorting, for example, insertion sort,
selection sort, bubble sort, etc.
6) Merging: When two lists List A and List B of size M and N respectively, of similar type of
elements, clubbed or joined to produce the third list, List C of size (M+N), then this process is
called merging
Pointer is used to points the address of the value stored anywhere in the computer memory. To
obtain the value stored at the location is known as dereferencing the pointer. Pointer improves
the performance for repetitive process such as:
o Traversing String
o Lookup Tables
o Control Tables
o Tree Structures
Pointer Details
o Pointer arithmetic: There are four arithmetic operators that can be used in pointers: ++,
--, +, -
o Array of pointers: You can define arrays to hold a number of pointers.
o Pointer to pointer: C allows you to have pointer on a pointer and so on.
o Passing pointers to functions in C: Passing an argument by reference or by address
enable the passed argument to be changed in the calling function by the called function.
o Return pointer from functions in C: C allows a function to return a pointer to the local
variable, static variable and dynamically allocated memory as well.
1. #include <stdio.h>
3. int main( )
4. {
5. int a = 5;
6. int *b;
7. b = &a;
9. printf ("value of a = %d\n", a);
10. printf ("value of a = %d\n", *(&a));
11. printf ("value of a = %d\n", *b);
12. printf ("address of a = %u\n", &a);
13. printf ("address of a = %d\n", b);
14. printf ("address of b = %u\n", &b);
15. printf ("value of b = address of a = %u", b);
16. return 0;
17. }
1. value of a = 5
2. value of a = 5
3. address of a = 3010494292
4. address of a = -1284473004
5. address of b = 3010494296
6. value of b = address of a = 3010494292
Pointer to Pointer
1. #include <stdio.h>
3. int main( )
4. {
5. int a = 5;
6. int *b;
7. int **c;
8. b = &a;
9. c = &b;
10. printf ("value of a = %d\n", a);
11. printf ("value of a = %d\n", *(&a));
12. printf ("value of a = %d\n", *b);
13. printf ("value of a = %d\n", **c);
14. printf ("value of b = address of a = %u\n", b);
15. printf ("value of c = address of b = %u\n", c);
16. printf ("address of a = %u\n", &a);
17. printf ("address of a = %u\n", b);
18. printf ("address of a = %u\n", *c);
19. printf ("address of b = %u\n", &b);
20. printf ("address of b = %u\n", c);
21. printf ("address of c = %u\n", &c);
22. return 0;
23. }
Pointer to Pointer
1. value of a = 5
2. value of a = 5
3. value of a = 5
4. value of a = 5
5. value of b = address of a = 2831685116
6. value of c = address of b = 2831685120
7. address of a = 2831685116
8. address of a = 2831685116
9. address of a = 2831685116
10. address of b = 2831685120
11. address of b = 2831685120
12. address of c = 2831685128
o Arrays are defined as the collection of similar type of data items stored at contiguous
memory locations.
o Arrays are the derived data type in C programming language which can store the
primitive type of data such as int, char, double, float, etc.
o Array is the simplest data structure where each data element can be randomly accessed by
using its index number.
o For example, if we want to store the marks of a student in 6 subjects, then we don't need
to define different variable for the marks in different subject. instead of that, we can
define an array which can store the marks in each subject at a the contiguous memory
The array marks[10] defines the marks of the student in 10 different subjects where each subject
marks are located at a particular subscript in the array i.e. marks[0] denotes the marks in first
subject, marks[1] denotes the marks in 2nd subject and so on.
In computer programming, the most of the cases requires to store the large number of data of
similar type. To store such amount of data, we need to define a large number of variables. It
would be very difficult to remember names of all the variables while writing the programs.
Instead of naming all the variables with a different name, it is better to define an array and store
all the elements into it.
Following example illustrates, how array can be useful in writing code for a particular problem.
In the following example, we have marks of a student in six different subjects. The problem
intends to calculate the average of all the marks of the student.
In order to illustrate the importance of array, we have created two programs, one is without using
array and other involves the use of array to store marks.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. void main ()
3. {
4. int marks_1 = 56, marks_2 = 78, marks_3 = 88, marks_4 = 76, marks_5 = 56, marks_6 = 89;
5. float avg = (marks_1 + marks_2 + marks_3 + marks_4 + marks_5 +marks_6) / 6 ;
6. printf(avg);
7. }
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. void main ()
3. {
4. int marks[6] = {56,78,88,76,56,89);
5. int i;
6. float avg;
7. for (i=0; i<6; i++ )
8. {
9. avg = avg + marks[i];
10. }
11. printf(avg);
12. }
Time and space complexity of various array operations are described in the following table.
Time Complexity
Algorithm Average Case
Access O(1)
Search O(n)
Insertion O(n)
Deletion O(n)
Space Complexity
Advantages of Array
o Array provides the single name for the group of variables of the same type therefore, it is
easy to remember the name of all the elements of an array.
o Traversing an array is a very simple process, we just need to increment the base address
of the array in order to visit each element one by one.
o Any element in the array can be directly accessed by using the index.
As we have mentioned, all the data elements of an array are stored at contiguous locations in the
main memory. The name of the array represents the base address or the address of first element
in the main memory. Each element of the array is represented by a proper indexing.
1. 0 (zero - based indexing) : The first element of the array will be arr[0].
2. 1 (one - based indexing) : The first element of the array will be arr[1].
3. n (n - based indexing) : The first element of the array can reside at any random index
In the following image, we have shown the memory allocation of an array arr of size 5. The array
follows 0-based indexing approach. The base address of the array is 100th byte. This will be the
address of arr[0]. Here, the size of int is 4 bytes therefore each element will take 4 bytes in the
In 0 based indexing, If the size of an array is n then the maximum index number, an element can
have is n-1. However, it will be n if we use 1 based indexing.
Address of any element of a 1D array can be calculated by using the following formula:
1. In an array, A[-10 ..... +2 ], Base address (BA) = 999, size of an element = 2 bytes,
2. find the location of A[-1].
3. L(A[-1]) = 999 + [(-1) - (-10)] x 2
4. = 999 + 18
5. = 1017
As we have mentioned earlier that, the name of the array represents the starting address or the
address of the first element of the array. All the elements of the array can be traversed by using
the base address.
The following example illustrate, how the array can be passed to a function.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int summation(int[]);
3. void main ()
4. {
5. int arr[5] = {0,1,2,3,4};
6. int sum = summation(arr);
7. printf("%d",sum);
8. }
10. int summation (int arr[])
11. {
12. int sum=0,i;
13. for (i = 0; i<5; i++)
14. {
15. sum = sum + arr[i];
16. }
17. return sum;
18. }
The above program defines a function named as summation which accepts an array as an
argument. The function calculates the sum of all the elements of the array and returns it.
2D Array
2D array can be defined as an array of arrays. The 2D array is organized as matrices which can
be represented as the collection of rows and columns.
However, 2D arrays are created to implement a relational database look alike data structure. It
provides ease of holding bulk of data at once which can be passed to any number of functions
wherever required.
The syntax of declaring two dimensional array is very much similar to that of a one dimensional
array, given as follows.
1. int arr[max_rows][max_columns];
Due to the fact that the elements of 2D arrays can be random accessed. Similar to one
dimensional arrays, we can access the individual cells in a 2D array by using the indices of the
cells. There are two indices attached to a particular cell, one is its row number while the other is
its column number.
However, we can store the value stored in any particular cell of a 2D array to some variable x by
using the following syntax.
1. int x = a[i][j];
where i and j is the row and column number of the cell respectively.
We can assign each cell of a 2D array to 0 by using the following code:
Initializing 2D Arrays
We know that, when we declare and initialize one dimensional array in C programming
simultaneously, we don't need to specify the size of the array. However this will not work with
2D arrays. We will have to define at least the second dimension of the array.
The number of elements that can be present in a 2D array will always be equal to (number of
rows * number of columns).
C Example :
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. void main ()
3. {
4. int arr[3][3],i,j;
5. for (i=0;i<3;i++)
6. {
7. for (j=0;j<3;j++)
8. {
9. printf("Enter a[%d][%d]: ",i,j);
10. scanf("%d",&arr[i][j]);
11. }
12. }
13. printf("\n printing the elements ....\n");
14. for(i=0;i<3;i++)
15. {
16. printf("\n");
17. for (j=0;j<3;j++)
18. {
19. printf("%d\t",arr[i][j]);
20. }
21. }
22. }
Java Example
1. import java.util.Scanner;
2. publicclass TwoDArray {
3. publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) {
4. int[][] arr = newint[3][3];
5. Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
6. for (inti =0;i<3;i++)
7. {
8. for(intj=0;j<3;j++)
9. {
10. System.out.print("Enter Element");
11. arr[i][j]=sc.nextInt();
12. System.out.println();
13. }
14. }
15. System.out.println("Printing Elements...");
16. for(inti=0;i<3;i++)
17. {
18. System.out.println();
19. for(intj=0;j<3;j++)
20. {
21. System.out.print(arr[i][j]+"\t");
22. }
23. }
24. }
25. }
C# Example
1. using System;
3. public class Program
4. {
5. public static void Main()
6. {
7. int[,] arr = new int[3,3];
8. for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
9. {
10. for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
11. {
12. Console.WriteLine("Enter Element");
13. arr[i,j]= Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
14. }
15. }
16. Console.WriteLine("Printing Elements...");
17. for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
18. {
19. Console.WriteLine();
20. for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
21. {
22. Console.Write(arr[i,j]+" ");
23. }
24. }
25. }
26. }
When it comes to map a 2 dimensional array, most of us might think that why this mapping is
required. However, 2 D arrays exists from the user point of view. 2D arrays are created to
implement a relational database table lookalike data structure, in computer memory, the storage
technique for 2D array is similar to that of an one dimensional array.
The size of a two dimensional array is equal to the multiplication of number of rows and the
number of columns present in the array. We do need to map two dimensional array to the one
dimensional array in order to store them in the memory.
A 3 X 3 two dimensional array is shown in the following image. However, this array needs to be
mapped to a one dimensional array in order to store it into the memory.
There are two main techniques of storing 2D array elements into memory
In row major ordering, all the rows of the 2D array are stored into the memory contiguously.
Considering the array shown in the above image, its memory allocation according to row major
order is shown as follows.
first, the 1st row of the array is stored into the memory completely, then the 2nd row of the array
is stored into the memory completely and so on till the last row.
According to the column major ordering, all the columns of the 2D array are stored into the
memory contiguously. The memory allocation of the array which is shown in in the above image
is given as follows.
first, the 1st column of the array is stored into the memory completely, then the 2nd row of the
array is stored into the memory completely and so on till the last column of the array.
Calculating the Address of the random element of a 2D array
Due to the fact that, there are two different techniques of storing the two dimensional array into
the memory, there are two different formulas to calculate the address of a random element of the
2D array.
If array is declared by a[m][n] where m is the number of rows while n is the number of columns,
then address of an element a[i][j] of the array stored in row major order is calculated as,
1. Address(a[i][j]) = B. A. + (i * n + j) * size
where, B. A. is the base address or the address of the first element of the array a[0][0] .
Example :
a[10...30, 55...75], base address of the array (BA) = 0, size of an element = 4 bytes .
Find the location of a[15][68].
Address(a[15][68]) = 0 +
((15 - 10) x (68 - 55 + 1) + (68 - 55)) x 4
= (5 x 14 + 13) x 4
= 83 x 4
= 332 answer
By Column major order
If array is declared by a[m][n] where m is the number of rows while n is the number of columns,
then address of an element a[i][j] of the array stored in row major order is calculated as,
1. Address(a[i][j]) = ((j*m)+i)*Size + BA
A [-5 ... +20][20 ... 70], BA = 1020, Size of element = 8 bytes. Find the location of a[0][30].
1. The size of array must be known in advance before using it in the program.
2. Increasing size of the array is a time taking process. It is almost impossible to
expand the size of the array at run time.
3. All the elements in the array need to be contiguously stored in the memory.
Inserting any element in the array needs shifting of all its predecessors.
Linked list is the data structure which can overcome all the limitations of an array. Using
linked list is useful because,
1. It allocates the memory dynamically. All the nodes of linked list are non-contiguously
stored in the memory and linked together with the help of pointers.
2. Sizing is no longer a problem since we do not need to define its size at the time of
declaration. List grows as per the program's demand and limited to the available
memory space.
One way chain or singly linked list can be traversed only in one direction. In other words,
we can say that each node contains only next pointer, therefore we can not traverse the list
in the reverse direction.
Consider an example where the marks obtained by the student in three subjects are stored
in a linked list as shown in the figure.
In the above figure, the arrow represents the links. The data part of every node contains
the marks obtained by the student in the different subject. The last node in the list is
identified by the null pointer which is present in the address part of the last node. We can
have as many elements we require, in the data part of the list.
Data Time Complexity
Average Worst
Node Creation
1. struct node
2. {
3. int data;
4. struct node *next;
5. };
6. struct node *head, *ptr;
7. ptr = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node *));
The insertion into a singly linked list can be performed at different positions. Based on the
position of the new node being inserted, the insertion is categorized into the following
SN Operation Description
1 Insertion at It involves inserting any element at the front of the list. We just
beginning need to a few link adjustments to make the new node as the
head of the list.
2 Insertion at end It involves insertion at the last of the linked list. The new node
of the list can be inserted as the only node in the list or it can be inserted
as the last one. Different logics are implemented in each
3 Insertion after It involves insertion after the specified node of the linked list. We
specified node need to skip the desired number of nodes in order to reach the
node after which the new node will be inserted. .
SN Operation Description
1 Deletion at It involves deletion of a node from the beginning of the list. This is
beginning the simplest operation among all. It just need a few adjustments
in the node pointers.
2 Deletion at the It involves deleting the last node of the list. The list can either be
end of the list empty or full. Different logic is implemented for the different
3 Deletion after It involves deleting the node after the specified node in the list.
specified node we need to skip the desired number of nodes to reach the node
after which the node will be deleted. This requires traversing
through the list.
4 Traversing In traversing, we simply visit each node of the list at least once in
order to perform some specific operation on it, for example,
printing data part of each node present in the list.
5 Searching In searching, we match each element of the list with the given
element. If the element is found on any of the location then
location of that element is returned otherwise null is returned. .
void lastinsert()
struct node *ptr,*temp;
int item;
ptr = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEnter value?\n");
ptr->data = item;
if(head == NULL)
ptr -> next = NULL;
head = ptr;
printf("\nNode inserted");
temp = head;
while (temp -> next != NULL)
temp = temp -> next;
temp->next = ptr;
ptr->next = NULL;
printf("\nNode inserted");
void randominsert()
int i,loc,item;
struct node *ptr, *temp;
ptr = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof(struct node));
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEnter element value");
ptr->data = item;
printf("\nEnter the location after which you want to insert ");
temp = temp->next;
if(temp == NULL)
printf("\ncan't insert\n");
ptr ->next = temp ->next;
temp ->next = ptr;
printf("\nNode inserted");
void begin_delete()
struct node *ptr;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\nList is empty\n");
ptr = head;
head = ptr->next;
printf("\nNode deleted from the begining ...\n");
void last_delete()
struct node *ptr,*ptr1;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\nlist is empty");
else if(head -> next == NULL)
head = NULL;
printf("\nOnly node of the list deleted ...\n");
ptr = head;
while(ptr->next != NULL)
ptr1 = ptr;
ptr = ptr ->next;
ptr1->next = NULL;
printf("\nDeleted Node from the last ...\n");
void random_delete()
struct node *ptr,*ptr1;
int loc,i;
printf("\n Enter the location of the node after which you want to perform deletion \n");
ptr1 = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nCan't delete");
ptr1 ->next = ptr ->next;
printf("\nDeleted node %d ",loc+1);
void search()
struct node *ptr;
int item,i=0,flag;
ptr = head;
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEmpty List\n");
printf("\nEnter item which you want to search?\n");
while (ptr!=NULL)
if(ptr->data == item)
printf("item found at location %d ",i+1);
ptr = ptr -> next;
printf("Item not found\n");
void display()
struct node *ptr;
ptr = head;
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("Nothing to print");
printf("\nprinting values . . . . .\n");
while (ptr!=NULL)
ptr = ptr -> next;
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
Enter value
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
Enter value?
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
printing values . . . . .
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
Enter value?
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
Enter value
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
Enter the location of the node after which you want to perform deletion
Deleted node 2
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
printing values . . . . .
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete node after specified location
7.Search for an element
A doubly linked list containing three nodes having numbers from 1 to 3 in their data part, is
shown in the following image.
struct node
struct node *prev;
int data;
struct node *next;
The prev part of the first node and the next part of the last node will always contain null
indicating end in each direction.
In a singly linked list, we could traverse only in one direction, because each node contains
address of the next node and it doesn't have any record of its previous nodes. However,
doubly linked list overcome this limitation of singly linked list. Due to the fact that, each
node of the list contains the address of its previous node, we can find all the details about
the previous node as well by using the previous address stored inside the previous part of
each node.
In the following image, the first element of the list that is i.e. 13 stored at address 1. The
head pointer points to the starting address 1. Since this is the first element being added to
the list therefore the prev of the list contains null. The next node of the list resides at
address 4 therefore the first node contains 4 in its next pointer.
We can traverse the list in this way until we find any node containing null or -1 in its next
Operations on doubly linked list
Node Creation
struct node
struct node *prev;
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node *head;
All the remaining operations regarding doubly linked list are described in the following table.
SN Operation Description
1 Insertion at beginning Adding the node into the linked list at beginning.
2 Insertion at end Adding the node into the linked list to the end.
3 Insertion after specified Adding the node into the linked list after the specified node.
5 Deletion at the end Removing the node from end of the list.
6 Deletion of the node Removing the node which is present just after the node
having given data containing the given data.
7 Searching Comparing each node data with the item to be searched and
return the location of the item in the list if the item found
else return null.
ptr->next = NULL;
ptr->next = head;
printf("\nNode inserted\n");
void insertion_last()
struct node *ptr,*temp;
int item;
ptr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEnter value");
if(head == NULL)
ptr->next = NULL;
ptr->prev = NULL;
head = ptr;
temp = head;
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = ptr;
ptr ->prev=temp;
ptr->next = NULL;
printf("\nnode inserted\n");
void insertion_specified()
struct node *ptr,*temp;
int item,loc,i;
ptr = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\n OVERFLOW");
printf("Enter the location");
temp = temp->next;
if(temp == NULL)
printf("\n There are less than %d elements", loc);
printf("Enter value");
ptr->data = item;
ptr->next = temp->next;
ptr -> prev = temp;
temp->next = ptr;
printf("\nnode inserted\n");
void deletion_beginning()
struct node *ptr;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\n UNDERFLOW");
else if(head->next == NULL)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
ptr = head;
head = head -> next;
head -> prev = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void deletion_last()
struct node *ptr;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\n UNDERFLOW");
else if(head->next == NULL)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
ptr = head;
if(ptr->next != NULL)
ptr = ptr -> next;
ptr -> prev -> next = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void deletion_specified()
struct node *ptr, *temp;
int val;
printf("\n Enter the data after which the node is to be deleted : ");
scanf("%d", &val);
ptr = head;
while(ptr -> data != val)
ptr = ptr -> next;
if(ptr -> next == NULL)
printf("\nCan't delete\n");
else if(ptr -> next -> next == NULL)
ptr ->next = NULL;
temp = ptr -> next;
ptr -> next = temp -> next;
temp -> next -> prev = ptr;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void display()
struct node *ptr;
printf("\n printing values...\n");
ptr = head;
while(ptr != NULL)
void search()
struct node *ptr;
int item,i=0,flag;
ptr = head;
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEmpty List\n");
printf("\nEnter item which you want to search?\n");
while (ptr!=NULL)
if(ptr->data == item)
printf("\nitem found at location %d ",i+1);
ptr = ptr -> next;
printf("\nItem not found\n");
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
printing values...
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
Node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
printing values...
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
Enter value89
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
printing values...
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
node deleted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
node deleted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
printing values...
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
Can't delete
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Insert at any random location
4.Delete from Beginning
5.Delete from last
6.Delete the node after the given data
Circular Singly Linked List
In a circular Singly linked list, the last node of the list contains a pointer to the first node of
the list. We can have circular singly linked list as well as circular doubly linked list.
We traverse a circular singly linked list until we reach the same node where we started. The
circular singly liked list has no beginning and no ending. There is no null value present in
the next part of any of the nodes.
Circular linked list are mostly used in task maintenance in operating systems. There are
many examples where circular linked list are being used in computer science including
browser surfing where a record of pages visited in the past by the user, is maintained in the
form of circular linked lists and can be accessed again on clicking the previous button.
However, due to the fact that we are considering circular linked list in the memory therefore
the last node of the list contains the address of the first node of the list.
We can also have more than one number of linked list in the memory with the different start
pointers pointing to the different start nodes in the list. The last node is identified by its
next part which contains the address of the start node of the list. We must be able to
identify the last node of any linked list so that we can find out the number of iterations
which need to be performed while traversing the list.
SN Operation Description
1 Insertion at beginning Adding a node into circular singly linked list at the
2 Insertion at the end Adding a node into circular singly linked list at the end.
SN Operation Description
1 Deletion at Removing the node from circular singly linked list at the beginning.
2 Deletion at the Removing the node from circular singly linked list at the end.
3 Searching Compare each element of the node with the given item and return the
location at which the item is present in the list otherwise return null.
4 Traversing Visiting each element of the list at least once in order to perform
some specific operation.
void lastinsert()
struct node *ptr,*temp;
int item;
ptr = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEnter Data?");
ptr->data = item;
if(head == NULL)
head = ptr;
ptr -> next = head;
temp = head;
while(temp -> next != head)
temp = temp -> next;
temp -> next = ptr;
ptr -> next = head;
printf("\nnode inserted\n");
void begin_delete()
struct node *ptr;
if(head == NULL)
else if(head->next == head)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
{ ptr = head;
while(ptr -> next != head)
ptr = ptr -> next;
ptr->next = head->next;
head = ptr->next;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void last_delete()
struct node *ptr, *preptr;
else if (head ->next == head)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
ptr = head;
while(ptr ->next != head)
ptr = ptr->next;
preptr->next = ptr -> next;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void search()
struct node *ptr;
int item,i=0,flag=1;
ptr = head;
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEmpty List\n");
printf("\nEnter item which you want to search?\n");
if(head ->data == item)
printf("item found at location %d",i+1);
while (ptr->next != head)
if(ptr->data == item)
printf("item found at location %d ",i+1);
ptr = ptr -> next;
if(flag != 0)
printf("Item not found\n");
void display()
struct node *ptr;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\nnothing to print");
printf("\n printing values ... \n");
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
Enter Data?20
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
Enter Data?30
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
node deleted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
node deleted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
We traverse a circular singly linked list until we reach the same node where we started. The
circular singly liked list has no beginning and no ending. There is no null value present in
the next part of any of the nodes.
Circular linked list are mostly used in task maintenance in operating systems. There are
many examples where circular linked list are being used in computer science including
browser surfing where a record of pages visited in the past by the user, is maintained in the
form of circular linked lists and can be accessed again on clicking the previous button.
However, due to the fact that we are considering circular linked list in the memory therefore
the last node of the list contains the address of the first node of the list.
We can also have more than one number of linked list in the memory with the different start
pointers pointing to the different start nodes in the list. The last node is identified by its
next part which contains the address of the start node of the list. We must be able to
identify the last node of any linked list so that we can find out the number of iterations
which need to be performed while traversing the list.
SN Operation Description
1 Insertion at beginning Adding a node into circular singly linked list at the
2 Insertion at the end Adding a node into circular singly linked list at the
SN Operation Description
1 Deletion at Removing the node from circular singly linked list at the beginning.
2 Deletion at the Removing the node from circular singly linked list at the end.
3 Searching Compare each element of the node with the given item and return the
location at which the item is present in the list otherwise return null.
4 Traversing Visiting each element of the list at least once in order to perform
some specific operation.
void lastinsert()
struct node *ptr,*temp;
int item;
ptr = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEnter Data?");
ptr->data = item;
if(head == NULL)
head = ptr;
ptr -> next = head;
temp = head;
while(temp -> next != head)
temp = temp -> next;
temp -> next = ptr;
ptr -> next = head;
printf("\nnode inserted\n");
void begin_delete()
struct node *ptr;
if(head == NULL)
else if(head->next == head)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
{ ptr = head;
while(ptr -> next != head)
ptr = ptr -> next;
ptr->next = head->next;
head = ptr->next;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void last_delete()
struct node *ptr, *preptr;
else if (head ->next == head)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
ptr = head;
while(ptr ->next != head)
ptr = ptr->next;
preptr->next = ptr -> next;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void search()
struct node *ptr;
int item,i=0,flag=1;
ptr = head;
if(ptr == NULL)
printf("\nEmpty List\n");
printf("\nEnter item which you want to search?\n");
if(head ->data == item)
printf("item found at location %d",i+1);
while (ptr->next != head)
if(ptr->data == item)
printf("item found at location %d ",i+1);
ptr = ptr -> next;
if(flag != 0)
printf("Item not found\n");
void display()
struct node *ptr;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\nnothing to print");
printf("\n printing values ... \n");
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
Enter Data?20
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
Enter Data?30
node inserted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
node deleted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
node deleted
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element
*********Main Menu*********
1.Insert in begining
2.Insert at last
3.Delete from Beginning
4.Delete from last
5.Search for an element