MoM International Workshop On Coastal Reservoir, 26-27 October 2020

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Minutes of Webinar, Question, And Answer Session

International Workshop

Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability

Day 1, 26th Oct 2020.

Session 1.

First Keynote Speaker:

Abdul Malik Sadat Idris, S.T., M.Eng (Director for Water Resources and Irrigation Bappenas)

The Policy Direction of Integrated Development for the North Coast of Java in the National
Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Issues & Challenges: frequent flooding, land subsidence, deficit water supply, inadequate
sanitation system, limited supply of land availability, limited land for improvement to land
transport infrastructure, sea transport infrastructure, and air transport infrastructure.
• Masterplan for coastal development in Jakarta bay, several concepts were already
conducted (by JICA and Netherland), from 2012, 2014, 2016.
• Now we have 2 concepts for coastal development
- Integrated flood safety plan 2019 and
- Coastal/Offshore Reservoir the difference between both concepts are about the
lowering water level
• There is 6 potential location of the coastal reservoir on the north coast of java:
o Cisadane, Citarum, Pekalongan-Batang, Sayung, Bengawan solo, Brantas river
• Pilot project for a coastal reservoir in Cisadane. Will have several combinations (clean water
and wastewater treatment plant).
• Potential Benefit of Coastal Reservoir to Support Java’s Regional Economic Development:
raw water supply, flood control, regional dev without sacrificing productive land,
increase connectivity, additional land for residential, airport development, industrial
area, etc.
• The current result of water management analysis: coastal reservoir development has a lower
cost than other water treatment development.
• Several combinations from the proposed pilot project:
- Pilot project for the coastal reservoir in Cisadane

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
- Semarang-Demak toll road integrated with sea dike
- developing coastal reservoir integrated to Semarang harbor toll road
- water supply provision for Batang Industrial Park

Attendance’s Statement

• Most of the cities in Indonesia are in the coastal area. CR will be one of the promising
alternatives for water storage. The advantages and disadvantages of the CR in comparison
with the other alternatives, i.e. inland reservoirs (large dams, ground storages) are explained
clearly by the speakers.
• As shown in the presentation, the coastal reservoir is not only for a single purpose (mostly for
water supply purpose) but also for flood control and other purposes.
• With the construction of a Coastal reservoir, it will cause sediment from the river to be stuck
in the dam. This will have an impact on the sediment supply to the coast and disturb the
balance of coastal sediments.
• The phenomenon of the threat of disasters in coastal areas, the backward momentum of
"awkwardness" related to disaster management, considering that it has not been
accommodated in disaster mitigation regulations. My suggestion is to accommodate the
details of the coastal disaster threat in changing disaster mitigation regulations. So, stability
for the handling of coastal disasters is not a necessity because it is regulated regarding "who
does what" in the context of disaster management.

Question and Answer

Q: Understanding the quality of water flowing into the estuary, apart from turbidity. There will also
be a lot of waste so that the "inland wasted water treatment plant" is a priority so that even if
the latter still contains sediment, the waste can be controlled.
A: Regarding sedimentation and waste, the coastal reservoir needs to improve. We still working
on an integrated management framework. We continued our effort to handle the
sedimentation and waste management. To mitigate water quality for the coastal reservoir, we
design some transversal waterways. We managed the sedimentation and remove excess from
the waste. We built the Waste Water Treatment Plant before to Coastal Reservoir.

Q: Is there already any planning about the prioritization of development among those 5
potential locations? or all will be carried out in parallel action?
A: Based on the priorities, some of them ongoing in engineering design especially in the Central
Java Area. We also signifying the Feasibility Study Coastal Area in Cisadane River. There 2 areas
that will become more priorities. We will be preparing and taking account of the water supply
from the conventional source. We still improve the irrigation scheme in Java. Hopefully, we have
better water allocation.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Second Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Joseph Lee (IAHR President, Hong Kong UST)

Water Engineering and The Ecological Civilization

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Water has an important role in society as a major driver of social and economic growth
especially in flood control and hydropower.
• Drivers of change are population growth, climate change, urbanization, innovation, and
technology as a driver of economic growth. Hourly rainfall in Hong Kong has increased and
the probability of extreme events has doubled.
• The innovative urban stormwater management that has been done in Hong Kong is Happy
Valley that combined the storage tanks, drainage system, pump house, and movable weirs.
The system also intercepts the upstream area by constructing a deep tunnel to reduce 30%
of stormwater runoff.
• Smart Environment Management that combined Artificial Intelligence (real-time systems
monitoring) and traditional monitoring is used for environmental and fisheries management
to support food security.
• A real-time Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) early warning system for daily prediction of HAB risks
has been developed. The conceptual framework for HAB EWS is using meteorological data,
hydrological data, water quality, etc to predict Algal Bloom Risk.
• Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB) is used to monitoring HAB species by capturing the image of
• Promote the establishment of an ecological civilization by water conservation, enhancing
the ecology, protecting wetlands. The focus is changing from combatting nature to working
with nature.

Question and Answer

Q: What are the most critical criteria for assessing the feasibility of the coastal reservoir?
A: If you built a coastal reservoir in the open sea, the quality will be a significant problem. How
do you maintain design labor quality for water supply with the Waste Water Treatment Plant?
Tightly integrated with transport, energy. This is quite challenging. We do have a problem with
eutrophication in the coastal reservoir and can be handled by nature-based solution. We must
use technology to remove nutrients. Some Monitoring system is important.

Q: Based on your knowledge and experiences, could you tell us please which one the most
practical and economical way to build a water reservoir either underground or onshore for a
city like Jakarta?
A: I don't know the current issues in Indonesia. But we can learn from Hongkong. Many works to
be done before building Coastal Reservoir. We must understand the current issues in Indonesia
and a lot of research is needed. The coastal reservoir in the open sea compare with closing a
bay, must be careful to consider the design.

Q: How can we do salinity stratification in coastal aquifers?

A: Salinity can be controlled on the local scale and data monitoring is important to handle it.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Q: How could we control nutrient supply from riverine? Any treatment to prevent eutrophication
in the coastal reservoir? And how to calculate or predict when Hazardous Algae Bloom
phenomena will have occurred?
A: The hydrodynamic condition can affect the algae bloom but can we predict with the data
trend series. We can control the source of nutrition. Limiting nutrient needs advanced treatment
while very costly.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Third Keynote Speaker:
Prof. T.G. Sitharam (President of IACRR)

Coastal Reservoir in Earthquake-prone Regions

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Rainfall and discharges needed to be stored in groundwater.
• Challenges and concerns include water quality, environmental and social impacts,
government and public's confidence, and financial capability.
• By 2025, more than ⅔ of the world total population could be living in water stress conditions.
• People are migrating to the coastline, but reservoirs are immobile. All reservoirs trap sediment
from their catchment by 50%-100%.
• Climate change, population growth, and land-use change are factors that affect the
increase in water demand.
• With urbanization, most of the people will live in cities Megacities appear in coastal areas
and Coastal areas will have the most severe water shortage problem.
• Dams are often built-in active earthquake areas meanwhile the structures are susceptible to
earthquake motion so the consequence of a dam or water supply failure is high and can
give the effects of a dam failure on people and structures downstream.
• The solution for augmenting water resources is to build coastal reservoirs because it can
develop flood water lost to the sea and also many other advantages of coastal reservoirs.
• Conclusions
1) Coastal reservoirs with downstream water management will be significantly used as a
source of water storage
2) China’s experience shows that a very large river basin, wetland pre-treatment may be
needed., it creates new land and new wetland
3) Case studies show coastal reservoir (CR) are viable
4) 2nd generation CR is cost-effective, environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, and
has high-quality water.

Question and Answer

Q: Any potential or plan for integration of coastal reservoirs development and aquifer recharge
to contribute to solving the issues of groundwater over-extraction and land subsidence.
A: We need more research to discuss these issues. This is something new, but let me assure you
this is can be done. In India, we operate a 6000 dam and we are no worried because the
building can be safe for 100 years or more. Coastal Reservoir can be increased underground
water recharge availability in the coastal area.

Q: In my city (Palu in Central Sulawesi), where there are several active faults underneath the city
and the land area is hilly to mountainous, what will be the possibility to build and develop a
coastal reservoir?
A: The underground reservoir is the best vision. We can identify the leakage of water with geo-
technologies. The underground reservoir is a great potential in the earthquake zone area.
Underground meta construction is matters.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Q: How do we ensure that the hard structures do not disturb the local ecological ecosystem?
A: Protect the quality of the source of water (upland catchment protected), the collection
ground protect from pollution (if there coastal reservoir, there will be some contaminants that
are difficult to prevent from entering, long-term monitoring for the coastal reservoir.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Minutes of Webinar, Question, And Answer Session

International Workshop

Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability

Day 1, 26th Oct 2020.

Session 2.

Fourth Keynote Speaker:

Mr. Hadjad Widagdo, S.Hut., MM (Batam Industrial Free Zone Authority, Indonesia)

Challenges in the Development of Coastal Reservoir in Batam (Duriangkang Reservoir, Tembesi
Reservoir, and Rempang Reservoir)

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Batam Masterplan established by Presidential Decree No. 87 the year 2011, about Batam,
Bintan and Karimun Spatial Planning.
• Batam has a strategic location, supported by strategic infrastructures and 24 industrial
• Batam has no rivers, freshwater is supplied from the rainwater.
• There are 2 reservoir in batam island, and 1 reservoir in rempang island. (duriangkang dam,
sei tembesi dam, rempang dam).
o Duriangkang is a good example of the coastal reservoir: land use controlled by local
o Rempang dam: polluted by housing area, eceng gondok, and villages on the
catchment area
o Sei Tembesi dam: there is a small island (where spillway placed) between the seaside
and reservoir side separated by the dam.
• Development of coastal dam scheme in Batam: Community resettlement from catchment
and reservoir area → Development platform → Development of Permanent Bottom Outlet,
Intake Tower, Spillway → desalination process → Installing Diaphragm Wall → Instrumentation
• Issues: the occupation of reservoir boundaries: almost 2/3 of reservoir area covered by eceng
gondok → high sedimentation (happened in Rempang dam).
• Reservoir security zonation used for management and security catchment area and
Duriangkang reservoir.
• Smart water management initiative adopted.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
• Supply and demand by 2045 highly increase, so it should be maintained well to avoid the
water shortage.

Attendance’s Statement
• Batam concept for water reservoir because indeed the condition of the island does not allow
obtaining raw water from the surrounding rivers, but Jakarta is very different, floods originate
from the upstream of many rivers, community culture and education level affect the flow of
the river to the reservoir (for example waste, etc) ... Do not let this activity be only a lighthouse
but it will not last long if the people's mindset has not changed.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the water quality of the Tembesi coastal reservoir? It seems that the water is a bit
darker than the right one. What is the rehabilitation program on this issue? Thank you.
A: The color of water in Sembesi is caused by residual mangrove vegetation. So far the quality
still ok, the raw water in the reservoir will be clean up step by step.

Q: Why should you have desalination Plants? Coastal Reservoir capacity is not sufficient?
A: We still have water, but we started to anticipate the future. Currently, we just use the water
from the reservoir, next further we plan the sewerage can be recycled and become inflow to
the reservoir.

Q: The main problem facing reservoir operation is the high evaporation especially during the dry
season and the sedimentation until it cannot fulfill their duty optimally. Are reservoirs in Batam
face the same problem as well? And how much is the annual evaporation and rainfall in Batam
Island and how to overcome this problem? Many thanks
A: We have a little bit of problem in the dry season, actually when el Nino happens. We make
TMC modify the weather, we make rain to overcome the problem. We have 2000 until 4000 mm
for our rainfall in one year. This is quite enough for Batam but in the dry season and el Nino need
to be handled. We make TMC maintain the volume of the water supply in the dry season and el

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Fifth Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Maryadi Utama, M.Si (Head of Bali Penida River Basin)

Challenges in the Management of Nusa Dua Coastal Reservoir as a raw water provider in the
Denpasar, Benoa, and Nusa Dua (Bali) areas

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Nusa Dua Estuary DAM is located in the Badung River estuary and functioned as a flood
control system, sediment (mud and garbage) control system, the main source of water
supply, and environmental conservation. The catchment area of the DAM is 40.95 km2.
• Badung watershed consists of 7 rivers and 5 dams/weirs.
• The main problem that occurs in Nusa Dua Estuary DAM is sedimentation, solid waste
(garbage), and raw water demand.
• Since 2016, the total amount of sediment that has been removed from Nusa Dua Estuary
DAM is around 245,000 m3.
• For resolving the garbage problem, the solution is performed by making a sediment diversion
channel equipped with a trash rack, and the OM of the DAM.
• Dredging is also conducted to restore the reservoir storage that allows the PDAM to increase
the production to 500 litter per second.
• During 2017 – 2019 the rehabilitation, improvement, and arrangement of the Nusa Dua
Estuary have been done to restore the storage capacity, to increase the raw water supply,
to separate the sediment paths, to facilitate the OM, and to make an efficient way to pick
up the solid waste.
• There is some routine maintenance of Nusa Dua Estuary DAM such as collecting garbage in
reservoir areas, sediment, and garbage dredging, transferring the material to dump area,
and cleaning the estuary dam areas.
• The masterplan of Nusa Dua Estuary DAM has a purpose to organize the dam as a public
green open space as well as a tourism area.

Question and Answer

Q: How the coastal reservoir in Bali reduce the flood?
A: To reduce the flood, we built a border embankment around the dam. We also provide a
radial gate, which will be open and flow directly into the sea.

Q: For the maintenance aspect, it seems to me that most/majority of the work done (or is doing)
by the government through the Balai. How to increase people's participant to also take part in
the maintenance as they also get the benefit from this work?
A: To increase the number of the local community in the maintenance, we invited them to take
apart and being volunteer to keeping and cleaning around the estuary dam. And also local
government encourages more regulation to maintain the dam.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Sixth Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Roger A. Falconer (Past President of IAHR, Current Vice President of IACRR)

Coastal Reservoirs: Hydro-environmental Aspects for Urban Regeneration and Energy Supply

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Population growth: the increasing number of population increases demand food (50%),
water (30%), and energy (50%).
• Global water security: Only 0.01% of the total water is accessible. A limited amount of water
is needed to sustain human life and food production. Water is priced. Virtual water costs
need to be included in products to maintain blue river water quality. Polluted water
discharges from agriculture need to be treated before returning to the river.
• Some solutions for Global Water Security areas desalination, conservation and water reuse,
storage, water transfer & Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), and improve
water quality in the catchment and river basins.
• Water Efficiency: Vertical farming: only 1% of the water needed to grow food compared to
traditional farming. Need Systems Solutions Cloud to Coast. Models need to include are
hydrodynamics, water quality, and sediment transport.
• World Experiences: Shanghai, China; Cardiff Bay and Barrage, Wales; Severn Barrage
(Severn Estuary & Bristol Channel), UK.
• Shanghai, China: Development of city region & rapid population growth require an increase
in water supply & improvement in water quality. Coastal Reservoir (CR) with appropriate
capacity provides water of design standard quality and stores low salinity & high-quality
• Cardiff Bay and Barrage, Wales: Regeneration increased industrial development, jobs, and
homes. Water management by post impoundment combined sewer overflows discharged
directly into watercourses and rivers. Then refined hydro-biological and hydro-bacterial to
maintain water quality by predicting microbiological water quality indicators.
• Severn Barrage (Severn Estuary & Bristol Channel), UK: Severn Estuary has a unique
environment with a high tidal range to generate energy and harsh ecology. Two-way
generation could generate power and yield more energy with a greater hydro-
environmental footprint. Multifunctional opportunities of the Severn reservoir could provide a
global market.
• Store water at coast using coastal reservoir (CR) that offer opportunities:
To address the water, food, and energy nexus. Provide a crucial resource of freshwater
supply adjacent to major coastal cities. Deliver urban regeneration creating a range of
coastal development opportunities. Provide a source for predictable renewable energy
(tidal and/or hydro) and flood protection. CRS need modelling and data gathering studies
to design for minimal hydro-environmental impact.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Question and Answer
Q: Is reservoir stratification still important to take into account when developing a reservoir in
Indonesia? Because the temperature in tropical regions, in general, is relatively stable, the
temperature is relatively the same during both day and night, 365 days a year.
A: Every project is different, for example, reservoir stratification is important issues in the UK (i.e.
Cardiff), the temperature of water very dramatically between summer and winter. And the night
and day temperature quite significant. But this doesn't equally in Indonesia. I accept the
stratification probably not significant in Indonesia, but stratification needs to consider.

Q: What is the lowest tide during the neap tide? How the power varies during spring tide to neap
A: The tide range in January term 40 m in spring tide and 7 m in the neap tide. The hydro
environment can change significantly if you built barrage coast an estuary. Along with the
increasing population rate, we need more water, food, land, etc. We have to use land much
more effectively, so we have to turn to other methods so growing crops. The point about energy,
when we faced the challenges with climate change, we have to turn into clean energy. Based
on the temperature in each season, if we built a lagoon and barrage around the estuary in the
UK, we can produce a huge amount of tide energy. But we have tried to do that without making
significant changes to the aquatic environment. And this is a significant challenge for designing
coastal reservoirs.

Q: Some issues in the construction of Coastal reservoirs are the environmental problems
regarding changing the natural condition of an estuary and the impacts and also the expense
and length of time needed. With all the projects presented, what justifies the projects and how
was it presented/conveyed to the opposing groups/opinions? And what is the main thing that
must be done to support the justification?
A: The environmental problem in the coastal reservoir needs to be investigated fully, and you
could be changed the natural condition. Make sure to maintain the quality of water, ecology
of the river integrated water resource management (develop a sophisticated model from the
top of the catchment up to the sea including the coast, and play around with changes varies
parameter in the coastal reservoir also investigated the impact on the whole system). We need
more engagement and work with NGOs to support this condition.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
To All Panelist in Day 1

Q: Based on the experience of managing the Coastal Dam in Batam and the Estuary Dam
in Bali Penida, how the ecological dynamics (freshwater-sea water dynamics) in the dams
were managed and monitored?
A; In Bali Penida, were managed by providing rubber dams embankment surrounding the
dam, in addition, the radial gate which can be open depending on the volume of water in
the dam. In Batam, we monitored the balance of the ecosystem. For example, when high
hyacinth, we try to clean up to avoid accumulation in the reservoir. We have the plan to
make mangrove vegetation in Batam's dam for maintaining the ecosystem.

Q: Based on the lesson learned presented by Prof. Nur Yuwono that the change in the
purpose of the development of the Sihwa reservoir, which was originally used as a clean
water reservoir to become a tidal power plant due to the highly polluted water entering the
lake, can it be noted that even in South Korea there are also difficulties, or impossible in
processing polluted water to clean water?
A: This is the issue of a multidiscipline project for different purposes. We should focus on what
is the main purposes of the project. The overwriting objective needs to be reconsidered. If
you want water supply, you need to keep the reservoir as full as possible with fresh water, if
you going to use it for tidal, you need to change the tide to produce energy. There are 2
completely objective and should have an alternative for compensating for land loss (i.e.
agriculture land for food production). The high evaporation in the coastal reservoir is a great
opportunity in a country like Indonesia to cover the top of the Coastal Reservoir with solar
panel, which can reduce evaporation losses, and also a huge opportunity to generate solar

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Minutes of Webinar, Question, And Answer Session

International Workshop

Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability

Day 2, 27th Oct 2020.

Session 3.

Seventh Keynote Speaker:

Young Joo Chye (PUB Singapore)
A Success Story of Marina Barrage in providing water supply and flood control in Singapore.

Point Minutes of Webinar

• The fact that in 2040 many countries under water stress and Singapore were ranked first
among the countries. Singapore facing a lot of environmental issues in the 50s and 60s, such
as polluted waterways, seasonal floods, and poor sanitation. Flooding became common.
• Present-day Singapore integrated vary the function of ministries into one circle, which is the
Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment.
• Three key strategies in Singapore water management:
i. capture every drop of water,
ii. reuse water endlessly,
iii. desalinate water,
• Managing the complete water cycle by making sure every water is used.
• There are 17 reservoirs in Singapore, formed by impounding water with embankment dams
or damming up the mouth of rivers with dams and/or tidal gates, 2/3 of Singapore is water
catchment. Our challenge: Can we create a more coastal reservoir?
• The previous Minister set a 10 years target to clean up the rivers in Singapore's urbanized
area. He also set another 20 years target to keep the rivers clean.
• Marina barrage is the first reservoir in the city with 3 functions: flood control, water supply,
and lifestyle attraction.
• Marina Barrage for Flood Control --> it has 7 drainage pumps and 9 crest gates which could
open or close based on water level condition.
• Integrating all the technology to predict the rainfall and ensure the water flow to the sea at
a minimum amount.
• Marina barrage face construction challenges since it is located in the river mouth (tidal
influence) and it has a typical weak soil profile.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Question and Answer
Q; What was the strategy, how long it took to change the mindset of the population living in the
Marina Bay catchment area to participate in ensuring a good quality of water flowing to Marina
A: This is related to social engineering and social behavior science. Singapore has a lot of
campaigns for increasing awareness of water security. Starting from the scarcity campaign 20
years ago. The government educates people that water is not limitless, we have to conserve &
value every drop of water. Closing the whole environmental loop so every drop of water will
through the reservoir. And also doing river campaigns which beginning of awareness keeping
the urban environment clean. Handle downstream is not sustainable, therefore control the
source/ upstream is more important.

Q: In Singapore, how many infrastructures in providing the water availability system. In your
opinion, which one is more give rapid benefit; building the reverse osmosis system or coastal
A: National Tap (come from rainwater), New Water recycling, and many more. Singapore
implements a combination of treating rainwater and recycling wastewater and water from the
desalination process. Treating clean water is cheaper, but treating rainwater passing through
urban catchment should be considered with water quality and contaminant, it's also very
challenging. Desalination is more costly. We cannot decide the one is better from another, in
during normal situations we choose the best cost-effectiveness. Even water recycling very much
depending on the balance of the water loop system, we can increase the recycling rate higher
& higher. I think one day, recycling water will be the key to the future.

Q: Does Singapore have a long-term or mid-term masterplan of flood risk or water supply
management? For the implementation, is it still on track? And How do you monitor the
implementation of the masterplan?
A; Singapore has a water supply masterplan and at least yearly we updated the masterplan.
Taking consideration of the changing environment and possible resources. For the information,
desalination only fulfills around 10% of water demand, recycling 25%. Forty years from now mixed
the raw water 30%, recycling 55%, and desalination 15-20%. When the baseload requirement is
higher and population growth also economic activities grow, we expect to use more non-
domestic purposes. Non-potable use of water will go up, we actually can explore the expansion
of recycling water.

Q; How can the PUB or government keep the catchment area of the reservoir remain free from
A: Ten years ago, we started with the ABC concept (Active, Beautiful, Clean) to increase the
attention of people that everyone has a part in keeping water bodies and control the water
demand, especially for the young generation.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Eighth Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Chu Jian (Chair of CEE school, NTU, Singapore)

A geotechnical perspective of coastal reservoir and seawall construction

Point Minutes of Webinar

• The design for coastal reservoir needs to consider the challenges to sea level rise and its
environmental effects.
• The coastal reservoir must serve multiple functions by integrating several usages so the
construction process and the use of spaces and resources can be optimized.
• The coastal reservoir must meet the environmental requirement and support the
maintenance or restoration of marine ecosystems.
• The selection of dams or seawalls is affected by many factors and it leads to the construction
cost and life cycle cost.
• Saemangeum Seawall: seawall and land reclamation.
• Marina Barrage: dams and tunnel are built together as one project to efficiently the
construction cost.
• Geotextile or geosynthetic materials:
1. Rubber dam
2. Geo-tubes
3. Geo-bags
4. Geo-container
5. Geo-mattress or Geomat
• Geotextile will be protected by concrete on the top layer.
• Concrete
1. Concrete caissons (precast concrete caissons, semi-circular caissons)
2. Suction caissons
3. Geotextile composites
• To improve the soft clay, vertical drains (PVDs) were installed.
• Geotextile composites are used to protect seawalls from erosion and scouring.
• Seawall can be used as an artificial coral reef by using eco cement to coat the surface of
structures to cultivate coral reefs.

Question and Answer

Q: The river mouth of Marina barrage is built by man-made (reclamation) or built by nature
(originally already there)? If the river mouth is man-made, so it is interesting to be further studied
and mimic in Indonesia.
A: Marina barrage builds in the reclaim area. Lan reclamation material used at that time is
mainly sand, clay, marine clay from the natural deposit, and sand artificial. Math can be used
for calculating this. If you use the geometrics method, no sand, no granular material for the dike

Q: When Professor chooses geosynthetic materials in seawall construction, what parameter is

used in geosynthetic? Despite an issue, durability is an obstacle

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
A: Geosynthetic made of plastic polymer, but on the other hand, we should use concrete
metrics for the cover. Geosynthetic can protect the dike from the heavy storm from any
Q: What geological condition on the sea bed that should we avoid. or maybe you can enlighten
me with what references I can read and know more about the geological condition in designing
coastal reservoir, especially on designing the sea dike, sea wall, or appurtenance structure.
A: If the area has a very good geological condition, for example, a lot of rocks & seabed soil,
construction will be much easier. You can save a lot of money in this condition. But in the coastal
area, we frequently find soft-sediment rather than good quality rocks. Foundation treatment will
be the media part of dike construction. Many factors as controlling the selection of the dike.

Q: Usually, in Indonesia, we use bamboo for soil improvement. is that any study-related soil
improvement using bamboo in Singapore? serviceable and durability. in case submerge
bamboo strong enough
A; Many applications using bamboo for coastal construction. We don't use bamboo because
we don't produce it. But bamboo will be excellent material, The durability depends position the
bamboo above or below the water.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Nineth Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Sivakumar M. (UOW Asutralia)

Water Quality Challenges for Coastal Reservoir Development

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Water demand is increasing due to population growth. Therefore, water quantity and quality
play an essential role to fulfil this demand. Water quantity has a strong connection to the
condition of flood and droughts which is strongly related to SDG 6.
• Many megacities are located in the coastal area which the population there has a risk to
water problem by 2050.
• Due to the increasing number of BOD, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous, in 2050 there will be more
people who face the risk of water pollution.
• Lack of water supply and sanitation becomes a serious problem, therefore coastal reservoirs
can be a solution to tackle this issue.
• Water quality becomes a challenge in the coastal reservoir since the water comes from a
long way from its source and goes through many activities that contaminate the water such
as agricultural residue, pathogens from the animal, and sewage.
• Water quality has a wide spectrum which means it is very complex since not only single
contamination is required to be treated.
• From the experience of coastal reservoirs, it can be learned that water quality has arisen as
important concerns since there is more than 1 type of contaminant. Land use plays a crucial
role in terms of contribution to the water quality in the coastal reservoir.
• Lesson learned from Shiwa Coastal Reservoir, South Korea:
1. Various land-use types in the urban catchment produce various contamination to the
water body, especially at water coastal reservoir.
2. A significant industrial area adjacent to a potential coastal reservoir water supply should
have been a red flag.
• Lesson learned from Murray River, Australia:
1. In terms of salinity level, the coastal reservoir may preserve the water quality (in salinity
2. MIKE modelling suite was able to predict water level and salinity change accurately in
the lower part of a lake.
• Lesson Learned from Brisbane River Estuary:
1. The coastal reservoir may contribute to managing flood disaster
2. Combination of the coastal reservoir and upstream dams may reduce the flood level
3. The coastal reservoir can be a part of flood mitigation together with water resource
development at the same time.
• Lesson learned from Qingchaosha Coastal Reservoir:
1. Water quality has some consequences such as taste & odour, risk of algal toxins
formation, high cost of treatment
2. Strategy of HRT (in this case 7-10 days) management may flush the growing algal cell
from the reservoir before blooming.
• A suitable coastal reservoir design may solve several problems in cities located in the coastal

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Question and Answer
Q: Considering the complexity of wastewater treatment in Jakarta with more than ten million
population and a sewerage system that is still under construction, instead of treating wastewater
at its source, is there any efficient way to manage wastewater directly in an offshore reservoir?

A: We need to look completely different from wastewater treatment. It depends on the load,
we need some calculation for calculating the pollutant. We should identify what type of load is
coming through frequently, so calculation potentially can be done.

Q: How much do organic, sediment, nutrients, pesticides contribute to the quality of water
discharge in rivers? Is it enough to treat waste in the upstream area using a communal
wastewater treatment plant?
A: Control from the source is the way we should try. Identifying the source and how to control is
an important part of integrated catchment management practice.

Q: From the map, we see many water bodies upstream of Adelaide, why one need to build a
Coastal Reservoir? Will it be for flood mitigation mainly?
A: It depends on water quality.

Q: Is it better to treat the river water before entering the reservoir or treat the reservoir water
before it gets distributed?
A; Depends on the quality. Whether you want to treat in the reservoir or before, it depends on
the type of contaminant we are dealing with. Both are possible.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Minutes of Webinar, Question, And Answer Session

International Workshop

Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability

Day 2, 27th Oct 2020.

Session 4.

Tenth Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Shu-Qing Yang (UOW, Australia)

History of Coastal Reservoir Technology and Its Potential Applications in Indonesia

Point of Webinar
• Indonesia is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, at least one major natural disaster/month
occurs such as powerful earthquakes and volcanic eruption, tsunami, flood, and land
• The idea of separation for water quality management by keep high-quality water from the
polluted water. Separation, protection, prevention can be done to solve the problem.
• Downstream water management: (i) coastal reservoir, (ii) water users surrounding coastal
• Coastal reservoirs by purposes
i. prevent seawater intrusion/irrigation,
ii. for land reclamation,
iii. to prevent seawater inundation,
iv. for water supply,
v. urban regeneration,
vi. and other purposes: energy generation/storage/fish farming/ballast water recycling.
• There are different experiences from countries with coastal reservoirs, and the world needs
Indonesian coastal reservoir experience. in the Jakarta sea wall case, there is some minor
• Sustainable water management in Jakarta is necessary to avoid flooding and provide clean
water. Another potential location for the coastal reservoir is in Musi River South Sumatera.
• Indonesia’s dam construction intensifies its risk of earthquake disasters, but its coastal
reservoirs can mitigate its disasters induced by earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, rainwater
floods, droughts, etc.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Attendance’s Statement
• The purpose of the Coastal Reservoir (CR) is mainly to store the water for water security/water
availability. However, the CR can be more beneficial if the project can be combined with
other purposes such as flood/sea level rise protection and intrusion as well. So, the multi-
purposes of CR are more realistic for the Indonesia situation. However, the cost is more and
more expensive considering the quality of water in the river along the estuary in Indonesia is
too contaminated.

Question and Answer

Q: Many natural disasters are in the form of earthquakes, climate change, which have caused
various disasters to occur in cities located in coastal areas. But dealing with many threats has to
be very costly. Why do many people like to live in coastal areas with high risk?
A; Because you have a high-quality life, a beautiful environment, and a lot of job opportunities.
For example, 100 years ago, people live in a mountain or cave, as time goes by, they move to
the coastal area and nobody can't stop it because happens naturally. I can also predict; the
next generation probably lives in the ocean. This nature which we can't stop.

Q: What things should be considered in the offshore Coastal Reservoir development, both in
planning and in the impact on the environment (e.g. sediment transport in the littoral zone,
which can cause erosion/sedimentation)?
A: Let's compare 2 water storage (in the mountain with a dam and in the sea with coastal
reservoir). Both have a sedimentation problem. But the coastal reservoir more sustainable
because you can use the land for different purposes and also no need for foundation treatment
like a dam.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Eleventh Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Ir. Asnor Muizan Bin Ishak (DID Malaysia)

An Introduction of Water Balance Management System (NAWABS)

Point Minutes of Webinar

• The department that focuses on water resource management is placed under the ministry
of water and environment. There are 6 main areas of this department which are water
resource and hydrology, river basin, drainage, and agriculture irrigation, flood mitigation,
urban stormwater, and coastal zone. The previous study of the flood-prone area in Malaysia
detected about 10.1% of the area is considered as flood prone.
• Several issues and challenges in Malaysia in relation to water management:
1. Flood
2. Water Shortage
3. Water Pollution
4. Climate Change
5. Water Governance
• Historically, the beginning of a department that focuses on water resource management is
started under the ministry of public works (Malaysia Water Governance). The Ministry of water
environment has the main objection to integrate water management from water resources,
supply, and wastewater sectors. There is a clear responsibility of the federal government and
state government to support water management. There is a national water council.
• The trend of 40 years means annual rainfall in Malaysia shows that the eastern part of the
country has more rainfall than the western part. The western part has more population than
the eastern part. A prediction shows that in 2050 there will be almost 100% of the population
increment in Malaysia, therefore Malaysia has to prepare national water management to
fulfil the water demand in the future.
• As mentioned before, 10.1% (33.298 km2) is considered an inundated flood area where this
area involved 5.7 million people with the average flood damage equals to RM 1.15 billion.
Last 30 years of hot and dry weather recorded, Malaysia also suffered from water scarcity. In
2016, it is recorded that 4 states had only 30 days left before dry up. In 2020, the northern part
of the region suffered from an extremely dry and hot season.
• A holistic approach in Integrated Water Resource Management that being implemented in
Malaysia focuses on:
1. Enabling environment
2. Institutional setup
3. Management instrument
• Currently, the government tries to place water resources and water supply under 1 roof.
• Collaboration between several stakeholders is essential to achieve integrated water
resource management. There are several guidelines that are already published for water
safety issues in Malaysia (such as Urban storm management manual, integrated flood
management, urban stormwater management plan).
• There is a water accounting of the whole country of Malaysia thus it can be used to identify
the water balance in terms of water use.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
• In terms of water volume (rainfall overview) Indonesia has more than Malaysia. A measure of
rainfall comparing 3 regions of Malaysia and Indonesia shows that Indonesia has a lot of
water availability to use for meeting the demand (ADB research in 2016) in 2050.
• A prediction shows that in 2040, Malaysia requires more water resources to fulfil their potable
water demand.
• A website of a national water balance management system has been established as a
national strategy to inform the water condition.
• NAWABS main components are:
1. Real-time input
2. Forecast
3. Water resource study
4. Output (drought prediction, irrigation & water intake operation, water resources
management, water resources planning). The target of NAWABS are 2 months of water
forecast with 14 days of warning
• NAWABS the core of SWRM. Water management is necessary to be understood as a whole
chain from resource to waste. The coastal reservoir should be a better option for Indonesia
considering the nation located within the area of the active earthquake zone

Attendance’s Statement
• Incorporating elements of history for 40 years also creates a population growth trend until
2050. We must not forget history, we must learn from experience, both success, and failure.
Strategic planning also has to look to the future, so as to predict what will happen with
population growth and the often-surprising technology. All for the design so that water
resources remain well managed for the next generation. Water must be kept clean and
healthy, as a very important element of life.

Question and Answer

Q: How can the Malaysian government or other governments have the power to regulate water
resources, without being influenced by the private sector who usually has a strong influence on
the government's desire to regulate state-owned resources?
A; Government policy and targeted sustainable water resources should incorporate the need
for economic and industrial need for water resources. The right to water resources is under the
jurisdiction of the state government. The government should incorporate the need of private
sectors in the water resources as part of the water resources economics. In fact, the government
should work with the private sector in order to drive economic growth by water resources without
compromising the need for water security for the nation. As long as the influence of private is
gearing towards the positive impacts, there is no reason to isolate the private sector from water
resources policy engagement. Water Resources should be part of the tool promoting economic
growth and national security. The private sector participation or at least their need is essential.
Government policy and targeted sustainable water resources should incorporate the need for
the economic and industrial need for water resources.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Twelfth Keynote Speaker:
Ir. Lim Sinpoh
(MD, Global Water Consultants)

Coastal Reservoir as Innovation Solutions to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG6)

Point Minutes of Webinar

• SDG is a product from the UN Sustainable development Summit in 2015. SDG an improved
version of MDG by adding several new areas such as climate change, economic inequality,
innovation, sustainable consumption, peace, and justice. SDG 6, that focuses on the water
sector, shows that water has an important role over all other sectors of SDG itself. Several
targets of SDG 6 by 2030 to be achieved are:
i. universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
ii. access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all
iii. Improve water quality by reducing pollution
iv. increase water-use efficiency across all sectors
v. implementing integrated water resources management at all levels
vi. protect and restore water-related ecosystem
vii. expanding international cooperation and capacity-building support in terms of the
water sector
viii. support and strengthen the participation of local communities
• The world population keeps increasing where 46% of the world population is counted from 5
top most populated countries in the world. As the population increase, global coverage of
sanitation, drinking water, and hygiene services has to be improved as well. There is a gap in
terms of funding to full fill the water service needs. The water problem has a strong
relationship with food security.
• There is an urgency of increasing irrigation water-use efficiency since food demand increase
but the water problem still has to be solved. As reported in 2018, 60% of 172 countries still at
the low-medium level of water resources management implementation. Currently, the world
is still not investing enough in the water sector where water is the basic needs of humans.
• A sustainable solution should be established that focuses on 3P + 1P (planet, profit, people)
+ (politic). Achieving sustainable water management requires a leader with strong political
will new thinking around blended finance and hybridity is a solution to water sustainable
• Several aspects have to be looked at for comparing coastal reservoir and dam: Land
acquisition, Environmental impact, Social impact, Heritage/historical site, Distance to
demand point Catchment.
• A hybrid solution is necessary for Indonesia by designing Coastal Reservoir with multi-purposes
such as:
i. Water energy food security
ii. Water resource
iii. Energy - floating solar panel
iv. Irrigation
v. Attenuate flood.
• Spirit of sharing is important since every area has different water potential (some area has
too much while other has too little water). The question that has to be answered is: will you

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
share with others if you have extra? As an example of a global perspective, there is some
area that is damaged by floods because of an excessive amount of water while the other
area suffers from drought.
• The coastal reservoir can be a potential long term and sustainable solution for the water
resource problem. Cooperation over transboundary water is necessary to accelerate
sustainable water management.
• IACCR is an international association of coastal reservoirs research that focuses on shifting
storing water inland dams to storing freshwater by the coast. Coastal reservoir converts
floodwater into valuable water resources closer to the demand centres.

Question and Answer

Q: What about the lost ecosystem caused by Coastal Reservoir Development? Because flora
and fauna in the brackish water are replaced by freshwater from the coastal reservoir.
A: Need careful study, the one in Shanghai Qing Cao Sha, has very little impact. Every site is
different, needs to study carefully in every aspect especially the ecosystem which have
minimum social impact. The select area with the least impact.

Q: Is there any negative impact on surrounding areas due to changes in the coastline after CR
A: A negative impact on the surrounding areas needs to be carefully addressed by conducting
a detailed study. As every site is different, cannot be generalized

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Thirteenth Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Hubert Savenije (Past President of IAHS, Current Vice-president of IACRR)

Changing Perspectives on Coastal Reservoirs in The Netherlands

Point Minutes of Webinar

• Half of the Netherlands is below sea level, so it is prone to flood. It is not caused by sea-level
rise but this is the result of land subsidence that also happened in Indonesia.
• Major storm surges and floods that happened in 1675, 1682, 1916, and 1953 were the
motivation for the coastal reservoirs in the inland sea and the delta.
• In 1932, a closure dike was built with the main purpose to protect the land from floods caused
by storm surges. But over time, the priorities changed into land reclamation for agriculture,
nature development and urbanisation, and freshwater storage.
• Recently, the changing perspectives for the IJssel Lake resulted in:
1. Small islands for birdlife and nature development
2. An important nature conservation area.
3. And possibly an 'estuary-like' opening in the closure dike for free migration of fish.
• In 1953, a storm surge disaster happened in the Rhine-Meuse delta. This lead to the delta
plan to close the 4 estuarie mouths with dams and to reduce 700 km of coastline.
• The changing perspectives on the delta plan lead to:
1. Open storm surge barrier in the Eastern Scheldt to maintain a saline and tidal environment
for oyster cultivation, recreation, environmental conservation at a high cost
2. New dams to separate fresh from saline water
3. New sluices for navigation between fresh and saline systems
4. Re-opening the Haringvliet dam, leaving a small opening for fish migration
5. Reintroduction of the tide in the Grevelingen because of water quality problems (plans).
• In the future, in reaction to sea-level rise and climate change, it may lead to even more
drastic changes recreating an open estuary with a gradual saline-fresh water transition.
• The perspectives on coastal systems (reservoirs and delta plans) are continuously changing
in reaction to changing environmental and societal circumstances. Therefore, plans for
coastal reservoirs should be sufficiently flexible to allow for future adaptations.

Attendance’s Statement
• Not a question but rather a comment based on Savenije’s presentation. Bappenas should
consider doing a system dynamics model in the planning using a socio-hydrology principal
which was also coined by Savenije, so not only the water model. Yes, most likely it won’t
predict the future accurately but at least we can understand the dynamics that can happen
so that we can mitigate quicker. In this modern-day, we must do adaptive management in
water management anyway.
• It became clear now that the priority of the new need and perspectives has to change
during time and I would say it likes dynamic equilibrium. What they or we thought was
appropriate, will change along the time, need, and perspectives. You achieve this level in
Netherland whereas, in Indonesia, the CR just starting to be developed and build.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
• You are right that the quality of the tap water in the Netherlands is very good, especially the
cold one. Another question does the quality of the tap water in the western part as good as
in the centre or the southern part.

Question and Answer

Q: How did you prevent polluted Rhine water from entering the lake IJssel? and do you also
have drinking water reservoirs in the southern delta?
A: The IJssel river is a free-flowing river. So, we don't yet have a construction to completely stop
the flow from the Rhine into the IJssel. But we do have a compartment which can be closed in
IJssel lake. If the water is polluted, we divert the pollutant as quickly as possible to the sluice
gates. We can prevent the water to enter the Markermeer and the boundary lakes. In the
southern delta we have a freshwater reservoir (in the Biesbosch) which we fill with river water
when the water quality is at its best. We use this water during the dry season when the quality is

Q: If the main purpose of developing a coastal reservoir is to provide clean water, is it

appropriate to build it in North Jakarta if the water quality is heavily polluted? How does it
compare with the quality of the rivers in the Netherlands, which water flows directly into the
A: The water in Jakarta is heavily polluted. In 1970 The River Rhine had the same condition. The
reason why this changed was because the upstream countries invested heavily in wastewater
treatment and pollution prevention. Treat your water and don't discharge dirty water and waste
into the rivers feeding Jakarta. If you have good treatment and prevent pollution locally, you
can create a compartment in Coastal Reservoir where clean water can be stored during floods.
IN addition, you can enhance the water quality with ecological measures, by introducing the
right kind of vegetation.

Q: Is the quality of the tap water in the western part as good as in the centre or the southern
part, as we know that salination also becomes an issue in the Netherlands?
A: Yes, the water from the tap in The Netherlands is completely reliable. As good as bottled
water, even better.

Q: If we have to do salinity intrusion modelling of the estuary for CR development. What should
be the flushing time? For numerical models, what should be the simulation time for salinity
A: It all depends on the ratio of the volume of the reservoir to the freshwater inflow: S/Q
This number should be as small as possible for the salinity to flush out quickly. For modelling, one
could use a tidal average model, which uses daily time steps. You should at least model a few
dry years.

Q: I see from your presentation, there were changing priorities on the coastal reservoir in Holland.
So which structure is "flexible" due to the changing of priorities?
A; With flexible, I mean that the structure can be adapted to changing circumstances.
Therefore, in the design, it is good to consider more future scenarios of societal demands, so that
the best layout can be found that leaves enough opportunity to adjust.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.
Q: With what percentage of confidence can we say that the construction of a CR does not
have long-term negative consequences for the marine environment?
A; I am afraid I cannot say that with certainty. It depends a lot on the design of the closure dam
and sluices. But in general, it should be possible to make a design with minimal impact. However,
it is also possible that there is a substantial impact if the design is bad.

To All Panelist in Day 2

Q: The purpose of the Coastal Reservoir (CR) is mainly to store the water for water security/water
availability. However, the CR can be more beneficial if the project can be combined with other
purposes such as flood/sea level rise protection and intrusion as well. So, the multi-purposes of
CR are more realistic for the Indonesia situation. However, the cost is more and more expensive
considering the quality of water in the river along the estuary in Indonesia is too contaminated.

A: The costs are not necessarily more. It is a matter of considering all the possible uses and
demands during the design. If costs are higher, then the benefits are also higher.

International Workshop on Coastal Reservoir.

Jakarta, 26 – 27 October 2020.

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