MoM International Workshop On Coastal Reservoir, 26-27 October 2020
MoM International Workshop On Coastal Reservoir, 26-27 October 2020
MoM International Workshop On Coastal Reservoir, 26-27 October 2020
International Workshop
Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability
The Policy Direction of Integrated Development for the North Coast of Java in the National
Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024
Attendance’s Statement
• Most of the cities in Indonesia are in the coastal area. CR will be one of the promising
alternatives for water storage. The advantages and disadvantages of the CR in comparison
with the other alternatives, i.e. inland reservoirs (large dams, ground storages) are explained
clearly by the speakers.
• As shown in the presentation, the coastal reservoir is not only for a single purpose (mostly for
water supply purpose) but also for flood control and other purposes.
• With the construction of a Coastal reservoir, it will cause sediment from the river to be stuck
in the dam. This will have an impact on the sediment supply to the coast and disturb the
balance of coastal sediments.
• The phenomenon of the threat of disasters in coastal areas, the backward momentum of
"awkwardness" related to disaster management, considering that it has not been
accommodated in disaster mitigation regulations. My suggestion is to accommodate the
details of the coastal disaster threat in changing disaster mitigation regulations. So, stability
for the handling of coastal disasters is not a necessity because it is regulated regarding "who
does what" in the context of disaster management.
Q: Is there already any planning about the prioritization of development among those 5
potential locations? or all will be carried out in parallel action?
A: Based on the priorities, some of them ongoing in engineering design especially in the Central
Java Area. We also signifying the Feasibility Study Coastal Area in Cisadane River. There 2 areas
that will become more priorities. We will be preparing and taking account of the water supply
from the conventional source. We still improve the irrigation scheme in Java. Hopefully, we have
better water allocation.
Water Engineering and The Ecological Civilization
Q: Based on your knowledge and experiences, could you tell us please which one the most
practical and economical way to build a water reservoir either underground or onshore for a
city like Jakarta?
A: I don't know the current issues in Indonesia. But we can learn from Hongkong. Many works to
be done before building Coastal Reservoir. We must understand the current issues in Indonesia
and a lot of research is needed. The coastal reservoir in the open sea compare with closing a
bay, must be careful to consider the design.
Coastal Reservoir in Earthquake-prone Regions
Q: In my city (Palu in Central Sulawesi), where there are several active faults underneath the city
and the land area is hilly to mountainous, what will be the possibility to build and develop a
coastal reservoir?
A: The underground reservoir is the best vision. We can identify the leakage of water with geo-
technologies. The underground reservoir is a great potential in the earthquake zone area.
Underground meta construction is matters.
International Workshop
Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability
Challenges in the Development of Coastal Reservoir in Batam (Duriangkang Reservoir, Tembesi
Reservoir, and Rempang Reservoir)
Attendance’s Statement
• Batam concept for water reservoir because indeed the condition of the island does not allow
obtaining raw water from the surrounding rivers, but Jakarta is very different, floods originate
from the upstream of many rivers, community culture and education level affect the flow of
the river to the reservoir (for example waste, etc) ... Do not let this activity be only a lighthouse
but it will not last long if the people's mindset has not changed.
Q: Why should you have desalination Plants? Coastal Reservoir capacity is not sufficient?
A: We still have water, but we started to anticipate the future. Currently, we just use the water
from the reservoir, next further we plan the sewerage can be recycled and become inflow to
the reservoir.
Q: The main problem facing reservoir operation is the high evaporation especially during the dry
season and the sedimentation until it cannot fulfill their duty optimally. Are reservoirs in Batam
face the same problem as well? And how much is the annual evaporation and rainfall in Batam
Island and how to overcome this problem? Many thanks
A: We have a little bit of problem in the dry season, actually when el Nino happens. We make
TMC modify the weather, we make rain to overcome the problem. We have 2000 until 4000 mm
for our rainfall in one year. This is quite enough for Batam but in the dry season and el Nino need
to be handled. We make TMC maintain the volume of the water supply in the dry season and el
Challenges in the Management of Nusa Dua Coastal Reservoir as a raw water provider in the
Denpasar, Benoa, and Nusa Dua (Bali) areas
Q: For the maintenance aspect, it seems to me that most/majority of the work done (or is doing)
by the government through the Balai. How to increase people's participant to also take part in
the maintenance as they also get the benefit from this work?
A: To increase the number of the local community in the maintenance, we invited them to take
apart and being volunteer to keeping and cleaning around the estuary dam. And also local
government encourages more regulation to maintain the dam.
Coastal Reservoirs: Hydro-environmental Aspects for Urban Regeneration and Energy Supply
Q: What is the lowest tide during the neap tide? How the power varies during spring tide to neap
A: The tide range in January term 40 m in spring tide and 7 m in the neap tide. The hydro
environment can change significantly if you built barrage coast an estuary. Along with the
increasing population rate, we need more water, food, land, etc. We have to use land much
more effectively, so we have to turn to other methods so growing crops. The point about energy,
when we faced the challenges with climate change, we have to turn into clean energy. Based
on the temperature in each season, if we built a lagoon and barrage around the estuary in the
UK, we can produce a huge amount of tide energy. But we have tried to do that without making
significant changes to the aquatic environment. And this is a significant challenge for designing
coastal reservoirs.
Q: Some issues in the construction of Coastal reservoirs are the environmental problems
regarding changing the natural condition of an estuary and the impacts and also the expense
and length of time needed. With all the projects presented, what justifies the projects and how
was it presented/conveyed to the opposing groups/opinions? And what is the main thing that
must be done to support the justification?
A: The environmental problem in the coastal reservoir needs to be investigated fully, and you
could be changed the natural condition. Make sure to maintain the quality of water, ecology
of the river integrated water resource management (develop a sophisticated model from the
top of the catchment up to the sea including the coast, and play around with changes varies
parameter in the coastal reservoir also investigated the impact on the whole system). We need
more engagement and work with NGOs to support this condition.
Q: Based on the experience of managing the Coastal Dam in Batam and the Estuary Dam
in Bali Penida, how the ecological dynamics (freshwater-sea water dynamics) in the dams
were managed and monitored?
A; In Bali Penida, were managed by providing rubber dams embankment surrounding the
dam, in addition, the radial gate which can be open depending on the volume of water in
the dam. In Batam, we monitored the balance of the ecosystem. For example, when high
hyacinth, we try to clean up to avoid accumulation in the reservoir. We have the plan to
make mangrove vegetation in Batam's dam for maintaining the ecosystem.
Q: Based on the lesson learned presented by Prof. Nur Yuwono that the change in the
purpose of the development of the Sihwa reservoir, which was originally used as a clean
water reservoir to become a tidal power plant due to the highly polluted water entering the
lake, can it be noted that even in South Korea there are also difficulties, or impossible in
processing polluted water to clean water?
A: This is the issue of a multidiscipline project for different purposes. We should focus on what
is the main purposes of the project. The overwriting objective needs to be reconsidered. If
you want water supply, you need to keep the reservoir as full as possible with fresh water, if
you going to use it for tidal, you need to change the tide to produce energy. There are 2
completely objective and should have an alternative for compensating for land loss (i.e.
agriculture land for food production). The high evaporation in the coastal reservoir is a great
opportunity in a country like Indonesia to cover the top of the Coastal Reservoir with solar
panel, which can reduce evaporation losses, and also a huge opportunity to generate solar
International Workshop
Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability
Q: In Singapore, how many infrastructures in providing the water availability system. In your
opinion, which one is more give rapid benefit; building the reverse osmosis system or coastal
A: National Tap (come from rainwater), New Water recycling, and many more. Singapore
implements a combination of treating rainwater and recycling wastewater and water from the
desalination process. Treating clean water is cheaper, but treating rainwater passing through
urban catchment should be considered with water quality and contaminant, it's also very
challenging. Desalination is more costly. We cannot decide the one is better from another, in
during normal situations we choose the best cost-effectiveness. Even water recycling very much
depending on the balance of the water loop system, we can increase the recycling rate higher
& higher. I think one day, recycling water will be the key to the future.
Q: Does Singapore have a long-term or mid-term masterplan of flood risk or water supply
management? For the implementation, is it still on track? And How do you monitor the
implementation of the masterplan?
A; Singapore has a water supply masterplan and at least yearly we updated the masterplan.
Taking consideration of the changing environment and possible resources. For the information,
desalination only fulfills around 10% of water demand, recycling 25%. Forty years from now mixed
the raw water 30%, recycling 55%, and desalination 15-20%. When the baseload requirement is
higher and population growth also economic activities grow, we expect to use more non-
domestic purposes. Non-potable use of water will go up, we actually can explore the expansion
of recycling water.
Q; How can the PUB or government keep the catchment area of the reservoir remain free from
A: Ten years ago, we started with the ABC concept (Active, Beautiful, Clean) to increase the
attention of people that everyone has a part in keeping water bodies and control the water
demand, especially for the young generation.
A geotechnical perspective of coastal reservoir and seawall construction
Q: Usually, in Indonesia, we use bamboo for soil improvement. is that any study-related soil
improvement using bamboo in Singapore? serviceable and durability. in case submerge
bamboo strong enough
A; Many applications using bamboo for coastal construction. We don't use bamboo because
we don't produce it. But bamboo will be excellent material, The durability depends position the
bamboo above or below the water.
Water Quality Challenges for Coastal Reservoir Development
A: We need to look completely different from wastewater treatment. It depends on the load,
we need some calculation for calculating the pollutant. We should identify what type of load is
coming through frequently, so calculation potentially can be done.
Q: How much do organic, sediment, nutrients, pesticides contribute to the quality of water
discharge in rivers? Is it enough to treat waste in the upstream area using a communal
wastewater treatment plant?
A: Control from the source is the way we should try. Identifying the source and how to control is
an important part of integrated catchment management practice.
Q: From the map, we see many water bodies upstream of Adelaide, why one need to build a
Coastal Reservoir? Will it be for flood mitigation mainly?
A: It depends on water quality.
Q: Is it better to treat the river water before entering the reservoir or treat the reservoir water
before it gets distributed?
A; Depends on the quality. Whether you want to treat in the reservoir or before, it depends on
the type of contaminant we are dealing with. Both are possible.
International Workshop
Coastal Reservoir
Water Availability, Coastal Security and Sustainability
History of Coastal Reservoir Technology and Its Potential Applications in Indonesia
Point of Webinar
• Indonesia is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, at least one major natural disaster/month
occurs such as powerful earthquakes and volcanic eruption, tsunami, flood, and land
• The idea of separation for water quality management by keep high-quality water from the
polluted water. Separation, protection, prevention can be done to solve the problem.
• Downstream water management: (i) coastal reservoir, (ii) water users surrounding coastal
• Coastal reservoirs by purposes
i. prevent seawater intrusion/irrigation,
ii. for land reclamation,
iii. to prevent seawater inundation,
iv. for water supply,
v. urban regeneration,
vi. and other purposes: energy generation/storage/fish farming/ballast water recycling.
• There are different experiences from countries with coastal reservoirs, and the world needs
Indonesian coastal reservoir experience. in the Jakarta sea wall case, there is some minor
• Sustainable water management in Jakarta is necessary to avoid flooding and provide clean
water. Another potential location for the coastal reservoir is in Musi River South Sumatera.
• Indonesia’s dam construction intensifies its risk of earthquake disasters, but its coastal
reservoirs can mitigate its disasters induced by earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, rainwater
floods, droughts, etc.
Q: What things should be considered in the offshore Coastal Reservoir development, both in
planning and in the impact on the environment (e.g. sediment transport in the littoral zone,
which can cause erosion/sedimentation)?
A: Let's compare 2 water storage (in the mountain with a dam and in the sea with coastal
reservoir). Both have a sedimentation problem. But the coastal reservoir more sustainable
because you can use the land for different purposes and also no need for foundation treatment
like a dam.
An Introduction of Water Balance Management System (NAWABS)
Attendance’s Statement
• Incorporating elements of history for 40 years also creates a population growth trend until
2050. We must not forget history, we must learn from experience, both success, and failure.
Strategic planning also has to look to the future, so as to predict what will happen with
population growth and the often-surprising technology. All for the design so that water
resources remain well managed for the next generation. Water must be kept clean and
healthy, as a very important element of life.
Coastal Reservoir as Innovation Solutions to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG6)
Q: Is there any negative impact on surrounding areas due to changes in the coastline after CR
A: A negative impact on the surrounding areas needs to be carefully addressed by conducting
a detailed study. As every site is different, cannot be generalized
Changing Perspectives on Coastal Reservoirs in The Netherlands
Attendance’s Statement
• Not a question but rather a comment based on Savenije’s presentation. Bappenas should
consider doing a system dynamics model in the planning using a socio-hydrology principal
which was also coined by Savenije, so not only the water model. Yes, most likely it won’t
predict the future accurately but at least we can understand the dynamics that can happen
so that we can mitigate quicker. In this modern-day, we must do adaptive management in
water management anyway.
• It became clear now that the priority of the new need and perspectives has to change
during time and I would say it likes dynamic equilibrium. What they or we thought was
appropriate, will change along the time, need, and perspectives. You achieve this level in
Netherland whereas, in Indonesia, the CR just starting to be developed and build.
Q: Is the quality of the tap water in the western part as good as in the centre or the southern
part, as we know that salination also becomes an issue in the Netherlands?
A: Yes, the water from the tap in The Netherlands is completely reliable. As good as bottled
water, even better.
Q: If we have to do salinity intrusion modelling of the estuary for CR development. What should
be the flushing time? For numerical models, what should be the simulation time for salinity
A: It all depends on the ratio of the volume of the reservoir to the freshwater inflow: S/Q
This number should be as small as possible for the salinity to flush out quickly. For modelling, one
could use a tidal average model, which uses daily time steps. You should at least model a few
dry years.
Q: I see from your presentation, there were changing priorities on the coastal reservoir in Holland.
So which structure is "flexible" due to the changing of priorities?
A; With flexible, I mean that the structure can be adapted to changing circumstances.
Therefore, in the design, it is good to consider more future scenarios of societal demands, so that
the best layout can be found that leaves enough opportunity to adjust.
Q: The purpose of the Coastal Reservoir (CR) is mainly to store the water for water security/water
availability. However, the CR can be more beneficial if the project can be combined with other
purposes such as flood/sea level rise protection and intrusion as well. So, the multi-purposes of
CR are more realistic for the Indonesia situation. However, the cost is more and more expensive
considering the quality of water in the river along the estuary in Indonesia is too contaminated.
A: The costs are not necessarily more. It is a matter of considering all the possible uses and
demands during the design. If costs are higher, then the benefits are also higher.