Yasuda 2015 EJAP
Yasuda 2015 EJAP
Yasuda 2015 EJAP
Effect of low-load resistance exercise with and without blood flow restriction
to volitional fatigue on muscle swelling
19 519
4 authors, including:
Tomohiro Yasuda
Seirei Christopher University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Tomohiro Yasuda on 30 April 2015.
Received: 5 February 2014 / Accepted: 2 December 2014 / Published online: 10 December 2014
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
920 Eur J Appl Physiol (2015) 115:919–926
work-matched resistance exercise (Burd et al. 2010). In experience and performed upper body, but they were not
addition, Ogasawara et al. (2013) revealed that low-load professionally trained. Each subject was informed of the
(30 % 1-RM) bench press training to volitional fatigue risks associated with the exercise, measurements to be
results in muscle hypertrophy similar to HL (75 % 1-RM) taken and the purpose of the study, which conformed to
bench press training. Therefore, there is a high possibility the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Eth-
that low-load resistance training to volitional fatigue is an ics Committee for Human Experiments, University of
effective method for the promotion of muscle protein syn- Tokyo. Written informed consent was obtained from each
thesis and hypertrophy, regardless of whether or not BFR is subject prior to participation.
Acute cell swelling has been shown to stimulate pro- Protocol
tein synthesis and suppress proteolysis (Berneis et al.
1999; Häussinger et al. 1993). A previous study showed One week prior to experiments, all subjects completed an
that increased leg circumference, an index of muscle orientation session which included measurement of resting
swelling, was more pronounced in BFR than in non-BFR blood pressure and familiarization with arm curl exercise
immediately after low-intensity knee extension exercise and BFR. During the orientation session, subjects sat in a
(Fry et al. 2010). Interestingly, following a single bout of chair with the testing arm placed on a table at heart level,
low-intensity BFR bench press exercise, acute changes in and blood pressure was measured after 3 min rest. Then,
muscle size were observed in both the blood flow restricted 1-RM for each arm was determined. Subjects performed
triceps muscle as well as the blood flow non-restricted 5–6 unilateral arm curls with a low load (approximately
chest muscle. The muscle cross-sectional area of both the 30–40 % predicted 1-RM) as a warm-up and to familiar-
triceps and chest muscles increased following BFR bench ize subjects with the arm curl exercise. After the warm-up
press training (Yasuda et al. 2010b). Therefore, it appears period, the intensity was set at about 80 % of predicted
that BFR training-induced muscle cell swelling may con- 1-RM. Following each successful lift, the intensity was
tribute significantly to the anabolic benefits of BFR (Loen- increased by about 5 % until the subject could not complete
neke et al. 2012a; Yasuda et al. 2012). However, previous the lift through the entire range of motion. A test was con-
BFR or NBFR studies (Fahs et al. 2014; Martín-Hernández sidered valid only when the subject used the proper form
et al. 2013; Yasuda et al. 2012) have only evaluated muscle and completed the entire lift in a controlled manner with-
swelling at the beginning and end of the resistance exer- out assistance. On average, five trials were necessary to
cise, giving no inference as to the time-course of change. complete a 1-RM test (2–3 min rest between each attempt)
We hypothesized that low-load resistance training to voli- (Yasuda et al. 2008, 2009, 2010a, 2012).
tional fatigue is an effective method for the promotion of In the experiments, the subjects randomly performed
muscle swelling regardless of BFR, and the time-course of unilateral arm curl exercises with two different exercise
the increase in muscle swelling will be similar for both con- conditions that were scheduled 1 week apart (Visit 1 and
ditions. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to inves- Visit 2). The order of exercise conditions was randomized.
tigate the effect of low-load resistance exercise to volitional Subjects were instructed to refrain from drinking alcohol
fatigue with and without BFR on muscle swelling. and caffeine for 24 h before the sessions and from perform-
ing any strenuous exercise for 48 h before the sessions.
Methods Exercise
Subjects The subjects performed four sets of arm curl exercise with-
out BFR (NBFR, with 3 min rest period between sets) and
Ten healthy young men volunteered for the study. A pri- with BFR (with 30 s rest period between sets). In each
ori sample size estimation indicated that eight subjects set of exercise, the subjects repeated the movements until
would be needed to detect a group by time interaction exhaustion, which was defined as failure to keep up with
for measurements of muscle size with an effect size of the metronome. This protocol is typical of previously
1.5–1.8, alpha level of 0.05, and a power of 0.80. Subjects reported BFR and NBFR studies (Kubo et al. 2006; Ogasa-
were excluded if they were hypertensive (blood pressure wara et al. 2013). Exercise intensity was 20 % of the pre-
> 140/90 mmHg) or obese (BMI > 30 kg/m2). The sub- determined 1-RM. During each exercise condition, subjects
jects were classified as “recreationally active”; three of ten sat on the arm curl bench, with their arm positioned in front
participated in regular aerobic type exercises (jogging, or of their body such that the shoulder was supported at 45°
cycling; 2–3 times/week for approximately 30 min). Three flexion. The range of elbow joint motion during exercise
other subjects had light to moderate resistance training was completed from 0° to 150° (0° being full extension).
Eur J Appl Physiol (2015) 115:919–926 921
Blood sampling
Heart rate
Contraction duration was 2.4 s with a 1.2:1.2 s concentric- water-soluble transmission gel to facilitate acoustic contact
eccentric contraction duty cycle controlled by a metronome without depressing the dermal surface. The subcutaneous
(50 beats per min) (Yasuda et al. 2008, 2009). One arm was adipose tissue-muscle interface and the muscle-bone inter-
randomly chosen to perform BFR exercise, while the other face were identified from the ultrasonic image. The perpen-
arm performed NBFR exercise, but the use of dominant or dicular distance from the adipose tissue-muscle interface
non-dominant arm was randomized between subjects. The to the muscle–bone interface was taken as muscle thick-
protocols are summarized in Fig. 1. ness (MTH). Ink markers on the elbow flexors were used
to ensure similar positioning over repeated MTH measure-
Blood flow restriction ments (Yasuda et al. 2012). Multiple images were recorded
by the same investigator (TY) each time and printed for
Before the experiment, all subjects were familiarized with analysis. Then, each image analysis was performed by the
the specialized pressure cuff (30 mm width, Kaatsu–Mas- same investigator who was blinded to the both condition
ter, KAATSU Japan Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). The pres- and time assignments of the subjects. Test–retest reliability
sure was set to 160 mmHg, according to previous stud- of MTH measurements using intraclass correlation coef-
ies (Yasuda et al. 2008, 2009) for the upper arm which ficient (ICC3,1) was 0.97. The MTH was recorded before
reported that 160 mmHg is the optimal level of BFR for the resistance exercise (pre), during rest periods between
altering blood flow, energy supply, and increasing muscle sets (1st, 2nd and 3rd set), immediately after the resistance
activation when the predetermined exercise protocol is exercise (post), and at 15, 30 and 60 min after the resist-
the same among all BFR conditions. The restriction pres- ance exercise (Fig. 1).
sure intensity was applied to the upper arms as previously
described (Yasuda et al. 2009, 2010a, 2011). During accli- Electromyography (EMG)
matization, no sign of discomfort or pain was observed
in the subjects. In the BFR session experiment, subjects The skin was shaved, abraded with a skin preparation gel
were seated on a chair and the cuff was tightened around (Skinpure, Nihon Kohden, Japan), and cleaned with alco-
the arm to a “belt pressure” (i.e., the pressure the cuff is hol wipes. During the experiment, skin impedance was
applying to the arm prior to inflation) of 30 mmHg on the less than 2 kΩ. The ground electrode was positioned on
most proximal region of the testing arm. The cuff was the lateral epicondyle. Bipolar (2-cm center-to-center) sur-
then inflated to 160 mmHg (Yasuda et al. 2009, 2010a, face EMG (sEMG) electrodes (Ag/AgCl; Vitrode F; Nihon
2011). In the BFR session, the cuff was inflated for the Kohden; Tokyo, Japan) were placed over the muscle belly
entire exercise session including the rest periods between (mid-portion) along the longitudinal axis of the biceps bra-
sets and contractions. chii of the testing upper arm (Yasuda et al. 2008, 2009).
The electrode placement on the biceps brachii was at 60 %
Ultrasound‑measured muscle thickness of the upper arm limb length. EMG signals were recorded
and collected on a personal computer (T7300 Macintosh,
The muscle thickness of the elbow flexors was measured Apple, Japan) for subsequent analysis. All EMG sig-
using B-mode ultrasound (Acuson Sequoia 512, Siemens, nals were digitized at a sampling rate of 1,024 Hz with a
Tokyo, Japan) at the biceps brachii muscle (at 60 % dis- bandwidth of 0 Hz to 500 kHz (AB 6216; Nihon Kohden;
tal between the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the Tokyo, Japan). The load cell signal was low-pass filtered
acromial process of the scapula). Briefly, the measure- with a 10 Hz cutoff. Raw EMG signals were digitized and
ments were carried out while the subjects stood with their stored on hard disk in a computer using the Chart software
elbows extended and relaxed. A 10.0 MHz scanning head program (LabChart 7 software, ADInstruments, Japan).
(5.5 cm length probe) was placed on the skin perpendicular To determine integrated EMG (iEMG), signals were fully
to the tissue interface. The scanning head was coated with a rectified and automatically integrated (“Integral” function
922 Eur J Appl Physiol (2015) 115:919–926
Exercise repeons
each set was less than five repetitions, the iEMG value was 100
divided according to the number of repetitions. The highest #
of iEMG group over each entire set was represented as a 75 **
single data point for statistical analysis. iEMG during each **
50 **
set was normalized to pre, which was iEMG of the same
exercise without BFR (three to five repetitions) before the 25
first set of each visit day. The coefficient of variation (CV)
for this measurement from test to retest was 5.7 %. 0 ** ** **
Eur J Appl Physiol (2015) 115:919–926 923
7 ** 5
** ** **
4 3
2 **
** **
1 ** **
Pre 1st set 2nd set 3rd set 4th set
Pre Post 15min 30min 60min
Fig. 4 Change in integrated EMG (iEMG) during each set.
**p < 0.01 vs. pre Fig. 5 Change in lactate concentration immediately after exercise.
**p < 0.01, vs. pre
924 Eur J Appl Physiol (2015) 115:919–926
an index of muscle swelling, the response to which may post-exercise. On the other hand, increased muscle sore-
be an important factor for promoting muscle hypertrophy. ness scores (assessed by VAS) with NBFR and BFR (54
However, recent studies (Mitchell et al. 2012; Ogasawara and 69 mm, respectively) were very high score compared
et al. 2013) have reported that NBFR training to volitional with a previously reported BFR study (20 mm; Thiebaud
fatigue results in muscle hypertrophy similar to high-load et al. 2013). In addition, muscle damage (CK, n = 3) grad-
training, but their studies were unclear regarding the rela- ually increased to 13,415 U/L for BFR and 11,305 U/L for
tionship between NBFR and muscle swelling. In the pre- NBFR at 96 h post-exercise. These low-intensity exercise
sent study, we revealed the effect size for muscle swelling results suggest that muscle soreness and muscle damage
was similar in both BFR and NBFR exercises [1.5 (large) with BFR and NBFR were comparable with that reported
and 1.8 (large) for post, respectively]. Therefore, it would with a high-intensity exercise study (Nosaka and Newton
appear that low-load resistance exercise to volitional 2002), which performed maximal eccentric exercise of uni-
fatigue could stimulate muscle protein metabolism induced lateral elbow flexors (3 sets of 10 reps). In contrast, pre-
by muscle swelling. On the other hand, Fahs et al. (2014) vious BFR studies of low-load BFR exercise not to voli-
demonstrated that BFR training induced a greater increase tional fatigue reported that there are no changes in markers
in muscle size compared with non-BFR training although of muscle damage between before and after an acute bout
similar muscle swelling was observed following low-load of exercise (Abe et al. 2006; Fujita et al. 2008). Taken
resistance training to volitional fatigue with and without together, it is speculated that low-load resistance exercise
BFR. In addition, Loenneke et al. (2012b) observed that the to volitional fatigue induced an increase in muscle swell-
induced increase in muscle size after a brief application of ing 15 min after exercise, which was mainly dependent
BFR (in the absence of exercise) may have been mediated on muscle damage or inflammation of the muscle tissues
through an acute fluid shift. Taken together, these findings regardless of BFR.
suggest that acute muscle swelling may be a requisite fac- Some limitations of this study should be discussed.
tor for muscle hypertrophy but by itself is not enough. First, the rest period between sets was different between
In previous BFR studies, greater muscle activation dur- NBFR (3 min rest period between sets) and BFR (30 s rest
ing low-load BFR resistance exercise was hypothesized to period between sets). Based on previous studies (Stull and
occur as a compensation for a deficit in force development, Kearney 1978; Salles et al. 2009), it can be speculated that
secondary to changes in energy supply; these changes NBFR with 30 s rest periods between sets recovered maxi-
resulted from the decreased oxygen available to the mus- mal strength and exercise repetitions were approximately
cle and an accumulation of metabolites (Bigland-Ritchie twice as much as 3 min rest periods between sets for the
et al. 1986; Moritani et al. 1986; Yasuda et al. 2010a). In upper bodies. Therefore, it is likely that increased MTH
this study, muscle activation during the exercise session in NBFR was a little suppressed after the 2nd set when
increased progressively in both BFR and NBFR conditions, NBFR with 30 s rest periods between sets was applied. In
although the number of exercise repetitions was approxi- this study, the highest effect size in MTH was 1.5 for BFR
mately two-fold greater in NBFR than in BFR. Addition- and 1.8 for NBFR (at the 3rd set and post, respectively),
ally, the magnitude of the increased blood lactate con- but MTH at the 1st set of NBFR already reached a large
centration and hematocrit following exercise was similar effect size (1.3). Taken together, there is a high possibility
between the two conditions. Therefore, it can be speculated that increased muscle swelling between the two conditions
that increased muscle activation during NBFR was also with 30 s rest periods between sets are also similar. Second,
caused by a mismatch in energy demand/energy supply, because the number of repetitions at the 1st set (67 reps)
although the metabolic product per unit exercise repetition were higher compared with a previous BFR study (25 reps)
with NBFR was approximately one-half that with BFR. (Kubo et al. 2006), it appears that the optimal level of BFR
Taken together, muscle swelling and muscle activation dur- was higher than 160 mmHg in this study. Notably, this
ing low-load resistance exercise to volitional fatigue could study used an arbitrary pressure. Previous studies (Loen-
reach a plateau with NBFR as well as with BFR, even neke et al. 2012b, 2013; Yasuda et al. 2008) reported that
though the number of exercise repetitions was approxi- differences in limb size do result in differences in BFR,
mately two-fold greater in NBFR than in BFR. thus it is always necessary to pay attention to the relation-
Previous studies (Loenneke et al. 2012a, c; Yasuda et al. ship between the level of BFR and the exercise and/or
2012) reported that an increase in muscle swelling with training effect. Third, NBFR exercise was limited to highly
BFR was due to a fluid shift from the plasma into the mus- motivated individuals who are capable of tolerating the per-
cle under BFR. In the present study, however, the increased ceptual response of the exercise session because the high
muscle swelling with both NBFR and BFR remained at RPE score (more than 15) was approximately a 1.5-fold
least 60 min post-exercise whereas plasma volume and longer period in NBFR than in BFR. Fourth, our results
blood lactate concentration returned to baseline at 15 min were acute and may not necessarily be translated to chronic
Eur J Appl Physiol (2015) 115:919–926 925
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In conclusion, low-load resistance exercise to volitional intensity resistance training with vascular restriction on leg mus-
fatigue is an effective method to promote muscle swelling cle strength in older men. Eur J Appl Physiol 108:147–155
and muscle activation regardless of BFR, and the time- Kubo K, Komuro T, Ishiguro N, Tsunoda N, Sato Y, Ishii N, Kane-
hisa H, Fukunaga T (2006) Effects of low-load resistance training
course of the increase in muscle swelling was similar for with vascular occlusion on the mechanical properties of muscle
both conditions. Furthermore, our data indicate that the and tendon. J Appl Biomech 22:112–119
increase in muscle swelling for both NBFR and BFR is Loenneke JP, Fahs CA, Rossow LM, Abe T, Bemben MG (2012a)
maintained even 15–60 min after the exercise, which may The anabolic benefits of venous blood flow restriction train-
ing may be induced by muscle cell swelling. Med Hypotheses
be mainly dependent on muscle damage or inflammation of 78:151–154
the muscle tissues. Loenneke JP, Fahs CA, Rossow LM, Sherk VD, Thiebaud RS, Abe T,
Bemben DA, Bemben MG (2012b) Effects of cuff width on arte-
Acknowledgments The authors thank the participants who par- rial occlusion: implications for blood flow restricted exercise. Eur
ticipated in this study. We also thank Yusuke Uchida, Seiya Oosumi, J Appl Physiol 112:2903–2912
Kenji Kinpara, and Shinpei Sugimoto (Okamoto-Ishii Hospital, Shi- Loenneke JP, Fahs CA, Thiebaud RS, Rossow LM, Abe T, Ye X, Kim
zuoka, Japan). This study was supported, in part, by Grant-in-aid D, Bemben MG (2012c) The acute muscle swelling effects of
(#25750288 and #20549604 to TY) from the Japan Ministry of Edu- blood flow restriction. Acta Physiol Hung 99:400–410
cation, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, and the Descente Loenneke JP, Wilson JM, Marin PJ, Zourdos MC, Bemben MG
Foundation. Our department is funded by KAATSU Japan Co., Ltd. (2012d) Low intensity blood flow restriction training: a meta-
analysis. Eur J Appl Physiol 112:1849–1859
Loenneke JP, Fahs CA, Rossow LM, Thiebaud RS, Mattocks KT, Abe
T, Bemben MG (2013) Blood flow restriction pressure recom-
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