1 Deep Inelastic Scattering Kinematics: 1.1 Conventions and Basic Relations
1 Deep Inelastic Scattering Kinematics: 1.1 Conventions and Basic Relations
1 Deep Inelastic Scattering Kinematics: 1.1 Conventions and Basic Relations
s = 4E` Eh (1)
where x is the Bjorken scaling variable and y is the fractional energy transfer
from the lepton, defined as:
x= (3)
2P · q
P ·q
y= (4)
P ·k
y =1− (1 − cos θ) (6)
The variable x can be found from Eq.(2).
An expression for Q2 as a function of x based on the scattered lepton
energy E`0 can be found by solving for cos θ in Eq.(5) and plugging into
Eq.(6), then using Eq.(2):
1 − E`0 /E`
Q2 = 1 (7)
− 4E1 2
Likewise, an expression for Q2 as a function of x based on the scattered
hadronic angle γ can be found by solving for Eh0 in Eq.(10) and plugging into
plugging into Eq.(9), then using Eq.(2):
Q2 = 4E`2 (1+cos γ)
1+ sx (1−cos γ)