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Some Broadband Transformers Ruthroff - Aug-1959

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Some Broad-Band Transformers"


Summary-Several transmission line transformers are described with the transmission line form. Some winding arrange-
which have bandwidth ratios as high as 20,000: 1 in the frequency men ts are also shown, Certain of these configurations
range of a few tens of kilocycles to over a thousand megacycles.
Experimental data are presented on both transformers and hybrid
ha ve been discussed elsewhere and are included here for
circuits. the sake of completeness (1-4}.
Typical applications are: interstage transformers for broad-band In conventional transformers the interwinding ca-
amplifiers; baluns for driving balanced antennas and broad-band os- pacity resonates with the leakage inductance producing
cilloscopes; and hybrids for use in pulse reflectometers, balanced a loss peak. This mechanism limits the high frequency
modulators, etc.
These transformers can be made quite small. Excellent trans-
response. In transmission line transformers, the coils
formers have been made using ferrite toroids having an outside are so arranged that the inter winding capacity is a COIl1-
diameter of 0.080 inch. poueut of the characteristic impedance of the line, and
as such forms no resonances which seriously limit the

EVERAL transmission line transformers having
bandwidth. Also, for this reason, the windings can be
bandwidths of several hundred megacycles. are,de-
spaced closely together maintaining good coupling, The
scri bed here. The transformers are shown 111 Figs.
net result is that transformers can be built this way
1-9. When drawn in the transmission line form, the
which have good high frequency response. In all of the
transforming properties are sometimes difficult to see.
transformers for which experimental data are presented,
For this reason, a more conventional form is shown
the transmission lines take the form of twisted pairs. In
some configurations the high frequency response is de-
.' Original manuscript received by the IRE. February 5. 1959; tennined by the length of the windings and while any
reVIsed manuscript received, April I, 1959.
t Bell Telephone Labs., lnc., Holmdel, K J. type of transmission line can be used ill p;inciple, it is
Proceedingsof the Ire August 1959

),~ ,
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Fig. 3-4: 1 Impedance transformer.

Fig. 1-Reversing transformer.


. -'(£ I"


Fig. 2-Unhnlanced to balanced transformer.

,"""'~." u~ -::.. ~ ~r#J.
E~ */ t~

quite couveuien r to make very small windings with -~A\.o\HC(-I.Jof&aa..AMC£

twisted pairs.
The sketches showing the conventional form of trans- CONVOIlIONA,L fORM

former demonstrate clearly that the low Irequencyre-

spouse is determined in the usual way, i.e., by the pri-
mary inductance. The larger the core permeability, the
fewer the turns required for a given low frequency re-
sponse and the larger the over-all bandwidth. Thus a WIRING DI~GR"M
good core material is desirable. Ferrite toroids have been
Fig. 4-4: I Impedance transformer. Unbalanced-symmetrical.
found very satisfactory. The permeability of some fer-
rites is very high at low frequencies and falls off at high-
er frequencies. Thus, at low frequencies, large reactance ends of the load resistor are isolated from ground by coil
can he obtained with few turns. When the permeability reactance. Ei ther end of the load resistor can then be
falls off the reactance is maintained by the increase in grounded, depending upon the output polarity desired.
frequency and good response is obtained over a large Ii the center of the resistor is grounded, rhc output is
frequcnc y range. It is important that the coupling be balanced. A suitable winding consists of a twisted pair
11igh at all frequencies or the transformer action fails. of Formex insulated wire. In such a win ding , the pri-
Fortunately, the bifilar winding tends to give good mar y and secondary are very close together, insuring
coupling. All of the cores used in the experimental good coupling. The interwinding capacity is absorbed
transformers described here were supplied by F. J. ill the charucteristic impedance of the line.
Schnettler of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. At high frequencies this transformer can be regarded
as all ideal reversing transformer plus a length of trans ..
mission line. If the characteristic impedance of the line
This transformer consists of a single bifilar winding is equal to the terminating impedances, the trausrnission
and is the basic building block for all of the transform- is inherently broadband. If not, there will be a dip in
ers. That a reversal is obtained is seen from the conven- the response at the frequency at which the transmission
tional form which indicates current polarities. Both line is a quarter-wavelength IOlJg. The depth of the dip

Ruthroff Some Broad-Band Transformers

z, ••

. • • R

,. r 1 Q

. ~O"RM




Fig. 7-(a) Symmetrical hybrid with equal conjugate impedances.

Fig. S-Balanced-lllliJalanced 4:1 impedance transformer. (b) Unbalanced symmetrical hybrid with equal conjugate im-

. "
• ,
'-- I- R.
z ·c·


(a) Fig. 8-Hybrid with equal conjugate impedances. Each arm

single ended.

.. ,.
.. .

€EJq Rts"T,,"CC "'IDGt WITH
-=- ALL ARM~(A.,li,C.D) SINGLE
("0(0 (CONVtliTIOMAL f"ORIoj


Fig. 6-(a) Basic hybrid. (b) Unsymmetrical hybrid with equal
conjuga te impedances,

is a function of the ratio of terminating impedance to D

line impedance and is easily calculated.

TR .•••
Experimental data on a reversing transformer are
shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Fig. 10 is the response of a Fig. I)-Resistance hybrid with equal impedance loads. (This hybrid
hasJ db loss in addition to transformer loss.)
transformer with no extra impedance matching. The
return loss of this transformer to a 3 m,u see pulse is UND,\L,\NCED-UNSYMMETRICAL 4: 1 IMPED,\NCE
20 db. The transformer of Fig. 11 has been adjusted to TRANSFORMER-FIG. 3
provide more than 40 db return loss to a 3 musec pulse.
This transformer is interesting because with it a 4:1
The transfonner loss (about 0.5 db before matching) is
impedance transformation is obtained with a single
matched to 75 ohms with the two 3.8-oh111 resistors. The
bifilar winding such as used in the reversing transform-
inductance is tuned out with the capacity of the resis-
er. The transforming properties are evident from Fig. 3.
tors to the ground plane. The match was adjusted while
Not so easily seen is the high frequency cutoff charac-
watching the reflection of a 3 rnusec pulse.
BALANCED-TO-UNBALANCED 1: 1 IMPEDANCE The response of this device at high frequencies is de-
TRANSFORMER-FIG. 2 rived in the Appendix and only the result for matched
impedances is given here.
This is similar to Fig. 1 except that an extra length of
winding is added. This is necessary to complete the Power Available (1 + 3 cos f3r)' + 4 sin' f31
( 1)
path for the magnetizing current. Power Output 4(1 + cos (3l)'

Proceedings of the Ire August 19.59



The circuit of Fig. 5 is quite simple. The single bifilar

winding is used as a reversing- transformer as in Fig. 1.
The high frequency cutoff is the sa me as that for the
transformer of Fig. 3.
In some applications it is desirable to omit the phys-
ical ground on the balanced end. 1n such cases, Fig.
5(b) can be used. The high frequency cutoff is the same
as for the transformer of fig. 3. The low frequency anal-
Fig. 10-J: 1 He vpr:-::lng t ransf nr mcr. Insertion loss vs [rcqu c-ncy.
ysis is presented in Appendix B.


Various hybrid circui ts are developed from the basic
form using the transformers discussed previously. The
drawings are very nearly self-explanatory. In all hybrids
in which all four arms are single-ended, it has been
found necessary to use two cores in order to get proper
magnetizing currents,
Two hybrids have been measured and data included
FiR. 1l - ·1\lcltt.~hcdre\-ersill~ transfermer. Iuser tion loss v'S frequency. here. The response of a hybrid of the type shown in Fig.
S is given in Fig. 13. For this measurement R = 150
ohms. In order to measure the hybrid ill a 75-ohlll cir-
cuit, arms B, D were measured with 75-ohm series re-
sistances in series with the 75-ohm measuring gear. This
accounts for 3 db of the loss. Under these condi lions
arms Band D have a 6 db return loss.
The transmission of the resistance hybrid of Fig. 9
is given in Fig. 14. This hybrid has been matched using
the technique described previously for the reversing
transformer. The results of this matching are included
in the figure. This hybrid was designed for use ill a pulse
Fig. 12-1 4: 1 iuroedance transformer unbala-iccd-> reflcctometer , the main part of which is a stroboscopic
oscilloscope with a resolution of better than 3 muscc,
The oscilloscope was designed by W. M. Goodall.
where f3 is the phase constant of the line, and l is the
length of the line. Thus, the reS}JOIlSC is down 1 db when
the line length is >-/4 wavelengths and the response is ApPLICATIONS
zero at )../2. For wideband response this transformer
Many applica tions Ior these transformers will occur
must be made small. For a plot of (1) see Fig. 16.
to the reader. For purposes of illustration, a few of them
Experimental data are given far a trausformcr of this are listed here.
type in Fig. 12.
1) The reversing transformer of Fig. 1 can he used to
reverse the polarity of short pulses, all operation
which is frequently necessary. I t has also been
TRANSFORMER-FIG. 4 used ill balanced detectors and to drive flush-pull
This configuration requires three hifilar windings as amplifiers from single-ended generators.
shown in Fig. 4. All three windings can be placed 011 one 2) The transformers of Fig-s. 2 and 5(b) arc useful for
core, a procedure which improves the low frequency driving balanced antennas, The circuit of Fig.
response.' When winding multiwindi ng transformers the S(b) may find applica tion in COllllCctillg twill lead
following well-known rule should be followed: wi rh the transmission line (0 commercial television recciv-
g-enerator connected and the load open, a completed crs.
circuit should be formed by the windings so that the J) The 1 runsformcr of Fig. 3 has found wide IIS(' ill
core will be magnetized. The fields set lip by the cur- bro.idba ud amplifier iIlterS!agct;. l t will also be
rents should be arranged so as to aid each other. useful in transforming the high output iIllPC<l;lIlCCS
of distri butcd amplifiers to co,[xi;d cable impcrl-
I Pointed out to the ;nltnor by N. J. Pierce of Bell Telephone
anccs. They can also be c asr adcd to get higher
Holmdel, N. J-
Labs .. 11lC., turns ratios.

Ruthroff Some Broad-Band Transformers



Fig. IS-Transformer schematic.

Fig. 13·-·l-!ybrid of Fig. S. Insertion loss vs Ircqucncy.

"L~ !...!I -_...J,I..-- -<- ...---1.. "

.'1"'( "\ -r
FiH:_qUCHCY IN TCfUl\5 or LIN( L(~TH

Fig. 16- Theoretical insertion loss vs frequency.

From this expression, the conditions for maximum pow-

Fig. 14--l\latchcd rcsisrance hybrid. Insertion loss vs frequency.
er transmission are obtained by setting 1=0 and setting
dPo/dRLI1_O=O. The transformer is matched when
4) The cire ui t of Fig. 5 (a) has been used to drive
RL = 4Rg. The optimum value ior Z« is obtaincd by
broadband oscilloscopes, with balanced inputs,
minimizing the coefficient of sin? f31 in (3). In this man-
Irom single-ended generators. It can aiso find use
ner the proper value for Z« is found to be Zo = 2Rg.
in balanced detectors.
Now, setting RL =4Rg and Zo = 2Rg, (3) reduces to
5) Hybrids have many uses such as in power dividers,
balanced ampli tude and phase detectors; as direc- c2(1 + cos (31)2
Po = --- (4)
tional couplers for pulse reflectometcrs, IF and Rg[(l + 3 cos{3t)2 + 4 ~in2 /3lJ
broadband sweepers. They might also be used as
necessary cornponen ts in a short pulse repeater Also,
for passing pulses in both directions all a single
transmission line. Pavnilaule = -r-r--r r (5)
and dividing (4) by (3) :
The high frequency response of the circuit of Fig. 3 is
derived from Fig. 15. The loop equations are as follows: Power Available (1 + 3 cos (31)2 + 4 sin" (31
= . (6)
Power Output 4(1 -I- cos (31)2
e= (It + Jz)Rg + Vt
e (L + Jz)Rg - V + J R 2 2 i_
This function is plotted in Fig. 16.
The impedances seen at either end of the transformer
Vt V cos {31 + jIzZo sin f31
with the other end terminated in ZL have been derived.
V·, They are:
I, = 12 cos {31 + j .-=
si n (31. (2)
Z;,,(low impedance end)
This set of equations is solved for the output power Po. Z cos {3t + tz, sin (3l
L )
Po== 1121
= z, ( 2Zo(1 + cos{3l) +'jZr. sin fJI (7)

RgRr. + Z o2J
[+2Rg(l + cos{3l) + RLcos61J2 +[ Zo t sin? (3!

Proceedingsof the Ire August 1959

and -VVith the aid of (10) th is can be rearranged to

Zin(high impedance end) _

Vw - Z11
r [Z(1 + sv - kRr, - 2kZ(1
+ k)] • (12)
Rr, + 2Z(1 + k)

- Zo
r (2Z L(l + cos (jl) + tz, sin f3l)
. (8)
Z« cos (3l + JZL sin {31 Now let the coupling coeJlicient k = 1, then

-kRI" ] t.u:
ArPENDIX B Vir. = IIZ [ RL + 2Z(1 + k) ~ - 4

In the low frequency analysis of the transformer of for Z» RL.

Fig. 5 the series impedance of each half of the bifilar
winding is denoted by Z. The loop equations are: When the tr ansf or mer is matched, R/"=4Rg so that

E = (Rg + Z)ft - (2 + kZ)1z (13)

and the load is balanced with respect to ground.

E = (Rg - kZ)II + (R + Z + kZ)Iz,
D (9)
From (13) it is clear that the center point of RJ- IS
at ground potential. This point can therefore be
from which
grounded physically, resulting in Fig. 5(a).

= ------
+ 2Z(1 + k) = 2 if 2» RI,. ACKNOWLEDGMENT.
12 Z(1 + k) (10)
I n addition to those mentioned in the text, the author
We now proceed to calculate the voltages from points is indebted to D. II. Ring for many stimulating discus-
1 and 2 to ground sions on every aspect of these transformers.


When the transformer is matched, E=2hRg and III Willmor K. Roberts, "A new wide-band balun," PROC. I RE, vol.
45, pp. 1628-1631; December, 1957.
[2] H. Gunther Rudenberg, "The distributed transformer," Raytheon
Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass.
l3] G. Guane!la, "New method of impedance matching in radio Ire-
queucy circuits," Brown-Boveri Reo., voL 31, p, 327; 1944.
Si milady, f4] A. I. Talkin and J. V. Cuneo, "Wide-band balun transformer,"
Reuieui of Sci. Inst., vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 808-815; October, 1957.
Vw = hZ -- kZ(l1 - 12). 151 C. A. Burrus, unpublished memorandum.

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