Air Suspention Work Description

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Issue 2 en

Air suspension, mechanical


K, L, N buses

Work description

 Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden

1 711 106


Safety .................................................................................. 3

General Configuration............................................................ 4
Use of tool 99 435 .................................................... 5

Measuring Measuring the lateral position of axles..................... 6

Measuring the longitudinal and lateral
displacement of the air bellows ................................ 7
Measuring axle skew ................................................ 9
Measuring rear axle inclination .............................. 10

Air bellows Renewing air bellows ............................................. 11

Torque rods Torque rods classified by length ............................. 14

Removal.................................................................. 16
Replacing bushing .................................................. 19
Fitting ..................................................................... 22
Fitting an adjustable torque rod .............................. 25
Renewing V-rod, ADA1300 ................................... 26

Position adjustment programme Torque rod, AMA780 ............................................. 28

Torque rod, AMA860 ............................................. 30
Torque rod, ADA1300, V-rod................................. 32
Torque rods, ADA1300 and ASA1300,
diagonal stay ........................................................... 34
Torque rods, ADA1300 and ASA100X.................. 36
Torque rod, ASA701............................................... 38
Torque rod, ARA860 .............................................. 40

Air suspension beam ADA1300 and ADA1350 ....................................... 42

Anti-roll bar Anti-roll bar, general .............................................. 44

Renewing the ball joint link.................................... 49

2  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52


Work description



Always place axle stands under the

frame when working on vehicles with
air suspension. Empty the air bellows.
Do not place a stand under the torque
rod brackets.


Never pressurise an air bellows that has

been removed. The lower part of the air
bellows (piston) may come loose from
the bellows rubber.

If the bellows lose air pressure, the frame will

drop onto the axles. This occurs if:
• pressurised pipes are removed
• an air bellows is punctured
• voltage is applied to a valve used for
emptying the bellows
• the levelling valve lever is moved
If this happens whilst work is being carried out
on the vehicle without a stand being positioned
under the chassis, the risk of serious personal
injury is greatly increased.
Support the vehicle on stands as described in
Workshop Manual Main Group 0, Lifting and
supporting on stands, Work description.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 3



This description covers work on the mechanical

parts of the air suspension system in K, L, N
buses. This work description applies both to
vehicles with electronically controlled air
suspension (ELC) and vehicles with
mechanically controlled air suspension. For
vehicles with independent front wheel
suspension, refer to Workshop Manual Main
Group 13, Independent front wheel suspension


The following axle types are available

Bus type Front axle Rear axle Tag axle Centre-axle
K94, 114, 124IB 4x2 AMA860 ADA1300
K94, 114, 124IB 6x2 AMA860 ADA1300 ASA701
K94, 114, 124IB 6x2*4 AMA860 ADA1300 ARA860
L94IA 6x2/2 AMA860 ADA1300 ASA1300
L94IB 4x2 AMA860 ADA1300
L94IB 6x2 AMA860 ADA1300 ASA701
L94IB 6x2*4 AMA860 ADA1300 ARA860
L94UA 6x2/2 AMA780 ADA1300 ASA100X
L94UA 6x2/2 AMA780 ADA1300 ASA1300
L94UB 4x2 AMA780 ADA1300
L94UB 6x2 AMA780 ADA1300 ASA701
L94UB 6x2*4 AMA780 ADA1300 ARA860
N94UA 6x2/2 AMA780 ADA1350 ASA100X
N94UB 4x2 AMA780 ADA1350
N94UD 4x2 AMA780 ADA1350

4  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52


Use of tool 99 435

1 Remove the split pin and loosen the nut on

the drag link or on the track rod ball joint,
but leave the nut attached at the end of the
threaded portion.
2 Fit ball joint separator 99 435.
3 Set the tool on the ball joint so that the
upper and lower parts are parallel.

IMPORTANT! The tool must not push the ball

joint apart, only place the ball joint under

4 Tighten the tool by hand using an open


5 Tap the tool with a hammer or sledge

hammer. It is also permitted to tap the
outside of the drop arm.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the ball joint
comes loose.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 5



Before starting to repair the suspension system

in a bus which has problems with track
sensitivity or instability, simple methods can be
used to determine whether one of the axles is
incorrectly adjusted.

Measuring the lateral position of axles

Different methods of measuring the lateral

position of an axle:
1. Distance from the frame to the centre
point of the axle
Use string to suspend a plumb weight on the
longitudinal middle surface of the side
members. Measure the distance from the string
to the centre point of the axle. The lateral
position of the axle can be determined by
comparing the measurements. The difference
must not exceed 10 mm.

2. Distance from the frame to the bellows

This method is not as precise as the previous one
since the tolerances on the bellows brackets are
not taken into account.
Measure the distance from the upper part of the
lower bellows bracket to the longitudinal middle
surface of the side members. The lateral position
is obtained by comparing the measurements.
The difference must not exceed 10 mm.

6  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52


3. Distance from brake disc/brake drum to

chassis on rigid axle
Place a straight edge against the brake disc/
brake drum and measure distance A between the
chassis and straight edge. Compare the left and
right-hand sides. The difference must not exceed
10 mm.

1 Straight edge
2 Chassis

Measuring the longitudinal and lateral displacement of the air bellows

Apart from traffic damage to the bus,

displacement of the air bellows is due to
incorrect adjustment of the axle. Adjustment of
the axle position will therefore also correct
displacement of the air bellows.
The centre points of the air bellows should lie
directly above each other on a correctly adjusted

1 Centre point on upper bellows plate

2 Centre point on lower bellows plate
3 Permitted tolerance range
4 Upper bellows plate
5 Lower bellows plate
A Direction of travel of bus
a Lateral displacement of air bellows
b Longitudinal displacement of air bellows

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 7


1 Measure the diameter of the upper and

lower bellows plates.
2 Divide the diameter by two to obtain the
distance to the centre (A and C).
3 Suspend some string with a plumb weight
next to the bellows.
4 Measure the distance between the upper
bellows plate and the string. Add the
distance to the bellows plate radius
(A + B = ).
5 Measure the distance between the lower
bellows plate and string. Add the distance to
the bellows plate radius (C + D =).
6 Compare the upper and lower values. The A+B = C+D
totals should be the same. Difference
between totals = Possible displacement.
Make a note of the direction.
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral
displacement of the air bellows is 10 mm.

8  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52


Measuring axle skew

Note: When measuring the axle skew, the axles

must be correctly adjusted laterally.

If the driving axle is correctly adjusted laterally,

the skew can be determined by diagonal
1 Use some string with a plumb weight. Hold
the plumb line around the wheel and mark a
point on the floor in front of each pair of

A = Plumbed measuring point on floor

2 Measure distances Dv and Dh to the centre

point of the axle. If the centre point of the
front axle is plumbed and marked on the
floor, the measurement can be carried out on
the floor.
The difference between the right and left
sides must not exceed 2 mm/m.
The difference between the tag axle and
driving axle must not exceed 1.5 mm/m.
If the axle is correctly adjusted, the
distances should be the same or fall within
the permitted tolerance. Other distances
indicate a skewed axle and/or laterally
displaced axle.

Rear vehicle unit on articulated bus

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 9


Alternative method
1 Suspend some string with a plumb weight
on the upper crossmember.
2 Measure the distance between the string and
lower crossmember. If the measurements
are different on the right and left sides, then
the rear axle is skewed.
A skewed axle generally leads to laterally
displaced air bellows. Rectify both defects
at the same time.

Measuring rear axle inclination

1 Measure the air spring height in front of and

behind the axle.
2 The difference in air spring height between
the front and rear bellows (tilting) is
adjusted via the torque rods.
3 Differences in air spring height between the
right and left sides are adjusted by means of
level sensors.
The maximum permitted difference in air
spring height is 10 mm.

10  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Air bellows

Air bellows

Renewing air bellows

Example of air bellows (ADA1300)

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 11

Air bellows

This description applies to the renewal of air

bellows on the ADA1300, but the principle is
the same for all axles.


Always place axle stands under the

frame when working underneath
vehicles with air suspension. Empty the
air bellows. Do not place a stand under
the torque rod brackets.


Never pressurise an air bellows that has

been removed. The lower part of the air
bellows (piston) may come loose from
the bellows rubber.

1 Lift the vehicle using a jack under the axle

concerned up to approximately 15 cm above
drive level. Support the vehicle on stands,
refer to Safety.

12  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Air bellows

2 If space is required, remove the wheels.

3 Empty the air bellows.
4 Lower the axle using the jack so that the air
bellows are relieved of load.
5 Slacken the nipple or nipples on the bellows
air pipe one turn and check that the air
bellows are depressurised. Remove the air
pipe or pipes from the air bellows.

6 Remove the lock pins and then remove the

air bellows.
7 Transfer the nipple or nipples to the new air
8 Fit the new air bellows and connect the air
pipe. Fit the lock pins.

9 Remove the stands and jack.

10 Fill the system with air and check that there
are no leaks.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 13

Torque rods

Torque rods

Torque rods classified by length

Example of torque rods (ADA1300)

14  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Torque rods

When fitting a new torque rod, it is important to

know that there are two types of torque rod,
torque rods classified by length and adjustable
torque rods.
A torque rod classified by length is marked with
two paint spots or a paint band on the rear end of
the pipe and is available in four fitting lengths


If a torque rod obtained as a spare part is not the

same length class as the other rods, it is possible
to compensate for the difference with shims.
Shims are also used to change the torque rod
fitting length when adjusting caster angles.
Refer to Position adjustment programme
Each torque rod is supplied with a number of
hardened, square shims. Shims are available in
different dimensions with varying hole sizes
depending on the bolt size.

IMPORTANT! Caster angles must always be Longitudinal torque rod, AMA780

checked after working on torque rods.

Longitudinal torque rod, AMA860

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 15

Torque rods


IMPORTANT! A damaged torque rod should

always be renewed.

IMPORTANT! The vehicle must never be

jacked up or supported with stands under torque
rods, since damage may arise which will
subsequently lead to a breakdown.

IMPORTANT! No welding or straightening

may be carried out on a torque rod.

IMPORTANT! The same number of shims

should be used for both bolts on the torque rod

16  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Torque rods

This description applies to the removal of torque

rods on the AMA860, but the principle is the
same for all axles.


Always place axle stands under the

frame when working underneath
vehicles with air suspension. Empty the
air bellows. Do not place a stand under
the torque rod brackets.

1 Place axle stands under the frame of the

vehicle. Refer to Safety.
2 Check whether the torque rods are classified
by length.
If there is no marking on a torque rod which
is to be reused, make a mark on the rear part
of the tube so that the torque rod faces the
same way as when fitting.

Example of classification by length,


12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 17

Torque rods

3 Remove the nuts on the front and rear

torque rod brackets of the joint.
4 Remove the torque rod. Keep any shims
from between the fixing pins and the torque
rod bracket if the torque rod is to be reused.
Mark the relative position of the shims on
the torque rod. The shims determine the axle
position on the chassis.

18  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Torque rods

Replacing bushing

1 Rubber block
2 Spacing ring (fitted only on some torque rods)
3 Retaining ring

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 009-1 Drift AD/AS3

Other tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 585 Retaining ring pliers G4

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 19

Torque rods

This description applies to the renewal of a

bushing in the torque rod on the ADA1300, but
the principle is the same for all axles.


Wear protective goggles. The retaining

ring may fly off when it is removed.

1 Remove the bushing retaining ring using

retaining ring pliers 587 585 and remove 587 585
any spacing ring using a screwdriver.



2 Press out the bushing using drift 99 009-1.

Clean the surfaces of the torque rod where
the bushing was located.

20  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Torque rods

3 Press in the new bushing with the fixing

lug's flat surfaces at right angles to the tube.

4 Remove the mandrel and fit a spacing ring,

if necessary.
5 Install the retaining ring with the opening
facing along the length of the rod. The
retaining ring should be fitted at an angle of
45° to the longitudinal direction of the rod.

6 Press the bushing down using the drift and
install the retaining ring.
7 Remove the drift and check that the
retaining ring is correctly positioned in the

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 21

Torque rods


Tightening torques

Rigid front axle AMA780 Torque rod, mounting 210 Nm

Rigid front axle AMA860 Torque rod, mounting 210 Nm
Rear axle ADA1300, centre-axle ASA1300 Torque rod, mounting (except 360 Nm
V-rod in rear axle)
Rear axle ADA1300 Torque rod, mounting (V-rod in 420 Nm
rear axle)
Rear axle ADA1300 Torque rod, clamp bolt (only on 70 Nm
diagonal stay)
Tag axle ASA701 Torque rod, mounting 210 Nm
Rear axle ADA1350, ASA100X Torque rod, mounting 360 Nm
Rear axle ADA1350, ASA100X Torque rod, clamp bolt 70 Nm
Steered tag axle ARA860 Torque rod, mounting 210 Nm
Steered tag axle ARA860 Torque rod, clamp bolt 210 Nm

Other tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 054 Torque wrench, 75-400 Nm 587 054
112 152

587 687 Torque wrench, 200-800 Nm XB3


22  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Torque rods

This description applies to the fitting of torque

rods on the AMA860, but the principle is the
same for all axles.


Always place axle stands under the

frame when working underneath
vehicles with air suspension. Empty the
air bellows. Do not place a stand under
the torque rod brackets.

1 Check that the fixing pins and contact

surfaces in the torque rod brackets are clean.
2 Fit the torque rod. Fit the length-coded
torque rod with the marking facing the rear
torque rod bracket.
Connect the upper torque rod to the front
bracket first.
Connect the lower torque rod to the rear
bracket first.
Adjust the rear axle height using a jack so
that the bolts can easily be pushed through
the holes in the torque rod fixing pins.

Example of classification by length, AMA860

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 23

Torque rods

3 Torque tighten the joint in accordance with

the Tightening torques table.
4 Remove the stands.

24  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Torque rods

Fitting an adjustable torque rod

1 Fit the clamp joint. Tightening

torque 70 Nm.

IMPORTANT! The distance from the end of the

torque rod to the clamp joint must not exceed
5 mm, otherwise the torque rod may come loose.

2 The clamp joint opening should be above

the torque rod slot.

1 Slot

IMPORTANT! Maximum difference in length

between end A and B should be 4 mm.
Otherwise there is a risk that the torque rod will
come loose.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 25

Torque rods

Renewing V-rod, ADA1300

Tightening torques

V-rod in rear axle 420 Nm

V-rod in chassis 360 Nm

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

82 309 Counterhold

82 310 Extractor

1 Raise and place the bus on stands. Refer to

2 Detach the V-rod from the chassis.

3 Lower the rear axle as far as it will go.

4 Remove the bolt holding the V-rod in the
rear axle.

26  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Torque rods

5 Screw counterhold 82 309 into the rear axle

and fit extractor 82 310.
6 Loosen the V-rod with the snap-off screw
and tap the extractor with a hammer or
sledge hammer.

Note: If the V-rod is difficult to get loose, detach

the rear axle and lower it down further so that
the extractor can be tightened with a nut runner.

7 Remove the V-rod.

8 Assemble the V-rod in reverse order.
9 Tighten the V-rod bolts.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 27

Position adjustment programme

Position adjustment programme

Torque rod, AMA780


Maximum permitted displacement from the centre-line 5 mm

Maximum permitted skew 2 mm/m
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral displacement of the air bellows 10 mm

Rigid front axle with air suspension AMA780

1 Torque rods
2 Torque rods
3 Torque rods
4 Torque rods

28  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Position adjustment programme

For removal and fitting and tightening torques, refer to Torque rods, Removal and Torque rods,
Fitting. The appropriate adjustments can be obtained from the following table.

Fault Stay Action Modification

Axle displaced 3, 4. Lengthen 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 2.8 mm to the right.
laterally. shorten 4 by 1.5 mm.

Shorten 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 2.8 mm to the left.

lengthen 4 by 1.5 mm.

Axle displaced 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.5 mm to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.5 mm forwards.

The axle is not 1, 2, 3. Lengthen 1 and 3 by The axle is moved 1.4 mm to the right and
at right-angles 1.5 mm and shorten 2 by turned 2.6 mm/m to the left.
to the centre- 1.5 mm. Left wheel hub moved 3.4 mm to the rear.
line of the bus. Right wheel hub moved 3.2 mm forwards.

Shorten 1 and 3 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 1.4 mm to the left and
and lengthen 2 by 1.5 mm. turned 2.6 mm/m to the right.
Left wheel hub moved 3.4 mm forwards.
Right wheel hub moved 3.2 mm to the

The axle is not 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen 2 and 4 by The axle is moved 1.4 mm to the left and
at right-angles 1.5 mm and shorten 1 by turned 2.6 mm/m to the right.
to the centre- 1.5 mm. Left wheel hub moved 3.2 mm forwards.
line of the bus. Right wheel hub moved 3.4 mm to the

Shorten 2 and 4 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 1.4 mm to the right and
and lengthen 1 by 1.5 mm. turned 2.6 mm/m to the left.
Left wheel hub moved 3.2 mm to the rear.
Right wheel hub moved 3.4 mm forwards.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 29

Position adjustment programme

Torque rod, AMA860


Maximum permitted lateral displacement 5 mm

Maximum permitted skew 2 mm/m
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral displacement of the air bellows 10 mm

Rigid front axle with air suspension AMA860

1 Torque rods
2 Torque rods
3 Torque rods
4 Torque rods
5 Torque rods

30  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Position adjustment programme

For removal and fitting and tightening torques, refer to Torque rods, Removal and Torque rods,
Fitting. The appropriate adjustments can be obtained from the following table.

Fault Stay Action Modification

Axle displaced 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.5 mm to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.5 mm forwards.

The axle is not 1, 3. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 2 mm/m to the right. Right wheel
at right-angles hub moved 3.1 mm to the rear. Left wheel
to the centre- hub moved 1.6 mm forwards.
line of the bus.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 2 mm/m to the left. Right wheel
hub moved 3.1 mm forwards. Left wheel hub
moved 1.6 mm to the rear.

The axle is 5. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.6 mm to the left.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.6 mm to the right.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 31

Position adjustment programme

Torque rod, ADA1300, V-rod


Maximum permitted lateral displacement from the centre-line 5 mm

Maximum permitted skew 2 mm/m
Maximum permitted difference in air spring height 10 mm
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral displacement of the air bellows 10 mm

Rear axle with air suspension ADA1300 with V-rod

1 Torque rods
2 Torque rods
3 Torque rods

32  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Position adjustment programme

For removal and fitting and tightening torques, refer to Torque rods, Removal and Torque rods,
Fitting. The appropriate adjustments can be obtained from the following table.

Fault Stay Action Modification

The axle is not 1. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.6 mm/m to the left.
at right-angles Left wheel hub moved 2.8 mm to the rear.
to the centre- Right wheel hub moved 1.3 mm forwards.
line of the bus. The front air spring height is increased by
1.0 mm.
The rear air spring height is reduced by
1.0 mm.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.6 mm to the right.

Left wheel hub moved 2.8 mm forwards.
Right wheel hub moved 1.3 mm to the rear.
The front air spring height is reduced by
1.0 mm.
The rear air spring height is increased by
1.0 mm.

The air spring 1, 2. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. The front air spring height is increased by
height of the 4.3 mm.
front and rear The rear air spring height is reduced by
bellows is 4.5 mm.
different. Left wheel hub moved 1.6 mm to the rear.
Right wheel hub moved 1.3 mm to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. The front air spring height is reduced by

4.5 mm.
The rear air spring height is increased by
4.4 mm.
Left wheel hub moved 1.6 mm forwards.
Right wheel hub moved 1.3 mm forwards.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 33

Position adjustment programme

Torque rods, ADA1300 and ASA1300, diagonal stay


Maximum permitted lateral displacement from the centre-line 5 mm

Maximum permitted skew 2 mm/m
Maximum permitted difference in air spring height 10 mm
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral displacement of the air bellows 10 mm

Rear axle with air suspension ADA1300 with diagonal stay

1 Torque rods
2 Torque rods
3 Torque rods
4 Torque rods

34  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Position adjustment programme

For removal and fitting and tightening torques, refer to Torque rods, Removal and Torque rods,
Fitting. The appropriate adjustments can be obtained from the following table.

Fault Stay Action Modification

Axle displaced 3, 4. Lengthen 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.5 mm to the right.
laterally. shorten 4 by 1.5 mm.

Shorten 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.5 mm to the left.

lengthen 4 by 1.5 mm.

Axle displaced 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.5 mm to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.5 mm forwards.

The axle is not 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen 1 and 3 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 3.5 mm to the right
at right-angles and shorten 2 and 4 by and turned 3.3 mm/m to the left. Left
to the centre- 1.5 mm. wheel hub moved 4.2 mm to the rear.
line of the bus. Right wheel hub moved 4.2 mm

Shorten 1 and 3 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 3.5 mm to the left and
and lengthen 2 and 4 by turned 3.3 mm/m to the right. Left wheel
1.5 mm. hub moved 4.2 mm forwards. Right
wheel hub moved 4.2 mm to the rear.

The air spring 1, 2. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. The front air spring height is increased
height of the by 4.0 mm. The rear air spring height is
front and rear reduced by 4.2 mm. Axle moved 1.5 mm
bellows is to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. The front air spring height is reduced by

4.0 mm. The rear air spring height is
increased by 4.2 mm. Axle moved
1.5 mm forwards.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 35

Position adjustment programme

Torque rods, ADA1300 and ASA100X


Maximum permitted lateral displacement from the centre-line 5 mm

Maximum permitted skew 2 mm/m
Maximum permitted difference in air spring height 10 mm
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral displacement of the air bellows 10 mm

Rear axle with air suspension ADA1350

1 Torque rods
2 Torque rods
3 Torque rods
4 Torque rods

36  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Position adjustment programme

For removal and fitting and tightening torques, refer to Torque rods, Removal and Torque rods,
Fitting. The appropriate adjustments can be obtained from the following table.

Fault Stay Action Modification

Axle displaced 3, 4. Lengthen 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.2 mm to the right.
laterally. shorten 4 by 1.5 mm.

Shorten 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.2 mm to the left.

lengthen 4 by 1.5 mm.

Axle displaced 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.6 mm to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 1.6 mm forwards.

The axle is not 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen 1 and 3 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 3.3 mm to the right
at right-angles and shorten 2 and 4 by and turned 3.3 mm/m to the left.
to the centre- 1.5 mm. Left wheel hub moved 4.2 mm to the
line of the bus. rear. Right wheel hub moved 4.2 mm

Shorten 1 and 3 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 3.3 mm to the left and
and lengthen 2 and 4 by turned 3.3 mm/m to the right.
1.5 mm. Left wheel hub moved 4.2 mm forwards.
Right wheel hub moved 4.2 mm to the

The air spring 1, 2. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. The rear air spring heights are reduced by
height of the 3.2 mm.
front and rear The front air spring heights are increased
bellows is by 3.4 mm.
different. The axle is moved 0.9 mm to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. The rear air spring heights are increased
by 3.4 mm.
The front air spring heights are reduced
by 3.3 mm.
The axle is moved 0.9 mm to the rear.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 37

Position adjustment programme

Torque rod, ASA701


Maximum permitted displacement from the centre-line 5 mm

Maximum permitted skew 1.5 mm/m in relation to the
driving axle
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral displacement of the 10 mm
air bellows

Tag axle with air suspension ASA701

1 Torque rods
2 Torque rods
3 Torque rods
4 Torque rods

38  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Position adjustment programme

For removal and fitting and tightening torques, refer to Torque rods, Removal and Torque rods,
Fitting. The appropriate adjustments can be obtained from the following table.

Fault Stay Action Modification

Incorrect axle 1, 2. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 0.9 mm forwards and
inclination. inclined 0.2° to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 0.9 mm to the rear and

inclined 0.2° forwards.

Axle displaced 3, 4. Lengthen 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.0 mm to the right.
laterally. shorten 4 by 1.5 mm.

Shorten 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.0 mm to the left.

lengthen 4 by 1.5 mm.

Axle displaced 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen 1 and 2 by 1.5 mm Axle moved 1.6 mm forwards.

longitudinally. and shorten 3 and 4 by
1.5 mm.

Shorten 1 and 2 by 1.5 mm Axle moved 1.6 mm to the rear.

and lengthen 3 and 4 by
1.5 mm.

The axle is not 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen 1 and 4 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 2.6 mm to the left and
at right-angles and shorten 2 and 3 by turned 3.5 mm/m to the right.
to the centre- 1.5 mm.
line of the bus.

Shorten 1 and 4 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 2.6 mm to the right

and lengthen 2 and 3 by and turned 3.5 mm/m to the left.
1.5 mm.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 39

Position adjustment programme

Torque rod, ARA860


Maximum permitted displacement from the centre-line 5 mm

Maximum permitted skew 1.5 mm/m in relation to the
driving axle
Maximum permitted longitudinal and lateral displacement of the 10 mm
air bellows

Tag axle with air suspension ARA860

1 Torque rods
2 Torque rods
3 Torque rods
4 Torque rods

40  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Position adjustment programme

For removal and fitting and tightening torques, refer to Torque rods, Removal and Torque rods,
Fitting. The appropriate adjustments can be obtained from the following table.

Fault Stay Action Modification

Incorrect axle 1, 2. Lengthen by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 0.9 mm forwards and
inclination. inclined 0.2° to the rear.

Shorten by 1.5 mm. Axle moved 0.9 mm to the rear and

inclined 0.2° forwards.

Axle displaced 3, 4. Lengthen 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.0 mm to the right.
laterally. shorten 4 by 1.5 mm.

Shorten 3 by 1.5 mm and Axle moved 3.0 mm to the left.

lengthen 4 by 1.5 mm.

Axle displaced 1, 2, 3, 4. Lengthen 1 and 2 by 1.5 mm Axle moved 1.5 mm forwards.

longitudinally. and shorten 3 and 4 by
1.5 mm.

Shorten 1 and 2 by 1.5 mm Axle moved 1.5 mm to the rear.

and lengthen 3 and 4 by
1.5 mm.

The axle is not 1, 2 ,3, 4. Lengthen 1 and 4 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 2.6 mm to the left and
at right-angles and shorten 2 and 3 by turned 3.5 mm/m to the right.
to the centre- 1.5 mm.
line of the bus.

Shorten 1 and 4 by 1.5 mm The axle is moved 2.6 mm to the right

and lengthen 2 and 3 by and turned 3.5 mm/m to the left.
1.5 mm.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 41

Air suspension beam

Air suspension beam

Tightening of bolts

Tightening torques

Air suspension beam - axle 760 Nm

Air suspension beam - axle 620 Nm

Other tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 943 Torque wrench 588 164
588 120 MT1
105 719

42  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Air suspension beam

1 Make sure the bolts and nuts are not

damaged. Check that the nuts can be
screwed along the entire thread length by

IMPORTANT! Damaged bolts and nuts should

not be reused.

2 Tighten all bolts. For tightening torques,

refer to Tightening torques table on the
previous page.

ADA1300 and ASA1300

ADA1350 and ASA100X

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 43

Anti-roll bar

Anti-roll bar

Replacing anti-roll bar

Example, ADA1300 (disc brake)

Example, AMA860

Example, ADA1350

44  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Anti-roll bar

Tightening torques

Rear axle, ADA1300 (solid bar, Ø 50 mm, placed behind the axle, drum brake)
Link 84 Nm
Cap 84 Nm
Pipe clamp 47 Nm
Bracket - frame 135 Nm

Rear axle, ADA1300 (solid bar, Ø 45 mm, placed in front of the axle, disc brake)
Link 210 Nm
Cap 135 Nm
Bracket - axle 210 Nm

Rear axle, ADA1300 (solid bar, Ø 50 mm, placed behind the axle, disc brake)
Link, ball joint 235 Nm
Cap 270 Nm
Link, lower bracket 135 Nm

Rear axle, ADA1300 (tube, Ø 55 mm, placed behind the axle, disc brake)
Link, ball joint 235 Nm
Cap 135 Nm
Link, lower bracket 135 Nm

Rear axle, ADA1350 and centre-axle ASA100X

Link, ball joint 235 Nm
Bracket in axle 270 Nm
Cap in frame 47 Nm (135 Nm for N94UD)
Pipe clamp 47 Nm

Rigid front axle, AMA780

Link 235 Nm, then to nearest split pin hole
Cap 84 Nm
Pipe clamp 47 Nm

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 45

Anti-roll bar

Rigid front axle, AMA860

Link 235 Nm, then to nearest split pin hole
Cap 84 Nm
Pipe clamp 47 Nm

Steered tag axle, ARA860

Link, ball joint 235 Nm, then to nearest split pin hole
Cap 84 Nm
Pipe clamp 47 Nm

Tag axle, ASA701

Link 210 Nm
Cap 84 Nm
Pipe clamp 47 Nm
Bracket - frame 210 Nm

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 435 Ball joint separator AM3

46  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Anti-roll bar


Always place axle stands under the

frame when working underneath
vehicles with air suspension. Empty the
air bellows. Do not place a stand under
the torque rod brackets.

1 Check that the anti-roll bar is relieved of

tension and then remove the bolts.
• The vehicle must stand on a flat surface
and be evenly loaded.
• When the level of the vehicle is equal on
both left and right hand sides, the anti-
roll bar is relieved of tension.

Note: If the axles have links seated on ball

joints, push apart the links seated on the ball
joints using ball joint separator 99 435 and
remove the anti-roll bar. Refer to Use of tool
99 435. Anti-roll bar for ADA1300 (solid bar,
Ø 45 mm, placed behind the axle)
2 Fit the new anti-roll bar. Make sure that the
joint on the bearing shells in the cap is
turned approximately 15° as illustrated.

Anti-roll bar for ADA1300 (tube,

Ø 55 mm, placed behind the axle)

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 47

Anti-roll bar

3 When tightening anti-roll bar bolts, the

suspension must be at driving level.
4 For tightening torques, refer to table at the
beginning of the section.

48  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Anti-roll bar

Renewing the ball joint link

Tightening torques

Ball joint 235 Nm, then to nearest split pin hole

Nut, bracket 235 Nm

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 435 Ball joint separator AM3


Always place stands under the frame

when working on vehicles with air
suspension. Empty the air bellows. Do
not place a stand under the torque rod

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 49

Anti-roll bar

1 Check that the anti-roll bar is relieved of

tension before starting work.
• The vehicle must stand on a flat surface
and be evenly loaded.
• When the level of the vehicle is equal on
both left and right hand sides, the anti-
roll bar is relieved of tension.
• When tightening anti-roll bar bolts, the
suspension must be relieved of load.
2 Push the lower ball joint apart using ball
joint separator 99 435. Refer to Use of tool
99 435.

3 Remove the bracket with the upper ball joint

from the frame.
4 Remove the upper ball joint from the

1 Bracket
2 Upper ball joint

50  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 12:02-52

Anti-roll bar

5 Assemble ball joint in reverse order.

6 Tightening torque 235 Nm.

12:02-52  Scania CV AB 2003, Sweden 51

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