Chapter I

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This chapter presents the background, research questions, objective of the

research, and significance of the research.

A. Background

Language is an important tool that is used by the people to communicate

besides it can be used to express themselves and share with other people. Every

people in this world has their manner in communication-based on their habit and

their cultural background which is influenced the use of speech styles. Speech

styles are a variant of language according to the use of language which influenced

such as the participants, setting and the topic.

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationship between

language and society to become a better understanding of the structure of

language and of how language functions in communication; the equivalent goal in

language sociology is to try to find how social structures can be better understood

through the study of language, for example, how certain linguistic features

function to characterize certain social settings (Wardaugh; 2006: 13).

Language is a feature in everyday life. As a function, language is an

instrument for communicating or interacting with people. In addition to language

as a medium, it is used to exchange ideas and interactions between humans.

People exchange information ideas with other languages that use. So language is
the best instrument for communication. This is supported by Wardaugh (2006: 1)

the language used by certain community members. Language is an important part

of every communication. People can communicate well if they can convey their

message from their words. Language allows people to say something to others and

express their communicative needs. Language and society can influence each

other because as humans, humans cannot be separated from society and the

environment and they still need others. Sometimes it is used only to keep the

communication channel open so that if there is a need to say something important,

the appropriate channel is available.

Some countries in the world have their languages, even though people live

in the same country, they still use different types of languages which are divided

by gender. Many differences are reflected when people talk. That happens because

the community influences the way people use language in their conversations

(Pereira; 2015).

Thus, Holmes (1992: 9) says variation because it is a broad term that

includes different accents, different linguistic styles, different dialects and even

different languages that contrast with each other for social reasons. Every

utterance depends on the social and formality of the context. Different types of

styles or variations in language relate to social factors that emerge in someone's

speech. On the other hand, the situation plays an important role in determining

someone's speaking style when they communicate.

The choice of style depends on several aspects, which can be replaced by

the term social factors. According to Joos (1976: 156), speaking style means the
form of language used by speakers and is characterized by a scale of formality.

Joos divides this style of speech into five forms. They are frozen style, formal

style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style.

This short video can be a good medium for those who are interested in

sociolinguistic issues, especially in terms of gender and language and language

variations. This can also be a good reference for those who want to research

speech style or factors that affect the speech style of men and women.

People have different ways of speaking because of many factors, such as

culture, social situations, and power relations. One factor is the society in which

the person socializes. Even though it looks like the style of speech is simple and

rarely realized by people, this is an interesting topic to learn because it shows

people's culture and identity.

With the advent of social media, it has become clear that it brings some

advantages and disadvantages. The latter has been emphasized in various

contexts, some of which are stealing people's time and attention from more

important matters, reducing face-to-face communication and phenomena of false

news. However, social media also has some benefits, in various aspects of life,

where I will highlight, within the framework of this research paper, the

possibilities are open to language learning.

However, one of the highlights in the use of language in social media is

the language used by public figures. "naturalistic" in public media by public

figures can also be interpreted as a performance (Goffman, 1959; Butler, 1990) or

acts of identity. Language styles in social media are included on YouTube and one
of them is the language used by public figures. Public figures are the object of

interest in someone. Such public figures from the upper classes are published by

public figures in Indonesia, for example, celebrities, officials, writers or writers,

and many more. A large number of videos on YouTube consist of lots of visual

and textual data, usually including everyday life. With current research, it aims to

overcome this gap in the literature by automatically analyzing the linguistic style

used by public figures on YouTube.

The reason why researchers chose this research because one of the public

figures in the spotlight is Emma Watson's speech style is, first, she has a unique

speaking style and her charisma in speech. Second, Emma Watson gave an

intelligent, important, and moving speech about gender inequality and how to

combat it. By doing so, he launched the HeForShe initiative, which aims to get

men and boys to join in the feminist struggle for gender equality. In his speech,

Watson delivered an important point that to achieve gender equality, dangerous

and destructive stereotypes of masculinity and behavioral expectations for boys

and men must change. Finally, Emma Watson is a British actress and model born

in 1990, Watson has been actively involved in humanitarian causes for several

years, working to promote fair trade and organic clothing, and as an ambassador

for Camfed International, a movement to educate girls in rural Africa.

B. Research Questions

the researcher has some items of problem to be analyzed, which have been

formulated into questions: 

1. What kind of speech styles perform by Emma Watson which shows the

gender quality in the video English Speeches?

2. How gender quality influence the use of speech styles by Emma Watson in

the video English Speeches?

C. Objective of Research

The questions above lead to achieving the objectives of this research as


1. To find out Emma Watson's speaking style which is reflected in the

English Speeches video "Gender Quality"

2. To describe how the influence the use of speech styles by Emma Watson

in the video English Speeches

D. Significance of Research

Conducting this research, researchers provide more explanation to readers

about how speaking style can be influenced by many factors.

1. Theoretically, for students, researchers hope that this will be a good

reference for those who want to learn or conduct research on speaking

style, especially for students who are interested in speaking style. For

lecturers, researchers hope this research can be an additional reference in

teaching and new examples in the learning process in the classroom.

Researchers also hope that this can be a good contribution to language

studies, especially in sociolinguistic subjects.

2. Practically, for the reader, the researcher hopes this can be a good

reference to read and also to broaden new knowledge about speech style

issues and the reader can understand Emma Watson's style of speech and

apply the way she delivers her speeches, opinions, and ideas.

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