Anchor Handling Tug Operations - I. C. Clark
Anchor Handling Tug Operations - I. C. Clark
Anchor Handling Tug Operations - I. C. Clark
A practical guide to the operation of
modern anchor handling tugs engaged in
anchor handling and towing operations
Introduction 163
- ..r ~ Basic operational cautions - summary from Part 1 166
Summary of the key points of Part 2 167
The behaviour ofAHTS class vessels when going astern 174
.:er 5 Bollard pull certification 177
~"F 6 Turning and manoeuvring modern anchor handling vessels 178
The AHTS design and towing operations 193
The dangers of very high loads during deep water anchor handling operations 198
~~~9 The dangers of high speed manoeuvring during lay barge operations 202
~-r - 0 Some operational characteristics of modern high powered AHTS type vessels 207
-'PJ' " ., Anchor handling loads - basic data required and how to use it 210
:r - 2 Calculating anchor handling loads 214
-::· .. 3 Guidelines on when to start, cease and re-evaluate the safety of an anchor handling
operation 226
..! Two boat anchor deployment/ recovery operations - management of risk 230
5 'Load sharing' mooring operations - particular risks 234
":i":::;::::; • 6 The responsibilities of personnel in charge of anchor handling and towing operations
-- Instructions to towmasters and rig movers 242
..,, - 8 Ship knowledge and practical ship handling exercises 243
---~..--....,- 19 Offshore construction operations 247
The aim of this book is to give an insight into the The equipment specification of many modern vessels
operation of Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels when is sud1 that many officers have little time to fully
engaged in and1or hand ling and towing operations. It is understand ilie capabilities and limitations of ilie vessel
aimed at the masters and officers who operate these they are assigned too. Even after serving for some time,
vessels and at towmasters, rig movers, barge masters, mere may be gaps in their knowledge which iliis book
tower foremen and shore-based personnel who utilise hopes to fill and also enable these officers to look more
these vessels in their anchor handling and towing roles. deeply into the equipment they may be using every day.
It further endeavours to show, in practical and simple The reaction by the offshore industry to ilie loss of
terms, the theoretical knowledge, methods and Al-ITS Bourbon Dolphin has been inconsistent, with new
techniques that can be used to avoid placing these vessels rules and procedures recommended by some parties and
at unnecessary risk when carrying out what, at first sight, administrations, but resisted or only partly acted upon by
appear to be normal operations. others.
Two recent examples of accidents, resulting in the total There is also an attitude to these accidents which treats
loss of AHTS class vessels and their crews, are used to them as 'unique' events and therefore they do not hold
illustrate what can happen and why it can happen - any particular lessons for the offshore fleet and its
Stevns Power and Bourbon Dolphin. personnel.
It must always be appreciated that Al-ITS vessels are a We do not agree witll such an attitude.
design compromise and it is this which may lead to over
Note 1 It is assumed that readers have sufficient
confidence in the ability of a panicular vessel to carry out
knowledge of ship stability to understand the
a given towing or anchor handling function.
terminology and basic principles of tile subject.
As the older generation of offshore suppon vessels is
Note 2 It is assumed that readers have a working
replaced by new tonnage and an older generation of
knowledge of the methodologies of anchor handling and
officers and offshore personnel retire, the transfer of
towing and are familiar with equipment and vessel type
experience between generations has not taken place to
the extent where all the hard lessons and skills, gained by
Note 3 This book does not deal with tile cargo carrying or
this older generation, have been fully passed on.
supply function of vessels classed Anchor Handling Tug
The newer generation of vessels are often of impressive
Supply vessels. Refer to the Appendix for publications
power and specification, but there are dangers inherent in
dealing with this aspect of their work.
these characteristics which may not always be appreciated
by those operating and using them. l.C Clark an4 M.Hancox
Abbreviations used in the text
Anchor Handling Tug A vessel designed for towing MOU/ MODU Mobile offshore unit/Mobile offshore
anchor handling work only, specifically in the drilling unit. A specialised floating vessel designed for
re o ilfield. operations in the offshore oilfields. The functions of
-\nchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel A vessel such vessels include drilling, production, pipe-laying,
::ned to support operations in the offshore heavy lift or construction.
•- d able to perform towing, anchor handling, NWEA North West European Area Operations guidelines.
~ < ! o f deck cargo and under-deck bulk liquid and The offshore oil industry code of marine operations.
.ered cargoes. Additional capabilities may include Applicable to me sea areas covering all me North Sea,
fighti ng, rescue and the capability to support ROV Eastern Atlantic and Norwegian Sea. Within this area,
o:her specialist operations. In general, very much marine operations in the offshore oilfields are subject
_._, than a pure AHT. to an agreed set of guidelines which cover supply,
r pennant The primary pennant wire connected to anchor handling, rig moving etc. Their purpose is to
..mcho r, usually supplied by the vessel to which the set uniform minimum standards and practice which
.:xhor belongs. should apply throughout the areas covered. The
A ,horthand term covering both semi-submersible guidelines do not prevent coastal states or other
.and displacement vessels such as drilling rigs, entities requiring more stringent rules within meir
cnsuuction vessels, pipe.laying and other specialist claimed 'zone of economic interest'.
dd units which rely for their positioning and Pulling anchors The operation of mcovering the anchors
s::nion keeping on spread mooring systems. of a vessel(rig/barge).
B.i.--ge Management System. An electronic position- Offshore Installation Manager A term used to describe
- S\"'Stem for deploying and recovering mooring lines. the individual in overall charge of me safety, health
,• v based on satellite derived positioning data and and welfare of a vessel which is not a ship, for
~ged so that the master station is on the barge/rig example a MOU/MODU or other specialised oilfield
-n.: slave stations on the and10r handling vessels. craft. He has the same level of responsibility as a
& a rd pull, the power output of d1e main propuls- conventional ship's master wim the additional duty
10-: system of an AHT/AHTS. to oversee me safety, heal t1, and welfare of the vessels
• shorthand term used to describe an AHT/AHTS and crews of all the craft assisting the operations of
tyre vessel. his vessel.
DP [\-liJamic positioning. An electronic control system Rig A shorthand tenn describing a mobile offshore
• oositioaing and manoeuvring the vessel. drilling vessel, either semi-submersible or full dis-
\ boat) A shorthand term describing the person placement type. Usually relying on a spread mooring
anually manoeuvring the AHT. system for positioning and station keeping.
~ (wildcat) The device used to deploy and recover Running anchors The operation of deploying me anchor
c:r~·n on a winch. Usually a cast steel wheel nominally system of a vessel (MOU/MODU).
.zed to grip the links of chain as it passes over it. In Run line The pre-planned bearing and distance for a
-no~t installations on AHT/ AHTS class boats, the mooring line of a spread mooring system.
~-psies are connected directly to the shaft of the work Shark jaw The med1anical (hydraulic) stopper system for
\..'Um of a multi-drum winch and thus, when using me the control of wires or chains on the stern of the
chain handling gypsy, the work drum cannot be used anchor handling vessel.
f r handling the work wire. Tower foreman (anchor foreman) The individual,
Gwde pin(s) The retractable steel posts located at the particularly on a pipelaying barge or construction
·em of an AHT/AHTS to guide and control me barge, who is responsible for directing the anchor
"lovement of wires and chains passing over the stem. handling operations.
. ~tick control A memod of manoeuvring a vessel using Towmaster The individual with overall responsibility for
.! single lever to operate me main propellers, side conducting me anchor handling and towing
,tirusters and rudders. operations of a drilling rig. Towmasters may also be
Manual control mode In the context of this book the encountered on complex multi-tug towing/position-
erm refers to manoeuvring the vessel by means of ing/mooring operations offshore. In pipelaying
physically operating the levers or oilier manual operations the tower foreman will also direct the
controls for propulsion and steering systems. towing operations of the barge. In some offshore
viii Abbreviations used in the text
oilfields the drilling rig/construction barge engineer or Work wire The wire rope used to handle the anchors and
barge master may also take on the role of towmaster. barge mooring lines during anchor handling
Work winch A term used to describe one of the winch operations. It is distinct from the vessel's tow wire
prums of a multj-drum winch system. Used for anchor which is stowed and handled by a separate wind1
hancUing operations on an anchor handling tug. drum of a multi-drum winch system.
Part 1
Several people have helped me to write Part 1 of this Juhani Sievikorte of Rolls-Royce, Finland, for his advice
book and, although the opinions and any mistakes in tbe on towing wind1es.
text are my own, I wish to thank the following for their
assistance and technical advice. Captain Michael Hancox, my fellow author, who has
been a pleasure to work with in producing this book.
Dr Ian Dand previously of Britjsh Maritime Technology,
I would also like to thank our publisher Mr Allan
for his patience in reading through the text and his expen
knowledge of hydrodynamics. Brunton-Reed and his team of typesetter Eric Drewery,
and proof reader Tricia McLeod for their efforts in putting
Dr Richard Stephens of Converteam for hjs advice on the book together.
how a Dynamic Positioning control system reacts to the
navigation inputs it receives. Jan Clark, December 20ll
The ABR Company Limited
publishers of
organisers of the
Tugnology Conferences
since 2007
The ABR Company Ltd, The Barn, Ford Farm, Bradford Leigh,
Bradford on Avon, BA 15 2RP, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 868821 Fax: +44 (0) 1225 868831
Email: [email protected]
The design and operational characteristics of modern anchor
handling tug supply vessels and an examination of the causes
of the loss of Stevns Power and Bourbon Dolphin.
I. C. Clark
A. :-rs vessel masters and officers must familiarise some thrusters being unavailable? The answers to these
tt-emseJves with the complex systems on their own questions will vary with the system's manufacturer and
particular vessels and how these systems interact with the tug's particular power arrangements, so the only way
each other. Semi-automated controls such as the joystick to be certain is to test the systems out. Masters must also
pond to inputted commands in ways that are pre- understand the stabil ity characteristics of their own
determined by their manufacturers. So, can the joystick vessels and, in particular, the effect of the tow tension
bt used to control the thrusters and main propulsion in and the vessel's trim on its stability.
al"' power management mode and, if so, does it use the The following pages list key points that must be
chrus-ters in the same way and how does it respond to thoroughly understood to operate any particular tug.
1. The bollard pull trails measure the maximum bollard pull possible in calm conditions with the entire
main engine power driving the main propellers and w ith the tow leading directly astern. Bollard pull
will be reduced by:
a) Helm actions, as some thrust is lost by diverting the propeller wash around the rudder.
b) Drawing power from the shaft generators to run auxi liary thrusters etc.
c) The tug operating in a sea water temperature higher than it was during the bol lard pull trials, as
engine cooling is reduced as sea water temperature rises.
The maximum available bollard pull can be reduced to as little as about 65% of its full value if the
shaft generators are under fu ll load (pages 12- 14 & 151 - 153).
2. AHTS vessels do not have sufficient power to simultaneously operate the auxiliary thrusters, winches
and the main propulsion at their maximum capabilities, so the power management mode must be
appropriate for the vessel's operating circumstances (pages 14, 60 & 151 - 153).
3. The effectiveness of lateral thrusters decreases with the speed of the water flowing past them due to
the 'Coanda effect', so tunnel thrusters are more or less useless when a tug is moving through the
water at speeds higher than about 5 knots. The Coanda effect also renders stern tunnel thrusters
ineffective at high levels of ahead th rust from the tug's main propellers, even though the vessel is
stopped in the water and the bow tunnel thrusters are still effective. The main advantage of stern
tu nnel thrusters is that they can be used to manoeuvre the tug more economically when it is not
heavily burdened by a tow (pages 15- 16 & 154- 155).
4. The steering and speed of a tug when it is being towed astern become increasingly difficult to control
as the astern speed increases because the ahead thrust from the main propellers is reduced by water
flowing into the propellers from astern and the effects of putting the rudders over can be highly
unpred ictable. The tug will also tend t o pivot about whatever is restraining the tow's lateral
movement (i.e. the sharks' jaws or the towing pin), so the further forward this point is, the more
unstable the steering becomes (pages 132- 135).
5 . High lift flap rudders and stern azimuth thrusters can direct thrust at almost 90° to a vessel's fore
and aft line. However, they can be less effective than conventional rudders when turned inboard on
twi n screw tugs, due to the propeller wash impacting against the skeg, so certain manoeuvres on
tugs fitted with these devices may have to be done differently to the normal procedu res used on
vessels fitted with conventional rudders (pages 20-21 ).
6 Key points in Part 1
o ~ ,.::;;;,.---.--,--,---.-- ,.......~~ o
0 Wind angle off the bow 180°
1 . Almost 80% of an AHTS vessel's lateral topside area is in the forward half of the tug's length, so wind
from any direction other than dead ahead or dead astern produces a bow to leeward yawing moment
that is maximum when the wind is about 60° off the bow. Lateral wind force and yawing moments
are much less for winds off the stern than off the bow (page 26).
2. The separate forces acting on the tug's bow and the stern can be estimated by the procedures shown
on pages 27-31 .
3. Waves are predominantly cyclic by nature, so the peak force of a wave crest pushing a tug to leeward
is usual ly only slightly greater than the wave trough drawing the vessel to windward, the difference
being due to the wind driven surface drift. However, this can be amplified if the wave period is close
to the tug's natural heave period (pages 40-49).
4. The bow thruster(s) power limits a tug's ability to hold position against wind and seas on the beam.
Loads on the bow thruster can be estimated by fol lowing the procedure on pages 55 to 57 if there is
no DP capability plot available (pages 54-55).
1. The power management mode must be selected on the basis of whether the operation requires the
maximum possible bollard pull or the maximum shaft generator power to be available for the
auxiliary thrusters and winches (page 60).
2. The tug's lateral thrust at the bow and stern is used to create either yaw moments, or lateral azimuth
thrust, or a combination of both (page 65).
3. The joystick has both an azimuth input and a yaw input. The way in which the joystick uses the
available thrusters is programmed into the system by its manufacturers (pages 66-69).
4. An order of priority, called the protocol, is also programmed into the joystick and this should prioritise
yaw commands if these conflict with any azimuth thrust commands, as maintaining the heading is
vital to holding station against w inds off the bow or stern (pages 66-69).
5. Joystick auto heading control 'learns by trial and error' to oppose external yawing moments that
would swing the vessel off its set heading. Large alterations of the set heading can lead to excessive
thruster activity as the system adjusts to the new situation (pages 69- 72).
6. A wind input to the joystick auto heading control can reduce excessive thrusting when large heading
changes are inputted on a tug unencumbered by a tow (page 73).
7 . The DP also 'learns by trial and error' to hold position and heading, but changes in heading alter its
frame of reference, which can result in even greater excessive thruster activity and the tug moving
off position (page 82). The wind input can minimise this for a tug with no tow (pages 82-84), but
large changes in the tow lead can really confuse the system so DP is not suitable for anchor
handling (pages 85-87).
Key points in Part 1 7
Anti-roll tank
Angle of h~el
• ~ ..........5 vessel hulls characteristically have high fo'c'sles, long low full width aft decks with no sheer
a."'d a beam that is about a quarter of the hull's waterline length. As such, the vessels tend to be very
st "at small angles of heel but stabil ity can deteriorate quite rapidly beyond the heel angle of aft
cec< edge immersion. Heeling also alters the fore and aft distribution of buoyancy and so the trim
cranges as the tug heels, which is known as the 'free trim effect'. As a rough guide, if the hard chine
a:: .:ne stern emerges before the deck edge is immersed, then the hull will trim bow down and
s~b1lity is enhanced, but if the opposite happens then stability is reduced, so avoiding an excessive
stern trim and keeping a weathertight aft deck are essential for ensuring an acceptable range
of stability (pages 93-97).
2.:. sri1p's range of positive stability is determined by the GZ curve and the IMO Code of Intact stability,
:• 5 Code, gives a set of m inimu m stability criteria for the GZ curves of offshore supply vessels,
, '"'eh must be complied with at all times, but these criteria are inadequate for vessels engaged
n anchor handling (page 98).
3. -..,e tension of an underwater tow has two components that act on the tug as follows:
a} ne weight of the catenary 'Tv', which acts downward on the stern roller.
b) "'he horizontal astern pul l 'TH' on the vessel, which forms a couple with the opposite but equal
thrust from the propellers.
-.,e weight of the catenary raises the tug's KG (and so reduces its upright GM), increases the tug's
.....ean draft and creates a stern t rimming moment, all of wh ich must be taken into account in
cetermining the tug's stability when anchor handling (pages 99- 101 ).
4 . ~ me tow leads t o one side of dead astern, then the tow tension's two components produce heeling
;r,oments as follows:
a ) ...,,e heeling moment of the catenary weight = 'TV' x offset 'y' from the centreline.
b)-he heeling moment of the horizontal pull = 'TH' sin a x height 'h' above t he prop shaft, where 'a '
s rhe tow's lead angle off the stern quarter, as measured from dead astern.
-.,e equivalent heeling levers for plotting on the GZ curve for the tug's towing condition are given by
:: . ding the heeling moments by the tug's displacement, which includes the weight of catenary 'TV'
suooorted at the stern (pages 102- 104).
5. -.,ere is currently no internationally recognised minimum stabil ity requirements for vessels engaged
- anchor handling that must be used to calculate the maximum acceptable tow lead angle ' a (max)'
fur- a given towed catenary, but the N MD recommended criteria would be a suitable guide (pages
6 :. "'& move plan includes the tow tension's horizontal and vertical components for different stages of
• .,e operation and these can be used in conjunction with the NMD recommended minimum st ability
c-teria to estimate the maximum acceptable tow lead angle 'a(max)' for the different stages of the
a.,chor handl ing operation (pages 106-109).
i. - a<N tensions measured at the tug's winch rely on the wire being properly spooled onto the drum
a..'1G as such, they can be unreliable. Furthermore, the sensors only measure tension in total and do
-.-o, resolve it into its vertical and horizontal components (pages 110- 117 and 118- 121 ).
S =ass,ve anti-roll tanks fitted to AHTS vessels are tuned to work positively for a narrow range of GM
a, beyond which the free surface in the tanks acts to increase the rolling motion and reduce the
essel's stability. Consequently, these tanks should be empty whenever the tug is engaged in
artchor handling (pages 1 54-155).
8 Key points in Part 1
Bridge emergency
quick release button
Rudders are t o port
1. All anchor handling vessels have a lot of power for their size and can produce considerable levels of
thrust from their main propu lsion. They can all be capsized by their tow if excessive thrust is directed
against the horizontal pull of a tow leading off the stern quarter (page 122).
2 . An anchor handling vessel is usually close to its stabi lity becoming critical when the lateral pull of a
tow leading off the stern quarter is heeling the tug over to the extent of putting the aft deck edge
underwat er whilst swinging the tug' s head over in the opposite direction to the force of the rudders
(page 122).
3. The natural orientation of an anchor hand ling tug is to be aligned with the tow and the only thing
that prevents a tow from leading dead astern is lateral thrust from the tug's stern, so the quickest
way to get out of a critical stability situation will nearly always be to stop all lateral thrust
and put the rudders amidships, which allows the tug to swing in line with the tow. The tug will still
swing back in line with the tow's lead if the propellers are stopped altogether but it will then be
catapulted astern by the tension of the tow, which is very likely to swamp the aft deck, so ahead
thrust should be maintained to avoid this. However, the thrust shou ld never be increased against
the tension of the tow to get out of such situations, as t his increases the risk of capsizing the vessel,
rather than reducing it* (page 122).
4. Steering a tug whilst being towed astern at speed can be very difficult to accomplish and, as such, it
is probably better not to try it but just keep the rudders amidships with both propellers at equal
ahead thrust and al low the tug to stay in line with the tow lead (pages 132- 135).
5. An alternative way to get out of a critical situat ion is to activate the emergency quick release from
the bridge, but the following points must be borne in mind:
a) The quick release may not pay out the wire immed iately and t he release for the anchor handling,
or work drum may work differently from the system for the tow drum.
b) Activating the release usually retains 20% of t'he brake' s fu ll capacity to stop the drum from
accelerating to such a rate that turns are being thrown of faster than the wire is going over the
c) Even if the drum does pay out freely, some force of the catenary on the tug's stern will remain
until the wire has completely passed overboard, though t his may be negligible after the catenary
has landed on the seabed.
If the tug's officers do not have sufficient control of t heir vessel to stop the tow' s lateral pull, then
activating the quick release is the on ly option available to avoid the tug capsizing. Such situations could
arise when the tug is being towed astern at speed by a mooring winch on an offshore unit during an
anchor recovery operation in shallow water. However, officers must understand how the quick release
systems work on their own vessels and allow for the time between pressing the button and the wire
act ually paying out (pages 113 & 122).
* I am a bit reluctant to use the word 'never' in point 3 because, although increasing the thrust increases the
risk of capsize, it does not necessarily guarantee it and it just conceivable that a situation may arise when
increasing the thrust is essential to avoid some greater threat to the vessel, but I cannot imagine what threat
could be worse than rolling the tug over.
Ships' officers and masters have a duty to themselves and the crew to: m1derstand how their vessel's work, appreciate
what the vessel's limitations are and to recognise when these are being exceeded. l hope that this text will help them
in fulfilling these obligations.
AHTS povver, thrusters, propulsion
and steering
d pull 13
:er management 14
ary t hrusters and the Coanda Effect 15
ers 17
1ft rudders 18
lift rudders compared to conventional rudders 20
9::emng by main propulsion thrusters 21
10 Part 1 - THEORY
The skeg improves
directional stability
when the vessel is
moving at speed
whilst also reducing
interference between
the main propellers
when manoeuvring.
Propulsion and electrical generating machinery
1 Main constant rpm diesel engines, 2 Shaft generators & gearboxes, 3 Main cp propellers in Kort
nozzles, 4 High lift flap rudders, 5 Twin tun nel bow thrusters, 6 Auxiliary diesel generators.
Chapter 1 - AHTS power, thrusters, propulsion and steering 11
_ _ _ _ _ Stern
Port rudder
:"'!E ' ~ ~ ~ - Port rudder
- Wheel
_ _.,
Main propellers
Bow Funnel
thruster ----i-_,,casing, ... ,-----11-----r.
12 Part 1 - THEORY
Bow thrusters
* Main propellers
Auxiliary generators Main engines Shaft generators 2 x 3300 kW minus
2x270kW 2 x 3300kW 2 x 1200kW shaft generator o/p
The orange boxes indicate power generation The blue boxes indicate power absorption
Note that power drawn by the shaft generators is not available to the main propellers.
Main propu lsion propel lers are usually designed to perform at maximum efficiency, as regard to kWs of
power per kN of thrust, when working at full load and so the kW/kN of thrust increases if the propeller
is supplied with less than the ful l power it is designed to absorb. The hull design, especially with regard
to the water flow into the propeller disc, is also a factor that affects the propellers' performance and this
will vary slightly from one vessel to another. Nevertheless, the following formula based on a selection of
different vessel specification data provides a rough estimate of a propeller's bollard pull for a given shaft
The thrust is reduced by putting the rudder over to port or starboard and the astern thrust is only about
60% of the ahead thrust.
Bollard pull
There is no universally accepted method for measuring complies with the requirements of several major
a tug's maximum ahead thrust (i.e. its 'bollard pull') but classification societies.
the following diagrams summarise a process that
The main points of the Noble Denton Bollard Pull Code for measuring bollard pull
The ideal setup directs the tug's propeller ·wash to strike the quay
at an angle of incidence 'a' not less than 45° to the perpendicular.
Trial duration ~ 10 minutes
(..◄1------- Minimum tow length 'L(T)' ~ 300 m -------l►•l
I Load cel l
I◄ ~ 100 m ------1►
~1 The towline should be clear of the quay
The test should be carried out clear of any navigational hazard or underwater obstacle within
a radius of 300 metres from the tug.
A tow line length of less than 300 metres can be accepted, provided that it is at least twice the vessel's
waterline length, though this should be noted as it may adversely affect the test results.
A minimum water depth of less than 20 metres can be accepted, provided that it is at least twice the
vessel's draft, though this should be noted as it may adversely affect the test results.
Test equipment
All fittings and connections used for t he test should have safe working loads that are at least 10%
greater than the vessel's designed maximum static bollard pul l. The load cell should be accurate to
within ± 2% for the ambient temperature of the test and have a valid calibration certificate not more
t han six months old at t he time of the test.
There must be adequate communications between the vessel and the load cell measuring station.
The vessel
The vessel should be using its normal fuel and propel lers and loaded at a draft and trim as near as
possible to its normal operating condition. The test should be conducted with the power sou rce
running at 100% of its maker's recommended maximum sustained power rating, whilst all auxiliary
equipment that is normal ly run from the main power source should be in use during the test.
The measurements
An autographic instrument that continuously records the tow line tension shou ld be fitted to the load
cell, but if this is not available, then the load cell measurements should be manually recorded at
intervals not exceeding 30 seconds.
Power management
Diesel engines are the ultimate source of all the power available to the main propellers is reduced, which
used on AI-ITS vessels but, as they are built to a very limits the maximum available bollard pull to as liule as
compact design in whicl1 space is at a premium, the about 65% of full value when the shaft generators are
maximum engine power is not enough to run all the under maximum load.
thrusters at full power whilst simultaneously delivering
the maxinmrn bollard pull and supplying all the electric The power management option can only be selected
loads (such as ancillary pumps, cold storage with the engines under low loads, as each option
refrigeration, sewage system, air conditioning, heating, configures the electrical loads and the gen erators
lighting, engine room and bridge monitoring equipment differently, but it would be normal for the auxiliary
and the communication equipment) that are essential generators to supply base loads such as hotel services,
for the tug to function. Operations also often use the pumps, steering gear, machlnery and bridge monitoring
winches, deck crane, ballast pumps and cargo pumps, all systems etc, when the tug is manoeuvring. An example
of which place heavy additional demands on the of a system is shown on pages 151-2.
electrical supply. Power management is a control system Power management systems can be flexible and
designed to utilise the vessel's generating capacity to the complex, but there is a limit lo the power available, so
best effect for any particular situation by allocating the system is designed to prevent demands exceeding
electrical power loads to the generators in a way that this. Protecting maximum bollard pull reduces the
most suits the situation's requirements. AHTS vessel power available to the bow thrusters, which may mean
power management systems typically allow at least two losing control of the tug's heading and so causing it to
options on how the electrical loads are allocated to the drift off track when towing a heavy load in marginal
ship's generators. conditions. Some tugs are all diesel electric with the
main propulsion driven by electric motors as well as the
1. Protect maximum bollard pull - Maximum bollard auxiliary thrusters. These power management systems
pull can only be ensured by putting no load on the normally nominate a standby generator to auto-
shaft generators completely, so all electric power is
matically start when the demand exceeds the capacity of
supplied by the auxiliary generators when the maximum
the generators on line and to shut down when the
thrust is demanded from the main propellers.
demand falls back. However, this can be unsuitable for
2. Protect maximum electric power - The maximum a highly variable demand, such as can be caused by
thrust of the main propellers is restricted by one of thruster use, as the standby generator may not be able to
the ways shown on page 60 lo allow the shaft keep up with the rapid sequence of starts and stops.
generators to satisfy whatever electric power is Ship's bridge officers must understand the system on their
demanded from them up to their full capacity. As the own tug and know the limits of the power available to any
generator load increases, so the maximum pitch particular situation that the tug is operating in.
Chapter 7 -AHTS power, thrusters, propulsion and steering 15
The thruster jet is ejected into still water along The jet attaches to the flow a long the hull so
the ship's side so there is full thrust. thrust decreases with increasing ship's speed.
....... ::R
~ 3
0 0
2 /~
_g ""
Hence, the jet speed 'Vj' = ✓ m/ s Ill
CU °#-
'D' = thruster diameter (m) & 'p(w)' = 1.025 t/m 3 b.oo
,:g \0
So, if a thruster 1.44 m in diameter delivers 8t of CU
...uCU '#-
thrust when a ship is stopped in the water, then
c. co 0
Thrust in kiloNewtons = 8 x 9.01 = 78.5 kN
2 ✓178.5 '0#-
So, j et speed 'Vj' = _
1 44
~ = 6.86 m/s
... 0
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
So, jet speed in knots= 1.945 Vj = 113.3 knots I Ship's speed / thrust jet speed
The Coanda effect and thruster location when holding station against a heavy tow
If the vessel is stopped in the water but thrusting ahead against a heavy load on the tow line, then
most of the water passing through the propellers is circulated around the aft part of the hull and so
the bow thrusters are not greatly affected by the Coanda effect.
< J
Stern thrusters installed
in a box-shaped skeg
The thrust from the azimuth bow thruster is usually included in the maximum bollard pull
Chapter 7 -AHTS power, thrusters, propulsion and steering 17
hips rudder is foil-shaped to produce a lateral force from an air stream, so the lateral force on the rudder is
. •ilen water strikes its leading edge at an angle of also often called lhe lift force, even though it is
.attack. This is the same as an aircraft wing creating lift horizontal.
► Starboard
V+ (Flow velocity)2
(V- 6 v)2
Port (V - 6 v) V (V + 6 v)
-,e angle of attack splits the flow asymmetrically so that water passing starboard side in the above
G agram is accelerated, which reduces the pressure on the rudder's starboard side, whilst the water
.:.owing past the port side is slowed down and so increases the pressure on the port side. This is in
accordance with 'Bernoulli's Theory'. The pressure reduction is more than the pressure increase, so
:ne rudder is more sucked to starboard than pushed.
Angle of attack :::: 15° Angle of attack :::: 35° Angle of attack :::: 50°
z z z
u. u. u.
.... u
0 0 0
u. u. u.
0 0
Attack angle 'a ' Flow velocity 'v' Rudder area 'A'
18 Part 1 - THEORY
= Ship's fore and aft line, -fr = Stern's lateral motion, . . = Propeller thrust
The flow that strikes the rudder is the result of the fore & aft speed of the propeller wash and the
water flowing laterally past the rudder due to the stem's sideways motion, so the angle of attack
'a' is less than the rudder's angle to the ship's fore & aft line.
The flow around a flap, or articulated, rudder (maximum rudder angle = 45°).
The flap angle increases with the rudder angle, so flow is maintained up to a rudder angle of45°,
at which point the flap is 90° to the ship's Jore & aft line.
Chapter 1 - AHTS power, thrusters, propulsion and steering
~ :ne port side Kort nozzle, propeller and rudder ofa newbuild AHTS. The rudder is fitted with a Becker flap.
--!C!' atori Riuniti)
Ja Dar. 1 - THEORY
Turning a twin screw, twin rudder vessel with a bow thruster short round
1 - A tug turning to port with open cp propellers and conventional rudders
y Rudders are split
and turned inboard
= Ahead thrust
= Astern thrust
R.H. screw L.H. screw = Port bow thrust
astern thrust ahead thrust
The rudders are split and turned inboard, whilst the screw on the inside of the turn is putfu// astern
and the outboard propeller is set at the same power ahead astern. The turn ing moment created by
the distance 'y' between the two propellers acts to move the stern to starboard and so assists the
relatively poor starboard component of the starboard propeller's ahead thrust. The propellers are
inward turning for the transverse thrust created by the inside screw going astern to assist the turn.
2 - An AHTS vessel turning to port with Kort nozzle cp propellers and high lift rudders
• = Ahead thrust
• = Astern thrust
L.H . screw R.H. screw • = Port bow thrust
ahead thrust astern thrust
The high lift rudders are split, but only the rudder on the inside of the turn is turned outboard with its
propeller thrusting ahead to avoid directing the propeller wash at full power across the ship's stern
where it can interfere with the other propeller and rudder. The other rudder is left amidships with its
propeller thrusting astern to counter the small ahead component of the inside screw's thrust. The
turning moment due to the separation 'y' between the screws now acts against the stern moving to
starboard, but its effect is small due to low ahead and astern components of the propellers' thrust.
The ship may be built with outward turning propellers to take advantage of any transverse thrust
created by the outside screw going astern, but this effect is much reduced by the Kort nozzles.
Chapter 1 - AHTS power, thrusters, propulsion and steering 21
The three stern thrusters provide the main propulsion thrust and are driven by 'Z' drives connected
to electric motors sited internally in the hull. Steering is achieved by rotating the outboard azimuth
th rusters whilst the centreline thruster is fixed. The thrusters are ti lted to direct the propeller wash
slightly upwards and so follow the contour of the hull when thrusting ahead.
22 Part 7 - THEORY
M/V Pacific Valhalla (8.810 BHP Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel 2,500 tonnes cargo deodweight)
Where 'p(w)' = density of air in kglm3 & 'Vw(mls)' = wind speed in m/s
The density of air increases with the atmospheric pressure and reduces with
temperature, but the following value can be used for wind acting on a ship.
Air density at 15°C & atmospheric pressure 1013 mb = 1.275 kg/m
However, most obstructions do not completely stop the airflow, as there is a
leakage of wind around the edges of even a flat vertical plate, so:
. 1 2 2
Wind pressure exerted on the plate = CD(W)
2 p(w) Vw(m/s) N/ m
Wind pressure can be estimated for the wind speed 'Vw(kt)' in knots, as 1 knot = 0.514 mls
. _ 1.275 (D(W)
Wind pressure - CD(W) (0.514 Vw(kt))2 ,.. Vw(kt) 2 kN/ m 2
2000 5940
Wind pressure estimated in tlm 2 as 1 tonne on earth weighs 9.81 kN
Wind pressure ... Vw(kt) t / m 2, where Vw(kt) = wind speed (knots)
The drag factor and, hence, the pressure ofthe wind, varies with the angle of attack
~~ 900 Square on
C;/' \.:::I Angled
Wind pressure = Vw(kt) t / m 2 Wind pressure = CD(W)ao Vw(kt) 2 t l m2
58300 58300
Where '(D(W)a 0
' ,.. sin a'CD(W)90°'
Th e drag factor for a flat plate increases roughly with the sine of the angle of attack 'a'
The force ofthe wind on a flat plate
The force of the wind on a flat plate = wind pressure x exposed area 'A' of the plate
1. The airflow is symmetrical and so there is no net lateral force acting on the hull's topsides.
2. The airflow is asymmetrical so it creates a lateral force, which increases w ith increasing attac k angle
and is centred on the forward region of the hull's topsides.
3. The airflow breaks down as ai r leaks round the stern from high pressure on the windward side to the
low pressure leeward side. The low pressure centre tends to move further forward as the angle of
attack increases from cond ition 1 to 3.
As the angle of attack increases beyond the stall condition, airflow along the leeward side breaks down
completely and the lateral force is main ly due to high pressure acting on the windward side of the hull.
The centre of pressure consequently moves towards the centre of the exposed area.
The housing blocks constructed on top of a ship's housing is the large accommodation block on the
hull consist mainly of vertical flat surfaces, so the raised fo'c'sle, so the force of a wind on the tug's
athwartships wind forces acting on them are closer to forepart at any angle of attack is considerably greater
Lhe 'flat plate' model shown on the previous page than than the force acting on the low after half of the
Lhe fo il-shaped hull topsides. An AHTS vessel's vessel's exposed topside areas.
26 Part 1 - THEORY
The effect of wind pressure and force on a ship's topside areas (continued)
The effect of the wind on an AHTS vessel with a clear aft deck
= Wind force
= Turbulence
Wind about 25° forward of the beam Wind about 25° abaft the beam
The wind strikes the bridge front and high The wind striking the side of the housing still
fo 'c'sle to create a large moment yawing the produces a moment yawing the bow to leeward
bow to leeward. though this is reduced by the wind striking the
leeward part of the aft end of the fo'c'sle and
Sketch graphs of the forces on the bow and stern for a wind at any angle off the bow
= FY(w )f + FY(w )a
Total lateral wind force
Bow to leeward yawing moment = L ( FY(w)f - FY(w)a) where 'L' = ship's LBP
Bow to
;... D leeward l>
!► ;-
~ ~
QI ...ID
...u a
"0 E bCl...,
C :, C ~ c.
'3 ·-E·-
~ 0
E ...d'
-;... >< nJ n
i >- E ID
-g i'
0 0
The effect of wind flowing around a three-dimensional shape, such as the AHTS vessel's topsides, is complex,
as wind from abaft the beam creates a bow to windward yawing moment when striking the aftfacing
bulkheads at the inboard leeward side of the break of the fo 'c'sle, even though these are close to amidships
(the moment is increased by the ship's relatively large beam to length ratio).
The forepart of the hull contains most of the topside area, most of which is much higher above the water than
the aft deck area, so the maximum possible lateral force is about 4 times greater at the bow than at the stern
for a given wind speed. Furthermore, the lateral force on the bow peaks when the wind is about 25° forward
of the beam.
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel
[=] = Forward topside area, 'A(f)' (CD 1 .0) t_ __ J = Aft topside area, 'A(a)' (CD 0.7)
A(a) ~ ~ Vw(kt) 2
5 30
Aft lateral wind force FY(w)a == tonnes
Note that the wind speed 'Vw(kt)' in the above two formulae is in knots where 1 knot is equal to
0.5 74 metres/second. It should also be appreciated that wind speeds can increase by about 20% during
gusts, which increases the pressure of the wind and its force by about 50%.
28 Part 7 - THEORY
Water resistance
Water resistance is generated by the wate.r flowing past flow in a way similar to a flat plate, particularly in the
the hull due to the vector sum of the vessel's movement hull's midships region. There is also the frictional drag
and any prevailing current. Water flowing a.round a against the hull's bottom, as water flows beneath the
ship's hull produces a force in the same way as the ship as well as around it and this is considerable for
wind, except that it is about 800 times more dense than anchor handling tugs because of their high beam to
air so its force is much greater than that of the wind for length ratio, so the drag factor for a beam current is
the same flow rate. The hull is shaped to move easily about 0.9. Water flow beneath a ship is further restricted
through water, so the flow has a much lower drag factor by shallow water (i.e. in water depths of less than about
than wind around the topside area when the ship is six tirries the ship's draft), so huJI resistance increases by
moving ahead and, to a lesser extent, astern. However, a factor of about 1.7 in a water depth of three times
the drag factor increases considerably for sideways draft and a factor of about 2.5 in a water depth of 1.5
movement, as the immersed lateral area obstructs the times draft.
Where 'CD(C)' =the drag factor, 'pc' = water density (1 .025 t!m3) & 'Vc(mls)' =the current in mls
So, the force of a current on the hull = L x d l . Vc(m!s)2 kN
Where 'L' = The ship's length between perpendiculars, LBP, (m) & 'd' = The ship's draft (m)
So, the force of a current on the hull = L x d _ Vc(ktJ2 tonnes
72 5
Where 'Vc(kt)' = the current in knots
a 1,0
0 ----
&. "O
QI in -- C -
1;; :,
~ &.
Q. ~ - Ill
....... 11'1
a~ >
u 0 0
Ill 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Still water depth / draft
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 29
d{ i •• Lateral area = L x d
The total lateral force of the water against the hull for a current on the beam can be estimated by
applying the formula derived on the previous page and allowing an overall drag factor of 0.6.
Lateral current force on the hull in a current on the beam ~ Lxd °i~s Vc(kt)2
Note that the current 'Vc(kt)' is in knots where 1 knot is equal to 0.514 metres/second.
The lateral force is split roughly equally between the hull's forward and aft halves for currents on the
beam, but the maximum force on the bow occurs for the current at about 65° off the bow when a drag
factor of about 0.8 is more appropriate to the forward half of the hull, so:
Sketch graphs of the forces on the bow and ster for a current at any angle off the bow
Total lateral current force = FY(c)f + FY(c)a
Bow downstream yawing moment = L (FY(c)f - FY(c)a) where 'L' = ship's LBP
DL downstream
Bow yawing Stern yawing JD l>
>r< downstream
I ..,
!,- ID
0 C 111 :::,
... ·- E
~30 o'
ie n
/ E c 3
:::, 0 0
E Ill ..Q
·- u
~ '- Ill
~ .E ii
0 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°
Current angle of attack 'a' off the bow
30 Part 7 - THEORY
The freely drifting wind angle for an AHTS vessel with an aft deck clear of cargo
The wind and water resistance lateral forces acting on the
bow and stern
-0 ·-E·-~
>< Ill
Ill Ill >- E
~ l:
40° 60° 80° 10 ° 120° 140~ 160° 180°
W ind angle of attack 'o.' off the bow
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 31
-he steady downwind drift heading of an AHTS vessel (continued)
&'Ith the net force and yawing mome nt are zero when lateral thrust at the stern. The stem must a lso produce
the vessel is drifting downwind at a steady rate and on sufficient astern thrust to counter the wind force's
constant heading. However, the wind's lateral force ahead component.
alone on the bow is about twke that on the stem, so if The further abaft the beam that the wind is put, the
i.he vessel is to be held stationary on the heading by the less is the load on the bow thrusters when the vessel is
thrusters, then the bow thrust must be about twice the to be held on a steady beading in seas close to the beam.
The AHTS vessel drifting freely downwind with an aft deck clear of cargo
◊ = The directio
Wind force
The water resistance is only created by the vessel drifting at a steady speed to leeward.
The vessel held stationary in the water on the drift heading by thrusters
Wind force
The bow thrust to windward needed to hold the tug on a steady heading is considerably reduced in near
beam seas if the wind is abaft the beam, but it must still be about twice the stern thrust to windward for
keeping the steady drift heading.
32 Part 7 - THEORY
Sea waves
The turbulence due to the wind blowing across the downwards into deeper water in a progressive ly
water's surface causes a transfer of energy from the air diminishing way. The sea waves created by this process
lo the sea that sets the water particles on the surface approximate to 'trochoidal waves', as shown in the
into a rotational motion. Th is energy is transferred following diagram.
,,...,.... ~
'II x
I })
II,.. 1~ f...
Friction between the airflow and the sea's I)) Stoke's drift
surface creates turbulence in both fluids.
The continual energy transferfrom the wind Eddies persist on the lee side of the wave crests
to the water particles increases their speed causing pressure fluctuations in the air flow that
and radius of rotation. contribute to the build up of the waves.
Water particles move slightly faster in the crests than in the troughs, causing a downwind shift of
the orbital centres, known as 'Stoke's drift', so energy moves downwind and consequently the
bui ld up of a wave is reinforced by the waves upwind of it. The water particles' near circular motion
create a wave with long troughs and steeper shorter crests that approximates to a 'trochoidal'
wave profile.
The approximate deep water wave profile & water motion
I I I \
---- --+ -,- t --- -r- - ,.--r.....
\ I \ I
--- - -- '-7 - - - - - , I -
--- --- ,._.,-___ ~1'-::;:~!!:t:------
: Orbital radi~s decreases I
I exponentially with depth
I~ Wavelength ''J...' ...,
The energy transferred downwards from the water particles at the surface diminishes with depth so
the radii of the water particles rotations reduce exponentially with increasing depth.
Direction of wave travel, (or propagation) ..
The vertical scale is greatly exaggerated, relative to the horizontal scale, for the sake of clarity.
The wave period 'Tw' is the interval between the passing of one crest and the next.
Wavelength '')..'
The speed or 'celerity' 'C' of an individual wave = W . d 'T , metres/second
ave peno w
A wave continues growing in height, length and period with both the duration of the wind and the
distance over which it has been blowing in the same direction and with the same strength, which is
known as 1etch'. However, eventually the energy in the sea's surface matches the energy in the air
flowing over it and the wave ceases to grow any further.
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 33
- ... \
', ;'
A smooth water flow is super-
-u imposed onto the wave motion
Wave celerity 'C' ----•
►~ ◄ Flow velocity '-C'
The frozen' wave profile that results from the above superimposition
C- U .,.
/ ~ ;
Particle motion at the sutface is transformed from a circular motion to that of a roller coaster
Energy/ kilogram at the trough = Energy/ kilogram at the crest
So - (C + U)2 = - (C - U)
+ gh joules
2 2
Where 'g' is 9.81 mls2, the acceleration on earth due to gravity
Where 't' is the wave period in seconds & 'g' = 9.87 m!s2
Wavelength ')c'
But also Wave's celerity, 'C' = Wave period 'Tw' metres/second
An d so Wave ce Ierity, 'C' also = \/ ~
rii: metres / second
Where '')..' is the wave length in metres & 'g' = 9.81 mls2
34 Part 1 - THEORY
Pressure under still water increases linearly with depth as given by the following equation:
Pressure under still water = water density x gravitational acceleration 'g' x water de pth
Pressure in still water is due to randomly moving water motion over the molecules' random movements and so
molecules colliding with any submerged object, so the create a pressure bias in the direction of water
pressure at any particular depth acts equally in all molecules' motion that, at any one location, is
directions. However, sea waves superimpose an orbital continually changing with the wave cycle.
The rate of increase in water pressure with depth of water beneath a wave
,' I
The vertical scale is greatly exaggerated, relative to the horizontal scale, for the sake of clarity.
The rate at which pressure increases with depth reduces beneath wave crests, but it increases under
the troughs. The influence of the waves decreases exponentially with the water depth and effectively
disappears at depths greater than about 40% of the wave's length. Note that the lines of equal water
pressure are not horizontal but follow the wave profile to an extent that diminishes with depth.
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 35
The maximum slope of a wave
The maximum slope of a wave can be estimated by will underestimate the actual maximum slope of real
.tpproximating its profile to a sine curve, though this waves, particularly large breaking waves.
co = t~ radians/ second, so the time period 'T' of one cycle, is given by T = 2; seconds
The plot of the elevation of the water level in a wave against both time and the distance it travels is
assumed to be a sine curve with a constant angular rate of progression 'w' radians/second.
'h ' = wave height (metres), '"i,.' = wavelength (metres), 'Tw' = wave period (seconds)
- - = Water elevation 'Z' (metres), - - - = Wave slope 'S' (radians)
______ .._,
_ _ _radians
L Smax _ _ _ ...., r- -
The elevation 'Z' of the water level at distance 'x' from the origin = ~ sin (kx) metres
Where 'k' is known as the wave number and is given by k = T cycles/metre
The wave slope is maximum when 'kx' = 0, n, 2n, 3n etc. where the cosine of 'kx' = ±7
h 2n
So the maximum wave slope 'Smax' = ~k
From the equations on page 33 A = 2n
h 4n 2
So The maximum wave slope 'Smax' = 2x Tw2 g
36 Part 1 - THEORY
Wave groups
A wave with a single wavelength cannot eJdst on its own elsewhere. Seas dose to the centre of a storm are very
because any disturbance that creates waves will generate confused as waves of widely differing lengths and
a range of differenl wavelengths and periods, which is periods are mixed together to form 'short crested' waves,
known as the 'wave spectrum'. The waves that are longer but the waves become beuer sorted into groups of
in both length and period travel faster than shorter similar celerity as they spread out, so the sea becomes
waves and, as waves spread out from a disLUrbance, so more reguJar and the waves are 'long crested'. Wave
waves of differing lengths intefere with each other as groups can be identified as a sequence of large waves
faster waves overtake the slower ones. This interaction separated by regions of calmer water, which explains the
between the different wave periods produces an endless old sail'ors' saying that 'every seventh wave is the biggest
changing pallern in which crests seem to grow from though it may be that every fourth or tenth wave is the
nothing, then diminish to disappear and be recreated biggest, depending on the particular mix of wavelengths
The slightly longer and faster wave 2 is overtaking wave 1 in the diagram below.
(The vertical scale is greatly exaggerated)
Wave crest & wave trough Wave crests Wave crest & wave trough
coincide coincide
Interference between waves ofsimilar lengths moving at almost the same speed bunches the resultant
waves into groups. Individual waves appear to form at the back of the group, grow in height as they
move towards the middle of the group and then diminish to nothing as they reach the front of the group.
► ... ►
Individual waves have only a transient existence in different strides will get out of phase and the childn,.-
deep water as they are being continually formed at the fall over, so they must pick themselves up and sca-
back of a group and destroyed when they reach the again. Experienced three-legged race competitors \\
front Wave energy actually spreads out at the speed of have learnt that the: best way to win is not to fall ov.:-
the wave group and the 'group velocity' is half the speed which. requires running at a measured pace slower th-
of the componem waves' speeds in deep water. A rough their usual sprinting speed. Waves cannot co-ordina
analogy of this (for readers who can remember their movement, so they simply 'trip each other up' t-
primary school sports days) is two children with slightly interference and consequently the group and the ener-:
different lengths of stride running as a pair in a three- within it advances at a much slower speed than u
legged race. When the legs that are tied together move in individual wave celerity.
phase they can run at full speed, but eventually the two
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 37
Wave spectra
'Vind usually varies in both strength and direction periods spread over a fan of directions, as shown by the
d uring any given period, so a really fully-developed sea following diagrams.
will consist of a range, or 'spectrum' of wavelenglhs and
0 Wave period 'Tw ' seconds 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Beaufort wind scale
- 90° +30°
Optimising a ship's design to withstand I.he worst significant wave height. The wave energy per unit area of
conditions that it is expected to operate in requires sea a disturbed sea surface increases with the square of the
c.tates to be mathematically defined. Wave height and wave height, so if the height of a wave doubles as it
oeriod data has been collected and analysed over the moves from the back of the group to the middle, then
-ears from around the world, though a record of wave energy within the wave is increased by a factor of four.
heights produced by any particular set of conditions Wave data is used to develop statistical models of
•·ill be very variable. A general measure of the sea's wave energy spectra for particular significant wave
roughness can be given by the average height of the highest heights, which shows how the energy is spread over the
~ne third of the waves recorded over a particular period, range of wave periods. The 'Bretschneider' model is used
which is known as the 'significant wave height' or 'Jis'. for open ocean conditions whilst the 'JONSWAP' model
However, there is no simple relationship between wind applies to confined continental shelf seas, such as the
~peed and wave height as, even in open ocean North Sea. The JONSWAP spectrum is narrower than
conditions, this depends on the sea's topography (such the Bretschnejder model for the same significant wave
as variation in the water depth and disposition of height, as wave energy in confined waters is more
bordering coastlines), the duration of the wind, its fetch concentrated around the predominant wave period and
as well as the wind speed. Also, interference between gives shorter and steeper waves than i.n the open ocean.
d ifferent component waves occasionally creates Most of the wave energy in the world's oceans tends to
exceptionally high 'rogue waves' that may be twice the be in waves with periods between 7 and 9 seconds.
Significant wave height prediction curves based upon the joint North Sea wave project OONSWAP 1969) 0 ~
~ ....~
From 'Prediction of wave height and period for a constant wind velocity using the '}ONSWAP' results:
D. Carter, Ocean Energy, Volume 9, no. 1, 1982 i
"0 :t
(The significant wave height is the average height of the largest 33% of waves recorded over a period of time) Ill 0
1 hr WIND DURATION 2hr 3hr 6hr 9hr 12hr 15hr 21hr
(60 knots) WAVE
:, I
hs TP I I
:,- I
(50 knots) 10m
'!a• I
(40 knots) 8m 10.0s
7m 9.4s ~-
1 S m/s 6m 9.0s
(30 knots) I I A <J
I I I If ' )(: I I I 71 t, I I/ I I / ', / I '" l-s/ I 11Sm B'
4m 7.0s
(20 knots)
lm 3.5 s
(16 ~:its) I" I I ;-I" I I bf I I 7
T'"' -4-:-;.f--l ~
r 1 11 I I I I 11 0.Sm 2.7s
2 3 4 S 6 7 8 910 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 100 200 300 400 500 600
Enter with wind speed on the left-hand side and move across until limiting fetch or duration curve (either fetch or duration will limit wave growth) is
reached, then move down the appropriate fetch or duration line to intersect the wave height curve.
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 39
When waves move in water depths of less than about 4% of the waves' lengths, the water motion is
almost purely horizontal and the waves' speed is governed solely by the depth ofthe water.
If the water depth 'D' :5 0.04 '')...', then the wave speed 'C' = JgD m/ s
Waves slow down and shorten as they move into shallower water, but the crests move faster than the
troughs so they progressively overtake the preceding troughs by initially becoming steeper on their
leading faces before curling over and breaking in very shallow water.
Waves also increase in height as they slow down because energy is being Jed into the wave train from
deeper water faster than it is progressing forwards.
Waves passing over depth contours at angles other than at 90° change direction due to refraction, so
shoals can act as a lens and focus wave energy onto an area on their leeward side.
The wave focusing effect of a submerged shoal due to refraction
The shoal acts like a convex lens by focusing waves on the leeward of the shoal into a region of
heightened seas bordered by areas of unusually calm sea for the prevailing weather conditions.
Path of ship's centre of gravity
Only pitch, roll and heave are restorative motions with natural oscillating periods when a ship is in a
seaway. These natural periods can be estimated by applying the following general formula for Simple
Harmonic Motion:
Inertia term
Natural period 'Tn' = 2 n seconds
'Spring constant'
The heave inertia term is a ship's mass plus the mass of water moving up and down as the ship
heaves and the 'spring' constant is the force/metre of hull immersion at the equilibrium draft.
The inertia terms for rolling and pitching are a ship's transverse and longitudinal moments of
inertia and the moments of disturbed water about the ship's centre of gravity respective ly, whilst
the 'spring' constants are the transverse and longitudinal righting moments/radian of rotation
created by these two motions.
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 41
,F I
'h' is the swimmer's height above
the equilibrium position.
GI ~
u a.
P is zero P is maximum P is zero The vertical velocity 'v' equals the
- h is maximum h is zero + h is maximum slope of the curve for the height 'h'
v = zero v = maximum v = zero
-------- -- ~~~------~!~,~
QI :::::
C :::S
·;; ~
bO C
-.c -~~
.c I'd
b,O ...
·; .e
:c 0
1----,- "!~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ~i
0 TH Rhythmic Period
42 Part 1 - THEORY
A ship's motion at sea depends on the vessel's natural response periods and the period of the waves it encounters, as shown in the
above photographs ofa large, modern Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) in heavy head sea consisting ofwave periods to its natural
pitching period. (courtesy of D Byrne)
Chapter 2 - The environmentalforces acting on an AHTS vessel
Estimating the natural heave period of an AHTS vessel (see pages 40 & 41)
The heave inertia term = the ship's displacement+ the mass of disturbed water ""' 1.8 'AT'
The heave 'spring' constant = is the force/ metre of hull immersion at the equilibrium draft.
Natural heave period 'TH' ""' 2 n · AT seconds
pg (WPA)
Where 'g' = 9.87 m!s2 & 'p' = 7.025t !m3
Maximum bollard pull = 60 t So, the tug's natural heave period 'TH' ""' 5.7 seconds
: 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Wave Period 'Tw ' seconds
l Still
__ J
On the crest On the falling slope In the trough On the rising slope
Weight = buoyancy Weight > buoyancy Weight = buoyancy Buoyancy > weight
V(up) is maximum Vis zero V(down) is maximum Vis zero
'Resonant' or 'Synchronous' motion (continued)
When the shjp is heaving in resonance with the period of causing the ship to roU. A vessel rolls more easily than
the waves striking it on the beam, then the upper and will heave up and down, as the forces of weight an
lower lirruts of the heave are maximum (about 130% of buoyancy remain in equilibrium during the roll and tl-
the wave height for the AHTS vessel on the previous mass of water disturbed by roUing is much less. This al
page) on the falling and rising wave slopes respectively. means that the water's damping effect is also much Jes
This is due to the motion lagging the changing sea height than for heave, unless it is artificially increased by an~
that is causing it by 90° (see page 41). However, the roll devices such as bilge keels, fin stabilisers and ro
waves will also move the forces of weight and buoyancy damping tanks.
in and out of vertical alignment over the wave cycle, so
Estimating the natural roll period of the AHTS vessel on the previous page
A ship's natural roll period can be estimated as follows:
. ~ 2 n Rv 1
Natural roll period 'TR' = 2 "\!~ = Vg x V GM seconds
Where acceleration due to gravity 'g' = 9.81 mls2 and 'Rv' is the radius of
gyration ofthe ship's mass+ the added mass of water about the centre of
gravity 'C'. 'Rv' is a fraction of the ship's beam 'B: which depends on the
ship's weight distribution, which can be taken to be roughly constant for a
given set of hull proportions, so the ship's beam and CM in metres can be
taken as the only variables in the above equation.
The /MO Code of Intact Stability gives the equation belowfor the constant
The constant "" 0.746 + 0 046 Beam 'B' (m) - 0 086 LBP 'L' (m)
· Draft 'd' (m) · 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Wave Period 'Tw' seconds
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 45
The AHTS vessel's heave and roll in 5.7 second, 2.8 metre high beam waves
The wave period is considerably shorter than the tug's natural roll period, so the changing angle of heel
lags the changing wave slope by 180° and the ends of the roll coincide with the upper and lower limits
of the resonant heave motion on the falling and rising slopes of each wave.
-Still 1
I_ level I
_ _ ...J
On the crest On the falling slope In the trough On the rising slope
Weight = buoyancy Weight > buoyancy Weight = buoyancy Buoyancy > weight
V(up) is maximum Vis zero V(down) is maximum Vis zero
Rolling to starboard At the end of the roll Rolling to port At the end of the roll
So, the change in draft at the limits of the heave motion is ± 0.42 metres
The difference in pressure and lateral force is caused by the change in depth of hull immersion across the
tug's beam which, in turn, depends on its beam and the wave's slope plus the ship's roll angle to the
v:ertical. The wave slope can be estimated from the equation on page 35 and the roll angle is given by
multiplying the slope by the RA0Rfor the wave period (see page 44).
h 4n 2
The wave slope ::::: 2 x Tw2 g radians
Where: The wave height 'h' =2.8 m, The wave period Tw = 5.7 s
4 n2 •
So, the wave slope == 1.4 x _72 x _ radians
5 9 81
So, the wave slope ::::: 0.17r == 9.9° to the horizontal
The RA0Rfor a 5.7 second wave period= 0. 15 (see page 44)
So, the maximum roll angle ::::: 0.15 x 9.9° ~ 1.5° to the vertical
So, the angle '8max' at the end of a roll ::::: 11 .4° to the sea surface
46 Part 7 - THEORY
Estimating the lateral force on the vessel in 5.7 second, 2.8 metre high, beam waves
Direction of
wave travel
- - - -.
'g' = 9.87 mls2
'p' = 7.025 tlm3
- - = Equal pressure lines are assumed to be parallel to the sea surface (see page 34)
Port draft 'dp' = (5.00 + 0.42 + 7.5 tan 11 .4°) cos 1.5° == 6.9 metres
Starboard draft 'ds' = (5.00 + 0.42 - 7.5 tan 11.4°) cos 1.5° == 3.9 metres
Pressure P1 = pgds cos 9.9° = 1.025 x 9.81 x 3.9 cos 9.9° == 38.6 kN/ m 2
Pressure P2 = pgdp cos 9.9° = 1.025 x 9 .81 x 6.9 cos 9.9° == 68.3 kN/ m 2
Pressure@ F1 & F2 = 0.5 (P1 + Po) = 0 .5 (38.6 + 0.0) "" 19.3 kN/ m 2
Pressure@ F3 & F4 = 0 .5 (P2 + P1) = 0 .5 (68.3 + 38.6) == 53.5 kN/ m 2
'k1 ', 'k2; 'k3' and 'k4; are correction factors that estimate how the effective vertical area
and its distance from the ship's centreline changes with the hull shape at different depths.
Effective hull area 'A1 ' @ F1 = k1 x LBP x 'ds' == 0.70 x 52 x 3 .9 == 142.0 m 2
Effective hull area 'A2' @ F2 = k2 x LBP x 'ds' == 0.65 x 52 x 3.9 == 131.8 m 2
Effective hull area 'A3' @ f 3 = k3 x LBP x 'bd' == 0.30 x 52 x 3.0 == 46.8 m 2
Effective hull area 'A4' @ F4 = k4 x· LBP x '&I' == 0 .35 x 52 x 3.0 == 54.6 m 2
Stbd force = 19.3 A1 + 53.5 A3 == 5048 kN, Port force = 19.3 A2 + 53.5 A4 == 5661 kN
So, net lateral force to starboard == 5661 - 5048 == 613 kN or approximately 62.5 t
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel -47- ~
Estimating the lateral force on the vessel in 5.7 second, 2.8 metre high, beam waves
Direction of
wave travel
__1__ i
g'= 9.87mls2 - - - - --
p = 7.025 t/m 3 9.9° to the vertical
Equal pressure lines are assumed to be parallel to the sea surface (see page 34)
Port draft 'dp' = (5.00 - 0 .42 - 7 .5 tan 11 .4°) cos 1.5° ~ 3.0 metres
Starboard draft 'ds' = (5.00 - 0 .42 + 7.5 tan 11 .4°) cos 1.5° ~ 6.0 metres
Pressure P1 = pgds cos 9.9° = 1.025 x 9.81 x 3.0 cos 9.9° ~ 29.7 kN/ m 2
Pressure P2= pgdp cos 9.9° = 1.025 x 9.81 x 6.0 cos 9.9° ~ 59.4 kN/ m 2
Pressure@ F1 & F2 = 0 .5 (P1 + Po) = 0 .5 (29.7 + 0 .0) ~ 14.9 kN/ m 2
Pressure@ F3 & F4 = 0.5 (P2 + P1) = 0.5 (59.4 + 29.7) ~ 44.6 kN/ m 2
'k1 ', 'k2', 'k3' and 'k4: are correction factors that estimate how the effective vertical area
and its distance from the ship's centreline changes with the hull shape at different depths.
Effective hull area 'A1 ' @ F1 = k1 x LBP x 'dp' ~ 0 .60 x 52 x 3.0 ~ 93.6 m 2
Effective hull area 'A2' @ F2 = k2 x LBP x 'dp' ~ 0 .55 x 52 x 3.0 ~ 85.8 m 2
Effective hull area 'A3' @ F3 = k3 x LBP x 't,d' ~ 0 .35 x 52 x 3.0 ~ 54.6 m 2
Effective hull area 'A4' @ F4 = k4 x LBP x '&I' ~ 0 .30 x 52 x 3.0 ~ 46.8 m 2
Stbd force = 14.9 A1 + 44.6 A3 ~ 3830 kN , Port force = 14.9 A2 + 44.6 A4 ~ 3366 kN
So, net lateral force to port ~ 3830 - 3366 ~ 464 kN or approximately 47.3 t
48 Part 1 - THEORY
Using strip theory to calculate the peak lateral force of beam waves
The hull shape is divided into transverse strips of equal length with waterline at the end of the roll
superimposed on each strip so that the wave force on each strip can be calculated and then added
up to provide the total peak wave force. Each strip is assumed to be parallel sided with its section
taken at mid-length.
The way in which waves distort the increase of pressure with depth of water (See page 34)
Lines of equal water pressure are
most closely stacked in the trough
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 49
A ship's response to beam waves with periods longer than its heave period
The procedure used on pages 45-47 to estimate the than those on pages 46 and 47 but they will indicate
peak force of waves on the beam can be applied to how the force changes with increasing length of the
waves of a longer period, provided that the RAO values waves. AHTS vessels are often expected to operate in
and their accompanying phase shifts used to determine significant wave heights of up to about 5 metres, which
the vessel's heave and roll response to the waves are have periods of about 8.2 seconds in continental shelf
appropriate for the wave period. The estimated peak seas of unlimited fetch (see page 38) and wavelengths
wave force will not necessarily be any more accurate of about 100 metres (see page 34).
The vessel's heave and roll motion in 8.2 second, 5.0 metre high beam waves
W ave sIope = 2 4 n2 - 0 15r - 9 0
x s.22 x 9.81 - . -
Displacement 'AT' = 2760t
So, maximum heel = 0.35 X 0. 15 = o.osr = 3°
The heave is in phase with the sea's height, whilst the roll lags the wave slope by 180°.
The wave period is shorter than the ship's natural roll period but longer than its heave period, so each
roll ends on a falling or rising wave slope but the upper and lower limits of the small heave motion occur
on the crests and troughs respectively and so do not effect the peak wave force at the ends of the roll.
I Still I
l water
_ _ ..JI
On the crest On the falling slope In the trough On the rising slope
Weight ::::: buoyancy Weight ::::: buoyancy Weight ::::: buoyancy Buoyancy ::::: weight
Vis zero V(down) is maximum Vis zero V(up) is maximum
Rolling to starboard At the end of the roll Rolling to port At the end of the roll
SO Part 1 - THEORY
A ship's response to beam waves with periods longer than its heave period (continued)
The following diagram uses the method shown on on the beam. Note that the very small heave motio-
pages 46 and 47 to roughly estimate the peak lateral does not affect the peak wave force at the ends of 11'
force of 8.2 second, 5 metre high waves striking the ship rolJ.
Estimating the lateral force on the vessel in 8 .2 second, 5 metre high, beam waves
3° to the vertical
- - = Equal pressure lines are assumed to be parallel to the sea surface (see page 34)
Port draft 'dp' = (5.00 + 7.5 tan 12.0°) cos 3.0° == 6.6 metres
Starboard draft 'ds' = (5.00 - 7.5 tan 12.0°) cos 3.0° == 3.4 metres
Pressure P1 = pgds cos 9.0° = 1.025 x 9.81 x 3.4 cos 9.0° == 33.8 kN/m 2
Pressure P2 = pgdp cos 9.0° = 1.025 x 9.81 x 6.6 cos 9.0° :::: 65.6 kN/ m 2
Pressure@ F1 & F2 = 0.5 (Pl + Po) = 0 .5 (33.8 + 0.0) == 13.9 kN/m 2
Pressure@ F3 & F4 = 0.5 (P2 + Pl) = 0.5 (65.6 + 33.8) == 49.7 kN/ m 2
'k1: 'k2: 'k3' and 'k4: are correction factors that estimate how the effective vertical area
& its distance from the ship's centreline changes with the hull shape at different depths.
Effective hull area 'A1 ' @ Fl = kl x LBP x 'ds' == 0 .70 x 52 x 3.9 == 131 .8 m 2
Effective hull area 'A2' @ F2 = k2 x LBP x 'ds' :::: 0.65 x 52 x 3.9 == 142.0 m 2
Effective hull area 'A3' @ F3 = k3 x LBP x 'od' == 0.30 x 52 x 3 .0 == 46.8 m 2
Effective hull area 'A4' @ F4 = k4 x. LBP x 'od' == 0.35 x 52 x 3.0 == 54.6 m 2
Stbdforce = 13.9A1 + 49.7A3:::: 4158kN, Portforce = 13.9A2 + 49.7A4 == 4687kN
So, net lateral force to starboard == 4687 - 4158 == 529 kN or approximately 53.9 t
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 51
A ship's response to beam waves with periods longer than its heave period (continued)
The calculation on the previous page relies on the same height), so we might expect the higher waves to create a
approximations outlined on page 48 and used in considerably greater peak force. However, this would be
estimating the peak wave force for shorter 5.7 second, to ignore the effect of the longer length and period of
2.8 metre high waves, though the assumption that the the waves, which reduces the ma.ximurn slope of the
lines of equal pressure are parallel to the wave profile is waves whilst also allowing the ship to heel over further
more valid for the higher waves due to their longer from the vertical before arresting and reversing the roll.
wavelength. The estimated peak force for 8.2 second, A crude analogy can be made by comparing the shorter
5 metre high waves on the beam is about 54 tonnes, and longer waves with using the brakes to stop a motor
which is approximately the average between the peak car. A driver putting his foot hard down on the brake
forces of 62.5 tonnes and 47.3 tonnes for the shorter pedal creates a large braking force that brings the car
2.8 metre high wave on a rising slope and a falling slope quickly to a stop with a jerk and so can be likened to the
respectively (see pages 46 and 47). T his seems strange, action of the shorter period wave, whereas a more gentle
as waves of 5 metres in height are almost twice as high application of the brakes results in a lower braking force
as the shorter waves and have about 3 times the energy that allows the car to travel further before it stops, which
(wave energy increases with the square of the wave is more like the action of the longer wave.
A ship's response to beam waves with periods equal to or longer than its roll period
If our Al-ITS vessel were subjected to waves on the beam troughs, whilst the vessel's heave motion would be
with a period equal to the ship's natural roll response, equal to and in step with the wave's rise and fall. This
then the maximum roll angle would lag the wave slope situation is known as 'synchronous rolling'.
by 90° and so the rolls would end on the wave rests and
The heave is in phase with the sea's height, whilst the roll lags the wave slope by 90°.
This is a case of synchronous rolling, as the vessel's roll period is equal to the wave period and the
ends of the rolls occur on a wave crest or in a wave trough.
- --,
: Still I
I water
1 _ _ .JI
On the crest On the falling slope In the trough On the rising slope
Weight "' buoyancy Weight "' buoyancy Weight "' buoyancy Buoyancy "' weight
Vis zero V(down) is maximum Vis zero V(up) is maximum
At the end of the roll Rolling to port At the end of the roll Rolling to starboard
52 Part 7 - THEORY
A ship's response to beam waves with periods equal to or longer than its roll period (continued)
If the AHTS vessel were subjected to the conditions that periods and lengths (see page 37) d1at indud
creates waves with 11.5 second periods, then it would be waves of much longer periods than those th
in hurricane force winds with 10 metre high waves with dominate the spectrum. Swell waves are wia
a maximum theoretical slope of about 8.5°, whid1 generated waves that have spread beyond th
would roll the ship 17 ° to port and starboard if the disturbance that generated them, so the waves are n
RAOR value is limited to 2 (see page 44). This would be longer being reinforced by the wind and the energ-
a serious threat to a ship with such a low freeboard as in each wave is distributed around an ever increasir .
our AHTS vessel and, in reality, the situation would be circle around the centre of the storm that create,
worse because the wave crests would be even steeper them, so their height diminishes. The water at tJ,.
with green water breaking over the aft deck. It would be surface of the swell waves is also in contact with t..
almost certainly fatal to hold the vessel on a heading air that may be calm or blowing in a differei
with such seas on the beam. However, smaller waves direction to the wave travel, so a proportion of L"
can create less threatening synchronous rolling in one energy in each wave cycle is lost due to friction at ~
or a combination of both of the two following water-air interface (see page 32), which also reduc
situations: the height of the waves. Long period waves tra,
further for each cycle than shorter waves, so a swt:
1. The ship is moving at speed in a following sea with almost always consists of only low waves with lo,.. .
the waves on a stern quarter, so the speed of the periods and length that have travelled a considerab
waves, relative to the ship's speed, is less than their distance from their source, so they are well son-
speed of propagation and, consequently, their and the sea is regular with 'long crested' waves (
apparent, or 'encountered' period increases. Most page 36).
seafarers will know of the slow corkscrew-like and
uncomfortable rolling motion that can occur when a If a ship is subjected to waves on the beam of long;
ship is moving at speed in following quarterly seas. periods than its roll period, then the ship moves in stc.
2. The ship is subjected to long period swell waves on with the motion of the surface water, as shown in L
the beam. All storms at sea create a spectrum of wave following diagram.
The vessel's heave and roll in beam waves with periods greater than 14 seconds
The heave and roll motions are in phase with wave height and slope.
The ship's motion follows the water molecules' motion as they move in their orbits (see page 32), so it
rises and falls half a wave height above and below the still water level and sways half a wave height
distance from a mean position that moves slowly in the wave direction of travel.
I Still I
_ _ .JI
On the crest On the falling slope In the trough On the rising slope
Weight "" buoyancy Weight "" buoyancy Weight "" buoyancy Buoyancy "" weight
At upper heave limit Falling heave At lower heave limit Rising heave
Rolling to port At the end of the roll Rolling to starboard At the end of the roll
Swaying to starboard At the end of sway Swaying to port At the end of sway
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel 53
A~ \
', ·-
... ~..
•u •:' z = +d
:-· ,,.
Where 'h' = wave height, 'Tw' = wave period, '.11.' = wavelength
& 'z' = the depth of the water particle beneath the sea surface
' 11.Tw x e T
. '
' ......~ .......:' '
So, Stoke's drift 'Us' = 'U' - ,._
Example: Wave height 'h ' = 2.8 m, wavelength ''),.' = 54 m, wave period 'Tw' = 5.7s
Rotating current
& wind direction
Le d
The w ind speed is the average value at 10 metres above sea level over a minute and the
current is 1 knot. The rotating wind and current are coming from a common direction.
Chapter 2 - The environmental forces acting on an AHTS vessel SS
Estimating an AHTS vessel's ability to counter winds and current 25° forward of the beam
LOA = 59.0 m , Max beam = 15.0 m, Summer draft = 5.0 m, Displacement 'AT' = 2760 t
Main propulsion
Twin rudders and twin diesels, each driving a cpp in a Kort nozzle via a reduction gearbox
Main engine power = 2 x 25 75 bhp (or 1930 kW) at 1600 rpm = 51 SO bhp (or 3860 kW)
Bollard pull
Maximum ahead thrust ~ 62 t with no bow thruster load on the shaft generators
Bow t unnel thrusters - 2 x 7.5 t thrust (each requiring SOO kW), Stern thrusters - none
(Bow thrust is reduced if the main engines have insufficient power to produce the required bollard
pull and generate the necessary electrical power for the bow th rusters from the shaft generators)
Electric generating capacity
Diesel generators - 2 x 350 kW (470 bhp), Shaft generators - 2 x 800 kW (600 bhp)
56 Part 7 - THEORY
A rough assessment of the limit of an AHTS vessel's ability to hold to a track (continued)
Estimating the lateral force for winds 25° forward of the beam
Vessel's exposed lateral topside areas Formulae from page 27
If the above formulae relate to an average wind speed over one minute, then the results should be
increased by 50% to allow for gusts and by a further increase of 50% to allowfor the loss of the
efficiency of the thrusters due to the ship's roll, pitch and heave caused by accompanying waves.
Vw(kt) 2 Vw(kt)2
So FY(w)f :::: 2 X t & FY(w)a :::: 2 x t
201 925
Maximum lateral bow and stern forces in near beam winds allowing for gusts and motion
Estimating the lateral force for currents and waves 30° forward of the beam
The forces ofsurface drift and current can both be estimated by the formulae derived on page 29.
The bow and stern drag factors are 0.8 and 0.4 respectively, which gives an overall factor of 0.6.
S.Om {
~ ►I
FY(c)a == 130 Vc(kt)2 72 _5 I : : 0.72 Vc(kt)2 t
The surface drift is assumed to be 3% of the wind speed, which over-estimates its effect on the tug's
immersed hull, as the drift speed decreases exponentially over the depth of the ship's draft.
Maximum lateral forces on the bow and stern due to steady near-beam currents and waves
The tug's capability to hold position against environ- the estimated bow thrust needed to counter
mental forces dose to the beam is limited by the power different combinations of near-beam winds, se.u
of its bow thrusters, so the table on the next page shows currents.
ugh assessment of the limit of an AHTS vessel's ability to hold to a track (continued)
Estimating the bow thruster load to counter seas and currents 25° forward of the beam
Wind & Waves
ne highest force on the bow for a given wind speed and current occurs with both directed at about 30°
6".vard of the beam. The wind force includes the sutface drift due to the waves in a fully-developed
C£"tinental shelf sea. The ship is assumed to be in water depths exceeding 50 metres, so shallow water
effects do not apply (see page 28).
The figures in the squares give the bow thruster loads in tonnes
0 s 10 15 20 25 30 40
1.4 1.6 2.5 3.9 5.9 8.4
3.2 3.4 4.3 5.7 7.7
QI """
... ,,_.
5.7 5.9 6.8 8.2
8.9 9.1 10.0
1111 = 80% to 100% maximum thrust , 1111 = More than 100% maximum thrust
The percentage thrust values assume that there is sufficient electrical power from the
shaft generators for the maximum bow thrust of 15 tonnes to be available (se e page 14).
It must be appreciated that the above table, like the DP fetch. Furthermore, both the above table and the
capability plot, is only a guide to the limits of the capability plot relate to the tug holding its position
,-essel's capacity to hold to a track with the wind and without being encumbered by a tow, so they do not take
rurrent dose to the beam. Sea conditions are very the effect of the tow tension into account. Consequently,
•·ariable depending, as they do, on the depth of water it is the master's decision and his alone as to wlietl,er or
and its variation, as well as the duration of the wind and not the tug can continue with an operation.
Controlling an AHTS vessel's
thrusters and rudders
lntroducto note
Anchor handling operations, surface towing and A tug's power management must be set up at the start
offshore supply work demand different capabilities of an operation to either provide the maximwn bollard
regarding the tug's manoeuvrabUity and so require pull or for the maximum electrical power to be available
different methods of control. to the ancillary equipment, such as the winches and
auxiliary thrusters (see page 14). Surface towing needs
■ Anchor handling involves an AHTS vessel either
maximum bollard pull, whereas holding station on rig
moving ahead whilst towing out the anchor and its
supply work requires maximum electrical power for the
moorings for deployment or being towed astern by
auxiliary thrusters. The decision is less dear for anchor
the mooring winch on the offshore unit after
handting, as deepwater mooring operations demand a
recovering an anchor and its moorings from the
high bollard pull whilst also relying on the bow
seabed. The vessel speed is less than 2 knots for deep
thrusters to keep the tug on track. Furthermore, a tug
water chain moorings, but 5 to 6 knots for shallow
must hold to the line heading against high tow tensions
water wire moorings. Moorings must be run out
when bringing a large anchor over the stem roller,
along a prescribed track and the weight of tow acts
which uses the main winch as well as the thrusters and
down on the tug's stern, which can threaten its
main propellers, so the power demand is high. The
stability when the tow leads off the quarter (see
power supply arrangement must be configured to meet
chapter 4 ). an operation's most demanding stage, so if there is not
■ Surface towing is carried out at a speed of between
enough power available to carry this out in the
4 and 5 knots with the tow leading up from the tug's
prevailing condWons, then the task must be postponed
towing winch, which is a safer arrangement as
(a specific example of this dilemma is given on pages
regards to its stability. Furthermore, the tow need not 151-153).
keep to a predefined track, so the course can be
Tugs with cp main propellers and shaft generators are
altered to suite the prevailing wind, seas and current,
usually powered by diesel engines running at a constant
which means the tow can be kept leading close to
rpm with the main thrust entirely controlled by the
right astern. The tug is steered by rudder actions
pitch of the propellers. However, some tugs may have
rather than using bow thrusters, which are not very
combinator control in which the maximum thrust can
effective at these speeds. only be achieved by increasing the engine rpm with the
■ Offshore supply work requires the tug to hold station
propellers at full ahead pitch and the shaft generators
and heading dose by the offshore unit and with its
aft deck within reach of the unit's crane, so it relies
heavily on lateral thrusters.
The two methods of controlling the thrust from main propulsion cp propellers
Pitch control only (most common) Combined pitch and rpm control
The engine turning at constant rpm all the time The propel lers turn at constant rpm up to
develops fu ll ahead thrust at maximum pitch. maximum pitch and 65% of full thrust. The
thrust is increased further by increasing the
engine rpm.
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 61
A typical AHTS vessel's aft bridge control station designed for one-man operation
The vessel
1 Radar, 2 UHF radio, 3 Towing pins & shark's jaw stopper controls, 4 Towing & work wire tens 0,-
gauges with upper limit settings, 5 Navigation light panel, 6 VHF radio, 7 Deck tugger winch
controls, 8 Tow drum & work drum controls, 9 Searchlight controls, 10 Deck light panel,
11 Joystick controls, 12 PA system, 13 Main propeller pitch control, 14 Ruddertillers(can be
operated in tandem or split), 15 Bow thruster control, 16 Fire alarm panel, 17 Machinery alarm
panel, 18 Navigation display, 19 Emergency stops, 20 CCTV monitors, 21 Pitch, rudder and
heading indicators, 22 Wind speed & direction indicator, 23 Tow tension readout.
The aft bridges on larger more complex AHTS vessels by working the deck machinery and other engin..
include a second seat for an officer to support the driver systems, as shown in the diagram on the following
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 63
Typical plan of an AHTS vessel's aft bridge control station designed for two-man operation
The vessel
Twin main cp propellers and rudders, two bow thrusters, an azimuth thruster and a stern thruster
Instrumentation mounted above the windows
I le~~
I QO ; ~
1 Navigation display, 2 Radar, 3 Systems display & keyboard (for selecting different displays),
4 DP console, 5 Main propeller pitch control, 6 PA system, 7 Rudder tillers (can be operated in
tandem or split), 8 VHF radio, 9 Joystick control, 10 Stern thruster control, 11 Azimuth bow
thruster control, 12 Bow tunnel thruster control (can operate either or both tunnel or bow thrusters),
13 UHF radio, 14 Towing pin controls, 15 Sharks' jaws controls, 16 Searchlight controls,
17 Machinery alarm panels, 18 Deck light switches, 19 Navigation light panel, 20 Fire alarm
panel, 21 Tugger winch controls, 22 Tow winch drum controls, 23 Stowage drum controls,
24 All winch power, clutch & gear controls, 25 - Bulk liquid cargo pump controls, 26 Bilge & ballast
pump controls, 27 Winch tension readouts, 28 Main propeller pitch, rudder & heading indicators,
29 Wind speed & direction indicator, 30 CCTV monitors.
The two officers sit in swivel clhairs mounted on fore & aft rails with the driver on the wheelhouse's
port side and the supporting officer worki ng the on the starboard side.
Part 7 - THEORY
Navigation plot with 'ship's stern up' inset Thrust and tow tension
c o 0 0
The inset in the navigation plot shows a relative motion large scale 'stern up' plot of the vessel, so the
display matches the view of the operator at the aft bridge control station.
The arrows on the thrust and tow tension display show the individual thruster levels (red is
80%- 700% of maximum thrust, 60% - 80% and green less than 60%). The black arrows
show the resultant thrust and yaw moment. The resultant ahead thrust is less than the tow tension, as
the thrust must only overcome the tow tension's horizontal component.
The different combinations of bow and stern lateral thrust on a vessel with no tow
______._·-·-©· .
Maximum pure yaw moment, zero lateral thrust.
Centre of rotation is amidships.
The maximum lateral thrust at the stern in this example is about twice that at the bow.
Lateral thrust scale
A typical joystick control for an AHTS vessel with high lift rudders
The yawing moment is controlled by a knob separate from t he azimuth Azimuth thrust control
thrust control, which sets the direction and magnitude of bodily thrust.
The examples below show how the joystick and yaw controls can work the thrusters and rudders.
Vessel stationary and swinging to starboard about amidships with maximum yaw moment
Zero net fore & aft thrust, starboard bow thrust = port stern thrust from the starboard rudder.
Vessel stationary and swinging to starboard about amidships with maximum yaw moment
Zero netfore & aft thrust, starboard bow thrust = starboard stern thrust from the port rudder.
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 67
Possible joystick programmes for two different vessels being turned short round
(The coloured envelopes show the ranges of thrust programmed for joystick control)
Tug with conventional rudders (See page 20) Tug with high lift flap rudders
The joystick controls of both above vessels have been programmed to limit the thrust of any thruster to
700% of their maximum capacity.
68 Part 1 - THEORY
Holding the ship's head against the yawing moment of a wind off the port bow
Joystick at the maximum 1 - The wind yawing moment is greater than the
yaw rate to port with no maximum port yaw command so the ship's head
azimuth thrust command is falling off to leeward.
Centre of
X rotation
The equation that determines the applied yaw moment in joystick auto heading control
Yaw moment 'M ' to apply = Ah [d:th] + Bh [Ehl + Chfe h dt tonne- metres
d;/ = Rate of change in heading error, £ h = Heading error and Jc h dt = Accumulated error
Ah, Bh and Ch are constants determined by the designers and fine-tuned during installation trials.
The constants Ah, Bh and Ch are programmed into the system when it is installed in the vessel.
1be equation looks complicated, though it is just the officer on watch, the constants 'A', 'B' and 'C' are not
m imicking the act.ions of a good helmsman steering a adjustable by the operator. They are set by the
~hip underway with the rudder alone. The helmsman technicians who install the DP system and fine-tune its
~as a course to steer whilst, at the same time, he can see software during the performa)1Ce trials. If auto heading
the ship's actual heading and so the amount of helm he control has not been properly tuned, then it is possible
applies depends upon the heading e1Tor. As the ship that tl1e ship's head will continually oscillate around the
swings towards the course heading, the helmsman first set heading, which indicates that constant 'A' is too
reduces the helm to an extent and then puts it small relative to 'B'. (This is the equivalent of a
amidships before applying counter helm to check the helmsman continually failing to apply enough counter
swing as the ship's head comes onto the correct course. helm to check a swing, so the head always overshoots
The timing and extent of checking the swing back on the target heading.) The constants can be changed
course depends on the rate at which the heading error is onboard if a person has the authorisation code that
;hanging. Finally, if the vessel tends to steer slightly off gives access to the programmable software, though this
course with the rudder amidships due to the wind, then is best done under the guidance of the DP makers.
the helmsman keeps a constant few degrees of helm to However, the operator can adjust the ship's draft input,
keep on track, which is the equivalent of the which is usually inputted at the main DP console. This
.ucumulative error. tells the system how heavy the ship is and so adjusts the
The auto heading control equation's constants 'N, 'B' constants to increase the thrust demands as displace-
and 'C' are equivalent to the autopilot settings of 'helm', ment increases. If the draft input is not properly
counter helm' and 'bias' ( or 'weather helm'). However, updated, the.n the system will still work, but it will not
unlike an autopilot where the settings can be altered by perform as well as it can do.
Part 1 - THEORY
(0°) Port errors are positive
Starboard errors are negative
< 80
81 > 80
Ehl = h - 81
dEh 81 - 80
dt - tl - to
fE h dt = Ehl + EhO
The auto heading control will increase the starboard yaw command to correct the port negative error
and rate of error change for ship 1 but reduce or even reverse it for ship 2.
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 71
The effect of the accumulative error term in joystick auto heading control
-a "0
.... V, V,
~ ".t.:
... 0
· ... 0 Time
QI ......
-a CII The accumulated error is the area under
~ .E the heading error graph and so it will not
3 "0
change when the heading error is zero.
~ ~
0 0
D. D.
In this situation, the joystick auto heading control has been selected at to and by tx the
accumulated error to port is sufficient to create a starboard yaw command to counter
the wind on the vessel's starboard bow.
The accumulated error increases until it creates a yaw command that is sufficient to counter the yawing
moment of the wind and sea when the vessel is lying steady to the set heading with both the
instantaneous heading error and rate of change of error being equal to zero.
The basic operating principle of the auto heading memory. If, for example, the set heading of the vessel
control is simple, but it must be appreciated that the shown above is changed so that tl1e wind moves from
system can only respond to the data that is put into it. the starboard bow to the port bow, then the thrusters
The accumulative error may reliably counter a wind wi 11 initially continue to bias the yawing moment to
yawing moment acting on the ship, but if the gyro data starboard as if the wind is stiU trying to swing the
is the only input, then the system cannot 'know' vessel to port. This will increase both the position
whether the yawing moment it opposes is due to a error and its rate of d1ange so the 'B' and 'A' terms in
strong wind close to the bow or a weaker wind closer the control equation will be working against the 'C'
to the beam. Jnputting a heading change command term until the build up of heading errors has wiped
increases the heading error, which is added to the out the previous accumulative error and is sufficient to
existing accumulative error, so the system can only produce a port yaw command to counter the wind
build up a new bias when the heading errors have yawing moment that is now trying to swing the vessel
been sufficiently large to cancel out the previous to starboard.
72 Part 1 - THEORY
The auto heading response to a heading change to put the wind on the opposite bow
The ship is holding a heading with the wind on the starboard bow when the operator inputs a large
heading change to starboard to put the wind on the port bow.
... 'O 1 2 3 4
'O .c . ' '
.s:. ...
..e o I/)
Ill I
'O 5
8 ~
~ 0
The control must overshoot the new set heading in order to overwrite the initial accumulated error ro
port and accumulate sufficient starboard error to produce the yaw command that will counter the
yawing moment due to the wind changing from being off the starboard to being off the port bow. It cc~
take several oscillating swings about the new set heading to achieve this.
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 73
Inputs Output
Wind strength
Ship's draft
Wind yaw
---.-t__&_d_i_r_e_c_ti_o_n_:--1..-t..__m_o_m.,.e_n_t_ _.
Set heading
Heading error
The effect of the tow tension on a tug when it is leading to one side of dead astern
The effect
TH sin a
The tug's ahead thrust must counter the astern pull of the tow tension's horizontal component 7H'
whilst its force acting on the towing pin creates a yawing moment to starboard and a lateral force to
port. The tug's pivot point moves closer to the stern as tow tension rises.
The tow's astern pull 7H cos a' is roughly equal to the tug 's ahead thrust if it is towing a heavy load at
slow speed. The tow's lateral pull, 'TH sin a', increases by about 7.75% of its astern pull for each
degree increase in the lead angle 'a' for lead angles up to about 70 °.
At slow speeds where a ~ 10°, tow's lateral pull 'TH sin a ' ::::: 0 .0175 a x tug's ahead thrust
Manoeuvring a tug with a tow is dealt with more that the system has no input of the tow tension's
fully in Part 2 of this book, but ii is important to keep the horizontal pull or direction, so it will 'learn' to keep to
tug as close to the line as possible to avoid putting the tow the set heading by building up a large accumulated
lead too far from dead astern whilst altempting to move the error. Any change of heading command will
vessel back onw t11e line. immediately change the accumulated error by the same
Bridge officers controlling a tug must also be aware amount and so the system can rapidly ramp up the
of the risk of the vessel being capsized by the tow lateral thrusters at the bow and stern if the change of
tension when the tow leads off to one side of dead heading is large. Furthermore, the tug may overshoot
astern and excessive lateral thrust is applied at the the new target heading by a considerable amount before
vessel's stem against the row's lateral pull. Any heading it settles down, as shown by the diagrams on page 72. ll
alteration that moves a heavy tow lead furtl1er from is better to take full manual control of the thmsters whenever
dead astern must be made with caution and an a tug is handling a high tension tow in critical circumstances
understanding of whatever system is being used to in which automatic increases in the thrust at the stem can
control the tug. If, for example, the vessel is under lead to sudden rises in the tow's tension, particularly if the
joystick auto heading control, then it must be realised tow is leading to one side of dead astern.
DP control
" control automatically adjusts a vessel's thrusters to one or more of the following posmon monitoring
it over a target position at a set heading, provided equipment, or PME, at a rate of about once every
the DP receives regular inputs from the gyro and second.
Nearby secured
installation platform
Key to PME types, showing symbols normally used on DP console screen (see page 79).
Tautwire r,
- ""eovy weight is set down onto the seabed on a wire held taut by a selftensioning winch on a davit. The
head detects changes in the initial up and down lead and these are transmitted to the DP computer
r;.;;. ;:
eh then calculates the changes in the ship's position from the initial depth input (effective up to about
· 60 metres water depth).
3 Artemis ii
- snort range radar system in which the vessel's position is determined by the range and bearing measured
~een an antenna on the ship and a matching transmitter/receiver on a nearby fixed offshore platform
t:;Jective up to a range of about 5 nautical miles).
4 Syledis Y
--e vessel transmits a radio signal that triggers a response from matching transmitter/receiver units on
.s.. rrounding fixed positions, either offshore or on land. The ship's position is calculated from ranges measured
.r-cm these signals (effective up to a range ofabout 40 nautical miles).
DP control (continued)
If the target position is set at some distance from the the mast or the sonar tracking head below the keel, so
vessel's position, the speed at which the ship is to move the data must be corrected for the ship's motion in
towards the target must be manually put into the DP so response to the waves. Consequently, it is essential that
that it can create a secondary target that moves towards the vessel is equipped with a heave, pitch and roll
the real target at the set speed. The target position itself motion sensor ( or VRU) that also sends data to the DP
need not be stationary, so the DP can be programmed to at the same rate as the PM E.
keep the ship at specified range and bearing from a The DP calculates the thrusts necessary to control the
sonar beacon fixed to a mobile remotely operated ship's position by applying the same three-term control
underwater vehicle (or ROV) without straining the equation shown on page 69 to the lateral and fore & aft
ROV's umbilical. However, although many modem position errors, as well as the heading error, so it will
AHTS vessels are equipped with DP, they are not usually work with inputs from the gyro, a PME and the pitch
provided with all the PME options shown on the and roll sensor. However, the DP software includes a
previous page, such as the sonar tracking equipment mathematical model of the lateral and fore & aft wind
that is essential for operating with an ROV. Some PMEs, forces acting on the ship due to winds from any
such as the Artemis short range radar or the Syled is radio direction relative to the ship's head, so il responds
system, can be easily installed when a tug is mobilised quicker to changes with less movement off station the
for a specific job, but GPS is the PME most likely to be wind sensor data is fed into the system. The exposed
used on most vessels for anchor handling operations. topside area depends on the ship's draft, so wind data
The raw navigation data from any PM E provides the should be augmented by manually inputting the draft
position of its sensor, be it a GPS aerial near the top of (see page 73).
The inputs for the three basic modes of control available on a DP consol
Inputs that improve the performance of the control modes
-- PME data
Thruster selection
+' C
41 -~ Target
"' 0
Ill speed
DP control (continued)
The input data from the selected monitoring equipment continually varying in its reliability. The DP predicts
(i.e. gyro heading, position and wind force) is processed the lateral and fore & aft errors for each fix by
through the following steps: applying the ship's mathematical model to the thrust
demands made in response to the previous fix, which
1. Each new piece of position data is assessed for its is similar to a deduced reckoning, or DR, position.
reliability and is rejected either if it has changed from The DP then interpolates between the predicted and
the previous data beyond a certain limit PME position errors (ideally, two or more PME's
programmed into the process by the manufacturer, should be selected at any one time) using a process
or if it is exactly the same as the previous data. The known as the 'Kalman gains' to obtain the most
DP console screen warns of this by causing the probable or 'filtered' position errors to be used in the
appropriate selection button start to flash. lateral and fore & aft thrust demand equations
2. The DP control system relates to the ship's lateral and shown below. If the PME data seems to be erratic,
fore & aft axis, so the system must first use the gyro then the operator can increase the weighting of the
input to convert the true bearing of the position error predicted errors and so bias the fi ltered errors away
to a bearing relative to the vessel's head and then from the PME errors by manually 'relaxing the
convert this to lateral and fore & aft co-ordinates. Kalman gains'. Th is can be done by degree, but it
3. The raw lateral and fore & aft position error co- must be appreciated that the DP almost totally
ord inates are corrected for the offsets appropriate to ignores the PME data when the maximum degree of
the particular PME sensor so that the position error relaxed Kalman gains is selected, so this should not
relates to the designated control point. be done without careful consideration. The relaxed
4. PME position errors are affected by external factors, Kalman gains only apply to PM E data, not to the
such as how many satellites are available for a GPS fix wind or gyro inputs.
and their distribution in the sky, so the raw data is
The DP control equations for the yaw moment, lateral thrust and fore & aft thrust
Fore & aft thrust 'Fxx' = Axx [d:; ] + Bxx[£xx] + CyyJ£xx dt tonnes
'Eh' = Heading error and '.4h: 'Bh' & 'Ch' = Yaw moment constants
'E yy' = Filtered lateral position error and '.4w: 'Byy' & 'Cyy' = Lateral thrust constants
'E xx' = Filtered fore & aft position error and '.4xx: 'Bxx' & 'Cxx' = Fore & aft thrust constants
5. The constants '/\, 'B' and 'C' can be manually 6. If the wind input is selected, then thrust and yaw
increased for each of the three control equations by moments derived from the control equations are
adjusting the 'gains' settings, though their relative added to those created by the wind speed and
values are determined by the DP manufacturer's direction data. The overall thrust demands are sent to
engineers during the installation trials and can.not be a process that determines the individual thruster
altered by the operators, who do not usually have the commands, whid1 must also comply with the
access code to the programmable software. However, priority protocol programmed into the DP (i.e. yaw
the operator can alter the total gain settings, which demands are given priority over .lateral thrust
should be decreased to reduce thruster activity when demands that have priority over fore & aft thrust
conditions are calm. demands).
78 Part 7 - THEORY
DP control (continued)
If the navigation input fails, then the 'A' and 'B' terms of but this is much rarer than PM E failures, which are
the lateral fore & aft control equations become zero. vulnerable to external factors.) Mode.I control is crude
The DP alarms and goes into 'model control', in which but surprisingly effective at limiting drift off station if
onJy the residual 'C' terms in the affected equations the ship was previously holding to the target position in
create thrust demands whilst the unaffected yaw steady conditions. It gives the operator time to select a
equation will continue to generate thrust demands as different PME or a different control mode, such as a
normal. {A gyro failure results in losing the position joystick mode, or manual control of the individual
commands as well because the frame of reference is lost, thrusters.
Thrust demands
Individual position
Position prediction
Programmed model of
thruster performance
Heading prediction
DP model control
The integral, or accumulated error, terms are updated continually to maintain the average thrusts
required to keep the ship on station and hold its heading. These thrusts continue to hold the ship
approximately in position at the target heading if the PM£ or gyro inputs fail in steady.
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 79
I 8111"8 OUTUNE
1 I 1 6T
3 1 • 10T
5 I 6
~~ 4 3T
n M 5
ii y
@ @
Screen commands & symbols I Vectors
D Input unavailable CJ Input failing I __. 0- 49% thrust
D Input available - Alarm I 50-69% thrust
D Input available & selected D Control settings I -+ + 70% thrust
® Target position Control point I -+ Overall thrust
--------------------' -+ Sea force
Most of the selections made bring up sub menus in additional small 'windows'
All commands made through the system require a confirmation to be entered
The above display shows the motion (in ship's head up, relative motion mode) and thrust vector pages
selected. All thrusters are selected and the no. 7 thruster is close to overload whilst one of the CPS
navigational inputs is about to fail.
80 Part 1 - THEORY
The DP control console (continued)
The DP's windows operating system allows commands The 'co,ztrol point' shown on the motion page of the
to be in putted in various ways, so position and heading console is the point that the DP uses as the centre of
changes can be made either in small pre-defined stages rotation (or COR) for yaw commands and the reference
(typically 1 metre/I and 10 metre/10° steps) or by
point for positioning the ship. There can be as many as
using the curser to move the target heading/position on four or five d ifferent options for the COR, such as
the screen or by typing in the new position/heading or amidships, the bow, the stern and the point(s) of any
by selecting the present posi.tion/heading. The console suspended piece of equipment (such as the diving bell
allows a number of options to be d isplayed on the on a dive support vessel), though rotating the ship
screen, so the 'motion' and 'vector' pages shown in the about any COR other than amidships results in a bodily
diagram on the previous page are just two of several lateral movement as well as pure yaw and so increases
options that can be selected (though they are often the the load on the thrusters (see page 68). This is especially
most useful to the operator). What information is so for CORs aft of amidships, as both the lateral thrust
d isplayed on each page can also be selected, though and yaw moment must mainly be provided by the bow
operators should be wary of being distracted by an thrusters, which are invariably less powerful than the
excess of data. main propellers and rudders.
An example of the DP thruster alignment for a twin screw, twin rudder vessel
1000 t-m
7 St 2
1 2 3 4 5
The underside of the vessel 7t
The main propellers (6 & 7) and forward azimuth thruster (3)
are set up in opposition. Zero fore & aft thrust is the result of 7t
4 .... 5t
a dynamic balance between these thrusters, so fine s-+ 5t
adjustments of the ahead or astern thrust are made by 2t 2t
altering the balance between them.
A typical thrust response to adjusting ►
the vessel's heading and position Vector page
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 81
Motion page
Motion page
The constant 'A' is too low, relative The constant '/l: is too low, relative
to 'B' in the fo re & aft control to ' B' in the lateral control
equation. equation.
The trials should also test the effectiveness of the ship's particular situation, as it does not include any
wind input and the mathematical model of the wind cwTent that may be running or the net wave force, which
forces programmed into the DP. The mathematical varies considerably both in time and place for a
mode.! creates thrust demands in real time to oppose the particular wind speed. The PME inputs are necessary to
force acting on the ship for the relative wind strength ensure that the vessel does not gradually move off the
and direction input, so they should keep the vessel close target position, but position errors should be much
to the target position and heading as the wind strength reduced by the wind input. The best way to test this is to
and direction are radically changing. This is in contrast to put the vessel into DP control in moderate sea and wind
the DP control equations, which must 'learn' the thrust conditions with the wind input selected. A large
needed to counter such changes by trial and error (with heading change is put into the DP after the vessel has
the emphasis on the error) . Building up accumulated settled over the target on a steady heading and its
errors is how the control equations fust 'forget' the performance during the change of heading is noted. If
previous thrust bias and then 'learn' the bias the wind input is effective, then the ship will not move
appropriate to a new situation. However, if the wind far off station, as the thrust responds in real time to
input is included in the DP control, then the main thrust oppose the changing wind force as the ship's heading
commands sent to the ThL unit shouJd be created by the changes. The ship is the.n briefly taken out of DP control
mathematical model of the wind forces, but the model before repeating the same test without selecting the wind
is unlikely to totally replicate the forces created by the input to show its effect on the DP's performance.
82 Part 1 - THEORY
The drift-off position during a 45° heading change without a wind input
(The heading change was made to counter rising sea forces that were initially on the port beam.)
1 The yaw and lateral integrals show a port bias.
Key 2 The ship begins to lose position & heading so
• = Thrust at position '6 ' the yaw and lateral integrals start to grow to
= ~ = Control point track
port to oppose increasing sea forces.
3 The DP operator inputs a heading change to
+ = Control point at '6' port, so lateral thrust is lost to create the yaw
® = Target moment and the port position error increases.
4 The sea forces are increasingly directed on the
bow and less on the beam. The yaw and lateral
integral terms continue the thrust to port due to
2 the port bias, which decays with the increasing
starboard position and heading errors.
1 5 The yaw and lateral integrals and the fore & aft
position error are sufficient to check the swing
4 and the move away from the target after the
ship has overshot the set heading.
See also page 72 6 The ship is moving back on position at the set
The integral and position error curves are not to the same scale.
The apparent environmental force as shown on the motion page.
(The display is shown in true motion before and after the 45° heading change.)
CD ©
< " ~ I
12 t
12 t
The DP without the wind input 'assumes' the sea force is the opposite of its position bias, so it initially
tracks round with the heading due to the bias in port thrust and the ship moves off to port and astern as
the bow comes further into the actual sea force. However, as starboard and ahead position errors
accumulate, so the thrust bias gradually adapts to oppose the changing sea force direction and move the
ship back on target, though it must overshoot to reduce the ahead bias.
Chapter 3 - Controlling an AHTS vessel's thrusters and rudders 83
ox ot & oy lit
Position ♦ Integrals
control - l: ox ot & l: oy ot
l>x& bt
control The fast learn increases the update rate of the 'x'
and 'y' integral terms by temporarily amplifying the
'x' and 'y' errors by a multiplier that decreases with
84 Part 7 - THEORY
How the DP might control an anchor mooring tow with the wind off the bow
(Not recommended)
~----- Stern
------- ·
Set track
+ Control point &
centre of rotation
set at the stern
thrust Thruster's effects on the tug @ Moving target
Depending on the tow tension, wind strength and wind direction, the DP may keep the tug on track by
using the stern thrusters to counter the combined force of the wind and tow tension whilst the bow
thrust holds the tug's head against the wind yawing moment, but there is a risk of the DP suddenly
increasing the lateral thrust against the tow and so heeling the tug over to a dangerous
86 Part 1 - THEORY
~ M
~ - -- G
As the hull heels from the upright to the small angle of heel '0', so the centre of buoyancy swings about
the metacentre 'M' from 'BO' to '80' which is on the low side of the centre of gravity 'G'. The forces of
buoyancy and weight now act out of vertical alignment and produce a righting moment to force the hull
back to the upright when the external force is removed. The true horizontal separation between the
forces of weight and buoyancy is known as 'GZ' and the righting moment is given by:
Movements of the centre of buoyancy for given upright mean drafts, trim and angles of heel depend
solely on the shape of the vessel's hull and so it is determined by the ship's designers analysing the
hullform data as it is rotated through incremental increases in the angle of heel over the operating
range of the ship's designed loaded conditions. Th is is normally achieved by analysing the change in the
shape of the waterplane area for each of the selected conditions as the hu ll is heeled from the upright
to 90°. The position of the centre of buoyancy is not the most convenient information to use in stability
calculations, as it moves vertically as well as horizontally as the angle of heel changes, so buoyancy's
line of action is usually given by its horizontal distance from the centre of the keel, which is known as
the 'KN' value. The designers provide the ship with tables of 'KN' values for the selected typical loaded
conditions that can then be used to calcu late the 'GZ' value for any given height ' KG' of the centre of
gravity above the keel for 'G' on the centreline.
The 'Cl' curve with the centre of gravity 'C' on the centreline
stability is lost, as shown by the adjacent curve. E
..... Stability is
N positive when
The 'GZ' curve is based on the ship being
heeled over in still water.
GZ is positive
Official No.: 1099759
Port of: New Orleans, LA
Builder: Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co.
Year: 2000
Gross ITC: 1020
Net ITC: 306
Length: 147'-11"
Beam: 50'-4 "
Depth: 21 '
Bollard Pull (0 Speed): 130 Short tons
Maximum Speed: 1 2 KTS
Light 12'-1"
Maximum 16'-0"
ABS +Al Towing Vessel; +AMS
USCG Subchapter C (Uninspected)
SOLAS Certified
Total Fuel Oil: 218,300 Gallons
Lube Oil: 6 ,248 Gallons
Centre Main Engine:
(Fixed Pitch Prop) (1 ) EMD 20-710-G7B 5000 HP@ 900 RPM
Outboard Main Engines:
(Z Drives) (2) EMD 16-645-E6 2100 HP@900 RPM
Z Drive Units: (2) KAM EWA AQUAMASTER 2011
Diesel Generator Set: (2) Detroit Diesel 8V- 71 N 17 5 KW @ 1800 RPM
Emergency Generator: Detroit Diesel 4- 71 N 45 KW @ 1800 RPM
Anchor Handling Winch: (1) SMATCO Model 86- DARW- 250 Double Drum Reverse
Waterfall 412,000 Lb Baredrum Line Pull
Integrated Control System
Portable Ing Control Units
Electronic Chart Display System
Digital GPS
Gyrocompass ....
Auto Pilot
SMATCO 20,000 lbs. Line Pull Hydraulic Tuggers
SMATCO 18' x 16' 250 ton Stern Roller
SMATCO Model 24 x 14 Pop Up Towing Pins, 24" Tall x 1 4" Diameter
SMATCO Model 300T Shark Jaw 36" grasp area, wire chain capable
Open Stern with 50' x 42' decked anchor handling areai w ith cargo
containing rails
c..~_,- - -- --
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 93
,- - -
___ , = Upright buoyancy ,.__...,! = Buoyancy at 81 angle of heel
at the stern
The hull is at even
keel when upright
I ~ -- I
J __ ___ L _______ L_ -K
I I \ ; \
Transverse sections rotated 87 about the waterplane centreline
1)-• = Excess buoyancy = Upright waterline \
\ I \
Ill Yl
• = Upright waterplane, ~ = Waterplane at 81 heel, X1X1 = Rolling axis at 81
C. lo = The upright waterplane centreline, Y1Y1 = Trimming axis at 81 , ID = Amidships
-..,e full waterplane beam extends to the stern when the vessel is upright, so the t rimming axis is
a. s gnificant distance aft of amidships. Excess buoyancy is created at the forward end of the hull
.:.: small angles of heel, so t here wi ll be a small decrease in the d raft and the hull wi ll t rim slight ly
s:ern down. The rolling axis moves towards the low side of the waterplane.
94 Part 1 - THEORY
2. Angles of heel less beyond than deck immersion at a fixed trim of even keel
i ◊ -0
I~~- I Buoyancy deficiency I
/ j ----~------~J--- . lL\
Transverse sections rotated 82 about the waterplane centreline
I I •• I I
-- ~ ~ I
I\ I
1 i1 , I 1 ,
Y2 Y1
1 = Upright waterplane, C=:J = Waterplane at 02 heel, X2X2 = Rolling axis at 82
C/ Lo = The upright waterplane centreline, Y1Y1 & Y2Y2 = Trimming axes at 01 & 02
The loss of waterplane width reduces the range of positive stability and maximum 'GZ', whi lst the
buoyancy loss in the hull's afterbody creates a stern t rimming moment and increases the mean
draft. The rolling axis moves back towards the centreline, but t he trimming axis moves forward.
Chapter 4 - The effect ofa tow on AHTS vessel stability 95
82 * is the angle of heel illustrated on the previous page corrected for free trim
Buoyancy/metre length
Excess buoyancy
Buoyancy deficiency
: I
--J---- T - - - - --L-------- -,- --~ K
/ I I I \
Transverse sections rotated 02* about the waterplane centreline
{r • = Excess buoyancy - - · = Upright waterline ,O. • = Buoyancy deficiency
Y2 Y1
• = Upright waterplane [=:J = Waterplane at 02* heel X2X2 = Rolling axis at 02*
U lo = The upright waterplane centreline Y1Y1 & Y2Y2 = Trimming axes at 01 & 02*
71e hull fixed at even keel will react to the stern trimming moment if it is allowed to float freely.
7iis creates a slight excess of buoyancy at the stern that limits the extent of the final stern trim for
:.,is particular upright draft at the stern. The reduced waterplane area is similar to the fixed trim
case shown on the previous page, except that now waterplane width is further reduced at the
stern but increased by the same amount forward of the break of the fo'c'sle. The shift in the
centre of buoyancy at a given draft increases with the sum of the waterplane widths cubed, so the
GZ' value for the freely-trimmed hull will be greater than that for the fixed trim hull. The free trim
angle of heel '82*' is consequently less than fixed trim heel angle '82'.
96 Part 1 - THEORY
The aft draft effect's on buoyancy at the stern as the free trimming hull is heeled
1 The waterline is close to deck level at the stern
Deck immersion occurs at a very small angle of heel and creates a buoyancy deficiency at the stern
that increases rapidly with heel angle, which creates a considerable stern down trimming moment.
2 The waterline is midway between the deck level and the chine at the stern
Deck immersion occurs at a moderate angle of heel. A slight excess of buoyancy is created at the
stern as the hull heels beyond the angle of deck immersion.
Deck immersion is at a relatively large angle of heel and creates excess buoyancy at the stern that
increases with heel angle, which will create a bow down trimming moment .
The ship's stability is sensitive to trim so 1t 1s ship hulls. lt may also be necessary to re-iterate the 'KN'
important that 'GZ' curves are based on the 'KN' values calculation for each selected angle of heel to ensure that
for a freely floating hull. This requires analysing the it is based on the ship trimming to an angle that brings
submerged hullform for both the longitudinal and the the centres of buoyancy and gravity into vertical
transverse shift in the centre of buoyancy over smaller alignment (the trimming moments can be regarded as
incremental increases in angle of heel than may be independent of the ship's 'KC' because the longitudinal 'KM'
usually carried out for more conventional merchant is so great).
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 97
/MO criteria of intact stability for offshore supply vessels up to 100 metres in length
These ships are usually very stiff at small heel angles but have a relatively small range of stability.
8f = angle of 1 radian
------ GMO -------------
GZ (m} flooding _..., .. .....-··:
.....-•· I
......... .....-· I
Stability is compromised
byflooding at angles of
heel beyond fJf
1. The angle of heel '8x' at the maximum 'GZ', must not be less than 15°.
2. The area 'A' under the curve from 0° to '8x' must not be less than 0.055 + 0.001 (30° -8x 0 )
metre-radians where (30 - ex) is taken to be zero if '8x' is greater than 30°.
3. The area 'B' under the curve from '0x' (or 30°, if ex> 30°) to '8f' (or 40°, if 8f > 40°) must
not be less than 0.030 metre-radians.
4 . If '8x' is less than 30°, then the 'GZ' value at 30° must not be less than 0.2 metres but, if
'8x' is equal to or greater than 30°, then the maximum 'GZ' value must not be less than 0.2
5. The minimum upright 'GM' value must not be less than 0.15 metres.
6 . The stern free board must not be less than 0.5% of the vessel's length.
The maximum 'GZ' of an offshore supply vessel is 3. Deck cargo should preferably be unloaded before
allowed to occur at a much smaller angle of heel than discharging internal hull cargo tanks.
normal, providing that the positive dynamic stability up
4. The aft deck must be kept weathertight, so all
to this angle of heel (i.e. area 'A' under the 'GZ' curve) is
essential openings, sud, as funnel intakes, must not
greater than for a cargo ship. This requires a large
be in located on the aft deck, as it is vulnerable to
upright 'GM' than in combination with the large
flooding due to the free trim effect.
maximum beam that extends to the stern. The IMO JS
Code also makes following demands: It should be appreciated that these stability criteria are
minimum requirements that cover a wide range of
1. Deck cargo 'KG' values used in stability calculations
vessels and, as such, they may be insufficient for any
must be realistic estimates of actual heights of the
one individual vessel. Although most anchor handling
stows' centres of gravity and not simply the deck
tugs are built to also work as supply vessels, the extra
dangers involved in towing operations are not
2. Allowance must be made for the weight of water considered by the above JMO stability requirements
that can be trapped within any deck stow. Deck and in particular, the minimum required stern freeboard,
cargoes of pipe sections are particularly likely to in my opinion, is woefully inadequate for vessels engaged
trap water. in anchor handling.
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 99
Comparing how the towing force acts on a harbour tug to on an anchor handler
A conventional harbour tug An anchor handling tug
The tow acts upwards on the ' The tow acts downwards on the tug's stern
amidships region of the tug
The tow tension's lateral component, 'THL', forms a capsizing couple with the stern thrust 'R' that
resists the sideways movement of both the anchor handler and the harbour tug.
...he tow tension's vertical component, TV', creates a stern down trimming moment on the anchor
handling tug whereas it has no significant trimming effect on the conventional harbour tug.
Hull features
A typical modern anchor handling vessel in drydock looking forward from the stern below the stern roller. The deeply cut ai,,a
is obvious as is the distance the propellers and rudders are positioned well forward of the stern. Note how the full depth of hw
achieved until the hull fills out forward of the propulsion units. The vessel has the typical spade rudder and shrouded propel e,
nozzles). The propellers are of the controllable pitch type.
(courtesy Rimorchiatori Riuniti)
A close up view of the stern ofa large modern anchor handling tug. The stern roller and whalebacks provide a smooth pat},~·
boarding seas to inundate the whole deck. Note how the stern under the roller cuts awayforwards giving minimal immersed
the aft body of the vesselfills out forward of the propulsion units (see top photograph on page 97).
(courtesy Rimorhiatori Riunitl)
Chapter 4 - The effect ofa tow on AHTS vessel stability 101
Calculating an anchor handler's loaded condition with the tow leading dead astern
The 'tonnes per centimetre change of draft', or 'TPC' and the tonne-metres per centimetre change of
trim, or 'MCTC: over the range of the ship's operating mean drafts are given in the hydrostatic data.
Calculating the change in mean draft and 'KG'
'M ' = Tug's free running displacement with no tow tonnes
'Tv' = The tow tension's vertical pull tonnes
'do' = Tug's free running mean draft metres
'Bh' = Height of stern roller's top above 'Go' metres
Towing mean draft 'd1 ' = 'do' + TPC@ do metres
Alternatively, the draft 'd1' will be given by the tug's hydrostatic data as
the mean draft for a displacement of '6.T' + 'TV' tonnes
Bh x 'Tv'
Towing KG1 = KGo + 'AT' + 'Tv' metres
AT Adding the tow weight '7V' shifts the tug's centre of gravity from
I 'Co' to 'C1 '
.__ _ _ Fore & aft thrust = - 'TH'
The list caused by the lateral shift of 'C' as the tow weight moves outboard
The tug is upright with its centre of gravity on the centreline at 'C1' when the weight of a vertical
hanging towline acts at 'wo' on the centreline ofthe stern roller but if the tow moves ,outboard to 'Tv2;
then 'C' shifts laterally in the same direction to 'C2' so the tug develops an angle of list '0L'.
'G1G2' can be determined for angles of list less than about 5° and can be estimated as follows:
fi.T + TV = Ship's displaced weight (including the tow weight), - (ti.T + TV) = Buoyancy
~ y 1~
I ,
,I ,
r, I
-, (fi.T +
ti.T + TV
\ fi.T + TV
y X TV
The lateral shift G1G2 of G = L\T + Tv m
* The heeling lever 'X' is proportional to cosine 0, so it reduces with increasing angle of heel.
Stbd levers Stbd levers
450-@- x- -
Angle of list
A = -B tI - B = G1G2 cos 8L
Port levers Port levers
= Upright 'GZ' curve - - = Heeling lever due to 'TV' - = Resultant 'GZ' curve
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 103
The tug's 'GZ' curve with the tow weight on the stern roller's outboard edge
The tug is upright when the tow weight acts on the centreline of the stern roller
Levers to port G1G2 = Transverse offset of 'G' from the centreline
GZ & GoG1 cos 8
0f = Angle The tug 's stability
of flooding is compromised by
flooding at heel
angles beyond 0J
Reduced area of
positive stability
towline is unlikely to remain to one side of the tow leading off the stem quarter. The tug's lateral thrust
~ ro ller's centreline to its outboard edge unless the combines with the tow tension's lateral component to
~s stern propulsion is thrusting against the pull of a create a heeling moment.
Heeling moment = h TL tonnes-metres, so the equivalent heeling lever = '1L + Tv metres
The heeling lever is proportional to the lead angle 'a' but is constant at all angles of heel.
104 Part 1 - THEORY
A tug's range of positive stability when the tow leads offthe stern quarter
A girted anchor handling tug will be subjected to the 1. The weight of catenary supported by the tug (i.e. the
heeling moments due to both the weight of the tow (i.e. tow tension's vertical component).
the tow tension's vertical component) acting on the 2. The horizontal (or bollard) pull on the catenary for a
outboard edge of the stem roller and the couple created given range from the rig.
by thrusting against the lateral pull on the tow. The heel
Alternatively, the tug may be supplied with the tow's
angle can be predicted for any stage of a towing
tension and lead angle 'W to the vertical for the critical
operation if the tug's master is provided with the
stages in the operation, so trigonometry can be used to
following information:
resolve the tow tension into its vertical and horizontal
components (1V and T!-1' respectively).
The heeling effects of a tow on an anchor handler when the lead is off the stern quarter
The tug's free running mean draft, trim and 'KC' (i.e. its condition prior to taking up the tow) must be
corrected for the effects of the tow's tension (see page 101 ).
'TH' sin a
tension 'T'
Horizontal pull 'TH' I 'Tv'
'h' and 'y' are the height of the top ofthe roller above the propeller boss and its distance outboard of the
centreline respectively. 'o.' is the lead angle of the tow to the tug 's fore & aft Iine.
'GZ' curve corrected for the above changes in 'KG', mean draft and trim whilst towing
(m) The tug's stability
Reduced area of is compromised by
positive stability flooding at heel
angles beyond 0J
h 'TH' sin a
AT+ 'Tv'
y 'Tv' cos 0
AT+ 'TV'
The Norwegian Maritime Directive stability criteria for anchor handling vessels
(As given in NMD Circular RSV 04-2008 issued in July 2008)
Anchor handling must stop when a tug is exposed to a tow tension that will heel the vessel beyond
whichever of the following limits is the least angle of heel.
1. The angle of heel for half the maximum 'GZ' value or
2. The angle of heel at which the aft deck is flooded by the free trim effect or
3. 15°
The maximum heeling lever must be appl ied to a 'GZ' curve corrected for t he changes in the tug's
mean draft, t rim and 'GM', caused by the tow's tension (see page 1 01 ). This is implied in the guidance
although it is not specifically stated.
Changes in a tug's condition due
Increase in to the tow eight on the stern
'h' & 'y' are the height of the top of the stern roller's outboard edge above the centre boss of the lowest
stern thruster and its distance from the centreline respectively. The angles 'a' and 'W are the tow's lead
1 angles measured at the stern from dead astern and from the vertical, respectively. (The English
language version of the NMD directive refers to angle 'a' as the Jeather angle'.)
'GZ' curve corrected for the above changes in 'KG', mean draft and trim whilst towing
(m) ♦- Maximum GZ---:.:::---i--
z (max)
A to B = Work wire paid out from the tug, B to D = Mooring wire paid out from the rig
'B' = The anchor, 'C' = The lowest point of the catenary, 'z' = catenary depth
1. The tension's horizontal pull is the same at any point along the catenary.
2. Increasing the tension's horizontal pull increases the catenary span and reduces its
maximum depth 'z (max)' at 'C'.
3. The tension's vertical component at the tug equals the weight of the work wire + the
weight of the anchor + the weight of mooring wire between 'B' and 'C'.
4. The tension's vertical component at the rig equals the weight of the mooring wire
between 'C' and 'D'.
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 107
Calculating the tow tension components from the catenary data (continued)
-.1g move planners use sophisticated computer software and anchor shown in the following diagram. However,
determine the tensions at the rig and the anchor such plans do not always present the data in the most
'Llndling vessel for different stages of the operation, convenient way for masters to calculate the stability of
!>llch as the recovery of the deep water chain moorings their vessels during the operation.
50x83 mm
work wire
12 tonne
900x 84 mm 914x 76 mm
mooring chain mooring chain
722 m
1106 - ,~ - - - - - - . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Range (m)
The tug master must use data given in the above table to calculate the tow tension's vertical component
acting on the tug's stern as follows:
Tcrig) =~ 63.6t
T(tug) = 172.7t TVctug)
The tension's vertical component at the tug TV(tug)' can be determined by using Pythagoras' theory as
'TV(tug)' = J T(tug)2 - TH(tug)2 = J172.7 2 - 116.6 2 = 127.4 tonnes
108 Part 7 - THEORY
Calculating the maximum tow lead angle that complies with the NMD criteria
- Maximum GZ - ---:..;:::,,--...1 GZ cuive with the tow
(m) leading dead astern
GZ for 15° angle of heel •• - - - ----.r
GZ for aft deck flooding •- - - - - --
Half maximum GZ .,.----~-+--+-----' Maximum permitted heeling lever
= h'TH' sin a + y 'Tv' cos e
Displacement AT + 'Tv'
In this example, the maximum acceptable angle of heel of 12° creates a heeling lever equal to halfthe
righting lever 'CZ'for the tow on the centreline leading dead astern.
h'TH' sin a + y 'TV' cos 12°
So, GZ(maximum) = 2 x Displacement AT + 'TV' metres
'h' & 'y' are the height of the stern roller's top outboard edge above the
main propellers' bosses and its distance off the centreline respectively.
. -r
, . ,....--1-J
The difference between the apparent and true tow lead angles
-1. tug towing a heavy deepwater chain mooring in winds close to the beam is likely to be more affected
by the surface drift than the chain, which may be over 100 metres below the sea. If the tug is being
steered upwind of its track, then determining the lead angle from the bearing to the rig and tug's
heading will underestimate the true tow lead angle, as shown below.
'exa' = Apparent tow lead based on the bearing to the rig 'at' = True tow lead angle
There is no easy way of measuring the tow lead angle but it would be wise to add about 20% to any lead angle
the stem quarter, otl1er than from the bearing to the determined by this metl1od in situations sud1 as shown
·•shore unit and the reciprocal of the ship's beading, in the diagram above.
110 Part 1 - THEORY
1 Brake bands, 2 Spooling gear sliding lead, 3 Spooling gear diamond shaft, 4 Slide bar,
S Chain gear for rotating the diamond shaft, 6 Winch axle, 7 Spade guide in the diamond shaft's "
groove, 8 Reduction spur gearing driving the winch drum, 9 Hydraulic clutch, 10 Winch base plare
11 Brake hydraulics, 12 Winch seat, 13 Winch vertical axis electric motor turning the lay shaft by c
reduction worm gear and wheel, 14 Lay shaft.
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 111 arrangements
- ~ rwo photographs show typical winch arrangements on modern large AHTS Class vessels .
~essel has two side-by-side work drums and a tow drum mounted above and between the work drums. ft also has tow auxiliary
_,..s mounted above the work drums. The work drums apply their load to one side ofthe vessel centre via the guide pins which are
off-centre to port and starboard at the stern. If the load on the work wire is angled further off the centre line of the vessel at the
~ chen a considerable listing lever might be experienced.
- e tow drum load is led via a centre line fixed gog lead. The upper level auxiliary drums are not usually employed when high loads
expected and in fact they should not be used for such purposes.
1) l,_l ,r,:\
, /,,.
~-.!• .
-~ s vessel has double side·by·side work drums and a centre line tow drum. The large high level drum is designed to handle synthetic
- ooring hawsers, but in these operations the expected loads are not very large.
Operational personnel should be aware ofthe effect ofthe point ofaction that any particular winch drum will apply when
~s,dering the vessel's stability. The height ofthe drum from the keel and the distance the drum is offset from the centre line will
7uence the effect that the load on that drum will have on the vessel's stability. (photographs by Michael Hancox)
112 Part 7 - THEORY
The above diagram represents a typical medium sized AHTS vessel, 'L' "" 28 m & 'w' = 1.8 m
So, the maximum lead angle onto the drum == tan-1 ~-: == 1 .8 °
So, the maximum lateral force on the spooling lead for a tension of 100 t is as follows:-
The maximum force on the spooling lead == 100 tan 1.8 == 3 t / 100 t of tension
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 113
Estimating the capacity of a typical tow winch for a medium sized AHTS vessel
LOA 64 m, Beam 16 m, Draft 5 m, Bollard pull 86 t , Maximum brake holding capacity 250 t
Tow winch drum dimensions for storing 56 mm diameter wire, breaking load = 200 t
t- _J_ ,'i __, , ,,
.. ' 0.084m
~ -
packing in
== =-- t_---
, \
'\ \
Barrel diameter
must exceed the
wire's minimum
bending radius
of 15 x 56mm
the stow
- he minimum flange clearance beyond the uppermost wrap of wire should be at least 56 mm all round,
so the maximum diameter of the uppermost wrap is given by:
Maximum diameter of the outermost wrap = 2.3 - (2 x 0.056) = 2. 188 metres
Assuming that the wire stows vertical on top of the turns beneath, rather than filling the 'valleys'
between the turns to increase the margin of error in estimating the drum's capacity, then:
Maximum number of wraps = 2188
- 900
rounded down to the whole number = 11
So, the diameter of a full stow of wire 1 = 0 .9 + (11 x 0.112) = 2.132 metres
So, the outermost turn circumference 2 = (2. 132 - 0 .056) n = 6.52 metres
2.1322 - 0.9 2 10002
Maximum tow wire storage capacity1 = 1.8 n x X 562 = 1684 metres
The stowage volume of the wire is between the first wrap's inside diameter and the outermost wrap's
outside diameter, but 2 the payout length/turn is the circumference at the wire's centre.
The winch should be able to hold 1500 m of 56 mm wire with 70 full wraps of between 3 7 and 32
rums each and an eleventh incomplete outermost wrap.
•. winches are fitted with a quick release sysLem that release the brake anyway after a few seconds, even if the
n be operaLed from the aft bridge Lo release 80% of clutch is still engaged, in which case the motor is
~e brake force and allow the winch to pay ouL in cases driven by the wire running ou t, so some serious
emergency. If the motor is clutched in at the time of damage ca11 be expected. The process can take several
m.-ating the release, then the system is designed to seconds when the clutch is engaged and the tow's force
.:>p the motor, apply the brake and then try to on the tug is not fully removed until either the catenary
,engage the clutch before releasing the brake. lands on the seabed or all the wire has run out dear
,wever, this is not always possible and the system will over the stern.
114 Part 1 - THEORY
A •,-inch drum turns at a constant rpm if there is no rpm. This is true whether the winch is picking up tow
net torque acting on it and the distribution of its mass wire or paying it out, though the motor becomes a
e. its moment of inertia) are constant, so tow generator when paying out and the current is a
u:nsion can be derived by measuring the electric measure of the braking torque it applies to the drum
O'Otor 's current to determine its torque from the to keep the rpm constant. Hydraulic winches
otor's characteristics and balancing this against the determine the motor torque by measuring hydraulic
ire's torque when the drum is turning at a constant pressure and or flow rate.
Measuring the tension at the winch when the tow is being picked up at a constant rpm
Sensor counting
drum revolutions
----~!,-;,--- Centre of
drum axle
Hydraulic brake
pressure off
The motor torque transmitted to the winch drum through the geared drive is equal and opposite to that
of the tension when the winch is turning at a constant rpm and so:
The motor torque 'Q' at constant rpm = Tow tension 'T' x r2 tonne-metres
The torque 'Q' is given by the motor's current and its petformance data whilst the radius 'r2' is either
given by the payout length based on the revolutions measured from zero payout and the wire's stowage
data, or by the number of wraps paid out, as sensed by detecting each reversal of the spooling gear as it
tracks along the diamond shaft.
Bridge officers control the winch speed by setting its and consequently the speed of the winch (i.e. its rpm)
rpm, although they are mainly concerned with the must be slowed down to keep pick up rate constant (the
.inear pick up or pay out rate, whjch is displayed on the winch speed must be progressively increased during a
aft bridge, as this must match the tug's speed when pay out for the same reason). Most tow winches have a
picking up or running out a mooring. As the number of continuously variable speed control to assist in this and
,naps on the winch increases during a pick up, so the bridge officers must familiarise themselves with the
ength of wire picked up per drum revolution increases winch control systems on their own vessels.
116 Part 1 - THEORY
Measuring tow wire tension and payout length at the winch (continued)
Jf the tension measured by the system on the previous between the underlying turns as it stows on the drum,
page is calibrated from zero payout, then the number of but the errors should be relatively small (see page 113).
wraps remaining on the drum can be determined by the Tension and payout displays at the aft bridge station are
length of payout, as measured by counting the drum produced by feeding the electrical digitised signals from
revolutions from the drum being full. However, this is the motor ammeter and drum revolution sensor into a
very dependent on the wire spooling on the drum in computer programmed for the motor, drum and wire
exactly the same way ead1 time it is picked up and a particulars.
more reliable way might be to put sensors at the ends of The torque of the tension when the drum is held on
the spooling gear slide bars to count the reversals of the brakes must be balanced against the torque of the
spooling direction at the end of each wrap. There will brake force about the drum axle, as shown in the
still be some error in the wrap diameters, which would following diagram.
depend on how much the wire fills in the 'valleys'
Measuring the tension of a tow held on the brakes for the winch shown on page 110
(Note that the winch is equipped with brake bands on both flanges)
Layers, or wraps,
of tow wire turns
Hydraulic system
applies the brakes
Fixed end of the b
band with a load c
The winch is held when the sum of the port and starboard brake forces produce an equal but opposite
torque about the drum axle to that of the tension T: so the brake force is given as:
Brake force '(FB(stbd) + FB(port))' x r1 = Tow tension 'T' x r2 tonne- metres
The brake force acts about the drum axle at the constant radius 'n' and is measured by the load cells
built into the fixed ends of the port and starboard brake bands. The radius 'r2' can be given by the
payout length or the number of wraps, as explained in the above text. The brake holding capacity is
maximum when 'r2 ' is minimum (i.e. there is only one wrap on the drum).
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability 117
Measuring tow wire tension and payout length at the winch (continued)
Another method for measuring the tow tension at the by which the drums can be clutched in and out, driven
winch consists of placing load cells at the four corners to pay out or pick up and have the brakes applied or
of the wind1 foundations to measure the net tipping taken off. However, the controls for one drum may work
moment on the wi11d1 seat between the tow tension and differently to those of the other drum so, for example,
the brake force or motor torque. However, this method the emergency brake release described on page 113 may
still relies on detecting which wrap the tension is acting only apply to the tow drum whilst the work drum is
on and it can be further complicated by other forces kept permanently clutched in when it is in use and the
tilting the winch seat, especially when the vessel is fitted brake automatically comes on whenever the control
with multiple winches, some of which may share the lever is'put in the 'stop' position, so paying out can only
same seat and be working at the same time. Load cells be done by driving the work drum.
in the winch foundations also bear the weight of the Officers must familiarise themselves with how the
wi11ch so they will be subjected to forces caused by the drum controls work on their own tug. Only the tow
ship's motion (i.e. heave, roll and pitch), whether or not drum is fitted with spooling gear on many older
the winch is in use and so there is an increased risk of vessels, whid1 can cause problems when the work
overloading and damaging the cells. drum is under tension, as the wire will 'self spool' onto
AHTS vessels are equipped with a tow wire winch its drum wherever the lead happens to direct it and
drum and a work wire winch drum, which can be there is a danger of the turns piling up at one end to
engaged into a common drive and motor arrangement. a point where they spill over the flange and jam. (It is
The drums are usually mounted in a 'waterfall' always good practice to have at least one CCfV camera
configuration in which the drums are in the same fore trained onto any winch that is picking up or paying
& aft alignment but the tow drum is set higher and out.) Methods that measure the tow tension by sensing
forward of the work drum. The tow drum and wire are its torque about any part of tJ1e winch rely on the wire
normally only used for surface towing, so the work spooling neatly onto the drum and some means of
drum is used for anchor handling, even though this sensing the changes in the number of wraps on the
also involves towing anch.or moorings. Despite sharing drum, so tension on a work drum without spooling gear
a common drive, the two drums have separate controls cannot be relied on.
both on the aft bridge station and in the wi11ch room
lnline tensiometers
In line tensiometers measure wire line tension more directly than the previously described methods.
Wire ==~-,....,=777.,..,\,.-:
The wire is depressed downwards slightly by the centre sheave as it passes through the meter. The wire's
distortion (which is exaggerated in the diagram for clarity) creates an upwards force aga;nst the centre
sheave's axle that is proportional to the tension in the wire and is measured by the load cell. The centre
sheave is removed to load the wire into the meter when it is slack.
118 Part 7 - THEORY
Tethers to prevent
the meter moving
along the tow wire
The advantages of the inline tensiometers are: the spooling gear and move up and down as the lead
1. The te.nsiometer measures the tension in exactly the
angle to the vertical changes.
2. The weight of a tensiometer that can measure
same way regardless of whether the winch is holding
tensions up to 150 tonnes will weigh about 140 kg,
the line on the brake or it is picking up or paying out.
2. A tensiometer measures the linear speed of a pick up which can cause considerable damage as it swings
around when a tow line leading upwards goes slack,
or pay out directly from either the rpm of the sheaves
such as during the transfer of the tow between the tug
or by an electromagnetic method using a pheno-
menon known as the 'hall effect' and so it can also and an offshore platform.
3. The cable carrying the signal from the meter to a
measure the length of wire paid out by integrating
the speed. fixed point on the winch structure is vulnerable to
3. The meter measures tension and the payout damage, but this could be overcome by replacing the
cable with a wireless link such as is used on cordless
independently of the number of wraps on the drum.
However, tensiometers have the following dis-
advantages regarding their use on a tug: Tensiometers are not considered suitable for AHTS
vessels but they are used for the mooring winches on
1. The meter must be free to align itself with the offshore rigs and drill ships, as the mooring wires
direction of the wire's lead whilst also not moving always lead downwards under some tension and the
along the wire, so the tethering lines must have winches are underdeck so providing better arrange-
enough slack to allow the lead to track laterally with ments for securing the tethering lines.
Chapter 4 - The effect of a tow on AHTS vessel stability
Motor torque is derived from the motor current and its torque characteristics
Measuring the tension when holding the anchor chain on the brakes
The brake force is measured by a load cell built into the fixed end of the brake band
Modifying the bollard pull trial procedure (see page 13) to test the tow winch calibration
The load cell data and the onboard tension readings must be recorded at
common time intervals so that the two sets of readings can be compared
The tow line leads almost horizontally, so tensions on the payout and brake cannot
exceed the tug's bollard pull and, in reality, may be significantly lower than this.
1. The tug moves offshore keeping the tow leading dead astern whilst paying out the tow wire
until as many complete wraps are paid out as circumstances allow so that tensions can be
recorded with the winch paying out at various speeds.
2. The winch then picks up the wire to haul the tug astern, whilst using ahead thrust to control its
speed, to the nearest distance off the quay at which the bollard pull tests can be carried out and
the tensions recorded with the winch out of gear and held on the brake.
3. On completion of the bollard pull trials, the winch again is used to pick up the wire and haul the
tug astern so further tensions can be recorded with the winch picking up.
Chapter 4 - The effect ofa tow on AHTS vessel stability 121
Testing the page 113 vessel's tension monitoring system during bollard pull trials
Maximum brake capacity for pt wrap: 250 t Maximum rated pull for 1s t wrap: 250 t
The winch stores 1500 m of56 mm wire in 10 complete wraps + one part wrap on a 7.8 m wide drum
with the turns and brake band diameters shown by the diagrams below. The payout to put the tug's
stern at least 300 metres from the quay would take the stow down to the 9 th wrap.
The tension on the 1st wrap The tension on the 9 th wrap
with the maximum torque with the maximum torque
Winch picking up
'Q(max)' = 150 X 0.956 = 143.4t-m 'T' = ~~S~ ;: 77.4t ;:: 90% of 86t
The test can measure the tensions for the motor's entire range of torque
Maximum brake force derived from Brake force for the bollard
the maximum tension on the 1st wrap pull tension on the 9th wrap
Winch on
the brake 'T' = 86t
'T' = 250t
An AHTS vessel about to lose positive stability whilst running out a mooring
The tug is yawing to starboard and heeling to port whilst it is being pulled down at the stern by the
tension of the tow leading down and out from the port quarter. If the vessel is to be saved, then the
rudders must immediately be put amidships (or even to starboard) to allow the tug to swing to
starboard and so bring the tow to lead dead astern.
Activating the quick release system from the aft water with a heavy tow. However, it may be the only
bridge may not release the tow tension fast enough to option when a tug is girted as it is being towed astern by
prevent a tug from capsizing in the above situation (see a winch on the offshore unit whilst recovering a shallow
page 113 ), particularly if the vessel is operating in deep water mooring and anchor.
Case studies
The Stevns Power about 1 minute after rolling over. The Bourbon Dolphin about 5 minutes before capsizing.
photograph from the Donish Maritime Authority casualty report (photograph by Sean Dickson from the Norwegian Government
on the Stevns Power) Official Report on the Bourbon Dolphin)
Introduction 124
The events and track of the Stevns Power leading up to the accident 127
Estimating the effect of the tow force on the tug's stability 128
Controlling the tug during the astern tow 132
The pipe layer's procedure during the astern tow 135
The response to the tug developing an increasing angle of heel 136
The level of experience on board the Stevns Power 136
The OMA inquiry's findings 136
The sequence of relevant events on the day of the accident 138
The track of the Bourbon Dolphin up to it capsizing 141
The tug's situation when it capsized 142
What could have caused the tug to capsize 145
What actions would have prevented the capsize 149
The towmaster's role 1SO
The tug's capacity for carrying out the anchor deployment 151
The tug's stability characteristics 154
The NOU inquiry's findings and recommendations 155
Concluding comments regarding the two accidents 158
References used in the writing of this chapter 158
Appendix to Part 1 - Possible improvements to AHTS vessel safety 159
124 Part 7 - THEORY
This chapter looks at two anchor handling tugs that In contrast to the Stevns Power, the Bourbon Dolphin
were lost in very different circumstances, but in both was a larger 75-metre long AHTS vessel with a
situations the failure to appreciate the stability mrudmurn bollard pull of 194 tonnes and was less than
characteristics of AHTS vessels and espescially their a year old when it capsized. It was also a twin screw,
vulnerability lo being rolled over by the tow was a twin rudder tug, but it had a 'swing down' azimuth
major contributory factor in the accident. The vessels thruster at the bow as well as one tunnel thruster at the
themselves were also very different in terms of age, size bow and and another at the stem, TI1e aft bridge was
and level of sophistication. designed for two-man operation and the control
The Stevns Power was a 45-metre long relatively systems were highly sophistcated with a choice of
simple twin screw, twin rudder AHTS vessel with a operating the thrust by a joystick with ei·ther manual
bollard pull of about 100 tonnes. It was equipped with and auto heading contol, or by DP control, as well as by
one bow thruster and the aft bridge station was controlling each thruster individually by manual levers.
designed for a single bridge officer who controlled the (In short, it was a 'state-of-the-an' tug.) The Bourbon
thrust and rudders by manually operating basic levers Dolphin was the smallest of four AHTS vessels engaged
(rudder control was actually a tiller lever that the in handling a drilling rig's anchors and chain moorings
officer had to grip between his knees). The Stevns Power for a rig move in 1,100 metres of water in the Atlantic
was one of a pair of vessels engaged in continually re- about half way between the Shetland Islands and the
siting the anchors of a pipe laying ship whilst it Faroe islands. The accident occurred on the afternoon of
installed a gas pipeUne off the West African coast in 75 the 12th April 2007, so the vessel was in the winter
metres of water and the weather at the time of the North Atlantic load line zone and the weather
accident was excellent with a calm sea and good conditions were marginal: visibility was good but the
visibility. At: the time of the accident, the vessel was wind was between 30 and 35 knots from the southwest
being towed astern al about 7 knots by one of the pipe with waves up to 4 metres in height. The Bourbon
layer's mooring winches whilst the tug was recovering a Dolphin was to run out nearly two kilometres of chain
mooring to re-site the anchor. Although the vessel was mooring with the wind and sea just abaft the beam,
27 years old, it had frequently been chanered for this which was almost certainly in conditions at or beyond
type of work, including the times when it had worked the limits of the tug's capabilities (the largest of the four
with the same pipe layer, so the task was well within tugs struggled to run out another anchor in similar
the tug's capabilities. conditions).
Two views of Stevns Power prior to her loss. The typical normal freeboard of this type ofAHT vessel is not obvious unless the water level
at the stern is carefully observed. Note how the starboard aft deck edge is nearly immersed, even in a gentle swell. The top photograph
on page 173 shows a large AHTS Class vessel trimmed slightly by the head to provide sujficientfreeboard at the stern for working a
heoV'f anchor cotenary, as the stern freeboard will decrease as the weight ofthe tow increases with the length ofcatenory run out.
Also note the relatively low bulkwarks compared to more modern larger AHTS class vessels and the design of the crash barriers
inboard ofthe bulwarks. It has become modern practice on many large vessels to make the crash barriers both high and semi enclosed,
(see photograph on page 173, Tor Viking and the details ofthe Siem Offshore VS491, 300 te Bollard Pull AHTS ). It wilf be obvious
that the design ofa vessel like Stevns Power permits water to flow easily through the bulwarks and across the working deck with little
or no impediment caused by structure, whereas the semi-enclosed crash rails ofthe more modern boats provide some protection to the
main deck from seas striking the topsides, but once large amounts of water enter the deck it tends to be trapped to some extent.
Significant amounts of water washing freely around the deck represent an unwanted added weight which may have significant effects
on the vessel's stability. (photographs from the Danish Maritime Authority casualty report)
Chapter 5 - Case studies 125
Part 1 - THEORY
Chapter 5 - Case studies 127
The events and track of the Stevns Power leading up to the accident
The progress of the Stevns Power up to the point of rolling over and sinking
= Old anchor position and line >f-- · =
New anchor position and line
= Tug's astern track - ► - = Anchor mooring line
1710 hrs The Stevns Power bridge officer is control ling the tug's
0 course and speed by varying.ahead thrust on the main engines and
using the helm whilst towed astern by Castoro Otto's winch
\ The Stevns Power tracks away from the direct line to the
\ ~ pipe layer's stern in the initial part of the tow, so the
\ \6' bridge officer swings the head to port as the tow clears
\ the seabed to crab the tug over onto the new line.
Stevns Power
236m of wire
All the forces were acting to increase what was already an excessive
and dangerous stern trim. The danger of swamping the aft deck and
incurring massive free trim effects was further increased by the stern
wave created by the vessels astern speed.
The Stevns Power just prior to rolling over
128 Part 1 - THEORY
Estimating the tow tension at the tug when the hauling tension is 20 tonnes
The tension at t he pipe layer's winch is the resultant of its horizontal pull and the weight of w ire
from the winch to its lowest point, which is nearer to the tug than the pipe layer, as the anchor is
at the tug's end of the catenary. Assuming the catenary to be a smooth curve with 40% of the wire
mooring on the tug's side of the lowest point and 60% of the wire on the pipe layer's side, then
with 590 metres of mooring wire paid out:
Mooring wire supported by the pipe layer = 0.6 x 590 = 354 m
Mooring wire supported by the tug = 0 .4 x 590 = 236 m
The report does not provide the size or weight of the anchor wi re, so I have assumed it to be
70 mm steel core wire rope with a breaking strength of 314 tonnes and weighing 1,990 kg/100 m
in ai r. The anchor, chain and 45 metres of pennant wire weigh approximately 22 t in air. The
weights must be reduced by 13% to account for the buoyancy of immersed steel.
Estimating the immersed weight of320 m of mooring wire supported by the pipe layer's winch,
Weight of 320 m of wire = 1 .99 x 0.87 x 3.54 = 6 . 1 tonnes
Lead angle 4>P to the horizontal = sin-1 "
= 18°
So, The horizontal pull 'TPH' = 20 cos 18° = 19.0 tonnes
The horizontal pull is constant throughout the length of any freely suspended catenary, so:
Estimating the immersed weight ofcatenary supported at the tug's stern roller,
Weight of 236 m of wire + anchor + pennant = 0 .87 {(1 .99 x 2 .36) + 22} = 23.2 t
And the horizontal pull 'TPH ' = 19.0 tonnes
Tension at the tug is 500/o greater than the tension at the pipe layer's winch.
Chapter 5 - Case studies 129
Estimating the effect of the tow force on the tug's stability (continued)
, he diagrams below have been traced from the tug's propeller's centre boss and its distance from the
-1ans given in the OMA report to show the height of the centreline (i.e. 'h' & 'y' on page 104 respectively) .
p o f the stern roller's outboard edge above the main
Photograph of the Stevn's Power taken within three years of the accident
(from the Danish Maritime Authority casualty report)
Aft deck plan Stern profile
1• 4 .0m-.i
o m
"CJ :,
1.3m n
n II) OQ
I I '
"CJ -,
Ill -,
....... e!.
er :,
-< II)
r+ -,
I :i:, 3
I I 0111
I ~ ~II)
- - -- 10.0 m - --ff~ n ;r
~ Ill
I - • r+
:, n
l'I ,,n ---o
~. c
I 0::::,
:, 0..
I .......
~ 6.3m
.-l..J. 6 .Sm
-6 -4 -2 0 +2 +4 +6 0 2 4 6 8
Distance of the centreline (m) Height above the keel (m)
The pennant wire may have been passed between the raised towing pins or through the shark's jaw
without applying the stopper. In either case, the wire may either have been restrained by the end of the
stern roller or the extreme edge of the port cargo rail, as shown by the question marks.
130 Part 1 - THEORY
Estimating the effect of the tow force on the tug's stability (continued)
The weight of the tow increases the vessel's draft, stern by scaling down values given in the Norwegian report
trim and 'KG' whilst the tension's horizontal pull on the loss of the Bourbon Dolphin, which was a larger
creates a stern trimming moment with the tug's ahead tug though similar in its hullform. The result of the
thrust. However, calculating these changes by the calculations is very approximate, but they show the
process explained in pages 101-104 requires the tug's process and the heeling lever can be applied to the 'GZ'
hydrostatic particulars, which are not given in the OMA curve given in the OMA report for the tug in the free
report, so the following calcuJations use estimated running condition on the day of the accident, which. is
values for the tug's 'KM', TPC', 'MCTC', 'LCF', block based. on the tug's daily ROB report (i.e. the fuel, fresh
coefficient and displacement. These are, in part, derived water and lubricating oil remaining on board).
The tension acting at the tug's stern with the tow leading right astern
I◄ 40.4 m ------,► ~i7
Anchor buoy landed on the aft deck
- - ------
~ ~_~m~~¥;'cc~o;f
F=~* ~$~ ~~
® _t __ _
The OMA report gives the following regarding the tug'sfree running condition without the tow:
LBP = 40.4 m, Beam = 12 m, Fwd draft = 3.85 m, Aft draft = 5.38 m , GM = 0. 721 m
Near maximum waterplane width extends to the stern, so I have assumed LCF = 0.4 LBP
So Mean draft = aft draft - 0 .4 (5.38 - 3.85) == 4 .8 m and LCF == 40.4 x 0.4 == 16.2 m
Assuming block coefficient= 0.65, Displacement == 0.65 x 4.8 x 40.4 x 12.0 x 1.025 == 1550 t
The MCTC for this shape and length of waterplane area is estimated to == 11 t - m/cm
The increased stern trim and draft significantly increase the aft draft, so reducing the freeboard at the
stern, which combined with the reduction in CM, reduces and the tug's range ofstability.
Aft draft in the towing condition = 5.38 + 0.06 + ( 0.4 x 0 .51 ) = 5.64 m
Fwd draft in the towing condition = 3.85 + 0.06 - ( 0.6 x 0.51 ) = 3.60 m
From the aft profile on the previous page, the towing condition's sternfreeboard is given as:
Hull depth at the stern = 6 .30 m, so Freeboard at the stern = 6.30 - 5.64 = 0.66 m
Chapter 5 - Case studies 131
Estimating the effect of the tow force on the tug's stability (continued)
The vessel's towing condition stem freeboard of 0.66 only 0.3 and 0.4 metres. However, they would have
metres partially immerses the stern roller, which agrees been looking at the Stevns Power from some distance
with the witness evidence in the DMA report, though and it would have created a large stern wave when going
lhey estimated the tug's stem freeboard to be between astern at some speed.
Estimating the angle of heel due to the tow leading 25° abaft the port beam
We can superimpose its heeling lever onto both the 'Cl' curve, as given in the OMA report and the 'Cl'
curve modified to account for the towing condition, as estimated by the calculations on the previous
page. The tow weight acted either 1.3 or 4.0 metres off the centreline, depending on whether the wire
was constrained by the stern roller or the port cargo rail (see page 129).
The possible heeling moments with the tow leading 25° abaft of the port beam
~ - The weight of catenary acts 'y'
Pennant wire & buoy
metres to port of the centreline
If 'y' = 4 .0 metres, then the heeling moment "' (23.2 x 4.0) + {17 .2 x 5.0) "' 178.9 t - m
So, the heeling lever for 'y' to be 4.0 m "'
Heeling moment
. d"
Towing Isp1acement
"' - - ==
0.11 m
_ _ ____.
If 'y' = 1.3 metres, then the heeling moment == (23.2 x 1.3) + (17.2 x 5.0) "' 178.9 t - m
So, the heeling lever for 'y' to be 1.3 m "' "' 0.07 m
- -- .
The estimated heel angles are the
0 averages of those derived from the
...,......,..__+--_ 0.07 free running and towing CZ curves
0 10° 20° 30° 40° 50°
Angle of heel '8'
- - = Free running 'GZ' curve (as in the OMA report), - - = Towing 'GZ' curve?
The width of the tug 's stern = 10 metres (see page 107), so for a stern free board of 0.66 m
The angle of heel at deck edge immersion for a still waterline "' tan- 1 0.6 6 "' ~
132 Part 7 - THEORY
Estimating the effect of the tow force on the tug's stability (continued)
The previous page suggests thal the tug's aft deck edge exposed location, so there would have been a high risk
would have only been submerged al angles of heel of downflooding through the hatch if it was left open.
beyond about 7f, which have required the pennant The survey vessel accompanying the pipe layer
wire to ride over the end of the stern roller and slide out conducted an ROV survey of the sunken tug and found
to port cargo rail, but this assumes that the tug is in slill the hatch open, so the DMA report considered the
water. The stern wave produced by moving astern al 8 possibility of it being opened by a crew member trying
knots would easily have reduced the effective freeboard to escape as the tug rolled over. However, this is highly
to 20 centimetres or less, in which case any angle of heel unlikely, as he would have needed to be standing on the
beyond 2° would have submerged the port deck edge at escape ladder al the start of the roll to have opened the
the stern. Furthermore, this would have occurred before hatch before it was submerged because this would have
the hull's chine came out of the water on the starboard happened in a few seconds. Extensive downflooding
side at such a low aft freeboard, so the free trim effect must have occurred because the lug sank very quickly,
would have submerged the stem even deeper, causing rather than remaining afloat but upside down, and it is
the stability to deteriorate further and for the water to almost certain that the flooding was through the open
flood further along the aft deck on the port side (see escape hatch, which would also have severely reduced
pages 93-96). As bad luck would have it, the engine the tug's stability. However, it cannot be said for certain
room escape hatch was on the port side and the that the vessel would have survived the increased heel if
minimum height of the coaming allowed by the Load the hatch had been closed and the flooding had not
Line rules is only 60 centimetres for a hatch in such an happened.
The resultant between the speed 'VA: at which water is drawn into the propeller disk from ahead and the
circular speed 'Ve' given to the water by the propeller's rotation makes the water strike the blade at the
angle of attack 'a' and so generates the ahead thrust and drag force.
Chapter 5 - Case studies 133
The thrust of a propeller turning ahead when a vessel is being towed astern at speed
VA = axial speed of the water flowing into the propeller disk
Ve = circular speed of the water due to the propeller's rpm
a = water flow's angle of attack at the blade's leading edge
C:=?"7:::, = Section through a blade
The effectiveness of the ahead thrust as a brake on astern would be unpredictable, so the wisdom of using
the astern speed of the Stevns Power whilst it was being them to steer in these circumstances would be
lOwed astern is difficult to determine, but officers who somewhat questionable. Probably the safest approach
had previously served on the vessel told the inquiry that would be to keep the rudders amidships, but the DMA
the rudders could be forced over by the water flow report contains contradictory opinions from previous
unless the officer sitting at the aft bridge station kept the masters and officers as to how to handle the tug when
tiller lever gripped firmly between his knees. This being towed astern with some saying that the rudders
suggests that ahead thrust from the propellers was very were kept amidships whilst others told the inquiry that
weak in these situations and, furthermore, the direction they used the rudders in combination with varying the
of the fl ow over the rudders to steer whilst being towed balance between the two main propellers' ahead thrust.
134 Part 7 - THEORY
The tug's directional instability when towed astern and how the wire is led to the stern
The diagrams below show the yaw due to a transient lateral force acting at the stern
Wire led between the towing pins Wire led through the shark's jaw
• = The transient force X = The point through which the tow tension acts
= The area of underwater hull aft of the point at which the tow tension acts
Leading the tow wire through the shark's jaws would have reduced directional instability
Chapter 5 - Case studies 135
The Bourbon Dolphin arriving at Lerwick on the afternoon ofthe 10th April, two days before its loss. Note that these vessels are
designed to operate with a slight head trim. (photograph from the Norwegian Government Official Report)
138 Part 7 - THEORY
Bourbon Dolphin
Bow on view ofthe vessel in calm water. (photograph from the Norwegian Government Official Report)
Bourbon Dolphin
Detail ofthe guide pins and shark jaw arrangement with a diagram showing the distances from the vessel centreline ofthe jaws
and guide pins. (photograph from the Norwegian Government Official Report)
140 Part 7 - THEORY
Bourbon Dolphin
A close up view of the forward end ofthe working deck. The work winch drum and tow drum are fully enclosed. Note --
and design of the main deck crash rails, compared with photograph ofStevns Power on page 125. (photographfrorr -
Norwegian Government Official Report)
Bourbon Dolphin
This is a view ofthe anchor handling winch data display. The display gives details oftension, wire deployed, speed of
deployment/recovery, drive motor rpm and operating pressures.
This is a typical modern method ofdisplaying the essential information for the person operating the winch and drn- -
boat. In many modern AHTS designs there is limited or no means of visually sighting the winches from the aft contro ;:
the bridge. The data display is supplemented by closed circuit television screens. It should be appreciated that safe ape,_
highly dependent on the accuracy ofthe data on the display screen and correct interpretation ofthe CCTV images.
(photograph from the Norwegian Government Official Report)
Chapter 5 - Case studies 141
The track of the Bourbon Dolphin on its fatal attempt to lay out rig anchor no. 2
- = No. 3 moorings & anchor
\- - - = Line for no. 2 anchor
Wind: 30- 35 kts
+\, -9 --t---1'
\ = Track of the Bourbon Dolphin
• = Positions of Bourbon Dolphin
= Approximate position of chain
\ 1303 Bourbon Dolphin starts moving along the
\ track for anchor no. 2 and paying out chain
\ from its own locker.
\ 1348 The tug starts veering east of the track.
1445 The chain is completely paid out but the tug
Lateral component
of tow tension
Wind & underwater force
The fact that the tug listed to port even before the charn was
passed from the starboard to the port pin, suggests that the
force of the current was much stronger than that of the wind.
142 Part 7 - THEORY
The catenary and tow forces acting on the tug when it capsized
: ◄◄.------ 1,500 m (approx.) -------►•
1100 (m)
914m x 76mm chain O c) 914m x 84mm chain
The tug supports about half the weight of the catenary, which
exerts the same horizontal u/1 on both the tug and the rig
The weight of catenary can be calculated by an equation derived from classification society data:
Weight of chain in water = 0.019d 2 kg m so
Catenary weight == 0.914 x 0.019 x 762 + 0 .914 x 0.019 x 842 = 222.8 t == 223 tonnes
The 84 mm diameter chain is about 22 t heavier than the 76 mm chain, so it will sag slightly more but
it is also supported by the rig mooring winch, which is at a greater height than the tug's stern, so the
NOU inquiry estimated the weight of catenary supported by the tug to be about 700 t.
The weight of catenary acting on the tug's stern roller == j 100 tonnes I
The NOU inquiry considered the average tension at the rig to be 780 t when the tug capsized, so the
catenary's horizontal pull can be estimated by using Pythagoras' theory as follows:
'TH' = J
T(rig) 2 - TH(rig)2 = J1802 - 123 2 = I131 tonnes I
The tow's tension produces a heeling moment when the weight of the tow acts off the centreline and the
tow leads off the stern quarter so its horizontal pull has a lateral component.
T = Tow tension TL = Tow's lateral pull TV = Weight of the tow on the tug's stern
-TL = Lateral force on the immersed hull created by the thrust at the stern and the current
Chapter 5 - Case studies 143
The Bourbon Dolphin (photograph from Bourbon O_ffshore's specification sheet for the Bourbon Dolphin)
I I I I I 11i I I I I I I I I
-8 - 6 -4 -2 +2 +4 +6 +8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance of the centreline (m) Distance above the keel (m)
The heeling moment = 100 x 2.5 + 131 x 6.0 sin ex = 250 + 786 sin ex tonne-metres
The draft 'd(cal)' to the keel is the basis for the tug 's hydrostatic data, whereas the draft 'd(nav)' to the
bottom of the skeg is the aft draft used in navigation with regard to seabed clearance.
144 Part 1 - THEORY
The drafts and displacements are estimated from the tug 's hydrostatic data for an even keel draft of
6.00 metres, which gives a displacement of 4,807 tonnes and a TPC of 10.48 tlcm immersion
Condition 'a', anti-roll tanks in use: tension at the rig = 180 t
Stern trim = 0.31 m Mean draft = 5.82 m Displacement = 4612 t GM = 0 .95 m
Heeling moment 643 ,-- - - - ,
If the lead angle 'a' = 30°, then the heeling arm = -Displacement
- ~- - - - = 4612 = .I0 .14m I
Heeling moment 931 ,----,
If the lead angle 'o.' = 60°, then the heeling arm = Displacement = 4612 = 1°- 20 m I
GZ (m)
0.6 CZ@ 30° is less than 0.2 m, so condition
'a'fails to comply with the I/VIO minimum
-- 0 .SGM = 0.475 m --__;::-: 1 stability requirements (see page 98) even
0.4 , /
•• I
I when upright without a tow .
= 60°
= 30°
·~ ► ,
1707:25 ~ 1707:35
:$,( 1707:45
t in the 130 s from 1706:28 to 1708:38 which
gives an average astern speed of about 0.3 m/s
or just over half a knot
"f We would expect the tug to be moving astern
- 37.Sm - - ~ 1707:55
at 5 or 6 knots if it had lost 60 tonnes of ahead
in 130s
,j, 1708:05 thrust due to t he starboard engines being shut
' down by the first heavy roll to port at about
1700, but it was almost holding position
X 1708:28 against the 130 tonne astern pull of the tow
,, ~ (see page 108) at 1706 and 1707.
- - - - - - - -)< 1708:38
The vessel's slow and erratic astern movement
5 10 20 30 40 is consistent with the rudders being used to
metres change the tug's heading and so causing a
reduced and variable ahead thrust from the
main propellers, but not with a fai lure of half
the tug's main propulsion.
146 Part 7 - THEORY
The effects on the Bourbon Dolphin if the starboard engines suddenly shut down
700 cos a kN
Losing the starboard engines would create a net horizontal pull 'TH' of about 700 kN on the tug.
Ifthe tow lead angle 'a' is 30°, then the astern pull = 606 kN & the lateral pull = 350 kN
Force 606
So, the initial astern acceleration = Mass = == 0 . 13 m/ s2
The astern movement would create a stern wave that would increase in size with the tug's speed,
which would reduce the astern acce leration whilst also threatening to f lood the aft deck.
The loss of thrust from the starboard propeller wou ld have also reduced the lateral thrust against
the tow from the starboard rudder, so the tug would have swung more in line with the tow and so
the heeling moment would have been reduced. However, the starboard rudder would start to act in
the opposite way to normal as the tug's astern speed increased, so, if it was put over as shown
below, then it would swing the vessel's head back to port with water flowing in from astern and so
increase the hee ling moment.
Bourbon Dolphin
These two views were taken from AHTS Highland
Valour when trying to assist Bourbon Dolphin
regain position. They were taken very shortly before
she capsized.
The possible risk offouling the existing mooring for no. 3 anchor
Tug Tug
, R~
Wind = 30- 35 kts I ◄
1500 m (approx.)
'--...___ /
Chain catenary /
t J /i~skzone Wire section
The risk of damaging the no. 3 mooring by the two catenaries coming into contact would have been
relatively slight, as the chain catenary would only have glanced against the wire part of the no. 3
mooring, which in any case should not have been under much load, because it was leading almost
directly to leeward of the rig and so could have been slackened off.
The NOU report gives no indication as to the tone of before the accident, so it is difficult to say how urgently
lhe VHF conversation between the towmaster on the rig the tug's master was being ordered to move dear of t11e
and the Bourbon Dolphin during the critical half hour no. 3 anchor mooring.
150 Part 7 - THEORY
Comparing the vessels' capabilities with data from the Ulstein specification sheets
c. ... ::i ~
"'...CII o•=
0 b,O
c.~ 0 C 0 C
,.,, QI
u:: 0 CII
,.,, b,O
c.c >< "i
>< ~
e"' ·-
·- b,O N Ill
.c N n, >< -~
.s::. ..,,c
>< ~ Ill
152 Part 7 - THEORY
The tug's capacity for carrying out the anchor deployment (continued)
The power management could be operated either to which case the bollard pull could be considerably
provide maximum power to the main propellers to the reduced. The configurations for these two modes on the
maximum bollard pull, or to provide the auxiliary Bourbon Dolphin, as outlined in the NOU report, are
thrusters and winches with their maximum power, in shown in the following diagrams.
-.... """
2 10
10 I
.... """
I Main thrust
·;; I I
E 1 B'ow tunnel
Winch ~ ....,......__ _ _ _ _..,,.t,hruster
0 12000
Stern thrusters are disconnected, as they are ineffective when Main engine power (kW)
the main propeller thrust is high.
PMS mode 2 (the AUTR max mode) - Maximum power available to auxiliary thrusters
The auxiliary generators supply all onboard electrical demands except the thrusters and winches.
Each main propeffer pitch control is linked to sensors on its shaft generator to detect the load on its
generator. As the shaft generator load rises, so the sensors reduce the maximum propeller pitch to protect
the power supply to the auxiliary thrusters and the main winches.
- -------1
@ Main thrust
- - ----- - ~I Auxiliary
I &winches
This mode is used for manoeuvring the tug mainly by the Main engine power (kW)
auxiliary thrusters with low loads on the main propellers.
The bow azimuth thruster is available in both modes to provide up to about 14 tonnes ofthrust that can
either be directed to augment the main propeller thrust or to produce lateral thrust.
Mode 1 would have been the most suitable option to use producing stem lateral thrust. The azimuth thruster is not
for handling a heavy catena1y, as this gives the maximum dependent on main engine power in mode 1, so it is
power to the main propellers and still retains full power always available to provide thrust at the bow in any
available to the bow tunnel thruster up to about 165 direction. However, a previous 1st engineer testified to
tonnes of bollard pull, if the stern tunnel thrusters are the inquiry that it was nonnal to use mode 2 for anchor
disconnected. These would be ineffective at high levels of handling (possibly because it was more compatible with
thrust from the main propellers due to the 'Coanda effect' joystick control?) whkh would have severely restricted
(see page 16 ), so the rudders would be better at the tug's ability to handle the tow it was dealing with.
Chapter 5 - Case studies 153
The tug·s capacity for carrying out the anchor deployment (continued)
The highest tension that the tug alone could have was vertically above its seabed position). The calculated
been expected to withstand during the deployment of bollard pull and tension for this stage of the operation
anchor no. 2 would have occurred when the mooring is shown in the following diagram.
catenary is stretched out to range (i.e. when the anchor
Anchor position
11 - - - - - - - - - - - 3125 m - - - - - - - - - - -
At first glance, the operation should have been the operation. This would have been under easier
within the Bourbon Dolphin's capabilities if the power conditions than those prevailing at the time of the
management had been arranged for mode 1, as shown accident if the current, wind and seas were still from
o n the previous page. However, evidence given to the the SW on the 11 th April, as the no. 3 line is orientated
inquiry suggests that the power supply was configured NNE/ SSW so all the environmental forces would have
fo r the mode 2 option at the time of the accide.nt, been almost from dead astern and would not have
though this cannot be known for certain. Furthermore, produced large yawing moments (the report does not
the bollard pull stated in the tug's specification sheet state what the weather was like on the 11th April).
was the absolute maximum that could be achieved in It is impossible to say whether or not the tug
calm conditions with the tug in direct alignment to the could have run out the anchor and its moorings if it
tow's lead. Effective bollard pull is reduced by putting had been handled differently, but the fact that it was
the rudders over at any significant angle to point the consistently going in the wrong direction with its
tug's head to windward of the intended track in order thrusters overheating due to continuous running at
to counter any downwind drift. The tug ran out and high loads strongly suggests that the way that the tug
deployed anchor no. 3 as the primary vessel on the was being operated put it very dose to the limits of its
previous day, but it had encountered difficulties during capabilities, if not actually beyond them.
154 Part 7 - THEORY
The action of a passive anti-roll tank when synchronised with the ship's roll period
G) Vessel at maximum heel to port 0 Vessel rolling back to starboard
d0 d0
dt = Zero dt increases
The arrangement of anti-roll tanks on a cargo ship with fuel in double bottom tanks
The tanks are intended to ease the rolling motion when the ship is fully laden with a large 'GM'.
Anti-roll tanks in vertical Fully laden
alignment and amidships condition
The tanks' roll
damping response
Flume tank to
be emptied
'GM '
Roll period
The range of maximum responsiveness
that can be achieved by adjusting the
tank's operating level
Chapter 5 - Case studies 155
14. Good communications between the vessels and the regulations), nobody would have wasted any precious
towmaster in a common language should be time trying to get into them. On the other hand, in
maintained throughout the operation to keep aJJ different circumstances they would be life saving. Quite
parties up to date with what is happening and to a lot of the other recommendations boil down to asking
inform everyone of any unexpected problems that people to exercise common sense and behave in a co-
might have arisen. Responsibility for the safe operative way towards each other. Attempting to
conduct of the operation should extend beyond any regulate for such aspirations often results in people
one person's own individual concerns. being more concerned about obeying the letter of the
15. 'Attention zones' bounded by lines drawn either side law, rather than its spirit.
of an intended track should be included in the RMP However, providing vessels with ship-specific
and a tug should report to the rig why it has moved info.rmation regarding the power management systems
outside this zone when running out an anchor and how to avoid getting ioto a critical stability
mooring. The towmaster should demand the situation is exceedingly sensible and possibly long
reasons if the tug does not report them and apply overdue. These include the minimum acceptable
the measures given in the RPM if the vessel is unable stability criteria and dear ship-specific guidance on the
to keep within the zone. acceptable load conditions for anchor handling.
Stability computer software should also include the
Of course, these are just recommendations with some facility for calculating the heeling arm due to the weight
being more practical and helpfuJ than others. Some of the tow acting off the centreline with its horizontal
would be dificult to implement, so for example, it is not pull at different lead angles off the stern quarter.
easy to quantify the precise condWons at which a tug Anything that helps the master avoid capsizing a tug
would be un able to car ry on with the job. Sea is probably more useful than trying to improve survival
conditions for a given wind speed vary widely with equipment onboard the tugs because a capsize occurs in
factors such as fetch, water depth, the duration of the seconds and so, with the best will in the world, the
prevailing wind, the distribu tion of nearest land etc. chances of the crew getting off the vessel before it turns
whilst the effect the wind and seas have on a vessel upside down are very slight. I suspect that the only
depends on its direction relative to the vessel's heading reason so many of the crew survived the capsize of the
and its roll and pitch characteristics. I also suspect that Bourbon Dolphin is that they were alerted to the danger by
it would be difficult to ma ke a survival suit that is easy the first severe roll to port when the tow was transferred
to put on and effective against prolonged immersion in across to the port side and then acted on their intuition
cold water. If they had not been onboard (due in part to rather than following any laid down procedures.
Part 1 - THEORY
All the opinions and suggestions stated in this chapter are solely those of the author.
Appendix to Part 1
Possible improvements to AHTS vessel safety
The foUowing list consists of suggestions for improving for hooking an anchor buoy could be quickly
the safety of AHTS vessels and their crews, though I increased for the towing operation after the buoy has
accept that some of them would present practical b~en brought onboard.
difficulties to implement.
4. It may be possible to enhance the range of stabi lity
l. Stability software for anchor handling vessels should by fitting the tugs with 'stability towers' (i.e.
include the facility to enter a tow's weight, horizontal weathertight casings) on the outboard sides of the
pull and lead angle from dead astern so that the stem to provide reserve buoyancy when the aft deck
programme can caJculate the heeling lever when the edge is submerged. These could be used for deck
tow leads off the stem quarter. This is relatively easy stores whilst also enclosing the emergency escape
for programmers to do and is probably already from the steering compartment, but the access doors
incorporated in the latest versions of such would have be kept closed when tJ1e tugs are at sea,
programmes, but older versions should be updated. especially during towing operations. The towers
should be located as close to the stern as is possible
2. Lt should be possible to incorporate load cells into whilst still allowing offshore stern lines to be run out
the stern roller bearing supports to measure the and made fast when the tugs are tied up alongside.
weight of the catenary and strain gauges into the
towing pins to measure its horizontal pull. Keeping 5. The stowage and hydrostatic release arrangement for
these in calibration presents similar difficulties to life rafts sited at the outboard extremities of the
calibrating the tension sensor at the winch with the ship's sides should incorporate a spring mechanism
extra problem that the stern roller is often subjected to eject the raft's outboard when tJ1ey are released
to a considerable amount of physical abuse (though underwater. Such systems are already in use on some
the read outs of such a system would not depend on fishing vessels and so fitting them to existing AHTS
spooling) . vessels would be relatively easy and inexpensive.
However, the rafts are only of any use to crew who
3. Tugs could be built with trimming tanks of at least 30 have managed to get into the water after the vessel
tonnes capacity at the stern and bow and a powerful has sunk, so it is better to avoid capsizing the tug in
transfer pump so that the low stern freeboard needed the first place.
Stability towers at
the outboard edge s
of the aft deck
The stability towers should be designed in a way that does not impede securing the offshore stern lines
when the vessel is alongside in port. The towers can also be used as store rooms, provided that they are
kept weathertight at sea, especially during anchor hand/ing operations.
160 Part 1 - THEORY
Stevns Power
Sketches by the Chief Officer ofthe ROV Vessel Inspector
showing how the Stevns Power heeled over and sank stern
first (from the Danish Maritime Authority casualty report).
Bourbon Dolphin
The Bourbon Dolphin after capsizing.
Practical guidance during anchor handling
and towing operations
/vl. Hancox
Chapter 9 The dangers of high speed manoeuvring during Jay barge operations 202
Chapter 10 Some operational characteristics of modern high powered AHTS type vessels
Chapter 17 Anchor handling loads - basic data required and how to use it 210
Chapter 12 Calculating anchor handling loads 214
Chapter 13 Guidelines on when to start, cease and re-evaluate the safety of an anchor
handling operation 226
Chapter 14 Two-boat anchor deployment/ recovery operations - management of risk 230
Chapter 15 'load sharing' mooring operations - particular risks 234
Chapter 76 The responsibilities of personnel in charge of anchor handling and towing
operations 240
Chapter 77 Instructions to towmasters and rig movers 242
Chapter 78 Ship knowledge and practical ship handling exercises 243
Chapter 79 Offshore construction operations 247
Maersk Battler - sister ship of Stevns Power. One offive sister ships built in 1976177 and specially designed for anchor
handling operations. They have limited deck space and no bulk storage capacity .
A particularfeature ofthe design is the location ofthe guide pins (raised) which are inboard of the shark jaws (lowered below the
pennant wire connection just forward of the stern roller. This was thought desirable in order to facilitate decking 'suitcase type' anchor
buoys, especially for lay barge anchor handling operations.
Another feature is the grooved stern roller, to assist in keeping the work wire/anchor pennant centred on the roller which is straight
in design without chamfer.
The vessel has low freeboard on the working deck and low bulwarks and crash rails. The towline can be worked from aft to a pom;
at 90 degrees to the large fixed 'gog pod' visible in the middle ofthe main deck. When the vessel is anchor handling, this pod is
unbolted and moved off to the side of the working deck. (photograph by Michael Hancox)
Swire Pacific D Class. This newbuild class is an example ofthe very modern anchor handling tug supply vessels now coming into
service. The vessel can be designated 05\1, offshore support vessel, able to assist in offshore construction operations. See section 19
Note the contrasts in design features with the Maersk Battler. (courtesy Swire Pacific Offshore)
Chapter 7 - Introduction 18
'1ESS1:.l \NfORMl>.i\ON Stem Roller: HowSate doub\e stem rn\\er, l x 3 m
Built: \.lnder con5truct'1on - Orydocl<.5 \Nor\d length x 4.5 m diameter, S\Nl 750
(Singapore). delivery scheduled for tonnes
December 2010 Tow Pins/Guide Pins:Karmoy 2 sets of combined Towing Pin
Flag: Singapore and Karm Forks, each unit comprises
Call Sign: 9VFWS one pair of tow pins and one fork, SWL
Classification: ABS + A1 + ACCU - Offshore Support 650 tonnes
Vessel & Towing Vessel ES, +AMS, ICE
Tuggers: RRM, 2 x 24 tonnes, capacity 600 m of
DIMENSIONS 76 mm wire each; Locally, portable and
Length, overall: 87.8 metres wireless control
Length, BP: 75.6 metres Capstans: RRM, 2 x 15 tonnes with warping head
Breadth, moulded: 20.0 metres and drum; Drum capacity 45 m x
Depth, main deck: 9.0 metres 20 mm wire; Locally, portable and
Maximum draft wire less control
midship: 7.5 metres Windlass: RRM combined windlass/mooring winch
Duty on warping ends is 13 tonnes @
0- 1Sm/min
Duty on cable lifters is 1 0 tonnes @
(maximum): 3,500 tonnes (approximately) 0-16.5 m/min
Clear Deck area: 35 m x 16 m = 560 square metres Duty on mooring drums is 16 tonnes @
(approximately) 0-13m/min
Deck Cargo: 1,500 tonnes (approximately - C.G. at Crane: RRM 1 x Cargo Rall double jib crane
0.9 m above deck)
maximum working radius 14.3 m
Fuel: 1,S50 cubic metres (dedicated) minimum working radius 3.2 m
1,964 cubic metres (including the
SWL of 3 tonnes@ 10-14.3 m
combination Base Oil tanks) SWL of S tonnes@ 3.2-10 m
Potable Water: 807 cubic metres 1 x provisions crane, knuckle type,
Ballast Water/
capacity 5 tonnes @ 15 m radius
Drill Water: 2,474 cubic metres winch hook travel of up to 1,000 m
Glycol/liquid Mud: 891 cubic metres - s.g. of 2.5 DISCHARGE PUMPS
Bulk: 230 cubic metres (approximately 8,100 Potable Water: 1 x 150 cubic metres/hr - 9.0 bar
cubic feet) total capacity in 4 tanks (90m head)
Ship's Stores: Freezer: (-25 degrees Celsius) - Drill Water: 1 x 150 cubic metres/hr - 9.0 bar
approximately 20 cubic metres (90m head)
Cooler: (+4 degrees Celsius) - Fuel Oil: 1 x 150 cubic metres/hr - 9.0 bar
approximately 24 cubic metres (90m head)
Provisions store: approximately 75 Liquid Mud: 1 x 75 cubic metres/hr - 18.0 bar
cubic metres Brine/Mud: 1 x 75 cubic metres/hr - 18.0 bar
Base Oil: 1 x 150 cubic metres/hr - 9.0 bar
MACHINERY (90m head)
Main Engines: 4 x 4.466 BHP = 17,864 BHP Cargo Flow Meters: Fuel Oil and Fresh Water
Propulsion: 4 x MAN/B&W 9L 27/38 GO
alphatronic CPP propellers in MAN PERFORMANCE
nozzles Speed/Fuel Maximum speed 17 knots @ 100%
(Reintjes twin in single out reduction Consumption: MCR, approximate consumption is 59.0
gearbox) tonnes/day
Bow Thrusters: 1 x 880 kW (1,200 BHP) Brunvoll Economical speed 12 knots,
tunnel thruster, approximately 13.0 approximate consumption is 22.0
tonnes thrust tonnes/day
1 x 880 kW (1,200 BHP) Azimuth drop-
Stern Thrusters: 2 x 880 kW (1,200 BHP) Brunvol I Capacity: 2,400 cubic metres/hr, independent
tunnel thruster, approximately 13.0 from propulsion engines
Monitors: 2 x 1,200 cubic metres/hr
tonnes thrust
Shaft Generators: 2 x AEM shaft generators, 2,800 kW, Throw Length: 120 m
3,500 kVA each, 440 V, 60 Hz Throw Height: SO m
Auxiliary Generators: 1 x Caterpillar diesel generator, ACCOMMODATION
1.425 kW, 440 V, 60 Hz Berths: 29 x 1 man (single) cabins
Capable of driving FiFi pump 2 x 2 man (double) cabins
Energency 1 x Caterpillar diesel generator, 3 50 kW, 1 x 4 man cabins
Generators: 440 V, 60 Hz (Emergency/Harbour 1 x Client's office
Generator) 1 x Messroom
Bollard Pull: 220 tonnes, continuous 1 x Conference room
Rig Chain Locker: 624 cubic metres chain capacity (in 4 37 persons (Total)
lockers of 156 cubic metres each) MISCELLANEOUS
Winch: Rolls Royce Brattvaag waterfall type 1: While every care has been taken to prepare accurate and
winch, 3 drums (1 x SL500WX and 2 x precise specifications, these vessels are under
BSL400WX), all drums provided with construction and the as-built specifications are subject to
remote controlled spooling gears change.
Basic operational cautions -
summary from Part 1
Until you can drive the boat in full manual mode to a standard
as least as good as, or better than, joystick or semi-auto, you
should not use these ajds to overcome your own lack of skill.
Summary of the key points of Part 2
Thrust power, applied eith er via side or main AHTS class vessels do not have the same ability
propulsion thrust combined with high as conventionaJ tugs to sustain, in stability
performance rudders, can induce additional terms, h igh towing loads leading off from the
listing levers on th e vessel against an off-centre fixed gog position (usually placed at about mid
anchor handling o r towing load. The deck position). Great caution is required when
combination of thruster load and line load can working a tow line broad out on the side of an
reach sudden and sometimes dangerously high AHTS.
Significant immersion of the working deck, The difference between dynamic load and static
especially when the vessel is subject to high load during anchor handling and towing
loads during anchor handling or towing and operations can be the margin between survival
particularly when the load is offset from the and disaster. The movement of the vessel in a
centre line, can rapidly reduce the available seaway, rapid power and course changes or
positive stability values. sudden shifting of the anchor/towing forces can
lead to a dramatic increase in the loads on the
vessel and equipment. Underestimating kinetic
RapiiJ loss ffli6ility energy, which is a result of mass x acceleration
(the dynamic load value), may be a fatal
The rapid loss of stability may not become mistake.
obvious until the deck edge submerges. If the
vessel is working in heavy weather with high
anchor handling or towing loads, sudden
swamping of a large section of the main deck
may result in a dramatic and rapid loss of
positive stability.
1U Part 2 - PRACTICE
Comparing how the towing force acts on a harbour tug to on an anchor handler
A conventional harbour tug An anchor handling tug
The tow acts upwards on the The tow acts downwards on the tug's stern
amidships region of the tug
The lateral component of the tow tension T forms a capsizing couple with the resistance 'R' of the
hull and thrusters to sideways movement of both the anchor handler and harbour tug.
The vertical component of the tow tension creates a stern down trimming moment on the anchor
handling tug, whereas it has no significant trimming effect on the conventional harbour tug.
• The larger Lhe angle of action of the anchor line off • The main propulsion thrust used to hold the AHT on
from the centre line of the AHT, the greater will be a given anchor running azimuth, or to get the AHT
the overturning lever imposed on the vessel. back on line after drifting off, can increase the
heeling moment due to increasing the tension on the
• During anchor running operations in particular, be anchor line to dangerous levels.
very observant of the heading of the AHT in relation
to the heading/azimuth of the anchor line. As the • Never o rder an AHT to increase power to regain or
difference in these two values increases, so the hold a given anchor running azimuth when the
influence of the heeling moment due to the anchor anchor line is not as near as possible to the cen
line tension increases. line of the AHT.
Chapter 3 - Summary of the key points of Part 2
Bredde: 22 m
500 t tension
Bredde: 17 m
400 t tension
Stability and trim of high fo 'c'sle vessels such vessels must allow for this drnnge of trim and
When many commercial ships' hulls heel over, the consequently GZ curves supplied by the shipbuilder an.
immersion of reserve buoyancy is about equally said to be for the 'free trim situation', i.e. tile righting
distributed between the fore & aft ends, as there is sheer lever is calculated from the GM, which is based on th"
at the bow and stern. However, there are also many ship freely changing trim as it heels over.
vessels nowadays operating in the offshore industries Oil rig supply ships are typical of the type of vesse
that are built with high fo'c'sles and a low working after mat will suffer a significant trimming moment by the
deck. When sud1 a ship is heeled over to immerse the stem when heeled over beyond a certain point. Tot:
after deckline, the fo'c'sle remains well above the resulting loss of stability beyond this angle of heel is
waterline, consequently there is considerably more partly compensated for by the relatively large beam tha
reserve buoyancy at the bow than tile stern. Further such ships tend to be built with, as this provides th1..
heeling will result in a significant forward shift of the ship with a large aft working deck for cargo stowage.
centre of buoyancy causing a stem trimming moment Much of the cargo is carried on deck and lifted off whik
which wiJI submerge the stem further and leads to a tile ship is holding station 'stern to' tile offshore
danger of the after deck being flooded. Stability data for platform.
The free trim effect on the GZ cutvefor a high fo'c'sle/low aft deck ship
Heeling produces a trimming
moment by the stern
- Xo
·· xe
\... _.:-.:- -'- Bo - - - - - - .-
- - - - - ~ ~~- - --- ~- - -21 Buoyancy deficiency
Stability is compromised
by flooding at angles of
heel beyond 0J
'TH' sin a
tension 'T'
Horizontal pull 'TH' , 'TV'
'h' & 'y' are the height of the top of the roller above the propeller boss and its distance outboard of the
centreline respectively. 'a' is the lead angle of the tow to the tug'sfore and aft line.
GZ curve corrected for the above changes in KG, mean draft and trim whilst towing
(m) The tug's stability
Reduced area of is compromised by
I flooding at heel
positive stability
angles beyond 0J
h 'TH' sin a
AT + 'Tv'
0 --F-""'T""---r---Jr--~--r---r---~--r--...U.~"-'i:::~~ ~
y 'Tv' cos 8
AT + 'Tv'
0 10° ~ 5° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° Heel angle 0
1.- Range of positive stability --.i
The tug's CZ curve with the tow weight on the stern roller's outboard edge
The tug is upright when the tow weight acts on the centreline of the stern roller
Levers to port G1G2 = Transverse offset of 'g' from the centreline
GZ & GoG1 cos 0
0f = Angle The tug's stability
of flooding is compromised by
- - - - --. flooding at heel
angles beyond 8J
Reduced area of
positive stability
~ -~ =="""-J._ -,1-""l
....t Lateral thrust rotates
with the angle of heel.
TL = The lateral component of the tow's horizontal pull -TL = The tug's lateral thrust
aT + Tv = The tug's displacement (including the weight of the tow) in tonnes
TL = Horizontal pull x the sine of the lead angle 'a'
- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - --TL
Heeling moment = h TL tonnes-metres, so the equivalent heeling lever = aLhTL
+ Tv metres
The heeling lever is proportional to the lead angle 'a' but is constant at all angles of heel.
Chapter 3 - Summary of the key points of Part 2
Chapter 4 - The behaviour ofAHTS class vessels when going astern 1,S
Turning and manoeuvring modern
anchor handling vessels
Design characteristics - limitations and Similarly, if the towline or work wire is constrainea
constraints durin towin o rations between the guide pins, the available turning lever •~
very small or non existent.
Several modem designs of AHTS class vessels are fitted During anchor handling operalions it is usual tc
with very high protective barriers (crash barriers) whjch keep the work wire constrruned between the guide piru
totally enclose the working deck for its whole length because the consequences of allowing the wire to slide:
and these are fitted with accesses to the outboard off the stem and up the crash rail can result in a vef)
bulwarks. These barriers not only give considerable difficult and potentially dangerous situatioo
protection to the working deck and any cargo on it from particularly if there is significant load on the wire.
the influence of green water coming over the sides, but The limitations of the modem design may not be
they also provide a fairly sheltered environment during obvious until the less than experienced boat driver puts
offshore cargo supply duties. The top of the barrier may the rudders over, expecting his vessel to turn.
also be fitted with remote-controlled handl ing aids
which can transit up and down the length of the
working deck (cranes/manipulators etc). When the Manoeuvring - the constraints imposed by
vessels are engaged in anchor handJing work, these uide ins
barriers also reduce the influence of 'green water' on
deck from waves impacting on the sides of the vessel Take the example of needing to make a turn to por
and also to some extent reduce the volume of water that when the towline or work wire is under tension and 1,
can be shlpped during heavy rolling. The design of the located between the guide pins. Putting the ruddef'§
barriers does however present problems when the vessel over to port may not induce any tum effect at all. !;-
must make significant and rapid changes of course fact, it may well result in the vessel stem moving t
while engaged in towing operations. starboard. This comes about because of the lack of
See Swire Pacific D Class and Siem Offshore turrung lever between the rudders and the point c..
specification sheets on page 164 for examples of such constraint of the towline or work wire is very small o·
modern vessels. non-existent. The rudders, turned to port, result ir
Previous generations of AHTS class vessels were more directing the propeller thrust into a sideways push c.-
like conventional tugs (and some are still constructed the stern to starboard, but the constraint of the worl
this way) where the towline could theoretically be wire/towline simply forces the stern of the ves~
allowed to ride up the crash barrier/bulwark as far as the sideways to starboard with little or no change a
'li ne stop' which was located about half way up the heading to port.
,working deck length from the stern and in combination If the towline is allowed to move out to the 'line stor
with a 'fixed gog' device permitted the towline to act at on the quarter or the quarter pin, some turning lever
an angle of dose to 90 degrees off the beam. This design available, particularly if the rudder used is the or>
means the vessel could turn sharply and tow with the furthest from the point of constraint of the towline.
line out at a broad angle to the vessel heading during if the towline is hard up against the port quarter lir
the turn. This has many advantages when manoeuvring stop, then using the starboard rudder only t
and managing the object on the end of the towline. In commence a tum to port will usually have more effer
particular, by allowing the towline to move welJ out on than using both rudders.
the beam, it creates a considerable turning lever This characteristic becomes extremely important fc...
between the crash rail stop and the rudders. the safety of the vessel because the movement of th
The modern designs with very high solid crash vessel stern to starboard can result in the towline/wor
barriers means that the towline is constrained to a wire creating an angle off the centre line and the tensio
maximum angle off the centre line by a line stop on the Line will then begin to impose a listing lever 01
structure at the extremes of each quarter. The problem the vessel. The propeller thrust also begins to impose
this creates is that the turning lever exerted by the further listing lever as the angle that the towline lir...
rudders is VERY SMALL as soon as the vessel needs to moves off the centre Ii ne increases.
change heading against the tension on the towline.
Chapter 6 - Turning and manoeuvring modern anchor handling vessels 179
Towing Operations
The towline can in theory be permitted
to lead outboard from the fixed gog
position. There will be a large turning
lever available between the rudders
and the gog. This may, however, cause
considerable difficulties when trying to
Fixed gog position bring the towline back over the stern,
especially if no 'variable gog' has been
line stop
/ C '-
• - Cl.I
C >
... Cl.I
Design Changes
Many newer designs of AHTS class
boats are unable to work any line
further outboard than the outer ends
of the stern. This feature reduces the
normal effectiveness of the rudders
when making a conventional turn and
other techniques have to be employed,
especially when working with high tow
_ ; : : Turning lever
Techniques for tuming and manoeuvring - required run line may be entirely the wrong choice
anchor handling o rations
_.L___;_....:.____:_.:..:...._ _ _ _ _ _ ___. because it is unlikely that even the most sophisticated
programme will be able to use the technique described
As was stated in 'Design characte,istics - limitations and here and in the diagrams on the following pages. If you
constraints during towing operations' on page 178, anchor wish to move the vessel to port and you move the
handling operations should be conducted with the joystick across to port the likelihood is that the rudders
work wire locked more or less in the centre line of the will tum to port when in fact the requirement is to
vessel by means of the guide pins. lf the vessel has apply starboard rudder.
hydraulic quarter pins, these should always be raised The need to use th.e bow thrusters to assist in keeping
during anchor handJing operations. The only time that on line or for changing heading when heavily
guide pins should be lowered is during recovery and constrained by a work wire or towline should be
deployment of an anchor or buoy where the load has to obvious. The vessel master and officers must carefully
pass over the pins. evaluate the prevailing weather conditions before they
ff the AHT can keep up a reasonable speed through commence ninning or recovery of a particular anchor
the water, say 1.5 to 2 knots, the difficulties of staying and take into account the possibility that the bow
on a given course are not so great. However, this is not thruster may have to operate at high power for
always possible due to the actual type of mooring line considerable periods of time. Many bow thrusters have
being handled, the limits of the winches on MO Us and built in protection systems which limit the duration
several other factors such as the requirement for they can run at on near full power in order to prevent
minimum tension or the requirement to apply high damage.
tension. Towing operations can present the same manoeuvr-
During anchor handling operations there is a ing problems as those experienced during anchor
requirement to keep the AHT on the anchor running handling work. The difference is that sharp turns are
line. Environmental forces acting on the side of the AHT usually o n ly required when working on a short scope of
will tend to push the vessel off the required track. To towline at relatively low power, for example when
keep the AHT on track with the work wire between the towing an MOU into position for the commencement
guide pins, the usual technique is to use one or both of anchor running. It is often possible to allow the
rudders turned so as to direct the propeller thrust towline to move outboard ( off the cenu·e line) as far as
opposite to the direction of the environmental forces. ln the quarter pins which permits the rudders to gain some
combination with the bow thrusters, this keeps the AHT leverage against the towline constraint point and turn
on the running line. the bow in the required direction. Due to the low speed
The particular design of AHT, the size/direction of of this type of operation, the bow thrusters are more
the environmental forces and the amount of bollard likely to be effective.
pull required to carry out the particular operation will During sea towing operations, when the full scope of
all influence the exact combination of rudder angle and towline has been deployed and the towing vessel is
choice of rudder in order to balance the stern and bow working at full towing power, course changes can be
forces so as to stay on line. achieved by allowing the towl ine to move out as far as
If the vessel is drifting off the required track when the quarter pins which will create a turning lever.
running or recovering an anchor, it may be desirable to Another technique to achieve a tum may be to reduce
turn the vessel in order to move back onto the line. To power (and speed) then use the bow thrusters (when
make the vessel turn in the desired direction, one or they become effective) to assist in swinging the bow
both rudders need to be turned in the opposite onto the new heading. Significant changes of course
direction to the required direction of turn. Thfa must be must be done gradually, working the towed objea
done in combination with the bow thrusters. Taking the around onto the new course by applying the towing
example in 'Manoeuvring - the constraints imposed by force at the maximum angle the towline can move off
guide pins' on page 178, where it is required to tum the the centre line which, in most modern designs and
vessel to port, one or both rudders need to be turned to practice, is usually only as far the quarter pin.
starboard in order to make the stern move to port while Trying to make good a given track, while towing
the bow thrusters do most of the work to change the with moderate or heavy weather on the beam can result
heading of the bow and move the bow to port. in the tug falling off to leeward. The drift 'off track' can
As noted in Part 1, Chapter 3, stability, turning the sometimes be controlled by using one rudder turned to
vessel with load on the work wire can create a listing provide thrust opposite the side on environmental load.
lever as the angle of the wire moves off the centreline. lt is more than likely, in conditions of strong beam
This must be appreciated and very carefully managed in wind and wave forces, that the towed object will drift to
order to keep the listing levers to a minimum. The best leeward faster than the tug and therefore the way to stay
practice is to keep the vessel on the required anchor line on track is to steer a course to windward of the designed
and not to allow deviations from it which may then track heading such that the tow lies to leeward of the tug
require a significant heading d1ange to 'drive back' onto and both tug and tow make good the desired track
the line. albeit at an angle to it. Using this method there is no
It is extremely important to u nderstand that the use requirement for the towline to move past the quaner
of the joystick control mode to hold the AHT on the pin.
Chapter 6 - Turning and manoeuvring modern anchor handling vessels 183
Turning levers
! C:S~ ~ail ~ine stop --§JI"::>,
. ~ Turning lever available if towline
Guide pin --..□ I is between the guide pins
... ' I • ~
" I • i
\ I J! F!xed gog position
"- -- --r--
, - T-
\ T\
guide pins, the size of t he
available turning lever is often
very small. If the rudders are
used conventionally to change \. _,
heading, the more likely effect
will be to move the boat
sideways rather than t urn. The
Elevation - stern section of typical AHT/ AHTS
size of t he towing force and
actual design of the ind ividual
behaviour. f
vessel wil l influence the actual
Y1 q> Boat
The boat driver is using 'joystick'
control mode and applies thrust to
port with a heading change to port.
The effect of this is to turn the main
v~ main propulsion thrust to
starboard.The boat will move
bodily to port.
Each boat will behave slightly
differently and It may be
movement more effective to use only
rudders to port in an attempt to alter
direction the starboard rudder.
the heading.
The result is that the boat drives off On boats with Azimuth
bodily to starboard, there is only a propulsion units, the ability
/ ~
smal l effective turning lever between to rapidly direct thrust at 90
the guide pins and the rudder post. degrees may be utilised in
--. ' JL--!-1 short bursts to push the boat
The boat is now moving further off the
required run line and bringing the line
load wel l off the boat centre line.
7 I i-l
in the required sideways
Propeller thrust
Chapter 6 - Turning and manoeuvring modern anchor handling vessels
Towing operations
AHTS Havila Charisma has just received the bridle fore pennant ofa semi-submersible drilling unit and is about to connect its towline
to the pennant. The quarter pins are raised, but the guide pins are not yet up.
Note the proximity of the AHTS to the hull of the drilling unit. This kind ofoperation is best undertaken in full manual control rather
than any mode of semi-auto.
Towing operations
AHTS Havila Charisma and Maersk Seeker transferring the tow bridle of a semi-submersible drilling rig. Havila Charisma has just
released the bridle to Maersk Seeker. It is necessary to come within heaving line range to carry out such an operation (under normal
circumstances) in order to establish a messenger system between the vessels. This sort of close proximity positioning work should be
undertaken with the vessels in manual control. It should be appreciated that 'three' vessels are involved, one of which, the drilling rig,
is probably drifting without the ability to move clear of the two tugs transferring the tow bridle. The transfer should therefore be
organised so that the tugs can be sure that the rig will always drift awayfrom them.
(photographs by Michael Hancox)
l l
' I
l I
I maximum
angle during
Mid deck I towing
line stop ~ I
1 operations
-- ---- - - - -- 0 I._ - I
--- - -- /- -- -
- - -J. - - - <
Large turning
lever Centre line
guide pins
I Small turning
I II lever
' . l
' I
Rudder post/ - - - + - - - + - -
rudder - ~
J ~ e -e .....
' ..... /
l '
working angle
during anchor V
o-, ,,, · oy
; Quarter pin
handling /
. /
operations .,
The diagram illustrates the possible maximum working angles of the winch line
and the influence on turning ability.
Towing operations
Countering environmental forces
Environmental load
I without using any side thruster load by
I balancing the angle that the towline is
I allowed to veer off the side of the vessel.
I. The boat can be moved sideways
l against the environmental load
and use one rudder to push
the boat bodily and the
other to maintain the
towing effort.
[:::1/ ~
Direction of
boat movement
'2f1 I
propeller thrust
Direction hold the boat against an
of boat environmental load or move the
movement boat bodily sideways while still
> maintaining the
towing effort.
Some boats or
Direction of may require the
/ ~
proprler thrust use of both
Line stop _ _ ___,_ rudders.
I ~
I I :J'\.
Anchor handling operations - running/ recovery
Keeping the boat on line against strong environmental forces
Jij_l D.. p
In order to move the boat to starboard or
counteract the drift force to port caused by the
strong wind/wave/current forces, use one rudder
turned to port. The effect of this is to move the
boat sideways to starboard and with the assistance
of the bow thruster, the heading can be adjusted
to keep the lead of the mooring line close to the
Direction of centreline of t he boat.
movement - - - - - --
of the boat
Port rudder
to port
Be aware of the angle that the mooring line load is
acting off the boat centre line and its influence on
Bigger turning lever
st ability. Never shift the line load between sets of
guide pins when there is significant line tension .
Chapter 6 - Turning and manoeuvring modern anchor handling vessels
I Action to take
Ease down on the ahead main
power and reduce the line load.
Allow the boat head to swing off
I to leeward.
Commence moving the boat
I slowly astern to ease right down
on the line load.
I Direction of movement
I of the boat
( Back the boat up on to the
Direction of movement /
of the boat
I With the mooring line
/ I slack, turn the boat
through 180 degrees and
head into net
environmental load.
The barge/rig should
commence recovery of the
mooring line. If the
weather conditions are
not likelly to improve, the
barge/rig should recover
the mooring and wait on
better weather to resume
I deployment or use a more
powerful boat.
The AHTS design and towing operations
Note. In this section 'towing' refers to the AHTS acting • The maximum beam of the vessel is carried for up to
as a tug to tow an 'object' from one place to another. two thirds of the overall length from the fore end to
an open stem where the main design consideration is
anchor handling. When an AHTS is towing in heavy
seas heading down weather, the wide open stern,
heavily faired above and below the water, is very
vulnerable to shipping large amounts of water and
The AHTS class vessel is found performing numerous because of the underwater features of the aft end of
types of towing operation and the versatility of the the hull, the vessel is more likely to bury the stem
design permits it to change roles from and10r handling into an oncoming wave rather than ride over it.
to towing in a few minutes. For example, it is usual for
the same vessels which recover the anchors of a MODU • The maximum draft of the AHTS is usually less than
the same size (length/beam) of a purpose built tug or
to then tow it to the next location and deploy its
anchors. AHT. This means that the propellers are not so deeply
immersed as those of the tug and in heavy weather,
fn offshore construction operations, AHTS vessels are
especially when the vessel is pitching, some loss of
frequently used to tow floating production units of all
bollard pull is to be expected. The AHTS of modern
types, often over very long oceanic passages and then
design may have limited ability to veer the towline
used to perform installation and10r handling and
off the centre line which can inhibit some aspects of
mooring operations.
tow management where it is desirable to keep the
There are many more large AHTS class vessels with
high bollard pull than there are deep sea tugs with towed objecl al an angJe off tl1e tug. Towline control
at the stem of the AI-ITS may be limited to confining
similar power. Thus many of the operations that might
the towline between the guide pins. There may be no
previously have been carried out by purpose-built deep
provision to rig a variable gog system.
sea tugs are now performed by AHTS vessels.
There are still a substantial number of AHT type
vessels in service and they are still being buiJt to replace
older tonnage. The URS Union Warrior Class is a good which can influence the
example of the modem type. AHTs are much more 'tug- the AHTS in towin o~rotions
like' in design than the AHTS vessels, but the limited
number of these vessels and the fact that there are very • Good towing practice requires that the towline is
protected from chafe at those points on the working
few with a bollard puJI capability over 150 te means that
deck where it contacts the structure. The towline is
they will not often be found engaged in towing
opera lions where high bollard puJI is required. particularly likely to be subject to chafe across the
stern roller and adjacent areas. The normal method
It should be understood that an AHTS vessel is not
of towline protection is to fit a 'chafing sleeve' over
the ideal design for towing operations. Jt is a
compromise in order to enable it to fulfil the other roles the towline and position it al the stern where the
towline passes outboard. It is, however, a fact that the
(anchor handling and supply duties). The limitations of
use of these simple devices is not common practice.
the design in the towing role must always be considered
in order to avoid those situations where the safety of the • An AHTS may have to change from anchor handling
towing vessel, and therefore the towed object, may be to towing within the scope of the same operation
placed at risk. (say during rig moving work). The mechanical
damage that anchors d1ains and work wires can
inflict on the stem roller and adjacent areas of the
Limitatiolf.S IJ;f'theAHTS design when stem may not be considered when changing to the
en a ed in towi.n towing role. The towline may be severely and
suddenly damaged or even parted as a resull of a
The features of the AHTS design which reduce its failure to ensure that the stern roller and adjacent
efficiency when towing are: areas (stern each side of roller, crash rails etc) are free
of mechanical defects and provide a smooth surface
• The design of the hull at the aft one third of the
over which the towline can pass.
vessel below the water is quite 'fine' and this resuJts
in less than ideal motion characteristics especially • The outfit of towing equipment on the modem AHTS
when towing in heavy weather. may no longer include a 'shock absorbing' element
Chapter 8 - The dangers of very high loads during deep water anchor handling
Anchor handling operations - the behaviour of a typical AHT when running anchors -
moderate to deep water
the volume of green water in way of the shark jaws successive layers on the work drum. This will
and guide pins or the vessel motion makes it too effectively put the boat out of action until the wire
dangerous to move anchors and other equipment can be spooled off and restowed neatly under
into position for connections, then the vessel is tension, b ut 'ripping down' often results in significant
effectively out of action as the work may not be able damage to the wire, making it unusable. It is normal
to be completed. in deep water anchor handling to respool Jong work
wires after EACH anchor movement.
• Changing the lead angle of a work wire o r chain
section which is under high tension, allowing it to • Deploying large amou nts of mooring chain sections
'skid' across the deck from one set of guide pins to out of the vessels chain lockers results in moving
another is highly dangerous - not only because the weight from low down in the vessel thus raising the
shock loading as it is brought to a standstill may KG and reducing GM. If a vessel is working at or dose
overload the wire or chain and part it, but equally it to m inimum GM values, this reduction in GM could
might overload the winch or gypsy. A potentially have a sign ificant influence on the safe operation of
more dangerous aspect of this is the high dynamic the vessel. Masters and officers sh ould have a
load caused by the movement, then sudden halt, of preplanned method of ballasting the vessel to
the chain or wire. The tension (weight) and speed of compensate for the reduction in GM due to
movement will resuh in a 'kinetic energy' value deploying weight from the vessel. This may be by
which may translate into a sudden listing lever on using double bottom tanks or filling the chain
the vessel if the lead of the chain or wire is lockers with seawater. In all cases, the counter
significantly off the centre line. ballasting plan should be such that 'free surface' is
kept to a minimum and that the counter ballasting
• Poorly-spooled work wires may be subjected to such operation itself does not result in a significant GM
high loads that the wire pulls down through reduction.
All our tugs have the most modem navigational aids s a. radar, echosounders,
DGPS, compasses, satnav, electronic charting. muhiple VHF
sets. radio station, ...
President Hubert:
Alphonse Letzer:
President Hubert:
President Hubert:
Alphonse Letzer:
President Hubert:
The dangers of high speed manoeuvring during
lay barge operations
Chapter 9 - The dangers of high speed manoeuvring during lay barge operations 203
® w
All our tugS heve the most modern navigational aids s.a . radar. echosounder,
DGPS, CO,npa$5, electronic charting. multiple VHF sets. doppler speed log, ...
204 Part 2 - PRACTICE
e ca.udons -AHi$ doss vessels The fact that the President Hubert has had a long and
successful history would indicate that this low freeboard
• AHTS class vessels should be very cautious when does not seriously effect the vessel operations or safety
going astern at speeds over about 3 to 4 knots. It is in stability terms. It should however be noted that these
good practice to test out the vessel 'safe' astern speed two vessels have very long high forecastles, rather
on a regular basis. This can be done in the 'waiting' slabsided forebodies, deep draft and quite small beam
periods between anchor shifts or when the weather/ to length ratios. In brief therefore, their design permits
sea conditions significantly change. Inform the lay the working deck freeboard to be low without seriously
barge tower foreman of the estimated 'safe astern compromising stability even in very rough seas when
speed' and request him to keep the winch speed their decks are constantly wave swept.
within that range.
• Al-ITS class vessels should be very aware of the General preet1utions applicable to al vessel
influence of the 'free trim effect' when significant ~es
parts of the working deck are intermittently
submerged. • Going astern with significant amounts of 'green
• Al-IT and AHTS types should not trim the vessel by water' on the deck is extremely dangerous,
the stern in order to ease the catd1ing of anchor particularly if the vessel is working at nominal
buoys because stern down trim will most often positive GM values, albeit within permitted limits
degrade the course keeping ability while going astern (refer to the free trim effect).
at speed. In addition, when goi_ng astern at speed in • The speed at which the lay barge expects the Al-IT to
sea or swell conditions which are likely to flood over run and recover anchors may be such that th.e bow
the stern, such a trim may lead to the vessel driving and stem thrusters (if fitted) are ineffective and
the main deck underwater. The majority of Al-IT/ therefore keeping on the required running line is
Al-ITS class vessels steer better when going astern if achieved by use of the rudders and main propulsion
they are trimmed slightly bow down (make output. Inexperienced drivers who rely on the side
allowances for the anchor load). thrusters to stay on line should be given intensive
training under more experienced personnel before
Vessel design no te. It will be apparent from an
being permitted to handle the vessel on their own.
examination of the photos and side elevation drawings
The AHT drivers must learn to use wind and current
of the AHTs President Hubert and Union Fighter that they
forces to advantage and not rely on side thrusters to
have quite a low freeboard on the working deck and in
overcome them.
this author's experience with President Hubert and
similar pure AHT type vessels on several operations, the • Very experienced lay barge anchor handling
main working deck is frequently awash. tugmasters often develop manoeuvring tedrniques
The greater immersed area of the hull's forepart is more resistant to lateral movement than the aft
body, so the tug pivots about a point well forward of the stern. Deviations from following the tow lead
create a strong restori ng moment due to the stem's large lateral shift against the tow tension.
Stern down trim
· Tug yaws to
------" p starboard
Trimming the tug by the stern increases the immersed surface area of the after part of the hull whilst
reduci ng the forward surface area underwater, so the pivot point moves closer to the stern and the
restoring moment to correct for any deviation from fo llowing the tow lead is consequently reduced.
Steering astern becomes increasingly sensitive and more difficult to control as stern trim increases.
Chapter 9 - The dangers of high speed manoeuvring during lay barge operations
Position B - .......
Diagram A The lay barge anchor is to be
redeployed from Position A to Position B.The
-- -..
-- - - .....
maintaining the AHT at an angle to the
barge. At this point the barge mooring line
begins to impose load at an angle to t he
-- ......
AHT centre line. The barge may continue
to recover mooring line .
Diagram C At this point, -
misjudgements in control of the .......
AHT and the forces which result
can be very dangerous. If the AHT
~ ~1/2\. ~
heading control is lost, t he safest
cou rse of action is to reduce all
power and call an all stop on the
barge winch. .,, /
,.,, ''---"-~Y-
--...., --------- ~
-------:.--¼~\' .....
I , ... _
Diagram D The AHT is approaching the new anchor ... - _ J..
bearing line stern first and at this point the barge mooring ............... - -....
line may be at its maximum angle off the AHT centre line. The AHT ....._,
applies more ahead power and maximum rudder angle and uses the 'lever' of the barge mooring line
acting at an angle off the stern to achieve a rapid change of heading onto the new anchor bearing rne
If done by a skilled boat handler wit h the boat correctly set up, such a technique is satisfying to per'o7'::'l
and impressive to watch. If it goes wrong it could lead to disaster.
which speed up the operation. Such skills need to be maximum speed if either the band brake is released
both learnt and practiced and may be wholly or emergency release is activated, it may be necessary
inappropriate or downright dangerous when they are to 'de-clutch' the drive from the winch once the
used on a boat whose design does not allow it or by anchor is recovered to the stem roller. Much depends
personnel who think they know the technique. An upon the type of winch, the speed of payout
example is what is often called 'sling shotting'. 1n this ad,ievable when the winch is 'in-clutch' and the
manoeuvre the AHT recovers an anchor and allows sequence of actions which occur when 'emergency
the barge to recover sufficient mooring line to bring release' is activated.
the bight clear of the seabed. Once the line is
• Tugmasters should advise tower foremen how their
shortened and while still going astern, the AHT is
winch system and boat is best operated before
swung at an angle to the original anchor bearing line
commencing work and during operations the
and using rudder and main engine power it drives
tugmaster should not hesitate to advise them on the
itself up to the new bearing line stem first and once
maximum barge winch speeds that tJ1e boat can cope
on line smartly swings the bow onto the correct
with in tJ1e prevailing sea conditions. Although a
heading and asks the barge to begin payout for
spirit of competitiveness between boats working the
setting the anchor on the new bearing. This
barge anchor spread is both natural and ohen
technique can save quite a lot of time and uses the
encouraged, a better approach to the work is to
forces on the anchor line and the boats own
proceed at a constant pace within the limits of the
mass/kinetic energy, but it can result in the boat
particular boat keeping some reserve of power and
taking such a violent shear off line that the forces on
speed for the tin1es it may be needed.
the anchor line, combined with the use of too much
engine power, result in the AHT being pulled • Tower foremen should take the time to study the
violentJy over, with consequent flooding of the main behaviour of each boat in the 'spread' and allocate
deck and possible capsize. anchors to the boat best suited to any particular
anchor. Keeping the same boat always working the
• Watertight integrity on the working deck and around
same side of the barge or the same group of anchors
the winch space must be fully maintained alJ the
may in fact be inefficient and pose unnecessary risks
time during anchor handling operations. No
to the boat and the barge operations. For example, a
exceptions should be permitted and the importance
boat with a less than efficient side thrust capability is
of keeping watertight doors and hatches dosed
not tJ1e boat to use when working anchors across
should be understood by all onboard and regular
strong current velocities. Another case using a small
checks made to ensure the doors/hatches and other
boat to act as a 'live' anchor may not be the best
openings are in fact watertight.
choice if a heavier/bigger boat is available.
• It is vital that the emergency release system on the
• Tower foremen have a responsibility to ensure that
AHT work winch is fully operational and that when
activated it lets the winch out at maximum speed. their winch operators work with the boat handling
any patticular anchor. Running/recovery/reposition-
The system and its operation should be regularly
ing anchors is a cooperative operation between tJ1e
tested and any in-built delay should be well
boat, the winch operator and the tower, not
understood by all tJ1e operational personnel (both
a competition between these parties. It is neither
drivers and engineers). The clutch and brake
good practice no r good management to place the
arrangement on the winch should be fuUy
AHTs in danger jus t for the sake of moving the
, understood by the boat drivers and engineers. In
anchor in the fastest possible time.
order to ensure that the winch will pay out at
Some operational characteristics of modern
high powered AHTS-type vessels
roll motions because of the rise in KG as the load and around the stem of the vessel with 'blind spots'
becomes suspended. This could be extremely a common occurence. When working the vessel in
dangerous not just from the point of view of stability, close proximity to a collision hazard these blind
but the load could suddenly take control and spots should be taken into account.
become a significant hazard not just to the vessel
• It has been observed that in certain stability
structure but it may also influence the amplitude of
conditions and when turning the vessel sharply at
any roll. The motions of the vessel must be
speed (while running free), the A-frame may cause a
considered before attempting to lift a load. Bear in
sudden and excessive healing effect which may come
mind that the use of roll reduction tanks wiJl almost
as something of a surprise to those onboard. Even
always result in some loss of GM due to the tank free
. during normal anchor handling operations, in heavy
surface and it may be that calculations of stability
weather, the A-frame will influence ship motion and
with the suspended load and roll reduction tanks in
before the vessel is committed to working across the
use make such an operation too hazardous to lift in
stability terms. weather where maximum roll motions might be
encountered, this possible increase in roll motion
• The A-frame often seriously obscures the vision at should be considered.
The loads on the vessel Discussion and lessons to be drawn from 'the
loads on the vessel'
The AHT will be subjected to the following loads during As noted, this is the result of a computer-generated
any anchor handling operation: wind force, current model. The term 'dynamic bollard pull' should be read
force, wave-induced forces on the AHT hull; load on the as the maximum thrust required to hold the AHT over
work winches caused by the forces exerted by the winch the anchor target position while resisting the maximum
system on the mooring line being handled; rig/barge dynamic winch loads caused by the vessel moving in
winch forces exened on the mooring line; the forces the seaway. ln practke, the AJ-IT will run to targeL
exerted by using main propellers and rudders and those receive verification from the barge that it is on target
caused using side or azimuth thrusters. The AHT itself then run the anchor to bottom. It is in the (hopefulh
has a defined mass and the vessel moving in the seaway brief) interval, once the AHT has reached target, that
induces loads which are a component of the dynamic these peak loads occur. Despite the fact that such a
values. The barge mooring line has mass (weight) per calculation is computed and subject to some errors, the
unit length and will be in a catenary as it is extended. lt fact remains that this is typical of the sort of loads the
will experience varying loads and itself will contribute AHT might experience.
to peak dynamic values as it is extended (run out) . It is particularly important to realise that AHT lJ1k
The loads experienced by the Al IT have two vessels of conventional design will experience the
components, a static value and a dynamic value. The greatest wind wave and current loads on the vess1:-
most important of these is the dynamic value because it when these forces act on the vessel from ABEAM t
is not readily predictable even with the most about 30 degrees ABAFf the beam. This is readil
sophisticated of computer models. For practical observable when running the lee side anchor of
purposes the value of the d ynamic load can be taken spread moored drilling unit or lay barge. As the AI:-
as be ing between 1.4 a nd 1.6 times the static loa d. progresses out of the lee of the barge, the forces of win1..
A practical illustration of this is as follows. A modern and wave start to strike the vessel, pitching and rollir.,
AHTS class vessel, type ur 722 L, in anchor handling motions increase as the Al-IT moves out dear of L
load conditions, is to deploy an all-chain mooring from barge. Once subjected to the full force of wind and wa•
a barge in 120 m of water. The d1ain is 76 mm diameter, the AHT will begin to experience peak loads on w
the barge requires the AHT to deploy 1,200 m of chain work winch as the stem pitches up and the wave fror
with a 12-tonne anchor. The d1ose11 maximum environ- pushes the vessel ahead. As a wave passes the vessel
mental conditions under whid1 the operation is to be pitches stern down and the winch loads reduce.
carried out are, wind speed 13 m/sec, significant wave As the AHT moves down the rw1 line of the anch
1 height 2.7 m and wave period 6.2 seconds. No current and experiences the full force of wind/wave and curren
loads are envisaged. the requirement for side thrust power increases. Keepif"-_
The computer-generated model for this operation up on line may require significant side thrust pO\\L~
identifies the following loads and their values: which might mean using one main propeller ar
The maximum winch loads and required bollard pull rudder to push the hold up the stern and bow thru
loads occur when the AHT has run out the 1,200 m of power to hold up the head.
chai11 and is positioned over the anchor drop point and Assuming the vessel has say 20 tonnes of bow thn.
the anchor is still at the roller. capacity but only 10 tonnes of stem thrust power, tl
will be insufficient to hold up against the predicted - -
These are maximum line tensions on the AHT winch -
tonnes of environmental load. It should be assurn_
Static load - 124 tonnes
that the stem thrusters may be only partly effective,
Dynamic load - 190 tonnes
the side thrust aft must come from one of the m
Maximum bollard pull required -
rudders. In a well-designed vessel with high lift
Static bollard pull - 73 tonnes
trailing flap (becker) rudder, designs up to 60%
Dynamic bollard pull - 120 tonnes
propeller output can be converted into side thrust wh_
The maximum environmental loads on the AHT from
the rudder is put hard over.
wind and wave occur when the AHT has the wind
and waves about 30 degrees abaft the beam.
Remember that to move the stem to port wr
consuained by an anchor line on the stern betwee n ;,.
Maximum load on the AHT beam is - 45 tonnes.
guide pins you have to put a rudder to STARBOARD
Chapter 1 1 - Anchor handling loads - basic data required and how to use it
"' ..
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Load data produced for an anchor handling operation using Orcaflex software
The above tables show the fine tension loads (winch tension) and bollard pull that the anchor handling tug will be subjected to during
deployment of an anchor. In this operation, the mooring line consisted of 7,200 m of76 mm diameter chain with a 15te anchor.
The moorings were to be deployed in 250 m of waterfrom a semi-submersible drilling rig using a PCC system. The load data was
produced on the assumption that the maximum weather in which the operation could take place was Beaufort Force 6. Windspeed
72.9 mlsec. Wave Height (Hs) 2.6 m. Wave Period 6.2 sees. The anchor handling tug model chosen was an Ulstein 722L at a
displacement of4 500 te.
Additional data supplied with the above table showed that the maximum environmental load on the AHT occurred when the
wind/wave loads for BF 6 were applied on the beam and reached a maximum value of45te.
The reduction in the vessel CZ was also supplied by applying the maximum dynamic loading on the AHT in terms ofbollard pull
and winch tension, to a point on the outer edge of the stern roller with the mooring line at an angle offthe vessel centre line of 25
degrees. This gave a CZ reduction of 0.2 m.
212 Part 2 - PRACTICE
It may not be possible to find out easily how much The vessel should have a bollard pull certificate. If you
power a given side thruster or main propeller can are lucky, you may even have a copy of the last bollard
produce. The following conversion factors can be used pull test or it may be in lhe owner's office. The bollard
to get a reasonable idea of what to expect. 1t is suggested pull test document should show th.e main machinery
that the figures obtained from any calculations are output in terms of engine output and propeller
REDUCED by 10% to allow for less than optimum revolutions when the bollard pull test values were
operation. recorded. If your engineers operate the vessel at lower
For tunnel thrusters and propellers in Kort nozzles, values than shown, say only 80%, then the bollard pull
power output is about 14.5 kUogramforce per brake available to use is also reduced. It is important to note
horsepower. where the test was carried out. lf it was done in the
middle of winter in Northern Europe then the main
Example: A 1,000 BHP tunnel thruster should be able to
engine exhaust temperatures will be subsequently lower
apply 14,500 kg/f about 14.5 tonnes force.
due to the cold water and the available main engine
Static bollard pull (vessel at zero speed) for propeJlers
output will be higher than if the vessel has to run
in Kort nozzles can be estimated by;
anchors in the warm tropical waters.
Bollard pull (controllable pitch propellers) = brake
From the certificate or the test report the bollard pull
horse power X 32/2,204 tonnes
for various values of control lever ( or pitch setting or
Bollard pull (fixed pitch propellers) = brake horse
propeller RPM) settings should also be found and such
power X 26/2,204 tonnes .
data should be displayed at the control station. If a chart
If power output for a thruster or main engines is given
of pitch setting against bollard pull is not available then
in kilowatts lhe following conversion can be used:
make one up and place it at tl1e control station.
1 kilowatt= l.341 brake horse power.
The condition of the main machinery will also reflect
Anchor handling operations are usually carried out its output. If the machinery is in poor condition or
(running and recovery) at low speed, but some power is overdue for servicing these factor might influence how
still required to drive lhe vessel lhrough the water. At much power is actually available.
speeds up to about 3 knots, the average type of AHT wi 11
only use about 5%-10% of available bollard pull for
Vessel motion in
given sea conditions
Stern roller
-.. ., _-1~- .....
Mooring line acting at an angle to the stern of the anchor handling tug located on the
outboard edge of the stern roller
Mooring line at maximum
scope and tension
Drilling rig
Environmental load - wind
and wave forces
Environmental force on the
anchor handling tug
Anchor handling tug offset at an angle to the required mooring line bearing
Calculating anchor handling loads
The impottane,, tdknowing wbtitthe aJJdtor uncommon to fmd that little useful data is provided
hand/in loads 'fliii/1 h and additionally, the boats contracted to perform the
work may be very dose to or below the power
lt is extremely dangerous to commit the boat to an requirements assumed in the operational planning of a
anchor handling operation without having a reasonable particular job. This is more likely to occur where boats
idea of the loads that the boat will be subjected to are selected on the basis of what is available on the 'spot
during the course of running or recovery of an anchor market' at the time the work has to be done.
system. In the past, when the anchor handling tug fleet A detailed analysis of the loads to be expected during
was of modest power and capability and the water an anchor handling operation can be carried out using
depths in which operations were conducted were specialist computer software such as Orcaflex. This type
shallow by today's norms, the need to closely define the of programme is not usually found aboard the average
potential loads that the boat would be subjected too anchor handling vessel and its use requires time and
were not considered particularly important. The considerable experience to achieve accurate results. It is,
limitations of the boats more often than not prevented however, becoming more usual to provide detailed
them getting into potentially serious situations information to the anchor handling tugs and the
although accidents did happen. personnel in charge of the operation. The data is
If the boat commences an operation without prepared by the company in charge of the operation
knowledge of the loads and the limits these will impose some time in advance of the actual execution date. This
on the particular vessel, there is a likelihood of the may have the disadvantage of having to use hydro-
following situations arising and in the right dynamic data for anchor handling tugs which is
combination the boat can be in serious danger: generalised around a particular common type (generic
design e.g. Ulstien UT 722) rather than the data for the
• Deploying an anchor and finding that after running
boats which will actually carry out the work.
two thirds of the scope to target the boat has
The output from such exercises can provide the
insufficient bollard pull to complete the run, this
following data:
leaves the boat i_n a position where it may not be able
to proceed further and depending on the • The maximum static bollard pull and winch loads at
environmental load it may not even be able to hold various stages of the deployment or recovery of a
position on the designed anchor run line. mooring Line.
• Deploying or recovering an anchor and finding that • The maximum dynamic bollard pull and winch
the work winch loads are so large that the winch is loads at various stages of the deployment or recovery
unable to perform the operations required. of a mooring line when the anchor han.dling vessel is
'• Deploying or recovering an anchor in deteriorating subjected to given wind and wave conditions which
weather conditions where the additional power impose the maximum loads on the vessel.
required to hold or maintain position is misjudged • The environmental loading on the beam of a
and the boat finds itself at the extreme limits of its particular anchor handling tug when subjected to a
capability. given set of wind, wave height conditions.
• It is often possible to provide data showing the
mooring line induced heeling moments which result
Mddertf IHist pipqltte .m~liJiiM111tlii.l from the mooring line load acting at a given angle off
the vessel centre line. This can be converted into a
heeUng lever arm and subtracted from the actual
In many parts of the world it is becoming common
vessel heeling arm (GZ) to show the residual heeling
practice lo provide anchor handling tugs with some
load data prior to commencing an anchor handling
operation. Specifically, the boats may be given the One perceived advantage of performing the calculations
expected bollard pull and winch load data at particular for an operation based on a given generic anchor
stages of the deployment or recovery of an anchor handling tug design is that the results will at least show
system. In Northern Europe and Norway, specific what the minimum specification of anchor handling
operational guidelines, and in some cases mandatory tugs should be in terms of bollard pull, winch power
rules, require that sufficient data is given to the boats to and side thruster power.
enable the masters to judge whether their particular An example of the data produced for a mooring
boat can carry out the work. It is, however, not operation is shown in the figure on page 211.
Chapter 12 - Calculating anchor handling loads
Running anchors
This AHTS has one of the semi-submersible drilling unit's anchors on deck and has commenced running it to target. The anchor is a
75 te Stevpris. This fairly modern anchor, referred to as a 'high holding power, fixed-fluke anchor', requires specific procedures to both
deploy and recover unlike an earlier generation of hinged fluke anchors. As in the operations shown in the photo on page 220, a
detailed knowledge ofthe power required to deploy the anchor on the target position should be part of the data supplied to the AHT
before it is ordered to carry out the work. The weather conditions next to the rig may be considerably different (worse) once the AHT
has run the anchor out towards target when maximum power values might be required not just to reach target but stay on the
required running line with precision. (courtesy of Rimorchiatori Riuniti)
Less than exact data (that is calculations performed ensure they keep their vessels within t he operatin g
using a 'generic vessel design') can still be used during 'envelope' as defined by the data. This will apply to
actual operations to: the expected max.imwn propulsion and winch power
requirements and compliance with m inimum
• Ensure that a particular anchor handler is not
stability values.
committed to performing a gjven part of the work
because its available power is insufficient to h andle In order to provide such an analysis, considerable data
the expected loads. is required and this will include detailed hydrodynamic
• The load data is for a given set of environmental data for each anchor handli ng vessel in order to
conditions and this information may be used as a determine its motions in a given set of sea conditions,
guide to define the weather 'window' in which detailed data on the make-up of the mooring line
operations may continue or have to be suspended . system to be deployed or recovered and a specified set
• Masters of anchor handling tugs can use the data to of environmental conditions.
216 Part 2 - PRACTICE
The following limits and accompanying actions are required to be followed during mooring operations
whilst having due regard for the limitations of the unit and assisting vessels. Due consideration must be
given to any and all effects of such a deviation.
(i) When AHV range from rig is less than 160 m from the rig:
No action required as loads are low and the AHV may be requi red to deviate off line to work crane,
rack anchor or position correctly for environmental forces.
(ii) When AHV range exceeds 160 m from the rig:
The following table defines the limits and actions to be taken with regard to AHV cross track
distance during mooring operations:
Weight per unit length w
Sag distance h
Vertical tension
component vt Length of line deployed
Tension on JI,._ orsuspendedlength S
the line t '1.. T A
' 1
I 5J
1 /
', I I /
H <1----~' -- - - - - - - - --(-- --p>
Horizontal tensio~ (bollard pull) Horizontal distance L !
, _ _ _ Winch tension
(line tension)
Vertical component
of line tension
1 '
Angle from the vertical
Chapter 12 - Calculating anchor handling loads 219
Chain section
During recovery operations the barge winch may not be powerful enough to overcome the
grounded section resistance and may request the anchor handling tug to apply more power
to lift the bight of the line clear of the seabed.
Barge movers and towmasters will frequently ask the Cautions when using the spreadsheets
anchor handling tug running or recovering a mooring
one or more of the following questions: • The tension values which are required are derived
from estimates or measurements on the winch
Running anchors sensors, both on the barge being moored and the
anchor handling tug. Errors due to fa u lty or
• How much work wire had you deployed when the uncalibrated sensors and worn or sticking bearings
anchor touched bottom?
on balige fairleads and anchor handling tug stem
• How much tension do you have on the work winch? rollers will add a degree of uncertainty.
• Can you give/apply more power? • Similarly, the length of mooring line or work wire
deployed is subject to the same kind of sensor or
Recovering anchors calibration error. It is important to check that the line
out value of the work winches on the anchor
• Tell me when you are on (chaser collar at the anchor)
the anchor. handling tug are calibrated for the size of work wire
actually in use, especially third party-supplied wires.
• By my calculations you should be at the and1or
( collar at the anchor), how much work wire have you • When required, do not neglect to apply the height of
the suspension point where this value might
influence the operation, for example when mnning a
• What was the tension on the winch when the anchor mooring line across a sub-surface obstruction
broke out of the bottom? requiring a given vertical clearance distance.
Using the bollard pull required calculation Input the mooring line weight per unit length (110)
and line length (1,500). Now adjust the bollard pull to
Thjs spreadsheet requires the user to calculate the
achieve a value of 300 m (sag distance). It will be seen
bollard pull required by varying the value to arrive at a
that 108 te is the required bollard pull. In practice, it
point where the sag distance (h) is slightly less than the
would now be wise to increase the requjred bollard pull
water depth .
by 1.4 if the weather is reasonable and 1.6 if the
Example: A drilling rig intends to moor in 300 m of conditions are judged to be at the upper limits of
water and deploy 1,500 m of 76 mm diameter chain. practical working weather. Thus, the probable
The rig fairleads are 6 m above the water. The anchor maximum estimated bollard pull values are 151 te or
boat needs to know what the maximum static tension 172.8 te.
would be when it has run all 1,500 m of cham and is The weight of any and1or attached to the mooring
holding the chajn belly just clear of the seabed. Tbe line is not taken into account. It is assumed that the
chain weighs 126 kg/metre in air and about 110 kg/ anchor is at the stern of the boat and is a static weight.
metre in water. Enter the data in the yellow fields only.
total length S span L sag h
weight per unit length w
H is constant
Coordinate s
Touchdown calculation spreadsheet - example ~
Catenary Calculation I
Cable Out from FairleadJ_metres· 00.00 Conversions Obstacle A.roidance:- C'")
Water depth (metres)
Height(+ve) or Depth(-ve) of Fairlead from water level (mi
lm®ri~al .Mfilru.
Clearance height
Cable tension at winch (tonnes) io.c 34.02k Distance to clearance (metres) 376.07 457.59
Wire weight in air (kg per metres) I • U\.IUU' tw. 0.4536 tonnes
Wire Weight in water (kg per metre) 109.49 1.0000 lb 1.4882 kg/m Clearance Distance (metres) 500.00
Suspended Se!'!_ 759.66 k 0.12 0.22
Touchdown Distance 67(.62 Clearance at Clearance Distance (metres) 9.87 19.38
Horizontal Distance to end of Cable 1414.96
0.00 - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -- -+-- - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - I
w w V 2T ~
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
20 1.35 5.41 12.22 21.85 34.37 49.92 68.66 90.81 116.64 146.52 180.94
r 30
50 0.54 2.16 4.86 8,65 13.53 19.51 26.60 34.80 44.14 54.62 66.25
60 0.45 1.80 4.05 7.21 11.27 16.24 22.13 28.94 36.67 45.35 54.97
70 0.39 1.54 3.47 6.17 9.65 13.91 18.95 24.77 31 .38 38.78 46.99
80 0,34 1.35 3.04 5.40 8.44 12.16 16.57 21.65 27.43 33.89 41.04
90 0.30 1.20 2.70 4.80 7.50 10.81 14.72 19.23 24.36 30.09 36.44
100 0.27 1.08 2.43 4.32 6.75 9.73 13.24 17.30 21.91 27.07 32.77
110 0.25 0.98 2.21 3.93 6.14 8.84 12.04 15.73 19.91 24.59 29.77
120 0.22 0.90 2.02 3.60 5.62 8.10 11 .03 14.41 18.25 22.53 27.28
130 0.21 0.83 1.87 3.32 5.19 7.48 10.18 13.30 16.84 20.79 25.17
140 0.19 0.77 1.74 3.08 4.82 6.94 9.45 12.35 15.63 19.30 23.37
150 0.18 0.72 1.62 2.88 4.50 6.48 8.82 11.52 14.59 18.01 21.80
160 0.17 0.67 1.52 2.70 4.22 6.07 8.27 10.80 13.67 16.89 20.44
170 0.16 0.63 1.43 2.54 3.97 5.72 7.78 10.17 12.87 15.89 19.23
180 0.15 0.60 1.35 2.40 3.75 5.40 7.35 9.60 12.15 15.01 18.16
190 0.14 0.57 1.28 2.27 3.55 5.11 6.96 9.09 11.51 14.21 17.20
Using the towline sag depth point calculation Using work wire length and safety factors
This simple calculation is most useful during towing
operations when in general the towline is of all-wire This calculation gives an estimation of the force in the
make-up. The main point to bear in mind is the height work wire for a given bollard pull and work wire length
above the sea surface of the tow points on the object in a given water depth. It is most useful when breaking
towed. From a practical point of view, the tow bridle out anchors to determine what force the work wire will
part of the towing assembly is heavier than the main be subjected to. This will indicate whether the work
towline per unit length and this does influence the wire might be subjected to overstressing and the
maximum sag depth. Experience suggests that if the possible forces on the winch brakes. ln general, the
bridle tow point is say 6 m above the sea surface, then break load of the work wire should be available from its
halving this distance and subtracting it from the test certificate.
calculated maximum sag depth will give a reasonable The table section marked work wire length factor
value. If the tow bridle is made up of chain sections, refers to the water depth (l.O) multiplied by a given
then the most conservative approach is to make NO amount. The amount of work w ire deployed for a
allowance for suspension point height on the tow on particular pan of an anchor handling operation will be
the assumption that the bridle will be at least partly determined by the task being done, the type of anchor
submerged. being handled and to a large extent the experience of
The calculation sheets can be used to determine the the boat driver. Note the 'cautions' when using the
sag depth and bollard pull requirement of any type of table.
uniform mooring line, say all-chain, suspended Enter the data in the white fields.
between the anchor handling tug and the barge by using
the weight of the chain per unit length equivalent to an
all-wire mooring. This requires the use of a data book,
for example the International Moo1ing Systems Product
Specification Manual ([email protected]).
Enter the wire diameter in Fl and press enter.
This section is in the form of tabulated headings and by masters and officers in d1arge of watches and by
should be used as an aid to decision making during those in overall charge of the operation such as
anchor handling and towing operations. It can be used towmasters or rig movers etc.
Chapter 73 - Guidelines on when to start, cease or re-evaluate the safety of an anchor handling operation
3.4 Contingency plans and courses of action to be taken for the most
common problems should be either included in the operational
plan or formalised in some way so that when an incident occurs
the remedial action is known by all parties to the operation. Such
plans/procedures should include:
- breakdown, either ful l or partial, of the boat at each stage of the
- breakdown of the barge or boat winch;
- parting of work wires/anchor pennants/anchor lines or
associated connections;
- sudden onset of adverse weather (squalls,reduced visibility, tidal
stream surges);
- failure of boat to maintain position due to misjudgement of
weather conditions/power requirements;
- breakdown of survey/positioning systems on barge/boat;
- collision between barge and boat;
- inability of a particu lar boat to reach target while running anchor
or inability to break out an anchor and recover it.
3.5 Any significant changes to the operational plan must not be
carried out without subjecting the proposed change to a formal
Management of Change Procedure and any necessary Risk
Assessment procedure.
"' I
Anchor handling - operations Anchor handling - anchor systems
This Maersk AHTS has a drilling unit's anchor on deck with the Anchors stowed on the stowage racks (anchor bolsters) ofa
anchor chain locked in the shark jaws. In addition, it is holding semi-submersible drilling unit. The anchor permanent chaser
the anchor on the work winch via the chasing pennant and pennants and collars are visible. In most cases the chaser
collar. The anchor is 'double secured' and in this configuration pennants are about 60 m long and this requires the AHTS to
the mooring line could be run or recovered over sensitive sub-sea back in to within about 20-30 m from the anchor rack in order
obstructions. Note that the pins are raised on the quarters of the to receive the pennant from the drilling unit crane hook. Even in
AHTS to prevent the chain/work wire from slipping past the calm conditions there will always be a risk ofcollision and
extreme corners ofthe stern if the guide pins are lowered. A attempting to carry out such an operation with the AHT in semi-
sensible and seamanlike precaution. auto mode control is most unwise. At various stages of the
mooring operation the drilling unit will be free to drift under the
influence ofwind and current or only partly constrained by the
mooring system. The personnel driving the anchor handling tugs
may find that the reaction of their vessel to joystick commands is
not fast enough to get clear ofor close enough to the 'rig' to pick
up or pass back an anchor or pennant as it moves in the seaway.
(photographs by Michael Hancox)
Two-boat anchor deployment/recovery operations
management of risk
Chapter 14 - Two-boat anchor deployment/recovery operations - management of risk
Two-boat operations
Diagram 1A A Primary AHT unable to run a mooring line due to Jack of power
The primary boat cannot drag the bight of the mooring line out of the seabed due to insufficient power.
Usually occurs in very 'sticky' seabed conditions while running all chain moorings.
Diagram 18
An assist AHT uses its J-hook to engage the bight of the mooring line and lift it clear of the seabed. The
primary AHT can then continue the mooring line deployment with the assist AHT following as the rig
winch slacks out to deploy the ful l designed scope of mooring line.
During mooring recovery operations an assist boat may perform t he same function if the rig winch and
primary AHT cannot break out the bight of the mooring from the seabed.
Two-boat operations
---- ----
cl --
Diagram 2A Mooring line deployed over seabed obstruction
A mooring line has to be deployed over a seabed obstruction. When the anchor is positioned and set
and the mooring line tensioned it will be clear of the obstruction.
The primary AHT runs out the mooring line and stops over the obstruction. In these circumstances the
anchor is usually secured on the deck of the AHT.
Diagram 28
The assist AHT deploys it s J-hook, engages the bight of the mooring line and lifts it well clear of the
obstruction. The assist AHT will generally remain positioned over the obstruction unti l the mooring is
fully deployed, t he anchor set and tensioned and the minimum clearance verified.
Two-boat operations
Diagram 3A Primary boat unable to fully deploy the mooring line due to lack of power/ partial
breakdown/ weather increase
The primary AHT comes to a standstill before the mooring line is fully deployed.
Diagram 38 An assist AHT passes its towline to the bow of the primary AHT
The assist AHT then tows the primary AHT. Both boats move out along the mooring line bearing until
the ful l scope is deployed and the anchor set.
• The weather forecast and aclual weather conditions the required specification then the plan must be
should be considered before commencing operat- changed or additional boats supplied.
ions and what contingencies are in place if these
• The positioning system used to perform the work
conditions are likeJy to be exceeded.
must be of sufficient quality and accuracy to enable
• The boats actually on site to perform the operation the Al-IT masters and the rig mover to maintain
should closely match the specification required by position and manoeuvre to the precision required by
the operational plan. If the boats differ greatly from the operational plan.
'Load sharing' mooring operations - particular risks
'Load sharing' is used in Northern European anchor Two-boat anchor handling operations -
handling practice to describe a panicular method of es o eration
running and recovering anchors. The term is usually
understood to mean that the mooring line load is These operations usually take place in the open ocean
shared more or less equally between the vessel being where swell is always present. The anchor handling
moored and the anchor handling vessel. The method is vessels can expect to be subjected to the effects of wave
usually adopted in the following circumstances: induced motions and the forces of wind and current. It
• The vessel to be moored (usually a semi-submersible is usual to carry out a dynamic load analysis. For such
drilling unit) has a combination wire and chain an operation as shown, the dynamic load analysis used
mooring line make-up, typica!Jy the mooring line, the following parameters:
after full deployment will consist of half wire and Wave height - 4 m Hs
half chain. Usually the wire section is somewhat Wave period - 8 sees
longer than the chain section. Current speed - 1.2 m/sec
• The water depth at the mooring location is generally Wind speed - 20 m/sec
quite deep, typically between 800 and 1,500 m. Anchor Handling Vessel/Rig, Heave Amplitude - 2 m
• The winch system on the 'rig' is the type where the The dynamic loads for bollard pull and winch loads
changeover between the d1ain and wire sections of may be expected to be between 20% and 30% greater
the mooring line require the running/recovery than the static loads.
operation to cease while the changeover is made and In most opera.Lions, the personnel preparing tl1e
in addition there may be quite strict load parameters operations procedure document do not know which
with respect to mjnimum and maximum tensions to anchor handling vessels will actually carry out the work
be used at various stages of the operation. and therefore the dynamic load analysis is NOT TO BE
RELIED UPON because it cannot exactly reflect the
• The weight of the mooring line is such that the winch motions and induced loads of a particular vessel in a
loads and bollard pull requirements on the anchor given set of weather conditions.
handling vessels are often very high. Masters and officers of the and1or handling tugs
• The anchor handling vessels employed to carry out must carefully appraise the weather conditions they will
the work do not have sufficient power to deploy the experience during the deployment/recovery of any
mooring without using the 'load sharing' technique. particular anchor and take into account the reduction in
bollard pull they may experience due to having to run
, Diagrams in this section show the technique with side thrusters. They should base their decision on the
typical load values at each stage of the deployment assumption that they will have to use a much higher
operation. Recovery is more or less the reverse. It is bollard pull than that shown in the static load values.
important to note that the load values shown are Additionally, the winch loads should also be considered
STATIC loads and do not take account of any dynamic in respect of the dynamic load on their winch brakes
load induced in the mooring line and thus on the and drive systems bearing in mind that the work drum
anchor handling vessel caused by motion in prevailing may be up to one third full.
sea hcight, wind or current loads. Dynamic loads are The operational plan may not contain sufficient, or
shown for highest calculated cases only. any, dynamic load data and if this is the case the Al-IT
ln the case of this operation, the drilling rig will master should request this information before
deploy 1,600 m of 76 mm diam chain and 1,800 m of commencing operations. He should, as shown in Part l,
90 mm. The anchors are Stevpris Mk. 5 20-tonne Chapter 2, Envirnnmental Forces Acting on the Boat,
weight. The water depth is 1,000 m and the operation carry out a simple environmental load calculation for
takes place in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. weather conditions expected and by adding about one
tl1i.rd to the given static load values have a reasonable
idea of what the dynamic loads might be.
Chapter 15 - 'Load sharing' mooring operations - particular risks
\ Rig Chain Out - 1400m
Rig Wire Out - 100m
Tension at Rig Fairlead - 115 te
Primary AHT Work Winch Tension - 128te
Primary AHT Bollard Pu ll - 97te
Primary AHT Work Wire Out - 100m
Primary AHT Distance off Fairlead - 1300m
\ \
\ Rig Chain Out - 1400m
\ Rig Wire Out - 1200m
Tension at Rig Fairlead - 158 te
Primary AHT Work Winch Tension - 166 te
' '\ Primary AHT Bollard Pull - 120te
' Primary AHT Work Wire Out - 1000m
Primary AHT Distance off Fairlead - 2900m
Normal ' rig' moving operations are carried out using Responsibilities oftowmastel'S ond ri1
the rig move procedure document as the primary mowrs during_ andlor handling operations
planning and management tool for the conduct of the
operation. This document is backed up by the policies The persons in charge of these marine operations
and procedures governing rig move operations issued cannot neg.a te or deny their responsibility for the safety
by the rig owner, the rig move contractor, the rig of the anchor handling or towing vessels by relying on
charterer and any local applicable guidelines or rules the usual phrase in the procedure document which
and regulations. The flag state of the rig, any warranty states: 'Vessel masters are responsible for the safety of
survey company involved and the rig's P&I Club may their vessels at all times'. This is the case in some
also expect the rig to comply with certain policies, interpretations of the legalfcontractural position, but it
procedures or guidelines during the rig move operation. does not alter the practical situation. If the towmaster/
In the p.l anning of pipelaying operations, the anchor bargemaster/anchor foreman give an order to a vessel
handling procedures and operations are often covered which endangers it or neglects to give an order to a
by a generic document which covers in general terms vessel to get it out of a perceived danger (which the
the procedures to be used during the operation and this vessel mast,e r may be unaware of) then this is neglect of
document may be produced and distributed by the his overridi 11g responsibility whid1 exists because of the
owner of the pipelaying barge or the charterer of the overall command structure of the operation.
barge. In addition, some pipelaying barge owners will
• Towmasters must command and control the
supply the tugs with basic plans and procedures to be
operation of the AHTs at alJ times.
used in various circumstances, but may more often rely
• Towmasters must overide the Al-IT master when they
on verbal instructions issued from the barge to the
believe that the AHT is getting into danger.
boats. In pipelaying operations particularly, the barge
• lf the actions or inactions of an ART are giving
staff may issue instructions to the boats on the
doubts or concerns a towmaster must STOP the
assumption that the assisting boat masters and officers
operation, reduce all the loads on the boat, place it in
will understand what is required. Such an assumption
a safe position and then sort out the problem.
may be incorrect and barge foremen and anchor
foremen should satisfy themselves that the instructions
are understood before committing a particular boat to a
specific operation.
The responsibilities oftowmasters during
The rig move procedure document gives
ri towin o rtitlons
responsibilities for the conduct of the operation to
• During the towing phase of a 'rig move' between
ieertain named individuals, typically the Offshore
work locations, where the operation is conducted
lnstalJation Manager (OIM), the towrnaster and the
under a normal rig move procedure document, the
vessel masters.
towmaster may designate one of the towing vessels to
Towmasters/bargemasters/anchor foremen are,
be the lead tug. This designation does not normally
typically, given responsibility for the conduct of anchor
relieve the towmaster of his responsibility to
handling and towing operations while the OIM is given
command the towing operations. The only time
overall responsibility for the safety of all personnel and
when the lead tug could be said to be in sole charge
vessels working within the SOO m zone around the rig or
of the towing operation would be if the tow is
barge. These individuals share a duty of care for the safe
conducted under a towage contract (Towh.ire or
conduct of the operations of the anchor handling and
Towcon). In general, all rig/barge towing operations,
towing vessels involved. This duty of care means that
both in-field and inter field, are conducted under
they should not place the anchor handling vessels at
service contracts such as Supplytime. Jn these
risk. In addition, it is their responsibility to inform and
contracts the tugs/anchor handling vessels work
instruct the anchor handling vessels in their work and
under the direction of the individual in charge of the
insist that they cease work if any vessel is putting itself
operation such as the OIM or towmaster or some
at risk either inadvertently or through ignorance.
other named person in the procedure document.
• The person in charge of the operation, as defined by
the procedure document or other operational plan, is
also responsible for the safe navigation of the unit
being towed and must actively command, control
Chapter 16 - 'The responsibilities of personnel in charge of anchor handling and towing operations
and intervene to ensure that the operation is carried carrying out the tasks assigned to it (ISM Code). Ifhe
out as laid down in the procedure. The advice of the does not have sufficient data or other information
masters of the vessels towing the unit must be sought sufficient to make a judgement on his vessel's
and acted upon as required for safe navigation and capability to perform a given task he is obUged to
management of the operation, but final request that sud1 data is supplied . He should record
responsibility will rest with the person in charge of the requests for additionaJ data and the replies.
the operation, not the master of the towing vessel.
• Significant changes to the operational plan or
methods of carrying assigned tasks should be
The res~nsibilltia ofanthof.htmdli• evaluated using a Management of Change procedure
tugmasters - towing and andlorliantlllng -and a risk assessment procedure.
o erations • During towing operations, under a normal
'Supplytime Contract' the final authority as to the
• The master remains at all times responsible for the
conduct of operations rests with the person in charge
safety health and welfare of his crew and the safety of
as defined by the operational plan/procedure. The
the vessel.
master should advise and consult with this individual,
• The master must evaluate the operational plans for but unless the orders given directly hazard tile tug the
any operation and consider if his. vessel is capable of master is obliged to comply as well as he can.
Instructions to towmasters and rig movers
The points noted below are suggested as 'standing • Do 'n ot allow anchor handling vessel's to 'sling shot'
instructions/guidelines' Lo personnel in the role of themselves around the anchor line during
towmaster or rig mover issued by their employer. repositioning of an anchor.
• Do not allow anchor handling tugs to apply
Anchor handling and towing operations significant power to the towline when it is leading
out over the boat's side rail.
• lf the working deck of an AHT is subjected to
significant submergence, by whatever mechanism, • If weatl1er conditions are such that a boat is
the stability of the vessel can be suddenly and struggling to hold up on to an anchor running line,
seriously degraded. Consider carefully if operations stop tl1e operation, reduce the power, tum the vessel,
should continue. if necessary stem up to the weather, back up slowly
and get the load off the anchor line, then tum the
• The CM value (metacentric height) supplied by the
boat back up head to weather and reappraise the
AHT master to the barge/rig prior to starting anchor
methodology of deployment for that anchor.
handling or towing operations is next to useless
information. It is, in all probability, the 'free • In marginal weather conditions, when the boat is
running' value and takes no account of the towing or working across the seas, be very aware that green
anchor line forces that the vessel may be subjected water washing over the side may become entrapped
to during the course of the operation. Ask for within the main deck, causing the vessel to roll
detailed stability calculations for the vessel in its violently and tbis may dangerously influence
'towing condition' as defined by its approved available stability, particularly if the vessel is working
stability manual. at an angle to the anchor line it is connected to.
• Modern anchor handling vessels often have very high • On vessels fitted wiili anti-roll tanks, question me
bollard pull. This ability to apply very high power master and check that the vessel's approved stability
can result in the vessel losing stability and righting manual does or does not allow such tanks to be used
lever if it is applied in the wrong circumstances. when anchor handling or towing. In general, the use
of anti-roll tanks reduces available stabiliLy.
• AHTS vessels are designed, in stability terms, to apply
the load on their winches over the stem as near as • In general, do not permit the use of dynamic
possible to the centreline of the vessel. positioning systems when anchor handling or
If the load is allowed to act off the centreline of towing. In addition, the use of a joystick with one or
the stern, then this can significantly and dramatically more axis selected for 'auto function' is to be
reduce available righting lever. discouraged.
• Do not allow anchor handling vessels to work with • The accuracy and calibration of tension readouts on
significant trim by the stem. a vessel's winch system should be checked by
comparing the tension on the barge winch with that
• Do not tow anchor handling vessels astern (via the
on the vessel winch when the anchor line catenary is
barge winch and anchor line) at speeds in excess of
freely suspended between them.
about four knots in cairn weather and in heavy
weather always reduce the astern speed to a value • When a vessel quotes its bollard pull, find out if it
where the working deck is only partly and includes azimutl1 thrusters and if me figure quoted is
intermittently awash. maximum or continuous.
Ship knowledge and practical ship handling exercises
The most skjlful and inspired ship handlers are born Propulsion systems
not made. This statement is not to imply that skill • What type of propellers are fitted to the vessel, fixed
cannot be acquired by training and practice or to pitch or CCP?
denigrate the competence of those who are not 'experts'.
There are also people who, whatever the:ir paper • Which way do the main propellers turn, inward or
qualifications, will neve:r be ve:ry good ship handlers. outward?
This fact must be recognised and these indjviduals have • Does the vessel have Kort nozzles fitted around the
no place in the driving seat of an anchor handling vessel propellers?
or tug.
Ship handling is a skill acquired through practice. • What type of rudders are fitted to the vessel? they
Anchor handling and towing operations demand a high of the type which gives high sideways thrust when
degree of ship handling ability and reliance on modem placed hard over (for example Becker flap rudde:rs)?
semi-automatic systems is to be discouraged because • If the main propellers are fixed pitch, what is the
lack of practice in manually handling the vessel ('stick response time between ahead and astern? Determine
time') will degrade the sense of 'feel' so essential when the clutch engagement response time.
circumstances arise that demand the utmost level of
ship handling skjJI. It is a fact of life at sea that • Jf the vessel has fixed pitch propellers, what is the
situations occur, often suddenly and dramatically, response time from clutch engaged to full power
which require the individual 'driving' the vessel to ahead or astern?
intuitively sense what is required in tenns of propulsion • lf the propellers are CCP, what is the response time
power, rudde:r application and thruste:rs forces to get the between neutral and full ahead or full astern?
vessel out of trouble or more importantly prevent it
getting into trouble in the first place. As pointed out in • If the vessel has CCP propellers, what happens
section one of this book, semi-automatic and automatic during a blackout or power failure - do the
vessel control modes are 'dumb animals' and relying on propellers fail safe ahead or astern or does it depend
them to 'think' may be very dangerous. on the pitch setting when the power fails?
Only by manually handl ing the vessel can an
individual get a true impression of how wind, wave, Control and Power Management
current and towline forces are influencing the vessel.
In the offshore oilfield there is often idle time, for • What is the power system which controls the main
example wajting for the next phase of a rig moving engine governors, the propeller pitch control pumps
ope:ration to commence and this idle time can be used and the main engine clutch system?
to practke ship handling skills. Certainly fuel will be • If the main generators or shaft generators fail, what
expended and sometimes inconvenience caused by the does the emergency power system control in respect
noise, vibration or ship motions set up when someone of main engine shut down, emergency release system
is practicing his skills or being trained, but this must be for winches, pitch control for main propellers?
put up with to ensure a high level of ability and in the Where does the power come from to start the
long run the safety of all on board depends on the skill emergency generator and to power the breakers on
levels of the 'boat drivers'. the emergency and main switchboards?
Masters have a particular duty to positively
encourage their deck officers and anyone else who • What actually happens when you push the main
shows a keen interest to 'play' with the boat. It may engine emergency stop, where is any electrical power
come as a surprise to find that the most junior derived from, what devices have to function and by
individual on the vessel has an intuitive skill in what means to achieve shut down?
shiphandling. • How do you manually shut down the main engines?
• When the vessel is us.i ng both the main propellers,
side thrusters and main winches, how much power is
actually available for the main propellers if the
Every individual whose responsibilities include driving thrusters are at full power? Can the power control
the vessel should have the following knowledge of the (management) system be arranged to protect either
vessel they are serving on: the main propeller output or the thrusters output?
Can you select from the bridge control console to • Using dle vessel CA plans, what is dle distance
'protect bollard pull' or protect side thrusters power? between d,e rudders posts and t.he guide pins? What
is the length of die turning lever?
• How do you know if you are using too much power,
what is the alarm system, what does it mean, what • If dle work wire is being worked under t.he stern
happens if you ignore it? leading forward, what is the maximum angle
• What limitations are there on the use of the side permitted be.fore the wire contacts the hull under the
thrusters in terms of power output over time, for
example if the thrusters are run at 90% for 30 • What external watertight doors and hatches need to
minutes do they begin to overheat, what is the be closed during anchor handling and towing
maximum continuous power rating for the t.hrusters operations and is a system or procedure in place LO
in terms of time? ensure that dle doors and hatches remain shut? Do
• What are the normal main engine full power not forget the importance of closing internal
revolutions? watertight doors and hatches.
• What is the estimated bollard pull (ahead) for each Towing and anchor handling equipment
'step' of the control levers for the main propellers?
• When you push the emergency release for the
• Does t.he vessel have rudders which are designated towing or anchor handling winch on the bridge
'high lift' and if so does d1is mean that the rudders control console what actually happens, how does
have additional trailing 'flaps'? lfso, how do they work the system work, where does the power come from,
and what does this mean for manoeuvring the vessel? what sub-systems need to function to action the
release, does the winch declutch and 'free wheel' out
• If the vessel has electrically driven side t.hrusters does
me control panel on the bridge tell the 'driver' how or does the clutch stay engaged and limit the payout
much electrical power is being used as a percentage
of power available? Are there alarms to indicate that • If the winch release system relies on hydraulic
too much power is being used? accumulators for the operation of clutches and
brakes, where are these located, how are dley kept
• If t.he vessel has azimum thrusters, what limitations
fully charged, how can you tell if they are fully
are mere on the use of them in terms of 'blocking'
where the thrusters are limited in their arc of
operation, limited in terms of use above a certain • On an electro hydraulic winch system where are die
hull speed through the water and particularly t.he control solenoids located, are dlese solenoids
minimum draft/water depth in which they can be marked with the function that they perform, is there
deployed if dley are of the swing down type? a tool for manually operating dle solenoids?
• Using t.he vessel General Arrangement (GA) plans, • How do you manually (locally at me winch) release
determine if t.he stem tunnel thrusters are liable to be dle main work winch drums wider tension?
influenced by the water flow to the main propellers.
• Are clear instructions posted describing the method
• What control modes are available to the 'driver', in of local release of me winch drums?
terms of main engine control (fixed or variable
revolutions)? • On dle main towing and anchor handling winches,
how is the tension on the winch and dle line out
• What manoeuvring modes are available to the driver, values determined? When were t.hese devices last
eg full manual control, joystick control, dynamic checked or recalibrated and can any reliance be
positioning control? placed on me readouts?
• Make regular checks to determine mat me analogue • How does the emergency release system work for t.he
meters showing engine revolutions, propeller pitch mechanical stoppers and the guide pins? If dle bridge
angle, side thrusters pitch angle and rudder angle are emergency release system does not work, how can
t.he same as is actually measured at me main engine or the stoppers be released locally or manually?
pitch controller etc. If dle vessel has a DP system where
t.hese values are displayed electronically, ensure that me • If the vessel is fitted with anti-roll tanks, is any
values shown are those actually being used. guidance on the use of these tanks during anchor
handling and towing operations? If no guidance is
given then do not use them.
Hull design and form
• Does the vessel stability book give any specific
• Does the skeg between dle main propellers influence instructions on t.he mfoimum GM values for towing
dle water flow from the propellers when the rudders and anchor handling operations?
are put hard over towards me skeg7
• Make checks on the readouts of the work winch
• If the vessel has 'high lift' type rudders does me skeg payout meters and tension meters. For payout/
restrict the efficiency of these rudders when they are recovery t.his can be done by measuring 'deck lengths'
placed hard over towards the skeg? of the amount of wire recovered or deployed and
Chapter 78 - Ship knowledge and practical ship handling exercises
comparing this with any remote readouts. For semi-automatic control modes should not be used until
tension readouts this can be done when a known manual skills have been perfected.
weight is hanging over the stern without tension
being applied to the system.
Exercises with vessel in fully manual control
Stability draft and trim • Determine natural adrift tingle. Allow the vessel to
drift under the influence of wind/wave/currenl and
• Check that any electronic system (load computer)
note the natural drift angle in relation to wind and
which shows draft and trim is accurate by visual
wave forces.
observation ofthe draft marks and comparison with
any display. tt Detennine the most effective side thrust component of
rudder angle. Turn the vessel short round on main
• Carry out the same checks with respect to
propellers and rudders only. Try it with various
comparison of tank soundings.
combinations of rudder angles and revolutions.
• Carry out manual stability calculations and compare Determine if the rudders are able to apply significant
them with any computer generated data. side thrust and how this might best be used when
moving the vessel bodily sideways.
• Read and understand the vessel's approved stabil ity
manual. • Determine the maxi mum practical load values
available for manoeuvring equipment. Tum the vessel
short round (minimal advance ahead/astern) using
the main propellers, rudders and side thrusters, work
up to maximum available power possible. Try various
The following exercises should be practiced by all those combinations of rudder angle and bow azimuth
given responsibility for 'driving' the vessel. thrusters (if fitted) to determine the best
Before carrying out Lhe exercises, discuss the proposal combination. When maximum power values have
with the engineers, have them set up the power plant as been reached, determine how much power is
per the designers recommendations, ensure that they available for operating the main winch system and
make a record of all the parameters from the other equipment required for anchor handling/
instrumentation in the engine control room and make towing operations. Calculate if sufficient power
regular comparisons between bridge instrumentation remains to run the winches etc.
and engine room control instrumentation.
• 'Walk' the vessel sideways with minimal ahead or
Make a record of the findings in simple diagrams or
astern advance and minimal change in heading. Use
some other readily readable form and include the
the main propellers/ rudders and all the side
weather conditions and the estimated influence of the
thrusters. Use as mucl1 power as possible, working up
weather forces on the manoeuvre.
to full power, with the vessel moving sideways and
Some exercises may not be possible unless the vessel
the power values as high as possible note the main
is actually under active operation where the propulsion
engine revolutions, the electrical power consumption
systems and winches are under load. This is the
and set up of shaft and diesel main generators. When
opportunity to determine and record in detail just how
maximum power values have been reached,
the vessel behaves in terms of what power is required
determine how much power is available for
and consumed and what reserves are available, how the
operating the main winch system and other
vessel responds to various rudder and thruster
equipment required for anchor handling/towing
commands and what the practical limits of the various
vessel systems actually are. All the deck officers and
other drivers should be allowed, under dose • Loss of effectiveness of side thrnsters. Commence
supervision, to perform the operations. The vessel's moving the vessel ahead at minimum speed and
engineers should be fully involved recording and apply side thruster power fore and aft. Increase the
monitoring how main and aux:illary machinery side thruster power to maximum and now increase
performs and advise tJ,e boat drivers on the limits to the main propeller power and note the through water
which machinery may be operated. speed at which the side thrusters no longer influence
Any convenient anchor buoy can be used to practice heading.
close quarters positioning and station keeping. On an
• Loss of effeaiveness of stern thmsters only. Lf the vessel
AHTS fitted with DP it is possible to designate a
has stern tunnel thrusters, determine their
position and then manoeuvre and position the vessel
effectiveness by the following exercise. Start moving
around this dummy position. Such exercises should be
the vessel ahead, at the same time start thrusting with
carried out until all the 'drivers' can achieve a high
the stern thrusters grndually increasing the power on
standard of precision station keeping and such practice
the main propellers and the stern thrusters. Note the
should be carried out in marginal working weather
through water speed at which the stem thrusters no
conditions, not just on fine calm days and in addition it
longer effects heading.
should be done at night as well as during the day. The
ship handling skills should be practiced and evaluated • Maximum speed astern. In calm water, start moving
with the vessel in full manual control and the other the vessel astern and build up the speed until the risk
of bringing green water over the stern is apparent. main propellers go to zero pitch, do the side thrusters
Note the trim and draft of the vessel and the weather go to zero pitch and do the rudders go to midships?
• Walk the vessel sideways with no advance. Start
moving the vessel sideways and gradually increase
Exercises with the vessel in joystick control the power to full power. Note the position of the
mode rudders and the RPM on the main propellers as the
side thrusters work up to full power.
The aim of these exercises is to determine how the
control programme has been set up to use the main • Walk the vessel sideways with a heading change. Start
propellers, rudders and side thrusters when carrying out moving the vessel bodily sideways with no advance
basic manoeuvres. Knowing the way the programme is ahead or astern, but apply a heading change. Build
designed to operate will enable a driver to determine if up the power to maximum and note the values of
using the joystick for a particular operation could be the pitch available on the main propellers with the side
wrong choice of control mode. thrusters at full power. Note the rudder angles used
and determine the amount of power left to run the
• What 'sensor inputs' does the joystick mode have? Find
main wind1es and other anchor handling machinery.
out what data is being fed to the joystick mode and
where is it coming from. For example gyro heading, • Turn the vessel t11rough 180 degrees with no advance.
wind speed and draft are typical inputs. Find out if Turn the vessel through 180 degrees using full power
these are 'selectable' or automatically fed in and what and note the action of the rudders and main
happens if one of these inputs is incorrect or not propellers.
available. Find out how to check the accuracy of the
• Walk sideways and advance. Start moving the vessel
input data.
ahead with a heading angle applied to the direction
• Propulsion, steering and side thruster control. Can of advance. Build up the power and note the values
the vessel be operated in joystick mode if one of rudder and pitd1 angle. Note also if the joystick
thruster or a main propulsion unit is not available? programme favours heading change over advance.
What happens when one of these units stops during
• Choice of data display a11d alarm limit settings in
joystick mode operations? Try deselecting thrusters
joystick mode. Find out the best graphic display to use
or main propellers during the manoeuvring
when operating in joystick mode. You need to have a
operations suggested below and note what
clear, concise picture of how much power is being
used and how much is available. You. need to
• Changing operatiug mode joystick to 111a11ual. When understand what the alarm settings are for each
carrying out the manoeuvres suggested, what critical part of the system, what the alarms sound like
happens when you deselect joystick mode? Do the and what action to take when the alarms sound.
Offshore construction operations
The role of.AHTS class llffSllls ,n of/shore floatover barges, tow floatover barges and deck to
construction operations o ffshore site and position it over the spar, o ffl oad
the deck stntcture o nto the spar.
The AHTS class vessel is now frequently employed in Two large AHTS/OSV; two smaJler AHT/AHTS; two
offshore construction operations. There is now also a offshore classed tugs; two smaller tugs; one large
large fleet of AHTS vessels designated OSV ( offshore construction/installation vessel.
support vessel). This designation usually means that the - tow the FPSO fro m the construction yard to
vessel can undertake a variety of tasks outside its normal offsho re site and connect it to the prelaid mooring
anchor handling/towing/supply duties. These might system.
include the provision of space and fittings to carry ROV Two large AHTS for tow to site and an additional two
(remote operated vehicle) systems, lifting and handling AHT/heavy duty tugs for positioning and one large
large weights such as sub-sea ploughs via heavy duty AHTS/OSV for mooring hook-up.
( 400 to GOO te) A-frames at the stern and anchor and
- install the sub-su rface pipeline system between the
mooring operations in extreme water depths handling
spar and the FPSO.
special anchor types such as suction piles and driven
One large AHTS/ OSV and one large construction/
piles where the piling hammer may be run and
installation vessel.
operated via the A-Frame. These vessels often have large
accommodation capacity to support project/ - install the sub-sea infrastructure (man ifolds,
construction crews and large deck areas, often multi- gravity bases, flowlines etc) .
deck additions to cope with the project specific cargo or One/ two large AHTS/ OSVand one large construction
other specialist equipment. Some of these newer OSV / installation vessel.
types have extremely high bollard pull, 300 to 400te Addjtional vessels might include materials barges
and are almost always classed DP (Dynamic and tugs, supply boats and crew boats and
Positioning) Two or Three. accommodation barges.
It will be appreciated from the above brief list of
activities that these operations can be complex,
Offshore construction operations - prolonged and require high levels of skill and
work sco e and role AHTSIOSVs knowledge.
They comprise difficult anchor handling work, very
A typical large offshore construction project for a new sensitive open sea towing operations, high precision
deepwater offshore oilfield might consist of the positioning towing operations and the management o f
following installation works: multi vessel tug spreads in confined areas. In addition,
- install the spread mooring systems fo r a floatin g the work involves heavy lift work of many kinds and the
welJhead spar platform. use of specialised tools/ equipmem/ techniques and
One or more large AHTS/OSV and one large methods which are going to be 'new' to the officers and
construction/installation vessel. crew of the AHTS vessels. The learning curve can be very
steep and there will be little if any time to practice o r
- install the spread mooring systems for a floating
even fully grasp the detail of an operation before it
production vessel (FPSO) to be linked to the spar
by sub-su rface pipelin e.
One or more large AHTS/ OSV and one large
construction/ installation vessel.
- tow the well head spar fro m its inshore offloading
site to the oilfield, upend the spar an d positio n it
and hook it up to the pre-laid mooring system. In the maJonty of offshore construction work, the
One large AHTS/OSV as main tow vessel; two medium planning and preparation of procedures forms a major
size AHTS; two or more offshore classed tugs; one or aspect of the work. A typical operation would be the
more large barges for solid ballast operations (for installation of a spread moored floating productio n and
spar); two or more small tugs to support offload storage vessel (FPSO) . The oilfield owner/ Licensee mvns
operations; one large construction/installation vessel. the FPSO. He will typically choose a specialist
- tow spar deck structu re from the constructio n yard Installation Contractor (IS) to carry out whole work
to insh o re m o bilisation site, offload deck onto scope. The installation contractor will either own o r hire
248 Part 2 - PRACTICE
a suitable main installation construction vessel (!SY) damage to equipment can cause long and expensive
and will also hire the tugs, barges and other support delays which cause a loss of reputation and may impact
craft required for each phase of the operation. The field on the future of those which cause the damage.
owner will employ the services of a warranty survey Hazard assessment, risk evaluation and strict
company to ensure compliance with the insurance Management of Change procedures all form part of a
terms of each stage of the operations. Oversight by the well organised and tightly controlled operation, but
field owner on all aspects of the works is a normal part these tools will only go so far in preventing accidents.
of these operations both onshore and offshore.
[n general, the installation operations are contracted Delivery towing operations
on a fixed price/lump sum basis (with some ability to
Some of the objects which require to be towed from an
vary the terms and payments). A time schedule for each·
onshore construction yard to an offshore installation
stage is agreed between the installation contractor and
site may not be designed for open sea exposure for
the field owner and this is where many problems arise.
either prolonged periods or in conditions above very
For example, the schedule may originally stipulate that
closely defined limi ts. The tugmasters must at all times
the FPSO is to be installed at a particular time to avoid
exercise great skill aind dose attention to every aspect of
an adverse climatic condition. Delays in the
tow management as failure to do so can result in
preparations of the FPSO or other factors may result in
unexpected and severe damage to the 'thing' on the end
the schedule slipping so that the work has to take place
of the towline. Multi tug tow spreads are common and
in less than ideal conditions. This problem results in a
high shiphandling ability is a requirement.
mud, higher risk level than was planned and from the
Many FPSOs are very large, 300 to 400 m is not
viewpoint of the tugs and other vessels involved, the
uncommon. The voyage between construction yard and
pressure to get the work completed as soon as possible
offshore site may be transoceanic, undertaken at a slow
is further increased. speed. In addition, such vessels may be fully manned
The tugs and support vessels will rarely be closely
with construction and operations personnel numbering
involved in the detailed planning of towing and
well over 100. Tugmasters and towmasters therefore
mooring operations except at the latter end of the
have the additional responsibility (in fact if not strictly
process when vessels are selected and hired. The IS will
by contract) for the safety and welfare of these
then ask for procedure review and comment. The IS
personnel, few of whom will be seamen. Activi.ties and
engineers and other specialists will develop all the
works being carried out on the towed vessel may have
detailed procedures and requirements. If the vessels
serious implication.s for the safe management of the
d1osen for the operation require modification or
towing operation and an agreed list of permitted
additions to cope with various details of the work, these
activities is a sensible precaution Lo take before the start
will be designed and installed under the supervision of
of the delivery voyage.
the IS personnel.
Once operations commence, the masters of the
Mooring hook-up operations - positioning
support vessels (tugs/AHTS/OSVs) wiJI be expected to
towing and mooring line handling
comply with the instructions of the Offshore
Construction Manager or his deputies who may not be Mooring hook-up operations comprise the precise
trained seamen and may not fully appreciate the positioning of the object and the connection of a pre-
limitations and capabilities of particular vessels. The laid mooring system to it. In general, in deep water, tl1e
masters of the support fleet must appreciate the time positioning work is achieved using a multiple of towing
and money pressures involved and do their best to vessels controlled from a central point by a towmaster.
comply with what are often demanding and sometimes Electronic positioning aids using DGPS are now fairly
conflicting instructions. They, the masters, must also standard, but other systems may also be used. Very tight
appreciate that they will not always be given the 'full tolerances are often required botl1 in terms of allowable
picture' and therefore orders and tasks may appear not heading and offset from a given position. The tugs may
to follow a logical sequence, but this is part of the have to hold station at a given power setting or move in
nature of such work. a very precise way for prolonged periods. The work
demands high concentration, excellent shiphandling
skills and close attention to orders. The use of full
Partieular mks- dynamic positioning capability on any tug carrying out
tl1is type of work should be very carefully considered
The important point to bear in mind is the very high and in general AHTS/OSV vessels witl1 DP Class 1 only
monetary value of even a modest offshore construction should not use th eir systems fo r such operations. lf
operation. A typical new build FPSO may cost many the vessel towing winches are not fully intergrated into
hundreds of millions of dollars and even a section of the DP system, using DP should not be attempted.
mooring chain will, in all likelihood, have been Joystick control may also suffer severe limitations when
manufactured to a precise specification for the mooring used in these operations and it is both safer and often
system. Damage to 'permanent materials', that is all more efficient to use full manual control.
those items which form an integral part of the Mooring connections operations, for example
construction works, is simply not tolerable. Although connecting pre-laid moorings to an FPSO using
insurance cover is extensive for all phases of the works, AHTS/OSV class vessels are common. These works
U8 Part 2 - PRACTICE
AHTSIOSV engaged in suction mooring pile installation operations - Farstad's Far Scout
This AHTSIOSV is fitted with a suction pile launch frame and at the stern of the vessel a materials barge with suction piles is just
visible. (courtesy Orwell Offshore)
Position towing
This AHTS is working on a short towline
while positioning an FPSO during moormg
hook-up operations. The whole towline is
clear of the water and there is no 'spring·
element fitted in the line. Snatch loading
could quickly overload and part the towline.
A more seamanlike arrangement would be
to insert a section of heavy chain in the
towing system to absorb some ofthe shock
loadings induced by the swell and motions
ofthe tug or the FPSO.
(courtesy of Orwell Offshore)
Installation operations
This view of the Kikeh Field installation
operations shows Technip's multi-junction
construction support vessel Deep Pioneer
positioned alongside the now upended Kikeh
Spar and engaged in ballasting operations.
The photo is taken from Solstad's Normand
Ivan which along with two other tugs
connected by towlines to the spar are
holding it in position. The Deep Pioneer is
typical ofits type. It is capable ofdeploying
chain and wire moorings, mooring piles and
flexible flowlines. The tower structure just
forward of the crane is a specialised 'lay
tower' for laying flexible lines of several
types. The vessel has crane lifting capacity of
up to 200 te, saturation diving systems,
twin ROV systems and large deck areas for
the stowage of project cargo including the
capability to carry multiple reels offlexible
flowline. The Deep Pioneer is the main
installation vesselfor this operation and
controls the activities and operations of all
the other vessels involved.
(photograph by Michael Hancox)
Chapter 19 - Offshore construction operations
The list of topics for discussion and approval are set out Unscheduled tasks identified and impact on
in the form of a meeting between the parties involved in operations.
an operation. It can however also be used as an aid for Defects/repairs identified, impact on operations.
planning an operatjon by the assisting vessel personnel, Crew JSA/TBTs completed, scheduled;
shore-based personnel in charge of operations or Manpower levels/skill levels sufficient for operations.
personnel offshore when about to execute an operation. Rig stability within criteria for move/back loads
lt will be seen that the listings do not necessarily apply required.
only to MODU moving operations, but can be used for a
variety of offshore tasks by modifying the various Assist vessels
sections to suit particular types of work. Vessels supplied same as defined by RMP;
Vessels supplied different from as required-impact?
Sufficient fuel/water/stores/crew/equipment;
Rig move meeting pro-forma Briefed on operations/understanding of operation
Tow vessels identified/briefed suitable;
The list of topics listed below is designed to cover the Vessel stability with anchor handling loads checked;
overall conduct of an operation such as a rig move. The Faults/defects known/identified, action required;
meeting should be held between all the parties involved Spare anchor gear distributed;
prior to commencing operations. It may be held on POB lists exchanged with rig;
board the MOU, chaired by the towmaster and use Unscheduled tasks advised;
radio communication with the anchor handling vessels Assist vessels in compliance with any applicable new
masters to obtain their approval and agreement. flag state rules;
Briefing of the anchor handling vessels may have taken Assist vessel personnel experience level - this
place at their mobilisation ports, but their operation.
understanding of the workscope and agreement must
be sought when they actually arrive on site to carry out Operations
the work. Schedule as per RMP realistic - if not, what is new
During the meeting cover the topics listed, make schedule?
brief notes on each and list attendees. Anchor recovery/deployment method understood;
Assist vessels allocated to anchors;
Procedure document Contingency plans for adverse weather made up;
Signed off, approved for use; Maximum weather for operations defined;
Changes required - rig Rig move notifications issued;
- assist vessels; Rig move command matrix understood by all parties;
Changes - MOC actions required/not required Rig, special hazards identified - undeiwater projections;
Distributed to assist vessels and understood; - overhead projections;
Procedure required to be changed due to other factors; - thrusters positions;
Check that RMP does not conflict with Rig/Local - sub-sea hazards;
Area/Flag; Anchor/mooring system re-rigging changes advised;
State or other rules applicable to these operations; Limits of tension/assist vessel loads/offiine limits
Hold points for continuing operations dearly defined;
identified. Towing system advised to tow vessels;
Emergency tow system defined/method of deployment;
Weather forecasts Passage plan made up/lead tug comment;
Current forecast available; Max tow loads defined;
Weather within criteria for operations; Rig re-supply schedule advised to tow vessel;
Weather windows for staged operations identified; Stand-by vessel advised of operations;
Assist vessels on forecast distribution list; Status of survey/positioning equipment;
Conflict with local/other forecasts. Modifications required with respect to survey systems.
258 Appendix 7 - Rig move meeting pro-forma
Rig/assist vessel telephone and email addresses Stage One hazard assessment - issues arising not
exchanged; closed;
Rig main communications system on passage, yes/no. Stage Two hazard assessment - issues applicable;
Clarification of procedures for operations - eg PCP
Field operations handling;
Delays likely due to surface or sub-su rface operations; Equipment certification - issues if any (spares etc).
Surface or sub-surface operations on-going at next
location; Go/ No-Go decision
Working windows identified due to field operations. When will operations begin;
If not, why not, next decision making period;
Safety advisories Applicable comments/requirements not covered;
Safety notices or advisories applicable to this In above listings by any party to operation.
Reference documents
260 Appendix 2 - Reference documents
6 . Measures in addition to the immediate The proced ures must include criteria for control limits
measures identified in the letter of 16 May ( attention zones), interruption criteria and plans for the
2007 handling o f critical situations.
6. 1 Calculation and documentation for the use of roll
reduction tanks 7. Measures communicated in letter of 16 May
Statuto1y authority: Regulation of 15 June 1987 No. 507 2007 {immediate measures)
concern ing Safety Measures, etc. on Passenger Ships, 7. 7 Stability during anchor handling
Cargo Ships and Lighters, second paragraph of §14, cf. For vessels that are used for anchor handling and which
Regulation of 15 September 1992 No. 695 concerning at the same time are utilising their towing capacity
the Construction of Passenger Ships, Cargo Ships and and/or tractive power of the winches, calculations must
Barges, § 12 and sixth paragraph of§ 15. be made showing the acceptable vertical and horizontal
Factual information proving that roll reduction tanks transverse force/tension to which the vessel can be
are used on a regular basis during AH operations has exposed. The calculations must consider the most
been obtained. unfavourable conditions for transverse force/tension
and as a minimum include the following:
ln the instructions to the master, it must be indicated
w~1ich consequences the use of roll reduction tank(s) Calculations must be made for the maximum
acceptable tension in wire/chain, including the
will have on the stability. The instructions (roll
reduction instructions) require that anchor handling maximum acceptable transverse force/tension that can
conditions the vessel uses during anchor handling have be accepted in order for the vessel's maximum heeling
to be limited to one of the following angles, whichever
been prepared. Based on such conditions, equivalent
occurs first:
conditions shall be prepared, where the only difference
is that optimal fi11ing level(s) have been entered for roll • Heeling angle equivalent to a GZ value equal to 50%
ofGZ max.
reduction tank(s). This is to illustrate and make the
company, master and crew aware of the stability • The angle which results in water on working deck
reductions the use of roll reduction tank(s) will cause. when the deck is calculated as Aat.
The resulting stability reductions shall appear dearly • 15 degrees.
from the instructions for the use of roll reduction tanks. The heeling moment must be calculated as the total
6.2 Fuel consumption plan with accompanying effect of the horizontal a11d vertical transverse
documentation for fuel oil/ water and ballast water components of force/tension in the wire or the chain.
The torque arm of the horizontal components shall be
Su1tuto1y authority: Section 2 of the Regulation of 14
March 2008 concerning a Safety Management System calculated as the distance from the height of the work
on Norwegian Ships and Mobile Offshore Units, cf. deck at the guide pins to the centre of main propulsion
propeller or to centre of stern side propeller if this
section 7 of the ISM Code cf. the second paragraph of
section 14 of the Regulation of 15 June 1987 No. 507 projects deeper. The torque arm of the vertical
components shall be calculated from the centre of the
concerning Safety Measures, etc. on Passenger Ships,
outer edge of the stern roller and with a vertical
Cargo Ships and Lighters.
straining point on the upper edge of the stern roller.
F,or anchor handling vessels, a fuel consumption and
ballasting plan shall be prepared and documented The other loading conditions for the vessel shall be as
which indicates the sequence for how and when tanks stated for anchor handling in approved stability
should be emptied/filled in order to comply with the calculations and in accordance with prevailing practice
stability requirements. with regards to loads on deck and winch reels. The
vertical force from the tension shall be induded in the
6.3 Preparation and documentation of anchor loading conditions, upon which calculations of trim
handling procedure and curve for righting arm are based.
Statutory authority: It is provided by Section 2 of the
Regulation of 14 March 2008 concerning a Safety Information stating the maximum force/tension in wire
Management System on Norwegian Ships and Mobile or chain, as well as corresponding lateral point of
direction according to the calculations, must be
O1'.fshore Units, cf. the ISM Code's Rule 7 that key
shipboard operations shall be identified by the communicated to the vessels crew and be displayed next
to the control desk or at another location where the
company which should prepare accompanying plans
and instructions, including checklists as appropriate. navigator on duty easily can see the information from
his command post.
For vessels carrying out anchor handling this means
requirements for vessel-specific anchor handling The displayed information must be in the form of
procedures which include the vessel's capacities and simple sketches showing the vessel's righting moment
limitations and requirements for actual risk curves in addition to a table stating the relevant
assessments. combinations of force/tension and point of direction
which gives the maximum acceptable heeling moment.
Appendix 2 - Reference documents 261
Company representative on all matters concerned distributed to participants in sufficient time for
with the rig move operation and any deviation from review prior to the meeting.
the proposed rig move procedures.
The following are the recommended participants of the
6 .1.4 Responsibilities of the Ship Owner rig move meeting:
Shipowners are responsible for ensuring vessels and • OIMJTowmaster (preferably the ones on board
equipment used in all operations are: during the operation) and Representative from MOU
• in operational order and complies with relevant owner operations department (and MOU Safety
legislation. Delegate in Norway).
• To confirm that the vessel is suhable for the scope of • Onshore and/or Offshore drilLing supervisor for
work supplied. operating company.
• adequately manned by competent personnel taking • Onshore logistics representative from operating
into account hours of rest requirements and scope of company.
work including possibility of 24/7 working. • Person responsible for navigalion company/
• Any proposed crew changes during period to be contract.or.
relayed to operator and any changes must be • Marine Representative for operating company.
conducted to allow sufficient time for a briefing on • Representative from owner/operator of pipeline/
work scope and experience transfer to be completed. other installation if relevant.
• Ensure that the vessel is able to calculate and • Additional special ist personnel as required.
monitor stability information for all stages of the
The rig move meeting shall have the following agenda
received rig move p lan.
(as a minimum):
It is recommended that all Ship owners provide each • Review of R/A and HAZOP for anchor handling
AHTS with a ship specific and1or handling manual. operation and transfer of experience.
Shipowners should complete the MSF Template of • Weather limitations and definition of operational
data to verify the details above when requested by criteria.
charterer. • Charts.
• ROV inspeclion requirements.
6.1.5 Responsibilities of the A/ H vessel Master • Anchoring/mooring analysis, anchor pattern and
The Master of the A.HTS is responsible for: work specification (RMP) including maximum
• Ensuring that the manning on board is sufficient calculated loads and dynamic tensions.
based on working hour provisions, anchoring • Pre-installation of anchors.
description and that the crew is rested. • Vessel requirements; manning, quantity and
• Ensuring that all AH equipment is in good condition technical specifications.
and certificated and meets the work specification. • Drawings and sketches of anchoring equipment in
• Reporting of any defects or non conformities to the the sea.
anchor/mooring equipment found during the • Manning on MOU.
operation. • Safe job input for vessels and MOU.
• Ensuring that a Risk Analysis has been performed in • Schedules and drilling operation.
accordance with the specific work scope. • Contingency plans.
• Ensure that RMP is communicated to all crew • Equipment lists for AH equipment (including
members involved in operation. weights and COG) for the individual vessels.
• The stability of the ship must be calculated for each • Sea bottom conditions.
step in the work scope including expected dynamic • Communication lines (VHF channels, telephone
loads. nos.).
• Safety of crew and equipment on board the A/H or
towing vessel at all times. The Master shall stop
6.3 Rig move plan
operations that may put vessel or crew at risk
• Having sufficient bunkers for the planned operation. A work specification shall be prepared that provides the
• Lead towing vessel Master is responsible for necessary background information on the rig move
navigation of the towing operation, compliance with operation and describes the operation at the required
prepared plans, shall issue appropriate navigational level of detail. The purpose of the work specification is
warnings at regular intervals and ensure other towing as follows:
vessels follow the stipulated plans. • Ensure a safe operation for personnel and the
• Provide common guidelines for standardising the
6.2 Rig move meeting
relocation of the MOU and anchor handling.
• The operating company should arrange a rig move • Anchoring/mooring analysis, anchor pattern and
meeting, preferably a minimum of two weeks before work specification (RMP) including maximum
the operation starts. The Rig Move Plan should be calculated loads and dynamic tensions.
264 Appendix 2 - Reference documents
• Identify and set trigger points which determine 6.5.1 Risk Assessment
operation start/stop or R/A. 1. MOU and all vessels involved shall perform SJA
• Provide a brief outline of the topics to be covered. before operation starts, in conjunction with the R/A.
• Must outl ine framework conditions, use images and 2. If an operation has changed from the original plan
diagrams where possible. for which the RA was performed, personnel must
• Is intended for use during the planning, execution, review the new hazards and risks of the changed
verification and demobilisation during relocation of operati.on as part of the management of change
the AHTS/MOU. process.
• Shall be in English, unless otherwise agreed. requires a time-out and review with personnel
involved, performed at the workplace.
A managemen t o f change process should be agreed
with all parties involved. Any deviation from the work
6.5.2 Reporting
specification shall o nly be permitted in accordance
Where required, the MOU Owner, in cooperation with
with this agreed management of change.
vessels and Marine Representative orTowmaster, should
repon to the appropriate National Authorities as per the
6.4 Equipment national requirements.
6.4.1 General
6.5 .3 Anchor securing on deck
1. To maintain vessel's and MOU's safe working
1. When running or recovering anchors over subsea
environment, the following should be in place:
obstructions, anchors must be decked and double
• All equipment operation and maintenance should
secured or disconnected to prevent the anchor
be according to manufacturer's instructions.
dropping uncontrollably off the stem.
• A maintenance system for AH equipment retained
on board.
6.5.4 Bollard Pull
• Cutting gear available.
1. Maximum Bo llard pull utilised sho uld not exceed
• A safe and effective method of stoppering wire
the minimum breaking load of the MOU's towing
pennants, recognising likely loads on the wire and
arrangement. Use vessel's tension gauge to monitor.
the load-bearing capacity of wire termination
Reference should be made to the vessel's bollard pull
employed. Note: soft eye pennants wear more quickly
reduction curves.
than hard eye pennants and require frequent
• Alloy ferrule terminations should not be used.
6.6 The Towng Operation
• Monitoring, with regular inspection and
maintenance, of roller fairleads on vessels' deck or 6 .6.1 Operation Planning
crash barrier to ensure that uplift by e.g. a tugger 1. See 6.1 for responsibilities.
wire will not dislodge them . 2. The passage plan must be carefully developed with
• Suitable lifesaving appliances must be available regard to water depth, other offshore and subsea
and immediately accessible. installations, and emergency position.
2. Secure all AH equipment until required; see Deel? 3. Close anention should be paid to the length and
1 Cargo Handling catenary of the tow wire and its relation to the water
depth and weather conditions.
Care must be taken when opening wire coils, in
4. Route must keep safe distance from any other
particular pendant wires. Turntables should be used
installations. Pass on the side that best assures tow
(if available) as coils springin g open following
will drift away from the installation in case of black-
release of securing bands may cause injury.
out or towline failure.
5. The passage plan shall not use installations as way
6.4.2 Anchor/Mooring Equipment
points. Vessels apparently on collision course may
1. An example of recommended good practice for the
result in installation crew having to go to muster
following systems can be found in Annex N:
Permanent Chaser Pendant (PCP);
6. Obtain regular weather reports.
Pendan l Buoy System;
7. Specify communkation lines: see
Vessel Working Wire Chaser Termination On Vessel;
8. Assess what support vessels are required. Support
Piggy Back Systems.
vessels' tasks include, but are not limited to:
Due consideration should be given to the anchor • Monitoring and plotting ship traffic along the
manufacturers guidelines. towing route.
• Intercepting vessels that approach tow too closely.
• Checking emergency anchoring/jacking location
6.5 The Rig Moving Operation
is clear and unobstructed before MOU arrival.
Must be according to the rig move plan. • Functioning as back-up towing vessel, especially
in winter months.
Appendix 2 - Reference documents 265
9. ldentify the MOU's secondary emergency towing fall must be vertically above vessel's stem roller when
system, establish a readily available retrieval method the chasing pendant is released.
for main towing gear, and agree a safe procedure for 2. To achieve this safely and without endangering vessel
passing the secondary towing system in all weather personnel:
conditions. see procedure in annex N-7
10. Ensure MOU personnel are aware of the time that
may be required to rig spare towing wire. If an
6.7 Anchor Handling Operations (300 m+)
additional vessel is available as a reserve towing
vessel on passage, this should be rigged for towing. l. Ancho r handling operations in d eeper water carry
significant additional h azards and these may be
6 .6.2 General Towing Rules location specific.
1. Pay dose attention to: Prior to commencing deep water A/H operations,
• Towline, particularly prevention of any chafing or consider the following in addition to normal anchor
friction. Either use fibre protection, or regularly handling operations:
adjust wire length. • Suitability of vessel for location specific
• Towing speed and heading. Make changes very operations taking into account environmental and
slowly and in a controlled way. other variables;
• Heaving in or paying out towline. When doing so, • To minimise damage to work wire from joining
reduce engine thrust correspondingly to avoid shackles use longer continuous lengths of work
damage to towline. wire;
2. lf towing MOU on anchor chains a good catenary is • All wires to be spooled under tension;
ensured if MOU pays out an agreed length of anchor • Use work wire swivels to avoid twisting damage
chain. from the inherent high loads of deep water A/H -
3. Towing vessels should issue regular navigational de-tension after use.
warnings. • Use chain connecting links in the shark jaws.
4. During towing, any other deck work should be risk • Buoys should be launched under controlled
assessed. tension to avoid shock load damage;
5. In adverse weather the Master, to consider if a gog • Method of deploying chain from a locker. Modern
wire may be used to control the towline. vessels can ensure approximately 75% cable-gypsy
6. Towing in adverse weather, dynamic forces are engagement and adequate power availability. On
significant. other vessels, lead chain from the gypsy as normal,
Exercise great caution, panicularly when waves come then pass it down the deck around one or more
in astern. towing pins to give a lead back up the deck to the
opposite gypsy. Then pass chain under and over
6 .6.3 Pendant Return to MOU gypsy to lead back down the deck and over the
1. Returning a chasing pendant to a MOU after chasing stem roller. This method provides a length of chain
collar has been stripped back will normally cause a on deck that relieves tension on the first gypsy and
snatch load on the MOU crane. To avoid this, crane eliminates risk of the chain jumping under tension.
266 Appendix 2 - Reference documents
Operational limitations of anchor handling tugs during anchor handling and towing operations
Guidance for towmasters, bargemasters,anchor • Towmasters must overide the AHT master when
foremen and vessel masters during rig moving they believe that the AHT is getting into danger.
operations • If the actions or inactions or an AHT are giving
Purpose of this briefing document
doubts or concerns, STOP the operation, reduce all
the loads on the boat and place it in a safe position,
This document is designed to highlight the limitations then sort out the problem.
of Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels (AHT/AHTS) • During the towing operations between work
when carrying out routine anchor handling and towing locations where the operation is conducted under a
operations operations . normal rig move procedure document, the
towmaster may designate one of the towing vessels to
Responsibilities of towmasters, barge masters be the lead tug. This designation does not normally
and anchor foremen relieve the towmaster of his responsibility to
Normal rig moving operations are carried out using the command the towing operations. The only time the
rig move procedure document as the primary lead tug could be said to be in sole charge of the
plannfog and management tool for the conduct of the towing operation would be if the tow is conducted
operation. This document is backed up by the policies under a towage contract (Towhire or Towcon). In
and procedures governing rig move operations issued general, all rig/barge towing operations, both in-
by the rig owner, the rig move contractor, the rig field and inter field, are conducted under service
contracts such as Supplytime. In these contracts the
charterer and any local applicable guidelines or rules
and regulations. The flag state of the rig, any warranty tugs/anchor hand ling vessels work under the
survey company involved and the rig's P&l Club may direction of the individual in charge of the operation
also expect the rig to comply with cenain policies, such as the OIM or towmaster or some other named
procedures or guidelines during the rig move operation. person in the procedure document.
The rig move procedure document gives responsibility The available bollard pull of anchor handling
for the conduct of the operation to certain named vessels
individual, typically the Offshore Installation Manager The bollard pull values quoted in any vessel's data sheet
(OLM), the towmaster and the vessel masters. are those obtained using the main engines and possibly
Towmasters/Bargemaste rs/Anch o r Foremen.. These an azimuth thrusters in controlled benign conditions.
persons are, typically, given responsibility for the The bollard vaJues are obtained from tests carried out in
conduct of anchor handling and towing operations highly controlled conditions and always refer to ahead
while the OIM is given overall responsibility for the power values without any side on environmental load.
safety of all personnel and vessels working within the They are quoted as either maximum, which means total
SOO m zone around the rig or barge. These individuals available at ll0% machinery output, that is 10%
share a duty of care for the safe conduct of the overload condition and is not a value of much practical
operations of the Anchor Handling and Towing Vessels use. Continuous bollard pull means the value obtained
involved. This duty of care means that they should not when tl1e main engines are running at the makers
place the anchor handling vessels at risk. In addition, it recommended continuous prolonged output value. Jt is
i~ their responsibility to inform and instruct the anchor the most useful value, but it may also include azimuth
handling vessels in their work and insist that they cease thrusters working in the same direction as the main
work if any vessel is putting itself at risk either engines.
inadvertently or through ignorance.
Degradation of bollard pull due to the use of
The persons in charge of these marine operations thruster power
cannot negate or deny their responsibility for the safety
of the anchor handling or towing vessels by relying on In vessels where the main propellers are of the
controllable pitch type and the tl1rusters are electrically
the usual phrase in the Procedure document which says:
'Vessel Masters are responsible for the safety of their driven, the thrusters often derive their power via
vessels at all. times'. This is the case in some generators connected to the main engines. This means
that when thruster power is demanded, in addition to
interpretations of the legal/contractural position, but it
does not alter the practicaJ situation where if the main engine power, the power management control
system may CUT BACK the main propeller p itch
towmaster/bargemaster/anchor foreman gives an order
setting in order to ensure that the main engines
to a vessel which endangers it or neglects to give an
order to a vessel to get it out of a perceived danger operate at the constant revolutions required to supply a
(which the vessel master may be unaware of) then this steady voltage for the electric power to the thrusters. If
boat's thrusters are working hard to keep it on line
is neglect of the overriding responsibility which exists
within the overall command structure of the operation. while running an a11d1or the available output of the
main propellers may be degraded as thruster power is
• Towmasters must command and control the increased. For example, running all the thrusters at say
operation of the AHTS at all times. 80% power can cut the bo llard p ull by a third.
Tugmaster Training - A view by Captain Terry Phillips
(courtesy International Tug & Salvage - Nov/ Dec 2011, The ABR Company Ltd and
Captain T. Phillips)
At ITS 2010 in Vancouver, Capt Arie Nygh of SeaWays been working on tugs for the better pan of 42 years,
ConsuJtants delivered a paper on Tire Need for a and, being involved with all aspects of training new lug
Formal Towage Endorsement 011 a Master's Certificate of masters, I have had a lot of Class l masters on board my
Competency to Operate a Tug, and Yvonne O rr of tugs over the years.
Maritime Craft Services (Clyde) Ltd spoke abo ut The In that time, I have found a stark difference between
Need for lnternati.onally Recognised Certification for tug masters' and Class 1 masters' attitudes. There are a
Crew 011 Vessels less than 500gt (see synopses, below). few reasons for this: I feel thal the Class 1 master is
Here, Capt Terry Phillips, aka 'Terry the Tug', who, in trained to stay away from dangerous situations at all
the July/August 2010 issue of International Tug & times, which is understandable, but on the other hand,
Salvage spoke out about hands-on training, adds his tug masters are trained to go into dangerous situations
own comments on tug master's certificates and why every day, whether it is a salvage situation, barges
he feels they should be made a formal requirement as broken loose in bad weather or fires at terminals and
soon as possible. onboard ships. Just by the nature of the job, we live in
two different worlds - as different as night and day.
I am not sure when the tug masters' certificates were
I feel that Arie Nygh and Yvonne Orr have raised very abandoned, bul I feel that this has caused a lot of
good points regarding tug masters certificates. I have problems for tug owners and tug masters worldwide. [t's
The Need for a Formal Towage Endorsement on The Need for Internationally Recognised
a Master's Certificate of Competency to Operate Certification for Crew on Vessels less than
a Tug SOOgt
Capt Arie Nygh, Seaways Consultants Yvonne Orr, Maritime Craft Services (Clyde) Ltd
Cu rrently there is a requirement fo r formal We operate in a global market and so why is there
endorsements on a master's certificate to operate an no internatio nally recognised certification for
o il or gas tanker, a passenger ship, a square rigger smaller commercial vessels of less than 500gt within
sailing ship, a high-speed ferry and a dynamically current STCW regulations? The first internationally
positioned vessel. It is also a given that it is accepted certifi cation o f competency enabling
impossible for a master to understand harbo ur someone to take full command of a vessel only
towage and/or escort towage o n a new generation applies to vessels over 500 gt.
o mni-directional tug without significant specialised Despite the STCW convention aim to ensure
training. 'uniform international maritime training standards',
As a professional industry that prides itself on high the challenges facing operators of smaller vessels
standards, have we matured sufficiently to take the continue to pose a problem, with acceptance of
next step and promote formal endorsements on a certification varying from country to country. Is it time
master's certificate to operate an omni-directional for STCW to recognise the scope of smaller vessels,
tugboat? There are a number of like-minded including tugs and workboats, wicJ1in the regulations?
colleagues in the towage industry who believe, as I do, What can we do to facilitate this?
that the time has come for the industry to take this
importanl step. This paper expands the question in an
auempl lo find answers and understand whether we,
as an industry, shouJd progress the concepl further.
Appendix 3 - Tugmaster Training 269
a bit like being a doctor or airline pilot: we are all due to the lack of training for masters not having the
trained to do specific jobs. A 74 7 airline pilot wouJd not experience ,or trainlng onboard tugs?
fly a phantom fighter jet and a GP would not be classed I feel the greatest asset as a tug master is to have the
as a surgeon. The point I am making is that most people nerve to stand your ground when thjngs are going
can choose to become a ship's master if they have the wrong and to give clear instructions to the crew to
aptitude and the stamina to take such a path. I have the resolve the situation. This takes a lot of experience. I feel
greatest respect for the Class l Masters Certificate. But it is a true test of a tug master when he comes through
not everyone can choose to be a tug master. such experiences and is still looking forward to his next
Tug masters live in a world of cramped conditions, tour of duty wherever it may be.
the weather affects us more due to the size of our So why would the MCA think that Class 1 Masters
vessels, and we are put into situations in aJl sorts of · can be sent on to tugs to do this type of work because
conditions: towing massive objects in storms; chasing a they bold such a certificate? When I ftrst had my British
tow if you have had the misfortune of a tow wire parting Tug Master's certificate it meant a lot to me. I feel it
in extreme weather conditions; keeping a close eye on helps define who you are and what you are good at.
shipping when transiting narrow waterways; watching Most tug masters have had a lot of training by older tug
for any vessel that has broken down and is drifting... masters who have been around the block: that is what
Most of the time, we can onJy make very slow speeds, gives us the tools to go out and do this complex and
but by nature we have to be well ahead of the game, very difficult and dangerous job.
24/7. When things are going wrong, we have to think I would therefore request that the whole certificate
outside the box in time to put things right, and we have system is overhauled and that the tug master's certificate
to make do with what we have around us at all times. is reintroduced as soon as possible to give us our
How many sleepless nights have we had as tug identity ba,ck and to show that we are a professionaJ
masters due to the Chief Officer or the Second Officer part of the maritime industry. It would be good to hear
not having the experience of towing or working on tugs? from and Class 1 masters alike on this
How many accidents have taken place over the years subject on my website,
Further Reading
Anchor Handling - Oilfield Seamanship Vol. 3 Tug use Offshore - in Bays and Rivers
Clarksons Research Services Ltd George and Grant Livingstone - Nautical Institute
ISBN 1 870945 492 ISBN 1 870077 741
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in what we do