Application of The DGPS Method For The Precise Pos
Application of The DGPS Method For The Precise Pos
Application of The DGPS Method For The Precise Pos
Series Transport
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Seria Transport
Volume 98 2018
p-ISSN: 0209-3324
e-ISSN: 2450-1549
Faculty of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, District Office of Ryki, Wyczółkowskiego 10A Street, 08-500
Ryki, Poland. Email: [email protected].
Polish Air Force Academy, Faculty of Aviation, Dywizjonu 303 nr 35 Street, 08-521 Dęblin, Poland. Email:
[email protected].
66 K. Krasuski, J. Ćwiklak
The basic observation equations in the DGPS positioning method rely on the use of the
operation of double difference of GPS code observations, as follows [4,8]:
Application of the DGPS method for… 67.
PAB ,2 AB I AB ,2 TAB M P 2
ij ij ij ij
is the operator of the double difference for code measurements, which allows for comparing
the difference in code measurements for two satellites tracked by two receivers
is the operator of a single difference for code measurements, which allows for determining
the difference in code measurements for two satellites tracked by one receiver
r ur ur
AB is the vector in the space between the base station ( A ) and the rover receiver ( B )
mounted on board the aircraft
is the value of the double code difference (expressed in metres) on the vector AB
The observation equations (1) were recorded for the code observations P1/P2 for the
carrier frequencies L1/L2 in the GPS navigation system. In Equation (1), the unknown
parameters are the coordinates of the aircraft involved in the geometrical distance factor. The
parameters of the ionosphere and troposphere delays are expressed by deterministic models.
The values of the multipath effect are expressed on the basis of empirical models. The
observation model from Equation (1) is usually solved in two stages, using Kalman filtering;
see below [1]:
a) Process of “prediction”:
x p A0 x0
Pp A0 P0 A0 Qo
68 K. Krasuski, J. Ćwiklak
b) Process of “correction”:
K P H T H P H T R 1
k p p
xk x p K k z H x p
Pk I K k H Pp
R is the covariance matrix of measurements
H is the matrix of partial derivatives
K k is the Kalman gain matrix
z is the vector of measured values
I is the unit matrix
xk refers to the parameters determined a posteriori
Pk is the covariance matrix of parameters determined a posteriori
The Kalman filtering process is performed sequentially for all measured epochs
registered by the GNSS receiver mounted on board the aircraft. Additionally, in the stochastic
process of developing the GPS observations, the accuracy of positioning the aircraft is also
determined. It should be emphasized that the designated coordinates of the aircraft and their
accuracies are expressed in the geocentric coordinates XYZ.
The verification of applying the DGPS technique in air navigation was carried out in an
air experiment using a Cessna 172 aircraft. The air experiment was conducted on a military
airfield in Dęblin and in the surrounding area. The test flight on the Cessna 172 was made in
the morning, from 09:39:03 to 10:35:03, according to the time of the GPS navigation.
Figure 1 shows the trajectory of the Cessna 172 on the horizontal plane. The coordinates
of the aircraft were expressed using BLh ellipsoidal coordinates (B: latitude, L: longitude, h:
ellipsoidal height). In order to transform the coordinates of the aircraft from the XYZ
geocentric coordinate frame into the BLh ellipsoidal frame, the Helmert transformation was
used [15, 18]. Figure 1 shows the location of the reference station REF1, which was used to
recover the precise trajectory of the flight of the Cessna 172 in postprocessing. The base
station REF1 was mounted and installed on the roof of the Air Force Academy in Dęblin. The
basis of the technical infrastructure of the reference station REF1 was the dual-frequency
Topcon Hiper Pro receiver, which recorded code, phase and Doppler observations from the
Application of the DGPS method for… 69.
navigations systems (GPS and GLONASS). The frequency of registering GNSS satellite
observations on the memory card of the receiver equalled 1 s. The target reference coordinates
of the REF1 base station in the BLh ellipsoidal frame were as follows:
– Latitude: 51 33’ 19.92606” N
– Longitude: 21 52’ 08.72275” E
– Ellipsoidal height: 152.069 m
During the flight test, the geodetic receiver Hiper Pro was installed on board the Cessna
172 (see Figure 2). The aim of the Topcon Hiper Pro rover receiver was to collect raw GNSS
observations in order to recover the coordinates of the aircraft in postprocessing. The
frequency of data registration in the rover receiver was also equal to 1 s. Furthermore, the
SAMSET system, which monitored the position of the aircraft in near real time, was installed
on board the Cessna 172.
Fig. 2. The GNSS receiver in the pilot’s cabin of the Cessna 172
70 K. Krasuski, J. Ćwiklak
The simultaneous synchronization of GNSS observations from the Topcon Hiper Pro
rover receiver and the receiver of the REF1reference station allowed for the designation of the
Cessna 172’s position, as well as the determination of the positioning accuracy.
The coordinates of the aircraft were designated on the basis of a single baseline (spatial vector
AB ), i.e., baseline (vector) REF1-Cessna 172. In order to recover the aircraft coordinate
system, the authors used P1/P2 code observations for the DGPS positioning method (see
Chapter 1). In order to determine the accurate coordinates of the aircraft and its precision, we
used RTKLIB software. For this purpose, we used the computational module
“DGPS/DGNSS”, stored in the RTKPOST library. For the sake of performing the
calculations, the “DGPS/DGNSS” module in RTKPOST library was configured as below
GNSS system: GPS system
GNSS observations: code observations P1/P2 in the GPS system
Construction of the observation equations: double difference for code observations in the
GPS system
Data source of the ephemeris GPS satellites: GPS navigation data message
Source of the GPS observation: RINEX 2.11 file
Method for determining the coordinates of the GPS satellites: based on the parameters of
the Kepler orbit
Correction of the pseudorange from the satellite to the receiver antenna: applied
Effect of the earth’s rotation: applied
Sagnac effect: applied
Correction of the satellite clock: eliminated
Relativistic effects: eliminated
TGD hardware delay: eliminated
Receiver hardware delay: eliminated
Troposphere model: Saastamoinen
Ionosphere correction model: Klobuchar
Source of ionosphere correction: GPS navigation data message
Receiver antenna phase centre: based on the ANTEX IGS08 file
Elevation angle: 10°
Observation weighting: applied
A priori standard deviation of code observations: 1 m
Initial values of aircraft coordinates: based on the RINEX file header
Frame of coordinates: geocentric XYZ and ellipsoidal BLh (ultimately ETRF ‘89)
Method of calculations: Kalman forward-filtering
Positioning method: DGPS/DGNSS
Positioning mode: kinematic
Computational mode: postprocessing
Interval of calculations: 1 s
Blunder error detection in GPS measurements: RAIM module algorithm
Number of iterations in the measurement epoch: five
Maximum value of the DOP coefficient: 30
Final recording of coordinates: coordinates in the XYZ geocentric frame and the BLh
ellipsoidal frame
Correction of the receiver clock: eliminated
Application of the DGPS method for… 71.
The examination of the use of GNSS satellite technology in air navigation is focused on
determining four basic positioning parameters: availability, accuracy, continuity and integrity.
The availability parameter is determined based on the visibility of the GNSS constellation
during the measurement session. In addition, when tracking the GNSS satellite constellation,
no break must appear in the satellite positioning due to the lack of navigation data and
observation data. Therefore, monitoring the available satellites of a given constellation of the
GNSS system (e.g., the GPS system) is of crucial importance. In accordance with Annex 10
to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, entitled “Radio Communication”, Volume
I “Radio Navigation Aids”, a typical parameter value of the availability of the GPS system is
0.99 (99%) [9]. This means, de facto, that, during the executed air test, the continuity of
tracking a GPS constellation equals at least 0.99 of the duration of the whole flight. Thus, the
lack of data or GPS system failure may occur only in the case of 1% of the duration of the
flight test. Figure 3 shows the number of available GPS satellites during the executed test
flight in Dęblin on 1 June 2010.
Based on Figure 3, it can be concluded that the number of available GPS satellites during
the test flight ranged from five to nine. Therefore, when executing the test flight, the tracking
of the GPS constellation was still available. Likewise, navigation data were not missing.
Therefore, the availability parameter of the constellation of GPS satellites was above 0.99
(99%), which complies with the ICAO requirements. It should be added that the number of
available GPS satellites in Figure 3 de facto expresses the total number of GPS satellites
tracked jointly by the rover receiver mounted on board the Cessna 172 and the REF1
reference station.
72 K. Krasuski, J. Ćwiklak
mX is the accuracy of the aircraft position along the X-axis
mY is the accuracy of the aircraft position along the Y-axis
mZ is the accuracy of the aircraft position along the Z-axis
R is the transition matrix from the geocentric (XYZ) to the geodetic frame (BLh)
mB is the standard deviation in latitude
mL is the standard deviation in longitude
mh is the standard deviation in ellipsoidal height
Fig. 4. The accuracy of the Cessna 172 aircraft in the XYZ geocentric frame
Figure 4 shows the values of positioning accuracy of the Cessna 172 in the XYZ
geocentric frame; see Equation (4). The average positioning accuracy along the X-axis is
0.826 m and the median value is equal to 0.874 m. Furthermore, the dispersion of the obtained
results of the parameter mX ranges from 0.630 m to 1.018 m. It should be noted that, for
approximately 96% of the results, the parameter mX is less than 1 m. The average positioning
accuracy along the Y-axis is 0.466 m and the median value is equal to 0.458 m. Moreover, the
Application of the DGPS method for… 73.
dispersion of the obtained results of the parameter mY ranges from 0.436 m to 0.619 m. It is
worth stressing that, for 100% of the results, the mY parameter is less than 0.7 m. In addition,
for approximately 82% of the results, the mY parameter is included in the range from 0 m to
0.5 m. The average positioning accuracy along the Z-axis equals 1.229 m and the median
value is equal to 1.251 m. Furthermore, the dispersion of the obtained results of the mZ term
is included in the range from 1.113 m to 1.634 m. For approximately 82% of the results,
the mZ term is in the range from 0 m to 1.3 m. On the other hand, for about 100% of the
results, the mZ parameter is included in the range from 0 m to 1.7 m.
Figure 5 shows the values of positioning accuracy in the BLh ellipsoidal frame; see
Equation (5). The average positioning accuracy of geodetic latitude B is equal to 0.905 m and
the median value equals 0.917 m. Furthermore, the dispersion of the obtained results of the
parameter mB ranges from 0.768 m to 1.119 m. It should be noted that, for approximately
77% of the results, the parameter mB is less than 1 m. The average positioning accuracy of
geodetic longitude L is 0.553 m and the median value is equal to 0.544 m. Moreover, the
dispersion of the obtained results of the parameter mL ranges from 0.483 m to 0.681 m. It is
worth stressing that, for approximately 72% of the results, the mL parameter is less than 0.6
m. Furthermore, for 100% of the results, the parameter mL is the range from 0 m to 0.7 m.
The average positioning accuracy of ellipsoidal height h equals 1.135 m, whereas the median
value is approximately equal to 1.118 m. Besides, the dispersion of the obtained results of the
parameter mh ranges from 1.027 m to 1.546 m. For approximately 92% of the results, the
parameter mh is included in the range from 0 m to 1.3 m. On the other hand, about 100% of
the results of the parameter mh is included in the range from 0 m to 1.6 m.
Fig. 5. The accuracy of the Cessna 172 aircraft in the BLh geodetic frame
ranges from 15 m to 37 m with a confidence level of 95%. On the basis of the conducted
investigation and obtained results with regard to the positioning accuracy of the Cessna 172, it
can be concluded that the boundary limitations of the ICAO technical standards were met.
The lowest values of accuracy for the horizontal coordinates B and L are 1.2 and 0.7 m,
respectively, which do not exceed the boundary accuracy for the ICAO’s technical standards.
On the other hand, the lowest accuracy for the ellipsoidal height is 1.6 m, which does not
exceed the accuracy limit in the ICAO’s technical standards for navigation on the vertical
plane, either.
Figure 6 shows the positioning accuracy of the Cessna 172 in three-dimensional (3D)
space. The position error of the aircraft in 3D space is defined using the MRSE parameter.
The mathematical formula defining the MRSE parameter is as follows [16]:
The average value of the MRSE parameter is 1.555 m and the statistical value of the
median equals 1.601. The dispersion of the obtained MRSE parameter values ranges from
1.372 m to 1.955 m. It is worth noting that, for approximately 43% of the results, the MRSE
parameter is less than 1.3 m, while, for approximately 84% of the results, the MRSE
parameter is in the range from 0 m to 1.4 m. Besides, for approximately 100% of the results,
the MRSE parameter achieves an accuracy of up to 2 m.
Fig. 7. The values of the HPL/VPL parameters
The parameter of integrity for the DGPS satellite positioning in civil aviation is of the
utmost importance during the execution of air operations in airspace. In civil aviation, the
integrity parameter is specified by means of safety levels. In practice, the levels of safety are
referenced to navigation on both the horizontal and the vertical planes. On the horizontal
plane, the safety level is determined by the HPL parameter, and by means of the VPL
parameter on the vertical plane. The approximate values of the HPL and VPL safety
parameters are determined on the basis of Equation (7) [10]:
HPL k mB 2 mL2
k HPL 6 for the horizontal plane
kVPL 5.33 for the vertical plane [5]
Figure 7 shows the obtained values for the HPL and VPL parameters. The average value
of the HPL parameter is 5.697 m and the median value is equal to 5.912 m. In addition, the
dispersion of the obtained results of the HPL parameter ranges between 4.599 m and nearly
6.861 m. It should be noted that the values of the HPL parameter for the entire duration of the
research experiment have an upward tendency. The average value of the VPL parameter is
6.553 m and the statistical value of the median is equal to 6.669 m. Moreover, the dispersion
of the obtained results of the VPL parameter ranges from 5.934 m to almost 8.711 m.
Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, entitled “Air
Communication”, Volume I “Radio Navigation Aids”, specifies the technical standards for
the parameter of integrity for satellite positioning using the GNSS navigation system in civil
aviation [9]. The integrity values for GNSS satellite positioning in civil aviation were
specified for the selected type of aircraft approach for landing. Within the framework of the
ICAO’s technical standards, there are three types of aircraft approach to landing with the
GNSS sensor:
76 K. Krasuski, J. Ćwiklak
In Poland, the largest civilian passenger and transport airports have implemented
technical regulations for the NPA with the GNSS sensor. The framework for the operation
and application of the GNSS sensor for this approach was introduced by the Polish Air
Navigation Services Agency. It must be underlined that, with regard to the NPA, the accuracy
of determining the position of the aircraft on the horizontal plane is equal to 220 m. In
addition, the integrity of GNSS satellite positioning is 556 m for the horizontal plane. The
NPA with the GNSS sensor does not take into account the technical standards for conducting
navigation on the vertical plane [5].
The obtained values of the HPL and VPL parameters can be used directly or indirectly to
determine the continuity of GNSS satellite positioning in civil aviation. The parameter of
continuity specifies and defines the gaps in tracking down a moving object with the use of
GNSS satellite techniques. Furthermore, the parameter of continuity indicates possible failure
and a lack of data from the GNSS positioning system. The mathematical formula to determine
the parameter of continuity is as follows [11]:
HAL is the maximum alert value on the horizontal plane
VAL is the maximum alert value on the vertical plane
The parameter values of HAL and VAL specify the maximum alert levels for the
integrity of GNSS positioning during the selected type of aircraft approach for landing. The
continuity parameter is exceeded when the HPL is larger than HAL, or when VPL is larger
than VAL. Within the framework of the NPA using GNSS, the HAL value is 556 m, whereas
the VAL value is unspecified. Therefore, the HPL value does not exceed the HAL limit for
navigation on the horizontal plane for research data from the flight test. Consequently, the
continuity of the GNSS navigation solution on the horizontal plane is preserved and
maintained. On the other hand, the continuity of GNSS positioning on the vertical plane for
the NPA approach cannot be compared.
In this section, the obtained trajectory of an aircraft from a DGPS application was
verified and compared with results from the DGLONASS solution. The aircraft position was
estimated using the DGLONASS method in the RTKPOST library within the RTKLIB
software package. The Kalman filter solution was applied as a stochastic scheme of
designation for the aircraft coordinates in the RTKLIB program. The coordinates of the
aircraft were recovered with an interval of 1 s using the DGLONASS method. The aircraft
coordinates from the DGLONASS solution are referenced to the ETRF’89 frame, similar to
the DGPS method.
Application of the DGPS method for… 77.
Fig. 8. The difference in the XYZ geocentric coordinates of the aircraft between the DGPS
and DGLONASS solutions
The difference in the aircraft coordinates in the geocentric XYZ frame between the DGPS
and DGLONASS solutions was calculated as follows:
rz zDGPS zDGLO (9)
x DGPS is the x coordinate of the aircraft based on the DGPS solution – see Equation (1)
xDGLO is the x coordinate of the aircraft based on the DGLONASS solution
yDGPS is the y coordinate of the aircraft based on the DGPS solution – see Equation (1)
yDGLO is the y coordinate of the aircraft based on the DGLONASS solution
z DGPS is the z coordinate of the aircraft based on the DGPS solution – see Equation (1)
zDGLO is the z coordinate of the aircraft based on the DGLONASS solution
Figure 8 presents the values of the (rx, ry, rz ) coordinates based on a comparison of the
DGPS and DGLONASS solutions. The mean difference for the x coordinate of the aircraft
equals -0.941 m and the root mean square (RMS) bias [14] equals 0.821 m. In addition, the
dispersion of results for parameter rx is between -5.805 m and +1.688 m. The mean
difference for the y coordinate of the aircraft equals -0.435 m, with an RMS bias of about
0.457 m. Moreover, the dispersion of results for the ry parameter is between -6.149 m and
+1.517 m. The mean difference for the coordinate from the aircraft equals -1.041 m and the
RMS bias is about 0.733 m. In addition, the dispersion of results for the rz term is between -
9.894 m and +2.110 m.
78 K. Krasuski, J. Ćwiklak
This article analysed the applicability of the DGPS positioning method in determining
aircraft coordinates in air navigation. To this end, we recovered the position of a Cessna 172
aircraft in postprocessing. The calculations were carried out using RTKLIB software in the
RTKPOST module by exploiting GPS code observations. The mathematical model for
designating the aircraft position was based on the use of observation equations for dual code
differences. In the research experiment, we used the P1/P2 code observations recorded by the
geodetic receivers mounted on board the Cessna 172 and the Topcon Hiper Pro receiver
installed at the reference station REF1. The materials for research came from a test flight,
which was conducted at the military airfield in Dęblin. Within the framework of the
conducted research, we recovered the trajectory of the Cessna 172 using the Kalman forward-
filtering forward base solution. The article also analysed the GNSS satellite positioning for
determining the parameters of availability, accuracy, integrity and continuity in civil aviation.
The parameter of availability of the GPS satellite constellation was 100%, which facilitated a
continuous navigation solution for the position of the Cessna 172 aircraft. The accuracy of the
designated coordinates of the Cessna 172 was higher than 1.7 m in the XYZ geocentric frame
and higher than 1.6 m in the ellipsoidal BLh frame. Furthermore, we set the MRSE parameter,
whose accuracy was higher than 2 m. The integrity of GNSS satellite positioning in civil
aviation was defined by the HPL and VPL parameters. The values of the HPL parameter did
not exceed 7 m, and 9 m with regard to the VPL parameter. The continuity of GNSS satellite
positioning was maintained, with no failure on the part of the navigation solution for the
position of the Cessna 172. It should be added that the HPL values did not exceed the border
limits of HAL positioning for air operations on the horizontal plane. In the external control,
the geocentric coordinates (x, y, z) of the aircraft were compared with the results of the
DGLONASS technique. On the basis of the comparison between the DGPS and DGLONASS
solutions, it was found that the values of RMS bias for the (x, y, z) aircraft coordinates were
less than 1 m.
The authors would like to thank Tomoji Takasu for making available the RTKLIB
software package on the website
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