2nd Semester Syllabus
2nd Semester Syllabus
2nd Semester Syllabus
Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures: Introduction - Tokens-Keywords-Identifiers
and Constants-Basic Data types-User- Defined Data Types-Derived data types-Symbolic
Constants-Type compatibility-Declaration of variables-Dynamic Initialization of variables-
Reference Variables-Operators in C++-Scope resolution operator-Member dereferencing
operators-Memory management operators-Manipulators-Type cast operator-Expressions and
their types-Special assignment expressions-Implicit conversions - Operator overloading-Operator
precedence-Control structures.
Functions in C++: Introduction-the main function-Function prototyping-Call by
reference-Return by reference-Inline functions-Default arguments-const arguments-Function
overloading - Friend and virtual functions-Math library functions.
Classes and objects: Introduction-C Structures revisited - Specifying a class-Defining
member functions-A c++ program with class-Making an outside function inline-Nesting of
member functions-Private Member functions-Arrays within a class-Memory allocation for
objects-Static data members-Static member functions-Arrays of objects-Objects as function
arguments - Friendly functions-Returning Objects - Const Member functions - Pointers to
Members - Local classes.
Constructors and Destructors: Introduction -Constructors - Parameterized constructors - Multiple
constructors in a class - Constructors with default arguments - Dynamic Initialization of Objects
- Copy constructors - Dynamic constructors - constructing Two-Dimensional arrays - Const
objects -Destructors.
Operator Overloading and type Conversions : Introduction - Defining operator
overloading - Overloading unary operators - Overloading Binary operators - Overloading
Binary operators using friends - Manipulation of strings using operators - Rules for
overloading operators - Type conversions.
Inheritance : Expending classes : Introduction -Defining derived Classes - Single
Inheritance - Making a private member inheritable - Multilevel inheritance - Multiple
Inheritance - Hierarchical inheritance - Hybrid inheritance -Virtual base classes - Abstract
classes - constructors in derived classes - Member classes : Nesting of classes.
Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism : Introduction - Pointers to objects - this
Pointer - Pointers to derived classes - Virtual functions - Pure virtual functions.
Managing console I/O Operations : Introduction - C++ Streams - C++ Stream classes -
Unformatted I/O operations - Formatted console I/O operations - Managing output with
Introduction DBS Application : DBS Vs File System – View of Data – Data models –
Database Languages – Database Users and Administrators – Transaction Management – DBS
Structure – E-R Model : Basic Concepts – Constraints – Keys – Design Issues – E-R Diagram –
E-R Features – Design of E-R Database Schema.
Relational Database Design : First Normal Form – Functional Dependencies –
Decomposition –Properties of Decomposition – Boyce-Codd Normal Form – Third Normal
Form – Fourth Normal Form .
Database - Tablespaces - Redo Logs - Control files - programs - Database support
processes Memory structure -Oracle instance. Database Objects - Tables - Views - Indexes -
Synonyms -Grants - Roles.
SQL - Two types of SQL statements - SQL *Plus :Getting in - Number data type -
Character data type - Date data type - Converting from one column type to another - Update,
Delete and Alter - joining two tables together - Formatting the output.
PL/SQL: Character set - Variables - Common data types - PL/SQL components - Cursors
- Compilation errors - Code examples. Snapshots – Functionality.
Triggers: Required system and table privileges - Types of triggers - Trigger syntax -
combining trigger types - setting inserted values - Maintaining duplicated data - Customizing
error conditions - Naming triggers - Enabling and disabling triggers - Replacing triggers -
Dropping triggers.
Procedures: Required system and table privileges - Executing procedures - Procedures
vs. functions - procedures vs. packages - create procedure and function syntax - Remote table
reference - Debugging - customizing error conditions - Naming - Create package syntax -
Initializing packages - Viewing source code - Compiling, Replacing and Dropping.
Oracle Reports : Designer - Object navigator - Setting preferences - Files - Designer
components - Sample reports.
1. Database System Concepts,4th Edition – Silberschatz, Korth ,Sudarshan (Unit I & II)
2. Oracle : a beginner's Guide by Michael Abbey & Michael J.Corey (TMH)
for Unit III,IV & V
Semester – II
2008 – 2009
Elective –II P.G 2.7
Introduction to Software Engineering: Introduction-some definitions. Planning a
Software Project: Introduction - Defining the problem-developing a solution strategy-
Planning the development process-Planning an Organizational Structure. (up to section 2.4
Software Cost Estimation: Introduction - Software Cost Factors-Software Cost
Estimation Techniques-Staffing-level Estimation-Estimating Software Maintenance Costs.
(Chapter-3 fully)
Software Requirements Definition: Introduction - the Software Requirements
Specification - Formal Specification Techniques - Languages and processors for Requirements
(Chapter-4 fully)
Software Design: Introduction-Fundamental Design Concepts - Modules and
Modularization Criteria-Design Notations-Design Techniques-Detailed Design
Considerations-Real-time and Distributed System Design - Test Plans - Milestones,
Walkthroughs, and Inspections - Design Guidelines.(Chapter-5 fully)
Implementation issues: Introduction - Structured Coding Techniques - Coding Style.
(up to section 6.2 only)
Modern Programming Language Features: Introduction - Type Checking - Separate
Compilation - User - defined Data Types - Data Abstraction - Scoping Rules - Exception
Handling - Concurrency Mechanisms. (Chapter 7 fully)
Verification and Validation Techniques: Introduction - Quality assurance -
Walkthroughs and Inspections - Static Analysis - symbolic Execution - Unit Testing and
Debugging - System Testing - Formal Verification. Testing Tools – Win Runner – Load
Runner – Test Directives