Community Outreach Plan Template

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[Community Name] Outreach Plan

The purpose of this section of the Community Outreach Plan (Plan) is to describe where the
community’s study/mapping project is in the Risk MAP lifecycle and describe other supporting, related
initiatives that would influence and/or inform the mapping process:
 Include a brief description of current community conditions with respect to the status of
studies/mapping projects within the community.
 Include a brief description of related initiatives including such things as participation in
Community Rating System, status and type of community hazard mitigation plan, status of
floodplain ordinance, etc.
 Include a brief description of community compliance issues identified in last Community
Assistance Visit (CAV) or contact
 Include a brief description of the past, current, and future development projects (public and
private) in the floodplain/study area
Source Information: CAV documentation (e.g., visit notes)
The purpose of this section of the Plan is to describe the context and establish the need for the
community to communicate to its stakeholders about flood risk and the importance of mitigation
 Describe other local communications strategies/initiatives that could potentially inform the
community outreach plan. For example, FEMA Regional Public Affairs has potentially developed
a communications strategy to communicate risk within the Region. Coordination between the
community and FEMA will help strengthen the overall risk messaging because of a greater
potential to speak with one voice (message consistency).
 Identify/describe “hot button” issues that are particularly problematic for the community (e.g.,
expiration of Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) designations, outdated coastal hazard
information, unmet needs).
 Describe desired outcomes/issues that will be addressed/resolved as a result of implementing
the Plan.
 Describe the community’s capacity to proactively communicate risk to constituents.
 Identify a community “champion” who is responsible for Plan development and implementation.


Provided in this section is a list of individuals/other entities having a role in the development and
implementation of the Plan. Include a brief description of the position, role, and responsibility for each
person/position, contact information.


Name Position Organization Responsibilities Information
Drafts plan, seeks
Public Affairs,
Plan Implementation concurrence, updates
John Smith Community Emergency 123-555-1212
Leader plan, tracks
Management Agency


FEMA has developed a vision for Risk MAP:
“Through collaboration with state, local and Tribal entities, deliver quality data that increases public
awareness and leads to mitigation actions that reduce risk to life and property.”
This section of the Plan will include a broad goal statement that describes what the community would
like to achieve through implementing the Plan, and not current community conditions. Characteristics of
a goal statement should follow the SMART principle:
 Specific
 Measurable
 Action-Oriented
 Realistic
 Time and Resource Constrained

The following is an example goal statement for the community’s consideration:

“Through targeted outreach to key stakeholders during the Risk MAP project, the community will better
understand its flood risk and become a more flood resilient community.”

The following is the community’s goal statement for this Plan:



To support the communications goal, this section of the Plan will describe up to five objective statements
to which measures can be applied to evaluate whether the objective is met. In addition, all
communications activities (tools/tactics) undertaken by the community need to accomplish one or more
of the objectives defined in this section. It is recommended that no outreach activities are conducted
that do not meet at least one of the Plan objectives.
The following are example objective statements:
 Increase understanding of flood risk by 50 percent among homeowners in high-risk flood areas.
 Increase awareness of flood risk by 30 percent among insurance agents in [Community Name].
 Ensure that all information sent to target audiences contains at least one key message about
flood risk.
The following are the community’s objective statements for this Plan:


Primary Stakeholders: List the primary stakeholders (e.g., insurance agents, business owners) who will
receive targeted outreach through implementing the Plan. These stakeholders should include the top
three to five groups who will be in a position to effect behavior change, ultimately reducing flood hazard
risk in the community (high return for the investment of communications resources). [Appendix A
provides a list of stakeholders for consideration.]
The following are the community’s primary stakeholder groups to receive targeted outreach:

Secondary Stakeholders: List the secondary stakeholders who also will receive targeted outreach, but at
a reduced level of effort.
The following are the community’s secondary stakeholder groups to receive targeted outreach:

Provided in this section of the Plan are the primary and secondary key messages that the community will
convey in all information products about flood risk and the Risk MAP project. Primary messages convey
broader, less detailed information, and secondary messages include more detailed information in
support of the primary message. [Appendix B provides a list of key messages for consideration.]
The following is an example of a primary message and supporting secondary messages:
The new maps that result from our Risk MAP project will help us better understand which parts of our
community are at a greater risk of flooding.
 The new maps were prepared using information from storms and flood events that happened
since the previous flood risk maps were developed.
 The high-risk flood areas on the new maps are an indication of where flooding will occur.
 Flooding can occur outside of these high risk zones, depending on the unique characteristics of a
storm or flood event.
Each Risk MAP information product that a community prepares should include at least one of the key
messages described below.


The following are the community’s primary and secondary messages for this Plan:
1. [insert key message]

2. [insert key message]


3. [insert key message]


4. [insert key message]


5. [insert key message]




Provided in this section of the Plan is a description of the communications tools and tactics that will be
implemented for each primary and secondary stakeholder group identified above, the objective that will
be accomplished through the specific tool/tactic, and the means by which it will be evaluated to
measure how well the tool/tactic helped to accomplish the objective. It is important to define the
minimum level of effort required to accomplish the objective, which could be as simple as a checklist
(e.g., send one letter/email to the targeted stakeholder group at key points along the mapping lifecycle).
The following is a tools and tactics example. [Appendix C provides a list of tactics for consideration.]

Stakeholder Group: Media [Lead: John Smith, Community Public Affairs]

To ensure flood risk messages are included extensively in local media coverage at key project milestones
throughout the community’s flood risk project.
 Media kits (to include frequently asked questions, fact sheets, newsletters)
 Press releases
 Editorial board
Conduct media content analysis to determine the frequency, accuracy and timeliness of local media
coverage of the key messages.


The following are the community’s tools and tactics for each stakeholder group identified in this
Communications Plan:


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]




Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]


Stakeholder Group: [Insert stakeholder group and lead]




In addition to chronological milestones (e.g., short-, mid-, and long-term), consideration should be given
to defining and implementing specific communications activities as they relate to Risk MAP timeline.
The community’s outreach lead will have the responsibility for ensuring that the action plan is effectively
implemented. The action plan should include “touch points” between the outreach lead and community
decision makers to assess progress and determine what adjustments to the plan are needed to better
meet plan goals and objectives.

Activity Deadline Responsibility Detail/Strategy/Status

Current (one to three months)

Three to six months

Six to nine months

Nine to 12 months


Appendix A: Potential Stakeholders

 Congressional and state elected officials representing local jurisdiction
 Local elected officials and tribal leaders
 Floodplain and stormwater managers
 Local emergency managers
 Local government agency officials and department heads
 Public sector land use planners
 Local chapters of regional/national associations (e.g., League of Women Voters, Association of State
Floodplain Managers)
 Local environmental organizations
 Local civic organizations and interest groups
 Local churches and faith-based groups
 Flood zone determination companies
 Land use planning firms
 Insurance companies/agents
 Developers
 Lenders and banks
 The general public



Appendix B: Potential Key Messages

Potential Target Audience Potential Messages

All audiences  Our community is at risk from flooding
 We are working at all levels (e.g., mayor’s office, emergency planners, land use developers) to reduce the
impact of flooding on our community
 Our office will keep you informed about changes to our community’s risks
 There are low-cost steps you can and should take to reduce the impact of floods. To review our community’s
flood maps and see what steps you can take, visit
Business community Messages to Share with Business Community:
 Protect your investment by taking steps to reduce the impacts of floods on your business
 Taking steps to protect your business from flooding can be a strategic advantage.
 Federal assistance and flood insurance will only help you to a degree. You will sustain your competitive
advantage after a disaster, by protecting your business from flooding
 Encourage your community and other businesses to take steps to reduce flood risk; be sure to speak with
local business owners to ensure the safety of their employees in the event of a disaster (helping with
continuity of business operations)
 You play an important role in the community’s preparation and mitigation before a flood and recovery after a
 Acting responsibly before and after a flood will result in quicker, more sustained economic, physical, and
social recovery in your community
Messages for Business Community to Share with Others:
 All Businesses - We are committed to the economic viability of our community through responsible planning,
which will help us recover more quickly after a flood
 All Businesses - Let’s work together to understand our risks, prepare, and protect ourselves from flooding
 For Small Town or Community Focused Businesses - We understand our flood risks; you need to also
understand this risk so we can all take precautions and act responsibly as a community
Public sector land use Messages to Planners:
planners  Your community has some flood risk, and FEMA has new tools to help you identify, assess, and mitigate that


risk as part of your planning process

 Your community relies on you not to build in certain areas, including sites with higher risk of flooding
 Build smartly and balance the risk versus the economic benefit to your business and your community
 Hazard planning is similar to traditional community planning. Build hazard mitigation into your plans to help
ensure the community’s sustainability
 Flood risks change over time, based on new building, weather changes, and other factors. Visit to get the latest information about your community’s flood risks
Messages for Planners to Share with Others:
 Here are the flood risks in the community and the steps we are taking through land use planning to reduce
the impact of floods on our community. Our efforts are part of a larger, community-wide effort to better
protect ourselves from flooding
 Individuals should also do what they can to mitigate risk. To learn what you can do, visit
Floodplain/Stormwater Messages to Share with Floodplain/Stormwater Managers & NFIP State Coordinators:
managers and NFIP  These are your maps, this is your community, and your citizens are looking to you to better protect the
Coordinators community from flood risk
 FEMA’s new Risk MAP program is offering new tools based on the best science available to help you better
identify and assess your community’s risks and evaluate the benefits of taking steps to reduce your
community’s vulnerability. To learn more, visit
 There are steps you and your constituents can take to continue to reduce the impact of floods. To learn more,
 Flood risks change over time, based on new building, weather changes, and other factors. Visit to get the latest information about your community’s flood risks
Messages for Floodplain/Stormwater Managers & NFIP State Coordinators to Share with Others:
 As part of our participation in the NFIP, we’ve already taken steps to reduce the impact of flooding, and we’re
striving to go even further to protect our community
 The floodplain manager’s office will work with other community officials to keep you informed about your
flood risk and is taking proactive steps to protect our community.
 Flood insurance is only one component of flood protection. There are low-cost steps you can and should take
to reduce the impact of floods. Build upon existing efforts that the community has already taken. To learn
more, visit


General public Messages to Share with the General Public:

 Get to know and stay up-to-date with your community’s risk of flooding by visiting
 Take steps to reduce the impact of floods on yourself and your family
 Tell others about your community’s flood risk and what steps they should take to reduce the impact of floods
– like home elevation or purchasing flood insurance
 Your community can flood, and even small floods can cause a lot of damage
 Nature and development in your community causes floods; FEMA’s responsibility is to depict the flood risks
 New maps have been designed using the best available science. Your community’s flood maps show your risk.
To see your map and learn more, visit
 Flooding can not only take away your financial stability, but your sense of security as well
 If you don’t take steps to reduce the impacts of floods, you may be putting yourself and your family at risk
 Flood risks change over time, based on new building, weather changes, and other factors. Visit to get the latest information about your community’s flood risk
 You cannot rely on the government to protect you. Take steps to reduce the impact of floods. To learn more,
 Assistance is limited and primarily comes in the form of loans that you would need to repay
 Taking steps to reduce the impact of flooding and purchasing flood insurance can help you establish and
maintain your independence
 Nature and development in your community causes floods; FEMA’s responsibility is to depict the flood risks
Economic authority Messages to Economic Authority Members:
members  Mitigation and economic development are not mutually exclusive. Building safely will have long-term payoffs
in terms of community and economic resiliency
 Protecting your community from disasters such as floods should be a critical component of the continuity of
operations plans of businesses in your community
 There are low-cost steps businesses should take to reduce the impact of flooding. To learn more, visit
Messages for Economic Authority Members to Share with Others:
 Your business is at risk for flooding
 Mitigation and economic development are not mutually exclusive. Building safely will help protect your
investment and will have long-term payoffs in terms of community and economic resiliency


 Our community is taking action to help protect your business from flooding – just one more reason to keep
doing business here (or consider doing business here)
 There are low-cost steps businesses should take to reduce the impact of flooding. To learn more, visit
Emergency managers Messages to Emergency Managers
 New tools, such as HAZUS and available from FEMA’s new Risk MAP program will help you better identify and
assess your community’s risks and evaluate the benefits of taking steps to reduce your community’s
vulnerability. To learn more, visit
 Use Risk MAP tools and data to inform your emergency action plans and exercises.
 Be a champion for mitigation. Encourage others to better protect themselves, their businesses, and their
community from flooding.
 Flood risks change over time, based on new building, weather changes, and other factors. Visit to get the latest information about your community’s flood risks
Messages for Emergency Managers to Share with Others:
 Our community is at risk for flooding (support with data provided through Risk MAP Solution).
 We’ve considered flooding in our emergency action plans. This is one step of many that the community
should take to protect itself from flooding
 There are low-cost steps you should take to protect yourself from flood risks. To learn more, visit
State hazard mitigation Messages to Share with To SHMOs:
officers  FEMA has a new program called Risk MAP, which offers new tools you can use to improve mitigation plans
and better protect your state
 To learn more, visit
Messages for SHMOs to Share with Others:
 Every community in the State is at risk from flooding (support with data provided through High Level
 You are responsible for implementing a mitigation plan to protect your community. You also are responsible
for sharing information with your constituents to help them protect themselves
 There are new tools you can use to improve your mitigation plans and better protect your community. To
learn more, visit


Real estate agents Messages to Real Estate Agents

 Flood waters don’t stop at the lines on a flood map. Floods can happen anywhere, at any time
 Actions taken to better protect a home (or community) from flooding add value
 Homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage
 Advise your clients to talk to their insurance agents about the flood risks facing a particular property
Messages for Real Estate Agents to Share with Others:
 Flood waters don’t stop at the lines on a flood map. Floods can happen anywhere, at any time
 Homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage
 Talk to your insurance agent about the flood risks facing the property you are considering
 Actions taken to better protect a home (or community) from flooding add value
 Safer homes are a better investment
Architects and contractors Messages to Architects and Contractors:
 It is often significantly more cost effective to build flood mitigation measures (e.g., raising a house) into a
structure from the start than to retrofit the structure later. To learn more, visit
 Incorporating flood mitigation measures into structures adds value, and may be a competitive advantage
 Build structures that can withstand flooding and be seen as a leader in the building community
Messages to Architects and Contractors to Share with Others:
 It will be much less expensive to build flood mitigation measures into your structure from the start than to
retrofit it later. To learn more, visit
 Mitigation measures may help increase the structure’s value.
 By implementing protective measures, you may save money on flood insurance. To learn more, visit
Insurance Messages to Share with Insurance Companies/Write-Your-Own Companies:
companies/agents  Flood waters do not stop at a line on a map; in fact, many flood insurance claims come from low- to
moderate-risk areas
 There is a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage if you’re in the 1% floodplain/SFHA
(nearly three times more than the chance of fire)
 To help your clients protect their property, recommend that they purchase flood insurance and take
protective measures, even if they are not located in an SFHA. To learn more, visit


 Flood insurance is a good way to be profitable with no risk to your business

 Training is available on flood insurance and FEMA offers all of the resources you need to be the best at your
Messages for Insurance Companies/Write-Your-Own Companies to Share:
 Flood waters do not stop at a line on a map; in fact, many flood insurance claims come from low- to
moderate-risk areas
 There is a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage (nearly three times more than the
chance of fire)
 Purchase flood insurance to protect your investment. There are also other low-cost measures you should take
to protect your property. To learn more, visit
 Taking some mitigation measures may help to lower your insurance rates
Claims adjustors Messages to Claims Adjustors:
 As first point of contact with people who have experienced flood damage, you can encourage people to
rebuild safer and stronger to protect against future risks
 There are low cost steps people should take to better protect themselves from flooding. To learn more, visit
Messages for Claims Adjustors to Share with Others:
 You have an opportunity to build back safer and stronger to protect you and your family from future floods
 There are low-cost steps you should take to protect your home or business from future flooding
 You can buy insurance to help in the event that your home or business floods
 I’m here to advise you as you rebuild and will do everything I can to help you build back safer and stronger
Land developers Messages to Share with Land Developers Developers/Infrastructure Developers:
 The tools and maps developed under FEMA’s new Risk MAP program can help you create a better risk
mitigation and land use plan
 Be leaders in advocating for building away from the floodplain
 Transportation and water/sewer infrastructure is critical to a community’s ability to handle and bounce back
after a disaster
 Flood risks change over time, based on new building, weather changes, and other factors. Visit to get the latest information about your community’s flood risks
Messages for Land Developers/Infrastructure Developers Audience to Share with Others:


 We have factored flood risk into our plans

 We have taken steps to mitigate damages from flooding to our community’s infrastructure
 We need to work together to reduce our community’s vulnerability to floods
Mortgage Lenders Messages to Lenders:
 Flood waters do not stop at a line on a map; in fact, many flood insurance claims come from low- to
moderate-risk areas
 There is a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage (nearly three times more than the
chance of fire)
 The Federal government uses the best available technology to create accurate maps, which are used to set
flood insurance policy rates
 To help protect your investment, encourage your clients to purchase flood insurance and take protective
measures, even if they are not located in an SFHA. To learn more, visit
Messages for Lenders to Share with Others:
 Flood waters do not stop at a line on a map; in fact, many flood insurance claims come from low- to
moderate-risk areas
 There is a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage (nearly three times more than the
chance of fire)
 Purchase flood insurance to protect your new investment. There are also other low-cost measures you can
take to protect your property. To learn more, visit
Residential and commercial Messages to Flood Determination Companies:
lenders  There are new mapping technologies available that use the latest data and information available to create
Flood zone determination comprehensive and accurate flood maps
companies  These maps will make your job easier by creating consistency in the determination of properties and reducing
disputes by homeowners
 In addition to flood insurance, there are many other low-cost measures homeowners can take to reduce their
flood risk. Learn more by visiting
Messages for Flood Determination Companies to Share with Others
 In addition to flood insurance, there are many other low-cost steps you can take to protect your home from
flooding. To learn more, visit
 Even if your home is not located in a floodplain, flood waters do not stop at a line on a map. Flood insurance


and other protective measures are a good idea for all homeowners
 In fact, many flood insurance claims come from low- to moderate-risk areas
 There is a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage (nearly three times more than the
chance of fire)


Appendix C: Potential Tactics

Local officials can use a variety of tactics to raise flood risk awareness among the people who live
and work in their community. The tactic used to communicate is important to ensuring that the
correct message is received. Local officials should keep their community’s unique characteristics
in mind when determining which tactic to use to reach each of its stakeholders as no one
communication plan will work nationwide.

Stakeholder Advisory Group

To provide regular updates on flood risk, mitigation activities, and encourage actions to reduce
risk, consider developing a stakeholder advisory group with representatives from each
stakeholder organization. The group could meet quarterly or more, as required, and provide a
forum to answer questions, discuss available resources and funding, and identify points of
coordination. Below are additional tactics to consider by stakeholder.

Tactics by Stakeholder Group

 For the business community:

o Develop talking points and collateral materials on flood risk
o Attend meetings of the local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary International
o Identify local businesses predisposed to mitigation to engage, then promote their
efforts to peers
o Deliver messages in post-disaster periods
 For Land Use Planners:
o Enhance and/or form partnerships through associations such as the American
Planning Association
 For Floodplain/Stormwater Managers:
o Enhance and/or form partnerships through associations such as ASFPM and
 For the General Public:
o Provide briefings on the nightly news or through local daily newspapers
o Conduct outreach about flood risk at key times as appropriate, such as the beginning
of hurricane season, Flood Awareness Week, National Preparedness Month
o Mail letters directly to property owners affected by the map changes
o Reach out through community focused events including Homeowner Associations
o Consider using social media and Web 2.0 such as your community’s Facebook page
or Twitter account to share flood risk information
o Enlist primary, secondary, and college students as ambassadors of flood risk
 For Economic Authorities:


o Enhance and/or form partnerships through associations such as Chamber of

o Attend appropriate conferences and meetings
o Conduct media outreach to appropriate trade publications
 For Emergency Managers:
o Enhance and/or form partnerships through associations such as National Emergency
Managers Association
o Attend appropriate conferences and meetings
 For the Insurance Industry:
o Invite insurance agents to learn about the new flood maps prior to the Open House,
then invite them to the Open House to share information with the public
o Direct insurance representatives to the FloodSmart Web site to learn more about
flood risk, flood insurance, and access convenient tools and resources to share with
o Use established partnerships with FIPNC and others to enhance understanding and
awareness of risk and actions to take
o Conduct media outreach to appropriate trade publications especially during
hurricane season, National Flood Awareness Week, etc.
 For Mortgage Lenders:
o Provide flood risk information for lenders to include in their letters requiring flood
o Use established partnerships with FIPNIC and others to enhance understanding and
awareness of risk and actions to take
o Conduct media outreach to appropriate trade publications especially during
hurricane season, National Flood Awareness Week
o Conduct outreach in post-disaster periods
 For Realtors:
o Produce and distribute collateral materials that provide risk messaging and action
o Enhance and/or form partnerships through associations such as National Association
of Realtors


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