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A Study of Work-Life Balance

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by Hamza Al-Baytam

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Both corporate practice and academic studies consider
work-life balance to be necessary. Work-life balance is a
crucial problem concerning health, according to the
literature, since family and work are the most important
aspects of everyone's life. Any tension between work and
family life causes con ict and hurts workers' wellbeing.
This study aimed to see how work-life balance, as
determined by work-family war and family-work con ict,
affecting the wellbeing of people working in India's
private sector. We used family satisfaction, job
satisfaction, and psychological distress to gauge

The study used quantitative research techniques. We

used a convenient sampling approach to select a sample
population from participants who were single and in a
relationship, female and male, with and without children.
We included current scales with Cronbach's alpha
coef cients above the recommended 0.7 in the
questionnaire. Respondents completed a total of 100

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distributed questionnaires. We have used Google forms to

analyze the results. The Study discovered that low WLB,
measured by high work-family con ict and family-work
con ict, hurts family satisfaction. This study also found
that low WLB caused by high levels of work-family
competition has detrimental effects on work satisfaction
and psychological wellbeing. We did not nd the adverse
effects of family-work con ict on job satisfaction and
mental wellbeing to be actual. Excessive working hours
and in exibility of work schedule were also identi ed as
signi cant triggers of work-family con icts in this report.
Employers can boost WLB by adopting family-friendly
programs such as extime, days off in return, shorter
workweeks, childcare assistance, and eldercare


Work-life balance is rising to the top of many employers'

and workers' minds in the workplace and home. Human
resource professionals in today's fast-paced world are

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looking for ways to increase their businesses' bottom

lines, boost employee productivity, attract workers with
valuable business expertise, and keep up with workplace
trends. This article provides human resource
professionals with historical context, evidence, and
potential work-life balance strategies for both
organizations and employees. Work-life balance is
exacerbated by three factors: global rivalry, personal
lives, family traditions, and an aging population.
According to this report, human resource professionals
can help their businesses capitalize on these trends by
implementing work-life strategies to achieve a
competitive edge in the marketplace. Work-family was a
concept that was more often used in the past than it is
now. The new trend is to use names that contain the term
work-life, which has a broader meaning or marking that
refers to particular areas of help (e.g., quality of life,
exible work options, life balance, etc.) The tug of war
between work and family roles is known as work-family
con ict. Work-life balance refers to an individual's ability
to control resources to satisfy both family and work

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demands so that they can effectively participate in both

realms of life. (Voydanoff, 2005)

The problem of balancing job duties and personal/family

commitments from the employee's perspective. From the
boss's perspective, the challenge is to create a positive
company atmosphere that allows workers to concentrate
on their employees. Bene ts that enable workers to
balance their personal and family obligations without
jeopardizing their job obligations are known as family-
friendly bene ts. Work-life balance is about balancing
paid work with other vital things, such as spending time
with family, participating in sports and recreation,
volunteering, or pursuing further education. According to
research, achieving a better balance between our work
lives and our personal lives will help employers and
workers. It has the potential to contribute to the
development of strong communities and pro table
businesses. Work/life balance has become a prevalent
problem in the workplace in a world riddled with
competing obligations and commitments. Global rivalry,
renewed interest in personal lives and family values, and

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an aging population are three signi cant factors that lead

to the interest in, and importance of, serious
consideration of work-life balance.

The employees of a manufacturing unit in Uttarakhand's

Dehradun and Haridwar districts are the subject of this
report. A well-designed questionnaire with twenty-seven
items and demographic data is used, with four variables:
• Work-life balance
• Effects on family life
• Compensation considerations
• Recommendations for work-life balance according to
research, work-life
Balance challenges can offer a win-win solution for
forward-thinking human resource professionals seeking
innovative ways to enhance their organization's
competitive advantage in the market.


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(Joanna & Nikos, 2007) The goal is to learn about the

perspectives of male workers in a male-dominated
industry on work-life balance issues. Work-life balance
turned out to be not only a source of concern but also a
signi cant source of frustration for participants.
Furthermore, participants identi ed a strong link
between work-life balance issues and withdrawal
behaviors, such as turnover and non-genuine sick leave.

In the sense of the Information Technology (IT) and IT

Enabled Services (ITES) industries, (Y. P. S. Kanwar et al.,
2012) reported about work-life balance and Burnout on
job satisfaction. Burnout can be calculated in three ways:
meaninglessness, demotivation, and fatigue. Male
workers reported higher levels of job satisfaction than
female employees. In contrast to the ITES group, the IT
group had lower work-life balance and job satisfaction
and higher meaninglessness, demotivation, and fatigue.
Show that work-life balance and job satisfaction are
positively linked, demotivation, boredom, and
meaninglessness are negatively linked to job satisfaction.

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(Rajesh Yadav & Nishant Dabhade, 2014) discovered that

respondents have an average work-life balance and are
generally satis ed with their working conditions. The
Study's results show that combining treatment and work
affects career advancement. Managers serve as
roadblocks to employees nding a healthy work-life
balance. WLB is a crucial determinant of work
satisfaction on an intrinsic level. The majority of workers
love their jobs and are at ease in their workplace.
According to reports, workers need to strike a healthy
balance between their professional and personal lives.

According to Sreedhar (2013), the importance of family

support in balancing personal and professional lives has
been highlighted. The current study shows that family
support can play a signi cant role in balancing personal
and professional lives. Employees with adult children
have an easier time balancing their workload than those
with younger children. Employees responsible for the
wellbeing of elderly parents or in-laws have a lower work-
life balance than their peers. According to the report,
more insuf cient balance can contribute to higher

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absenteeism, lower work satisfaction, and, in some

cases, higher employee turnover. Organizations with a
collaborative work culture can be able to assist them in
achieving a healthy work-life balance. (Sreedhar and
colleagues, 2013)

Since the origins of trade union formation in the

eighteenth century, there has been an impressive history
associated with the emergence of the idea of work-life
balance (Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development, 2007a). There is no common concept of
work-life balance due to the ever-changing social,
economic, and legislative circumstances in different
countries. The arrival of a more signi cant number of
women into the workforce sparked a lot of debate about
the concept. As a result, dual-income parents nd it
dif cult to reconcile their job and family obligations.
Many businesses began to incorporate "family-friendly"
policies, such as providing child care for employees of
infants or school-aged children. Paid maternity leave or
the ability to work more exibly are two examples of good
practice (Pocock, 2005).

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According to Ramadhani (2013), other components can be

done with the provision of bonus (bene ts), health and
tness facilities, assistance for the care of children and
their parents who are elderly, and provide a policy of leave
for reasons of illness. The goal is for employees to have
the opportunity to balance the demands of work with
household responsibilities.

Work-Life Balance is described as a person's ability to

balance work demands with personal and family needs
(Kasbuntoro et al., 2020). Individuals' ability to meet their
work and family obligations and other non-job duties is
known as work-life balance. Resources for parent and
child care, employee care, health and safety, relocation,
and other work-life balance services are available. Many
employers have family-friendly perks, such as extime,
job sharing, and telecommunicating, to help workers
manage work and life.

In recent years, work-life balance has emerged and

become a different topic in the work-life literature

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(Kazemi et al., 2017). Work-life balance has been

determined in several ways. For example, Clark (2000)
describes work-life balance as the level of satisfaction
individuals feel when they can function at work and home
with minimal role con ict. Grzywacz and Carlson (2007)
de ne work-life balance as meeting expectations
regarding roles negotiated and shared between
individuals and partners regarding their roles in the work
and family domain. (Kazemi et al., 2017) de ne work-life
balance as the scale to which individual effectiveness
and satisfaction in work and family roles are compatible
with prioritizing respective life roles at a particular point
in time. Empirical ndings show that individual
perceptions of work-life balance are related to job
satisfaction, family satisfaction, life satisfaction, family
function, and organizational commitment (Kazemi et al.,

Several factors can affect job satisfaction. According to

Purwanto (2019), a person's job satisfaction can be
in uenced by a variety of factors, including psychological
factors such as interests, attitudes, skills, and peace of

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mind at work as perceived by employees, social factors

such as interactions with coworkers, physical factors
such as the physical condition of the environment and the
employees themselves, and nally a factor f.
According to the ndings of the above studies, measuring
work-life balance and implementing work-life balance
policies are essential for ful lling the needs and
expectations of individuals in both their professional and
personal lives.


The objective of the Study

The Study's goals are as follows:

1. This research aims to look into the relationship
between work-life balance and various demographic
2. To investigate the impact of work-life balance on
employees' family lives.

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3. To examine the effect of compensation factors on

workers' work-life balance.

Research Design

A research design is a detailed blueprint that directs a

study toward its goals. The current analysis uses a
descriptive research design, also known as statistical
research. The survey research method is used in
descriptive research, which means that the data is
collected using a well-designed standardized


Hand conducted a rigorous study of the workers across

various businesses, industries, government, and third-
world countries to determine the impact on global trade.
We gathered the primary data by selecting respondents
at random and working with them to arrive at an
expanding list of possible responses.

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Data Collection

For any analysis, data collection is the most critical

activity in the research methodology. We can gather data
from two different sources: secondary sources and
primary sources. The primary data is being obtained for
the rst time and is one-of-a-kind. The preliminary
information is gathered using a questionnaire survey
methodology. In Bahrain, 120 questionnaires were
distributed to employees from different companies,
industries, and government divisions. A total of 100
questionnaires were completed and returned, with the
results being used for statistical analysis. Secondary
data is gathered from various outlets related to the topic
under review, including blogs, magazines, books, dailies,
academic papers, and national and foreign journals.


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Demographic Variables
Table-1, which was used to analyze the demographic
pro le of the respondents, shows the frequency and
percentage of respondents for each of the descriptive
variables such as gender, age, education, employee
occupation, and marital status. Table 1 shows that
approximately 63% of respondents are male and 37% are
female, with most of the respondents falling between 30
and 40. The survey is almost evenly split between married
people (51%) and single people (49%) in terms of gender.
Twenty-two percent of the respondents are graduates,
fty- ve percent are post-graduates, and twenty-three
percent have a higher degree. The majority of
respondents (approximately 45% of the total) have a total
working experience of 5-10 years. We also discovered
that the majority of respondents have a monthly income
of less than Rs. 50 lakh.

Descriptive Statistics

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The descriptive statistics show the Mean value, Standard

Deviation, Standard Error of all the responses collected
from the manufacturing units using a structured
questionnaire. Table-2 portrays that the mean value and
standard deviation for various variables. Work-life
balance having six items shows19.263 as mean and 2.826
as its standard deviation. Impact on family includes
seven items, has 23.798 as its mean score and 4.555 as
standard deviation. Compensation factors consisting of
four things show the mean score of 9.07 and standard
deviation of 3.018. Another variable, the work-life
balance solution composed of eight items, has 27.544 as
its mean score and 3.405 as its standard deviation. We
checked the data for normality by comparing the
skewness and kurtosis of the interval scaled items, and it
was clear from the table that there are no items that fall
outside the required range (between +3 and -3). Thus, we
determined that all things had a normal distribution.

Reliability Analysis

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Reliability analysis refers to the fact that a scale should

consistently re ect the construct it is measuring.
Cronbach's alpha is the most standard measure of
internal consistency or reliability and is commonly used
when multiple Likert questions are used in the
questionnaire. The results of the alpha coef cients for
the questionnaire are presented in Table-3.

The Cronbach's alpha test shows that the overall

reliability of the four variables and twenty-seven items
questionnaire is 0.711, which is suf cient since the value
of Cronbach's alpha is greater than the necessary 0.7.
Mallery and George (2003).

ANOVA is a statistical method for determining the
signi cance of a relationship between the independent
and dependent variables.
The following null hypotheses are framed and evaluated
for ANOVA to investigate the effect of different
demographic variables on work-life balance.

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H1: The gender of the employee has no bearing on how

they view work-life balance.

The effect of gender on the understanding of work-life

balance was investigated using ANOVA. The meaningful
(2-tailed) value for the group variance to be treated as
unequal is 0.0150.05 at 95 percent con dence intervals,
as shown in Table-4. As a result, the null hypothesis was
dismissed, and we concluded that gender has a
signi cant effect on how people perceive work-life

The effect of gender on the understanding of work-life

balance was investigated using ANOVA. The meaningful
(2-tailed) value for the group variance to be treated as
unequal is 0.015 ≥ 0.05 at 95 percent con dence
intervals, as shown in Table-4. As a result, the null
hypothesis was dismissed, and I concluded that gender
has a signi cant effect on how people perceive work-life

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H2: Measure as Employee age has little bearing on how

they view Work-Life Balance.

Table 4 shows that WE dismissed the null hypothesis at

the 8% level of signi cance because of p ≥ 0.08. As a
result, we can conclude that an employee's
understanding of work-life balance differs with their age.
The critical (2-tailed) value for the group variance to be
treated as unequal is 0.01 ≥ 0.08 at 98.36 percent
con dence intervals, as shown in Table-5.
H3: Employees' educational quali cations have little
bearing on their perceptions of Work-Life Balance.

Table 4 shows that WE dismissed the null hypothesis at

the 5% level of signi cance because of p ≥ 0.05. As a
result, we can conclude that an employee's
understanding of work-life balance differs with their age.
The critical (2-tailed) value for the group variance to be
treated as unequal is 0.01 ≥ 0.08 at 95% con dence
intervals, as shown in Table above.

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The association study between work-life balance (WLB),

effects on family life (FAL), and compensation factors is
shown in Table-11 (CF). The results show a negative
relationship between work-life balance and its effect on
family life (r = -.725). It shows that if workers' work lives
are unbalanced, it will hurt their personal lives. The
results also show that work-life balance and
compensation variables have a clear and optimistic
relationship, with an r=.636 association. This
demonstrates that compensation has a signi cant
impact on workers' work-life balance. A positive
association (r=.352) was found between compensation
factors and their effect on family life.

Solutions for Balanced Work-Life

1. Taking Time Off Between Work

Taking a break between jobs will help you cope with
stress. The human body is not designed to work for long
periods. Physical activity, such as a light walk or some
desk exercises, may be highly bene cial in this situation.

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Short breaks like these will help you recover from

exhaustion and improve your work agility.

2. Volunteering Time Off

Volunteering is a fantastic way to remain social and make

new friends. Employees will de-stress and commit
socially by encouraging them to volunteer for social
Furthermore, this contributes to a company's CSR
(Corporate Social Responsibility) programs. As a result,
the company and its workers will gain goodwill.

3. Proper Planning
Planning the day-to-day activities at work is another way
for managing a good balance between life and work. It
helps individuals to prioritize their actions by the
importance of a task.
Furthermore, sticking to a well-thought-out schedule will
help you save a lot of time at work. As an outcome, they
will be able to concentrate on things other than work or
use them to rejuvenate themselves.

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4. Encouraging a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is an essential part of an
employee's search for a healthy work-life balance.
Employees who are in good health are the crown jewels of
every business. An unhealthy work-life balance harms
employees' physical and mental well-being. Given this, it
has a signi cant impact on their ef ciency.
Encouragement of workers to adopt a healthier lifestyle
reduces a variety of health risks.
Like having good physical health helps one stay energetic,
a stress-free mind is a room full of clarity. This allows the
employees to excel both in their careers and in life. A
balanced lifestyle is also a perfect stress management
solution for workers, enabling them to deal with stress
more effectively.

Encouraging No Work at Home Policy Post Work Hours


Employees also take their jobs home to reach deadlines.

The inability to quit work at the of ce is a big problem
caused by the workers' excessive workload. Working

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during off-hours reduces the amount of rest that the

human body needs.
Furthermore, it tarnishes people's social lives, which are
essential for a healthy mentality. Employers can prevent
this from happening by implementing a strict "No Work at
Home" policy.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is impossible if

there is no personal time available after leaving the
of ce. In this situation, having a exible work schedule is
essential. The exibility of work hours allows workers to
devote equal attention to their personal and social lives.

Further, such a schedule can positively affect an

individual's performance at work. As well, it works as an
alternate stress management technique.

7. Time Management
When it comes to achieving a good work-life balance,
time management is crucial.
The majority of people overlook this stage. Therefore, by
the end, they are exhausted by work and have little time

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for themselves. As an outcome, one must ensure that

they have a daily routine in place.
In this case, time management hacks such as the
Pomodoro technique may be bene cial.

8. Encourage Hobbies
Reading, drawing, photography, dancing, collecting old
stamps, and so on are all hobbies. A healthy work-life
balance entails more than just prioritizing work and
family. It's all about prioritizing the activities that one
enjoys on a personal level.
We sometimes neglect to feed our expectations and
dreams amid juggling work and family. Employees who
have a hobby are more likely to set aside time for
This does assist them in quenching their appetite for a
good life following an employee's preferences. Employees
who have a hobby nd it easier to carve out time for
themselves despite their busy schedules.
Encourage employees to work from home at least once a
week or when needed to help them recover from the

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everyday stress of the of ce. Working from home with

family and friends nearby, or pampering pets when
working, has a positive effect on an employee's mind.

When workers receive such bene ts, it instills in them a

deep sense of respect for their employers. It also turns
them into brand ambassadors for your business. As a
result, a positive employee-employer partnership is


According to the ndings of this study, work-life balance

persists due to various factors such as work

culture/environment, HR rules, job insecurity, pay

packages, etc. Employees face signi cant stress when
juggling their work and personal lives, which affects their
success at work and home. To achieve a balanced work-
life balance, employees should set a target and succeed
in their careers and families (J. Sudha et al., 2012). It
entails the efforts of various stakeholders, including the

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employee, the company for which the employee works,

family, friends, and the community in which they all live.
In their research, Sharma&Bajpai(2013) discovered that
age, marital status, and the number of dependents have a
signi cant impact on work-life balance, con rming the
study's ndings that various demographic variables such
as gender, age, marital status, educational quali cation,
and employee income have a signi cant impact on work-
life balance.

Individuals' personal and family lives have become vital

values in recent years. Employees are unable to put their
families and personal lives on hold for the sake of their
jobs. Over time, the workforce has started to adjust
working hours and spend every hour learning and
managing the challenges of modern living to maintain a
balance between personal and professional life. The
ndings of this study also support the idea that work-life
balance has a signi cant effect on employees' families.
As a result, people are searching for choices that allow
them to have both a personal and professional life, and

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they might be looking for ways to strike a balance

between the two. WLB is described by Clarke, Koch, and
Hill (2004) as "equilibrium" or "maintaining an overall
sense of harmony in life." The study also showed that
compensation variables, including wage and monetary
bene ts, signi cantly impact work-life balance.
Employees who are happy with their payment
arrangements are more likely to achieve a work-life

We have measured the work-life balance of working

women in this research, and we discovered that married
working women nd it extremely dif cult to balance their
work and personal lives, regardless of the industry they
operate in, their age group, the number of children they
have, or their spouse's occupation. Working women in the
IT sector had the most dif culty juggling work and family,
followed by working women in the academic industry and
then working women in the health sector. Working hours-
related WLB issues were more prevalent among IT
professionals while nding time to socialize or relax is

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dif cult for working women in the health sector. Married

working women in all industries struggle to make time for
their interests or recreational activities and sustain
friendships or extended relationships. Married working
women under 30 years old were found to have more work-
life balance issues than those 30 to 40 years old, whereas
married working women over 40 years old were marginally
better at juggling work-life than the above-listed age
groups. The respondents whose spouse's profession is
business suffer the most from work-life balance, followed
by those whose spouse's profession is marketing. Our
ndings showed the signi cance of work-life balance and
the need for it to be happy and satis ed in life.

What we did not measure

Non-work outcomes recognize that by assessing

employee satisfaction with work-life balance and its
effect on organizational objectives of employee
engagement and retention, rather than considering the
broader impact of actual work-life balance, this study
took an individualistic and economic viewpoint. Data

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provided by managers' partners, for example, can paint a

very different image of satisfaction with relationship
quality and family life (Russell 2002). Long working hours
have been shown to have detrimental effects on couple
relationships, children, and societies (Mehta & Pocock,
2011; Voydanoff, 2014).

There is still a little but the increasingly challenged belief

that all market activities must be judged solely on their
effect on the economy's bottom line. Our ndings
indicate that advocates of work-life balance should
abandon the ‘business argument' to persuade companies
to consider personal and social needs. Work-life balance
can be regarded as a critical performance measure of
ethical corporate conduct to the degree that employees
and their families are essential stakeholders. Although
the current study found only a minor connection between
ethics and work-life balance, we suggest that work-life
balance be understood to build and manage work in a
socially sustainable manner (Lewis et al. 2007).

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Attraction and recruitment didn't look into the effect of

work-life balance on recruitment because we couldn't
nd a connection between it and intention to stay.
Workers see it as a desirable objective despite their
dif culties prioritizing work-life balance (Sturges & Guest
2015). They discovered that organizations with exible
job paths and strategies were seen as beautiful places to
work. Businesses will likely be able to market themselves

• An alternative: Work-life alignment

The majority of work-life balance research has been

conducted in the sense of work-family con ict,
potentially pits work against the family (Eby et al. 2005).
The phrase "work-life balance" implies separation and
inherent tension between work and other aspects of life.

However, any tension between work and other parts of

life is in uenced by a person's identi cation with each
role and the degree to which time spent in each is role
af rming (Edwards & Rothbard 1999; Thompson &

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Bunderson 2001). Consequently, Bruck et al. (2002)

discovered that con ict caused by time or stress was not
linked to job satisfaction, but rather ‘conduct' based
competition, which occurs when behavior that is
successful and required at work is counterproductive
elsewhere. Such activity could be on the decline.

According to the ndings of this report, employee-driven
strategies for managing work-life can aid organizations in
designing and implementing work-life balance policies.
On the work front, it will help minimize overtime, tension,
and workloads, while on the home front, it will help
improve exibility, family, and leisure time. WLB is a

problem that organizations must take seriously because

it impacts their professional success and personal well-
being. The welfare of workers, as well as their happiness,
should be a top priority for businesses.

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3. Long working hours have been shown to Recovery, work-life balance and Originality
have work experiences important ...

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