A Study of Work-Life Balance
A Study of Work-Life Balance
A Study of Work-Life Balance
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Research Design
Data Collection
Demographic Variables
Table-1, which was used to analyze the demographic
pro le of the respondents, shows the frequency and
percentage of respondents for each of the descriptive
variables such as gender, age, education, employee
occupation, and marital status. Table 1 shows that
approximately 63% of respondents are male and 37% are
female, with most of the respondents falling between 30
and 40. The survey is almost evenly split between married
people (51%) and single people (49%) in terms of gender.
Twenty-two percent of the respondents are graduates,
fty- ve percent are post-graduates, and twenty-three
percent have a higher degree. The majority of
respondents (approximately 45% of the total) have a total
working experience of 5-10 years. We also discovered
that the majority of respondents have a monthly income
of less than Rs. 50 lakh.
Descriptive Statistics
Reliability Analysis
ANOVA is a statistical method for determining the
signi cance of a relationship between the independent
and dependent variables.
The following null hypotheses are framed and evaluated
for ANOVA to investigate the effect of different
demographic variables on work-life balance.
Solutions for Balanced Work-Life
3. Proper Planning
Planning the day-to-day activities at work is another way
for managing a good balance between life and work. It
helps individuals to prioritize their actions by the
importance of a task.
Furthermore, sticking to a well-thought-out schedule will
help you save a lot of time at work. As an outcome, they
will be able to concentrate on things other than work or
use them to rejuvenate themselves.
7. Time Management
When it comes to achieving a good work-life balance,
time management is crucial.
The majority of people overlook this stage. Therefore, by
the end, they are exhausted by work and have little time
8. Encourage Hobbies
Reading, drawing, photography, dancing, collecting old
stamps, and so on are all hobbies. A healthy work-life
balance entails more than just prioritizing work and
family. It's all about prioritizing the activities that one
enjoys on a personal level.
We sometimes neglect to feed our expectations and
dreams amid juggling work and family. Employees who
have a hobby are more likely to set aside time for
This does assist them in quenching their appetite for a
good life following an employee's preferences. Employees
who have a hobby nd it easier to carve out time for
themselves despite their busy schedules.
Encourage employees to work from home at least once a
week or when needed to help them recover from the
What we did not measure
According to the ndings of this report, employee-driven
strategies for managing work-life can aid organizations in
designing and implementing work-life balance policies.
On the work front, it will help minimize overtime, tension,
and workloads, while on the home front, it will help
improve exibility, family, and leisure time. WLB is a
3. Long working hours have been shown to Recovery, work-life balance and Originality
have work experiences important ...