Hinged Closure Catalog
Hinged Closure Catalog
Hinged Closure Catalog
GENERAL INFORMATION Any application where access to a closed system is
required you can use a Tube Turns Hinged Closure.
We offer a wide range of sizes, styles, pressure
ratings, materials, and accessories.
Representative Uses
Tube Turns Hinged Closures are being employed in
virtually every industrial field. Some of the more
representative uses include:
Mixing and cooking vessels, extractors, filters,
hand-holes in distillation towers, storage tanks,
vacuum-service equipment, etc.
Sypris Technologies utilizes the latest in automation such as robotic welding &
Petroleum Production and Refining
Quick-opening blinds on “Christmas trees”,
CNC machining
sweetening vessels, storage tanks, strainers and
Machining of a Hub
for a Yoke Style
Surface Transportation
Manways on tanker trucks, hatch and manway
Closure. We can
covers on barges and ships, etc.
machine closures
ranging in size from
2” through 72”.
Research and Development
Experimental reactors, pressure vessels and test
chambers, laboratory and pilot-plant piping.
Hinged Closure Styles and Sizes
Nomenclature Type or Class Nominal Sizes Service/Rating
Double Bolt Horizontal 150H 8” - 42” 150lb (285 PSI)
300H 8” - 42” 300lb (740 PSI)
600H 8” - 42” 600lb (1480 PSI)
900H 8” - 42” 900lb (2220 PSI)
1500H 8” - 36” 1500lb (3705 PSI)
2500H 8” - 24” 2500lb (6170 PSI)
Double Bolt Vertical * 150V 8” - 42” 150lb (285 PSI)
300V 8” - 30” 300lb (740 PSI)
600V 8” - 30” 600lb (1480 PSI)
900V 8” - 24” 900lb (2220 PSI)
1500V 10” - 20” 1500lb (3705 PSI)
2500V 10” - 16” 2500lb (6170 PSI)
Single Bolt Closure 150S 2” - 8” 150lb (285 PSI)
300S 2” - 8” 300lb (740 PSI)
600S 2” - 8” 600lb (1480 PSI)
T-Bolt Hinged Closure 75 TB Horizontal 10” - 48” see page 22
150 TB Horizontal 6” - 48” see page 22
300 TB Horizontal 6” - 42” see page 22
75 TB Vertical 10” - 42” see page 22
150 TB Vertical 10” - 36” see page 22
300 TB Vertical 10” - 36” see page 22
Double-Bolt Vertical
Double-Bolt Horizontal
The Tube Turns Double Bolt Yoke Style the yoke, SA193 Grade B7 for yoke bolts and head and hub are tapered and when the
Closure is compact in size and functional in SA36 for structural components. Buna-N 0- head is closed and the yoke bolts are
design. A typical unit consists of a forged ring material is furnished unless another tightened, the head and hub are wedged
hub, a hinged blanking head, split-yoke material is specified. Yoke bolts are together, compressing the 0-ring and
clamps, operating bolts, and a self- fluorocarbon coated to lubricate the threads effecting a leakproof seal.
energizing 0-ring gasket. Materials of and prevent rust and corrosion of these
construction are in accord with ASME working parts. Maintenance Minimized
specifications and manufacture complies The standard gasket for Tube Turns Hinged
with applicable rules of the ASME Code for Tube Turns Hinged Closures can be equipped Closures is an oil-resistant 0-ring that is
Pressure Piping and with the ASME Boiler with sight glasses, drains, gauges, sampling stationary when the head is being opened or
and Pressure Vessel Code. ports, etc. The size and number of such closed. There is no rubbing or chafing that
openings is dependent upon the thickness of could cause undue wear and shorten seal
Size and Rating the closure head and whether threaded or life. The yokes separate evenly via the use
Double-bolt yoke style hinged closures are socket-weld openings are utilized. Since the of two yoke bolts preventing wear on the
available in pressures ranging from 285 PSI welding of sight glass frames, nipples, yoke contact surfaces. The yoke bolts are
to 6170 PSI and can be used in a horizontal couplings and other appurtenances to the coated with fluorocarbon to lubricate the
or vertical application. They are furnished in closure head or hub may result in distortion threads and to prevent rust and corrosion of
Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Low unless precautionary measures are taken; these working parts.
Temperature materials and other alloys these attachments should be added at time Many of our closures manufactured as far
depending upon availability of raw material. of manufacture. back as the 1960’s are still in operation only
Adding further to the completeness of Tube requiring periodic replacement of spare
Turns Hinged Closures is the availability of Faster, Easier Operation parts. Tube Turns keeps a serialized record
standard designs in sizes, 2” to 42” in Operation is smooth and direct, and even the of each closure to allow easy identification of
carbon steel, stainless steel, and other largest unit can be opened or closed in a replacement parts.
alloys. Sizes up to 72” O.D. have been matter of minutes. Turning of the actuating The Tube Turns Hinged Closure is remarkably
produced on special orders. bolts - accomplished by one man using only easy to install, too...a single circumferential
standard hand tools - spreads the yoke butt weld joining the closure hub to the pipe
Materials of Construction halves until they are fully separated, allowing end or vessel nozzle does the job.
Standard construction material is Carbon the head to be swung open on its hinge. Complete installation, operating and
Steel made to ASME specifications i.e. There is no need to tug or hammer at bulky maintenance instructions are furnished with
SA1O5 or SA106 grade B/C for the hub, flanges or heavy metal doors...or to struggle each Tube Turns Hinged Closure and
SA516 grade 70 or SA105 for the head, with bulky lugs and threads. additional copies are available upon request.
SA1O5, SA1O6 Grade B/C or SA352 LCB for Contact surfaces of the clamping yokes,
Typical of Tube Turns Yoke Type Hinged Closures being used with scraper traps.
Yoke Style Closures Allowable Working Pressures (Ratings) Manufacturer’s Statement of Code Compliance
In general, the pressure classes established for Tube Turns Hinged In the event that shop inspection and stamping in accordance with
Closures refer to ASME/ANSI B16.5 ratings used in normal piping Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is not
terminology. This is done as a matter of convenience to give the required, Tube Turns can furnish a Manufacturer’s Statement of Code
engineer a clear understanding of service limitations and the exact Compliance. This document affirms that the Hinged Closure is
Hinged Closure design required for a particular application. manufactured in accordance with the applicable requirements of the
Maximum allowable working pressures for carbon steel Tube Turns Code.
Yoke Type Hinged Closures are:
Ordering Data
Closure ASME/ANSI When inquiring and/or purchasing Tube Turns Hinged Closures,
Pressure Class Service to 450 ºF please specify the following:
150 285 1. Quantity required
300 740 2. Size required
600 1480 3. Material required
900 2220 4. Design conditions - both pressure and temperature
1500 3705 5. Minimum design metal temperature - the lowest temperature to
which closure will be subjected.
2500 6170
6. Application - horizontal (opens like a car door) or vertical (opens
like a car hood)
0-Ring Materials 7. Bore (wall thickness) required
The maximum temperatures are based on 100% compression set in 8. ASME code stamp and partial data reports required
1000 hours. The 0-rings may be used at higher temperatures but with 9. 0-ring materials required
an undetermined decreased life. 10. Corrosion allowance if applicable.
“Buna-N” - General service. Resistant to petroleum-base hydraulic
and lubricating oils; animal and vegetable oils; gases such as butane,
propane, acetylene and natural gas; aromatic and nonaromatic fuels
such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and fuel oils; anhydrous
ammonia, and water. Temperature limits: -30F to 250F; special
compounds suitable for -65F.
“Viton” - Generally used for high-temperature services. Resistant to
synthetic lubricants, petroleum-base products, some chlorinated
solvents, benzene, toluene, and many acids and alkalies. Temperature
limits: -20F to 400F.
“Ethylene Propylene”
Superior resistance to phosphate-ester type fluids, Skydrol, Pydrol,
Cellulubes and glycol type coolants. Excellent resistance to mild acids
and alkalies. Can be used in steam service. Replacing butyl rubber in
most applications. Temperature limits: -70F to 300F.
“Silicone Rubber” - Good resistance to high and low temperature
dry gases, air, oxygen and ozone. May be satisfactory in high-aniline
oils, but not recommended for use with most petroleum base
produces. Temperature limits: -65F to 450F.
Pressure Warning Device With Yoke Positioning Plate
Double Bolt Yoke Closures are equipped with 2 pressure warning devices on
each closure. The Pressure Warning Device with yoke positioning plate
provides visual and mechanical assurance that the yokes are in the correct
position over the head for commencement of operations. Additionally, the
pressure warning device serves the purpose of alerting the operator to any
residual pressure in the vessel should the operator inadvertently attempt
to open the closure before all pressure has been relieved. A pressure
warning device is located at each of the yoke splits with one of the
positioning lugs attached to each yoke half. Tightening the holding nut
on the nipple provides a seal and locks the hinged positioning plate on the positioning lugs.
Loosening the holding nut breaks the seal and provides a means by which the operator can
determine whether the vessel has been completely relieved of internal pressure. Continued
loosening of the holding nut will allow the disengagement of the positioning plate from the
positioning lugs, permitting the yoke halves to be spread and the closure to be opened.
Operating Aids
Tube Turns furnishes a variety of operating aids to speed and simplify the opening and
closing of Yoke Type Closures. These range from simple,
break-over wrenches, to chain-and-sprocket drives, to
fully automated models. Attached break-over
wrenches are available. These are attached directly
to the bolts and eliminate the need for a wrench.
Examples are on Page 21. The Chain and
Sprocket Drive option is by far the most
economical opening assist device we
offer. This is a manually operated aid which
assists in the opening and closing of the yoke
bolts. These units not only make the process
faster, they also prevent the uneven
movement of the yokes which may
cause binding. On larger closures,
ratio reduction is available to further
ease the force required to turn the
unit. Hand wheels can also be Double Bolt Yoke Closure with Chain & Sprocket Drive.
furnished which provides faster operation and
eliminates the need for additional tools. The basic pattern of the Tube Turns’ Chain and Sprocket Drives follows the basic principal of the
familiar bicycle chain and sprocket arrangement. Same size sprockets are attached to longer than standard yoke bolts. Positioned around
the sprockets is a linked belt or chain. For safety precautions, a chain and sprocket guard is furnished. A lever or crank is fitted to one of
the sprockets which, when turned, rotates both yoke bolts simultaneously. This device can be modified by changing the ratio of the
sprockets to increase the speed and ease of opening the yoke bolts. Tube Turns can further automate their yoke style closures by
designing opening and closing devices which are either electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically operated. These devices cannot only
be designed to open and close the yoke bolts, but they can also raise and lower the head for vertical applications.
Electric Operated Automated
Closures are supplied with
electric motors and
appropriate gear
boxes to drive
the yoke bolts
Tube Turns Automated Closures have flexibility of design and to open and
and can be developed and manufactured to meet your close the head.
needs. Our Automated Closures are located in Electric circuits
industries throughout the world. Applications for Tube are wired to a central
Turns Automated Closures include Pipeline Launchers junction box and a push
and Receivers and operations with batch processes button control panel is
such as pulp and paper mills, food process, chemical plants and included. A wiring diagram is provided for on-
petrochemical plants. site wiring between the junction box and control
panel to complete the installation.
In addition to this flexibility, our Automated Yoke Style Closures
have other advantages.
1. SAFETY- Automation provides a tight seal which prevents
leakage and exposure of the operators to fumes and the medium
which is potentially hazardous to their health. To prevent Pneumatic Operated Automated Closures are
inadvertent opening of these closures, they are normally supplied with air driven motors, a gear box
furnished with the following safety systems: to drive the
a. Electrically Operated Closures are equipped with a yoke bolts
pressure switch and an electrical relay. through a joint
b. Pneumatically Operated Closures are equipped chain drive
with a pressure switch and a solenoid valve. and a gear box
c. Hydraulically Operated Closures are equipped with to open and
a pressure switch and an electrical relay. close the head.
2. IMPROVED EMPLOYEE MORALE - With the Shop air from 60
environmental concerns in industry today, Tube Turns’ psi to 90 psi is used for
Automated Closure enables the operators to be stationed operation of the unit through a
away from the reactor thus eliminating their exposure to the control panel provided with
fumes and medium involved in the opening and closing lever actuated control valves.
operation. As a result, the operator’s health concerns are reduced
significantly. The very fact that in most instances the closure
head is hinged means elimination of pinched fingers and toes or
badly skinned knuckles that too often occur with the use of
3. ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS Hydraulic Operated Automated Closures are
A. It is fast! Depending upon size, the opening and closing cycle similar to those described above except that
can take less than one minute. hydraulic motors are used for the driving force. A
B. One man can open it. He does so by merely pushing a button. hydraulic pump system with electric controls can be
As a result of these savings in operating cost, an early payback provided with the units or by the end user.
in your initial investment can be realized.
4. MAINTENANCE - Since operation is simple, direct and
positive, Tube Turns’ Automated Closures require little or no
maintenance other than replacement of the O-ring and periodic
inspection of yoke bolts and nuts for wear. The human element is
virtually eliminated in that the automation mechanism of the
closure performs all the work.
Back to Clear Center to Center
OD at Face Hub Hinge to Free Yoke Opening
Nominal Over-all Welding Max. Hub Length Length End End Clearance Clearance Approx.
Size A Bevel B C D E F G J M Weight Lbs
8 12 3/4 8 5/8 2 7/8 4 1/4 5/8 8 1/8 5 15/16 16 3/4 12 5/16 90
10 14 7/8 10 3/4 3 1/8 4 7/16 5/8 9 7 3/16 20 14 5/16 150
12 17 5/8 12 3/4 3 5/16 5 3/16 3/8 9 3/8 8 1/4 22 3/8 15 5/8 180
14 19 14 3 15/16 5 1/4 5/16 9 15/16 9 24 7/8 16 7/8 220
16 21 7/8 16 4 1/4 6 1/16 9/16 13 3/16 10 11/16 29 1/8 21 3/16 380
18 24 7/8 18 4 9/16 6 1/4 1/2 14 1/4 12 1/4 33 3/4 23 11/16 480
Class 600-H 20 27 1/8 20 4 13/16 7 3/8 15 5/16 13 1/2 37 25 5/16 620
22 29 1/8 22 5 1/2 8 1 3/16 16 3/16 14 1/2 39 3/4 27 3/16 750
Double Bolt 24 32 1/8 24 5 3/8 8 3/8 1 3/16 17 7/8 15 3/8 42 1/2 29 13/16 900
Horizontal 26 34 3/8 26 5 11/16 8 9/16 1 1/4 18 1/2 16 11/16 46 1/4 31 5/8 1120
28 36 1/16 28 5 13/16 8 3/4 1 5/16 19 3/4 17 7/8 49 1/2 33 13/16 1380
30 38 9/16 30 6 3/16 9 1/2 1 3/8 20 11/16 19 52 1/4 35 3/4 1700
32 40 13/16 32 6 1/4 9 1/2 1 3/8 21 7/8 20 1/4 55 1/8 38 1/16 2000
34 43 13/16 34 6 1/4 10 1 3/16 22 15/16 21 1/2 58 1/8 40 1/4 2320
36 45 13/16 36 6 11/16 10 1/4 1 3/16 24 11/16 22 1/2 60 5/8 42 3/8 2750
38 48 7/16 38 6 11/16 10 3/4 1 5/16 25 7/8 23 5/8 63 1/4 44 9/16 3280
40 50 7/16 40 6 13/16 10 3/4 1 5/16 26 3/4 24 3/4 65 3/4 46 7/16 3450
42 53 1/16 42 7 3/16 11 7/8 1 7/16 27 13/16 26 69 1/2 48 5/8 4000
8 12 13/16 8 5/8 3 7/16 4 9/16 9/16 9 6 1/4 18 7/16 13 5/16 140
10 15 15/16 10 3/4 3 11/16 5 7/8 1 1/16 11 1/16 7 3/4 22 1/4 16 3/8 230
12 18 15/16 12 3/4 4 9/16 6 3/8 11/16 12 1/2 9 3/16 25 7/8 19 340
14 20 1/2 14 4 11/16 6 5/8 13/16 13 1/8 9 15/16 28 1/16 20 1/4 430
16 23 16 5 1/8 7 1/2 11/16 15 7/16 11 1/4 31 1/4 23 3/16 600
18 25 1/16 18 5 3/8 7 13/16 1 17 12 1/4 35 25 13/16 900
20 28 3/8 20 5 15/16 8 1/2 1 1/8 17 7/8 13 1/2 37 5/8 27 3/4 1200
22 30 1/2 22 6 1/4 8 3/4 1 3/16 19 1/8 14 13/16 40 7/8 30 1/8 1580
Class 900-H 24 33 1/8 24 6 5/8 9 1/2 1 1/4 20 7/16 16 1/8 44 1/2 32 9/16 2000
Double Bolt 26 35 1/8 26 7 9 3/4 1 9/16 21 3/4 17 1/2 47 3/4 35 2100
Horizontal 28 38 1/4 28 7 3/16 10 1/2 1 3/16 24 18 3/4 51 37 13/16 2550
30 40 3/8 30 8 5/16 10 13/16 1 1/8 25 3/16 20 1/16 54 40 1/8 3100
32 43 32 8 5/8 11 1/2 1 7/16 26 3/4 21 5/16 57 1/2 42 3/4 3700
34 45 3/4 34 8 1/16 12 1/2 1 5/8 27 3/4 22 5/8 61 44 7/8 4200
36 48 5/8 36 10 13 5/16 1 13/16 30 23 15/16 64 1/2 47 3/4 5200
38 50 5/8 38 9 11/16 13 3/8 1 11/16 31 5/16 25 3/16 67 5/8 50 1/8 5700
40 53 3/4 40 9 3/4 13 3/4 1 9/16 32 5/8 26 1/2 70 3/4 52 9/16 6600
42 55 7/8 42 10 9/16 14 1/8 1 3/4 34 27 13/16 74 1/8 55 1/16 7600
6 11 13/16 6 5/8 4 3/16 6 7/8 9 1/16 5 1/2 16 3/4 12 1/2 125
8 14 1/16 8 5/8 4 5/16 6 1/4 7/8 10 5/8 6 3/4 20 1/4 15 1/4 230
10 17 1/16 10 3/4 4 7/8 7 1/2 1 3/8 11 7/8 8 3/8 24 1/2 17 1/2 400
12 20 1/8 12 3/4 5 3/16 8 1/2 2 1/16 13 3/4 10 29 1/16 20 11/16 650
14 21 5/8 14 6 8 3/4 1 9/16 15 5/16 10 3/4 30 3/4 22 5/16 800
Class 1500-H 16 24 7/8 16 5 1/16 10 2 5/16 17 12 3/8 35 25 3/8 1200
Double Bolt 18 27 9/16 18 7 1/16 10 1/2 2 1/8 19 13 3/4 40 28 3/8 1600
Horizontal 20 30 3/4 20 7 1/2 10 3/4 1 9/16 19 5/8 15 5/16 43 1/2 30 3/8 2200
22 33 22 8 1/16 12 2 20 16 1/2 46 33 1/8 2700
24 36 7/8 24 8 7/16 12 3/4 2 1/4 23 7/8 18 3/8 51 37 1/8 3550
26 39 11/16 26 9 13 3/4 2 9/16 24 1/2 19 13/16 54 7/8 38 13/16 4500
28 41 5/16 28 10 1/8 14 3/4 3 27 20 11/16 58 7/8 41 1/4 5200
30 44 5/8 30 10 1/4 15 3/4 3 3/8 28 1/2 22 5/16 62 1/2 44 3/16 6200
All dimensions are in inches. When ordering, please specify type, nominal size, bore, material and service conditions. NOTE: Type H Double Bolt Horizontal model closure is
normally installed with hinge at the left when viewed facing the closure. If hinge location is desired in other than left position, this information should be made available at
time of order. Otherwise opening, closing and maintaining correct yoke gap are problems that can result. Tube Turns Hinged Closures are regularly furnished in carbon
steel; however, closures are also available in high yield strength steels. Closures are also available in other metals and alloys and in other sizes and pressure classes on
special order. Chain-and-Sprocket Drives are available at extra cost (see page 8). Attached Break-Over Wrenches are available at extra cost (see page 21). For Pressure-
Temperature Ratings, see page 7.
Class H Double-Bolt Horizontal Parts List
1. Hub 9. Nut (RH) 17. Hub Hinge Arm (Lower) 25. Support Arm
2. Head 10. Nut (LH) 18. Hinge Tube 26. 0-Ring
3. Yoke 11. Yoke Bolt 19. Hinge Bearing 27. Pressure Warning
4. Bolt Holder (W) 12. Wrench Lug 20. Hinge Rod Device and Positioning
5. Bolt Holder (L) 13. Wrench Lug Pin 21. Hinge Rod Nut Plate
6. Cap Screws 14. Cover Plate 22. Lockwasher 28. Positioning Lugs
7. Yoke Bolt Bushing 15. Cap Screws 23. Head Hinge Arm
8. Collar 16. Hub Hinge Arm (Upper) 24. Head Handle
Spare Parts—It is suggested that the following spare parts be stocked for each closure:
Four 0-Rings …………………………………………………..……..………………………………………………………………..……..…………… Part No. 26
Two Yoke Bolt Units consisting of:
Part Nos ……………………………………………………………………………………..……..…….……………………………………….. 7,8,9,10,11,12&13
When ordering spare parts, give amount, description, part number and size, pressure class and serial number of closure (located on front of yoke or ASME nameplate).
All dimensions are in inches. When ordering, please specify type, nominal size, bore, material and service conditions. Tube Turns Hinged Closures are regularly furnished in
carbon steel; however, closures are also available in high yield strength steels. Closures are also available in other metals and alloys and in other sizes and pressure classes
on special order. Lifting Eyes are provided on Vertical types when specified. Vertical Hinged Closures are furnished with spring-loaded heads. Heads counter-balanced by
weights can be provided for larger sizes. They can be provided by Tube Turns on special orders. Chain-and Sprocket Drives are available at extra cost (see page 8). Attached
Break-Over Wrenches are available at extra cost (see page 21). For Pressure-Temperature Ratings, see page 7
All dimensions are in inches. When ordering, please specify type, nominal size, bore, material and service conditions. Tube Turns Hinged Closures are regularly furnished in
carbon steel; however, closures are also available in high yield strength steels. Closures are also available in other metals and alloys and in other sizes and pressure classes
on special order. Lifting Eyes are provided on Vertical types when specified. Vertical Hinged Closures are furnished with spring-loaded heads. Heads counter-balanced by
weights can be provided for larger sizes. They can be provided by Tube Turns on special orders. Chain-and Sprocket Drives are available at extra cost (see page 8). Attached
Break-Over Wrenches are available at extra cost (see page 21). For Pressure-Temperature Ratings, see page 7
Class V Double-Bolt Vertical Parts List
1. Hub 8. Collar 15. Cap Screws 22. Stop Arm 29. Adjusting Plate
2. Head 9. Nut (RH) 16. Hub Hinge Arm (RH) 23. Head Hinge Arm 30. Lock Screw
3. Yoke 10. Nut (LH) 17. Hub Hinge Arm (LH) 24. Head Handle 31. Pressure Warning
4. Bolt Holder (W) 11. Yoke Bolt 18. Hinge Tube 25. Support Arm Device And
5. Bolt Holder (L) 12. Wrench Lug 19. Hinge Bearing 26. 0-Ring Positioning Plate
6. Cap Screws 13. Wrench Lug Pin 20. Hinge Rod 27. Spring (RH) 32. Positioning Lugs
7. Yoke Bolt Bushing 14. Cover Plate 21. Hinge Rod Nut 28. Spring (LH)
Spare Parts—It is suggested that the following spare parts be stocked for each closure:
Four 0-Rings
……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… Part No. 26
Two Yoke Bolt Units consisting of:
Part Nos …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7,8,9,10,11,12&13
When ordering spare parts, give amount, description, part number and size, pressure class and serial number of closure
(located on front of yoke or ASME name plate).Example: (1) 0-ring - Part Number 26 - 8” CL 600 - S/N 13845
All dimensions are in inches. When ordering, please specify type, nominal size, Bore, Material and service conditions.
S-Bolt Closures are regularly furnished in carbon steel however, they are also available in other metals and alloys.
Class S/Swing Bolt Parts List
1. Hub 6. Yoke (Upper) 10. Swing Bolt 15. Pressure Warning
2. Hub Hinge Lug 7. Yoke (Lower) 11. Swing Bolt Nut Device and Positioning
3. Head 8. Hinge Eye Bolt 12. Swing Bolt Pin Plate
4. Hinge Arm 9. Cotter Pin (2” thru 6”) 13. 0-Ring 16. Positioning Lugs
5. Hinge Bolt 9A. Eye Bolt Nut (8”) 14. Hinge Bolt Nut 17. Washer
Spare Parts—It is suggested that the following spare parts be stocked for each closure:
Pressure Warning Device Parts List
1. Holding Nut 5. Positioning Plate
2. Gasket 6. Hinge Pin
3. Nipple 7. Hinge
4. Plate Stop 8. Positioning Lugs
1 8
GENERAL INFORMATION Warning Feature Operating Savings
The holding lugs are mounted on the Tube Turns T-Bolt Hinged Closures provide
Tube Turns’ exclusive T-Bolt Closure is closure head at an angle of approximately savings of time and labor. The semi-
designed expressly for nominal pressure 10°. This provides a valuable feature, for elipsiodal shape of the T-Bolt Closure has
applications. Less expensive and much the angular mounting requires that the T- greater pressure-holding capacity than a
more satisfactory than blind flanges and bolt be backed off an extra turn or two flat plate of equal thickness. This permits
job-fabricated closure devices, it is ideal before it will swing out of the holding substantial weight reduction: the head of a
for: position. 24” T-Bolt Closure, for instance, weighs
1. Manways for storage tanks, mixing Thus, if there is pressure in the vessel only 100 pounds, as compared with 410
vessels, filters, separators and other batch while it is being opened, initial turns of the pounds for a comparable size 150 lb blind
equipment. flange. And the mechanical advantage
2. Caps for inspection ports and other afforded by the hinge arrangement further
access openings on towers and reactors. reduces the force needed to open a T-Bolt
3. Handholes on processing equipment and Closure. Bolting is also simplified. A 24” T-
medical or laboratory apparatus such as Bolt Closure has but five bolts, while the
hyperbaric chambers. same size 150 lb flange requires 20.
Furthermore, the T-bolts remain attached
Economically Priced to the closure when it is opened,
Low initial cost is an especially attractive eliminating possibilities of dropped or
feature of the Tube Turns T-Bolt Closure. A misplaced nuts, bolts and washers.
complete unit normally costs less than the
component parts for a blind and slip-on Full Size Range
flange combination. There are no bolts permit the head to lift slightly and the Standard Tube Turns T-Bolt Hinged
additional expenses for hinges, hoists, contained fluid escapes, alerting the Closures are furnished in carbon steel,
davits, etc., as the closure us fully operator to possible danger. Further stainless steel, & other alloys. Sizes range
assembled when shipped. Furthermore, movement of the head is restrained, since from 6” thru 66”.
installation and labor charges are held to a the T-bolt is confined within the holding
minimum; a single butt weld joins the lug.
closure to the nozzle vessel.
Compact Design
Simplicity of construction and operation
are keynotes of the Tube Turns T-Bolt
Hinged Closure. The closure consists of a
thick semi-ellipsiodal head that is hinged
to a matching hub, a self energized O-ring
and a suitable number of T-Bolts to effect
and maintain a tight seal. For most
services, the standard materials—carbon
steel and a “Buna-N” 0-ring are
satisfactory. Other metals and elastomers
are furnished on special request.
The T-Bolt Hinged Closure is opened
quickly and easily. The operator merely
loosens the T-Bolts until they clear the
head lugs and allow the head to be swung
open on its hinge. Complete, unrestricted
access is provided, too, since the standard
hinging permits a full 180°opening.
Break-Over Wrenches and Camlocks are optional
attachments and accessories adding further to the
versatility and utility of our T-Bolt Closures. Attachment of
either of these options to the closure’s T-Bolts provides
extra convenience, speed and ease in tightening the bolts.
These attachments eliminate the need for separate
Tightened Loosened
Closure Size 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Weight of Head (lbs) 7 12 19 22 32 41 53 67 74 100 112 125 139 169 184 269 295 322 346
Force to Lift Head (lbs) 4 9 12 15 20 26 32 40 44 58 62 71 76 90 106 149 168 186 231
Above ratings good for 450F. “Buna-N” is the standard 0-ring gasket
material. For services above 250F or where special corrosive
conditions are to be encountered, 0-rings of “Viton”, Silicone Rubber,
“Neoprene’ Ethylene Propylene, “Teflon Encapsulated” (Viton or
Silicone Core) can be furnished at an extra charge. Refer to Page 7
All dimension are in inches. When ordering, please specify class, nominal size, bore, material and service conditions. T-Bolt
Closures with longer hubs; Closures made to I.D. dimensions; or Closures equipped with Sight Glasses, Break-over Wrenches,
Camlocks and other accessories are available on special order. *Standard Closures are taper bored to match standard wall thickness.
All dimension are in inches. When ordering, please specify class, nominal size, bore, material and service conditions. T-Bolt Closures with longer hubs; Closures made to I.D.
dimensions; or Closures equipped with Sight Glasses, Break-over Wrenches, Camlocks and other accessories are available on special order. *Standard Closures are taper
bored to match standard wall thickness.
All dimension are in inches. When ordering, please specify class, nominal size, bore, material and service conditions. T-Bolt Closures
with longer hubs; Closures made to I.D. dimensions; or Closures equipped with Sight Glasses, Break-over Wrenches, Camlocks and
other accessories are available on special order. *Standard Closures are taper bored to match standard wall thickness.
T-Bolt Closure Horizontal Parts List
1. Head Handle 4. Hinge Bushings 7. Hub 10. Tapped Swing Nut 13. Hinge Bolt Washer
2. Head Bolt Lug 5. Head Hinge Arm 8. Head Bolt 11. Hub Nut Mounts 14. Hinge Bolt
3. Head 6. 0-Ring 9. Head Bolt Washer 12. Hinge Bolt Nut 15. Hub Hinge Arms
Spare Parts: Stock two extra O-rings per closure for each individual
closure. If several closures of the same size are installed close to one
another, the number of extra O-rings may be reduced.
Replacement bolts and swing nuts are readily available from Tube Turns.
1. Seller offers to sell to Buyer, or accepts return of any product by Buyer may not be furnished in accordance with particular
Buyer’s offer to purchase, on the condition that made without advance written consent by designs, specifications or instructions furnished
Buyer assents to the terms contained herein. Seller and, at Seller’s option, shall be subject to or’ expressly or impliedly prescribed by Buyer
Buyer’s failure to provide seller with notification a cancellation, alteration or return charge and not customarily followed by Seller in the
of any objection to these terms within a period acceptable to Seller. course of its general business, and Buyer will
of five days after receipt of this instrument or 9. Seller warrants that its products are free indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and
Buyer’s acceptance of any product shipped from defects in material and workmanship. against all loss, cost, expense, damage and
hereunder constitutes assent by the Buyer to 10. In the event of breach of any warranty liability of any nature or kind for or on account
these terms. Seller’s acceptance of Buyer’s hereunder, Seller’s sole and exclusive liability of any patented or unpatented invention or
offer to purchase, or Buyer’s acceptance shall be at its option either to repair or replace, trade secret which in compliance with any such
hereof, is limited and restricted to these terms. f.o.b. point of shipment, any defective product, designs, specifications or instructions is
Seller objects to and refuses to be bound by or to accept return, transportation prepaid, of embodied in any product furnished hereunder.
any terms additional to or different from those such product and refund the purchase price; in 12. Seller shall not, except as set forth above,
contained herein. either case provided that such product within be otherwise liable to Buyer or to any person
2. Prices are subject to change without notice, 12 months from date of shipment to Buyer is who shall purchase from Buyer, or use, any
and all orders are to be invoiced at Seller’s found by Seller to have been defective at the products supplied hereunder for damages of
prices prevailing at time of shipment. time of such shipment, that the product has any kind, including, but not limited to, direct,
3. Any taxes which Seller may be required to been installed and operated in accordance with indirect, special or consequential damages or
pay or collect under existing or future law upon generally approved practice and in accordance loss of production or loss of profits resulting
or with respect to the sale, purchase, delivery, with Seller’s instructions, that no repairs, from any cause whatsoever, including, but not
transportation, storage, processing, use, or alterations or replacements have been made by limited to, any delay, act, error or omission of
consumption of any of the products or services others without Seller’s written approval, and Seller.
covered hereby, including all taxes upon or that Buyer notifies Seller in writing within 15 13. Technical information, recommendations
measured by receipts from sales or services, days after the defect becomes apparent and and advice as to properties and usages of
shall be for the account of Buyer, who shall promptly furnishes full particulars in connection materials, design, installation and use of
promptly pay the amount thereof to Seller upon therewith; and provided further that in no event products, engineering and other matters are
demand. shall the aggregate liability of Seller in provided as an accommodation and are
4. All accounts are payable in United States connection with breach of any warranty or intended only as suggestions. Although they are
funds, free of exchange, collection or other warranties exceed the purchase price paid for believed to be accurate, based on Seller’s best
charges. If Buyer fails to fulfill the terms of the products purchased hereunder. Seller, may, knowledge and experience, Seller assumes no
payment or if Seller shall have any doubt at any at its option, require the return of any product, obligation or liability for any results obtained in
time as to Buyer’s financial responsibility, Seller transportation and duties prepaid, to establish their use or application, and they are not to be
may suspend production and decline to make any claim of defect made by Buyer. EXCEPT AS construed as establishing any warranty,
shipment or delivery except upon receipt of EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS INSTRUMENT, express or implied.
cash or security satisfactory to Seller. SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR 14. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of
5. Unless otherwise specifically provided IMPLIED, AND DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE and be binding upon the successors and
herein, delivery will be made f.o.b. point of PRODUCTS SOLD HEREUNDER ARE assigns of the parties hereto.
shipment, all risk of loss shall pass to Buyer MERCHANTABLE OR FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR
upon delivery to carrier, and Buyer shall be PURPOSE.
responsible for obtaining insurance if desired. 11. Seller will defend at its own expense any
The method and agency of transportation and suit or legal proceeding instituted against
the routing, unless specified on the face hereof, Buyer, and will pay any damages and costs
will be selected by Seller, and Seller reserves awarded therein against Buyer, insofar as the
the right to ship freight collect. Shipping dates same are based on a claim that any product
are approximate and are based on prompt furnished hereunder, except as excluded below,
receipt of all necessary information. in itself constitutes an infringement of any
6. Seller shall not be liable for any delay in United States patent, provided Buyer gives
performance due to fire, explosion, casualty, Seller prompt written notice of such
strike or other labor difficulties, shortage of infringement claim and of the institution of
material, utility, facility or labor, delay in such suit or proceeding and also gives Seller all
transportation, breakdown or accident, necessary authority, information and
compliance with or other action taken to carry reasonable assistance to enable Seller, at
out the intent or purpose of any law or Seller’s option, to settle or defend the same. In
regulation, or any cause whether similar or case any said product is held in such suit to
dissimilar beyond Seller’s reasonable control, constitute an infringement and its use is
and Seller shall have such additional time for enjoined, Seller at its own expense will either
performance as may reasonably necessary procure for Buyer the right to continue using
under the circumstances and the right to said product, or modify same so that it
apportion its production among its customers in becomes non-infringing, or replace it with a
any manner it sees fit. non-infringing product, or remove the product
7. Any claims for shortages, damaged products, and refund the purchase price paid therefor by
or non-conformance of products with the order Buyer. The foregoing provisions state Seller’s
must be made in writing within ten (10) days entire obligation and liability for patent
after receipt of shipment, and Seller must be infringement; and it is understood and agreed
afforded an opportunity to investigate. that there shall be excluded from the operation
8. Cancellation or alteration of an order or of said provisions any and all products
2005 Sypris Technologies, Inc., Tube Turns Division Printed in U.S.A. TTTIJ0499