Criteria For New Element Discovery:: by Sigurd Hofmann
Criteria For New Element Discovery:: by Sigurd Hofmann
Criteria For New Element Discovery:: by Sigurd Hofmann
llure and romance are rarely expected in an • I. Ulehla (IUPAP; Czechoslovakia), Secretary
article presented under the bulky headline • R.C. Barber (IUPAP; Canada)
“Criteria that must be satisfied for the dis- • N.N. Greenwood (IUPAC; UK)
covery of a new chemical element to be recognized.” • A. Hrynkiewicz (IUPAP; Poland)
However, the members of the Transfermium Working • Y.P. Jeannin (IUPAC; France)
Group (TWG) worked out a most fascinating publica- • M. Lefort (IUPAP; France)
tion on a difficult subject during the years from 1988 • M. Sakai (IUPAP; Japan)
to 1991 [1].
It is to the credit of the members of TWG that the
In order to solve problems related to the discovery of article became an exciting lecture on the spirit behind
transfermium elements, which included claims up to research, in particular on the study of new heavy and su-
element 109 at that time, IUPAC and the International perheavy elements and nuclei. Two most impressive ex-
Union of Pure and Physics (IUPAP) had jointly launched tracts of the TWG report are presented in the following:
TWG for working out appropriate criteria and rules so
that existing claims for discovery could be settled and “The centuries-old history of the definition and dis-
that in the future the priority of discovering new ele- covery of chemical elements has a deep scientific
ments could be decided timely and unambiguously. As and general fascination. This is because the prob-
a result, the 1991 article on the criteria for discovery of lem is of an essentially finite scope: there can only
a new element was prepared by A.H. Wapstra as secre- be a limited number of species of atomic nuclei
tary in the name of the TWG, consisting of: containing different numbers of protons that can
Transfermium Working Group visit the Berkeley laboratory, 19-23 June 1989. The photo shows the nine members
of TWG and Glenn Seaborg as the host of the group. Front row: Ivan Ulehla (Czechoslovakia, co-secretary), Denys
Wilkinson (UK, chairman), Glenn Seaborg (USA, leader of LBNL), Yves Jeannin (France). Back row: Marc Lefort (France),
Norman Greenwood (UK), Andrzej Hrynkiewicz, (Poland), Mitsuo Sakai (Japan), Robert Barber (Canada), Aaldert
Wapstra (co-secretary, Netherlands). Jeannin and Greenwood were named by IUPAC, the others by IUPAP. The TWG
has held the following meetings, of which the first and last were "private", with the remainder in the laboratories of
chief concern: 3-5 February 1988, Nonant (France); 12-17 December 1988, Darmstadt (Germany); 19-23 June 1989,
Berkeley (USA); 12-16 February 1990, Dubna (Russia); and 16-20 April 1990, Prague (Czechoslovakia).
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Criteria for New Element Discovery:
All these experimental
and human imperfections
can lead to ambiguities
and controversies which
do not allow for an imme-
diate recognition of an ex-
perimental result as being
correct or, in the case of
conflicting data, to deter-
mine which is correct.
In order to solve the
problems related to the
assignment of priority of
discovery of elements 101
to 109, TWG applied its
1991 criteria to the existing
claims of these elements.
The result was published
in 1993 [2]. The follow-
ing years saw a number
of consultations and ex-
Inside the UNILAC at the GSI
changing of letters in or-
der to find agreement between IUPAC, IUPAP, and the presented in [7]. Another claim on the discovery of
involved laboratories. At that time this included Law- element 113 was submitted by a Japanese-Chinese
rence Berkeley Laboratory, (now Lawrence Berkeley collaboration working at the Gas-filled Recoil Separa-
National Laboratory (LBNL)), in California, USA, the tor (GARIS) at the Institute of Physical and Chemical
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Research (RIKEN) at Saitama near Tokyo in 2004 [8].
Russia, and the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Subsequently, most of the experiments were repeat-
(GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany. Eventually, a final IUPAC ed at the claiming laboratories, in many cases inde-
Recommendations for the names and symbols of these pendently at other research centres as well. Most of
elements were published in 1997 [3]. These names and the results were confirmed.
symbols as they appear now in the Periodic Table of The claims for discovery of elements from 110 to
the Elements were also accepted by IUPAP and the in- 118 were investigated by four newly established Joint
volved laboratories. Working Parties (JWPs) of IUPAC and IUPAP in the
Discussion on the priority of discovery of elements years from 2001 to 2016. In six IUPAC Technical Re-
up to 109 was still ongoing in 1995 and 1996 when dis- ports, the JWPs assigned priority of discovery of the
covery of further elements 110, 111, and 112 was claimed elements from 110 to 118 on the basis of the criteria
by an international collaboration working at the Sep- published by TWG in 1991. The decisions were accept-
arator for Heavy Ion Reaction Products (SHIP) at GSI. ed by IUPAC, IUPAP, and in particular by the involved
A review of all the results was presented and published laboratories. Discovery of elements 110 to 112 was as-
in 2000 [4]. The most recent results of this series of signed to the collaboration at GSI, 113 to the collabo-
experiments have been published in 2002 [5]. In 1999, ration at RIKEN and 114 to 118 to the collaborations at
discovery of element 114 was announced by interna- JINR. According to the rules for the ‘Naming of New
tional research collaborations working at the energy Elements’ published as IUPAC Recommendations in
filter VASSILISSA and the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil 2002 [9] with an update from 2016 [10] these elements
Separator (DGFRS) at JINR. Subsequently, interna- received their names as suggested by the discoverers.
tional collaborations working at DGFRS announced These names and symbols from darmstadtium, Ds, for
claims for discovery of elements 116, 118, 115, 113, and element 110 to oganesson, Og, for element 118 are list-
117 in chronological order in the years up to 2010. The ed in IUPAC’s recent Periodic Table of the Elements.
most recent discovery was published in [6]. A sum- The remarkable growth of research on superheavy
mary of all results of the Dubna experiments has been nuclei and elements based on the development of
Foundation meeting of the JWG in Egelsbach near Darmstadt, Germany, 20-22 May 2017. Left to right: Sigurd
Hofmann (Chair), Sergey Dmitriev, Jacklyn Gates, Natalia Tarasova (2017 President of IUPAC) proudly keeping
the Chart of Nuclei in her hands, Bruce McKellar (2017 President of IUPAP), James Roberto, Hideyuki Sakai (Vice
Chair), and Claes Fahlander, respectfully holding the Periodic Table of the Elements.
intensive beams of rare but stable isotopes, the use of of the mutual dependence of chemistry and physics
neutron rich radioactive targets of actinides, and high- becomes apparent in cases when radioactive isotopes
ly sensitive detection methods was difficult to envis- of actinides are needed for the irradiation. An impres-
age at the time when criteria and rules for assigning sive example is the production and purification of the
priority of discovery of new elements were set up in isotope 249Bk by chemists of the Oak Ridge National
1991. Therefore, not all criteria take into account spe- Laboratory, Tennessee, USA. This isotope with a half-
cific advantages or any problems and difficulties ad- life of only 327 days was needed for the synthesis of
herent to the production and identification methods element 117 at JINR. The work of those chemists was
being in use now. honoured with naming this element after the state of
A new Joint Working Group (JWG) was created their laboratory, tennessine.
by IUPAC and IUPAP at the beginning of 2017 with Our first meeting with participation of the then re-
the task to review the criteria and rules worked out spective Presidents Natalia P. Tarasova of IUPAC and
by the 1991 TWG in the light of the experimental and Bruce H. J. McKellar of IUPAP took place in Egelsbach
theoretical advances in the field. The new JWG con- near GSI in Darmstadt, Germany, 20-22 May 2017 (see
sists of six members: photo). After election of a chairman and a vice chair-
man, both presidents communicated the Terms of
• Sigurd Hofmann (IUPAC; GSI, Germany), Chairman Reference for JWG. A second four-hour meeting was
• Hideyuki Sakai (IUPAP; RIKEN, Japan), Vice Chair- arranged during the 3rd International Symposium on
man Super-Heavy Elements in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, on
• Sergey N. Dmitriev (IUPAC; JINR, Russia) 11 September 2017.
• Claes Fahlander (IUPAP; Lund University, Sweden) At the first meeting in Egelsbach we exchanged
• Jacklyn M. Gates (IUPAP; LBNL, US) opinions on the subject and discussed a possible lay-
• James B. Roberto (IUPAC; ORNL, US) out of our report. Considering the update of the crite-
ria in the context of recent discoveries and expected
Three members were suggested by IUPAC and three future search experiments for new elements we felt it
by IUPAP. The restriction excluding the appointment also necessary to present a short retrospective on the
of members from a claimant laboratory which applies elaborate work of experimentalists and JWPs accord-
to JWPs does not apply to our JWG, which is not eval- ing to the Chinese proverb: “If you want to learn about
uating any claims. Two members are nuclear chemists the future, you have to look into the past.”
and four nuclear physicists. This reflects that nuclear The retrospective research revealed that the task
decay properties are eventually needed for the iden- of our JWG differs from that of the TWG functioning
tification of an isotope, although chemical separation during the years 1988 to 1991. At that time, criteria
may have been or will be performed. The importance were developed for assigning priority of discovery of
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Criteria for New Element Discovery:
of new elements beyond
the known region of spher-
ical superheavy nuclei at
Z = 114 and neutron number
N = 184. Such new regions
could arise from the stabi-
lizing effect of a next single
or double shell closure for
spherical nuclei, from a spe-
cial arrangement of the en-
ergy levels for protons and/
or neutrons for deformed
nuclei, or due to bubble or
donut like arrangements of
Festive christening of element 112 as copernicium, Cn, at the GSI in the nucleons.
Darmstadt, Germany, on 12 July 2010. Identification of new
elements is relatively
elements for which discovery was already claimed up to straightforward when the produced isotopes can be
meitnerium with element number Z = 109. Our present identified via a sequence of subsequent α decays ge-
aim was to work out criteria for assigning discovery of netically connected to known daughter products and
new elements beyond oganesson, Z = 118, which may using known reactions, e.g. fusion evaporation reac-
be discovered in the future. Therefore, it was essential tions, and established identification methods. In this
to estimate on the basis of known data and theoretical case only one measured decay chain could be suffi-
studies which new elements will most likely be searched cient for safely assigning priority of discovery. This is
for, what their decay properties may be, and which way the first isotopes of the elements from bohrium,
methods could be applied for production and identifi- Z = 107, to nihonium, Z = 113, were identified.
cation using present and near-future technology. However, the identification of an isotope using
The detailed study of the publications claiming dis- genetic relations is not always straight forward. The
covery of a new element revealed that in general the assignment of a decay chain genetically linked to a
nature of the experimental data is such that an abso- potentially known isotope requires that no other pos-
lutely secure identification in a first attempt is rarely sible candidate with similar properties exists that could
possible when new regions in the chart of nuclei are be mistaken for the isotope that is believed to be well
explored, where decay chains produced by subse- known. Similarly, in irradiations of a target with heavy
quent α decays are not connected to known nuclei, or ions it is a priori not possible to assign a measured de-
the small number of produced nuclei does not allow cay chain to the product of a fusion reaction and in
for a convincing identification by characteristic X-rays. particular not to an isotope produced by evaporation
Only the combination of information from various ir- of only neutrons.
radiations and measurements results in a secure iden- This relatively simple example already reveals the
tification. The term “discovery profile” was already difficulties which can arise with the interpretation of
coined for this method of linking results from different experimental results. In our JWG report we discuss
obtainable measurements in different laboratories in the criteria listed in the 1991 TWG report in the light
the 1991 TWG report. This was the procedure from the of the present technical possibilities and improved
end of the 1990s and the beginning of the new millen- physical and chemical knowledge obtained from the
nium through which the isotopes of new elements with successful production and identification of isotopes in
proton numbers from 114 to 118 could be safely and rel- the region of superheavy nuclei and elements. We dis-
atively quickly identified. These isotopes were located cuss in detail various identification methods and point
in the theoretically predicted and now experimentally out specifically the experimental problems which can
confirmed region of spherical superheavy nuclei, also arise and which can hamper the interpretation of the
known as the island of stability. measurements. Also considered are physical proper-
A similar situation may occur in the future when ex- ties of the reaction for production and properties of
perimentalists will search for new regions of isotopes the nuclear decays. All this information is intended as
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