Advertising Help Paper

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Advertising Paper MCQ’s

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Best of Luck!
Regards: Raja Harris Kiani

Chapter 1
1. Any paid type of non-personal promotion and presentation of goods, services or ideas by
an identified sponsor is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

2. Which is included in Promotional Mix

a) Personal Selling
b) Product
c) Mass consumer
d) Indirect Marketing

Chapter 2
3. Distribution channel decisions include.

a) Selecting
b) Managing
c) Motivating
d) All of Above

4. Which is not included in Distribution intermediaries

a) Brokers/ Distributers
b) Wholesalers
c) Consumer
d) Retailers
Chapter 3
5. The Term, Client in an ad agency, Refers to the
a) Advertiser or organization that has the product, service or cause that needs to marked.
b) Media
c) Purchaser
b) Advertising agency

6. The ______ primary’s function is to provide information and entertainment to their

a) Clients
b) Advertising agencies
c) Customer’s
d) Media’s

Chapter 4
7. Which is not the stage of the Consumer Decision-Making Process
a) New needs or wants
b) Problem recognition
c) Information search
d) Alternative evaluation
8. Problem Recognition occurs when  the _____ perceives a need and becomes motivated to solve
the problem.
a) Retailer
b) Wholesalers
c) Consumer
d) Advertising agency

Chapter 5
9. Decoding is the process of transforming the ______ message back into thought
a) Receivers
b) Sender’s
c) persons
d) hacker
10. FCB grid describes four primary advertising planning strategies which are:
a) Informative/ Affective
b) Habit Formation
c) Self Satisfaction
d) All of Above

Chapter 6
11. The Process by which an individual is motivated to seek some type of relationship with the
source and thus adopts similar beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors is known as :
a) Power
b) Compliance
c) Internalization
d) Identification
12. An emotional response by making people laugh or feel good about a company or brand.
a) Fear Appeal
b) Comparative ads
c) Humor Appeals
d) None of these

1. Developing an integrated marketing communications plan requires ________.

a) Planning, executing, evaluating and controlling.
b) Planning, processing, executing and controlling.
c) Analyzing, evaluating, processing and controlling.
d) Planning, evaluating , managing, controlling.
2. One of the major tools of direct marketing is_______________, whereby a product is
promoted through an ad that encourages the consumer to purchase directly from the
a) Direct response advertising
b) Social media advertising
c) Print advertising
d) Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Chapter 2:

1. Under Armour developed dynamic advertising, sponsorships of sports leagues, a creative

Web site and celebrity spokespeople to promote their sports and clothing products.
Under Armour is engaged in:
a) a concentrated market strategy
b) a centralized market strategy
c) integrated marketing communications
d) an undifferentiated market strategy

2. ____________ means dividing the market on the basis of personality.

a) psychographic segmentation
b) demographic segmentation
c) behavioristic segmentation
d) none of above
Chapter 3:
1. Which is not the participant of IMC process?
a) Advertiser
b) Financial institutions
c) Marketing Communication Specialist Organizations
d) All of the above

2. Which is the NOT the obstacle of implementing IMC?

a) Lack of people with the broad perspective and skills to make it work
b) Internal turf battles
c) None of above
d) Fear of budget reductions
Chapter 4:

1. “____________ is the action and decisions process or people who purchase goods and
services for personal consumption.”
a) Consumer behavior
b) Consumer interest
c) Consumer attitude
d) None of above

2. In terms of consumer behavior; culture, social class, and reference group influences have
been related to purchase and _______________.
a) Economic situations
b) Situational influences
c) Consumption decisions
d) All of above
Chapter 5:
1. From a_________, every marketing message has three components that is object, sign
and symbol, interpretant .
a) semiotic perspective
b) aerial perspective
c) angular perspective
d) none of above

2. __________provides a useful way for those involved in the advertising planning process
to analyze consumer /product relationships and develop appropriate promotional
a) FCB planning model
b) Dissonance/Attribution Model
c) Model of Cognitive Response

d) None of above
Chapter 6
1. Comparative ads are useful in which of the following
a) Especially useful for new brands
b) Often used for brands with small market share
c) Used often in political advertising
d) All of the above

2. Which one is not the risk of using celebrities as endorser in advertisement ?

a) The celebrity may overshadow the product being endorsed
b) Celebrities in advertising build brand awareness, and they build it much more quickly
c) The affinity consumers have for certain celebrities can greatly influence their
d) b and c both.

Chapter# 1

1. What is marketing?
A. An Organizational function
B. To introduce something
C Both A&B
D. Selling items

2. What is the Goal of IMC?

A. To create value.
B. Marketing
C.To generate short-term financial returns.
D. Price control
Chapter # 2

1. What is the process for Target marketing?

A. Determine market segmentation.
B.Select market to target.
C. Product introduction
D. Both A&B

2. Under Armour protect its house due to:

A. Low prices.
B. Unique marketing strategy.
C. Strong Brand reputation.
D. Word of mouth.

Chapter # 3

1. The way a company organizes depends on?

A. Its size.
B. Numbers of employees.
B. Good will.
D. Good reputation.

2. What is the reason for using an ad agency?

A. Low cost.
B. Highly skilled specialist.
C. Good quality.
D. Expensive.

Chapter# 4
1.What is Consumer Behavior?
A. The process of selecting, purchasing and evaluating products and services.
B. The process of using products and services.
C. The process of selling products and services.
D. All of these above.

2. Define process of reputation?

A. Good will, Brand image, brand value.
B. Receive,select, organize,interpret.
C. Both A&B
D. Raw materials, manufacturing, distribution.

Chapter# 5

1.. How many types of communication channels?

A.. 1
B.. 2
C.. 3
D.. 4

2.. What is the tagline of Levi's campaign?

A.. Just do it.
B.. we are best.
C.. Music is my female soul.
D.. None of these.

Chapter# 6

1.. Which are important dimensions to source credibility?

A.. Knowledge
B.. Expertise
C.. Trustworthiness
D.. Both B&C

2.. Yao Ming is a popular endorser in?

A.. Pakistan
B.. Korea
C.. China
D.. Japan

1- In marketing, there are 4P’s which are

a) Product, price, placement, promotion
b) Price, punctuality, procedure, placement
c) Production, price, placement, publicity
d) None of above

2- The main objective of IMC is to

a) Provide long-term financial benefits and build short-term brand value
b) Generate short-term financial benefits and to build long-term brand value
c) Provide brand worth to the company
d) Generate higher profitability

Chapter: 2
3- Opportunity analysis, competitive analysis and target marketing are the essentials of
a) Marketing mix model
b) McKinsey 7S model
c) Marketing and promotions mix model
d) The ansoff matrix

4- In which segmentation market is divided on the basis of values, personality and lifestyles?
a) VALS lifestyle segmentation
b) Psychographic segmentation
c) Behavioral segmentation
d) Customer’s feedback

Chapter: 3
5- Methods of agency compensation includes
a) Commissions from media
b) Fee, cost and incentive base system
c) Percentage charges
d) All of above

6- Most of the companies use a sales promotion agency to develop and administer the
a) Promotional planning and creative research
b) Development planning and distribution
c) Selecting the target audience
d) All of above

Chapter: 4
7- Freudian Psychoanalytic Approach is towards subconscious minds, in which includes
a) Strong inhabitations
b) Complex and unclear motives
c) Surrogate behaviors and symbolic meanings
d) All of above

8- What kind of externals influences the consumer behavior?

a) Culture and social class
b) Trends and fashion
c) Movies
d) None of above

9- Communication channels are of two types
a) Feedbacks and comments
b) Personal and non-personal
c) Both a & b
c) None of above

10- Successful communication is accomplished when the marketer selects an

a) Appropriate source and develops an effective message
b) Appropriate target market
c) Appropriate product for the target audience
d) All of above

Chapter: 6
11- Celebrities can be effective in gaining attention and influencing consumers, but there are
some risks involved that are:
a) Over shadowing of the product
b) Overlapping of the product
c) Both a & b
d) All of above

12- Marketers consider many factors when choosing a celebrity to serve as a spokesperson in
advertisement which are
a) Image of celebrity and the risk of controversies
b) Celebrity’s genre of work
c) Celebrity’s net worth
d) None of above

1. In google’s world the key to success is:

a) Simplicity.

b) speed.

c) Accuracy

d) All of above.

Option D

2. Which one is not a contemporary perspective of IMC:

a) Recongnized as a business process.

b) Multiple relevent audiences.

c) Mass customization.

d) Demand of accountability and measurement of outcomes.

Option D

3. Which one is not a key to under armour’s success

a) Outsourcing.

b) niche market.

c) Strong product positioning.

d) unique Brand identity.

Option A

4. Find ways to group consumers according to their:

a) Needs.

b) demands.

c) moods

d) none of above

Option A

5. In psychographic segmentation dividing the market on the basis of:

a) Personality, values and life style.

b) personality, values and demand.

c) lifestyle, status and personality.

d) none of above

Option A.

6. The way a company ( the client) organizes depends:

a) its worth.

b) its size.

c) Market value.

d) Market share.

Option B.

7. Which one of mentioned below is not major reason why companies choose to use an in-house agency
is to :

a) Maintain creative freshness.

b) reduce advertising and promotions cost.

c) Cost saving.

d) None of above.

Option C.

8. Reasons for using an add agency is :

a) Highly skilled specialist.

b) Broad reange of experience.

c) A and B.

d) strategic market planning.

Option C.

9. Media specialist companies are specialized in :

a) Buying media.

b) agencies and client develop. media strategy.

c) none of above.

d)a and b

Option D.

10. Marketers wants to know how:

a) Consumers sense external information.

b) People select products.

c) how the socialize.

d) all of above.

Option A.

11. Advertising works by :

a) Advertising input.

b) Filters.

c) consumers and their behavior.

d) All of above.

Option D.

12. Which on of mentioned is not a key source attractiveness:

a) Similarity.

b) Popularity.

c) Familiarity.

d) Likability.

Option b.

1) The goal of IMC is to generate ____________ financial returns & build a

long-term brand value:
a. Short-term
b. Long-term
c. Medium-term
d. None of the above

2) Developing an integrating marketing communications plan requires:

a. Planning & executing
b. Evaluating
c. Controlling
d. All of the above

3) Factors the firm must consider in pricing decisions are:
a. Cost
b. Demand
c. Competition & perceived value
d. All of the above

4) ________ divides markets based on socio economic variables such as income,

education & occupation:
a. Geographic segmentation
b. Demographic segmentation
c. Socioeconomic segmentation
d. Psychographic segmentation

5) ________ is responsible for the creation and execution of advertisements:
a. Account services
b. Marketing Services
c. Creative Services
d. Management & finance services

6) Marketing executives say the biggest obstacle to implementing IMC is:

a. Lack of management support
b. Insufficient budgets
c. Lack of people with the right perspective & skills
d. Inexperienced ad agencies

7) Receive, select, organize & interpret is the ________:

a. Perception process
b. Decision making process
c. Cognitive learning process
d. None of the above

8) Reinforcement in advertising can be seen in ______ ways:

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 2

9) _______ model shows the process by which advertisement works:

a. AIDA model
b. Hierarchy of effects model
c. Innovation adoption model
d. Information processing model

10) The categories of cognitive responses include:

a. Product/message thoughts
b. Source-oriented thoughts
c. Ad execution thoughts
d. All of the above

11) The extent to which the recipient sees the source as having relevant
knowledge skill or experience and trusts the source to give unbiased,
objective information. This is which source of attribute?
a. Credibility
b. Attractiveness
c. Power
d. None of the above

12) Source power depends on:

a. Perceived control
b. Perceived concern
c. Perceived scrutiny
d. All of the above

1. Cost per click falls in ___ advertisement.

 Keyword targeting

 Contextual add

 Site targeted

 Beyond online search

2. Brand identity is a combination of

 Name

 Logo

 Design

 All of above

Chapter: 2
3. Demographic segmentation is used in

 Customer characteristics

 Niche market

 Buying situation

 None of above

4. Distribution channel intermediaries are

 Broker

 Wholesaler
 Distributor

 All of above

Chapter: 3
5. Reason for using an ad agency

 Highly skilled specialist

 Supply chain specialist

 Product specialist

 Consumer specialist
6. Which is the non-advertising services

 Selecting media

 Performing research

 Creating advertising

 Sales promotion
Chapter: 4
7. Sources of problem recognition are

 Dissatisfaction

 New market

 High prices

 None of above

8. In Freudian psychoanalytic Approach there is

 Subconscious mind

 Conscious mind

 Focus group

 Behavioral aspect
9. Spoken words are fall in which form of encoding

 Verbal

 Graphical

 Musical

 Animation

10. Personal channel includes

 Word of mouth

 Print media

 Broadcast media

 Social media

Chapter: 6
11. Receiver comprehension is the example of ___ planning.

 Promotional

 Strategic

 Advance

 Innovative

12. Which factor is include in choosing a celebrity endorser

 Image

 Logo design

 Knowledge

 Product quality

1. IMC is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate
persuasive brand communication programs with:

 External audience only.

 Internal audience only.

 Multiple relevant audiences.

 Consumers only.

2. The huge brand Coca Cola has been collaborating with other brands like McDonalds, and
still sponsors different events around the world. This example includes

 Direct marketing

 Internet marketing

 Public relations

 All of above

3. Some of the factors that a firm should must consider in pricing decisions

 Product uniqueness

 Low pricing to get attention of consumers

 Demand of consumer and extent of competition in the market

 All of above

4. To grow a business, both push and pull strategies are required. However push strategy
can be advantageous in following way:

 Direct contacts with the customers

 Creates product exposure in potentially large retail environments

 Greater margins as no discount needed

 Ideal for premium priced products

5. A major disadvantage can be observed of using an ad agency by a company:

 Additional expenses and unfamiliarity with the product

 Impact on other activities

 Limited skills

 Create promotions for their firm only

6. Which one of the following is not a value-add activity:

 Integrated disciplines and functions

 Rework due to defects found in products

 Collaborations

 New media guidance, solutions

7. Which one is the con of psychoanalytic approach

 Qualitative results from very small samples

 Reveals hidden feelings, drives and fears

 Highlights importance of symbolic factors

 All of above

8. An individual displaying self control, has learning behavior with no external

reinforcement, are the major attributes of:

 Operant conditioning

 Affective modeling

 Cognitive learning process

 Psychoanalytic approach

9. One of the majors barrier in a successful communication is:

 Lack of confidence

 Slightly encoding message

 Not appropriate channel for targeted audience

 All of above

10. Marketers are very interested in ____, that part of the receiver’s response that is
communicated back to the sender

 Feedback

 Marketing

 Word to word

 None of the above

11. A campaign by brand Gul Ahmed with the theme of embracing imperfections and being
flaw some was designed to encourage individual about embracing the flaws that they
have. Ads in this campaign use:

 An affective conclusion

 A fear appeal

 Primacy appeal

 Conclusion drawing

12. An advertising appeal which increases the involvement and engagement of the target
audience for example the ad of Cadbury dairy milk is:

 A two-sided message approach

 A humor appeal

 A fear appeal

 A primacy appeal

13- Which one of this is true about keyword targeting?

a) Text ads at top or side of search results

b) Advertisers compete for top spot
c) Cost per Click CPC
d) All of the above

14- Developing an integrated marketing communication plan requires

a) Planning
b) Executing
c) Evaluating
d) All of them

15- Opportunity analysis, competitive analysis and target marketing are the essentials of

a) Marketing mix model

b) McKinsey 7S model
c) Marketing and promotions mix model
d) the off matrix

16- For pricing decision factors a firm must consider

a) Perceived value
b) Time
c) Mental activity
d) Behavioral effort

17- The way a company is organizing for advertisement and promotion is

a) Its size
b) The budget
c) The number of products it markets
d) All of above

18- Which one is not a benefit of In-house Agency

a) Cost saving
b) More control
c) Less objectivity
d) Better coordination

19- Which one do not prompts new needs in consumer

a) Financial changes
b) Employment status
c) Knowledge
d) None of above

20- The psychoanalytic approach benefits are

a) Reveals hidden feelings, drives and fears

b) Highlights importance of symbolic factors
c) Shifts attention from “What” to “How” and “Why”
d) All of above

21- The nature of communication process is

a) Sender>encoding>channel massage>decoding>receiver>response>feedback
b) Sender >channel massage> encoding >receiver> decoding >response>feedback
c) Sender >encoding> >receiver> channel massage>decoding >response>feedback
d) Sender >channel massage> encoding >receiver> decoding >feedback >response

22- Successful communication is accomplished when the marketer selects an

a) Appropriate source and develops an effective message

b) Appropriate target market
c) Appropriate product for the target audience
d) All of above

23- Fear Appeal impact on consumer can be

a) May stress physical danger or threats to health
b) Can backfire if level of threat is too high
c) Both a & b
d) None of above

24- Humor appeal does not aid persuasion in general

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
d) Likely

1. The goal of IMC is to generate short-term financial returns and build ________brand
a. Short – term
b. Long – term
c. Business value
d. Direct marketing

2. The IMC Planning Process which is not Developing an integrated marketing

communications plan requires.
a. Planning
b. Executing
c. Business value
d. Controlling

3. Which is not distribution channel decision
a. Selecting
b. Managing
c. Motivating
d. Controlling

4. A ________ involves spending money on advertising and sales promotion efforts directed
towards the ultimate consumer.
a. Pull strategy
b. Push strategy
c. Controlling
d. Business value

5. Which Reasons for using an ad agency.
a. Highly skilled specialists
b. Business value
c. Objective viewpoint of the market
d. A and c

6. Which Key obstacles to Implementing IMC

a. Account management
b. Creative
c. Media
d. None of these

7. Occurs as consumers choose whether to make themselves available to information is:
a. Selective attention
b. Selective comprehension
c. Selective exposure
d. Selective retention
8. A small group brought together to discuss products, ideas, or issues is:
a. Focus groups
b. Association tests
c. Projective techniques
d. In-depth interviews

9. Markets consisting of large numbers of potential customers is :
a. Niche markets
b. Market segment
c. Mass markets
d. Small groups
10. The categories of cognitive responses include is :
a. Ad execution thoughts
b. Product / message thoughts
c. Source- oriented thoughts
d. All of these
11. Consumers can become skeptical when a celebrity endorser too many products or
companies and becomes overexposed is :
a. Overexposure
b. Niche market
c. Market segment
d. Focus group
12. There are two important dimensions to source credibility, expertise and ___________.
a. Mass markets
b. Source- oriented thoughts
c. Trustworthiness
d. Association tests

1) Which of the following plays a major role in developing and sustaining brand identity and
a) DM
b) IMA
c) IMC
d) TMA
2) IMC planning process is
a) Evaluating, Planning, Executing, Controlling
b) Planning, Executing, Evaluating, Controlling
c) Planning, Evaluating, Controlling, Executing
d) Planning, Evaluating, Executing, Controlling

Chap 2

3) The Targeting Marketing Process consist of how many steps

a) 4
b) 2
c) 5
d) 3

4) Which of the following is a part of selecting target market?

a) Determining how many segments to enter
b) Determining which segments have the greatest potential
c) Both a & b
d) None of them
Chap 3
5) The way a company organizes its advertising and promotion depends on
a) Number of products
b) Size
c) The budget
d) All of them

6) Which of the following follows Decentralize Advertising System (DAS)?

a) Production, Finance, Marketing, R&D, Human resource
b) Finance, Production, Marketing, R&D, Human resources
c) R&D, Production, Finance, Marketing, Human resources
d) Finance ,Marketing, Production, Human resources, R&D

Chap 4
7) Which of the following is a part of Consumer Decision Making?
a) Information Search
b) Decision Making
c) Psychological Approach
d) Both c & d

8) Cognitive Learning Process consist of _____ steps?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2

Chap 5
9) A method for examining consumer cognitive process of advertising messages by looking
at their cognitive responses to reading hearing, viewing or reading communication is
called ________
a) Elaboration Likelihood model
b) FCB Planning model
c) Information search
d) Cognitive Response

10) Target Audience is identified by

a) Mass Market and Audience
b) Market Segments
c) Niche Market
d) All of them

Chap 6
11) Self-paced media is part of _________
a) Humor appeals
b) Protection motivation
c) Information processing
d) None of them

12) ________ may leads to physical danger or threats to health.

a) Fear appeals
b) Comparative adds
c) Humor appeals
d) All of them

IMC is about

a) Co-ordinated promotional tools

b) Harmonized messages
c) A strategically coherent blend of internal and external messages
d) Support for the marketing strategy

2. IMC plays a major role in developing and sustaining

a) Equity
b) Brand identity
c) Both a and b
d) None

3. What are the factors that the firm must consider in determining the price it charges for its

a) Costs and demands

b) Perceived value
c) Competition
d) All the above

4. Niche marketing helps more in

a) Retail store
b) Smaller firms
c) Larger firms
d) Business giants

5. Qualitative audit focuses on

a) Planning and program development

b) Payments to media
c) Payments to suppliers
d) Verifying costs

6. Which of the following is greatest obstacle to implementing IMC?

a) The cost for implementing an IMC program is difficult to justify

b) Few providers of marketing communications services have the skill to execute IMC
c) Lack of interest in IMC by top management
d) Marketing directors are essentially performing the IMC function now
Which of the following is not a step in the consumer decision making progress?

e) Evaluation of alternatives
f) Agonize
g) Information search
h) Postpurchase evaluation

7. Objective attributes are based on

a) Abstract attributes
b) Concrete attributes
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

8. The categories of cognitive responses include

a) Ad execution thoughts
b) Source oriented thoughts
c) Product thoughts
d) All the above

9. From a semiotic perspective, how many components does every marketing message has?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) None

1. Which one is link to direct marketing?

a) Direct mail
b) Tele marketing
c) Catalogs
d) All of above
2. Growing importance of media advertising toward is
a) Specialized media
b) Multiple forms of communication
c) Retailer
d) Data base marketing

Chapter 2
1. Dividing the market on the basis of personality value and lifestyle of public is a part of
A) Marketing mix
B) Psychographic segmentation
C) Life style segmentation
D) Non of above

2. Making the positioning decision of checklist is

a) Is the current position strategy working
b) Is the segmentation strategy appropriate
c) How strong is the competition
d) All of above

Chapter 3

1. The way a company organized depends on

a) The number of products its markets
b) The size
c) The budget
d) All of above
2. Which departments are involve in a typical direct marketing agency
a) Account management
b) Media
c) Database development and management
d) All of above

Chapter 4

1. Perfume on side walk, microchips, sented cards and products sample all these advertising is
a) Media advertising
b) Sensory advertising
c) Newspaper advertising
d) Personal advertising

2. The process and activities people engage in when searching for selecting purchasing using
evaluating and disposing of products and services called
a) Advertising
b) Media advertising
c) Consumer behavior
d) Information search
Chapter 5

1. Print media and broad cast media is called

a) Personal channels
b) Non personal channels
c) Personal selling
d) Non of above

2. Consumer write down or verbally report their reactions to message is called

a) Quick response
b) Cognitive response
c) Communication
d) Non of above

Chapter 6

1. Affection for the source resulting from physical appearance behavior, or personal traits this is a
source of
a) Likeability
b) Familiarity
c) Similarity
d) All of above

2. Resemblance between the source and recipient of the message, what source of attractiveness is
a) Familiarity
b) Similarity
c) Likeability
d) Non of above

Q1: The key idea that encapsulates what a brand is intended to stand for in the market’s minds
like “Gillett the best man can get” is called a.
a) Television advertisement
b) Public relations campaign
c) Sponsorship
d) Positioning statement
Q2: Red bull is a brand of energy drink whose target is mainly young people looking for a drink
that can improve performance and concentration. Advertisement for Red bull can be seen in
bike shops and bars and as sponsors is events like the running of the bull and soccer games. The
marketing philosophy that coordinates all the different approaches is called.
a) IMC (integrated marketing communication)
b) Synergy
c) Managerial parochialism
d) Advertisement
Q3: In reality marketing communication planning activates occur.
a) Randomly
b) In parallel
c) Sequentially
d) In rough order
Q4: When planning marketing communication events are scheduled.
a) In parallel
b) Randomly
c) Sequentially
d) In rough order
Q5: The ______ department coordinates all phases of production to insure the proper
progression of advertisement.
a) Research
b) Production
c) Art
d) Traffic
Q6: Most of an advertising agencies expanses are in the area of .
a) Media costs
b) Salaries and benefits for employees
c) Personal selling
d) Commission
Q7: In in-difference curve show combination of goods that
a) A consumer could buy with their given income
b) Would provide the consumer with some level of satisfaction
c) Could provide consumer with similar level of satisfaction
d) Could be available to the consumer in a given period of time
Q8: Which of the following statement is not true of indifference curves
a) They could interest
b) They are convex to origin
c) They are downward slopping
d) They exhibit higher level of utility as u move from the origin
Q9: Advertising and marketing are the same things
a) True
b) False
Q10: Regular customers are all brand loyal
a) True
b) False
Q11: The online programs and activities design to engage prospects or customers and indirectly
or directly generate awareness, enhance image or supports sales or services and products is.
a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Advertising
Q12: The face-to-face interaction with prospective buyers for the objective of answering
questions, producing orders and making presentation is
a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

1. IMC is about________.
a) A strategic coherent blend of internal and external messages
b) Harmonised messages
c) Support for marketing strategy
d) Co-ordinated promotinal tools

2. Internal and external communications should be______________.

a) Unrelated
b) Separate
c) Discrete
d) Blended
Chapter 2:

1.Under Armout is engaged in

a) Intergrated marketing communications
b) A centralized market strategy
c) An undifferentiated market strategy
d) Lifestyle segmentation based on sports

2.The markets segmentation process involves ____________

a) Five distinct steps
b) Three distinct steps
c) Four distinct steps
d) None of the above
Chapter 3:
1. The various participants in the IMC process are____________.
a) Advertiser
b) Media organization
c) Collateral Services
d) All of the above

2. Which is the NOT the obstacle of implementing IMC?

a) Lack of people with the broad perspective and skills to make it work
b) Internal turf battles
c) Fear of budget reductions
d) None of the above
Chapter 4:

1. In consumer decision making psychological process is ____________

a) Motivation
b) Perception
c) Attitude formation
d) All of the above

2. Sources of problem recognition does not include _______________.

a) Out of stock
b) Situational decisions
c) Dissatisfaction
d) New products
Chapter 5:
1. Forms of encoding include_________
a) Verbal
b) Graphic
c) Animation
d) All of the above

2. __________provides a useful way for those involved in the advertising planning process
to analyze consumer /product relationships and develop appropriate promotional

a) Dissonance/Attribution Model
b) Model of Cognitive Response

c) None of above
d) FCB planning model
Chapter 6
1. The is a planning tool that can be used by marketers to consider how controllable
elements of the communication process interact with the consumer response process
a) Attribution matrix
b) Presuasion matrix
c) AID model
d) Response model
2. A spokesperson who delivers an advertising message and endorses a product or service
is known as a(n)
a) Direct source
b) Indirect source
c) Message shaper
d) Source mirage

1) IMC is about:
1.Co-ordinated promotional tools

2 Support for the marketing strategy

3. Harmonized messages

4. Strategically coherent blend of internal and external message

2) Communication strategy should always be ----------------

1. Media oriented

2. Audience oriented

3. Product oriented

4. Oriented


1) The markets segmentation process involves ___________ distinct steps

1. Four

2. Five

3. Eight

4. Nine

2) The process by which marketers develop different marketing strategies to satisfy

different customer needs is called ___________

1. Targeting marketing

2. Positioning marketing

3. Developing marketing

4.Analyzing marketing

1) -------------------- is a firm that specializes in the creation, production, and often the
placement of the communications messages and may provide other services to facilitate the
IMC process

1. Advertiser

2. Advertiser agency

3. Media organization

4. Marketing organization

2) Which one of the following types of advertising promotes products, services or ideas with
the expectation of making a profit?

1. Product advertising

2. Commercial advertising

3. Non-commercial advertising

4. Action advertising


1) _________ generally occurs during the first stage in the consumer decision making process.

A) Internal search

B) External search
C) Problem recognition

D) Alternative evaluation

2) A Knowledge about how consumers acquire and use information from external sources
is important to marketers in

A) Formulating communication strategies

B) Executing communication strategies
C) communication strategies
D) Controlling communication strategies


1) The response to a senders message is called ________

A) Food bank

B) Feedback

C) Food

D) Back

2) The information which is transferred to the receiver has to be interpreted this process is

A) Encoding

B) Decoding

C) Opening

D) Closing

1) The____________ helps marketers see how each controllable element interacts with the
consumer’s response process.

A) Persuasion matrix

B) Credibility

C) Attractiveness

D) Power

2) A source characteristic frequently used by advertisers is ____________

A) Similarity

B) Attractiveness

C) Likability

D) Power

1- Bidding on extremely applicable keywords is the most crucial component of _____________

a. Quality of content
b. Keyword search ads
c. Quality of website
d. Optimization of content
2- Your _______________ would be more cost-effective if your keywords are important to your
company and website.

a. Online advertising
b. Search engine marketing 
c. Marketing strategy
d. Online marketing campaign

Chapter: 2

3- It’s all about figuring out how to use these driving factors to make the brand more customer-
centric and meaningful. This is something to bear in mind when

a. Segmenting on demographic
b. Segmenting on behavioral
c. Segmenting on psychographic
d. Both b and c

4- With other firms are common, specifically those involving agreements or partnerships with
channel partners. 

a. short-term commitments
b. Financial losses
c. disagreements
d.  long-term commitments
Chapter: 3

5- One of the advantages of integrated promotional services incorporates greater control over
the promotional process leads to ______________________ between the various elements of
the communication program. 

a. Single image for product or service

b. Convenience
c. More synergy
d. Both b and c

6-   Functions carried out by the interactive agency are one of these:

a. SEO, display, and content marketing

b. Public Relation
c. Creative Team
d. Sales and promotion

Chapter: 4

 7- An objective sense of your brand's importance and a sense of what your brand is worth can
be obtained by conducting a ______________. It can also help you spot possible issues with
your brand. 
a. Market Research
b. Brand Evaluation
c. Brand Positioning
d. Brand Marketing

8-   Community, social status, and reference group effects have been linked to purchase and in
regards to consumer behavior. 

a. Economic circumstances
b. Consumption choices 
c. Situational factors
      d) Physiological factors

Chapter: 5

9- Two or more individuals connect directly face-to-face, person-to-audience, over the internet,
or by e-mail across networks.

a. Congruent communications

b. Direct communications
c. Non-personal communications
d. Personal communications

10- Promotion is responsible for developing plans for a variety of services and goods offered by
the company.

a. Within
b. Outside
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

Chapter: 6

11-  A form of brand communication in which a celebrity serves as the brand's spokesperson,
certifying the brand's argument and role by lending his or her personality, popularity, social
status, or industry experience to the brand.  

a. Influencer Marketing
b. Brand Awareness
c. Endorsement
d. Brand Communication

12- Using a person's sense of adventure and excitement as a selling point. The aim is to make
people believe that if they buy or use a product or service, their excitement, action,
entertainment, and desire to explore will be enhanced. 

a. Subliminal Message
b. Appeal
c. Humorous Appeal
d. Refutational Appeal

1. Another name of a company’s communication mix is

A . The advertising program
B . The sales force
C . The image mix
D . The promotion mix
2. The promotional mix element that allows for the most immediate and precise feedback
from the customer is
A . Promotion
B . Personal selling
C . Marketing
D . Advertising
Chapter: 02
3. MCPF stands for
A . Message coherence and planning formularies
B . Media commitie for promotional formats
C . Marketing communication planning framework
D . Marketing channel for product fulfilment
4. Generally it is not understood who is client organization should be responsible for IMC
• True
• False
Chapter: 03
5. _____ are not one of the major participant in the integrated marketing communications
A . Advertising agencies
B . Advertiser client
C . Media organizations
D . Public velacion firms
E . New product development firms
6. Which of the following terms best describes the advertising approaches used by Crispin
porter and Bogusky ?
A . Advertorial
B . Traditional media
C . Non traditional
D . Sponsorship
Chapter: 04
7. Demographic factors include
A . Age, income and personality
B . Age, gender and income
C . Life style and personality
D . Interval drive to satisfy goals
8. Which personal characteristics ks influence by characteristics such as age , income and
A . Motivation
B . Demographics
C . Personality
D. Lifestyle
9. Another problem with saled objective that the effects of advertising often occur over an
extended period. Many expects recognize that advertising has a result of money spent on
advertising not necessarily having an immediate impact on sales
A . Specified time period
B . Carry over effect
C . Communication objective
D . Brand awareness
10. A universal communication objective means that every single points of communication
should contribute to a target audience understanding and knowledge of a brand name
A . Communication objectives
B . Brand awareness
C . Category trial
D . Category need
Chapter: 06
11. The aspect which is included in personal channel is:
A. Category trail
B. Print media
C. Motivation
D. Word of mouth
12. ______ can be defined as the way by which organizations attempt to inform, convince
and remind customers indirectly or directly about the brands and product they offer.
A . Marketing communication
B . Marketing plans
C . Marketing strategies
D . None of the above

1) Any paid type of non-personal promotion and presentation of goods, service ls or ideas by an
identified sponsor is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

2) Several programs planned to protect or promote a company's image or its products is known

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Public relations and publicity

3) internal and external communication should be

a) discrete
b) blended
c) unrelated
c) separate

4) Communication strategy should always be

a) customer oriented
b) audience oriented
c) media oriented
d). Product oriented
5) A ....... advertising organizational system has the advantages of concentrated managerial
attention, rapid response to problem and increase flexibility

a). Centralized
b). Decentralized
c). Democratic
d). Collateral system

6). A full-service agency offers its clients.

a). Account services

b). Research
c). Creative development
d). All of the above
7). Chacteristics of the location in which the purchase decision is made are known as

a). Material
b). Motivational
c). Physical
d). Social

8). As a situational influence, the concept of 'time' refers to

a). The average time consumers take to make a purchase decision

b). The time available for a purchase decision
c). The time it takes to make a purchase decision
d). The number of times a purchase decision is made
9). A key part of this is to have a clear goal. The link between marketing objectives and
communication objectives. Advertising and promotion can focus on influencing a particular
form of manner.
a). Options for behavioral objectives
b). Setting IMC objectives
c). Brand re-trial
d). Category trial

10). Another problem with sales objectives is that the effects of advertising often occur over an
extended period. Many experts recognize that advertising has the result of money spent on
advertising not necessarily having an immediate impact on sales.
a). Specified time period
b). Carryover effect
c). Communication objectives
d). Defining advertising goals for measured results
11) Clients and creative boutiques that have developed their own media strategies may
employ_______ to execute them
a) Media specialist companies
b) Full-service agencies
c) In house agencies
d) Media departments
12) The traditional method of compensating ad agencies is with:
a) The commission system
b) Hourly billing
c) The fee system
d) The straight salary method

1: ______increased emphasis on the outcomes of marketing communication programs

a. Recognized as a business process

b. Demand for accountability
c. Multiple relevant audiences
d. Both a and b

2: ________ is Processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers

a. Marketing
b. Value
c. Public relation
d. Point of purchase

3: Dividing the market on the basis of

a. Personality
b. Values
c. Lifestyle
d. All of above

4: In price variable Factors the firm must consider

a. Costs and demand

b. Brand name
c. Time
d. None of above

5: Which are following are not role of creative boutique

a. Provide only creative services

b. Full-service agencies may subcontract with creative boutiques
c. Media buying organizations implement the strategy and buy time and space
d. Ability to turn out inventive creative work quickly
6: The role of sale promotion agencies is
a. Promotional planning
b. Creative research
c. Strategy development
d. Both a and b

7: Advantages of motivation research include:

a. Reveals hidden feeling, drives, and fears
b. Qualitative input often comes from small samples of consumers Varying and subjective
interpretations that are made by researchers
c. It can be difficult to verify or validate finding from motivation research studies
d. None of above

8:________ occurs when consumers interpret information on the basis of their own attitudes,
beliefs, motives and experience.
a. Selective exposure
b. Selective attention
c. Selective comprehension
d. Selective retention

9: Marketers are very interested in_______ that part of the receiver's response that is
communicated back to the sender.
a. Sender
b. Receiver
c. Feedback
d. Source
10: _______ smaller, well-defined markets consisting of customers who have similar needs
a. Mass Markets
b. Markets Segments
c. Small group
d. Niche Markets

11: When a receiver perceives a source as having power, influence occurs through a process
known as ______.
a. Perceived control
b. Compliance
c. Perceived scrutiny
d. Perceived concern

12: The process by which an individual is motivated to seek some type of relationship with the
source and thus adopts similar beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors
a. Identification
b. Attractiveness
c. Power
d. Credibility

The first step in the IMC planning process is ________.

• The situation analysis
• Budget determination
• A review of the marketing plan
• Specification of communication objectives
The Internet has become a leading advertising medium, replicating many of the services that
were once capturing mass audiences assembled by network television and augmented by other
mass media. With the mass audiences fragmenting at an accelerating rate, many marketers are
turning to.
• Individual Marketing
• Mass Marketing
• Personalized Marketing
• Micromarketing
• Macromarketing

Chapter 02
Another name for a company’s marketing communication mix is
• The advertising programs
• The sales force
• The image mix
• The promotion mix

__________ involves high price and high promotion.

• Rapid skimming
• Slow penetration
• Rapid penetration
• Slow skimming

Football Mania have booked an expensive ad slot during the FA Cup final. Unfortunately, there
are technical problems and the ad is not shown. According to Schramm’s communications
model, what is this an example of?
• Noise
• Distress
• Perception
• Breakdown
• Coding

Chapter 03

What does the promotional mix consist of?

• Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations
• Advertising, publicity, direct market and personal selling
• Public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, and publicity
• Advertising, telemarketing, public relations, and sales promotions

______primary function is to provide information or entertainment to its audience.

• Client’s
• Advertising agency
• Media’s
• Customer’s
• Advertiser’s

Chapter 04
Consumer behavior is the analysis of the behavior of _____ and _____ who buy goods and
services for _____ consumption.
• Individual, Business, Private
• Business, Households, Public
• Individual, Household, Personal
• Business, Household, conspicuous

________ is the process and activities people engage in when searching for selecting,
using, evaluating, and disposing of products and service so as to satisfy their needs and desires.
• Marketing
• Exchange
• Consumer Behavior
• Learning
• Conspicuous consumption

Chapter 05
_____ is the process of conveying a message to others that requires six central elements—a
source, a message, a channel of communication, a receiver, and the processes of encoding and
• Exchange
• Dialogue
• Communication
• Encoding
• Feedback

Marketing communication today means

• Capturing someone attention
• Finding a way to engage and interact with consumer
• Using traditional marketing message
• Sales promotion

The matrix has two variables

• Communication process
• Promotion planning
• Media channel
• Dependent and independent
_____ is a planning tool that can be used by marketers to consider how controllable elements
of the communications process interact with the consumers' response process.
• Dissonance/attribution model
• AIDA model
• Response model
• Elaboration likelihood model

1) What mass media consist television, radio, magazines and billboards

A) traditional mass media
B) Online mass media
C) Operation marketing
D) Field mass media

2) Which of the following is not a part of four P’s

A) Product
B) Place
C) Price
D) Partners

3) In promotion strategy which of the following is correct in a push policy

A) Producer to wholesaler
B) Wholesaler to producer
C) Retailer to producer
D) Retailer to wholesaler

4) What is the first target market process

A) Determine market segment
B) Select market target
C) Identify markets with unfulfilled needs
D) Position through marketing strategies

5) Pros of a centralized advertising system

A) Fewer personal
B) Longer time response
C) Less goal involvement
D) Impractical for multiple brands.

6) Cons of a inhouse advertising agencies

A) Less objectivity
B) More control
C) Better control
D) Cost saving

7) Which of the following is not a part of decision making

A) Problem recognition
B) Information search
C) Alternative evalution
D) Integration

8) Which of the following is not a part of psychological process

A) Purchase decision
B) Motivation
C) Perception
D) Learning

9) Which of the following is not a form of encoding

A) Verbal
B) Graphic
C) Musical
D) Barcodings

10) In communication channel, personal channel consist of.

A) Print media
B) Broadcast media
C) Word of mouth
D) Billboards

11) Which of the following is considered in message appeal option.

A) Comparative ads
B) Fear appeals
C) Humour appeals
D) All of the above

12) What are the pros of human appeals.

A) May harm recall and comprehension
B) May harm complex copy registration
C) Does not aid source creditability
D) None of above.

1) Any paid type of non-personal promotion and presentation of goods, service ls or ideas by an
identified sponsor is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising
2) Several programs planned to protect or promote a company's image or its products is known

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Public relations and publicity

3. MCPF stands for

1. Message coherence and planning formularies
2. Media committee for promotional formats
3. Marketing communication planning framework
4. . Marketing channel for product fulfilment
4. Generally it is not understood who is client organization should be responsible for IMC
• True
• False

5.-------------------- is a firm that specializes in the creation, production, and often the placement
of the communications messages and may provide other services to facilitate the IMC process
1. Advertiser
2. Media organization
3. Marketing organization
4. Advertiser agency

6.Which one of the following types of advertising promotes products, services or ideas with the
expectation of making a profit?
1. 2. Commercial advertising
2. Non-commercial advertising
3. Action advertising
4. Product advertising

7.Occurs as consumers choose whether to make themselves available to information is:

a. Selective attention
b. Selective comprehension
c. Selective exposure
d. Selective retention

8. A small group brought together to discuss products, ideas, or issues is:

a. Focus groups
b. Association tests
c. Projective techniques
d. In-depth interviews

9. A method for examining consumer cognitive process of advertising messages by looking

at their cognitive responses to
1) reading hearing, viewing or reading communication is called ________
a) Elaboration Likelihood model
b) FCB Planning model
c) Information search
d) Cognitive Response

10. Target Audience is identified by

a) Mass Market and Audience
b) Market Segments
c) Niche Market
d) All of them

1: Product,Price,Place and promotion are the four P’s of _____________

a) Marketing mix
b) Marketing myopia
c) Direct Marketing
d) None of the above

2: Which of these are part of The promotional mix

a) Advertising
b) Direct marketing
c) Sales promotion
d) All of the above

Chapter 2:

3: Fitting the product or service to one or more segments of the broad market in such a way
as to set it apart from the competition is known as
a) Marketing Positioning
b) Marketing Myopia
c) Market Segmentation
d) None of the above

4: The goal of a ________ strategy is to create demand among consumers and encourage them to
request the product from the retailer.

a) Pull
b) Push
c) All of the above
d) None of the above

Chapter 3:

5: the company or organization that has the product, service or cause to be marketed and provides the
funds to pay for the IMC program is known as

a) Advertiser
b) Advertising agency
c) Collateral service
d) Media Organization

6: companies that provide a wide array of support functions used by advertisers, agencies, media
organizations, and specialist organizations such as marketing research, package design, photography,
video production and other services is known as

a) Advertising agency
b) Collateral service
c) Media Organization
d) None of the above

Chapter 4:

7: The process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using,
evaluating, and disposing of products and services is known as

a) Consumer Behavior
b) Exchange
c) Marketing
d) Learning

8: Which of these is a pro of motivation research

a) Reveals hidden feelings, drives and fears

b) Qualitative results from very small samples
c) Varying, subjective interpretations
d) Difficult or impossible to verify or validate

Chapter 5:
9: Which of the following are a form of encoding

a) Verbal
b) Graphic
c) Animation
d) All of the above

10: Word of mouth and Personal selling is known as

a) Personal channels
b) Non-Personal Channels
c) Personal selling
d) None of the above

Chapter 6:

11: Which of these is NOT linked to source credibility

a) Skillful
b) Honesty
c) Biased
d) Ethical

12: Knowledge of the source through repeated or prolonged exposure is known as

a) Familiarity
b) Likeability
c) Similarity
d) None of the above

Many marketing activities such as package design, sales promotion, and direct marketing services,
are viewed as
1. IMC program
2. Ancillary services
3. Business value
4. Planning
The goal of IMC is to generate short-term financial returns and build ________ brand value.
1. Short term
2. Long-term
3. Medium term
4. None of these
Ch #2
Marketing must be tailored to the ________ of the desired segments.
1. Needs
2. Wants
3. Demands
4. 1 & 3 Both
Assessing how well the position is being maintained in the marketplace is
1. Making positioning decision
2. Monitoring the position
3. Analyzing consumer preference
4. Identifying the competitors
Ch #3
The cons of a centralized system includes:
1. Less goal involvement
2. Longer response time
3. Impractical for multiple brands, products, divisons
4. All of the above
Companies use in-house agencies to _________ while maintaining greater control over agency
1. Reduce costs
2. Reduce work
3. Reduce involvement
4. Identify competitors
Ch #4
Which is correct pattern of psychological process in consumer decision making?
1. Motivation > Perception > Attitude formation > Integration > Learning
2. Motivation > Perception > Integration > Attitude formation >Learning
3. Perception > Motivation > Integration > Attitude formation >Learning
4. Perception > Motivation > Attitude formation > Integration >Learning
A consumer might remember only the positive health benefits of a product they enjoy is an example
1. Selective exposure
2. Selective attention
3. Selective comprehension
4. Selective retention
Ch #5
Broader classes of people who have similar needs and can be reached with similar messages
1. Niche market
2. Market segments
3. Mass market
4. Small groups
A model of the process through which a consumer must pass to be influenced by advertising
1. AIDA Model
2. Hierarchy of effects model
3. Innovation adoption model
4. Information processing model
Ch #6
Ufone uses what kind of appeals for its commercial ads?
1. Fear Appeal
2. Refutational Appeal
3. Humorous Appeal
4. Supportive Appeal
Marketers recognize that people are more likely to be influenced by a message coming from
someone with whom they feel a sense of similarity is an example of:
1. Familiarity
2. Similarity
3. Likeability
4. Endorser

1) What are the new ways to build the brand?

a) get consumers involved in testing the products in stores
b) by interacting with the consumers through social media
c) both a & b
d) none of above
2) In person to person communication the seller attempts to persuade the prospective buyer to
make ________
a) Purchase
b) Interact with consumer
c) Both A&B
d) None of above
3) What is the purpose of Marketing Segmentation?
a) To divide the large market into smaller and more defined categories
b) To interact with retailers
c) To transport the products into market
d) None of above
4) Why the product packaging should be sturdy and reliable?

a) To prevent from damage during the shipment

b) It gives good impression
c) Both a & b
d) None of above
5) The in house agencies are responsible for a brand’s ______________
a) Marketing tasks
b) Advertising tasks
c) Transportations tasks
d) Both a & b
6) What benefit company gets by using ad agencies?
a) Highly skilled specialist in particular industry
b) Longer response time
c) More top management involved
d) More controlled
7) Which is the most important factor that compels the consumer to purchase a particular
a) Desire
b) Attitude
c) Behavior
d) Motive
8) The perceptual process is highly individualized and is influenced by ___________________
a) Consumer’s motives
b) internal psychological factors
c) aptitude
d) psychological factors
9) Subliminal perception is the ability to perceive a stimulus that is beyond the threshold of
a) Level of subconscious
b) Conscious awareness
c) Customers awareness
d) Customers behavior

10) The decoding of a message is highly influenced by receiver’s ___________________

a) Internal motives
b) Frame of reference
c) Desires
d) Frame of mind
11) An effective communication could occur when the message ___________ process of the
receiver must match the ____________ of the sender.
a) Decoding & Encoding
b) Encoding & Decoding
c) None of above
12) An advertiser could determine the reason of its product success or failure through
a) Source
b) Channel
c) Feedback
d) Communication

1: People-to-people oral, electronic or written form of communications that associate with experiences
or merits of buying or using services or products is

a) Interactive marketing

b) Direct marketing

c) Personal selling

d) Word-of-mouth marketing

2: Attention, interest, desire and action are the four tasks in

a) AIDA model

b) Hierarchy of effects model

c) Innovation adoption model

d) Communications model

Chapter no 2:

1 :Communication strategy should always be:

a) product oriented
b) media oriented
c) customer oriented
d) audience oriented

2: The context analysis should be done:

a) Late in the marketing communications planning process

b) At all times in the marketing communications planning process

c) Early in the marketing communications planning process

Chapter no 3 :

1: __________ is a broad set of communication activities used to create and maintain favorable relations
between the organization and its publics.

a) Advertising
b) A press strategy
c) Public relations
d) Publicity

2: When marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue, the firm should _____.

a) Produce more to increase profits

b) Produce less to decrease total costs
c) Stop producing additional units to maximize profits
d) Provide discounts to encourage purchases

Chapter 4

1: Which of the following is NOT an item listed in the buy-grid framework?

a) search for and qualification of potential sources

b) evaluation of proposals and selection of suppliers
c) anticipation of order and listing of quantity needed

2: A retailer is an example of ______.

a) an institutional buyer
b) a reseller
c) a business and commercial buyer

Chapter 5

1: A message showing product’s quality, economy, value and performance is which appeal?

a) Emotional appeal
b) Rational appeal
c) Structural appeal
d) Standard appeal

2: Communication channel a company uses to move its advertising messages to receiver is called _____

a) Encoder
b) Communicator
c) Media
d) None of above

Chapter no 6

1: Familiar products such as Coca Cola are more likely to use _____

a) Informative advertising
b) Persuasive advertising
c) Cooperative advertising
d) Remainder advertising

2:______ advertising becomes more important as competition increases .Company’s objective is to build
selective demand.

a) Remainder oriented
b) Persuasive
c) Patronage
d) POP promotion

1) Google’s keys to success are:

(a) Simplicity
(b) Speed
(c) Accuracy
(d) All of the above

2) Developing an integrating plan requires ________, executing, evaluating

& controlling:
(a) Planning
(b) Leading
(c) Managing
(d) Organizing

3) ___________ segmentation divides consumers into groups according to
usage, loyalties, or buying responses:
(a) Psychographic
(b) Demographic
(c) Behavioristic
(d) Benefit

4) _____________ involves spending money on advertising and sales promotion

efforts directed toward the ultimate consumer:
(a) Push strategy
(b) Pull strategy
(c) External strategy
(d) Internal Strategy

5) The negative impacts of decentralization include:
(a) Ineffective decisions, since brand managers often lack training and experience in
advertising and promotion
(b) Internal conflict as brand managers completes for top management attention and
marketing resources
(c) Lack of authority by brand managers over the functions needed to implement and
control the plans they develop
(d) All of the above

6) Which are not the non-advertising services performed by a full-service

(a) Sales promotion
(b) Selecting media
(c) Direct marketing
(d) Interactive capabilities

7) The study of human motivation is____________:
(a) Psychoanalytic theory
(b) Motivation theory
(c) Physiological theory
(d) Scientific Theory
8) All of these are objective attributes except:
(a) Price
(b) Features
(c) Warranty
(d) Image

9) Smaller, well-defined markets consisting of customers who have similar
needs are called:
(a) Niche markets
(b) Market segments
(c) Small groups
(d) Individuals

10) Which of these are common buzz marketing techniques?

(a) Handing out product samples
(b) Providing products to influential people & encouraging them to talk up the brand
(c) Hiring actors to talk up a brand in public places
(d) All of the above

11) Personal channel factors include:
(a) Flexible
(b) Powerful
(c) Real time
(d) All of the above

12) All of these are forms of self-paced media except:

(a) Newspapers
(b) Magazines
(c) Internet
(d) Television

 Which of the following is excluding from four P’s.

 Partners
 Product
 place
 Price

 IMC is related
 Harmonised messages

 Co-ordinated promotional tools

 Support for marketing strategy

 A strategic coherent blend of internal and external messages

Chapter # 02
 MCPF is abbreviation of
1) Media committee for promotional formats
2) Marketing communication planning framework
3) Message coherence and planning formularies
4) Marketing channel for product fulfilment

 The market segmentation process consist of ______ steps

i) Two
ii) Four
iii) Five
iv) Eight

Chapter # 03
 Interactive agency carried out one of this function ___________.

5) Public relation
6) Sale and Promotion
7) SEO, Display and Content making
8) Creative team
 Company organized there promotions and advertsing through ________

 Size
 Budget
 Number of products
 All of them.

Chapter # 04
9) The first stage in consumer decision making process is ____

 External search
 Internal search
 Problem recognition
 Communication strategies

10) Psychological process including all mention below, except

 Motivation
 Learning
 Purchasing decision
 Perception

Chapter # 05
11) Which advertising organizational system has concentration on flexibility increment, rapid
response to the problem and managerial attention?
 Research
 Centralized
 Decentralized
 All of above.

12) ________________, compact and well-defined markets consisting of customers who have
homogenous needs.

 Niche markets
 Small groups
 Markets segments
 Mass markets

Chapter # 06
 The matrix variables are _________

 Promotion planning
 Communication process
 Responsible model
 Dependent and independent

 An advertiser could determine the reason of its product success or failure through
a) Source
b) Channel
c) Feedback
d) Communication

1) A major reason for the development of IMC has been:

A.the move towards relationship marketing.

B.increasingly little difference between products.
C.a more collaborative approach to strategy.
D.the Internet.

2) Communication strategy should always be:

A.audience oriented.
B.product oriented. oriented.
D.customer oriented.

Chapter # 2

1) According to the marketing and promotions process model, the marketing process begins with

A. development of the marketing mix.

B. development of a marketing strategy and analysis.
C. development of the promotional mix
D. determination of the target mar

2) _________ can be defined as the way by which organizations attempt to inform, convince and
remind customers indirectly or directly about the brands and products they offer.

A. Marketing communic
B. Marketing plans
C. Marketing strategies

Chapter # 3

1) Which of the following is NOT an area of dependability for people who work in an advertising
A. Creativity.
B. Printing.
C. Buying.
D. Research.
2) Advertising can be used to sell _________.

A. products.
B. services.
C. ideas.
D. all the above

Chapter# 4

1) The _________ is the consumer's perception of the way things actually are.

A. Desirable stimulation level

B. Ideal state
C. Actual state
D. Optimal stimulation level

2) Even if consumers are exposed to information about a product, there must first be ________ in
order for it to have an effect.

A. Exposure
B. Ability
C. Perception
D. Opportunity

Chapter# 5

1) As a process of sharing thoughts and ideas, communication suffers mainly from:

A.physical barriers
B.both physical and non-physical barriers
C.gender differences
C.non-physical barriers

2) Effective communication is essentially a:

A.three-way process
B.both a one-way and a two-way process process
D.two-way process

Chapter# 6

1) _____________ is the person who notices and decodes and attaches some meaning to a
A. receiver
B. driver
C. sender

2) The _______________ is the person who transmits the message.

C. sender
D. cleaner

Q1. What is the most essential element in the marketing?

1. 1Values
2. 2.Mass Customization
3. 3.CRM
4. All of the above

Q2.What is the of IMC in branding?

1. 1.Name
2. 2.Logo
3. 3.Symbol
4. 4.All of the above

Q3. In the selecting of a Product contain

1. Branding
2. Packaging
3. All of the above
4. None of the above

Q4. In Push policy information flows form

1. Producer to consumer
2. Consumer to producer
3. Both A &B
4. None of the above

Q5. Advantages of Centralized system is

1. More goals
2. Quick Response time
3. Both A &B
4. None of the above
Q6. Disadvantages of in-house agencies is
1. More cost
2. Less coordination
3. Less control
4. None of the above

Q7. Advantages of Psychoanalytic Approach is

1. Reveals hidden feeling
2. Highlights importance of symbolic factors
3. Shifts attention from what and to “how” and “why”
4. All of the above

Q8. How much sexy add gain attention of consumers?

1. Very high attention
2. High
3. low
4. None of the above
Q9 Successful communication process is
e) Sender >channel massage> encoding >receiver> decoding >response>feedback
f) Sender >encoding> >receiver> channel massage>decoding >response>feedback
g) Sender >channel massage> encoding >receiver> decoding >feedback >response
h) Sender>encoding>channel massage>decoding>receiver>response>feedback
Q10: What is the most Effective communication channel
1. Print media
2. Broad cast media
3. Personal selling
4. Word of mouth

Q11: Which element is to be consider in promotional planning?

1. Receiver ->channel
2. Receiver -> Channel->Message-> Sources
3. Receiver -> message -> sources
4. Receiver -> channel -> Sources

Q12: What are the types of messages that can be conveyed in the add
1. 1.Comparative message
2. Fear message
3. 3.Hummor Message
4. All of the above
1. The business or act of making something known to the public, usually through some type of
paid media is known as :
A. Supply Chain
B. Financing
C. Advertising
D. None of the above
2. The service outputs produced by the customers are :
A. Lot size
B. Spatial accommodation
C. Waiting and delivery time
D. All of the above
Chapter 2
3. To have your brand successful it should have good positioning strategy & unique brand
identity :
A. True
B. False
4. When selecting a target market you determine :
A. Which segment is vast
B. Which segment have the greatest potential
C. Which is going to generate more revenue
D. None of the above
Chapter 3
5. Real estate, where buyers deal directly with seller comes under :
A. Marketing Mix
B. 4 P’s
C. Centralized Marketing
D. Decentralized Marketing
6. The In-house agency is responsible for all of _____ tasks :
A. Public Relations
B. Marketing & Advertisements
C. Financing
D. None of the above
Chapter 4
7. _____ appeal to shared beliefs, values and norms.
A. Subculture ads
B. Society
C. Advertising
D. Marketing Mix
8. Which branding appeals to your customer senses : sight, smell, sound, taste and touch?
A. Service Branding
B. Sensory Branding
C. Geographic Branding
D. Retail Branding
Chapter 5
9. Is it true that the nature of communications starts with the sender and ends with the receiver?
A. True
B. False
10. You cannot use the concept of semiotics in branding and advertising to tell a story or directly
represent what are you trying to communicate :
A. True
B. False
Chapter 6
11. Which celebrity endorser will be worthy for basketball advertisements :
A. Michael Jordan
B. Tiger Woods
C. Brett Lee
D. None of the above
12. Visual Advertising techniques consists of :
A. Color
B. Repetition
C. Direct Gaze
D. All of the above

1) Characteristics of the location in which the purchase decision is made are known as
a) Material
b) Motivational
c) Physical
d) Social

2) The aspect which is included in personal channel is:

a) Category Trail
b) Word of mouth
c) Motivation
d) Print Media

3) Communication strategy should always be

a) Customer Oriented
b) Media Oriented
c) Product Oriented
d) Audience Oriented
4) The role of sale promotion agencies include:
a) Strategy Development
b) Creative Research
c) Promotional Planning

5) The response to senders message is called ________.

a) Food bank
b) Feedback
c) Back
d) Feed bank

6) Two important dimensions to source credibility are trustworthiness and ___________.

a) Mass Markets
b) Source-oriented thoughts
c) Expertise
d) Association Tests
7) Which one is not a benefit of In-house Agency
a) Cost saving
b) More control
c) Less objectivity
d) Better coordination

8) For pricing decision factors a firm must consider

a) Perceived value
b) Time
c) Mental activity
d) Behavioral effort

9) Cognitive Learning Process consist of _____ steps?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2

10) Self-paced media is part of _________

a) Humor appeals
b) Protection motivation
c) Information processing

11) Two or more individuals connect directly face-to-face, person-to-audience, over the
internet, or by e-mail across networks.
a) Congruent communications
b) Direct communications
c) Non-personal communications
d) Personal communications

12) When planning marketing communication events are scheduled.

a) In parallel
b) Randomly
c) Sequentially
d) In rough order

1: Product,Price,Place and promotion are the four P’s of _____________

e) Marketing mix
f) Marketing myopia
g) Direct Marketing
h) None of the above

2: Which of these are part of The promotional mix

e) Advertising
f) Direct marketing
g) Sales promotion
h) All of the above

Chapter 2:
3: Fitting the product or service to one or more segments of the broad market in such a way
as to set it apart from the competition is known as

e) Marketing Positioning
f) Marketing Myopia
g) Market Segmentation
h) None of the above

4: The goal of a ________ strategy is to create demand among consumers and encourage them to
request the product from the retailer.

e) Pull
f) Push
g) All of the above
h) None of the above

Chapter 3:

5: the company or organization that has the product, service or cause to be marketed and provides the
funds to pay for the IMC program is known as

e) Advertiser
f) Advertising agency
g) Collateral service
h) Media Organization

6: companies that provide a wide array of support functions used by advertisers, agencies, media
organizations, and specialist organizations such as marketing research, package design, photography,
video production and other services is known as

e) Advertising agency
f) Collateral service
g) Media Organization
h) None of the above

Chapter 4:

7: The process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using,
evaluating, and disposing of products and services is known as

e) Consumer Behavior
f) Exchange
g) Marketing
h) Learning

8: Which of these is a pro of motivation research

e) Reveals hidden feelings, drives and fears

f) Qualitative results from very small samples
g) Varying, subjective interpretations
h) Difficult or impossible to verify or validate
Chapter 5:

9: Which of the following are a form of encoding

e) Verbal
f) Graphic
g) Animation
h) All of the above

10: Word of mouth and Personal selling is known as

e) Personal channels
f) Non-Personal Channels
g) Personal selling
h) None of the above

Chapter 6:

11: Which of these is NOT linked to source credibility

e) Skillful
f) Honesty
g) Biased
h) Ethical

12: Knowledge of the source through repeated or prolonged exposure is known as

e) Familiarity
f) Likeability
g) Similarity
h) None of the above

A. Online strategies include ______ of the following

A. Detailed information
B. Entertaining
C. Interactive
D. All of above
B. IMC plays major role in_______.
A. developing and sustaining brand identity and equity
B. Multiple forms of communication
C. Performance-based compensation
D. Non of the above.
C. The Marketing Segmentation Process develop a market/product grid to relate the market
segments to the firm’s products and actions which follows on by…
A. Select the product segments toward which the firm will direct its marketing actions
B. Take marketing actions to reach target segments
C. Combined with estimate of the resources on which the consumer can draw
D. Lifestyle
D. Which brand names often communicate attributes and meaning.
A. Safeguard
B. Arid
C. Spic and span
D. All of the above.
E. Which of them is not a positive aspect of centralized system.
A. Better communication
B. Continuity
C. Fewer personnel
D. Longer response time
F. Which one is not included in non advertising service?
A. Sales promotion
B. Direct marketing
C. Package design
D. Performing research
G. Marketers wants to know
A. Consumers sense
B. Selective attention
C. Selective exposure
D. Selective rtention

H. Pre evaluation is a ______ process.

A. Satisfaction
B. Integration
C. Brand loyalty
D. Heuristics

9.Verbal form of encoding doesn’t include.

A. Spoken words
B. Written words
C. Song lyrics
D. Voices

10.Routes of attitude changes into

A. Peripheral route
B. General Route
C. Advertising route
D. Production route

11. Procs of humor appeal include

A. Aids attention and awareness

B. May aid retention of the message
C. Creates a positive mood and enhances persuasion
D. All of above

12. which is not a factor of promotional planning.

A. Receiver Comprehension
B. Channel Presentation
C. Message Yielding
D. Source distraction


1. The term marketing refers to _______

A. Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relational activities

B. A new product needs ideas, Developments, concepts and improvements.
C. Sales Planning, Strategy and Implementation
D. A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction.

2. The _____ is a written document that describes the overall marketing strategy and programs
developed for an organization, product line, or brand.

A. Promotional plan
B. Marketing plan
C. Communications plan
D. Marketing audit
E. Situation analysis


3.___________ is not the part of target marketing process.

A. Determine market segment

B. Select market for target
D. Isolated customers

4. IMC is about

A. Coordinated promotional tools

B. Support for the marketing strategy
C. Harmonized messages
D. A strategically coherent blend of internal and external messages



5. A major reason why some companies choose to use an in-house agency is to:

A. Maintain creative freshness

B. Reduce advertising and promotions costs

C. Better understand how advertising works

D. Win advertising awards that when the image of their brands

6. Why agencies lose clients

A. Personality conflict
B. Unrealistic client demands
C. Poor communication and declining sales
D. All of them.


7._____ is considered a learned response to an object, or an individual’s overall feelings toward, or

evaluation of, an object.

A) A motive

B) A need

C) Perception

D) An attitude

8. Which one of them is not a Cognitive learning in consumer behavior

A. Goal
B. Insight
C. Environment
D. Goal achievement


9. The Semiotic Perspective is

A. Object > sign > interpretant

B. Person > sign > interpretant
C. Sign > object > interpretant
D. Object > interpretant > sign

10 . __________ is the process by which consumer must pass to be influenced by advertising

A. AIDA model
B. Hierarchy of effects model
C. Information processing model
D. Innovation model


11. Ufone uses __________appeal for his commercial to gain attention of its audience

A. Supportive
B. Humorous
C. Fear
D. Snob

12. Visual advertising technique include

A. Direct gaze
B. Color
C. Repetition
D. All of them

1. The goal of _____ is to generate short-term financial returns and build long-term brand value.

A. Segmentation
C. Sale
2. What comes under the promotional mix? Choose the correct option.

A. Advertising
B. Direct Marketing
C. Sales Promotion
D. All of these
Chapter : 2

3. _____ is a strategic exercise we use to establish the image of a brand or product in the consumer's
mind. For example, a car maker may position itself as a luxury status symbol.

A. Value
C. Market Positioning
D. Promotion
4. When consumers buy a product or service, they aren’t just buying a product or service; they are
buying what your _____ stands for?

A. Logo
B. Brand
C. Price
D. Competitors
Chapter : 3

5. A primary role of Advertising Agency is :

A. To inform people about the product

B. Identify new customers
C. Motivating distributors
D. All of these
6. Advertising works in confinement from different pieces of the correspondence blend

A. True
B. False
Chapter : 4
7. The Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Self-actualization needs come under :

A. The Orthodox Model

B. Maslow's Hierarchy
C. The Hallmark of Scientific Research
D. Hofstede's Cultural Dimension
8. A Boutique Agency centers around which part of Advertising?

A. Creativity
B. Planning
C. Revenue
D. Retail Clients
Chapter : 5

9. Forms of Encoding includes :

A. Verbal
B. Graphic
C. Animation
D. All of the above
10. Personal channel and Non personal channel comes under :

A. Channel Dashboard
B. Communication Channel
D. Marketing Mix
Chapter : 6

11. Which popular endorser will be suitable for golf advertisements :

A. Michael Jordan
B. Yao Ming
C. Tiger Woods
D. None of the above
12. What is it considered when an acclaimed individual uses their reputation to help sell an item or

A. Celebrity Announcement
B. Celebrity Endorsement
C. Celebrity Stigma
D. Private Advertising

1. _________ can be defined as the way by which organizations attempt to inform, convince and remind
customers indirectly or directly about the brands and products they offer.
a) Marketing communications

b) Marketing plans

c) Marketing strategies

d) None of the above

2. The marketing mix is made up of _______ types of communication.

a) Seven

b) Six

c) Eight

d) None of the above

4) Under Armour developed dynamic advertising, sponsorships of sports leagues, a creative Web site
and celebrity spokespeople to promote their sports and clothing products. Under Armour is engaged in:

A.integrated marketing communications

B. a centralized market strategy
C. a concentrated market strategy
D. an undifferentiated market strategy
E. lifestyle segmentation based on sports

5. _____ is a document that evolves from an organization's overall corporate strategy and serves as a
guide for specific marketing programs and policies.
A.strategic marketing plan
B. integrated marketing communications plan
C. situation analysis
D. opportunity analysisE. competitive plan

6) Newspaper Advertising Strengths

A. Audience in appropriate mental frame.

B. Mass audience coverage.

C. Flexibility.

D. All the above

7) Which medium is best depends entirely on the advertiser s objectives, the creative needs, the
competitive challenge and the ______

A. Budget available.

B. Clients choice.

C. Agencies choice.

D. Creative plans choice.

8) . Any individual who purchases goods and services from the market for his/her end-use is

called a..................

a. Customer
b. Purchaser
c. Consumer
d. All these

9. ------------ is nothing but willingness of consumers to purchase products and services as per

their taste, need and of course pocket.

a. Consumer behavior
b. Consumer interest
c. Consumer attitude
d. Consumer perception

10 Which of these is the external sounds present in the channels of communication?

a) Noise

b) Semantic problems

c) Cultural barriers

d) Over communication
10. Which of these should not be avoided for effective communication?

a) Noise

b) Planning

c) Semantic problems

d) Wrong assumptions

11. The _____ is a planning tool that can be used by marketers to consider how controllable elements of
the communications process interact with the consumers' response process.
A. dissonance/attribution model

B. persuasion matrix
C. AIDA model
D. response model
E. elaboration likelihood model (ELM)

12 ) . What combination of independent and dependent variables of the persuasion matrix did The Golf
Channel consider when it hired Canadian golfing pro Steve Allen to be its spokesperson in a Canadian
advertising campaign and assumed he would be noticed by Canadians who golf and are interested in
A. Source/yielding
B. Message/yielding
C. Channel/attention
D. Source/attention
E. Message/retention

1) Developing an integrated marketing communication plan requires

a) Planning & Executing
b) Evaluating
c) Controlling
d) All of Above
2) Numerous forms of short-term incentives to promote trial or buying of a service of
product is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising
Chapter 2

3) _____ is an important part of strategic marketing process

a) Evaluating
b) Advertising
c) Positioning
d) Planning

4) _____ provide extra value or incentives for immediate sale

a) Loss
b) Profit
c) Plan
d) Sales promotion

Chapter 3

5) _______ places that provide information or entertainment to their subscribers, viewers, or

a) Advertising agency
b) Media organization
c) Collateral services
d) Advertiser’s

6) ___________ is responsible for all promotions activities except sales (can be referred to as
marketing communications manager)
a) Advertising manager
b) Services
c) CEO
d) Production company
Chapter 4

7) the learned meanings, values, norms, and customs shared by a society. It is the broadest and
most abstract influence on buyer behavior is called :
a) Subculture
b) Social class
c) Reference group
d) Culture

8) homogenous divisions in a society into which people sharing similar lifestyles, values, norms,
interests, and behaviors can be grouped are known as :
a) Social Class
b) Culture
c) Reference group
d) Subculture

Chapter 5

9) The content of the communication is called:

a. a message.
b. noise.
c. media richness.
d. jargon.

10)Noise is not a problem at which stage of the communication process?

a. source.
b. receiver.
c. decoding.
d. none of the above (noise is a problem at all stages).

1- ________________ is an attempt to show a company in a positive light, and to feed information

into the sources from which publicity arises.
A- Systematically planning
B- Corporate Advertising
C- Broadcast media
D- Public relations
2- ______ refers to the non personal communications regarding an organization, product, service,
or idea not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship.
A- Marketing
B- Publicity
C- Credibility
D- Management
3- The markets segmentation process involves five distinct steps, which of the following steps is
not a part of market segmentation.
A- Find ways to group customers according to their needs
B- Find ways to group the marketing actions – usually the products offered
C- Making sure that product is generating profit
D- Select the product segments toward which the firm directs its marketing actions
E- Take marketing actions to reach target segments.
4- Which segmentation divides the market on the basis of personality, values, and/or lifestyles?
A- Marketing segmentation
B- Psychographic segmentation
C- Benefit Segmentation
D- Behavioristic segmentation
5- What refers to the intangible assets of added value or goodwill that result from the favorable
image, impression, and consumer attachment to a company, brand name, or trademark?
A- Brand name
B- Packaging
C- Brand Equity
D- Marketing
6- Intermediaries are sometimes called
A- Wholesalers
B- Profit makers
C- Resellers
D- Customers

7- Which of the following is not a part of Agency Services

A- Account service
B- Marketing service
C- Sales service
D- Creative service
8- With the rapid growth of the Internet and other forms of interactive media, a new type of
specialized marketing communications organizations has evolved, what is it?
A- The interactive agency
B- Catalog Production
C- Program Development
D- Brand Equity
9- What approach was pioneered by Sigmund Freud to study of human motivation?
A- Projective technique
B- Psychoanalytic theory
C- Selective exposure
D- Marketing
10- Advertisers know consumers use selective perception to filter out irrelevant or unwanted
advertising messages, so they sometimes appeal to consumers’ subconscious
A- Subconscious
B- Memory
C- Ideas
D- Consciousness
11- __________ are very interested in feedback, that part of the receiver’s response that is
communicated back to the sender. Feedback, which may take a variety of forms, closes the loop
in the communications flow and lets the sender monitor how the intended message is being
decoded and received.
A- Managers
B- Marketers
D- Accountants
12- According to which model, the attitude formation or change process depends on the amount
and nature of elaboration, or processing, of relevant information that occurs in response to a
persuasive message.
A- Elaboration likelihood model (ELM) model
B- FCB planning model
C- Dissonance/Attribution Model
D- The response process

1. ____________means dividing the market on the basis of personality.

a) psychographic segmentation
b) demographic segmentation
c) behavioristic segmentation
d) none of above

2. Which is the NOT the obstacle of implementing IMC?

a) Lack of people with the broad perspective and skills to make it
b) Internal turf battles
c) None of above
d) Fear of budget reductions

3 What kind of externals influences the consumer behavior?

a) Culture and social class
b) Trends and fashion
c) Movies
d) None of above

4 Cognitive Learning Process consist of _____ steps?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2

5 Target Audience is identified by

a) Mass Market and Audience
b) Market Segments
c) Niche Market
d) All of them

6 Which factor is include in choosing a celebrity endorser

A) Image
B) Logo design
C) Knowledge
D) Product quality

7 For pricing decision factors a firm must consider

a) Perceived value
b) Time
c) Mental activity
d) Behavioral effort

8 Which one is not a benefit of In-house Agency

a) Cost saving
b) More control
c) Less objectivity
d) Better coordination

9 Successful communication is accomplished when the marketer selects an

a) Appropriate source and develops an effective message
b) Appropriate target market
c) Appropriate product for the target audience
d) All of above

10 A small group brought together to discuss products, ideas, or issues is:

a. Focus groups
b. Association tests
c. Projective techniques
d. In-depth interviews

11 In marketing, there are 4P’s which are

a) Product, price, placement, promotion
b) Price, punctuality, procedure, placement
c) Production, price, placement, publicity
d) None of above

12 What kind of externals influences the consumer behavior?

a) Culture and social class
b) Trends and fashion
c) Movies
d) None of above

The four Ps of Marketing

 Product, price, place, promotion.

 Place, price, peace, promotion
 Place, power, promotion , place
 None of these

The goal of IMC is to

 To generate brand value

 Generate long term financial returns
 Generate short term financial returns
 None of these

Branding and --------------- linked

 Packaging
 Price
 Ads
 None of these

A pakage is more than a trailer

 Idea
 Trailer
 Container
 None of these

Negative impact of centralized system

 Continuity
 Batter communication
 Fewer personnel
 Longer response time

Negative point of decentralization system

 Ineffective decision making

 Concentrated attention
 Increase flexibility
 Rapid problem response

The process of activities people engages in when searching, selecting, purchasing and using know as

 Market force
 Consumer behavior
 Market rule
 Consumer behavior

The perception of consumers

 Select, organize, interpret, receive

 Receive, select, organize interpret
 Select ,receive ,interect ,manage
 None of these

Which is not include in personal channel

 Print media
 Personal selling
 Words of mouth
 None of these

Communication channel a company use to move its advertising message to receiver is called

 Cooperative advertising
 Reminder advertising
 Persuasive advertising
 Informative advertising

Source of credibility

 Skillful
 trustworthy
 honesty
 All of the above

What are the pros of human appeals?

 Does not aid source creditability

 May harm complex copy registration
 May harm recall and comprehension
 None of the above

An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication

________ is Processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers

• Marketing
• Value
• Public relation
• Point of purchase

The first step in the IMC planning process is ________.

• The situation analysis

• Budget determination
• A review of the marketing plan
• Specification of communication objectives

Chapter 02
The Role of IMC in the Marketing Process
It’s all about figuring out how to use these driving factors to make the brand more
customer-centric and meaningful. This is something to bear in mind when

 Segmenting on demographic
 Segmenting on behavioral
 Segmenting on psychographic
 Both b and c

The process by which marketers develop different marketing strategies to satisfy

different customer needs is called ___________

• Targeting marketing
• Positioning marketing
• Developing marketing
• Analyzing marketing

Chapter 03

Organizing for Advertising and Promotion

The ______ department coordinates all phases of production to insure the proper
progression of advertisement.

• Research
• Production
• Art
• Traffic

Most of an advertising agencies expanses are in the area of .

• Media costs
• Salaries and benefits for employees
• Personal selling
• Commission

Chapter 04

Perspective on Consumer Behavior

In consumer decision making psychological process is ____________
• Motivation
• Perception
• Attitude formation
• All of the above
Sources of problem recognition does not include _______________.
• Out of stock
• Situation decision
• Dissatisfaction
• New products

Chapter 05

The Communication Process

Which personal characteristics ks influence by characteristics such as age, income and
• Motivation
• Demographics
• Personality
• Lifestyle

Another problem with saled objective that the effects of advertising often occur over an
extended period. Many expects recognize that advertising has a result of money spent
on advertising not necessarily having an immediate impact on sales
• Specified time period
• Carry over effect
• Communication objective
• Brand awareness

_____ is a planning tool that can be used by marketers to consider how controllable
elements of the communications process interact with the consumers' response
• Dissonance/attribution model
• AIDA model
• Response model
• Elaboration likelihood model

IMC is about:

a) a strategically coherent blend of internal and external messages

b) support for the marketing strategy
c) harmonized messages
d) coordinated promotional tools.

Which of these is a possible disadvantage of IMC?

a) Centralization
b) Customer focus
c) Communications synergy
d) Co-ordinated brand development

Chapter # 2

Under Armour developed dynamic advertising, sponsorships of sports leagues, a creative Web site and
celebrity spokespeople to promote their sports and clothing products. Under Armour is engaged in:

a) integrated marketing communications

b) a centralized market strategy
c) a concentrated market strategy
d) an undifferentiated market strategy

Which of these is not a sales promotion technique?

a) Coupon
b) Questionnaire
c) Bonus pack
d) Loyalty card

Chapter # 3
If an advertiser wants a very
detailed accounting of how its
advertising and promotional
monies are
being spent and what it is being
charged by its ad agency, it is
likely to use a(n) _____
compensation system.
A. fee arrangement
B. media commission
C. incentive-based
D. fee-combination
E. cost-plus
Disadvantages of in-house advertisement agencies

a) Reduced objectivity
b) Greater power
c) Improved regulation
d) Financial savings
Any of the following forms of advertisement promotes goods, services, or ideas in the hope of profit?

a) commercial advertisement
b) Non-profit ads
c) Promotional action
d) Product promotion

Chapter # 4

Which of the above does not constitute a psychological process?

a) Buying decision
b) Motivation
c) Perception
d) Learning

Occurs as consumers choose whether to make themselves available to information is:

a) Selective attention
b) Selective exposure
c) Selective comprehension
d) Selective retention

Chapter # 5

Today, brand contact entails:

a) capturing someone's attention;

b) finding a way to communicate and connect with the consumer;
c) using conventional marketing messages; and
d) promoting sales.

Marketers are very interested in_______ that part of the receiver's response that is communicated
back to the sender.
a) Sender
b) Receiver
c) Feedback
d) Source

Chapter # 6

Traditional methods of compensating advertising agencies include:

a) the commission scheme,
b) hourly billing,
c) the fee system,
d) the straight pay process

Target Audience is described as

a) Mass Market and Audience,
b) Market Segments,
c) Niche Market,
d) Both of them

1: None of the above is not a current IMC perspective?

a) As a commercial operation, it has been recognized.
b) Other relevant audiences.
c) Demand for transparency and result assessment
d) Mass personalization.

2: What is the purpose of IMC?
a) A To add value.
b) Gaining short-term financial gains
c) B. Advertising and marketing
d) D. Price regulation

Chapter # 2

1: What market segmentation divides the market based on beliefs, personality, and lifestyle?
a) Psychographic segmentation
b) Behavioral segmentation
c) Input from customers
d) VALS lifestyle segmentation

2: To market their sporting and apparel brands, Under Armor created dynamic ads, sponsorships
of sports leagues, an imaginative Web portal, and celebrity spokespeople. Under Armor is a
company that specializes in.
a) a focused business strategy;
b) a consolidated market strategy;
c) an undifferentiated market strategy
d) coordinated media communications
Chapter # 3

1: In the advertising industry, the term "client" refers to the person or company that hires an ad
a) b) Media
b) Buyer
c) Advertising department
d) Advertiser or organisation with the good, service, or cause to be promoted.

2: In psychographic segmentation, the industry is divided according to

a) b) personality, values, and demand.
b) lifestyle, values, and life style.
c) lifestyle, social standing, and personality
d) neither of the above

Chapter # 4
1: Which stage of the Consumer Decision-Making Process is this?
a) b) Identification of problems
b) Information quest
c) Alternative assessment
d) Identification of new needs or desires

2: What outside influences influence consumer behavior?

a) Fashion and trends
b) Movies
c) Culture and social status
d) None of the above
Chapter # 5
1: Decoding is the method of converting the message back into thinking for?
a) sender,
b) receivers,
c) people,
d) None of these

2: A marketer's contact is successful when he or she chooses an

a) Appropriate source and creates an engaging message
b) Appropriate target market.
c) Substance that is appropriate for the target group
d) Both of the above

Chapter # 6

1: Having people laugh or feel happy about a business or brand elicits an emotional reaction.
a) c) Humor Advertisements
b) Comparative Advertisements
c) Fear Appeal
d) None of the abovea

2: Comparative advertisements are effective in which of the following situations?

a) Particularly useful for emerging brands;

b) frequently used for brands with a limited market share;
c) frequently used in political advertising;
d) all of the above.
1. The way a company is organizing for advertisement and promotion is

a) Its size
b) The budget
c) The number of products it markets
d) All of above
2. Which one is not a benefit of In-house Agency
a) Cost saving
b) More control
c) Less objectivity
d) Better coordination

3. Any paid type of non-personal promotion and presentation of goods, service ls or ideas by an
identified sponsor is
a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

4. Several programs planned to protect or promote a company's image or its products is known as
a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Public relations and publicity

5. Which one of this is true about keyword targeting?

a) Text ads at top or side of search results

b) Advertisers compete for top spot

c) Cost per Click CPC

d) All of the above

6. Developing an integrated marketing communication plan requires


b) Executing

c) Evaluating

d) All of them

7. A ....... advertising organizational system has the advantages of concentrated managerial

attention, rapid response to problem and increase flexibility

a). Centralized

b). Decentralized

c). Democratic

d). Collateral system

8. A full-service agency offers its clients.

a). Account services

b). Research

c). Creative development

d). All of the above

9 Fear Appeal impact on consumer can be

a) May stress physical danger or threats to health

b) Can backfire if level of threat is too high

c) Both a & b

d) None of above
10. Humor appeal does not aid persuasion in general

a) Yes

b) No

c) Maybe

d) Likely

11. As a situational influence, the concept of 'time' refers to

a). The average time consumers take to make a purchase decision

b). The time available for a purchase decision

c). The time it takes to make a purchase decision

d). The number of times a purchase decision is made

12. A key part of this is to have a clear goal. The link between marketing objectives and
communication objectives. Advertising and promotion can focus on influencing a particular form
of manner.

a). Options for behavioral objectives

b). Setting IMC objectives

c). Brand re-trial

d). Category trial

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