RBC Roller, Hexlube, Camcentric: Cam Followers
RBC Roller, Hexlube, Camcentric: Cam Followers
RBC Roller, Hexlube, Camcentric: Cam Followers
® ® ®
Cam Followers
• Cam Followers and Yoke Rollers - Standard stud, heavy stud, yoke • CamCentric® - The RBC CamCentric cam follower allows the user
type, caged roller followers, RBC Roller® long life cam followers, to adjust the height at which the cam follower rides along the track.
HexLube® universal cam followers, airframe track rollers. Mastguide
rollers and carriage rollers, chain sheaves (for leaf chain), toothless
How We Can Serve You
sprockets (for roller chain), and heavy-duty roller bearing construction. RBC has implemented a total quality control system that uses statistical
quality control at all facilities, and manufactures in high volume to a
• Rod Ends - Commercial and aerospace, precision, Mil-Spec series, just-in-time program.
self-lubricating, inch and metric. Heim®, Unibal®, and Spherco™
brands. To serve the ongoing needs of customers, RBC has a network of over
1,600 distributors and sales engineers throughout the US, Europe, and
• Self-Lubricating Bearings - Radial, thrust, rod ends, spherical plain South America, with authorized agents worldwide. For assistance with
bearings, high temperature, high loads, inch and metric. Fiberglide® your bearing application, contact:
brand. Customer Service - 800.390.3300
• Thin Section Ball Bearings - Standard cross sections to one inch. Warranty
Sizes to 40 inches. Stainless steel and other materials available. Seals
available on all sizes and standard cross sections. RBC products are warranted for material and workmanship for a period
not to exceed 90 days from shipment and for a value not to exceed pur-
• Airframe Control Bearings - Ball bearing types, self-lubricating chase price. No other warranty is in effect.
types, needle rollers, track rollers.
Disclaimer and Intellectual Property Statement
• Ground, Semiground, and Unground Ball Bearings - Full comple- The materials comprising this Catalog are provided by RBC Bearings
ment, utilizes design and burnished races for higher loads, long life, and Incorporated ("RBC Bearings, RBC") as a service to its customers on an "as-is"
basis for informational purposes only. RBC assumes no responsibility for any
smooth operation. errors or omissions in these materials. RBC makes no commitment to update
the information contained herein.
• Dowel Pins, Loose Needle Rollers, Shafts
RBC makes no, and expressly disclaims any, representations or warranties,
express or implied, regarding the Catalog, including, without limitation, any
• Tapered Roller and Tapered Thrust Bearings - Case-hardened and implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. RBC
through-hardened in a variety of sizes, used in Class 8 heavy truck and makes no, and expressly disclaims any, warranties, express or implied, regarding
trailer wheel bearings, final drive transmissions and gear boxes. the correctness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and reliability of the text,
graphics and any other items in the Catalog. Under no circumstances shall RBC,
its affiliates, or any of their respective partners, officers, directors, employees,
• Custom Designed Bearings - RBC produces a wide range of custom agents or representatives be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, spe-
bearings in various materials for specific applications. cial or consequential damages for lost revenues, lost profits, or otherwise, arising
from or in connection with this Catalog and the materials contained herein.
All materials contained in the Catalog are protected by copyright laws, and may
not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or
otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission
of RBC.
RBC's names and logos and all related trademarks (including RBC Part
Numbers, Series Number, and Cone and Cup Numbers), tradenames, and other
intellectual property are the property of RBC Bearings and cannot be used with-
out its express prior written permission.
2 © 2006, 2007, 2008 RBC Bearings Incorporated
Cam Follower Selection Guide 4-5
L 10 rev =
applications and provides for flow-through lubrication. trucks and car lifts. They are also used as track rollers and
Caged roller followers normally mount directly on a as tensioners in power transmission chain drives.
hardened and ground pin. RBC offers a line of Precision
Ground Inner Rings (page 28) to simplify application of
caged roller followers. More information on shaft and Airframe Track Rollers
mounting considerations is provided in part 5.4 of the and Needle Bearings
technical section (page 45).
Airframe track rollers and needle bearings are designed
for high load carrying capability, light weight, and slow
Material Handling Rollers and Sheaves rotation or oscillatory motion. The exposed surfaces are
RBC offers a wide range of rollers and sheaves specifi- plated to provide corrosion resistance. They are used in
cally designed for material handling applications—lifting, aircraft flap, slat and control applications, and in numerous
conveying, and power transmission. All RBC rollers and non-aircraft applications.
sheaves use heavy duty roller bearing construction which Series NBC needle bearings (page 34) offer high
provides maximum dynamic and shock capacity for capacity, thin cross section and unitized construction.
longer service life than ball bearing designs. They are commonly used in pivots and linkages.
Lift Truck, Crane and Conveyor Rollers (page 30, 31) Series NBE and NBK needle bearings (page 36, 37)
commonly referred to as mast guide rollers or carriage provide a spherical aligning outer ring to allow for mis-
rollers, are used in lift truck masts and carriages, travelling alignment. Applications and performance characteristics
cranes, and conveyor lines, where maximum capacity in an are otherwise similar to series NBC.
anti-friction roller is required. Sealed, lubricated-for-life Series NBF and NBL track rollers (page 38, 39) are
versions are available. designed with heavy outer ring cross section for track
Chain Sheave and Sprocket Idlers (page 32, 33) for roller applications. They offer a corrosion resistant
BL-leaf and ANSI “rollerless” roller hoisting chain are alternative to conventional yoke type cam followers.
essential components of hoisting systems such as lift
Stud and Yoke Type
Contacting lip seals are a standard feature of the
RBC Roller®. These seals ride on smooth ground
surfaces on the inner ring or stud. This sealing sys-
tem provides positive exclusion of solid and
liquid contaminants, and excellent lubricant retention.
When compared to clearance seals typical of most
cam follower designs, the RBC Roller® contacting lip
✔ Maintenance-Free
—Saves maintenance costs
—Saves lubrication costs
—Saves time
✔ Increased speeds
—Boosts productivity
Series RBC
B SD SL K TL Thread Approx.
PART +.000 +.000 +.001 Shank Shoulder Eff. Thread Class Weight
NUMBER - .001 - .005 - .000 Length Diameter Length 2A [lbs]
RBC 1 1.000 .625 .4375 1.000 .500 .500 7/16-20 .16
RBC 1 1/8 1.125 .625 .4375 1.000 .500 .500 7/16-20 .19
RBC 1 1/4 1.250 .750 .5000 1.250 .625 .625 1/2-20 .29
RBC 1 3/8 1.375 .750 .5000 1.250 .625 .625 1/2-20 .34
RBC 1 1/2 1.500 .875 .6250 1.500 .750 .750 5/8-18 .51
RBC 1 5/8 1.625 .875 .6250 1.500 .750 .750 5/8-18 .61
RBC 1 3/4 1.750 1.000 .7500 1.750 1.000 .875 3/4-16 .83
RBC 1 7/8 1.875 1.000 .7500 1.750 1.000 .875 3/4-16 .92
RBC 2 2.000 1.250 .8750 2.000 1.125 1.000 7/8-14 1.32
RBC 2 1/4 2.250 1.250 .8750 2.000 1.125 1.000 7/8-14 1.61
RBC 2 1/2 2.500 1.500 1.0000 2.250 1.250 1.125 1-14 2.48
RBC 2 3/4 2.750 1.500 1.0000 2.250 1.250 1.125 1-14 2.83
RBC 3 3.000 1.750 1.2500 2.500 1.500 1.250 1 1/4-12 4.04
RBC 3 1/4 3.250 1.750 1.2500 2.500 1.500 1.250 1 1/4-12 4.75
RBC 3 1/2 3.500 2.000 1.3750 2.750 1.625 1.375 1 3/8-12 6.22
RBC 4 4.000 2.250 1.5000 3.500 1.750 1.500 1 1/2-12 7.44
RBC 5 5.000 2.750 2.0000 5.062 2.250 2.562 2-12 18.70
RBC 6 6.000 3.250 2.5000 6.000 3.000 3.000 2 1/2-12 32.90
RBC 7 7.000 3.750 3.0000 7.688 3.750 4.125 3-12 53.50
RBC 8 8.000 4.250 3.2500 8.500 4.000 4.250 3 1/4-4 73.60
RBC 9 9.000 4.750 3.7500 9.500 4.500 4.750 3 1/2-4 102.70
RBC 10 10.000 5.250 4.2500 10.000 5.000 4.750 3 1/2-4 137.00
To specify RBC Roller® without seals, add NS suffix (example: RBC 4 NS).
To specify RBC Roller® with crowned outer ring, add C prefix (example: CRBC 2 1/2).
Refer to page 16 for crown radius.
RBC Roller®
Long Life Cam Followers
1 1/32
RBC Roller®
Long Life Yoke Rollers
Series RBY
Inside Overall Shaft Approx.
PART D B1 Diameter Width
+.005 Shoulder Weight
+.000 +.000
NUMBER - .001 - .005 Nom. Min. Max. - .010 (Ref) [lbs]
To specify RBC Roller® with lubrication holes, add OH suffix (example: RBY 1 3/4 OH).
To specify RBC Roller® without seals, add NS suffix (example: RBY 3 1/2 NS).
To specify RBC Roller® with crowned outer ring, add C prefix (example: CRBY 1 7/8).
Refer to page 24 for crown radius.
RBC Roller®
Long Life Yoke Rollers
D d F
HexLube Universal Cam Follower
through head!
R BC Bearings
offers the new HexLube®
Universal line of cam follow-
due to the difficulties
posed by relubrication.
Companies looking to
sharply reduce their inventory
ers, designed with a unique levels will recognize the value of
lubricating feature. The RBC RBC's universal design of the new
HexLube® Universal Cam Follower HexLube® Cam Follower. By stock-
allows for relubrication through the ing the RBC HexLube® line, companies will no longer
hexagonal head of the cam follower, making need to carry inventories of either screwdriver slot or
relubrication in tight spots possible. In addition, the unsealed cam followers.
universal design of the RBC HexLube® Cam Follower The entire line of RBC HexLube® Universal Cam
can eliminate the need to stock both screwdriver slot Followers is dimensionally interchangeable with
and unsealed cam followers. RBC expects that most other needle bearing cam followers. The RBC
customers can reduce their inventory on stud type HexLube® Universal Cam Follower is available in
cam followers by 50% using this new universal line. both eccentric and crowned versions. Both standard
The complete line is available in sizes with an outside studs and heavy studs are available as well.
diameter from 3/4 inch to 7 inches. RBC HexLube® Universal Cam Followers are
The RBC HexLube® Universal Cam Follower designed for applications such as automation and
design provides the easiest and fastest way to production equipment, bottling and canning,
relubricate cam followers in hard to reach places or in printing machinery, material handling, construction
applications where stud access is limited. A cam equipment, transfer lines, food processing, and
follower that is properly maintained and lubricated packaging equipment.
will last longer than a cam follower that is neglected
The Universal Cam Follower Line by RBC
D THREAD Glide-A-Seal®
Series S, S--L
Slotted D B SD SL TL Thread Approx.
Nominal Slotted Head & +.000 +.000 +.001 Shank Eff. Thread Class Weight
Head &
Size Head Sealed - .001 - .005 - .000 Length Length 2A [lbs]
1/2 S 16 S 16 L S 16 LW .5000 .375 .1900 .625 .250 10-32 .023
9/16 S 18 S 18 L S 18 LW .5625 .375 .1900 .625 .250 10-32 .031
5/8 S 20 S 20 L S 20 LW .6250 .438 .2500 .750 .313 1/4-28 .048
11/16 S 22 S 22 L S 22 LW .6875 .438 .2500 .750 .313 1/4-28 .051
3/4 S 24 S 24 L S 24 LW .7500 .500 .3750 .875 .375 3/8-24 .076
7/8 S 28 S 28 L S 28 LW .8750 .500 .3750 .875 .375 3/8-24 .100
1 S 32 S 32 L S 32 LW 1.0000 .625 .4375 1.000 .500 7/16-20 .160
1 1/8 S 36 S 36 L S 36 LW 1.1250 .625 .4375 1.000 .500 7/16-20 .190
1 1/4 S 40 S 40 L S 40 LW 1.2500 .750 .5000 1.250 .625 1/2-20 .290
1 3/8 S 44 S 44 L S 44 LW 1.3750 .750 .5000 1.250 .625 1/2-20 .340
1 1/2 S 48 S 48 L S 48 LW 1.5000 .875 .6250 1.500 .750 5/8-18 .510
1 5/8 S 52 S 52 L S 52 LW 1.6250 .875 .6250 1.500 .750 5/8-18 .610
1 3/4 S 56 S 56 L S 56 LW 1.7500 1.000 .7500 1.750 .875 3/4-16 .830
1 7/8 S 60 S 60 L S 60 LW 1.8750 1.000 .7500 1.750 .875 3/4-16 .920
2 S 64 S 64 L S 64 LW 2.0000 1.250 .8750 2.000 1.000 7/8-14 1.320
2 1/4 S 72 S 72 L S 72 LW 2.2500 1.250 .8750 2.000 1.000 7/8-14 1.610
2 1/2 S 80 S 80 L S 80 LW 2.5000 1.500 1.0000 2.250 1.125 1-14 2.480
2 3/4 S 88 S 88 L S 88 LW 2.7500 1.500 1.0000 2.250 1.125 1-14 2.830
3 S 96 S 96 L S 96 LW 3.0000 1.750 1.2500 2.500 1.250 1 1/4-12 4.040
3 1/4 S 104 S 104 L S 104 LW 3.2500 1.750 1.2500 2.500 1.250 1 1/4-12 4.750
3 1/2 S 112 S 112 L S 112 LW 3.5000 2.000 1.3750 2.750 1.375 1 3/8-12 6.220
4 S 128 S 128 L S 128 LW 4.0000 2.250 1.5000 3.500 1.500 1 1/2-12 7.440
5 - - S 160 LW 5.0000 2.750 2.0000 5.062 2.562 2-12 18.700
6 - - S 192 LW 6.0000 3.250 2.5000 6.000 3.000 2 1/2-12 32.900
7 - - S 224 LW 7.0000 3.750 3.0000 7.688 4.125 3-12 53.900
All dimensions are in inches.
HexLube® Universal Cam Followers
Standard Stud
Relubricate A
through SD
Hex Head
B SL 6
Series S--LW
F Socket Dynamic Static Max. Track Max. 4 Housing
Lube Head Speed Capacity Capacity CO Allow. Capacity Clamping Bore Min.
Fitting A G Wrench Limit C [lbf] Load at 40 Rc Torque +.0005 Boss Basic
[lbf] 5
3 Loc. Dia. Size [rpm] [lbf] [lbf] [in∗lbf] - .0000 Dia. Number
2 - - 1/8 5,000 770 1,100 310 430 7.5 .1900 .29 -16
2 - - 1/8 5,000 770 1,100 310 480 7.5 .1900 .29 -18
2 - - 1/8 5,000 1,060 1,700 610 770 20 .2500 .36 -20
2 - - 1/8 5,000 1,060 1,700 610 850 20 .2500 .36 -22
3/16 .250 .093 3/16 5,000 1,800 3,100 1,840 880 55 .3750 .50 -24
3/16 .250 .093 3/16 5,000 1,800 3,100 1,840 1,030 55 .3750 .50 -28
3/16 .250 .093 1/4 4,500 2,300 4,800 2,390 1,690 150 .4375 .64 -32
3/16 .250 .093 1/4 4,500 2,300 4,800 2,390 1,900 150 .4375 .64 -36
3/16 .312 .093 1/4 3,900 4,200 6,600 3,000 2,440 200 .5000 .76 -40
3/16 .312 .093 1/4 3,900 4,200 6,600 3,000 2,680 200 .5000 .76 -44
3/16 .375 .093 5/16 3,100 5,000 8,800 5,100 3,320 390 .6250 .89 -48
3/16 .375 .093 5/16 3,100 5,000 8,800 5,100 3,600 390 .6250 .89 -52
3/16 .437 .125 5/16 2,600 6,400 12,400 7,800 4,550 750 .7500 1.05 -56
3/16 .437 .125 5/16 2,600 6,400 12,400 7,800 4,900 750 .7500 1.05 -60
3/16 .500 .125 7/16 2,200 9,600 16,700 10,000 6,500 900 .8750 1.20 -64
3/16 .500 .125 7/16 2,200 9,600 16,700 10,000 7,300 900 .8750 1.20 -72
3/16 .562 .125 1/2 2,000 12,800 25,400 12,500 9,400 1,300 1.0000 1.31 -80
3/16 .562 .125 1/2 2,000 12,800 25,400 12,500 10,400 1,300 1.0000 1.31 -88
1/4 .625 .187 5/8 1,600 17,000 40,000 21,000 13,300 2,000 1.2500 2.00 -96
1/4 .625 .187 5/8 1,600 17,000 40,000 21,000 14,400 2,000 1.2500 2.00 -104
1/4 .687 .187 5/8 1,400 24,300 54,600 24,750 17,300 2,500 1.3750 2.39 -112
1/4 .750 .187 3/4 1,300 30,000 73,100 28,500 22,000 3,000 1.5000 2.62 -128
1/4 NPT .875 .187 7/8 1,000 47,200 102,000 55,000 35,000 3,000 2.0000 3.50 -160
1/4 NPT 1.000 .187 1 800 62,900 165,500 90,000 52,000 3,000 2.5000 4.50 -192
1/4 NPT 1.250 .187 1 1/4 700 79,400 237,800 139,000 71,000 3,000 3.0000 5.25 -224
2 Sizes S 16 through S 22 and S 16 L through S 22 L have a 1/8" hole at the flange end only.
3 Sizes S 16 LW through S 22 LW cannot be relubricated.
4 Torque may be doubled for completely dry threads.
5 Bearing Static Capacity provided for comparison only.
6 HexLube ® Cam Followers can be regreased through the hex head using a Lincoln #5803 or Alemite #6785 needle nozzle adapter.
Crowned Cam Followers
Standard Stud
CR with
1 1/32
B SL seal
Series CS--L
Slotted D B CR SD SL TL Thread Approx.
Nominal Head & +.000 +.000 Crown +.001 Shank Eff. Thread Class Weight
Head &
Size Sealed - .001 - .005 Radius - .000 Length Length 2A [lbs]
1/2 CS 16 L CS 16 LW .5000 .375 7 .1900 .625 .250 10-32 .023
9/16 CS 18 L CS 18 LW .5625 .375 7 .1900 .625 .250 10-32 .031
5/8 CS 20 L CS 20 LW .6250 .438 8 .2500 .750 .313 1/4-28 .048
11/16 CS 22 L CS 22 LW .6875 .438 8 .2500 .750 .313 1/4-28 .051
3/4 CS 24 L CS 24 LW .7500 .500 10 .3750 .875 .375 3/8-24 .076
7/8 CS 28 L CS 28 LW .8750 .500 10 .3750 .875 .375 3/8-24 .100
1 CS 32 L CS 32 LW 1.0000 .625 12 .4375 1.000 .500 7/16-20 .160
1 1/8 CS 36 L CS 36 LW 1.1250 .625 12 .4375 1.000 .500 7/16-20 .190
1 1/4 CS 40 L CS 40 LW 1.2500 .750 14 .5000 1.250 .625 1/2-20 .290
1 3/8 CS 44 L CS 44 LW 1.3750 .750 14 .5000 1.250 .625 1/2-20 .340
1 1/2 CS 48 L CS 48 LW 1.5000 .875 20 .6250 1.500 .750 5/8-18 .510
1 5/8 CS 52 L CS 52 LW 1.6250 .875 20 .6250 1.500 .750 5/8-18 .610
1 3/4 CS 56 L CS 56 LW 1.7500 1.000 20 .7500 1.750 .875 3/4-16 .830
1 7/8 CS 60 L CS 60 LW 1.8750 1.000 20 .7500 1.750 .875 3/4-16 .920
2 CS 64 L CS 64 LW 2.0000 1.250 24 .8750 2.000 1.000 7/8-14 1.320
2 1/4 CS 72 L CS 72 LW 2.2500 1.250 24 .8750 2.000 1.000 7/8-14 1.610
2 1/2 CS 80 L CS 80 LW 2.5000 1.500 30 1.0000 2.250 1.125 1-14 2.480
2 3/4 CS 88 L CS 88 LW 2.7500 1.500 30 1.0000 2.250 1.125 1-14 2.830
3 CS 96 L CS 96 LW 3.0000 1.750 30 1.2500 2.500 1.250 1 1/4-12 4.040
3 1/4 CS 104 L CS 104 LW 3.2500 1.750 30 1.2500 2.500 1.250 1 1/4-12 4.750
3 1/2 CS 112 L CS 112 LW 3.5000 2.000 30 1.3750 2.750 1.375 1 3/8-12 6.220
4 CS 128 L CS 128 LW 4.0000 2.250 30 1.5000 3.500 1.500 1 1/2-12 7.440
5 - CS 160 LW 5.0000 2.750 48 2.0000 5.062 2.562 2-12 18.700
6 - CS 192 LW 6.0000 3.250 56 2.5000 6.000 3.000 2 1/2-12 32.900
7 - CS 224 LW 7.0000 3.750 60 3.0000 7.688 4.125 3-12 53.900
All dimensions are in inches.
HexLube® Universal Cam Followers
Standard Stud
Relubricate G
Hex Head SD
1 1/32
Series CS--LW
F Socket Dynamic Static Max. Track Max. 4 Housing
Lube Head Speed Capacity Capacity CO Allow. Capacity Clamping Bore Min.
Fitting A G Wrench Limit C [lbf] [lbf] 5 Load at 40 Rc Torque +.0005 Boss Basic
3 Loc. Dia. Size [rpm] [lbf] [lbf] [in∗lbf] - .0000 Dia. Number
2 - - 1/8 5,000 770 1,100 310 430 7.5 .1900 .29 -16
2 - - 1/8 5,000 770 1,100 310 480 7.5 .1900 .29 -18
2 - - 1/8 5,000 1,060 1,700 610 770 20 .2500 .36 -20
2 - - 1/8 5,000 1,060 1,700 610 850 20 .2500 .36 -22
3/16 .250 .093 3/16 5,000 1,800 3,100 1,840 880 55 .3750 .50 -24
3/16 .250 .093 3/16 5,000 1,800 3,100 1,840 1,030 55 .3750 .50 -28
3/16 .250 .093 1/4 4,500 2,300 4,800 2,390 1,690 150 .4375 .64 -32
3/16 .250 .093 1/4 4,500 2,300 4,800 2,390 1,900 150 .4375 .64 -36
3/16 .312 .093 1/4 3,900 4,200 6,600 3,000 2,440 200 .5000 .76 -40
3/16 .312 .093 1/4 3,900 4,200 6,600 3,000 2,680 200 .5000 .76 -44
3/16 .375 .093 5/16 3,100 5,000 8,800 5,100 3,320 390 .6250 .89 -48
3/16 .375 .093 5/16 3,100 5,000 8,800 5,100 3,600 390 .6250 .89 -52
3/16 .437 .125 5/16 2,600 6,400 12,400 7,800 4,550 750 .7500 1.05 -56
3/16 .437 .125 5/16 2,600 6,400 12,400 7,800 4,900 750 .7500 1.05 -60
3/16 .500 .125 7/16 2,200 9,600 16,700 10,000 6,500 900 .8750 1.20 -64
3/16 .500 .125 7/16 2,200 9,600 16,700 10,000 7,300 900 .8750 1.20 -72
3/16 .562 .125 1/2 2,000 12,800 25,400 12,500 9,400 1,300 1.0000 1.31 -80
3/16 .562 .125 1/2 2,000 12,800 25,400 12,500 10,400 1,300 1.0000 1.31 -88
1/4 .625 .187 5/8 1,600 17,000 40,000 21,000 13,300 2,000 1.2500 2.00 -96
1/4 .625 .187 5/8 1,600 17,000 40,000 21,000 14,400 2,000 1.2500 2.00 -104
1/4 .687 .187 5/8 1,400 24,300 54,600 24,750 17,300 2,500 1.3750 2.39 -112
1/4 .750 .187 3/4 1,300 30,000 73,100 28,500 22,000 3,000 1.5000 2.62 -128
1/4 NPT .875 .187 7/8 1,000 47,200 102,000 55,000 35,000 3,000 2.0000 3.50 -160
1/4 NPT 1.000 .187 1 800 62,900 165,500 90,000 52,000 3,000 2.5000 4.50 -192
1/4 NPT 1.250 .187 1 1/4 700 79,400 237,800 139,000 71,000 3,000 3.0000 5.25 -224
2 Sizes CS 16 through CS 22 and CS 16 L through CS 22 L have a 1/8" hole at the flange end only.
3 Sizes CS 16 LW through CS 22 LW cannot be relubricated.
4 Torque may be doubled for completely dry threads.
5 Bearing Static Capacity provided for comparison only.
6 HexLube ® Cam Followers can be regreased through the hex head using a Lincoln #5803 or Alemite #6785 needle nozzle adapter.
CamCentric® Adjustable Cam Followers
Cylindrical and Crowned O.D.
ECC Glide-A-Seal®
1 1/32 BL
Series S--LWX
D Eff.
Nominal Cylindrical Crowned +.000 +.000 Crown +.000 +.000 Eccen- Shank Thread Class
Size O.D. O.D. - .001 - .005 Radius - .002 - .010 1 tricity Length Length 2A
1/2 S 16 LWX CS 16 LWX .5000 .375 7 .250 .375 .010 .625 .250 10-32
9/16 S 18 LWX CS 18 LWX .5625 .375 7 .250 .375 .010 .625 .250 10-32
5/8 S 20 LWX CS 20 LWX .6250 .438 8 .375 .437 .015 .750 .312 1/4-28
11/16 S 22 LWX CS 22 LWX .6875 .438 8 .375 .437 .015 .750 .312 1/4-28
3/4 S 24 LWX CS 24 LWX .7500 .500 10 .500 .500 .015 .875 .375 3/8-24
7/8 S 28 LWX CS 28 LWX .8750 .500 10 .500 .500 .015 .875 .375 3/8-24
1 S 32 LWX CS 32 LWX 1.0000 .625 12 .625 .500 .030 1.000 .500 7/16-20
1 1/8 S 36 LWX CS 36 LWX 1.1250 .625 12 .625 .500 .030 1.000 .500 7/16-20
1 1/4 S 40 LWX CS 40 LWX 1.2500 .750 14 .687 .625 .030 1.250 .625 1/2-20
1 3/8 S 44 LWX CS 44 LWX 1.3750 .750 14 .687 .625 .030 1.250 .625 1/2-20
1 1/2 S 48 LWX CS 48 LWX 1.5000 .875 20 .875 .750 .030 1.500 .750 5/8-18
1 5/8 S 52 LWX CS 52 LWX 1.6250 .875 20 .875 .750 .030 1.500 .750 5/8-18
1 3/4 S 56 LWX CS 56 LWX 1.7500 1.000 20 1.000 .875 .030 1.750 .875 3/4-16
1 7/8 S 60 LWX CS 60 LWX 1.8750 1.000 20 1.000 .875 .030 1.750 .875 3/4-16
2 S 64 LWX CS 64 LWX 2.0000 1.250 24 1.187 1.000 .030 2.000 1.000 7/8-14
2 1/4 S 72 LWX CS 72 LWX 2.2500 1.250 24 1.187 1.000 .030 2.000 1.000 7/8-14
2 1/2 S 80 LWX CS 80 LWX 2.5000 1.500 30 1.375 1.125 .030 2.250 1.125 1-14
2 3/4 S 88 LWX CS 88 LWX 2.7500 1.500 30 1.375 1.125 .030 2.250 1.125 1-14
3 S 96 LWX CS 96 LWX 3.0000 1.750 30 1.750 1.250 .060 2.500 1.250 1 1/4-12
3 1/4 S 104 LWX CS 104 LWX 3.2500 1.750 30 1.750 1.250 .060 2.500 1.250 1 1/4-12
3 1/2 S 112 LWX CS 112 LWX 3.5000 2.000 30 1.812 1.375 .060 2.750 1.375 1 3/8-12
4 S 128 LWX CS 128 LWX 4.0000 2.250 30 2.000 2.000 .060 3.500 1.500 1 1/2-12
1 For positive clamping action use a housing thickness tolerance of +0.010/-0.000 inches.
CamCentric® Adjustable Cam Followers
Cylindrical and Crowned O.D.
through BD
1 1/32 BL
Series CS--LWX
.025 2 1/8 5,000 770 1,100 310 430 7.5 .250 -16
.033 2 1/8 5,000 770 1,100 310 480 7.5 .250 -18
.056 2 1/8 5,000 1,060 1,700 610 770 20 .375 -20
.059 2 1/8 5,000 1,060 1,700 610 850 20 .375 -22
.088 3/16 3/16 5,000 1,800 3,100 1,840 880 55 .500 -24
.11 3/16 3/16 5,000 1,800 3,100 1,840 1,030 55 .500 -28
.18 3/16 1/4 4,500 2,300 4,800 2,390 1,690 150 .625 -32
.21 3/16 1/4 4,500 2,300 4,800 2,390 1,900 150 .625 -36
.32 3/16 1/4 3,900 4,200 6,600 3,000 2,440 200 .687 -40
.37 3/16 1/4 3,900 4,200 6,600 3,000 2,680 200 .687 -44
.57 3/16 5/16 3,100 5,000 8,800 5,100 3,320 390 .875 -48
.67 3/16 5/16 3,100 5,000 8,800 5,100 3,600 390 .875 -52
.92 3/16 5/16 2,600 6,400 12,400 7,800 4,550 750 1.000 -56
1.01 3/16 5/16 2,600 6,400 12,400 7,800 4,900 750 1.000 -60
1.46 3/16 7/16 2,200 9,600 16,700 10,000 6,500 900 1.187 -64
1.75 3/16 7/16 2,200 9,600 16,700 10,000 7,300 900 1.187 -72
2.70 3/16 1/2 2,000 12,800 25,400 12,500 9,400 1,300 1.375 -80
3.05 3/16 1/2 2,000 12,800 25,400 12,500 10,400 1,300 1.375 -88
4.46 1/4 5/8 1,600 17,000 40,000 21,000 13,300 2,000 1.750 -96
5.17 1/4 5/8 1,600 17,000 40,000 21,000 14,400 2,000 1.750 -104
6.65 1/4 5/8 1,400 24,300 54,600 24,750 17,300 2,500 1.812 -112
8.22 1/4 3/4 1,300 30,000 73,100 28,500 22,000 3,000 2.000 -128
2 Sizes S 16 LWX through S 22 LWX and CS 16 LWX through CS 22 LWX cannot be relubricated.
3 Torque may be doubled for completely dry threads.
4 Bearing Static Capacity provided for comparison only.
6 HexLube ® Cam Followers can be regreased through the hex head using a Lincoln #5803 or Alemite #6785 needle nozzle adapter.
Cam Followers
Heavy Stud
1 1/32
B SL seal
Series H, H--L
HexLube ®
HexLube® Universal Cam Followers
Relubricate G
through SD
1 1/32
Series H--LW
F Socket Dynamic Static Max. Track Max. 4 Housing
Lube Head Speed Capacity Capacity CO Allow. Capacity Clamping Bore Min.
Fitting A G Wrench Limit C [lbf] [lbf] 5 Load at 40 Rc Torque +.0005 Boss Basic
3 Loc. Dia. Size [rpm] [lbf] [lbf] [in∗lbf] - .0000 Dia. Number
Crowned Cam Followers
Heavy Stud
1 1/32
B SL seal
Series CH--L
Slotted D B CR SD SL TL Thread Approx
Nominal Head & +.000 +.000 Crown +.001 Shank Eff. Thread Class Weight
Head &
Size Sealed - .001 - .005 Radius - .000 Length Length 2A [lbs]
1/2 CH 16 L CH 16 LW .5000 .375 7 .2500 .625 .250 1/4-28 .026
9/16 CH 18 L CH 18 LW .5625 .375 7 .2500 .625 .250 1/4-28 .034
5/8 CH 20 L CH 20 LW .6250 .438 8 .3125 .750 .312 5/16-24 .057
11/16 CH 22 L CH 22 LW .6875 .438 8 .3125 .750 .312 5/16-24 .068
3/4 CH 24 L CH 24 LW .7500 .500 10 .4375 .875 .375 7/16-20 .083
7/8 CH 28 L CH 28 LW .8750 .500 10 .4375 .875 .375 7/16-20 .119
1 CH 32 L CH 32 LW 1.0000 .625 12 .6250 1.000 .500 5/8-18 .200
1 1/8 CH 36 L CH 36 LW 1.1250 .625 12 .6250 1.000 .500 5/8-18 .250
1 1/4 CH 40 L CH 40 LW 1.2500 .750 14 .7500 1.250 .625 3/4-16 .380
1 3/8 CH 44 L CH 44 LW 1.3750 .750 14 .7500 1.250 .625 3/4-16 .440
1 1/2 CH 48 L CH 48 LW 1.5000 .875 20 .8750 1.500 .750 7/8-14 .630
1 5/8 CH 52 L CH 52 LW 1.6250 .875 20 .8750 1.500 .750 7/8-14 .690
1 3/4 CH 56 L CH 56 LW 1.7500 1.000 20 1.0000 1.750 .875 1-14 .980
1 7/8 CH 60 L CH 60 LW 1.8750 1.000 20 1.0000 1.750 .875 1-14 1.080
2 CH 64 L CH 64 LW 2.0000 1.250 24 1.1250 2.000 1.000 1 1/8-12 1.550
2 1/4 CH 72 L CH 72 LW 2.2500 1.250 24 1.1250 2.000 1.000 1 1/8-12 1.900
2 1/2 CH 80 L CH 80 LW 2.5000 1.500 30 1.2500 2.250 1.125 1 1/4-12 2.700
2 3/4 CH 88 L CH 88 LW 2.7500 1.500 30 1.2500 2.250 1.125 1 1/4-12 3.140
3 CH 96 L CH 96 LW 3.0000 1.750 30 1.5000 2.500 1.250 1 1/2-12 4.420
3 1/4 CH 104 L CH 104 LW 3.2500 1.750 30 1.5000 2.500 1.250 1 1/2-12 5.150
3 1/2 CH 112 L CH 112 LW 3.5000 2.000 30 1.7500 2.750 1.375 1 3/4-12 6.950
4 CH 128 L CH 128 LW 4.0000 2.250 30 2.0000 3.500 1.500 2-12 10.300
5 - CH 160 LW 5.0000 2.750 48 2.5000 5.062 2.562 2 1/2-12 21.400
6 - CH 192 LW 6.0000 3.250 56 3.0000 6.000 3.000 3-12 36.400
7 - CH 224 LW 7.0000 3.750 60 3.5000 7.688 4.125 3 1/2- 4 59.200
All dimensions are in inches.
HexLube® Universal Cam Followers
Heavy Stud
Relubricate A
through SD
Hex Head
1 1/32
Series CH--LW
F Socket Dynamic Static Max. Track Max. 4 Housing
Lube Head Speed Capacity Capacity CO Allow. Capacity Clamping Bore Min.
Fitting A G Wrench Limit C [lbf] [lbf] 5 Load at 40 Rc Torque +.0005 Boss Basic
3 Loc. Dia. Size [rpm] [lbf] [lbf] [in∗lbf] - .0000 Dia. Number
Yoke Rollers
Cylindrical and Crowned O.D.
D d
Series Y, Y--L
Sealed & D B1 CR Width H
Nominal Without With Crowned +.000 +.000 Crown +.005 Oil
Size Seals Seals O.D. - .001 - .005 Radius Nom. Min. Max. - .010 Hole
3/4 Y 24 Y 24 L CY 24 L .750 .500 10 1/4 .2496 .2502 .5625 .093
7/8 Y 28 Y 28 L CY 28 L .875 .500 10 1/4 .2496 .2502 .5625 .093
1 Y 32 Y 32 L CY 32 L 1.000 .625 12 5/16 .3121 .3127 .6875 .093
1 1/8 Y 36 Y 36 L CY 36 L 1.125 .625 12 5/16 .3121 .3127 .6875 .093
1 1/4 Y 40 Y 40 L CY 40 L 1.250 .750 14 3/8 .3746 .3752 .8125 .093
1 3/8 Y 44 Y 44 L CY 44 L 1.375 .750 14 3/8 .3746 .3752 .8125 .093
1 1/2 Y 48 Y 48 L CY 48 L 1.500 .875 20 7/16 .4371 .4377 .9375 .093
1 5/8 Y 52 Y 52 L CY 52 L 1.625 .875 20 7/16 .4371 .4377 .9375 .093
1 3/4 Y 56 Y 56 L CY 56 L 1.750 1.000 20 1/2 .4996 .5002 1.0625 .093
1 7/8 Y 60 Y 60 L CY 60 L 1.875 1.000 20 1/2 .4996 .5002 1.0625 .093
2 Y 64 Y 64 L CY 64 L 2.000 1.250 24 5/8 .6246 .6252 1.3125 .093
2 1/4 Y 72 Y 72 L CY 72 L 2.250 1.250 24 5/8 .6246 .6252 1.3125 .093
2 1/2 Y 80 Y 80 L CY 80 L 2.500 1.500 30 3/4 .7496 .7502 1.5625 .125
2 3/4 Y 88 Y 88 L CY 88 L 2.750 1.500 30 3/4 .7496 .7502 1.5625 .125
3 Y 96 Y 96 L CY 96 L 3.000 1.750 30 1 .9995 1.0001 1.8125 .125
3 1/4 Y 104 Y 104 L CY 104 L 3.250 1.750 30 1 .9995 1.0001 1.8125 .125
3 1/2 Y 112 Y 112 L CY 112 L 3.500 2.000 30 1 1/8 1.1245 1.1251 2.0625 .125
4 Y 128 Y 128 L CY 128 L 4.000 2.250 30 1 1/4 1.2495 1.2501 2.3125 .125
5 Y 160 Y 160 L CY 160 L 5.000 2.750 48 1 3/4 1.7495 1.7501 2.8750 .187
6 Y 192 Y 192 L CY 192 L 6.000 3.250 56 2 1/4 2.2495 2.2501 3.3750 .187
7 Y 224 Y 224 L CY 224 L 7.000 3.750 60 2 3/4 2.7495 2.7501 3.8750 .187
Yoke Rollers
Cylindrical and Crowned O.D.
H Glide-A-Seal®
D d
Series CY--L
3,930 1,800 4,150 880 .2497 .2493 .2505 .2501 .50 .051 -24
3,930 1,800 4,150 1,030 .2497 .2493 .2505 .2501 .50 .067 -28
3,140 2,300 6,150 1,690 .3122 .3118 .3130 .3126 .64 .115 -32
3,140 2,300 6,150 1,900 .3122 .3118 .3130 .3126 .64 .150 -36
2,620 4,200 8,500 2,440 .3747 .3743 .3755 .3751 .76 .200 -40
2,620 4,200 8,500 2,680 .3747 .3743 .3755 .3751 .76 .260 -44
2,250 5,000 11,300 3,320 .4372 .4368 .4380 .4376 .89 .350 -48
2,250 5,000 11,300 3,600 .4372 .4368 .4380 .4376 .89 .440 -52
1,970 6,400 15,850 4,550 .4997 .4993 .5007 .5003 1.05 .580 -56
1,970 6,400 15,850 4,900 .4997 .4993 .5007 .5003 1.05 .670 -60
1,570 9,600 21,200 6,500 .6247 .6243 .6257 .6253 1.20 .920 -64
1,570 9,600 21,200 7,300 .6247 .6243 .6257 .6253 1.20 1.230 -72
1,310 12,800 33,000 9,400 .7497 .7493 .7507 .7503 1.31 1.750 -80
1,310 12,800 33,000 10,400 .7497 .7493 .7507 .7503 1.31 2.200 -88
1,060 17,000 49,900 13,300 .9996 .9991 1.0008 1.0003 2.00 2.880 -96
1,060 17,000 49,900 14,400 .9996 .9991 1.0008 1.0003 2.00 3.490 -104
980 24,300 63,250 17,300 1.1246 1.1241 1.1258 1.1253 2.39 4.520 -112
940 30,000 89,550 22,000 1.2496 1.2491 1.2508 1.2503 2.62 6.760 -128
720 47,200 136,000 35,000 1.7496 1.7491 1.7508 1.7503 3.50 12.700 -160
590 62,900 165,500 52,000 2.2496 2.2491 2.2508 2.2503 4.50 21.400 -192
520 79,400 237,800 71,000 2.7496 2.7491 2.7508 2.7503 5.25 34.200 -224
1 Normal operating loads should not exceed 50% of the bearing dynamic capacity.
2 Bearing Static Capacity provided for comparison only.
Caged Roller Followers
D Fw
Normal operating loads should not exceed the bearing dynamic capacity.
Roller followers used without inner rings require a shaft with minimum hardness of Rc 58 and surface finish of 16 rms or better.
Standard configuration of roller follower series SRF-- SS is with seal lips facing outward. To specify roller followers with seal lips facing
inward, replace suffix -SS with suffix -RR. (example: SRF 30 RR).
Caged Roller Followers
D Fw
2 For oscillatory application with angle of oscillation less than critical angle,
consult RBC engineering department for revised fatigue calculation.
3 Speed limit of sealed roller followers is determined by maximum seal surface speed.
For roller followers without seals, speed limit may be increased by 30% with oil lubrication.
Precision Ground Inner Rings
For Use with Caged Roller Followers
Series IR
d F B r2
Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Width Shaft
PART + .000 Fillet
NUMBER Nominal Min. Max. Nominal Max. Min. - .005 Max
IR 7153 1/2 .4996 .5000 3/4 .7493 .7488 .760 .04
IR 7153 C 9/16 .5621 .5625 3/4 .7493 .7488 .760 .04
IR 7173 5/8 .6246 .6250 7/8 .8743 .8738 .760 .04
IR 7173 C 11/16 .6871 .6875 7/8 .8743 .8738 .760 .04
IR 7194 3/4 .7496 .7500 1 .9993 .9988 1.010 .04
IR 7194 C 13/16 .8120 .8125 1 .9993 .9988 1.010 .04
IR 7234 1 .9995 1.0000 1 1/4 1.2491 1.2485 1.010 .04
IR 7254 D 1 .9995 1.0000 1 3/8 1.3741 1.3735 1.010 .04
IR 7254 1 1/8 1.1245 1.1250 1 3/8 1.3741 1.3735 1.010 .04
IR 7275 1 3/16 1.1870 1.1875 1 1/2 1.4990 1.4984 1.260 .06
IR 7275 C 1 1/4 1.2495 1.2500 1 1/2 1.4990 1.4984 1.260 .06
IR 7295 1 5/16 1.3120 1.3125 1 5/8 1.6240 1.6234 1.260 .06
IR 7295 C 1 3/8 1.3745 1.3750 1 5/8 1.6240 1.6234 1.260 .06
IR 7315 1 7/16 1.4370 1.4375 1 3/4 1.7490 1.7484 1.260 .06
IR 7315 C 1 1/2 1.4995 1.5000 1 3/4 1.7490 1.7484 1.260 .06
IR 7335 1 9/16 1.5620 1.5625 1 7/8 1.8740 1.8734 1.260 .06
IR 7355 D 1 5/8 1.6245 1.6250 2 1.9989 1.9982 1.260 .06
IR 7355 1 11/16 1.6870 1.6875 2 1.9989 1.9982 1.260 .06
IR 8405 D 1 11/16 1.6870 1.6875 2 1/4 2.2489 2.2482 1.260 .06
IR 8405 1 3/4 1.7495 1.7500 2 1/4 2.2489 2.2482 1.260 .06
Precision Ground Inner Rings
For Use with Caged Roller Followers
Mast Guide and Carriage Rollers
F d
d D B2 B1 r1 Dynamic Static
PART Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Corner Capacity Capacity
Inner Ring Outer Ring C [lbf]
NUMBER Radius CO [lbf]
Nom. Min. Max. Min. Max. Width Width
75229 3/4 1/2 - 13 thread 2.2490 2.2500 1.4020 0.8120 0.12500 5,300 5,300
75066-10 3/4 .7495 .7500 1.8590 1.8600 0.5500 0.4890 0.04000 5,100 4,900
74392-2 3/4 .7495 .7500 2.2490 2.2500 0.9630 0.9950 0.18750 8,500 9,500
74444 20 mm .7495 .7500 2.2490 2.2500 0.7740 0.8120 0.12500 5,900 6,000
T75342 7/8 .7870 .7874 2.2432 2.2440 0.5853 0.7283 0.02000 4,800 4,600
T74780-10 25 mm .8745 .8750 2.2490 2.2500 1.7600 1.7400 0.12000 18,400 31,100
T75016-10 1 .9838 .9843 2.9960 3.0060 1.0250 0.9750 0.33600 10,200 11,400
T74970 1 .9995 1.0000 2.4980 2.5000 1.2700 1.2500 0.08000 11,300 18,300
T74962-10 30 mm 1.0005 1.0010 2.2495 2.2500 1.2600 1.2500 0.04000 11,100 18,000
T74879 1 1/4 1.1798 1.1803 2.7130 2.7280 1.0020 1.0020 0.03125 14,100 18,200
T75016 1 1/4 1.2495 1.2500 2.9960 3.0060 1.0250 0.9750 0.33600 10,200 11,400
74501RR 35 mm 1.2494 1.2500 3.2450 3.2500 1.0000 1.0000 0.08000 11,700 15,300
T74850-10 35 mm 1.3775 1.3780 3.2200 3.2260 0.6690 1.0050 0.12000 10,000 10,300
T74926 35 mm 1.3775 1.3780 3.7170 3.7250 0.8600 1.0000 0.37500 12,800 14,000
74524 35 mm 1.3775 1.3780 3.9700 3.9750 0.8270 1.1300 0.12500 14,600 16,500
74703 35 mm 1.3775 1.3780 3.9700 3.9750 0.8270 1.3000 0.12000 10,100 9,500
74389 35 mm 1.3775 1.3780 3.9990 4.0000 1.1850 1.1850 0.37500 18,600 23,400
74498 35 mm 1.3775 1.3780 3.9990 4.0000 0.9050 1.1880 0.25000 14,600 16,500
74709 35 mm 1.3775 1.3780 3.9990 4.0000 0.8270 1.2600 0.25000 15,000 16,100
T75015-10 1 1/2 1.3775 1.3780 4.0000 4.0100 1.1370 1.0870 0.33600 14,300 15,700
T74908 1 1/2 1.4995 1.5000 2.7400 2.7500 1.5350 1.7460 0.43500 18,300 32,100
T75015 1.4995 1.5000 4.0000 4.0100 1.1370 1.0870 0.33600 14,300 15,700
Contact RBC for additional design characteristics or for assistance with new applications.
Mast Guide and Carriage Rollers
Designs vary and may not be interchangeable; some inner rings are not centered.
Contact RBC for additional design characteristics or for assistance with new applications.
Chain Sheaves
DF D d
d D DF B2 BF B1 Dynamic Static
PART Inside Outside Flange Width Capacity Capacity
NUMBER Diameter Diameter Diameter Inner Ring between Outer Ring
Width C [lbf] CO [lbf]
Width Flanges
Min. Max. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom.
V75582 0.4996 0.5002 1.8930 2.4840 1.1180 0.7200 1.1200 7,800 10,000
V75605 0.7496 0.7505 3.0000 3.3961 1.5669 1.1713 1.5201 13,200 26,400
74393-1 0.7498 0.7503 2.3000 2.6250 1.3700 1.0890 1.3120 11,400 14,300
V75204 0.7500 0.7570 2.2500 2.6250 1.8800 1.4450 1.8150 15,900 33,500
V75204-10 0.7500 0.7570 3.7500 4.1250 1.8800 1.4450 1.8150 17,100 40,300
V75024 0.7870 0.7874 2.2430 3.0030 1.6870 1.1000 1.5670 15,900 21,400
V75606 0.9837 0.9844 3.1555 3.8642 1.9291 1.2854 1.8701 27,200 36,100
V74929-10 0.9839 0.9843 3.3850 3.8850 1.0000 0.9160 1.2080 12,800 14,000
V75431 1.1453 1.1811 3.1614 3.5551 0.7480 1.0945 1.4291 11,900 12,300
V75608 1.3774 1.3780 3.5492 4.2579 1.9291 1.2854 1.8701 21,100 26,800
V75652 1.5743 1.5748 3.7600 4.2500 0.9055 1.0710 1.3520 15,400 18,400
V74899 1.5743 1.5748 3.7600 4.2500 0.9060 1.0000 1.3120 13,600 15,600
V74899-11 1.5743 1.5748 3.5100 4.0000 0.9060 0.8750 1.1250 13,600 15,600
74759 1.7495 1.7500 5.5050 6.1350 1.7600 1.3750 1.7600 44,400 57,800
74797 1.7495 1.7500 3.7250 4.3750 1.5630 1.3750 1.7600 27,000 32,500
V74893 1.7495 1.7500 4.0050 4.3750 1.7850 1.3750 1.7600 27,000 32,500
V75039 1.7712 1.7717 4.0100 4.3850 1.2500 1.3170 1.5000 23,100 25,400
V75031-10 1.7712 1.7717 4.5720 5.0100 1.2500 1.8170 2.2120 24,800 28,100
V74954-10 1.7712 1.7717 3.7280 4.3750 1.4400 1.3750 1.7500 27,000 32,500
V75071-10 1.7712 1.7717 4.2600 4.5700 1.0000 1.0700 1.3500 22,600 25,000
V75294 1.7712 1.7717 4.5100 5.1350 0.9840 1.3750 1.7600 22,600 25,000
V75294 1.9680 1.9685 4.5100 5.0000 1.9250 1.3300 1.9600 32,300 39,600
V74961 3.9993 4.0000 10.0100 11.0100 4.3850 3.6350 4.3850 179,000 299,400
V75029 4.5000 4.5007 10.0100 11.0100 5.5000 4.7500 5.5000 201,700 360,000
Contact RBC for additional design characteristics or for assistance with new applications.
Toothless Sprockets
D D1 d
Type A Type B
d D B B1 D1 Dynamic Static Suggested
Inside Outside Land Shoulder Capacity Capacity Roller
PART Diameter Diameter Width Width Diameter Chain
+0.0000 +0.000 +.000 +.000 +.000 C [lbf] CO [lbf]
Type - 0.0005 - 0.002 - .010 - .010 - .020
74925 A 1.2500 3.140 1.005 .470 2.560 11,100 17,200 60
SJ 74690 1 2 B 1.3750 3.427 1.250 5 .585 2.915 9,400 20,700 80
SJ 74690 RR 2 B 1.3750 3.427 1.250 5 .585 2.915 9,300 18,200 80
74698-10 A 1.3780 3.174 .690 .459 2.741 8,200 10,300 60
74499-10 A 1.5748 4.057 .906 .575 3.493 11,000 15,600 80
SJ 74839 1 3 B 1.7500 4.305 1.500 5 .692 3.641 15,100 33,800 100
SJ 74839 SS 4 B 1.7500 4.305 1.500 5 .692 3.641 13,800 28,800 100
75060 A 1.7500 3.755 1.130 .595 3.135 16,800 27,900 80
74990 A 1.7717 3.755 1.130 .595 3.135 15,200 24,700 80
74991 A 1.7717 4.005 1.130 .720 3.135 15,200 24,700 100
74809 A 1.7717 4.683 .989 .692 3.938 13,900 18,000 100
74992 6 A 2.5000 4.895 1.255 .940 4.045 20,000 38,300 120
1 Without seals.
2 Inner ring part number IR 7295C must be ordered separately.
3 Inner ring part number IR 8406 H must be ordered separately.
4 Inner ring part number IR 7439 must be ordered separately.
5 Inner ring is 0.010 inches wider than outer ring.
6 Inner ring width 1.125 inches.
Airframe Needle Roller Bearings
Series NBC
d D
Inside Outside Width r1 D1 P G
Diameter Diameter
Inner Outer
Shaft & End Ring Ring
PART B B1 Housing Plate Groove Groove
NUMBER Nom. Max. Min. Max. Min. Overall Outer ring Fillet Dia. Width Width
4 NBC 612 ZP 1/4 .2500 .2493 .7500 .7495 .375 .281 .022 .688 - .094
5 NBC 713 ZP 5/16 .3125 .3118 .8125 .8120 .437 .344 .022 .750 - .094
6 NBC 914 YZP 3/8 .3750 .3743 .8750 .8745 .562 .469 .022 .812 .188 .125
7 NBC 1015 YZP 7/16 .4375 .4368 .9375 .9370 .625 .531 .032 .875 .188 .125
8 NBC 1218 YZP 1/2 .5000 .4993 1.1250 1.1245 .750 .656 .032 1.031 .188 .125
9 NBC 1419 YZP 9/16 .5625 .5618 1.1875 1.1870 .875 .781 .032 1.094 .188 .156
10 NBC 1620 YZP 5/8 .6250 .6243 1.2500 1.2495 1.000 .906 .032 1.156 .250 .156
12 NBC 1822 YZP 3/4 .7500 .7493 1.3750 1.3745 1.125 1.000 .032 1.281 .250 .156
14 NBC 2026 YZP 7/8 .8750 .8743 1.6250 1.6245 1.250 1.125 .032 1.500 .375 .156
16 NBC 2028 YZP 1 1.0000 .9993 1.7500 1.7495 1.250 1.125 .032 1.625 .375 .156
20 NBC 2032 YZP 1 1/4 1.2500 1.2493 2.0000 1.9994 1.250 1.049 .032 1.906 .375 .156
24 NBC 2036 YZP 1 1/2 1.5000 1.4993 2.2500 2.2494 1.250 1.049 .032 2.156 .375 .156
28 NBC 2040 YZP 1 3/4 1.7500 1.7493 2.5000 2.4994 1.250 1.049 .032 2.406 .375 .156
32 NBC 2044 YZP 2 2.0000 1.9993 2.7500 2.7494 1.250 1.049 .032 2.656 .375 .156
36 NBC 2048 YZP 2 1/4 2.2500 2.2493 3.0000 2.9994 1.250 1.049 .032 2.906 .375 .156
40 NBC 2052 YZP 2 1/2 2.5000 2.4993 3.2500 3.2492 1.250 1.049 .032 3.156 .375 .156
44 NBC 2056 YZP 2 3/4 2.7500 2.7493 3.5000 3.4992 1.250 1.049 .032 3.406 .375 .156
48 NBC 2060 YZP 3 3.0000 2.9993 3.7500 3.7492 1.250 1.049 .032 3.656 .375 .156
52 NBC 2064 YZP 3 1/4 3.2500 3.2492 4.0000 3.9992 1.250 1.049 .032 3.906 .375 .156
56 NBC 2070 YZP 3 1/2 3.5000 3.4992 4.3750 4.3742 1.250 1.049 .044 4.219 .375 .156
60 NBC 2074 YZP 3 3/4 3.7500 3.7492 4.6250 4.6242 1.250 1.049 .044 4.469 .375 .156
64 NBC 2078 YZP 4 4.0000 3.9992 4.8750 4.8740 1.250 1.049 .044 4.719 .375 .156
Airframe Needle Roller Bearings
D D1 d
G r1
Airframe Needle Roller Bearings
D D1 d
Series NBE G
d D
Inside Diameter Outside Dia. Width r1 D1 P G
Inner Outer
PART Shaft &
Ring Ring Approx.
NUMBER B B1 Housing End
Groove Groove Weight
Outer Fillet Plate
Width Width
Nom. Max. Min. Max. Min. Overall Ring Max. Dia. [lbs]
4 NBE 615 ZP 1/4 .2500 .2493 .9375 .9370 .375 .281 .022 .688 - .094 .053
5 NBE 717 ZP 5/16 .3125 .3118 1.0625 1.0620 .437 .344 .022 .750 - .094 .079
6 NBK 919 YZP 3/8 .3750 .3743 1.1875 1.1870 .562 .469 .022 .812 .188 .125 .130
7 NBK 1021 YZP 7/16 .4375 .4368 1.3125 1.3120 .625 .531 .032 .875 .188 .125 .174
8 NBK 1224 YZP 1/2 .5000 .4993 1.5000 1.4995 .750 .656 .032 1.031 .188 .125 .293
9 NBK 1427 YZP 9/16 .5625 .5618 1.6875 1.6870 .875 .781 .032 1.094 .188 .156 .420
10 NBK 1628 YZP 5/8 .6250 .6243 1.7500 1.7495 1.000 .906 .032 1.156 .250 .156 .520
12 NBK 1830 YZP 3/4 .7500 .7493 1.8750 1.8745 1.125 1.000 .032 1.281 .250 .156 .630
14 NBK 2034 YZP 7/8 .8750 .8743 2.1250 2.1244 1.250 1.125 .032 1.500 .375 .156 .870
16 NBK 2036 YZP 1 1.0000 .9993 2.2500 2.2494 1.250 1.125 .032 1.625 .375 .156 .960
20 NBK 2040 YZP 1 1/4 1.2500 1.2493 2.5000 2.4994 1.250 1.049 .032 1.906 .375 .156 1.070
24 NBK 2044 YZP 1 1/2 1.5000 1.4993 2.7500 2.7494 1.250 1.049 .032 2.156 .375 .156 1.230
32 NBK 2052 YZP 2 2.0000 1.9993 3.2500 3.2492 1.250 1.049 .032 2.656 .375 .156 1.490
40 NBK 2060 YZP 2 1/2 2.5000 2.4993 3.7500 3.7492 1.250 1.049 .032 3.156 .375 .156 1.780
48 NBK 2068 YZP 3 3.0000 2.9993 4.2500 4.2492 1.250 1.049 .032 3.656 .375 .156 2.060
56 NBK 2078 YZP 3 1/2 3.5000 3.4992 4.8750 4.8740 1.250 1.049 .044 4.219 .375 .156 2.650
Airframe Needle Roller Bearings
D D1 P
Series NBK G
Loose Fit Tight Transition Fit Press Fit Loose Fit
Speed Load Force
Limit Limit Max.
[rpm] [lbf] Max. Min. Max. Min. Min. Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. [lbf]
5,000 2,870 .2495 .2491 .2503 .2499 .9366 .9371 .9375 .9380 .688 .516 870
5,000 4,070 .3120 .3116 .3128 .3124 1.0616 1.0621 1.0625 1.0630 .734 .578 1,400
5,000 4,530 .3745 .3741 .3753 .3749 1.1864 1.1870 1.1875 1.1881 .781 .641 2,100
5,000 5,870 .4369 .4364 .4378 .4374 1.3114 1.3120 1.3125 1.3131 .844 .703 2,850
5,000 8,670 .4994 .4989 .5003 .4999 1.4989 1.4995 1.5000 1.5006 1.000 .844 3,840
5,000 11,800 .5619 .5614 .5628 .5624 1.6864 1.6870 1.6875 1.6881 1.062 .891 4,870
4,700 15,500 .6244 .6239 .6253 .6249 1.7489 1.7495 1.7500 1.7506 1.094 .953 6,150
4,000 20,000 .7492 .7487 .7504 .7498 1.8739 1.8745 1.8750 1.8756 1.156 1.078 8,950
3,400 25,800 .8742 .8737 .8754 .8748 2.1237 2.1244 2.1250 2.1257 1.375 1.250 12,200
3,000 28,700 .9992 .9987 1.0004 .9998 2.2487 2.2494 2.2500 2.2507 1.500 1.375 16,300
2,400 31,400 1.2490 1.2484 1.2504 1.2498 2.4987 2.4994 2.5000 2.5007 1.781 1.625 25,800
2,000 36,600 1.4990 1.4984 1.5004 1.4998 2.7487 2.7494 2.7500 2.7507 2.062 1.875 25,800
1,500 47,100 1.9988 1.9981 2.0005 1.9997 3.2485 3.2494 3.2500 3.2509 2.594 2.375 25,800
1,200 57,500 2.4988 2.4981 2.5005 2.4997 3.7485 3.7494 3.7500 3.7509 3.062 2.875 25,800
1,000 67,900 2.9988 2.9981 3.0005 2.9997 4.2485 4.2494 4.2500 4.2509 3.562 3.375 25,800
850 80,100 3.4986 3.4977 3.5005 3.4996 4.8732 4.8742 4.8750 4.8760 4.141 3.969 25,800
Airframe Track Rollers B
D D1 d
Series NBF
d D
Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Width r2 D1 P
PART B B1 Shaft End Inner Ring
NUMBER Fillet Plate Groove
Nom. Max. Min. Max. Min. Overall Ring Max. Dia. Width
4 NBF 614 YJ 1/4 .2500 .2493 .8750 .8740 .375 .281 .022 .750 .125
6 NBF 817 YJ 3/8 .3750 .3743 1.0625 1.0615 .500 .375 .022 .938 .188
8 NBF 1021 YJ 1/2 .5000 .4993 1.3125 1.3115 .625 .500 .032 1.188 .188
10 NBF 1224 YJ 5/8 .6250 .6243 1.5000 1.4990 .750 .625 .032 1.375 .250
12 NBF 1628 YJ 3/4 .7500 .7493 1.7500 1.7490 1.000 .875 .032 1.625 .250
14 NBF 1832 YJ 7/8 .8750 .8743 2.0000 1.9999 1.125 1.000 .032 1.875 .250
20 NBF 2040 YJ 1 1/4 1.2500 1.2493 2.5000 2.4990 1.250 1.049 .032 2.375 .375
24 NBF 2448 YJ 1 1/2 1.5000 1.4993 3.0000 2.9990 1.500 1.299 .032 2.875 .375
28 NBF 2455 YJ 1 3/4 1.7500 1.7493 3.4375 3.4365 1.500 1.299 .032 3.312 .375
32 NBF 2462 YJ 2 2.0000 1.9993 3.8750 3.8740 1.500 1.299 .032 3.750 .375
36 NBF 2469 YJ 2 1/4 2.2500 2.2493 4.3125 4.3115 1.500 1.299 .032 4.188 .375
40 NBF 2476 YJ 2 1/2 2.5000 2.4993 4.7500 4.7490 1.500 1.299 .032 4.625 .375
44 NBF 2480 YJ 2 3/4 2.7500 2.7493 5.0000 4.9990 1.500 1.299 .032 4.875 .375
6 NBL 1618 YJ 3/8 .3750 .3743 1.1250 1.1240 1.000 .875 .022 1.000 .188
8 NBL 2022 YJ 1/2 .5000 .4993 1.3750 1.3740 1.250 1.125 .032 1.250 .250
10 NBL 2426 YJ 5/8 .6250 .6243 1.6250 1.6240 1.500 1.375 .032 1.500 .375
12 NBL 2830 YJ 3/4 .7500 .7493 1.8750 1.8740 1.750 1.625 .032 1.750 .375
14 NBL 3234 YJ 7/8 .8750 .8743 2.1250 2.1240 2.000 1.875 .032 2.000 .375
16 NBL 3638 YJ 1 1.0000 .9993 2.3750 2.3740 2.250 2.049 .032 2.125 .375
20 NBL 4044 YJ 1 1/4 1.2500 1.2493 2.7500 2.7490 2.500 2.299 .032 2.500 .375
24 NBL 4448 YJ 1 1/2 1.5000 1.4993 3.0000 2.9990 2.750 2.549 .032 2.750 .375
28 NBL 4855 YJ 1 3/4 1.7500 1.7493 3.4375 3.4365 3.000 2.799 .032 3.188 .375
32 NBL 4862 YJ 2 2.0000 1.9993 3.8750 3.8740 3.000 2.799 .032 3.625 .375
Airframe Track Rollers
Series NBL
Recommended Shaft Diameter
Capacity Track Clamping
Effective Approx. Speed Load Loose Transition Fit Tight Transition Fit
as a Track Capacity Boss Force
Track Weight Limit Limit ISO g6 ISO j6 Dia.
Roller @ 40 Rc Max.
Width [lbs] [rpm] [lbf] [lbf] [lbf] Max. Min. Max. Min. Min. [lbf]
.218 .049 5,000 1,910 1,430 590 .2498 .2494 .2503 .2499 .516 800
.312 .098 5,000 3,600 2,700 1,000 .3748 .3744 .3753 .3749 .672 2,000
.438 .178 5,000 5,780 4,300 1,800 .4998 .4993 .5003 .4999 .844 3,500
.562 .266 4,600 8,530 6,400 2,600 .6248 .6243 .6253 .6249 .953 6,000
.750 .495 3,800 14,200 10,700 4,100 .7497 .7492 .7504 .7498 1.109 9,000
.875 .713 3,300 19,300 14,400 5,400 .8747 .8742 .8754 .8748 1.219 12,000
.938 1.100 2,300 25,300 18,900 7,300 1.2496 1.2490 1.2504 1.2498 1.625 25,000
1.172 2.250 1,900 37,900 28,400 10,900 1.4996 1.4990 1.5004 1.4998 1.984 25,000
1.172 3.160 1,650 44,100 33,000 12,500 1.7496 1.7490 1.7504 1.7498 2.281 25,000
1.172 3.820 1,450 48,900 36,700 14,000 1.9996 1.9989 2.0005 1.9997 2.562 25,000
1.172 4.810 1,300 55,000 41,200 15,600 2.2496 2.2489 2.2505 2.2497 2.859 25,000
1.172 5.940 1,200 59,900 44,900 17,200 2.4996 2.4989 2.5005 2.4997 3.109 25,000
1.172 7.200 1,100 64,800 48,600 18,100 2.7496 2.7489 2.7505 2.7497 3.344 25,000
.750 .228 5,000 7,130 5,370 2,600 .3748 .3744 .3753 .3749 .672 2,000
1.000 .416 5,000 12,500 9,370 4,300 .4998 .4993 .5003 .4999 .891 3,500
1.125 .693 4,600 19,900 15,000 5,600 .6248 .6243 .6253 .6249 1.109 6,000
1.375 1.080 3,800 28,500 21,400 8,000 .7497 .7492 .7504 .7498 1.281 9,000
1.625 1.550 3,300 38,500 28,900 10,700 .8747 .8742 .8754 .8748 1.469 12,000
1.797 2.200 2,900 44,900 33,600 13,200 .9997 .9992 1.0004 .9998 1.578 15,000
2.047 3.100 2,300 59,500 44,600 17,400 1.2496 1.2490 1.2504 1.2498 1.844 25,000
2.297 4.120 1,900 71,300 53,600 21,300 1.4996 1.4990 1.5004 1.4998 1.984 25,000
2.547 5.800 1,650 92,000 69,000 27,000 1.7496 1.7490 1.7504 1.7498 2.281 25,000
2.547 7.000 1,450 102,000 76,600 30,500 1.9996 1.9989 2.0005 1.9997 2.562 25,000
1. Difference from Standard Bearings RBC lists the static bearing capacity for reference
The outer rings of regular ball and roller bearings purposes only. Typically, the maximum allowable load
are typically mounted in rigid housings providing is a function of the maximum permissible bending
support around the entire circumference. Individual stress of the stud or the outer ring. For best results, the
roller forces are transmitted through the outer ring operating loads should not exceed the lower of track
directly into the housing with no major deformations. capacity or 50% of the dynamic capacity.
σC max = 3,237 *
I eff * D
[psi] (1)
F = radial load [lbf]
leff = length of outer ring contact [in] Housing
D = outer ring diameter [in] Track
It can be shown that for infinite life the ultimate Moment Arm
tensile strength of track and roller must be at least Theoretical Moment Arm
equal to the maximum contact stress σC max
without stud deflection
*sizes 160 and above = 1/16
Fig. 2
Example 1: The bending moment generates a bending stress
in the cam follower stud of approximate magnitude
Determine the required minimum track hardness
for an RBC cam follower S 56 L operating under a
3000 lbf radial load.
σ = 10 *
[psi] (3)
σ C max = 3,237 *
3,000 lbf
0.8 in * 1.75 in
= 149,800 psi where SD=Stud Diameter [in]
Referring to Table 1, 149,800 psi is between 146,000 psi Standard cam follower studs are heat treated to a
(HRc32) and 165,000 (HRc 36). Interpolation yields a hardness of HRc 58 min in the raceway area only.
minimum track hardness of HRc 33.
The hardness in other areas of the stud is typically in a 2.3.2 Yoke Roller Pin Shear Stress
range of HRc 20 -22 with an ultimate strength of
material of 110,000 -120,000 psi. RBC bases the maxi- Yoke rollers are mounted with a pin in a yoke.
mum allowable load of stud type cam followers on a Under load the pin is subject to shear and bending
theoretical stud bending stress of 100,000 psi. Stan- stresses. RBC recommends that the yoke arms are
dard stud cam followers and heavy stud cam follow- located as close to the yoke roller as possible, so that
ers differ in stud diameter, which permits higher bending stress can be ignored. In case of widely
operating loads and more resistance to impact load- spaced pin supports, the resulting pin deflection may
ing for the heavy stud version. High stud strength cause yoke roller damage.
cam followers are available by special order.
The pin shear stress can be calculated with
In most applications the stud will deflect away
from the load, which causes the point of attack to
shift toward the support, shortening the moment σ =2*
π *d2
[psi] (4)
arm and reducing the effective bending moment (see
Fig. 3). Tests show that this deflection yields a safety
factor of at least 2 over RBC’s maximum allowable
load. However, this effect may not be sufficient to where d=pin diameter
avoid damage in severely misaligned applications
where the load is applied at the very extreme out-
The permissible stress depends on the pin material
board edge of the cam follower outer ring.
Where misalignment is a problem, RBC recom-
Example 3
mends crowned cam followers.
Determine the shear stress of the .375 in. diameter pin
for yoke roller Y 40 L, loaded radially with 3,200 lbf.
σ =2*
3,200 lbf
π * (.375 in) 2
= 14,487 psi
The exact calculation of these values is beyond the
Effective Moment Arm scope of this introduction. The following method
Theoretical Moment Arm may be used for a (high) first estimate of the outer
ring tensile stress at the inside diameter opposite the
Effective Moment Arm contact point of a single row cam or roller follower.
with stud deflection
The assumption is that the entire load is supported by
Fig. 3 only 2 rollers straddling the point of contact:
Example 2
Cam follower S 64 L supports a load of 6,000 lbf.
The stud diameter is .875", the outer ring width 1.25". σ b max = 6 * F * Di* π 2
z * b * (D - D i )
[psi] (5)
Determine the theoretical bending stress at the stud
housing interface.
Example 4 In case of constant load, the equivalent radial load
Estimate the outer ring tensile stress of yoke roller equals the constant load. To compute the equivalent
Y 56 L subject to a load of 6,000 lbf. The yoke roller load for all other cases, use:
has 25 rollers, the outer ring outside diameter = 1.750
in., the outer ring raceway diameter =1.125 in., the
idealized outer ring width = .690 in.
Solution: P= q q
= q F1 n1 * t 1 + F2 n2 * t 2 + ...
q q
Σ( )
e Fi * ni * t i * *
σ b max = 6 * 6,000 lbf * 1.125 * π
25 * .690 in * (1.75 in - 1.125 in )2
= 18,880 psi
ne * 100 ne * 100 ne * 100
3. Fatigue Life
where q = 10/3 for roller bearings
Fatigue life, L10 [rev, hrs], is a statistical measure of Ft = individual radial load [lbf]
the life which 90% of a large group of apparently iden-
tical rolling element bearings will complete or exceed.
For a single bearing, L10 also refers to the life associat-
4. Speed Limit and Maximum Acceleration
ed with 90% reliability.
The relationship between fatigue or rating life, capacity 4.1 Speed Limit
and load is:
10 The limiting speed of rolling element bearings is
L 10 rev =
primarily a function of size and internal design. The
speed limits given in this catalog should not be
(6) exceeded on a continuous basis to prevent premature
failure due to excessive temperature. Contact RBC for
where L10 rev = Rating life [10 6 rev] solutions to high speed applications.
C = Dynamic capacity [lbf]
Pe = Equivalent radial load
4.2 Maximum Acceleration (Deceleration)
To obtain the rating life in hours, use A sufficiently large tangential friction force Ft ,
acting between outside diameter and track is needed
to change the rotational speed of cam follower and
L 10 hrs =
* P
(7) yoke roller outer rings.
The moment Mt can be calculated using: RBC offers a convenient socket (W suffix) for hex
wrenches to provide a more substantial grip, espe-
cially for ‘blind hole’ applications.
D * Ft
Mt = [in * lbf] (11)
2 5.2 Eccentric Cam Followers
αperm = 6000 * M4 t [rad/sec2 ] A very large force can be exerted on the track for a
B*D small applied adjusting torque as the eccentricity of
(12) the cam follower approaches ±90 degrees from a
starting position parallel to the track, in the housing.
Adjustments should be limited to ±45 degrees and
Excessive acceleration causes sliding of the outer
the resulting preload should not exceed 10% of the
ring on the track. The effects range from minor cam follower’s capacity.
uniform wear on cam follower and track to flat spots
on the cam follower with subsequent failure. The following equation can be used to find an
appropriate adjusting torque.
Drum Cam
A pair of heavy stud cam followers are shown mounted in
linkages activated by a drum cam or grooved rotating shaft.
A lubrication hole through the stud accepts a drive fitting
for periodic relubrication.
Rewind Stands
Rewind stands for packaging material or printed coils make
use of cam followers. A simple two or three point support
consists simply of several cam followers acting on the journal
or body of the roll. The upper bracket is optional and a very
quick changeover results in either case.
Material Handling Equipment
Carriage rollers and side rollers of lift trucks are typical
applications where roller followers have performed exceed-
ingly well. The heavy walled outer ring eliminates the need
for a separate tire and bearing assembly.
Table Supports
Yoke rollers may be effectively mounted to support tables,
tracks or other machine members requiring linear motion.
The illustration depicts horizontal location between yoke
rollers, but this may be achieved by cam followers or Cam-
Centric® followers as well.
Turntable Mounting
Cam followers can be mounted in a circular housing to
support a ring or thrust plate. Precise leveling adjustment
for the turntable can be obtained using the adjustable
CamCentric® cam follower.
Cluster Mounting
Cluster mounting of four cam followers around a square
column demonstrates the unique versatility of these bearings.
Threads are concentric with the shank within very close
limits. This feature is important on “blind hole” mountings
where run-out would result in binding.
Textile Machinery
The sealed yoke rollers work extremely well as picking rolls
of looms due to the fact that the minimum friction assures
constant turning to eliminate wear.
With Hex Socket Head — Sealed
HexLube® Series Direct Interchange
RBC Part No. McGill Torrington RBC McGill Torrington
With Crowned Outer — Sealed—Hex Head
HexLube® Series Direct Interchange
RBC Part No. McGill Torrington RBC McGill Torrington
STANDARD STUD With Hex Socket Head
With Hex Socket Head Crowned Outer
Eccentric Bushing — Sealed Eccentric Bushing —Sealed
HexLube® Series Direct Interchange HexLube® Series Direct Interchange
RBC Part No. McGill Torrington RBC Part No. McGill Torrington
With Hex Socket Head — Sealed
HexLube® Series Direct Interchange
RBC Part No. McGill Torrington RBC McGill Torrington
H16LW* CFH-1/2-SB N/A H16 H16L CFH-1/2 CFH-1/2-S CRH-8-1
H18LW* CFH-9/16-SB CRHSB-10-1 H18 H18L CFH-9/16 CFH-9/16-S N/A
H20LW* CFH-5/8-SB N/A H20 H20L CFH-5/8 CFH-5/8-S CRH-10-1
H22LW* CFH-11/16-SB CRHSB-12 H22 H22L CFH-11/16 CFH-11/16-S N/A
H24LW CFH-3/4-SB CRHSB-14 H24 H24L CFH-3/4 CFH-3/4S-S CRH-12
H28LW CFH-7/8-SB CRHSB-16 H28 HS28L CFH-7/8 CFH-7/8S-S CRH-14
H36LW CFH-1 1/8-SB CRHSB-20 H36 HS36L CFH-1 1/8 CFH-1 1/8-S CRH-18
H40LW CFH-1 1/4-SB CRHSB-22 H40 HS40L CFH-1 1/4 CFH-1 1/4-S CRH-20
H44LW CFH-1 3/8-SB CRHSB-24 H44 HS44L CFH-1 3/8 CFH-1 3/8-S CRH-22
H48LW CFH-1 1/2-SB CRHSB-26 H48 HS48L CFH-1 1/2 CFH-1 1/2-S CRH-24
H52LW CFH-1 5/8-SB CRHSB-28 H52 HS52L CFH-1 5/8 CFH-1 5/8-S CRH-26
H56LW CFH-1 3/4-SB CRHSB-30 H56 HS56L CFH-1 3/4 CFH-1 3/4-S CRH-28
H60LW CFH-1 7/8-SB CRHSB-32 H60 HS60L CFH-1 7/8 CFH-1 7/8-S CRH-30
H64LW CFH-2 -SB CRHSB-36 H64 HS64L CFH-2 CFH-2-S CRH-32
H72LW CFH-2 1/4-SB CRHSB-40 H72 HS72L CFH-2 1/4 CFH-2 1/4-S CRH-36
H80LW CFH-2 1/2-SB CRHSB-44 H80 H80L CFH-2 1/2 CFH-2 1/2-S CRH-40
H88LW CFH-2 3/4-SB CRHSB-48 H88 H88L CFH-2 3/4 CFH-2 3/4-S CRH-44
H96LW CFH-3 -SB CRHSB-52 H96 H96L CFH-3 CFH-3-S CRH-48
H104LW CFH-3 1/4-SB CRHSB-56 H104 H104L CFH-3 1/4 CFH-3 1/4-S CRH-52
H112LW CFH-3 1/2-SB CRHSB-64 H112 H112L CFH-3 1/2 CFH-3 1/2-S CRH-56
H128LW CFH-4 -SB N/A H128 H128 CFH-4 CFH-4S CRH-64
H160LW CFH-5 -SB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
H192LW CFH-6 -SB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
H224LW CFH-7 -SB N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
With Crowned Outer — Sealed—Hex Head
HexLube® Series Direct Interchange
RBC Part No. McGill Torrington RBC McGill Torrington
Series Direct Interchange
RBC Part No. McGill Torrington RBC McGill Torrington
Crowned Outer —Sealed
Series Direct Interchange
RBC Part No. McGill Torrington
In addition to our complete line of standard cam followers, RBC also will manufacture many other cam followers of a high-
ly specialized nature for specific applications. As each special cam follower is engineered for a particular set of operating
conditions, it is essential that we have complete data regarding the application, including potential production volumes.
Shown below are just a few of our custom designed cam followers.
Double Row Caged Roller Follower Plain Shank with Snap-Ring Groove
Innovation. Commitment. Quality.
RBC Bearings has been producing bearings in the USA since 1919. In addition to unique custom bearings,
RBC offers a full line of standard industrial and aerospace bearings, including:
Tapered Roller
Thrust Bearings
Case-hardened. Sealed and unsealed
for truck, tractor, and construction equip- Commercial Rod Ends
ment steer axles, and Class 8 trailer Commercial and industrial, precision, Mil-
landing gear. Spec series, self-lubricating, and aircraft.
Sold under the Heim®, Unibal®, and
Spherco® brands. Available in inch and
metric sizes.
Integrated Assemblies
For robots and other process tool Ball Bearings
applications. Engineering design Precision ground, semi-ground, unground.
assistance. Production volume capacity. High loads, long life, smooth operation.
Nice® ball bearings are offered in caged
and full complement configurations.
This document contains a general overview of the products and features described herein. It is solely for informational purposes, does not represent a warranty of the information contained herein, and
is not to be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy. Contact RBC Bearings Incorporated for detailed information suitable to your specific applications. RBC Bearings Incorporated reserves
the right to modify its products and related product information at any time without prior notice.
Some of the products listed herein may be covered by one or more issued and pending U.S. or foreign patents. Contact RBC Bearings for product specific information.
RBC 6/08