Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy., India.: Syllabus
Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy., India.: Syllabus
Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy., India.: Syllabus
Mathematics: Functions & Inverse trigonometric functions
Physics: Waves on a string + sound waves
D) the equation of a wave which , when superposed with the given wave can
produce standing waves in the rope is y A cos kx t
4. A loudspeaker that produces signals from 50Hz to 500Hz is placed at the open
end of a closed tube of length 1.1 m. The lowest and the highest frequencies that
excite resonance in the tube are fl and f h respectively. The velocity of sound is
330m/s. Then
A) fl 50 H 2 B) f h 500 Hz C) fl 75Hz D) f h 450Hz
5. If the tension in a stretched string fixed at both ends is changed by 21%, the
C) velocity of propagation of the transverse wave along the string changes by 10%
(II) y Ai cos t k1x (ii) y Ar sin t k1x (Q) y At cos k2 x t
A) B) V s
C) D)
21. Which of the following is/are correct energy order for H – atom?
A) 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p B) 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p
C) 1s 2 p 3d 4s D) 1s 2s 4s 3d
Sec: Sr-Batch-1_Ph-II space for rough work Page 8
SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 22-11-20_Sr-Batch-1_Ph-2_Jee-Adv(2017_P1)_PTA-01_Q’P
22. In a H-like sample, electron makes transition from 4th excited state to 2nd state
A) 10 different spectral lines are observed
B) 6 different spectral lines are observed
C) number of lines belonging to the Balmer series is 3
D) number of lines belonging to Paschen series is 2
23. In which of the following conversions change in hybridization of the central atom
is observed?
NH 4
A) NH 3 BF4
B) BF3
C) SiCl4 H 3O
D) H 2O
be at r0 , then the value of is
b) Be g e
c) O g e
d) Mgg
Mg g e
Og e
e) O g
f) Og e
O g
g) H g
H g e
h) Og e
i) Mgg
Mg 2 e
j) P g e
P g
D) Li 2 ion S) Velocity of e is the first iv) Velocity of the e in the 3rd orbit
orbit is 2.18 108 cm/sec 1
is 2.18 103 cm/sec
A) (B) (P) (i) B) (B) (P) (ii) C) (B) (R) (ii) D) (B) (Q) (i)
A) (D) (S) (ii) B) (D) (P) (iv) C) (D) (Q) (iii) D) (D) (R) (iii)
A) (A) (Q) (ii) B) (B) (S) (iv) C) (C) (R) (i) D) (D) (P) (i)
A) (D) (Q) (i) B) (D) (S) (iv) C) (D) (R) (ii) D) (D) (P) (iii)
A) (C) (P) (i) B) (C) (Q) (ii) C) (C) (R) (iv) D) (C) (P) (iii)
2 1 1 1 1
37. If a sin
cos and b tan 3 cot
, then
A) a b 17 / 12 B) a b 17 / 12
C) a b 7 / 12 D) a b / 12
38. If A tan 1 / 7 and B tan 1 1 / 3 then
A) cos 2 A 24 / 25 B) cos 2 B 4 / 5
C) cos 2 A sin 4 B D) tan 2 B 3 / 4
A) x 1 B) x
2 1 C) x 2 1 D) x 3
40. Let f x cos x and g x x
A) if h x cos x then h fogog
B) if h x cos cos x then h fogof
C) if h x cos
x 4
x 2 then h gofo gog g
2 2
D) if h x cos x then h gofog
A) 1,1,0 B) cos1,1,cos 2
Let f x sin / x and D x : f x 0 . Then D contains
A) 1/ 3, 1/ 2 B) 1/ 5, 1 / 4 C) 1, 1/ 2 D) , 1 / 2
This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
44. If f x a polynomial function satisfying f x f y f x f y f xy 2
sin 3 x 0 cos ec 2 x
45. Let f x sec x 4 tan 2 x . The value of ( Period of f) is .
cot sin 2 x 3
1 1 4
46. If x tan cos sin 1 then 29x is equal to
5 2 17
1 tan 2 8 1
47. If x sec
tan 2 cos ec cot 3 and y tan
1 2 1 1
tan 8
Consider f x sin
x 2
2 x 2
1 1
, x 1,1 then match the following
1 x2
A) (I) (i) (P) B) (III) (iii) (S) C) (II) (i) (P) D) (IV) (iv) (R )
A) (II) (i) ( R) B) (IV) (iii) (S) C) (IV) (ii) (P) D) None of these
A) (IV) (iii) ( R) B) (II) (iii) (S) C) (IV) (i) (P) D) (II) (iv) (Q)
Answer Q.52, Q.53 and Q.54 by appropriately matching the information given in the
three columns of the following table.
Column 1 contains the conditions of the mapping for function composite
functions fog and gof.
Column II contains the conditions of the mapping for function f.
Column III contains the conditions of the mapping for function g
(I) fog is injective (i) f is injective (p) g is injective
(II) gof is injective (ii) f may not be injective (Q) g may not be
(III) fog is surjective (iii) f is surjective (R ) g is surjective
(IV)gof is surjective (iv) f may not be (S) g may not be
surjective surjective
52. Which of the following is NOT the possible CORRECT combination?
A) (I) (i) (P) B) (III) (iii) ( R) C) (IV) (iii) (R) D) (II) (ii) (P)
53. Which of the following is NOT the possible CORRECT combination ?
A) (I) (ii) (P) B) (II) (i) (P) C) (III) (iv) (R ) D) (II) (i) (Q)
54. Which of the following is NOT the possible CORRECT combination ?
A) (III) (iii) (S) B) (IV) (iv) (R) C) (IV) (iii) (S) D) none of these
Sec: Sr-Batch-1_Ph-II space for rough work Page 16